Симоверт мастер драйв ошибки

Ремонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 6SE7027-2TP60-Z в , впрочем, как и любых других частотников выпущенных под другими брендами. Ремонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 6SE7027-2TP60-Z в производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей. Оставить заявку на ремонт
  • Ремонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES преимущества нашей компании
  • Схемы соединений SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
  • Ремонт преобразователей SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
  • Оставить заявку на ремонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES


Ремонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVESРемонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 6SE7027-2TP60-Z Siemens, впрочем, как и ремонт частотников других производителей имеет ряд особенностей в силу своего конструктива. Частотные преобразователи, точнее их начинка делятся на две части:

  • Аппаратная часть,
  • Программная часть.

Преобразователи SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES не являются исключением из правил, именно поэтому ремонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 6SE7027-2TP60-Z Siemens имеет точно такой же ряд особенностей, как и у других преобразователей.

Диагностировать ту или иную неисправность помогают коды ошибок частотного преобразователя, которые отображаются на небольшом дисплее, расположенном на лицевой панели привода. Коды ошибок SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES приведены в таблице ниже развернутое описание представлено в PDF документе ссылку на который вы найдете в низу таблице.

Ремонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 6SE7027-2TP60-Z в , впрочем, как и любых других частотников выпущенных под другими брендами всегда начинается с аппаратной части, после успешного ремонта аппаратной части SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES наступает очередь программной.

Настройка частотного преобразователя SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 6SE7027-2TP60-Z прописана в инструкции завода производителя, для каждой серии частотных преобразователей настройка будет индивидуальной, так как каждая линейка преобразователей решает свои собственные задачи, этим обусловливается широкая номенклатура данного промышленного оборудования.

Ремонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES преимущества нашей компании

Ремонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVESКомпания «Кернел» производит ремонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES в , частотных преобразователей известного производителя промышленной электроники и оборудования Siemens с 2002 года. За время существования компании наши сотрудники накопили колоссальный опыт. Ремонт подобного промышленного оборудования ответственное и сложное занятие, требующие максимальной отдачи, профессионализма и предельно полной материальной базе.

Специалисты нашего сервисного центра максимальное внимание уделяют качеству исполнения ремонта, программирования и настройке промышленных преобразователей частоты, не зависимо от производителя данного промышленного оборудования. Именно поэтому мы смело даем гарантию на все выполненные работы шесть месяцев.

Ремонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 6SE7027-2TP60-Z в производится исключительно с использованием оригинальных запасных частей, на компонентном уровне с применением высокотехнологичного оборудования, квалифицированным персоналом с инженерным образованием.

В случае выхода из строя преобразователя частоты на вашем производстве либо появились проблемы с приводом SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES, которые вы не можете решить самостоятельно, мы всегда рады вам помочь. Специалисты нашего сервисного центра в минимальные сроки проведут глубокую диагностику с последующим ремонтом SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES.

Ремонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVESПри заказе ремонта SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 6SE7027-2TP60-Z в нашем сервисном центре вы гарантированно получаете:

  • Глубокую диагностику неисправного блока с выявлением неисправных компонентов;
  • Замену неисправных компонентов на новые;
  • Ремонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES в максимально сжатые сроки;
  • Проверку отремонтированного блока на специальном стенде;
  • Оригинальные запасные части;
  • Гарантию на все ремонтные работы 6 месяцев;
  • Гарантию на запасные части 6 месяцев.

Компания «Кернел» предлагает квалифицированный ремонт преобразователя частоты с векторным управлением — SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES 6SE7027-2TP60-Z в в сжатые сроки по цене от 20% до 40% от стоимости нового частотника. За время существования компании, наши инженеры отремонтировали не одну тысячу единиц промышленного оборудования, постоянно повышая свою квалификацию.

К сожалению, от поломок оборудования никто не застрахован, в зависимости от разных факторов, рано или поздно, любое оборудование выходит из строя, частотные преобразователи SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES не исключение. В данной ситуации на помощь придет наша компания, и инженеры, профессионализм которых не ставится под сомнение.






Обратный сигнал ГК (Главного Контактора).

При конфигурированноо обратном сигнале главного контактора после команды на включение не происходит обратная сигнализация в течение установленного в P600 времени. У синхронных двигателей с внешним возбуждением (P095 = 12) отсутствует обратная сигнализация для устройства тока возбуждения.

P591 Проверить И. обрат. сигнал. ГК.

Значение параметра должно соответствовать подключению обратной сигнализации главного контактора.

Проверить контур обратной связи главного контактора (или для синхронных двигателей обратная сигнализация для устройства тока возбуждения).


Предварительная зарядка.

Во время предварительной зарядки не достигнуто минимальное напряжение звена постоянного тока (P071 напряжение питания конвертора. 1,34) 80 %.

Превышено максимальное время предварительной зарядки 3 с.

Проверить напряжения сети.

Сравнить с напряжение питания конвертора P071 (для устройств постоянного тока P071 сравнить с напряжением звена постоянного тока).

Проверить блок питания / обратного питания для устройств постоянного тока. Блок питания / обратного питания должен быть включен перед включением инвертора.


Перенапряжение звена постоянного тока.

Из-за слишком высокого напряжения звена постоянного тока произошло отключение.

Напр.сети Диап.I зв.пост.т I Знач.откл.

200 В — 230 В I 270 В — 310 В I ок. 410 В

380 В — 480 В I 510 В — 650 В I ок. 820 В

500 В — 600 В I 675 В — 810 В I ок. 1020 В

660 В — 690 В I 890 В — 930 В I ок. 1220 В

для конверторов с паралл. соединен. (BF L) r949 = 1: Перенапряжение в звене пост. тока главного устройства r949 = 2: Перенапряжение в звене пост. тока подчиненного устройства.

Проверить напряжение сети или проверить напряжение сети или входное постоянное напряжение.

Конвертор работает в регенеративном режиме без возможности обратной связи.

При напряжении питания конвертора на верхней границе допуска и режиме работы с полной нагрузкой F006 может быть вызвано также исчезновением фазы сети.


— Увеличить время замедления P464,

— Активировать регулятор U(d,макс) P515 (предварительно проверить P071)

— Понизить P526 Скор. поиска.Улавл.

— Уменьшить P259 Pw(ген, макс) (только для P100 = 3, 4 или 5)


Пониженное напряжение звена постоянного тока.

Не достигнуто нижнее предельное значение 76 % напряжения звена постоянного тока (P071 напр. питания конверт.). Для разблокированной кинетической буферизации 61 %.

Пониженное напряжение в звене пост. Тока в ‘нормальном’ режиме (т.е. без МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЯ).

Пониженное напряжение в звене пост. Тока при активной кинетической буферизации и скорости вращения менее 10 % номинальной скорости вращения двигателя.

Это было быстрое исчезновение напряжения сети, которое было обнаружено после восстановления питания сети (маркер автоматического повторного запуска).


— входное постоянное напряжение.

— напряжения звена пост. Тока.


Перенапряжение звена постоянного тока.

Из-за слишком высокого напряжения звена постоянного тока произошло отключение: Напр. сети Диап. зв.пост.тока Знач.откл 380 В — 480 В 510 В — 650 В 740 В


только для U800 = 1 и f(импульс) > f (снижение ном. значений параметров)

Порог ниже чем в F006!

Проверить напряжения сети.

Проверить сопротивление торможения.

Конвертор работает в регенеративном режиме без возможности обратной связи.

Устройство торможения необходимо установить на нижний порог срабатывания (673 V).


Максимальный ток.

Произошло отключение по максимальному току.

Превышение порога отключения.

— Проверить выход конвертора на короткое замыкание или короткое замыкание на землю.

— Проверить рабочую машину на перегрузку.

— Проверить согласование двигателя и конвертора.

— Проверить, не слишком ли высокие требования к динамическим характеристикам.


Ток (i) слишком низкий.

Во время намагничивания асинхронного двигателя ток не поднялся более 12,5 % заданного тока намагничивания для работы на холостом ходу.

Только для регулирования n/f/m (P100 = 3, 4 или 5)

Если двигатель не присоединен:

Перейти в режим моделирования P372.

Проверить обнаружение тока, проверить силовую часть.


Ток (i) слишком низкий.

Во время намагничивания двигателя величина тока меньше 25% тока холостого хода двигателя.


только для U800 = 1 независимо от типа регулирования (в отличие от F012)

Проверить выходной контактор.

Проверить кабель двигателя.


Двигатель опрокинут.

Двигатель опрокинут или блокирован:

— в результате слишком высокой статической нагрузки,

— в результате слишком быстрого разгона или замедления, слишком быстрой и слишком большой перемены нагрузки,

— в результате неправильной параметризации количества импульсов/об. импульсного датчика P151 или масштабирование аналогового тахометра


— в результате неисправных сигналов скорости вращения (не подсоединено экранирование тахометра)

Неисправность формируется только после внесенного в P805 времени.

Устанавливается бинектор B0156 в слове состояния 2 r553 Бит 28.

Идентификация того, блокирован ли привод, зависит от P792 (отклонение между заданным и фактическим значениями) и P794. Для регулирования n/f достижение предельных значений вращающего момента (B0234) является условием для этой ошибки.

При регулировании скорости вращения (P100 = 4) и ведущем приводе (ср. P587) неисправность может означать также нарушение кабеля датчика. Этот случай равнозначен блокированию привода.

При управлении U/f регулятор I(макс) должен быть активирован (P331). При применении для текстиля U/f (P100 = 2) контроль не работает. Двигатель опрокинут или блокирован:

Для синхронных двигателей (P095 = 12,13): при достижении максимальной частоты

Для синхронных двигателей с внешним возбуждением (P095 = 12): при отсутствующем или слишком высоком токе возбуждения (слишком низкий или слишком высокий поток).

Для синхронных двигателей при достижении максимальной частоты (вкл. резерв регулирования) (B0254) немедленно формируется неисправность. При слишком больших отклонениях в потоке ротора сначала ток конвертора регулируется до нуля, ток возбуждения снижается и только после истечения времени в размере двойной константы времени успокоения (2*r124.1) формируется сообщение о неисправности. Во время этого времени ожидания уже устанавливается бит слова состояния B0156 (r553.28).

— Снизить нагрузку.

— Освободить тормоз.

— Увеличить предельные значения тока.

— Увеличить время блокирования P805.

— Увеличить порог срабатывания P792 для отклонения между заданным и фактическим значениями.

Только для регулирования f/n/M (P100 = 3,

4, 5)

— Увеличить предельные значения вращающего момента или заданное значение вращающего момента.

Только регулирование n/M или управление U/f с регулятором n: (P100 = 0, 4, 5)

— Проверить наличие обрыва кабеля тахометра.

— Проверить количество импульсов/об. импульсного датчика.

— Проверить масштабирование аналогового тахометра.

— Установить экранирование кабеля тахометра на двигателе и на стороне конвертора.

— Уменьшить сглаживание предварительного регулирования скорости вращения P216 (только рег. n/M) только регулирование f: (P100 = 3).

— Замедлить разгон.

— Увеличить ток в нижнем диапазоне частоты (P278, P279, P280).

— Включить предварительное регулирование регулятора скорости вращения (P471>0)

· регулятор ЭДС установить на более динам. значение (P315) на макс. коэффициент 2.

— Увеличить частоту переключения на модель ЭДС (P313)

· при перемодулированном регуляторе n/f заменить регулированием n с пом. импульсного датчика:

— Зад. значение скорости вращения вести по факт. значению скорости вращения, чтобы отклонение между зад. И факт. значениями всегда было меньше установленного в P792.

Только для синхронного двигателя: (P095 =


— Проверить предельные значения тока устройства возбуждения.

— Проверить зад. и факт. значение тока возбуждения (вкл. коммутацию).

— Проверить пределы напряжения устройства возбуждения при динамических изменениях тока.

— Проверить систему привода на наличие резонансных колебаний


F установлено улавливание.

Обнаруженная частота установки не могла быть выполнена. Причины:

— Слишком высокое доп. зад. значение 2.

— Отрицат. факт. знач. скорости вращения в состоянии покоя (пульсация сигнала) и блокировано отрицательное направление вращения.

— Проверить Дополнит. зад. значение 2.

— Разблокировать отрицательное направление вращения на максимальной скорости вращения.


Двигатель не обнаружен

Двигатель не обнаружен (при улавливании без тахометра).

Включение после выбега. Возможно, увеличить P525 Улавл. Обнар. тока.


Температура двигателя

Превышена предельная величина температуры двигателя.

r949 = 1 Превышена предельная величина температура двигателя.

r949 = 2 Короткое замыкание в питающей линии на датчик температуры двигателя или неисправность датчика.

r949 = 4 Обрыв провода в питающей линии на датчик температуры двигателя или неисправность датчика.

r949 = 5 Обрыв провода и превышение предельной величины.

Проверить двигатель (нагрузка, вентиляция и т.д.). Действительную температуру двигателя можно считать в r009 Температура двигателя.

Проверить P381 Температуру двигателя.

Контроль неисправности на входе KTY84 на разъеме -X103:29,30 на короткое замыкание.


Двигатель I2t

Превышена параметризованная предельная величина контроля I2t для двигателя.

Проверить: P383 Темп.Двиг.T1.


Температура инвертора

Превышена предельная величина температуры инвертора.

r949 = 1: Превышена предельная величина температуры инвертора.

r949 = 2: Датчик 1: Обрыв провода в кабеле датчика или неисправность датчика.

r949 = 18: Датчик 2: Обрыв провода в кабеле датчика или неисправность датчика.

r949 = 34: Датчик 3: Обрыв провода в кабеле датчика или неисправность датчика.

r949 = 50: Датчик 4: Обрыв провода в кабеле датчика или неисправность датчика.

Измерить температуру приточного воздуха или окружающей среды. При >40 ºC учитывать кривые снижения номинальных значений параметров.


— подключен ли вентилятор E1 и правильность направления его вращения.

— воздухозаборные и воздуховыпускные отверстия на загрязнение.

— датчик температуры на -X30.



В фазе L1 произошло отключение UCE.


— фазу L1 на короткое замыкание или КЗ на землю (-X2:V2 — включая двигатель).

— правильность контактов блока управления.

Открыт ли переключатель для ‘БЕЗОПАСНОЕ ОТКЛ (X9/5-6) (только в устр. с № заказа …-11, …-21,…-31, …-61)



В фазе L2 произошло отключение UCE.


— фазу L2 на короткое замыкание или КЗ на землю (-X2:V2 — включая двигатель).

— правильность контактов блока управления.

Открыт ли переключатель для ‘БЕЗОПАСНОЕ ОТКЛ (X9/5-6) (только в устр. с № заказа …-11, …-21,…-31, …-61)



В фазе L3 произошло отключение UCE.


— фазу L3 на короткое замыкание или КЗ на землю (-X2:V2 — включая двигатель).

— правильность контактов блока управления.

Открыт ли переключатель для ‘БЕЗОПАСНОЕ ОТКЛ (X9/5-6) (только в устр. с № заказа …-11, …-21,…-31, …-61)


Фаза сети.

Частота и амплитуда пульсации звена пост. тока свидетельствуют об однофазном исчезновение напряжения сети.

Проверить напряжения сети.


Регистрация результатов измерений.

Возникла ошибка в регистрации результатов измерений.

— (r949 = 1) Коррекция смещения в фазе L1 не возможна.

— (r949 = 2) Коррекция смещения в фазе L3 не возможна.

— (r949 = 3) Коррекция смещения в фазах L1 и L3 не возможны.

— (r949=65) Автом. коррекция аналоговых входов не возможна.

Неисправность в регистрации результатов измерений.

Неисправность в силовой части (вентиль не запирает).

Неисправность в CU.


Внешняя ошибка 1.

Активирован параметрируемый внешний входной сигнал неисправности 1.


— Наличие внешней неисправности.

— Нет ли нарушения кабеля к соответствующему цифровому входу.

— P575  Нет лт внешн.неиспр.1


Внешняя ошибка 2.

Активирован параметрируемый внешний входной сигнал неисправности 2.


— Наличие внешней неисправности.

— Нет ли нарушения кабеля к соответствующему цифровому входу.

— P575  Нет лт внешн.неиспр.1


Аналоговый вход.

Аналоговый вход работает в режиме работы 4..20мА, и имеется обрыв провода. Номер соответствующего аналогового входа находится в значении неисправности (r949).

Проверить соединение с

— аналоговым входом 1 -X102:15, 16.

— аналоговым входом 2 -X102: 17, 18.

Контроль параметров

— P632 CU-AE Конфигурации.

— P634 CU-AE Сглаживание.

— P631 CU-AE Смещение.


Выключено напряжения при сохранении параметра.

При задании на параметр произошло исчезновение напряжения на блоке.

Заново ввести параметр. В значении неисправности r949 стоит номер соответствующего параметра.


AS внутренн.

Неправильное рабочее состояние.

Заменить CU (-A10).


Ошибка EEPROM.

При сохранении значений в EEPROM возникла ошибка.

Заменить CU (-A10).


Время вычислений.

Проблемы времени вычислений.

Уменьшить нагрузку времени вычислений:

— Увеличить P357 Время взятия выборки.

— Отдельные модули вычислять с более медленным временем взятия выборки.

Наблюдать своб. время вычислений r829.


Ошибка Упр. Программа BICO.

В соединении бинекторов и коннекторов возникла ошибка.

Значение неисправности r949:

>1000 : ошибка в соединении коннектора.

>2000 : ошибка в соединении бинектора.

— Отключить и включить напряжение.

— Заводская настройка и новая параметризация.

— Замена блока.


Аппаратный отказ факультативного блока.

Возник аппаратурный отказ при обращении к факультативному блоку.

Заменить CU.

Проверить и при необходимости заменить соединение держателя блока с факультативным блоком.


Звд. Пар.

При передаче параметров в процессор управляющей записи возникла ошибка.

Устройство выключить и снова включить.

Заменить CU (-A10).


Время вычислений упр. зап.

Время вычислений в устройстве обработки управляющей записи недостаточно.

Заменить CU (-A10).

Для синхронных двигателей (P095 = 12):

Установлена слишком высокая частота импульсов (P340 > 2кГц).


Част. имп. упр. зап.

Установленная в P340 частота импульсов недопустима.

Изменить частоту импульсов P340.


Версия программного обеспечения.

Различное состояние версий встроенного программного обеспечения в CU.

Использовать единое встроенное программное



Инициализация TSY.

Ошибка при инициализации TSY.


— правильно ли вставлен TSY.


Датчик скорости вращения.

Неисправность сбора данных цифрового или аналогового тахометра.

Контроль параметров:

— P130 И. факт. знач. скорости вращения.

— P151 количество имп./об.

— P138 норм. анал. тахом.

— P109 число пар полюсов двиг.

Произведение из P109 и P138 долюно быть 19200. Проверить или заменить тахометр.

Проверить соединение с тахометром

Заменить CU


Вх. рег. n

Активирован входной сигнал неисправности

на TSY.

Сбросить тахометр контр. Дорожкой P130 И. факт. знач. скорости вращения.

Заменить TSY.

Проверить подключение тахометра на TSY.

В зависимости от типа тахометра возможны несколько вариантов.


Тахометр dn/dt

Допустимая величина изменения сигнала датчика скорости вращения P215 dn (факт.,допуст.) превышена более чем вдвое.

Проверить питающие линии тахометра на наличие обрыва.

Проверить заземление экранирования тахометра.

— Экранирование должно быть выполнено как на стороне двигателя, так и на стороне конвертора.

— Кабель датчика не должен иметь нарушения.

— Кабель датчика не должен быть проложен с силовыми кабелями.

— Должны использоваться только рекомендованные датчики.

— При неисправности сигнала при необх. использовать блок DTI. При необходимости сделать изменения в P215

— С пом. P806 (учитывать описание параметров!) во время работы при необх. можно переключаться на режим без датчика.


Ошибка инициализации блока датчика.

При инициализации блока датчика возникла ошибка.

Значение неисправности r949

1: неправильный код блока

2: несовместимый TSY

3: несовместимый SBP

7: блок дублированный

20: блок TSY дублированный

60: внутренний сбой


Отказ телеграммы SIMOLINK.

Нарушение связи в кольцевой схеме SIMOLINK.

— Проверить кольцевую схему оптоволоконного кабеля.

— Проверить, нет ли в кольцевой схеме SLB без напряжения.

— Проверить, нет ли в кольцевой схеме неисправного SLB.

— Проверить P741 (SLB Вр. отказа тлгр.)


Тормоз не размыкает.

Тормоз не разомкнул, выходной ток конвертора превысил параметризованную пороговую величину тока (U840) более чем на одну секунду (ротор двигателя заклинило).


Только для U800 = 1

Проверить тормоз.

Проверить I(макс) тормоз (U840).

Установленный порог должен составлять не менее 10% выше максимально возможного тока разгона.


Ошибка параметра.

При обработке задания на параметр возникла ошибка.

Способа устранения нет.


Ошибка параметра после заводской настройки/ инициализации.

При расчете параметра в фазе инициализации возникла ошибка.

В значении неисправности r949 присутствует номер несогласующегося параметра. Исправить этот параметр (ВСЕ индексы) и выключить и снова включить напряжение. Это может касаться нескольких параметров, т.е. процесс повторить.


Отсутствует MLFB.

Устанавливается, если после выхода из ИНИЦИАЛИЗАЦИИ MLFB = 0 (0.0 кВт).

MLFB = номер заказа.

После квитирования в ИНИЦИАЛИЗАЦИИ ВВЕСТИ подходящий MLFB в параметр P070 MLFB (6SE70..). (Возможно только при соответствующих ступенях доступа обоих параметров доступа).


Ошибочная параметризация.

Введенный при настройке привода параметр (напр. P107 Частота Двиг. (n), P108 Скор.Вращ.Двиг. (n), P340 Частота Импульсов) находится в недопустимом диапазоне (в зависимости от типа регулирования)

Квитировать неисправность и изменить соответствующие значение параметра.

Неправильный параметр указывается в

r949 как значение неисправности.


Мульти параллельная схема.

Обнаружена неисправность в связи с мульти параллельной схемой или блоком ImPI.

r949 = 10:

Блок обмена данными не отвечает. При записи управляющего слова не активируется BUSY, если дезактивируется CSOUT. Вероятно, не вставлен блок обмена данными.

r949 = 11,12:

Истечение вр. ожид. при BUSY во время инициализации. BUSY не активируется в течение 1 с.

r949 = 15:

Истечение вр. ожид. при BUSY во время нормального обмена данными. BUSY не активируется в течение 1 с.

r949 = 18:

Истечение вр. ожид. при считывании информации о неисправности из ImPIs. В течение одной секунды после активирования ОШИБКИ ImPI не выдал причину неисправности.

r949 = 20+i:

Конфликт аппаратных средств. Устанавливается, если в слове состояния подчиненного устройства i устанавливается бит HWCONF. (Ошибка в структуре мульти параллельной схемы)

r949 = 30+i:

Несовместимая версия аппаратных средств ImPI. В i содержится соответствующий номер подчиненного устройства.

r949 = 40:

Количество подчиненных устройств не совпадает с заданным количеством подчиненных устройств.

r949 = 50+i:

Противоречивость в количестве подчиненных устройств. Сообщенное от ImPI количество подчиненных устройств не совпадает с количеством слов состояния или с заданным количеством подчиненных устройств MLFB.

Способ устранения:

— Проверить и при необх. заменить ImPI или блок обмена данными.

— Проверить структуру мульти параллельной схемы.

Проверить параметризацию.

— Заменить CU.

— Заменить ImPI.


Отказ телеграммы SST.

В интерфейсе SST (протокол SST/USS) в течение времени отказа телеграммы не поступала телеграмма.

Значение неисправности r949:

1 = Интерфейс 1 (SST1)

2 = Интерфейс 2 (SST2)

— Проверить соединение CU -X100:1 — 5 или проверить соединение PMU -X300.

— Проверить «SST/SCB вр. отказа тлгр.» P704.01 (SST1) или P704.02 (SST2)

— Заменить CU (-A10).


Ошибка инициализации SCB.

При инициализации блока SCB возникла ошибка.

Значение неисправности r949:

1: неправильный код блока

2: несовместимый блок SCB

5: ошибка в данных конфигурации

6: истечение врем. ожид. инициализации

7: блок SCB дублированный

10: сбой в канале


Ошибка инициализации EB.

При инициализации блока EB возникла ошибка.

Значение неисправности r949:

2: несовместимый 1-й EB1

3: несовместимый 2-й EB1

4: несовместимый 1-й EB2

5: несовместимый 2-й EB2

21: три блока EB1

22: три блока EB2

110: ошибка 1-й EB1 (Аналоговый вход)

120: ошибка 2-й EB1 (Аналоговый вход)

210: ошибка 1-й EB2 (Аналоговый вход)

220: ошибка 2-й EB2 (Аналоговый вход)


АнВх1 SL1.

4 мА на аналоговом входе 1, не достигнуто подчиненное устройство 1.

Проверить связь источника сигнала с SCI1 (подчиненное устройство 1) -X428:4, 5.


АнВх2 SL1.

4 мА на аналоговом входе 2, не достигнуто подчиненное устройство 1.

Проверить связь источника сигнала с SCI1 (подчиненное устройство 1) -X428:7, 8.


АнВх3 SL1.

4 мА на аналоговом входе 3, не достигнуто подчиненное устройство 1.

Проверить связь источника сигнала с SCI1 (Подчиненное устройство 1) -X428:10, 11.


АнВх1 SL2.

4 мА на аналоговом входе 1, не достигнуто подчиненное устройство 2.

Проверить связь источника сигнала с SCI1 (Подчиненное устройство2) -X428:4, 5.


АнВх2 SL2.

4 мА на аналоговом входе 2, не достигнуто подчиненное устройство 2.

Проверить связь источника сигнала с SCI1 (подчиненное устройство 2) -X428:7,8.


АнВх3 SL2.

4 мА на аналоговом входе 3, не достигнуто

подчиненное устройство 2.

Проверить связь источника сигнала с SCI1 (подчиненное устройство 2) -X428:10, 11.


Отказ телеграммы SCB.

От SCB (USS, Peer-to-Peer, SCI) в течение времени отказа телеграммы не поступала телеграммы.

— Проверить соединения SCB1(2).

— Проверить P704.03″SST/SCB вр. отказа тлгр.».

— Заменить SCB1(2).

— Заменить CU (-A10).


Ошибка инициализации TB/CB.

Ошибка при инициализации блока в интерфейсе DPR.

Значение неисправности r949:

1: неправильный код блока

2: несовместимый блок TB/CB

3: несовместимый блок CB

5: ошибка в данных конфигурации

6: истечение врем. ожид. инициализации

7: блок TB/CB дублированный

10: сбой в канале

Проверить блок T300 / CB на правильность контактов, проверить источник питания PSU, проверить блоки CU / CB / T и параметры инициализации CB:

— P918.01 адрес шины CB,

— P711.01 — P721.01 параметры CB 1 – 11.


Факультативный блок счетчик пульсаций.

Перестал обрабатываться счетчик пульсаций факультативного блока.

Значение неисправности r949:

0: счетчик пульсаций TB/CB

1: счетчик пульсаций SCB

2: счетчик пульсаций доп.CB

— Квитировать неисправность (при этом

автоматически выполняется сброс)

— При повторном возникновении ошибки

заменить соответствующий блок (см.

значение неисправности.

— Заменить ADB

— Проверить и при необходимости заменить

связь держателя блока с факультативным

блоком (LBA)


Отказ телеграммы TB/CB.

От TB или CB в течение времени отказа телеграммы не принимались новые данные обработки.

Значение неисправности r949:

1 = TB/CB.

2 = дополнительный CB.

— Проверить связь с TB/CB.

— Проверить von P722 (CB/TB Вр.отказа телеграммы.).

— Заменить CB или TB.


Ошибка инициализации доп. CB.

При инициализации блока CB возникла ошибка.

Значение неисправности r949:

1: неправильный код блока

2: несовместимый блок TB/CB

3: несовместимый блок CB

5: ошибка в данных конфигурации

6: истечение врем. ожид. инициализации

7: блок TB/CB дублированный

10: сбой в канале

Проверить блок T300 / CB на правильность контактов и проверить параметры инициализации CB:

— P918.02 адрес шины CB,

— P711.02 — P721.02 параметра CB 1- 11


Ошибка инициализации SIMOLINK.

При инициализации блок SLB возникла ошибка.

— Заменить CU

— Заменить SLB


Ид. дв. парам.

При попытке изменить параметр при измерении в состоянии покоя или вращающемся измерении (Ид. Дв.) возникла ошибка.

Выключить и снова включить. При повторном возникновении заменить CU.


MId Время.

Состояние измерения вращающегося измерения длится дольше предусмотренного. Возможные причины: ·

Слишком высокий момент нагрузки.

Слишком неустойчивый момент нагрузки.

Блокирован датчик разгона.

Устранить причину и снова запустить измерение (снова включить конвертор).

При повторном возникновении заменить CU.


Ид. дв. n (зад.)

Из-за заданий для

— допуст. последоват. чередования фаз.

— максимальной частоты.

— минимальной скорости вращения.

— частоты переключ. между моделью U и I.

— частоты ослабления поля возбуждения.

— полосы пропускания подавления частоты невозможно определить допустимый диапазон частоты вращающегося измерения.

Должен иметься 10% -й диапазон частоты, который в 1,1 раза превышает частоту переключения и в 0,9 раза меньше начальной частоты ослабления поля возбуждения.

Возможные способы устранения:

— Допустить обе последовательности чередования фаз.

— Увеличить максимальную частоту.

— Понизить минимальную скорость вращения.

— Понизить частоту переключения между моделью U и I.

— Уменьшить или убрать полосу пропускания подавления частоты.


Ид. дв. Прерывание.

Вращающееся измерение было прервано из-за недопустимого внешнего вмешательства.

Значение неисправности в r949 дает пояснение вида вмешательства:

4 блокирование зад. значения

5 переключение канала зад. значения

8 неожиданное изменение состояния конвертора

12 перекл. набора данных двигателя (для выбора функций.»полн. Ид.Дв. «)

13 переключение на ведомый привод

14 перекл. набора данных двигателя на набор данных с характ. U/f

15 установлена блокировка регулятора

16 блокирован датчик разгона

17 выбор «Тест тахометра» для регулирования F

18 остановлен датчик разгона. Устранить причину

22 блокировки инвертора: Проверить разблокирование инвертора (P561)


Ид. дв. знач. измерения.

Слишком большие расхождения значений измерений для номинального времени нарастания при оптимизации регулятора.

Причина: очень неустойчивый момент нагрузки.

При необходимости увеличить предельные значения момента до 100 процентов.


Ид. дв. щш.  тахом.

Вращающееся измерение обнаружило ошибку в сигнале факт. знач. скорости вращения. Значение неисправности дает пояснение вида ошибки. Сообщение о неисправности может сформироваться ошибочно, если имело место принудительное задание на скорость вращения привода извне (напр. Полностью блокированный привод формирует сообщение «отсутствие сигнала»)

Значение неисправности в r949 дает пояснение вида вмешательства

4 отсутствует сигнал скорости вращения

5 неправильный знак сигнала

6 отсутствует сигнал дорожки

7 неправильное усиление

8 неправильное количество имп./об.

Проверить измерительные кабели.

Контроль параметров:

— P130 И. факт. знач. скорости вращения.

— P151 количество имп./об. Имп.Дат.


Иниц. заземл.

При испытании на короткое замыкание на землю измерен ток, не равный нулю, или сработал контроль UCE или максимального тока, хотя вентиль еще не был включен.

Причину неисправности можно считать в r376 «Результат испытания на короткое замыкание на землю».

Проверить выход конвертора на короткое замыкание или замыкание на землю

(-X2:U2, V2, W2 — включая двигатель).

Проверить правильность контактов блока управления CU.

Типоразмер 1 и 2:

— Проверить короткое замыкание транзисторные модули на блоке PEU -A23 на.

Типоразмер 3 и 4:

— Проверить на короткое замыкание транзисторные модули -A100, -A200, -A300

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Общая схема соединений SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES для типа E и F

Общая схема соединений SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES для типа G

Общая схема соединений SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES для типа E и F

Общая схема соединений SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES для типа G

Общая схема стандартных соединений SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES

Общая схема стандартных соединений SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES

Ремонт преобразователей SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES

Ремонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVESМы ценим своих клиентов и делаем упор на качество выполненных работ, а также время его выполнения. Ниже представлен далеко не полный список преобразователей частоты SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES, ремонтируемые в нашем сервисном центре.

6SE7014-5FB10; 6SE7014-5FB61-Z; 6SE7012-0TP50-Z; 6SE7011-5EP50; 6SE7011-5EP70; 6SE7012-0TP50; 6SE7012-0TP70; 6SE7013-0EP50; 6SE7013-0EP70; 6SE7014-0TP50; 6SE7014-0TP70; 6SE7015-0EP50; 6SE7015-0EP70; 6SE7018-0TA51-Z; 6SE7013-2ES87-2DC0; 6SE7013-0EP70-Z; 6SE7011-5EP60; 6SE7012-0TP60; 6SE7013-0EP60; 6SE7014-0TP60; 6SE7015-0EP60; 6SE7016-1EA61; 6SE7018-0TA31; 6SE7014-5FB61; 6SE7014-5UB61; 6SE7016-1TA61-Z; 6SE7016-1EA51-Z; 6SE7016-1EA61-Z; 6SE7014-0TP70-Z; 6SE7014-5FB20; 6SE7015-0EP70-Z; 6SE7016-0TP50-Z; 6SE7014-0P50-Z; 6SE7016-1TA21; 6SE7014–5FB61; 6SE7016-0TP70-Z; 6SE7016-1EA30; 6SE7016-1EA31; 6SE7011-5EP70-Z; 6SE7016-1TA51-Z; 6SE7013-0EP60-Z-G91; 6SE7016-0TP60-Z; 6SE7016-1EA21; 6SE7011-5EP50-Z; 6SE7011-5EP60-Z-G91; 6SE7012-0TP70-Z; 6SE7012-0EP87-0FB1; 6SE7013-0EP60-Z; 6SE7013-0EP50-Z; 6SE7014-0TP50-Z; 6SE7014-5UB10; 6SE7014-0TP60-Z; 6SE7015-0EP50-Z; 6SE7015-0EP60-Z; 6SE7034–5FK60; 6SE7033–5FK60; 6SE7033–0FK60; 6SE7032–3FG60; 6SE7032–0FG60; 6SE7031–6FG60; 6SE7031–3FG60; 6SE7031–1FF6.

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Ремонт SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVESМы предлагаем не только выполнить качественный ремонт промышленного оборудования и электроники также у нас вы можете купить частотный преобразователь SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES, как со склада компании, так и под заказ.

В случае отсутствия нужного преобразователя на нашем складе, под заказ мы можем поставить вам промышленное оборудование, время ожидания в данном случае составит от 2-ух до 4-ех недель.

Кроме частотных преобразователей SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES на складе находится около ста позиций промышленного оборудования различных производителей и года выпуска, некоторые из них давно сняты с производства и купить их у производителя просто невозможно.

В случае выхода из строя промышленного оборудования снятого с производства и невозможности или нежелании его ремонта вы можете поискать его в нашем каталоге и при желании купить. Все промышленное оборудование, выставленное на продажу на 100% рабочее, к том уже вместе с покупкой вы получаете 6-и месячную гарантию на приобретенное оборудование.

Вы можете получить консультацию и купить SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES у наших менеджеров. Мы работаем для вас с 8:00 до 17:00 по Московскому времени без перерывов, суббота и воскресенье выходные дни.

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Number / Alarm



The calculating time work load is too high.

Time slot overflow

a) At least 3 failures of time slots T6 or T7 (see

also parameter r829.6 or r829.7)

b) At least 3 failures of time slots T2, T3, T4 or

T5 (see also parameter r829.2 to r829.5)


Start of the SIMOLINK ring is not functioning.

SIMOLINK start alarm


Although synchronization has been activated,

the drive is not synchronous.

Drive not synchronous

Possible causes are:

— Poor communication connection (frequent

telegram failures)

— Slow bus cycle times (in the case of high bus

cycle times or synchronization of slow time

slots, synchronizing can last for 1-2 minutes in

the worst case).

— Incorrect wiring of the time counter (only if

P754 > P746 /T0)


Startup of the 2nd SIMOLINK ring does not


Alarm startup of 2nd



The closed-loop electronic system of

MASTERDRIVES MC consists of two

Couple full

microprocessors. Only a limited number of

couple channels are provided for transferring

data between the two processors.

The alarm displays that all couple channels

between the two processors are busy. An

attempt has, however, been made to

interconnect another connector requireing a

couple channel.


The DC link voltage is not equal to 0 when the

simulation mode is selected (P372 = 1).

Simulation active alarm


Parameterizable external alarm input 1 has

been activated.

External alarm 1

Siemens AG



The alarm message is periodically displayed on the PMU by A = alarm/

alarm message and a 3-digit number. An alarm cannot be

acknowledged. It is automatically deleted once the cause has been

eliminated. Several alarms can be present. The alarms are then

displayed one after the other.

When the converter is operated with the OP1S operator control panel,

the alarm is indicated in the lowest operating display line. The red LED

additionally flashes (refer to the OP1S operating instructions).

Operating Instructions


— Reduce pulse frequency

— Calculate individual function blocks in slower

time slots (parameter U950 ff.)

— Check the fiber-optic cable ring for


— Check whether there is an SLB without

voltage in the ring

— Check whether there is a faulty SLB in the



— Check r748 i002 and i003 = counters for

CRC faults and timeout faults

— Check the fiber-optic cable connection

— Check P751 on the dispatcher (connector

260 must be softwired); Check P753 on the

transceiver (corresponding SIMOLINK

connector K70xx must be softwired).

— Check the fiber optic cable ring for any


— Check whether an SLB in the ring is without


— Check whether an SLB in the ring is faulty


— Set P372 to 0.

— Reduce DC link voltage (disconnect the

converter from the supply)


— whether the cable to the corresponding

digital input has been interrupted.

— parameter P588 Src No Ext Warn1

Faults and Alarms


  • Contents

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Edition: AI



Motion Control


Related Manuals for Siemens SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES

Summary of Contents for Siemens SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES

  • Page 1
    Compendium Edition: AI simovert masterdrives Motion Control…
  • Page 3
    2.) Parameterization of the F01 technology option (if present) during initial start-up 3.) Parameterization of the unit by means of downloading if data backup is provided ♦ Annex (tips on information in the internet) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control Compendium…
  • Page 4
    /messages in Section 10, «Control Word and Status Word». ♦ Interfaces (USS, PROFIBUS, SIMOLINK, CAN): In addition to the function diagrams, you can find detailed descriptions of the interface functions in Section 8, «Communication». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Motion Control Compendium SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 5
    HOTLINE and so on. Contents located under: SIEMENS / Products & Solutions / Product index / Variable-speed drives / MASTERDRIVES MC / contact partner / A&D Automation and Drives / Support, Training & Services / Customer Support / Variable-Speed drive Systems…
  • Page 6
    NOTE For the purpose of this documentation, «Note» indicates important information about the product or about the respective part of the documentation which is essential to highlight. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AI) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 7
    Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred to the local SIEMENS sales office. The contents of this documentation shall not become part of or modify any prior or existing agreement, commitment or relationship.
  • Page 8
    5. Release of pollutants and emissions if components are not operated or disposed of properly. For additional information on the residual risks emanating from the components of the PDS, please refer to the relevant chapters of the technical user documentation. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AI) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 9
    ♦ Parameterization and programming errors made by the machinery construction OEM cannot be identified. The required level of safety can only be assured by thorough and careful acceptance testing. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AI) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 10
    When an encoder is replaced, the axis involved must be re– calibrated. ♦ Non-referenced, faulty or unadjusted position measuring systems may lead to unintentional axis motions with a closed position control loop. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AI) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 11
    System Description Configuration and Connection Examples Instructions for Design of Drives SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES in Conformance with EMC Regulations MOTION CONTROL Function Blocks and Parameters Compendium Parameterization Parameterizing Steps in Volume 1 Functions Communication Technology Option F01 Control Word and Status Word…
  • Page 13
    Non-grounded systems ………………3-3 The frequency converter and its electromagnetic compatibility ……. 3-4 3.3.1 The frequency converter as a noise source …………. 3-4 3.3.2 The frequency converter as a noise receiver ……….. 3-7 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 14
    Design of drives in conformance with EMC regulations……… 3-13 3.5.1 Basic EMC rules ………………… 3-13 3.5.2 Examples ………………….3-19 Assignment of SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES, radio interference suppression filters and line reactors…………… 3-26 Specified standards ………………3-26 FUNCTION BLOCKS AND PARAMETERS………… 4-1 Function blocks………………..4-1 Connectors and binectors……………..
  • Page 15
    Basic positioning………………… 7-12 Functions ………………….7-16 Normalization………………..7-24 Operating modes ……………….. 7-28 Preprocessing of position setpoint …………..7-44 Application example………………7-46 Change history………………..7-50 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 16 Example of «Request parameter value», simple ………. 8.2-29 Example of «Change parameter value», simple……….. 8.2-30 Example of «Request parameter value», more than one array element ..8.2-31 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 17
    Operating the CBP with a SIMATIC S5 …………8.2-75 Operating the CBP with a SIMATIC S7 …………8.2-77 Operating the CBP with a non-Siemens system ……… 8.2-79 Operating the CBP2 with extended functions with a SIMATIC S7 ….8.2-80 CBP2 with cross traffic operated with a SIMATIC S7……..
  • Page 18 Fault displays and alarms on the basic unit ……….8.4-54 Evaluation of the CBC diagnostic parameter ……….8.4-56 Meaning of CBC diagnosis …………….8.4-57 8.4.7 Appendix…………………. 8.4-60 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 19
    MASTERDRIVES MC_F01 and MASTERDRIVES MC_B-Pos ….8.5-107 8.5.11 Logical interconnections for control and status words ……8.5-108 8.5.12 General plans of interconnections in MASTERDRIVES MC….. 8.5-116 8.5.13 Terms and abbreviations …………….8.5-133 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 20
    Virtual master axis [832] …………….. 9-84 9.4.30 Real master with deadtime compensation [833] ……….9-85 9.4.31 Engaging/disengaging cycle [834]…………..9-86 9.4.32 Gearbox function [835] ………………. 9-91 9.4.33 Generation of the position setpoint [836]…………9-92 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 21
    Checking the speed/position controller …………9-153 9.8.4 Defining the actual speed value normalization……….9-154 9.8.5 Commissioning the MASTERDRIVES basic functions …….. 9-155 9.8.6 Defining the length unit LU …………….9-155 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 22
    References, software products and accessories ……… 9-193 CONTROL WORD AND STATUS WORD…………. 10-1 10.1 Description of the control word bits …………..10-1 10.2 Description of the status word bits …………..10-9 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 23
    Selection of the braking resistor …………..11-44 11.10 Power Extension PIN F02 (from firmware version 2.20 and higher)…. 11-45 Annex Function Diagrams Parameter Lists Faults and Alarms Lists of Stored Motors Dimension Drawings Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 24
    System Description System Description Overview The SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC (Motion Control) belongs to the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES product group. This product group represents an overall modular, fully digital component system for solving all drive tasks posed by three-phase drive engineering. The…
  • Page 25
    Menu structures stored in the unit software simplify start-up and visualization of the drives in conjunction with various operator control panels. PC-assisted tools enable effective parameter setting and data security. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 26
    ♦ Compact PLUS 550 W to 18.5 kW ♦ Compact 2.2 kW to 37 kW ♦ Chassis 45 kW to 250 kW Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 27
    X1 01 X1 01 X1 01 X1 01 X1 01 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 Operator control and visualization Fig. 1-1 Communication 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 28
    6SE7021-0EP50 only half the rated output current). The regenerative energy generated in one axis can either be used up by the other motors, stored in the capacitor module or reduced in the braking resistor. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 29
    Motor encoder: PTC/KTY — Resolver SBx in — Encoder Slot C — Pulse encoder — Multiturn encoder Fig. 2-1 Configuration example of a single-axis drive of the Compact PLUS type 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 30
    02.2004 Configuration and Connection Examples Fig. 2-2 Configuration example of a multi-axis drive with up to 3 axes of the Compact PLUS type Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 31
    Configuration and Connection Examples 02.2004 +24 V Fig. 2-3 Configuration example of a multi-axis drive with rectifier unit of the Compact PLUS type 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 32
    6) OFF switch Operating the OFF switch causes the line contactor to open immediately. The drives are not brought to a controlled standstill, but are braked only by the load. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 33
    Use of a line filter is necessary if the radio interference voltages generated by the converters or rectifier units need to be reduced. 15) Motor supply The Siemens cables described in the catalog should be used for line connecting the converter and the motor to each other.
  • Page 34
    Q1 is 230 V AC. The auxiliary contactor is not required if a line contactor with a control voltage of 24 V DC is used. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 35
    This especially concerns the multiturn encoder EQN1325. Encoder or encoder cable faults can result in incorrect field orientation and therefore in uncontrolled axis movements. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 36
    ♦ Configuration examples: • Multi-axis drive with Compact units (see Fig 2-5 on page 2-10) • Multi-axis drive with chassis-type units (see Fig. 2-6 on page 2-11) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 37
    SBx in — Resolver Slot C — Encoder Options are shaded in grey — Pulse encoder — Multiturn encoder Fig. 2-4 Configuring example: single-axis drive with Compact or chassis-type units 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 2-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 38
    02.2004 Configuration and Connection Examples Fig. 2-5 Configuration example: multi-axis drive with Compact units Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 2-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 39
    Configuration and Connection Examples 02.2004 Fig. 2-6 Configuration example: multi-axis drive with chassis-type units 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 2-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 40
    The line contactor is opened as soon as the OFF switch is activated. The drives are not brought to a standstill in a controlled manner; they are braked only by the connected load. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 2-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 41
    NC contact has to be looped in. It must be borne in mind that contact X38: 4,5 does not close until the DC link voltage has built up at the braking unit. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 2-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 42
    This especially concerns the multiturn encoder EQN1325. Encoder or encoder cable faults can result in incorrect field orientation and therefore in uncontrolled axis movements. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 2-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 43
    (with reference to 1 revolution). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 2-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 44
    Slot EB1 into another slot (adapter board or slot C), or in the case of item no. 477 491 9000 00, use product version B or higher. All product versions can be used with item no. 477 491 9000 10. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 2-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 45
    EMC regulations on a case-to-case basis after individual investigation. In the context of the EMC Law, SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES are considered as «components» rather than «units». For a better understanding of these instructions, however, the generally used term «units»…
  • Page 46
    The noise immunity of a unit describes how it behaves when subjected to electromagnetic noise/interference. The requirements and evaluation criteria for the behaviour of the electrical units are also laid down in standard EN 61800-3. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 47
    Without a radio interference suppression filter, the emitted noise of the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES frequency converters exceeds the limit value «First environment». Limit values are currently still under discussion for the «Second environment» sector (see EN 61800-3 section 6.3.2).
  • Page 48
    The frequency converter and its electromagnetic compatibility 3.3.1 The frequency converter as a noise source Mode of operation SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES frequency converters operate with a of SIMOVERT voltage-source DC link. MASTERDRIVES In order to keep the power losses as low as possible, the inverter switches the DC link voltage to the motor winding in the form of voltage blocks.
  • Page 49
    The shield now forms the easiest path for the noise current to take when returning to the frequency converter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 50
    The SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES must be installed in an enclosed cabinet in order to limit the radio interference radiation. In particular, the radio interference radiation is determined by the control section with its microprocessor and it is therefore comparable with the noise emitted from a computer.
  • Page 51
    Fig. 3-6 Increasing the noise immunity by using shielded signal cables The inputs and outputs of the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES control section are fitted with filters that keep noise currents I separate from the electronics. The filters also smooth the useful signal. In the case of signal cables with extremely high-frequency signals, e.g.
  • Page 52
    9 mV and 4.5 mV respectively! Before radio interference measures can be applied, it must first be clarified at which locations you or your customer require EMC. See the following example: 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 53
    It is possible that the control system produces electromagnetic influences at interfaces , and the sensor system at interfaces Therefore, a radio interference suppression filter by itself cannot ensure EMC! See the following sections. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 54
    If necessary, filters have to be used at the zone interfaces. The zone concept is explained using the following diagram as an example which shows a simplified drive system: 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 3-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 55
    A defined noise immunity level is required here. ♦ Zone E comprises the three-phase motor and the motor supply cable. ♦ The zones should be spatially separated in order to achieve electromagnetic de-coupling. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 3-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 56
    (e.g. isolating amplifiers) prevent the noise from being propagated from one zone to the next. Isolating amplifiers particularly have to be provided in the case of analog signals. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 3-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 57
    Tachometers, encoders or resolvers must be connected through a shielded cable. The shield must be connected to the tachometer, encoder or resolver and at the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES through a large surface area. The shield must not be interrupted, e.g. using intermediate terminals.
  • Page 58
    (hum), the shields are only connected for analog signals at one end at the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES. The other end of the shield should be grounded through a capacitor (e.g. 10 nF/100 V type MKT).
  • Page 59
    The line supply cable has to be spatially separated from the motor feeder cables, e.g. by grounded partitions. Rule 19 The shield between the motor and SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES must not be interrupted by the installation of components such as output reactors, sinusoidal filters, dv/dt filters, fuses, contactors. The…
  • Page 60
    Instructions for Design of Drives in Conformance with EMC Regulations 05.2003 Cabinet 1 Cabinet 2 Cabinet 3 *) Keep the radio interference suppression filters away from SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES air discharge duct, e.g. by Netz Netz mounting at another level Rule Rule…
  • Page 61
    ♦ UNI IRIS Dicht or UNI EMV Dicht, Messrs. Pflitsch, Hückeswagen It is not permissible to use plastic motor terminal boxes! Shield clamp Cable con- nector Fig. 3-12 Connecting the signal cable shields for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 3-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 62
    Fig. 3-13 Connecting signal cable shields in the cabinet Wherever possible, intermediate terminals should not be used as they reduce the shielding effect! 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 3-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 63
    (zone concept!). The motor must be connected using a shielded cable! The shield has to be connected through the largest possible surface area at the motor and the inverter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 3-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 64
    ♦ Locate the motor connector X2 and screw tightly to the unit. The control cables can be attached at the front of the connecting adapter using shield clamps. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 3-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 65
    The motor must be connected using a shielded cable! The shield must be connected through the largest possible surface area at the motor and drive converter. The optional connecting adapter can be used to connect the shield to SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD)
  • Page 66
    05.2003 Fig. 3-17 Mounting the connecting adapter ♦ Screw lower section A to SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES. ♦ Mount SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES on the mounting panel. ♦ Connect the shielded motor cable and shield to section A through the largest possible surface area, e.g. attach using cable connectors.
  • Page 67
    U1/L1 V1/L2 W1/L3 U2/T1 V2/T2 W2/T3 — L1 Shielded area Fig. 3-18 Example of a chassis unit mounted in the cabinet with radio interference suppression filter and line reactor Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 3-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The motor and signal cables are routed separately from each other. The shields of the motor and signal cables have to be mounted on the shield connections through the largest possible surface area. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 3-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    All of the cables are then routed together in the vertical cable duct. Cabling such as this allows noise to be easily propagated and coupled- Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 3-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The 6SE70 radio interference suppression filters were checked to make sure they maintain the limit values, using layouts consisting of SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES and the associated line reactors. The components were mounted in cabinets (Type 8MC) in observance of the specified rules. The motor feeder cable was 30 m long.
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    M(set) P228.B Connector K0153 KK0152 Visualization r238 M(set) parameter n-Reg.release Fixed of sequence control B0310 [460.8] connection Binector Cross-reference to other function diagram [page.column] Fig. 4-1 A function block Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The connector number always has four digits. Connector name Connector name M(set,n-Reg.) n(set,smooth) K0153 KK0150 Identification letter Connector number Identification letter Connector number Fig. 4-2 Connectors with word lengths of 16 bit and 32 bit 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    On account of their definition, binectors can only assume the two states «0» (logically no) and «1» (logically yes). Binector name Accel active B0201 Identification letter Binector number Fig. 4-4 Binectors Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ «L»xxx and «c»xxx are replaced by «3»xxx Examples: Select r004 on OP1S: Input 0004 Select P050 on OP1S: Input 0050 Select U123 on OP1S: Input 2123 Select L411 on OP1S Input 3411 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    16 and 17 in control word 2 (P576.B and P577.B). Changeover is possible at any time. The active function data sets are displayed via the visualization parameter r013 (Active FuncDSet). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    If BICO data set 1 is active, the parameter value stored in parameter index 1 is used. If BICO data set 2 is active, the parameter value stored in parameter index 2 is used. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    To distinguish them from the other parameters, they are designated with a lower-case letter (r, n, d and c) in the parameter number. Parameter name DC Bus Volts r006 Parameter number Fig. 4-7 Visualization parameters Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    100 % = 100 % = 100 % = 4000 0000 H 4000 H 4000 H 4000 0000 H Pxxx.B Pxxx.B Pxxx.B Bxxxx Fig. 4-9 Possible and impossible BICO connections 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    32 bit to 16 bit. As the low-word is cut off, the information of the lower-order 16 bit of the double-word connectors is then lost. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    It is possible for one parameter to belong to several menus. The parameter list indicates which individual menus a parameter belongs to. Assignment is effected via the menu number allocated to each menu. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Setting up/MDI By entering a password in P359, access to the menus in the gray shaded area can be prohibited to unauthorized persons P358 Key P359 Lock Fig. 5-1 Parameter menus 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Used to define the power section (only necessary for units of definition the Compact and chassis type) • When selected, the unit switches to status 0 «Power section definition» Table 5-1 Main menus Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    1. Adopt key parameter P358 in the «User parameters» menu (P360.x = 358). 2. Program the lock parameter P359 in both parameter indices with your specific password. 3. Change over to the «User parameters» menu. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Table 5-4 Preconditions for being able to change parameters NOTE The current status of the units can be interrogated in parameter r001. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Seven-segment display for: Drive statuses Alarms and faults Parameter numbers Raise key Lower key Parameter indices Toggle key Parameter values Fig. 5-2 PMU in units of the Compact PLUS type 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Seven-segment display for: Drive statuses Alarms and Reversing key faults ON key Parameter numbers Toggle key OFF key Parameter indices Lower key X300 Parameter values Fig. 5-3 PMU parameterizing unit Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    4 figures (right-hand figure flashes if there are any further invisible figures to the right) Table 5-7 Operator control elements on the PMU 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Parameter changes made using the PMU are always safely stored in the EEPROM (protected in case of power failure) once the toggle key has been depressed. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Select P060 P053 P060 Set P060 to 0002 and select «Fixed settings» menu P060 P060 Select P970 P060 P970 Set P970 to 0000 and start parameter reset ∇ P970 °005 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Order numbers Components Order Number OP1S 6SE7090-0XX84-2FK0 Connecting cable 3 m 6SX7010-0AB03 Connecting cable 5 m 6SX7010-0AB05 Adapter for installation in cabinet door incl. 5 m cable 6SX7010-0AA00 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Significance Range RS485 P Data via RS485 interface Ground ±5%, 200 mA 5 V aux. voltage supply RS485 N Data via RS485 interface Reference potential Table 5-8 OP1S connections 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    On the Compact PLUS rectifier unit, you can plug the OP1S onto the Compact PLUS Sub D socket X320 and lock it in place on the front cover. rectifier unit Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    When a bus system is started up with the OP1S, the slaves must first be configured individually. The plugs of the bus cable must be removed for this purpose (see section «Bus operation»). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The unit’s own PMU control panel must then be used to set parameter P701 (baud rate) to 6 (9.6 kBd) or 7 (19.2 kBd) or to reset the parameters to the factory setting. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    This function must be enabled by P574 • Sign key For changing the sign so that negative values can be entered • Number keys Numerical input Table 5-9 Operator control elements of the OP1S 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    In addition to the operating display on the display unit, the operating state is indicated by the red and green LEDs as follows: Continuous Flashing red LED Alarm Fault green LED Ready for ON Operation Table 5-10 Operating displays Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    «#” symbol. After the «P» key has been pressed, the relevant symbol jumps to the selected function. The «Reset» key is for returning to the operating display. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 98
    Change slave Slave ID Slave ID Slave ID Slave ID and so on Config. slave MASTERDRIVES MC 6SE7014-0TP50 #Slave ID PLUS 6SE7014-0TP50 1.5 kW Example of a slave ID Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Enter ID Enter ID 190- 1909- 19091- Example of entering an ID When «P» is pressed, the message «Upread ok» appears and the display changes to the basic menu. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 100
    Download Download Error: MotionControl 00 *1909199701 *1909199701 Different Stop download? MASTERDRIVES MC MASTERDRIVES MC #yes Yes: The «Download» procedure is discontinued. The «Download» procedure is carried out. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    «Lower» or «Raise» (see section «Slave ID»). The «Delete data» procedure can now be started with «P». After completion, the message «Data deleted» appears and the display returns to the basic menu. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 102
    *User Param. *Gen. Param. *Gen. Param. *SST1/SST2 #Param Menu.. Terminals Terminals Field bus conn. SCom Bus Addrese FixedSet… Communication #Communication SIMOLINK Ser. Interf.1 Example: Selecting a parameter via sub-menus Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 103
    Example: Parameter with index, index text and selection text P701.001 SCom Baud rate Ser Interf.1 9600 Baud 1st line: Parameter number, parameter index, parameter value 2nd line: Parameter name 3rd line: Index text 4th line: Selection text 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    With «Reset», the message is deleted and the old value is re-instated. NOTE Parameter changes are always stored with power-failure protection in the EEPROM of the unit connected to the OP1S. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Some parameters may also be displayed without a parameter number, e.g. during quick parameterization or if «Fixed setting» is selected. In this case, parameterization is carried out via various sub-menus. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Menu Selection #FactSet. *User Param.. *No FactSet Param. Menu.. busy…. FixedSet… Start of factory setting NOTE It is not possible to start the parameter reset in the «Run» status. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    «+” instead of «−”. Information on all alarms can be obtained with the alarm parameters r953 to r969. An alarm cannot be acknowledged. As soon as the cause no longer exists, the alarm/display disappears automatically. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The OFF function can also be performed with OFF2 or OFF3 instead of OFF1. For this, the source of OFF2 (P555) or OFF3 (P556) must be «interconnected» to 2101 or 2102 respectively in addition to setting P554. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    During bus operation, each slave must have a different address (P700). Bus operation is also possible at 19.6 kBd (set P701 to 7). The baud rate, however, must be set the same in all slaves. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    EN60529 • Rear IP21 Dimensions W x H x D 74 x 174 x 26 mm Standards VDE 0160/E04.91 VDE 0558 Part 1/07.87 UL, CSA Table 5-11 Technical data Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Connection There are two ways of connecting a PC to a device of the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Series via the USS interface. The devices of the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Series have both an RS232 and an RS485 interface. RS232 interface The serial interface that PCs are equipped with by default functions as an RS232 interface.
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    5.5.2 Establishing the connection between DriveMonitor and the device Setting the USS interface You can configure the interface with menu Tools ONLINE Settings. Fig. 5-8 Online settings Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    RS232/RS485 ♦ Tab card «Extended» Request retries and Response timeout; here you can increase the values already set if communication errors occur frequently. Fig. 5-9 Interface configuration 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Search for online drives During the search the USS bus is scanned with the set baudrate only. The baud rate can be changed via «Tools ONLINE Settings», see section Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ You must only specify the bus address of the drive during online operation (switchover with button Online/Offline) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    01.2006 Parameterization The specified bus address must be the same as that of the NOTE parameterized SST bus address in SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES (P700). No bus address is assigned to the drive with the button «Disconnect network connection». NOTE Field «Number of PCD» has no special significance for the parameterization of MASTERDRIVES and should be left at «2».
  • Page 117
    Display of the current parameter value. You can change this by double- value clicking on it or selecting and pressing Enter. Physical dimension of the parameter, if there is one 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 118
    Drive window/parameter list The DriveMonitor drive window has a directory tree for navigation purposes (Fig. 5-14 [2]). You can deselect this additional operating tool in menu View — Parameter selection. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    To do so, you have to change to offline mode. In that way, you can create an individually adapted download file, which you can load into the device later. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    This is used to quickly access important functions of the DriveMonitor. Settings for Drive Navigator under Tools -> Options (Fig. 5-16): Fig. 5-15 Drive Navigator Fig. 5-16 Options menu display Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Assisted commissioning Direct to parameter list General diagnostics Save drive parameters to a file Download parameter file to drive Load standard application Assisted F01 technology COMM Basic positioner operating screens 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Both the warning and the fault number as well as plain text are displayed. Fig. 5-17 General diagnostics Via the Extended Diagnostics button you can reach the next diagnostics window. Fig. 5-18 Extended diagnostics Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    By activating a fixed setting (P060 = 2), the parameters of the unit can also be reset to the original values. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Factory settings (parameter reset) (P060 = 2) (P060 = 8) Parameterizing with existing parameter files (download, P060 = 6) Parameterizing with parameter modules(quick parameterization, P060 = 3) Fig. 6-1 Detailed and quick parameterization 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The factory setting is made either via interface SST1 or SST2: Parameters that are not changed by the factory setting either. None of the indices of the parameters is changed. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    P970 = 0 0: Parameter reset 1: No parameter change Unit carries out parameter reset and then leaves the «Fixed settings» menu. Fig. 6-2 Sequence for parameter reset to factory setting 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 127
    250 kW can be selected. Selection is only possible if option F02 is enabled via a PIN (n978.2 = 1). To activate option F02 please refer to Chapter 11.10 «Power Extension PIN F02». Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    To check the input data, the values for the converter supply voltage in P071 and the converter current in P072 should be checked after returning to the parameter menu. They must tally with the data given on the unit rating plate. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 129
    6SE7023-4TP 0 34.0 6SE7023-8TP 0 37.5 6SE7024-7TP 0 47.0 6SE7026-0TP 0 59.0 6SE7027-2TP 0 72.0 = 5 corresponds to MASTERDRIVES Motion Control = 7 corresponds to MASTERDRIVES Motion Control Performance 2 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    6SE7023-4TC 1 34.0 6SE7023-8TD 1 37.5 6SE7024-7TD 1 47.0 6SE7026-0TD 1 59.0 6SE7027-2TD 1 72.0 = 5 corresponds to MASTERDRIVES Motion Control = 7 corresponds to MASTERDRIVES Motion Control Performance 2 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    This unit is a so-called chassis unit and can only be operated up to a maximum pulse frequency of 2.7 kHz. The overload for 30 s is limited to 1.36 times the rated output current. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    This unit is a so-called chassis unit and can only be operated up to a maximum pulse frequency of 2.7 kHz. The overload for 30 s is limited to 1.36 times the rated output current. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 133
    Enter the CB parameters 1 to 11 necessary for the inserted P711.1…2 = ? communications boards CBx The necessary CB parameters and their significance can be P721.1…10 = ? derived from the function diagrams of the individual communications boards. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 134
    Enter the SIMOLINK cycle time in ms P749.1…8 = ? Enter the SLB read addresses CBx inserted ? P918.1…2 = ? Enter the CB bus addresses P060 = 1 Return to the parameter menu 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    110 to 119 Sensor Board (SBx) 120 to 129 Serial Communication Board (Scx) 130 to 139 Technology Board 140 to 149 Communication Board (Cbx) 150 to 169 Special boards (Ebx, SLB) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 136
    Communication Board Communication Board PROFIBUS Communication Board DeviceNet Communication Board CAN Bus Communication Board CC-Link CBP2 Communication Board PROFIBUS 2 Expansion Board 1 Expansion Board 2 SIMOLINK bus interface 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 137
    (2 x P293). When the controller structure optimized for field weakening (P296=3) is selected for asynchronous motors, field weakening is permitted up to 5 times the motor corner frequency (5 x P293). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 138
    (SBx) must be inserted beforehand and a permissible motor encoder selected. If this is not carried out, the unit will also generate a fault when it tries to leave the «Drive setting» menu. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 139
    Input of motor rated frequency in Hz P107 = ? according to rating plate Input of motor rated speed in rpm P108 = ? P108 = ? according to rating plate Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    If the motor is coasting, a no-load measurement is recommended (see section entitled «No-load measurement»). Thus optimum results regarding torque accuracy can be achieved. Input the maximum output current in A P128 = ? 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 141
    P144 = ? Voltage supply encoder SBM: Is set at the factory to 5 V to match the standard encoder Hook switches S1 and S2 used with SIEMENS motors. on the SBM (SBM2: P145.1) Also see function diagram 240. P130=3…
  • Page 142
    (normalization variable for current limitations and current setpoints and current actual values). Input the reference value for all voltage variables P351 = ? (normalization variable for voltage limitations and voltage setpoints and voltage actual values). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (SBx) must be inserted beforehand and a permissible motor encoder selected. If this is not carried out, the unit will also generate a fault when it tries to leave the «Drive setting» menu. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 144
    Standstill measurement From Version V1.30 onwards, automatic motor identification is available. In the case of Siemens motors (P095 = 1 or 2 ) the motor type is first selected in P096 or P097. In the case of non-Siemens motors (P095 = 3 or 4), the rating plate data and number of pole pairs have to be entered, and then automatic parameterizing is called with P115 = 1.
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    For Siemens asynchronous motors (P095 = 1) first of all the motor type is selected in P097. For motors of other makes (P095 = 4) the rating plate data and the pole pair number have to be entered and then automatic parameterization has to be called up with P115 = 1.
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    NOTE If you are interested in the provision and implementation of fixed settings tailored to your own requirements, please get in contact with your nearest SIEMENS branch office. P060 = 2 Select «Fixed settings» menu Select desired user setting…
  • Page 147
    X103 mode Optional board CBx e.g. X448 Bus operation e.g. CBP for Profibus for CBP Automation unit (e.g. SIMATIC S7) Fig. 6-5 Parameter transfer from various sources by download Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 148
    Rtd Drive Power(n) P700 IF bus address P701 IF baudrate P702 IF no. of PKW P703 IF no. of PZD U977 Table 6-5 Parameters you cannot overwrite during download 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    P918 CB bus address P952 Number of faults P970 Factory setting P971 EEPROM accept. U976 Product number U977 Table 6-6 Parameters that cannot be changed on downloading with DriveMonitor Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 150
    The parameters necessary for fine adjustment of the control structure (all the parameters of the respective function diagrams) are automatically adopted in the user menu (P060 = 0). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 151
    7: EQI1325 (32 lines) 8: EQN1125 (Heidenhain) EnDat 9: ECN1113 (Heidenhain) EnDat Select type of control P367 = ? 0: V/f open-loop control 2: Torque control 3: Speed control Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 152
    If data set changeover is required, you will have to carry out a further detailed parameterization using parameter modules after having performed quick parameterization. Quick parameterization is effected in the «Download» converter status. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 153
    The function parameters and visualization parameters specified in the function diagrams are automatically adopted in the user menu and can be visualized or changed there. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameterizing Steps 02.2007 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    — 2-pole -X410/93 Track B- cos- -X414/7 -X410/94 Zero pulse + Excitation -X414/9 Data of pulse encoder simulation: — 1024 pulses/revolution -X410/95 Zero pulse — -X414/11 Excitationg Shield connection Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameterizing Steps 02.2007 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Track A+ Data of pulse encoder to be connected: -X401/70 Track B+ — HTL encoder (15 V) Zero pulse + -X401/72 — 1024 Inc. — without control track Shield connection Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameterizing Steps 02.2007 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    AnaOut Smooth AnaOut Scale +/- 10 V AnaOut Offset P642.1 P643.1 P644.1 -X101/11 Disp Freq Conn y[V]= P643.1 r043.2 100 % -X101/12 (=Frequency actual value) Type of encoder: Without encoder Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-37 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameterizing Steps 02.2007 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    MOP(max) P421 1 = Raise MOP 1 = Lower MOP MOP(min) Acknowledge P422 Conf MOP X300 P425 OFF1 00×0= … Without storing after OFF 00×1= … Storing after OFF Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameterizing Steps 02.2007 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Baud rate: 9.6 KB -X100/36 Receive RS485N Setpoint Data word 1 Data word 2 Tlg failure time: 0 = Control word 1 none 0 0 0 1 1 1 Proposal Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameterizing Steps 02.2007 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2007 Parameterizing Steps Setpoint and command source: PROFIBUS 1. CB • • • • • • • • • • • • Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameterizing Steps 02.2007 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-44 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    T0. The time slots T1 to T10 are derived from time slot T0. The time slot T20 is used as an archive for function blocks that are not needed. Function blocks stored in time slot T20 are not processed. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    32 x T0 4.267 64 x T0 12.8 8.533 128 x T0 25.6 17.067 256 x T0 51.2 34.133 512 x T0 102.4 68.267 1024 x T0 204.8 136.533 none archive archive 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Calculation of the blocks defined in T0 Calculation of the blocks defined in T2 Calculation of the blocks defined in T1 Calculation of the blocks defined in T3 Fig. 7-1 Processing sequence of the time slots Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The following applies regarding the assignment of the function block number to the parameter number with parameter index: Parameter number Parameter index Assigned function block U950 U951 U952 U953 Table 7-1 Time slots 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    You should adjust these to suit your requirements once you have determined the interconnection of the function blocks. Please note that an incorrect processing sequence will lead to uncontrolled axis movements! Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The following applies regarding the assignment of the function block number to the parameter number with parameter index: Parameter number Parameter index Assigned function block U960 U961 U962 U963 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    ♦ monitors the system for its overall workload ♦ monitors the various time slots to ensure they are being completely processed within the allocated time ♦ generates alarms and fault messages if calculating times are not adequate. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Changing the pulse frequency by halving it (P357 = 1) is only possible if the Power Extension PIN F02 has been enabled (relevant for power sections above 75 kW), see Chapter 11.10 «Power Extension PIN F02». Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ Max. sampling time: 200.00 msec Priorities The priorities of the commands of the comfort ramp-function generator are as follows: 1. Enable 2. Quick stop 3. Set 4. Ramp down to zero 5. Stop 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    ♦ Smoothing time : scan time = 3000 => max. 10 % error in smoothing time ♦ Smoothing time : scan time > 20000 => should not be set Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Consequently, the desired function/movement must be ensured by the user. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Moving from A to B NOTE Standard applications are available including parameter assignment and documentation. These can be obtained from your regional SIEMENS AG office and are available from the Application Center for Production Machines. Characteristics What the basic positioner offers:…
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    For the standard user, it is sufficient to work with function diagram 788a and to use these instructions for reference if required. NOTE The control/checkback signals have positive logic (up to RESET SET setpoint). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    This also generates a homing movement that processes the core block as a ramp generator (SETUP) using reversing cams. The correction block/homing command provides the setpoints with speed precontrol, the position correction signals and handles the measured value memory. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    «set setpoint» transfer. NOTE The speed, acceleration and deceleration setpoints are percentage values that must always be positive (negative setpoints are limited to 0 %). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    PC, SIMATIC S7) in conjunction with the communication capabilities of the basic unit, the acknowledge transfer can be employed by the user to initiate the [SPV_RIE] signal under acknowledgement control. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    This gives the user the option to delete the valid outputs. DANGER An abrupt compensating movement of the axis may occur if the RESET signal is output without precautionary measures having been taken. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    This mode permits the positioning block to travel to and fro in SETUP = 1 using the reversing cams REF_BWD_STOP, REF_FWD_STOP until REF_STOP [ARFD] = 1 is achieved. See «Homing movement» section for further information. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    POS, REF or SETUP is active. Binector B0893 REF_DRIVE = 1 shows that «homing movement» with reversing cams is active. Binector B0895 SET_REF_D = 1 shows the preferred direction REF_D (input Src U866.14). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    B0873 D_FWD_ACT B0875 D_BWD_ACT B0876 B0877 REF_DRIVE B0893 POS_TYP_ACT B0874 1(V=0) SET_REF_D B0895 x= don’t care Depending on selection of direction D_FWD_ACT / D_BWD_ACT Table 7-2 Mode truth table Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Bit 11 B0895 SET_REF_D Homing approach direction Table 7-4 BPos STW status of monitoring parameter n870.2: setpoint/mode output The BPos STW status output is the same as connector 0887. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    With absolute positioning, the direction of movement is determined by the difference between the position setpoint and actual values. Activation of the control binector inputs D_FWD or D_BWD has no effect. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The diameter of the drive roller (d) is 300.000 mm × π × 1415 942.477 The following is to be represented: 1LU = 1 µm The circumference of the roller (x) is therefore 942477 LU. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    942477 71905288 Deno ator 131072 as gearbox factor or factor for the AVWF. More encoder increments per revolution should therefore be specified (P171) than there are LUs per revolution. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 192
    = 0 to the rated speed (rated V) in t = 1 sec. The following equation is used to calculate this: Rated acceleration = U857 (in 1000 LU/s Rated speed = U856 (in 1000 LU/min) rated speed ated accelerati × 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 193
    If an absolute encoder and odd-order gear factors are used, position tracking has to be used (see Chapter 9.4.9 and 9.4.10). You will find the basic description on the use of absolute encoders in Chapter 9.4.6. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 194
    To activate the setup mode, the enable positioner/homing command ENABLE_POS_REF must be set. Because of the order of priority, neither positioning (POS_ON) nor homing movement (REF_TYP = HIGH) may be set. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (B0895), (1 = counter-clockwise / 0 = clockwise) and a valid measured value is received, a correction is carried out by means of «Start Ref.» taking the «skip window» into account. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The binector input REF_FWD_STOP restricts the homing movement in the FWD direction and reverses the direction that was previously selected using D_FWD and Ref ON (or that is indicated on REF_STOP_BWD after the reversal). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Homing movement with coarse pulse and zero pulse evaluation This can be implemented if required by means of the basic unit functionality (see position detection, function diagram 330) in the speed controller. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    DANGER Behavior in accordance with correct control principles also means possible overrunning of the specified target position (oscillation). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The effect of the software limit switches can be deactivated or reconfigured by the user (using BICO technology). Example: SWE_MINUS: 1000 LU SWE_PLUS: 150000 LU Permissible range of movement from 1000 to 150000 [LU] Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The activated STOP cams are evaluated purely statically in this operating mode. Overtravel of the cams is not supported which is why the cams have to be executed up to the end stop! 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Negative value = negative preferred position → on the first negative movement after switching on the converter, no reverse backlash is taken into account. Parameter value = 0: No reversal backlash compensation takes place. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Because of the resolution in 2 steps and the mechanical coupling, a actual-value weighting factor (AVWF) usually results that allows the position setpoint to be converted to mechanical µm or [LU]. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Example: -5000 becomes 3192 with AZL = 4096 (5000 MOD 4096) Gearbox Motor Fig. 7-11 Example of rotary axis, the rotary table Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-37 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    This may mean that a reversal of direction is possible, especially if the correction value > 1/2 x axis cycle. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Window width For the POS_OK representation, a window width (exact positioning Pos OK window) in LU is invoked. The POS_OK checkback is set when the target position is reached. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    See section about [POS_TYP] control binector. [POS_TYP_ACT] = 0: ABSOLUTE positioning through the [POS_TYP] control binector is transferred/valid. [POS_TYP_ACT] = 1: RELATIVE positioning through the [POS_TYP] control binector is transferred/valid. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The binector will only be set HIGH when the software limit switches are Plus software limit active (approached); the movement has been limited by the Plus switch software limit switch. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    [ARFD] = High at U863.2 for their activation, can be activated by manually setting the signal to high at U863.2. CAUTION The user is responsible for monitoring the signal and ensuring the appropriate interlocks are in place!!! 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    BIT20 = B0864 [RD_ACT] BIT21 = B0866 [FWD_RUN] BIT22 = B0867 [BWD_RUN] BIT23 = B0865 [POS_DELTA] BIT24 = B0868 [SW_E_PLUS] BIT25 = B0869 [SW_E_MINUS] BIT26 = B0888 [ARFD] BIT27 = B0892 [F_REF_WD] Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The contents of the windows are only used when the axis is referenced (ARFD = 1). The first sensing of the reference mark following runup leads to a setting of the homing point, irrespective of the window settings. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-44 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Homing on the fly, also referred to as post-homing, appears in the correction value/homing block, function diagram 789c, with window evaluation. Homing as homing movement mode with reversing cam appears in the setting value/setpoint block function diagram 789a. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-45 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    • basic positioner through terminal strip interface, • etc.. NOTE Standard applications are available including parameter assignment and documentation. These can be obtained from your regional SIEMENS AG office and are available from the Application Center for Production Machines. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-46…
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    The user should determine the shutdown strategy for the device using the appropriate operating mode OFF1, OFF2, OFF3 with brake control or pulse disabling through fault message triggering (as in the example). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-47 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    REM —Insert in time slot WRITE 2950 86 4 REM —Switch of RFG_RUN axis running WRITE 2176 0 0x862 REM —Standstill Lag WRITE 2177 1 0x415 REM —Travel Lag WRITE 2177 2 0x416 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-48 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Trigger fault message [FD710] REM ************************************************************ REM —Insert in time slot WRITE 2952 59 4 REM —Wire up OR output WRITE 2061 0 619 REM ************************************************************ SET LOG OFF Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-49 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ An additional speed input U850.5 has been introduced as a V2.10 percentage input for improving the quality of the checkback signals. ♦ The value range of the software limit switch has been adjusted to 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-50 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    If the ON command is not given within 30s, friction characteristic recording is interrupted with fault F099. NOTE Measuring can be started only from converter status °008 and °009. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-51 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ Measured value not plausible (e.g. < 0 in the case of positive direction of rotation) ♦ Cancellation of friction characteristic recording command (U219 = 0) The values acquired up until termination of measuring are not transferred to parameter U216. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-52 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The friction losses must be compensated by an additional torque derived from the friction characteristic. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-53 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    30 %. The standstill torque constant (P098) is preassigned with the stored value in the case of a Siemens motor, and with the value M_rated/i_rated in the case of a non-Siemens motor. The value can vary as a result of manufacturing tolerances. If the estimator has been…
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    (P115 = 2) must be performed to define the values P111.1 to 10, P121, P122, P123. The motor should be at room temperature during identification. In the case of a non-Siemens induction machine (P095 = 4), automatic parameterization (P115 = 1) is necessary before motor identification starts.
  • Page 222
    P132 «angular offset» to a position test angle r286 of 0°. Making the correction in the parameters is especially recommended for motors of non-Siemens suppliers who install their encoders in a standard position other than that of SIEMENS. During operation with position test, it is possible to change parameter P132 «angular offset»…
  • Page 223
    Depending on the design of the encoder shaft, different screws will be required for forcing off the encoder (see Fig. 7-13 and Fig. 7-14). DANGER If the encoder is adjusted incorrectly, the motor can overspeed. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-57 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Functions 05.2006 Fig. 7-13 Forcing off an encoder of old design Fig. 7-14 Forcing off an encoder of new design 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-58 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    No more than the first two channels can be activated. The «recording interval» or «trigger settings» bear no relevance to the PRBS recording. Recording starts as soon as you click on the «Start» button. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-59 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    «Mathcad 8 ® «. -1.5 Oper_dB -4.5 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) Phase -135 -180 -180 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) Fig. 7-15 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-60 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The natural frequencies of the system appear in the diagram as lines of constant frequency. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-61 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Low pass (P256 = 2; P254 = 50 Hz) -1.5 Ampl -4.5 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) Phase -135 -180 -180 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-62 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (P256 = 1; P254 = 50 Hz; P253 = 1.0; P257 = 50 %) -1.5 Ampl -4.5 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) 67.5 22.5 Phase -22.5 -67.5 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-63 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    (P256 = 1; P254 = 50 Hz; P253 = 3.0; P257 = 0 %) -1.5 Ampl -4.5 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) 67.5 22.5 Phase -22.5 -67.5 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-64 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Then reset TN (P240) to its original value. References relevant to reference model: «Electrical Feed Drives in Automation» SIEMENS AG; H.Groß, J.Hamann, G.Wiegärtner (ISBN: 3-89578-058-8) NOTES ♦ When you use the reference model (P238 = 1), the source selected in P228 (Src n (deviation) is inoperative;…
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    IMPORTANT The motor short-circuit is significantly higher than the rated motor current. Adjust parameter P128 Max Current accordingly. Adjust the reference variables P350 … P354 for field weakening operation. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-66 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    S1 (100K) S1 (60K) 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Speed [min-1] e.g. 1FT6086-8AF71, 27.5 Nm, 2900 rev/min Enter the calculated field weakening activation speed in P299. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-67 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    6000 Speed [min-1] e.g. 1FT6086-8AF71, 27.5 Nm at 2900 rev/min, 13.3 Nm at 6000 rev/min, U = 296 V, I (P105) = 37 A (no load 2900 to 6000) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-68 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Speed [min-1] e.g. 1FT6086-8AF71, 27.5 Nm at 2900 rev/min to 4500 rev/min, = 296 V, U = 174 V I (P105) = 60 A (no load 2900) (no load 4500) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-69 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    (function diagram 399) as it is capable of correctly only the inner torque of the machine. Friction losses must be compensated via an additional torque from the friction characteristic. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-70 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    At 0 %, the Vdmax controller is shut down. The factory setting is 25 %. The controller output can be visualized via connector K0271. The activation point for the Vdmax controller can be parameterized in P517. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-71 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 238
    The compensation signal is injected as current upstream of the current limiter. This means that the configuration must allow for the functional correlations between torque ripple and compensation current. The harmonic compensation function block is described in FD630. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-72 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    S IE ME NS Laptop X300 Connecting cable X101 X103 Laptop/PC side:(COM1) Unit side: 9-pole SUB D socket 9-pole SUB D connector Fig. 7-16 Loading firmware by means of laptop or PC Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-73 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 240
    DriveMonitor) must be closed from the outset. If problems should occur with the loading program bsl.exe under Windows NT, the program Win BSL.exe is also available after installation of DriveMonitor (Path: SiemensDriveMonitor P7vrvisxSYSTEMWINBSL). Before you load the software, save your parameter settings (upread with OP1S, or upload with DriveMonitor)! If the position after the decimal point of the firmware changes (e.g.
  • Page 241
    The first and second position of the firmware version can be read out in r069.01 and the third position corresponds to the first position after the decimal point in r828.01=0.1 (e.g. V2.01 corresponds to r69.01=2.0 and r828.01=0.1). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-75 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    2 to 3 minutes, depending on microprocessor performance. The converters are initialized automatically at the end of the boot procedure, i.e. the parameters are counted up at the PMU. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-76 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 243
    Power Extension sections > 250 kW) can be found in Chapter 11.10 «Power enable F02 Extension PIN F02». Parameterizing After removing the cable, you can make a start with parameterizing. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-77 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    X1 01 X1 01 X1 01 X1 01 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 Operator control and visualization Fig. 8-1 Overview for communication Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 245
    NOTE The USS protocol is a simple serial data transfer protocol, defined by Siemens AG, which is fully tailored to the requirements of drive technology. A detailed description of the protocol specifications, the physical interface, the bus structure as well as a definition of the transferred net data for drive applications are documented in the specification «Universal serial interface protocol USS…
  • Page 246
    Communication takes place in the half- duplex mode. The master function cannot be transferred (single-master system). The following illustration shows a bus configuration using drive technology as an example. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-2 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (second character). The same applies to double-word data: the high word is sent first followed by the low word. The protocol does not identify tasks in the net characters. The contents of the net data for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES drive converters is dealt with in Section 8.1.3. Data coding Information is coded as follows: ♦…
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    A point-to-point link can be implemented by means of the circulating list, in which case only one node is entered into the circulating list. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-4 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 249
    Communication / USS Example of configuration M aster Circulating list in the master SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with the addresses 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 21 Nodes 0 and 1 are signalled twice as often as others Fig. 8.1-4 Circulating list Cycle time The length of a cycle time is determined by the time needed for the sequential occurrence of data exchange with the individual nodes.
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    If node x does not respond within the maximum permissible reply delay time, an error message is deposited in the master. The master than sends the telegram for the next slave node. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-6 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 251
    «Recommended Standard RS-485». For point-to-point links, a sub- quantity of EIA RS-232 (CCITT V.24), TTY (20 mA current loop) or fiber-optic cables can be used as the physical interface. The interfaces for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES are always RS 485 with 2-wire cable. Exception:…
  • Page 252
    300 V ≥ Test voltage (20°C) 1500 V ≤ ≥ Temperature range -40 °C 80 °C ≥ Load capability ≤ Capacitance 120 pF/m Table 8.1-3 Thermal and electrical characteristics 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-8 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 253
    Data transfer rate Max. number of nodes Max. cable length 9.6 kbit/s 1200 m 19.2 kbit/s 1200 m 93.75 kbit/s 1200 m 187.5 kbit/s 1000 m Table 8.1-4 Cable lengths Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-9 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    PZD16 Variable length Variable length The two areas together make up the net data block. This structure applies to telegrams from the master to the slave and vice versa. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The setting must be made both at the master and at the slave and can no longer be altered during bus operation. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 256
    This setting to variable word-length is made during start-up. NOTICE Do not use a variable word length if a SIMATIC S5 or SIMATIC S7 is the master. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Task or reply ID SPM: Toggle bit for processing of parameter-change reports PNU: Parameter number NOTE The PKW area is transferred in increasing order, always starting with the 1st word. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 258
    The required element of the parameter description is specified in IND (2 nd word) The required element of the indexed parameter is specified in IND (2 nd word) Table 8.1-5 Task IDs (master -> drive converter) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 259
    ♦ Bits 12 to 15: Value = 12 (= «C» hex); change parameter value (array, word) and save in the EEPROM ♦ Bits 0 to 11: Value = 554 (= «22A» hex); parameter number with a set change-report Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 260
    (although it lies within the limits). The parameter has been indexed e.g. task ‘PWE change word’ for indexed parameter Task not implemented Table 8.1-7 Error numbers for the reply ID «Task cannot be executed» 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 261
    7, 8, 11 All values of the indexed parameter are to be changed. or 12 These tasks can generate error message 102. Table 8.1-8 Tasks with index value 255 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 262
    PWE1 (most significant word; 3rd word) contains the high-word of the double word PWE2 (least significant word; 4th word) contains the low-word of the double word. 3. PKW area, variable: As 2.; There is no PWE3 or higher! 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 263
    In the subsequent process data areas PZD3 to PZDn, additional setpoints and actual values are sent. For SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES, control word 2 or status word 2, if necessary, is transferred in PZD4. Structure of the PZD…
  • Page 264
    PZD2 (technologically useful). Or another actual value can be returned, such as actual torque value, actual position value or actual current value. 8.1.3 Interface overview The following section describes all of the presently available SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC/VC interfaces which use the USS protocol. SCB2 interface board SCB2…
  • Page 265
    02.2004 Communication / USS Basic unit with In the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC series, the control electronics CUMC/CUPM/ board, CUMC (Control Unit Motion Control), CUPM (Control Unit Motion Control Performance 2), CUMP (Control Unit Motion Control CUVC/CUVP Compact PLUS Performance 2), CUVC (Control Unit Vector Control) or CUVP (Control Unit Vector Control Compact PLUS) is used.
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    CBP2 The CBP2 interface board (Communication Board PROFIBUS 2) is an supplementary extension board of the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES. The board has a board floating RS485 interface. For this interface, either the PROFIBUS protocol or the USS protocol can be used.
  • Page 267 Bus cable connection On SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES, connection of the USS bus cable depends on the control version and, in the case of MC units, it is dependent on the respective type of construction.
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    Example of 2 copper cores in a screw terminal Fig. 8.1-9 Connecting up the bus cables NOTE It must be ensured that both copper cores are securely held inside the screw terminal. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    ∅ ≤ 7,5 m m Release the shield clamp Squeeze the shield clamp together with your hand or a screwdriver and pull upwards. Fig. 8.1-10 Using the shield clamps Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Compact PLUS VC: − SIEMEN S X100 Slot A X101 Slot B X103 Shield connection for Shield connection control cables for motor cable Fig. 8.1-11 Position of the shield connecting points 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    For more information on electromagnetically compatible installation of systems, see for example Chapter 3 of the Compendium or the description «Instructions for Design of Drives in Conformance with EMC Regulations» (Order No. 6SE7087-6CX87-8CE0). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    If the bus-terminating node is a T100 board, the bus terminating resistors are switched in through the two plug-in jumpers, X8 and X9. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    36 35 34 33 36 35 34 33 Connect shield to Connect converter housing Shield Fig. 8.1-14 Connection of the 2-wire bus cable at terminal strip X100 (Compact PLUS) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    At the last node on the bus cable, Switch S1 «OFF» switch S1 must be in the «ON» position. Fig. 8.1-15 Connection of the 2-wire bus cable at terminal strip X103 (Compact PLUS) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 275
    P690 (SCB actual value) for SCB 2 board • For control words and setpoints: e.g. P554 (control word, bit 0) to P591 (control word, bit 32), P443 (Src Main Setp), P433 (Src Add Setp1), etc. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    3-word PKW (SCom 1) P703 SCom/SCB PcD # i001 = 2 2-word PZD (SCom 1) P704 SCom/SCB TlgOFF i001 = 0 to 6500 No monitoring >0: Monitoring time in ms 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    4-word PKW (SCom 2) P703 SCom/SCB PcD # i002 = 6 6-word PZD (SCom 2) P704 SCom/SCB TlgOFF i002 = 0 to 6500 No monitoring >0: Monitoring time in ms Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    = 4 4-word PKW P703 SCom/SCB PcD # i003 = 2 2-word PZD P704 SCom/SCB TlgOFF i003 = 0 to 6500 No monitoring >0: Monitoring time in ms 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 279
    Bus address CBP2 = 21 P718.x CBP2 Baud 19.2 kbit/s P719.x CBP2 PKW #. 4-word PKW P720.x CBP2 PcD #. 2-word PZD P722.x CBP2 TlgOFF. 0…6500 No monitoring >0: Monitoring time in ms Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    (= write) the enable parameters of a SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES via this interface − this applies to the parameters of the basic unit (P/U parameters) and to the technology-board parameters (H/L parameters).
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    The rules for generating the value which is entered in parameter P053 for specifying parameter access is explained with the following example. Example Setting the parameterizing enable for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with SCB2 Setting: Write access to the parameters of the basic units (P parameters) via…
  • Page 282
    Source ON/OFF1 i001 = 2001 ON/OFF from SCom1 P555 Source 1 OFF2 i001 = 2001 Operating condition/OFF2 from SCom1 → P565 Source 1 ACK i001 = 2107 Edge 0 etc. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (index i001 for BICO data set 1) (index i002 for BICO data set 2) P576 Source FDS Bit 0 i001 = 4800 P577 Source FDS Bit 1 i001 = 4801 etc. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    (index i001 for BICO data set 1) (index i002 for BICO data set 2) P443 Source of main setpoint i001 = 2002 Source of supplementary P433 i001 = 4502 setpoint 1 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (index i001 for BICO data set 1) (index i002 for BICO data set 2) P443 Source of main setpoint i001 = 2032 P433 Source of supplementary i001 = 2035 setpoint 1 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    = 0091 2nd word in the PZD area: actual speed/frequency (KK0091, only H-Word) i003 to i016 = 0 3rd to 16th word in the PZD area (if parameterized): «Not interconnected» 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    When 32-bit quantities are being transferred, the high word is located in PZD n, the low word in PZD n+1. → For example, 32-bit actual value of KK0091 in PZD2 and PZD3. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 288
    In the following, «CBP» refers to both boards. Any individual features which a board possesses are specially indicated. 8.2.1 Product description of the CBP communications board The CBP communications board (Communications board PROFIBUS) is for linking SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES® to higher-level automation systems via PROFIBUS-DP. 9-pole Sub-D connection X448 LED (red)
  • Page 289
    ♦ Standard telegrams 1 to 6 junction with CBP2 from V2.21 For MASTERDRIVES MC and during use of T100, T300 or T400, please pay attention to the note in Section 2.3.2 «TB Blocks». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-2 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 290
    Alternatively, it can communicate with slaves by using a lower- level master-slave procedure. The PROFIBUS-DP mainly uses the master-slave method and data is usually exchanged with the drives cyclically. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-3 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 291
    Master class 1 others MSCY_C1 MSAC_C1 MSAC_C2 PROFIBUS DP Acyclical Acyclical Cyclical channel channel channel (only S7) (only DriveMon.) MASTER- MASTERDRIVES — CU DRIVES Fig. 8.2-3 Data-traffic channels of the CBP 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-4 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    4) is structurally defined in the PROFIBUS profile for variable-speed useful data as PPOs drives version 2 as a parameter process data object (PPO). Frequently, the cyclical MSCY_C1 channel is simply called the STANDARD channel as well. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-5 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The telegrams of cyclical data transfer therefore have the following basic structure: Protocol frame Protocol frame Useful data (Header) (Trailer) Parameters (PKW) Process data (PZD) PKW: Parameter identifier value 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-6 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    PWE: Parameter value Table 8.2-1 Parameter process data object (PPO types) Dividing the useful data into parameter identifier values and process data enables different tasks to be carried out. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-7 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    NOTE not been mounted. If a technology board is used (e.g. T400, T300, T100), the process data wiring in the manual for the technology board is to be used. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-8 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    CBP instead of the «3000» connectors, and parameter P736 will be applicable instead of para-meter P734 (see function diagrams for CB/TB boards in Chapter 12). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-9 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ as a result, also reduction of the bus cycle time due to shorter telegrams in cyclical data transfer ♦ simultaneous access by Drive ES (PG/PC) for diagnosis and parameterization by means of the second data transfer 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 298
    ♦ CBP2 V2.21 and later only: Instead of DriveES or SIMATIC OP an external master (Class 2 Master) compliant with acyclic parameter channel according to PROFIdrive profile version 3 with data block 47 can also access converter data. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    With the CBP2, version V2.21 and later, a class 1 master automation NOTE (PLC) can also utilize acyclic parameter access according to PROFIdrive V3, cf. Section 8.2.4 «PROFIdrive V3: Acyclic parameter accessing with data block 47». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 300
    Possibly several polling cycles without data until reply with data Function Slot Index Length Data number number Reply telegram Fig. 8.2-5 Sequence of a Read and Write function Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    PKW data PWE1 PWE2 PWE101 205 206 Fig. 8.2-6 Structure of PKW data in cyclical data transfer Process data (PZDs) cannot be stipulated via this acyclical MSAC_C1 NOTE channel. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    CBP via the acyclical MSAC_C1 channel. The user is provided with a data block as the data interface. This data block has a TRANSMIT MAILBOX and a RECEIVE MAILBOX, thus considerably reducing the expenditure on the application for the user. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 303
    Drive ES. for the Drive ES SIMATIC S7 Drive ES Basic DPM1 DPM2 Profibus DP MSAC_C2 SIEM ENS MASTERDRIVES X1 01 X1 03 Fig. 8.2-7 Drive ES with Profibus 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (data block offset) for non-indexed parameters for indexed parameters 1 to 101: Length (not activated) Acquisition cycle (as selected) Number of elements Places after the decimal point (as selected) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameter value Low (PWE2) Task ID or reply ID SPM: Toggle bit for processing the parameter change report PNU: Parameter number Table 8.2-3 Structure of the parameter area (PKW) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Change parameter value (double word) and store in the EEPROM ↓ Change parameter value (word) and store in the EEPROM Read or change text (not with CBP) 7 or 8 Table 8.2-4 Task IDs (master -> converter) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ Bits 12 to 15: Value = 12 (= «C» Hex); change parameter value (array, word) and store in the EEPROM ♦ Bits 0 to 11: Value = 554 (= «22A» Hex); parameter number without set bit for the parameter change report 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The parameter is indexed e.g. task: «PWE, change word» for indexed parameters Task not implemented Table 8.2-6 Error numbers for the reply «Task cannot be executed» (drive converter parameters) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    (e.g. the number of PKW data for the USS interfaces for which only the explicit values 0, 3, 4 and 127 are allowed). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The value 255 for the array subindex is of special importance. If the array subindex is transferred with 255, all indices of an indexed parameter are transferred simultaneously in one data block. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    A 16-bit parameter value is transferred in PWE2 (least significant word, 4th word). In this case, you must set PWE1 (most significant word, 3rd word) to 0 in the PROFIBUS-DP master. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (bit 10 = 1) and a pending ON command (bit 0 = 1) to this converter, this can cause the converter to switch on and go straight into «OPERATION» state when the electronics supply is connected at the converter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    DB47, the CBP2 thus adds an offset of 1 to the parameter profile version 2 subindex. The cyclical parameter access via PKW and the acyclical parameter access with data block 100 can continue to be used without any changes. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 314
    ♦ Reading of several or all texts from a text array via a parameter task is not supported, i.e. only one text from one text array (subindex) can be read with one parameter task. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 315
    No. of elements parameters (nonindexed (always «1») 8-bit parameters) is defined in DB47 with «No. of elements» = 0. Distinction Attribute value/description/text 8-bit 2 words 5 words Total length 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 316
    Error value The coding of the fields in the parameter task/response task is described NOTE in Section «Coding in the parameter task according to PROFIdrive Version 3» . Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Response header Task ref. mirrored Response identifier = Change parameter (-) Axis mirrored No. of parameters = 1 Parameter value Format = error No. of values = 1 Error value 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Response header Task ref. mirrored Response identifier = Request parameter (-) Axis mirrored No. of parameters = 1 Parameter value Format = error No. of values = 1 Error value Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Response identifier = Response header Task ref. mirrored Change parameter (-) Axis mirrored No. of parameters = 1 Parameter value Format = error No. of values = 1 Error value 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 320
    Format = word No. of values = 100 Value 1 Value 2 Value 100 parameter value(s) Format = double No. of values = 2 word Value1 Value2 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    No. of values = 1 Value parameter value(s) Format = error No. of values = 1 Error value parameter value(s) Format = double No. of values = 2 word Value1 Value2 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    No. of values = 2 word Value1 Value2 Parameter response (+): All part access o.k. Response header Task ref. mirrored Response identifier = Change parameter (+) Axis mirrored No. of parameters = 3 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    No. of values = 0 parameter Format = error No. of values = 2 value(e) Error value Errored subindex parameter value(e) Format = zero No. of values = 0 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    No. of parameters = 1 Parameter value Format = error No. of values = 1 Error value For parameter description see PROFIBUS Profile, PROFIdrive (PNO Order No. : 3.172) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-37 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Response header Task ref. mirrored Response identifier = Request parameter (-) Axis mirrored No. of parameters = 1 Parameter value Format = error No. of values = 1 Error value 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 326
    Response header Task ref. mirrored Response identifier = Request parameter (-) Axis mirrored No. of parameters = 1 Parameter value Format = error No. of values = 1 Error value Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 327
    Unsigned16 0x0000…0x00FF Error numbers (see The higher byte is following table) reserved. See PROFIBUS Profile, PROFIdrive (PNO Order No.: 3.172) Table 8.2-7 Coding of the fields in parameter task/response 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Change access with value that lies 0x14 Non-permissible value Subindex within the value limits but is not acceptable for other permanent reasons (parameter with defined individual values) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 329
    0x64 Reserved 0x65…0xFF Manufacturer-specific (see also «CBP2 diagnostic parameters», PKW error numbers) Table 8.2-8 Error numbers in DPV1 parameter responses 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    CB/TB. ♦ If two CBPs are inserted, the CBP which is inserted into the slot with the higher slot letter is considered the second CB/TB. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Adaption board Mounting pos. 1 Mounting pos. 3 bottom Mounting pos. 2 Fig. 8.2-9 Adaptation board with optional boards and position of the slots for Compact units and chassis-type units 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-44 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    • A T100/T300/T400 technology board is inserted and the CBP in the electronics box is inserted in slots A to G. • In the case of two CBPs, the one inserted in the slot with the higher slot letter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-45 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    If, in addition to the CBP, a technology board (T100 / T300 or T400) is inserted in the electronics box, it must be inserted in slot +1.B2. In this case, the CBP is inserted in slot +1.B3. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-46 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The maximum cable length can be increased by using repeaters but no more than three repeaters may be connected in series. The maximum cable lengths given in the following table can only be ensured if PROFIBUS bus cables are used (e.g. Siemens PROFIBUS- cable with MRPD 6XV 1830-0AH10). Baud rate Max.
  • Page 335
    (EMC). For further information, see for example Chapter 3 of the Compendium or the description «Instructions for Design of Drives in Conformance with EMC Regulations» (Order No. 6SE7087-6CX87-8CE0). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-48 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (See board description in Section «Connecting-up», Fig. «PROFIBUS connector».) For more information on ordering and additional descriptions, see the A&D AS catalog «Industrial Communication» IK 10 (Order No. E86060-K6710-A101-A6). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-49 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    VP (PIN 6) 390 Ohm Data line RxD/TxD-P (PIN 3) 220 Ohm Data line RxD/TxD-N (PIN 8) 390 Ohm DGND (PIN 5) Fig. 8.2-13 Bus termination network 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-50 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 338
    Other bus nodes Last bus node Connection example termination termination From preceding bus node To next bus node Fig. 8.2-14 Bus segment in linear structure (max. 32 stations per segment) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-51 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Considerable cost savings are achieved by using plastic fiber-optic cables which are also easy to fit. Additional grounding is no longer necessary either. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-52 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Optical link module for plastic fiber-optic cables, 4- channel version with signaling contact, including 4 BFOC-connectors For more information on ordering and additional descriptions, see the A&D AS catalog «Industrial Communication» IK 10 (Order No. E86060-K6710-A101-A6). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-53 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ∅ ≤ 7,5 m m Release the shield clamp Squeeze the shield clamp together with your hand or a screwdriver and pull upwards. Fig. 8.2-16 Using the shield clamps 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-54 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Fig. 8.2-17 Position of the shield connecting points If so many control cables are used that two shield clamps are insufficient, the «EMC shielded housing» option is to be used. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-55 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    For more information on electromagnetically compatible installation of systems, see for example Chapter 3 of the Compendium or the description «Instructions for Design of Drives in Conformance with EMC Regulations» (Order No. 6SE7087-6CX87-8CE0). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-56 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    In the case of MASTERDRIVES MC (CUMC) and MC+ (Compact+) from firmware version V1.4 onwards, the CB parameters P918 and P711 to P721 can also be changed in the «Drive setting» status (P060 = 5). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-57 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 345
    Parameterization of «Hardware configuration» for FC (CU1), VC (CU2) and SC (CU3) All grayed out parameters are only valid for units with the functions FC NOTE (CU1), VC (CU2) and SC (CU3). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-58 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    F080 will be output. An address change only becomes effective after the power supply to the electronics box has been turned off and then turned on again! Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-59 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 347
    Only CBP2 Write requests of a SIMATIC OP are stored permanently (EEPROM) or temporarily (RAM). P714 / P699 = 0: EEPROM (default setting) P714 / P699 = 1: RAM 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-60 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 348
    (CB parameter 9) P720.x Number of PZDs P703 (CB parameter 10) P722.x Telegram failure time P704 Further information on the USS protocol can be found in Section 8.1, USS. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-61 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 349
    Rewiring from 16 to 32 bit and vice versa should not be done while the NOTICE equipment is in operation, because the changeover takes several milliseconds, during which time the data on the bus are not consistent (high and low can change places). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-62 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 350
    PZD10 3010 H S W from analog input SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Process data (PZD) — Actual-value channel P Z D 1 P Z D 2 H IW P Z D 3P Z D 4P Z D 5 P Z D 6…
  • Page 351
    3004 e. g. P443.1=3002 PZD5 3005/3035 PZD6 3006/3036 Source of PZD10 3010 from analog input SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Process data (PZD) — Actual-value channel PZD1 PZD2 PZD3 PZD 4 PZD5 PZD6 Dual-port-RAM To the Master Actual-value channel (CB/TB-Actual values) P694.1 P694.1 P694.2…
  • Page 352
    PROFIBUS-DP if P053 has previously been set to an uneven value. Please bear in mind that control word 1 (STW1) has the value 0 during the parameterization phase (process data interconnection)! Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-65 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 353
    Because the binectors are not included in the interlocking (to ensure compatibility for older configurations), their significance changes according to whether the pertinent word or double word is wired. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-66 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 354
    PZD (PZD1 up to, if necessary, PZD10) is not specified. If the main actual value is transferred as a 32-bit value, then it is assigned to PZD2 and PZD3. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-67 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 355
    VC (CU 2) or SC (CU 3) If actual values are transferred as a 32-bit data item, you must enter the NOTE appropriate connector number at two consecutive words (indices). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-68 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 356
    ZSW1 NIST_B ZSW2 G1_ZSW G1_XIST1 G1_XIST2 G2_ZSW G2_XIST1 G2_XIST2 Standard telegrams 5 and 6 are derived from standard telegrams 3 and 4 for the Dynamic Servo Control (DSC) function. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-69 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 357
    Encoder 2 control word G2_STW Encoder 2 status word G2_ZSW Encoder 2 actual position 1 G2_XIST1 Encoder 2 actual position 2 G2_XIST2 Control deviation XERR with Position controller gain factor with 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-70 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 358
    If the response-monitoring time expires, the CBP ceases to write process data into the dual-port RAM. When this is combined with P722.x / P695, it is therefore possible to plan your process data monitoring. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-71 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 359
    MASTERDRIVES MC V1.62 with CBP2 V>=2.21 and standard telegram 5 (PROFIdrive Profile V3 with equidistance) onwards, the process data can be transferred to the dual-port RAM irrespective of the content of the control word. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-72 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 360
    CBP and CBP2 V2.1 (SIEM8045.GSD). The type-description file is also available as an ASCII file (SI8045AX.200 Type-description file and SI8045TD.200) on the floppy disk which accompanies the CBP. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-73 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 361
    Identification byte Identification byte COMET200 type Version V4.x/V5.x V4.x/V5.x V4.x/V5.x V5.x V4.x/V5.x V4.x/V5.x V4.x/V5.x V4.x/V5.x V4.x/V5.x V5.x V5.x V5.x V4.x/V5.x V4.x/V5.x V5.x Table 8.2-14 Values for the identification bytes 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-74 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 362
    The type of PPO is selected in the configuration mask of COM ET200 up to Version V4.x by entering identification bytes in accordance with the above table of identification bytes. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-75 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 363
    SIMATIC S5 system architecture or of the system functions which may be required. The DVA_S5 module package can be obtained from A&D WKF Fürth/Germany under MLFB 6DD1800-0SW0. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-76 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 364
    CBP (see section «Process data interconnection»). When a converter fault occurs, the CBP2 does not generally trigger a NOTE diagnosis alarm. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-77 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 365
    SFC14 and SFC15 to all consistent data areas > 4 bytes. The PKW and the PZD parts are regarded as two independent consistent data areas. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-78 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 366
    Fürth/Germany under MLFB 6SX 7005-0CB00. Operating the CBP with a non-Siemens system When used with a non-Siemens master system, the CBP can be operated only as a standard DP slave. The equipment master file (GSD file) on the floppy disk contains all the…
  • Page 367
    In addition, some parameters in the drive have synchronization to be set (MASTERDRIVES MC only). Detailed help can be obtained in the on-line help for the slave OM. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-80 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 368
    (with word granularity). Drives capable of cross traffic can also receive data from themselves (feedback loop). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-81 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 369
    Inputs PZD3 values PZD4 Outputs PZD1 Setpoints PZD2 PZD3 Slave 2 PZD4 (Publisher) PZD5 Inputs PZD6 PZD7 PZD8 Slave 3 (Publisher) Inputs Fig. 8.2-25 Example of a cross-traffic configuration 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-82 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 370
    PROFIBUS and the basic board consistently. ♦ The «Align» button ensures that all MASTERDRIVES MC are given the same settings for clock synchronization and that the DP master adopts the isochronous DP cycle. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-83 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 371
    ♦ 1000 µs computing time for CBP2, parallel to acyclical services Clock Clock DP cycle Equi-master Master cl.2 Equi-master acyclical acyclical cyclical CBP2 processing Fig. 8.2-26 Breakdown of the DP cycle at the isochronous PROFIBUS 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-84 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 372
    31 (no repeater) Number of slaves/cycle 11 / 3.2 ms; 27 / 6.4 ms 100 per ms / < 1 ms Max. telegram length 16 words n times 2 words Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-85 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 373
    ♦ All the tasks to be synchronized must be in the same time slot, especially the processing of setpoints and actual values to and from the CBP2. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-86 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 374
    ♦ The CBP2 must, of course, be inserted directly in the basic board (or via an adapter board). No technology board may be installed between the basic board and the CBP2. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-87 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 375
    Version 3 transmission, of cross traffic and a position encoder interface and the standardisation and configuration of the setpoints and actual values for the drives are manufacturer-neutral and openly standardised. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-88 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 376
    ♦ Isochronous mode: Profibus service for clock synchronization; produces a time-constant, i.e. equidistant bus cycle with a clock pulse signal at the start of the cycle. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-89 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 377
    When the MASTERDRIVES unit is used as PROFIdrive V3 slave, only NOTE application classes 1 and 4 are used! Several MASTERDRIVES can be connected to one PROFIdrive V3 master in class 1 as slave (Monomaster operation). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-90 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 378
    Status word + main actual-value + Drive Drive Drive Speed open/closed Speed open/closed Speed open/closed loop control loop control loop control Encoder Encoder Encoder (optional) (optional) (optional) Fig. 8.2-28 Application class 1 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-91 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 379
    Control word + speed setpoint + … Status word + pos.act.value + … Clock synchronization Drive Drive Drive Closed-loop speed Closed-loop speed Closed-loop speed control control control Encoder Encoder Encoder Fig. 8.2-29 Application class 4 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-92 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    ♦ a non-cyclical data channel (DPV1) ♦ telegram repeats ♦ diagnosis request A local control device (PU, OP) at the DPM1 must communicate with the slaves via the DPM1 master. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-93 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 381
    Slave Slave DP cycle pulse pulse Actual pos. Setpoint sensing transfer Speed/current controller pulse: Slave 1 … 3- application: Setpoint Actual pos. transfer sensing Fig. 8.2-31 Clock synchronous communication 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-94 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 382
    Contents of the bits in PROFIdrive control word 2. Control word 2 IMPORTANT This is different from the previous MASTERDRIVES control word 2. Meaning 0 — 11 Device-specific 12 — 15 Master life sign for clock synchronization Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-95 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 383
    Content of bits in PROFIdrive status word 2. Status word 2 IMPORTANT This differs from the previous MASTERDRIVES status word 2. Meaning 0 — 11 Device-specific 12 — 15 Slave life sign for clock synchronization 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-96 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 384 actual value-1 G2_XIST2 Encoder-2 position see section actual value-2 XERR Control error Position controller gain factor Table 8.2-16 Standard signals– Abbreviations Standard telegrams, see Subsection Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-97 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 385
    : position controller sampling time (= T MAPC : position error command : position controller gain Fig. 8.2-32 Structure of the position control circuit based on the speed setpoint interface without DSC 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-98 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 386
    As a result, the position control circuit is initially open. Feedback branch no. 3 closes the circuit again, but with a shorter delay, so that greater gains can be set. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-99 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 387
    The speed filter shown in the structure diagram is optional and has nothing to do with the DSC function. It has been drawn in to make the difference from conventional position control easier to recognize. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-100 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 388
    Fig. 8.2-34 shows an overview of the interconnection required for standard telegram 5. This connection is made using the scriptfile on the SIMOTION CD: Fig. 8.2-34 Block diagram: MASTERDRIVES as PROFIdrive version 3 slave Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-101 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 389
    1 are presented. At the bottom of Fig. 8.2-35 is the monitoring of the master life sign, the creation of the binector “master application pulse“ and the slave life sign. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-102 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    05.2006 Communication / PROFIBUS Fig. 8.2-35 PROFIBUS communication Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-103 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    U401. With the aid of this adder the current position setpoint is calculated from Adder centre right the DSC position Xerr and the delayed actual position value. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-104 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    05.2006 Communication / PROFIBUS Fig. 8.2-36 DSC core Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-105 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 393
    (master -> slave) This model makes few demands on the computing output of the master, but leads to an increase in the control-specific dead time: Dead time = 4 * T 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-106 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 394
    Drive Technology Version 3 should be used. ♦ The encoder interface uses the basic unit functionality of MASTERDRIVES MC. The description can be taken from this Compendium on the basis of the function diagrams. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-107 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 395
    Request absolute Request for additional cyclical transmission of the absolute position value cyclically actual value in Gx_XIST2. Use e.g. for: — additional measuring system monitoring — synchronization in run-up 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-108 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 396
    Scanner negative edge Function 2 Digital input 4 enabled (B930) Function 3 Digital input 5 enabled Scanner positive edge (B926) Function 4 Digital input 5 enabled Scanner negative edge (B927) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-109 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 397
    If a measuring command is generated without valid measured value, it leads to the error «encoder interface» (status SD3). The error code 4 to 7 is generated, depending on the status of the encoder interface. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-110 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 398
    Indicates an error of the encoder or the actual value recording. A device- specific error code is in Gx_XIST2. If several errors occur, the first one is displayed. Table 8.2-18 Encoder status word Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-111 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 399
    TD11 TD10 Check measurement Check ref. task task Abs. value Set/shift ref. point cyclical in XIST2 implemented Fig. 8.2-39 Status diagram of encoder interface showing the statuses and transitions 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-112 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 400
    SD12 Park None The encoder interface Gx_ZSW-Bit 14 = 1 is in a condition in which it is not reporting an error and is not participating in the bus. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-113 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 401
    Error occurred or a command is inadmissible TD21 SD3 (error) SD2 (error Gx_STW-Bit 15 = 1 acknowledgement) TD22 SD2 (error SD3 (error) Gx_STW-Bit 15 = 0 and error still exists acknowledgement) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-114 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 402
    • Parking encoder/axis active • Request absolute value cyclically active • Set/shift reference point active • Mode (BIT7=0) Reference marks search active • or a reserved bit is used Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-115 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 403
    2. The rough pulse in the external encoder is only evaluated directly on the encoder board (see function diagram 255). 3. The «Referencing» function with zero mark only is not supported. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-116 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 404
    Acyclical useful data traffic with a master, class 2 (DriveES, DriveMonitor, SIMATIC OP) does not affect the green LED. Table 8.2-21 Online operation without useful data Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-117 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 405
    Note fault number in r732.8 and inform Customer Service Table 8.2-23 Exceptional operating conditions Status Diagnostic information Only CBP2 Yellow USS protocol has been set Green Flashing Table 8.2-24 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-118 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 406
    Interruption of communication to the automation system A 087 A 095 DP slave software detects serious fault. Fault number in diagnostic parameter r732.8 Consequence: Communication no longer possible. Secondary fault F082 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-119 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 407
    The alarm A 082 / A 090 can also be displayed on the basic unit the first NOTE time the CBP is started as long as telegrams are not being exchanged with a DP master, e.g. because the bus cable has not yet been connected. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-120 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 408
    CBP in the electronics box has been plugged into slots A to C ♦ If two CBPs have been plugged in, the fault number applies to the one which has been plugged into the slot with the higher letter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-121 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 409
    .10 (High) .42 (High) Counter re-configuration by CU .11 (Low) .43 (Low) Counter initializations .11 (High) .43 (High) Fault detection DPS manager fault (8 bits) .12 (Low) .44 (Low) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-122 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 410
    .23 (High) .55 (High) acknowledgement Reserved Generating date: day, month Generating date: year Software version Software version Software version: flash EPROM checksum Reserved Reserved Table 8.2-27 CBP diagnostics buffer Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-123 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 411
    (normal operation: set). ♦ Bit 15 Program on the CBP in «Communications online» loop (is only escaped from if initialization is carried out by the basic board) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-124 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 412
    Rest = Not possible ♦ Bits 12,13, SPC3-Release 3..0: 14,15 0000= Release 0 Rest = Not possible DPC31: 0000 = Step A 0001 = Step B 0010 = Step C Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-125 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 413
    Read out of the DPRAM during run up: updated cyclically 0AAH u. 0ABH Mirroring «DWORD-Specifier-act r732.15, Read out of the DPRAM during run up: updated cyclically 0ACH u. 0ADH 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-126 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 414
    0C4H and 0C5H Software-Version r732.28 Software version V X.YZ (Display YZ) 0C6H and 0C7H Flash-EPROM Checksum r732.29 Is read out of the flash EPROM during run-up 0C8H and 0C9H Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-127 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 415
    The original entries in parameter r732 / r731 are overwritten, beginning with r732.9 / r731.9. PMU: P711 / P696 = 0 Telegram diagnosis = Off P711 / P696 = 1 to 26 Telegram diagnosis = ON 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-128 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 416
    Max. 32 bytes P696 DB101 P711 = 26 Useful data in the DB101 Data unit in GET to Max. 32 bytes P696 DB101 Table 8.2-28 Selection of PROFIBUS-DP telegram entries Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-129 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 417
    (e.g. PKE’) means that, with these values, the high-byte and the low-byte are swapped round in relation to the original value, as for example in the programmable controller. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-130 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 418
    Display on the (r732.9) PKE’ BB 41 (r732.10) IND’ (r732.11) PWE1’ (r732.12) PWE2’ (r732.13) STW’ (r732.14) HSW’ PWE1 PWE2 Reply in master 41 BB 01 e.g. S5 or S7 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-131 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 419
    PWE14’ The 25 bytes with slot-oriented S7 type identifications are always entered, even if the CBP is configured with identification bytes by an SIMATIC S5 or a non-Siemens master. As regards IND’, high-byte and low-byte are inverted in relation to the IND’: this is based on a different definition of the useful data for PPOs and acyclically transferred sets of data.
