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The Ordinator mod completely overhauls Skyrim's Perk system by altering existing perks and adding countless new ones.

The Ordinator mod completely overhauls Skyrim’s Perk system by altering existing perks and adding countless new ones.

Skyrim Ordinator Mod Installation Guide Skill Tree Nebula Perks

Skyrim mods are the lifeblood of the game, helping it to stay fresh and relevant more than a decade after its release. Some mods change core aspects of Skyrim that fundamentally change how the game is experienced – Ordinator is such a mod, one that offers countless new possibilities by radically altering every Perk in every Skill Tree.

Installing mods in Skyrim is normally done in one of three ways: through Bethesda’s in-game Modding platform, a third-party mod manager, or manually. While Ordinator can be downloaded in-game (and therefore can be used on consoles) it has caused issues for some players who have upgraded to Skyrim Anniversary Edition.

What Does The Ordinator Mod Do?

Skyrim VR Mods Addons Ordinator Perks Patch

The Ordinator mod completely overhauls the Skill Tree system of Skyrim by altering how some Perks work and by adding dozens and dozens of new options. Every Skill Tree is made more viable and more balanced across the board, giving players lots of new skill paths and builds to try out.

For example, the Smithing Skill Tree now offers a Perk that lets players build defensive Automatons, while the Archery Skill Tree gives players the ability to place a Tripwire that knocks enemies down. The Ordinator mod is compatible with other mods except for those that alter Skill Trees or Perks. When using it with Skyrim Anniversary Edition make sure to back up your existing saves.

How To Install Ordinator Perks Of Skyrim

Skyrim two perk trees from Ordinator mod. Mod from EnaiSiaion.

Installing the Ordinator mod can be done through Skyrim Special Edition‘s mod menu, the Skyrim Nexus Mod Manager, or manually. It can be installed with other third-party mod managers like Wyre Bash or TESMM, but the Nexus tends to be the most straightforward of these popular options.

  • In-Game Mod Menu: Navigate to the «Mods» option in the main menu. Search for «Ordinator» when the Modding homepage comes up, select it, then download and enable it in your load order. Return to the main menu to load the mod.
  • Nexus Mod Manager: Install the Nexus Mod Manager, then find your Skyrim installation listed in the launcher. Search for the «Ordinator» mod either in the launcher or on the Skyrim Nexus in your browser (which should bring you back to the launcher). Enable it before launching Skyrim through NMM.

It’s typically not a good idea to install mods manually as it can mess with your existing files with very few ways to fully uninstall. Even if you use a barebones mod manager, it’s still better than having to track down files that aren’t working on your own.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition is available for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S

MORE: The Complete Guide to Skyrim — Items, Quests, Mods, Builds, and Tips

The Ordinator mod completely overhauls Skyrim’s Perk system by altering existing perks and adding countless new ones.

Skyrim Ordinator Mod Installation Guide Skill Tree Nebula Perks

Skyrim mods are the lifeblood of the game, helping it to stay fresh and relevant more than a decade after its release. Some mods change core aspects of Skyrim that fundamentally change how the game is experienced – Ordinator is such a mod, one that offers countless new possibilities by radically altering every Perk in every Skill Tree.

Installing mods in Skyrim is normally done in one of three ways: through Bethesda’s in-game Modding platform, a third-party mod manager, or manually. While Ordinator can be downloaded in-game (and therefore can be used on consoles) it has caused issues for some players who have upgraded to Skyrim Anniversary Edition.

What Does The Ordinator Mod Do?

Skyrim VR Mods Addons Ordinator Perks Patch

The Ordinator mod completely overhauls the Skill Tree system of Skyrim by altering how some Perks work and by adding dozens and dozens of new options. Every Skill Tree is made more viable and more balanced across the board, giving players lots of new skill paths and builds to try out.

For example, the Smithing Skill Tree now offers a Perk that lets players build defensive Automatons, while the Archery Skill Tree gives players the ability to place a Tripwire that knocks enemies down. The Ordinator mod is compatible with other mods except for those that alter Skill Trees or Perks. When using it with Skyrim Anniversary Edition make sure to back up your existing saves.

How To Install Ordinator Perks Of Skyrim

Skyrim two perk trees from Ordinator mod. Mod from EnaiSiaion.

Installing the Ordinator mod can be done through Skyrim Special Edition‘s mod menu, the Skyrim Nexus Mod Manager, or manually. It can be installed with other third-party mod managers like Wyre Bash or TESMM, but the Nexus tends to be the most straightforward of these popular options.

  • In-Game Mod Menu: Navigate to the «Mods» option in the main menu. Search for «Ordinator» when the Modding homepage comes up, select it, then download and enable it in your load order. Return to the main menu to load the mod.
  • Nexus Mod Manager: Install the Nexus Mod Manager, then find your Skyrim installation listed in the launcher. Search for the «Ordinator» mod either in the launcher or on the Skyrim Nexus in your browser (which should bring you back to the launcher). Enable it before launching Skyrim through NMM.

It’s typically not a good idea to install mods manually as it can mess with your existing files with very few ways to fully uninstall. Even if you use a barebones mod manager, it’s still better than having to track down files that aren’t working on your own.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition is available for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S

MORE: The Complete Guide to Skyrim — Items, Quests, Mods, Builds, and Tips




Настраиваемые перки на уровень предоставляют меню конфигурации модов (MCM), которое позволяет вам выбрать, сколько привилегий вы получите при повышении уровня (в дополнение к базовой игре). Допускаются десятичные значения, например, 0,5 дает вам одно дополнительное очко навыков на каждом втором уровне, а 1,34 дает вам два дополнительных очка навыков на каждом третьем уровне, но в противном случае одно дополнительное очко навыков. Вы также можете изменить это значение в любое время и выбрать, применять ли текущее значение задним числом.

По умолчанию вы получаете дополнительные очки навыков, просто выходя из меню навыков после повышения уровня (т. е. после выбора повышения характеристик в меню навыков). Но вместо этого вы можете получить дополнительные бонусные очки за сон.

