Скачать 404 error pages

На сайте TERONI.RU вы найдете огромное количество бесплатных скриптов различной направленности. А также шаблоны и модули для своего сайта от различных CMS.

Страница 404
Зачем нужна страница 404? Ошибка 404 возникает, когда пользователь переходит по ссылке, которая по различным причинам отсутсвует, а поисковики продолжают ее индексировать. Чтобы пользователь оставался на сайте даже попадая нанесуществующий контент, необходима красивая страница 404. Скачать отличные HTML шаблоны страниц 404 бесплатно.

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Страница 404 ошибки в космическом стиле

Отличная и анимированная страница 404 ошибки в космическом стиле, которая корректно отображается на всех разрешениях экрана. Дизайн страницы может быть любой, …

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Адаптивная страница 404 в ярком оформлении

Адаптивная страница 404 ошибки, это один из самых важных элемент дизайна, который отвечает за важный функционал на сайте. Вашему вниманию по стилистике …


Адаптивная страница 404 Not Found для сайта

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Анимационный стиль 404 страницы для сайта

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Оригинальная страница с ошибкой 404 для сайта

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Адаптивная 404 страница ошибки для сайта

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Креативная страница ошибки 404 для сайта

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Адаптивная 404 страница ошибки для сайта

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Анимированная адаптивная страница Error 404 Not Found

Эта красиво оформленная анимированная адаптивная страница ошибки Error 404 Not Found для сайта. Сам стиль страницы 404 выполнен в темном оттенке, так как …


Адаптивная страница 404 с модным дизайном

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When searching for creative, impactful, and modern free 404 error page templates, that’s when our collection comes into play.

Many of the premium website templates provide a separate 404 error page template and their package. If this is not the case for you, you can greatly use these free alternatives.

Before getting into the error page templates list, let us see what makes a perfect professional 404 page.

You must decide what the user must do after landing on an error page. Also, you can directly show them suggestions that are closely related to their search term.

You might have seen this approach on many news websites, and even some of the news and magazine website templates give you this option by default. Or else you can directly provide a search box or a button to take the user back to their previous page or your homepage.

These and many other features are great ways to retain your visitors. If a user lands on an error page, you do not want them to leave your site entirely.

You can also stay creative with your 404 pages. Some use interactive animations, other interesting text messages, videos, etc.

Waste no time and spice your 404 error page with any web designs below.

Colorlib 404 Customizer (WordPress plugin)

This is the only WordPress plugin that made a list. It is very easy to use and has great design, templates, and customization options.

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Colorlib 404 v1

When a user types a false URL or tries to search for something that your website does not feature, a solid 404 page is necessary. Also, you might have some content that is no more live on your page, again, sort things out with a 404 page. To save you from the hassle of creating one yourself, we bring you a massive collection of free 404 error page templates to start ASAP. Download this clean-looking layout with text and a call-to-action button that leads the user back to the home page. Whether you are still in the process of establishing your page or already have it live but missing an error page, you can now add it sooner rather than later.

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Colorlib 404 v2

An error page could be some text, or you can keep them engaged with an additional feature. One of such things could be a search function that helps them find the exact page they are looking for. After all, if they ended on an error page, the page is missing, and that could be because they entered the wrong keyword to your search bar. They can now try again with this cool free 404 error page template without going back. This will help you with the bounce rate, too! Try it out, it is free of charge.

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Colorlib 404 v3

Simple and bold error page is ready and set for you to use right away. It is a cool design that will tell your users they landed on the wrong page. If your main website rocks a minimalistic look, this free 404 error page template might fit your branding needs ideally. On the other hand, we are still beginning this magnificent collection of layouts for error pages. With versatility and adaptability, you will surely find the one that resonates with your project best. 