  • Page 420
    During start-up/testing, the Class II master PROFIBUS Class II assumes the function of the Class I master for the selected station. The Master exchange of useful data with the slave, however, is not cyclical. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-133 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 421
    S7 protocol access fault: Data block offset or index word r732.25 Generating date: Day Generating date: Month r732.26 Generating date: Year r732.27 Software version r732.28 Software version r732.29 Software version: Flash-EPROM checksum 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-134 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 422
    CHAR or BYTE Non-permissible change of text/description Inconsistency in the write task: «Type» and (Defective communications partner) «Number of elements» does not match «Type of data» and «Length of data» Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-135 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 423
    Corrected pulse period in units of 100 ns r748.11 T0 counter (0 if synchronization active) Internal r748.12 Internal Internal r748.13 Internal Internal r748.14 Timer Internal r748.15 Bus cycle time implemented r748.16 Internal Internal 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-136 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 424
    P732.9. If P732.10 <> 0, the content of P732.9 is falsified and the errors leading to abort cannot be clearly determined! Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-137 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 425
    The reserved memory area in the multi-Port RAM has been exceeded. 0x1200 Non-permissible publisher address 1-125 0x1400 Several links to a publisher are not permissible. Table 8.2-32 Parameter-telegram evaluation, cross-traffic, r732.10 / P711 = 30 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-138 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 426
    Diagnosis of clock synchronization P711.x r732.x Content r732.9 Interrupt enable by the basic board r732.10 RCC parameter 1 r732.11 RCC parameter 2 r732.12 Synchronization mode from the basic board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-139 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 427
    (X448/Pin 6) • for bus termination of the serial interface or • for supplying an OLP (Optical Link Plug) Data transfer rate max. 12 MBaud Table 8.2-33 Technical data 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-140 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 428
    PBUS_B RS-485 Driver DC/DC Transformer Electrical isolation C501 SPC3 8KB RAM 128KB Flash-EPROM Monitor connector PAL 16V8 for development 2*DPR 2K*8 X445 Fig. 8.2-40 Block diagram of the CBP Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-141 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 429
    8.3.1 General principles Definition SIMOLINK (Siemens Motion Link) is a digital, serial data transfer protocol with a fiber-optic cable as its transfer medium. The SIMOLINK drive link has been developed for extremely fast and strictly cyclical transfer of process data (control information, setpoints, actual values…
  • Page 430
    • max. 300 m between each node on a glass-fiber-optic cable. ♦ Up to 201 active nodes can be interlinked on SIMOLINK. From now on, the active nodes are only referred to in the text as nodes 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-2 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 431
    SIMOLINK. ♦ The functionality of the SIMOLINK application defines the assignment of telegrams to nodes. There are two possible applications: • the peer-to-peer functionality and • the master/slave functionality. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-3 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 432
    «SIMOLINK transceivers». NOTE There is always only one node with a dispatcher function in the SIMOLINK ring. This is either a SIMOLINK board with dispatcher parameterization or a SIMOLINK master. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-4 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (SYNC telegram) and a pause telegram. After this, it dispatches the first telegram from the task table again without any delay. NOTE The dispatcher can upread or overwrite the data contents of telegrams, as can every transceiver. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-5 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    8 x 32-bit data can be transferred in 8 telegrams (same address and channel number from 0 to 7). A channel number is assigned to each 32-bit value and thus clearly also a telegram on the bus. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-6 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    From which channel number to be read Address Channel number Data Telegram Data Channel number Receive memory (8 x 32 bit) Dispatcher or Transceiver Address Fig. 8.3-5 Reading data Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-7 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 436
    SLB optional board (SIMOLINK board) The SLB optional board links the converters/inverters to SIMOLINK. It can be used as the SIMOLINK dispatcher or as a SIMOLINK transceiver. The functionality is determined by parameterization. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-8 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 437
    NOTE Recommendation: Fiber-optic cables with glass core from Siemens; CLY- 1V01S200/230,10A The above-mentioned fiber-optic cables do not have an outer sheath. When using them for wiring outside switch cabinets, the cables must either be laid in cable ducts or conduits or suitable cables with an outer sheath must be used.
  • Page 438
    If you use the SIMOLINK, telegram failure monitoring should be activated! P741 = 4 x P746 (SLB bus cycle time) is recommended for the SLB telegram failure time. See also the function diagram [140]. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 439
    HW interrupt to delay,n the unit application after receipt of the SYNC telegram. This ensures that the interrupts to the unit applications of all nodes are effected as synchronously as possible. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 440
    Is for setting the channels to be read. Input is in the notation address.channel. Up to 8 channels can be defined by the 8 parameter indices. The data in these channels are transferred via connectors K7001 — K7016 or KK7031-KK7045. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 441
    (MASTERDRIVES MC). Parameter values: • x0xx: Bus cycle time corresponding to the calculated number of telegrams (normal operation) • x1xx: Exact adherence to the set bus cycle time Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 442
    Bit = 0 indicates that the SIMOLINK ring is physically closed. ♦ B0043: Drive synchr. (only MC) Bit = 1 indicates whether the CU is synchronized to the SIMOLINK BUS. Corresponds to the inverse of alarm A003. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 443
    Should be 0 for active synchronization (MASTERDRIVES MC only). r748.15: Bus cycle time implemented in 10 µs. r748.16: Bus cycle time transmitted during initialization from the master/dispatcher in 10µs. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 444
    -fold quantity of 4 T . At a pulse frequency of P340 = 5.0 kHz the resulting bus cycle time P746 is at least 0.80 ms (4 * 200 µs). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 445
    The slowest time slot n to be synchronized is entered here. This function will not work unless parameter P753 is connected correctly. Connectors: K260: Time counter (dispatcher only) This connector contains additional time slot information from the dispatcher. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 446
    SLB ring. The synchronization source is selected according to the following scheme: 744.1 744.2 SLB1 (lower slot) active SLB2 (higher slot) active CBP active 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 447
    Changeover during operation must be explicitly enabled by the user (P755). In addition, changeover during operation is prevented if synchronization to the previously passive SIMOLINK is not possible because different bus cycle times (P746) have been selected. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 448
    Parameterization: P756 Src.SLB special data: (dispatcher only) Used to specify the double connectors to be transmitted as special data. KK7131 to KK7137: These connectors indicate the special data received. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 449
    Slave drive 2 ZW_2 Slave drive 3 ZW_3 Table 8.3-3 Transmitting and receiving control/status words between master and slave drives ♦ Drive 2 and 3, slave drives with integrated position control Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 450
    • Current control in time slot T • Speed control from V1.30 in time slot T = 2 T from V2.00 in time slot T • Position control in time slot 4 T 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 451
    STW_2 STW_3 Telegram STW_2 STW = control word 8 channels 32 bit each Channel number SIMOLINK SLB in master drive (dispatcher) Address Fig. 8.3-9 Master drive 1, writing data Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 452
    ZW_2 Telegram ZW_2 ZW = status word 8 channels 32 bit each Channel number SIMOLINK SLB in slave drive 2 (Transceiver) Address Fig. 8.3-11 Slave drive 2, writing data 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    32 bit data back to the master by overwriting received telegrams with the dispatch information. This is the typical structure of data exchange according to the master/slave principle. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    MASTERDRIVES MC/VC basic unit. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    3689 «PROFIBUS profile for variable speed drives» has not yet been defined. The specifications of the «PROFIBUS profile for variable speed drives» are therefore used for the net data. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-1 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 457
    (Trailer) (Header) identifier Process data (PZD) words 13…16 PKW: Parameter ID word PZD: Process data Fig. 8.4-2 Structure of the net data in the telegrams of the CAN protocol 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-2 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 458
    Diagnostic LEDs quickly provide the user with information on the current status of the CBC. Detailed diagnostic information can be directly read out of the diagnostics memory of the CBC by means of a diagnostic parameter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-3 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 459
    Due to the DC link capacitors, hazardous voltages are still present in the converter up to 5 minutes after it has been disconnected from the power supply. Before opening the converter, wait until the capacitors have completely discharged. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-4 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Adaption board Mounting pos. 1 Mounting pos. 3 bottom Mounting pos. 2 Fig. 8.4-5 Adaptation board with optional boards and position of the slots for Compact units and chassis-type units Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-5 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The adapter board with optional board can be mounted in 1.B2 and/or 1.B3 in the electronics box. Fig. 8.4-6 Electronics box with free slots (+1.B2 and +1.B3) and adapter board with 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-6 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Due to the DC link capacitors, hazardous voltages are still present in the converter up to 5 minutes after it has been disconnected from the power supply. Before opening the converter, wait until the capacitors have completely discharged. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-7 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    8.4.3 Connecting DANGER The SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES are operated with high voltages. Any work on the unit may only be carried out by qualified personnel. If this warning is ignored, serious bodily injury or considerable damage to property can occur as a consequence.
  • Page 464
    The bus cable must have at least four cores, stranded in pairs, with a wave resistance of 120 ohms, e.g. the PYCYM wiring cable from SIEMENS. Order No.: 5DV5 002 PYCYM 2 x 2 x 0.6 As a plug, the Sub-D connector SBM 383 from SIEMENS is recommended: Connector components Order No.
  • Page 465
    The same applies to the shield of the bus cable between the CAN bus master and the converter. If bus and power cables intersect, they must do so at an angle of 90 °. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Slot A X101 Slot B X103 Slot C Shield connection Shield connection for Shield connecting points for motor cable control cables Fig. 8.4-10 Position of the shield connecting points Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ Lay power cables and signal cables in separate cable ducts. ♦ Attach shields through a large surface area. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    S1.1 at one node in order to connect the bus to ground. The switch for ground connection is located on the optional board behind connector X458. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    CAN_GND (3,6) X458 / X459 S1.1 Interface ground, high-ohm or earth-bound to PE Equipotential bonding between all nodes by means of earthing cable Fig. 8.4-12 Function of jumper strip S1 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Put on shield! T-Connector T-Connector Put shield on converter housing or connector housing! Fig. 8.4-14 Bus connection not interrupted when connector X458 is pulled out Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 471
    In contrast to this, the process data area for MASTERDRIVES consists of 16 words, i.e. a total of 4 data telegrams are needed to transfer all possible process data. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 472
    The meaning of the task ID for the task telegram (master → converter) is shown in Table 8.4-5. It corresponds to the specifications in the «PROFIBUS profile for variable-speed drives». Task IDs 10 to 15 are specific to SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES and are not defined in the PROFIBUS profile. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-17…
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    Table 8.4-6. This also corresponds to the specifications in the «PROFIBUS profile for variable-speed drives». Reply IDs 11 to 15 are specific to SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES and are not defined in the PROFIBUS profile. If the reply ID has the value 7 (task cannot be executed), an error number is placed in parameter value 1 (PWE1).
  • Page 474
    Value = 12 (= «C» Hex); change parameter value (array, word) and store in the EEPROM Bits 0 to 11: Value = 554 (= «22A» Hex); parameter number without a set parameter change report bit Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    (even though it is within the limits). Table 8.4-7 Error numbers in the case of reply «Task cannot be executed» (converter parameter) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 476
    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HEX value Bits 8 to 15: Bit 15 parameter page selection bit Bits 0 to 7: Index or number of the descriptive element Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 477
    (P918 «CB bus address») and the basic identifier value (P711 / P696 «CB parameter 1»). NOTE A parameter on a gray background is only valid for MASTERDRIVES with CU1, CU2 or CU3. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 478
    1. P711 / P696 = 1000 (PKW basic identifier) 2. P918 = 1 (node address) → PKW task ID = 1002 PKW reply ID = 1003 and so on. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 479
    The process-data connection as described here does not apply if a technology board has been mounted. If a technology board (e.g. T300, T100) is used, the process-data connection is indicated the technology board manual. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 480
    HIW: Main actual value ZSW: Status word Table 8.4-8 Permanently specified assignments and connectors NOTE A parameter on a gray background is only valid for MASTERDRIVES with CU1, CU2 or CU3. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 481
    (value in 712 / P697) + (value in P918)*4 + 2 CAN identifier for the 4th PZD-receive CAN telegram (words 13 to 16): (value in 712 / P697) + (value in P918)*4 + 3 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 482
    (value in P713 / P698) + (value in P918)*4 + 2 CAN identifier for the 4th PZD-send CAN telegram (words 13 to 16): (value in P713 / P698) + (value in P918)*4 + 3 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 483
    (words 9 to 12): (value in P716 / P701) + 2 ♦ CAN identifier for the 4th PZD-receive-broadcast CAN telegram (words 13 to 16): (value in P716 / P701) + 3 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 484
    (words 9 to 12): (value in P718 / P703) + 2 ♦ CAN identifier for the 4th PZD-receive-cross CAN telegram (words 13 to 16): (value in P718 / P703) + 3 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 485
    1, PZD-receive multicast 1 and PZD-receive cross 1 is always interpreted in the converter as the same control word 1. The best way of combining these possibilities depends on the concrete application. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 486
    Please note the basic parameter differences (described below) to units with the old function classes FC (CU1), VC (CU2) and SC (CU3). These parameter numbers are printed on a dark gray background for purposes of distinction. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 487
    (0 = deactivated) Parameterization enable CBC P053 = x Function selection «drive setting» P060 = 5 Fig. 8.4-16 Parameterization of the «hardware configuration» for MASTERDRIVES with CUPM, CUMC or CUVC 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 488
    For setting the telegram failure time in ms(0 = deactivated) P053 = x Paramization enable CBC P052 = 5 Function selection «drive setting» Fig. 8.4-17 Parameterization of the «hardware configuration» for MASTERDRIVES with CU1, CU2 or CU3 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 489
    CAN bus. You can thus parameterize the CAN-bus interface away from the converter. In this case, the CBC ceases communication via the bus and neither receives nor sends CAN data telegrams. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 490
    The basic identifier for parameterization in P711 / P696 is set to 1500. The node address in P918 is 50. The CAN identifier is thus 1500 + 50*2 = 1600 for a PKW task and 1601 for a PKW reply. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 491
    P918 is 50. This results in a CAN identifier of 500 + 50*4 = 700 for the first CAN data telegram of PZD receive. The further CAN data telegrams for PZD receive have CAN identifiers 701 to 703. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 492
    P918 is 50. This results in a CAN identifier of 200 + 50*4 = 400 for the first CAN data telegram of PZD-send. The further CAN data telegrams for PZD-send have CAN identifiers 401 to 403. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-37 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 493
    65535: Actual values are sent if the values have changed (event) or on request (remote transmission requests). This function should only be used if the values to be transferred only rarely change because, otherwise, the bus load becomes very high. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 494
    This results in a CAN identifier of 100 for the first CAN data telegram of PZD- receive broadcast. The further CAN data telegrams for PZD-receive broadcast have CAN identifiers 101 to 103. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 495
    CAN identifier of 50 for the first CAN data telegram of PZD- receive multicast. The further CAD data telegrams for PZD-receive multicast have CAN identifiers 51 to 53. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 496
    700. This results in a CAN identifier of 700 for the first CAN data telegram of PZD-receive cross. The further CAN data telegrams have CAN identifiers 701 to 703, i.e. the data telegram 701 results in setpoint 5 to setpoint 8. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 497
    «hardware configuration» is left. After acknowledgement of the error, you are in the «hardware configuration» status again and can correct the incorrect parameterization. Parameter value 1000 Baud rate [kBit/s] 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 498
    P706 (CB parameter 11) Special CAN bus settings This parameter is only present in MASTERDRIVES units from the following software versions onwards: MASTERDRIVES Software version ≥ SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC ≥ SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES FC ≥ SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES VC ≥ SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES SC ≥…
  • Page 499
    Changing parameters or specifying process data via the CAN bus is not yet possible after this step. Parameterization must first be enabled and the process data still have to be softwired in the converter. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-44 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 500
    See section Softwire reply channel: «Process-data softwiring status words, actual-value channel» actual values See section Further relevant «Further relevant CBC CBC parameters parameters» Fig. 8.4-18 Procedure for altering process data Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-45 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 501
    CAN-Bus P734.16 PZD4 P734.4 PZD5 P734.5 Statuses PZD6 P734..6 actual values PZD16 P734.16 SIMOVERT MASTER DRIVES Fig. 8.4-19 Example of process-data connection for function classes CUPM, CUMC and CUVC 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-46 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 502
    CAN-Bus P694.16 PZD4 P694.4 PZD5 P694.5 Statuses PZD6 P694..6 actual values PZD16 P694.16 SIMOVERT MASTER DRIVES Fig. 8.4-20 Example of process-data interconnection for function classes CU1, CU2 or CU3 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-47 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 503
    NOTE Process-data connection (softwiring) of the setpoint channel can also be carried out via the CAN bus as long as P053 has previously been set to an odd number. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-48 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 504
    If the main actual value is sendted as a 32-bit value, it is assigned to PZD2 and PZD3. The meaning of the status-word bits can be found in the operating instructions of the converter in the section «Start-up aids». Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-49 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 505
    VC (CU 2) or SC (CU 3) NOTE If actual values are sent as a 32-bit datum, you must enter the associated connector number at two consecutive words (indices). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-50 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 506
    This makes it possible to react flexibly to a bus failure. With the help of binector B0035 «CB/TB telegram failure», the drive can be shut down (OFF1 or OFF3) by making the fault delay longer than the ramp-down time. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-51 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 507
    Fault display for CBC faults Status Diagnostic information Flashing CBC is waiting for the start Yellow of parameterization by the Green Continuously lit converter / inverter Table 8.4-11 Fault display during parameterization 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-52 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 508
    During normal operation, all three LEDs light up synchronously and for the same length of time (flashing)! The stationary status of an LED (on or off) indicates an unusual operating status (parameterization phase or fault)! Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-53 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 509
    Check cable shield. The bus cable must be shielded on both sides. → Lower the EMC loading → Replace CBC board • Possible cause → Remedy Table 8.4-14 Alarm displays on the basic unit 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-54 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 510
    LED on the CBC flashes) → Increase the parameter value in P722 / P695 • CBC defective → Replace CBC • Possible cause → Remedy Table 8.4-15 Fault displays on the basic unit Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-55 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 511
    Assigned internally r731.25 r732.25 Software version r731.26 r732.26 Software identification r731.27 r732.27 Software date, day/month r731.28 r732.28 Software date, year r731.29 r732.29 Table 8.4-16 CBC diagnostics buffer 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-56 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 512
    Overlapping of CAN identifier PKW <-> PZD-receive cross Overlapping of CAN identifier PKW-broadcast <-> PZD-receive Overlapping of CAN identifier PKW-broadcast <-> PZD-send Overlapping of CAN identifier PKW-broadcast <-> PZD-receive broadcast Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-57 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 513
    Counter for errors during sending of PZD telegrams, i.e. when a PZD telegram was to be sent but it was not possible, e.g. in the case of bus overload. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-58 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Software identifier r731.28 Software date Software date, day (high byte) and month (low byte) shown in hexadecimal form r731.29 Software date Software date, year (shown in hexadecimal form) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-59 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 515
    95 % during transport and storage ≤ 85 % during operation (moisture condensation not permissible) 5 V ± 5 %, max. 500 mA, internally from the basic unit Supply voltage 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-60 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 516
    ♦ Profile Position mode (B-pos positioning) ♦ Homing mode ♦ Profile Torque mode ♦ Setup mode Parameters must be assigned in the MASTERDRIVES system before the individual CANopen modes can be used. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-1 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 517
    PDO tables (Subsection In Homing mode with the MC but without technology option F01, only homing methods 17-35 are available and referencing (homing) without the technology option is less accurate. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-2 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 518
    ♦ PLCs [CiA DSP 405] ♦ encoders [CiA DSP 406] are defined in so-called «device profiles». The device profiles specify the functionality of standard equipment of the relevant type. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-3 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 519
    CAN message identifiers can be assigned to PDOs and SDOs through the direct entry of identifiers in the data structures of the object directory or, for simple system structures, through the use of predefined identifiers. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-4 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 520
    100Eh Node Guarding Node guarding identifier Identifier 100Fh Number of SDOs Number of implemented SDO supported channels 1014h COB-ID Emergency EMERGENCY message Message identifier Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-5 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 521
    R_PDO list 1800h- Transmit PDO Setting parameters for 1803h Communication transmit PDOs Parameters Number of entries Number of subindices COB-ID PDO PDO identifier Transmission type Setting parameters for transmission mode 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-6 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 522
    Reference speed before the P353.01 before the decimal decimal point point Reference speed after Reference speed after the P353.02 the decimal point decimal point Norm maximum Rated acceleration U857 deceleration Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-7 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 523
    Free 16-bit object for K3008 10 11 receiving in PDO 2,3,4 K3012 K3016 3011h Free object 3011h / 16 Free 16-bit object for K3006 receiving in PDO 2,3,4 K3010 K3014 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-8 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 524
    Free object 3028h / 32 Free 32-bit object for K3036 receiving in PDO 2,3,4 K3040 K3044 3029h Free object 3029h / 32 Free 32-bit object for K3035 receiving in PDO 2,3,4 K3039 K3043 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-9 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 525
    Free object 310Fh / 16 Free 16-bit object for sending P734.06 in PDO 2,3,4 P734.10 P734.14 3110h Free object 3110h / 16 Free 16-bit object for sending P734.07 in PDO 2,3,4 P734.11 P734.15 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 526
    Free object 3128h / 32 Free 32-bit object for sending P734.05/.06 in PDO 2,3,4 P734.09/.10 P734.13/.14 3129h Free object 3129h / 32 Free 32-bit object for sending P734.07/.08 in PDO 2,3,4 P734.11/.12 P734.15/.16 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 527
    The connection is 1:1 to the technology status word 5001h- Parameters of Objects for reading and 5FFFh connected device writing all parameters of the Subsection connected device 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 528
    6077h torque_actual_value Actual torque r007 K0241 6078h current_actual_value Actual current r004 607Ah target_position Target position U015 KK3033 U874.01 KK3035 KK3039 KK3043 607Ch home offset Reference point offset U501.04 U502 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 529
    P734.5/6… 60FEh Digital_outputs Digital outputs K3033… 60FFh target_velocity Target velocity U018 KK3035.. 6502h supported drive modes Implemented traversing operating modes 67FFh single device type Type of part of equipment 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 530
    P719 Object connector or parameter available only when device code 0 is entered Value is calculated as a function of the node address and stored on the CBC. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 531
    Drive Setting [5] . P060 Set P060 to 1 (exit Board configuration or Drive Setting), see Chapter 13 Assign other parameters via CAN bus Parameter assignments, see Subsection 8.5.10 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 532
    SDO tasks from the CAN bus master. P060 (menu selection) P60 = 4 Select «Board configuration» function P60 = 5 Select «Board configuration and drive setting» function Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 533
    , consisting of a high part (transmission type) and a low part (PDO No.) must be converted to a decimal number. High byte (transmission type) Low byte (PDO number) Decimal value Hex value Param. value 279 (117 hex) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 534
    , consisting of a high part (transmission type) and a low part (PDO No.) must be converted to a decimal number. High byte (transmission type) Low byte (PDO number) Decimal value Hex value Param. value 65308 (FF1C hex) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 535 Once you have acknowledged the error, the system returns to the «Board configuration» state where you can correct the faulty parameter assignment. The settings are the same as in parameter P712. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 536
    (transmission type) and a low part (PDO No.) must be converted to a decimal number. High byte (transmission type) Low byte (PDO number) Decimal value Hex value Param. Value 257 (101 hex) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 537
    , consisting of a high part (transmission type) and a low part (PDO No.) must be converted to a decimal number. High byte (transmission type) Low byte (PDO number) Decimal value Hex value Param. Value 65308 (FF1C hex) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 538 Once you have acknowledged the error, the system returns to the «Board configuration» state where you can correct the faulty parameter assignment. The settings are the same as in parameter P716. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 539
    If life guarding is activated, you can configure the drive reaction to this type of event. The following table lists the options that must be entered in bits 12-15. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 540
    Bit 12-15 (device Bit 8-11 Bit 0-7 (device behavior) (communication identifier) behavior) Decimal value Hex value Param. value 4545 (11C1 hex) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 541
    It can be addressed directly under node ID 3. NOTE After the basic parameters have been set as specified in the flowchart at the beginning of this section, other parameters can be set via the CAN bus. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 542
    The drive automatically switches to the initialization state at Power ON Initialisation finished – enter PRE-OPERATIONAL automatically (3), (6) Start_Remote_Node indication (4), (7) Enter_PRE-OPERATIONAL_State indication (5), (8) Stop_Remote_Node indication (9), (10), (11) Reset_Node indication (12), (13), (14) Reset_Communication indication Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 543
    After initialization, the drive returns to the pre-operational state again (does not apply to general CANopen device). INITIALIZING PRE-OPERATIONAL OPERATIONAL STOPPED Synchronization Object Emergency Object Boot-Up Object Network Management Object 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 544
    P212 (Src Ctrl Setp). All objects that cannot be transferred as PDOs according to the table are MASTERDRIVES parameters that can only be transmitted as SDOs. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 545
    «ready to start» state during operation via the CAN bus, an SDO abort is returned in response to the SDO task. The different SDO aborts are described in the following table. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 546
    (107) Text cannot be modified VAL_RANGE_EXC 0x06090030 Response identifier Parameter limits exceeded (7) Task cannot be executed (with error number) Error number (2) Lower or upper value limit exceeded Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 547
    SDO parameter too high Data type does not 0x06070013 Attempt to write an excessively match, length of service low value to an SDO parameter too low 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 548
    Access to a non-existent MASTERDRIVES (0) Illegal parameter number parameter General parameter 0x06040043 Response identifier incompatibility reason (7) Task cannot be executed Error number (104) Illegal parameter value MASTERDRIVES-specific Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 549
    If an object is written to two PDOs, as described above, the object value is transferred to the receive word mapped to the parameter with the lower number. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 550
    3001h 16 Bit 6040h Controlword K3001 200h+NodeID 711/712/713/714 3001h Free object K3003 3001h/16 Bit Free object 3002h K3004 3002h/16 Bit 6040h Controlword K3001 200h+NodeID 711/712/713/714 3020h Free object K3033 3020h/32 Bit Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 551
    500h+NodeID 3005h Free object K3007/K3011/ 3005h/16 Bit K3015 607Ah Target_position K3035/K3039/ 300h+NodeID K3043 400h+NodeID 500h+NodeID 3005h Free object K3007/K3011/ 3005h/16 Bit K3015 Free object K3008/K3012/ 3006h 3006h/16 Bit K3016 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 552
    K3006/K3010/ 300Ah 300Ah/16 Bit K3014 3009h Free object K3005/K3009/ 300h+NodeID 3009h/16 Bit K3013 400h+NodeID 500h+NodeID Free object K3006/K3010/ 300Ah 300Ah/16 Bit K3014 Free object K3007/K3011/ 300Bh 300Bh/16 Bit K3015 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-37 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 553
    Free object K3006/K3010/ 300Eh/16 Bit K3014 300Dh Free object K3005/K3009/ 300h+NodeID 300Dh/16 Bit K3013 400h+NodeID 500h+NodeID 300Eh Free object K3006/K3010/ 300Eh/16 Bit K3014 300Fh Free object K3007/K3011/ 300Fh/16 Bit K3015 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 554
    3011h 16 Bit K3014 6071h Target torque K3005/ K3009/ 300h+NodeID K3013 400h+NodeID 500h+NodeID 3011h Free object K3006/ K3010/ 3011h 16 Bit K3014 3012h Free object K3007/ K3011/ 3012h 16 Bit K3015 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 555
    Free object K3005/K3009/ 300h+NodeID 3015h/16 Bit K3013 400h+NodeID 500h+NodeID 3016h Free object K3006/K3010/ 3016h/16 Bit K3014 3017h Free object K3007/K3011/ 3017h/16 Bit K3015 3018h Free object K3008/K3012/ 3018h/16 Bit K3016 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 556
    180h+NodeID 715/716/717/ 718 3101h Free object P734.03 3107h 16 Bit 6041h Statusword P734.01 180h+NodeID 715/716/717/ 718 6061h Modes of operation P734.02 display 3101h Free object P734.03 3107h 16 Bit 5-20 Reserve Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 557
    280h+NodeID P734.09/.10 380h+NodeID P734.13/.14 480h+NodeID 3105h Free object 3105h16 P734.07 P734.11 P734.15 6064h Position actual value P734.05/.06 280h+NodeID P734.09/.10 380h+NodeID P734.13/.14 480h+NodeID 6C01h Read Analog Input P734.07 P734.11 P734.15 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 558
    Free object P734.07 3109h 16 Bit P734.11 P734.15 310Ah Free object P734.08 310Ah 16 Bit P734.12 P734.16 3123h Free object P734.05/.06 280h+NodeID 3123h 32 Bit P734.09/.10 380h+NodeID P734.13/.14 480h+NodeID Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 559
    P734.13 480h+NodeID 310Ch Free object P734.06 310Ch 16 Bit P734.10 P734.14 310Dh Free object P734.07 310Dh 16 Bit P734.11 P734.15 310Eh Free object P734.08 310Eh 16 Bit P734.12 P734.16 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-44 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 560
    P734.14 6077h Torque actual value P734.5 280h+NodeID P734.9 380h+NodeID P734.13 480h+NodeID 310Fh Free object P734.6 310F 16 Bit P734.10 P734.14 3110h Free object P734.7 3110 16 Bit P734.11 P734.15 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-45 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 561
    Free object P734.05 280h+NodeID 3112h 16 Bit P734.09 380h+NodeID P734.13 480h+NodeID 3113h Free object P734.06 3113h 16 Bit P734.10 P734.14 3114h Free object P734.07 3114h 16 Bit P734.11 P734.15 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-46 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 562
    PDO can be selected only when device codes 93 and 94 are entered in parameter P719 PDO can be selected only when device code 0 is entered in parameter P719 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-47 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 563
    Parameter identifier (PKE) Byte 1 Byte 0 Bit No.: 15 word: Parameter index (IND) Byte 3 Byte 2 Bit No.: 15 Value = 0x0 or 0x80 Index 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-48 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 564
    Byte 3 Byte 2 Bit No.: 0 or 8 Value = 0 Index Response identifier SPM: Toggle bit for parameter change report processing (not supported by CBC) PNU: Parameter number Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-49 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 565
    Task cannot be executed (with error number) No control command source status for PKW interface Reserved Reserved 1) The desired element of the parameter description is specified in IND (2 word) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-50 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 566
    2) This error number is transferred if no function is assigned in the device to the parameter to be passed or if it cannot currently be accepted for internal reasons (although it is within legal limits). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-51 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 567
    The value to be assigned to parameter P60 must now be entered in object 4001, subindex 2. This is 4 or 5 in this example. The converter should now be in state 4 (Board Configuration) or 5 (Drive Setting). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-52 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 568
    P366 (non-indexed, word). The restore default operation is finally initiated by overwriting parameter P970 (non-index, word) with 0. The CB parameters are not reset so as to avoid interruption in communication with the CANopen master. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-53 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 569
    Communication command from the CANopen master. Parameter 60 is set to 1 by the CBC after the Reset Communication. Parameter 918 then contains the new baud rate stored in the EEPROM. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-54 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 570
    In bytes 6 and 7, the error value for initialization error F151 or the identifier of the PDO with an insufficient number of databytes (A86) is displayed on MASTERDRIVES MC without F01. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-55 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 571
    F043 DSP coupling 6182 BICO Manager fault F044 BICO manager error 6183 Time slot overflow A001 Time slot overflow 6310 loss of parameters F038 Voltage OFF during parameter save 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-56 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 572
    Following in error in stand still A140 Following error at standstill 8611 Following error in motion A141 Following error in motion 8680 In position — timer monitoring A142 Position reached — time monitoring Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-57 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 573
    Set up velocity stage=0 FF28 Reference approach velocity A161 Homing approach velocity=0 FF29 Reference point reducing=0 A162 Homing creep velocity=0 FF30 MDI Block number not allowed A165 MDI travel block number illegal 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-58 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 574
    100Ch multiplied by the number in object 100Dh. When this time period has expired, the MASTERDRIVES switches to the state set in parameter P719, see Subsection Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-59 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 575
    Transition 8 is the only transition which is not available in MASTERDRIVES. It has been implemented by skipping the status change from Operation Enable to Switch On Disabled in transition 9. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-60 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 576
    (not in synchronous mode, automatic single block mode, automatic position mode) Reserved Reserved J-FWD reserved reserved reserved reserved J-FWD [D_FWD] [D_FWD] J-BWD reserved reserved reserved reserved J-BWD [D_BWD] [D_BWD] user specific user specific user specific Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-61 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 577
    Reserved reserved acknowledge attained mode active following error reserved homing error reserved Reserved reserved user specific user specific 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-62 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 578
    Quick stop active The white fields correspond to the bits in the CANopen specification status word. The gray fields correspond to the bits in the MASTERDRIVES status word. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-63 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 579
    On the general CANopen device, the data for free connection is transferred in the highest bits of connector 3002. The highest bits of parameter P734.02 are transferred with object 6061. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-64 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 580
    = 1 (FUR=1) on a rising edge. 6. The MASTERDRIVES resets bit setpoint_acknowledge (FUR=0) when the target position is reached (DRS=1). 7. The CANopen MASTER can now initiate a new positioning operation. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-65 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 581
    U868 and the position setpoint to U867. For an exact description of the connections of the CBC, please see Subsection 8.5.11. The required interconnections are contained in scriptfile MCEPOS. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-66 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 582
    In the case of shutdown, the MASTERDRIVES is shut down via OFF 1. The MC remains operative with a HALT command. The interrupted positioning task is resumed when the halt command is canceled. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-67 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 583
    The bit «target reached» is generated by a free block interconnection with a limit value monitor. An exact interconnection of free blocks for the message is described in the Appendix. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-68 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 584
    P205. The unit of length LU is specified by the position-feedback scaling factor. The actual values are returned in object 2200.01h depending on the normalization. The setpoint is wired to parameter P212 (source setpoint control). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-69 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 585
    Bit 12 Synchronous_mode_active is set in the status word as a checkback. NOTE For more detailed information about synchronous operation, see Chapter 9 «Technology Option F01». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-70 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 586
    Parameter P178 (Src Rough Pulse) is not assigned through the selection of a homing method, although this may need to be changed in some cases (see MASTERDRIVES Compendium Chapter 7 «Functions» and Chapter 9 «Technology Option F01»). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-71 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 587
    P183 are always set to zero. As a result, the count direction for position sensing cannot be inverted nor can a fractional actual value evaluation factor be used. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-72 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 588
    All available methods are described below. Any methods not described are not supported by the MASTERDRIVES. On a MASTERDRIVES MC without technology board, only the homing methods listed in the table above can be selected. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-73 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 589
    It retraces the deceleration path traveled as a result of the braking operation by executing a position-controlled return motion (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-74 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 590
    (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-75 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 591
    (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-76 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 592
    (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-77 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 593
    Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. The axis is positioned to the right of the Bero. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-78 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 594
    (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-79 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 595
    [MD6]. When it exits the Bero in the positive direction, it searches for the next zero pulse of the position encoder. When the zero pulse is found, the axis is braked to a standstill under 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-80 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 596
    (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-81 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 597
    Bero falling edge appears, the axis is decelerated to a standstill with the value from U006. It does not retrace the braking path traveled during the braking operation. It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-82 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 598
    Bero falling edge appears, the axis is decelerated to a standstill with the value from U006. It does not retrace the braking path traveled during the braking operation. It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-83 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 599
    (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-84 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 600
    Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Axis is positioned on the BERO installed as a homing switch. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-85 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 601
    U006. It does not retrace the braking path traveled during the braking operation. It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-86 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 602
    Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Axis is positioned on the Bero installed as a homing switch. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-87 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 603
    It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Axis is positioned to the left of the Bero. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-88 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 604
    Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Axis is positioned to the right of the Bero. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-89 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 605
    Bero falling edge appears, the axis is decelerated to a standstill with the value from U006. It does not retrace the braking path traveled during the braking operation. It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-90 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 606
    It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Axis is positioned on the Bero installed as a homing switch. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-91 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 607
    It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Axis is positioned to the right of the Bero. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-92 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 608
    «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Axis is positioned to the left of the Bero. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-93 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 609
    U006 (homing deceleration). It does not retrace the braking path traveled during the braking operation. It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-94 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 610
    (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-95 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 611
    1, i.e. 1000LU/min. Subindex 2 is not supported on MC without F01. For further details about objects, please refer to Profile DSP 402 or Chapters 7 «Functions» and 9 «Technology Option F01». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-96 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 612
    Object 607Dh defines the position of the positive and negative software limit switches in LU. On MCs without F01, object 6081h specifies the travel velocity in Setup mode and objects 6083h and 6084h sets the acceleration or deceleration. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-97 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 613
    6041h. For more detailed information about this mode, please refer to the MASTERDRIVES Motion Control compendium and the Motion Control for MASTERDRIVES MC manual. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-98 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 614
    Check the cable link between nodes. • Check the cable shield. The bus cable must be shielded at both ends. • Reduce electromagnetic interference. • Replace the CBC board. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-99 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 615
    A086 has been activated. The identifier to which the alarm applies is displayed in bytes 6 and 7 (fault value). The alarm will be canceled again when the next PDO is positively received. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-100 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 616
    → Observe EMC guidelines • Message monitoring time is set too short (green LED on CBC flashing) → Increase parameter value in P722 • CBC defective → Replace CBC Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-101 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 617
    ♦ Bit 3: U857 could not be read → Read out object 2200.04h with SDO task ♦ Bit 4: U007 could not be read → Read out object 6098h with SDO task 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-102 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 618
    732.23 Not used r 732.24 Not used r 732.25 Not used r 732.26 Software version r 732.27 Software identifier r 732.28 Software date ‘Day/Month’ r 732.29 Software date ‘Year’ Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-103 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 619
    Subsection r732.15 Counter for errors in processing PKW tasks (incl. response) since power ON. CAUTION The errors that occur in processing SDO tasks are not counted! 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-104 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 620
    Meaning PKW- Task identifier and parameter index of transmitted PKE/IND parameter task Error value for a PKW response with response identifier 7 or 8: See Subsection, Parameter Download. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-105 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 621
    This means that these objects need to be transferred to the DCF. The three thousand objects that are not mapped to a PDO must not be transferred to the DCF. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-106 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 622
    MASTERDRIVES MC_F01 and MASTERDRIVES MC_B-Pos. You must adapt these scriptfiles to suit your application. The CB parameters, receive connectors, send parameters and connectors must be «wired up» to suit your application. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-107 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 623
    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 8.5.11 Logical interconnections for control and status words 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-108 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-109 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-110 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-111 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-112 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-113 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-114 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-115 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    General plans of interconnections in MASTERDRIVES MC • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-116 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-117 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-118 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-119 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-120 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-121 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-122 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-123 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-124 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-125 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-126 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-127 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-128 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-129 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-130 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-131 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-132 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Receive Process Data Object Service Data Object Toggle bit for parameter change report (not supported by the CBC) Setup Mode Task Identifier T_PDO Transmit Process Data Object Uxxx.xx Parameter above 2000 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-133 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 649
    — Part 3: User Interfaces — Motion Control HMI Package (GMC-OP-AM standard software with standard screens for OP25, OP27, OP37, TP37, etc.) Fig. 9-1 Overview of the documentation for technology option F01 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 650
    F01 (see the «References, software products and accessories» section). • The symbol refers to further information in other main chapters of the Compendium and other documents. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 651
    ♦ Linear axis (with fixed stops and a maximum traversing range of 1000 m with a resolution of 1 µm); software limit switches are evaluated. A transfer carriage is an example of a linear axis: Fig. 9-2 Linear axis Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 652
    ♦ The wear on the mechanical equipment is low, even if the full dynamic response is utilized, thanks to the position ramp-function generator with its flexible jerk limitation and acceleration adjustment. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 653
    • Programmable zero offset, tool offset and backlash compensation • G function acceleration control • Set actual value on-the-fly • Start command, block change and read-in enable definable via field bus or digital inputs Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 654
    N25 X 0 F1500 D0: Block no. 25: return to initial position N10 N15 N20 0 and deselect tool offset (D0) 2000 1000 t [s] 1500 Fig. 9-5 Example of an automatic program 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 655
    • Table change on-the-fly possible during operation • The table is scalable in the X and Y directions, and has an integrated gearbox Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 656
    The exact gear factor is defined as a [835] fraction with numerator and denominator (16 bits each). The electronic gearbox can be used with all encoders mounted on Siemens motors, including absolute encoders and encoders with SSI-standard protocols. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG)
  • Page 657
    These parameter settings can naturally also be configured via PROFIBUS-DP, and the cam can therefore be modified in a matter of seconds. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 658
    Fig. 9-7 Application example of engaging/disengaging cycle for removal of reject products in a packaging machine 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 659
    [841] synchronization. The speed and acceleration of the compensation movement required for this are adjustable. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 660
    ♦ Shaftless printing presses ♦ Packaging and bottling machines ♦ Shuttle looms and other textiles machinery ♦ Gantry systems ♦ Conveyor systems 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 661
    (U155.2, U161.2, U436.6). If the axis cycle is equal to zero (factory setting), the cam controllers behave as previously. If the axis cycle is not equal to zero, all entered and calculated positions are mapped Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 662
    SIMATIC S7 FM 352 module («FM cam») or technology board T400. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 663
    • Input of machine data and cam tables • Diagnostic screens with definition/display of control and checkback signals You will find further information in the section entitled «Communication with the technology». Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 664
    See the section entitled «Technology overview and mode manager» and [802]. The following sections provide you with a brief introduction to the technology with reference to the relevant pages of the function diagram. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 665
    V1.2 not yet released as motor encoder for positioning and synchronization) → Sensor board: SBP ♦ Multiturn absolute encoder [260], e.g. EQN 1325, EQI 1325 → Sensor board: SBM2 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 666
    4096 revolutions) in addition to the position within one revolution, and they store this value when the power supply is switched off. Referencing is therefore not necessary with a multiturn encoder. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 667
    P130 be changed for multi-pole resolvers. Select Motor Encoder Meaning Par. Value 2-pole resolver as motor encoder P130 Resolver with motor pole pair number as motor P130 encoder Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 668
    The alignment of the resolver is performed at the factory and must not be modified. If you use a third-party motor with a different alignment specification to a SIEMENS motor, the displacement angle can be corrected with parameter P132.
  • Page 669
    The resolution of the encoder must be stored in parameter P136. The Number of lines resolution is entered in increments per revolution. The input is P136 graduated as 2P136. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 670
    Cable length synchronous protocol. Communication takes place according to the P149.01, P149.07 master (converter)/slave principle. The cable length is limited by the transmission times from converter to encoder and back. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 671
    Recommended coded rotary encoders: Coded Rotary Encoder Name Res./ Rev. Rev. Protocol Multiturn EQN 1325 8192 4096 EnDat Standard ECN1 313 8192 EnDat Singleturn EQI 1325 4096 EnDat Multiturn Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 672
    Singleturn SSI 25 8192 4096 SSI 21 8192 SSI 13 8192 Singleturn EnDat auto auto EQI1325 4096 EQN1125 8192 4096 ECN1113 8192 Singleturn ROQ 424 SSI 4096 4096 Multiturn 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 673
    2 3 = 8 P148.7 steps for SSI motor encoder Ratio between signal periods and measuring 2 3 = 8 P148.8 steps for SSI technology encoder Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 674
    External machine encoder, hundreds digit = 0: Encoder without incremental signals, position sensing by the serial protocol External machine encoder, hundreds digit = 1: With the incremental position sensing being checked by the serial protocol 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 675
    The serial protocol can only achieve very low sampling rates and is thus not suitable at present for motor control. The standard encoder is the Heidenhain EQN1325 with the EnDat protocol. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 676
    (Basic) distance of reference marker Position of first reference marker Measuring step/measuring steps/rev. for 4 — 6 protocol Zero offset of measuring system 6 — 7 manufacturer Identification number 8 — A 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 677
    P146.1 position is not otherwise allowed to be displaced in case of damage to the control system. P146.1 Zero Offset Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones Zero offset in revolutions (decimal) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 678
    → this yields 2 to the power of (number of lines + 2) increments per revolution. 11+2 inc / rev = 8192 inc / rev 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 679
    The fine offset within one revolution can be set with parameter P184 [330.7]. If the technology is used, the fine offset must be defined in machine data MD10 [815.4]. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 680
    TTL/RS422 encoders are plotted against the pulse frequency: 300m 150m 150m 100m Cable length for pulse encoders with TTL/RS422 signals Pulse frequency [kHz] Fig. 9-13 Maximum cable lengths for pulse encoders with TTL/RS422 signals 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 681
    Example for a pulse encoder with 2048 pulses per revolution: Select Motor Encoder Par. Number of Increments/ Revolution Lines 8192 Pulses per revolution for P151.1 2048 motor encoder Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 682
    (the sensor board is supplied with the switches closed), while switch 4 deactivates the power supply in the closed state (the sensor board is supplied with the switch open). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 683
    (terminals X101.6 and X101.7). Printing index signals from optical sensors or other synchronization signals can be connected to the digital inputs. This measured position is processed subsequently on the technology [815 and 836]. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 684
    The position sensing system thus detects the absolute position within one revolution of the motor. If a multiturn encoder is used, the number of revolutions is also detected. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 685
    The actual value weighting factor (AVWF) must therefore be specified as a fraction for rotary axes if it cannot be represented by 8 decimal places. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-37 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 686
    Gearbox i = 1:10 Motor Fig. 9-14 After the AVWF factor has been charnged, the converter has to be re- CAUTION initialized (switch the unit off and on again). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 687
    A rotary axis is driven via a gear unit with a gear ratio of 1:3. The actual position sensing function is parameterized such that 2 increments correspond to one motor revolution. One revolution on the load side must equal 360000LU. 360000 360000 AVWF 196608 ⋅ Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 688
    Absolute position in KK120 Actual position with clockwise motion Actual position with counterclockwise motion for absolute encoder Position Actual position with counterclockwise motion for resolver, encoder and pulse encoder Fig. 9-15 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 689
    The position correction value can be positive or negative. The time chart below illustrates the signal sequence during position correction. Position correction ∆ Actual position ∆ Subtract position correction Fig. 9-16 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 690
    When using homing mode in technology option F01 or in SIMATIC M7, NOTE the machine data MD5 setting must be identical to P183 [821.3]. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 691
    The time chart below illustrates the sequence. Home position detection (made up of coarse and fine pulses) Enable homing Actual position Home position detected checkback signal Home position Fig. 9-17 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 692
    (BERO) direction (direction B → A). BERO- Traversing direction range Rough pulse Position Rotor position Position Home position Rotor position in KK90 200% Position -200% Fig. 9-19 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-44 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 693
    The rotor zero position can be monitored in KK090 (e.g. using display parameter r033.1, if P032.1 = 90 is set [30.2]). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-45 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 694
    P188 = -200 % — r189 Example: r189 = -80 % P188 = -200 % — (-80 %) = -120 % Negative, <-100 % No correction necessary The graphic below illustrates the procedure. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-46 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 695
    Rotor position Rotor position Displacement of rotor position 200% Rotor position offset in K090 to optimum position P188=180% 100% -100% Measured value at r189 = 20% -200% Fig. 9-21 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-47 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 696
    Mechanical gearing is usually located between the motor and the load for speed adjustment. Depending on the gear ratio, an offset between the zero position of the load and the motor occurs on every encoder overflow. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-48 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 697
    (U795.01) gives the number of gear teeth on the motor side, and U810.02 (U795.02) the number of gear teeth of the load side. It is important to give the numbers of gear teeth, not the circumferences. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-49 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 698
    The function is shown on function diagram 333. The FD333 and FD327 function blocks differ only in terms of the inclusion of parameter P116 (gear unit encoder-motor) in the position tracking block for motor encoders. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-50 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 699
    «Position tracking for external encoder» (function diagram 333) blocks are released only for EQN1325 encoders with 2048 lines. With software version 2.30 and higher, all parameters available for selection in parameter P147.1 or P147.02 can be used. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-51 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 700
    The linear axis is traversed to the end stop, so that the smallest possible position actual value results. The overflow counter is then set to zero via U812 (U797) and the converter is switched off and on again. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-52 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 701
    Please note that the entire position with fine resolution must still fit in a 32-bit number! (example: multiturn encoder EQN1325: Revolutions 12 bits + increments 13 bits + fine resolution 7 bits = 32 bits). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-53 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 702
    The following setting rule applies for P771: ⎛ ⎞ Scanning time prior ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⋅ ⋅ P205 [1000 LU/min] position setpoint detection [ms] ⎝ ⎠ P771 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-54 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 703
    The graphic below illustrates the response of the interpolator: P770 = -2 Position setpoint Position ∆-max setpoint before P771 interpolation Position setpoint after interpolation Fig. 9-22 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-55 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 704
    V = 3000 rev / min 300 mm V = 282743 This rated velocity must be entered in P205 and must also be entered in MD23 [804] if the technology option is used. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-56 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 705
    As you can see in the graphic below, 7 modes are available for selection: positioning modes 1 to 6 and synchronization mode 11. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-57 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 706
    Used to define and execute an NC data block for a point-to-point positioning operation Control Speed-controlled mode Automatic Automatic execution of NC programs Automatic single-block Block-by-block execution of NC programs for test purposes, etc. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-58 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 707
    MASTERDRIVES parameter display. In manual /1/, however, the machine data are presented in the format used in the OP screens (see also /2/, i.e. occasionally with decimal points). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-59 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 708
    Function Description in manual /1/. See also the section below entitled «Procedure for using the GMC-BASIC S7 software» in «Commissioning the technology» and the section entitled «Communication with the technology». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-60 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 709
    B351…B361 can be wired in any configuration using BICO technology. The positioning status signals are described in detail in the «Control and checkback signals» chapter of the Function Description in manual /1/. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-61 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 710
    Even if a motor is connected up, no axis movement takes place. This is achieved by setting the position setpoint KK310 to the current position actual-value and by setting the speed and acceleration precontrol KK312 and KK312 to «0» [817]. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-62 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 711
    [818] together with diagnostic parameter U540 of the technology. You will find further information on faults, warnings and diagnostics in the section of the same name at the end of this chapter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-63 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 712
    The control signal commands for the positive direction of movement are shown in the diagram below. Mode BA=1 J_FWD Drive speed 2=U510.02 Fixed level Override 1=U510.01 Fixed level Ramp Ramp MD18 MD19 Fig. 9-25 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-64 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 713
    «Set home position» is used if neither a rough pulse (proximity switch) nor a fine pulse is available or if the application requires the axis to be referenced at different positions. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-65 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 714
    Mode Mode=2 J_FWD Rough pulse Rotor zero Axis referenced checkback signal Drive speed MD7: Home position approach velocity Ramp MD42 MD6: Home position reducing velocity Ramp MD41 Fig. 9-27 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-66 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 715
    Digital input 4 of positioning system from rough pulse 1 of pulse encoder evaluation for external machine encoder [255] Function of high-speed input is proximity switch for U501.45 xx7xxx homing Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-67 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 716
    MD5 = 1/ MD8=1 RIGHT RISING POSITION BERO MD5 = 2/ MD8=1 Left falling position BERO =Reference point With homing switch only, reference point at right (MD7) (MD6) BERO 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-68 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 717
    Reversng switch switch The reversing switch is always active in homing mode. A digital output (MD45 = 8) can be used for connecting the reversing switch. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-69 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 718
    Only relative positioning is used on roll feeds. The first G function can accept two values: • 90 = Positioning in absolute dimensions • 91 = Positioning in incremental dimensions (relative positioning) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-70 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 719
    = 5A1E (hex), value setting of fixed parameter 90 30 (decimal). 9030 is also the factory setting for the permanent G functions. The representation of the position and velocity is identical in the double- connectors and parameters. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-71 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 720
    KK3037 [120.6] to «position» of MDI block no. 0 [823.4] U533 = 3039 Wire PROFIBUS receive words 9 and 10 as double word connector KK3039 [120.6] to «velocity» of MDI block no. 0 [823.6] 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-72 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 721
    The difference to the «normal» MDI lies in the control through the toggle bit, i.e. a flying change of MDI positioning is not performed until a signal change has taken place at the toggle bit. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-73 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 722
    The following graphic shows the sequence in control mode. Mode Mode=5 J_FWD Drive speed 100% Override Acceleration time Deceleration time MD41 MD42 Fig. 9-28 Software limit switches MD12 and MD13 are not evaluated in control CAUTION mode. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-74 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 723
    S7 standard software GMC-BASIC /1/ or parameter U507. The loop count that has not yet been processed can be read at parameter n540.36. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-75 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 724
    Position setpoint jumps as a result of control intervention or parameter changes during running operation can occur both at the input and the output of synchronism. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-76 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 725
    Advantage: Synchronization has greater overall stability, since load impacts on the master drive no longer affect the slave drive. Disadvantage: The master drive itself has to be synchronized. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-77 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 726
    The disadvantages arise from the different activation methods used for synchronization and positioning and the absence of the following error and software limit monitoring (the latter can be useful with linear synchronization axes). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-78 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 727
    In the following example circuit, position sensing is the basic unit performed using the motor encoder. Only the signals related to synchronization are shown. CAUTION See section 9.4.41 «Continue synchronism». NOTE Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-79 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 728
    SIMOLINK. Drive 1 is the master drive with the virtual master axis. Drives 2 and 3 are synchronized with drive 1. Master drive Slave drive 1 Slave drive 2 SIMOLINK Fig. 9-31 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-80 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 729
    SYNC Position setpoint Master value Speed precontrol Slave drive 1 Synchronization Position controller SIMOLINK Speed controller SYNC Slave drive 2 Speed controller Position controller SIMOLINK Synchronization SYNC Fig. 9-32 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-81 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 730
    [%] by the same setpoint source as the position setpoint in length units [LU]. For this purpose, it is imperative to parameterize the scaling rate master (U607.2). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-82 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 731
    (U607.2). If the catch-up is selected as operating mode, the catch-up on FP 836.2 is inactive. It can only be used once (either FD 834 or FD 836). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-83 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 732
    A special integrator is provided in the free blocks in function diagram Integrator for the sheet [791] for implementing a virtual master axis using the comfort virtual master axis ramp-function generator [790]. using the comfort ramp-function generator 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-84 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 733
    For this purpose, the drive is accelerated to two different speeds. The positional change is calculated through measurement of zero pulses or printing index. − Positional change − Change [LU] Positional change → [ms] Deadtime Change [LU/ms] Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-85 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 734
    Engaging length master U611 Speed setpoint slave U610.1 U610.1 Position setpoint Disengaging length master U611 The enable command for this cycle is not accepted in these zones. Fig. 9-34 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-86 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 735
    Fig. 9-35 Example: engaging cycle for rotary axis If the enable is initiated in the shaded areas, it is no longer accepted for this cycle. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-87 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 736
    Speed setpoint slave Coupling position Coupling position Master axis Master axis Position setpoint cycle length cycle length master Static engaging/ disengaging cycle enable Position setpoint master Fig. 9-36 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-88 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 737
    Master axis Position setpoint cycle length master Once-off engaging/ disengaging cycle enable Position setpoint The enable command master for this cycle is not accepted in these zones. Fig. 9-38 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-89 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 738
    Example: Position setpoint master Speed setpoint slave Coupling position Coupling position Position setpoint Engaging length Engaging length master Retriggering engaging/disengaging cycle enable Position setpoint master Fig. 9-39 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-90 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 739
    (numerator or denominator) using the simple ramp-function generator [791] in the free blocks. You will find detailed information on the gearbox function in the «Synchronization functions» chapter of the Function Description in manual /1/. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-91 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 740
    The shutdown position is then approached either in «relative mode» within one revolution (axis cycle compensated) or in «absolute mode» via several axis cycles. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-92 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 741
    Y1 is output for values less than X1 (horizontal movement to zero), Y5 is output for values greater than X5 (horizontal movement up to the table width). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-93 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 742
    The small E PROM can store only the parameters of interpolation values that were available in versions <1.4x, but the parameters of new values are stored only in the RAM. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-94 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 743
    Table Info Last interpolation point in parameter point in parameter n639.01 U630.01 n639.02 U631.30 n639.03 U631.31 n639.04 U633.10 n639.05 U633.11 n639.06 U640.40 n639.07 U640.41 n639.08 U642.20 n639.09 U642.21 n639.10 U643.50 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-95 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 744
    161-240 Table 2 100 interpolation points from 201-300 Table 4 80 interpolation points from 241-320 Table 3 100 interpolation Table 5 points from 80 interpolation 301-400 points from 321-400 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-96 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 745
    The operating mode must otherwise be switched over to 1:1 or gearbox. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-97 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 746
    1= Scaling is activated in response to positive edge of binector U621 SYNT or a table overflow (return jump to start of table), the jump is initiated by the user or the end of the table. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-98 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 747
    2. The applicable synchronization mode is then checked back via binector. Detailed information about synchronization can be found in Chapter «Synchronization functions» in the Function Description of the Manual /1/. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-99 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 748
    [760] for data remanence and, once the MASTERDRIVES electronics power supply has been restored, can be stored again as a set value by the tracking/storage element. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-100 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 749
    Beforehand, the position setpoint and actual value are set in the counter-direction in order to create the correct reference to the mechanical system. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-101 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 750
    When the reference index has been recognized, both the position actual value and the position setpoint are set to the reference position. No compensation movement takes place. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-102 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 751
    (parameter settings). 2. The drive must be stopped via the catch-up function before U886 is connected in. Undesirable effects (setpoint step changes, oscillations, etc.) may otherwise occur. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-103 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 752
    REM Binary Input1 EPOS; Pos REM Binary Input2 NC REM Binary Input3 Stop REM Binary Input4 Positioning absolute/relative REM Binary Input5 NC REM Binary Input6 Synchronism local ON / EPOS enable REM ************************************************************* 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-104 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 753
    WRITE 2800 01 7031 ;Position setpoint from SIMOLINK WRITE 2800 02 7033 ;Speed setpoint from SIMOLINK WRITE 2801 00 241 ;Communication error LC_B241/242 WRITE 2802 00 524288 ;Axis cycle master in LU Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-105 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 754
    ;Enable measured-value memory WRITE 180 01 1 ;AVWF numerator WRITE 180 02 1 ;AVWF denominator WRITE 183 00 1001 ;Encoder detection (1=single-turn encoder) WRITE 184 00 0 ;Position offset from technology 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-106 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 755
    WRITE 554 01 10 ;On command ON/OFF1 from BI MSG Catch-Up WRITE 2625 01 0x14 ; Input3 Stop WRITE 2628 01 20000 ; Acceleration WRITE 2628 02 20000 ; Deceleration Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-107 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 756
    WRITE 2855 1 0x0 ; BPOS set output WRITE 2855 2 0x20 ; Input6 BPOS enable basic positioner WRITE 2656 1 0x3203 ; Switchover to catch-up SYNC input WRITE 2656 2 0x3203 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-108 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 757
    ♦ Table does not return to X0.0 ♦ Synchronous status ♦ Referenced status ♦ Engage/disengage coupled ♦ Synchronization, offset angle setting [FD 841] are continued ♦ Position correction, referencing [FD 841] are continued Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-109 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 758
    «Control and checkback signals» chapter of manual /1/. In the following two tables, you will find an illustration of the message format for send and receive messages: 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-110 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 759
    IN_11 OPTIONAL VALUE 3 INPUT The first data word (Dbx, Dbx+1) is reserved for control word 1 of the MASTERDRIVES basic unit [180]. The other words are technology- specific. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-111 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 760
    The message assignment shown is equally suitable if you do not use the configuring package, but only use the DVA_S5 and DRIVE ES SIMATIC block packages or a bus other than PROFIBUS-DP (USS, CAN bus, etc.). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-112 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 761
    Access to U551 => Parameter number in parameter identifier word = 551 Bit 15 in index word with DPV1 and USS =1 (PARA PAGE SELECT bit) Bit 7 with cyclical PROFIBUS services Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-113 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 762
    PROFIBUS message frame. This allows, for example, the transfer of a cam table with 100 interpolation points (= 200 double words) in seconds, in 4 instead of 200 messages. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-114 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 763
    Control/checkback signal interface, 1 per axis Commu- nication PROFIBUS-DP software 8 task boxes Task header with MASTERDRIVES MC pointer to data Fig. 9-44 Communication interfaces from GMC-BASIC to technology Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-115 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 764
    • Input of machine data and cam tables • Diagnostic screens with definition/display of control and checkback signals In manual /1/ you will find detailed descriptions of the configuring package and HMI package. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-116 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 765
    ♦ A USS interface and drivers are available for almost every SIMATIC S5/S7 CPU and PC interface (see /3/ and /4/). ♦ The USS is suitable for the connection of Siemens power converters to third-party PLCs, PCs or customized automation systems.
  • Page 766
    ♦ Transmission of angle setpoints between master and slave axes for angular synchronization and cam function ♦ Replacement of conventional RS485 peer-to-peer connection for data exchange between SIMOVERT power converters 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-118 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 767
    «to all». All stations now start their sampling time at exactly the same instant with related setpoints. ♦ The drives coordinate themselves without the need for a centralized host system. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-119 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 768
    2 tracks each with 512 or 1024 pulses per revolution (adjustable) and zero pulse, RS422 level (TTL differential signal). Valid for 2-pole resolvers; correspondingly larger number of pulses per revolution with multi-pole resolvers. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-120 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 769
    (singleturn and multiturn, linear scales, etc.) • All encoders with standard SSI protocols can be evaluated (e.g. SIEMENS, Stegmann, TR, Fraba, Heidenhain, infrared distance measuring systems, etc.) Notes on SBM2: pulse encoder simulation connected to terminals with 2 tracks each with 2048 pulses per revolution and zero pulse; RS422 level.
  • Page 770
    You should avoid using OFF2 where possible, since the pulses are disabled immediately on an OFF2 command, and the motor is already without power during the brake closing time. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-122 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 771
    Application examples 9.7.1 Positioning of a linear axis via PROFIBUS Application examples can be requested from the regional office of SIEMENS AG or from the application center for production machines. 9.7.2 Positioning and synchronization with virtual master axis (suitable for self-study)…
  • Page 772
    Technology Option F01 05.2006 The application example contains the following configuration: ♦ 2 Siemens synchronous servo motors: 1FK6 with resolver and 1FT6 with optical sine/cosine encoder (only one motor required for positioning) ♦ 2 MASTERDRIVES MC converters with technology option F01 (only one converter required for positioning) ♦…
  • Page 773
    05.2006 Technology Option F01 Fig. 9-47 Application example 2: positioning/synchronization with 2-axis demonstration pack Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-125 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 774
    ♦ Test the positioning and synchronization functions on drives 1 and 2. The parameters marked with (WE) do not have to be entered, since the factory settings are suitable. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-126 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 775
    (BERO) acting on the position sensing system (see also MD45 in the «Machine data input» section): P178=16 ; Reference BERO from terminal X101.6 [90] ==> [330] Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-127 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 776
    MODE_IN (Mode selection) U950.90=4 U239 (0) B601 X101.4 ³ 1 B0012 B012 DIN 2 U710.30=619 B619 B000 B0013 U710.29=10 Fig. 9-48 Application example 2: circuit for generating the modes 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-128 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 777
    If you use the 2-axis demonstration pack, please note that all 4 jumpers must be plugged in crosswise so that all 4 bidirectional digital I/Os are configured as inputs. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-129 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 778
    (the same direction must be and homing systems entered in machine data MD5; see step P1830011 ; Enable sensing and homing, ; positive approach direction for home position ; to right of BERO 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-130 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 779
    U708=78 (WE) ; Fixed velocity override 100 % [809.1] P770 ; Setting as described in Section 9.4.10 P771 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-131 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 780
    MD23 to 0). The following machine data must be entered: U501.41=700 ; MD41: acceleration for the speed control ; modes [ms] U501.42=700 ; MD42: deceleration for the speed control ; modes [ms] 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-132 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 781
    [804]: possible when the drive is stationary). U502=2 ; Transfer and activate machine data. If ; machine data transferred without error, U502 ; is automatically reset to «0». [804.2] Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-133 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 782
    ; mode [330.8] ==> [340.1] Output signal KK131 of the position controller is connected to the speed controller input: P220.1=131 ; Wire position controller output to speed ; controller [340.8] ==> [360.1] 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-134 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 783
    U552.01=9030 (WE) ; Absolute positioning, 100 % acceler- ; ation override [823.4] U552.02=16 200 ; Position setpoint X=16200 LU [823.5] U552.03=100 000 ; Velocity F=1 000 000 LU/min, input in ; [10 LU/min] [823.6] Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-135 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 784
    Start another positioning operation. The drive now moves back to position 0 at 5 times the velocity (in the clockwise direction, because jog forwards = 1), i.e. through 5.5 revolutions. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-136 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 785
    U687=36 000 ; Axis cycle length for the virtual master [832.6] ; = 36000 LU equal to 10 motor revolutions each ; with 360.0° (1LU = 0.1°; see AVWF) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-137 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 786
    The normalization of the output velocity setpoint MD23 position correction [836.7] was also already set to the correct value when the machine data were configured (step 6 in application example 2). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-138 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 787
    ; Connect output path setpoint KK817 P751.2=817 ; of virtual master axis [832.8] to send channel 0 ; of SIMOLINK (assign the same double-connector to ; send words 1 and 2) [160.1] Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-139 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 788
    The further procedure for testing the synchronization function is described below with reference to the example of the 2-axis demonstration pack. An LED light beam visible through both flywheels indicates that the synchronization function is operating correctly. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-140 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 789
    You will have also received an introduction to the documentation available in an easy-to-understand example. The further steps required to commission your own customized application should now be much easier. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-141 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 790
    WRITE 817 ; Position of the virtual master axis on PROFIBUS WRITE 817 ; Position of the virtual master axis on PROFIBUS WRITE 255 ; Sign-of-life signal on PROFIBUS 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-142 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 791
    (U607.2 in function diagram 834) to the same value. WRITE 2682 ; Nominal master velocity of the virtual master axis WRITE 2607 ; Normalization velocity master in synchronism Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-143 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 792
    ; Sign-of-life signal receive (factory setting: 3210) WRITE 2963 29 2 ; Position setpoint extrapolator (factory setting: 3290) WRITE 2963 32 3 ; Operating mode manager (factory setting: 3320) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-144 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 793
    05.2006 Technology Option F01 Provision of transmit data via PROFIBUS Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-145 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 794
    Technology Option F01 05.2006 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-146 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 795
    Please note that in the DB 100, you must enter the PKW and PZD addresses for the axis concerned in accordance with the hardware configuration. Fig. 9-50 Hardware configuration Fig. 9-51 Master axis CBP address 11 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-147 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 796
    9-52 Slot 7). Via slots 4 to 6 (Fig. 9-51 and Fig. 9-52) PPO type 5 is emulated in the two converters. Fig. 9-53 DB 100 in data view 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-148 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 797
    «Clock Synchronization» (Fig. 9-55). Now synchronize the drive with the equidistant DP cycle. Then click on «Alignment». Proceed in the same way for the second converter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-149 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 798
    If you reset the CPU via the PROFIBUS interface, communication is interrupted. If you address the PLC via the MPI or PROFIBUS interface, you must select the PG/PC interface in the SIMATIC Manager under «Extras». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-150 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 799
    • Memory capacity: over 10 000 samples per channel • Flexible setting of zero offset and gain for the signal display across large range • Settable • Flexible setting of trigger condition (trigger signal, trigger threshold, post/pre-trigger) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-151 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 800
    The section below provides you with a general commissioning guide which takes you step-by-step through the commissioning procedure. It is impossible, of course, to cater for all special applications in this guide. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-152 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 801
    0″, which is printed in red on the cable = option and length specification). The connector and terminal assignments on the motor and sensor boards are described in Catalog DA65.11. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-153 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 802
    ♦ 111 = SBP (suitable for ROD431 etc.) ♦ 112 = SBM (suitable for ERN1397, ECN1313, EQN1325, SSI encoders from Siemens, Fraba, TWK, TR, Stegmann, linear scale LC181 etc. The ASIC chip on the SBM should have firmware version V1.3 or higher.) ♦…
  • Page 803
    With pure synchronization axes (electronic shaft/gearbox), you will normally choose one increment of the position encoder as the LU (e.g. 1/4096 of an encoder revolution with P171 = 12 [330.3]). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-155 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 804
    ♦ => The traversing range would no longer fit into the range of 999 999 999 LU in this case (999 999 999 LU traversing range / 4096 LU per encoder revolution = 244 140 encoder revolutions) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-156 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 805
    LU, e.g. 1 LU = 0.001 mm = 1 µm or 1 LU = 0.001°. This is particularly important if you use the SIMATIC S7 «Motion Control Configuring Package» software /1/, in which the OP screens always use 3 decimal places for length parameters. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-157 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 806
    [817] and the acceleration ramps (MD41, MD42 and MD43) for the speed control modes «control» and «homing», and must correspond to the reference speed P353. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-158 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 807
    [815] as described in Section 10. ♦ The further commissioning procedure is performed from the SIMATIC S7 via PROFIBUS-DP. Direct parameter modification on the MASTERDRIVES unit is only required in exceptional circumstances. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-159 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 808
    (see also application example 2, step 2): ♦ Jog forwards [J_FWD] or ♦ Jog backwards [J_BWD], depending on the homing direction ♦ START [STA] 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-160 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 809
    «Synchronization mode — overview» section in «Brief description of the synchronization technology functions» to find out which signals you need on sheet [811]. The special status signals for synchronization are shown in [832…839] (binectors B800…B820). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-161 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 810
    ; Configuration for absolute encoder: P183=xxx2 ;[330] U950.19=3 ; Nest encoder detection in sampling time [260.8] ; If not standard encoder: set parameters as ; described in «Multiturn encoder evaluation» 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-162 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 811
    ; Home position to left of rough pulse/ BERO ; Configuration for absolute encoder: U950.18=3 ; Nest encoder detection in sampling time [270.8] ; If not standard encoder: set parameters as ; described in «Multiturn encoder evaluation» Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-163 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 812
    Special machine data for automatic mode only MD25, MD44 MD38…MD40 Backlash compensation MD45, MD47 Configuration of special digital I/Os for positioning MD49, MD50 Weighting of velocity and acceleration precontrol MD10 Offset value for absolute encoder 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-164 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 813
    ; Connect actual pos. from motor ; encoder [330] to actual value input [340.1] of ; position controller … P194.1=125 ; … or actual position of external machine ; encoder, if one is used. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-165 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 814
    ; target position 1000 LU U550.3 ; Define traversing velocity in [10 LU/min], ; e.g. velocity 100 000 LU/min ==> ; input value = 10 000 LU (must be less than ; MD23) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-166 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 815
    MASTERDRIVES MC units except for the Compact PLUS AC units up to and including 4 kW and the Compact AC units. The «Safe STOP» function has been certified by the Institute for Work Safety. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-167 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 816
    You will find further information on «homing» mode in the «Brief description of the technology functions» section and in the «Reference point approach» chapter of the Function Description of manual /1/. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-168 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 817
    When using software versions < 1.30, if you set jerk limiting [817.4] via Jerk limiting U505>0, you should not use the speed precontrol (KK312 = 0, see [817.6]), because otherwise the position control and speed control will «work against one another». Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-169 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 818
    LUs per encoder revolution or per revolution of the gearbox output shaft, e.g.: U687=4096 ; Example: axis cycle length[832.6] for the virtual ; master = 4096 LU equals 1 encoder revolution with ; P171=12 [330.3] 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-170 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 819
    SIMOLINK path setpoint for receive channel 1 should be used. This selection is already configured synchronization with the factory settings U600.01 = 7031 and U606 = 0. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-171 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 820
    You will find detailed information on the parameters for position correction in the «Synchronization functions» chapter of the Function Description in manual /1/. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-172 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 821
    Temporarily set an extremely slow acceleration/deceleration ramp on the machine ramp-function generator (e.g. [832.5]). e) Move the master axis carefully from velocity «0» to low values and check whether the slaves follow the motion correctly. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-173 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 822
    [180.7] that control bits OFF1, OFF2, and OFF3 are set to «0» and the inverter enable [ENC] is set to «1». You should also check the present converter status in r000. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-174 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 823
    • «In-position monitoring» by increasing MD16/MD17 (affects A142 ) ♦ If necessary, reduce the traversing velocity for the initial commissioning steps by changing the velocity override (in the factory setting with U708 [809.1]). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-175 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 824
    In this case, a double-connector/connector converter must be used. ♦ A torque increase is only possible if P128 is increased simultaneously ==> increase P263, P264 and P128 together. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-176 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 825
    Receive signals from communication interface, e.g. from PROFIBUS-DP [120.5] If your axis won’t start, please consult the section entitled «Help, my The axis won’t start axis won’t start!» in «Commissioning the technology». Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-177 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 826
    F01 together with basic unit software version V1.2; see the section entitled «Modification history of technology option F01». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-178 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 827
    ♦ U511…U520: These triple-index parameters are no longer used for permanent MDI blocks 1…10. Instead, they are stored in parameters U550…U559. ♦ U550…U559: Permanent MDI blocks 1…10 New parameters Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-179 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 828
    U668.1 (rated velocity now = MD23) ♦ U502 The machine data transfer now takes place with Modified parameters U502 = 2 instead of U502 = 1 in positioning function 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-180 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 829
    U709. ♦ A series of new display parameters has been introduced (e.g. n540, n541, n542). ♦ The positioning status bits are now connected to individual binectors (B351…B562 [811.3]) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-181 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 830
    «Synchronization to master value» [841] U697.2 and U697.1. Synchronization is started by the binector that can be selected via the new parameter U676. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-182 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 831
    Can now be set up to 20 000 000 instead of up to 1 000 0900 [x100 LU/min] ♦ U501.10 Machine data MD10 «Offset for absolute-value encoder»: Now remains in non-volatile storage also after electronics power supply has been de- energized/energized. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-183 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 832
    ♦ U698.01-02 Selection of connectors for variable speeds for displacement angle setting ♦ U699.01-02 Operating mode of synchronization to master value and absolute displacement angle setting 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-184 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 833
    Supplementary in the case of synchronism position correction: Position correction Parameter U467 for input of the setting speed in [1000LU/Min] [843] Supplementary in the case of synchronism: Status binectors start/stop Start/Stop [834] (B831, B832; B833) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-185 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 834
    The additive offset angle setting NOTE and actual value dependent M (machine) functions have not yet been released at software status V1.4.0. output They shall be released with version V1.42. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-186 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 835: Table Of Contents

