Схема1 ms10 error parameter count mismatch first invalid parameter int 14

Description You can now add Portuguese language localization to the NI Multisim and NI Ultiboard environment. This custom localization was developed to help individuals who are native Portuguese speakers to capture, simulate and layout designs easier. The user interface, simulation driven instrume...


You can now add Portuguese language localization to the NI Multisim and NI Ultiboard environment. This custom localization was developed to help individuals who are native Portuguese speakers to capture, simulate and layout designs easier. The user interface, simulation driven instruments, SPICE analyses, and other features, have all been localized to Portuguese. This unsupported version requires you have Multisim and Ultiboard 11.0 installed.

Instructions are listed below in Portuguese.


Agora você pode adicionar o idioma Português ao ambiente do NI Multisim e NI Ultiboard. Esta versão personalizada foi desenvolvida para ajudar pessoas cuja linguagem nativa é o Português a capturar, simular e construir projetos mais facilmente. A interface do usuário, instrumentos virtuais, análises de SPICE e outras características, foram traduzidas para o Português quase que em sua totalidade. Esta versão não suportada requer que você tenha o Multisim e o Ultiboard 11.0 instalados.

Os seguintes elementos permanecem em Inglês:

  • Instrumentos do LabVIEW.
  • Instrumentos do NI ELVIS.
  • NI Example Finder.
  • Arquivos de exemplo.
  • Manual do usuário e arquivos de ajuda.
  • Instrumentos simulados Agilent e Tektronix.
  • Funcionalidade MCU: nome de arquivos fonte, código/comentários dentro dos arquivos fonte, e mensagens do compilador.
  • Erros de simulacão.
  • Nomes de camadas (Copper Top, Copper Bottom) no Multisim e no Ultiboard na Tabela Geral.

A adição do idioma Português ao Multisim é experimental e portanto não é oficialmente suportada. De qualquer forma, se você encontrar problemas de instalação, execução ou quiser enviar seus comentários, você pode fazer isso entrando em contato diretamente com o suporte técnico: http://www.ni.com/ask_br. Para receber atualizações sobre a National Instruments Brazil, acesse o twitter: http://twitter.com/NIBrasil

Requisitos de Software

NI Multisim 11.0.

Você pode efetuar o download de uma versão de avaliação aqui.


  1. Faça o download e descompacte o arquivo multisim_portugues.zip. A pasta Portuguese será descompactada. Esta pasta contém os arquivos necessários para adicionar o idioma Português ao Multisim.
  2. Tenha certeza de que o Multisim/Ultiboard estejam fechados.
  3. Copie a pasta Portuguese ao seguinte diretório de instalação do Mutlisim:
  • Se o seu sistema operacional está em inglês:
  • C:Program FilesNational InstrumentsCircuit Design Suite 11.0stringfiles
  • Se o seu sistema operacional está em português:
  • C:Aquivos de ProgramasNational InstrumentsCircuit Design Suite 11.0stringfiles
  1. Inicie o Multisim 11.0.
  2. Vá até o menu Options » Global Preferences… A janela Global Preferences será aberta.
  3. Selecione a aba General. Na lista de opções Language selecione Portuguese.
  4. Clique em OK.
  5. Reinicie o Multisim. A interface de usuário será exibida em português.

Recursos Adicionais

Tutorial de Introdução ao Multisim

Perguntas Frequentes

Preciso ter previamente instalado o Multisim 11.0?

Sim. Os arquivos que adicionam o suporte para o idioma Português são adicionados ao diretório de instalação do Multisim.

Posso instalar o suporte em Português em versões anteriores ao Multisim 11.0?

Esta versão experimental foi desenvolvida especificamente para a versão 11.0, entretanto, os arquivos de suporte podem funcionar nas versões 10.x porém, não existe garantia. Estes arquivos não podem ser instalados em versões mais antigas.

O que acontece se eu encontro um erro na versão em Português?

Se o erro é cosmético (por exemplo: erros ortográficos), por favor, reportá-lo ao suporte técnico: http://www.ni.com/ask_br. Se forem observados problemas de simulação ou de funcionamento do software, é recomendável alterar o idioma para o Inglês e testar novamente. Se o erro desaparecer, então o problema é próprio da versão em Português e este erro pode ser reportado para o endereço de email mencionado anteriormente. Se ao contrário, o problema persistir, entre em contato com o Suporte Técnico da National Instruments.

Versões futuras do Multisim serão suportados em Português?

Esta versão é experimental, por isso a NI não garante que futuras versões do Multisim/Ultiboard incluam o suporte ao idioma Português.

Estão suportadas as versões Educacional e Profissional?

Sim. Você pode utilizar as versões de Estudante e Educacional, bem como as versões Base, Full e Power Pro.

