Shuen no virche error salvation

Отоме Shuuen no Virche -Error:Salvation- (по ссылке на оф.сайт не переходите, если мигающие изображения для вас проблема) – это игра от Отомейт в жанре темное фэнтези о девушке по прозвищу Ши…

Отоме Shuuen no Virche -Error:Salvation- (по ссылке на оф.сайт не переходите, если мигающие изображения для вас проблема) – это игра от Отомейт в жанре темное фэнтези о девушке по прозвищу Шинигами и всяких смертельных проклятьях. Дата выхода: 7 октября 2021.

Художник тот же, что рисовал Кен га Кими. В этой статье представлены сюжет, мир, понятия и герои, а также комментарии ко всему этому от разработчиков. Статья из B`s Log №6, 2021.


Альпечер, небольшая страна в Западной Европе. Окруженные морем и черными цветами бедствия – Ликорис Новаж – со всех сторон, люди в этой стране рождаются с «проклятием смерти», которое приведет к кончине к 23 годам.

Альпечер, в которой смерть приходит равно к любому, стали называть – страна, зачарованная богом смерти.

Люди оплакивают свою недолговечную судьбу и сопротивляются ей. И после многих лет исследований они создали систему. Откажитесь от тела, которое умирает к 23 годам, и дайте выжить только памяти – «Загрузите память». Людей, которые живут вечно за счет «загрузок памяти», называют «реливерами» (пережившими), и они продолжают сопротивляться короткой жизни.

В этой стране жила девушка по прозвищу «Жнец Смерти», потому что всем приносила беды. В тот момент, когда оплакивающая свою жизнь девушка попыталась покончить с собой, перед ней появился таинственный мужчина, который утверждал, что является «Стражем Смерти».

Под руководством Стража девушка неизбежно приблизится к «Различным загадкам смерти», гнездящимся в этой стране. Не ведая того, что судьба тех, кто очарован богом смерти, кончается … отчаянием.

Это история, ведущая к вечной кончине…

Место действия: Альпечер

Другое название: Страна, зачарованная богом смерти. Маленькая страна в окружении цветов Ликорис Новаж и моря. Она изолирована в течение многих лет: из-за сильных океанских течений никто не приезжает из других стран. В основном разделена на три района: «Народный», «Состоятельный» и «Исследовательский». Люди в этой стране рождаются с Проклятием Смерти и умрут к 23 годам.

Ключевое слово: реливеры (пережившие)

Люди, которые выживают только по памяти, благодаря уникальной системе, созданной Шианом около 60 лет назад. Загрузив «данные памяти» в «клона», созданного на основе собственных генов, ты возобновляешь жизнедеятельность себя самого, становясь реливером.

Поскольку их физическая продолжительность жизни такая же, как и у обычных людей, их вечность составляет «23 года», после которых они умирают и заново повторяют этот процесс. Это универсальная система с точки зрения «выживания», но вы должны заплатить большую цену, чтобы стать реливером.

Ключевое слово: Кунэ (народный район)

Область, которая занимает большую часть Альпечера. Здесь много рынков и общественных заведений, самый оживленный район. Здесь живет обычный средний человек.

Ключевое слово: Шуди (район состоятельных)

Здесь живут люди, которые в основном инвестируют в исследовательские институты, и члены королевской семьи. Электросистема более развита, чем в районе для простых людей (Кунэ), и люди, живущие здесь, часто используют электромобили и экипажи в качестве средства передвижения.

Ключевое слово: Серневол (исследовательская зона).

Расположен в центре страны, здесь собраны многие важные объекты, такие как национальный исследовательский институт и королевский замок. Это самый технологичный район и волшебный уголок с точки зрения жителей квартала простых людей (Кунэ).

Ключевое слово: цветочное поле Ликорис Новаж

Цветочное поле Ликорис Новаж, расцветающее по периметру Альпечера.

Этот цветок также называют «Цветок катастрофы», потому что те, кто пытается сломать или уничтожить его, умирают, не дожидаясь окончания своей жизни, так что он отталкивает многих людей.

Примечание: в Японии цветы ликориса считаются символами смерти, поскольку их алые цветки обычно цветут рядом с кладбищами в период осеннего равноденствия. В японских мифах они описаны устрашающими цветами, растущими в загробном мире, что направляют мертвых к следующей реинкарнации.

Фоны места действия можно увидеть на скрине ниже.


Серес (не озвучена)

Главный герой этого произведения. Она потеряла родителей в младенчестве. Ее называют «Жнецом Смерти» и ненавидят, потому что люди, с которыми она пересекалась, попадали в несчастные случаи и внезапно умирали.

Когда она пессимистично оценивала свою жизнь, делающую других несчастными, и пыталась умереть, она встретила Анку и столкнулась с различными «смертями» в этой стране.

Возраст: 18 лет

Род занятий: Помогает приюту

От разработчиков:

Художнику поручили нарисовать героиню с короткой стрижкой и в желтых тонах. Пришлось помучиться, чтобы совместить короткие волосы у девушки с готикой и стилем эпохи, а также оптимистичный желтый с трагичной темой.

Захватываемые герои:

Ив (сэйю Сайто Сома)

Молодой человек, который работает разнорабочим в своей компании мастеров на все руки Крун и является членом народной дружины. Он серьезный и искренний человек и пользуется большим доверием у жителей города.

Он филантроп и считает, что даже плохие вещи в некоторых случаях можно принять. Родители бросили его из-за ожога, который он получил в результате несчастного случая в детстве.

Он верит, что если вы любите людей и продолжаете помогать, вы рано или поздно встретите того, кто вас полюбит.

Возраст: 18 лет

Род занятий: Разнорабочий (Крун) / дружинник

На картинке героиня впервые встречает парня в маске на половину лица (Ива) на поле, где он любовно касается цветов ликориса, которые все так ненавидят. Роняя слезу, он шепчет «люблю».

Вот видео, представляющее героя:

От разработчиков:

Художнику дали задание нарисовать его рыцарем, поэтому он выглядит таковым в любой одежде. Его образ перерисовывали много раз, но одно оставалось неизменным – его улыбка то ли мальчика, то ли юноши, который вот-вот заплачет.

Тема его сюжета: любовь. Родители его бросили из-за ожогов, изуродовавших половину его лица, поэтому он всю жизнь ищет любовь. Однако его «любовь» не во всем будет прекрасна, а подробности почему, узнаете в сюжете.

Люка Пруст (Хиракава Дайске ❤ )

Приглашенный учитель, который ходит в церкви и приюты, чтобы обучать детей. Часто бывает в приюте, где живет героиня.

С ним легко ужиться, но в нем также есть сильное чувство справедливости. У него больная младшая сестра, и он часто бывает в больнице.

Он верит в Бога и относится к детям как к цветам жизни.

Возраст: 22 года

Род деятельности: учитель

На картинке герой представлен на уроке с детишками идеальным учителем.

Вот видео, представляющее героя:

От разработчиков:

Дизайн его рисовался по красивому европейскому образцу: платиновый блондин, голубые глаза. Челкой ему скрыли брови, чтобы плохо читались его выражения лица и чтобы было ощущение меньшей характерности.

Тема его сюжета: вера. Добрая улыбка и любящее детей и Бога сердце, самый близкий к смерти персонаж из-за больной сестры и всего остального. В сюжете вам предстоят милые и теплые деньки общения с ним и его сестренкой в ожидании спасения от людей… или Бога?

Матис Клод (Амасаки Кохэй)

Мальчик из богатого района. Любит читать, и в его комнате полно книг. Он слабый и застенчивый, не любит смотреть в глаза и иногда не может нормально разговаривать. Его любимого старшего брата убил палач (блоу), и он ищет преступника, чтобы отомстить.

Возраст: 17 лет

Род занятий: Глава семьи Клод

На картинке герой пригласил героиню с друзьями, расследующими убийства в своем районе, к себе домой. Стеснительный парень едва мог представиться, прячась за книжкой.

Вот видео, представляющее героя:

От разработчиков:

Попытки перенести рисунок с бумаги в цифровой вариант постоянно меняли облик героя на непохожий.

Тема его сюжета: сам. Ведь месть за брата это одно, но действительно ли это нужно лично герою и каковы его личные устремления?

Шиан Брофиаз (Хосоя Ёсимаса ❤ )

Гениальный ученый, который является директором Национального исследовательского института и создал «загрузку памяти». Он загружал себя неоднократно и много лет жил как «реливер».

Считает, что люди – это одноразовые инструменты, а их эмоции – это ошибки. Во всем ищет эффективность и считает, что даже его собственная жизнь и его родственники являются частью исследовательского материала.

Возраст: 23 года (возраст тела)

Деятельность: научный сотрудник / директор Национального исследовательского института.

На картинке герой выполз из-под груды полотенец и халатов, недовольный, что его будят, хотя он 16 дней до этого не спал. Он пригрозил своему помощнику, что «перезагрузит» его за это.

Вот видео, представляющее героя:

От разработчиков:

В дизайне трудились совместить профессию с небрежностью и долго думали, где поместить отметку-тату реливера. В итоге по характеру художник решил, что будет на шее.

Тема сюжета: баг. Герой слишком материалистичен и все использует для выгоды и исследований, поэтому чувства для него просто баг, глюк такой. Естественно, он держится подальше от тех, кто считает, что чувства важны, и с ним трудно сойтись, тем более что он уже не простой человек, а реливер.

Адольф (Ясиро Таку)

Лидер народной дружины, выросший в том же приюте, что и героиня. В настоящее время проживает один на окраине города.

Хотя часто груб на слово, но мягкий в сердце, и людей, попавших в беду, не может не заметить. Для героини он как надежный старший брат.

Возраст: 21 год

Род занятий: лидер дружинников

На картинке герой вернулся раньше обычного и застал героиню посреди жуткой сцены – везде кровища и все такое. Схватив ее в объятия, ведь она ему словно сестра, он убедился, что она жива-здорова, а потом стал спрашивать, что случилось. Она и сама не понимала что, видимо, она как жнец смерти это сотворила…

Вот видео, представляющее героя:

От разработчиков:

В дизайне его сквозит позитив, и он наряду с другими дружинниками выглядит мужественно.

Тема сюжета: защитник. Он самый близкий и давний друг героини. А его меч защищает героиню… и не только?

Анку (сэйю Окицу Казуюки)

Загадочное существо, называющее себя «Страж смерти». Остановил самоубийство героини и предложил раскрыть тайну смерти в Альпечере.

Он ведет себя и говорит так, что просто бесит людей; трудно понять его истинные намерения.

Возраст: ??

На картинке герой появляется, когда героиня пытается покончить собой, и останавливает ее клинок голыми руками, говоря, что если уж назвалась Богом (Жнец Смерти дословно будет Бог Смерти), то должна и вести себя соответствующе – надменно смеясь над людишками, не заморачиваться их жизнями.

Вот видео, представляющее героя:

От разработчиков:

Художник надеется, что получилось нарисовать нечто неуловимое и привлекательное. Вначале думали нарисовать наряд вроде короля эльфов, но в итоге вышло нечто обратное.

Тема сюжета: секрет. В нем полно секретов, и он не появляется прилюдно. С его появлением жизнь героини сильно меняется. И что ее ждет с ним в будущем… это секрет.

Второстепенные персонажи:


Женщина-реливер, которая управляет приютом, где живет героиня, для всех как мать. Ее интеллект и некоторые медицинские знания предотвращают “несчастья”, причиняемые героиней в приюте. Возраст: 21 год (возраст тела). Род занятий: мама в приюте


Лучший друг Ива, который вместе с ним руководит Крун. Член дружины. Он веселый и заботливый, и ему очень доверяют окружающие. Он настроен позитивно, но у него также есть жизненный опыт реливера, поэтому он смотрит на вещи вдумчиво. Возраст: 22 года (возраст тела). Род занятий: Разнорабочий (в Крун) / Дружинник


Мальчик, работающий заместителем директора Национального исследовательского института, которого называют вторым после Шиана гением. Хотя он заботится о личных делах Шиана, у которого нет жизненных навыков, с ним часто обращаются сурово. Дружелюбный и любит готовить сладости. Возраст: 15 лет (возраст тела). Должность: научный сотрудник, заместитель директора Национального исследовательского института.

Надя Пруст

Сестра Люки. Она весела и любит говорить о любви, как любая девушка в ее возрасте. Госпитализирована из-за необъяснимой болезни и не может выходить на улицу одна. Ее недавняя проблема в том, что у ее брата совсем нет личной жизни в романтическом плане. Возраст: 12 лет


Директор больницы, в которой госпитализирована Надя, и ее врач. У него на лице почти не отображается эмоций, и создается впечатление, что он неприступен, но у него сострадательное сердце к пациенту. Он является седьмым главой секты экзорцистов, которые считают реливеров злом, но в последнее время его тревожит отток верующих. Возраст: 22 года. Род занятий: Доктор / глава Экзорцистов


Жизнерадостный молодой человек, работающий дворецким в семье Клода, для Матиса как семья. Его беспокоит, что Матис будет преследовать Палача ради мести. Возраст: 19 лет. Род деятельности: дворецкий

Из интервью с режиссером:

Тема игры «жизнь и смерть» и то, как это не щадит никого вне зависимости от статуса и состояния. Эту тему в игре сделали повседневностью, а также добавили сплав готики с технологиями.

О названии: Shuuen – обычно означает конец жизни, кончина, но здесь записано через иероглиф «вечность». Смысл этого будет ясен лишь в игре. Virche – это придуманное слово, смысл его тоже раскроется в игре.

Не все люди в стране желают стать реливерами, некоторые думают прожить отпущенные 23 года и всё.

Кличка героини появилась после того, как с детьми и воспитателями ее приюта стали происходить загадочные смерти, а под конец случился большой пожар. Несмотря на то, что она до сих пор живет при приюте, помогая по хозяйству, все там ее избегают и сторонятся. Из-за этого она тихая и забитая.

Игра рекомендуется любителям трагичных плохих концовок. Именно под них она и написана. Тем не менее, конечно, будут и милые сценки, и даже хорошие концовки, но для них придется постараться.

Пример милой сценки, видимо:

Матис и героиня обалдевают от пьяных товарищей. Кстати, возрастной рейтинг игры: 17 лет и старше.

Ну и под конец небольшое интервью персонажей о выборах в жизни больших и маленьких, а также какой подарок стоит дарить.

В больших выборах все говорят о своем выборе профессии или цели жизни, а в остальном…

Ив: мучается, что приготовить, чтобы всем понравилось. В подарке отдает предпочтение тому, чтобы порадовать человека и оставить ему что-то памятное.

Люка: не знает, какие на этот раз купить больной сестренке цветочки. В подарке из-за богатого выбора совсем растерялся: тут и сласти, и книжки с картинками, и украшения, и цветы… да на тестах в школе проще ответить.

Матис: жизнь за него все решила, а мелкие выборы – читать всю ночь понравившуюся книгу или все же лечь спать. В подарок хотел бы подарить что-то в честь обещания, он такое в книгах читал.

Шиан: нагрубил в ответ, а в такой стране он смысла не видит заводить тех, кому стоит что-то дарить, ну а если стать реливером, то все зависит от эго.

Адольф: выборы пойти направо в патруле или налево. Подарок оставлять тем, кому жить всего 23 года тоже видит бессмысленным мученьем.

Анку: философски размышляя по теме, ушел от конкретных ответов. О подарке пошутил, что если он страж смерти, то цветы смерти в подарок будут уместны, ну а так, в такой крохотной стране без связи с внешним миром сложно найти уникальный не заезженный подарок.

:0 “” 000 МММ :))) 😉 ^_^ *


Ceres is a woman who brings a “curse” of death wherever she goes. It’s for this reason people call her a Shinigami or a “reaper”. She stays at an orphanage with a nun who decided to take her in even after all the incidents that occurred in the past. In a place called “Arpecheur” everyone is destined to die at 23 years old. Usually by 20 or 21 a person will start to feel the effects of a sort of respiratory disease that’ll kill them at 23. So in order to prolong people’s lives, research has been done to create clones known as “relivers” with people’s memories downloaded and implanted into them. Once a person has died, their memories are downloaded, a reliver is created, and they’re implanted into the new one. This way, people can live for another 23 years before doing the same process all over again.

non-spoiler thoughts

After giving a letter to the research facility, Ceres comes back to the orphanage to see a man named Lucas teaching the children about becoming a “reviver” — those who clone themselves after their original body dies. Lucas himself is reaching the age where his body is starting to deteriorate. After he leaves, Ceres wakes up to one of the children coughing in another room. She immediately believes it’s her fault (so does the child) and decides to leave to go to an area near a cliff where black lycoris flowers are. There she spots a man with a mask which immediately makes her wary since he seems to recognize her. After running away, she figures he knew her because she’s known as the “reaper” but then realizes that he reminded her of a boy who helped save her in a fire that started 7 years ago.

After this, Ceres hears a dripping noise and finds herself in an alley where blood falls on her from a bunch of dead bodies. She screams in horror and Adolphe, who grew up in the same orphanage as her, comes to her aid. People start showing up and believe that Ceres is the cause but Adolphe defends her. Regardless, everyone wants Ceres gone from the orphanage and try to convince sister Salome to get rid of her.  However, the same man Ceres saw briefly appears and defends her. When the incident of the fire 7 years ago is mentioned, he says it was an accident and she just happened to be there. After they leave, Yves and his friend Hugo come in for tea. Yves introduces himself as a handyman of a shop called Cloone who takes on various tasks of the common district.

Hugo also introduces himself as a handyman as well and while he came from the wealthy district which is called “Shudi”, he now lives in the common district. The two of them are also vigilante and Hugo works under Yves. They decide to ask Ceres some questions about what she saw in the alley and are hoping to investigate what they believe are murders that occurred. After this, Yves spots Ceres in the hallway and asks to talk to her. Suddenly, they hear Adolphe yelling at one of the orphanage children who has been angry at Ceres somehow obtained a chemical that they planned to use to kill her. It ends up reacting and causing an explosion, which supposedly kills Yves.


Ceres starts to realize she’s the cause of his death and steals Adolphe’s dagger before leaving. She takes his dagger to her throat and remembers all of the people who died because of her and decides it’s for the best if she kills herself. However, she is immediately stopped by a strange man who grabs her dagger. Ceres is in shock as starts but bleeding but reveals he’s not human as his wound heals immediately. He introduces himself as “Ankou” and considers himself the “death keeper” and someone who has come from the underworld to make a deal with Ceres. He promises that he’ll help her be reborn as a normal girl if she forms a contract with him. She asks just who he is and if he knows why people always die around her.

Ankou tells her he does know the reason, but when he tries to tell her, he can’t for some reason (like his words are blocked out and they legit have it censored in text LOL). However, since he is from the underworld the numerous deaths have been causing an imbalance for the reincarnated. He insists that she find out why this island is cursed with so much death and when she finds out the truth, he promises to have her live as a normal girl. Ceres doesn’t believe she deserves it after what happened with Yves, but Ankou tells her that Yves isn’t dead since he didn’t feel his soul enter the underworld yet. He tells her to think it over and disappears.

Ceres comes back to he orphanage to have Aldophe yelling at how worried they were. As Ankou had said, Yves was still alive and was resting in Ceres’ bed. Ceres apologies for running off and asks if she can help in their investigation of the deaths that occured. They agree to it since it’s better she leave the orphanage anyway and go to the wealthy district —  Shudi. There, Ceres sees a prostitute being harassed after being underpaid and decides she wants to help her. Yves decides to help as well and they manage to get her away from a guard who was harassing her. Ceres is prompted by Yves to tell her that she thinks she’s a strong, beautiful woman who deserves to get what she’s worth. The woman thanks them and says she’ll give them a discount if they decide to become customers lol.

After this, a butler arrives in a car and says he has valuable information in regards to their investigation. He invites Adolphe, Ceres, and Hugo to his mansion. There, they meet Mathis who is from the rich Claude family that put a lot of money towards the reliever research. Mathis is super shy and reluctantly introduces himself, saying he knows about murders that took place in his mansion before which is why he wanted to tell them about it. Apparently there was a murderer known as the “executioner” who would leave a dagger in the body like one of the murders they’re investigating. This executioner was also the one who murdered Mathis’ brother which is why he wants to solve it in the first place to get revenge for his brother.

Ceres bumps into Mathis and tells him that she’s the rumored “god of death” which surprises Mathis. She expected that sort of reaction though and he tells her he doesn’t mind if he ends up dying as long as he can find the executioner. Although she reassures him she doesn’t intend to let him die. After this, Ceres goes to bed and both Hugo and Mathis talk outside. Hugo admits he’s a reliever while Mathis is still a pure human at 17 years old. Suddenly, Hugo is attacked by someone in a hood who Mathis immediately believes to be the executioner. Mathis immediately loses his shit and tries to kill them but is stopped by Ceres while Eve and Adolphe go after him. They fight him off until Mathis comes running at him with a knife but is almost stabbed until Ceres pushes him to the ground, saving him.


