Скачать minecraft error 422 версия

Что мы знаем о такой игре как Minecraft? Она сделана Маркусом Перссоном. Она имеет 3 тысячи с чем-то версий. Мы знаем, что не все версии есть в наших лаунчерах. Это версии с минимальными обновлением или плохо работающие. Но есть версии, которые называются "потерянными". Это версии, которых нет в сети и лаунчерах. Об одной из них пойдёт речь. Это потерянная и самая страшная версия нашей любимой игры. Но она такой раньше не была. Раньше это был снапшот неизвестной нам версии, который должен был пе

Уничтоженное главное меню игры.png
Это один из 1000 багов этой версии.png

Что мы знаем о такой игре как Minecraft? Она сделана Маркусом Перссоном. Она имеет 3 тысячи с чем-то версий. Мы знаем, что не все версии есть в наших лаунчерах. Это версии с минимальными обновлением или плохо работающие. Но есть версии, которые называются «потерянными». Это версии, которых нет в сети и лаунчерах. Об одной из них пойдёт речь.

Это потерянная и самая страшная версия нашей любимой игры. Но она такой раньше не была. Раньше это был снапшот неизвестной нам версии, который должен был перевернуть всю игру. В этой версии все возможные коды игры были переписаны с нуля. Но что-то пошло не так. Игра, как-бы, «ожила» и начала делать всё, что она хочет. Так и появилось то существо, которое имеет название «Глитч». В один момент эта игра исчезла полностью, будто её и не было. Но однажды она вернулась в сеть, error 422.exe Эта версия встречает нас уничтоженным главным экраном, в котором большинство кнопок не рабочие. Можно создать мир только в выживании. Версия сначала спокойная, изучает нас. Но потом она начинает действовать. От обычных изменений звуков до выпуска самого «Глитча». В ней может происходить всё возможное: стак может менять значение, блоки не иметь названия, изменять единицу опыта и т.д. Вместо привычной музыки вечный белый шум от которого нельзя просто так избавится, также может свести с ума каждого человека. Никогда не сможешь понять, что игра сделает

Ссылка скачивание(ссылка изменена: https://gamejolt.com/games/ERROR422/525660) :

Пароль от архива: 422.

Что будет с вами в игре?


  • Добавляет больше опыта.
  • Вас кто-то толкнул и вы не потеряете хп.
  • Ещё может произойти, когда днём активируется ночь.
  • Вы получаете случайные эффекты.
  • Когда вы ломаете блоки, может появиться лава или вода.
  • Молния бьет в ясную погоду. 2020-10-18-12-35-46.jpg
  • Когда вы ставите блоки, он может заменить другой блок, будто алмазный блок, тыква или даже командный блок.
  • Когда вы создадите этот мир, у Стива не будет головы, или у него будет голова.
  • Когда вы окажетесь в пустыне, вы увидите летающие кактусы.
  • Еще на болоте вы увидите летающую кувшинки и сухой куст.
  • Когда вы сажаете семена, вы увидите летающие семена в воздухе.
  • Когда вы создаете предметы, он может заменить другие предметы, будто блоки красного камня или хлеб. 2020-10-18-12-33-24.jpg
  • Вам будет отправлено такое сообщение в чате:

Вот это сообщение.

  • Также может появиться Скример из глитч.
  • Глитч или Err422 (назовите как хотите) когда перед вами появляется существо, оно может убить вас, его невозможно убежать или убить (если у вас есть кровать, вы можете спокойно возродиться). Gefvd.jpg
    • Существо может крашит вас из игры, сначала сущность появляется перед вами в искаженном звуковом глитча, затем в чате появляется большой красный символ, а потом игра вылетает.


Откуда взялась эта версия?

Это был январь 2020 год.

Один мальчик по имени Александр сидел за уроками, когда вдруг в дискорд ему написал непонятный человек с очень странным ником, он кинул ему видео под названием «M̶i̶n̶e̶c̶r̶a̶f̶t̶ ERR422 54 45 53 54» в описании была ссылка на скачивание непонятного ему файла, как выяснилось позже это был не просто файл, а самый настоящий адский Майнкрафт и через пару часов он пожалел, что открыл его…

Attention this is not my article, I have translated Russian into English with some editing from the community.

