Shop equipments smx shop equipments error detected in plugin startup see error logs

shop_equipments_plus.smx ([Shop] Equipments): Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)

  • #1

Операционная система


Текст ошибки

shop_equipments_plus.smx ([Shop] Equipments): Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)

Список мета-модулей
Список плагинов SM
Список расширений SM

shop_equipments_plus.smx ([Shop] Equipments): Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)

  • #2

Попробуй перекомпилировать под свою см !



Доброе утро девачьки

  • #3

Даже 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% от ошибки не вижу.

  • #5

Попробуй перекомпилировать под свою см !


Попробуй перекомпилировать под свою см !

Обнови, заглянул бы в обсуждения..

  • shop (7).zip

    20.4 КБ

    · Просмотры: 28

  • #6

Публикация больших блоков текста/изображений

Помогите пожалуйста
shop_equipments_plus.smx ([Shop] Equipments): Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)

L 01/09/2020 — 01:01:02: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 01:01:02: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:01:02: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 01:01:02: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:01:22: Error log file session closed.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:15:30: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 01:15:30: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:15:30: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 01:15:30: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:15:45: Error log file session closed.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:18:25: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 01:18:25: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:18:25: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 01:18:25: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:18:43: Error log file session closed.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file «shop_abilities.phrases.txt»
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] Exception reported: Could not get «LookupAttachment» signature
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] Blaming: shop_equipments_plus.smx
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] [0] SetFailState
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] [1] Line 46, C:UsersEp1s0deDesktopНужный мусорscripting1,9shop_equipments.sp::OnPluginStart
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] Unable to load plugin «shop_equipments_plus.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file «shop_abilities.phrases.txt»
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] Exception reported: Could not get «LookupAttachment» signature
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] Blaming: shop_equipments_plus.smx
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] [0] SetFailState
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] [1] Line 46, C:UsersEp1s0deDesktopНужный мусорscripting1,9shop_equipments.sp::OnPluginStart
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] Unable to load plugin «shop_equipments_plus.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:16: Error log file session closed.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:16: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:16: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:16: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file «shop_abilities.phrases.txt»
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:16: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file «shop_abilities.phrases.txt»
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] Exception reported: Could not get «LookupAttachment» signature
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] Blaming: shop_equipments_plus.smx
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] [0] SetFailState
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] [1] Line 46, C:UsersEp1s0deDesktopНужный мусорscripting1,9shop_equipments.sp::OnPluginStart
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] Unable to load plugin «shop_equipments_plus.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:10: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:10: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:10: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:10: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file «shop_abilities.phrases.txt»
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] Exception reported: Could not get «LookupAttachment» signature
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] Blaming: shop_equipments_plus.smx
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] [0] SetFailState
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] [1] Line 46, C:UsersEp1s0deDesktopНужный мусорscripting1,9shop_equipments.sp::OnPluginStart
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] Unable to load plugin «shop_equipments_plus.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file «shop_abilities.phrases.txt»
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] Exception reported: Could not get «LookupAttachment» signature
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] Blaming: shop_equipments_plus.smx
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] [0] SetFailState
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] [1] Line 46, C:UsersEp1s0deDesktopНужный мусорscripting1,9shop_equipments.sp::OnPluginStart
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] Unable to load plugin «shop_equipments_plus.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file «shop_abilities.phrases.txt»
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] Exception reported: Could not get «LookupAttachment» signature
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] Blaming: shop_equipments_plus.smx
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] [0] SetFailState
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] [1] Line 46, C:UsersEp1s0deDesktopНужный мусорscripting1,9shop_equipments.sp::OnPluginStart
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] Unable to load plugin «shop_equipments_plus.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)

  • #7

Помогите пожалуйста
shop_equipments_plus.smx ([Shop] Equipments): Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)