The executioner runs away and Mathis is clearly upset that he got away. Both Yves  and Adolphe are treated at a hospital that is apparently owned by a cult known as the “Exorcist order” that are against revivers and believe people should die naturally as god intended. Capucine is one of the doctors at the hospital who informs them of the autopsy report of the victims from the murder. Apparently their hearts were removed from their bodies with daggers left in the hole where they were removed. Then there’s the odd deaths of the others who’s skin were scratched away at their chest but looks more like suicide. After this,  Yves and Adolphe are told to stay overnight at the hospital. Meanwhile, Ceres meets a hospitalized little girl and helps her pick up a diary she dropped under her bed.

The next day, Yves brings Ceres and the rest of them to his workshop where Cloone takes tasks. But before they can be invited in, a boy named Dahut approaches them and says they’re being requested at the research facility. They’re brought there and Dahut explains that he’s actually a director at the facility and had been a reliever for years now. Relievers stay the same age when they have a new body, so when his original body died at 15 he continued to have that appearance ever since. Dahut brings them to Scien who is the chief of the research facility and established the entire reliever system 60 years ago. He requests that they retrieve the bodies of those who scratched themselves to death by grave robbing them; knowing full well this would help their investigation as well.

While they mull it over, Dahut comes in with tea and snacks and ends up calling Yves “Hugo”. Apparently Dahut made a mistake and Scien actually wanted to ask Hugo to do the request, not Yves. After this, Scien’s demeanor changes and he takes back the request. He also informs them that he actually had the royal guard send him bodies to dissect but they never made it to him in one piece because the executioner literally mutilated the bodies and killed the guards. So Scien and the rest of them remain of good terms so as long as they need to collaborate with each other for information. It’s also revealed that there is one flaw in becoming a reliever and that is the one emotion  can’t be carried over to a clone is “love”.


The next day, the orphanage kid admits he did try to kill Ceres but wouldn’t tell where he got the chemical. After this, Scien appears and explains that the executioner was after the bodies he wanted and covered it up with the mutilated bodies. Because he took what he was after, Scien now wants to target the executioner. All the while, he forces Salome’s hand by having Ceres accompany them to observe her “curse” and have her assist. Salome is strongly against it but Ceres tells her it’s fine since she wanted to investigate along with them all anyway. So all of them, Ceres, Scien, Mathis, Yves, Lucas, and Adolphe all decide to make plans to catch the executioner together. They decide to stay at Adolphe’s home which is in the outskirts of town and Scien comes up with a plan of having rumors spread that one of the suicidal bodies is being grave robbed and using a dummy body as a decoy.

So since they have free time until they prepare, all of them get ready for tomorrow. Mathis notices Scien reading a book on a “Drifter” who was apparently the only person outside of the island to end up there. Because of the strong currents around the island, outsiders never approach it. In addition, people from the outside have aged normally while it’s just the island that has the curse. Apparently Scien’s grandfather approached this drifter 100 years ago to get some clues on how to extend their life. Scien’s grandfather managed to start research on genes, but never completed it. While there was a book the drifter gave him, there were also books that he never received.

The night before the plan, Yves cooks for everyone but apparently his food tastes awful and the only one who likes it is Mathis lmao. So everyone starts drinking and having a good time while Ceres finally feels like a normal happy girl. Well, the reason for this is because Ankou put a hold on her “death god” power so she’s been able to live normally. Ankou tells her she needs to make a choice about their contract since he can only keep it that way if she abides to it. Anyway, next day the plan goes into fruition and they plant the dummy body while everyone waits for the executioner to appear. When they finally do appear, they throw the dummy and immediately run away after getting hit Mathis’ dagger.


So they all follow Mathis into his car to chase him. Mathis’ personality takes a 180 when he drives apparently and so he speeds towards the executioner. He ends up crashing it, then Adolphe and Yves fight him on foot. Scien makes sure to tell them not to kill them since they need to find the location of the corpses they’ve taken. Alphen and Yves both fight the executioner until the two of them manage to stab them with their sword and incapacitate them. Suddenly, acid starts falling from above and hits the executioner whos flesh burns completely away. In the end, they’re killed but they’re unable to find the bodies that were hidden and unable to identify the executioner themselves.

Character Routes

2021112804595700-023466D6F284B53C453BE9FA671DF8CALucas Proust – (CV: Hirakawa Daisuke)

Lucas is a teacher who often visits churches and orphanages to teach children about relivers and the history of the island. He is a devout believer of God and often visits his sister who’s sick in the hospital. Ceres often encounters him because he usually comes to teach at the orphanage she lives in.

Ceres has tea with Lucas who tells her to stop blaming herself for what happened with Yves and the others. Suddenly, he starts having a coughing fit and Ceres realizes he’s getting closer to the age 23 and needs to make a decision on whether or not to become a reliver. Ceres decides to go to the church to consult Lucas and tells him about everything that’s happened with her and this “death keeper” she met. She says at first she wanted to investigate who killed the executioner, but now she wants to know the identity of the executioner and figures that would be safer to investigate. Lucas offers to help her and offer her to be his assistant since he was thinking of hiring an assistant due to his poor health and she agrees to it.


After getting the permission of the vigilante aka Yves and the others, Ceres starts to visit Lucas’ place as they read books and gather information. Ceres attends classes with the children that Lucas teaches and assists in helping him. Lucas gives a lesson and explains that people can’t transfer their memories and mind into another body because their DNA and memories need to be the same. Ceres also helps the children as well and is considered a teacher by them as well. Lucas pats Ceres on the head and tells her to keep doing her best while calling her his cute little assistant. A few days later, Ceres encounters Jean who is worried for Mathis since he’s been depressed ever since the aftermath of the executioners death. Ceres wonders if maybe knowing the identity of the killer would help, since he never properly got his revenge.


One day, Lucas again invites Ceres to assist him but instead have a recreational day where they play tag. As Ceres is being chased by a boy, she’s slammed into and almost falls to the ground. Lucas manages to catch her fall just in time. He tells the kids to be more careful when playing with her and they apologize. One day, Lucas decides to introduce Ceres to meet his sister Nadia in the hospital. She actually had already met Ceres when they were at the hospital before, which surprises Lucas. Nadia is happy to see her again and asks if they can be friends since she’s been unable to make any in her current condition. Ceres happily agrees to it and Lucas later thanks her for being friends with her.


One day, because a child is lashing out, Lucas offers to assist them. Meanwhile, a man suddenly appears at the orphanage looking for his son. He barges into the facility and asks for his son “Donny”. Apparently he’s an abusive dad who had abandoned him when he was broke and became a reliver. However, Donny is terrified of him and since he no longer has the capacity to love, his emotions have spiraled out of control and moreso worse than when he was human because he lost his ability to sympathize. Finally, Lucas appears and kicks him out before he can get violent, and then Donny and the rest of the kids start to realize they don’t want to become relivers if they’ll end up like that.

Lucas is thankful Ceres is okay and realizes a lot of children end up abandoned like that because when parents become relivers, they lose the ability to love their child and often become abusive. In addition, children who are abandoned because their parents die so early without becoming a reliver. They also believe true change needs to happen since the priority a reliver technology has always been the upper class. A few days later, Ceres visits Nadia again and she talks a bit about her past. Apparently her parents died recently but 8 years ago prior Lucas had a big fight with them and left while taking Nadia with him. The topic then changes to Nadia wondering if Ceres has romantic feelings for Lucas.

Ceres doesn’t say she does, but Nadia tells her that he writes about her a lot in the diary he and her keep. He often writes in it about his day so Nadia will have something to read and whenever he mentions Ceres he always talks about her as his loving angel. Ceres is embarrassed to hear this but the conversation is interrupted when Capucine comes in for his check in for Nadia. They hear the riots of the exorcist cult outside and he tells them that the founder was actually a woman and it wasn’t originally a group against relivers, but rather a cause to research how to lift the curse of death on the island. After this, Ceres visits Mathis’ mansion to deliver a letter from Lucas.

Lucas knows that Mathis has been depressed lately, so he wrote him a letter for tasks to do in order to keep him preoccupied so he could feel his life has more value. As she leaves, Mathis chases after Ceres to thank her. He tells her he appreciates what she and Lucas has done and promises to try and find something for himself. Suddenly, there’s a loud scream and a dismembered body is dropped in front of both Mathis and Ceres. There they see the executioner appear in front of them even though he should be dead. This shocks both Ceres and Mathis as the executioner continues to pull the heart from the body of his victim and put it into a container. As they’re suddenly chased by him, the executioner catches up to Ceres and almost hits her but Lucas appears and saves her just in time. The executioner leaves and Lucas takes Ceres back while Mathis goes back to his mansion, still in shock.


Ceres goes to the chapel with blood still on her clothes and Lucas comes in and comforts her. After this, Adolphe and Yves appear to help as the vigilante. However, the guards come with a decree from the kingdom to not interfere with trying to catch the executioner. Regardless, they believe Ceres needs protection so one of the guards mention that Lucas should be able to because his father was the leader of the vigilante and taught him self-defense. This shocks both Adolphe and Yves who were both trained by his father. After this, Ceres stays with Lucas to keep her safe. They continue to do their daily activities like visiting Nadia who wants Ceres and Lucas to be safe so she suggests that they visit her less even though it’d make her feel lonely.


Unfortunately, Nadia’s condition is only getting worse and she continuously tries to hide it whenever Ceres and Lucas visit. Meanwhile, Nadia is visited by Dahut who’s been visiting her often since he heard her coughing when he had business at the hospital. She starts crying and says she wants to at least be able to see her brother and Ceres without being in the hospital bed at least once. Meanwhile, while Ceres is staying at Lucas’ home, they get a call from Yves. He tells them that the person who is helping the executioner is most likely part of the research institute to make a reliver for them. In addition, the executioner is targeting relivers and the victim was the abusive father of the boy Donny. they tell Lucas they if he, Ceres, or anyone else involved dies because of this incident, the facility is willing to have them made as a reliver for free so as long as they have a backup prepared.

As soon as Yves mentions Lucas’ sister, Lucas declines and hangs up. Lucas states that he and his sister intend to live their lives normally as short as it may be. He also reveals he’s a member of the exorcist order. Lucas and Nadia were born from their parents who were two relivers. They didn’t have romantic love for each other but they had enough mutual respect to continue raising their family together. They were fine with becoming a reliver until one day Lucas witnessed a brother who became a reliver beat his sister to death. However, Nadia became sick so his parents wanted to make her a reliver to prolong her life. But Lucas wanted to find another way and left with his sister. Eventually, Nadia was admitted to the hospital run by the exorcist cult and they both vowed to live and die as people so they wouldn’t lose their affection for each other. Ceres respects his decision albeit she’s sad about it but Lucas thanks for respecting it and hopes she’ll continue to look after his sister when he’s gone.

As Ceres goes back to sleep, she’s woken up by Ankou who’s bloody all over. He tells her he’ll be fine and will heal but tries to tell her something about Lucas and to run away before he collapses. Ceres goes outside to investigate and make sure Lucas is okay. She suddenly hears a communication decide near the alley with Adolphe saying that another reliver victim is being targeted but since she and Mathis are humans, they won’t be a target. There, Ceres spots Lucas killing someone. In a flashback, Lucas tried with his father and had grown up with inhuman strength like his father. But Lucas didn’t want to be part of the guards like his father and would’ve rather been a teacher like his mother.


Eventually, Lucas took Nadia away from home since she didn’t want to lose her feelings for her brother. He went to see if he could find a doctor who would treat her. No one would until he met Capucine of the exorcist order who just opened their hospital. She was admitted there and they claim God “saved” her so they reassure him if he continues to believe in God and devote himself to him, she will be blessed by God. They tell him relivers are the devil to God and they must be eliminated by purifying them and sending them to heaven. The way of taking the devil’s heart, offering it to heaven, then then plunging a dagger into their chest.

When Ceres wakes up, she’s in their headquarters and greeted by Lucas and Capucine. Apparently the executioner they saw when Lucas was there was a fake and it was him when he performed the “ritual” in taking out the heart. He doesn’t kill humans unless necessary and would only injure Adolphe and Yves rather than kill them. Well, instead, they use the relivers to do human experimentation by making copies from the blood of the hearts they take. All in order to try and prolong and strengthen the lives of humans. Ultimately, Lucas doesn’t consider the lives of relivers lives at all. So Lucas intends to keep Ceres to himself as his beautiful angel so as long she doesn’t reveal this to anyone she won’t be killed. So he keeps her in (his ugu cage of love uwu) a cage in his home.

Lucas let’s Ceres out to eat albeit she feels extremely uncomfortable over it. Lucas then decides to let her go outside and they go visit Salome but Ceres doesn’t risk telling her anything (if she does, in a bad end, Lucas kills her lol). When she’s brought back to Lucas’ place, he lets her sleep on the bed albeit he keeps restraints on her. He feels bad that she never smiles anymore and Ceres tries to tell him its because realizing that everything was fake despite her falling in love with him, upsets her. He tries to comfort her but she accidently elbows him in the face. But instead of retaliating, he kisses her instead. He tells her he’s always loved her and never wanted to make her uncomfortable or unhappy and asks her to marry him.


Ceres doesn’t answer, but he then falls asleep and starts sleep talking and apologizing to those he’s killed, while saying he’s the true monster. The next day, Lucas brings Ceres to see Nadia but they meet Dahut there. He tells Lucas he’s become friends with his sister and tells him she has an incurable “genetic disease”. He figured he ought to know since he’s related to her and could have it as well. After this, Ceres and Lucas visit Nadia but she can feel the tension between the two of them. While Lucas goes to have tea, Ceres doesn’t give her the full story but tells Nadia that he confessed to her. Unfortunately there’s conflicting feelings that are causing tension. Ceres eventually asks if she remembers when she was hospitalized and she says she doesn’t. But not because it was 8 years ago, but because she was unconscious for a few months.

This doesn’t correlate to the story Lucas gave where she was “saved” and “healed” when they brought her in. Lucas suddenly appears and starts choking Ceres in front of Nadia. She begs Lucas to stop until he finally does when Capucine arrives. Lucas is confused since he doesn’t remember trying to choke Ceres and this upsets Nadia after witnessing this and her condition worsens again. Capucine tells them they’re a hindrance to her treatment and tells them to leave. Lucas is confused why she’s worsening and Capucine tells him he’s probably not purifying enough people. Ceres realizes that Capucine is essentially holding his sister hostage as his condition for treating his sister was to complete his “mission”. He then hands Lucas a huge list of relivers to kill and he starts coughing up blood.

Capucine tells Lucas he’s banned him from seeing Nadia and kicks him out. Weeks later, Lucas is going on a killing rampage and slowly losing his sanity. One night when Lucas comes back, Capucine visits and injects something into Lucas. He reveals to Ceres he’s been drugging up Lucas ever since he brought Nadia to him in order to make him lose his sanity while he did the reliver killings. He then leaves and Lucas starts losing his mind again while repeating over and over he needs to kill the relivers. Ceres manages to comfort him while still in the cage and tells him to let out all his suffering. Lucas finally starts saying how much he hates killing relivers and only wanted to live a normal life with his sister. After this, Lucas plans to go see his sister along with Ceres.


When they sneak in the hospital, they meet Nadia but she seems different. Lucas notices right away and a soldier arrives to say that Nadia has chosen to become a reliver after she died. Lucas starts losing it again and demands to know where the real Nadia. He slaughters the “fake” one and Capucine reveals through a communication device that he’s right and he has the real Nadia in his headquarters. They’re lead into a secret passage way, where they meet Capucine in his secret laboratory face to face. There, Capucine reveals he’s actually a reliver himself and became the head of the exorcist cult 40 years ago. Capucine’s real name was Otty and he became a genetic researcher at the facility.

There, he looked into combining genes but was expelled due to his reckless research. Eventually he joined the exorcist cult and found a way to alter his genes so he could continue to change his appearance as a reliver. He eventually found Lucas and intended to use him to gather people’s hearts for the sake of his own research on genes after making up his religious baloney on the “ritual” he needs to perform. Capucine kept Nadia hostage and was obsessed with her gene makeup that made her genetic disease. So much so that he reveals a monstrosity of genes he combined with Nadia to create a new being himself. As Lucas witnesses this, he screams in agony and tries to kill Capucine.

Unfortunately, his reborn sister tries to protect Capucine when he attacks because he implanted memories of him being his bride and erased all memories of Lucas. Ceres decides to throw different chemicals on the ground to make an escape with Lucas. But in the end, a fake executioner manages to find them and inject Lucas with more of that medicine Capucine had been using on him. This causes Lucas to go completely out of control and starts slaughtering everyone on the island including humans. He ultimately wants to kill Scien who created relivers in the first place so he heads towards the research facility and slaughters everyone there. Ceres arrives there and decides to let him kill her (I guess this was her plan???) Lucas then takes Ceres corpse and ends his brutal murder spree. In the despair end, Lucas keeps skeletal remains of Ceres’ body in a cage and puts a ring on her finger saying he’ll no longer kill and continue to protect her forever.


In Lucas’ relief end, Ceres manages to cut Lucas’ throat enough to stop him from continuing his rampage. Lucas regains his sanity and starts crying, realizing he’s done nothing but sin. But Ceres encourages him to live to grant any sort of wishes he may still want to carry out. So Lucas decides to head to where Capucine is to finish him off once and for all. They find Capucine back at his headquarters after infiltrating it. Capucine sends out his clones of Lucas to kill him but Lucas kills them all. Capucine is terrified by Lucas’ strength and has Nadia protect him. Unfortunately for him, Nadia manages to regain enough of her sanity to kill Capucine for hurting her brother.


After Capucine is killed, Nadia has a proper farewell with Lucas and Ceres. She then asks to be killed so she won’t be in pain anymore. She tells the two of them she loves them and Lucas kills her. Lucas realizes his own time is up and rests on Ceres’ lap. He tells her he wishes things could’ve ended differently but nevertheless tells Ceres he loves her. In the epilogue, a year passes and Scien is still alive since he had a backup. Lucas died and Ceres decided she too would join him. Ankou witnessed her about to kill herself and decided to let her use his dagger. Ankou visits her and Lucas’ grave which is together and watches a little girl put a flower on it. 


Thoughts: I know I was supposed to feel bad for Lucas but it was kind of hard to when for the most part he’s in his right mind around Ceres so blaming everything on the fact he was drugged seemed too easy to justify his actions (I know he didn’t justify his own actions — but it was clear this was done to make it seem he was semi-innocent and I kind of hate shoehorned reasons). I also just didn’t care about his motives to save his sister because I’m legit tired of the sick imouto trope (I beg of you otomate, please find something more original than this). I also found it hilarious they added the infamous cage in his route LMAO… omg sometimes i just can’t take these games seriously. Regardless, at the very least I think his route was entertaining (especially when he put Ceres in a cage LMAO) but they really made it obvious he was the murderer when they made his sprite the exact same one as the executioner so that wasn’t a shock at all. I didn’t hate this route but I really didn’t care for Lucas at all and if you want the honest truth, part of the reason is because I can’t stand Daisuke Hirakawa’s voice (thinking of Laito’s annoying ass voice from Dialovers doesn’t help lmao). I know a lot of people like it but it annoys the hell out of me for some reason and when he was speaking so slowly at the end of his relief end I legit started skipping so I wouldn’t have to hear it LOL. Anyways, regardless if you like him or not he doesn’t exactly get a happy end… but after all the shit Ankou went through, I don’t get why he’s is so readily willing to let her kill herself for Lucas in the relief end. I also hate the idea that the heroine can’t be happy unless she kills herself for her mans… but alas.

Mathis Claude (CV: Amasaki Kouhei)

Mathis is a shy boy who lives in a mansion as a member of the wealthy Claude family. He loves to read books but has trouble making conversation because he doesn’t interact with other people often. His brother was killed by the executioner so his main goal is to avenge him.

Jean visits Ceres at the orphanage and requests she take on the job of being a maid at his mansion in exchange for him fixing up the orphanage warehouse. Jean is worried about Mathis who shuts himself up in his room and since he sucks at cooking, he hopes Ceres’ meals can cheer him up. So Ceres agrees to it and comes to the mansion. Jean gives Ceres a maid uniform to wear and so she visits Mathis’ in his room to surprise him. He’s still upset about the fact he never got his own revenge for his brother nor did he ever know the true identity of the killer. She manages to cheer him up though by making him food and he realizes he’s glad to be alive so he can eat the food she makes. Mathis feels better after talking with her and remakes a contract for her so that she’ll continue talking to him which he happily agrees to.


After this, Ceres is about to leave but Jean is adamant for her to stay so she can be by Mathis’ side. However, Mathis tells him that his lover may get the wrong idea if she does because apparently Jean has a woman partner that he talks about all the time. That being said, Mathis never met this woman but is happy to see Jean happy since he views him like another brother that is part of his family. The next day, Mathis flips out when Ceres tries to wash his underwear lmao. Afterwards, Ceres visits Mathis in his room and notices there’s a lot more books. Mathis explains he’s looking at books that his Claude family had translated and hopes he too could translate for the royal family.