0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 29.09.2015

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20.04.2016, 03:48. Показов 7872. Ответов 5

Доброй ночи/дня/утра. Помогите, пожалуйста, найти ошибку- работать с SQL lite только начал и при создании из QT таблицы в базе выскакивает следующая ошибка: «Parameter count mismatch»


QString name;// приходит как аргумент функции

QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare("CREATE TABLE name2 (firstname varchar(20))" "VALUES(:name2);");
query.bindValue(":name2", name);

Причем следующим образом создавать таблицу получается:


query.prepare("CREATE TABLE test (firstname varchar(20))");

Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ, диссертаций здесь



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20.04.2016, 07:28


Я конечно не специалист в SQL, однако указанный выше запрос не корректен. Разделяйте запросы на создание и заполнение таблицы. Кроме того оставляйте пробелы между лексемами:

 CREATE TABLE name2 (firstname VARCHAR(20))" " VALUES(:name2);

Подобные ошибки возникают когда вы пишите запрос в несколько строчек.

По сабжу разделите запросы:

C++ (Qt)
QSqlQuery query;
query.prepare("CREATE TABLE name2 (firstname varchar(20))");
if(query.isActive()) {
    query.prepare("INSERT INTO name2 VALUES(:name)"); 
    query.bindValue(":name", name);


0 / 0 / 0

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20.04.2016, 10:03



Это все-таки не то чего добиваюсь:
В этом случаем он создает таблицу с именем «name2», именно таким именем а не с именем-значением аргумента- и после этого вставляет в таблицу с именем «name2» в 1 строчку, 1 столбец значение, переданное в функцию для названия таблицы.


487 / 365 / 93

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20.04.2016, 12:17


salebd, попробуйте на кошках. QString("%1").arg(); для начала.
Если что, prepare, exec и bindValue используют, внезапно, PREPARE, EXECUTE и BIND лексемы скула, которые не позволяют непотребств в виде параметров-имён таблиц.



Эксперт по математике/физикеЭксперт С++

2001 / 1332 / 379

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20.04.2016, 14:41


Сообщение от salebd
Посмотреть сообщение

Это все-таки не то чего добиваюсь:

Тогда должно быть имелось ввиду:

CREATE TABLE name2 (firstname VARCHAR(20)) AS VALUES(:name2);


0 / 0 / 0

Регистрация: 29.09.2015

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21.04.2016, 00:10



Так вот именно это уже и не работает- непонятно почему

Тогда должно быть имелось ввиду:
CREATE TABLE name2 (firstname VARCHAR(20)) AS VALUES(:name2);

Следующее, к сожалению, тоже не дало результатов

попробуйте на кошках. QString(«%1»).arg(); для начала

Вот что любопытного заметил, привожу пример вывода следующего кода


qDebug() <<"Somthing " + name;
        qDebug() << "Something";
        qDebug() << name;

Вывод при этом следующий:


"Somthing 15623"

Надо как-то от кавычек избавиться в 1-м и 3-м случаях…

Добавлено через 28 минут
Ошибку нашел- нельзя чтоб название таблицы начиналось с цифры!!!- а так все правильно было




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21.04.2016, 00:10


This topic has been deleted. Only users with topic management privileges can see it.

  • Hi,
    I have a problem with updating fields in my SQLite database.
    I am trying to change valuest in a row using:

    query.prepare("UPDATE group_names SET (name, favorite, private, owner, department) WHERE id;"
                  "VALUES (:name, :favorite, :private, :owner, :department)");
    query.bindValue(":name", name);
    query.bindValue(":favorite", favorite);
    query.bindValue(":gn_private", gn_private);
    query.bindValue(":owner", owner);
    query.bindValue(":department", department);
    query.bindValue(":id", id);


    query.prepare("UPDATE contacts VALUES SET (contactid=?, name =?, extno =?, private =?, favorite =?, owner =?, type =?, info =?, im =?, dafaultphoneid =?) WHERE contactid=?;");
    query.addBindValue( contactid);
    query.addBindValue( ct_name );
    query.addBindValue( extno);
    query.addBindValue( ct_private);
    query.addBindValue( ct_favorite);
    query.addBindValue( ct_owner);
    query.addBindValue( type );
    query.addBindValue( info);
    query.addBindValue( im);
    query.addBindValue( defaultphoneid);
    query.addBindValue( contactid);

    But when I do query.exec() all I get is

    "UPDATE group_names SET (name, favorite, private, owner, department) WHERE id;VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
    QSqlError("", "Parameter count mismatch", "")


    "UPDATE contacts VALUES SET (name =?, extno =?, private =?, favorite =?, owner =?, type =?, info =?, im =?, dafaultphoneid =?) WHERE contactid=?;"
    QSqlError("", "Parameter count mismatch", "")

    I read that most of this errors are due to mistyping something, but I don’t seem to find any mistake in my statement.