Конфигурация МСМ:
Мод можно настроить в MCM с тремя следующими параметрами:

Бонусные перки за уровень — сколько очков перков вы получаете за уровень в дополнение к тому, что вы получаете в ванильной игре . По умолчанию 1 (т.е. 2 очка умений за уровень) и варьируется от 0 до 5. Допускаются десятичные значения: 0,5 — одно дополнительное очко за каждый второй уровень, 1,34 — одно дополнительное очко за каждый уровень, но два дополнительных очка за каждый 3-й уровень, и т. д. на. Если вы измените значение в середине игры, вы продолжите с новым значением, но оно не будет задним числом применяться к прошлым повышениям уровня, если только вы задним числом не нажмете «Получить очки навыков»  (см. ниже).
Уведомления — позволяет ли уведомление узнать, есть ли у вас дополнительные очки навыков после повышения уровня.
Очки навыков при повышении уровня — получаете ли вы очки навыков, как только выходите из меню навыков после повышения уровня. По умолчанию истинно.
Очки навыков при пробуждении — независимо от того, получаете ли вы очки навыков за сон. По умолчанию установлено значение true, но активируется только в том случае, если очки перков при повышении уровня отключены. Если вы отключите обе опции, вы никогда не получите дополнительные очки навыков, так что, вероятно, лучше этого не делать!
Получить очки навыков задним числом — Если вы нажмете эту кнопку, игра задним числом применит текущее значение бонусных навыков за уровень .на все предыдущие уровни. Это может привести к тому, что вы получите много дополнительных очков навыков на следующем уровне или даже «должны» по очкам навыков. После выбора этой опции всплывающее окно с сообщением сообщит вам о нашем балансе. Если вам причитаются очки, вам все равно нужно повышать уровень, чтобы получить их. Дополнительные сведения см. в следующих двух примерах:

                              1. Представьте, что вы 10-го уровня и установили бонусные способности за уровень равными 1. На данный момент вы получили бы 9 бонусных очков перков. Если теперь вы измените количество бонусных навыков за уровень на 2, вы будете получать по 2 бонусных очка навыков за каждый уровень в дальнейшем. Но если вы измените бонусные привилегии за уровень на 2 и задним числом нажмете « Получить очки привилегий» , игра распознает, что вы уже должны были получить 18 бонусных очков привилегий, и поэтому «должна» вам еще 9 очков привилегий. Таким образом, на следующем уровне вы получите 11 очков навыков (2 для этого уровня и 9, которые вам причитаются), и с этого момента вы получите два очка навыков.

                              2. Представьте, что вы 10-го уровня и установили бонусные способности за уровень равными 1. На данный момент вы получили бы 9 бонусных очков перков. Если теперь вы измените бонусные способности за уровень на 0,5, вы будете получать 1 бонусное очко за каждый второй уровень в дальнейшем. Но если вы измените бонусные привилегии за уровень на 0,5  и задним числом нажмете «Получить очки привилегий », игра распознает, что вы должны были получить только 4 бонусных очка за уровень, и поэтому вы «должны» игре 5 очков привилегий. Движок не может забрать очки навыков, поэтому вместо этого вы просто не получите никаких дополнительных очков навыков, пока не выплатите свой долг в 5 очков навыков — в этом случае потребуется 10 уровней, поскольку бонусные навыки за уровень установлены на 0,5.

Сброс персонажа — сбрасывает мод в соответствии с текущим уровнем вашего персонажа. Любые причитающиеся очки перков (из-за применения настроек задним числом) будут забыты, и мод продолжит работу, как если бы все было нормально. Это полезно только в том случае, если вы переключили персонажей с таким модом, как Proteus.

Совместим со всем, но если вы используете Proteus и переключаетесь между разными персонажами, вам потребуется сбрасывать символ после каждого переключения.

  1. Skyrim SE 1.5.97 / AE 1.6.ххх
  2. SkyUI

1. Через мод менеджеров.
 2. Ручной:
     2.1. Скачать архив и распаковать в папку Data

Полный архив мода скачать с Нексуса в разделе MAIN FILES (7KB)Сервер №1

Перевод мода (заменить файлы в основном архиве на эти) — Гугл дискСервер №2

Этот мод кардинально меняет стандартное игроков древо перков, добавляя в него более 400 новых перков для более интересного создания билдов.

Мод на английском, текста для перевода в нем очень много, так что если вы не знаете этого языка совсем — лучше не устанавливайте.


Ребаланс скиллов вора (Thief skills rebalance)

Для того, что бы играть с новыми перками воров, есть дополнительный файл, который изменяет многие настройки игры связанные с воровством, взломом и кражами. Эффективность воровства будет зависеть от уровня освещения и движения, а не от уровня вашего мастерства. Полный список изменений есть в файле Readme.

Если вы предпочитаете стандартные настройки или используете какой то другой мод — не устанавливайте этот файл.

Автоматические перки для НПЦ (Automatic perks for NPCs)

С этим файлов НПЦ автоматически будут обучаться новым перкам

После установки мода если ваш персонаж 2го уровня и выше он автоматически сделает возврат всех ваших очков перок, в этом время вам необходимо просто ждать сообщения о завершении сброса.

Установка: Распакуйте в папку Data и активируйте мод в вашем менеджере или в игре

Новые перки


  • 0 — Alchemy Mastery (2) — Potions and poisons you make are 20/40% stronger.
  • 20 — Physician — You may choose a type of beneficial potion: Health, Magicka or Stamina. Potions you mix that restore or fortify the chosen attribute are 50% stronger.
  • 20 — Stimulants — When you use a beneficial potion or ingredient, you regenerate 2% of your Magicka and Stamina per second for 30 seconds.
  • 30 — Advanced Lab — You may choose to upgrade one alchemy lab to an Advanced version for 2500 gold. Potions you mix are 25% stronger at an Advanced Lab. Can be «Disassembled» by sneaking, allowing you to upgrade another.
  • 30 — Experimenter — Eating an ingredient reveals all effects.
  • 30 — Poisoner — Poisons you mix are 1% more powerful per level of Alchemy.
  • 40 — Bottomless Cup — Poisons applied to weapons last for one additional hit per 10 levels of Alchemy.
  • 40 — Crimson Haze — Stimulants also increases movement speed by 10% for its duration.
  • 40 — Elemental Oil — You may choose a power: «Fire Oil», «Frost Oil» or «Shock Oil». At will, create a pool of oil that lasts 20 seconds. It reacts violently when struck by a projectile or explosion, exploding and dealing damage equal to your Alchemy skill level.
  • 50 — Alkahest — Your poisons are highly corrosive, enabling you to ignore 40% of the armor rating of an affected target for their duration.
  • 50 — Lab Skeever — For 20 seconds after using any alchemy lab, beneficial potions you drink last 15 times longer.
  • 60 — Alchemist’s Cookbook — You may choose a second Elemental Oil power. In addition to «Fire Oil», «Frost Oil» and «Shock Oil», you may also choose «Calming Oil», «Frenzy Oil», «Paralysis Oil» or «Hallowed Oil».
  • 60 — Green Thumb — Twice as many ingredients are gathered from plants.
  • 60 — Maenad — Magicka and Stamina are increased by 50 points when you are under the effect of a beneficial potion or ingredient, but reduced by 25 points when you are not.
  • 70 — Double Toil and Trouble — You mix twice as many potions at your Advanced Lab.
  • 70 — Pure Mixture — All negative effects are removed from created potions, and all positive effects are removed from created poisons.
  • 80 — Amplify Lethality — Grants the «Amplify Lethality» power. Once a day, point at a victim to silently reduce their poison resistance by 250% for 10 seconds.
  • 80 — Witchmaster — When you use a beneficial potion or ingredient, 50% chance to receive a powerful side effect, randomly chosen from a range of 40 side effects.
  • 90 — Chymical Wedding — Witchmaster side effects have 50% chance to cause side effects themselves.
  • 90 — Walking Disaster — In combat, periodically spill a random oil puddle on the ground. Puddles last 60 seconds.
  • 90 — World Serpent — When you shout, your blood turns poisonous for 15 seconds. The next time you get hit with a weapon, retaliate with a powerful poisonous strike that deals 50 points of poison damage per second for 10 seconds.
  • 100 — That Which Does Not Kill You… — Upon learning this perk, you imbibe a deadly toxin, taking 150 damage per second. If you survive for 60 seconds, you receive 3 perk points and a permanent 25% bonus to all potions and poisons you make.