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Colorlib 404 v4

Error pages could be boring, or they could be cool and attention-grabbing. Hey, you should keep your site visitors impressed and fascinated. Even with a 404 error page, you can have it in tune with your page style and keep the branding intact. On top of that, call-to-action button links back to your index page, and, chances are, they will take action. Regardless of what part or segment of your website, make sure you have it enhanced and customized to the last detail. They will notice your seriousness and not be distracted, even if an OOPS! page appears in front of them.

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Colorlib 404 v5

If you want to offer your users something more than just a notice that they landed on an error page, this free 404 error page template is for you. Not only does it have a search function integrated into the web design, but it also features a back button. Either they fill the search bar or press the back button and are back on track. You can now add this exact layout to your site and even alter it slightly if necessary. After all, you want it to follow your regulations, so it does not feel like they are on an entirely different platform.

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Colorlib 404 v6

If your main web design sports a dark layout, you can almost directly implement this free 404 error page template. By default, it links them to the home page, but you can also do your thing and customize the experience. Enhanced with a creative touch, you can now redirect all users who landed on an error page with a call-to-action button. 

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Colorlib 404 v7

When they search for a topic you do not have on your website or the original page is no more, do not just let them land on a blank page. If this happens, they will probably run away from your page as quickly as possible. To solve the issue, add a cool-looking error page to your webspace and keep them around for longer. For instance, this free 404 error page rock a search function and can go back to your home in just a click. Have your entire online presence sorted out in full.

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Colorlib 404 v8

It should be first-class no matter what part of your website they visit. For the most part, websites rock a light web design, but there are occasions when the owner prefers a dark look. We bring you another stunning, elegant, and professional free 404 error page template if the latter is you. It is simple, yet at the same time, sophisticated, which will match your branding requirements effortlessly. Customize the text if needed and make the call-to-action button active by linking it to your first page. After you are fully satisfied with your brand new 404 page, introduce it to your page; the rest is history.

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Colorlib 404 v9

If you feel like stepping things up and not just having some text on your error page, you came to the right place. This one is cool and engaging, but we also have a set of free 404 error page templates that will do the trick for you. Without hassle, you will find the one that meets your needs precisely, and before you know it, it will already be live on your page. Sometimes, it is wise to have a link or even a search bar on your error page to avoid losing many users. Whether they typed the wrong search query or your page is not live anymore when they end up on a 404 page, keep their attention intact.

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Colorlib 404 v10

It could be OOPS!, Error, or a simple 404 sign, whatever the case, you can play around with different options when picking up the ideal free 404 error page template for your site. Keeping things simple and clean with a touch of creativity is a winning combination. Of course, you might look at “simple” and “creative” differently than I am. We have an array of contrasting web designs ready and set for you to use and find out what works best almost instantly. Pick accordingly and expand your online space with a neat mobile-ready error page.

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Colorlib 404 v11

Let’s say you are a photographer. You want your outstanding images featured all over your website, right? And this goes for the error page, too! If you are rocking a boring old 404 page, make a difference today with this free 404 error page template. It features an image background, a search bar, and social media icons. Besides, there is also a back-to-home button just in case. With this type of layout, you will decrease the number of users that leave your site after accidentally landing on the error page. Keep the flow going strong all the time.

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Colorlib 404 v12

There is no reason why you would not want to have some fun when they happen to land on an error page. With this smart free 404 error page template, you can bring a joyful experience that will take them back to your home page. This way, they won’t just leave your website but keep browsing your remarkable content, products, or services. Help them find exactly what they are looking for, and they will be happy to return. This layout features a crying emoji with some text and a call-to-action button. It will be a small breeze implementing it into your current webspace that is for sure.

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Colorlib 404 v13

Cool icons can positively impact your users, especially regarding error pages. Do not make them dull and unattractive instead, make them fun and exciting. Not only that but engaging enough so they will stay around for several additional minutes. With a simple call-to-action, they can return to your first page and find the exact content they are searching for. Sometimes, the wrong search query takes them to the 404 page. However, it is also possible that not all of your sites are still live. But you can now solve the little inconvenience with a free error page template.