L 01/09/2020 — 01:01:02: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 01:01:02: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:01:02: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 01:01:02: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:01:22: Error log file session closed.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:15:30: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 01:15:30: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:15:30: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 01:15:30: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:15:45: Error log file session closed.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:18:25: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 01:18:25: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:18:25: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 01:18:25: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:18:43: Error log file session closed.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file «shop_abilities.phrases.txt»
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] Exception reported: Could not get «LookupAttachment» signature
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] Blaming: shop_equipments_plus.smx
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] [0] SetFailState
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] [1] Line 46, C:UsersEp1s0deDesktopНужный мусорscripting1,9shop_equipments.sp::OnPluginStart
L 01/09/2020 — 01:47:49: [SM] Unable to load plugin «shop_equipments_plus.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file «shop_abilities.phrases.txt»
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] Exception reported: Could not get «LookupAttachment» signature
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] Blaming: shop_equipments_plus.smx
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] [0] SetFailState
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] [1] Line 46, C:UsersEp1s0deDesktopНужный мусорscripting1,9shop_equipments.sp::OnPluginStart
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:00: [SM] Unable to load plugin «shop_equipments_plus.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:16: Error log file session closed.
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:16: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:16: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:16: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file «shop_abilities.phrases.txt»
L 01/09/2020 — 01:57:16: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file «shop_abilities.phrases.txt»
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] Exception reported: Could not get «LookupAttachment» signature
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] Blaming: shop_equipments_plus.smx
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] [0] SetFailState
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] [1] Line 46, C:UsersEp1s0deDesktopНужный мусорscripting1,9shop_equipments.sp::OnPluginStart
L 01/09/2020 — 02:00:39: [SM] Unable to load plugin «shop_equipments_plus.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:10: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:10: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:10: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:10: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file «shop_abilities.phrases.txt»
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] Exception reported: Could not get «LookupAttachment» signature
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] Blaming: shop_equipments_plus.smx
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] [0] SetFailState
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] [1] Line 46, C:UsersEp1s0deDesktopНужный мусорscripting1,9shop_equipments.sp::OnPluginStart
L 01/09/2020 — 02:04:11: [SM] Unable to load plugin «shop_equipments_plus.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file «shop_abilities.phrases.txt»
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] Exception reported: Could not get «LookupAttachment» signature
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] Blaming: shop_equipments_plus.smx
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] [0] SetFailState
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] [1] Line 46, C:UsersEp1s0deDesktopНужный мусорscripting1,9shop_equipments.sp::OnPluginStart
L 01/09/2020 — 02:09:15: [SM] Unable to load plugin «shop_equipments_plus.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: SourceMod error session started
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: Info (map «de_mirage») (file «/home/server2969/game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/logs/errors_20200109.log»)
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SDKTOOLS] Invalid detour address passed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SDKTOOLS] Failed to find WriteBaselines signature — stringtable error workaround disabled.
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] Fatal error encountered parsing translation file «shop_abilities.phrases.txt»
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] Error (line 0, column 0): Stream failed to open
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] Exception reported: Could not get «LookupAttachment» signature
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] Blaming: shop_equipments_plus.smx
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] Call stack trace:
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] [0] SetFailState
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] [1] Line 46, C:UsersEp1s0deDesktopНужный мусорscripting1,9shop_equipments.sp::OnPluginStart
L 01/09/2020 — 02:25:54: [SM] Unable to load plugin «shop_equipments_plus.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)

Закинь в gamedata

  • shop_equipments.gamedata.txt

    617 байт

    · Просмотры: 44

  • #8

Спасибо большое! Помогло <3

Сообщения автоматически склеены: 9 Янв 2020

Блин, только еррор вылезает теперь на карте ((

Последнее редактирование: 9 Янв 2020


  1. Помогите пожалуйста с ошибкой плагина.
  2. #1 ZhuchOK_10RUS
  3. #2 Sleepp
  4. Баны не отображаются в SourceBans++
  5. #1 БлагоЯр
  6. Падает сервер
  7. Zhiroborec

Помогите пожалуйста с ошибкой плагина.

#1 ZhuchOK_10RUS

  • Пользователь
  • 2 сообщений
  • Здравствуйте, не работает плагин рангов на сервере

    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:49: Info (map «awp_lego_r») (file «errors_20170912.log»)
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:49: [SM] Unable to load extension «cleaner.ext»: /game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/extensions/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Failed to load plugin «smac_css_fixes.smx»: This module will not work for this mod and should be removed..
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SMRCon] Sigscan for WriteDataRequest failed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SMRCon] Error setting up WriteDataRequest detour
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Unable to load extension «smrcon.ext»: Unknown error
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Failed to load plugin «smac_css_antismoke.smx»: This module will not work for this mod and should be removed..
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Failed to load plugin «smac_hl2dm_fixes.smx»: This module will not work for this mod and should be removed..
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Failed to load plugin «smac_css_antiflash.smx»: This module will not work for this mod and should be removed..
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Failed to load plugin «smac_l4d2_fixes.smx»: This module will not work for this mod and should be removed..
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Exception reported: Невозможно подключиться к базе данных (Configuration «levels_ranks_data» not found)
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Blaming: LevelsRanks.smx
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Call stack trace:
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] [0] SetFailState
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] [1] Line 31, levels_ranks/SQL.sp::RegisterSQL
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] [2] Line 261, LevelsRanks.sp::OnPluginStart
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Unable to load plugin «LevelsRanks.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Exception reported: Database failure: Could not find Database conf «sourcebans»
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Blaming: sourcebans.smx
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Call stack trace:
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] [0] SetFailState
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] [1] Line 208, C:UsersAdminDesktoprunmousesourcebans.sp::OnPluginStart
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Unable to load plugin «sourcebans.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)

    #2 Sleepp

  • Пользователь
  • 111 сообщений
  • Здравствуйте, не работает плагин рангов на сервере

    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:49: Info (map «awp_lego_r») (file «errors_20170912.log»)
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:49: [SM] Unable to load extension «cleaner.ext»: /game/csgo/addons/sourcemod/extensions/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Failed to load plugin «smac_css_fixes.smx»: This module will not work for this mod and should be removed..
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SMRCon] Sigscan for WriteDataRequest failed — Disabling detour to prevent crashes
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SMRCon] Error setting up WriteDataRequest detour
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Unable to load extension «smrcon.ext»: Unknown error
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Failed to load plugin «smac_css_antismoke.smx»: This module will not work for this mod and should be removed..
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Failed to load plugin «smac_hl2dm_fixes.smx»: This module will not work for this mod and should be removed..
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Failed to load plugin «smac_css_antiflash.smx»: This module will not work for this mod and should be removed..
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Failed to load plugin «smac_l4d2_fixes.smx»: This module will not work for this mod and should be removed..
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Exception reported: Невозможно подключиться к базе данных (Configuration «levels_ranks_data» not found)
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Blaming: LevelsRanks.smx
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Call stack trace:
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] [0] SetFailState
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] [1] Line 31, levels_ranks/SQL.sp::RegisterSQL
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] [2] Line 261, LevelsRanks.sp::OnPluginStart
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Unable to load plugin «LevelsRanks.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Exception reported: Database failure: Could not find Database conf «sourcebans»
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Blaming: sourcebans.smx
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Call stack trace:
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] [0] SetFailState
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] [1] Line 208, C:UsersAdminDesktoprunmousesourcebans.sp::OnPluginStart
    L 09/12/2017 — 13:12:50: [SM] Unable to load plugin «sourcebans.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)

    Я кончено возможно не догоняю , но это фиша такая ставить плагины античита с других игр?