After this, Ceres learns from Jean that he can’t meet his significant other because her parents don’t approve of them seeing each other while they don’t intend to become relivers. Jean is and his lover are apparently a rare case of people who don’t want to become relivers, but instead focus on their love for each other because it becomes lost when you become a reliver. After this, Ceres finds out Mathis is writing his own novel for fun and he asks if she wants to help him with it. Ceres agrees so they continue to work on it over the next few days. One day, Mathis runs out of manuscript paper and Ceres offers to get it for him. She’s afraid she’ll get lost and decides to go with her. Unfortunately, Mathis is still very anxious around people so Ceres asks if there’s a particular reason.


Mathis explains his past and apparently his parents were super abusive because they considered him the failure of the Claude family. Mathis’ brother Camille was their ideal son while Mathis was the shy, introverted son they would abuse and lock in a dungeon without food or water because he pissed them off when he wasn’t learning properly according to them. Ceres completely understands why he would be so afraid of people after that, but Mathis tells her despite all of it he had happy times when his brother and Jean would sneak him books and food. Mathis then takes Ceres hand and tells her he’ll okay because he was to be especially if he’s to protect his important person.

After this, Ceres finds a foreign book with poems about love. Mathis offers to give her materials so she can understand it and thanks her for cooking dishes for him and being so kind to him. The next day, Ceres finds that Jean was in a bit of a car accident because of Dahut’s driver. They take Jean and Mathis back to their mansion and Jean drops a necklace by his feet that’s damaged. It has a photo of his lover on it and when Scien sees it, he recognizes the woman and thinks he has a strange habit. The rest of them think he’s being insensitive though and Jean takes the necklace back, saying he’ll fix it himself. That night, Ceres wipes Mathis’ hair after he showers and he tells her not to treat him like a kid. She kinds something weird on his neck but Mathis falls asleep after saying something weird about her causing mischief as usual.


After this, Yves, Hugo, and Adolphe appear to tell Mathis and Ceres that there’s been a series of missing prostitute cases. Jean and Mathis knew about the situation but figured the guards were handling it. Regardless, they tell Ceres to be careful when going out since the target has only been women. Mathis walks Ceres home until the two of them are suddenly covered in blood. There, they spot the executioner who’s killing a woman while their brother watches in horror. Mathis completely loses it and tries to kill him but Ceres tries to stop him. He immediately tells her to back off and yells at her that he won’t have his revenge stopped by the likes of a shinigami. This shocks Eve and also realizes the person who was killed was the prostitute they helped before. Ceres is then knocked out by the executioner.

After this, Ceres wakes up in the hospital and learns that Mathis hadn’t come back to the mansion so Jean is worried. Ceres decides to go to the mansion and wait for Mathis’ return. When she goes into Mathis room, she notices manuscripts laying on his desk. Suddenly, Mathis appears but his attitude is completely different. When Ceres tries to ask where he was he tells her to shut up and only came back to get a new dagger since his broke. He throws off his manuscript and almost tramples it but Ceres stops him. She asks why he’s doing this but he just gets more annoyed saying she’d never understand what it’s like to lose someone she loves and almost hits her. Jean immediately comes into the room and slaps Mathis in the face. He tells him he’s acting just like his parents who abused him. When Mathis realizes what he’s done, he starts crying and collapses on the floor with a fever.

[Okay but in all seriousness wtf is this CG LMAO??? Otomate taking tips from BL games???]

When Mathis wakes up in bed, he starts crying and apologizes for what he said to Ceres. He explains that he still intends to get revenge and it’s the only thing he’s really lived for. For that, Ceres intends to help him so that Adolphe and the others don’t get to him first. After this, Ceres figures out from Jean that his lover is actually already dead. The reason that Scien made the comment of him having a strange habit is because Jean took the picture when she was already dead. He of course didn’t have her become a reliver because the two of them vowed to not become one. He never told Mathis about this and asks Ceres to keep it a secret since he knows it would make him sad and promises he’ll go along with their plan to capture the executioner.

Ceres eventually goes to the church and Lucas tells her and the rest of the group about a rumor he heard. They go to a bar and a woman talks about a myth that the prostitutes believe in which a man with a beautiful face will take women off of the island to a different country if they hold a bottle of flowers near the beach. To test this, Ceres offers to do so herself since it can only women can do it. When she does, Mathis appears dressed as a woman with a dagger to the throat of a man. The man is actually Capucine who saw Ceres and intended to call out to her and claims he isn’t this delivery person they’re talking about. Mathis explains he intended to lure out the culprit himself by dressing as a woman.


After this, Mathis decides to give the story he was writing to Ceres just in case he tries to destroy it again. He also tells her he wrote his feelings in there as well. Ceres didn’t know what he meant until she read his book and saw the confession he wrote in it saying he loves her. Although one weird thing Ceres notices is that Mathis’ novel is written the same as the novel Mathis’ mother wrote when Salome showed her it. The next day, Ceres finds out the memory data had been stolen from the cloning facility. Scien doesn’t see why someone would take it though since downloading memory in another person doesn’t work and the only theory to perhaps do it is if you do so to a fetus when the mother is pregnant. Even then, it typically doesn’t last long.

Scien also reveals one of his cameras went missing and typically no one has one unless they specifically borrow it from the facility. This reminds Ceres that Jean has a camera and wonders why he’d lie about it being his. Suddenly, there’s a commotion since the executioner has appeared again. Scien’s driver gives Yves and Ceres a ride to where he is so they can find Mathis who is already chasing after him. Ceres eventually finds Mathis trying to kill the executioner. He also asks him why he killed his brother, but the executioner actually speaks and tells him he doesn’t know who he’s talking about and that he never killed his brother. This confuses him and eventually Ceres is helped by a woman who was apparently the daughter of Jean’s lover but they don’t know a “Jean” and Camille never had a childhood friend or a younger brother.

This only raises more questions for Ceres and then Jean himself appears and takes Ceres and Mathis to his real room. There, Jean reveals that he himself is Camille Claude — the single son to the Claude family. In addition, Mathis is not human nor is he a reliver but an artificial being created with different memories of different people implanted in him by using the special cells of women he sacrificed. There were different people that they met or heard about that had similar traits to Mathis because his memories were implanted from them (like an intense driver who acted like Mathis when he drove). Camille was the single son of the Claude family and his parents expected him to become a reliver to continue their lineage. However, this changed when he met and fell in love with a prostitute named Rosalie and he no longer wanted to become a reliver.


Rosalie eventually became pregnant but their happiness didn’t last long. A jealous angry prostitute killed her and stabbed her child in her stomach because she was living a happy prestigious life. Camille still has Rosalie’s body and needed to cultivate fake memories to implant in her which is why Mathis was born. Camille was able to do this by capturing pregnant prostitutes and obtaining prenatal cells because they don’t have a developed mind yet so you can use them to download memories. Camille wants Ceres as well because she’s the reason that Mathis had “romantic feelings” which are crucial to making Rosalie reborn with this. So Camille tells them he’ll continue to have Mathis’ feelings of anger, sadness, and fear cycle each day and temporarily leaves.


Mathis starts crying and starts believing all his feelings were fake but Ceres reassures him that what he felt was real and he created his own memories with her the Shinigami girl. She tells him she loves him and they decided that they’ll try their best to continue their love for each other no matter how many times Mathis’ personality changes. So each day, Mathis’ personality is changed to violence, self-protection, strict, gloomy, and despise. And each and every time Mathis remembers his love for Ceres. Even though it’s what Camille wants, it starts to make him jealous and frustrated so he tells them he’s going to do one last experiment and then he should have the romantic feelings he needs to revive Rosalie.


So finally he downloads the memory of a murderer who kills women into Mathis. Due to this, Mathis immediately tries to kill Ceres and stabs her leg. He manages to grab her and starts choking her. Ceres tries to get him to remember his feelings for her which he eventually does before trying to kill her. But before he does, he stops and says he doesn’t want to kill her. Ceres starts to believe that Mathis is back to normal but suddenly he starts talking like Camille because apparently his feelings for Rosalie were downloaded and he sees her as Rosalie, not Ceres. In the first bad end, Ceres goes along with being “Rosalie” and Mathis now takes on the personality of Camile and they marry each other. In the 2nd bad end, Ceres tries to run away with Mathis’ help but is caught by Camille. He puts her in a tube like Rosalie and so he manages to convince Mathis to continue helping him lure prostitutes.


In the relief end, Mathis stabs himself instead of Ceres and regains control of himself. He apologizes for hurting Ceres but she tells him she’s okay. After this, Camille comes back to witness Mathis has regained his “self” which ruins his plan to create “romantic feelings” with his fake memories. Mathis criticizes Camille by saying he can see he doesn’t truly love Rosalie for who she is but who she was at the time he loved him. He doesn’t think someone like him deserves Rosalie if he can’t love all of her — even the her that wasn’t in love with Camille at the time. This makes Camille angry and he continuously denies it. However, soon the laboratory starts to collapse due to bombs being set off. Mathis realizes that Camille is trapped and can’t escape with them. Mathis tries to convince Camille that he can atone for his sins but he knows it’s too late for him.

Camille convinces Mathis to leave with Ceres and tells them he intends to stay with Rosalie so she doesn’t die alone. Apparently Mathis was born from the cells of Rosalie’s unborn child so while he’s calling him “brother” he’s actually more like his son. After this, Ceres and Mathis sit near the beach and spend the time they have left together since Mathis’ data is starting to deteriorate. He mentions how he didn’t get to finish his novel but wanted to rewrite it anyway about a Shinigami and android falling in love. He asks her to promise him that he’ll be reborn and fall in love with her again and kisses her before his brain completely corrupts.


In the epilogue, Mathis’ data has been preserved enough that it’s possible for him to be reborn as a reliver. Ceres is meanwhile saving up to become a reliver herself so she can be with Mathis if he becomes a reliver, knowing she could lose her feelings of love. Because Scien successfully makes Mathis into a reliver, Ceres suddenly encounters him at the market and he grabs her arm. He apologizes but tells her that the moment he saw her, it was love at first sight and asks if they can be together. Ceres says yes and he smiles happily at her. 


Thoughts: I really loved Mathis… I felt so bad for him. I think this is a great way to write a route because to be honest, I didn’t expect this route to take the direction it did. The fact that his memories weren’t his own was a really interesting plot twist. Unlike Lucas, I was legit empathetic for him because he was literally created as a tool and that shit hits hard — especially with how sweet Mathis is. I legit felt really sad seeing his memory start to deteriorate. I think his relief end was sad but bittersweet and seeing Ceres reunite with Mathis was really all I needed. I’m really glad that they didn’t just kill Mathis because this sweet boy does not deserve that kind of ending. But damn this game sure loves to justify MURdEr (like no Jean I dont feel bad for you after you murdered innocent women). So yeah good try otomate but no I’m not going to like your shitty side characters who do stupid things for dumb reasons. What’s funny though is that this route gave me Il from Cafe Enchante vibes and I guess it makes sense because apparently the same scenario writer for this game wrote for Il’s route. I mean, I’m here for it because I love robot / android tropes but I honestly didn’t realize there was a scenario writer from Cafe Enchante on the team. 

Scien Brofiise (CV: Hosoya Yoshimasa)

Scien is a scientist and chief of the research facility that established the entire reliever system 60 years ago. As the one who create the reliver system, he too has lived many years as a reliver (I guess you could technically say he’s an old man lmao). He’s efficient in his research but considers things such as eating a nuisance so he often eats finger food like sandwiches. He considers emotions “bugs” in programming that interfere with critical thoughts.

One day, Salome asks Ceres to deliver another letter to Scien at the research institute. In doing so, Salome asks her to take a girl from the orphanage with her. When she arrives, she’s suddenly invited inside to see Scien directly. He gets to the point and tells her his room is too much of a mess he’s having a hard time taking naps and doing his work. Dahut usually will cave and clean it but because he’s pissed he hadn’t been doing it recently. He also doesn’t want to waste time and energy doing it himself since it’ll just get dirty again. So he asks Ceres to clean for him, knowing she wouldn’t do anything suspicious behind his back. He tells her to do so within an hour and leaves while Ceres and the girl she brought along start cleaning up. After she finishes, something accidentally breaks but Scien literally doesn’t care since he didn’t want it to begin with.


After this, he gives her some money and lets her leave. This pisses off Salome who apparently knew Scien and even though she knows he’s smart she can’t stand his attitude. She also tells Ceres he’s got and can make tons of backups for himself in a matter of months since someone of his status it’s super easy for him. Ceres doesn’t believe he’s that bad of a person though since he did indeed pay her for his services. The next day, Scien drives to the orphanage to tell Ceres he wants her to be his personal assistant until Dahut is in a better mood to do it himself. This makes Adolphe and Salome flip out but Scien takes it further to threaten Ceres into working to pay for the item she broke. Ceres finally agrees to doing it since she doesn’t believe Dahut will be angry for long.

After that, Ceres meets with Ankou who is wary of her associating with Scien. He tells her that he believes he would immediately try and do something to her if he found out about her death curse so he makes sure to warn her to never let him know of it. And if he does try to harm her, he intends to kill him and no matter how many back ups he has. So Ceres starts her job as Scien’s assistant. He tells her to only do the minimum amount of cleaning though (if you choose to move something, you get a bad end where a random guy kills you LMAO). After this, Ceres is suggested by Jean to make a homemade meal for Scien who finds even eating a task. She decides to make sandwiches since he can eat it with one hand and just basically hands it to him while he works.


Scien doesn’t even notice she was handing him sandwiches until he finally saw her there. Scien is super impressed by this because he finds it annoying when people call out to him and he has to go out of his way to eat such big lavish meals and Dahut always throws away his stuff. But since Ceres is different, he’s pleased with her work so he tells her she’s welcome to actually walk around the facility if she wants to. He also claims she’s “his” now and intends to keep her working for him as a permanent worker. So Ceres eventually encounters Scien and Dahut arguing about their research and ultimately it’s about the different factions their research has.

On one hand, Scien focuses on the research of relivers to enhance them to survive the curse and not worry about carrying over strong emotions. On the other hand, Dahut is focusing on the research of not worrying so much about the lifespan but creating relivers that can withhold all of their emotions. Ceres wonders why Scien isn’t interested in research that retains emotions and he tells her it’s because he believes that emotions are like “bugs” that interfere with critical thinking. Especially “love” which he believes is a hindrance to one’s perfect reasoning. Ceres doesn’t argue with his reasoning but believes emotions are important. Scien then gives Ceres a lab coat and uniform for her to “officially” start the next day.

So Ceres continues to work for Scien and handles his food, laundry, and cleaning of his room. Scien eventually decides she should take a day off since he doesn’t want her overworked and not doing a good job anymore. Ceres believes this is his way of showing concern and asks that he at least tries to better his eating habits. He tells her he can’t promise he will but he’ll at least consider it. So after Ceres’ break she goes back to work and spots Scien laughing to himself on the ground. Apparently he’s assembling a jigsaw puzzle which Ceres had never heard of before but noticed the pieces of puzzles laying around when she was cleaning. She’s glad she didn’t throw them out since Scien is enjoying them so much and he tells her that’s why he hired her cause she doesn’t throw out everything she sees unlike Dahut.


The mere fact that Ceres has consideration for people’s things made Scien realize “yep, I want to keep her around” lol. A few days later, Scien decides to show Ceres the laboratory where relivers are made because of what Dahut brought up about trying to show Ceres gratitude in some way. Scien doesn’t directly tell Ceres why he’s showing her though and says there’s no particular reason. Scien then begins to explain the process in which a human’s memories are stored in a sort of server that converts them into numerals. A person’s memories are downloaded directly from the brain via a special headgear they place on the “original” before implanting it into the clone.  So they do a test run where there’s an egg-like cocoon that clones come out of.

After this, a random researcher suddenly holds Ceres hostage. He demands that Scien hands over his chief authority to Dahut instead, destroy all his back up data, and die (okay?? 😂). He absolutely hates that Scien doesn’t care enough to focus his research on retaining human emotions and rather focus on prolonging human life. The reason he’s so upset about this is because his wife no longer loved him after becoming a reliver. Ceres knows full well that Scien wouldn’t care if she’s taken hostage so she kind of nonchalantly tells him he and her aren’t involved romantically so he doesn’t have anything to lose by killing her. This confuses the researcher and Ceres manages to shove him off her anyway. This allows for Scien to restrain him and before he can do anything else Dahut appears and stops the commotion by shooting a tranquilizer at the guy.

Scien later talks to Ceres at a bar and tells her that this isn’t the first time someone has tried to assassinate him because from a lot of people’s perspective, he’s the “evil one”. He believes his purpose in life was to be a savior for the people and once he’s out of that position, he will no longer have any purpose and will essentially cease to exist. Scien then decides to take Ceres to another area in the facility where human experimentation is done on prisoners as requested by the royal family. Scien had apparently been an apathetic person since he was human which made it easy for him to do experiments on criminals and people who were dying. After his father, he continued his research until he was successful in making himself a reliver once he was 23.


However, Scien emphasizes he doesn’t do human experimentation as a hobby but rather to improve human life. He doesn’t intend to stop his research until he can find a true way to prevent the death curse since reliver technology is only a temporary solution. But he wants Ceres to know he doesn’t consider himself to be this “good person”, rather a sinner who does things for his own self interest. After this, Ceres talks to Dahut who talks about how he likes Scien because he has the same hair color as his dead mother (uhh… okay?) and he respects him.  He’s actually working on his research to keep human emotions in relivers because if he were to bring back his mother, he’d want her as close to human as possible. He also believes that it’s possible that Scien could change his mind about human experimentation if Ceres uses the power of love since he thinks he has somewhat of an attraction to her and wouldn’t keep her around if he didn’t.

A few days later Ceres comes back to the facility to witness a member of the royal family named Simon  barge into the reliver laboratory to have a body made for himself. He believes the technology has advanced to the point where he’ll be able to live more satisfactory life in a new body. He notices someone else is being cloned so he literally destroys the capsule and ultimately kills the person being cloned because the memory data being downloaded is destroyed. Scien comes in and demands to know what he’s doing. Simon begins to explain but Scien just decides to beat the crap out of him and tells him that only people on the verge of death will get reliver bodies and blocks his genes so he can’t obtain a new body in the future — which is ultimately a death sentence. Simon begs for forgiveness but ultimately Scien doesn’t listen.

After this, Scien treats Ceres’ wound from when Simon pushed her down when she tried to stop him. Ceres is surprised Scien showed concern for her and gives him the lunch she brought before the incident. Scien is confused why she’s still sticking around and wonders if she forgot what he said to her before or ultimately accepted it. But Ceres doesn’t intend to stop working for him and knows if she does stop he’ll stop eating properly. She also wants to see the puzzle he’s working on get finished and so Scien calls for her to feed him more sandwiches 😂. Unfortunately, the next day there’s protesting against Scien because rumors have spread that he’s the murderer in the suspicious death cases and not the executioner. Since the victims have been only relivers, they believe he created defective ones on purpose to kill them.

Ceres decides to visits Scien herself since she’s worried about the situation surrounding him. He and Dahut assures her they had nothing to do with the murder case. Unfortunately, Scien is in the position where they’ll probably try and make Dahut the director instead of him since he’s his number 2. So Ceres decides to stay with Scien at the facility so she can look out for him. But the situation continues to get worse as even Dahut is put in a difficult situation with no choice but to go against Scien for the sake of not causing internal conflict within the facility. After the rest of the vigilante group checks up on Ceres, Scien suddenly asks Ceres if she’s interested in anyone. He starts to realize that Ceres has feelings for him since she clearly wants to be around him so much.


Unfortunately for Ceres, Scien emphasizes that he’ll never have feelings of love for her. Ceres doesn’t know how to respond but they’re immediately interrupted by guards who claim that Scien created a defective reliver of the royal family member named Simon who broke the incubator before. Scien denies this because he was the one who blocked his data so he wonders who unblocked it. Scien then realizes someone else created a reliver with prototype data which is why he has a defect. Simon ends up dying right in front of them and suddenly a voice of a royal named Côme Reve Poir (I think is his name — a lot of them are french) speaks on the intercom that can be heard by all residents states that Scien is a criminal who killed Simon and has been creating relivers with defects on purpose.

He continues to defame him by stating he was conducting experiments on purpose and his family is the real Shinigami curse. He continues on that the fact that people have to be reborn as emotionless beings is Scien’s fault. After this, Dahut comes in to announce that a decree from the king has decided that Scien has been expelled from the laboratory and will be executed for his crimes. Dahut apologizes but states he can’t go against the royal family and it’ll also work for him who can now focus the research on emotional memory. But Scien doesn’t go down without a fight and kicks a guard so he can grab a sword and run along with Ceres, Hugo, and Yves. Scien decides to throw some smoke bombs to keep the guards away but suddenly the executioner appears even though they thought he was dead.