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Colorlib 404 v14

To keep the cool vibes consistent across all parts of your site, you want to pick one of our free 404 error page templates. These come in all shapes and sizes, making sure your users, readers, and random site visitors keep their presence by going back to your home page or visiting your social media accounts. You can achieve fantastic results with a responsive, mobile-ready, easy-to-use tool, like Colorlib 404 v15 page template. Say “OOPS!” in a funky way, and they will continue their browsing experience by heading over to the right section of your page.

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Colorlib 404 v15

We always bring you all sorts of different free templates for your websites. Some folks like to keep things bare minimum, while others enjoy additional animations and special effects. If you fall in the latter bucket, we have an impressive and attention-grabbing free 404 error page template. It sports vibrant colors and a call-to-action (CTA) button to guide your users to your home page. You will also notice that social media buttons are included in the web design for your convenience. Also, do state (customize) why they see an error page.

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Colorlib 404 v16

If you would like to hit your users heavy (in a positive way) with your error page, we have a special treat here for you. Meet a smooth, responsive, mobile-ready, cool, effect-free 404 error page template with a striking red design. Your branding might have some red going on, making this site skin more than ideal. Moreover, you might even want to use it exactly as is, making the social icons and call-to-action active, and you are ready to roll. Of course, you can alter the message, too, and write down something even more catchy.

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Colorlib 404 v17

While you can take the time and build your custom error page, we have many stylish, modern, clean and professional free templates that will get you going quickly. Download the tool and put it to use right away. Of course, you can also perform different customization tweaks and make the one layout you fancy follow your needs and regulations exactly. But do feel free to use it exactly as is if you are in a hurry. Instead of featuring just an icon and some text, introduce a button and lead them to your home page or other section of your page.

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Colorlib 404 v18

Whoever is missing an error page or is using the default one spice things up with any of our free 404 error page templates. You can now set it up quickly and efficiently without breaking a single drop of sweat. A sad emoji, 404 sign and additional text explaining the situation with a back-to-homepage button is all you need. Even if you like to keep things simple and basic, you can still create a cool environment that keeps them engaged. And this also goes for error pages, occupying their presence at all times.

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Colorlib 404 v19

Since you all run different websites, we made sure that the free 404 error page templates we bring to the table are of as different styles as possible. No doubt, you will find one that meets your expectation without hassle. Even if you are a picky user, there is something for every taste. On top of that, the web designs are customizable to fine-tune them further.

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Colorlib 404 v20

Instead of keeping your website’s default one, elevate your online presence with a modern 404 section and keep your knowledge intact. 404 sign, text and additional information about why your users see an error page is what this page template treats you to. You will also notice a call-to-action button to make functional and take your site guests back to the home page. Or if you would like to push your compelling blog section, you can link the CTA button there. As a result, you have a quick fix that will sort out your error page.

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Build Your 404 Error Page

These are some of the best free 404 error page templates you can use for your HTML website templates. All the templates use the latest CSS framework, so you get modern design elements and trendy colors with these templates. Again, you can’t simply unzip the file and use it directly on your site, you have to spend some time to get these templates into your site.

Hello Friends, In this article I have listed 35+ Best HTML CSS 404 Page Templates which are available on CodePen.

Best Collection of 404 error page design

#1: 404 Page – Lost In Space

404 Page – Lost In Space
404 Page – Lost In Space, which was developed by Saleh Riaz Qureshi. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Saleh Riaz Qureshi
Created on: April 23, 2018
Made with: HTML, CSS & JS
Tags: 404 Page Lost In Space

#2: 404 SVG animated page concept

404 SVG animated page concept
404 SVG animated page concept, which was developed by Volodymyr Hashenko. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Volodymyr Hashenko
Created on: October 7, 2016
Made with: HTML & CSS
Tags: 404 SVG animated page concept