    Сообщение отредактировал Sleepp: 12 Сентябрь 2017 — 20:22


    Баны не отображаются в SourceBans++

    #1 БлагоЯр

  • Пользователь
  • 103 сообщений
  • Доброго времени суток.

    Днём было всё хорошо, увидел ошибки в консоли в ПУ по списку расширений, что не может найти SteamWorks и в списке meta значились две ошибки

    Не знаю, как этот SteamWorks мог удалится (хотя не знаю, стоял ли он до ошибки; вроде бы на глаза не попадался), но скачал последнюю версию (SteamWorks-git131-linux) и закинул всё по папкам на сервер.

    Поскольку были игроки, то не хотел выключать/перезапускать.

    Ночью, когда уже никого не было, выключил, включил и начались глюки:

    колёсиком мыши пытаюсь сменить оружие, а оно меняется «через раз», очень схоже на то, когда скачущий большой пинг. Хотя он хороший.

    Потом банил читеров, заглянул случайно в SB++, а там ничего не отображается, и муты тоже.

    ПС. Ещё в промежутке после установки SteamWorks и ночи пытался установить Cheater Buster Tools и удалил (выдавал ошибку startup)

    В чём может быть проблема?

    meta list

    Listing 7 plugins:
    [01] Stripper (1.2.2) by BAILOPAN
    [02] SourceMod ( by AlliedModders LLC
    [03] ProcessCmds (1.0.9) by GoDtm666 (
    [04] CS Tools ( by AlliedModders LLC
    [05] SDK Tools ( by AlliedModders LLC
    [06] SDK Hooks ( by AlliedModders LLC
    [07] SteamWorks Extension (1.2.3) by Kyle Sanderson

    sm plugins list

    [SM] Listing 60 plugins:
    01 «SourceBans++: Main Plugin» (1.6.3) by SourceBans Development Team, SourceBans++ Dev Team
    02 «Client Preferences» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    03 «Nextmap» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    04 «Players Votes» (1.5.0) by The Resident, pZv!
    05 «Advanced c4 Countdown Timer» (1.4.1-rc1) by dalto and
    06 «SMAC Aimbot Detector» ( by SMAC Development Team
    07 «SourceBans++: Bans Checker» (1.6.3) by psychonic, Ca$h Munny, SourceBans++ Dev Team
    08 «VIP Users Test Period» (1.0.1) by GoDtm666
    09 «TeamSwitch» (1.4.0) by MistaGee (Modify by Snake 60) and
    10 «Players Votes Redux» (1.2.3) by ReFlexPoison
    11 «gameME Plugin» (4.8.1) by TTS Oetzel & Goerz GmbH
    12 «Admin Help» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    13 «MapChooser» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    14 «Basic Comm Control» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    15 «Reserved Slots» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    16 «Basic Chat» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    17 «Radio Spam Block» (1.0.0) by exvel
    18 «Weapon Restrict» (3.1.6) by Dr!fter
    19 «Admins set Very Important Person flags» (1.0.0) by GoDtm666
    20 «Sound Commands» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    21 «Basic Commands» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    22 «NoBlock» (1.4.2) by Team and
    23 «Reset Score» (1.0.3) by GoDtm666 (
    24 «Basic Info Triggers» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    25 «SMAC Eye Angle Test» ( by SMAC Development Team
    26 «Spray Tracer» (5.8b) by Nican132, CptMoore, Lebson506th
    27 «SMAC ConVar Checker» ( by SMAC Development Team
    28 «SMAC Client Protection» ( by SMAC Development Team
    29 «SMAC CS:S Exploit Fixes» ( by SMAC Development Team
    30 «SMAC Rcon Locker» ( by SMAC Development Team
    31 «SMAC Anti-Speedhack» ( by SMAC Development Team
    32 «Very Important Person» (beta_0.0.5) by GoDtm666
    33 «Admin List» (1.2.0) by Fredd and
    34 «Basic Votes» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    35 «SourceBans++ Report Plugin» (1.6.3) by RumbleFrog, SourceBans++ Dev Team
    36 «SMAC Command Monitor» ( by SMAC Development Team
    37 «VIP Activation Code» (1.0.0) by GoDtm666
    38 «SourceBans++: Admin Config Loader» (1.6.3) by AlliedModders LLC, SourceBans++ Dev Team
    39 «SourceMod Anti-Cheat» ( by SMAC Development Team
    40 «Admin Menu» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    41 «Player Commands» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    42 «SourceBans++: SourceSleuth» (1.6.3) by ecca, SourceBans++ Dev Team
    43 «VIP List Users» (1.0.0) by GoDtm666
    44 «RoundEndSound» (1.1.2) by GoDtm666 (
    45 «Anti-Flood» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    46 «Fun Votes» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    47 «SMAC CS:S Anti-Smoke» ( by SMAC Development Team
    48 «Fun Commands» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    49 «SourceBans++: SourceComms» (1.6.3) by Alex, SourceBans++ Dev Team
    50 «SMAC EAC Global Banlist» ( by SMAC Development Team
    51 «QuickDefuse» (0.0.3) by pRED* and
    52 «SMAC Anti-Wallhack» ( by SMAC Development Team
    53 «SMAC Spinhack Detector» ( by SMAC Development Team
    54 «SMAC AutoTrigger Detector» ( by SMAC Development Team
    55 «Clan Tag Stripper» (1.2) by Matheus28
    56 «SMAC CS:S Anti-Flash» ( by SMAC Development Team
    57 «Admin File Reader» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    58 «SMAC ESEA Global Banlist» ( by SMAC Development Team
    59 «AntiCamp CS:S» (2.4.1) by stachi
    60 «Offline Ban list» (2.5.5) by Grey & R1KO