They fend him off for a while until the executioner decides to hit the ground with his giant halberd, causing the floor to collapse. The executioner jumps into the hole and drags Scien along with him. Scien ends up in the basement of the facility which looks like a sewer. He doesn’t recognize where he is but he soon spots the executioner and fights him. Ceres, Hugo, and Yves eventually follow after them but find Scien severely injured on the ground. Yves and Hugo try to fend off the executioner but he goes straight for Scien who isn’t quite dead yet. Ceres instinctively protects Scien by hugging him to shield him. Fortunately, Scien becomes conscious enough to use a knife to protect the both of them.


Suddenly a voice through Yves or Hugo’s communicator states something happened at the orphanage. Apparently someone related to Côme named Dominic has declared those at the children’s facility traitors because Ceres and the others assisted Scien. Ceres, Yves, Hugo and Scien eventually make it out of the sewer and are driven to the orphanage by Jean to find out what happened. There, they find all the children of the orphanage were slaughtered and when they come into the facility, they witness Adolph be killed by decapitation. Before the guards can do any more damage, the executioner appears and kills them. Ceres and the others use this chance to run away and hide in a vacant house.

Ceres is in shock by everything but for some reason is unable to cry. Meanwhile, Salome is freaking out and crying while holding Adolph’s decapitated head hoping they could somehow use his brain to make a reliver. The rest of them manage to convince her to let them bury it and in doing so she has a complete meltdown. After that, everyone decides to rest but Scien is in pain. Ceres decides to help him since he was badly wounded but when she takes off his shirt, she’s shocked by a lot of scars on him. He admits that he’s used the prototype data body on himself so he’s usually in a lot of pain and takes medication to suppress it.  So whenever he experiments on criminals, he’d often do it on himself first.


Scien wonders if she blames him for what happened since she associated with him but she says she doesn’t know because if anything it’s her fault too for wanting to be with him. He then brings her in for a hug and tells her it’s pointless to blame herself for something she had no control over the out. He tells her she should think about the future instead and that he still intends to overtake the research facility and continue his research. Ceres doesn’t understand why he wants to continue his research for the people who betrayed him but Scien tells her he can’t abandon his duty as a savior of the world. He also liked having her as his assistant and would feel bad that she’d end up dying without prolonging her life if he gave up now. Scien tells her it’s okay to go ahead and cry and so she does in his arms.

The next day, Salome has another breakdown so she’s told to rest by everyone else. She ends up telling Ceres that she was actually involved with helping Scien obtain children with special cases like her and Adolph. She became a reliver about 60 years ago and became involved with the royal family and the exorcist order. Eventually she met Scien and decided to join his research for the sake of solving the death curse. While she did see the children as experiments at first, she says she grew to love them like her own. Ceres believes that and hugs her. So after this, Scien is slowly recovering but needs a new body soon since his is slowly dying. Ceres tries to get him to stop but he starts talking about how his way to improve the body didn’t work.

Ceres asks Scien if he’s only focusing on improving the power of the reliver body rather than the curse itself. While they may be earning more time, they’re still delaying the inevitable. Scien denies this at first but starts to realize that his focus was more on withstanding the curse rather than actually breaking free from it. Scien starts laughing and realizing how ridiculous he’s been. He wanted to spread the idea that emotions are useless and make more people like him so people would understand him. He merely wanted someone else to turn away from the curse with him but now realizes that his true goal is to create an existence that isn’t bound by the curse. So now Scien realizes he wants to revaluate everything he’s done without sacrificing anyone anymore by adding “emotions” to the mix.

So Scien and the others get ready to infiltrate the facility. Scien plans on using his own body to show that he can implement emotions into himself so the royal guard can see he’s a valuable asset to their emotion research. However, Salome is against bothering to try and convince them and would rather just destroy the royal guard by killing them. However, Scien wants to take control of the situation, not eradicate everyone for revenge. Later, Ceres decides to tell Scien about her own curse and that she believes it could be related to the curse on the island. She suggests that Scien experiment on her but he tells her that he doesn’t need to and he also says he wouldn’t experiment on a woman he intends to be his future partner.


So Scien and the rest of them infiltrate the facility by entering the underground sewer they ended up in before. Yves and Hugo stay behind to fend off the executioner, while Scien and Ceres go into the cloning laboratory so Scien can create a new body for himself. Before doing so, Scien kisses Ceres and tells her he wants her to be the one he falls in love with when he has emotions. So, he goes into the incubator and starts the process of recreating a new body with emotions. Unfortunately, the executioner arrives while Scien is still in the incubator and kills Ceres on the spot while she tries to protect Scien.

When Scien gets out of the incubator, he immediately tries to save Ceres by cloning her. In the bad end, Scien is unable to save Ceres and make her a reliver so he downloads her memories into himself. So Ceres is essentially living in Scien’s brain as he talks to her alone in his room while still promising he’s trying to find a way to break the curse. However, because Scien has emotions now, he feels like he’s suffering because he has feelings of love for Ceres and she isn’t truly there. In the 2nd bad end, Salome kills Ceres in order to make it seem like it was the royal family and force Scien into killing them.


In Scien’s relief end, he manages to successfully make a reliver that can retain “emotions”. Scien claims he now intends to find an actual cure for the curse and also have a few kids with Ceres 😂. Dahut decides to completely side with Scien and his research since it brings them closer to creating normal human beings. Everything about this infuriates Côme but Scien mocks him and tells him he can go ahead and kill him if he likes, but the royal family would be useless without him or Dahut. After this, the citizens are in a panic due to what they overheard on a broadcast system but Scien reassures them it’s the royals who are corrupt. Suddenly, Salome appears and kills  Côme and Dahut. Unfortunately because the data was destroyed by the royals, Dahut has no backup.

Salome then targets Ceres and takes her hostage. She starts yelling at how she needs to kill the royal family and that it’s for the sake of her dead child and Adolphe. Scien realizes that Salome has pretty much had an overload in memory which has caused her to literally go out of control. Ceres is saved by Scien who manages to apprehend Salome by commanding soldiers to injure her. Scien says the only way to save her is to make a new reliver of her that can hold the capacity of her memory or kill her. Ceres begs Scien to help Salome so he decides to use Dominic Reve Poire as his guinea pig to perfect a reliver for Salome that can retain enough memory.

In the end, Scien creates a new reliver body for Salome and tells her to atone for her sins in her own way. Scien and Ceres decide to look for flowers for Dahut’s grave and Scien even picks a flower for her privately because he thought it suited her. ❤️❤️❤️ He goes to her room and decides to test out his new feelings of affection for her. He tells her he now knows he has feelings of love for her and tells her he loves her. Ceres wonders if he really wants her of all people but he tells her he can’t imagine anyone else by his side and kisses her. He’s already known that she was attracted to him but asks for her response and so she tells him she’s also in love with him. So, Scien promises to find a cure for her curse but in the meantime… sexy times!! 

[God I wish that hand touching the boob was mine]

Thoughts: What more can I say other than the fact Scien is a hot sexy piece of ass. But seriously omg he’s definitely the route I liked the most. I think his route felt the most like an otome game because there was actually more romance by the end of it (minus the part where children got slaughtered). In terms of his character, I honestly found no flaws. Scien was actually the one who was the most logical half the time and ended up solving everyone’s problems lmao. My only issue with this route (not at the fault of Scien) is that it was honestly hard to feel a real connection between Ceres and Scien. Like, I couldn’t even figure out when Ceres fell in love with Scien because not much happened that would indicate a romance between them??? All Ceres ever did was clean his room while he worked and sometimes did puzzles… lol. But alas, this was one of the biggest flaws in this game imo; romance was so secondary that when it happened, it kind of felt shoehorned in. It’s really unfortunate because I like to think if there was better pacing instead of large text dumps of plot information all the time it could be really well-written. At the very least the route had good story writing and Scien is a well-written character but don’t expect a very well-written romance between Ceres and Scien. Oh well, at least his good end was legit one of the best.

2021112804585900-023466D6F284B53C453BE9FA671DF8CAYves (CV: Saitou Souma)

Yves is a sort of jack-of-all trades who works as a handyman at his handiwork place called “Cloone”. He’s also part of the vigilante group and has earned the trust of his fellow vigilante members as well as the people of the city. He burned his face seven years ago which caused his parents to abandon him so hides his scar with a mask. He’s also a philanthropist who loves others hoping that one day someone will love him.

One day, Yves requests if Ceres can join Clune — the handiwork place that he and Hugo are a part of as a sort of assistant to do housework where they reside. So Yves takes Ceres to the Clune base which he’s only ever had Hugo work alongside him. In addition to this, Ceres requests to investigate more about the executioner and the mysterious deaths. This means she’d be more active alongside the vigilante. Unfortunately, the other vigilante aren’t exactly pleased by having Ceres involved because of her being the known “Shinigami” to bring misfortune. But Adolphe tells them that he can’t make them not feel uneasy about it, but reassures them that Ceres will be the one in charge of cooking meals so they don’t have to eat Yves terrible food.

One day, Ceres helps Yves try and help a bird. Yves manages to help it, but Yves falls while on a ladder and hurts himself. Ceres finds it strange he doesn’t seem to be phased by his injuries as if he feels no pain. Meanwhile, Hugo tells Ceres to be aware that Yves isn’t the person she thinks he is and is an idiot who recklessly trusts and helps everyone. Ceres is confused by this but Hugo doesn’t elaborate and apologizes her first job turned out to be a bigger ordeal than planned. Back at the orphanage, Salome reveals that she actually purposely made sure Ceres never met Yves to ease the guilt she may feel for what happened to him. But she regrets it now and Ceres is surprisingly not mad about yet, rather she knows that Salome was just looking out for her.

The next day, Yves, Hugo, and Ceres do more tasks together by helping a farm. After that, Yves is suddenly stabbed by some man while walking back. Yves doesn’t react to the pain but instead they take the man to the church to ask him his motive for doing something like that. The man claims that his lover who became a reliver fell in love with Yves instead of him who is kind to everyone. Hugo immediately wants to pummel the guy but because Yves is a kind person who tries to see everyone’s sides, he tells him he understands but doesn’t believe that justifies hurting people. After they take him away, Yves collapses due to poison that was on the knife that cut him. Scien happened to be there and helps treat the poison back at his home.


Yves has a fever so they let him rest in his bed. Hugo states this is what he meant when he said that Yves is an idiot and too trusting because he loves everyone equally, he tends to put himself in reckless situations. Hugo leaves to get some air and Ceres tries to take off Yves’ mask to help treat him. He tells her not to and Ceres asks him about his past. He tells her he grew up ordinarily but when he went to visit a friend at the orphanage, that’s when the fire started and he saved Ceres who was about to let herself die. After that, he suffered severe burns especially to his face which made not only normal people reject him, but even his parents called him a monster who had been cursed by the Shinigami and abandoned him. Yves then stayed at another orphanage where he met a merchant who gave him the mask he wears.


Ceres starts to feel bad again but he tells her not to because she was someone who became friends with her without showing sympathy or pity. The reason that Yves decided to “love everyone” is because he wanted to be loved without people feeling sorry for him about what happened. But even if people never reciprocated, he still intended to love them anyway and can’t change this way of life he’s chosen. The next day, Ceres continues assisting the vigilante and rumors about her and Yves start to circulate about them being a couple. Adolphe points this out when Yves get drunk at his place but Ceres denies they’re a thing even though she gets embarrassed by it. Meanwhile, Yves sleeps on her lap after getting drunk and Hugo sends her home but wants to talk to her first.

Hugo takes Ceres to a bar and admits he hasn’t taken a woman out in a while and before he was a reliver he’d hook up with women. However, he gets straight to the point and asks Ceres how she feels about Yves because if she has half-hearted feelings for him, he intends to keep them apart. The reason being that most of the people who joined the vigilante couldn’t handle Yves and ended up leaving or calling him a monster after seeing his burnt face behind his mask. This led to Yves getting hurt which is what Hugo wants to avoid. Hugo then tells Ceres about how he met Yves and that he was part of the wealthy district. Thankfully Hugo was wealthy enough to become a reliver without worrying about paying for it.

It had been 18 years since he became one (so he’s technically 40 I guess?). He met Yves when he was 14 and witnessed him help a drunk guy who was on the verge of killing himself and other people at a bar. Seeing this, Hugo decided to leave his family and join Yves at his handyman shop where they worked together. Ceres can’t answer right away about her feelings for Yves but knows that she is really happy around him. When Hugo gets back, Yves already can tell Hugo isn’t fond of Ceres and sees her as a threat. The next day, Ceres visits the hospital where she meets Lucas’ sister Nadia. She ends up seeing a medical file about her parents who killed themselves by stabbing themselves in the chest before she was born. Even though her mother was pregnant with her, she was saved and sent to the orphanage.

Ceres wants to know more about her past so she tries to meet Ankou in the lycoris field. There, she meets Yves instead who reveals that he’s a “lycoris guardian” — those who protect the lycoris field due to a promise made with the god of death. Ceres thinks it’s wonderful that something that people consider cursed is so loved by him. She thinks it’s especially nice because she almost considers the black lycoris “family” because she understands what it’s liked to be hated and seen as a curse. Yves is relieved to see someone else show love to the flowers because he treasures them. Yves then gives Ceres a hair clip of a red lycoris that his grandfather made to put in her hair. Ceres then tells Yves about what happened to her parents and they hope to find what exactly happened to them.


Unfortunately there’s another mysterious death and Ceres is suddenly accused of being the reason for it because she’s a Shinigami. Yves immediately defends her but figures this puts Ceres in danger and suggests letting her stay at his place while Scien agrees to help investigate the deaths to prove Ceres is innocent. When Yves take Ceres back to his place, Hugo gets mad that he’s going to this length to defend Ceres when she may end up betraying him after seeing his face and call him a monster. Yves tells him it’s possible he’s right, but wants to protect Ceres no matter what. Hugo decides to leave Clune for now and yells at him to not die as he leaves to cool off.

After this, Yves continues investigations while keeping Ceres at his place to protect her. Eventually Yves and there others figure out a pattern of the mysterious deaths which is that it’s always a man and woman reliver couple who end up dead. However, apparently these couples died right after showing some sort of affection of love. This leads then to suspect that falling in love causes relivers to die. Unfortunately, the situation continues to get worse and Yves’ reputation is ruined by the fact he’s hiding Ceres who the consider a “Shinigami”. Ceres feels bad bad about putting Yves in danger and wants him to reconsider keeping her there. But Yves is relentless even when people start to vandalize his home and throw stones at him.


So because Yves and Ceres are made into scapegoats by the royal family, eventually the villagers try to burn Yves’ black lycoris flowers he has around his home. Ceres manages to stop them but then Yves soon comes out to help but when he gets in the way his mask is thrown off. Immediately after this, Yves has a mental breakdown and tells them not to look at him. The villagers are shocked by how repulsive Yves looks so they run away. Hugo then appears and covers Yves’ face after angrily yelling at Ceres. He blames her for everything that has happened and says she’s ruined everything that Yves has built for himself. He tells her to go inside as they let Yves rest in his room. Hugo is mad and tells Ceres he hated her since he ever met her since she robbed Yves of his happiness and asks her to die.


But Ceres doesn’t comply and in the end Hugo realizes he “lost” to her when he saw how calm she was when she saw Yves’ burned scar for the first time. Hugo was actually terrified of him at first but Ceres instead tried to speak to him. Hugo realizes that no matter what, Yves would continue to love Ceres. Hugo looks as if he’s about to cry before stating that Ceres’ naivete is probably part of the reason he fell in love with her. After he leaves, Yves wakes up and tries to cover his face again because he’s a afraid Ceres will stop loving him. But Ceres stops him and tells him that his scar looks beautiful and the color reminds her of the lycoris. Yves realizes he doesn’t want to share his love with anyone else but her and confesses that he loves her and Ceres also kisses his scar. Unfortunately, when Ceres and Yves step outside they find Hugo’s dead body.


Meanwhile, Scien invades Capucine’s hideout and finds both him and Lucas. Scien calls out Capucine’s true identity beig Otti who was a researcher obsessed with gene research. Lucas is shocked but tries to kill Scien as Capucine continues to threaten Lucas’ sister. In the end, Lucas is put to sleep with a sleeping gas drug and is dragged away as Scien tells Capucine that he intends to dig all information about his research out of him. Yves also somehow contracts the lung disease that kills people at 23 years old. Yves is then bedridden but can’t get help from any doctors since no one wants to go near him and Ceres. He’s still severely upset about what happened with Hugo but his death throws them for a loop in the mysterious death cases since he’s one person and not a couple in love.


Yves starts to get worse so Ceres tries to contact Capucine but Scien answers instead. He tells Ceres to come to his research facility with Yves blood and in doing so, he’ll send a doctor to help Yves. Ceres complies and also donates her blood as well and Scien explains he believes Ceres and Yves are connected to this curse. Especially Ceres, who’s parents named “Chloe” and “Daryl” died in the lycoris garden after giving birth to her. They were apparently Scien’s second reliver experiments after himself and were given “feelings of love” which caused them to crash. Relivers have a recovery function prevent an overload of memory. The most complex and intense human emotions tend to put the memory in a sort of defense mechanism that protects it from overloading.

Usually when it’s “feelings of love” it gives an alerting signal that will repeat about 5 times until they reach the point where it’s too much pain in their heart that they literally claw at their chest until they die all so they can remove it. Ceres wonders why exactly this would happen to Hugo then since he wasn’t with anyone and Scien confirms it could be a one-sided crush or feeling of love (not realizing it’s obviously Yves). Scien goes on to explain that Ceres’ parents was a rare case because normally most people don’t have such strong feelings of love, knowing they lose that ability when they become relivers and plan ahead with that knowledge. However, Scien believes that it has occurred more rapidly because someone hacked the system where memory is generated and had the input of the clones’ memory strength set to low.

Meanwhile, Yves is almost killed by other villagers but the guy he once helped years ago sacrificed himself to save Yves and eventually Ankou appears as well. He thanks Yves for keeping his promise and will release him from his duty. Yves is only semi-conscious but Ankou then tells him to dig up his grandfather’s grave in order to find out the truth of the lycoris and Ceres. When Yves does this, he finds a book left behind by his grandfather. He was a drifter who came to the island by accident but found it strange that the humans there would all die at 23. So, Yves’ grandfather agreed to help by giving his medical books to researchers on the island. However, they became obsessed to the point where he became a target of experimentation due to his normal lifespan.

Yves’ grandfather decided to run away with his wife that he met there and went into hiding. He had a child with her and eventually met the Shinigami who created the black lycoris flowers in order to protect them.  The lycoris were not originally black but red and we’re flowers of disaster but rather flowers that absorb it. Through the process of allelopathy, the lycoris flowers would absorb the soils toxins, making it turn a black color. The Shinigami was protecting the land by having his grandfather take the task of caring for the lycoris that would absorb the toxins. So in reality, it was never a unscientific “curse” but rather a poison. Scien overhears this through the communicator and finally realizes what exactly happened to Ceres.

Apparently some sort of toxin poisoned the DNA of the ancestors who lived on the island due to the contaminated soil. This infected the 23 chromosomes of a person’s DNA which is the reason they only lived for 23 years. So everyone eventually inherited this mutated gene for years. So because Ceres was born from relivers with unstable genes and in a lycoris garden, she essentially became a lycoris flower herself because she absorbed more toxins into her body which made her literally a living poison that could effect the people around her because the poison she withholds is beyond what a normal person can intake. She’s also (literally) flammable so the fire and explosions that occurred was due to her toxins. It apparently also weakens relivers memory capacities as well.

So apparently Scien’s solution to this since he can’t create an antibody is to clone Ceres as a human lycoris and have her buried alive on the island to absorb as much of the toxins as possible. Ceres is surprisingly relieved she can finally help instead of causing death so she goes along with the plan while Yves strongly objects over the communicator. Scien tells him he should respect her wishes and if he interferes he’ll crush them.  After this, Yves is almost killed by the royal guard but he manages to escape with Mathis and hides out at Lucas’ place after Nadia takes them there. Dahut and Adolphe are also there and wonder what Yves wants to do next. Yves struggles for an answer at first because Ceres seemed so happy to die that she literally said “I’m glad” to being a sacrifice.

Yves also can’t help but partially blame Ceres for what happened to Hugo but knows it’s not her fault. Regardless, he wants to be the reason for her to live because he loves her. So he decides that he wants to save her.  So Yves and Adolph infiltrate the research facility to save Ceres. Lucas also escapes after being captured and decides to help them save Ceres. They manage to fend off facility guards with the help of Yves’ vigilante team that had turned against him before. Unfortunately, Yves is shoved aside to go help Ceres himself when Adolph pushes him through an emergency door that locks him in. Adolph stays behind but dies in front of him and Lucas follows after him. Lucas leaves him to go on his own, but mentions he noticed that for the most part Yves can’t feel pain. Yves confirms that it was a result of his burns.