  • 0 — Alteration Mastery (2) — Cast Alteration spells for 35/50% less Magicka, and Alteration spells last 0.5/1% longer per level of Alteration.
  • 20 — Alteration Dual Casting — Dual casting an Alteration spell empowers it, increasing effectiveness and cost.
  • 20 — Mage Armor (3) — Protection spells like Stoneflesh are 100/150/200% stronger if not wearing armor.
  • 30 — Geomancer — If wearing robes and no light or heavy armor, you take 20% less damage from attacks while charging or concentrating on a spell.
  • 30 — Innate Magic — You no longer use Magicka to cast spells, but have 4 spell slots. Spells are 25% more powerful or last 50% longer, but consume a spell slot when cast. Out of combat, spell slots recharge one at a time when you do not cast a spell for 10 seconds.
  • 30 — Philosopher’s Stone — Once a day, generates gold equal to your Alteration skill level.
  • 30 — Wild Shrines — Five shrines dedicated to nature’s mysteries can be found in Skyrim. Each shrine grants a permanent bonus to one school of magic, making all spells from that school 15% more powerful or last 30% longer.
  • 40 — Alter Self: Resistances — You may choose two resistances to increase by 25%.
  • 40 — Distorted Shape — When you gain an armor spell in combat (or enter combat with an active armor spell), you are ethereal for 10 seconds or until you perform an offensive or defensive action.
  • 40 — Spellblade — Whenever you cast a spell with one hand, you deal 20% more attack damage for 4 seconds.
  • 50 — Chosen One — Choose a gift: Increases the number of spell slots to 7 -or- Spell slots regenerate in combat -or- Healing spells are 20% more powerful when you have spell slots remaining.
  • 50 — Command Lock — Twice a day, you can weaken an Expert or lower lock, reducing its difficulty to zero.
  • 50 — Energy Shield — If wearing robes and no light or heavy armor, reduces incoming attack and elemental damage by 25%, but you lose Magicka equal to the amount of Health lost. The damage reduction gradually diminishes as your Magicka falls below half.
  • 50 — Intuitive Magic (2) — Novice/ and apprentice spells of any school cost no Magicka to cast. If you have Innate Magic, they can still be cast when you are out of spell slots.
  • 60 — Alter Self: Attributes — You may choose an attribute (Health, Magicka, Stamina) to increase by 50 points.
  • 60 — Anchorite — Summons a permanent magical anchor at the location where you learn this perk. Alteration spells last twice as long if cast within 5000 feet, and fifty times longer if cast within 250 feet.
  • 60 — Welloc’s Dormant Arcana — Choose a spell type (Armor, Cloak, Conjure Daedra, Conjure Undead, Invisibility) and 3 magic effects (Fortify, Regenerate, Waterwalking, …). The chosen magic effects will activate when you are affected by the chosen spell type.
  • 70 — Energy Roil — Whenever you cast a spell with one hand, reduces the armor rating of nearby enemies within 10 feet by 150 points for 2 seconds.
  • 70 — The Monarch — You cannot regenerate Magicka and lose 10 points of Magicka per second but absorb 25 points of Magicka per second from living creatures within 20 feet, whether friend or foe.
  • 70 — Warrior-Prophet — When you have no Innate Magic spell slots remaining, your attack damage and critical strike damage is increased by 20%.
  • 80 — Aurification — You can use your Command Lock cooldown to activate most paralyzed enemies below half Health to turn their body into money worth 4 times your Alteration level. Has a 50% chance of creating gold ore. No effect on essential targets.
  • 80 — Dimension Door — Grants the «Dimension Door» power. Once a day, creates a magical doorway that teleports you to the location of your Anchor.
  • 80 — Throne of Nirn — When in combat and outdoors with a spell equipped, stand still for 5 seconds to raise a pillar of earth to carry you out of attack range. While atop the pillar, your spells are 20% more powerful or last 40% longer.
  • 90 — Emergency Teleport — When you fall below 15% Health due to combat damage, you briefly turn invulnerable and teleport back to the location where you entered combat.
  • 90 — Nullifier — You radiate a dampening field, preventing enemies within 25 feet from regenerating Magicka and Stamina.
  • 90 — Resonance Cascade — Whenever you attack an enemy affected by Energy Roil with a weapon, reduces their magic resistance by 30% for 5 seconds.
  • 100 — Arcane Thesis — Grants the «Arcane Thesis» power: use it to master the spell you are dual casting. A mastered spell is 20% more powerful or lasts 40% longer. Only one spell can be mastered.


  • 0 — Archery Mastery (2) — Bows and crossbows deal 20/40% more damage./, and critical strikes with bows and crossbows do 2% more critical damage per level of Archery.
  • 20 — Clean Kill — Bows and crossbows deal 20% more damage to a target at full Health.
  • 20 — Wingstrike (2) — Bashing with a bow always staggers the target. Bows and crossbows deal 20/40% more damage to that target for 10 seconds.
  • 30 — Long Shot (3) — Bows and crossbows deal 10/15/20% more damage for each 25 feet beyond the first 50 feet, up to 40/60/80%.
  • 30 — Steady Hand (3) — Pressing Block while aiming will zoom in your view/ and slow time by 25/50%.
  • 40 — Crippling Shot — Arrows and bolts slow a target within 25 feet by 10% for 20 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • 40 — Hunter’s Discipline — Recover twice as many arrows from dead bodies.
  • 40 — Thread the Needle (2) — Bows and crossbows ignore 25/50% armor if the target is not moving.
  • 50 — Pinning Shot — Arrows and bolts have a chance to stagger a target within 50 feet. More effective against targets with a lower remaining Health percentage. No effect on massive targets.
  • 50 — Ranger — Can move at full speed with a drawn bow.
  • 70 — Focus on the Prey — Cannot be staggered while holding a drawn bow or reloading a crossbow.
  • 60 — Quick Shot — Can draw a bow or reload a crossbow 30% faster.
  • 60 — Snipe — Shooting targets you haven’t shot within the past 10 seconds inflicts a critical strike that deals five times critical damage, and any weapon enchantments applied by the shot are twice as effective.
  • 70 — Ambush Predator — After standing still for 6 seconds with a bow or crossbow out, it does 25% more damage until you move.
  • 70 — Thieving Raven — Enemies within 25 feet are disarmed when shot during their power attack.
  • 80 — Deadeye — Grants the «Deadeye» power. Once a day, slow time and focus on your foes for 10 seconds, looking for opportunities for a killing shot. Finding their vulnerability takes 1 second per 125 Health. Once you do, you may shoot them for an instant kill.
  • 80 — Hailstorm — Attack 8% faster with bows and crossbows for 10 seconds after shooting a fully drawn bow or crossbow in combat. This effect stacks.
  • 80 — Trick Arrows — Able to upgrade many types of arrows at a forge or anvil, adding a bonus effect (Force, Immolation, Freezing, Grounding, Maze or Death) based on its material.
  • 90 — Hunt Together — When fighting only one enemy, hitting the target with a bow or crossbow manifests a Spirit Wolf for 30 seconds. The wolf deals damage equal to 15% of your current Stamina. This effect has a 30 second cooldown per target.
  • 90 — Lion’s Arrow — Grants the «Lion’s Arrow» power: use it to store the spell you are dual casting. Shooting a fully drawn bow in combat also releases the stored spell in the direction of the crosshair. Only works with spells that affect other targets.
  • 90 — Three Crows — Shooting a target beyond 25 feet three times, leaving less than 2.75 seconds between each hit, deals bonus damage equal to 15% of the target’s current Health (max. 150 damage) and knocks the target to the ground.
  • 100 — Perfect Aim — Bows deal 25% more damage if the shot strikes a target within 2 seconds after the bow is fully drawn. Crossbows deal triple damage to targets with 20% or less Health remaining.