#3: Oops! 404 error page template

Oops! 404 error page template
Oops 404 error page design, which was developed by Israa Adnan. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Israa Adnan
Created on: June 30, 2021
Made with: HTML & CSS
Tags: Oops 404 error page template

#4: Simple 404 page error template

Simple 404 page error template
Simple 404 page error template, which was developed by Naved khan. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Naved khan
Created on: June 18, 2018
Made with: HTML & CSS
Tags: Simple 404 page error template

#5: Yeti 404 Page

Yeti 404 Page
Yeti 404 Page, which was developed by Darin. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Darin
Created on: August 17, 2018
Made with: HTML, CSS(SCSS) & JS
Tags: Yeti 404 Page

#6: 404 Page UI

404 Page UI
404 Page UI, which was developed by Rafaela Lucas. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Rafaela Lucas
Created on: November 27, 2019
Made with: HTML, CSS(SCSS) & JS
Tags: daily ui 404 Page

#7: Fargo 404 page template

Fargo 404 page template
Fargo 404 page design, which was developed by Nate Watson. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Nate Watson
Created on: November 18, 2015
Made with: HTML(Pug), CSS(SCSS) & JS
Tags: Fargo 404 page design

#8: GSAP 404 typed message using SplitText

GSAP 404 typed message using SplitText
GSAP 404 typed message using SplitText, which was developed by Selcuk Cura. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Selcuk Cura
Created on: October 22, 2017
Made with: HTML, CSS(SCSS) & JS
Tags: GSAP 404 typed message using SplitText

#9: Mars 404 Error Page

Mars 404 Error Page
Mars 404 Error Page, which was developed by Asyraf Hussin. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Asyraf Hussin
Created on: September 2, 2018
Made with: HTML & CSS
Tags: Mars 404 Error Page

#10: 404 Error Page Template Example

404 Error Page Template Example
404 Error Page Design, which was developed by Ricardo Prieto. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Ricardo Prieto
Created on: November 4, 2017
Made with: HTML & CSS
Tags: 404 Error Page Design

CSS Like Button

#11: CSS 404 page template

CSS 404 page template
CSS 404 page template, which was developed by agathaco. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: agathaco
Created on: July 28, 2018
Made with: HTML(Pug) & CSS(SCSS)
Tags: CSS 404 page

#12: Error 404 Page not found

Error 404 Page not found
Error 404 Page not found, which was developed by Robin Selmer. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Robin Selmer
Created on: August 22, 2017
Made with: HTML & CSS(SCSS)
Tags: Error 404 Page not found

#13: Neon – 404 html template

Neon – 404 html template
Neon – 404 html template, which was developed by Tibix. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Tibix
Created on: August 27, 2019
Made with: HTML & CSS(SCSS)
Tags: Neon 404 html template

#14: Sassy page not found template

Sassy page not found template
Sassy page not found template, which was developed by Justin Juno. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Justin Juno
Created on: May 7, 2020
Made with: HTML & CSS(SCSS)
Tags: page not found template

#15: Animated 404 page design html

Animated 404 page design html
Animated 404 page design html, which was developed by Jaymie Rosen. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Jaymie Rosen
Created on: October 15, 2017
Made with: HTML, CSS & JS
Tags: Animated 404 page design html

#16: Pure CSS Error Page 404 vampire

Pure CSS Error Page 404 vampire
Pure CSS Error Page 404 vampire, which was developed by Omar Dsooky. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Omar Dsooky
Created on: August 10, 2017
Made with: HTML & CSS
Tags: Pure CSS Error Page 404 vampire

#17: Simple 404 Error page

Simple 404 Error page
Simple 404 Error page, which was developed by vineeth.tr. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: vineeth.tr
Created on: April 12, 2016
Made with: HTML & CSS(SCSS)
Tags: Simple 404 Error page

#18: HTML CSS 404 Crying Baby Page Template

HTML CSS 404 Crying Baby Page Template

HTML CSS 404 Crying Baby Page Template, which was developed by vineeth.tr. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: vineeth.tr
Created on: October 12, 2016
Made with: HTML(Pug) & CSS(SCSS)
Tags: HTML CSS 404 Crying Baby Page Template