Here is the original: https://minecraftcreepypasta.fandom.com/ru/wiki/Error_422


Скриншот 28-11-2020 12.50.00.png

As you see here the menu background is bedrock and not dirt

What do we know about a game like Minecraft? It was made in 2009 by Notch. It has 3 thousand something versions. We know that not all versions are available in our launchers. These are versions with minimal updates or poorly performing. But there are versions that are called «lost». These are versions that are not available in the network and launchers. one of them will be discussed.

Error 422 is the lost and scariest version of our favorite game. But it wasn’t like this before. Previously, it was a snapshot of an unknown version that was supposed to turn the whole game around. In this version, all possible game codes were rewritten from scratch. But something went wrong. The game, as it were, «came to life» and began to do everything that it wants. So the creature that has the name glitch appeared. At one point, this game disappeared completely, as if it never existed. But once it is back online, you can download it from the links to this version.

This version meets us with a destroyed main screen in which most of the buttons are not working. You can only create a world in survival. The version is calm at first and studies us. But then it takes effect. From the usual sound changes to the release of the glitch itself. Everything possible can happen in it: the stack can change the value, blocks can not have a name, change the unit of experience, etc. Instead of the usual music, eternal, untiring white noise that can drive everyone mad. You can never figure out what the game will do.

Download link (Updated and no viruses): https://www.mediafire.com/file/b5edw0qs61ciypn/error422.zip/file

Download link (gamejolt): https://gamejolt.com/games/ERROR422/525660

Crops planted on top of other crops

Odd Occurrences

Headless player

It’s recommended you play the game blind if you want it to have the same scare-factor, having the mechanics explained can spoil the surprise.

  • Several menu buttons seem to be disabled, including the «Quit Game» button, forcing you to close the game manually.
  • When creating a world, its name is converted to Bin-Hex before being saved. (i.e.; «Apple» becomes «4170706c65»)
  • Your health and hunger bars are corrupted to the point they’re unreadable, forcing you to guess when you’re hungry or low on health.
  • The oxygen bar that normally appears when swimming is missing entirely, forcing you to guess how long you have before you drown.
  • Every time you open the game, a new maximum item stack limit is chosen.
    • The limit seems to be any number up to ninety nine. (Anywhere from 0 to 99)
    • If the stack limit is 0 it has some strange effects like forever picking up the same items, Cloning tools even though the clones seem to have a durability of 0 and when you close out the game and re-entering it with a different stack amount will still have the glitched items on the ground and will have the same effect when you pick them up.
    • If a pre-existing stack exceeds the current maximum (i.e., last time you played you got a max stack of 75 blocks, but now the maximum is 36) the number will say that the stack only contains the current maximum amount, but taking blocks from said stack will reveal that it still has the same amount as it did last time.
  • Experience is displayed in binary rather than the standard decimal system(101 rather than 5, 11001 rather than 25, etc.).
  • The F3 menu is scrambled beyond comprehension.
  • Some item names will be scrambled seemingly at random, but it will contain the same number of characters and spaces. (Oak Wood will show up as

    trying to pick up 2 items while the stack limit is 0

    «### ####» and Wooden Sword will show up as «###### #####»)
  • You may randomly get pushed as if you got hit by something, but you seemingly take no damage.
  • The time of day may randomly change.
  • You can get random potion effects for no reason.
  • Some creepers explode instantly.
  • When you break blocks, lava or water has a small chance to appear in it’s place.
  • Placing blocks has a small chance to replace it with a different, seemingly random block
  • You may randomly be stuck by lightning, regardless of the weather.
  • You may randomly be surrounded by fire.
  • Water near you may randomly turn into lava.
  • Beds have a rare chance to explode when interacting with them in the Over world, similar to the way they explode in the other dimensions.
  • Your Achievements may reset when loading the game
  • Worlds may randomly and rarely corrupt with the deletion of a few files
  • wrong sounds might play
  • Void damage does not occur

Floating cacti

  • Cacti, water lilies, and dead bushes can generate mid-air and below ground. (Cacti is the most notable, if only because it’s a near-solid block that generates in columns of 3 or 4, whereas the other two are smaller single textures.)
  • You can plant seeds and other crops on any block, even on top of other crops.
  • The player has no head, and helmets do not appear on the player model.
    • Pumpkins will still render properly on the player model if worn (mob heads have not yet been tested)
    • Sometimes the player does spawn with a head, but helmets will still not render.
      • The head showing up may be a glitch.
  • Crafting may result in a random item.
  • Certain crafting recipes seem to be unavailable, such as fences and golden apples.