  • 0 — Block Mastery (2) — Block 10/20% more damage.
  • 20 — Timed Block (2) — Assume a defensive position for 1 second after raising your shield or weapon, blocking 30% more damage and staggering attackers in melee range. (If you do not block an attack during this time, you cannot attempt another Timed Block for 2 seconds/1 second.)
  • 30 — Deflect Arrows — Arrows that hit the shield do no damage.
  • 30 — Poke the Dragon — After a successful Timed Block within 8 feet, you may retaliate with increased strength, increasing your attack damage and critical strike damage against the attacker by 25% for 5 seconds.
  • 40 — Apocalypse Proof (2) — Perform a Timed Block to mitigate incoming fire, frost and shock spells and effects, reducing their damage by 50%/to zero.
  • 40 — Power Bash — Able to do a power bash by holding down Attack while blocking.
  • 40 — Quick Reflexes — Time slows down if you are blocking during an enemy’s power attack.
  • 50 — Dominion — Take 25% less attack damage from any direction when blocking in combat.
  • 50 — Skull Rattler — Bashing deals 3% more damage per point of Stamina.
  • 60 — Dragon Tail — After a successful Timed Block, bashing the attacker within 5 seconds deals double damage.
  • 60 — Timing Streak — Performing 3 successful Timed Blocks in a row completes a Timing Streak, restoring 75 points of Stamina. (Taking an unblocked attack or blocking an attack outside the timed block window breaks the combo.)
  • 70 — Block Runner — Can move at full speed while blocking.
  • 70 — Mocking Blow — Power bashing with a weapon infuriates living targets for 30 seconds. They won’t flee from combat but can’t regenerate Stamina, lose 15 points of Stamina per second and you take no damage from their attacks during a Timed Block.
  • 80 — Break Their Teeth — Completing a Timing Streak violently disarms the last attacker, staggering all within an 8 foot radius.
  • 80 — Cast Aside — Interrupting an attack with a power bash with a shield knocks the attacker to the ground. Targets can only be affected once every 30 seconds.
  • 90 — Deliverance — Completing a Timing Streak grants 10% extra attack damage for 90 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • 90 — Hold the Line — During a Timed Block, allies within 10 feet gain 250 points of armor rating.
  • 90 — Unstoppable Force — Able to sprint with a shield raised. This knocks enemies in your path to the ground, but costs 10 points of Stamina per second. Enemies can only be affected once every 10 seconds.
  • 100 — Dragon Scales — You take no damage from attacks during a Timed Block as long as you have Stamina remaining.