#19: CSS Train 404 Page

CSS Train 404 Page
CSS Train 404 Page, which was developed by Carla. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Carla
Created on: November 3, 2018
Made with: HTML & CSS
Tags: CSS Train 404 Page

#20: Pure CSS Animated 404 error page template

Pure CSS Animated 404 error page template

Pure CSS Animated 404 error page template, which was developed by Sergio. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Sergio
Created on: March 27, 2018
Made with: HTML & CSS(SCSS)
Tags: Pure CSS Animated 404 error page template

#21: SVG 404 page not found template

SVG 404 page not found template
SVG 404 page not found template, which was developed by Sylvain Lepinard. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Sylvain Lepinard
Created on: August 9, 2019
Made with: HTML & CSS(SCSS)
Tags: SVG 404 page not found template

#22: Fully responsive 404 page

Fully responsive 404 page
Fully responsive 404 page, which was developed by Kasper De Bruyne. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Kasper De Bruyne
Created on: February 18, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS(SCSS) & JS
Tags: Fully responsive 404 page

#23: Responsive custom 404 page

Responsive custom 404 page
Responsive custom 404 page, which was developed by Ash. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Ash
Created on: September 28, 2017
Made with: HTML & CSS
Tags: Responsive custom 404 page

#24: Wild West 404 Error page Concept

Wild West 404 Error page Concept
Wild West 404 Error page Concept, which was developed by Zissis Vassos. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Zissis Vassos
Created on: August 26, 2019
Made with: HTML & CSS
Tags: Wild West 404 Error page Concept

#25: html template 404

html template 404
html template 404, which was developed by Jhey. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Jhey
Created on: March 23, 2020
Made with: HTML(Pug), CSS & JS
Tags: html template 404

#26: Windows 10 style 404 error design

Windows 10 style 404 error design
Windows 10 style 404 error design, which was developed by Marco Peretto. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Marco Peretto
Created on: February 8, 2019
Made with: HTML & CSS
Tags: 404 error design

#27: 404 Error Page: Animated SVG GSAP

404 Error Page: Animated SVG GSAP
404 Error: Animated SVG GSAP, which was developed by christine i. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: christine i
Created on: February 22, 2020
Made with: HTML, CSS & js
Tags: 404 Error

#28: Custom 404 error page design

Custom 404 error page design
Custom 404 error page design, which was developed by Muhammad Rauf. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Muhammad Rauf
Created on: December 3, 2021
Made with: HTML & CSS
Tags: Custom 404 error page design

#29: Oops! page not found template

Oops! page not found template
Oops! page not found template, which was developed by Swarup Kumar Kuila. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Swarup Kumar Kuila
Created on: August 14, 2020
Made with: HTML & CSS
Tags: page not found template

#30: Awesome 404 page not found

Awesome 404 page not found
Awesome 404 page not found, which was developed by gavra. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: gavra
Created on: April 19, 2014
Made with: HTML, CSS & JS
Tags: Awesome 404 page not found

#31: Error 404: Monument Valley inspiration

Error 404: Monument Valley inspiration
Error 404: Monument Valley inspiration, which was developed by Sussie Casasola. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Sussie Casasola
Created on: April 29, 2018
Made with: HTML(Pug) & CSS(Sass)
Tags: Error 404

#32: 404 page

404 page
404 page, which was developed by Julia. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Julia
Created on: September 7, 2018
Made with: HTML & CSS(Sass)
Tags: 404 page

#33: 404 SVG Error Based Page

404 SVG Error Based Page
404 SVG Error Based Page, which was developed by Dave Pratt. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Dave Pratt
Created on: September 6, 2017
Made with: HTML & CSS(SCSS)
Tags: 404 SVG Error Based Page

#34: bootstrap 404 error page template

bootstrap 404 error page template
bootstrap 404 error page template, which was developed by Aji. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Aji
Created on: June 26, 2021
Made with: HTML & CSS
Tags: bootstrap 404 error page template

#35: Cool 404 error page

Cool 404 error page
Cool 404 error page, which was developed by Anton Lukin. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Anton Lukin
Created on: November 1, 2018
Made with: HTML & CSS
Tags: Cool 404 error page

#36: 404 error template

404 error template
404 error template, which was developed by Natalia. Moreover, you can customize it according to your wish and need.