    Floating lily pads

  • Messages will appear in chat, reporting some sort of error (the type of error varies), claiming to dump an error report consisting of garbled text.

Example of an Error Dump message

  • An event can occur where your controls will lock up as your screen will be flooded with red, scrambled words, your inventory will be randomly scrambled, and your perception will rapidly alternate between allowing you to see through certain layers of blocks, creating a flashing effect. This only lasts for a few moments before letting you regain control.
  • Sometimes your inventory will fail to load.
    • Despite the effects the mod has the game is beatable.

      As you see here this is the inventory open with stuff not loaded.

      Scrambled screen

  • The entity (also known as Glitch or Err422) may randomly appear next to you, applying the 3D anaglyph filter (similar to an old 3D movie) and doing one of two following actions.
    • The entity may lock your controls, including your camera, while spamming nonsense in chat. After a moment of this your game will crash and open a crash log that simply spells out «ERROR422» in red @ signs.
    • The entity may remove your ability to attack, scroll through your hotbar, and use items, as it chases you down and kills you. The entity is faster than the player and can kill you in just a few hits, making it a guaranteed death except in the most lucky of scenarios.
      • If you do outlive the entity for long enough, it will disappear, leaving a strange red overlay of the moment it vanished (as shown here by KohlPowered using an invincibility cheat).
      • If you can manage to kill the entity (which is difficult as you cannot attack it directly) it will drop a large assortment of random items, including some unattainable ones; such as early versions of redstone repeaters and comparators, portal blocks, and empty spawn eggs. (as can be seen here, using hacked armor with insane levels of protection and thorns)
        • The game crashing may be unintentional, as in an earlier attempt, the game remained playable, although it kept the 3D filter.

          As you see here is a portion of the entity’s drops being put in chests and other storage blocks to prevent from despawning


Where did this version come from?


Майнкрафт КРИПИПАСТА — Error422 😨 НИКОГДА не скачивай эту ПРОКЛЯТУЮ версию! (minecraft creepypasta)


It was January 2020.

One boy named Alexander was sitting at lessons when suddenly in discord wrote to him an incomprehensible person with a very strange nickname, he threw him a video called «M̶i̶n̶e̶c̶r̶a̶f̶t̶ ERR422 54 45 53 54» in the description there was a link to download a file that was incomprehensible to him as it turned out later it was not just a file but the most real infernal minecraft and after a couple of hours he regretted that he opened it…


  • Error 422 is actually modded release 1.5.2
    • The mod contains an «anticheat» that detects if the player is in creative mode or has cheats enabled. If it detects that the player is in creative mode or has cheats enabled, it will crash the game.
    • While the multiplayer button is disabled, it is still possible to view the server list by being automatically kicked by spamming the chat in game.
      • This allows the client to join 1.5.2 servers as long as the server is in offline mode.
    • The game is hardcoded to use the O.S. user account name regardless of whether a username is passed to the client through launch arguments or applet parameters.
      • Despite this, the sessionid can still be passed to the client as normal.
    • The creator of the mod manually obfuscated the jar themselves leading to it having completely different mappings from vanilla 1.5.2
      • MinecraftApplet was obfuscated, preventing launchers that use MinecraftApplet from launching the game
        • When the game is patched and ran from the applet, several things are broken as the mod creator put some initialization code in the main method of Minecraft.class meaning that some things are broken when the game is ran from the applet
    • While the bonus chest cant be enabled by default, it can still be enabled by manually editing level.dat with a NBT editor or by launching the game with demo flag and playing on the demo world
  • Error 422 is often distributed in the form of an exe file which contains the jar within
    • Said exe is hardcoded to use a specific version of jre
    • The jar inside seems to be encrypted making it harder to extract
      • Despite this, the jar can still easily be obtained as it is temporarily placed in the temp folder while the game is running
        • The jar file contains LWJGL and Jinput meaning that the game can be ran without needing external lwjgl and jinput jars in the classpath.

Attention this is not my article, I have translated Russian into English with some editing from the community.