  • 0 — Conjuration Mastery (2) — Cast Conjuration spells for 35/50% less Magicka, and Conjuration spells last 0.5/1% longer per level of Conjuration.
  • 20 — Bone Collector — Find 11 types of bones on humanoid corpses. 4 Bone Altars are marked on the map. At a Bone Altar, convert 1 of each bone into a Skeleton Warrior. Skeletons do not count against your summon limit. Enemies can only temporarily defeat them, not destroy them.
  • 20 — Conjuration Dual Casting — Dual casting a Conjuration spell empowers it, increasing effectiveness and cost.
  • 20 — Mystic Binding — Bound Weapon spells now summon Mystic Weapons which deal more damage.
  • 30 — Dead Tide (2) — Maximum number of Skeletons increased by 1 for each 75/50 points of base Magicka.
  • 30 — Planemeld — Can conjure Daedra and other non-undead minions five times farther away.
  • 30 — Ravenous Dead — The level cap of reanimation spells is increased by 1% per level of Conjuration, and reanimated undead gain 200% extra attack damage for 15 seconds after being reanimated.
  • 30 — Soul Raider — Bound weapons cast Soul Trap on targets for 5 seconds. After trapping 250 souls, all bound weapon perks last twice as long.
  • 40 — Atromancy — Conjured Daedra and other non-undead minions last three times as long (or five times at night).
  • 40 — Barrow Lord — You may give commands to all Skeletons within 150 feet at once, instead of one at a time. You gain the «Bury/Exhume» power: at will, make your Skeletons disappear or bring them back. Skeletons take 25% less damage from attacks.
  • 40 — Preservation — Reanimated undead last three times as long (or twenty times if you place Hagraven Feathers into their inventory or use the Dread Zombie or Dead Thrall spells). Additionally, reanimated undead gain 500 armor for 60 seconds after being reanimated.
  • 40 — Rat King — When entering combat, summons 3 Skeevers under your control. Their corpses can be raised, but they dissipate when combat ends. Use the «Merciful King» power to temporarily prevent this ability from activating.
  • 40 — Reap and Sow (2) — You loot 60/100% more bones from corpses and recover 50% more/all bones when you destroy a created Skeleton. Created Skeletons last 75/200% longer.
  • 40 — Rend From This World — Bound weapons banish conjured Daedra, turn reanimated undead and deal 100 extra damage to non-conjured Daedra.
  • 40 — Signed in Blood — When a conjured Daedra within 15 feet is below full Health, it absorbs your lifeforce to heal itself, regenerating 4% of its maximum Health per second but preventing you from regenerating Health.
  • 50 — Edge of Oblivion — You can summon or reanimate 1 additional minion and they last 50% longer. When you do not command a summoned or reanimated minion, you lose 250 points of armor and 50% magic resistance.
  • 50 — Pact Magic — Destruction spells and effects are 15% more effective for each conjured Daedra within 30 feet.
  • 50 — Skeleton Mages (2) — Able to create Skeleton Mages (Fire, Frost, Shock/, Poison, Drain Armor, Stagger) at a Bone Altar. /You may choose their element at the time of creation.
  • 50 — Undead Crown — Restores 10 points of Health and Magicka per second to reanimated undead within 15 feet.
  • 50 — Void Burn — Bound weapons brand victims with unholy energy for 5 seconds, halting Magicka and Stamina regeneration while draining 15 points per second. When both are depleted, the energy starts devouring their flesh, dealing 15 points of magic damage per second.
  • 60 — A Plague Upon Thee — If a reanimated undead is destroyed within 20 seconds, the attacker is stricken with a Daedric disease that deals 40 damage per second for 20 seconds. Those who have this perk are immune.
  • 60 — Conjure Altar — Grants the «Conjure Altar» power. Once a day, summons a Bone Altar for 60 seconds.
  • 60 — Fire Ritual — Able to ritually burn 1 of each bone at a Bone Altar, strengthening all Skeletons within 150 feet. Lasts until the Skeleton is destroyed and increases weapon damage by 15%, spell damage by 30% and Health by 50 points. This effect stacks.
  • 60 — Hollow Binding — Bound weapons cut through flesh and spirit, reducing magic resistance by 30% for 5 seconds.
  • 60 — Maelstrom — While you charge or concentrate on a spell, conjured Daedra within 30 feet gain 30% extra attack damage.
  • 70 — Corpse Gas — If your reanimated minion is destroyed while on fire within 30 seconds, it explodes, dealing up to 300 points of fire damage to targets without this perk. You deal five times as much fire damage to your reanimated minions.
  • 70 — Dark Whispers — Bound weapons induce a battle rage in their wielder, granting 20% extra attack damage and 100 points of armor rating for 5 seconds when a target is struck.
  • 70 — Elemental Potency — Atronach conjurations now call Potent Atronachs that are higher level and more powerful.
  • 80 — Brand of the Necromancer — Brand a corpse by striking it with a bound weapon or by delivering the killing blow with a bound weapon attack. The brand grants 25% attack damage and 100 points of Health when reanimated or resurrected. Undead and automatons cannot be branded.
  • 80 — Feed the Monster — Able to feed Human Flesh to conjured or reanimated creatures, healing them and increasing Health, Magicka and Stamina by 200 points for 600 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • 80 — Necromaster — You can manipulate the inventory of reanimated humanoid undead. All reanimated undead return to you when separated, and emit a glow when slain that can be seen through walls. The level cap of reanimation spells is increased by 100%.
  • 80 — Unleash Hell — Conjured Daedra within 75 feet gain additional spells on a 30 second cooldown (Flame Atronach: fire explosion. Frost Atronach: reduced armor/magic resistance curse. Storm Atronach: magnetic knockdown. Dremora: increased attack damage and movement speed).
  • 90 — Covenant of Coldharbour — Hollow Binding reduces magic resistance by an additional 30% if you control a conjured Daedra.
  • 90 — Daedra’s Due — Able to donate a Human Heart to an atronach, granting it a powerful new elemental attack. Fire Atronachs learn Fireball, Frost Atronachs reduce frost resistance, Storm Atronachs learn Thunderbolt.
  • 90 — Shocked to Life — If your reanimated minion is struck by a shock spell within 30 seconds after reanimation completes, it attacks 250% faster and moves 50% faster for 10 seconds. You deal no damage to your reanimated minions with shock spells.
  • 90 — Puppet Master — Your created Skeletons take 25% less damage when you are blocking, deal 25% more attack damage when you are attacking, and their spells are 25% more powerful when you are casting a spell.
  • 100 — King of Bones — Assume Control of a Skeleton while becoming invulnerable. The Skeleton does quadruple damage and takes half damage. Unless commanded to remain passive, it automatically attacks foes in range. Lasts up to 45 seconds.
  • 100 — March of Oblivion — You can summon or reanimate 1 additional minion, plus 1 additional minion for each 250 points of base Magicka, up to 3 additional minions. Magicka bonuses from items are not counted.


  • 0 — Destruction Mastery (2) — Destruction spells cost 35/50% less Magicka, and Destruction spells are 0.25/0.5% more powerful per level of Destruction.
  • 20 — Combustion (2) — Fire spells and effects cast on others are up to 30/50% more powerful, based on the target’s missing Health percentage.
  • 20 — Destruction Dual Casting — Dual casting a Destruction spell empowers it, increasing effectiveness and cost.
  • 20 — Ionized Path (2) — Shock spells and effects cast on others are up to 30/50% more powerful, based on the target’s missing Magicka percentage.
  • 20 — Merciless Cold (2) — Frost spells and effects cast on others are up to 30/50% more powerful, based on the target’s missing Stamina percentage.
  • 30 — Force of Nature — Elemental spells and effects cost 30% less Magicka to cast in favorable weather: fire spells in sunlight, frost spells during snowfall, shock spells in the rain.
  • 30 — Frostfall — Frost spells reduce the attack damage of their targets by 25% for 5 seconds.
  • 30 — Scarring Burns — Fire spells reduce the fire resistance of their targets by 25% for 5 seconds.
  • 30 — Static Field — Shock spells that would leave their target above 75% Health deal enough additional damage to make up the difference.
  • 40 — Arc Burn — Shock spells hitting targets that are not fire resistant cause a plasma that deals 5 points of fire damage per second for 3 seconds.
  • 40 — Conflagration — Fire spells ignite the ground underneath their targets for 30 seconds. The burning ground deals 8 points of damage per second for 3 seconds on contact.
  • 40 — Crystalize — Frost spells freeze the blood of their targets, halting Stamina regeneration for 5 seconds. If the targets are not resistant to frost, frost spells also reduce armor by 125 points for 5 seconds.
  • 40 — Harsh Lesson — Destruction projectile spells interrupt targets that are casting a spell. Does not work on massive targets.
  • 40 — Runecaster — Can place runes 75 feet farther away, and place three times as many runes at a time.
  • 50 — Flash Fire — Fire spells have 15% chance to ignite the target for 2 seconds. The next instance of fire damage that hits an ignited target (except burning ground) detonates, dealing 125% more damage and causing a living target to flee the flames for 4 seconds.
  • 50 — Magnetize — Shock spells have 15% chance to lift the target into the air for 2 seconds, preventing movement. Your shock spells and effects are 50% more powerful against the suspended target.
  • 50 — Robe of the Magi — If wearing robes and no light or heavy armor, Destruction spells are 25% more powerful.
  • 50 — Shatter — Frost spells that hit a frost resistant target fragment and explode in a 15 foot area, reducing frost resistance by 25% for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • 60 — Iced Earth — Dual casting frost spells freezes the earth under your feet. The frozen ground deals 40 points of damage per second to Health and Stamina for 4 seconds on contact. Frost spells and effects are 50% more powerful against affected targets.
  • 60 — Nova Charge — Dual casting 8 shock spells in combat triggers a shock nova that deals 250 points of shock damage to nearby enemies. This can only occur once per battle.
  • 60 — Pyromancer Ascension — Dual casting 8 fire spells in combat unleashes your power for 20 seconds: fire spells and effects are 50% more powerful and cost half Magicka, and you leave burning ground in your wake that deals 30 damage per second. This can only occur once per battle.
  • 70 — Ancient Seals — Destruction runes no longer deal instant damage, but inflict a stacking 10 second elemental burn that deals 20% damage per second.
  • 70 — Electroconvulsions — Shock spells incapacitate living targets below one third Health if they are not shock resistant.
  • 70 — Hypothermia — Frost spells paralyze living targets below one third Health if they are not frost resistant.
  • 70 — Scorched Earth — Fire spells (except concentration spells) burn corpses to cinders, creating a pyre that burns for 30 seconds. The burning ground deals 50 points of damage per second for 5 seconds on contact.
  • 70 — War of the Elements — You deal 30% more attack damage to targets that are taking damage from the burning ground created by Conflagration, Scorched Earth or Pyromancer Ascension or are being affected by Electroconvulsions or Hypothermia.
  • 80 — Elemental Specialization — You may choose one element (fire, frost, shock). Spells and effects of that element are 15% more powerful, while spells and effects of the other two elements are 15% weaker.
  • 80 — Exhaust — Frost spells and effects drain 50% more Stamina.
  • 80 — Show Them All — Shock spells and effects drain 50% more Magicka.
  • 80 — World in Flames — The burning ground created by Conflagration, Scorched Earth and Pyromancer Ascension deals 25% more damage. Additionally, other fire spells and effects are 25% more powerful against targets affected by burning ground.
  • 90 — Outburst — When you fall below 75 points of Health, the fiery energy within you explodes and ignites nearby enemies, dealing 15 points of fire damage per second for 4 seconds and applying fire spell perks. This effect has a 180 second cooldown.
  • 90 — Stormblast — You accumulate static energy from the ambient air. Every 6-12 seconds in combat, your next shock spell triggers a ground discharge that radiates outward from the target. All enemies in the area take 60 points of shock damage to Health and Magicka.
  • 90 — Winter’s Majesty — You radiate freezing cold, reducing the frost resistance of enemies within 25 feet by 50%. This penalty is applied on top of Shatter.
  • 100 — Absolute Power — Aiming a Sparks, Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, Thunderbolt or Lightning Storm spell directly at a target will magnetically levitate them in front of you for 10 seconds, reducing magic resistance by 25%. This effect has a 45 second cooldown.
  • 100 — Cataclysm — Fire spells that hit targets affected by burning ground explode for 20% of their current Health (max. 250 damage), blasting them into the air and reducing magic resistance by 25% for 6 seconds. This effect has a 30 second cooldown.
  • 100 — Glacial Prison — Frost spells immobilize (non-essential) targets in a block of ice for 10 seconds, reducing magic resistance by 25%. This effect has a 120 second cooldown, but killing a victim affected by Glacial Prison or Hypothermia immediately ends the cooldown.