Eventually, he makes it to the main facility room where Ceres and Scien are thanks to Dahut’s help. Ceres tries to tell Yves to leave her be and that she doesn’t deserve to live and Yves is surprisingly blunt in saying that indeed she is a Shinigami who brings death. But he doesn’t want to let her die for the sake of mere strangers. Nor does he want to show love to everyone like he did before. And while he still holds blame towards her, it doesn’t matter because he loves her. Unfortunately, they’re interrupted by Scien who immediately gets ready to fight Yves. The two of them do so while Yves asks if he’s such a genius, why didn’t he notice such a simple thing as there being a toxin present on their land. He also criticizes him for focusing more attention on prolonging life than actually curing the disease itself.


Yves grandfather was the one who had the books of research on it but they dismissed it completely and didn’t bother to try and find out more about it. Hence, his grandfather going into hiding because he was afraid he’d merely be used as a human test subject. Yves believes that all he needed to do was ask for help if he wanted to solve the curse but had too much pride and wanted to play god. This truth obviously throws Scien off guard and Yves manages to defeat him and he gives in. Yves tries to get Ceres to leave the cloning capsule but all of a sudden Scien is shocked to notice the system has gone out of control. Because of this, the toxins pretty much spray out of Ceres and cause the facility to explode.

Ceres manages to find Yves collapsed on the ground but his sickness had gotten worse and Scien tells her to get away from him because her toxins are so bad she’ll kill anyone she’s near. And even if she died, her toxins could release, killing everyone in the research facility. So Ceres ends up falling into the sewage area and running away. When Yves wakes up, he finds he and Scien alone in the destroyed facility. Scien tells Yves what happened and if he wants to go after her, he should do it now. Yves wonders why his demeanor changed all of a sudden and Scien explains that his grandfather was a collaborator of his but didn’t want to pursue human experiments and left. He owes a debt to him though because he was the one who brought the recipe of bread to them which was his brain power food lol.

Scien gives Yves a sort of suppressant medicine that’ll reduce Ceres’ toxins temporarily so Yves can approach her. Meanwhile, Ceres makes her way to the cliff where the lycoris garden is so she can die without hurting anyone. Villagers then try to attack her but they end up being engulfed by flames due to her poison causing the land to catch fire. Yves soon finds her as she struggles to try and kill herself. Yves slowly approaches her even while she’s surrounded by flames. Ceres tells him to stay away but he reaches for her hand and in the process, his entire body burns. Ceres is in compete shock and while at first she screams in horror, as the flames let up, she sees Yves charcoaled body laying there. She completely loses it and starts laughing, saying that Yves was a genius because there’s no way her curse can affect him if he’s dead. So she takes his burnt hand and kisses it while stating she can be together with him in this state.

In the relief end, Yves walks up to Ceres within the flames, whips out some lycoris flowers, and asks her to marry him. Ceres tries to reject him since she’s afraid of hurting him, but Yves tells her he intends to follow her to the depths of hell and that he loves her. Ceres calls him an idiot but admits she loves him too and kisses him as  they’re enveloped in the flames. A few months later, Yves and Ceres are living together in an underground cave. Apparently the rain extinguished the fire and Yves was okay because he had antibodies from eating the bulbs of the lycoris flower (because he was weird food tastes lol). So the two of them continue to live out their lives together while keeping hidden and vow to be together until they die. 


Thoughts: Yves good end was fairly short but I guess that’s because his route is semi-long?? At least, its definitely longer than Lucas, Scien, and Mathis. Overall, this definitely was a well written route — probably the best one. The pacing was good, story and romance was balanced in a way that the relationship between Ceres and Yves didn’t feel lacking or underdeveloped. Unfortunately, his good end felt rushed imo and it wasn’t really concluded in a satisfying way (even if it was meant to be sad). That being said, Yves was pretty meh to me. He’s really not a bad character at all but… there was something about him that lacked substance for me (he’s not really my type anyway though). Like, I think I would’ve liked him more if there was more to his character other than being someone who wants to be loved because of a scar that I daresay looks better than his ugly ass mask. Why was he scorned as much as he was for being a “monster” for a burn scar??? Like, are people that petty??? The scar isn’t even that bad LMAO like what the hell. I’d be more traumatized from the fire itself… yet he was so willing to just waltz right into it. Oh, and apparently Huugo’s existence made Japanese fans mad?? He died because he felt “romantic feelings” for Yves so this one sided gay love was apparently considered BL even though there was literally nothing “romantic” that happened between them? Honestly, I thought it was just an interesting addition to the game — it’s not like there hasn’t been female rivals (that I daresay are worse) in otome games before, what difference does it make if they’re male? Jeez.

Adolphe (CV: Yashiro Taku) / Ankou (Okitsu Kazuyuki)
[Both Adolphe and Ankou have the same route]

Adolphe is a member who the vigilante group who grew up in the same orphanage as Ceres before she was taken in. He looks after Ceres as a reliable older brother figure so while he’s seemingly harsh, he can be overly protective of her at times. Ankou is a mysterious immortal man who claims he’s the “death keeper” of the underworld to Ceres. 


Adolphe is part of the orphanage where Salome stays and met Ceres when he found her alone in the rain. He was the one who took her to where Salome lived where they became family and he viewed her like a little sister. Ceres wanted to die after the explosion in the orphanage but after she met Ankou who stopped her, she almost drifted off alone in the rain until Adolphe found her. Ceres tells him she’s practically given up because she doesn’t want to kill anymore people even though he tries to reason with her and continues to tell her she’s not a Shinigami. Ultimately, he tells her that if she intends to die, he’ll die along with her. But if she’s going to live, he intends to stay alive with her and protect what’s important to her.


After this, Adolphe brings Ceres back to his place so she can rest. Ceres ends up having a bad dream where Adolphe dies because of her so she literally puts her head to his chest to make sure he’s alive. Adolphe is startled at first but reassures her everything is fine. The next day, Adolphe suggests a change of pace so the two of them ride a horse named Roland that Adolphe takes care of. Eventually they run into Eve who’s basically recovered from the explosion. He tells both Ceres and Adolphe about how his grandfather met the grim reaper and how he’s the guardian of the black lycoris. Ceres also starts to wonder if maybe the Shinigami is Ankou since he was described the same way.


That evening, Ceres overhears Adolphe talking to Hugo about how the murders have continued even though he lied and told Ceres everything was fine. Hugo also mentions how he knows Adolphe doesn’t intend to become a reliver so he should figure out what to do with Ceres instead of protecting her 24/7 until he dies in a few years, leaving Ceres all alone with no where to go. Ceres is shocked about this and runs away. Adolphe realizes she was listening and goes after her. Ankou encounters Ceres first but Adolphe appears and tells him to get away from her. Ankou criticizes Adolphe’s methods of “protecting” Ceres and claims he’s done nothing to change how she felt about herself because ultimately he’s just keeping her locked up instead of facing reality.


Ceres then decides that she wants to accept the deal she made with Ankou to try to live like a normal person with his help. Adolphe is completely against it but Ceres manages to convince the two of them to force themselves to get along or she’ll ditch the both of them. So Ankou stays at Adolphe’s house while the two of them continue to bicker with each other. The next morning, Adolph continues to do vigilante work and Ankou stays with Ceres. Ankou confirms he is the “Shinigami” that Eve’s grandparents met but didn’t cause the curse that had been going on hundreds of years before. Meanwhile, Adolphe visits Salome who is weary of Adolphe getting involved with the research facility since she hates the royal family and wants people to live like normal humans again.

When Adolphe comes back home, he spots Ankou writing in his planner and gets pissed. The two of them argue for a bit until they get a call from Yves. He asks for Ceres to visit Lucas’ sister Nadia to keep her company while also meeting Dahut who befriended her there. Dahut talks about how the drifter was the catalyst for the reliver work so the research should be in the royal library. Unfortunately, only the royal family has access so when Ceres comes back to Adolphe’s home, Ankou immediately suggests sneaking in to find out more about solving the curse. However, they end up getting caught by Dahut who sends them into the cloning facility to ask why they wanted to sneak in. They tell him they want to learn more about the curse but Dahut tells them that if it was that easy, Scien would’ve solved it by now.

Regardless, Dahut reassures them he’ll try and help them sneak into the library. After that, Adolphe tells Ceres she doesn’t need to worry about solving the curse in order to save him and should focus on herself. He doesn’t believe he’s qualified anyway because he’s always lied to her about something but doesn’t tell her anymore than that. So finally the day to infiltrate the library comes and both Ceres and Adolphe sneak in with Dahut’s help. Ankou also somehow slips in so he can keep an eye out for Ceres. They manage to make it to the library and search for a while until Ceres accidently opens the way to a hidden room where more books are piled up. There, they find a book by a “Christine Reve Poire” who was the queen of Arpecheur.

At 18 is when Christine took the throne and worked to try and find a cure for the curse. However, the royals were merely concerned about ways to extend their life and didn’t care about solving the curse anymore. She even tried to do her own research but was almost killed in the process because they sent people to assassinate her. She eventually had a child that she hoped to survive since it’s possible he could be a target for assassination as he was an heir to the throne. She believed in both a good and fair government and was the one who’s established the reliver rules such as a written oath to become a reliver. According to the documents they read, she got sick and died along with her son.

After this, Ceres and Adolphe relay this information to Dahut who thinks Ceres could be related to one of the royals since her DNA reacted to the hidden underground library entrance that couldn’t normally be opened. Dahut reveals to Adolphe that he intends to revive his mother with normal human emotions. However, he wants her to be able to live with a normal lifespan which is why he wants to break the curse. Adolphe eventually admits he doesn’t want to be a reliver for a simple reason which is that he’s just completely freaked out by the idea of cloning and relivers in general. Dahut finds this super simple reason to be hilarious but admits it makes him special in a way.

So a few days later Ceres visits the hospital and sees Nadia who’s reading a letter from Dahut. He promises he intends to solve the curse so he can help her. Lucas suddenly gets stressed out all of a sudden and Capucine arrives just in time to drug him up again — unknown to both Ceres and Nadia. That night Yves, Mathis, Scien and Ceres all work together to try and catch the executioner. They manage to find him and try to catch him but in the end Ceres gets split up because he ends up targeting her. Ankou then appears to help her and chases away the executioner since the injuries he sustains heal right away anyway. Suddenly Salome appears but is eager to confine Ceres and had already done so to Adolphe.

Salome claims she just wants to protect Ceres but Ankou pretty much calls out her bullshit. He says he knows full well she just wants to hold her hostage so she can get Ankou, who’s immortal, to do her bidding. Thankfully, Ankou manages to prevent Salone from holding Ceres hostage. Meanwhile, Capucine had been ordering Lucas, the executioner, to kill Ceres which is why he was attacking Ceres in the first place. Lucas doesn’t want to listen to him anymore but Capucine just keeps brainwashing him by drugging him up. They managed to get Ceres’ blood when Lucas attacked her so Capucine is ordered by some unknown person to sample Ceres’ blood. Meanwhile, Ceres hides out in an underground cave with Ankou who apparently feeds on the lycoris flowers.


Ankou reveals he’s known about Ceres ever since she was born and thanks her for continuing to live. Ceres thanks him as well and notices he has Adolphe’s dagger. When she asks about it, he tells her he accidentally broke it and intends to give it back to him after fixing it. After this, Adolphe finally makes it to Ceres and Ankou’s hideout after escaping from Salome. Huugo then contacts Adolphe via the communicator to tell them that Scien has been killed by the executioner. Meanwhile, Jean’s lover who’s memories he’s been trying to revive, is taken away by Capucine as a research experiment. Since Jean’s memory research has reached completion, the Exorcist supporters have no use for Jean.

The king Benoit Reve Poire happily announces Scien’s death and boasts over the fact that the Reve Poire family will take over Arpecheur. All the while a mysterious voice over a communicator claims that they will be able to live as immortal beings without the use of Scien’s reliver technology. The voice claims they want to rejoin the royal family in exchange for using the saint of lycoris — Ceres — as a sacrifice. They already have the information about the lycoris absorbing the poison and intend to utilize that knowledge. So everyone on the island starts to panic since the reliver technology has been destroyed. The king announces to the people to rest assured that they’ll be able to live normally without the curse so as long as they sacrifice Ceres the “saint” who can absorb the curse. In addition, they’re also looking for Ankou who is with Ceres so they can use him as an experimental body to obtain immortality like him.

Apparently Mathis was killed as well and it’s Huugo who relays this information via communicator to both Ceres and Adolphe. Meanwhile, Ankou leaves to check the grave of Yves’ grandfather where the book on the lycoris was hidden. Unfortunately, it’s been dug up, which Ankou had already suspected it was already stolen. Yves then appears and asks if Ankou is the death god that his grandfather met. Ankou confirms he is but says he’s a death keeper not a death god. Yves starts to wonder if he’s some fairy tale being that intends to propose to Ceres since he read a romance story like that which flusters Ankou 😂. Thankfully, Yves spots a locked box that contains an original copy of his grandfather’s research. Ankou suggests they have it translated but before they can head to Mathis’ mansion to find his translation materials, they’re attacked by Lucas.


Yves and Ceres are unfortunately ambushed by villagers who beg for Ceres to give up her life for them. They manage to escape and find that Ankou’s been attacked by Lucas and put into a bag to be kidnapped. While Ceres and Yves are shocked to see Lucas as the executioner, they’re also ambushed by the same villagers who want Ceres to sacrifice herself for them. They start attacking Adolphe so Ceres makes herself the messiah again by telling them she’ll go with them. Ceres goes with them to meet the king and his daughter Mariette. They explain to Ceres about her origin and how she’s basically a human version of the lycoris flower that can absorb the curse’s toxins. In addition, they explain how they’ve surpassed Scien’s research and will create immortal beings using Scien’s memory data and gene manipulation research.

Ceres is held prisoner in an underground dungeon where Dahut too is being held there as well for not agreeing with the plans of the royal family. He pretty much has given up on his dreams to bring back his mother or recreate a human and leaves his dream to Ceres. Before he’s taken away to be executed, he helps Ceres by giving her a strand of his hair for DNA so she can access Scien’s room. He tells her it’s likely Ankou will be held there and she’ll probably be taken to the experiment room. Eventually, they take Ceres to get her blood drawn again and she meets Capucine there. He pretty much confirms he’s the one who gave the idea for the gene experiments and is testing on Adolphe in the cloning incubator.

However, even though Capucine figures his gene manipulation experiment will result in Adolphe’s death, he surprisingly lives. This confuses Capucine and so he checks Adolphe’s gene data which reveals his big secret. That secret being that he’s actually a normal human with a normal lifespan and is unaffected by the curse because of this. In fact, he’s the 2nd drifter that came to the island while being an outsider himself. So they decide that Adolphe may not be so useless after all and continue to experiment on him. Eventually he’s temporarily thrown into the same cell as Ceres. He tells her he’s actually 25 years old and the only one who knows about him being a normal human is Salome who helped hide his identity.


Adolphe feels guilty I guess and feels like he ultimately couldn’t keep his promise of making her happy. But of course Ceres says she’s always been happy about Adolphe. This causes him to accidentally blurt out that he’s in love with her. When Ceres asks if it’s true, he admits he has since a few years ago. So in regards to Adolphe’s past, where he was from there was a declining birth rate so Adolphe’s parents got repeatedly pregnant. They sold their kids but thought Adolphe was worthless so they tossed him into the ocean near a so-called death island. That’s when Adolphe decided to try and live in order to make his way to land. He makes it to Arpecheur where he meets Salome for the first time who takes him in.

Adolphe lived with Salome until he met Ceres and always figured now that he was living on this island he’d also die when he’s 23 years old. He pretty much came to terms with this and was completely fine with dying peacefully somewhere when it happens. Unfortunately, reality hits him that he’s not like anyone in the island and when his 23rd birthday comes around, he doesn’t die. Adolphe is about to try to kill himself until Ceres interrupts and asks if whatever is going on is her fault. In the heat of the moment or I guess in his delusion he ironically believes it is indeed her being a Shinigami that’s interfering with his so-called destiny and preventing his death. Ceres is pretty calm about it and pretty much says “I get it, go ahead and hate me if you need to” cause apparently he’s too kind to blame others anyway.


From then on, Adolphe fell in love with Ceres and swore to never call her a Shinigami ever again and protect her. After this, Ceres finalizes her plans to try and escape to Scien’s room in order to find Ankou. This plan is quickened when all of a sudden the king and other royals end up dead due to a memory crash. This terrifies the gathering citizens and gives Ceres an opportunity to escape to Scien’s room. When he gets there, she finds Ankou’s head in a sort of container with special liquid that weakens him. He apologizes for not being able to help her or create an antibody. Ceres decides to take his head with her and brings it back to Ankou who manages to escape the cell they were locked in. The two of them manage to escape through the underground sewer that leads to Mathis’ mansion.

The reason they find out about this is because apparently Scien is actually alive, along with Mathis and Jean at their mansion. Lucas never killed Scien but instead begged him to “save him” in order to help Nadia. Yves is also with them and survived as well. Jean reveals that he was the one who had been killing prostitutes for his fake memory research but is only working with them all because Capucine took Jean’s lover hostage. Before Scien can explain anymore, his communication device cuts off from Ceres and Adolphe. The two of them eventually reach another room where they find Dahut alive and introduces his real name which is “Liam Reve Poire”. He’s been the mastermind pulling the strings of the royals into believing they can achieve immortality.


Liam was the son of Christine Reve Poire who was assassinated in the past and died in the lycoris field. Liam was supposed to be killed as well but on the day of his execution, he managed to escape. He managed to live by deforming his face and stealing food. It was until he got enough money to become a reliver at 15 years old that he was able to live his new life as “Dahut” and join the reliver research with Scien. In addition, the reason Arpecheur has toxins in it’s soil is because it used to be a normal island that was often a target during war. Because this island didn’t have enough manpower to defend itself, the people of the island decided to create a sort of invisible wall made with chemicals. This idea backfired when it ultimately just contaminated the island instead.

Ultimately, everything worked out for Dahut because in order to revive his mother he needs her genes to use as a base. And Ceres’ allelopathic ability doesn’t just work for the toxins, but human genes as well which means she has the former queen — Christine’s — genes inside her because she died on the same soil where she was born. Because of this, Dahut wants to use Ceres to resurrect his mother. Adolphe thinks his whole idea is crazy and wants nothing to do with it but if anything, Dahut is just more and more impressed by how Adolphe is a normal human and wants him alive so he can ask him more about “humanity”. Dahut sends his clone of Lucas to capture Ceres but before it can, Ankou finally regenerates himself from inside the container and protects her. Unfortunately, the clone manages to catch Ceres, leaving both Ankou and Adolphe in the sewers.

Ceres is brought back to where Dahut is and in the meantime, Dahut declares war on Arpecheur via a live video broadcast. He decides that the humans and relivers on the islanded are tainted and need to be eliminated. So his plan is to have bombs explode all over the island at midnight so people will fall into a toxic water that’ll kill them all. That way, he’ll recreate ordinary humans instead. While the whole idea seems crazy to Ceres, Dahut admits it may seem that way but it’s also for the sake of the world as well. Arpecheur is separated from the rest of the world and the technology and ideas they’ve produced would be considered dangerous from their perspective. So in order for this technology to not get into the wrong hands, Dahut wants to make sure he eliminates it entirely.

Meanwhile, Adolphe and the others are back in the cave hideout, trying to figure out what exactly is going on. Ankou suggests preparing a medicine that’ll decrease the effects of the toxins if they’re exposed. But Adolphe is still in his “I can’t protect” mode so he tries to shove saving Ceres on Yves instead and suggests he’s unable to. Yves has to convince him otherwise and so Adolphe finally realizes he wants to hear the response to his confession. After that, Adolphe confronts Ankou in how he knows he’s not really a “death keeper” or man of the underworld. Rather, he’s just a normal human with regenerative abilities. So, whenever he used a smoke to disappear it was all an act apparently.

Ceres is still with Dahut but Nadia is brought there as well. Dahut really does care about what happens to Nadia and doesn’t want to kill her as well. Regardless, he understands if she hates him since he was technically the reason Lucas ended up getting drugged by Capucine because he indirectly introduced them. So Adolphe and everyone else make their plan to infiltrate the castle and save Ceres. Yves and Hugo fend off the executioner clones (while Hugo gets ドキドキ pain from his love for Yves lol). Unfortunately, Dahut releases more poison so Scien suggests they all retreat except for Ankou and Adolphe who aren’t affected. Adolphe makes his way to where Ceres is being kept and confesses his love to her again. Dahut believes it’s a wonderful confession but soon after sends out a clone of Lucas’ father — who he claims couldn’t protect his mother.