Author: Natalia
Created on: January 4, 2021
Made with: HTML & CSS
Tags: 404 error template

Our Awesome Tools

#01: Lenny Face

#02: Fancy Text Generator

1. No Vacancy 404

Автор: Riley Shaw

2. Fargo 404

Автор: Nate Watson

Сделано с помощью: HTML CSS

3. 404 No signal

Автор: Adem ilter

4. 404 Page

Автор: Kasper De Bruyne

5. Yeti 404 Page

Автор: Darin

6. Error 404

Автор: Swarup Kumar Kuila

7. Only CSS: 404 Rolling Box

Автор: Yusuke Nakaya

8. 404 page

Автор: Naved khan

9. Ghost Page | 404

Автор: Diogo Gomes

10. Space 404

Автор: Jared Rowe

Анимированный SVG для страницы 404 на Vecteezy.com

11. 404 Error page

Автор: Vineeth.TR

Страница ошибки в Pure css :), вдохновленная Bons 404

12. My Error 404 Page

Автор: Taufik Nurrohman

13. code for fun (day02): страница с ошибкой 404, режим пещерного человека — чистый CSS

Автор: Sergio

Еще больше подобных шаблонов можно найти по тут

  • Details
  • Reviews
  • Development

With 100,000+ active installations the 404page plugin is the most used plugin to create a customized 404 error page in WordPress.

Bringing visitors to your website takes time and effort. Every visitor is important. The default 404 error page of most themes do not provide any information on what to find on your site. A first tme visitor, who does not know you, is left in a dead end and leaves your website. Set up a helpful custom 404 error page to keep him on your site.

This handy plugin allows you to easily create your own 404 error page without any effort and it works with almost every theme.


Create your custom 404 error page just like any other page using the WordPress Page Editor. Then go to ‘Appearance’ -> ‘404 Error Page’ and select the created page as your custom 404 error page. That’s it!


See it in action (no registration needed)
kindly powered by TasteWP

Why use this plugin?

Different from other similar plugins the 404page plugin does not create redirects. That’s quite important because a correct code 404 is delivered which tells search engines that the page does not exist and has to be removed from the index.

Different from other similar plugins the 404page plugin does not create additional server requests.


The only requirement for this plugin is that you change the Permalink Structure in ‘Settings’ -> ‘Permalinks’ to anything else but ‘Plain’. This also activates the WordPress 404 error handling.

Docs & Support

Plugin Manual

Support Forum


A brief Introduction to the free WordPress Plugin 404page

A quick Overview over the Advanced Settings

“Force 404 error after loading page” explained

“Disable URL Autocorrecton Guessing” explained

“Send HTTP Status Code 410 for trashed objects” explained

“Compatibility Mode” explained

Block & Shortcode


The Plugin offers a block “URL causing 404 error” for the block-based editor to show the URL that caused the error. The block offers three display options:

  • “Page” to show the page including path ( e.g. does/not/exist )
  • “Domain Path” to show the URL without protocol and parameters ( e.g. example.com/does/not/exist )
  • “Full” to show the complete URL ( e.g. https://example.com/does/not/exist?p=1 )


The Plugin offers a shortcode “pp_404_url” for the classic editor to show the URL that caused the error. There are three possible options:

  • [pp_404_url page] to show the page including path ( e.g. does/not/exist )
  • [pp_404_url domainpath] to show the URL without protocol and parameters ( e.g. example.com/does/not/exist )
  • [pp_404_url] or [pp_404_url full] to show the complete URL ( e.g. https://example.com/does/not/exist?p=1 )

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Plugin Privacy Information

  • This plugin does not set cookies
  • This plugin does not collect or store any data
  • This plugin does not send any data to external servers

Peters’ Plugins Privacy Information Page


This plugin is compatible with ClassicPress.