  • @michalos said in QSqlError Parameter count mismatch (I’ve read previous posts ):

    but I don’t seem to find any mistake in my statement

    ehm… you are missing =:id after WHERE id and there is a typo in query.bindValue(":gn_private", gn_private);, it should be query.bindValue(":private", gn_private);

    Anyhow, I’m not sure the syntax you are using is valid SQL

  • Thank You for Your answer.

    I’ve left only

        query.prepare("UPDATE group_names SET (id = :id, name= :name, favorite= :favorite, private= :private, owner= :owner, department = :department)"); //WHERE (SELECT name, favorite, private, owner, department) FROM group_names WHERE id = :id) ");
        query.bindValue(":id", id);
        query.bindValue(":name", name);
        query.bindValue(":favorite", favorite);
        query.bindValue(":private", gn_private);
        query.bindValue(":owner", owner);
        query.bindValue(":department", department);

    But I still get

    «UPDATE group_names SET (id = ?, name= ?, favorite= ?, private= ?, owner= ?, department = ?)»
    QSqlError(«», «Parameter count mismatch», «»)

  • Ok. I’ve made it work, but i think that there is an isue when it comes to name binding..

    I’ve tried:

        query.prepare("UPDATE contacts SET name = :name, extno = :extno, private = :private, favorite = :favorite, owner = :owner, type = :type, info = :info, im = :im, defaultphoneid = :defaultphoneid WHERE contactid = :contactid");
        query.bindValue(":name", ct->getCont_name() );
        query.bindValue( ":extno",  ct->getCont_extno());
        query.bindValue( ":private", ct->getCont_private());
        query.bindValue( ":favorite", ct->getCont_favorite());
        query.bindValue( ":owner", ct->getCont_owner());
        query.bindValue( ":type", ct->getCont_type() );
        query.bindValue( ":info", ct->getCont_info());
        query.bindValue( ":im", ct->getCont_im());
        query.bindValue( ":defaultphoneid", ct->getCont_defaultPhoneId());
        query.bindValue( ":contactid", ct->getCont_defaultPhoneId());

    and it’s not working.
    but binding by position worked with values, and by caling get function:

        query.prepare("UPDATE contacts SET name = ?, extno = ?, private = ?, favorite = ?, owner = ?, type = ?, info = ?, im = ?, defaultphoneid = ? WHERE contactid = ?");
        query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_name());
        query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_extno());
        query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_private());
        query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_favorite());
        query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_owner());
        query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_type());
        query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_info());
        query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_im());
        query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_defaultPhoneId());
        query.addBindValue( ct->getCont_id());

    I would like to know why, though..

  • I don’t know how this stuff works, but I think you are too quick to call Qt bugged :)

  • Hi
    I cannot reproduce it.
    Binding works fine here in Qt5.7 mingw.

    So if you can reproduce in a small sample. then please post it.

    Test code.

    bool createConnection() {
      QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
      if (!db.open()) {
        QMessageBox::critical(0, qApp->tr("Cannot open database"), "Click Cancel to exit.", QMessageBox::Cancel);
        return false;
      QSqlQuery query;
      qDebug() << "table:" <<   query.exec("create table person (id int primary key, "
                                           "firstname varchar(20), lastname varchar(20), num int )");
      query.exec("insert into person values(101, 'Dennis', 'Young','1')");
      query.exec("insert into person values(102, 'Christine', 'Holand','2')");
      query.exec("insert into person values(103, 'Lars junior', 'Gordon','4')");
      query.exec("insert into person values(104, 'Roberto', 'Robitaille','5')");
      query.exec("insert into person values(105, 'Maria', 'Papadopoulos','3')");
      return true;
    // test
      QSqlQuery query;
      int ok = query.prepare("SELECT firstname,num FROM person WHERE num=:thenum AND firstname=:thename AND lastname=:lastname");
      query.bindValue(":thenum", 4);
      query.bindValue(":thename", "Lars junior");
      query.bindValue(":lastname", "Gordon");
      ok = query.prepare("update person set lastname=:lastname WHERE firstname=:thename");
      query.bindValue(":thenum", 4);
      query.bindValue(":thename", "Lars junior");
      query.bindValue(":lastname", "CHANGED");
      qDebug() << ">UPDATE:" << query.exec() << "-" << query.lastError().databaseText() ;
      ok = query.prepare("SELECT * from person ");
      while (query.next()) {
        QString name = query.value(2).toString(); // col 1 = name
        qDebug() << "lastname:" << name;
  • @michalos said in QSqlError Parameter count mismatch (I’ve read previous posts ):

    I would like to know why, though


  • @mrjj Your code works fine in MSVC 2015 64 bit so it must be my mistake.
    I apologise for jumping into conclusions before thorough examination of the subject.