    Synchronism mode extended from 0..2 to 0..3 (catch-up) ♦ U615 Table configuration extended from 1,2 to 0…4 for 8 tables ♦ U650.1..3 Binector for table selection extended for 8 tables. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-187 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…

  • Page 836
    Setpoint source U886.1 for position setpoint [LU] and U886.2 for speed setpoint [%] The function is activated via U885. ♦ U885 Synchronism local ON New parameters ♦ U886.1…2 Setpoint source synchronism local 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-188 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 837
    Total length of ramp ♦ B0801 In acceleration ramp (BIT20) New binectors (synchronism status ♦ B0802 In deceleration ramp (BIT21) signals FD846) ♦ B0814 Change to Src. Variable Ramps permitted (bit 22) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-189 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 838
    Fixed Connector Software Limit Switch Plus ♦ KK0899 Fixed Connector Software Limit Switch Minus ♦ B0896 SC_PLUS_ACTIV (Stop Cam Plus active) New binectors ♦ B0897 SC_MINUS_ACTIV (Stop Cam Minus active) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-190 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 839
    BPos Mode Cam 0 = Edge change 1 = Static ♦ n465 Visualization paramater Extended parameters • n465.2 Current adjusting speed including v_inching as a percentage referred to U607 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-191 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 840
    Register displacement offset angle speed ♦ KK0797 Current circumference ♦ KK0798 Decoupling to successor ♦ KK0799 Adaptation of circumference ♦ KK0803 Current adjusting speed including v_inching as a percentage referred to U607 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-192 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 841
    SIMATIC S7 «Motion Control Configuring Package» software on CD-ROM ♦ Order number German 6AT1880-0AA00-1AE0 ♦ Order number English 6AT1880-0AA00-1BE0 ♦ Internal Siemens order location: LZF Logistics Center Fürth The configuring package also includes the GMC-BASIC standard software. /2/ Motion Control HMI Package for SIMATIC S7 ♦…
  • Page 842
    PROFIBUS-DP communication with drives, support for conversion of DVA_S7 to Drive ES projects (V5.1 and later only) ♦ SETUP program for installing software in the STEP7 environment 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-194 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 843
    ♦ Brake resistor, RI suppression filter ♦ Operator panel ♦ Ready to connect the AC cable Internal Siemens ordering location: A&D SE B8.4 («WKF Fürth», Tel. 4894) /6/ 2-axis demonstration pack, order no. 6SX7000-0AF10 contents: ♦ 1FT6 synchronous motor with optical sin/cos encoder ♦…
  • Page 844
    (option)/bypass contactor, if available, is opened. ♦ POWER-UP INHIBIT (008) ♦ READY-TO-POWER-UP (009), if «OFF2» or «OFF3» are not present. The «Restart-on-the-fly» function» has not been provided. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 10-1 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 845
    After the OFF waiting time (P801) has expired, the inverter pulses are inhibited and the main/bypass contactor, if present, is opened. If the OFF3 command is withdrawn during deceleration, deceleration is nevertheless continued. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 10-2 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 846
    Bit 6: Setpoint enable command (H «setpoint enable») Condition HIGH signal and the de-energization time have expired (P602). ♦ The setpoint at the ramp-function generator input is enabled. Result The «Restart-on-the-fly» function has not been provided. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 10-3 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 847
    (See also function diagram 310) Condition LOW signal ♦ An OFF1 command is automatically executed (refer to control word Result bit 0). Refer to the function diagram «Setpoint processing (Part 1)» (310) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 10-4 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 848
    Condition HIGH signal ♦ The motorized potentiometer in the setpoint channel is driven in Result conjunction with bit 13 «raisemotorized potentiometer». Refer to the function diagram «Motorized potentiometer» (300) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 10-5 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 849
    P352 or the reference speed P353. Refer to the function diagram «Fixed setpoints» (290), also refer to FSW bit 2 and bit 3, parameters P417, P418 Bit 22: Reserve 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 10-6 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 850
    LOW signal, P290 = 0 and enabling of the inverter pulses of the converter. ♦ Master drive: The closed-loop control function acts as a closed-loop Result speed control function (n-control). Refer to the function diagrams 360, 370 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 10-7 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 851
    Bit 31: Main contactor checkback signal command (H «main contactor checkback signal») Condition HIGH signal, corresponding to the wiring and parameterization of the main contactor (option). ♦ Checkback signal, «main contactor energized» (closed). Result 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 10-8 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 852
    Bit 3: Message «Fault» (H) HIGH signal Fault (007) status ♦ A fault has occurred. Significance Output at the terminal strip with L signal. The «Restart-on-the-fly» function has not been provided. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 10-9 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 853
    ♦ The bit is again set as H signal, if the deviation is less than parameter value P792. Bit 9: Message «PZD control requested» (H) HIGH signal Still present. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 10-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 854
    KK0075) is greater or equal to 0. LOW signal Counter-clockwise rotating field ♦ The speed setpoint for closed-loop control (speed setpoint, r472 / Significance KK0075) is smaller than 0. Bit 15: Reserve Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 10-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 855
    ♦ An «external alarm 1» is present in control word bit 28, or, «external Significance alarm 2» in control word bit 29. Output at the terminal strip with L signal. The «Restart-on-the-fly» function has not been provided. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 10-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 856
    HIGH signal Fault, «Motor overtemperature» ♦ This is an overtemperature fault detected by the KTY (P381 > 1). Significance Output at the terminal strip with L signal. Bit 27: Reserve Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 10-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 857
    (option) can be energized (only for DC devices). Bit 30: Reserve Bit 31: Message «Pre-charging active» (H) HIGH signal PRE-CHARGING (010) condition ♦ Pre-charging is realized after an ON command. Significance 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 10-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 858
    Motion Control system is possible with special software or the functions can be provided centrally by means of a PLC. Drives can be coupled, e.g. for angular synchronism, via SIMOLINK. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-1 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 859
    (moving masses, load-side moments of inertia, additional forces/torques divided by the number of motors). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-2 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 860
    ) travel [s] Travel distance [m] ♦ Travel time [s] On rotating drives (turning mechanisms), the values ω , α , ϕ NOTE have to be applied instead of v Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-3 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 861
    ♦ Angular acceleration and deceleration at the load wheel/pinion [s α ⋅ load [ m/s Acceleration, deceleration ♦ Load inertia [ kgm ⎛ ⎞ ⋅ ⎜ ⎟ load ⎝ ⎠ 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-4 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 862
    (accelerate = +, b v load decelerate = — ) If the deceleration is equal to the acceleration, the load torque is at a maximum during the acceleration phase. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-5 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 863
    = + , deceleration up, acceleration down = — ) If the deceleration is equal to the acceleration, the load torque is at a maximum during the upwards acceleration phase. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-6 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 864
    (accelerate = +, b v load decelerate = — ) If the deceleration is equal to the acceleration, the load torque is at a maximum during the acceleration phase. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-7 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 865
    ♦ Angular acceleration and deceleration of the spindle ⋅ 2 π α ⋅ b v Sp ♦ Frictional force of guide [N] ⋅ ⋅ m g w Specific travel resistance 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-8 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 866
    Sp (accelerate = +, decelerate = — ) If the deceleration is equal to the acceleration, the load torque is at a maximum during the acceleration phase. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-9 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 867
    = +, deceleration up, acceleration down = — ) If the deceleration is equal to the acceleration, the load torque is at a maximum during the upwards acceleration phase. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 868
    It is, however, not always possible to implement this optimum gear transmission ratio, e.g. if the resulting motor speed is too high. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 869
    Voltage-limit curve Points of load cycle 10% distance S1 curve mean Fig. 11-7 Limit curves for 1FK6/1FT6 motors (synchronous servomotors) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 870
    ⋅ b v load b v load load Sign M ⋅ η load = ⋅ load Motor inertia Gear moment of inertia referred to motor speed η Gear efficiency Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 871
    A second point to be checked is whether the thermal limits are adhered 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 872
    If the rms torque at the mean motor speed is below the S1 curve and the dynamic limits are being adhered to, the selected synchronous servomotor can be used. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 873
    If the dynamic limits are being adhered to and the rms value of the motor current is smaller than the motor’s rated current, the selected induction servomotor can be used. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 874
    In order to determine the motor current at a given motor torque, the following formula is used: ♦ For synchronous servomotors ≤ M for M kTn Torque constant in Nm/A Standstill torque Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 875
    • For induction servomotors Mot A Mot E ∑ ⋅ ∆ Mot mean Mot A Mot E ∆ t Mean motor current in time segment (A: initial value, E: final value) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 876
    If this is not the case, the rectifier unit can be smaller. The total number of connected inverters, however, must not be too large because, otherwise, precharging of the rectifier unit can be overloaded (see technical data). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 877
    Example of motor speed and motor output in a time segment Adding the mean values for the individual inverters gives the mean value for the rectifiers as follows: ∑ Link ct mean Link Inv mean 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 878
    In the event of an emergency stop, all drives may have to be shut down at the same time. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 879
    If repairs have to be carried out locally, e.g. for large outputs, the use of fuses with gR characteristics is recommended. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 880
    PLUS type unit, the line reactor is contained in the line filter. Output reactors, It is not permissible to use output reactors, sinusoidal filters and dv/dt sinusoidal filters, filters in the case of MASTERDRIVES Motion Control. dv/dt filters Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 881
    In addition, the maximum pulse frequency with chassis-type units is lower than 10 kHz (see technical data). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 882
    ♦ Mech. efficiency η = 0.9 mech ♦ Specific travelling resistance = 0.1 ♦ Mech. accuracy ∆s = ±0.1 mm mech ♦ Overall accuracy required ∆s = ±0.2 mm Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 883
    0 25 0 25 0 25 − ⋅ − ⋅ − ⋅ − ⋅ 2 16 0 25 1 0 25 15 = ′− − 3 5 15 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 884
    = ′ 3 torsional play ♦ Acceleration and deceleration torque for the gear unit ⋅ α ⋅ = ⋅ ⋅ 0 001 914 10 0 914 b v G load Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 885
    ⋅ 0 0065 914 5 94 b v Mot ♦ The maximum motor torque is equal to the motor torque during acceleration: 5 94 25 08 3103 Mot b 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 886
    (the sign before the bracketed term «-M » is negative). v load The torque characteristic can be determined using the values calculated for the motor torque. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 887
    ∑ ⋅ ∆ mean ′ 2182 7 2182 7 ⋅ ⋅ + ⋅ 0 25 2182 7 1 0 25 779 5 . rpm 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 888
    ≥ 0.75 s, a check is now made to see if three- times the rated current of a Compact PLUS inverter can be utilized when I =10.2 A. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 889
    Mot k 9550 9550 ♦ Max. power output of motor during deceleration ⋅ − ⋅ 19 83 2182 7 Mot v = − 4 53 Mot v 9550 9550 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 890
    ♦ The mean value of the DC link current is therefore: Mot mean Link mean η ⋅ η ⋅ ⋅ Line 0 95 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 0 92 0 98 135 400 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 892
    ♦ The following is obtained for the missing values of the travel curve: − ⋅ − ⋅ − ⋅ − ⋅ 135 15 0 6 0 3 0 6 15 − − 3 5 15 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 893
    ⋅ 10 4096 ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ mech Gear Encoder < 0 1 0 0218 0 0077 0 1295 0 2 . mm The accuracy requirement is thus satisfied. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 894
    In order to check the thermal limits, the effective motor torque is calculated. For this purpose, all other motor torques within the travel curve have to be calculated, in addition to the motor torque during acceleration. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-37 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 895
    0 9 0 95 ⋅ 168 0 5 25 98 1 12 7 . Nm The motor curve can be determined with the help of the values calculate for the motor torque. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 896
    ⋅ ⋅ 0 6 2865 0 3 0 6) 2 736 7 rpm (due to the symmetry of the travel curve, the component for lifting is multiplied by 2) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 897
    > 0.25 s, only 1.6 times the rated current can be utilized. Thus = 14 . ⋅ < 16 Mot max = 3 6 . = 10 2 . < I Mot mean 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 898
    ♦ Lowering of the load, max. power output of motor during deceleration ⋅ ⋅ − 12 7 2865) Mot v down = − 3 81 Mot v down 9550 9550 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 899
    ♦ The mean DC link current is therefore: Mot mean Link mean η ⋅ η ⋅ ⋅ Line 0 938 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 0 89 0 98 135 400 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 900
    ♦ The 15 kW rectifier unit, 6SE7024-1EP85-0AA0, with I =41 A is ZK n sufficient. = 25 11 ⋅ < 16 65 6 Link Link n = 189 = 41 < I Link ct mean Link n Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 901
    ♦ A 6SE7018-0ES87-2DC0 braking resistor of 80 Ω with P = 5 kW is necessary. = 7 4 ⋅ < 15 br max = 0 426 < P 4 5 111 br meen 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-44 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 902
    75 kW Performance 2 with pulse frequency 2.5 kHz Rated output current (MASTERDRIVES VC 90 kW unit rating = 186 A) Comparison: 6SE7032-1EG50 90 kW unit rating standard MASTERDRIVES MC Rated output current = 175 A Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-45 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 903
    * Performance extension: Only operable with P357 = 1 (max. 2.7 kHz) (F02 as add. option is included) Table 11-2 Overview of units which can be operated with F02 as an additional option 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-46 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 904
    02.2007 Function Diagrams Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 905
    MASTERDRIVES MC function diagram — List of contents of the basic functions Contents Sheet Contents Sheet Contents Sheet General Control words and status words Current controller / V/f characteristic Basic functions: List of contents Control word 1 Current controller synchronous motor Free blocks and extension boards: List of contents Control word 2 Current controller asynchronous motor…
  • Page 906
    MASTERDRIVES MC function diagram — List of contents of the free blocks of the supplementary boards Contents Sheet Contents Sheet Contents Sheet Free blocks: List of contents Logic components Supplementary boards: List of contents Setting and monitoring the sampling times and — AND elements sampling sequence OR elements…
  • Page 907
    Explanation of the symbols used in the function diagram Parameter P597 (1) Automatic conversion between connectors and Selection of three binectors via indexed double connectors parameters (binector B0001 is the selected r007 n124 Display parameters factory setting for all three outputs, i.e. fixed value Converting a connector to a double connector «1», see below) U531…
  • Page 908
    General visualization parameters r001 Drive status K0249 Pxxx.B => BICO data-set parameter (2 indices) Switchover by control-word bit 30 [190.2] r002 n(act) KK0091 Active BICO DSet. r012 r004 Output Amps K0242 r006 DC Bus Volts K0240 Pxxx.F => Function data-set parameter (4 indices) Switchover by control-word bit 16/17 [190.2] r007 Motor Torque K0241…
  • Page 909
    n959.06 = 7 n959.02 = 7 Ref Amps Src Disp Binec [20.5] n959.09 = 7 P030.x SrcDispAmpsConn Display Binector Ref Speed P036.x r031.1 to 5 Disp Amps Conn [20.5] r037.1 to .5 SrcDisp SpdConn Indicated in 0.01 A P040.x Disp Speed Conn r041.1 to .5 Indicated in 0.1 1/min n959.03 = 7…
  • Page 910
    Note: Activation of the raise and lower keys is only effective Operating display (r000) n959.15 = 4 if the operating display(r000) is selected, a changeover selected and operation=1 to the value display has taken place with the toggle key of sequence control and the unit is in the «Operation»…
  • Page 911
    n959.16 = 4 OP OperDisp OP OperDisp OP OperDisp OP OperDisp OP OperDisp 4th line 3rd line (set) 2nd line (actual) 1st line left 1st line right — A maximum of 6 characters (value + unit) are available for the 0 …
  • Page 912
    n959.17 = 2 Src AnaIn Rel AnaIn Offset P636 (1) Analog input -100.00 … 100.00 % P631 (0.00) Src AnaIn Invert AnaIn Conf -10 V … 10 V = -100.0 % … 100.0 % P633 (0) 0 … 3 AnaIn Smooth AnaIn Window P632 (0) 0.0 …
  • Page 913
    -X101 Inputs U950.13 = ___(4) /2 ground SrcDigOut 1 <1> P651.B(0) /1 24 V Outputs U950.23 = ___(4) DigOut 1 B0025 Terminals -X101/3 to -X101/6 can be used as digital 24 V inputs or digital outputs. 20 mA B0010 DigIn 1 If they are used as digital inputs, parameters P651.B, B0011 DigIn 1 inv.
  • Page 914
    Compact PLUS type unit Compact type unit Chassis type unit Converter — X9 — X9 — X9 24 V ( 2.1 A 24 V ( 2.1 A P24 only output — X100 DC 24 V supply for max. 2 main cont. <1>…
  • Page 915
    Compact type unit Compact PLUS type unit <1> (only inverter) Chassis type unit <2> — X9 24 V ( 2.1 A Checkback contact «Safe Stop» DC 30 V / 2 A — X533 Checkback contact «Safe Stop» <3> <4> DC 30 V / 1 A <1>…
  • Page 916
    PKW order PKW words U950.10 = ___(4) r738.1 to 4 SCom1 Receive telegram Receive RecvData words r709.01 to 16 B2100 SCom1Word1Bit 0 B2115 SCom1Word1Bit15 TLG End TLG head K2001 SCom1 Word 1 B2200 SCom1Word2Bit 0 B2215 SCom1Word2Bit15 K2002 SCom1 Word 2 KK2032 SCom1 DWord 2 B2300…
  • Page 917
    U950.14 = ___(4) PKW Order PKW words r738.13 to .16 SCom1/2 RecData Receive telegram Receive words r709.17 to .32 B6100 SCom2Word1Bit0 B6115 SCom2Word1Bit15 K6001 SCom2 Word 1 TLG End TLG Head B6200 SCom2Word2Bit0 B6215 SCom2Word2Bit15 K6002 SCom2 Word 2 KK6032 SCom2 DWord 2 B6300 SCom2Word3Bit0…
  • Page 918
    PKW Reply U950.20 = ___(4) r739.01 to .04 PKW Word 1 USS SCom 1 PKW Word 2 USS SCom 1 Transmit telegram PKW Word 3 USS SCom 1 processing words PKW Word 4 USS SCom 1 Transmit SCom1Trns/RecvData TLG Head SrcSCom1TrnsData r710.01 to .16 P707 (32)
  • Page 919
    PKW Reply U950.24 = ___(4) r739.13 to .16 PKW Word 1 USS SCom 2 PKW Word 2 USS SCom 2 Transmit telegram PKW Word 3 USS SCom 2 processing words PKW Word 4 USS SCom 2 Transmit SCom2Trns/RecvData TLG Head SrcSCom2TrnsData r710.17 to .32 P708 (0)
  • Page 920
    CB Diagnosis PKW Order r732.01 to .32 PKW words U950.11 = ___(4) r738.05 to .08 CB Parameter 1 Dual- A: Words and bits [121] CB/TB RecvData 0 … 65535 port RAM Receive data words P711.01 r733.01 to .16 B3100 CB/TB Word 1 Bit 0 Config.
  • Page 921
    Clock-synchronous mode: For clock-synchronous mode: CBP2 in Least sign.slot Most sign. slot Source: SYNC selection CBP2 P744.01 P744 P744.02 Slot A is the least significant slot Slot D is the most significant slot Warning A003 B0043 Synchronous drive from [122.8] Connector interlocking: With firmware V1.50 and higher, either the word- (A in [120.6]) or the double word connectors (B in [120.7]) can be connected.
  • Page 922
    U950.22 = ___(20) n959.22 = 4 Only allowed for PWE 2 or 20 (inactive). Fine synchronization Maximum synchronized [420.5] Fine synchronization can cause a smaller r748.15 time slot Pulse frequency synchronization deviation (r748.9). PROFIBUS 0…10 Fine synchronization has a greater effect the cycle time P754 (0) higher the DP cycle/T2 ratio.
  • Page 923
    CB/TB PKW Reply U950.21 = ___(4) (Communications board/Technology board) r739.05 to .08 PKW Word 1 CB/TB PKW Word 2 CB/TB Dual- port RAM PKW Word 3 CB/TB processing words PKW Word 4 CB/TB words Transmit CB/TB TrnsData SrcCB/TBTrnsData r735.01 to .16 P734 (0) words words…
  • Page 924
    CB Diagnosis PKW Order r732.33 to .64 PKW words U950.15 = ___(4) r738.17 to .20 A: Words and bits [121] CB Parameter 1 Dual- CB/TB RecvData 0 … 65535 port RAM Received data words P711.02 r733.17 to .32 B8100 2. CB Word 1 Bit 0 Config.
  • Page 925
    Clock-synchronous mode: For clock-synchronous mode: CBP2 in Least sign. slot Most sign. slot Source: SYNC selection CBP2 P744.01 P744 P744.02 Slot A is the least significant slot Slot D is the most significant slot Warning A003 B0043 Synchronous drive from [122.8] Connector interlocking: With firmware V1.50 and higher, either the word- (A in [130.6]) or the double word connectors (B in [130.7]) can be connected.
  • Page 926
    PKW Reply U950.25 = ___(4) Dual-port r739.17 to .20 PKW Word 1 CB/TB PKW Word 2 CB/TB PKW Word 3 CB/TB processing words words PKW Word 4 CB/TB Transmit CB/TB TrnsData SrcCB/TB TrnsData r735.17 to .32 words words P736 (0) Transmit telegram Transmitting 32-bit words: If the same double-word connector is connected up to two successive connector…
  • Page 927
    n959.20 = 7 SLB TlgOFF SLB Diagnosis B0040 SLB NodeAddr r748 r748.001: Number of error-free synchronizing Fault Delay 0 … 200 telegrams K7081 0.0 … 101.0 s P740.1 (1) SLB configuration P781.16 (0.0) .002: Number of CRC faults SLB diagnosis SLB TlgOFF K7082 General part…
  • Page 928
    Setting of P755: U950.22 = ___(20) n959.22 = 4 Dead time compensation: xxx0: No dead time compensation. Only allowed for PWE 2 or 20 (inactive). xxx1: Compensation of different dead times between units. SLB switchover (between 2 SLBs): xx0x: Switchover in operation disabled. xx1x: Switchover in operation enabled.
  • Page 929
    n959.20 = 7 2. Inactive SIMOLINK Board SLB NodeAddr 0 … 200 P740.2 (1) configuration diagnosis General part SLB2 Time out B0047 SLB Trns Power 1 … 3 P742 (3) SIMOLINK SLB # Nodes Receive 0 … 255 P743.2 (0) Select active SLB SLB in SLB in…
  • Page 930
    SLB Read Addr <1> Example: P749.02 = 0.1 Data 0.0 … 200.7 U950.12 = ___(4) => KK7035 = Transmission channel 1 from node 0 16 x 16 bits P749 SLB Rcv Data <1> Receive r750.01 to .16 channel word B7100 SLB Word1Bit0 B7115 SLB Word1Bit15…
  • Page 931
    n959.21 = 2 Transmit words SLB TrnsData SrcSLBTrnsData r752.01 to .16 P751 (0) Node 1 SIMOLINK Transmit words 3 and 4 Channel 0 Bus cycle (example for 3 nodes and 2 channels) Transmit Channel 1 Pause SYNC Bus cycle time Channel 2 — Each module can read out all circulating telegrams.
  • Page 932
    n959.21 = 2 Special data SrcSLBTrnsData P756 (0) Double word 1 Double word 2 Double word 3 Double word 4 Notes: Special data may only be transmitted by the dispatcher (bus address P740 = 0)! If at least one special datum is assigned (P756.x 0), the number of addressed nodes is reduced vis-a- vis the formula on function diagram 140: P746…
  • Page 933
    Sign-of-life bit position 0: Sign-of-life begins with bit 0 U953.21 =___ (20) 0…1 1: Sign-of-life begins with bit 12 P814 (0) Sign of life B0241 Valid sign of life P807 (0) Monitor sign of life B0242 Sign of life fault present Enable fault F152 1 = «Fault F152″…
  • Page 934
    U953.29 =___ (20) Axis cycle length 0… 2 -1 [LU] U802 (4096) Position setpoint Position setpoint Extrapolation Position setpoint output U800.1 (0) KK0846 Speed setpoint output Speed setpoint KK0847 U800.2 (0) Telegram failure Communication fault U801 (0) Communication V2.4 Function diagram fp_mc_171_e.vsd — 171 — Position setpoint extrapolator for bridging telegram failures…
  • Page 935
    <1> Only possible for encoder 1 (motor encoder)! <2> The reference point (setting/shifting) will either be U953.64 = ___(20) permanently specified in the unit, or transferred via an additional channel from the master. B0928 Fault acknowledgement MC <3> In the event of a fault the fault value will be active in Gx_XIST2 1 = Encoder sum error 2 = Zero mark monitoring…
  • Page 936
    <1> Only possible for SBP (signal source at SBP) <2> The reference point (setting/shifting) is either U953.64 = ___(20) permanently specified in the unit or transferred via an additional channel from the master. B0928 Fault acknowledgement MC <3> In the event of a fault the fault value will be active in Gx_XIST2 1 = Encoder sum error 2 = Zero mark monitoring…
  • Page 937
    n959.25 = 4 Display of r550 on the PMU 15 14 13 12 11 10 Control word 1 r550 Control word 1 Bit No. Meaning K0030 Src ON/OFF1 P554.B (0/0) 0=OFF1,Shutdown via ramp-function generator, followed Src1 OFF2(coast) P555.B (1/20) Bit 0 by pulse disable to sequence control 1) 1=ON, operating conditions (edge-controlled)
  • Page 938
    Pre-assignment of the BICO parameters: n959.26 = 4 1. Binector valid for BICO data set 1 2. Binector valid for BICO data set 2 Control Word 2 Display of r551 on the PMU r551 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Control Word 2 Bit No.
  • Page 939
    n959.27 = 4 Status Word 1 Display of r552 on the PMU r552 Status Word 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 Bit No. Meaning K0032 1=Ready to switch on B0101 Not Rdy for ON from sequence control 1) Bit 0 0=Not ready to switch on B0100 Rdy for ON…
  • Page 940
    n959.28 = 4 Display of r553 on the PMU Status Word 2 r553 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Status Word 2 Bit No. Meaning K0033 1=Flying restart or excitation active B0133 Fly/Exc n.act. 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 from sequence control 1)
  • Page 941
    n959.30 = 0 The encoder connection may neither be closed nor removed when live! The converter must be de-energized (24 V electronics power supply disconnected and DC link fully discharged)! Sign of P116 Resolver angle KK0096 Angle Offset -180.00°…+180.00° Eval. motor encoder P132 (0.00) P130 For further processing,…
  • Page 942
    The encoder connection may neither be closed nor removed when live! n959.31 = 6 Pin assignment -X424: SBM2: The converter must be de-energized (24 V electronics power supply disconnected and DC link Position correction fully discharged)! 1 : P encoder Zero pulse monitoring 2 : M encoder Amplitude monitoring…
  • Page 943
    The encoder connection may neither be closed nor removed when live! n959.36 = 6 Pin assignment -X424: The converter must be de-energized (24 V electronics power supply disconnected and DC link fully discharged)! Position correction with zero pulse 1 : P encoder 2 : M encoder 3 : A+ 4 : A-…
  • Page 944
    Setting of P150.01: n959.32 = 4 The encoder connection may neither be closed nor removed when live! The converter must be de-energized (24 V electronics power supply disconnected and DC link A/B/CTRL track input level Binectors fully discharged)! xxx0: A/B track HTL unipolar B0060 to B0063 xxx1: A/B track TTL unipolar xxx2: A/B track HTL differential input…
  • Page 945
    Setting of P150.02: The encoder connection may neither be closed nor removed when live! n959.35 = U950.17 = ___ (6) The converter must be de-energized (24 V electronics power supply disconnected and DC link A/B/CTRL track input level fully discharged)! xxx0: A/B track HTL unipolar xxx1: A/B track TTL unipolar The function always has the same…
  • Page 946
    Frequency signal evaluation mode Conf Setp Enc n959.33 = 4 1000…1133 (P139 = 1xxx) P139 (0000) SetpEnc Ref Freq Normalization 500…1000000 Hz Terminal assignment X400: <2> Channel 1 forwards counter (+) P141.1 (10000) <3> X401/68 60…67: n.c. Channel 1 forwards counter (-) SBP Setpoint Channel 1 Counter X401/69…
  • Page 947
    The encoder connection may neither be closed nor removed when live! U950.19 = ___(10) The converter must be de-energized (24 V electronics power supply disconnected and DC link Pin assignment -X424: Position correction/monitoring fully discharged)! Setting of P147: 0: No standard encoder, parameterization in P148, P149 1 : P encoder 1: Encoder EQN1325 (Heidenhain) EnDat 2 : M encoder…
  • Page 948
    The encoder connection may neither be closed nor removed when live! U950.18 = ___(5) The converter must be de-energized (24 V electronics power supply disconnected and DC link Pin assignment -X424: fully discharged)! When using position detection via Setting of P147: external encoder (FP335), the 1 : P encoder 0: No standard encoder, parameterization in P148, P149…
  • Page 949
    Src FSetp Bit2 n959.40 = 7 P417.B (0) Src FSetp Bit3 FixConn 0% Select FSetp Bit 1 from control word 2/Bit 21 [190.6] P418.B (0) 0,0 % K0000 Select FSetp Bit 0 from control word 2/Bit 20 [190.6] KK0041 Fixed setpoint 1 FixConn 100% -200.000 …
  • Page 950
    Conf MOP U953.71 = 3 0000 … 0111 <1> For U953.71 = 10, P431 = 0.1 ms or P425 (0110) P432 = 0.1 ms is not permissible. 0 Mot. potentiometer setpoint is not stored. MOP storage: Starting point is specified after ON by P426 StartValue MOP. 1 Mot.
  • Page 951
    n959.42 = 2 Inching bit 0 from sequence control [180.7] Release clockwise phase sequence of control word 1 Inching bit 1 from sequence control [180.7] Release counter-clockwise phase sequence of control word 1 Main setpoint r446 n(set, speed sel) Scale Main Setp r461 -300.0 …
  • Page 952
    n959.43 = 2 n(max,FWDSpeed) 0.0 … 200.0 % [180.7] Scale Torq(PRE) n(set,RGen-I) P452.F (100.0) Release setpoint 0.0 … 214748339 % KK0072 of control word 1 P471.F (100.0) Drive status Accel Time Decel Time SmoothRGenOut [320.2] Torque(PRE) OPERATION 0.00 … 600.00 s 0.00 …
  • Page 953
    n959.59 = 2 PosFixValue 1 KK0141 … (2 P775.01 (0) PosFixValue 2 … (2 KK0142 P775.02 (0) PosFixValue 3 KK0143 … (2 P775.03 (0) PosFixValue 4 KK0144 … (2 P775.04 (0) Fixed setpoint 1 -200.000 % … 199.999 % KK0145 P776.01 n959.44 = 3 Fixed setpoint 2…
  • Page 954
    Recommendation: Correction/Storage Element -760- Same sampling time as for U950.19 (Multiturn encoder evaluation for motor encoder [260]) U950.76 = __ (20) Overflow and rev. counter from MeasV valid U203 (0) correction/storage element U950.74 = __ (20) Encoder B0070 B070 Power On Mode U811.01 (0) [260] U205 (1)
  • Page 955
    <2> Start position [230.6], [250.6], [240.6], [260.6] Position sensing for Pos Resolution for absolute encoder n959.50 = 1 9 … 30 with ser. protocol Factor: clockwise/, motor encoder in slot C Pre-assignment for the Offset RotorPos P171 (12) (EnDat/SSI) anti-clockwise operation Pos ActV Position actual value with offset rough position is the…
  • Page 956
    P183 Configuration of position sensing Position of Value Meaning P183.01 Encoder sensing xxx0 — No position sensing with motor encoder in slot C xxx1 — Release position sensing with resolver or encoder xxx2 — Release position sensing with multiturn encoder Reference point detection mode xx0x — No reference point detection…
  • Page 957
    Correction/Storage Element -760- Recommended: Same sampling time as U950.18 (multiturn encoder evaluation for technology encoder [270]) U952.69 = __ (20) Overflow and rev. counter MeasV valid U206 (0) from correction/storage element U950.73 = __ (20) Encoder B0071 B071 Power On Mode U796.01 (0) [270] U208 (1)
  • Page 958
    Start position Position sensing for for absolute encoder U950.17 = ___(6) Fine resolution external encoder with ser. protocol (EnDat/SSI) external machine encoder (only SBM2) [270.6] [242.6], [255.6], [270.6] Pos ActV [333.7] If position sensing is used for r168 positioning, it should be PulseCntMachEn calculated in T3.
  • Page 959
    <2> P166 Configuration of position sensing Position of P166 Value Meaning Encoder detection P166.01 xxx0 — No position sensing with machine encoder (KK0125 = 0; no position measurement, no reference-point detection) xxx1 — Release position sensing with motor encoder Reference point detection mode P166.01 xx0x — No reference point detection…
  • Page 960
    Diff. time position control Is the transmission ratio <2> n959.51 = 1 torque precontrol >0 : results in an extrapolation (advance calculation) Pos Reg Kv 0.000 … 100.000 s <0 : results in an interpolation 0.000 … 20.000 P773 (0.000) of the position setpoint (if P774 = 0) P204.F (0.100) <3>…
  • Page 961
    Src n-Reg Adapt Scale Droop U953.41 = ___(0) Kp Adaptation Release of droop P232.B (0) n959.52 = P357 0.0 … 100.0 % from control word 2 [190.5] n-Reg.Kp(act) P246.F (0.0) r237 n-RegGain2 Src Droop n(Droop) 0.0 … 1000.0 P245.B (0) P236.F (10.0) KK0157 <1>…
  • Page 962
    Src n-Reg.Adapt. U953.41 = ___(0) Kp Adaptation P232.B (0) U953.45 = ___(0) Droop block see [360] n-Reg.Kp(act) r237 n-Reg. Gain2 U953.44 = ___(0) 0.0 … 1000.0 DT1 block see [360] P236.F (10.0) <1> n-Reg. Gain1 <1> The P gain of the speed controller is set at P235 0.0 …
  • Page 963
    Band-Stop Gain Filter character Filter character Filter character U953.42 = P357 0.0 … 150.0 % 0 .. 3 0 .. 3 0 .. 3 P251 (100.0) P256.1 (1) P256.2 (0) P256.3 (0) Src Band-Stop P252 (0) n(Band-Stop) KK0158 P254 P253 Qty Band-Stop P257 Qty Band-Stop…
  • Page 964
    maximum 205 % of the reference speed 0.1 … 100.0 [320.7] max. n959.53 = P357 P247.F (1.0) pos. speed n-Reg Gain (act) [360.7] <2> Max Current [370.7] max. 0.0 … 1000.0 A neg. speed P128 (~) maximum -205 % of the reference speed Src I(max) Src Torq(Limit 1) 100 %…
  • Page 965
    Is only calculated for P290 Current controller n959.54 = P357 (Sel V/f,I-Reg) = 0 Mot.ShCirCurrent FieldWeakDir Dynamic I-Reg Amps Reg Gain 0.0 … 100.0 % (=current control) [420.3] 0.00 … 600.00 A 0 … 12000 1/min 0 … 2 0.0 … 200.0 % P285 (0.0) P105 (0.0) P299 (0)
  • Page 966
    Reference variable for fluxes Is only calculated for P290 Current controller n959.54 = P357 FieldWKFreq Select Flux Reg Dynamic I-Reg Amps Reg Gain Psi(…): rated magnetizing (Sel V/f,I-Reg) = 0 0.0 … 100.0 % 0.0 … 400.0 Hz 0 / 1 0 …
  • Page 967
    Select Flux Reg f (Switch. EMK Mod) Reference variable for fluxes 0 / 1 Is only calculated for n959.54 = P357 1 Hz … 8xP107 P294 (0) P290 (Sel V/f,I-Reg) = 0 Psi(…): rated magnetizing FieldWKFreq P313 (=current control) [420.3] 0.0 …
  • Page 968
    P095 Select Mot Type: Select Mot Type Select1FT6/1FK6 Select1PH7 Select 1FW3 0 No motor selected 0 … 4 0 … 253 0 … 253 0 … 13 1 1FT6/1FK6 P095 (1) P096 (0) P097 (0) P099 (0) 2 1PA6/1PL6/1PH4/1PH7 Mot Rtd Volts Mot Rtd Amps Mot No Load Amps MotPwrFactor…
  • Page 969
    Applies only to synchronous motors (P95=1 or P95=3) Temperature dependence 0.0 % … 20.0 % If no temperature sensore is 140 °C — r009 P090.2 (12.0 %) 1 + P090.2 connected, rotor temperature adaptation is switched off. Motor temperature (r009) Rotor temperature adaptation kT nominal value…
  • Page 970
    Applies only to induction motors (P95=2 or P95=4) Bit2 status_word1 Operation / Pulses blocked Tr Actual value r093 Actual value of rotor Rotor time const. time constant Tr 0 … 10000 ms for flux model [390.6] P124 (0 ms) Max. deviation For P92=0.00% the adaptation is switched off (less computing time)
  • Page 971
    U953.46 = ___(20) Only value 0 or 20 can be entered . 0 = Function is calculated in T0. 20 = Function is not calculated. Src Sel J SrcSelAccel T Scaling J U376.B (0) U377.B (0) 0.00 … 200.00 % Note regarding the setting of the moment of inertia (U373, U378): U379 (100.00) Absolute-value connector…
  • Page 972
    n959.58 = 2 T Friction Characteristic 0.0 … 200.0 % Rec FricCharac U216.1 to .10 B0690 Src Rec FricChar U219.B (0) Src n(FricChar) T(Fric.) U214.B (0) K0615 U217.F (100.0) 0.0 … 200.0 % Weight T-Fric sign. Src On FricCharac U218.B (0) U215.1 to .10 0.000 …
  • Page 973
    n959.55 = 4 <2> Imax Reg Gain Imax Reg Time Is only calculatd for 0.001 … 0.500 1 … 32000 ms P290 (Sel V/f,I-Reg.) = 1 P331 (0.005) P332 (1000) (= V/f characteristic) [420.3] Imax Reg Mode 0 / 1 P333 (1) P333 ImaxRegMode: 0 = Reduction of voltage 1 = Reduction of frequency…
  • Page 974
    n959.56 = 0 ON Volts Dead Time Max. PulseFreqRatio Tdead Limitr Adj Pulse Frequency Compens. Comp. T(Dead Time Comp.) ModulatDepth 0 … 1 0 … 200 5.0 … 8.0 kHz 0 … 25 V (0 … 1) 0.00 … 25.55 20 …
  • Page 975
    <1> Warning: If braking control is used, B0277 and B0278 must be connected up! Limit value monitor Example of connecting up the braking control: BrakeThr1 over Criterion for «Brake open» P605=2 Brake with checkback message (NO contact switches if brake closes) [470.7] B0281 Src BrakeThresh1 P561=278…
  • Page 976
    n959.60 = 4 Perm Deviation 0.0 … 200.0 % Deviation Time P792.F (3.0) 0.0 … 100.0 s (Is only calculated in OFF1, OFF3, OPERATION P794.F (3.0) AND MOTID) Src Setp No Set/Act deviation P790 (150) to status word 1, bit 8 [200.2] A034 –…
  • Page 977
    Alarm with Alarm n959.61 = P357 halved time constant Drive overload A025: I2t converter Drive Utilizat. to status word 2, bit 22 [210.2] r010 Drive output current 100 % B0227 Current Drive overload Drive Utilizat. i2t calculation K0246 to torque limitation [370.4] 100 % CalcTimeHdroom (only Compact PLUS)
  • Page 978
    n959.63 = P357 Mot. Load Limits 0 … 300 % P384.1 (100 %) OutputAmps(rms) Motor Cooling Mot.Temp.T1 K0242 0 … 1 0 … 16 000 s P382 (1) P383 (100 s) Motor Utilization A029: from evaluation of r008 to status word 2, bit 25 [210.2] Alarm motor overtemperature actual-values [500.8]…
  • Page 979
    n957.72 = 6 Fct Stall/Overload 0 … 2 P806 (0) P806: 2: De-energized n/f(act) speed conditioning (KK0091) 1: Only stall protection [500.4] 0: Stall and overload protection 2 % n-ref Master/slave drive Control word 2 [190.5] 1 = Setpoint acceleration negative Isq(act) 0 = Setpoint acceleration positive [390.4]…
  • Page 980
    n957.73 = 6 Fct Stall/Overload 0 … 2 P806 (0) P806: Perm Deviation 2: De-energized P792.F [480.3] Deviation Time 1: Stall protection P794.F [480.3] 0: Stall protection Imax Controller (Outp) [400.3] 0 : Voltage adjustment 1 : Frequency adjustment Stall/Block Time Imax Reg Mode 0.00 …
  • Page 981
    n959.62 = 0 Output Amps F011: Overcurrent r004 I(act,abs) α β I(Abs smooth) K0022 «3» to current control [390.2] 100 ms = -I I(Outp Abs) K0242 to current control [390.2] «2» F011: Overcurrent V DCLink(Thresh) 0 … 1000 V P788 (800) DC volts<…
  • Page 982
    omega for current control, Speed actual-value e.m.f. calculation, KT n(act)-Filter r441 Theta(mech.) estimator, Tr-adaption, etc. 0 … 500 Hz P130 Select MotEncod KK0090 [390] n(act) P231.1 (0) 0 Auto. encoder detection / without encoder 0000 0000h = 0° r002 1 Resolver 2-pole (slot C) 8000 0000h = 180°…
  • Page 983
    n957.83 = 4 When using the reduced voltage mode, pay attention to the following: If the DC link voltage V rises from the reduced range to the chopper switch-in threshold in dc_link less than 3 s (as a result of heavy braking), proper functioning of the chopper cannot be assured. The chopper can possibly fail to turn on, which will cause the converter or inverter to cut out as a result of fault F006 «Overvoltage».
  • Page 984
    <1> n959.65 = 4 High byte = Current fault number r947.01 K0250 Low byte = Curren alarm number <2> «Operating» status from Fault time in days r782.01 Fault time in days r782.04 Fault time in days r782.07 Fault masking sequence control 0 …
  • Page 985
    n959.70 = 8 SlotDeselect 0 / 1 Generat. Date Firmware Version U910 (0) r827 r069 PCB Code SW ID Board ID r826.02 r828.02 n911.02 Slot A (option board) PCB Code SW ID Board ID r826.03 r828.03 n911.03 Slot B (option board) (only with Compact PLUS) PCB Code SW ID…
  • Page 986
    n959.70 = 8 r826 Meaning 90 to 109 Mainboards oder Control Unit 110 to 119 Sensor Board (SBx) 120 to 129 Serial Communication Board (Scx) 130 to 139 Technology Board 140 to 149 Communication Board (Cbx) 150 to 169 Special boards (EBx, SLB) Board Meaning r826…
  • Page 987
    Status diagram V2.4 Function diagram fp_mc_520_e.vsd — 520 — MASTERDRIVES MC 23.11.01…
  • Page 988
    n959.66 = 4 Copy BICO DSet Changeover of binector 0 … 21 Active BICO DSet and connector parameters P363 (0) r012 Parameter number Index 1 Index 2 BICO data set bit 30 from control word 2 xxxx K0035 Note: The parameters concerned are [190.6] xxxx designated by the code «B».
  • Page 989
    n959.67 = 2 Parameter P115 «Calc MotModel» = 1 also affects the following parameters: Induction motor connected (P095 = 2, 4): Synchronous motor connected (P095 = 1): For both motor types, P103 Mot No Load Amps (only if = 0 has first been P107 Mot Rtd Freq P128…
  • Page 990
    n957.77 = 0 DC bus Volts Dyn 0 … 200 % P516 (25) Vdmax controller selection 0 … 1 P515 (0) VdMax Volts Inp Vdmax on I(Vdmax Reg) 600 … 800 V – K0271 [370] P517 Vd(max)Reg act. B0296 P290 = 1 K0240 DC link bus voltage (Vdact)
  • Page 991
    n957.84 = 0 Indices 4-6 are available to P312.1-3 P311 2nd HC channel 0 … 300 A (0) 0 … 2000 A (0) Output current [FD500.6] y=f(I)=aI +bI+I A quadratic mapping of the interpolation points designated via P312 to the interval:[0,P311] takes place HarmComp.I(out) K0273…
  • Page 992
    Load period Tsmooth Tdead Learn rate Damping 10-2 0-3000 ms 0-3000 ms 0-100 % 0-100 % P375 (4096) P376.1 (2.0) P376.2 (1.5) P377.1 (40) P377.2 (10) Src Enable CLC P373.1 (0) CLC output Enable function K0274 Src Enable CLC P373.2 (0 Enable learn Cyclic load compensation to torque summation…
  • Page 993
    Notes: — A free block is only processed if it is specifically assigned to a sampling time via the allocated U95x parameter; see sheet [702]! — Parameterization of the sampling sequence is also described on sheet [702]. — The approximate calculating time per block is indicated in {µs} for each type of block. Free blocks V2.4 Function diagram…
  • Page 994: Free Blocks: List Of Contents