  • 0 — Enchanting Mastery (2) — New enchantments are 20/40% stronger.
  • 20 — Last Word (2) — Scrolls are 2/4% more powerful or last 4/8% longer per level of Enchanting.
  • 20 — Soul Squeezer — Soul gems provide 4 extra weapon charge points per level of Enchanting.
  • 30 — Channeler — When a staff is equipped, weapon and staff enchantments drain 25% less weapon charge. You gain a small amount of Enchanting experience when holding a staff in combat.
  • 30 — Soul Siphon — Death blows with enchanted weapons to creatures, but not people, trap 5% of the victim’s soul, recharging the weapon. Does not apply to staves.
  • 40 — Gem Dust — You may choose to destroy a Flawless Gem when you begin the enchanting process and sprinkle its dust on the Arcane Enchanter. New enchantments are 20% stronger when placed upon an item of the type corresponding to the gem.
  • 40 — Secretkeeper — When a staff is equipped, spells of any school are 20% more powerful or last 40% longer.
  • 40 — Spellscribe — Grants the «Spellscribe» power: use it to store the spell you are dual casting. Your power attacks and power bashes in combat unleash the stored spell for free, with a cooldown based on Enchanting skill. Only works with spells that affect other targets.
  • 50 — Preserver — Learning an item’s enchantment does not destroy it.
  • 50 — Starlight Sage — Regenerate Magicka 50% faster when wielding a staff in your right hand. Regenerate Stamina 50% faster when wielding a staff in your left hand.
  • 60 — Cosmic Fire — Enchantments on weapons are 20% more powerful or last 40% longer when striking a target, but enchanted weapons lose charge points at a rate of 15 points per second when drawn.
  • 60 — Might and Magic — Spells cast with your left hand are 20% more effective if you are wielding a weapon in your right hand. Attacks with a weapon in your right hand deal 20% more damage if you are holding a spell in your left hand.
  • 60 — Regalia — New enchantments placed upon robes, circlets and hoods are 30% stronger.
  • 70 — Battlemage — Weapon enchantments are 20% more powerful or last 40% longer when delivered by a power attack.
  • 70 — Charge Tap — Grants the «Charge Tap» power. At will, drains one fourth of your weapon charge to restore Magicka equal to 20% of your right charge, Stamina equal to 20% of your left charge and Health equal to 10% of both.
  • 70 — Power Echoes — Spellscribe activates twice before going on cooldown.
  • 80 — Rods from the Gods — The enchantments on dual wielded staves are 50% more powerful or last 100% longer when striking a target.
  • 80 — Twin Enchantment — Can place two enchantments upon the same item.
  • 90 — Arcane Nexus — You may choose to upgrade one arcane enchanter to an Arcane Nexus for 2500 gold. New enchantments created at an Arcane Nexus are 15% stronger. Can be «Disassembled» by sneaking, allowing you to upgrade another.
  • 90 — Staff Flux — While charging up or concentrating on a staff in your left hand, you may attack with a weapon in your right hand, dealing 40% more weapon damage.
  • 100 — Miracle — You put your heart and soul into the next item you enchant at an Arcane Nexus, placing up to three enchantments upon it that are 25% stronger. Try as you might, you will never be able to repeat this feat.