    sm exts list

    [SM] Displaying 15 extensions:
    [01] Automatic Updater ( Updates SourceMod gamedata files
    [02] Webternet ( Extension for interacting with URLs
    [03] Equinox Console Cleaner (1.0.5): Bite me alien boi
    [04] ProcessCmds (1.0.9): Исправление багов, дополнение к плагинам и проверка на флуд.
    [05] CS Tools ( CS extended functionality
    [06] BinTools ( Low-level C/C++ Calling API
    [07] SDK Tools ( Source SDK Tools
    [08] Top Menus ( Creates sorted nested menus
    [09] Client Preferences ( Saves client preference settings
    [10] SQLite ( SQLite Driver
    [11] SDK Hooks ( Source SDK Hooks
    [12] Socket (3.0.1): Socket extension for SourceMod
    [13] Sound Info Library (1.0): Access information of sound files
    [14] SteamWorks Extension (1.2.3): Exposes SteamWorks functions to Developers
    [15] MySQL-DBI ( MySQL driver implementation for DBI

    Что странно качал версию SteamWorks 1.3.1 (в названии архива), а в списке обозначается 1.2.3

    В общем логе сервера такое (только не пойму почему потеряно соединение)

    В логе sourcebans.log

    Я так понимаю, какой-то плагин/расширение косячит. Как понять какое?

    Сообщение отредактировал БлагоЯр: 11 Январь 2019 — 6:59


    Падает сервер



    [SM] Listing 108 plugins:
    001 «[CS:GO/CSS] AbNeR Round End Sounds» (4.0.1) by abnerfs
    002 «Admin File Reader» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    003 «Admin Help» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    004 «Admin Menu» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    005 «Anti-Flood» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    006 «Anti-Reconnect» (1.1.5) by exvel and
    007 «Ban disconnected players» (1.04) by mad_hamster
    008 «Basic Ban Commands» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    009 «Basic Chat» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    010 «Basic Comm Control» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    011 «Basic Commands» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    012 «Basic Info Triggers» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    013 «Basic Votes» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    014 «IP Name & Say Block» (2.0) by R1KO
    015 «Chat Colors CSGO» (1.3) by Pheonix (˙·٠●Феникс●٠·˙)
    016 «Client Preferences» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    017 «ExtendedComm» (3.0.8b) by Twisted|Panda
    018 «Forlix FloodCheck» (1.7) by Forlix (Dominik Friedrichs)
    019 «SM CS:GO Weapon Paints» (2.7 private version) by Franc1sco franug
    020 «Fun Commands» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    021 «Fun Commands X» (2.5) by Spazman0 and Arg!
    022 «Fun Votes» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    023 «Give Weapon» (1.0) by Kiske
    024 «Gloves» (1.0.4) by kgns |
    025 «Gravity» (1.0) by MrStark
    026 «Grenade Smoke Color» (1.3.4) by HSFighter
    027 «GameVoting» (1.8.8) by Neatek
    028 «RankMe» (3.0.3.Kento.27.2) by lok1, Scooby, Kento, pracc, Kxnrl, CrazyHackGUT
    029 «Knife Fight» (1.0) by DRUID
    030 «Knife choice CORE — Выбор ножа ЯДРО» (2.8) by Phoenix — Феникс
    031 «Map Music Controller» (2.2) by Mitch & Agent Wesker & Kyle «Kxnrl» Frankiss & SHUFEN & Yuna
    032 «Nextmap» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    033 «[CS:GO] NoScope sound Reload» (0.4) by Hejter & Murenich
    034 «NoZoom System» (1.0.9) by DUCK (
    035 «Player Commands» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    036 «Steam ID protect with SourceBan» (1.0) by Impulse
    037 «SteamID Protect» (1.1.1) by SemJeF
    038 «Quake Sounds» (2.7) by dalto, Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, and psychonic
    039 «Реклама» (1.2) by Pheonix (˙·٠●Феникс●٠·˙)
    040 «Remove Messages [CS:GO]» (2.5) by Fox1qqq
    041 «Reserved Slots» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    042 «Rules Plugin» (1.1) by haN
    043 «SourceBans++: Admin Config Loader» (1.6.3) by AlliedModders LLC, SourceBans++ Dev Team
    044 «SourceBans++: Bans Checker» (1.6.3) by psychonic, Ca$h Munny, SourceBans++ Dev Team
    045 «SourceBans++: SourceComms» (1.6.3) by Alex, SourceBans++ Dev Team
    046 «SourceBans++: Main Plugin» (1.6.3) by SourceBans Development Team, SourceBans++ Dev Team
    047 «SourceBans++ Report Plugin» (1.6.3) by RumbleFrog, SourceBans++ Dev Team
    048 «SourceBans++: SourceSleuth» (1.6.3) by ecca, SourceBans++ Dev Team
    049 «[Shop] Core» (2.1.0) by FrozDark
    050 «[Shop] Ball» (2.0.3) by FrozDark
    051 «[Shop] Equipments» (2.1.1) by FrozDark, modify by BaFeR and MaZa
    052 «[Shop] Flash-nades» by MaGa
    053 «[Shop] FlipGame» ( by FLASHER
    054 «[Shop] Money Distributor» (1.4.3) by FrozDark (HLModders LLC)
    055 «[Shop] Nades» (2.0.0) by FrozDark (HLModders LLC)
    056 «[Shop] New weapons» (1.0.2) by Drumanid
    057 «[Shop] Pets» (1.0) by Pheonix (˙·٠●Феникс●٠·˙) & Zephyrus
    058 «Show Credits» (1.0) by Someone
    059 «[Shop] Skins» (2.0.22) by FrozDark
    060 «[Shop] Smoke-nades» by MaGa
    061 «[Shop] Top10 Function» (2.0.1) by FrozDark
    062 «[Shop] Color Tracers» (2.0.3) by FrozDark & R1KO (HLModders LLC)
    063 «[Shop] Trails CS:GO» (1.1) by FrozDark (HLModders LLC), Pheonix (˙·٠●Феникс●٠·˙)
    064 «Simple Chat Processor (Redux)» (1.1.5) by Simple Plugins, Mini
    065 «[CSGO] Advanced Admin» (1.6.1) by PeEzZ
    066 «Knife Upgrade» (2.5.7) by Klexen
    067 «SM SKINCHOOSER» (4.9) by Andi67