    MASTERDRIVES MC function diagram — List of contents of the free blocks Contents Sheet Contents Sheet Contents Sheet Free blocks: List of contents Numeric function blocks and control blocks Complex blocks Setting and monitoring the sampling times and — Adders — Axial winder 784a, 784b sampling sequence…

  • Page 995: Setting And Monitoring The Sampling Times And Sampling Sequence

    Sampling time Sampling sequence 2 … 20 2 … 20 Setting and monitoring the sampling U950 … U953 U960 … U963 times and sampling sequence Function Parameter for Parameter for Function block setting the sampling time setting the sampling sequence Example of the sampling time and sampling number Parameter No.

  • Page 996: Fixed Setpoints

    9 fixed setpoints (1-word) {1 µs} 8 fixed setpoints (2-word) {1 µs} 8 fixed control bits {1 µs} 3 connector displays {1 µs} U952.76 = __ (10) U950.31 = __ (10) U011.F (0.000) U950.40 = __ (10) U950.48 = __ (10) U033 (0) U001.F (0.00) U021.F (0)

  • Page 997: Fault/Alarm Trigger Signals

    4 fault message trigger signals {1 µs} 4 alarm message trigger signals {1 µs} 3 connector/double connector converters {5 µs} U952.59 = __ (20) U952.63 = __ (20) U061 (0) U065 (0) 1 = «Fault F148» 1 = «Alarm A061» U952.60 = __ (20) U952.64 = __ (20) U950.56 = __ (20)

  • Page 998: Connector/Binector Converters

    5 connector/binector converters {6 µs} U072.01 (0) U950.57 = __ (20) U072.02 (0) U950.58 = __ (20) U072.03 (0) U950.59 = __ (20) Bit field 1 Bit field 2 Bit field 3 Connector/binector converter 1 Connector/binector converter 2 Connector/binector converter 3 n073 n074 n075…

  • Page 999: Binector/Connector Converters

    4 binector/connector converters {6 µs} U076 (0) U952.89 = __ (20) U078 (0) U952.90 = __ (20) 7-segment display 7-segment display of the bit field to n077 of the bit field to n079 n077 n079 0…FFFFh 0…FFFFh 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 K0431 K0432…

  • Page 1000: Adders

    4 adders with 2 inputs (1-word) {2 µs} 3 sign inverters (1-word) {1 µs} 1 modulo 2^16 adder/subtracter {1 µs} U950.83 = __ (20) U951.42 = __ (20) U950.84 = __ (20) U951.72 = __ (20) U096 (0) U082 (0) U084 (0) U098 (0) 200%…

  • Page 1001: Multipliers

    3 multipliers (1-word) {6 µs} 2 dividers (1-word) {8 µs} 3 high-resolution multipliers/dividers (1-word) {9 µs} U951.04 = __ (20) U951.05 = __ (20) U951.06 = __ (20) Scaling 200% U107 (0) U111 (0) y2 = KK0482 200% 200% U114 (0) 100% -200% K0467…

  • Page 1002: Shift Multipliers/Dividers

    1 high-resolution multiplier/divider (2-word) {13 µs} 4 shift multipliers/dividers (2-word) Number of shift steps Number of shift steps U951.12 = __ (20) U405 (0) -31 … +31 -31 … +31 (32bit) (48bit) U442.01 (0) U442.03 (0) 200% (16bit) KK0602 U406 (1) (32bit) -200% U953.36 = __ (20)

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Edition: AI



Motion Control


Related Manuals for Siemens SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES

Summary of Contents for Siemens SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES

  • Page 1
    Compendium Edition: AI simovert masterdrives Motion Control…
  • Page 3
    2.) Parameterization of the F01 technology option (if present) during initial start-up 3.) Parameterization of the unit by means of downloading if data backup is provided ♦ Annex (tips on information in the internet) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Motion Control Compendium…
  • Page 4
    /messages in Section 10, «Control Word and Status Word». ♦ Interfaces (USS, PROFIBUS, SIMOLINK, CAN): In addition to the function diagrams, you can find detailed descriptions of the interface functions in Section 8, «Communication». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Motion Control Compendium SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 5
    HOTLINE and so on. Contents located under: SIEMENS / Products & Solutions / Product index / Variable-speed drives / MASTERDRIVES MC / contact partner / A&D Automation and Drives / Support, Training & Services / Customer Support / Variable-Speed drive Systems…
  • Page 6
    NOTE For the purpose of this documentation, «Note» indicates important information about the product or about the respective part of the documentation which is essential to highlight. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AI) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 7
    Should further information be desired or should particular problems arise which are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser’s purposes, the matter should be referred to the local SIEMENS sales office. The contents of this documentation shall not become part of or modify any prior or existing agreement, commitment or relationship.
  • Page 8
    5. Release of pollutants and emissions if components are not operated or disposed of properly. For additional information on the residual risks emanating from the components of the PDS, please refer to the relevant chapters of the technical user documentation. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AI) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 9
    ♦ Parameterization and programming errors made by the machinery construction OEM cannot be identified. The required level of safety can only be assured by thorough and careful acceptance testing. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AI) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 10
    When an encoder is replaced, the axis involved must be re– calibrated. ♦ Non-referenced, faulty or unadjusted position measuring systems may lead to unintentional axis motions with a closed position control loop. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AI) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 11
    System Description Configuration and Connection Examples Instructions for Design of Drives SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES in Conformance with EMC Regulations MOTION CONTROL Function Blocks and Parameters Compendium Parameterization Parameterizing Steps in Volume 1 Functions Communication Technology Option F01 Control Word and Status Word…
  • Page 13
    Non-grounded systems ………………3-3 The frequency converter and its electromagnetic compatibility ……. 3-4 3.3.1 The frequency converter as a noise source …………. 3-4 3.3.2 The frequency converter as a noise receiver ……….. 3-7 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 14
    Design of drives in conformance with EMC regulations……… 3-13 3.5.1 Basic EMC rules ………………… 3-13 3.5.2 Examples ………………….3-19 Assignment of SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES, radio interference suppression filters and line reactors…………… 3-26 Specified standards ………………3-26 FUNCTION BLOCKS AND PARAMETERS………… 4-1 Function blocks………………..4-1 Connectors and binectors……………..
  • Page 15
    Basic positioning………………… 7-12 Functions ………………….7-16 Normalization………………..7-24 Operating modes ……………….. 7-28 Preprocessing of position setpoint …………..7-44 Application example………………7-46 Change history………………..7-50 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 16 Example of «Request parameter value», simple ………. 8.2-29 Example of «Change parameter value», simple……….. 8.2-30 Example of «Request parameter value», more than one array element ..8.2-31 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 17
    Operating the CBP with a SIMATIC S5 …………8.2-75 Operating the CBP with a SIMATIC S7 …………8.2-77 Operating the CBP with a non-Siemens system ……… 8.2-79 Operating the CBP2 with extended functions with a SIMATIC S7 ….8.2-80 CBP2 with cross traffic operated with a SIMATIC S7……..
  • Page 18 Fault displays and alarms on the basic unit ……….8.4-54 Evaluation of the CBC diagnostic parameter ……….8.4-56 Meaning of CBC diagnosis …………….8.4-57 8.4.7 Appendix…………………. 8.4-60 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 19
    MASTERDRIVES MC_F01 and MASTERDRIVES MC_B-Pos ….8.5-107 8.5.11 Logical interconnections for control and status words ……8.5-108 8.5.12 General plans of interconnections in MASTERDRIVES MC….. 8.5-116 8.5.13 Terms and abbreviations …………….8.5-133 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 20
    Virtual master axis [832] …………….. 9-84 9.4.30 Real master with deadtime compensation [833] ……….9-85 9.4.31 Engaging/disengaging cycle [834]…………..9-86 9.4.32 Gearbox function [835] ………………. 9-91 9.4.33 Generation of the position setpoint [836]…………9-92 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 21
    Checking the speed/position controller …………9-153 9.8.4 Defining the actual speed value normalization……….9-154 9.8.5 Commissioning the MASTERDRIVES basic functions …….. 9-155 9.8.6 Defining the length unit LU …………….9-155 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 22
    References, software products and accessories ……… 9-193 CONTROL WORD AND STATUS WORD…………. 10-1 10.1 Description of the control word bits …………..10-1 10.2 Description of the status word bits …………..10-9 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 23
    Selection of the braking resistor …………..11-44 11.10 Power Extension PIN F02 (from firmware version 2.20 and higher)…. 11-45 Annex Function Diagrams Parameter Lists Faults and Alarms Lists of Stored Motors Dimension Drawings Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 24
    System Description System Description Overview The SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC (Motion Control) belongs to the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES product group. This product group represents an overall modular, fully digital component system for solving all drive tasks posed by three-phase drive engineering. The…
  • Page 25
    Menu structures stored in the unit software simplify start-up and visualization of the drives in conjunction with various operator control panels. PC-assisted tools enable effective parameter setting and data security. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 26
    ♦ Compact PLUS 550 W to 18.5 kW ♦ Compact 2.2 kW to 37 kW ♦ Chassis 45 kW to 250 kW Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 27
    X1 01 X1 01 X1 01 X1 01 X1 01 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 Operator control and visualization Fig. 1-1 Communication 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 28
    6SE7021-0EP50 only half the rated output current). The regenerative energy generated in one axis can either be used up by the other motors, stored in the capacitor module or reduced in the braking resistor. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 29
    Motor encoder: PTC/KTY — Resolver SBx in — Encoder Slot C — Pulse encoder — Multiturn encoder Fig. 2-1 Configuration example of a single-axis drive of the Compact PLUS type 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 30
    02.2004 Configuration and Connection Examples Fig. 2-2 Configuration example of a multi-axis drive with up to 3 axes of the Compact PLUS type Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 31
    Configuration and Connection Examples 02.2004 +24 V Fig. 2-3 Configuration example of a multi-axis drive with rectifier unit of the Compact PLUS type 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 32
    6) OFF switch Operating the OFF switch causes the line contactor to open immediately. The drives are not brought to a controlled standstill, but are braked only by the load. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 33
    Use of a line filter is necessary if the radio interference voltages generated by the converters or rectifier units need to be reduced. 15) Motor supply The Siemens cables described in the catalog should be used for line connecting the converter and the motor to each other.
  • Page 34
    Q1 is 230 V AC. The auxiliary contactor is not required if a line contactor with a control voltage of 24 V DC is used. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 35
    This especially concerns the multiturn encoder EQN1325. Encoder or encoder cable faults can result in incorrect field orientation and therefore in uncontrolled axis movements. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 36
    ♦ Configuration examples: • Multi-axis drive with Compact units (see Fig 2-5 on page 2-10) • Multi-axis drive with chassis-type units (see Fig. 2-6 on page 2-11) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 37
    SBx in — Resolver Slot C — Encoder Options are shaded in grey — Pulse encoder — Multiturn encoder Fig. 2-4 Configuring example: single-axis drive with Compact or chassis-type units 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 2-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 38
    02.2004 Configuration and Connection Examples Fig. 2-5 Configuration example: multi-axis drive with Compact units Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 2-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 39
    Configuration and Connection Examples 02.2004 Fig. 2-6 Configuration example: multi-axis drive with chassis-type units 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 2-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 40
    The line contactor is opened as soon as the OFF switch is activated. The drives are not brought to a standstill in a controlled manner; they are braked only by the connected load. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 2-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 41
    NC contact has to be looped in. It must be borne in mind that contact X38: 4,5 does not close until the DC link voltage has built up at the braking unit. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 2-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 42
    This especially concerns the multiturn encoder EQN1325. Encoder or encoder cable faults can result in incorrect field orientation and therefore in uncontrolled axis movements. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 2-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 43
    (with reference to 1 revolution). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 2-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 44
    Slot EB1 into another slot (adapter board or slot C), or in the case of item no. 477 491 9000 00, use product version B or higher. All product versions can be used with item no. 477 491 9000 10. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 2-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 45
    EMC regulations on a case-to-case basis after individual investigation. In the context of the EMC Law, SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES are considered as «components» rather than «units». For a better understanding of these instructions, however, the generally used term «units»…
  • Page 46
    The noise immunity of a unit describes how it behaves when subjected to electromagnetic noise/interference. The requirements and evaluation criteria for the behaviour of the electrical units are also laid down in standard EN 61800-3. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 47
    Without a radio interference suppression filter, the emitted noise of the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES frequency converters exceeds the limit value «First environment». Limit values are currently still under discussion for the «Second environment» sector (see EN 61800-3 section 6.3.2).
  • Page 48
    The frequency converter and its electromagnetic compatibility 3.3.1 The frequency converter as a noise source Mode of operation SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES frequency converters operate with a of SIMOVERT voltage-source DC link. MASTERDRIVES In order to keep the power losses as low as possible, the inverter switches the DC link voltage to the motor winding in the form of voltage blocks.
  • Page 49
    The shield now forms the easiest path for the noise current to take when returning to the frequency converter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 50
    The SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES must be installed in an enclosed cabinet in order to limit the radio interference radiation. In particular, the radio interference radiation is determined by the control section with its microprocessor and it is therefore comparable with the noise emitted from a computer.
  • Page 51
    Fig. 3-6 Increasing the noise immunity by using shielded signal cables The inputs and outputs of the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES control section are fitted with filters that keep noise currents I separate from the electronics. The filters also smooth the useful signal. In the case of signal cables with extremely high-frequency signals, e.g.
  • Page 52
    9 mV and 4.5 mV respectively! Before radio interference measures can be applied, it must first be clarified at which locations you or your customer require EMC. See the following example: 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 53
    It is possible that the control system produces electromagnetic influences at interfaces , and the sensor system at interfaces Therefore, a radio interference suppression filter by itself cannot ensure EMC! See the following sections. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 54
    If necessary, filters have to be used at the zone interfaces. The zone concept is explained using the following diagram as an example which shows a simplified drive system: 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 3-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 55
    A defined noise immunity level is required here. ♦ Zone E comprises the three-phase motor and the motor supply cable. ♦ The zones should be spatially separated in order to achieve electromagnetic de-coupling. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 3-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 56
    (e.g. isolating amplifiers) prevent the noise from being propagated from one zone to the next. Isolating amplifiers particularly have to be provided in the case of analog signals. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 3-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 57
    Tachometers, encoders or resolvers must be connected through a shielded cable. The shield must be connected to the tachometer, encoder or resolver and at the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES through a large surface area. The shield must not be interrupted, e.g. using intermediate terminals.
  • Page 58
    (hum), the shields are only connected for analog signals at one end at the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES. The other end of the shield should be grounded through a capacitor (e.g. 10 nF/100 V type MKT).
  • Page 59
    The line supply cable has to be spatially separated from the motor feeder cables, e.g. by grounded partitions. Rule 19 The shield between the motor and SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES must not be interrupted by the installation of components such as output reactors, sinusoidal filters, dv/dt filters, fuses, contactors. The…
  • Page 60
    Instructions for Design of Drives in Conformance with EMC Regulations 05.2003 Cabinet 1 Cabinet 2 Cabinet 3 *) Keep the radio interference suppression filters away from SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES air discharge duct, e.g. by Netz Netz mounting at another level Rule Rule…
  • Page 61
    ♦ UNI IRIS Dicht or UNI EMV Dicht, Messrs. Pflitsch, Hückeswagen It is not permissible to use plastic motor terminal boxes! Shield clamp Cable con- nector Fig. 3-12 Connecting the signal cable shields for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 3-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 62
    Fig. 3-13 Connecting signal cable shields in the cabinet Wherever possible, intermediate terminals should not be used as they reduce the shielding effect! 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 3-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 63
    (zone concept!). The motor must be connected using a shielded cable! The shield has to be connected through the largest possible surface area at the motor and the inverter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 3-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 64
    ♦ Locate the motor connector X2 and screw tightly to the unit. The control cables can be attached at the front of the connecting adapter using shield clamps. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 3-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 65
    The motor must be connected using a shielded cable! The shield must be connected through the largest possible surface area at the motor and drive converter. The optional connecting adapter can be used to connect the shield to SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD)
  • Page 66
    05.2003 Fig. 3-17 Mounting the connecting adapter ♦ Screw lower section A to SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES. ♦ Mount SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES on the mounting panel. ♦ Connect the shielded motor cable and shield to section A through the largest possible surface area, e.g. attach using cable connectors.
  • Page 67
    U1/L1 V1/L2 W1/L3 U2/T1 V2/T2 W2/T3 — L1 Shielded area Fig. 3-18 Example of a chassis unit mounted in the cabinet with radio interference suppression filter and line reactor Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 3-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The motor and signal cables are routed separately from each other. The shields of the motor and signal cables have to be mounted on the shield connections through the largest possible surface area. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 3-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    All of the cables are then routed together in the vertical cable duct. Cabling such as this allows noise to be easily propagated and coupled- Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 3-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The 6SE70 radio interference suppression filters were checked to make sure they maintain the limit values, using layouts consisting of SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES and the associated line reactors. The components were mounted in cabinets (Type 8MC) in observance of the specified rules. The motor feeder cable was 30 m long.
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    M(set) P228.B Connector K0153 KK0152 Visualization r238 M(set) parameter n-Reg.release Fixed of sequence control B0310 [460.8] connection Binector Cross-reference to other function diagram [page.column] Fig. 4-1 A function block Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The connector number always has four digits. Connector name Connector name M(set,n-Reg.) n(set,smooth) K0153 KK0150 Identification letter Connector number Identification letter Connector number Fig. 4-2 Connectors with word lengths of 16 bit and 32 bit 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    On account of their definition, binectors can only assume the two states «0» (logically no) and «1» (logically yes). Binector name Accel active B0201 Identification letter Binector number Fig. 4-4 Binectors Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ «L»xxx and «c»xxx are replaced by «3»xxx Examples: Select r004 on OP1S: Input 0004 Select P050 on OP1S: Input 0050 Select U123 on OP1S: Input 2123 Select L411 on OP1S Input 3411 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    16 and 17 in control word 2 (P576.B and P577.B). Changeover is possible at any time. The active function data sets are displayed via the visualization parameter r013 (Active FuncDSet). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    If BICO data set 1 is active, the parameter value stored in parameter index 1 is used. If BICO data set 2 is active, the parameter value stored in parameter index 2 is used. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    To distinguish them from the other parameters, they are designated with a lower-case letter (r, n, d and c) in the parameter number. Parameter name DC Bus Volts r006 Parameter number Fig. 4-7 Visualization parameters Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    100 % = 100 % = 100 % = 4000 0000 H 4000 H 4000 H 4000 0000 H Pxxx.B Pxxx.B Pxxx.B Bxxxx Fig. 4-9 Possible and impossible BICO connections 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    32 bit to 16 bit. As the low-word is cut off, the information of the lower-order 16 bit of the double-word connectors is then lost. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    It is possible for one parameter to belong to several menus. The parameter list indicates which individual menus a parameter belongs to. Assignment is effected via the menu number allocated to each menu. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Setting up/MDI By entering a password in P359, access to the menus in the gray shaded area can be prohibited to unauthorized persons P358 Key P359 Lock Fig. 5-1 Parameter menus 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Used to define the power section (only necessary for units of definition the Compact and chassis type) • When selected, the unit switches to status 0 «Power section definition» Table 5-1 Main menus Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    1. Adopt key parameter P358 in the «User parameters» menu (P360.x = 358). 2. Program the lock parameter P359 in both parameter indices with your specific password. 3. Change over to the «User parameters» menu. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Table 5-4 Preconditions for being able to change parameters NOTE The current status of the units can be interrogated in parameter r001. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Seven-segment display for: Drive statuses Alarms and faults Parameter numbers Raise key Lower key Parameter indices Toggle key Parameter values Fig. 5-2 PMU in units of the Compact PLUS type 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Seven-segment display for: Drive statuses Alarms and Reversing key faults ON key Parameter numbers Toggle key OFF key Parameter indices Lower key X300 Parameter values Fig. 5-3 PMU parameterizing unit Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    4 figures (right-hand figure flashes if there are any further invisible figures to the right) Table 5-7 Operator control elements on the PMU 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Parameter changes made using the PMU are always safely stored in the EEPROM (protected in case of power failure) once the toggle key has been depressed. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Select P060 P053 P060 Set P060 to 0002 and select «Fixed settings» menu P060 P060 Select P970 P060 P970 Set P970 to 0000 and start parameter reset ∇ P970 °005 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Order numbers Components Order Number OP1S 6SE7090-0XX84-2FK0 Connecting cable 3 m 6SX7010-0AB03 Connecting cable 5 m 6SX7010-0AB05 Adapter for installation in cabinet door incl. 5 m cable 6SX7010-0AA00 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Significance Range RS485 P Data via RS485 interface Ground ±5%, 200 mA 5 V aux. voltage supply RS485 N Data via RS485 interface Reference potential Table 5-8 OP1S connections 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    On the Compact PLUS rectifier unit, you can plug the OP1S onto the Compact PLUS Sub D socket X320 and lock it in place on the front cover. rectifier unit Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    When a bus system is started up with the OP1S, the slaves must first be configured individually. The plugs of the bus cable must be removed for this purpose (see section «Bus operation»). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The unit’s own PMU control panel must then be used to set parameter P701 (baud rate) to 6 (9.6 kBd) or 7 (19.2 kBd) or to reset the parameters to the factory setting. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    This function must be enabled by P574 • Sign key For changing the sign so that negative values can be entered • Number keys Numerical input Table 5-9 Operator control elements of the OP1S 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    In addition to the operating display on the display unit, the operating state is indicated by the red and green LEDs as follows: Continuous Flashing red LED Alarm Fault green LED Ready for ON Operation Table 5-10 Operating displays Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    «#” symbol. After the «P» key has been pressed, the relevant symbol jumps to the selected function. The «Reset» key is for returning to the operating display. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 98
    Change slave Slave ID Slave ID Slave ID Slave ID and so on Config. slave MASTERDRIVES MC 6SE7014-0TP50 #Slave ID PLUS 6SE7014-0TP50 1.5 kW Example of a slave ID Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Enter ID Enter ID 190- 1909- 19091- Example of entering an ID When «P» is pressed, the message «Upread ok» appears and the display changes to the basic menu. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 100
    Download Download Error: MotionControl 00 *1909199701 *1909199701 Different Stop download? MASTERDRIVES MC MASTERDRIVES MC #yes Yes: The «Download» procedure is discontinued. The «Download» procedure is carried out. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    «Lower» or «Raise» (see section «Slave ID»). The «Delete data» procedure can now be started with «P». After completion, the message «Data deleted» appears and the display returns to the basic menu. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 102
    *User Param. *Gen. Param. *Gen. Param. *SST1/SST2 #Param Menu.. Terminals Terminals Field bus conn. SCom Bus Addrese FixedSet… Communication #Communication SIMOLINK Ser. Interf.1 Example: Selecting a parameter via sub-menus Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 103
    Example: Parameter with index, index text and selection text P701.001 SCom Baud rate Ser Interf.1 9600 Baud 1st line: Parameter number, parameter index, parameter value 2nd line: Parameter name 3rd line: Index text 4th line: Selection text 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    With «Reset», the message is deleted and the old value is re-instated. NOTE Parameter changes are always stored with power-failure protection in the EEPROM of the unit connected to the OP1S. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Some parameters may also be displayed without a parameter number, e.g. during quick parameterization or if «Fixed setting» is selected. In this case, parameterization is carried out via various sub-menus. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Menu Selection #FactSet. *User Param.. *No FactSet Param. Menu.. busy…. FixedSet… Start of factory setting NOTE It is not possible to start the parameter reset in the «Run» status. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    «+” instead of «−”. Information on all alarms can be obtained with the alarm parameters r953 to r969. An alarm cannot be acknowledged. As soon as the cause no longer exists, the alarm/display disappears automatically. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The OFF function can also be performed with OFF2 or OFF3 instead of OFF1. For this, the source of OFF2 (P555) or OFF3 (P556) must be «interconnected» to 2101 or 2102 respectively in addition to setting P554. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    During bus operation, each slave must have a different address (P700). Bus operation is also possible at 19.6 kBd (set P701 to 7). The baud rate, however, must be set the same in all slaves. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    EN60529 • Rear IP21 Dimensions W x H x D 74 x 174 x 26 mm Standards VDE 0160/E04.91 VDE 0558 Part 1/07.87 UL, CSA Table 5-11 Technical data Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Connection There are two ways of connecting a PC to a device of the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Series via the USS interface. The devices of the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Series have both an RS232 and an RS485 interface. RS232 interface The serial interface that PCs are equipped with by default functions as an RS232 interface.
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    5.5.2 Establishing the connection between DriveMonitor and the device Setting the USS interface You can configure the interface with menu Tools ONLINE Settings. Fig. 5-8 Online settings Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    RS232/RS485 ♦ Tab card «Extended» Request retries and Response timeout; here you can increase the values already set if communication errors occur frequently. Fig. 5-9 Interface configuration 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Search for online drives During the search the USS bus is scanned with the set baudrate only. The baud rate can be changed via «Tools ONLINE Settings», see section Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ You must only specify the bus address of the drive during online operation (switchover with button Online/Offline) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    01.2006 Parameterization The specified bus address must be the same as that of the NOTE parameterized SST bus address in SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES (P700). No bus address is assigned to the drive with the button «Disconnect network connection». NOTE Field «Number of PCD» has no special significance for the parameterization of MASTERDRIVES and should be left at «2».
  • Page 117
    Display of the current parameter value. You can change this by double- value clicking on it or selecting and pressing Enter. Physical dimension of the parameter, if there is one 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 118
    Drive window/parameter list The DriveMonitor drive window has a directory tree for navigation purposes (Fig. 5-14 [2]). You can deselect this additional operating tool in menu View — Parameter selection. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    To do so, you have to change to offline mode. In that way, you can create an individually adapted download file, which you can load into the device later. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    This is used to quickly access important functions of the DriveMonitor. Settings for Drive Navigator under Tools -> Options (Fig. 5-16): Fig. 5-15 Drive Navigator Fig. 5-16 Options menu display Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Assisted commissioning Direct to parameter list General diagnostics Save drive parameters to a file Download parameter file to drive Load standard application Assisted F01 technology COMM Basic positioner operating screens 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) Siemens AG 5-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Both the warning and the fault number as well as plain text are displayed. Fig. 5-17 General diagnostics Via the Extended Diagnostics button you can reach the next diagnostics window. Fig. 5-18 Extended diagnostics Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AF) 5-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    By activating a fixed setting (P060 = 2), the parameters of the unit can also be reset to the original values. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Factory settings (parameter reset) (P060 = 2) (P060 = 8) Parameterizing with existing parameter files (download, P060 = 6) Parameterizing with parameter modules(quick parameterization, P060 = 3) Fig. 6-1 Detailed and quick parameterization 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The factory setting is made either via interface SST1 or SST2: Parameters that are not changed by the factory setting either. None of the indices of the parameters is changed. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    P970 = 0 0: Parameter reset 1: No parameter change Unit carries out parameter reset and then leaves the «Fixed settings» menu. Fig. 6-2 Sequence for parameter reset to factory setting 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    250 kW can be selected. Selection is only possible if option F02 is enabled via a PIN (n978.2 = 1). To activate option F02 please refer to Chapter 11.10 «Power Extension PIN F02». Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    To check the input data, the values for the converter supply voltage in P071 and the converter current in P072 should be checked after returning to the parameter menu. They must tally with the data given on the unit rating plate. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 129
    6SE7023-4TP 0 34.0 6SE7023-8TP 0 37.5 6SE7024-7TP 0 47.0 6SE7026-0TP 0 59.0 6SE7027-2TP 0 72.0 = 5 corresponds to MASTERDRIVES Motion Control = 7 corresponds to MASTERDRIVES Motion Control Performance 2 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    6SE7023-4TC 1 34.0 6SE7023-8TD 1 37.5 6SE7024-7TD 1 47.0 6SE7026-0TD 1 59.0 6SE7027-2TD 1 72.0 = 5 corresponds to MASTERDRIVES Motion Control = 7 corresponds to MASTERDRIVES Motion Control Performance 2 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    This unit is a so-called chassis unit and can only be operated up to a maximum pulse frequency of 2.7 kHz. The overload for 30 s is limited to 1.36 times the rated output current. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    This unit is a so-called chassis unit and can only be operated up to a maximum pulse frequency of 2.7 kHz. The overload for 30 s is limited to 1.36 times the rated output current. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 133
    Enter the CB parameters 1 to 11 necessary for the inserted P711.1…2 = ? communications boards CBx The necessary CB parameters and their significance can be P721.1…10 = ? derived from the function diagrams of the individual communications boards. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 134
    Enter the SIMOLINK cycle time in ms P749.1…8 = ? Enter the SLB read addresses CBx inserted ? P918.1…2 = ? Enter the CB bus addresses P060 = 1 Return to the parameter menu 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    110 to 119 Sensor Board (SBx) 120 to 129 Serial Communication Board (Scx) 130 to 139 Technology Board 140 to 149 Communication Board (Cbx) 150 to 169 Special boards (Ebx, SLB) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 136
    Communication Board Communication Board PROFIBUS Communication Board DeviceNet Communication Board CAN Bus Communication Board CC-Link CBP2 Communication Board PROFIBUS 2 Expansion Board 1 Expansion Board 2 SIMOLINK bus interface 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 137
    (2 x P293). When the controller structure optimized for field weakening (P296=3) is selected for asynchronous motors, field weakening is permitted up to 5 times the motor corner frequency (5 x P293). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 138
    (SBx) must be inserted beforehand and a permissible motor encoder selected. If this is not carried out, the unit will also generate a fault when it tries to leave the «Drive setting» menu. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 139
    Input of motor rated frequency in Hz P107 = ? according to rating plate Input of motor rated speed in rpm P108 = ? P108 = ? according to rating plate Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 140
    If the motor is coasting, a no-load measurement is recommended (see section entitled «No-load measurement»). Thus optimum results regarding torque accuracy can be achieved. Input the maximum output current in A P128 = ? 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 141
    P144 = ? Voltage supply encoder SBM: Is set at the factory to 5 V to match the standard encoder Hook switches S1 and S2 used with SIEMENS motors. on the SBM (SBM2: P145.1) Also see function diagram 240. P130=3…
  • Page 142
    (normalization variable for current limitations and current setpoints and current actual values). Input the reference value for all voltage variables P351 = ? (normalization variable for voltage limitations and voltage setpoints and voltage actual values). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 143
    (SBx) must be inserted beforehand and a permissible motor encoder selected. If this is not carried out, the unit will also generate a fault when it tries to leave the «Drive setting» menu. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 144
    Standstill measurement From Version V1.30 onwards, automatic motor identification is available. In the case of Siemens motors (P095 = 1 or 2 ) the motor type is first selected in P096 or P097. In the case of non-Siemens motors (P095 = 3 or 4), the rating plate data and number of pole pairs have to be entered, and then automatic parameterizing is called with P115 = 1.
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    For Siemens asynchronous motors (P095 = 1) first of all the motor type is selected in P097. For motors of other makes (P095 = 4) the rating plate data and the pole pair number have to be entered and then automatic parameterization has to be called up with P115 = 1.
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    NOTE If you are interested in the provision and implementation of fixed settings tailored to your own requirements, please get in contact with your nearest SIEMENS branch office. P060 = 2 Select «Fixed settings» menu Select desired user setting…
  • Page 147
    X103 mode Optional board CBx e.g. X448 Bus operation e.g. CBP for Profibus for CBP Automation unit (e.g. SIMATIC S7) Fig. 6-5 Parameter transfer from various sources by download Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 148
    Rtd Drive Power(n) P700 IF bus address P701 IF baudrate P702 IF no. of PKW P703 IF no. of PZD U977 Table 6-5 Parameters you cannot overwrite during download 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    P918 CB bus address P952 Number of faults P970 Factory setting P971 EEPROM accept. U976 Product number U977 Table 6-6 Parameters that cannot be changed on downloading with DriveMonitor Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 150
    The parameters necessary for fine adjustment of the control structure (all the parameters of the respective function diagrams) are automatically adopted in the user menu (P060 = 0). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 151
    7: EQI1325 (32 lines) 8: EQN1125 (Heidenhain) EnDat 9: ECN1113 (Heidenhain) EnDat Select type of control P367 = ? 0: V/f open-loop control 2: Torque control 3: Speed control Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 152
    If data set changeover is required, you will have to carry out a further detailed parameterization using parameter modules after having performed quick parameterization. Quick parameterization is effected in the «Download» converter status. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 153
    The function parameters and visualization parameters specified in the function diagrams are automatically adopted in the user menu and can be visualized or changed there. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameterizing Steps 02.2007 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    — 2-pole -X410/93 Track B- cos- -X414/7 -X410/94 Zero pulse + Excitation -X414/9 Data of pulse encoder simulation: — 1024 pulses/revolution -X410/95 Zero pulse — -X414/11 Excitationg Shield connection Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameterizing Steps 02.2007 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Track A+ Data of pulse encoder to be connected: -X401/70 Track B+ — HTL encoder (15 V) Zero pulse + -X401/72 — 1024 Inc. — without control track Shield connection Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameterizing Steps 02.2007 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    AnaOut Smooth AnaOut Scale +/- 10 V AnaOut Offset P642.1 P643.1 P644.1 -X101/11 Disp Freq Conn y[V]= P643.1 r043.2 100 % -X101/12 (=Frequency actual value) Type of encoder: Without encoder Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-37 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameterizing Steps 02.2007 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    MOP(max) P421 1 = Raise MOP 1 = Lower MOP MOP(min) Acknowledge P422 Conf MOP X300 P425 OFF1 00×0= … Without storing after OFF 00×1= … Storing after OFF Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameterizing Steps 02.2007 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Baud rate: 9.6 KB -X100/36 Receive RS485N Setpoint Data word 1 Data word 2 Tlg failure time: 0 = Control word 1 none 0 0 0 1 1 1 Proposal Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameterizing Steps 02.2007 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2007 Parameterizing Steps Setpoint and command source: PROFIBUS 1. CB • • • • • • • • • • • • Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) 6-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameterizing Steps 02.2007 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) Siemens AG 6-44 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    T0. The time slots T1 to T10 are derived from time slot T0. The time slot T20 is used as an archive for function blocks that are not needed. Function blocks stored in time slot T20 are not processed. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    32 x T0 4.267 64 x T0 12.8 8.533 128 x T0 25.6 17.067 256 x T0 51.2 34.133 512 x T0 102.4 68.267 1024 x T0 204.8 136.533 none archive archive 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Calculation of the blocks defined in T0 Calculation of the blocks defined in T2 Calculation of the blocks defined in T1 Calculation of the blocks defined in T3 Fig. 7-1 Processing sequence of the time slots Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The following applies regarding the assignment of the function block number to the parameter number with parameter index: Parameter number Parameter index Assigned function block U950 U951 U952 U953 Table 7-1 Time slots 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    You should adjust these to suit your requirements once you have determined the interconnection of the function blocks. Please note that an incorrect processing sequence will lead to uncontrolled axis movements! Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The following applies regarding the assignment of the function block number to the parameter number with parameter index: Parameter number Parameter index Assigned function block U960 U961 U962 U963 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    ♦ monitors the system for its overall workload ♦ monitors the various time slots to ensure they are being completely processed within the allocated time ♦ generates alarms and fault messages if calculating times are not adequate. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Changing the pulse frequency by halving it (P357 = 1) is only possible if the Power Extension PIN F02 has been enabled (relevant for power sections above 75 kW), see Chapter 11.10 «Power Extension PIN F02». Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ Max. sampling time: 200.00 msec Priorities The priorities of the commands of the comfort ramp-function generator are as follows: 1. Enable 2. Quick stop 3. Set 4. Ramp down to zero 5. Stop 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    ♦ Smoothing time : scan time = 3000 => max. 10 % error in smoothing time ♦ Smoothing time : scan time > 20000 => should not be set Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Consequently, the desired function/movement must be ensured by the user. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Moving from A to B NOTE Standard applications are available including parameter assignment and documentation. These can be obtained from your regional SIEMENS AG office and are available from the Application Center for Production Machines. Characteristics What the basic positioner offers:…
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    For the standard user, it is sufficient to work with function diagram 788a and to use these instructions for reference if required. NOTE The control/checkback signals have positive logic (up to RESET SET setpoint). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    This also generates a homing movement that processes the core block as a ramp generator (SETUP) using reversing cams. The correction block/homing command provides the setpoints with speed precontrol, the position correction signals and handles the measured value memory. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    «set setpoint» transfer. NOTE The speed, acceleration and deceleration setpoints are percentage values that must always be positive (negative setpoints are limited to 0 %). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    PC, SIMATIC S7) in conjunction with the communication capabilities of the basic unit, the acknowledge transfer can be employed by the user to initiate the [SPV_RIE] signal under acknowledgement control. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    This gives the user the option to delete the valid outputs. DANGER An abrupt compensating movement of the axis may occur if the RESET signal is output without precautionary measures having been taken. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    This mode permits the positioning block to travel to and fro in SETUP = 1 using the reversing cams REF_BWD_STOP, REF_FWD_STOP until REF_STOP [ARFD] = 1 is achieved. See «Homing movement» section for further information. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    POS, REF or SETUP is active. Binector B0893 REF_DRIVE = 1 shows that «homing movement» with reversing cams is active. Binector B0895 SET_REF_D = 1 shows the preferred direction REF_D (input Src U866.14). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    B0873 D_FWD_ACT B0875 D_BWD_ACT B0876 B0877 REF_DRIVE B0893 POS_TYP_ACT B0874 1(V=0) SET_REF_D B0895 x= don’t care Depending on selection of direction D_FWD_ACT / D_BWD_ACT Table 7-2 Mode truth table Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Bit 11 B0895 SET_REF_D Homing approach direction Table 7-4 BPos STW status of monitoring parameter n870.2: setpoint/mode output The BPos STW status output is the same as connector 0887. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    With absolute positioning, the direction of movement is determined by the difference between the position setpoint and actual values. Activation of the control binector inputs D_FWD or D_BWD has no effect. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The diameter of the drive roller (d) is 300.000 mm × π × 1415 942.477 The following is to be represented: 1LU = 1 µm The circumference of the roller (x) is therefore 942477 LU. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    942477 71905288 Deno ator 131072 as gearbox factor or factor for the AVWF. More encoder increments per revolution should therefore be specified (P171) than there are LUs per revolution. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 192
    = 0 to the rated speed (rated V) in t = 1 sec. The following equation is used to calculate this: Rated acceleration = U857 (in 1000 LU/s Rated speed = U856 (in 1000 LU/min) rated speed ated accelerati × 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 193
    If an absolute encoder and odd-order gear factors are used, position tracking has to be used (see Chapter 9.4.9 and 9.4.10). You will find the basic description on the use of absolute encoders in Chapter 9.4.6. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    To activate the setup mode, the enable positioner/homing command ENABLE_POS_REF must be set. Because of the order of priority, neither positioning (POS_ON) nor homing movement (REF_TYP = HIGH) may be set. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (B0895), (1 = counter-clockwise / 0 = clockwise) and a valid measured value is received, a correction is carried out by means of «Start Ref.» taking the «skip window» into account. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The binector input REF_FWD_STOP restricts the homing movement in the FWD direction and reverses the direction that was previously selected using D_FWD and Ref ON (or that is indicated on REF_STOP_BWD after the reversal). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Homing movement with coarse pulse and zero pulse evaluation This can be implemented if required by means of the basic unit functionality (see position detection, function diagram 330) in the speed controller. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    DANGER Behavior in accordance with correct control principles also means possible overrunning of the specified target position (oscillation). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The effect of the software limit switches can be deactivated or reconfigured by the user (using BICO technology). Example: SWE_MINUS: 1000 LU SWE_PLUS: 150000 LU Permissible range of movement from 1000 to 150000 [LU] Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The activated STOP cams are evaluated purely statically in this operating mode. Overtravel of the cams is not supported which is why the cams have to be executed up to the end stop! 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Negative value = negative preferred position → on the first negative movement after switching on the converter, no reverse backlash is taken into account. Parameter value = 0: No reversal backlash compensation takes place. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Because of the resolution in 2 steps and the mechanical coupling, a actual-value weighting factor (AVWF) usually results that allows the position setpoint to be converted to mechanical µm or [LU]. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Example: -5000 becomes 3192 with AZL = 4096 (5000 MOD 4096) Gearbox Motor Fig. 7-11 Example of rotary axis, the rotary table Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-37 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    This may mean that a reversal of direction is possible, especially if the correction value > 1/2 x axis cycle. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Window width For the POS_OK representation, a window width (exact positioning Pos OK window) in LU is invoked. The POS_OK checkback is set when the target position is reached. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    See section about [POS_TYP] control binector. [POS_TYP_ACT] = 0: ABSOLUTE positioning through the [POS_TYP] control binector is transferred/valid. [POS_TYP_ACT] = 1: RELATIVE positioning through the [POS_TYP] control binector is transferred/valid. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The binector will only be set HIGH when the software limit switches are Plus software limit active (approached); the movement has been limited by the Plus switch software limit switch. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    [ARFD] = High at U863.2 for their activation, can be activated by manually setting the signal to high at U863.2. CAUTION The user is responsible for monitoring the signal and ensuring the appropriate interlocks are in place!!! 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    BIT20 = B0864 [RD_ACT] BIT21 = B0866 [FWD_RUN] BIT22 = B0867 [BWD_RUN] BIT23 = B0865 [POS_DELTA] BIT24 = B0868 [SW_E_PLUS] BIT25 = B0869 [SW_E_MINUS] BIT26 = B0888 [ARFD] BIT27 = B0892 [F_REF_WD] Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The contents of the windows are only used when the axis is referenced (ARFD = 1). The first sensing of the reference mark following runup leads to a setting of the homing point, irrespective of the window settings. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-44 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Homing on the fly, also referred to as post-homing, appears in the correction value/homing block, function diagram 789c, with window evaluation. Homing as homing movement mode with reversing cam appears in the setting value/setpoint block function diagram 789a. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-45 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    • basic positioner through terminal strip interface, • etc.. NOTE Standard applications are available including parameter assignment and documentation. These can be obtained from your regional SIEMENS AG office and are available from the Application Center for Production Machines. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-46…
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    The user should determine the shutdown strategy for the device using the appropriate operating mode OFF1, OFF2, OFF3 with brake control or pulse disabling through fault message triggering (as in the example). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-47 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    REM —Insert in time slot WRITE 2950 86 4 REM —Switch of RFG_RUN axis running WRITE 2176 0 0x862 REM —Standstill Lag WRITE 2177 1 0x415 REM —Travel Lag WRITE 2177 2 0x416 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-48 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Trigger fault message [FD710] REM ************************************************************ REM —Insert in time slot WRITE 2952 59 4 REM —Wire up OR output WRITE 2061 0 619 REM ************************************************************ SET LOG OFF Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-49 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ An additional speed input U850.5 has been introduced as a V2.10 percentage input for improving the quality of the checkback signals. ♦ The value range of the software limit switch has been adjusted to 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-50 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    If the ON command is not given within 30s, friction characteristic recording is interrupted with fault F099. NOTE Measuring can be started only from converter status °008 and °009. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-51 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ Measured value not plausible (e.g. < 0 in the case of positive direction of rotation) ♦ Cancellation of friction characteristic recording command (U219 = 0) The values acquired up until termination of measuring are not transferred to parameter U216. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-52 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The friction losses must be compensated by an additional torque derived from the friction characteristic. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-53 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    30 %. The standstill torque constant (P098) is preassigned with the stored value in the case of a Siemens motor, and with the value M_rated/i_rated in the case of a non-Siemens motor. The value can vary as a result of manufacturing tolerances. If the estimator has been…
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    (P115 = 2) must be performed to define the values P111.1 to 10, P121, P122, P123. The motor should be at room temperature during identification. In the case of a non-Siemens induction machine (P095 = 4), automatic parameterization (P115 = 1) is necessary before motor identification starts.
  • Page 222
    P132 «angular offset» to a position test angle r286 of 0°. Making the correction in the parameters is especially recommended for motors of non-Siemens suppliers who install their encoders in a standard position other than that of SIEMENS. During operation with position test, it is possible to change parameter P132 «angular offset»…
  • Page 223
    Depending on the design of the encoder shaft, different screws will be required for forcing off the encoder (see Fig. 7-13 and Fig. 7-14). DANGER If the encoder is adjusted incorrectly, the motor can overspeed. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-57 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Functions 05.2006 Fig. 7-13 Forcing off an encoder of old design Fig. 7-14 Forcing off an encoder of new design 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-58 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    No more than the first two channels can be activated. The «recording interval» or «trigger settings» bear no relevance to the PRBS recording. Recording starts as soon as you click on the «Start» button. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-59 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    «Mathcad 8 ® «. -1.5 Oper_dB -4.5 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) Phase -135 -180 -180 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) Fig. 7-15 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-60 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The natural frequencies of the system appear in the diagram as lines of constant frequency. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-61 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Low pass (P256 = 2; P254 = 50 Hz) -1.5 Ampl -4.5 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) Phase -135 -180 -180 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-62 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (P256 = 1; P254 = 50 Hz; P253 = 1.0; P257 = 50 %) -1.5 Ampl -4.5 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) 67.5 22.5 Phase -22.5 -67.5 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-63 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    (P256 = 1; P254 = 50 Hz; P253 = 3.0; P257 = 0 %) -1.5 Ampl -4.5 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) 67.5 22.5 Phase -22.5 -67.5 Frequency fmin fmax Frequency in Hz (no omega!) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-64 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Then reset TN (P240) to its original value. References relevant to reference model: «Electrical Feed Drives in Automation» SIEMENS AG; H.Groß, J.Hamann, G.Wiegärtner (ISBN: 3-89578-058-8) NOTES ♦ When you use the reference model (P238 = 1), the source selected in P228 (Src n (deviation) is inoperative;…
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    IMPORTANT The motor short-circuit is significantly higher than the rated motor current. Adjust parameter P128 Max Current accordingly. Adjust the reference variables P350 … P354 for field weakening operation. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-66 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    S1 (100K) S1 (60K) 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Speed [min-1] e.g. 1FT6086-8AF71, 27.5 Nm, 2900 rev/min Enter the calculated field weakening activation speed in P299. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-67 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    6000 Speed [min-1] e.g. 1FT6086-8AF71, 27.5 Nm at 2900 rev/min, 13.3 Nm at 6000 rev/min, U = 296 V, I (P105) = 37 A (no load 2900 to 6000) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-68 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Speed [min-1] e.g. 1FT6086-8AF71, 27.5 Nm at 2900 rev/min to 4500 rev/min, = 296 V, U = 174 V I (P105) = 60 A (no load 2900) (no load 4500) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-69 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    (function diagram 399) as it is capable of correctly only the inner torque of the machine. Friction losses must be compensated via an additional torque from the friction characteristic. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-70 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    At 0 %, the Vdmax controller is shut down. The factory setting is 25 %. The controller output can be visualized via connector K0271. The activation point for the Vdmax controller can be parameterized in P517. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-71 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The compensation signal is injected as current upstream of the current limiter. This means that the configuration must allow for the functional correlations between torque ripple and compensation current. The harmonic compensation function block is described in FD630. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-72 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    S IE ME NS Laptop X300 Connecting cable X101 X103 Laptop/PC side:(COM1) Unit side: 9-pole SUB D socket 9-pole SUB D connector Fig. 7-16 Loading firmware by means of laptop or PC Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-73 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 240
    DriveMonitor) must be closed from the outset. If problems should occur with the loading program bsl.exe under Windows NT, the program Win BSL.exe is also available after installation of DriveMonitor (Path: SiemensDriveMonitor P7vrvisxSYSTEMWINBSL). Before you load the software, save your parameter settings (upread with OP1S, or upload with DriveMonitor)! If the position after the decimal point of the firmware changes (e.g.
  • Page 241
    The first and second position of the firmware version can be read out in r069.01 and the third position corresponds to the first position after the decimal point in r828.01=0.1 (e.g. V2.01 corresponds to r69.01=2.0 and r828.01=0.1). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-75 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    2 to 3 minutes, depending on microprocessor performance. The converters are initialized automatically at the end of the boot procedure, i.e. the parameters are counted up at the PMU. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 7-76 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Power Extension sections > 250 kW) can be found in Chapter 11.10 «Power enable F02 Extension PIN F02». Parameterizing After removing the cable, you can make a start with parameterizing. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 7-77 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    X1 01 X1 01 X1 01 X1 01 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 X1 03 Operator control and visualization Fig. 8-1 Overview for communication Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 245
    NOTE The USS protocol is a simple serial data transfer protocol, defined by Siemens AG, which is fully tailored to the requirements of drive technology. A detailed description of the protocol specifications, the physical interface, the bus structure as well as a definition of the transferred net data for drive applications are documented in the specification «Universal serial interface protocol USS…
  • Page 246
    Communication takes place in the half- duplex mode. The master function cannot be transferred (single-master system). The following illustration shows a bus configuration using drive technology as an example. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-2 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (second character). The same applies to double-word data: the high word is sent first followed by the low word. The protocol does not identify tasks in the net characters. The contents of the net data for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES drive converters is dealt with in Section 8.1.3. Data coding Information is coded as follows: ♦…
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    A point-to-point link can be implemented by means of the circulating list, in which case only one node is entered into the circulating list. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-4 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 249
    Communication / USS Example of configuration M aster Circulating list in the master SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with the addresses 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 21 Nodes 0 and 1 are signalled twice as often as others Fig. 8.1-4 Circulating list Cycle time The length of a cycle time is determined by the time needed for the sequential occurrence of data exchange with the individual nodes.
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    If node x does not respond within the maximum permissible reply delay time, an error message is deposited in the master. The master than sends the telegram for the next slave node. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-6 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 251
    «Recommended Standard RS-485». For point-to-point links, a sub- quantity of EIA RS-232 (CCITT V.24), TTY (20 mA current loop) or fiber-optic cables can be used as the physical interface. The interfaces for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES are always RS 485 with 2-wire cable. Exception:…
  • Page 252
    300 V ≥ Test voltage (20°C) 1500 V ≤ ≥ Temperature range -40 °C 80 °C ≥ Load capability ≤ Capacitance 120 pF/m Table 8.1-3 Thermal and electrical characteristics 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-8 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 253
    Data transfer rate Max. number of nodes Max. cable length 9.6 kbit/s 1200 m 19.2 kbit/s 1200 m 93.75 kbit/s 1200 m 187.5 kbit/s 1000 m Table 8.1-4 Cable lengths Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-9 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    PZD16 Variable length Variable length The two areas together make up the net data block. This structure applies to telegrams from the master to the slave and vice versa. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The setting must be made both at the master and at the slave and can no longer be altered during bus operation. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    This setting to variable word-length is made during start-up. NOTICE Do not use a variable word length if a SIMATIC S5 or SIMATIC S7 is the master. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Task or reply ID SPM: Toggle bit for processing of parameter-change reports PNU: Parameter number NOTE The PKW area is transferred in increasing order, always starting with the 1st word. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 258
    The required element of the parameter description is specified in IND (2 nd word) The required element of the indexed parameter is specified in IND (2 nd word) Table 8.1-5 Task IDs (master -> drive converter) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 259
    ♦ Bits 12 to 15: Value = 12 (= «C» hex); change parameter value (array, word) and save in the EEPROM ♦ Bits 0 to 11: Value = 554 (= «22A» hex); parameter number with a set change-report Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 260
    (although it lies within the limits). The parameter has been indexed e.g. task ‘PWE change word’ for indexed parameter Task not implemented Table 8.1-7 Error numbers for the reply ID «Task cannot be executed» 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 261
    7, 8, 11 All values of the indexed parameter are to be changed. or 12 These tasks can generate error message 102. Table 8.1-8 Tasks with index value 255 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 262
    PWE1 (most significant word; 3rd word) contains the high-word of the double word PWE2 (least significant word; 4th word) contains the low-word of the double word. 3. PKW area, variable: As 2.; There is no PWE3 or higher! 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 263
    In the subsequent process data areas PZD3 to PZDn, additional setpoints and actual values are sent. For SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES, control word 2 or status word 2, if necessary, is transferred in PZD4. Structure of the PZD…
  • Page 264
    PZD2 (technologically useful). Or another actual value can be returned, such as actual torque value, actual position value or actual current value. 8.1.3 Interface overview The following section describes all of the presently available SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC/VC interfaces which use the USS protocol. SCB2 interface board SCB2…
  • Page 265
    02.2004 Communication / USS Basic unit with In the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC series, the control electronics CUMC/CUPM/ board, CUMC (Control Unit Motion Control), CUPM (Control Unit Motion Control Performance 2), CUMP (Control Unit Motion Control CUVC/CUVP Compact PLUS Performance 2), CUVC (Control Unit Vector Control) or CUVP (Control Unit Vector Control Compact PLUS) is used.
  • Page 266
    CBP2 The CBP2 interface board (Communication Board PROFIBUS 2) is an supplementary extension board of the SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES. The board has a board floating RS485 interface. For this interface, either the PROFIBUS protocol or the USS protocol can be used.
  • Page 267 Bus cable connection On SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES, connection of the USS bus cable depends on the control version and, in the case of MC units, it is dependent on the respective type of construction.
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    Example of 2 copper cores in a screw terminal Fig. 8.1-9 Connecting up the bus cables NOTE It must be ensured that both copper cores are securely held inside the screw terminal. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    ∅ ≤ 7,5 m m Release the shield clamp Squeeze the shield clamp together with your hand or a screwdriver and pull upwards. Fig. 8.1-10 Using the shield clamps Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Compact PLUS VC: − SIEMEN S X100 Slot A X101 Slot B X103 Shield connection for Shield connection control cables for motor cable Fig. 8.1-11 Position of the shield connecting points 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    For more information on electromagnetically compatible installation of systems, see for example Chapter 3 of the Compendium or the description «Instructions for Design of Drives in Conformance with EMC Regulations» (Order No. 6SE7087-6CX87-8CE0). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    If the bus-terminating node is a T100 board, the bus terminating resistors are switched in through the two plug-in jumpers, X8 and X9. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    36 35 34 33 36 35 34 33 Connect shield to Connect converter housing Shield Fig. 8.1-14 Connection of the 2-wire bus cable at terminal strip X100 (Compact PLUS) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    At the last node on the bus cable, Switch S1 «OFF» switch S1 must be in the «ON» position. Fig. 8.1-15 Connection of the 2-wire bus cable at terminal strip X103 (Compact PLUS) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 275
    P690 (SCB actual value) for SCB 2 board • For control words and setpoints: e.g. P554 (control word, bit 0) to P591 (control word, bit 32), P443 (Src Main Setp), P433 (Src Add Setp1), etc. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    3-word PKW (SCom 1) P703 SCom/SCB PcD # i001 = 2 2-word PZD (SCom 1) P704 SCom/SCB TlgOFF i001 = 0 to 6500 No monitoring >0: Monitoring time in ms 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    4-word PKW (SCom 2) P703 SCom/SCB PcD # i002 = 6 6-word PZD (SCom 2) P704 SCom/SCB TlgOFF i002 = 0 to 6500 No monitoring >0: Monitoring time in ms Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    = 4 4-word PKW P703 SCom/SCB PcD # i003 = 2 2-word PZD P704 SCom/SCB TlgOFF i003 = 0 to 6500 No monitoring >0: Monitoring time in ms 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 279
    Bus address CBP2 = 21 P718.x CBP2 Baud 19.2 kbit/s P719.x CBP2 PKW #. 4-word PKW P720.x CBP2 PcD #. 2-word PZD P722.x CBP2 TlgOFF. 0…6500 No monitoring >0: Monitoring time in ms Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    (= write) the enable parameters of a SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES via this interface − this applies to the parameters of the basic unit (P/U parameters) and to the technology-board parameters (H/L parameters).
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    The rules for generating the value which is entered in parameter P053 for specifying parameter access is explained with the following example. Example Setting the parameterizing enable for SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES with SCB2 Setting: Write access to the parameters of the basic units (P parameters) via…
  • Page 282
    Source ON/OFF1 i001 = 2001 ON/OFF from SCom1 P555 Source 1 OFF2 i001 = 2001 Operating condition/OFF2 from SCom1 → P565 Source 1 ACK i001 = 2107 Edge 0 etc. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (index i001 for BICO data set 1) (index i002 for BICO data set 2) P576 Source FDS Bit 0 i001 = 4800 P577 Source FDS Bit 1 i001 = 4801 etc. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    (index i001 for BICO data set 1) (index i002 for BICO data set 2) P443 Source of main setpoint i001 = 2002 Source of supplementary P433 i001 = 4502 setpoint 1 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (index i001 for BICO data set 1) (index i002 for BICO data set 2) P443 Source of main setpoint i001 = 2032 P433 Source of supplementary i001 = 2035 setpoint 1 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    = 0091 2nd word in the PZD area: actual speed/frequency (KK0091, only H-Word) i003 to i016 = 0 3rd to 16th word in the PZD area (if parameterized): «Not interconnected» 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.1-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    When 32-bit quantities are being transferred, the high word is located in PZD n, the low word in PZD n+1. → For example, 32-bit actual value of KK0091 in PZD2 and PZD3. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.1-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 288
    In the following, «CBP» refers to both boards. Any individual features which a board possesses are specially indicated. 8.2.1 Product description of the CBP communications board The CBP communications board (Communications board PROFIBUS) is for linking SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES® to higher-level automation systems via PROFIBUS-DP. 9-pole Sub-D connection X448 LED (red)
  • Page 289
    ♦ Standard telegrams 1 to 6 junction with CBP2 from V2.21 For MASTERDRIVES MC and during use of T100, T300 or T400, please pay attention to the note in Section 2.3.2 «TB Blocks». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-2 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 290
    Alternatively, it can communicate with slaves by using a lower- level master-slave procedure. The PROFIBUS-DP mainly uses the master-slave method and data is usually exchanged with the drives cyclically. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-3 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 291
    Master class 1 others MSCY_C1 MSAC_C1 MSAC_C2 PROFIBUS DP Acyclical Acyclical Cyclical channel channel channel (only S7) (only DriveMon.) MASTER- MASTERDRIVES — CU DRIVES Fig. 8.2-3 Data-traffic channels of the CBP 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-4 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    4) is structurally defined in the PROFIBUS profile for variable-speed useful data as PPOs drives version 2 as a parameter process data object (PPO). Frequently, the cyclical MSCY_C1 channel is simply called the STANDARD channel as well. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-5 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The telegrams of cyclical data transfer therefore have the following basic structure: Protocol frame Protocol frame Useful data (Header) (Trailer) Parameters (PKW) Process data (PZD) PKW: Parameter identifier value 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-6 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    PWE: Parameter value Table 8.2-1 Parameter process data object (PPO types) Dividing the useful data into parameter identifier values and process data enables different tasks to be carried out. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-7 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    NOTE not been mounted. If a technology board is used (e.g. T400, T300, T100), the process data wiring in the manual for the technology board is to be used. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-8 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    CBP instead of the «3000» connectors, and parameter P736 will be applicable instead of para-meter P734 (see function diagrams for CB/TB boards in Chapter 12). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-9 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ as a result, also reduction of the bus cycle time due to shorter telegrams in cyclical data transfer ♦ simultaneous access by Drive ES (PG/PC) for diagnosis and parameterization by means of the second data transfer 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 298
    ♦ CBP2 V2.21 and later only: Instead of DriveES or SIMATIC OP an external master (Class 2 Master) compliant with acyclic parameter channel according to PROFIdrive profile version 3 with data block 47 can also access converter data. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    With the CBP2, version V2.21 and later, a class 1 master automation NOTE (PLC) can also utilize acyclic parameter access according to PROFIdrive V3, cf. Section 8.2.4 «PROFIdrive V3: Acyclic parameter accessing with data block 47». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 300
    Possibly several polling cycles without data until reply with data Function Slot Index Length Data number number Reply telegram Fig. 8.2-5 Sequence of a Read and Write function Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    PKW data PWE1 PWE2 PWE101 205 206 Fig. 8.2-6 Structure of PKW data in cyclical data transfer Process data (PZDs) cannot be stipulated via this acyclical MSAC_C1 NOTE channel. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    CBP via the acyclical MSAC_C1 channel. The user is provided with a data block as the data interface. This data block has a TRANSMIT MAILBOX and a RECEIVE MAILBOX, thus considerably reducing the expenditure on the application for the user. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 303
    Drive ES. for the Drive ES SIMATIC S7 Drive ES Basic DPM1 DPM2 Profibus DP MSAC_C2 SIEM ENS MASTERDRIVES X1 01 X1 03 Fig. 8.2-7 Drive ES with Profibus 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (data block offset) for non-indexed parameters for indexed parameters 1 to 101: Length (not activated) Acquisition cycle (as selected) Number of elements Places after the decimal point (as selected) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameter value Low (PWE2) Task ID or reply ID SPM: Toggle bit for processing the parameter change report PNU: Parameter number Table 8.2-3 Structure of the parameter area (PKW) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Change parameter value (double word) and store in the EEPROM ↓ Change parameter value (word) and store in the EEPROM Read or change text (not with CBP) 7 or 8 Table 8.2-4 Task IDs (master -> converter) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ Bits 12 to 15: Value = 12 (= «C» Hex); change parameter value (array, word) and store in the EEPROM ♦ Bits 0 to 11: Value = 554 (= «22A» Hex); parameter number without set bit for the parameter change report 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The parameter is indexed e.g. task: «PWE, change word» for indexed parameters Task not implemented Table 8.2-6 Error numbers for the reply «Task cannot be executed» (drive converter parameters) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    (e.g. the number of PKW data for the USS interfaces for which only the explicit values 0, 3, 4 and 127 are allowed). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The value 255 for the array subindex is of special importance. If the array subindex is transferred with 255, all indices of an indexed parameter are transferred simultaneously in one data block. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    A 16-bit parameter value is transferred in PWE2 (least significant word, 4th word). In this case, you must set PWE1 (most significant word, 3rd word) to 0 in the PROFIBUS-DP master. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (bit 10 = 1) and a pending ON command (bit 0 = 1) to this converter, this can cause the converter to switch on and go straight into «OPERATION» state when the electronics supply is connected at the converter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 313
    DB47, the CBP2 thus adds an offset of 1 to the parameter profile version 2 subindex. The cyclical parameter access via PKW and the acyclical parameter access with data block 100 can continue to be used without any changes. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    ♦ Reading of several or all texts from a text array via a parameter task is not supported, i.e. only one text from one text array (subindex) can be read with one parameter task. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 315
    No. of elements parameters (nonindexed (always «1») 8-bit parameters) is defined in DB47 with «No. of elements» = 0. Distinction Attribute value/description/text 8-bit 2 words 5 words Total length 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 316
    Error value The coding of the fields in the parameter task/response task is described NOTE in Section «Coding in the parameter task according to PROFIdrive Version 3» . Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Response header Task ref. mirrored Response identifier = Change parameter (-) Axis mirrored No. of parameters = 1 Parameter value Format = error No. of values = 1 Error value 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Response header Task ref. mirrored Response identifier = Request parameter (-) Axis mirrored No. of parameters = 1 Parameter value Format = error No. of values = 1 Error value Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Response identifier = Response header Task ref. mirrored Change parameter (-) Axis mirrored No. of parameters = 1 Parameter value Format = error No. of values = 1 Error value 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 320
    Format = word No. of values = 100 Value 1 Value 2 Value 100 parameter value(s) Format = double No. of values = 2 word Value1 Value2 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    No. of values = 1 Value parameter value(s) Format = error No. of values = 1 Error value parameter value(s) Format = double No. of values = 2 word Value1 Value2 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    No. of values = 2 word Value1 Value2 Parameter response (+): All part access o.k. Response header Task ref. mirrored Response identifier = Change parameter (+) Axis mirrored No. of parameters = 3 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    No. of values = 0 parameter Format = error No. of values = 2 value(e) Error value Errored subindex parameter value(e) Format = zero No. of values = 0 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    No. of parameters = 1 Parameter value Format = error No. of values = 1 Error value For parameter description see PROFIBUS Profile, PROFIdrive (PNO Order No. : 3.172) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-37 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Response header Task ref. mirrored Response identifier = Request parameter (-) Axis mirrored No. of parameters = 1 Parameter value Format = error No. of values = 1 Error value 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 326
    Response header Task ref. mirrored Response identifier = Request parameter (-) Axis mirrored No. of parameters = 1 Parameter value Format = error No. of values = 1 Error value Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 327
    Unsigned16 0x0000…0x00FF Error numbers (see The higher byte is following table) reserved. See PROFIBUS Profile, PROFIdrive (PNO Order No.: 3.172) Table 8.2-7 Coding of the fields in parameter task/response 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Change access with value that lies 0x14 Non-permissible value Subindex within the value limits but is not acceptable for other permanent reasons (parameter with defined individual values) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 329
    0x64 Reserved 0x65…0xFF Manufacturer-specific (see also «CBP2 diagnostic parameters», PKW error numbers) Table 8.2-8 Error numbers in DPV1 parameter responses 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 330
    CB/TB. ♦ If two CBPs are inserted, the CBP which is inserted into the slot with the higher slot letter is considered the second CB/TB. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Adaption board Mounting pos. 1 Mounting pos. 3 bottom Mounting pos. 2 Fig. 8.2-9 Adaptation board with optional boards and position of the slots for Compact units and chassis-type units 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-44 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    • A T100/T300/T400 technology board is inserted and the CBP in the electronics box is inserted in slots A to G. • In the case of two CBPs, the one inserted in the slot with the higher slot letter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-45 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    If, in addition to the CBP, a technology board (T100 / T300 or T400) is inserted in the electronics box, it must be inserted in slot +1.B2. In this case, the CBP is inserted in slot +1.B3. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-46 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    The maximum cable length can be increased by using repeaters but no more than three repeaters may be connected in series. The maximum cable lengths given in the following table can only be ensured if PROFIBUS bus cables are used (e.g. Siemens PROFIBUS- cable with MRPD 6XV 1830-0AH10). Baud rate Max.
  • Page 335
    (EMC). For further information, see for example Chapter 3 of the Compendium or the description «Instructions for Design of Drives in Conformance with EMC Regulations» (Order No. 6SE7087-6CX87-8CE0). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-48 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (See board description in Section «Connecting-up», Fig. «PROFIBUS connector».) For more information on ordering and additional descriptions, see the A&D AS catalog «Industrial Communication» IK 10 (Order No. E86060-K6710-A101-A6). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-49 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    VP (PIN 6) 390 Ohm Data line RxD/TxD-P (PIN 3) 220 Ohm Data line RxD/TxD-N (PIN 8) 390 Ohm DGND (PIN 5) Fig. 8.2-13 Bus termination network 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-50 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 338
    Other bus nodes Last bus node Connection example termination termination From preceding bus node To next bus node Fig. 8.2-14 Bus segment in linear structure (max. 32 stations per segment) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-51 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Considerable cost savings are achieved by using plastic fiber-optic cables which are also easy to fit. Additional grounding is no longer necessary either. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-52 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Optical link module for plastic fiber-optic cables, 4- channel version with signaling contact, including 4 BFOC-connectors For more information on ordering and additional descriptions, see the A&D AS catalog «Industrial Communication» IK 10 (Order No. E86060-K6710-A101-A6). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-53 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ∅ ≤ 7,5 m m Release the shield clamp Squeeze the shield clamp together with your hand or a screwdriver and pull upwards. Fig. 8.2-16 Using the shield clamps 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-54 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Fig. 8.2-17 Position of the shield connecting points If so many control cables are used that two shield clamps are insufficient, the «EMC shielded housing» option is to be used. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-55 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 343
    For more information on electromagnetically compatible installation of systems, see for example Chapter 3 of the Compendium or the description «Instructions for Design of Drives in Conformance with EMC Regulations» (Order No. 6SE7087-6CX87-8CE0). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-56 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    In the case of MASTERDRIVES MC (CUMC) and MC+ (Compact+) from firmware version V1.4 onwards, the CB parameters P918 and P711 to P721 can also be changed in the «Drive setting» status (P060 = 5). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-57 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Parameterization of «Hardware configuration» for FC (CU1), VC (CU2) and SC (CU3) All grayed out parameters are only valid for units with the functions FC NOTE (CU1), VC (CU2) and SC (CU3). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-58 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 346
    F080 will be output. An address change only becomes effective after the power supply to the electronics box has been turned off and then turned on again! Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-59 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 347
    Only CBP2 Write requests of a SIMATIC OP are stored permanently (EEPROM) or temporarily (RAM). P714 / P699 = 0: EEPROM (default setting) P714 / P699 = 1: RAM 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-60 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 348
    (CB parameter 9) P720.x Number of PZDs P703 (CB parameter 10) P722.x Telegram failure time P704 Further information on the USS protocol can be found in Section 8.1, USS. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-61 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 349
    Rewiring from 16 to 32 bit and vice versa should not be done while the NOTICE equipment is in operation, because the changeover takes several milliseconds, during which time the data on the bus are not consistent (high and low can change places). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-62 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 350
    PZD10 3010 H S W from analog input SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Process data (PZD) — Actual-value channel P Z D 1 P Z D 2 H IW P Z D 3P Z D 4P Z D 5 P Z D 6…
  • Page 351
    3004 e. g. P443.1=3002 PZD5 3005/3035 PZD6 3006/3036 Source of PZD10 3010 from analog input SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Process data (PZD) — Actual-value channel PZD1 PZD2 PZD3 PZD 4 PZD5 PZD6 Dual-port-RAM To the Master Actual-value channel (CB/TB-Actual values) P694.1 P694.1 P694.2…
  • Page 352
    PROFIBUS-DP if P053 has previously been set to an uneven value. Please bear in mind that control word 1 (STW1) has the value 0 during the parameterization phase (process data interconnection)! Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-65 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 353
    Because the binectors are not included in the interlocking (to ensure compatibility for older configurations), their significance changes according to whether the pertinent word or double word is wired. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-66 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 354
    PZD (PZD1 up to, if necessary, PZD10) is not specified. If the main actual value is transferred as a 32-bit value, then it is assigned to PZD2 and PZD3. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-67 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 355
    VC (CU 2) or SC (CU 3) If actual values are transferred as a 32-bit data item, you must enter the NOTE appropriate connector number at two consecutive words (indices). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-68 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 356
    ZSW1 NIST_B ZSW2 G1_ZSW G1_XIST1 G1_XIST2 G2_ZSW G2_XIST1 G2_XIST2 Standard telegrams 5 and 6 are derived from standard telegrams 3 and 4 for the Dynamic Servo Control (DSC) function. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-69 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 357
    Encoder 2 control word G2_STW Encoder 2 status word G2_ZSW Encoder 2 actual position 1 G2_XIST1 Encoder 2 actual position 2 G2_XIST2 Control deviation XERR with Position controller gain factor with 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-70 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 358
    If the response-monitoring time expires, the CBP ceases to write process data into the dual-port RAM. When this is combined with P722.x / P695, it is therefore possible to plan your process data monitoring. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-71 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 359
    MASTERDRIVES MC V1.62 with CBP2 V>=2.21 and standard telegram 5 (PROFIdrive Profile V3 with equidistance) onwards, the process data can be transferred to the dual-port RAM irrespective of the content of the control word. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-72 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 360
    CBP and CBP2 V2.1 (SIEM8045.GSD). The type-description file is also available as an ASCII file (SI8045AX.200 Type-description file and SI8045TD.200) on the floppy disk which accompanies the CBP. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-73 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 361
    Identification byte Identification byte COMET200 type Version V4.x/V5.x V4.x/V5.x V4.x/V5.x V5.x V4.x/V5.x V4.x/V5.x V4.x/V5.x V4.x/V5.x V4.x/V5.x V5.x V5.x V5.x V4.x/V5.x V4.x/V5.x V5.x Table 8.2-14 Values for the identification bytes 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-74 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 362
    The type of PPO is selected in the configuration mask of COM ET200 up to Version V4.x by entering identification bytes in accordance with the above table of identification bytes. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-75 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 363
    SIMATIC S5 system architecture or of the system functions which may be required. The DVA_S5 module package can be obtained from A&D WKF Fürth/Germany under MLFB 6DD1800-0SW0. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-76 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 364
    CBP (see section «Process data interconnection»). When a converter fault occurs, the CBP2 does not generally trigger a NOTE diagnosis alarm. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-77 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 365
    SFC14 and SFC15 to all consistent data areas > 4 bytes. The PKW and the PZD parts are regarded as two independent consistent data areas. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-78 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 366
    Fürth/Germany under MLFB 6SX 7005-0CB00. Operating the CBP with a non-Siemens system When used with a non-Siemens master system, the CBP can be operated only as a standard DP slave. The equipment master file (GSD file) on the floppy disk contains all the…
  • Page 367
    In addition, some parameters in the drive have synchronization to be set (MASTERDRIVES MC only). Detailed help can be obtained in the on-line help for the slave OM. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-80 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 368
    (with word granularity). Drives capable of cross traffic can also receive data from themselves (feedback loop). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-81 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 369
    Inputs PZD3 values PZD4 Outputs PZD1 Setpoints PZD2 PZD3 Slave 2 PZD4 (Publisher) PZD5 Inputs PZD6 PZD7 PZD8 Slave 3 (Publisher) Inputs Fig. 8.2-25 Example of a cross-traffic configuration 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-82 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 370
    PROFIBUS and the basic board consistently. ♦ The «Align» button ensures that all MASTERDRIVES MC are given the same settings for clock synchronization and that the DP master adopts the isochronous DP cycle. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-83 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 371
    ♦ 1000 µs computing time for CBP2, parallel to acyclical services Clock Clock DP cycle Equi-master Master cl.2 Equi-master acyclical acyclical cyclical CBP2 processing Fig. 8.2-26 Breakdown of the DP cycle at the isochronous PROFIBUS 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-84 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 372
    31 (no repeater) Number of slaves/cycle 11 / 3.2 ms; 27 / 6.4 ms 100 per ms / < 1 ms Max. telegram length 16 words n times 2 words Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-85 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 373
    ♦ All the tasks to be synchronized must be in the same time slot, especially the processing of setpoints and actual values to and from the CBP2. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-86 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 374
    ♦ The CBP2 must, of course, be inserted directly in the basic board (or via an adapter board). No technology board may be installed between the basic board and the CBP2. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-87 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 375
    Version 3 transmission, of cross traffic and a position encoder interface and the standardisation and configuration of the setpoints and actual values for the drives are manufacturer-neutral and openly standardised. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-88 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 376
    ♦ Isochronous mode: Profibus service for clock synchronization; produces a time-constant, i.e. equidistant bus cycle with a clock pulse signal at the start of the cycle. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-89 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 377
    When the MASTERDRIVES unit is used as PROFIdrive V3 slave, only NOTE application classes 1 and 4 are used! Several MASTERDRIVES can be connected to one PROFIdrive V3 master in class 1 as slave (Monomaster operation). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-90 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 378
    Status word + main actual-value + Drive Drive Drive Speed open/closed Speed open/closed Speed open/closed loop control loop control loop control Encoder Encoder Encoder (optional) (optional) (optional) Fig. 8.2-28 Application class 1 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-91 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 379
    Control word + speed setpoint + … Status word + pos.act.value + … Clock synchronization Drive Drive Drive Closed-loop speed Closed-loop speed Closed-loop speed control control control Encoder Encoder Encoder Fig. 8.2-29 Application class 4 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-92 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    ♦ a non-cyclical data channel (DPV1) ♦ telegram repeats ♦ diagnosis request A local control device (PU, OP) at the DPM1 must communicate with the slaves via the DPM1 master. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-93 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 381
    Slave Slave DP cycle pulse pulse Actual pos. Setpoint sensing transfer Speed/current controller pulse: Slave 1 … 3- application: Setpoint Actual pos. transfer sensing Fig. 8.2-31 Clock synchronous communication 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-94 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 382
    Contents of the bits in PROFIdrive control word 2. Control word 2 IMPORTANT This is different from the previous MASTERDRIVES control word 2. Meaning 0 — 11 Device-specific 12 — 15 Master life sign for clock synchronization Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-95 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 383
    Content of bits in PROFIdrive status word 2. Status word 2 IMPORTANT This differs from the previous MASTERDRIVES status word 2. Meaning 0 — 11 Device-specific 12 — 15 Slave life sign for clock synchronization 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-96 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 384 actual value-1 G2_XIST2 Encoder-2 position see section actual value-2 XERR Control error Position controller gain factor Table 8.2-16 Standard signals– Abbreviations Standard telegrams, see Subsection Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-97 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 385
    : position controller sampling time (= T MAPC : position error command : position controller gain Fig. 8.2-32 Structure of the position control circuit based on the speed setpoint interface without DSC 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-98 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 386
    As a result, the position control circuit is initially open. Feedback branch no. 3 closes the circuit again, but with a shorter delay, so that greater gains can be set. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-99 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 387
    The speed filter shown in the structure diagram is optional and has nothing to do with the DSC function. It has been drawn in to make the difference from conventional position control easier to recognize. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-100 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 388
    Fig. 8.2-34 shows an overview of the interconnection required for standard telegram 5. This connection is made using the scriptfile on the SIMOTION CD: Fig. 8.2-34 Block diagram: MASTERDRIVES as PROFIdrive version 3 slave Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-101 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 389
    1 are presented. At the bottom of Fig. 8.2-35 is the monitoring of the master life sign, the creation of the binector “master application pulse“ and the slave life sign. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-102 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    05.2006 Communication / PROFIBUS Fig. 8.2-35 PROFIBUS communication Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-103 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    U401. With the aid of this adder the current position setpoint is calculated from Adder centre right the DSC position Xerr and the delayed actual position value. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-104 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    05.2006 Communication / PROFIBUS Fig. 8.2-36 DSC core Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-105 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 393
    (master -> slave) This model makes few demands on the computing output of the master, but leads to an increase in the control-specific dead time: Dead time = 4 * T 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-106 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 394
    Drive Technology Version 3 should be used. ♦ The encoder interface uses the basic unit functionality of MASTERDRIVES MC. The description can be taken from this Compendium on the basis of the function diagrams. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-107 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 395
    Request absolute Request for additional cyclical transmission of the absolute position value cyclically actual value in Gx_XIST2. Use e.g. for: — additional measuring system monitoring — synchronization in run-up 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-108 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 396
    Scanner negative edge Function 2 Digital input 4 enabled (B930) Function 3 Digital input 5 enabled Scanner positive edge (B926) Function 4 Digital input 5 enabled Scanner negative edge (B927) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-109 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 397
    If a measuring command is generated without valid measured value, it leads to the error «encoder interface» (status SD3). The error code 4 to 7 is generated, depending on the status of the encoder interface. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-110 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 398
    Indicates an error of the encoder or the actual value recording. A device- specific error code is in Gx_XIST2. If several errors occur, the first one is displayed. Table 8.2-18 Encoder status word Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-111 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 399
    TD11 TD10 Check measurement Check ref. task task Abs. value Set/shift ref. point cyclical in XIST2 implemented Fig. 8.2-39 Status diagram of encoder interface showing the statuses and transitions 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-112 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 400
    SD12 Park None The encoder interface Gx_ZSW-Bit 14 = 1 is in a condition in which it is not reporting an error and is not participating in the bus. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-113 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 401
    Error occurred or a command is inadmissible TD21 SD3 (error) SD2 (error Gx_STW-Bit 15 = 1 acknowledgement) TD22 SD2 (error SD3 (error) Gx_STW-Bit 15 = 0 and error still exists acknowledgement) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-114 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 402
    • Parking encoder/axis active • Request absolute value cyclically active • Set/shift reference point active • Mode (BIT7=0) Reference marks search active • or a reserved bit is used Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-115 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 403
    2. The rough pulse in the external encoder is only evaluated directly on the encoder board (see function diagram 255). 3. The «Referencing» function with zero mark only is not supported. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-116 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 404
    Acyclical useful data traffic with a master, class 2 (DriveES, DriveMonitor, SIMATIC OP) does not affect the green LED. Table 8.2-21 Online operation without useful data Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-117 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 405
    Note fault number in r732.8 and inform Customer Service Table 8.2-23 Exceptional operating conditions Status Diagnostic information Only CBP2 Yellow USS protocol has been set Green Flashing Table 8.2-24 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-118 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 406
    Interruption of communication to the automation system A 087 A 095 DP slave software detects serious fault. Fault number in diagnostic parameter r732.8 Consequence: Communication no longer possible. Secondary fault F082 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-119 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 407
    The alarm A 082 / A 090 can also be displayed on the basic unit the first NOTE time the CBP is started as long as telegrams are not being exchanged with a DP master, e.g. because the bus cable has not yet been connected. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-120 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 408
    CBP in the electronics box has been plugged into slots A to C ♦ If two CBPs have been plugged in, the fault number applies to the one which has been plugged into the slot with the higher letter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-121 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 409
    .10 (High) .42 (High) Counter re-configuration by CU .11 (Low) .43 (Low) Counter initializations .11 (High) .43 (High) Fault detection DPS manager fault (8 bits) .12 (Low) .44 (Low) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-122 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 410
    .23 (High) .55 (High) acknowledgement Reserved Generating date: day, month Generating date: year Software version Software version Software version: flash EPROM checksum Reserved Reserved Table 8.2-27 CBP diagnostics buffer Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-123 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 411
    (normal operation: set). ♦ Bit 15 Program on the CBP in «Communications online» loop (is only escaped from if initialization is carried out by the basic board) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-124 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 412
    Rest = Not possible ♦ Bits 12,13, SPC3-Release 3..0: 14,15 0000= Release 0 Rest = Not possible DPC31: 0000 = Step A 0001 = Step B 0010 = Step C Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-125 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 413
    Read out of the DPRAM during run up: updated cyclically 0AAH u. 0ABH Mirroring «DWORD-Specifier-act r732.15, Read out of the DPRAM during run up: updated cyclically 0ACH u. 0ADH 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-126 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 414
    0C4H and 0C5H Software-Version r732.28 Software version V X.YZ (Display YZ) 0C6H and 0C7H Flash-EPROM Checksum r732.29 Is read out of the flash EPROM during run-up 0C8H and 0C9H Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-127 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 415
    The original entries in parameter r732 / r731 are overwritten, beginning with r732.9 / r731.9. PMU: P711 / P696 = 0 Telegram diagnosis = Off P711 / P696 = 1 to 26 Telegram diagnosis = ON 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-128 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 416
    Max. 32 bytes P696 DB101 P711 = 26 Useful data in the DB101 Data unit in GET to Max. 32 bytes P696 DB101 Table 8.2-28 Selection of PROFIBUS-DP telegram entries Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-129 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 417
    (e.g. PKE’) means that, with these values, the high-byte and the low-byte are swapped round in relation to the original value, as for example in the programmable controller. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-130 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 418
    Display on the (r732.9) PKE’ BB 41 (r732.10) IND’ (r732.11) PWE1’ (r732.12) PWE2’ (r732.13) STW’ (r732.14) HSW’ PWE1 PWE2 Reply in master 41 BB 01 e.g. S5 or S7 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-131 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 419
    PWE14’ The 25 bytes with slot-oriented S7 type identifications are always entered, even if the CBP is configured with identification bytes by an SIMATIC S5 or a non-Siemens master. As regards IND’, high-byte and low-byte are inverted in relation to the IND’: this is based on a different definition of the useful data for PPOs and acyclically transferred sets of data.