Heavy Armor

  • 0 — Heavy Armor Mastery (2) — Armor rating of Heavy Armor increased by 20/40%. You gain a small amount of Heavy Armor experience when wearing at least two pieces of Heavy Armor in combat.
  • 20 — Cushioned (2) — You take half/no damage from falling if wearing all Heavy Armor.
  • 30 — Battle Weary — Tired enemies have a harder time defeating your armor. You take up to 20% less attack damage from enemies with half or less Stamina, if wearing all Heavy Armor. The lower their Stamina, the less damage you take.
  • 30 — Heavy Armor Fit — Armor rating of Heavy Armor increased by 25% if wearing all Heavy Armor.
  • 40 — Defiance — You are trained to deflect incoming attacks while wearing all Heavy Armor. Whenever an enemy attacks you, you gain 15 points of armor rating for 10 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • 40 — Face of Death — You no longer need to wear a helmet to benefit from perks that require «wearing all Heavy Armor». If you are not wearing a helmet, Heavy Armor pieces have 20% increased armor rating.
  • 40 — Rallying Standard — Grants the «Rallying Standard» power. Once a day, place a banner that grants 100 armor rating and 25% melee damage to allies within 15 feet wearing all Heavy Armor (including you) and prevents them from fleeing. Lasts 60 seconds.
  • 50 — Born to Fight — Heavy Armor weighs half as much and slows you down half as much when worn.
  • 50 — Revel in Battle — Defiance also increases melee weapon damage by 3% for 10 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • 60 — Bedrock — If wearing all Heavy Armor, you have 20% chance to brace for impact when attacked by an enemy, becoming immune to stagger for 4 seconds.
  • 60 — Break Upon Me — You are immune to basic melee weapon perks (Clash of Champions/Heroes, Denting/Crushing Blows, Bleed Like a Lamb/Dog, Bite Marks). If wearing all Heavy Armor, you take 10% less attack damage from enemies affected by one or more of these perks.
  • 60 — Never Kneel — If wearing all Heavy Armor, take 30% less attack damage from power attacks.
  • 70 — Lead the Tempest — Sprinting in combat increases the armor of allied people within 20 feet by 25% of your own armor, and the armor of allied Skeletons created by Bone Collector within 20 feet by 15% of your own armor. Lasts 30 seconds.
  • 70 — Reap the Whirlwind — When struck by a power attack or power bash, your attacks deal 125% more damage to the attacker for 5 seconds if wearing all Heavy Armor.
  • 80 — Out of the Inferno — Incoming fire, frost and shock damage reduced by 0.02% per point of armor if wearing all Heavy Armor.
  • 80 — Rise Above — If wearing all Heavy Armor, you intimidate enemies within 15 feet. They lose 5% attack damage and you gain 5% attack damage for each enemy affected.
  • 80 — Warbringer — Entering combat will place a Rallying Standard at your location for 120 seconds. This does not count against the limit of one Rallying Standard at a time.
  • 90 — Doombringer — Rallying Standard also improves Destruction spells and effects by 15%.
  • 90 — Immortal — If wearing all Heavy Armor, take 75% reduced damage from attacks at 10% or less Health, or 15% or less Health if you are affected by Rallying Standard.
  • 90 — Primal Fear — If wearing all Heavy Armor, walking (but not running) towards living enemies within 30 feet in front of you may break their confidence, causing them to flee for 8 seconds.
  • 90 — Sovereign — When struck by an attack, subsequent attacks are deflected if wearing all Heavy Armor. You take 75% reduced damage from attacks for 1 second.
  • 100 — Face of the Mountain — When struck by a power attack or power bash, the attacker’s strike rebounds forcefully as if striking solid rock, staggering them and potentially knocking them to the ground if wearing all Heavy Armor.


  • 0 — Illusion Mastery (2) — Illusion spells cost 35/50% less Magicka, and Illusion spells last 0.5/1% longer per level of Illusion.
  • 20 — Dream Thief — Activate sleeping victims to steal their dream, increasing the effectiveness of your Illusion spells by 25% for 3600 seconds. Chance to fail and alert the victim, based on Illusion skill.
  • 20 — Illusion Dual Casting — Dual casting an Illusion spell empowers it, increasing effectiveness and cost.
  • 30 — Commanding Presence — You radiate an aura of mystical nobility that touches allied creatures and people within 20 feet. Those affected gain 20% extra attack damage and have 20% chance of a critical strike.
  • 30 — Entice Barter — Activate any target under the effect of a Calm spell to initiate trade.
  • 30 — Imposing Presence — You radiate an aura of mystical charisma that touches all within 40 feet. Any Illusion spell you cast on those affected is 15% more powerful and lasts 30% longer.
  • 30 — Night Eye — Grants the «Night Eye» power. At will, grants improved night vision for 120 seconds.
  • 40 — Crown of the False King — Commanding Presence also increases armor by 80 points and magic resistance by 20%.
  • 40 — Kindred Mage — Mind affecting Illusion spells are 0.1 points stronger per level of Illusion (or 0.2 points if you are the same race as the target).
  • 40 — Quiet Before the Storm (2) — All spells you cast from any school of magic/, as well as all shouts, are silent to others.
  • 40 — Wilting — Those affected by a Calm spell or effect within the radius of Imposing Presence lose 200 points of armor and 50% magic resistance.
  • 50 — Fickle Fate — Hostile mind affecting spells and effects (Calm, Fear, Frenzy) cast on others are between 1 and 40 points stronger.
  • 50 — Nemesis — Activate any hostile creature or humanoid in combat to summon an illusory image of the target with 1% extra attack damage per Illusion level. The image relentlessly attacks the target for 30 seconds. This effect has a 300 second cooldown.
  • 50 — Terror — Those affected by a Fear spell or effect within the radius of Imposing Presence drop their weapon.
  • 60 — Imperious Splendor — Commanding Presence and Crown of the False King are twice as powerful as long as you remain above 75% Health.
  • 60 — Master of the Mind — Mind affecting spells (Calm, Fear, Frenzy, Rally) and Commanding Presence also work on undead, daedra and automatons.
  • 60 — Pandemonium — Those affected by a Frenzy spell or effect within the radius of Imposing Presence gain 50% extra attack damage.
  • 70 — Dream Charm — Activate sleeping victims to project yourself into their dream, improving their disposition towards you. High disposition may earn you quests, discounts and gifts. Chance to fail and alert the victim, based on Illusion skill.
  • 70 — Lord of Illusions — Your Illusion spells are 25% more effective for each ally or enemy within 40 feet under the effects of a mind affecting spell (Calm, Fear, Frenzy, Rally).
  • 70 — Neverworld — Those affected by a Calm spell or effect within the radius of Imposing Presence are enraptured by a lotus dream from which they may refuse to return to reality. When the Calm is broken due to an attack, they may become Calmed again for 30 seconds.
  • 70 — The Reaper Comes — Activate any non-essential humanoid (only) under the effect of a Calm spell to send a wraith to slay the target within 15 seconds. This counts as an assault, if you get seen. This effect has a 300 second cooldown and can only affect one target at a time.
  • 80 — Lamb to the Slaughter — Activate any humanoid (only) under the effect of a Fear spell to compel the target to stand motionless for 30 seconds. Your attacks against this target ignore armor. This effect has a 180 second cooldown and can only affect one target at a time.
  • 80 — Protect Your God — When struck by a weapon, may compel a nearby ally affected by Commanding Presence to engage your attacker, dealing 250% extra attack damage for 5 seconds.
  • 80 — Soulcrusher — Feast upon the minds of those affected by a Fear spell or effect within the radius of Imposing Presence, absorbing 25 points of Magicka per second.
  • 90 — Blind Guardian — Activate any non-hostile creature or humanoid in combat to summon an illusory image of the target. The illusion fights for the target for 60 seconds and the target won’t flee for its duration. This effect has a 300 second cooldown.
  • 90 — Dream Geas — Activate sleeping victims to send a dream that compels them to fight at your side until released. You can only have one Dream Thrall at a time. Chance to fail and alert the victim, based on Illusion skill.
  • 90 — Ghost of the Tenth Eye — Sneaking while under the effect of the Vision of the Tenth Eye spell will summon a disembodied eye under your control. The eye has 1 point of Health, but is invisible and silent. You must know the Vision of the Tenth Eye spell to learn this perk.
  • 90 — Heavy Weighs the Tapestry — Activate any humanoid (only) under the effect of a Frenzy spell to incapacitate the target with magical exhaustion for 30 seconds and drain 500 points of Magicka and Stamina. This effect has a 180 second cooldown and can only affect one target at a time.
  • 90 — Nightfall — Those affected by a Frenzy spell or effect within the radius of Imposing Presence are consumed by battle hunger when there are no other enemies remaining, taking 20 points of damage per second.
  • 100 — Wraithwalker — After using an Activate perk (Blind Guardian, Heavy Weighs the Tapestry, Lamb to the Slaughter, Nemesis, The Reaper Comes), Illusion spells are 50% more powerful and last 50% longer for 10 seconds. Their cooldown ends after 8 seconds out of combat.