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The 404page plugin was sucessfully tested by the author with the following themes

  • Athena
  • Customizr (Read more about Customizr Compatibility Mode)
  • evolve
  • GeneratePress
  • Graphene
  • Hemingway
  • Hueman
  • Responsive
  • Spacious
  • Sparkling
  • Sydney
  • Twenty Ten
  • Twenty Eleven
  • Twenty Twelve
  • Twenty Thirteen
  • Twenty Fourteen
  • Twenty Fifteen
  • Twenty Sixteen
  • Twenty Seventeen
  • Twenty Nineteen
  • Twenty Twenty
  • Vantage
  • Virtue
  • Zerif Lite

The 404page plugin was sucessfully tested by the author with the following starter themes

  • Bones
  • JointsWP
  • undersores

The 404page plugin was sucessfully tested by the author with the following plugins

  • bbPress
  • BuddyPress
  • DW Question & Answer
  • hashtagger
  • Page Builder by SiteOrigin
  • Polylang
  • User Submitted Posts
  • WooCommerce
  • WP Super Cache (Read more about WP Super Cache Compatibility)
  • WPML WordPress Multilingual Plugin (officially approved by WPML team)

For developers

Action Hook

The plugin adds an action hook 404page_after_404 which you can use to add extra functionality. The exact position the action occurs after an 404 error is detected depends on the Operating Method. Your function must not generate any output. There are no parameters.


If the 404page plugin is installed and activated it defines the PHP constant PP_404. Check existence of it to detect the 404page plugin.


The Plugin provides the following functions:

  • pp_404_is_active() to check if there is a custom 404 page selected and the selected page exists
  • pp_404_get_page_id() to get the ID of the 404 page
  • pp_404_get_all_page_ids() to get an array of page IDs in all languages
  • pp_404_get_the_url( $type ) to get the URL that caused the 404 error
    • Parameter $type string Optional
    • “page” to get the page including path ( e.g. does/not/exist )
    • “domainpath” to get the URL without protocol and parameters ( e.g. example.com/does/not/exist )
    • “full” (default) to get the complete URL ( e.g. https://example.com/does/not/exist?p=1 )

Read more

Native Mode

If you are a theme developer you can add native support for the 404page plugin to your theme for full control. Read more.

This plugin provides 1 block.

  • URL causing 404 error

Will it work with the theme I’m using?

This plugin is designed to work with as many themes as possible. It uses the WordPress Template System to detect and handle 404 errors. If your theme makes use of this Template System this plugin will work properly. If it does not the plugin offers a so called Compatibility Mode, which uses its completely own method to detect and handle 404 errors. If this plugin does not work properly, try to activate Compatibility Mode.

Are 404 errors redirected?

No, there is no redirection! The chosen page is delivered as a ‘real’ 404 error page. This results in a HTTP 404 code and not in 301 or 302, which is important for Search Engines to tell them, that the page does not exist and should be deleted from the index.

Is it possible to add custom CSS to the 404 page?

The 404page plugin adds a CSS class error404 to the <body> tag which can be used for extra styling.

Where can I get help?

Please use the Support Forum.

Excellent, easy to set up and then it does its job. Very cool

Finally, a plugin the works as advertised without bugs…

…and is kept updated, which is key. Thanks for a great product!

Very easy to use, great that it works within the Classic Editor for pages. Made a fun 404 page with it.

Works Really well — Chuffed, Thanks

Read all 1,137 reviews

“Smart Custom 404 error page [404page]” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


  • Peter Raschendorfer

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