  • Page 420
    During start-up/testing, the Class II master PROFIBUS Class II assumes the function of the Class I master for the selected station. The Master exchange of useful data with the slave, however, is not cyclical. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-133 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 421
    S7 protocol access fault: Data block offset or index word r732.25 Generating date: Day Generating date: Month r732.26 Generating date: Year r732.27 Software version r732.28 Software version r732.29 Software version: Flash-EPROM checksum 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-134 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 422
    CHAR or BYTE Non-permissible change of text/description Inconsistency in the write task: «Type» and (Defective communications partner) «Number of elements» does not match «Type of data» and «Length of data» Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-135 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 423
    Corrected pulse period in units of 100 ns r748.11 T0 counter (0 if synchronization active) Internal r748.12 Internal Internal r748.13 Internal Internal r748.14 Timer Internal r748.15 Bus cycle time implemented r748.16 Internal Internal 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-136 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 424
    P732.9. If P732.10 <> 0, the content of P732.9 is falsified and the errors leading to abort cannot be clearly determined! Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-137 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 425
    The reserved memory area in the multi-Port RAM has been exceeded. 0x1200 Non-permissible publisher address 1-125 0x1400 Several links to a publisher are not permissible. Table 8.2-32 Parameter-telegram evaluation, cross-traffic, r732.10 / P711 = 30 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-138 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 426
    Diagnosis of clock synchronization P711.x r732.x Content r732.9 Interrupt enable by the basic board r732.10 RCC parameter 1 r732.11 RCC parameter 2 r732.12 Synchronization mode from the basic board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-139 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 427
    (X448/Pin 6) • for bus termination of the serial interface or • for supplying an OLP (Optical Link Plug) Data transfer rate max. 12 MBaud Table 8.2-33 Technical data 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.2-140 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 428
    PBUS_B RS-485 Driver DC/DC Transformer Electrical isolation C501 SPC3 8KB RAM 128KB Flash-EPROM Monitor connector PAL 16V8 for development 2*DPR 2K*8 X445 Fig. 8.2-40 Block diagram of the CBP Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.2-141 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 429
    8.3.1 General principles Definition SIMOLINK (Siemens Motion Link) is a digital, serial data transfer protocol with a fiber-optic cable as its transfer medium. The SIMOLINK drive link has been developed for extremely fast and strictly cyclical transfer of process data (control information, setpoints, actual values…
  • Page 430
    • max. 300 m between each node on a glass-fiber-optic cable. ♦ Up to 201 active nodes can be interlinked on SIMOLINK. From now on, the active nodes are only referred to in the text as nodes 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-2 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 431
    SIMOLINK. ♦ The functionality of the SIMOLINK application defines the assignment of telegrams to nodes. There are two possible applications: • the peer-to-peer functionality and • the master/slave functionality. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-3 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    «SIMOLINK transceivers». NOTE There is always only one node with a dispatcher function in the SIMOLINK ring. This is either a SIMOLINK board with dispatcher parameterization or a SIMOLINK master. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-4 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    (SYNC telegram) and a pause telegram. After this, it dispatches the first telegram from the task table again without any delay. NOTE The dispatcher can upread or overwrite the data contents of telegrams, as can every transceiver. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-5 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    8 x 32-bit data can be transferred in 8 telegrams (same address and channel number from 0 to 7). A channel number is assigned to each 32-bit value and thus clearly also a telegram on the bus. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-6 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    From which channel number to be read Address Channel number Data Telegram Data Channel number Receive memory (8 x 32 bit) Dispatcher or Transceiver Address Fig. 8.3-5 Reading data Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-7 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 436
    SLB optional board (SIMOLINK board) The SLB optional board links the converters/inverters to SIMOLINK. It can be used as the SIMOLINK dispatcher or as a SIMOLINK transceiver. The functionality is determined by parameterization. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-8 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 437
    NOTE Recommendation: Fiber-optic cables with glass core from Siemens; CLY- 1V01S200/230,10A The above-mentioned fiber-optic cables do not have an outer sheath. When using them for wiring outside switch cabinets, the cables must either be laid in cable ducts or conduits or suitable cables with an outer sheath must be used.
  • Page 438
    If you use the SIMOLINK, telegram failure monitoring should be activated! P741 = 4 x P746 (SLB bus cycle time) is recommended for the SLB telegram failure time. See also the function diagram [140]. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 439
    HW interrupt to delay,n the unit application after receipt of the SYNC telegram. This ensures that the interrupts to the unit applications of all nodes are effected as synchronously as possible. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 440
    Is for setting the channels to be read. Input is in the notation address.channel. Up to 8 channels can be defined by the 8 parameter indices. The data in these channels are transferred via connectors K7001 — K7016 or KK7031-KK7045. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 441
    (MASTERDRIVES MC). Parameter values: • x0xx: Bus cycle time corresponding to the calculated number of telegrams (normal operation) • x1xx: Exact adherence to the set bus cycle time Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 442
    Bit = 0 indicates that the SIMOLINK ring is physically closed. ♦ B0043: Drive synchr. (only MC) Bit = 1 indicates whether the CU is synchronized to the SIMOLINK BUS. Corresponds to the inverse of alarm A003. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 443
    Should be 0 for active synchronization (MASTERDRIVES MC only). r748.15: Bus cycle time implemented in 10 µs. r748.16: Bus cycle time transmitted during initialization from the master/dispatcher in 10µs. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 444
    -fold quantity of 4 T . At a pulse frequency of P340 = 5.0 kHz the resulting bus cycle time P746 is at least 0.80 ms (4 * 200 µs). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 445
    The slowest time slot n to be synchronized is entered here. This function will not work unless parameter P753 is connected correctly. Connectors: K260: Time counter (dispatcher only) This connector contains additional time slot information from the dispatcher. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 446
    SLB ring. The synchronization source is selected according to the following scheme: 744.1 744.2 SLB1 (lower slot) active SLB2 (higher slot) active CBP active 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 447
    Changeover during operation must be explicitly enabled by the user (P755). In addition, changeover during operation is prevented if synchronization to the previously passive SIMOLINK is not possible because different bus cycle times (P746) have been selected. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 448
    Parameterization: P756 Src.SLB special data: (dispatcher only) Used to specify the double connectors to be transmitted as special data. KK7131 to KK7137: These connectors indicate the special data received. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 449
    Slave drive 2 ZW_2 Slave drive 3 ZW_3 Table 8.3-3 Transmitting and receiving control/status words between master and slave drives ♦ Drive 2 and 3, slave drives with integrated position control Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 450
    • Current control in time slot T • Speed control from V1.30 in time slot T = 2 T from V2.00 in time slot T • Position control in time slot 4 T 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 451
    STW_2 STW_3 Telegram STW_2 STW = control word 8 channels 32 bit each Channel number SIMOLINK SLB in master drive (dispatcher) Address Fig. 8.3-9 Master drive 1, writing data Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 452
    ZW_2 Telegram ZW_2 ZW = status word 8 channels 32 bit each Channel number SIMOLINK SLB in slave drive 2 (Transceiver) Address Fig. 8.3-11 Slave drive 2, writing data 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    32 bit data back to the master by overwriting received telegrams with the dispatch information. This is the typical structure of data exchange according to the master/slave principle. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 8.3-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    MASTERDRIVES MC/VC basic unit. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 8.3-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    3689 «PROFIBUS profile for variable speed drives» has not yet been defined. The specifications of the «PROFIBUS profile for variable speed drives» are therefore used for the net data. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-1 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 457
    (Trailer) (Header) identifier Process data (PZD) words 13…16 PKW: Parameter ID word PZD: Process data Fig. 8.4-2 Structure of the net data in the telegrams of the CAN protocol 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-2 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 458
    Diagnostic LEDs quickly provide the user with information on the current status of the CBC. Detailed diagnostic information can be directly read out of the diagnostics memory of the CBC by means of a diagnostic parameter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-3 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 459
    Due to the DC link capacitors, hazardous voltages are still present in the converter up to 5 minutes after it has been disconnected from the power supply. Before opening the converter, wait until the capacitors have completely discharged. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-4 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Adaption board Mounting pos. 1 Mounting pos. 3 bottom Mounting pos. 2 Fig. 8.4-5 Adaptation board with optional boards and position of the slots for Compact units and chassis-type units Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-5 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The adapter board with optional board can be mounted in 1.B2 and/or 1.B3 in the electronics box. Fig. 8.4-6 Electronics box with free slots (+1.B2 and +1.B3) and adapter board with 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-6 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Due to the DC link capacitors, hazardous voltages are still present in the converter up to 5 minutes after it has been disconnected from the power supply. Before opening the converter, wait until the capacitors have completely discharged. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-7 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    8.4.3 Connecting DANGER The SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES are operated with high voltages. Any work on the unit may only be carried out by qualified personnel. If this warning is ignored, serious bodily injury or considerable damage to property can occur as a consequence.
  • Page 464
    The bus cable must have at least four cores, stranded in pairs, with a wave resistance of 120 ohms, e.g. the PYCYM wiring cable from SIEMENS. Order No.: 5DV5 002 PYCYM 2 x 2 x 0.6 As a plug, the Sub-D connector SBM 383 from SIEMENS is recommended: Connector components Order No.
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    The same applies to the shield of the bus cable between the CAN bus master and the converter. If bus and power cables intersect, they must do so at an angle of 90 °. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Slot A X101 Slot B X103 Slot C Shield connection Shield connection for Shield connecting points for motor cable control cables Fig. 8.4-10 Position of the shield connecting points Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ Lay power cables and signal cables in separate cable ducts. ♦ Attach shields through a large surface area. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    S1.1 at one node in order to connect the bus to ground. The switch for ground connection is located on the optional board behind connector X458. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    CAN_GND (3,6) X458 / X459 S1.1 Interface ground, high-ohm or earth-bound to PE Equipotential bonding between all nodes by means of earthing cable Fig. 8.4-12 Function of jumper strip S1 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Put on shield! T-Connector T-Connector Put shield on converter housing or connector housing! Fig. 8.4-14 Bus connection not interrupted when connector X458 is pulled out Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    In contrast to this, the process data area for MASTERDRIVES consists of 16 words, i.e. a total of 4 data telegrams are needed to transfer all possible process data. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 472
    The meaning of the task ID for the task telegram (master → converter) is shown in Table 8.4-5. It corresponds to the specifications in the «PROFIBUS profile for variable-speed drives». Task IDs 10 to 15 are specific to SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES and are not defined in the PROFIBUS profile. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-17…
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    Table 8.4-6. This also corresponds to the specifications in the «PROFIBUS profile for variable-speed drives». Reply IDs 11 to 15 are specific to SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES and are not defined in the PROFIBUS profile. If the reply ID has the value 7 (task cannot be executed), an error number is placed in parameter value 1 (PWE1).
  • Page 474
    Value = 12 (= «C» Hex); change parameter value (array, word) and store in the EEPROM Bits 0 to 11: Value = 554 (= «22A» Hex); parameter number without a set parameter change report bit Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    (even though it is within the limits). Table 8.4-7 Error numbers in the case of reply «Task cannot be executed» (converter parameter) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HEX value Bits 8 to 15: Bit 15 parameter page selection bit Bits 0 to 7: Index or number of the descriptive element Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    (P918 «CB bus address») and the basic identifier value (P711 / P696 «CB parameter 1»). NOTE A parameter on a gray background is only valid for MASTERDRIVES with CU1, CU2 or CU3. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    1. P711 / P696 = 1000 (PKW basic identifier) 2. P918 = 1 (node address) → PKW task ID = 1002 PKW reply ID = 1003 and so on. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    The process-data connection as described here does not apply if a technology board has been mounted. If a technology board (e.g. T300, T100) is used, the process-data connection is indicated the technology board manual. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    HIW: Main actual value ZSW: Status word Table 8.4-8 Permanently specified assignments and connectors NOTE A parameter on a gray background is only valid for MASTERDRIVES with CU1, CU2 or CU3. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 481
    (value in 712 / P697) + (value in P918)*4 + 2 CAN identifier for the 4th PZD-receive CAN telegram (words 13 to 16): (value in 712 / P697) + (value in P918)*4 + 3 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 482
    (value in P713 / P698) + (value in P918)*4 + 2 CAN identifier for the 4th PZD-send CAN telegram (words 13 to 16): (value in P713 / P698) + (value in P918)*4 + 3 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 483
    (words 9 to 12): (value in P716 / P701) + 2 ♦ CAN identifier for the 4th PZD-receive-broadcast CAN telegram (words 13 to 16): (value in P716 / P701) + 3 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 484
    (words 9 to 12): (value in P718 / P703) + 2 ♦ CAN identifier for the 4th PZD-receive-cross CAN telegram (words 13 to 16): (value in P718 / P703) + 3 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 485
    1, PZD-receive multicast 1 and PZD-receive cross 1 is always interpreted in the converter as the same control word 1. The best way of combining these possibilities depends on the concrete application. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 486
    Please note the basic parameter differences (described below) to units with the old function classes FC (CU1), VC (CU2) and SC (CU3). These parameter numbers are printed on a dark gray background for purposes of distinction. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 487
    (0 = deactivated) Parameterization enable CBC P053 = x Function selection «drive setting» P060 = 5 Fig. 8.4-16 Parameterization of the «hardware configuration» for MASTERDRIVES with CUPM, CUMC or CUVC 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 488
    For setting the telegram failure time in ms(0 = deactivated) P053 = x Paramization enable CBC P052 = 5 Function selection «drive setting» Fig. 8.4-17 Parameterization of the «hardware configuration» for MASTERDRIVES with CU1, CU2 or CU3 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 489
    CAN bus. You can thus parameterize the CAN-bus interface away from the converter. In this case, the CBC ceases communication via the bus and neither receives nor sends CAN data telegrams. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 490
    The basic identifier for parameterization in P711 / P696 is set to 1500. The node address in P918 is 50. The CAN identifier is thus 1500 + 50*2 = 1600 for a PKW task and 1601 for a PKW reply. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    P918 is 50. This results in a CAN identifier of 500 + 50*4 = 700 for the first CAN data telegram of PZD receive. The further CAN data telegrams for PZD receive have CAN identifiers 701 to 703. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 492
    P918 is 50. This results in a CAN identifier of 200 + 50*4 = 400 for the first CAN data telegram of PZD-send. The further CAN data telegrams for PZD-send have CAN identifiers 401 to 403. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-37 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 493
    65535: Actual values are sent if the values have changed (event) or on request (remote transmission requests). This function should only be used if the values to be transferred only rarely change because, otherwise, the bus load becomes very high. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 494
    This results in a CAN identifier of 100 for the first CAN data telegram of PZD- receive broadcast. The further CAN data telegrams for PZD-receive broadcast have CAN identifiers 101 to 103. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 495
    CAN identifier of 50 for the first CAN data telegram of PZD- receive multicast. The further CAD data telegrams for PZD-receive multicast have CAN identifiers 51 to 53. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 496
    700. This results in a CAN identifier of 700 for the first CAN data telegram of PZD-receive cross. The further CAN data telegrams have CAN identifiers 701 to 703, i.e. the data telegram 701 results in setpoint 5 to setpoint 8. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 497
    «hardware configuration» is left. After acknowledgement of the error, you are in the «hardware configuration» status again and can correct the incorrect parameterization. Parameter value 1000 Baud rate [kBit/s] 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 498
    P706 (CB parameter 11) Special CAN bus settings This parameter is only present in MASTERDRIVES units from the following software versions onwards: MASTERDRIVES Software version ≥ SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES MC ≥ SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES FC ≥ SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES VC ≥ SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES SC ≥…
  • Page 499
    Changing parameters or specifying process data via the CAN bus is not yet possible after this step. Parameterization must first be enabled and the process data still have to be softwired in the converter. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-44 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 500
    See section Softwire reply channel: «Process-data softwiring status words, actual-value channel» actual values See section Further relevant «Further relevant CBC CBC parameters parameters» Fig. 8.4-18 Procedure for altering process data Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-45 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 501
    CAN-Bus P734.16 PZD4 P734.4 PZD5 P734.5 Statuses PZD6 P734..6 actual values PZD16 P734.16 SIMOVERT MASTER DRIVES Fig. 8.4-19 Example of process-data connection for function classes CUPM, CUMC and CUVC 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-46 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 502
    CAN-Bus P694.16 PZD4 P694.4 PZD5 P694.5 Statuses PZD6 P694..6 actual values PZD16 P694.16 SIMOVERT MASTER DRIVES Fig. 8.4-20 Example of process-data interconnection for function classes CU1, CU2 or CU3 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-47 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 503
    NOTE Process-data connection (softwiring) of the setpoint channel can also be carried out via the CAN bus as long as P053 has previously been set to an odd number. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-48 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 504
    If the main actual value is sendted as a 32-bit value, it is assigned to PZD2 and PZD3. The meaning of the status-word bits can be found in the operating instructions of the converter in the section «Start-up aids». Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-49 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 505
    VC (CU 2) or SC (CU 3) NOTE If actual values are sent as a 32-bit datum, you must enter the associated connector number at two consecutive words (indices). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-50 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 506
    This makes it possible to react flexibly to a bus failure. With the help of binector B0035 «CB/TB telegram failure», the drive can be shut down (OFF1 or OFF3) by making the fault delay longer than the ramp-down time. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-51 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 507
    Fault display for CBC faults Status Diagnostic information Flashing CBC is waiting for the start Yellow of parameterization by the Green Continuously lit converter / inverter Table 8.4-11 Fault display during parameterization 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-52 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 508
    During normal operation, all three LEDs light up synchronously and for the same length of time (flashing)! The stationary status of an LED (on or off) indicates an unusual operating status (parameterization phase or fault)! Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-53 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 509
    Check cable shield. The bus cable must be shielded on both sides. → Lower the EMC loading → Replace CBC board • Possible cause → Remedy Table 8.4-14 Alarm displays on the basic unit 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-54 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 510
    LED on the CBC flashes) → Increase the parameter value in P722 / P695 • CBC defective → Replace CBC • Possible cause → Remedy Table 8.4-15 Fault displays on the basic unit Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-55 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 511
    Assigned internally r731.25 r732.25 Software version r731.26 r732.26 Software identification r731.27 r732.27 Software date, day/month r731.28 r732.28 Software date, year r731.29 r732.29 Table 8.4-16 CBC diagnostics buffer 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-56 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 512
    Overlapping of CAN identifier PKW <-> PZD-receive cross Overlapping of CAN identifier PKW-broadcast <-> PZD-receive Overlapping of CAN identifier PKW-broadcast <-> PZD-send Overlapping of CAN identifier PKW-broadcast <-> PZD-receive broadcast Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-57 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 513
    Counter for errors during sending of PZD telegrams, i.e. when a PZD telegram was to be sent but it was not possible, e.g. in the case of bus overload. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-58 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Software identifier r731.28 Software date Software date, day (high byte) and month (low byte) shown in hexadecimal form r731.29 Software date Software date, year (shown in hexadecimal form) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.4-59 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 515
    95 % during transport and storage ≤ 85 % during operation (moisture condensation not permissible) 5 V ± 5 %, max. 500 mA, internally from the basic unit Supply voltage 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.4-60 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 516
    ♦ Profile Position mode (B-pos positioning) ♦ Homing mode ♦ Profile Torque mode ♦ Setup mode Parameters must be assigned in the MASTERDRIVES system before the individual CANopen modes can be used. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-1 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 517
    PDO tables (Subsection In Homing mode with the MC but without technology option F01, only homing methods 17-35 are available and referencing (homing) without the technology option is less accurate. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-2 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 518
    ♦ PLCs [CiA DSP 405] ♦ encoders [CiA DSP 406] are defined in so-called «device profiles». The device profiles specify the functionality of standard equipment of the relevant type. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-3 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 519
    CAN message identifiers can be assigned to PDOs and SDOs through the direct entry of identifiers in the data structures of the object directory or, for simple system structures, through the use of predefined identifiers. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-4 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 520
    100Eh Node Guarding Node guarding identifier Identifier 100Fh Number of SDOs Number of implemented SDO supported channels 1014h COB-ID Emergency EMERGENCY message Message identifier Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-5 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 521
    R_PDO list 1800h- Transmit PDO Setting parameters for 1803h Communication transmit PDOs Parameters Number of entries Number of subindices COB-ID PDO PDO identifier Transmission type Setting parameters for transmission mode 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-6 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 522
    Reference speed before the P353.01 before the decimal decimal point point Reference speed after Reference speed after the P353.02 the decimal point decimal point Norm maximum Rated acceleration U857 deceleration Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-7 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 523
    Free 16-bit object for K3008 10 11 receiving in PDO 2,3,4 K3012 K3016 3011h Free object 3011h / 16 Free 16-bit object for K3006 receiving in PDO 2,3,4 K3010 K3014 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-8 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 524
    Free object 3028h / 32 Free 32-bit object for K3036 receiving in PDO 2,3,4 K3040 K3044 3029h Free object 3029h / 32 Free 32-bit object for K3035 receiving in PDO 2,3,4 K3039 K3043 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-9 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 525
    Free object 310Fh / 16 Free 16-bit object for sending P734.06 in PDO 2,3,4 P734.10 P734.14 3110h Free object 3110h / 16 Free 16-bit object for sending P734.07 in PDO 2,3,4 P734.11 P734.15 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 526
    Free object 3128h / 32 Free 32-bit object for sending P734.05/.06 in PDO 2,3,4 P734.09/.10 P734.13/.14 3129h Free object 3129h / 32 Free 32-bit object for sending P734.07/.08 in PDO 2,3,4 P734.11/.12 P734.15/.16 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 527
    The connection is 1:1 to the technology status word 5001h- Parameters of Objects for reading and 5FFFh connected device writing all parameters of the Subsection connected device 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 528
    6077h torque_actual_value Actual torque r007 K0241 6078h current_actual_value Actual current r004 607Ah target_position Target position U015 KK3033 U874.01 KK3035 KK3039 KK3043 607Ch home offset Reference point offset U501.04 U502 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 529
    P734.5/6… 60FEh Digital_outputs Digital outputs K3033… 60FFh target_velocity Target velocity U018 KK3035.. 6502h supported drive modes Implemented traversing operating modes 67FFh single device type Type of part of equipment 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 530
    P719 Object connector or parameter available only when device code 0 is entered Value is calculated as a function of the node address and stored on the CBC. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 531
    Drive Setting [5] . P060 Set P060 to 1 (exit Board configuration or Drive Setting), see Chapter 13 Assign other parameters via CAN bus Parameter assignments, see Subsection 8.5.10 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 532
    SDO tasks from the CAN bus master. P060 (menu selection) P60 = 4 Select «Board configuration» function P60 = 5 Select «Board configuration and drive setting» function Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 533
    , consisting of a high part (transmission type) and a low part (PDO No.) must be converted to a decimal number. High byte (transmission type) Low byte (PDO number) Decimal value Hex value Param. value 279 (117 hex) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 534
    , consisting of a high part (transmission type) and a low part (PDO No.) must be converted to a decimal number. High byte (transmission type) Low byte (PDO number) Decimal value Hex value Param. value 65308 (FF1C hex) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 535 Once you have acknowledged the error, the system returns to the «Board configuration» state where you can correct the faulty parameter assignment. The settings are the same as in parameter P712. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 536
    (transmission type) and a low part (PDO No.) must be converted to a decimal number. High byte (transmission type) Low byte (PDO number) Decimal value Hex value Param. Value 257 (101 hex) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 537
    , consisting of a high part (transmission type) and a low part (PDO No.) must be converted to a decimal number. High byte (transmission type) Low byte (PDO number) Decimal value Hex value Param. Value 65308 (FF1C hex) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 538 Once you have acknowledged the error, the system returns to the «Board configuration» state where you can correct the faulty parameter assignment. The settings are the same as in parameter P716. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 539
    If life guarding is activated, you can configure the drive reaction to this type of event. The following table lists the options that must be entered in bits 12-15. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 540
    Bit 12-15 (device Bit 8-11 Bit 0-7 (device behavior) (communication identifier) behavior) Decimal value Hex value Param. value 4545 (11C1 hex) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 541
    It can be addressed directly under node ID 3. NOTE After the basic parameters have been set as specified in the flowchart at the beginning of this section, other parameters can be set via the CAN bus. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 542
    The drive automatically switches to the initialization state at Power ON Initialisation finished – enter PRE-OPERATIONAL automatically (3), (6) Start_Remote_Node indication (4), (7) Enter_PRE-OPERATIONAL_State indication (5), (8) Stop_Remote_Node indication (9), (10), (11) Reset_Node indication (12), (13), (14) Reset_Communication indication Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 543
    After initialization, the drive returns to the pre-operational state again (does not apply to general CANopen device). INITIALIZING PRE-OPERATIONAL OPERATIONAL STOPPED Synchronization Object Emergency Object Boot-Up Object Network Management Object 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 544
    P212 (Src Ctrl Setp). All objects that cannot be transferred as PDOs according to the table are MASTERDRIVES parameters that can only be transmitted as SDOs. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 545
    «ready to start» state during operation via the CAN bus, an SDO abort is returned in response to the SDO task. The different SDO aborts are described in the following table. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 546
    (107) Text cannot be modified VAL_RANGE_EXC 0x06090030 Response identifier Parameter limits exceeded (7) Task cannot be executed (with error number) Error number (2) Lower or upper value limit exceeded Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 547
    SDO parameter too high Data type does not 0x06070013 Attempt to write an excessively match, length of service low value to an SDO parameter too low 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 548
    Access to a non-existent MASTERDRIVES (0) Illegal parameter number parameter General parameter 0x06040043 Response identifier incompatibility reason (7) Task cannot be executed Error number (104) Illegal parameter value MASTERDRIVES-specific Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 549
    If an object is written to two PDOs, as described above, the object value is transferred to the receive word mapped to the parameter with the lower number. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 550
    3001h 16 Bit 6040h Controlword K3001 200h+NodeID 711/712/713/714 3001h Free object K3003 3001h/16 Bit Free object 3002h K3004 3002h/16 Bit 6040h Controlword K3001 200h+NodeID 711/712/713/714 3020h Free object K3033 3020h/32 Bit Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 551
    500h+NodeID 3005h Free object K3007/K3011/ 3005h/16 Bit K3015 607Ah Target_position K3035/K3039/ 300h+NodeID K3043 400h+NodeID 500h+NodeID 3005h Free object K3007/K3011/ 3005h/16 Bit K3015 Free object K3008/K3012/ 3006h 3006h/16 Bit K3016 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 552
    K3006/K3010/ 300Ah 300Ah/16 Bit K3014 3009h Free object K3005/K3009/ 300h+NodeID 3009h/16 Bit K3013 400h+NodeID 500h+NodeID Free object K3006/K3010/ 300Ah 300Ah/16 Bit K3014 Free object K3007/K3011/ 300Bh 300Bh/16 Bit K3015 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-37 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 553
    Free object K3006/K3010/ 300Eh/16 Bit K3014 300Dh Free object K3005/K3009/ 300h+NodeID 300Dh/16 Bit K3013 400h+NodeID 500h+NodeID 300Eh Free object K3006/K3010/ 300Eh/16 Bit K3014 300Fh Free object K3007/K3011/ 300Fh/16 Bit K3015 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 554
    3011h 16 Bit K3014 6071h Target torque K3005/ K3009/ 300h+NodeID K3013 400h+NodeID 500h+NodeID 3011h Free object K3006/ K3010/ 3011h 16 Bit K3014 3012h Free object K3007/ K3011/ 3012h 16 Bit K3015 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 555
    Free object K3005/K3009/ 300h+NodeID 3015h/16 Bit K3013 400h+NodeID 500h+NodeID 3016h Free object K3006/K3010/ 3016h/16 Bit K3014 3017h Free object K3007/K3011/ 3017h/16 Bit K3015 3018h Free object K3008/K3012/ 3018h/16 Bit K3016 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 556
    180h+NodeID 715/716/717/ 718 3101h Free object P734.03 3107h 16 Bit 6041h Statusword P734.01 180h+NodeID 715/716/717/ 718 6061h Modes of operation P734.02 display 3101h Free object P734.03 3107h 16 Bit 5-20 Reserve Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 557
    280h+NodeID P734.09/.10 380h+NodeID P734.13/.14 480h+NodeID 3105h Free object 3105h16 P734.07 P734.11 P734.15 6064h Position actual value P734.05/.06 280h+NodeID P734.09/.10 380h+NodeID P734.13/.14 480h+NodeID 6C01h Read Analog Input P734.07 P734.11 P734.15 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 558
    Free object P734.07 3109h 16 Bit P734.11 P734.15 310Ah Free object P734.08 310Ah 16 Bit P734.12 P734.16 3123h Free object P734.05/.06 280h+NodeID 3123h 32 Bit P734.09/.10 380h+NodeID P734.13/.14 480h+NodeID Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 559
    P734.13 480h+NodeID 310Ch Free object P734.06 310Ch 16 Bit P734.10 P734.14 310Dh Free object P734.07 310Dh 16 Bit P734.11 P734.15 310Eh Free object P734.08 310Eh 16 Bit P734.12 P734.16 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-44 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 560
    P734.14 6077h Torque actual value P734.5 280h+NodeID P734.9 380h+NodeID P734.13 480h+NodeID 310Fh Free object P734.6 310F 16 Bit P734.10 P734.14 3110h Free object P734.7 3110 16 Bit P734.11 P734.15 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-45 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 561
    Free object P734.05 280h+NodeID 3112h 16 Bit P734.09 380h+NodeID P734.13 480h+NodeID 3113h Free object P734.06 3113h 16 Bit P734.10 P734.14 3114h Free object P734.07 3114h 16 Bit P734.11 P734.15 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-46 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 562
    PDO can be selected only when device codes 93 and 94 are entered in parameter P719 PDO can be selected only when device code 0 is entered in parameter P719 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-47 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 563
    Parameter identifier (PKE) Byte 1 Byte 0 Bit No.: 15 word: Parameter index (IND) Byte 3 Byte 2 Bit No.: 15 Value = 0x0 or 0x80 Index 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-48 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 564
    Byte 3 Byte 2 Bit No.: 0 or 8 Value = 0 Index Response identifier SPM: Toggle bit for parameter change report processing (not supported by CBC) PNU: Parameter number Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-49 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 565
    Task cannot be executed (with error number) No control command source status for PKW interface Reserved Reserved 1) The desired element of the parameter description is specified in IND (2 word) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-50 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 566
    2) This error number is transferred if no function is assigned in the device to the parameter to be passed or if it cannot currently be accepted for internal reasons (although it is within legal limits). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-51 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 567
    The value to be assigned to parameter P60 must now be entered in object 4001, subindex 2. This is 4 or 5 in this example. The converter should now be in state 4 (Board Configuration) or 5 (Drive Setting). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-52 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 568
    P366 (non-indexed, word). The restore default operation is finally initiated by overwriting parameter P970 (non-index, word) with 0. The CB parameters are not reset so as to avoid interruption in communication with the CANopen master. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-53 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 569
    Communication command from the CANopen master. Parameter 60 is set to 1 by the CBC after the Reset Communication. Parameter 918 then contains the new baud rate stored in the EEPROM. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-54 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 570
    In bytes 6 and 7, the error value for initialization error F151 or the identifier of the PDO with an insufficient number of databytes (A86) is displayed on MASTERDRIVES MC without F01. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-55 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 571
    F043 DSP coupling 6182 BICO Manager fault F044 BICO manager error 6183 Time slot overflow A001 Time slot overflow 6310 loss of parameters F038 Voltage OFF during parameter save 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-56 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 572
    Following in error in stand still A140 Following error at standstill 8611 Following error in motion A141 Following error in motion 8680 In position — timer monitoring A142 Position reached — time monitoring Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-57 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 573
    Set up velocity stage=0 FF28 Reference approach velocity A161 Homing approach velocity=0 FF29 Reference point reducing=0 A162 Homing creep velocity=0 FF30 MDI Block number not allowed A165 MDI travel block number illegal 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-58 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 574
    100Ch multiplied by the number in object 100Dh. When this time period has expired, the MASTERDRIVES switches to the state set in parameter P719, see Subsection Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-59 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 575
    Transition 8 is the only transition which is not available in MASTERDRIVES. It has been implemented by skipping the status change from Operation Enable to Switch On Disabled in transition 9. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-60 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 576
    (not in synchronous mode, automatic single block mode, automatic position mode) Reserved Reserved J-FWD reserved reserved reserved reserved J-FWD [D_FWD] [D_FWD] J-BWD reserved reserved reserved reserved J-BWD [D_BWD] [D_BWD] user specific user specific user specific Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-61 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 577
    Reserved reserved acknowledge attained mode active following error reserved homing error reserved Reserved reserved user specific user specific 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-62 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 578
    Quick stop active The white fields correspond to the bits in the CANopen specification status word. The gray fields correspond to the bits in the MASTERDRIVES status word. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-63 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 579
    On the general CANopen device, the data for free connection is transferred in the highest bits of connector 3002. The highest bits of parameter P734.02 are transferred with object 6061. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-64 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 580
    = 1 (FUR=1) on a rising edge. 6. The MASTERDRIVES resets bit setpoint_acknowledge (FUR=0) when the target position is reached (DRS=1). 7. The CANopen MASTER can now initiate a new positioning operation. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-65 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 581
    U868 and the position setpoint to U867. For an exact description of the connections of the CBC, please see Subsection 8.5.11. The required interconnections are contained in scriptfile MCEPOS. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-66 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 582
    In the case of shutdown, the MASTERDRIVES is shut down via OFF 1. The MC remains operative with a HALT command. The interrupted positioning task is resumed when the halt command is canceled. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-67 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 583
    The bit «target reached» is generated by a free block interconnection with a limit value monitor. An exact interconnection of free blocks for the message is described in the Appendix. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-68 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 584
    P205. The unit of length LU is specified by the position-feedback scaling factor. The actual values are returned in object 2200.01h depending on the normalization. The setpoint is wired to parameter P212 (source setpoint control). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-69 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 585
    Bit 12 Synchronous_mode_active is set in the status word as a checkback. NOTE For more detailed information about synchronous operation, see Chapter 9 «Technology Option F01». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-70 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 586
    Parameter P178 (Src Rough Pulse) is not assigned through the selection of a homing method, although this may need to be changed in some cases (see MASTERDRIVES Compendium Chapter 7 «Functions» and Chapter 9 «Technology Option F01»). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-71 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 587
    P183 are always set to zero. As a result, the count direction for position sensing cannot be inverted nor can a fractional actual value evaluation factor be used. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-72 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 588
    All available methods are described below. Any methods not described are not supported by the MASTERDRIVES. On a MASTERDRIVES MC without technology board, only the homing methods listed in the table above can be selected. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-73 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 589
    It retraces the deceleration path traveled as a result of the braking operation by executing a position-controlled return motion (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-74 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 590
    (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-75 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 591
    (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-76 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 592
    (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-77 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 593
    Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. The axis is positioned to the right of the Bero. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-78 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 594
    (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-79 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 595
    [MD6]. When it exits the Bero in the positive direction, it searches for the next zero pulse of the position encoder. When the zero pulse is found, the axis is braked to a standstill under 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-80 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 596
    (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-81 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 597
    Bero falling edge appears, the axis is decelerated to a standstill with the value from U006. It does not retrace the braking path traveled during the braking operation. It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-82 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 598
    Bero falling edge appears, the axis is decelerated to a standstill with the value from U006. It does not retrace the braking path traveled during the braking operation. It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-83 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 599
    (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-84 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 600
    Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Axis is positioned on the BERO installed as a homing switch. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-85 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 601
    U006. It does not retrace the braking path traveled during the braking operation. It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-86 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 602
    Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Axis is positioned on the Bero installed as a homing switch. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-87 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 603
    It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Axis is positioned to the left of the Bero. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-88 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 604
    Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Axis is positioned to the right of the Bero. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-89 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 605
    Bero falling edge appears, the axis is decelerated to a standstill with the value from U006. It does not retrace the braking path traveled during the braking operation. It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-90 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 606
    It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Axis is positioned on the Bero installed as a homing switch. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-91 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 607
    It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Axis is positioned to the right of the Bero. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-92 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 608
    «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Axis is positioned to the left of the Bero. The homing operation is started by bit 4 in the control word. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-93 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 609
    U006 (homing deceleration). It does not retrace the braking path traveled during the braking operation. It activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-94 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 610
    (positioning) towards the zero pulse. The axis then activates «Homing Attained» in the status word via bit ARFD. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-95 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 611
    1, i.e. 1000LU/min. Subindex 2 is not supported on MC without F01. For further details about objects, please refer to Profile DSP 402 or Chapters 7 «Functions» and 9 «Technology Option F01». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-96 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 612
    Object 607Dh defines the position of the positive and negative software limit switches in LU. On MCs without F01, object 6081h specifies the travel velocity in Setup mode and objects 6083h and 6084h sets the acceleration or deceleration. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-97 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 613
    6041h. For more detailed information about this mode, please refer to the MASTERDRIVES Motion Control compendium and the Motion Control for MASTERDRIVES MC manual. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-98 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 614
    Check the cable link between nodes. • Check the cable shield. The bus cable must be shielded at both ends. • Reduce electromagnetic interference. • Replace the CBC board. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-99 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 615
    A086 has been activated. The identifier to which the alarm applies is displayed in bytes 6 and 7 (fault value). The alarm will be canceled again when the next PDO is positively received. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-100 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 616
    → Observe EMC guidelines • Message monitoring time is set too short (green LED on CBC flashing) → Increase parameter value in P722 • CBC defective → Replace CBC Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-101 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 617
    ♦ Bit 3: U857 could not be read → Read out object 2200.04h with SDO task ♦ Bit 4: U007 could not be read → Read out object 6098h with SDO task 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-102 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 618
    732.23 Not used r 732.24 Not used r 732.25 Not used r 732.26 Software version r 732.27 Software identifier r 732.28 Software date ‘Day/Month’ r 732.29 Software date ‘Year’ Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-103 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 619
    Subsection r732.15 Counter for errors in processing PKW tasks (incl. response) since power ON. CAUTION The errors that occur in processing SDO tasks are not counted! 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-104 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 620
    Meaning PKW- Task identifier and parameter index of transmitted PKE/IND parameter task Error value for a PKW response with response identifier 7 or 8: See Subsection, Parameter Download. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-105 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 621
    This means that these objects need to be transferred to the DCF. The three thousand objects that are not mapped to a PDO must not be transferred to the DCF. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-106 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 622
    MASTERDRIVES MC_F01 and MASTERDRIVES MC_B-Pos. You must adapt these scriptfiles to suit your application. The CB parameters, receive connectors, send parameters and connectors must be «wired up» to suit your application. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-107 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 623
    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 8.5.11 Logical interconnections for control and status words 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-108 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-109 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-110 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-111 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-112 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-113 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-114 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-115 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    General plans of interconnections in MASTERDRIVES MC • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-116 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-117 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-118 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-119 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-120 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-121 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-122 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-123 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-124 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-125 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-126 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-127 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-128 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-129 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-130 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    02.2004 Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-131 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    Communication / CBC CANopen Communication Board 02.2004 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) Siemens AG 8.5-132 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
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    Receive Process Data Object Service Data Object Toggle bit for parameter change report (not supported by the CBC) Setup Mode Task Identifier T_PDO Transmit Process Data Object Uxxx.xx Parameter above 2000 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AD) 8.5-133 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 649
    — Part 3: User Interfaces — Motion Control HMI Package (GMC-OP-AM standard software with standard screens for OP25, OP27, OP37, TP37, etc.) Fig. 9-1 Overview of the documentation for technology option F01 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 650
    F01 (see the «References, software products and accessories» section). • The symbol refers to further information in other main chapters of the Compendium and other documents. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 651
    ♦ Linear axis (with fixed stops and a maximum traversing range of 1000 m with a resolution of 1 µm); software limit switches are evaluated. A transfer carriage is an example of a linear axis: Fig. 9-2 Linear axis Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 652
    ♦ The wear on the mechanical equipment is low, even if the full dynamic response is utilized, thanks to the position ramp-function generator with its flexible jerk limitation and acceleration adjustment. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 653
    • Programmable zero offset, tool offset and backlash compensation • G function acceleration control • Set actual value on-the-fly • Start command, block change and read-in enable definable via field bus or digital inputs Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 654
    N25 X 0 F1500 D0: Block no. 25: return to initial position N10 N15 N20 0 and deselect tool offset (D0) 2000 1000 t [s] 1500 Fig. 9-5 Example of an automatic program 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 655
    • Table change on-the-fly possible during operation • The table is scalable in the X and Y directions, and has an integrated gearbox Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 656
    The exact gear factor is defined as a [835] fraction with numerator and denominator (16 bits each). The electronic gearbox can be used with all encoders mounted on Siemens motors, including absolute encoders and encoders with SSI-standard protocols. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG)
  • Page 657
    These parameter settings can naturally also be configured via PROFIBUS-DP, and the cam can therefore be modified in a matter of seconds. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 658
    Fig. 9-7 Application example of engaging/disengaging cycle for removal of reject products in a packaging machine 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 659
    [841] synchronization. The speed and acceleration of the compensation movement required for this are adjustable. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    ♦ Shaftless printing presses ♦ Packaging and bottling machines ♦ Shuttle looms and other textiles machinery ♦ Gantry systems ♦ Conveyor systems 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 661
    (U155.2, U161.2, U436.6). If the axis cycle is equal to zero (factory setting), the cam controllers behave as previously. If the axis cycle is not equal to zero, all entered and calculated positions are mapped Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 662
    SIMATIC S7 FM 352 module («FM cam») or technology board T400. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 663
    • Input of machine data and cam tables • Diagnostic screens with definition/display of control and checkback signals You will find further information in the section entitled «Communication with the technology». Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 664
    See the section entitled «Technology overview and mode manager» and [802]. The following sections provide you with a brief introduction to the technology with reference to the relevant pages of the function diagram. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 665
    V1.2 not yet released as motor encoder for positioning and synchronization) → Sensor board: SBP ♦ Multiturn absolute encoder [260], e.g. EQN 1325, EQI 1325 → Sensor board: SBM2 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 666
    4096 revolutions) in addition to the position within one revolution, and they store this value when the power supply is switched off. Referencing is therefore not necessary with a multiturn encoder. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 667
    P130 be changed for multi-pole resolvers. Select Motor Encoder Meaning Par. Value 2-pole resolver as motor encoder P130 Resolver with motor pole pair number as motor P130 encoder Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 668
    The alignment of the resolver is performed at the factory and must not be modified. If you use a third-party motor with a different alignment specification to a SIEMENS motor, the displacement angle can be corrected with parameter P132.
  • Page 669
    The resolution of the encoder must be stored in parameter P136. The Number of lines resolution is entered in increments per revolution. The input is P136 graduated as 2P136. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 670
    Cable length synchronous protocol. Communication takes place according to the P149.01, P149.07 master (converter)/slave principle. The cable length is limited by the transmission times from converter to encoder and back. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 671
    Recommended coded rotary encoders: Coded Rotary Encoder Name Res./ Rev. Rev. Protocol Multiturn EQN 1325 8192 4096 EnDat Standard ECN1 313 8192 EnDat Singleturn EQI 1325 4096 EnDat Multiturn Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 672
    Singleturn SSI 25 8192 4096 SSI 21 8192 SSI 13 8192 Singleturn EnDat auto auto EQI1325 4096 EQN1125 8192 4096 ECN1113 8192 Singleturn ROQ 424 SSI 4096 4096 Multiturn 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 673
    2 3 = 8 P148.7 steps for SSI motor encoder Ratio between signal periods and measuring 2 3 = 8 P148.8 steps for SSI technology encoder Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 674
    External machine encoder, hundreds digit = 0: Encoder without incremental signals, position sensing by the serial protocol External machine encoder, hundreds digit = 1: With the incremental position sensing being checked by the serial protocol 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 675
    The serial protocol can only achieve very low sampling rates and is thus not suitable at present for motor control. The standard encoder is the Heidenhain EQN1325 with the EnDat protocol. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 676
    (Basic) distance of reference marker Position of first reference marker Measuring step/measuring steps/rev. for 4 — 6 protocol Zero offset of measuring system 6 — 7 manufacturer Identification number 8 — A 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 677
    P146.1 position is not otherwise allowed to be displaced in case of damage to the control system. P146.1 Zero Offset Thousands, Hundreds, Tens, Ones Zero offset in revolutions (decimal) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 678
    → this yields 2 to the power of (number of lines + 2) increments per revolution. 11+2 inc / rev = 8192 inc / rev 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 679
    The fine offset within one revolution can be set with parameter P184 [330.7]. If the technology is used, the fine offset must be defined in machine data MD10 [815.4]. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 680
    TTL/RS422 encoders are plotted against the pulse frequency: 300m 150m 150m 100m Cable length for pulse encoders with TTL/RS422 signals Pulse frequency [kHz] Fig. 9-13 Maximum cable lengths for pulse encoders with TTL/RS422 signals 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 681
    Example for a pulse encoder with 2048 pulses per revolution: Select Motor Encoder Par. Number of Increments/ Revolution Lines 8192 Pulses per revolution for P151.1 2048 motor encoder Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 682
    (the sensor board is supplied with the switches closed), while switch 4 deactivates the power supply in the closed state (the sensor board is supplied with the switch open). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 683
    (terminals X101.6 and X101.7). Printing index signals from optical sensors or other synchronization signals can be connected to the digital inputs. This measured position is processed subsequently on the technology [815 and 836]. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 684
    The position sensing system thus detects the absolute position within one revolution of the motor. If a multiturn encoder is used, the number of revolutions is also detected. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 685
    The actual value weighting factor (AVWF) must therefore be specified as a fraction for rotary axes if it cannot be represented by 8 decimal places. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-37 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 686
    Gearbox i = 1:10 Motor Fig. 9-14 After the AVWF factor has been charnged, the converter has to be re- CAUTION initialized (switch the unit off and on again). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 687
    A rotary axis is driven via a gear unit with a gear ratio of 1:3. The actual position sensing function is parameterized such that 2 increments correspond to one motor revolution. One revolution on the load side must equal 360000LU. 360000 360000 AVWF 196608 ⋅ Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 688
    Absolute position in KK120 Actual position with clockwise motion Actual position with counterclockwise motion for absolute encoder Position Actual position with counterclockwise motion for resolver, encoder and pulse encoder Fig. 9-15 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 689
    The position correction value can be positive or negative. The time chart below illustrates the signal sequence during position correction. Position correction ∆ Actual position ∆ Subtract position correction Fig. 9-16 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 690
    When using homing mode in technology option F01 or in SIMATIC M7, NOTE the machine data MD5 setting must be identical to P183 [821.3]. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 691
    The time chart below illustrates the sequence. Home position detection (made up of coarse and fine pulses) Enable homing Actual position Home position detected checkback signal Home position Fig. 9-17 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 692
    (BERO) direction (direction B → A). BERO- Traversing direction range Rough pulse Position Rotor position Position Home position Rotor position in KK90 200% Position -200% Fig. 9-19 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-44 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 693
    The rotor zero position can be monitored in KK090 (e.g. using display parameter r033.1, if P032.1 = 90 is set [30.2]). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-45 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 694
    P188 = -200 % — r189 Example: r189 = -80 % P188 = -200 % — (-80 %) = -120 % Negative, <-100 % No correction necessary The graphic below illustrates the procedure. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-46 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 695
    Rotor position Rotor position Displacement of rotor position 200% Rotor position offset in K090 to optimum position P188=180% 100% -100% Measured value at r189 = 20% -200% Fig. 9-21 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-47 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 696
    Mechanical gearing is usually located between the motor and the load for speed adjustment. Depending on the gear ratio, an offset between the zero position of the load and the motor occurs on every encoder overflow. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-48 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 697
    (U795.01) gives the number of gear teeth on the motor side, and U810.02 (U795.02) the number of gear teeth of the load side. It is important to give the numbers of gear teeth, not the circumferences. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-49 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 698
    The function is shown on function diagram 333. The FD333 and FD327 function blocks differ only in terms of the inclusion of parameter P116 (gear unit encoder-motor) in the position tracking block for motor encoders. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-50 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 699
    «Position tracking for external encoder» (function diagram 333) blocks are released only for EQN1325 encoders with 2048 lines. With software version 2.30 and higher, all parameters available for selection in parameter P147.1 or P147.02 can be used. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-51 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 700
    The linear axis is traversed to the end stop, so that the smallest possible position actual value results. The overflow counter is then set to zero via U812 (U797) and the converter is switched off and on again. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-52 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 701
    Please note that the entire position with fine resolution must still fit in a 32-bit number! (example: multiturn encoder EQN1325: Revolutions 12 bits + increments 13 bits + fine resolution 7 bits = 32 bits). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-53 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 702
    The following setting rule applies for P771: ⎛ ⎞ Scanning time prior ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⋅ ⋅ P205 [1000 LU/min] position setpoint detection [ms] ⎝ ⎠ P771 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-54 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 703
    The graphic below illustrates the response of the interpolator: P770 = -2 Position setpoint Position ∆-max setpoint before P771 interpolation Position setpoint after interpolation Fig. 9-22 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-55 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 704
    V = 3000 rev / min 300 mm V = 282743 This rated velocity must be entered in P205 and must also be entered in MD23 [804] if the technology option is used. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-56 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 705
    As you can see in the graphic below, 7 modes are available for selection: positioning modes 1 to 6 and synchronization mode 11. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-57 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 706
    Used to define and execute an NC data block for a point-to-point positioning operation Control Speed-controlled mode Automatic Automatic execution of NC programs Automatic single-block Block-by-block execution of NC programs for test purposes, etc. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-58 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 707
    MASTERDRIVES parameter display. In manual /1/, however, the machine data are presented in the format used in the OP screens (see also /2/, i.e. occasionally with decimal points). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-59 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 708
    Function Description in manual /1/. See also the section below entitled «Procedure for using the GMC-BASIC S7 software» in «Commissioning the technology» and the section entitled «Communication with the technology». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-60 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 709
    B351…B361 can be wired in any configuration using BICO technology. The positioning status signals are described in detail in the «Control and checkback signals» chapter of the Function Description in manual /1/. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-61 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 710
    Even if a motor is connected up, no axis movement takes place. This is achieved by setting the position setpoint KK310 to the current position actual-value and by setting the speed and acceleration precontrol KK312 and KK312 to «0» [817]. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-62 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 711
    [818] together with diagnostic parameter U540 of the technology. You will find further information on faults, warnings and diagnostics in the section of the same name at the end of this chapter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-63 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 712
    The control signal commands for the positive direction of movement are shown in the diagram below. Mode BA=1 J_FWD Drive speed 2=U510.02 Fixed level Override 1=U510.01 Fixed level Ramp Ramp MD18 MD19 Fig. 9-25 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-64 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 713
    «Set home position» is used if neither a rough pulse (proximity switch) nor a fine pulse is available or if the application requires the axis to be referenced at different positions. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-65 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 714
    Mode Mode=2 J_FWD Rough pulse Rotor zero Axis referenced checkback signal Drive speed MD7: Home position approach velocity Ramp MD42 MD6: Home position reducing velocity Ramp MD41 Fig. 9-27 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-66 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 715
    Digital input 4 of positioning system from rough pulse 1 of pulse encoder evaluation for external machine encoder [255] Function of high-speed input is proximity switch for U501.45 xx7xxx homing Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-67 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 716
    MD5 = 1/ MD8=1 RIGHT RISING POSITION BERO MD5 = 2/ MD8=1 Left falling position BERO =Reference point With homing switch only, reference point at right (MD7) (MD6) BERO 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-68 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 717
    Reversng switch switch The reversing switch is always active in homing mode. A digital output (MD45 = 8) can be used for connecting the reversing switch. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-69 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 718
    Only relative positioning is used on roll feeds. The first G function can accept two values: • 90 = Positioning in absolute dimensions • 91 = Positioning in incremental dimensions (relative positioning) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-70 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 719
    = 5A1E (hex), value setting of fixed parameter 90 30 (decimal). 9030 is also the factory setting for the permanent G functions. The representation of the position and velocity is identical in the double- connectors and parameters. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-71 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 720
    KK3037 [120.6] to «position» of MDI block no. 0 [823.4] U533 = 3039 Wire PROFIBUS receive words 9 and 10 as double word connector KK3039 [120.6] to «velocity» of MDI block no. 0 [823.6] 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-72 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 721
    The difference to the «normal» MDI lies in the control through the toggle bit, i.e. a flying change of MDI positioning is not performed until a signal change has taken place at the toggle bit. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-73 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 722
    The following graphic shows the sequence in control mode. Mode Mode=5 J_FWD Drive speed 100% Override Acceleration time Deceleration time MD41 MD42 Fig. 9-28 Software limit switches MD12 and MD13 are not evaluated in control CAUTION mode. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-74 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 723
    S7 standard software GMC-BASIC /1/ or parameter U507. The loop count that has not yet been processed can be read at parameter n540.36. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-75 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 724
    Position setpoint jumps as a result of control intervention or parameter changes during running operation can occur both at the input and the output of synchronism. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-76 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 725
    Advantage: Synchronization has greater overall stability, since load impacts on the master drive no longer affect the slave drive. Disadvantage: The master drive itself has to be synchronized. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-77 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 726
    The disadvantages arise from the different activation methods used for synchronization and positioning and the absence of the following error and software limit monitoring (the latter can be useful with linear synchronization axes). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-78 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 727
    In the following example circuit, position sensing is the basic unit performed using the motor encoder. Only the signals related to synchronization are shown. CAUTION See section 9.4.41 «Continue synchronism». NOTE Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-79 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 728
    SIMOLINK. Drive 1 is the master drive with the virtual master axis. Drives 2 and 3 are synchronized with drive 1. Master drive Slave drive 1 Slave drive 2 SIMOLINK Fig. 9-31 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-80 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 729
    SYNC Position setpoint Master value Speed precontrol Slave drive 1 Synchronization Position controller SIMOLINK Speed controller SYNC Slave drive 2 Speed controller Position controller SIMOLINK Synchronization SYNC Fig. 9-32 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-81 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 730
    [%] by the same setpoint source as the position setpoint in length units [LU]. For this purpose, it is imperative to parameterize the scaling rate master (U607.2). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-82 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 731
    (U607.2). If the catch-up is selected as operating mode, the catch-up on FP 836.2 is inactive. It can only be used once (either FD 834 or FD 836). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-83 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 732
    A special integrator is provided in the free blocks in function diagram Integrator for the sheet [791] for implementing a virtual master axis using the comfort virtual master axis ramp-function generator [790]. using the comfort ramp-function generator 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-84 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 733
    For this purpose, the drive is accelerated to two different speeds. The positional change is calculated through measurement of zero pulses or printing index. − Positional change − Change [LU] Positional change → [ms] Deadtime Change [LU/ms] Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-85 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 734
    Engaging length master U611 Speed setpoint slave U610.1 U610.1 Position setpoint Disengaging length master U611 The enable command for this cycle is not accepted in these zones. Fig. 9-34 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-86 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 735
    Fig. 9-35 Example: engaging cycle for rotary axis If the enable is initiated in the shaded areas, it is no longer accepted for this cycle. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-87 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 736
    Speed setpoint slave Coupling position Coupling position Master axis Master axis Position setpoint cycle length cycle length master Static engaging/ disengaging cycle enable Position setpoint master Fig. 9-36 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-88 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 737
    Master axis Position setpoint cycle length master Once-off engaging/ disengaging cycle enable Position setpoint The enable command master for this cycle is not accepted in these zones. Fig. 9-38 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-89 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 738
    Example: Position setpoint master Speed setpoint slave Coupling position Coupling position Position setpoint Engaging length Engaging length master Retriggering engaging/disengaging cycle enable Position setpoint master Fig. 9-39 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-90 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 739
    (numerator or denominator) using the simple ramp-function generator [791] in the free blocks. You will find detailed information on the gearbox function in the «Synchronization functions» chapter of the Function Description in manual /1/. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-91 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 740
    The shutdown position is then approached either in «relative mode» within one revolution (axis cycle compensated) or in «absolute mode» via several axis cycles. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-92 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 741
    Y1 is output for values less than X1 (horizontal movement to zero), Y5 is output for values greater than X5 (horizontal movement up to the table width). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-93 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 742
    The small E PROM can store only the parameters of interpolation values that were available in versions <1.4x, but the parameters of new values are stored only in the RAM. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-94 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 743
    Table Info Last interpolation point in parameter point in parameter n639.01 U630.01 n639.02 U631.30 n639.03 U631.31 n639.04 U633.10 n639.05 U633.11 n639.06 U640.40 n639.07 U640.41 n639.08 U642.20 n639.09 U642.21 n639.10 U643.50 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-95 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 744
    161-240 Table 2 100 interpolation points from 201-300 Table 4 80 interpolation points from 241-320 Table 3 100 interpolation Table 5 points from 80 interpolation 301-400 points from 321-400 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-96 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 745
    The operating mode must otherwise be switched over to 1:1 or gearbox. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-97 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 746
    1= Scaling is activated in response to positive edge of binector U621 SYNT or a table overflow (return jump to start of table), the jump is initiated by the user or the end of the table. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-98 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 747
    2. The applicable synchronization mode is then checked back via binector. Detailed information about synchronization can be found in Chapter «Synchronization functions» in the Function Description of the Manual /1/. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-99 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 748
    [760] for data remanence and, once the MASTERDRIVES electronics power supply has been restored, can be stored again as a set value by the tracking/storage element. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-100 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 749
    Beforehand, the position setpoint and actual value are set in the counter-direction in order to create the correct reference to the mechanical system. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-101 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 750
    When the reference index has been recognized, both the position actual value and the position setpoint are set to the reference position. No compensation movement takes place. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-102 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 751
    (parameter settings). 2. The drive must be stopped via the catch-up function before U886 is connected in. Undesirable effects (setpoint step changes, oscillations, etc.) may otherwise occur. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-103 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 752
    REM Binary Input1 EPOS; Pos REM Binary Input2 NC REM Binary Input3 Stop REM Binary Input4 Positioning absolute/relative REM Binary Input5 NC REM Binary Input6 Synchronism local ON / EPOS enable REM ************************************************************* 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-104 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 753
    WRITE 2800 01 7031 ;Position setpoint from SIMOLINK WRITE 2800 02 7033 ;Speed setpoint from SIMOLINK WRITE 2801 00 241 ;Communication error LC_B241/242 WRITE 2802 00 524288 ;Axis cycle master in LU Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-105 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 754
    ;Enable measured-value memory WRITE 180 01 1 ;AVWF numerator WRITE 180 02 1 ;AVWF denominator WRITE 183 00 1001 ;Encoder detection (1=single-turn encoder) WRITE 184 00 0 ;Position offset from technology 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-106 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 755
    WRITE 554 01 10 ;On command ON/OFF1 from BI MSG Catch-Up WRITE 2625 01 0x14 ; Input3 Stop WRITE 2628 01 20000 ; Acceleration WRITE 2628 02 20000 ; Deceleration Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-107 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 756
    WRITE 2855 1 0x0 ; BPOS set output WRITE 2855 2 0x20 ; Input6 BPOS enable basic positioner WRITE 2656 1 0x3203 ; Switchover to catch-up SYNC input WRITE 2656 2 0x3203 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-108 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 757
    ♦ Table does not return to X0.0 ♦ Synchronous status ♦ Referenced status ♦ Engage/disengage coupled ♦ Synchronization, offset angle setting [FD 841] are continued ♦ Position correction, referencing [FD 841] are continued Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-109 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 758
    «Control and checkback signals» chapter of manual /1/. In the following two tables, you will find an illustration of the message format for send and receive messages: 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-110 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 759
    IN_11 OPTIONAL VALUE 3 INPUT The first data word (Dbx, Dbx+1) is reserved for control word 1 of the MASTERDRIVES basic unit [180]. The other words are technology- specific. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-111 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 760
    The message assignment shown is equally suitable if you do not use the configuring package, but only use the DVA_S5 and DRIVE ES SIMATIC block packages or a bus other than PROFIBUS-DP (USS, CAN bus, etc.). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-112 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 761
    Access to U551 => Parameter number in parameter identifier word = 551 Bit 15 in index word with DPV1 and USS =1 (PARA PAGE SELECT bit) Bit 7 with cyclical PROFIBUS services Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-113 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 762
    PROFIBUS message frame. This allows, for example, the transfer of a cam table with 100 interpolation points (= 200 double words) in seconds, in 4 instead of 200 messages. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-114 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 763
    Control/checkback signal interface, 1 per axis Commu- nication PROFIBUS-DP software 8 task boxes Task header with MASTERDRIVES MC pointer to data Fig. 9-44 Communication interfaces from GMC-BASIC to technology Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-115 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 764
    • Input of machine data and cam tables • Diagnostic screens with definition/display of control and checkback signals In manual /1/ you will find detailed descriptions of the configuring package and HMI package. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-116 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 765
    ♦ A USS interface and drivers are available for almost every SIMATIC S5/S7 CPU and PC interface (see /3/ and /4/). ♦ The USS is suitable for the connection of Siemens power converters to third-party PLCs, PCs or customized automation systems.
  • Page 766
    ♦ Transmission of angle setpoints between master and slave axes for angular synchronization and cam function ♦ Replacement of conventional RS485 peer-to-peer connection for data exchange between SIMOVERT power converters 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-118 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 767
    «to all». All stations now start their sampling time at exactly the same instant with related setpoints. ♦ The drives coordinate themselves without the need for a centralized host system. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-119 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 768
    2 tracks each with 512 or 1024 pulses per revolution (adjustable) and zero pulse, RS422 level (TTL differential signal). Valid for 2-pole resolvers; correspondingly larger number of pulses per revolution with multi-pole resolvers. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-120 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 769
    (singleturn and multiturn, linear scales, etc.) • All encoders with standard SSI protocols can be evaluated (e.g. SIEMENS, Stegmann, TR, Fraba, Heidenhain, infrared distance measuring systems, etc.) Notes on SBM2: pulse encoder simulation connected to terminals with 2 tracks each with 2048 pulses per revolution and zero pulse; RS422 level.
  • Page 770
    You should avoid using OFF2 where possible, since the pulses are disabled immediately on an OFF2 command, and the motor is already without power during the brake closing time. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-122 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 771
    Application examples 9.7.1 Positioning of a linear axis via PROFIBUS Application examples can be requested from the regional office of SIEMENS AG or from the application center for production machines. 9.7.2 Positioning and synchronization with virtual master axis (suitable for self-study)…
  • Page 772
    Technology Option F01 05.2006 The application example contains the following configuration: ♦ 2 Siemens synchronous servo motors: 1FK6 with resolver and 1FT6 with optical sine/cosine encoder (only one motor required for positioning) ♦ 2 MASTERDRIVES MC converters with technology option F01 (only one converter required for positioning) ♦…
  • Page 773
    05.2006 Technology Option F01 Fig. 9-47 Application example 2: positioning/synchronization with 2-axis demonstration pack Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-125 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 774
    ♦ Test the positioning and synchronization functions on drives 1 and 2. The parameters marked with (WE) do not have to be entered, since the factory settings are suitable. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-126 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 775
    (BERO) acting on the position sensing system (see also MD45 in the «Machine data input» section): P178=16 ; Reference BERO from terminal X101.6 [90] ==> [330] Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-127 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 776
    MODE_IN (Mode selection) U950.90=4 U239 (0) B601 X101.4 ³ 1 B0012 B012 DIN 2 U710.30=619 B619 B000 B0013 U710.29=10 Fig. 9-48 Application example 2: circuit for generating the modes 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-128 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 777
    If you use the 2-axis demonstration pack, please note that all 4 jumpers must be plugged in crosswise so that all 4 bidirectional digital I/Os are configured as inputs. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-129 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 778
    (the same direction must be and homing systems entered in machine data MD5; see step P1830011 ; Enable sensing and homing, ; positive approach direction for home position ; to right of BERO 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-130 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 779
    U708=78 (WE) ; Fixed velocity override 100 % [809.1] P770 ; Setting as described in Section 9.4.10 P771 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-131 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 780
    MD23 to 0). The following machine data must be entered: U501.41=700 ; MD41: acceleration for the speed control ; modes [ms] U501.42=700 ; MD42: deceleration for the speed control ; modes [ms] 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-132 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 781
    [804]: possible when the drive is stationary). U502=2 ; Transfer and activate machine data. If ; machine data transferred without error, U502 ; is automatically reset to «0». [804.2] Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-133 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 782
    ; mode [330.8] ==> [340.1] Output signal KK131 of the position controller is connected to the speed controller input: P220.1=131 ; Wire position controller output to speed ; controller [340.8] ==> [360.1] 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-134 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 783
    U552.01=9030 (WE) ; Absolute positioning, 100 % acceler- ; ation override [823.4] U552.02=16 200 ; Position setpoint X=16200 LU [823.5] U552.03=100 000 ; Velocity F=1 000 000 LU/min, input in ; [10 LU/min] [823.6] Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-135 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 784
    Start another positioning operation. The drive now moves back to position 0 at 5 times the velocity (in the clockwise direction, because jog forwards = 1), i.e. through 5.5 revolutions. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-136 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 785
    U687=36 000 ; Axis cycle length for the virtual master [832.6] ; = 36000 LU equal to 10 motor revolutions each ; with 360.0° (1LU = 0.1°; see AVWF) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-137 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 786
    The normalization of the output velocity setpoint MD23 position correction [836.7] was also already set to the correct value when the machine data were configured (step 6 in application example 2). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-138 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 787
    ; Connect output path setpoint KK817 P751.2=817 ; of virtual master axis [832.8] to send channel 0 ; of SIMOLINK (assign the same double-connector to ; send words 1 and 2) [160.1] Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-139 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 788
    The further procedure for testing the synchronization function is described below with reference to the example of the 2-axis demonstration pack. An LED light beam visible through both flywheels indicates that the synchronization function is operating correctly. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-140 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 789
    You will have also received an introduction to the documentation available in an easy-to-understand example. The further steps required to commission your own customized application should now be much easier. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-141 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 790
    WRITE 817 ; Position of the virtual master axis on PROFIBUS WRITE 817 ; Position of the virtual master axis on PROFIBUS WRITE 255 ; Sign-of-life signal on PROFIBUS 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-142 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 791
    (U607.2 in function diagram 834) to the same value. WRITE 2682 ; Nominal master velocity of the virtual master axis WRITE 2607 ; Normalization velocity master in synchronism Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-143 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 792
    ; Sign-of-life signal receive (factory setting: 3210) WRITE 2963 29 2 ; Position setpoint extrapolator (factory setting: 3290) WRITE 2963 32 3 ; Operating mode manager (factory setting: 3320) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-144 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 793
    05.2006 Technology Option F01 Provision of transmit data via PROFIBUS Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-145 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 794
    Technology Option F01 05.2006 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-146 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 795
    Please note that in the DB 100, you must enter the PKW and PZD addresses for the axis concerned in accordance with the hardware configuration. Fig. 9-50 Hardware configuration Fig. 9-51 Master axis CBP address 11 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-147 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 796
    9-52 Slot 7). Via slots 4 to 6 (Fig. 9-51 and Fig. 9-52) PPO type 5 is emulated in the two converters. Fig. 9-53 DB 100 in data view 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-148 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 797
    «Clock Synchronization» (Fig. 9-55). Now synchronize the drive with the equidistant DP cycle. Then click on «Alignment». Proceed in the same way for the second converter. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-149 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 798
    If you reset the CPU via the PROFIBUS interface, communication is interrupted. If you address the PLC via the MPI or PROFIBUS interface, you must select the PG/PC interface in the SIMATIC Manager under «Extras». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-150 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 799
    • Memory capacity: over 10 000 samples per channel • Flexible setting of zero offset and gain for the signal display across large range • Settable • Flexible setting of trigger condition (trigger signal, trigger threshold, post/pre-trigger) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-151 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 800
    The section below provides you with a general commissioning guide which takes you step-by-step through the commissioning procedure. It is impossible, of course, to cater for all special applications in this guide. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-152 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 801
    0″, which is printed in red on the cable = option and length specification). The connector and terminal assignments on the motor and sensor boards are described in Catalog DA65.11. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-153 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 802
    ♦ 111 = SBP (suitable for ROD431 etc.) ♦ 112 = SBM (suitable for ERN1397, ECN1313, EQN1325, SSI encoders from Siemens, Fraba, TWK, TR, Stegmann, linear scale LC181 etc. The ASIC chip on the SBM should have firmware version V1.3 or higher.) ♦…
  • Page 803
    With pure synchronization axes (electronic shaft/gearbox), you will normally choose one increment of the position encoder as the LU (e.g. 1/4096 of an encoder revolution with P171 = 12 [330.3]). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-155 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 804
    ♦ => The traversing range would no longer fit into the range of 999 999 999 LU in this case (999 999 999 LU traversing range / 4096 LU per encoder revolution = 244 140 encoder revolutions) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-156 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 805
    LU, e.g. 1 LU = 0.001 mm = 1 µm or 1 LU = 0.001°. This is particularly important if you use the SIMATIC S7 «Motion Control Configuring Package» software /1/, in which the OP screens always use 3 decimal places for length parameters. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-157 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 806
    [817] and the acceleration ramps (MD41, MD42 and MD43) for the speed control modes «control» and «homing», and must correspond to the reference speed P353. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-158 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 807
    [815] as described in Section 10. ♦ The further commissioning procedure is performed from the SIMATIC S7 via PROFIBUS-DP. Direct parameter modification on the MASTERDRIVES unit is only required in exceptional circumstances. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-159 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 808
    (see also application example 2, step 2): ♦ Jog forwards [J_FWD] or ♦ Jog backwards [J_BWD], depending on the homing direction ♦ START [STA] 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-160 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 809
    «Synchronization mode — overview» section in «Brief description of the synchronization technology functions» to find out which signals you need on sheet [811]. The special status signals for synchronization are shown in [832…839] (binectors B800…B820). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-161 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 810
    ; Configuration for absolute encoder: P183=xxx2 ;[330] U950.19=3 ; Nest encoder detection in sampling time [260.8] ; If not standard encoder: set parameters as ; described in «Multiturn encoder evaluation» 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-162 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 811
    ; Home position to left of rough pulse/ BERO ; Configuration for absolute encoder: U950.18=3 ; Nest encoder detection in sampling time [270.8] ; If not standard encoder: set parameters as ; described in «Multiturn encoder evaluation» Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-163 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 812
    Special machine data for automatic mode only MD25, MD44 MD38…MD40 Backlash compensation MD45, MD47 Configuration of special digital I/Os for positioning MD49, MD50 Weighting of velocity and acceleration precontrol MD10 Offset value for absolute encoder 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-164 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 813
    ; Connect actual pos. from motor ; encoder [330] to actual value input [340.1] of ; position controller … P194.1=125 ; … or actual position of external machine ; encoder, if one is used. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-165 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 814
    ; target position 1000 LU U550.3 ; Define traversing velocity in [10 LU/min], ; e.g. velocity 100 000 LU/min ==> ; input value = 10 000 LU (must be less than ; MD23) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-166 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 815
    MASTERDRIVES MC units except for the Compact PLUS AC units up to and including 4 kW and the Compact AC units. The «Safe STOP» function has been certified by the Institute for Work Safety. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-167 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 816
    You will find further information on «homing» mode in the «Brief description of the technology functions» section and in the «Reference point approach» chapter of the Function Description of manual /1/. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-168 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 817
    When using software versions < 1.30, if you set jerk limiting [817.4] via Jerk limiting U505>0, you should not use the speed precontrol (KK312 = 0, see [817.6]), because otherwise the position control and speed control will «work against one another». Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-169 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 818
    LUs per encoder revolution or per revolution of the gearbox output shaft, e.g.: U687=4096 ; Example: axis cycle length[832.6] for the virtual ; master = 4096 LU equals 1 encoder revolution with ; P171=12 [330.3] 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-170 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 819
    SIMOLINK path setpoint for receive channel 1 should be used. This selection is already configured synchronization with the factory settings U600.01 = 7031 and U606 = 0. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-171 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 820
    You will find detailed information on the parameters for position correction in the «Synchronization functions» chapter of the Function Description in manual /1/. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-172 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 821
    Temporarily set an extremely slow acceleration/deceleration ramp on the machine ramp-function generator (e.g. [832.5]). e) Move the master axis carefully from velocity «0» to low values and check whether the slaves follow the motion correctly. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-173 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 822
    [180.7] that control bits OFF1, OFF2, and OFF3 are set to «0» and the inverter enable [ENC] is set to «1». You should also check the present converter status in r000. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-174 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 823
    • «In-position monitoring» by increasing MD16/MD17 (affects A142 ) ♦ If necessary, reduce the traversing velocity for the initial commissioning steps by changing the velocity override (in the factory setting with U708 [809.1]). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-175 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 824
    In this case, a double-connector/connector converter must be used. ♦ A torque increase is only possible if P128 is increased simultaneously ==> increase P263, P264 and P128 together. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-176 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 825
    Receive signals from communication interface, e.g. from PROFIBUS-DP [120.5] If your axis won’t start, please consult the section entitled «Help, my The axis won’t start axis won’t start!» in «Commissioning the technology». Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-177 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 826
    F01 together with basic unit software version V1.2; see the section entitled «Modification history of technology option F01». 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-178 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 827
    ♦ U511…U520: These triple-index parameters are no longer used for permanent MDI blocks 1…10. Instead, they are stored in parameters U550…U559. ♦ U550…U559: Permanent MDI blocks 1…10 New parameters Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-179 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 828
    U668.1 (rated velocity now = MD23) ♦ U502 The machine data transfer now takes place with Modified parameters U502 = 2 instead of U502 = 1 in positioning function 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-180 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 829
    U709. ♦ A series of new display parameters has been introduced (e.g. n540, n541, n542). ♦ The positioning status bits are now connected to individual binectors (B351…B562 [811.3]) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-181 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 830
    «Synchronization to master value» [841] U697.2 and U697.1. Synchronization is started by the binector that can be selected via the new parameter U676. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-182 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 831
    Can now be set up to 20 000 000 instead of up to 1 000 0900 [x100 LU/min] ♦ U501.10 Machine data MD10 «Offset for absolute-value encoder»: Now remains in non-volatile storage also after electronics power supply has been de- energized/energized. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-183 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 832
    ♦ U698.01-02 Selection of connectors for variable speeds for displacement angle setting ♦ U699.01-02 Operating mode of synchronization to master value and absolute displacement angle setting 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-184 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 833
    Supplementary in the case of synchronism position correction: Position correction Parameter U467 for input of the setting speed in [1000LU/Min] [843] Supplementary in the case of synchronism: Status binectors start/stop Start/Stop [834] (B831, B832; B833) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-185 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 834
    The additive offset angle setting NOTE and actual value dependent M (machine) functions have not yet been released at software status V1.4.0. output They shall be released with version V1.42. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-186 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 835: Table Of Contents

