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my Partition analysis problem with proteus 6 .. help me
Thread starteralalbeet
Start dateApr 16, 2009
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I used in my following circuit lm393 as a comparator but in proteus 6 when running the circuit it gives the following error
Design: D:pcb'scerbres.DSN
Doc. no.: <NONE>
Revision: <NONE>
Author: <NONE>
Created: 04/11/09
Modified: 04/16/09
Compiling source files...
Build completed OK.
Compiling netlist...
Linking netlist...
Partition analysis...
ERROR [PSM] : No model specified for 'U1:A'.
ERROR [PSM] : No model specified for 'U1:B'.
Simulation FAILED due to partition analysis error(s).
please help me in my small circuit and i have another question which if can i replace this circuit with lm555 timer circuit ?
thanks alot
(ERROR [PSM] : No model specified for ‘U1:A’. ERROR [PSM] : No model specified for ‘U1:B.)
Good Luck.
and i have chosen the IC as I want (lm393)
Super Moderator
R7 is far too low in value, try 220 — 470 ohm
R6 looks to be in the wrong place, it would be bettet to use it as a current limiting resistor between the output of the op-amp and the base of the transistor.
please help me in this problem
U1B is a buffer which picks up he oscillator signal without influencung the frequency setting.
The signal is passed on to Q9 which switches two Infrared Leds (e.g. from a remote control) at 36 kHz.
The LM393 is used because it can operate at very low voltages down to 2 Volt , a standard opamp can not be used here!
so i will use timer 555 as oscillator at 36 khz
ERROR [PSM] : No model specified for ‘U1:A’.
ERROR [PSM] : No model specified for ‘U1:B.
The ISIS do not have model for LM393 so it cannot simulate it. Use another differential comparator. ISIS have model for following diff comparators:
and that’s all …
EDIT: this is list of diff. cimparators v7 support, v6 might not support all of theese
Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
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Форум РадиоКот • Просмотр темы — Proteus: вопросы и ответы
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Зарегистрирован: Пн дек 25, 2006 02:29:15 Рейтинг сообщения: 0
Незнаю что за прикол. Никак немогу запусть на симуляцию Протеус. Пробовал версию 6.2, установил все дела, собрал елементарную цепь подсоеденил осцилограф, запускаю и выдает какуето ошибку. Взял скачал 6.9 SP3 та же самая проблема. Текст этой проблемы таков:
Compiling source files…
Simulating partition 1 [F9BA331F]…
Reading netlist… Simulation FAILED due to fatal simulator errors.
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Зарегистрирован: Пн дек 25, 2006 02:29:15 Рейтинг сообщения: 0
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Заголовок сообщения: СПАСИБО
Зарегистрирован: Пн дек 25, 2006 02:29:15 Рейтинг сообщения: 0
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Зарегистрирован: Чт янв 11, 2007 12:14:33 Рейтинг сообщения: 0
Такова тоже нет там всего несколько LCD 128.64 и буквено цыфровы. |
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Aleksis |
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Зарегистрирован: Чт сен 13, 2007 16:44:46 Рейтинг сообщения: 0
Раз уж есть такая ветка — пишу сюда. |
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Зарегистрирован: Чт июл 26, 2007 09:12:36 Рейтинг сообщения: 0
Aleksis писал(а): Раз уж есть такая ветка — пишу сюда. Та же проблема русских букв, заходишь в ISIS, меню System -> Set Paths, смотришь path to folder for simulation results на наличие кирилицы, да и все остальные пути тоже. |
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Aleksis |
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Зарегистрирован: Чт сен 13, 2007 16:44:46 Рейтинг сообщения: 0
Спасибо! Подправил пути и сразу все заработало. |
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shemmer |
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Зарегистрирован: Вс сен 09, 2007 07:13:08 Рейтинг сообщения: 0
Может кто-нить подскажет где моно взять |
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В нем много библиотек компонентов. Некоторые можно самому сделать или смоделировать с помощью МК если возможно. FAQ PROTEUS PDF Kazus.ru do 20081102.zip Размер: 766.02 кб http://stream.ifolder.ru/8872803 Последний раз редактировалось tych Вс ноя 02, 2008 22:00:43, всего редактировалось 1 раз. |
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Зарегистрирован: Вс сен 09, 2007 07:13:08 Рейтинг сообщения: 0
Кто-нибудь сталкивался с таким?: |
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JTAG отключите.. |
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Lestat |
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Зарегистрирован: Сб мар 31, 2007 13:53:07 Рейтинг сообщения: 0
вобщем вопросик, подключил мобильный к АТTiny2313, и нужно кудато записывать ответ телефона чтобы потом обработать, куда можна и лучше писать? |
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Lestat писал(а): вобщем вопросик, подключил мобильный к АТTiny2313, и нужно кудато записывать ответ телефона чтобы потом обработать, куда можна и лучше писать? Подключите к COM-порту и логте весь обмен программами |
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Lestat |
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Зарегистрирован: Сб мар 31, 2007 13:53:07 Рейтинг сообщения: 0
так и все зделал, имею лог, только я не ето имел виду, после того как МК принял байт и куда его записать что бы потом можна было сравнить принятое(целый ответ, который имеет не один байт) с масивом? |
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Problem in using comprator ic
Thread starterfasihgardazi
Start dateJan 11, 2012
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have open collector output.