Here is the original: https://minecraftcreepypasta.fandom.com/ru/wiki/Error_422


Скриншот 28-11-2020 12.50.00.png

As you see here the menu background is bedrock and not dirt

What do we know about a game like Minecraft? It was made in 2009 by Notch. It has 3 thousand something versions. We know that not all versions are available in our launchers. These are versions with minimal updates or poorly performing. But there are versions that are called «lost». These are versions that are not available in the network and launchers. one of them will be discussed.

Error 422 is the lost and scariest version of our favorite game. But it wasn’t like this before. Previously, it was a snapshot of an unknown version that was supposed to turn the whole game around. In this version, all possible game codes were rewritten from scratch. But something went wrong. The game, as it were, «came to life» and began to do everything that it wants. So the creature that has the name glitch appeared. At one point, this game disappeared completely, as if it never existed. But once it is back online, you can download it from the links to this version.

This version meets us with a destroyed main screen in which most of the buttons are not working. You can only create a world in survival. The version is calm at first and studies us. But then it takes effect. From the usual sound changes to the release of the glitch itself. Everything possible can happen in it: the stack can change the value, blocks can not have a name, change the unit of experience, etc. Instead of the usual music, eternal, untiring white noise that can drive everyone mad. You can never figure out what the game will do.

Download link (Updated and no viruses): https://www.mediafire.com/file/b5edw0qs61ciypn/error422.zip/file

Download link (gamejolt): https://gamejolt.com/games/ERROR422/525660

Crops planted on top of other crops

Odd Occurrences

Headless player

It’s recommended you play the game blind if you want it to have the same scare-factor, having the mechanics explained can spoil the surprise.

  • Several menu buttons seem to be disabled, including the «Quit Game» button, forcing you to close the game manually.
  • When creating a world, its name is converted to Bin-Hex before being saved. (i.e.; «Apple» becomes «4170706c65»)
  • Your health and hunger bars are corrupted to the point they’re unreadable, forcing you to guess when you’re hungry or low on health.
  • The oxygen bar that normally appears when swimming is missing entirely, forcing you to guess how long you have before you drown.
  • Every time you open the game, a new maximum item stack limit is chosen.
    • The limit seems to be any number up to ninety nine. (Anywhere from 0 to 99)
    • If the stack limit is 0 it has some strange effects like forever picking up the same items, Cloning tools even though the clones seem to have a durability of 0 and when you close out the game and re-entering it with a different stack amount will still have the glitched items on the ground and will have the same effect when you pick them up.
    • If a pre-existing stack exceeds the current maximum (i.e., last time you played you got a max stack of 75 blocks, but now the maximum is 36) the number will say that the stack only contains the current maximum amount, but taking blocks from said stack will reveal that it still has the same amount as it did last time.
  • Experience is displayed in binary rather than the standard decimal system(101 rather than 5, 11001 rather than 25, etc.).
  • The F3 menu is scrambled beyond comprehension.
  • Some item names will be scrambled seemingly at random, but it will contain the same number of characters and spaces. (Oak Wood will show up as

    trying to pick up 2 items while the stack limit is 0

    «### ####» and Wooden Sword will show up as «###### #####»)
  • You may randomly get pushed as if you got hit by something, but you seemingly take no damage.
  • The time of day may randomly change.
  • You can get random potion effects for no reason.
  • Some creepers explode instantly.
  • When you break blocks, lava or water has a small chance to appear in it’s place.
  • Placing blocks has a small chance to replace it with a different, seemingly random block
  • You may randomly be stuck by lightning, regardless of the weather.
  • You may randomly be surrounded by fire.
  • Water near you may randomly turn into lava.
  • Beds have a rare chance to explode when interacting with them in the Over world, similar to the way they explode in the other dimensions.
  • Your Achievements may reset when loading the game
  • Worlds may randomly and rarely corrupt with the deletion of a few files
  • wrong sounds might play
  • Void damage does not occur

Floating cacti

  • Cacti, water lilies, and dead bushes can generate mid-air and below ground. (Cacti is the most notable, if only because it’s a near-solid block that generates in columns of 3 or 4, whereas the other two are smaller single textures.)
  • You can plant seeds and other crops on any block, even on top of other crops.
  • The player has no head, and helmets do not appear on the player model.
    • Pumpkins will still render properly on the player model if worn (mob heads have not yet been tested)
    • Sometimes the player does spawn with a head, but helmets will still not render.
      • The head showing up may be a glitch.
  • Crafting may result in a random item.
  • Certain crafting recipes seem to be unavailable, such as fences and golden apples.