    Synchronism mode extended from 0..2 to 0..3 (catch-up) ♦ U615 Table configuration extended from 1,2 to 0…4 for 8 tables ♦ U650.1..3 Binector for table selection extended for 8 tables. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-187 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…

  • Page 836
    Setpoint source U886.1 for position setpoint [LU] and U886.2 for speed setpoint [%] The function is activated via U885. ♦ U885 Synchronism local ON New parameters ♦ U886.1…2 Setpoint source synchronism local 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-188 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 837
    Total length of ramp ♦ B0801 In acceleration ramp (BIT20) New binectors (synchronism status ♦ B0802 In deceleration ramp (BIT21) signals FD846) ♦ B0814 Change to Src. Variable Ramps permitted (bit 22) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-189 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 838
    Fixed Connector Software Limit Switch Plus ♦ KK0899 Fixed Connector Software Limit Switch Minus ♦ B0896 SC_PLUS_ACTIV (Stop Cam Plus active) New binectors ♦ B0897 SC_MINUS_ACTIV (Stop Cam Minus active) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-190 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 839
    BPos Mode Cam 0 = Edge change 1 = Static ♦ n465 Visualization paramater Extended parameters • n465.2 Current adjusting speed including v_inching as a percentage referred to U607 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 9-191 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 840
    Register displacement offset angle speed ♦ KK0797 Current circumference ♦ KK0798 Decoupling to successor ♦ KK0799 Adaptation of circumference ♦ KK0803 Current adjusting speed including v_inching as a percentage referred to U607 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-192 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 841
    SIMATIC S7 «Motion Control Configuring Package» software on CD-ROM ♦ Order number German 6AT1880-0AA00-1AE0 ♦ Order number English 6AT1880-0AA00-1BE0 ♦ Internal Siemens order location: LZF Logistics Center Fürth The configuring package also includes the GMC-BASIC standard software. /2/ Motion Control HMI Package for SIMATIC S7 ♦…
  • Page 842
    PROFIBUS-DP communication with drives, support for conversion of DVA_S7 to Drive ES projects (V5.1 and later only) ♦ SETUP program for installing software in the STEP7 environment 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 9-194 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 843
    ♦ Brake resistor, RI suppression filter ♦ Operator panel ♦ Ready to connect the AC cable Internal Siemens ordering location: A&D SE B8.4 («WKF Fürth», Tel. 4894) /6/ 2-axis demonstration pack, order no. 6SX7000-0AF10 contents: ♦ 1FT6 synchronous motor with optical sin/cos encoder ♦…
  • Page 844
    (option)/bypass contactor, if available, is opened. ♦ POWER-UP INHIBIT (008) ♦ READY-TO-POWER-UP (009), if «OFF2» or «OFF3» are not present. The «Restart-on-the-fly» function» has not been provided. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 10-1 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 845
    After the OFF waiting time (P801) has expired, the inverter pulses are inhibited and the main/bypass contactor, if present, is opened. If the OFF3 command is withdrawn during deceleration, deceleration is nevertheless continued. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 10-2 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 846
    Bit 6: Setpoint enable command (H «setpoint enable») Condition HIGH signal and the de-energization time have expired (P602). ♦ The setpoint at the ramp-function generator input is enabled. Result The «Restart-on-the-fly» function has not been provided. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 10-3 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 847
    (See also function diagram 310) Condition LOW signal ♦ An OFF1 command is automatically executed (refer to control word Result bit 0). Refer to the function diagram «Setpoint processing (Part 1)» (310) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 10-4 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 848
    Condition HIGH signal ♦ The motorized potentiometer in the setpoint channel is driven in Result conjunction with bit 13 «raisemotorized potentiometer». Refer to the function diagram «Motorized potentiometer» (300) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 10-5 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 849
    P352 or the reference speed P353. Refer to the function diagram «Fixed setpoints» (290), also refer to FSW bit 2 and bit 3, parameters P417, P418 Bit 22: Reserve 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 10-6 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 850
    LOW signal, P290 = 0 and enabling of the inverter pulses of the converter. ♦ Master drive: The closed-loop control function acts as a closed-loop Result speed control function (n-control). Refer to the function diagrams 360, 370 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 10-7 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 851
    Bit 31: Main contactor checkback signal command (H «main contactor checkback signal») Condition HIGH signal, corresponding to the wiring and parameterization of the main contactor (option). ♦ Checkback signal, «main contactor energized» (closed). Result 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 10-8 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 852
    Bit 3: Message «Fault» (H) HIGH signal Fault (007) status ♦ A fault has occurred. Significance Output at the terminal strip with L signal. The «Restart-on-the-fly» function has not been provided. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 10-9 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 853
    ♦ The bit is again set as H signal, if the deviation is less than parameter value P792. Bit 9: Message «PZD control requested» (H) HIGH signal Still present. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 10-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 854
    KK0075) is greater or equal to 0. LOW signal Counter-clockwise rotating field ♦ The speed setpoint for closed-loop control (speed setpoint, r472 / Significance KK0075) is smaller than 0. Bit 15: Reserve Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 10-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 855
    ♦ An «external alarm 1» is present in control word bit 28, or, «external Significance alarm 2» in control word bit 29. Output at the terminal strip with L signal. The «Restart-on-the-fly» function has not been provided. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 10-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 856
    HIGH signal Fault, «Motor overtemperature» ♦ This is an overtemperature fault detected by the KTY (P381 > 1). Significance Output at the terminal strip with L signal. Bit 27: Reserve Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) 10-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 857
    (option) can be energized (only for DC devices). Bit 30: Reserve Bit 31: Message «Pre-charging active» (H) HIGH signal PRE-CHARGING (010) condition ♦ Pre-charging is realized after an ON command. Significance 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AG) Siemens AG 10-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 858
    Motion Control system is possible with special software or the functions can be provided centrally by means of a PLC. Drives can be coupled, e.g. for angular synchronism, via SIMOLINK. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-1 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 859
    (moving masses, load-side moments of inertia, additional forces/torques divided by the number of motors). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-2 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 860
    ) travel [s] Travel distance [m] ♦ Travel time [s] On rotating drives (turning mechanisms), the values ω , α , ϕ NOTE have to be applied instead of v Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-3 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 861
    ♦ Angular acceleration and deceleration at the load wheel/pinion [s α ⋅ load [ m/s Acceleration, deceleration ♦ Load inertia [ kgm ⎛ ⎞ ⋅ ⎜ ⎟ load ⎝ ⎠ 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-4 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 862
    (accelerate = +, b v load decelerate = — ) If the deceleration is equal to the acceleration, the load torque is at a maximum during the acceleration phase. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-5 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 863
    = + , deceleration up, acceleration down = — ) If the deceleration is equal to the acceleration, the load torque is at a maximum during the upwards acceleration phase. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-6 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 864
    (accelerate = +, b v load decelerate = — ) If the deceleration is equal to the acceleration, the load torque is at a maximum during the acceleration phase. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-7 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 865
    ♦ Angular acceleration and deceleration of the spindle ⋅ 2 π α ⋅ b v Sp ♦ Frictional force of guide [N] ⋅ ⋅ m g w Specific travel resistance 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-8 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 866
    Sp (accelerate = +, decelerate = — ) If the deceleration is equal to the acceleration, the load torque is at a maximum during the acceleration phase. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-9 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 867
    = +, deceleration up, acceleration down = — ) If the deceleration is equal to the acceleration, the load torque is at a maximum during the upwards acceleration phase. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-10 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 868
    It is, however, not always possible to implement this optimum gear transmission ratio, e.g. if the resulting motor speed is too high. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-11 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 869
    Voltage-limit curve Points of load cycle 10% distance S1 curve mean Fig. 11-7 Limit curves for 1FK6/1FT6 motors (synchronous servomotors) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-12 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 870
    ⋅ b v load b v load load Sign M ⋅ η load = ⋅ load Motor inertia Gear moment of inertia referred to motor speed η Gear efficiency Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-13 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 871
    A second point to be checked is whether the thermal limits are adhered 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-14 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 872
    If the rms torque at the mean motor speed is below the S1 curve and the dynamic limits are being adhered to, the selected synchronous servomotor can be used. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-15 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 873
    If the dynamic limits are being adhered to and the rms value of the motor current is smaller than the motor’s rated current, the selected induction servomotor can be used. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-16 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 874
    In order to determine the motor current at a given motor torque, the following formula is used: ♦ For synchronous servomotors ≤ M for M kTn Torque constant in Nm/A Standstill torque Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-17 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 875
    • For induction servomotors Mot A Mot E ∑ ⋅ ∆ Mot mean Mot A Mot E ∆ t Mean motor current in time segment (A: initial value, E: final value) 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-18 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 876
    If this is not the case, the rectifier unit can be smaller. The total number of connected inverters, however, must not be too large because, otherwise, precharging of the rectifier unit can be overloaded (see technical data). Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-19 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 877
    Example of motor speed and motor output in a time segment Adding the mean values for the individual inverters gives the mean value for the rectifiers as follows: ∑ Link ct mean Link Inv mean 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-20 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 878
    In the event of an emergency stop, all drives may have to be shut down at the same time. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-21 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 879
    If repairs have to be carried out locally, e.g. for large outputs, the use of fuses with gR characteristics is recommended. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-22 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 880
    PLUS type unit, the line reactor is contained in the line filter. Output reactors, It is not permissible to use output reactors, sinusoidal filters and dv/dt sinusoidal filters, filters in the case of MASTERDRIVES Motion Control. dv/dt filters Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-23 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 881
    In addition, the maximum pulse frequency with chassis-type units is lower than 10 kHz (see technical data). 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-24 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 882
    ♦ Mech. efficiency η = 0.9 mech ♦ Specific travelling resistance = 0.1 ♦ Mech. accuracy ∆s = ±0.1 mm mech ♦ Overall accuracy required ∆s = ±0.2 mm Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-25 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 883
    0 25 0 25 0 25 − ⋅ − ⋅ − ⋅ − ⋅ 2 16 0 25 1 0 25 15 = ′− − 3 5 15 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-26 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 884
    = ′ 3 torsional play ♦ Acceleration and deceleration torque for the gear unit ⋅ α ⋅ = ⋅ ⋅ 0 001 914 10 0 914 b v G load Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-27 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 885
    ⋅ 0 0065 914 5 94 b v Mot ♦ The maximum motor torque is equal to the motor torque during acceleration: 5 94 25 08 3103 Mot b 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-28 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 886
    (the sign before the bracketed term «-M » is negative). v load The torque characteristic can be determined using the values calculated for the motor torque. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-29 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 887
    ∑ ⋅ ∆ mean ′ 2182 7 2182 7 ⋅ ⋅ + ⋅ 0 25 2182 7 1 0 25 779 5 . rpm 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-30 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 888
    ≥ 0.75 s, a check is now made to see if three- times the rated current of a Compact PLUS inverter can be utilized when I =10.2 A. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-31 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 889
    Mot k 9550 9550 ♦ Max. power output of motor during deceleration ⋅ − ⋅ 19 83 2182 7 Mot v = − 4 53 Mot v 9550 9550 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-32 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 890
    ♦ The mean value of the DC link current is therefore: Mot mean Link mean η ⋅ η ⋅ ⋅ Line 0 95 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 0 92 0 98 135 400 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-33 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
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    6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-34 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 892
    ♦ The following is obtained for the missing values of the travel curve: − ⋅ − ⋅ − ⋅ − ⋅ 135 15 0 6 0 3 0 6 15 − − 3 5 15 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-35 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 893
    ⋅ 10 4096 ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ mech Gear Encoder < 0 1 0 0218 0 0077 0 1295 0 2 . mm The accuracy requirement is thus satisfied. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-36 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 894
    In order to check the thermal limits, the effective motor torque is calculated. For this purpose, all other motor torques within the travel curve have to be calculated, in addition to the motor torque during acceleration. Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-37 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 895
    0 9 0 95 ⋅ 168 0 5 25 98 1 12 7 . Nm The motor curve can be determined with the help of the values calculate for the motor torque. 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-38 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 896
    ⋅ ⋅ 0 6 2865 0 3 0 6) 2 736 7 rpm (due to the symmetry of the travel curve, the component for lifting is multiplied by 2) Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-39 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 897
    > 0.25 s, only 1.6 times the rated current can be utilized. Thus = 14 . ⋅ < 16 Mot max = 3 6 . = 10 2 . < I Mot mean 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-40 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 898
    ♦ Lowering of the load, max. power output of motor during deceleration ⋅ ⋅ − 12 7 2865) Mot v down = − 3 81 Mot v down 9550 9550 Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-41 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 899
    ♦ The mean DC link current is therefore: Mot mean Link mean η ⋅ η ⋅ ⋅ Line 0 938 ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ 0 89 0 98 135 400 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-42 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 900
    ♦ The 15 kW rectifier unit, 6SE7024-1EP85-0AA0, with I =41 A is ZK n sufficient. = 25 11 ⋅ < 16 65 6 Link Link n = 189 = 41 < I Link ct mean Link n Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-43 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 901
    ♦ A 6SE7018-0ES87-2DC0 braking resistor of 80 Ω with P = 5 kW is necessary. = 7 4 ⋅ < 15 br max = 0 426 < P 4 5 111 br meen 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-44 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 902
    75 kW Performance 2 with pulse frequency 2.5 kHz Rated output current (MASTERDRIVES VC 90 kW unit rating = 186 A) Comparison: 6SE7032-1EG50 90 kW unit rating standard MASTERDRIVES MC Rated output current = 175 A Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) 11-45 SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 903
    * Performance extension: Only operable with P357 = 1 (max. 2.7 kHz) (F02 as add. option is included) Table 11-2 Overview of units which can be operated with F02 as an additional option 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AE) Siemens AG 11-46 Compendium Motion Control SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES…
  • Page 904
    02.2007 Function Diagrams Siemens AG 6SE7087-6QX70 (Version AH) SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Compendium Motion Control…
  • Page 905
    MASTERDRIVES MC function diagram — List of contents of the basic functions Contents Sheet Contents Sheet Contents Sheet General Control words and status words Current controller / V/f characteristic Basic functions: List of contents Control word 1 Current controller synchronous motor Free blocks and extension boards: List of contents Control word 2 Current controller asynchronous motor…
  • Page 906
    MASTERDRIVES MC function diagram — List of contents of the free blocks of the supplementary boards Contents Sheet Contents Sheet Contents Sheet Free blocks: List of contents Logic components Supplementary boards: List of contents Setting and monitoring the sampling times and — AND elements sampling sequence OR elements…
  • Page 907
    Explanation of the symbols used in the function diagram Parameter P597 (1) Automatic conversion between connectors and Selection of three binectors via indexed double connectors parameters (binector B0001 is the selected r007 n124 Display parameters factory setting for all three outputs, i.e. fixed value Converting a connector to a double connector «1», see below) U531…
  • Page 908
    General visualization parameters r001 Drive status K0249 Pxxx.B => BICO data-set parameter (2 indices) Switchover by control-word bit 30 [190.2] r002 n(act) KK0091 Active BICO DSet. r012 r004 Output Amps K0242 r006 DC Bus Volts K0240 Pxxx.F => Function data-set parameter (4 indices) Switchover by control-word bit 16/17 [190.2] r007 Motor Torque K0241…
  • Page 909
    n959.06 = 7 n959.02 = 7 Ref Amps Src Disp Binec [20.5] n959.09 = 7 P030.x SrcDispAmpsConn Display Binector Ref Speed P036.x r031.1 to 5 Disp Amps Conn [20.5] r037.1 to .5 SrcDisp SpdConn Indicated in 0.01 A P040.x Disp Speed Conn r041.1 to .5 Indicated in 0.1 1/min n959.03 = 7…
  • Page 910
    Note: Activation of the raise and lower keys is only effective Operating display (r000) n959.15 = 4 if the operating display(r000) is selected, a changeover selected and operation=1 to the value display has taken place with the toggle key of sequence control and the unit is in the «Operation»…
  • Page 911
    n959.16 = 4 OP OperDisp OP OperDisp OP OperDisp OP OperDisp OP OperDisp 4th line 3rd line (set) 2nd line (actual) 1st line left 1st line right — A maximum of 6 characters (value + unit) are available for the 0 …
  • Page 912
    n959.17 = 2 Src AnaIn Rel AnaIn Offset P636 (1) Analog input -100.00 … 100.00 % P631 (0.00) Src AnaIn Invert AnaIn Conf -10 V … 10 V = -100.0 % … 100.0 % P633 (0) 0 … 3 AnaIn Smooth AnaIn Window P632 (0) 0.0 …
  • Page 913
    -X101 Inputs U950.13 = ___(4) /2 ground SrcDigOut 1 <1> P651.B(0) /1 24 V Outputs U950.23 = ___(4) DigOut 1 B0025 Terminals -X101/3 to -X101/6 can be used as digital 24 V inputs or digital outputs. 20 mA B0010 DigIn 1 If they are used as digital inputs, parameters P651.B, B0011 DigIn 1 inv.
  • Page 914
    Compact PLUS type unit Compact type unit Chassis type unit Converter — X9 — X9 — X9 24 V ( 2.1 A 24 V ( 2.1 A P24 only output — X100 DC 24 V supply for max. 2 main cont. <1>…
  • Page 915
    Compact type unit Compact PLUS type unit <1> (only inverter) Chassis type unit <2> — X9 24 V ( 2.1 A Checkback contact «Safe Stop» DC 30 V / 2 A — X533 Checkback contact «Safe Stop» <3> <4> DC 30 V / 1 A <1>…
  • Page 916
    PKW order PKW words U950.10 = ___(4) r738.1 to 4 SCom1 Receive telegram Receive RecvData words r709.01 to 16 B2100 SCom1Word1Bit 0 B2115 SCom1Word1Bit15 TLG End TLG head K2001 SCom1 Word 1 B2200 SCom1Word2Bit 0 B2215 SCom1Word2Bit15 K2002 SCom1 Word 2 KK2032 SCom1 DWord 2 B2300…
  • Page 917
    U950.14 = ___(4) PKW Order PKW words r738.13 to .16 SCom1/2 RecData Receive telegram Receive words r709.17 to .32 B6100 SCom2Word1Bit0 B6115 SCom2Word1Bit15 K6001 SCom2 Word 1 TLG End TLG Head B6200 SCom2Word2Bit0 B6215 SCom2Word2Bit15 K6002 SCom2 Word 2 KK6032 SCom2 DWord 2 B6300 SCom2Word3Bit0…
  • Page 918
    PKW Reply U950.20 = ___(4) r739.01 to .04 PKW Word 1 USS SCom 1 PKW Word 2 USS SCom 1 Transmit telegram PKW Word 3 USS SCom 1 processing words PKW Word 4 USS SCom 1 Transmit SCom1Trns/RecvData TLG Head SrcSCom1TrnsData r710.01 to .16 P707 (32)
  • Page 919
    PKW Reply U950.24 = ___(4) r739.13 to .16 PKW Word 1 USS SCom 2 PKW Word 2 USS SCom 2 Transmit telegram PKW Word 3 USS SCom 2 processing words PKW Word 4 USS SCom 2 Transmit SCom2Trns/RecvData TLG Head SrcSCom2TrnsData r710.17 to .32 P708 (0)
  • Page 920
    CB Diagnosis PKW Order r732.01 to .32 PKW words U950.11 = ___(4) r738.05 to .08 CB Parameter 1 Dual- A: Words and bits [121] CB/TB RecvData 0 … 65535 port RAM Receive data words P711.01 r733.01 to .16 B3100 CB/TB Word 1 Bit 0 Config.
  • Page 921
    Clock-synchronous mode: For clock-synchronous mode: CBP2 in Least sign.slot Most sign. slot Source: SYNC selection CBP2 P744.01 P744 P744.02 Slot A is the least significant slot Slot D is the most significant slot Warning A003 B0043 Synchronous drive from [122.8] Connector interlocking: With firmware V1.50 and higher, either the word- (A in [120.6]) or the double word connectors (B in [120.7]) can be connected.
  • Page 922
    U950.22 = ___(20) n959.22 = 4 Only allowed for PWE 2 or 20 (inactive). Fine synchronization Maximum synchronized [420.5] Fine synchronization can cause a smaller r748.15 time slot Pulse frequency synchronization deviation (r748.9). PROFIBUS 0…10 Fine synchronization has a greater effect the cycle time P754 (0) higher the DP cycle/T2 ratio.
  • Page 923
    CB/TB PKW Reply U950.21 = ___(4) (Communications board/Technology board) r739.05 to .08 PKW Word 1 CB/TB PKW Word 2 CB/TB Dual- port RAM PKW Word 3 CB/TB processing words PKW Word 4 CB/TB words Transmit CB/TB TrnsData SrcCB/TBTrnsData r735.01 to .16 P734 (0) words words…
  • Page 924
    CB Diagnosis PKW Order r732.33 to .64 PKW words U950.15 = ___(4) r738.17 to .20 A: Words and bits [121] CB Parameter 1 Dual- CB/TB RecvData 0 … 65535 port RAM Received data words P711.02 r733.17 to .32 B8100 2. CB Word 1 Bit 0 Config.
  • Page 925
    Clock-synchronous mode: For clock-synchronous mode: CBP2 in Least sign. slot Most sign. slot Source: SYNC selection CBP2 P744.01 P744 P744.02 Slot A is the least significant slot Slot D is the most significant slot Warning A003 B0043 Synchronous drive from [122.8] Connector interlocking: With firmware V1.50 and higher, either the word- (A in [130.6]) or the double word connectors (B in [130.7]) can be connected.
  • Page 926
    PKW Reply U950.25 = ___(4) Dual-port r739.17 to .20 PKW Word 1 CB/TB PKW Word 2 CB/TB PKW Word 3 CB/TB processing words words PKW Word 4 CB/TB Transmit CB/TB TrnsData SrcCB/TB TrnsData r735.17 to .32 words words P736 (0) Transmit telegram Transmitting 32-bit words: If the same double-word connector is connected up to two successive connector…
  • Page 927
    n959.20 = 7 SLB TlgOFF SLB Diagnosis B0040 SLB NodeAddr r748 r748.001: Number of error-free synchronizing Fault Delay 0 … 200 telegrams K7081 0.0 … 101.0 s P740.1 (1) SLB configuration P781.16 (0.0) .002: Number of CRC faults SLB diagnosis SLB TlgOFF K7082 General part…
  • Page 928
    Setting of P755: U950.22 = ___(20) n959.22 = 4 Dead time compensation: xxx0: No dead time compensation. Only allowed for PWE 2 or 20 (inactive). xxx1: Compensation of different dead times between units. SLB switchover (between 2 SLBs): xx0x: Switchover in operation disabled. xx1x: Switchover in operation enabled.
  • Page 929
    n959.20 = 7 2. Inactive SIMOLINK Board SLB NodeAddr 0 … 200 P740.2 (1) configuration diagnosis General part SLB2 Time out B0047 SLB Trns Power 1 … 3 P742 (3) SIMOLINK SLB # Nodes Receive 0 … 255 P743.2 (0) Select active SLB SLB in SLB in…
  • Page 930
    SLB Read Addr <1> Example: P749.02 = 0.1 Data 0.0 … 200.7 U950.12 = ___(4) => KK7035 = Transmission channel 1 from node 0 16 x 16 bits P749 SLB Rcv Data <1> Receive r750.01 to .16 channel word B7100 SLB Word1Bit0 B7115 SLB Word1Bit15…
  • Page 931
    n959.21 = 2 Transmit words SLB TrnsData SrcSLBTrnsData r752.01 to .16 P751 (0) Node 1 SIMOLINK Transmit words 3 and 4 Channel 0 Bus cycle (example for 3 nodes and 2 channels) Transmit Channel 1 Pause SYNC Bus cycle time Channel 2 — Each module can read out all circulating telegrams.
  • Page 932
    n959.21 = 2 Special data SrcSLBTrnsData P756 (0) Double word 1 Double word 2 Double word 3 Double word 4 Notes: Special data may only be transmitted by the dispatcher (bus address P740 = 0)! If at least one special datum is assigned (P756.x 0), the number of addressed nodes is reduced vis-a- vis the formula on function diagram 140: P746…
  • Page 933
    Sign-of-life bit position 0: Sign-of-life begins with bit 0 U953.21 =___ (20) 0…1 1: Sign-of-life begins with bit 12 P814 (0) Sign of life B0241 Valid sign of life P807 (0) Monitor sign of life B0242 Sign of life fault present Enable fault F152 1 = «Fault F152″…
  • Page 934
    U953.29 =___ (20) Axis cycle length 0… 2 -1 [LU] U802 (4096) Position setpoint Position setpoint Extrapolation Position setpoint output U800.1 (0) KK0846 Speed setpoint output Speed setpoint KK0847 U800.2 (0) Telegram failure Communication fault U801 (0) Communication V2.4 Function diagram fp_mc_171_e.vsd — 171 — Position setpoint extrapolator for bridging telegram failures…
  • Page 935
    <1> Only possible for encoder 1 (motor encoder)! <2> The reference point (setting/shifting) will either be U953.64 = ___(20) permanently specified in the unit, or transferred via an additional channel from the master. B0928 Fault acknowledgement MC <3> In the event of a fault the fault value will be active in Gx_XIST2 1 = Encoder sum error 2 = Zero mark monitoring…
  • Page 936
    <1> Only possible for SBP (signal source at SBP) <2> The reference point (setting/shifting) is either U953.64 = ___(20) permanently specified in the unit or transferred via an additional channel from the master. B0928 Fault acknowledgement MC <3> In the event of a fault the fault value will be active in Gx_XIST2 1 = Encoder sum error 2 = Zero mark monitoring…
  • Page 937
    n959.25 = 4 Display of r550 on the PMU 15 14 13 12 11 10 Control word 1 r550 Control word 1 Bit No. Meaning K0030 Src ON/OFF1 P554.B (0/0) 0=OFF1,Shutdown via ramp-function generator, followed Src1 OFF2(coast) P555.B (1/20) Bit 0 by pulse disable to sequence control 1) 1=ON, operating conditions (edge-controlled)
  • Page 938
    Pre-assignment of the BICO parameters: n959.26 = 4 1. Binector valid for BICO data set 1 2. Binector valid for BICO data set 2 Control Word 2 Display of r551 on the PMU r551 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Control Word 2 Bit No.
  • Page 939
    n959.27 = 4 Status Word 1 Display of r552 on the PMU r552 Status Word 1 15 14 13 12 11 10 Bit No. Meaning K0032 1=Ready to switch on B0101 Not Rdy for ON from sequence control 1) Bit 0 0=Not ready to switch on B0100 Rdy for ON…
  • Page 940
    n959.28 = 4 Display of r553 on the PMU Status Word 2 r553 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 Status Word 2 Bit No. Meaning K0033 1=Flying restart or excitation active B0133 Fly/Exc n.act. 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 from sequence control 1)
  • Page 941
    n959.30 = 0 The encoder connection may neither be closed nor removed when live! The converter must be de-energized (24 V electronics power supply disconnected and DC link fully discharged)! Sign of P116 Resolver angle KK0096 Angle Offset -180.00°…+180.00° Eval. motor encoder P132 (0.00) P130 For further processing,…
  • Page 942
    The encoder connection may neither be closed nor removed when live! n959.31 = 6 Pin assignment -X424: SBM2: The converter must be de-energized (24 V electronics power supply disconnected and DC link Position correction fully discharged)! 1 : P encoder Zero pulse monitoring 2 : M encoder Amplitude monitoring…
  • Page 943
    The encoder connection may neither be closed nor removed when live! n959.36 = 6 Pin assignment -X424: The converter must be de-energized (24 V electronics power supply disconnected and DC link fully discharged)! Position correction with zero pulse 1 : P encoder 2 : M encoder 3 : A+ 4 : A-…
  • Page 944
    Setting of P150.01: n959.32 = 4 The encoder connection may neither be closed nor removed when live! The converter must be de-energized (24 V electronics power supply disconnected and DC link A/B/CTRL track input level Binectors fully discharged)! xxx0: A/B track HTL unipolar B0060 to B0063 xxx1: A/B track TTL unipolar xxx2: A/B track HTL differential input…
  • Page 945
    Setting of P150.02: The encoder connection may neither be closed nor removed when live! n959.35 = U950.17 = ___ (6) The converter must be de-energized (24 V electronics power supply disconnected and DC link A/B/CTRL track input level fully discharged)! xxx0: A/B track HTL unipolar xxx1: A/B track TTL unipolar The function always has the same…
  • Page 946
    Frequency signal evaluation mode Conf Setp Enc n959.33 = 4 1000…1133 (P139 = 1xxx) P139 (0000) SetpEnc Ref Freq Normalization 500…1000000 Hz Terminal assignment X400: <2> Channel 1 forwards counter (+) P141.1 (10000) <3> X401/68 60…67: n.c. Channel 1 forwards counter (-) SBP Setpoint Channel 1 Counter X401/69…
  • Page 947
    The encoder connection may neither be closed nor removed when live! U950.19 = ___(10) The converter must be de-energized (24 V electronics power supply disconnected and DC link Pin assignment -X424: Position correction/monitoring fully discharged)! Setting of P147: 0: No standard encoder, parameterization in P148, P149 1 : P encoder 1: Encoder EQN1325 (Heidenhain) EnDat 2 : M encoder…
  • Page 948
    The encoder connection may neither be closed nor removed when live! U950.18 = ___(5) The converter must be de-energized (24 V electronics power supply disconnected and DC link Pin assignment -X424: fully discharged)! When using position detection via Setting of P147: external encoder (FP335), the 1 : P encoder 0: No standard encoder, parameterization in P148, P149…
  • Page 949
    Src FSetp Bit2 n959.40 = 7 P417.B (0) Src FSetp Bit3 FixConn 0% Select FSetp Bit 1 from control word 2/Bit 21 [190.6] P418.B (0) 0,0 % K0000 Select FSetp Bit 0 from control word 2/Bit 20 [190.6] KK0041 Fixed setpoint 1 FixConn 100% -200.000 …
  • Page 950
    Conf MOP U953.71 = 3 0000 … 0111 <1> For U953.71 = 10, P431 = 0.1 ms or P425 (0110) P432 = 0.1 ms is not permissible. 0 Mot. potentiometer setpoint is not stored. MOP storage: Starting point is specified after ON by P426 StartValue MOP. 1 Mot.
  • Page 951
    n959.42 = 2 Inching bit 0 from sequence control [180.7] Release clockwise phase sequence of control word 1 Inching bit 1 from sequence control [180.7] Release counter-clockwise phase sequence of control word 1 Main setpoint r446 n(set, speed sel) Scale Main Setp r461 -300.0 …
  • Page 952
    n959.43 = 2 n(max,FWDSpeed) 0.0 … 200.0 % [180.7] Scale Torq(PRE) n(set,RGen-I) P452.F (100.0) Release setpoint 0.0 … 214748339 % KK0072 of control word 1 P471.F (100.0) Drive status Accel Time Decel Time SmoothRGenOut [320.2] Torque(PRE) OPERATION 0.00 … 600.00 s 0.00 …
  • Page 953
    n959.59 = 2 PosFixValue 1 KK0141 … (2 P775.01 (0) PosFixValue 2 … (2 KK0142 P775.02 (0) PosFixValue 3 KK0143 … (2 P775.03 (0) PosFixValue 4 KK0144 … (2 P775.04 (0) Fixed setpoint 1 -200.000 % … 199.999 % KK0145 P776.01 n959.44 = 3 Fixed setpoint 2…
  • Page 954
    Recommendation: Correction/Storage Element -760- Same sampling time as for U950.19 (Multiturn encoder evaluation for motor encoder [260]) U950.76 = __ (20) Overflow and rev. counter from MeasV valid U203 (0) correction/storage element U950.74 = __ (20) Encoder B0070 B070 Power On Mode U811.01 (0) [260] U205 (1)
  • Page 955
    <2> Start position [230.6], [250.6], [240.6], [260.6] Position sensing for Pos Resolution for absolute encoder n959.50 = 1 9 … 30 with ser. protocol Factor: clockwise/, motor encoder in slot C Pre-assignment for the Offset RotorPos P171 (12) (EnDat/SSI) anti-clockwise operation Pos ActV Position actual value with offset rough position is the…
  • Page 956
    P183 Configuration of position sensing Position of Value Meaning P183.01 Encoder sensing xxx0 — No position sensing with motor encoder in slot C xxx1 — Release position sensing with resolver or encoder xxx2 — Release position sensing with multiturn encoder Reference point detection mode xx0x — No reference point detection…
  • Page 957
    Correction/Storage Element -760- Recommended: Same sampling time as U950.18 (multiturn encoder evaluation for technology encoder [270]) U952.69 = __ (20) Overflow and rev. counter MeasV valid U206 (0) from correction/storage element U950.73 = __ (20) Encoder B0071 B071 Power On Mode U796.01 (0) [270] U208 (1)
  • Page 958
    Start position Position sensing for for absolute encoder U950.17 = ___(6) Fine resolution external encoder with ser. protocol (EnDat/SSI) external machine encoder (only SBM2) [270.6] [242.6], [255.6], [270.6] Pos ActV [333.7] If position sensing is used for r168 positioning, it should be PulseCntMachEn calculated in T3.
  • Page 959
    <2> P166 Configuration of position sensing Position of P166 Value Meaning Encoder detection P166.01 xxx0 — No position sensing with machine encoder (KK0125 = 0; no position measurement, no reference-point detection) xxx1 — Release position sensing with motor encoder Reference point detection mode P166.01 xx0x — No reference point detection…
  • Page 960
    Diff. time position control Is the transmission ratio <2> n959.51 = 1 torque precontrol >0 : results in an extrapolation (advance calculation) Pos Reg Kv 0.000 … 100.000 s <0 : results in an interpolation 0.000 … 20.000 P773 (0.000) of the position setpoint (if P774 = 0) P204.F (0.100) <3>…
  • Page 961
    Src n-Reg Adapt Scale Droop U953.41 = ___(0) Kp Adaptation Release of droop P232.B (0) n959.52 = P357 0.0 … 100.0 % from control word 2 [190.5] n-Reg.Kp(act) P246.F (0.0) r237 n-RegGain2 Src Droop n(Droop) 0.0 … 1000.0 P245.B (0) P236.F (10.0) KK0157 <1>…
  • Page 962
    Src n-Reg.Adapt. U953.41 = ___(0) Kp Adaptation P232.B (0) U953.45 = ___(0) Droop block see [360] n-Reg.Kp(act) r237 n-Reg. Gain2 U953.44 = ___(0) 0.0 … 1000.0 DT1 block see [360] P236.F (10.0) <1> n-Reg. Gain1 <1> The P gain of the speed controller is set at P235 0.0 …
  • Page 963
    Band-Stop Gain Filter character Filter character Filter character U953.42 = P357 0.0 … 150.0 % 0 .. 3 0 .. 3 0 .. 3 P251 (100.0) P256.1 (1) P256.2 (0) P256.3 (0) Src Band-Stop P252 (0) n(Band-Stop) KK0158 P254 P253 Qty Band-Stop P257 Qty Band-Stop…
  • Page 964
    maximum 205 % of the reference speed 0.1 … 100.0 [320.7] max. n959.53 = P357 P247.F (1.0) pos. speed n-Reg Gain (act) [360.7] <2> Max Current [370.7] max. 0.0 … 1000.0 A neg. speed P128 (~) maximum -205 % of the reference speed Src I(max) Src Torq(Limit 1) 100 %…
  • Page 965
    Is only calculated for P290 Current controller n959.54 = P357 (Sel V/f,I-Reg) = 0 Mot.ShCirCurrent FieldWeakDir Dynamic I-Reg Amps Reg Gain 0.0 … 100.0 % (=current control) [420.3] 0.00 … 600.00 A 0 … 12000 1/min 0 … 2 0.0 … 200.0 % P285 (0.0) P105 (0.0) P299 (0)
  • Page 966
    Reference variable for fluxes Is only calculated for P290 Current controller n959.54 = P357 FieldWKFreq Select Flux Reg Dynamic I-Reg Amps Reg Gain Psi(…): rated magnetizing (Sel V/f,I-Reg) = 0 0.0 … 100.0 % 0.0 … 400.0 Hz 0 / 1 0 …
  • Page 967
    Select Flux Reg f (Switch. EMK Mod) Reference variable for fluxes 0 / 1 Is only calculated for n959.54 = P357 1 Hz … 8xP107 P294 (0) P290 (Sel V/f,I-Reg) = 0 Psi(…): rated magnetizing FieldWKFreq P313 (=current control) [420.3] 0.0 …
  • Page 968
    P095 Select Mot Type: Select Mot Type Select1FT6/1FK6 Select1PH7 Select 1FW3 0 No motor selected 0 … 4 0 … 253 0 … 253 0 … 13 1 1FT6/1FK6 P095 (1) P096 (0) P097 (0) P099 (0) 2 1PA6/1PL6/1PH4/1PH7 Mot Rtd Volts Mot Rtd Amps Mot No Load Amps MotPwrFactor…
  • Page 969
    Applies only to synchronous motors (P95=1 or P95=3) Temperature dependence 0.0 % … 20.0 % If no temperature sensore is 140 °C — r009 P090.2 (12.0 %) 1 + P090.2 connected, rotor temperature adaptation is switched off. Motor temperature (r009) Rotor temperature adaptation kT nominal value…
  • Page 970
    Applies only to induction motors (P95=2 or P95=4) Bit2 status_word1 Operation / Pulses blocked Tr Actual value r093 Actual value of rotor Rotor time const. time constant Tr 0 … 10000 ms for flux model [390.6] P124 (0 ms) Max. deviation For P92=0.00% the adaptation is switched off (less computing time)
  • Page 971
    U953.46 = ___(20) Only value 0 or 20 can be entered . 0 = Function is calculated in T0. 20 = Function is not calculated. Src Sel J SrcSelAccel T Scaling J U376.B (0) U377.B (0) 0.00 … 200.00 % Note regarding the setting of the moment of inertia (U373, U378): U379 (100.00) Absolute-value connector…
  • Page 972
    n959.58 = 2 T Friction Characteristic 0.0 … 200.0 % Rec FricCharac U216.1 to .10 B0690 Src Rec FricChar U219.B (0) Src n(FricChar) T(Fric.) U214.B (0) K0615 U217.F (100.0) 0.0 … 200.0 % Weight T-Fric sign. Src On FricCharac U218.B (0) U215.1 to .10 0.000 …
  • Page 973
    n959.55 = 4 <2> Imax Reg Gain Imax Reg Time Is only calculatd for 0.001 … 0.500 1 … 32000 ms P290 (Sel V/f,I-Reg.) = 1 P331 (0.005) P332 (1000) (= V/f characteristic) [420.3] Imax Reg Mode 0 / 1 P333 (1) P333 ImaxRegMode: 0 = Reduction of voltage 1 = Reduction of frequency…
  • Page 974
    n959.56 = 0 ON Volts Dead Time Max. PulseFreqRatio Tdead Limitr Adj Pulse Frequency Compens. Comp. T(Dead Time Comp.) ModulatDepth 0 … 1 0 … 200 5.0 … 8.0 kHz 0 … 25 V (0 … 1) 0.00 … 25.55 20 …
  • Page 975
    <1> Warning: If braking control is used, B0277 and B0278 must be connected up! Limit value monitor Example of connecting up the braking control: BrakeThr1 over Criterion for «Brake open» P605=2 Brake with checkback message (NO contact switches if brake closes) [470.7] B0281 Src BrakeThresh1 P561=278…
  • Page 976
    n959.60 = 4 Perm Deviation 0.0 … 200.0 % Deviation Time P792.F (3.0) 0.0 … 100.0 s (Is only calculated in OFF1, OFF3, OPERATION P794.F (3.0) AND MOTID) Src Setp No Set/Act deviation P790 (150) to status word 1, bit 8 [200.2] A034 –…
  • Page 977
    Alarm with Alarm n959.61 = P357 halved time constant Drive overload A025: I2t converter Drive Utilizat. to status word 2, bit 22 [210.2] r010 Drive output current 100 % B0227 Current Drive overload Drive Utilizat. i2t calculation K0246 to torque limitation [370.4] 100 % CalcTimeHdroom (only Compact PLUS)
  • Page 978
    n959.63 = P357 Mot. Load Limits 0 … 300 % P384.1 (100 %) OutputAmps(rms) Motor Cooling Mot.Temp.T1 K0242 0 … 1 0 … 16 000 s P382 (1) P383 (100 s) Motor Utilization A029: from evaluation of r008 to status word 2, bit 25 [210.2] Alarm motor overtemperature actual-values [500.8]…
  • Page 979
    n957.72 = 6 Fct Stall/Overload 0 … 2 P806 (0) P806: 2: De-energized n/f(act) speed conditioning (KK0091) 1: Only stall protection [500.4] 0: Stall and overload protection 2 % n-ref Master/slave drive Control word 2 [190.5] 1 = Setpoint acceleration negative Isq(act) 0 = Setpoint acceleration positive [390.4]…
  • Page 980
    n957.73 = 6 Fct Stall/Overload 0 … 2 P806 (0) P806: Perm Deviation 2: De-energized P792.F [480.3] Deviation Time 1: Stall protection P794.F [480.3] 0: Stall protection Imax Controller (Outp) [400.3] 0 : Voltage adjustment 1 : Frequency adjustment Stall/Block Time Imax Reg Mode 0.00 …
  • Page 981
    n959.62 = 0 Output Amps F011: Overcurrent r004 I(act,abs) α β I(Abs smooth) K0022 «3» to current control [390.2] 100 ms = -I I(Outp Abs) K0242 to current control [390.2] «2» F011: Overcurrent V DCLink(Thresh) 0 … 1000 V P788 (800) DC volts<…
  • Page 982
    omega for current control, Speed actual-value e.m.f. calculation, KT n(act)-Filter r441 Theta(mech.) estimator, Tr-adaption, etc. 0 … 500 Hz P130 Select MotEncod KK0090 [390] n(act) P231.1 (0) 0 Auto. encoder detection / without encoder 0000 0000h = 0° r002 1 Resolver 2-pole (slot C) 8000 0000h = 180°…
  • Page 983
    n957.83 = 4 When using the reduced voltage mode, pay attention to the following: If the DC link voltage V rises from the reduced range to the chopper switch-in threshold in dc_link less than 3 s (as a result of heavy braking), proper functioning of the chopper cannot be assured. The chopper can possibly fail to turn on, which will cause the converter or inverter to cut out as a result of fault F006 «Overvoltage».
  • Page 984
    <1> n959.65 = 4 High byte = Current fault number r947.01 K0250 Low byte = Curren alarm number <2> «Operating» status from Fault time in days r782.01 Fault time in days r782.04 Fault time in days r782.07 Fault masking sequence control 0 …
  • Page 985
    n959.70 = 8 SlotDeselect 0 / 1 Generat. Date Firmware Version U910 (0) r827 r069 PCB Code SW ID Board ID r826.02 r828.02 n911.02 Slot A (option board) PCB Code SW ID Board ID r826.03 r828.03 n911.03 Slot B (option board) (only with Compact PLUS) PCB Code SW ID…
  • Page 986
    n959.70 = 8 r826 Meaning 90 to 109 Mainboards oder Control Unit 110 to 119 Sensor Board (SBx) 120 to 129 Serial Communication Board (Scx) 130 to 139 Technology Board 140 to 149 Communication Board (Cbx) 150 to 169 Special boards (EBx, SLB) Board Meaning r826…
  • Page 987
    Status diagram V2.4 Function diagram fp_mc_520_e.vsd — 520 — MASTERDRIVES MC 23.11.01…
  • Page 988
    n959.66 = 4 Copy BICO DSet Changeover of binector 0 … 21 Active BICO DSet and connector parameters P363 (0) r012 Parameter number Index 1 Index 2 BICO data set bit 30 from control word 2 xxxx K0035 Note: The parameters concerned are [190.6] xxxx designated by the code «B».
  • Page 989
    n959.67 = 2 Parameter P115 «Calc MotModel» = 1 also affects the following parameters: Induction motor connected (P095 = 2, 4): Synchronous motor connected (P095 = 1): For both motor types, P103 Mot No Load Amps (only if = 0 has first been P107 Mot Rtd Freq P128…
  • Page 990
    n957.77 = 0 DC bus Volts Dyn 0 … 200 % P516 (25) Vdmax controller selection 0 … 1 P515 (0) VdMax Volts Inp Vdmax on I(Vdmax Reg) 600 … 800 V – K0271 [370] P517 Vd(max)Reg act. B0296 P290 = 1 K0240 DC link bus voltage (Vdact)
  • Page 991
    n957.84 = 0 Indices 4-6 are available to P312.1-3 P311 2nd HC channel 0 … 300 A (0) 0 … 2000 A (0) Output current [FD500.6] y=f(I)=aI +bI+I A quadratic mapping of the interpolation points designated via P312 to the interval:[0,P311] takes place HarmComp.I(out) K0273…
  • Page 992
    Load period Tsmooth Tdead Learn rate Damping 10-2 0-3000 ms 0-3000 ms 0-100 % 0-100 % P375 (4096) P376.1 (2.0) P376.2 (1.5) P377.1 (40) P377.2 (10) Src Enable CLC P373.1 (0) CLC output Enable function K0274 Src Enable CLC P373.2 (0 Enable learn Cyclic load compensation to torque summation…
  • Page 993
    Notes: — A free block is only processed if it is specifically assigned to a sampling time via the allocated U95x parameter; see sheet [702]! — Parameterization of the sampling sequence is also described on sheet [702]. — The approximate calculating time per block is indicated in {µs} for each type of block. Free blocks V2.4 Function diagram…
  • Page 994: Free Blocks: List Of Contents

    MASTERDRIVES MC function diagram — List of contents of the free blocks Contents Sheet Contents Sheet Contents Sheet Free blocks: List of contents Numeric function blocks and control blocks Complex blocks Setting and monitoring the sampling times and — Adders — Axial winder 784a, 784b sampling sequence…

  • Page 995: Setting And Monitoring The Sampling Times And Sampling Sequence

    Sampling time Sampling sequence 2 … 20 2 … 20 Setting and monitoring the sampling U950 … U953 U960 … U963 times and sampling sequence Function Parameter for Parameter for Function block setting the sampling time setting the sampling sequence Example of the sampling time and sampling number Parameter No.

  • Page 996: Fixed Setpoints

    9 fixed setpoints (1-word) {1 µs} 8 fixed setpoints (2-word) {1 µs} 8 fixed control bits {1 µs} 3 connector displays {1 µs} U952.76 = __ (10) U950.31 = __ (10) U011.F (0.000) U950.40 = __ (10) U950.48 = __ (10) U033 (0) U001.F (0.00) U021.F (0)

  • Page 997: Fault/Alarm Trigger Signals

    4 fault message trigger signals {1 µs} 4 alarm message trigger signals {1 µs} 3 connector/double connector converters {5 µs} U952.59 = __ (20) U952.63 = __ (20) U061 (0) U065 (0) 1 = «Fault F148» 1 = «Alarm A061» U952.60 = __ (20) U952.64 = __ (20) U950.56 = __ (20)

  • Page 998: Connector/Binector Converters

    5 connector/binector converters {6 µs} U072.01 (0) U950.57 = __ (20) U072.02 (0) U950.58 = __ (20) U072.03 (0) U950.59 = __ (20) Bit field 1 Bit field 2 Bit field 3 Connector/binector converter 1 Connector/binector converter 2 Connector/binector converter 3 n073 n074 n075…

  • Page 999: Binector/Connector Converters

    4 binector/connector converters {6 µs} U076 (0) U952.89 = __ (20) U078 (0) U952.90 = __ (20) 7-segment display 7-segment display of the bit field to n077 of the bit field to n079 n077 n079 0…FFFFh 0…FFFFh 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 K0431 K0432…

  • Page 1000: Adders

    4 adders with 2 inputs (1-word) {2 µs} 3 sign inverters (1-word) {1 µs} 1 modulo 2^16 adder/subtracter {1 µs} U950.83 = __ (20) U951.42 = __ (20) U950.84 = __ (20) U951.72 = __ (20) U096 (0) U082 (0) U084 (0) U098 (0) 200%…

  • Page 1001: Multipliers

    3 multipliers (1-word) {6 µs} 2 dividers (1-word) {8 µs} 3 high-resolution multipliers/dividers (1-word) {9 µs} U951.04 = __ (20) U951.05 = __ (20) U951.06 = __ (20) Scaling 200% U107 (0) U111 (0) y2 = KK0482 200% 200% U114 (0) 100% -200% K0467…

  • Page 1002: Shift Multipliers/Dividers

    1 high-resolution multiplier/divider (2-word) {13 µs} 4 shift multipliers/dividers (2-word) Number of shift steps Number of shift steps U951.12 = __ (20) U405 (0) -31 … +31 -31 … +31 (32bit) (48bit) U442.01 (0) U442.03 (0) 200% (16bit) KK0602 U406 (1) (32bit) -200% U953.36 = __ (20)

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Simovert Masterdrive MC — Alarm 130


DbImokMakKos9Ik » 13 авг 2021, 16:40

Добрый день!
Имеем проблему с частотным преобразователем — 6SE7016-1TA51-Z.При запуске выдает 2 предупреждения Alarm 130(Operating conditions
do not exist) и Alarm 17 (Safe Stop alarm active). Проблема возникла после замены частотного преобразователя ( до этого стоял 6SE7022-6CE51) — параметры привода были переделаны, электрическое подключение тоже ( было 3х380АС — сейчас 510DC). Ошибок нет. В чем может быть проблема? :ges_help:


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Simovert Masterdrive MC — Alarm 130


kofyan » 14 авг 2021, 09:47

Ошибку A17 если я не ошибаюсь, генерирует плата которая стоит на блоке питания, с нее шлейф еще уходит на cuvc. Опция K80. Если ее нету, то возможно что-то неисправно в самом инверторе. Вот описание с форума Сименс, не раз выручали советы этого человека.

Please refer to the Function Diagram 92 in the Compendium VC 3.4
You can find this here:http://support.automation.siemens.com/W … n/13472409
You mention that your drive has options (This is the -Z at the end of the part number)
If your drive has a K80 option, then the Function Diagram reference is essential, if not, then you are back to a hardware fault. This can be really be most of the items in the drive, but there are some relatively simple checks to make.
Using a Diode checker and with the power switched off for at least 5 minutes, measure between Incoming live terminals and the DC supply (Then change polarity), and between the DC supply and the motor Ouput terminals (then change polarity). You should measure 12 diodes in total.

With all power still off, double check connections, i.e. CUVC is correctly seated, no bent pins. All fibreoptic cables well connected. 24VDC power cable is plugged securely into IGD board. Also, check the ABO board at the bottom of the CUVC is inserted securely (Be careful, this is as fragile as a computer RAM stick)

If you apply control volts, thenI will assume that becasue this is an 1100Amp unit that there are fibre optic cables in use. Extract and look at the 3 UCE feedback cables (they should all be lit assuming the 24VDC control supply is on). These normally trigger F025, F026, or F027, but can sometimes be overriden by F017.

I have seen a CT trigger an F017 (Normally this would be F029, but I could not explain why, with a new CT, the drive was fine again)

You could try using a Masterdrives testbox, these are not really so expensive and can provide lots of diagnostic information. The part number is 6SE7090-0XX84-1FK0

Hope this helps a little.

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