Adolphe fights the clone until he manages to defeat him with Ankou’s help. His arm is also cut off but apparently it regenerated because the experiments that Capucine did on him gave him the same ability as Ankou. Dahut is super pissed to see that Adolphe “betrayed” him in the sense he’s no longer a normal human. But Adolphe tells him if he wants to blame someone he should blame Capucine who was the reason he ended up like that in the first place. So they manage to stop Dahut who seemingly has given up. But that doesn’t stop him from using iris recognition for his device to continue his annihilation plan. Fortunately, this plan is immediately thwarted by Salome who stabs Dahut and reveals her real identity to be Christine Reve Poire or Dahut’s mother. Scien was the one who saved her and made her a reliver after backing up her data.

Salome created the exorcist order but was killed not long after. After she was recreated with another reliver body, she continued to work under Scien with the idea of raising smart orphanage kids. Although in order to keep her identity hidden, her appearance was changed. She apologizes for not realizing he was alive sooner but her memory of him gradually got more clouded because of how many times she was made a reliver. Dahut is surprised she was so close all along and wish he found her sooner. Salome suggests they die again and be reborn so they can start new lives. Unfortunately, he only sees her as a betrayal of what he believed his mother was especially since she’s died and became a reliver so many times. Dahut suddenly stabs her and calls her a sinner of a queen who abandoned her duties.


Dahut then takes Ceres and throws her back into the device she was in so he can start the process of resurrecting his mother again. Her body suddenly becomes covered in marks that look like lycoris flowers due to her body becoming ten times more absorbent of toxins. Ankou demands that they use his blood to create an antibody but Dahut claims it won’t work anyway so it’s pointless even trying. Ankou refuses to listen to him and feeds Ceres his blood to try and stop the process of her body destroying itself. Ankou angrily screams at Dahut but suddenly he’s stabbed by Salome who was still alive. She apologizes for allowing this to happen and asks Ankou and Adolphe to save Ceres. Dahut hugs her and the two of them die together as mother and son.


Unfortunately, Ankou is enraged what Dahut had already done to Ceres and stabs Dahut’s dead body over and over. Adolphe manages to stop him but he attacks Adolphe with a dagger that looks like his and decides to take Ceres himself since he believes Adolphe is useless. He takes her to where she tried to kill herself and demands to know why no matter what he does he can’t save her. Slowly, Ceres finally starts to realize patterns and similarities between Ankou and Adolphe. She soon realizes that the two of them are the same person. Adolphe slowly became “Ankou” when he witnessed Ceres had killed herself. After that, he decided to do research on his body with Scien’s help. This in turn made his body immortal and he obtained regenerative abilities.


It was 103 years later that Ankou decided that he would try and use time travel technology to save Ceres. With the help of Yves, he plants lycoris flowers on Arpecheur 500 years in the past. It takes hundreds of years but they finally grow. This ultimately changes Adolphe’s appearance as well so Ankou believes he wouldn’t even be recognized as “Adolphe” anymore. Unfortunately, they don’t absorb all the toxins. Ankou decides to talk with one of Yves’ ancestors and he tells Ankou that he shouldn’t focus his attention on the lycoris flowers, but the poison itself. What he should do is find a way to create an antibody for the poison because the flowers can only absorb the poison, not destroy it. Ultimately, he suggests that Ankou becomes an antibody himself by eating the lycoris flowers.

After giving Ankou his new name, Ankou thanks him for his kindness and behind trying to make an antibody. Having to feed on the lycoris is so agonizing for Ankou that he starts to become hopeless because it’s taking forever for Ceres to be born. Finally, Ceres is born and Ankou is able to meet her for the first time in many years. Unfortunately, he needs more time creating the antibody so he has to watch as she lives as a “Shinigami”. But he couldn’t tell Ceres anything he knew now and didn’t know back then so he came up with a lie about the underworld. In reality, he stopped Ceres’ poison from spreading by feeding her his blood.


Ankou asks for Ceres to die along with him since he can’t imagine a world where she’s not alive. But Ceres tells him she wants to live especially since she needs to answer his confession. Ankou is shocked at how strong Ceres has become and decides to have a duel with Adolphe to determine whether his former self is worthy for Ceres. They battle with each other for a bit until Ankou manages to transfer his genes to Adolphe so he has the full regenerative abilities like him. Ankou tells Adolphe to use his cells and Ceres’ contaminated ones to save her. then takes out a special gun and shoots his heart so he’ll die permanently. Before dying, Adolphe helps him gather lycoris flowers for a bouquet to do a mock proposal for Ceres because apparently that was his goal when he’d see her again. Ankou dies after telling Ceres he’s always loved her.


About 5 years later, the island is open to visit for tourists. Apparently a vaccine was made from using Ankou’s antibody and Yves blood. Everyone there is able to live like a normal human being. Relivers still exist but live as normal humans with the use of human cells but the technology is no longer needed so they’re no longer made. Lucas has recovered from rehab from the drugs and Nadia is cured of her disease and can walk around freely. For some reason Jean is still working as Mathis’ butler (even though he murdered prostitutes with no remorse wtf) and is being forced to turn the mansion into a nursery by taking care of a child by Scien. Mathis himself is an Android so he needs to be reprogrammed by Scien here and there but he’s working on figuring out how to figure out to make him normal.


Yves and Hugo go on a trip far east together and Scien is now the one who governs the island as a political leader. Ceres and Adolphe are together in a field of white lycoris flowers. Adolphe’s cells have changed rapidly into a superhuman like pace where they can repel any kind of disease — so his blood was used to save Ceres who has been cured. But apparently Adolphe’s cells didn’t mutate anymore so he’s a normal human (I guess?? What kind of logic is this idk LMAO). Anyway, Ceres finally confesses her feelings of love to Adolphe. In Ankou’s despair end, Ankou decides to die alongside Ceres by burning everything to the ground. In Adolphe’s despair end, Ankou suggests using time travel to save Ceres like he did. Adolphe agrees to it and decides he will become like Ankou. 


Thoughts: Man where do I even begin. I guess I’ll start off by saying that this route was definitely a giant text dump of information that had its pros and cons. I’m not gonna say this route was terrible, but there are some things that I couldn’t overlook — especially when this is essentially the true route.  First, I really liked Ankou as a character, I think he made the game more interesting because of his mysterious aura and exaggerated appearance. But… I was pretty disappointed with how he ended up. I didn’t exactly want a merged route of two characters. I want to make it clear, I don’t like Adolphe. I think he sucked as a character, his attitude towards Ceres at first bothered me, and he’s honestly not a likable character in my opinion. I felt literally no connection between him and Ceres whatsoever so you must understand how fucking shocked and annoyed I was to find out he was actually Ankou. I hate Adolphe, so why does the other route have to be another version of him??? UGH. Also Adolphe knew Ceres for like, what, 2 years?? And you’re telling me he was madly in love with Ceres to the point he was willing to suffer for over hundreds of years just to save her life??? yeah, I don’t buy it. Especially with how he’d act towards her at times like when he called her a Shinigami and blamed her for his problems for no reason (then fell in love with her like what the fuck is this shit romance). Adolphe’s chemistry with Ceres was complete garbage imo so I guess in extension that means her chemistry with Ankou was too (I really wish Ankou was his own character). I’ll never not hate the trope of the older brother figure liking their “little sister” either — so yay it was everything I never wanted. Oh and even if Ankou was the one who actually went through shit, he still isn’t the one to actually be with Ceres which is hilarious to me because it just makes past Adolphe seem less significant as a character yet he’s more deserving of Ceres somehow?? So yeah after not giving two flying fucks about Adolphe — his route just dragged on for me and I slowly started to lose interest. I think some of the twists were interesting especially with Dahut and Salome but it still felt like it had to be shoved in there last minute.

Overall Thoughts


This definitely felt like a game that had great characters and plot but poor execution to certain degree. I’m not going to sit here and say it was a bad game, because it really wasn’t. I did like it and I honestly enjoyed it up until the final route. This unfortunately seems to happen from time to time where I’ll enjoy a lot of different aspects of the game but it’ll be the way it concludes that disappoints me. Ultimately what this game struggled with was a balance of plot and romance. As an otome game, we expect a bit of romance, that’s fair. But this game was so focused on the plot, it felt like it forgot it was an otome game — hence the romance feeling forced. I don’t even mind a game with little romance (Cafe Enchante for example?) but this game had pacing issues in which it had to text dump so much information that there was no room for character development in between. I also really wish Otomate would focus their attention on their heroines for once in a while because I feel bad for Ceres. Not just because of what she went through, but how she was written. Ultimately, Ceres wasn’t a heroine that felt like she really “fit” into the story. Excluding Adolphe, whenever you began a route, Ceres would only get involved with a love interest because they want her for her domestic skills such as cooking, cleaning, ect (I’m not even kidding though). Ceres sometimes felt like an afterthought and I began to notice this more and more when she’d often become the damsel that had to be saved. That is a common trope in otome games, so it’s not necessarily strange, but it’s the amount of times that the story would change POVs to other characters that got frustrating. It suddenly felt like the story was more focused on the other characters and Ceres was just a plot device to get the plot moving. It felt like she was the damsel because they didn’t know what else to do with her (e.g. her having Dahut’s mother’s genes seemed shoehorned in for plot reasons). And I get Ceres had her reasons for being self-depreciating, but was there really no room for growth? Cardia from Code: Realize was in the same position as her, but she didn’t become a martyr every chance she got. I think this is part of why I struggled to feel a connection between Ceres and any of the love interests — it never felt like she truly connected with any of them. Lastly, for being the true route, Adolphe’s love for the heroine felt super shoehorned and unrealistic. This ultimately made his and Ankou’s route unenjoyable because I didn’t feel like there was a romantic spark between her and Adolphe. Literally, I felt like the romance between Adolphe and Ceres was the worst, yet I had to sit through this supposedly heart wrenching romance? Like, where the hell was Adolphe in other routes? Half the time he was killed or wasn’t there. I don’t understand how he could be the true route when the guy wasn’t exactly present in Ceres life for that long. Why not Yves? Adolphe clearly wanted to shove her off to him anyway — how is he not a better candidate for this plot heavy, text dump of a true route. He was mean to her at first, lied to her, and hid that he was a normal human… for what? I’m sorry but, Adolphe’s chemistry with Ceres was so bad I couldn’t even enjoy the final route and that’s pretty disappointing. Well, at least Scien and Mathis exist — who are definitely my favorites in this game. Scien was so damn hot and Mathis was a poor baby who deserved better.

Story – This story takes place on a fictional island surrounded by “death” called “Arpecheur” — where everyone is destined to die at 23 years old due to a curse. Ceres is the heroine who often finds herself present whenever people mysteriously die — hence her being named a “Shinigami”. There is a lot to uncover in every individual route and slowly you’ll find out more about Ceres and the curse itself. While there’s seemingly some borrowed aspects of this story from previous Otomate games (e.g. Code: Realize) that doesn’t make this game any less enjoyable. Rather, the well-written story is one of the best aspects of it that’ll keep you engaged. However, at times, there seems to be a struggle between balancing the story and romance. There are things that become a bit convoluted due to the massive amount of information you’re fed nearing the end of the game.

Characters – The main cast of characters are definitely another redeeming aspect to this game. While there may be an exception or two for me personally, this really is a memorable cast that could use more polish if there are future titles. One of the issues I found was that you had a great cast of characters that needed a bit more character development to really shine. That being said, I think characters themselves were written well but because there was so much plot that needed to be covered, there wasn’t enough room for romance or development of the heroine’s relationship with everyone. Ultimately, I think you have this really good cast put in a story that is too focused on the plot that it starts to neglect the writing of each character’s individual traits and relationships with other characters. Lastly, there’s the sub characters, which are unfortunately often used as plot devices to move the story along; usually deeming them unlikeable when or if they turn against the main cast.

Visuals –  This should probably be where the highest praise goes. The artwork of this game is absolutely stunning. Visually, there are literally no flaws and it’s actually some of the best effort I’ve seen in recent Otomate games. Yomi definitely deserves the praise for that because I literally could not keep my eyes of every CG because they just looked so good. Every route got a fair amount of CGs too so it didn’t feel like they were lacking at any point. If anything, it felt like there’s was more than plenty. Even the UI felt like it matched the tone of the game itself and I think this is probably a game with the best visuals in a while (Cupid Parasite was probably the last game I played where the visuals wowed me so much). It’s unfortunate there was so little romance a lot of the time, imagine how beautiful those scenes would look with this quality art.

System – There usually isn’t too much to say about an otome game’s system unless they had specific features. I do wish sometimes the skip wasn’t always so slow, but thankfully and surprisingly this game had a jump to next choice feature. There was also a flowchart but I wasn’t really a fan of how it was formatted — I think it could’ve looked a bit better? But it’s not like that really effects the game much because I barely even looked at it.

Music – Not much to say about he OST other than I think it did a great job of capturing the atmosphere of each scene. Some of the tracks were more upbeat than others (particularly one that would play when Scien appeared) but I think they were all fine. The OP and ED tracks definitely gave you the feeling of despair at times — I honestly really liked them a lot. Particularly the ED track that would play when you got the good ending; I think that one stuck out the most.

Final Thoughts: I want to make it clear, I did like this game. I’m just very nitpicky about certain things because it’s a game that had potential to be better than it was. I think for a good story, you need balance. Sometimes, this game didn’t know what it wanted to be — a really dark visual novel with no happy moments — or a dark visual novel with some happy moments and a touch of romance. I don’t mind a visual novel with very little romance — games like Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk did it really well. However, unlike Virche it kept in mind it was still an otome game and made sure there was a romance slowly being built between the characters. Because there’s SO much plot to be uncovered, a lot of other aspects became diluted — like the romance. This game almost felt like a normal visual novel that literally didn’t even had romance in it. If you’re not considering how the relationship between a character the heroine will be, suddenly throwing them together nearing the end only feels forced. I’ll admit, Mathis in particular, I didn’t really feel that way but there was still this underlying feeling of thinking that Ceres didn’t really connect with these characters as well as she could have.

So, do I recommend this game?  Yes, flaws aside, I think its good enough to be played. It’s not like the characters themselves were terrible and the routes are pretty interesting. I just they needed to focus less on the plot and backstory and more on the characters themselves. I don’t really need a long backstory on the sub characters if the main characters themselves are lacking a bit in the development department. Also, Ceres wasn’t a terrible heroine but sometimes she felt like she didn’t belong in the story. If you think of a heroine like Kotone from Cafe Enchante, you know she didn’t have any supernatural powers to assist in fighting alongside the main cast — yet she still felt like she belonged in her story. Ceres, sometimes felt like she was placed in situations because she had to be — not because she felt like she belonged there. Instead, Ceres is constantly tortured and made to endure hardships for… not much actually. Sure, she got her man, but she had no internal growth from her own struggles. The will to live, yes, at times… but they usually they kept her incapacitated so she could be used as a plot device to move the story along. As such, the amount of times it would switch from the heroine to different POVs started to feel excessive. 

This is probably supposed to be Otomate’s newest dark, edgy cashcow title like Collar x Malice or Piofiore so there are aspects of it that don’t really surprise me (like the cage making a reappearance). But ultimately, the story didn’t blow me away and it’s not like it didn’t take aspects from other games like Amnesia. It’s also really hard to feel invested in a story that at times, feels like it’s shoehorning in twists and turns that feel semi-unrealistic. I don’t even think it was a terrible idea to lock the good ends until you finished all the routes and their bad end. But, it honestly didn’t really make a difference in the end? There was nothing that was done or said that even mattered if you were able to do the good ends first. I thought there would be spoiler reasons, but there actually wasn’t — so it felt pointless, I guess? I can see what this game was trying to do, but I do think they could of done it differently if it doesn’t even matter much in the end. So overall, this is a good game that ultimately fell flat in certain areas. That being said, if you like dark stories that focus on plot and despair (more so than romance) then this is definitely a game you’ll enjoy regardless of my criticisms.  

Since there’s not much choice in terms of otome games coming out

and Virche seems like it will be interesting I decided to get it

to have something to play/read while waiting for other games to come out.

I tried going in with relatively low expectations because that’s what works best

if anything I think this games synopsis reminded me a little of tierblade.

Things I already knew its gonna be a dark fantasy with sci-fi elements

not to mention the art style gives off this edgy vibe! but that’s all.

Like with Kimiyuki Seiyuu cast is a mix of familiar talent and new that I have not heard

before it seems this is becoming a trend and a welcome one at that.


— Good worldbuilding and well written story & cast.

 — Gorgerous art and music to fit the mood.


— Not for the faint of heart/don’t like depressing or high amount of blood.

—  What is a good ending is subjective but real happy ones are hard to find in this game.


 Opening movie was pretty good, it set the mood of the game pretty well.

This game honestly started out pretty depressing, death really does seem to follow

the heroine Ceres no matter where she goes. Honestly I felt bad for her. :(

Ceres constantly blames herself for everything bad happening because of her curse…

this could get annoying but I had faith the writers would develop this and help her overcome it

and the main cast was pretty nice and supporting towards the heroine so all was well.

She meets Ankou who… honestly I was wary of his words cuz they were extremely honeyed

but if I was in Ceres’s position I would probably trust him too but  still be ware.

Though if depressing themes and suicide triggers you I suppose to stay clear of this game.

Prologue/common route progression was good to get to know the cast and setting but there

is a bit of techno babbles from a certain character that did go into one ear and out the other.😂

To put simply there’s elements of cloning and memory transfer to survive the death at 23 thing.

Most of the characters are interesting, Lukas whom’s route is available to do right

from the start was an easy character to like. Anyway it wasn’t dark/dreary and depressing all the time

but there was a decent amount of suspense unfortunately there’s not much time for fluff or

funny scenes doesn’t mean there was none it just wasn’t the focus.

I have no strong opinion on Lukas but it has that one meme which made me howl for a good minute

or so. I did enjoy Mathis route in particular it was pretty peak fiction but Scien was just

well nothing against the guy but it honestly left me the most depressed.

Yvess was the poster boy but atleast his route wasn’t that disappointing.

Art is gorgeous and music was pretty good too, I hardly complain about bgm’s

they usually fit the mood in some way and Shuuen was no expection.

 Honestly this game attempts to put more effort into establishing its plot and cast than

a certain other moist depressing otome game from otomate I once played did.😅

This was interesting to say the least but the type of game is not for everyone

and there were parts where I zoned out, especially when Scien technobabbles.

Kimiyuki had comedy going for it but Shuuen not so much again not to say there wasn’t

any funny moments cuz there were, it all was so depressing? this game also doesn’t

seem to be very otome but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t deliver. This is one of those

games that prioritizes its scenario over romance which might make you feel wanting

or with strong feels at the end but it also for better or for worse still manage to deliver classic

otomate tropes my first route did not disappoint in that regard! The names in this game

can be kind of weird though there are some normal ones (Lukas/Mathis/Ceres)

but then there’s Yves(Eve), Capucine(Cappuccino), Dahut(Daath) or Camyu(Camille).

Needless to say I just write them down as I spelled it and for some it became meme(Cappuccino).😂

Then there’s Ankou i’m pretty sure they meant Ankh, well its made for japanese folks

and they’re gonna spell it in engrish how they want but to me it makes perfect sense.

Now this may sound a bit ranty… so you’re warned but I try to be honest here:

This is really one of those story driven otome games that one must see through to the end

or better put do all routes to get the most of it. By default a lot of things makes Shuuen worse

than Piofiore or other games because you could avoid bad ends if you wanted, here they’re forced 

on you for the sake of the overall plot which might be good if you care about it scenario wise.

Well at that point i’d honestly would want to see something happier for once.

Anyway if you want happy ends right off the bat or  fluff, its not that type of game

also as listed in my pro’s and con’s good endings are subjective but you may not find much

in the way of the usual happy ends in this game. There are best ends for all the guys

but they’re kind of like an extra or better put a bandaid after the final route

i’m not even sure why they really locked them, there is no reason for it to be so.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the despair would get to a person at some point. 

I think Shuuen no Virche is great if you did enjoy stuff like black wolves saga or don’t mind

going through the bad ends in piofiore as you play the game but even then

those games were nowhere like Shuuen is. If you can’t stomach despair/blood 

and such better pass. I think this otome game is written by a bunch of sadists!😅

I do not mind characters having to suffer for development but this is on a whole new level

of how bad can it get? well that bad! I hate how it has you think well this isn’t so bad

only for it to literally have baited you with a little otome element its like they wrote

the Adolphe route first but then remembered hey what about those guys?! oh yea about that.

The only route I enjoyed by default was Mathis…… I think that says a lot! I do have problems

with the final route and  I wish I had known before hand it was gonna be 10 hours instead of

the usual 6 that it took the other routes. In it we spend so much time with characters

we already know trying to get some true end effect but I was honestly a drag for me

but on the positive side I liked Adolphe, Ankh and the underlying plot! there’s really nothing wrong

with the cast or plot as its well written enough but yea… this game really hates it heroine

and I got so tired of it like for once I just want her to be happy but every odd is against her

do you blame me for saying OH MY GOD I AM SO DONE WITH THIS WHO HURT YOU?!