    068 «SM Zones» (1.1) by Root (based on «Anti Rush» plugin by Jannik ‘Peace-Maker’ Hartung)
    069 «Sound Commands» ( by AlliedModders LLC
    070 «SourceBans» (1.5.1) by SourceBans Development Team
    071 «Rotate server graphic banners» (0.3) by HiTmAnY
    072 «Token Auto Updater» (1.4) by Phoenix (˙·٠●Феникс●٠·˙)
    073 «[VIP] Admin» (1.0.0) by R1KO
    074 «[VIP] Anti Flash» (1.0.0) by R1KO
    075 «[VIP] AURA» (1.0.1) by R1KO & Pheonix (˙·٠●Феникс●٠·˙)
    076 «[VIP] Bhop» (1.0.1) by KOROVKA
    077 «[VIP] Chat» (2.0.0 dev) by R1KO
    078 «[VIP] COIN» (1.1.0) by Pheonix (˙·٠●Феникс●٠·˙) & R1KO
    079 «[VIP] Core» (2.1.2 #3 DEV) by R1KO (skype: vova.andrienko1)
    080 «[VIP] Damage Change» (1.1.1) by R1KO
    081 «[VIP] Defuser» (1.0.0) by R1KO (skype: vova.andrienko1)
    082 «[VIP] Dissolve Body» (1.2.1) by KOROVKA, R1KO
    083 «[VIP] Electro Effects» (1.0.2) by R1KO & acik
    084 «[VIP] Endurance» (1.0.0) by R1KO (skype: vova.andrienko1)
    085 «[VIP] GrenadeTrails» (1.0.1) by R1KO
    086 «[VIP] HP» (1.0.0) by R1KO (skype: vova.andrienko1)
    087 «[VIP] Keys» (1.0.2) by R1KO (skype: vova.andrienko1)
    088 «[VIP] Kill Screen» (1.0.2) by R1KO (skype: vova.andrienko1)
    089 «[VIP] Kill Bonus» (1.0.0) by R1KO (skype: vova.andrienko1)
    090 «[VIP] Medkit» (1.0) by R1KO
    091 «[VIP] MULTI JUMP» (1.0) by Pheonix (˙·٠●Феникс●٠·˙)
    092 «[VIP] Money» (1.0.1) by R1KO (skype: vova.andrienko1)
    093 «[VIP] Nade Models (CSS)» (1.0.0) by R1KO
    094 «[VIP] NEON (CSS/CSGO)» (1.1) by R1KO & Pheonix (˙·٠●Феникс●٠·˙)
    095 «[VIP] No Self Damage» (1.0.0) by R1KO (skype: vova.andrienko1)
    096 «[VIP] Regen HP» (1.0.4) by R1KO
    097 «[CS:S/CS:GO] [VIP] Respawn» (1.1) by R1KO
    098 «[VIP] Skins» (1.0.5) by R1KO (skype: vova.andrienko1)
    099 «[VIP] SmokeColors» (1.0.0) by R1KO
    100 «[VIP] Sparks» (1.0.0) by R1KO
    101 «[VIP] Stats (socket)» (1.2) by R1KO & White Wolf
    102 «[VIP] Test» (1.0.3) by R1KO (skype: vova.andrienko1)
    103 «[VIP] Tracers» (1.0.1) by R1KO
    104 «[VIP] Vips Online» (1.0.1) by R1KO (skype: vova.andrienko1)
    105 «VIP_WeaponPack | Комплект оружий» (2.0 [ FINAL ? ]) by Drumanid
    106 «Weapon Restrict» (3.1.6) by Dr!fter
    107 «Weapon Round: Final» by Danyas
    108 «XDuels» (1.0) by XTANCE
    knife_choice_core.smx (Knife choice CORE — Выбор ножа ЯДРО): Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
    mapmusic.smx (Map Music Controller): Required extension «dhooks» file(«dhooks.ext») not running
    nextmap.smx (Nextmap): Mapcycle Not Found
    protect.smx (Steam ID protect with SourceBan): Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
    sbpp_checker.smx (SourceBans++: Bans Checker): Failed to connect to SourceBans DB, Could not find database config «sourcebans»
    sbpp_comms.smx (SourceBans++: SourceComms): Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
    sbpp_main.smx (SourceBans++: Main Plugin): Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
    sbpp_report.smx (SourceBans++ Report Plugin): Could not find required plugin «sourcebans++»
    shop_ball.smx ([Shop] Ball): addonssourcemodconfigsshopball.txt not exists
    sourcebans.smx (SourceBans): unexpected error 23 in AskPluginLoad callback