    I am very grateful for all Your answers.

  • Could someone mark the topic as SOLVED? I don’t know why, but I don’t have such option in the Topic Tools

  • @michalos
    No worries :)
    Sometimes is indeed a Qt bug :)
    You must first select Ask as Question. ( on first post)
    Then it can be Marked as Solved. ( Yes we are aware this is very confusing :)

  • Thanks :)

    • Remove From My Forums
    • Question

    • Hi

      I’ve been receiving the above error when trying to open my install.wim with WSIM. Error log is pasted at the end of this message. I’ve spent several hours searching for a solution and have come up with various suggestions (mostly on this forum) that unfortunately haven’t helped. So far the suggestions I’ve come across are:

      X86/X64 compatibility problem — Not an issue as I’m using an X86 OS and X86 media.

      Permissions issue — Running as domain admin, has full rights to folder and files.

      Internet Connection for CRL — box has full internet connection available and can access http://crl.microsoft.com/pki/crl/products/CSPCA.crl

      WSIM version — running version 6.0.6001.18000 which I believe should be fine.

      My setup is Windows Server 2003 SP2 running WDS. The image.wim has been added to the WDS server from a vista business sp1 DVD.

      I’ve also tried disabling the image in WDS, stopping the WDS service and removing the Hidden and Archive attributes on the install.wim.

      If I just copy the Install.wim to the C drive from the DVD and use that I don’t get an error — is it something to do with the way that WDS changes the install.wim? Should I be using WSIM before WDS gets its hands on the file? Is there something that I have missed here?

      Thanks for any help

      14:41 :   
      14:41 : Windows System Image Manager execution failed.  
      14:41 :   
      14:41 : System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException: Parameter count mismatch.  
         at System.Windows.Forms.Control.MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, Delegate method, Object[] args, Boolean synchronous)  
         at System.Windows.Forms.Control.Invoke(Delegate method, Object[] args)  
         at Microsoft.ComponentStudio.Common.ErrorReporting.ShowErrorConfirmation(Form owner, String message, Exception ex, String caption, MessageBoxButtons buttons, MessageBoxDefaultButton defaultButton, String servicingPath)  
         at Microsoft.ComponentStudio.CatalogGenerator.CreateCat(ProgressDialog pd, Object o)  
         at Microsoft.ComponentStudio.Controls.ProgressDialog.ThreadProc()  
         at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)  
         at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)  
         at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart() 




      No, we cannot open or create a catalog file if the install image is located in the RemoteInstall folder of WDS. You need to copy the install image to another location and then open it using WSIM.

      Tim Quan — MSFT

      • Marked as answer by

        Thursday, February 12, 2009 1:55 AM

      • Edited by
        Tim QuanModerator
        Monday, March 9, 2009 10:14 AM

    Я пытаюсь вставить данные в базу данных QtSql, но получаю сообщение об ошибке:

    "Parameter count mismatch"

    Что может быть, что я делаю не так?

    #include <QtSql>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
    qDebug() << QSqlDatabase::drivers();
    QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
    if(db.open()) {
    qDebug() << "Opened!";
    QSqlQuery query;
    query.prepare("INSERT INTO person (id, forename, surname) ""VALUES (:id, :forename, :surname)");
    query.bindValue(":id", 1001);
    query.bindValue(":forename", "Bart");
    query.bindValue(":surname", "Simpson");
    if( !query.exec() )
    qDebug() << query.lastError().text();
    qDebug( "Inserted!" );
    } else {
    qDebug() << "Not opened";



    У вас нет таблицы с именем person в базе данных. Вы пытаетесь вставить значения в несуществующую таблицу.

    Я думаю, что сообщение об ошибке неверно. Но в любом случае я добавил CREATE в свой код, чтобы таблица была создана до INSERT заявление выполнено:

    #include <QtSql>
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
    QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE");
    qDebug() << "Not opened";
    return 1;
    qDebug() << "Opened!";
    QSqlQuery query;
    //CREATE the table before executing the INSERT statement
    query.exec("CREATE TABLE person (id INTEGER, forename TEXT, surname TEXT);");
    query.prepare("INSERT INTO person (id, forename, surname) ""VALUES (:id, :forename, :surname)");
    query.bindValue(":id", 1001);
    query.bindValue(":forename", "Bart");
    query.bindValue(":surname", "Simpson");
    if( !query.exec() )
    qDebug() << query.lastError().text();
    qDebug( "Inserted!" );
    return 0;

    Это печатает Inserted! сейчас. Но если я закомментирую CREATE В строке утверждения я получаю такую ​​же ошибку в вашем вопросе:

    " Parameter count mismatch"


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