Like I don’t even mind depressing stuff but this was on a whole other level…

but despite everything it still somehow manages to deliver as an otome game.

At the end of the day I might just have to accept this wasn’t fully for me….

because it was so emotionally draining I was just left like this image below when I fullcomp’d

even with the extra endings relieving some of the initial despair.

If this all sounds right up your alley that’s good but I think you’ll either love or hate this game

you’d have to see it for yourself but I can’t guarantee anything at any rate

Shuuen no Virche gets and 8/10 from me, its pretty good if you don’t mind despair. >_>;

This is what PEAK FICTION does to you.

 So my play order was like this:

Lukas > Mathis > Scien > Ives > Final act.

This game has an enforced play order the first 3 routes can be done in whatever

order you want but need to be done to unlock the fourth and final act.

Like with Kimiyuki I won’t be posting too many CG’s due to request of writers

to not spoil too much so again it’ll be my favorites only. Anyway here I will give you

a double spoiler warning so that if you want to play the game then please read no further.

If you’re interested, got money and know japanese I recommend to buy it.


AGAIN I recommend to stop reading here

cuz the spoiler-free zone ends here

with the jump break and the rest is just spoiler babbles

or more like SCREAMING? cuz I definitely did albeit internally.


Lukas Proust.

CV: Hirakawa Daisuke.

He had me in the first half NGL.

 Lukas honestly was pretty nice, but I didn’t form any strong opinions on him.

He is the oldest and almost age 23… which means he’s the closest to imminent death

which is why he’s always sickly and coughing a lot but like he is so sweet

and he takes care of/teaches the kids urgh this man deserves the world.

Unfortunately all I hear when he speaks is Cao Lee/Rufus just with a nicer tone.😅

Lukas makes me scream…………… he’s so sweet and the route was relaxing

while still carrying a hint of suspense. Thought it to be a healing route IT WAS NOT AT ALL.


Though I can understand if people said this route was boring especially in the first half

but I think it was necessary. The second half… well maybe you expected it? maybe

not but well Lukas is very much a hiradai character! he is very likable though

and his back story was very well written. I say, maybe I just got attached.

Lukas believes that by doing god’s work he’ll save Nadia, his sister even if it means killing

he works for Cappuccino that guy and his exorcist troupe who have some scheme of trying

to create true human beings… by experimenting on people by appearing as a doctor as well

yes this all sounds good not. Anyway because Lukas is so fond of Ceres by now and gets along

with Nadia he locks her up in a bird cage in his room cuz she’s such a good girl. HONESTLY



It may have been kinda obvious but he is the hooded man with the halbard.

 Lukas even apologizes for putting her into this situation… Anyway I am not even disappointed

despite my screaming I brought this upon myself the warning signs were all over.

Lukas calls her his angel, no wonder he was so caring and protective… AAAAAAAAAA~

He brings her food and such and treats her like a bird in a cage but still let’s Ceres see Sarome

and the others most likely cuz she was being a good girl~. Ceres is convinced she likes him

and confesses this and our boy just can’t contain himself. He even apologizes for his behavior

but he also likes her and cherishes her and just wants to protect Ceres, his angel.

Bonus points for smut.

 Lukas honestly wants her to marry him… and actually feels bad for the horrible things he did

he sees himself as a monster or that’s what he became after he lost his parents.

Basically Lukas is what you get if you like mix Toma and saint-germain….

Anyway Nadia’s doing just peachy thanks to Scien’s teams research too.

Lukas randomly started choking Ceres infront of Nadia which made her go wtf pls don’t?

no violence please and made him snap out of it. Cappuccino walks in and just makes it all worse

and basically backstabs Lukas who starts vomiting blood at the news and gets taken away.

Ceres gets thrown into the cage and Lukas goes off to stop Cappuccino’s men trying to use his sister.

He comes back, Cappuccino shows up, saying how he basically put him up to reliving

and watching his sister die over and over, turning Luka into a murderer.

Ceres tries to comfort him after Cappuccino leaves…. cuz he made Luka despair

cuz he honestly just wanted to live with his sister in peace. Anyway Ceres decides to help him

and decide to go see his sister but then they found out Cappuccino took the real one away

and then Lukas loses it asking where the fuck his real sister was and then he killed her again

the real one is at Cappuccino’s side like a lab rat. Turns out Cappuccino was the one

that took his parents from him and his real name is Audi. Scien apparently

kicked him out of his team too so he had to start from scratch so these past

8 years Audi has been using Lukas and his sister to further his own goals

now that Lukas knows and tried to drag Ceres and his sister into it he can’t overlook it

even more so how Cappuccino used his sister to make a twisted creature that he calls his bride.

And then Lukas slowly loses it, Ceres runs away with him but some hooded man stabs Lukas

who is delirious and has some eureka moment that tells him to go kill Cappuccino

and that’s how he’ll make peace for his sister and himself but he remembers Ceres.

and runs off going off on a killing spree and is convinced Scien is his enemy.

Ankou sacrifices himself to bring sense back into Lukas… and Ceres dies in the process

he said he did warn her that Lukas could be dangerous and here we are.

Lukas thinks she is asleep so he brings back her corpse to the cage as if

she was alive, time passes & apparently to him her skeleton looks nice as well

he’ll stay with her till the moment he dies himself.😭 In another end: Ceres lives

but ends up taking the blame for all the killing… and gets a public execution.😢

End 3: Ceres ends up going with Adolphe but Lukas finds her and catches her while Adolphe

wasn’t looking. Lukas then strangles her to death… cuz she is a bad girl.😱

End 4: Ceres ends up telling Sarome about Lukas and he found out

so he hands her to Cappuccino to experiment on. 😨

End 5: When she was sleeping in his room, she ends up being killed.

There were two other ends too but it was basically just common route dead ends

as well as an end where she isn’t able to convince Ankh who will just have her soul as is.

 Anyway after doing the final route you unlock a best end and i’ll be brief!

It made no sense why they locked it, Ankh apparently kills Lukas and he doesn’t

want to be reborn and takes up all the sins with him into death but Ceres won’t let him.

Cappuccino gets raided by Lukas who is barely alive as very angry and stabby

for everything that bastard did but Cappuccino still has a clone to shield himself with

but for some reason Lukas easily takes it out and he reveals how Daath was involved in it

but Lukas doesn’t buy it and says there’s nothing to save himself from his wrath

and for some reason gets Nadia to work with him and regains her will and kills Cappuccino

after she asks her brother to finish her off, the bonds of family be strong today

but Lukas is at his limit and all Ceres can do is comfort his last moments

or so he thinks, he isn’t ready to know mister IQ9999 still had a back up and Ankh

watches a little girl lay a flower on his grave, before a boy calls her back.

Ankh can only hope that this time they will be happy….. as well as Ceres.

His best end cg was too sad… so I chose this one instead.

Oh man there sure were a lot of landmines here…

Honestly I thought the route was pretty good not a big fan of the cage stuff

but eh I suspected something like this could be possible just didn’t expect them to do it.

Guess its time to collect the other ends and do other routes to unlock the best end also wtf is up

with the high amount of other bad ends? what a mine field there literally isn’t any good outcome

if you do not do all routes? what I am more upset about why the fuck go for Scien’s crew

and not that motherfucker Cappuccino??!! but he was delirious as fuck so it didn’t matter.

Not sure if it was a good thing to do this route first but… even after doing it while I can’t

form a strong opinion I do kinda feel bad for him and want Lukas to be happy.

The best end was kinda disappointed but it does carry a little bit of hope

but its without a doubt that Lukas got the short end of the stick here and I think even if

it can be a good end to his story his best end still sucks the most out of all.


Mathis Claude.

CV: Amasaki Kouhei.

Probably the cutest out of the bunch, he’s a bit shy though the death of his brother

Camyu upsets him and wants revenge but I don’t want him to cuz he is precious.

Jean is his butler, he treats him with utmost respect and wants Ceres to help him

and so she does by becoming a maid😲, what a lucky bocchan Mathis is.👀👀👀

 So the first half of the route is basically Ceres helping out around the mansion…

I did like how Ceres’s sprite actually changed for this route.😅 There were also

less choices but all things considered it made sense being a submissive maid and all.

Anyway not much happens as Ceres went about her business, Mathis was uguu’ing and very cute.

 As turns out his parents were shit and made him have to try really hard to be a good kid

or he’d get punished which let to him being really shy and withdrawn as he tries to be a good heir.

The only person who was good to him was his brother… whom always told him stories

and got him interested in the outside world/writing and such. Claude is very happy now though

so he gives Ceres a book, which made her happy as well urgh I ship this too much

but eh shit eventually bricks and person Mathis loaths shows up for another killing spree

cuz this person killed his brother, Mathis shoves some kid in the middle of it all into Ceres’s arms

while yelling she has nothing to do with it and to get out of his way trying to get revenge.😞

Later he is hold up in his room holding a knife…. Ceres has to go and calm him down

but he is acting so annoyed I felt bad for her. Mathis has a fever and he honestly

wants to stop seeking vengeance and just live peacefully along with her… but he can’t

cuz the feeling is so overwhelming. Le depressioni. Mathis doesn’t want to involve her since

he likes her and wants to finish of his business asap. Mathis crossdresses and Ceres is convinced

he is taking all this from a fucking book. Anyway he is so obsessed he keeps chasing

who he thinks is the killer of his brother. >_> Turns out the memory transplant was incomplete

which lead to Mathis only getting half the story and going ape-shit. Jean knew all along and was the

supposedly murdered brother Camyu which also means he’s been orchestrating this whole shit.

Mathis is a homunculi Camyu created by sacrifcing countless women.


Then we get Camyu’s sob story of how he wanted to marry Rosalie before she got killed

in front of him by some jealous bitch saying its all her fault part of which he already told Mathis.

Jean is doing all this so he can bring Rosalie back to life but he never really succeeded

but is still trying by any means necessary, uh idk about you but Jean err Camyu is creeping me out.

Camyu explains himself and well he’s pretty much the villain ariund town Mathis wants dead

who is just kinda defeated at this revelation and wants Camyu to leave Ceres out of it but

apparently this can’t happen cuz Ceres was the trigger for Mathis to awaken his memories of love.

When you realize Camyu be doing all this to be reunited with his deceased lover… its not so bad

as that Cappuccine creep who was after Lukas’s sister. Anyway cuz Camyu’s so nice he gives them

like the rest of the day before he continues his dumb experiment. Mathis is convinced

the only reason he even likes Ceres is cuz she looks like Rosalie, he wants her to run away

from him and be happy before its too late. Ceres looking back can’t do that…

and they continue the experiments but for some reason Camyu isn’t satisfied

and takes drastic measures which results in Mathis going loco and torturing Ceres to death

all because this motherfucker is using Mathis to become a substitute for his death lover.😱

Mathis realizes what he had done but then starts getting really creepy and actually

starts seeing Ceres as Rosalie. Camyu is happy with this result no less.

 In the other end Mathis attempts to help Ceres escape when Jean came to bring them dinner

but Jean was one step ahead of the game and send in a clone so now the real Jean

is with Ceres who forces her to cooperate just a little longer.😨😨😨

In the best end: Mathis got stabbed to snap himself out of it… before he lost it completely

and they attempt to escape but Camyu noticed and he despairs his plan is now ruined

but Mathis tries one last time to talk no jutsu and tells his butler to move the fuck on

cuz honestly this man be stuck in the past, he should try to love her in the present not a past version

but for some reason he still won’t listen and ends up destroying the lab, Mathis begs him

to run with him but he really can’t its not like they’re actually related, Jean takes the L

and our couple moves on from all this, all’s well that ends well.

 This ending was too cute and heartwarming, Mathis may very well have the best personal route

in the game even if Mathis technically died here in a way, the instant they met again

Mathis knew that he’d wanted to be with Ceres till the end once more.💕💕💕

Yea so uh while I think the story was very good, I did not like that ending

ugh Mathis didn’t deserve this and neither did Ceres. Needless to say

when I was done with the route it left me with some hard feelings.

Oh also Camyu is actually written as Camille but idk I just keep being a clown.🤡

IDK why but half of the time I was howling at the plot twist, which btw was pretty peak

in a way the end doesn’t seem to be that bad but when you consider

Mathis literally becomes Camyu and Ceres Rosalie its just a mindfuck bad end.

Well at the very least by default there were only two endings here so it wasn’t too bad

and I say that lightly, man idk there really are no good endings the first around eh?

This route also felt pretty short and I didn’t write much about it… honestly if I had

to compare to the rest of the routes Mathis’s route is the most self-contained

and the most well rounded if we include the best ending.


Scien Brofiise.

CV: Hosoya Yoshimasa.

NGL he is hot…

Researcher, most of whatever he said went into one ear and out the other

he’s not really that nice of a person imo had a hard time liking him

Hosoyan’s voice didn’t really help cuz he sounded so… bored 90% of the time

or maybe conversersing is supposed to bore him so he’s coping.

Anyway I keep reading his last name as brofist and I don’t know WHY, don’t ask just a heads up.🤡

Its funny how in the last route Ceres became a maid… but this guy Scien may have needed it much more. God his room is a mess this guy can’t organize his junk its everywhere or maybe he’s more

comfy in it like this. Most of the techno babbles in the route were lost on me especially with that tone.

Sarome tells Ceres he’s a lost cause and becareful, he’s a genius scientist

with a reputation leading the development on what could save them all someday. 

Ah yes now it makes sense why he sounds so damn tired/monotone he’s got a lot on his plate.

Scien be ready to pick up Ceres but the others be like oh no you don’t

even Ankou be like hey if you choose this Scien guy its no good! what if he found out?

lmao I think the only guy Ankou wasn’t on the fence about was Mathis right? atleast not this much

it gets to the point where Ankou says he might personally kill Scien if it goes wrong.😱😱😱

Ceres decides to do it anyway and well… Scien has no problems with that might even make her his

but only if she’s not a pain and doesn’t blab too much and then there’s Dahut who’s more than

eager to want to continue that research project with him idk if they’re collegues or rivals.

Oh also apparently Scien gets the feeling he met Ceres once before… hmm

 she ends up becoming his assistant. Anyway to no ones surprise this nerd can be quite playful

that is if you watch carefully while he doesn’t notice, apparently enjoys jigsaw puzzles.

 Ceres be out with Lukas later and Dahut saw then and tried to make Scien jealous…

saying stuff like if only Scien would get the hint and awaken his primal powers by falling in love

but Scien insists they’re just collegues helping each other out and that Daath’s a PITA.😅

One day Ceres be working and some dipshit busts in holding her hostage with a knife

till he gets what he wants which is Scien’s research. Oh well Scien obviously pissed over powers

him and tells security to tie him up, Dahut shows up and stabs him when he despaired.

I will spare you the techno babbles, SCIENCE is a good enough way to sum it up

and doesn’t believe in anything but science, shinigami’s curse? lmao what

Scien’s pretty stuck up and seems to believe he was only created to SCIENCE

for the good of mankind even if it means being evil while doing so or atleast that’s what

he believes the original Scien was meant to do; his consience was backed up through a computer

program (the gods egg) and then put into a clone. Ceres be out here trying to reason with him

and well it partly works… cuz he is human after all(well sorta0). Eitherway I sleep.

Ceres actually sees something in him and tells him he she respects him but maybe should

think of himself more instead of the big picture. Then Scien says if you want to be with me

then just say so! Ceres didn’t even mean it sexually but for some reason he got horny. UwU

 Not before long we get the message Scien is to be executed… bruh they really out to get m’boi.

Dahut walks in to notify us all he personally will relieve Scien of his duties

but our genius Scien doesn’t let him he done so easily. They get chased into the sewers

by a hooded man swinging around a halberd which is probably Lukas.

Brofiste gets blamed for everything and they go after Sarome + the orphanage too…

this really raised the bar to how much blood you can stand cuz they got slaughtered.

They arrived a little too late… and they’re forced to retreat again, Sarome was the only survivor

and Ceres is noticeably depressed cuz Adolphe is probably dead(as am I at the scene of this).

When they tend to their wounds and comfort them after that mess Scien apparently

has a bunch of scares he got from a previous experiment. Scien wan’t to proof

and do what no other SCIENtist has done before and rid the world of the curse

but he goes and take it all upon himself, Ceres is like bitch pls but his mind is made up.

Scien like gave her a quick peck as they were making their way to the egg room

its as if he had no regrets anymore when arrived shit goes wrong as expected

the hooded man killed Ceres before she could do what she was supposed to.

This was depressing to watch as he promises her he’ll do what he can for the future of the country.

Scien tried to save her by using the egg and he falls into despair as she is now nothing more than data.

Other end 1: Ceres ends up cleaning his room on a whim and Scien walks in and tells her to GTFO

to not mess with his junk while also to telling her to never show her face to him again. OOF~

Ceres walks around and walks into another murder scene, some dude on the scene is convinced

she’s responsible and blames it all on her even calling her a shinigami and kills her.

Other end 2: Ceres basically decides Sarome is more important to her and ends up being

stabbed by her while she plans to take out Scien too. She’ll be joining her too after she’s done.😨

In the best end Scien shows off his 9999 IQ and is one step ahead of Daath by completely

reviving and completing the process, he’s literally ascended to godliness even making kids

will be child’s play and Daath is literally like what’re you on m8 u ok? but when his guards

come he is like welp I yield and lies his way out of it saying its some experiment

cuz the way Scien is now he might really get rid of the curse, Scien’s like whatever my dudes

but when they move out Sarome comes flying in and starts killing people, she thinks

its better to execute Daath cuz he’s unpredictable and will just start shit again(she’s right tho)

but then she uses Ceres as a shield, though Scien convinces he’ll take care of the rest.

Sarome undertakes another clone procedure and despite everything Ceres pays a visit to her orphanage.

All’s well that ends well huh? sometime later Scien wants to conduct a little experiment on the bed

and in a deadpan voice tells Ceres he wants to make love with her.

 You do understant what that is right? uh yea?!😂😂😂

and they proceed to make out… while discusing the art of sensual touch

OH MY GOD that was an hilarious ending and completely lifted my mood.

NGL a lot of the SCIENCE stuff bored me to tears but I actually liked Scien even if he can be a dick

and while I enjoyed the romance its kind of sad I have to disappoint myself

since there are no good ends the first time through these routes.

However I can’t deny the routes so far weren’t interesting cuz they were there are always

twists and turns plus they know just how to give a ltitle otome element.

Unfortunately the despair was at an all time high in this route… and honestly depressing

Ceres just can’t catch a break can she? apparently not she must suffer.

That best ending though… was absolutely hilarious and also shows he has much to learn. 



CV: Saitou Souma.

 I kept reading his name as Eve.. or Ivies anyway enjoy my bimbo summary of the route

meaning its incredibly garbage cuz there’s far too much to quickly digest.

Yvess has known Ceres and its hinted he is one of the people that survived the fire

overall he seems like a nice enough guy and wants the best for Ceres, its obvious he’s into her

other than that Hugo is like his best friend and is always with him.

Yves be trying to make Ceres realize, hey you matter!

 Like most routes the first half is pretty slow and nonbiri which gets on my nerves because

by now I know it won’t last and shit will brick enough for a lasting despair

most of the route will probably just answer your suspiciouns about him.

Anyway Yvess isn’t the type of man you want to piss off…

the first half was pretty disappointed but it picked up eventually  it was mostly

cuz he got hurt and focused on Yvess relationship with Hugo, his personal goals

of caring a bit too much about people especially Ceres. Then we get to learn a bit of Ceres’s parents

who had an illness, her mom was pregnant so they tried to save her child but died in the process.

Yvess has known abbout this and the fact she was born amonst the licoris flowers

which are like her family, he gives her a licoris hairpin his oldman made

not a real one cuz those flowers are poisonous and the reapers curse.

 He also like believes it is destiny he came to love her and will do anything for her.

Dahut has Adolphe and Hugo at his side to hunt down the reaper girl and her accomplice

but Jean and Mathis show up to take them to a safe place that turns out to be Scien’s office

ah so there are people on their side afterall, I knew I could depend on m’boi Mathis & Scien

they end up turning Dahut around by explaining the half-truth of the flowers. Unfortunetely

Cappuccino has other plans and cannot wait to add reaper girl to his collection

cuz it fits his plan even better than Nadia ever did.😨😨😨

For some reason Hugo has a huge stick up his ass and doesn’t understand why the hell Yvess

is going so far for this girl. Its simple its cuz he loves her. Hugo is kinda upset for some reason

and walks off into the sunset, Yvess tries to reassure Ceres cuz she overheard, awww.

Ceres gets to live a fairly normal life while Yvess takes care of things… even if it means getting hurt

everyone else even comes to visit but why am I having a bad feeling? they all try to solve

the brutal murders and find out what’s killing people. Scien looks into shit as well and it leads

him to that hospital Nadia is staying then some guy runs in saying Ceres and the gang is in trouble.