    [SM] Displaying 22 extensions:
    [01] Automatic Updater ( Updates SourceMod gamedata files
    [02] Webternet ( Extension for interacting with URLs
    [03] BanId Fix (1.0): Correcting ‘Ghost players’ error
    [04] SDK Tools ( Source SDK Tools
    [05] BinTools ( Low-level C/C++ Calling API
    [06] file «cleaner.ext.dll»: �� ������ ��������� ������.

    [07] CS Tools ( CS extended functionality
    [08] Client Preferences ( Saves client preference settings
    [09] SQLite ( SQLite Driver
    [10] file «soundlib.ext.2.csgo.dll»: Plugin requires newer Metamod version (16 > 15)
    [11] Top Menus ( Creates sorted nested menus
    [12] Regex ( Provides regex natives for plugins
    [13] SDK Hooks ( Source SDK Hooks
    [14] GeoIP ( Geographical IP information
    [15] file «PTaH.ext.dll»: �� ������ ��������� ������.

    [16] file «SoundLib.ext.2.csgo.dll»: Plugin requires newer Metamod version (16 > 15)
    [17] file «dhooks.ext.dll»: �� ������ ��������� ������.

    [18] SoundLib2 (0.1): Sound Info Library
    [19] SteamWorks Extension (1.2.3 FORK 1.0.0): Exposes SteamWorks functions to Developers
    [20] TAU LIB (1.4):
    [21] Socket (3.0.1): Socket extension for SourceMod
    [22] MySQL-DBI ( MySQL driver implementation for DBI


    • #2

    Добрый день, извините меня пожалуйста, у меня есть вип привелегии есть три стандартных они работают а остальный не получается помогите пожалуйста мне понять прочему у меня не получается установить на сервер

    Добрый,пип от какого автора у вас?Ws &Rico & Myarena?
    Пробуйте,у вас бардак со скобками был

    • message.txt

      21.8 KB

      · Просмотры: 2

    • #3

    и зачем вы изменили секцию Kv

    • Автор темы
    • #4

    и зачем вы изменили секцию Kv

    извините я хотел изменить вип тест на viptest там было VIP_LITE

    • Автор темы
    • #5

    Добрый,пип от какого автора у вас?Ws &Rico & Myarena?
    Пробуйте,у вас бардак со скобкамиизвините мне этот фаил обратно на сервер закинуть?

    я просто новенький пожалуйста не судите строго

    Последнее редактирование модератором: 12 Дек 2021

    • #6

    я просто новенький пожалуйста не судите строго

    вы не ответили,у вас вип от RICO?
    Если да,то замените файл и перезапустите сервер.

    • groups.ini

      21.8 KB

      · Просмотры: 1

    • Автор темы
    • #7

    вы не ответили,у вас вип от RICO?
    Если да,то замените файл и перезапустите сервер.

    извините как это посмотреть?

    • #8

    извините как это посмотреть?

    Заполнять поля при создании темы.
    прикрепите список плагинов,что бы это сделать,вам необходимо в консоль сервера прописать sm plugins list и скопировать в текстовый документ и прислать сюда,ли бо воспользоваться встроенным редактором и поместить список под спойлер

    • Автор темы
    • #9

    вот так?

    • riko.txt

      6 KB

      · Просмотры: 1

    • #10

    Бинго, переместитесь файл и перезапустите сервер
    Сообщение в теме
    И ознакомьтесь с документацией VIP Core

    • Автор темы
    • #11

    Понял спасибо вам что разбираетесь с такими как я

    Error detected in plugin startup

    #1 Travokos

  • Пользователь
  • 2 сообщений
  • #2 Nekro

  • Пользователь
  • 7 568 сообщений
  • #3 Kakoin

  • Пользователь
  • 8 941 сообщений
  • Написано же see error logs там и будет сама ошибка.

    #4 Phatal92

  • Пользователь
  • 439 сообщений
  • У меня тоже проблема, точно такая же. В логах ничего не нашел
    Точнее может там и есть, но я не знаю что за ошибка. Может, она не пашет на 34, так как там даже по дефолту цвета где-то для 88 версии

    #5 makaron06951995

  • Пользователь
  • 190 сообщений
  • killer_info_display.smx (Killer Info Display): Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs) помоге решить проблему не знаю что такое

    #6 ___brain___

  • Пользователь
  • 47 сообщений
  • Попробуйте компилировать плагин на свою версию.
    Или можно попытаться закинуть изначально компилированный плагин

    Также возможные причины, что плагин не стартанёт, если плагин заточен только под определённую игру или для него нужны определённые крючки

    #7 Kakoin

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    Может для начала вообще лог посмотреть а потом уже делать выводы и давать советы ?