    Floating lily pads

  • Messages will appear in chat, reporting some sort of error (the type of error varies), claiming to dump an error report consisting of garbled text.

Example of an Error Dump message

  • An event can occur where your controls will lock up as your screen will be flooded with red, scrambled words, your inventory will be randomly scrambled, and your perception will rapidly alternate between allowing you to see through certain layers of blocks, creating a flashing effect. This only lasts for a few moments before letting you regain control.
  • Sometimes your inventory will fail to load.
    • Despite the effects the mod has the game is beatable.

      As you see here this is the inventory open with stuff not loaded.

      Scrambled screen

  • The entity (also known as Glitch or Err422) may randomly appear next to you, applying the 3D anaglyph filter (similar to an old 3D movie) and doing one of two following actions.
    • The entity may lock your controls, including your camera, while spamming nonsense in chat. After a moment of this your game will crash and open a crash log that simply spells out «ERROR422» in red @ signs.
    • The entity may remove your ability to attack, scroll through your hotbar, and use items, as it chases you down and kills you. The entity is faster than the player and can kill you in just a few hits, making it a guaranteed death except in the most lucky of scenarios.
      • If you do outlive the entity for long enough, it will disappear, leaving a strange red overlay of the moment it vanished (as shown here by KohlPowered using an invincibility cheat).
      • If you can manage to kill the entity (which is difficult as you cannot attack it directly) it will drop a large assortment of random items, including some unattainable ones; such as early versions of redstone repeaters and comparators, portal blocks, and empty spawn eggs. (as can be seen here, using hacked armor with insane levels of protection and thorns)
        • The game crashing may be unintentional, as in an earlier attempt, the game remained playable, although it kept the 3D filter.

          As you see here is a portion of the entity’s drops being put in chests and other storage blocks to prevent from despawning


Where did this version come from?


Майнкрафт КРИПИПАСТА — Error422 😨 НИКОГДА не скачивай эту ПРОКЛЯТУЮ версию! (minecraft creepypasta)


It was January 2020.

One boy named Alexander was sitting at lessons when suddenly in discord wrote to him an incomprehensible person with a very strange nickname, he threw him a video called «M̶i̶n̶e̶c̶r̶a̶f̶t̶ ERR422 54 45 53 54» in the description there was a link to download a file that was incomprehensible to him as it turned out later it was not just a file but the most real infernal minecraft and after a couple of hours he regretted that he opened it…


  • Error 422 is actually modded release 1.5.2
    • The mod contains an «anticheat» that detects if the player is in creative mode or has cheats enabled. If it detects that the player is in creative mode or has cheats enabled, it will crash the game.
    • While the multiplayer button is disabled, it is still possible to view the server list by being automatically kicked by spamming the chat in game.
      • This allows the client to join 1.5.2 servers as long as the server is in offline mode.
    • The game is hardcoded to use the O.S. user account name regardless of whether a username is passed to the client through launch arguments or applet parameters.
      • Despite this, the sessionid can still be passed to the client as normal.
    • The creator of the mod manually obfuscated the jar themselves leading to it having completely different mappings from vanilla 1.5.2
      • MinecraftApplet was obfuscated, preventing launchers that use MinecraftApplet from launching the game
        • When the game is patched and ran from the applet, several things are broken as the mod creator put some initialization code in the main method of Minecraft.class meaning that some things are broken when the game is ran from the applet
    • While the bonus chest cant be enabled by default, it can still be enabled by manually editing level.dat with a NBT editor or by launching the game with demo flag and playing on the demo world
  • Error 422 is often distributed in the form of an exe file which contains the jar within
    • Said exe is hardcoded to use a specific version of jre
    • The jar inside seems to be encrypted making it harder to extract
      • Despite this, the jar can still easily be obtained as it is temporarily placed in the temp folder while the game is running
        • The jar file contains LWJGL and Jinput meaning that the game can be ran without needing external lwjgl and jinput jars in the classpath.

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