Some folks are out to get them over some bullshit a bunch of years ago and Ceres is the only one to blame. Yves tries to cover for her but in doing so reveals an ugly truth… its him.

Just seeing his maskless face is enough to send people fleeing as if they saw death itself.

Ceres doesn’t let him run and wants to hug him cuz he’s the most precious person in her life.

Hugo lashes out at her and blames Ceres for everything… and she can only apologize

they go into the shed but Hugo is buttmad going as far as raising his sword but by carefull

words Ceres got through to him, Hugo can be reasoned with, she goes to see Yvess

and he really doesn’t want her to look at his ugly face and says he can’t love her anymore

but Ceres still cares about him no matter what he looks like, she accepts everything he is

which is like enough for him to love her again this time for real. Sometime after they find

Hugo’s dead corpse in an alley…….. can’t even enjoy a lovey dovey moment huh?

Cappuccino be plotting to have reaper girl taken to him… aww man can’t he fuck off or something?!

Lukas who still works for him questions why but honestly doesn’t see the point cuz he’s still a friend

but gets coerced into doing Cappuccino’s bidding cuz of his sister. Then Scien brofist walks in

making an explosive entrance because he found out about his illegal research and doesn’t approve.

The only one stopping him is Lukas really… but only cuz Cappuccino has a hostage

Scien bluntly states the facts of who Cappuccino is and even knocks out Lukas with gas

then ends up killing Audi le Cappuccino.  This seems to have been taken care of!

thank you Scien! I love you.😚😚😚 The only problem is why the fuck is Hugo dead?

Things don’t look good as the public saw them and they get mistaken for the reaper himself…

they go back to the shed and Yvess is pretty devastated his bestie is dead, he was like family; a brother.

The next day Scien contacts them, he has found out everything they didn’t tell him and asks them to come over to his office cuz he has found a way to solve it all, cuz Yvess resting Ceres decides to go alone. Yvess sees her leave and doesn’t actually want her to. Scien is still like reaper curse?

preposterous! this is the age of humans there is no logic to old folk tales! He even knows

her parents names, Chloe and Daryl. He did his homework.😂 and we get an info dump

explaining what went wrong. At the time Scien didn’t understand what the hell her parents

meant and left them to their own devices which was a mistake cuz the toxic

from the lycoris corrupted the process. Someone interferred but not even Scien knows who.

All this leading Ceres to bring misfortune to everyone??? Hmmm okay.

Meanwhile folks gather at the shed and try to kill anyone still inside but someone shields Yvess

it was a man they overheard in a tavern someone who wanted to die anyway cuz he lost it all anyway.

Yvess made him see he was wrong so here he is to tell him to live and be happy.

For some reason even Ankou shows up to help Yvess and to stop Scien to kill Ceres….

Nadia and Dahut even show up too, they inform her brother is missing, he goes

to his old man’s grave and finds a notebook. It contains notes of how a man arrived in this land

and not understanding why they all die at age 23 when folks most of the time should

be living to 60-70 even 100 he eventually gives his notes to some guy but then realized

it was a mistake and an evil was born from it. They notice the lycoris in the book is red

and not black like the ones they know, in the man’s country they’re known as higanbana.

Scien was listening in and now has found out all he needs to know to end this farce

he even got Cappuccino to work for him. Scien goes completely loses it. >_>

Basically Ceres’s existance is causing peoples memory to corrupt and go bonkers

so she can never live a normal life everyone around her might one day go nuts

cuz someone fucked around. Scien deems Ceres a threat to the countries future 

and comes up with a plan to bring salvation for everyone but it means sacrificing Ceres.

For some reason she is more than happy to go along with it… cuz it means she’s set free.

Yves however doesn’t accept it… Dahut figures out what Cappucine/Audi did and Yvess

is honestly done with him cause it seems he has a part in it all and they attempt to save Ceres.

Yves realizes Ceres sounded like she was glad, her death would mean something…

still he also believes in the part that wanted to live as a normal person. So he won’t let it happen.

They charge into Scien’s lab but he won’t let them intervere… even Lukas helps out

as does some of the pals they met in the tavern but they are no match for the hooded man

aka known as the Lukas clones.  They only give Yves time to reach Scien and Ceres.

Adolphe watches Yves back too, thanks buddy! Yves gets a lot of support… but at what cost?

eventually he reaches the princess and the villain.

Even though Ceres says she doesn’t mind dying, Yves says her life is worth more than the multitude

meanwhile Scien is like are you done talking let’s get this over with

their fight was pretty heated, Yves gave it his all and Scien stops the experiment…

All seems good no? but for some reason as she is about to exit the capsule it malfunctions

and she ends up in pain, for some reason she caused an explosion that destroyed the entire lab.

Scien says her ability has malfunctioned and anyone close will die instantly.

Ceres went off trying to find a place to die alone, Scien stayed with Yves to tell him

when he woke up and he decides to go find her… Ceres got chased by people who think if

they kill her it’ll all be over but when she gets to the licoris meadow it goes up in flames.

Yvess shows up and well he doesn’t mind burning up with her, together.

In the end all that is left of him is his crispy corpse.💀💀💀

For some reason… Ceres survives and Yves is burnt to a crisp but for some reason she is thankful.

 In the best end he holds out a bouquet of black lycoris as he reaches for Ceres in the flames

and asks her to marry him. OMG that is an offer and in trying times no less!

Ceres finds him stupid but he just can’t help loving her. Yvess firmly believes

and wants her to know despite everything how much he loves her.

Ceres can’t help but appreciate this man and they kiss amongst the flames. THIS IS FINE.

 They both live for some reason probably thanks to Ankh and they take residence in his cave

or was it Adolphe’s cave. HMMM~ well no matter two sides of the same coin afterall.

All’s well that ends well and he’ll be at her side from now on without her he’d be long dead.

Apparently red higanbana have also started to bloom on the island…

Honestly I liked the idea of the route but by now I have to set myself up for the worst case scenario…

Ceres honestly deserves the world and Yvess especially after the shit she went through

but time and time again she can’t catch a break and is doomed to either death or solitude.

Ugh at this rate I want her to be happy so much… and not suffer anymore.😭😭😭

All in all this was a good route… a bit of a slow start but that’s what all routes have in this game

but idk man for everything that goes right something had to go wrong.

I probably didn’t even explain the plot correctly but eh atleast I understood it also this route

was longer than the others, too long for my tastes but maybe its better this way cuz despite

being a poster boy it didn’t disappoint that much cuz at times it felt like a truth route to the three

routes that came before but I think this also makes Mathis look like the most self-contained.

I am so tired of this shit you think its going right but noooo… Sigh~

Also at this point I skipped all of the other bad ends because I honestly had enough of that.


~Final act/true end~ 

There is no route for both of these characters but they do get the true end treatment

or two for the price of one cuz you don’t get just one bishie but two, guess the suffering was worth it

but like have you ever want a story to end but it just kept going and going? that’s what this felt like

needles to say my write up of this route is extremely satirical. 


CV: Okitsu Kazuyuki.

Let’s start with a few words on this guy, he’s not romanceable but nonetheless an important character.

He definitely wasn’t suspicious not at all… kept watching him like a hawk

too bad his appearances were sparse at best and you could really never tell if he was on our side or not

cuz his behavior was honestly erratic/whimsical at best. Basically the entire final act

is Ankh getting or cucked by Adolphe or vice versa even if Ceres is willing to take his hand

its Adolphe who throws some hissy fit, it was honestly hilarious if its not for Ceres

he would’ve never worked with Adolphe and likewise for him.😂😂😂

There’s no need to describe much but there was a really funny one as Adolphe and Ankh

don’t really get along. Ank was the one who found her as a baby and well he lives in a cave near

the lycoris field not only that he eats the flowers. No worries it isn’t harmful to him.😜

 Anyway this time she believes him, he’s been waiting all this time making me wonder

how old is he? is he even human?! maybe he is that shinigami from the legend

but NGL half of the time he was kinda useless which considering the revelation makes sense!

In one of the bad endings he would’ve preferred if she chose Yvess cuz he could atleast save her

and well he’s not wrong but he already knew that Adolphe would’ve led her to happiness

if only she just had more courage to see it through but he’ll stay with her in those flames.


CV: Yashiro Taku.

  Prior to his route this was another character I had no strong opinions on

if I hadn’t known better or not look at guide I thought he was just a sub chara.😅😅😅

The final act starts with Adolphe finding Ceres, who presumable killed herself

and he swears revenge against someone or whoever is responsible.

Which just leads to another loop and now she’s living with Sarome and big bro Adolphe……

for some reason he is much more present right now but they still had us sit through an almost

identical prologue a little bit of the common, it could be a great refresher

but if you went through the game within a week its not. Best not to force skip though!

Adolphe is there for Ceres when she constantly blames herself for everyones misfortune

and tells her she ain’t the reaper but part of his family, she ends up telling her story

of meeting Ankh to him, he can’t believe it fully but he never wants her to try to kill herself again.

She keeps getting a dream where Adolphe goes its all your fault! though

he comforts her when he tells her. Ceres is still depressed but she has this hot man

who cares for her and tries to lift her mood. UwU Honestly what’s with this guy trying to be all

protective and caring…? atleast there is one person in the world that still cares about you!

Honestly Ceres’s current state in this CG is how I feel after 4 routes of despair.

 They go and investigate the islands lore and a way to get rid of the curse together with Dahut

and Ankou(if he feels like it) while also trying to cure Nadia’s illness

so I a not even gonna bother writing it down, atleast we spend enough time with the guy

but yea basically boils down to enough despair now let’s all work together! even Scien.

Basically Sarome has a savior complex and thinks by eliminating the three she will get what

she wants she doesn’t even necessarily hate Ceres but now she gone and done it

by working with Ankh and Adolphe and she doesn’t agree with the hell they wanna do!

There was this whole drama we’ve already seen in other routes which just leads to

Scien your era is over also get the reaper girl she bad. Lukas is the victim of Cappuccino’s bullshit

and I honestly felt bad for him all he wants is his sister to be safe atleast everyone else understood

also Lukas got cloned so there’s multiple of them on their ass.😱😱😱

now they just have to make the government listen oh boy. Then there’s Cappuccino’s BS

who got his position back and wants to add Ceres to his collection oh yea also he still

wants to make Nadia his bride, atleast he’s consistent. Then we get the revelation

that her big bro is actually a real human being and not a scientifically created clone

and that he is probably a descendant from that man that came to the island

when cappuccine figures this out Adolphe tries to get him to work with him

because at the end of the day this will save Ceres so he becomes a specimen in her place

he does it all to protect Ceres and wanting her to be happy for once, aww.

Ceres takes care of him inbetween the experiments.

But even then… Adolphe at one point blamed Ceres for his misfortune of not dying

when he should have and he even hated her but that all changed and he will do anything for her

eventually all the evidence leads them to Dahut’s secret lab and his real name is Liam le pearl

or however you spell that in english?! Liam is the son and to be king of the monarchy on the island.

Oh and pretty sure Cappuccino got killed off… good riddance I guess?

BRUH they just keep coming with these reveals m8.

Dahut would like nothing more for Ceres/reaper to keep killing people

and then brings us the exciting revelation Ceres actually has nothing to do with it

and the one behind it was actually Dahut! she’s just a victim of circumstance

he orchestrated everything from Cappuccino to Jean so he could get his mommy back. Wao~

Genius with an IQ of 9000 goes way too far to get his mommy back, news at eleven

btw its not IQ 9999 because only Scien goes that high.😜😜😜 Adolphe actually has enough

of this brat, uses talk no jutsu and tells him to stop being such a shit but it doesn’t work cuz

Dahut is so obsessed in completing his research to make more rotten humans Ankh shows up

and tells them they should run cuz there’s no way they can handle his cronies

but Ceres ends up seperated and walks right back to Dahut.

Dahut actually has a massive obsession with regular humans so he does want to tap

that butt Adolphe has because where else would be a finer specimen?! This is also

the reason Dahut wants to destroy the country because they’re all monsters anyway

by monsters you mean genetically engineered and cloned to survive death at age 23

so ends up telling this all to general public that they’re being lied to like a good king

but he won’t offer them any salvation and will only welcome/bring them death.


He’s doing it all because why can’t you all be normal?! wretched creatures!

Meanwhile Adolphe has rejoined the gang who’re figuring out how to fix this mess

and Ceres is still with Daath engaging in talk-no-jutsu. I had my last choice hours ago

and we’re still at it! Adolphe laments being of no use to Ceres… and how it always ends up bad

but Yvess and Ankou get him out of the dumps before they go after Dahut. Midway through

the sewers Scien joins the party because with his 9999IQ has outsmarted everyone else

when they finally get there and by finally I mean it took a while, not everyone could

make it cuz Dahut released the gas that makes folks go ew what’s this so only Adolphe and

Ankh could pass, Ceres has been put into the tube for Dahut’s plans and Adolphe confesses his

feelings because there is no better time! while Dahut has a bag of potato chips and eats some!

 Anyway he gets to be hero to strike down the villain but everything was resolved rather

peacefully even if Adolphe doesn’t forgive Daath. The final word was on Ceres

and she was like well… then Dahut still has something up his sleeves

and he tauntingly had the gall to say well if only you did something about me! 

To the point Sarome has to deliver justice on him also where the fuck did she come from?!

Then she reveals herself as Chris as in Christine le pearl and as the queen delivers justice upon him.

Also apparently Liam is her son… she literally tried to kill her own son or the image of it

but Liam still believes that that love she carries for him is long gone. Though in her eyes

he’s still her son and wants him to die just so he can go through the process and next time

she’ll be there for him but he hasn’t truly forgiven her cause she hid away and doesn’t

believe she truly cares for him and he kills her cuz he thinks she’s too sinful and

passes judgement on her and stabs her while dragging Ceres into the experiment again.


I mean why didn’t they just kill him then it would’ve been over right?! RIGHT?!

Ankh loses it and tries to get Dahut to undo the process but he says he can’t

and Ceres will be absorbed by the curse, become an insightly creature and eventually die.

Ankou tries to let Ceres drink some of his blood. Daath tries to be smug but while Ankh rages at him

BUT Sarome stabs an arrow into Daath. I HAVE NEVER MORE SAID OH GOD YES

WITH SUCH EXCITEMENT. She can only apologize for not being a better mom. Both Ankh

and Adolphe lose it, Ankh carries Ceres’s corpse away and blames himself for dragging 

her into this cuz he only wanted to try to give her happiness but yet she died again.

Ceres’s life flashes before her eyes and figured it out, she finally calls out to Ankh

 as Adolphe, he can’t believe his ears because its been so long since she has called him that.

He found Ceres dead one day and swore revenge, eventually Scien captured him and turned him

into & gave him eternal life, cursed to wander the island forever like some monster but eventually

Yvess broke him out of jail, eventually the events of Yvess route happen and you know the rest

she survived at the expense of his corpse. He remembers how he first came

to the island to save Ceres but eventually noticed most of whatever he was doing

was useless, confirmed by the traveler who left behind the note and then became Ankh

cuz he just can’t live without Ceres! which just confirms to me that this is groundhog day and we

been looping he’s been wishing so hard to meet Ceres again alive and well EVERYTIME SHE DIED

and she died a whole lot. Eventually they did meet… and she’s a little stronger now.

Adolphe and Ankou decide to have a final fight… but who’s kidding

they’re basically fighting themselves???!!! eventually Ankh has enough and he

pulls out a gun that is like a goodluck charm just in case he is failing to save Ceres yet again

and points it at himself, he hopes that this act will leave save her and she’ll be happy.

Knowing since she’ll be with Adolphe his wish is being granted because who else knows him best.

He hopes that she’ll live her life to the end and never gives up on life again like a normal woman

as Ankh draws his last breath the bouquet of black lycoris fades away.

In the epilogue, the curse or the whole deal on the island seems to be nothing more than a myth

but a little lady confirms that its definitely all around them. Everyone seems to have

moved on with their lives and that little lady was Nadia, Lukas came looking for her.

Everyone else basically moves on with their lives too… even Ceres and Adolphe

considering everything this seems a bit too good to be true but this is what Ankh wanted.

Also apparently Adoplhe had to wait 5 years to get a reply to his confession from Ceres…😥

(or was it 5 months either way… it was a long time poor guy.)

he figures she’d make him wait another. Poor guy but isn’t it kinda obvious how she feels by now.

TBH if I had to wait 5 years for a reply to a confession i’d be dead inside.

Then when she says it he’s like a brother right? no dummy as a man and then he finally kissed her.

Bruh I feel like a deprived 90 year old lady getting something nice after a rough time.

This game always tries to make everything worse when things are going right so even now I

couldn’t believe it would work out for once guess that’s what four routes of suffering do eh?

You’re probably wondering why I make such a big deal out of the route dragging on?

well when you try to make a truth route out of four individual ones this is the only natural result

especially when it has its own revelations to the existing story, no the plot wasn’t bad

I was just tired of how it went on and on. I’m pretty sure they could have cut or monologue’d

a bunch of stuff so this route wouldn’t be twice as long as the others.

I do not dislike Adolphe or Ankh they’re FINE but it was all so tiring… I guess

this is what happens when you inject nothing but despair into my veins for four routes!

mentally I am not here or have the energy for half of this. Its like they wrote this route first

but then remembered hey its an otome game right? what about other love interests…?

ah ahahaha well you see! let’s just make the player suffer and emotionally drain them

so they have no choice to embrace this one-truth ending and if they still like someone else

we’ll spoon feed them a little as thank you gift for sitting through all that bullshit

is one way I can explain why they made this game the way they did.

Anyway the route was okay and the ending was good, but its funny I barely care anymore

for the other love interests, I’d feel kinda bad for Adolphe for choosing anyone else except Mathis.


Fav route:

Mathis > Scien > Yvess / Final act > Lukas.

Fav character:

Ankh/Adolphe > Mathis > Yvess > Scien > Lukas.

I like most of them so this is kinda useless especially considering the fact Scien is hawt

and he owns, his best end like send me flying to places, dayum.

Mathis is an totez adorbz, Lukas is just hiradai meme and Yvess is best boy.

No comment on Adolphe/Ankh the route while good in terms of plot it

was too much of a drag but I was happy with the result, that says enough.

Final thoughts.

Honestly after everything I can find no better image to sum up my feels.

The subtitle be error salvation because there be literally be no salvation

the first time you playthrough the routes, only despair.😜

The plot was cleverly written that you slowly get to know the truth

and honestly the world building and cast was pretty great even if the place its set at

looks like pizza margherita. Yea i’m cursing you with my own personal revelation.

Honestly the most annoying part is the fact this game focuses too much on having

to make everything turn into a despair shit hole, you’d think Ceres has suffered enough but no

she must suffer more every damn time. This got old fast.  Like come on who hurt you writers?!😭

Man was this game dark & dreary, routes be starting out great and the otome is there

but the apple of despair is never too far off from the tree. Anyway all I am gonna say

Shuuen no Virche is great if you care about scenario/plot&cast but romance second

or maybe are just tired of Lighthearted/fluffy otome games and want something else for a change

but even then it may get too much to bear cuz it honestly did for me.

I know I use the term honestly a lot but this is really be my honest opinion of the game!

In a way it might really be the best otome game of 2021, it doesn’t have

too many pacing issues even if routes start out slow and it stays true to it theme

while telling an interesting story. All things considered Virche remains difficult

to recommend, unless you’re a masochist, can stand suffering, suicide, despair and blood.

Also you can’t expect everyone who buys your otome game to do all routes

so locking a potential good outcome behind 30+ hours of plain suffering is not good

regardless of how well written your cast and story was some people might just drop.

The final act did not make it much better, I had no problem with Adolphe himself

or the additional revelations, he was mostly nice and supportive plus he gave it his all.

Maybe if you like seeing a heroine who has gone through shit go through more shit

when she just wants to live normally but my point still stands who the fuck hurt the writers

of this game? or did they just wanted to take their frustration out on something jesus christ.

Not even Piofiore, BWS or even psychedelica was this bad in terms of despair. I suppose

there was meaning to the story Shuuen tried to tell, don’t kill yourself maybe there’s someone

out there who just like wanted to help but he couldn’t get to you cuz you acted rashly.

Well no matter the interesting revelations or how well the plot came together

Virche is the epitome of a dark and edgy story, but by the end of it I was too mentally

drained to fully care anymore though those best ends did relieve some of it.

This may be a heartwrenching story that was pretty well written but most of the time

the feeling I got from this game was »appalled» whether you’ll like this game

will be entirely up to you, this game won’t be for everyone or may need a specific mood.


Okay I think I have said more than enough….. scoring this game is hard but thinking about it.

and its 9/10 in terms of overall plot but 5/10 on enjoyabilty, this score is honestly fair.

I should add that I’ve used peak fiction to describe the plot points in this game

and this is not meant negatively, if anything and the way i wrote about the last route

in a satirical way, it means i’m coping from all the despair.

Needless to say this is based on my own personal experience and yours might differ.

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