    #8 ___brain___

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  • Может для начала вообще лог посмотреть а потом уже делать выводы и давать советы ?

    Совершенно верно, это две основные причины, в логах именно написано

    #9 Kakoin

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  • Совершенно верно, это две основные причины, в логах именно написано

    А зачем пробовать если там может быть что-то другое? Может проще все таки сразу понять что не так и не гадать?

    Зачем делить шкуру неубитого медведя ?

    #10 ___brain___

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  • А зачем пробовать если там может быть что-то другое? Может проще все таки сразу понять что не так и не гадать?

    Зачем делить шкуру неубитого медведя ?

    отчасти мы оба правы, но ты больше

    #11 ___brain___

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  • уфф, точно: levelsRank требует подключение к db

    #12 Kakoin

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  • уфф, точно: levelsRank требует подключение к db

    А ещё может быть 10500 причин по которым он может не работать. Для чего поднимать эту тему? ТС вообще заходил на форум последний раз в 18 году. Чем ему сейчас помогут эти советы ?


    Adminwatch smx adminwatch error detected in plugin startup see error logs

    I am having an issue with this plugin and i can’t seem to figure out what is causing such errors.

    L 09/15/2021 — 122:25: [SM] Exception reported: Invalid message id supplied (-1)
    L 09/15/2021 — 122:25: [SM] Blaming: L4D2FFKickProtection.smx
    L 09/15/2021 — 122:25: [SM] Call stack trace:
    L 09/15/2021 — 122:25: [SM] [0] HookUserMessage
    L 09/15/2021 — 122:25: [SM] [1] Line 34, D:pluginsL4DFFKickProtectL4D2FFKickProtect ion.sp::OnPluginStart
    L 09/15/2021 — 122:25: [SM] Unable to load plugin «L4D2FFKickProtection.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
    L 09/15/2021 — 123:14: Error log file session closed.

    #pragma semicolon 1
    #pragma newdecls required

    #define PLUGIN_NAME «L4D2 FF Kick Protection»
    #define PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION «Prevents assholes from friendly firing when being kicked.»
    #define PLUGIN_AUTHOR «jackzmc»
    #define PLUGIN_VERSION «1.0»
    #define PLUGIN_URL «»


    static int disableFFClient ; //client to disable FF for
    static float ffDamageDone ; //amount of damage offending user has attempted
    static ConVar forceKickFFThreshold ;

    public Plugin myinfo = <
    name = PLUGIN_NAME ,
    author = PLUGIN_AUTHOR ,
    description = PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION ,
    version = PLUGIN_VERSION ,
    url = PLUGIN_URL

    public void OnPluginStart () <
    EngineVersion g_Game = GetEngineVersion ();
    if( g_Game != Engine_Left4Dead && g_Game != Engine_Left4Dead2 )
    SetFailState ( «This plugin is for L4D/L4D2 only.» );
    AddCommandListener ( VoteStart , «callvote» );
    HookUserMessage ( GetUserMessageId ( «VotePass» ), VotePassFail );
    HookUserMessage ( GetUserMessageId ( «VoteFail» ), VotePassFail );

    forceKickFFThreshold = CreateConVar ( «sm_votekick_force_threshold» , «0» , «The threshold of damage where the offending player is just immediately kicked. 0 -> Any attempted damage, -1 -> No auto kick.» , FCVAR_NONE , true , — 1.0 );

    public void OnClientPutInServer ( int client ) <
    int team = GetClientTeam ( client );
    if( team == 2 ) <
    SDKHook ( client , SDKHook_OnTakeDamageAlive , OnTakeDamage );

    public void Event_PlayerTeam ( Event event , const char [] name , bool dontBroadcast ) <
    if(! event . GetBool ( «disconnect» )) <
    int team = event . GetInt ( «team» );
    int userid = GetClientOfUserId ( event . GetInt ( «userid» ));
    if( team == 2 ) <
    SDKHook ( userid , SDKHook_OnTakeDamageAlive , OnTakeDamage );
    //add new hook
    >else <
    SDKUnhook ( userid , SDKHook_OnTakeDamageAlive , OnTakeDamage );

    public Action VoteStart ( int client , const char [] command , int argc ) <
    if( GetClientCount ( true ) == 0 || client == 0 ) return Plugin_Handled ; //prevent votes while server is empty or if server tries calling vote
    if( argc >= 1 ) <
    char issue [ 32 ];
    char caller [ 32 ];

    GetCmdArg ( 1 , issue , sizeof ( issue ));
    Format ( caller , sizeof ( caller ), «%N» , client );

    if( StrEqual ( issue , «Kick» , true )) <
    char option [ 32 ];
    GetCmdArg ( 2 , option , sizeof ( option ));
    if( strlen ( option ) 1 ) < //empty userid/console can’t call votes
    int target = GetClientOfUserId ( StringToInt ( option ));
    int team = GetClientTeam ( target );
    if( team == 2 ) <
    disableFFClient = target ;
    ffDamageDone = — 1.0 ;
    return Plugin_Handled ;
    //Kick vote started
    PrintToServer ( «KICK VOTE STARTED | Issue=%s Option=%s Caller=%N» , issue , option , client );
    return Plugin_Handled ; //if it wasn’t handled up there I would start panicking

    public Action VotePassFail ( UserMsg msg_id , BfRead msg , const int [] players , int playersNum , bool reliable , bool init ) <
    disableFFClient = — 1 ;
    ffDamageDone = — 1.0 ;