They need load resistor from output to V+
You should show your circuit.
Add for example 4.7kohm resistors from output to V+.
**broken link removed**
Circuit dont need -12V supply
and make comparator reference voltage with resistor divider.
Look examples….
**broken link removed**
Last edited: Jan 12, 2012
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sir, i m not understanding wat do you mean by open collector in terms of comparator ic because wat i think is that open collector is a configuration of transistor can you please correct this circuit for me.
Let us take one ouput, say pin 14.
On your circuit, when it is supposed to be high, nothing happens. To get a voltage on it, we need to add a resistor between this pin and Vcc (as your +12V). So we can disconnect the R1 (1K) terminal from the Q1 base and connect it to Vcc (+12V) instead. But here we don’t need just a high voltage at the ouput, instead we look to drive Q1 so that it will be turned on in this state. To do this, first let us change the value of R1 from 1K to 10K for example since Q1 base doesn’t need too much current for a load of 1K (R4) at its collector. Then we connect the Q1 base directly to pin 14 (output).
We will notice that the voltage at pin 14 drops from 12V (no connection to the base) to about 0.7V (when connected and which is the average forward voltage between base and emitter of a silicon npn transistor). Now R1 passes a current to Q1 base and the collector of Q1 will be close to zero (said in saturattion). You may say but why this current goes to Q1 and not into pin 14. Here it comes the role of what we call an output with open collector. It is like we have Q1 without R4 at its collector. Q1 can sink current through R4 (when connected) if its base is driven by a small current but it cannot source any current if Q1 is off (no base current), so when R4 is removed Q1 collector would look like an open circuit in this state. Similarly, the output of the comparator here is just a collector of an NPN transistor hence it can sink a current if low and becomes an open circuit otherwise (that is why we call the output type; open collector).
In brief, the corrections at pin 14 (same for the other outputs):
[1] R1 is connected between pin 14 and 12V. Practically its value could be made 10K to provide about 1mA only, to the Q1 base.
[2] Q1 base is connected directly to pin14. When pin 14 is low Q1 is turned off since the comparator output will sink the 1mA leaving its base current without any current.
Have fun
Last edited: Jan 12, 2012
Compiling source files…
Build completed OK.
Compiling netlist…
Linking netlist…
Partition analysis…
ERROR [PSM] : No model specified for ‘U1:A’.
Simulation FAILED due to partition analysis error(s).
then simulator does not have model for LM3302
try to change ic to LM339 instead
View attachment 67197
sir, this is wat i have done and i m still getting an error.i connected the end of the resistor (which was connected to the base of transistor)
to the vcc and i have connected the base of the transistor to the output of the comparator.and still there is an partition analysis error.
Just in case you will use a comparator you have its model (I am familiar with LTspice simulator only), I guess you already know that pin 7 (IN+) voltage is lower than of pin 6 (IN-). Pin 1 is therefore low and Q1 is off. This lets your blue LED (D1) shine with a current (12V-3.3V)/1K = 7.7mA (approximately, since the forward voltage of the blue LED might be other than 3.3V).
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