    public Action OnTakeDamage ( int victim , int & attacker , int & inflictor , float & damage , int & damagetype , int & weapon , float damageForce [ 3 ], float damagePosition [ 3 ]) <
    if( disableFFClient == attacker ) <
    if( ffDamageDone == — 1 ) <
    PrintToServer ( «Player in vote to be kicked has done ff damage» );
    ffDamageDone = damage ;
    if( forceKickFFThreshold . FloatValue > — 1.0 ) <
    //auto kick
    if( forceKickFFThreshold . FloatValue == 0.0 ) <
    KickClient ( disableFFClient , «Kicked for excessive friendly fire» );
    >else if( FloatCompare ( ffDamageDone , forceKickFFThreshold . FloatValue ) == 1 ) <
    KickClient ( disableFFClient , «Kicked for excessive friendly fire» );
    damage = 0.0 ;
    return Plugin_Handled ;
    return Plugin_Continue ;




    Junior Member



    , 11:54


    Error detected in plugin startup

    Reply With Quote


    I am having an issue with this plugin and i can’t seem to figure out what is causing such errors.

    L 09/15/2021 — 122:25: [SM] Exception reported: Invalid message id supplied (-1)
    L 09/15/2021 — 122:25: [SM] Blaming: L4D2FFKickProtection.smx
    L 09/15/2021 — 122:25: [SM] Call stack trace:
    L 09/15/2021 — 122:25: [SM] [0] HookUserMessage
    L 09/15/2021 — 122:25: [SM] [1] Line 34, D:pluginsL4DFFKickProtectL4D2FFKickProtect ion.sp::OnPluginStart
    L 09/15/2021 — 122:25: [SM] Unable to load plugin «L4D2FFKickProtection.smx»: Error detected in plugin startup (see error logs)
    L 09/15/2021 — 123:14: Error log file session closed.

    PHP Code:

    #pragma semicolon 1

    #pragma newdecls required

    #define PLUGIN_NAME "L4D2 FF Kick Protection"

    #define PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION "Prevents assholes from friendly firing when being kicked."

    #define PLUGIN_AUTHOR "jackzmc"

    #define PLUGIN_VERSION "1.0"

    #define PLUGIN_URL ""

    #include <sourcemod>

    #include <sdktools>

    #include <sdkhooks>

    static int disableFFClient//client to disable FF for

    static float  ffDamageDone//amount of damage offending user has attempted

    static ConVar forceKickFFThreshold;


    Plugin myinfo = {

    name PLUGIN_NAME

    author PLUGIN_AUTHOR

    description PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION

    version PLUGIN_VERSION

    url PLUGIN_URL



    void OnPluginStart() {

    EngineVersion g_Game GetEngineVersion();

    g_Game != Engine_Left4Dead && g_Game != Engine_Left4Dead2)


    SetFailState("This plugin is for L4D/L4D2 only.");    



    HookUserMessage(GetUserMessageId("VotePass"), VotePassFail);

    HookUserMessage(GetUserMessageId("VoteFail"), VotePassFail);
    forceKickFFThreshold CreateConVar("sm_votekick_force_threshold","0","The threshold of damage where the offending player is just immediately kicked. 0 -> Any attempted damage, -1 -> No auto kick."FCVAR_NONEtrue, -1.0);



    void OnClientPutInServer(int client) {

    int team GetClientTeam(client);

    team == 2) {





    void Event_PlayerTeam(Event event, const char[] namebool dontBroadcast) {

    event.GetBool("disconnect")) {

    int team event.GetInt("team");

    int userid GetClientOfUserId(event.GetInt("userid"));

    team == 2) {


    //add new hook







    Action VoteStart(int client, const char[] commandint argc) {

    GetClientCount(true) == || client == 0) return Plugin_Handled//prevent votes while server is empty or if server tries calling vote

    if(argc >= 1) {

    char issue[32];

    char caller[32];

    Format(callersizeof(caller), "%N"client);


    StrEqual(issue"Kick"true)) {

    char option[32];


    strlen(option) < 1) { //empty userid/console can't call votes

    int target GetClientOfUserId(StringToInt(option));

    int team GetClientTeam(target);

    team == 2) {

    disableFFClient target;

    ffDamageDone = -1.0;




    //Kick vote started

    PrintToServer("KICK VOTE STARTED | Issue=%s Option=%s Caller=%N"issueoptionclient);



    Plugin_Handled//if it wasn't handled up there I would start panicking



    Action VotePassFail(UserMsg msg_idBfRead msg, const int[] playersint playersNumbool reliablebool init) {

    disableFFClient = -1;

    ffDamageDone = -1.0;



    Action OnTakeDamage(int victim,  intattackerintinflictorfloatdamageintdamagetypeintweaponfloat damageForce[3], float damagePosition[3]) {

    disableFFClient == attacker) {

    ffDamageDone == -1) {

    PrintToServer("Player in vote to be kicked has done ff damage");


    ffDamageDone damage;

    forceKickFFThreshold.FloatValue > -1.0) {

    //auto kick

    if(forceKickFFThreshold.FloatValue == 0.0) {

    KickClient(disableFFClient"Kicked for excessive friendly fire");

                }else if(
    FloatCompare(ffDamageDoneforceKickFFThreshold.FloatValue) == 1) {

    KickClient(disableFFClient"Kicked for excessive friendly fire");



    damage 0.0;




    Diggingwolf2605 is offline

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