Light Armor

  • 0 — Light Armor Mastery (2) — Armor rating of Light Armor increased by 20/40%. You gain a small amount of Light Armor experience when wearing at least two pieces of Light Armor in combat.
  • 20 — Iron Fist (3) — Increases unarmed damage by 5/15/25% of your current Stamina, and you gain Light Armor experience when using unarmed attacks in combat. Requires two free hands.
  • 20 — Scorn The Beast (2) — You take 10/20% less attack damage from enemies with full Health if wearing all Light Armor.
  • 30 — As a Leaf — Cannot be staggered while sprinting if wearing all Light Armor.
  • 30 — Light Armor Fit — Armor rating of Light Armor increased by 25% if wearing all Light Armor.
  • 40 — Initiative (2) — When you enter combat, you regenerate an additional 10/20% of your maximum Stamina per second for 10 seconds if wearing all Light Armor.
  • 40 — Keen Senses — You no longer need to wear a helmet to benefit from perks that require «wearing all Light Armor». If you are not wearing a helmet, Light Armor pieces have 20% increased armor rating.
  • 40 — Sweeping Wind — Unarmed power attacks do 25% more damage. Additionally, if your movement speed is increased, they do 2% damage per 1% movement speed. Requires two free hands.
  • 50 — Rushing Tide — Unarmed attacks grant 10% increased Stamina regeneration and 5% movement speed for 8 seconds. This effect stacks. Requires two free hands.
  • 50 — Unhindered — Light Armor weighs nothing and doesn’t slow you down when worn.
  • 50 — Windrunner — Move 10% faster in combat if wearing all Light Armor.
  • 60 — Evasive Leap — If wearing all Light Armor, jump to become ethereal for 1 second, causing all incoming attacks and spells to miss. This effect has a 5 second cooldown.
  • 60 — Into the Maelstrom — You take 10% less attack damage when fighting more than one enemy if wearing all Light Armor.
  • 70 — Fight or Flight — Upon taking an unblocked weapon hit, restores 10% of your maximum Stamina per second for 2 seconds if wearing all Light Armor. This effect stacks.
  • 70 — Hissing Dragon — You may choose a damage type (fire, frost, shock, poison, disease or sun). Unarmed attacks unleash a shockwave that deals the chosen damage type to all targets in front of you. Requires two free hands. Does not activate while sneaking.
  • 70 — Wardancer — In combat, taking no unblocked hits for 10 seconds grants 10% extra attack damage if wearing all Light Armor. This bonus stacks, but is removed upon taking an unblocked hit or leaving combat.
  • 80 — Glancing Blow — When you lose your Wardancer bonus upon being hit, any attack damage said hit would inflict is reduced to zero. Does not affect magical damage.
  • 80 — Survival Instinct — Upon taking an unblocked weapon hit, you defend against further attacks, increasing armor by 100 points for 10 seconds if wearing all Light Armor.
  • 80 — Wild and Free — You take 50% less attack damage while sprinting if wearing all Light Armor.
  • 90 — Breaking Waves — Unarmed attacks have 15% chance of a critical strike that deals critical damage equal to 40% of your current Stamina. If you are affected by Wardancer, every hit is a critical strike. Requires two free hands.
  • 90 — Lightning Strike — Your critical strikes deal 75% more critical damage for 10 seconds after entering combat while wearing all Light Armor.
  • 90 — Spelldancer — Wardancer also improves Destruction spells and effects by the same amount.
  • 100 — Tempting Fate — You gain 20% movement speed if you are not blocking during an enemy’s power attack. If the power attack misses, the bonus persists until combat ends or until you get struck by a power attack. This effect stacks.


  • 0 — Lockpicking Mastery (2) — Weaker/all locks are easier to pick.
  • 20 — Bear Traps — Able to pick up Bear Traps or create them at a Forge or Anvil, and drop them from your inventory to place them. The teeth of placed Bear Traps deal 2 points of damage per level of Lockpicking. You can only pick up and carry two Bear Traps at a time.
  • 20 — Game of Fate — There are 5 Dragons of Fate hidden in random locked containers in Skyrim. Each grants 15000 gold and a free perk point when removed from its container. The name of the container changes to indicate the treasure inside.
  • 30 — Lockdown — Activate a hostile automaton to lockpick your way into its engine. Lock difficulty is based on its current Health. Pick its lock within 15 seconds to reduce its Health to 1 and shut it down for 60 seconds. If you fail, you can’t try again for 30 seconds.
  • 30 — Robber’s Eye — When you enter a dwelling you don’t own, illuminates a locked container for 120 seconds. During this time, it contains valuable items (based on your Lockpicking skill and the difficulty of its lock). This can only occur once every 12-60 ingame hours.
  • 30 — Wax Key — Gives you a copy of a picked lock’s key if it has one.
  • 40 — Gone in Fifteen Seconds — Taking 15 seconds or less to pick the lock on a container illuminated by Robber’s Eye improves the added treasure by an average of 50% based on the level of the lock and resets the cooldown of Robber’s Eye.
  • 40 — Lockjaw — Your Bear Traps stagger victims struck by the teeth, reducing their armor rating by 5 points per level of Lockpicking for 4 seconds.
  • 40 — Locksmith — Pick starts much closer to the lock opening position.
  • 50 — Big Game Hunter — Placed Bear Traps are 20% bigger and more likely to successfully hit small or fast moving targets. They also rearm themselves 2.5 seconds after being triggered.
  • 50 — Hotwire — Activate an automaton under Lockdown to lockpick its brain. Succeed within 15 seconds to hack the automaton, forcing it to follow you and fight for you. If you fail, you can’t try again for 30 seconds. You can only have one Hotwired Automaton at a time.
  • 50 — Nose for Treasure — You may choose an item type (gold, jewelry, books, ingredients, potions, weapons, armor). Containers illuminated by Robber’s Eye are three times more likely to contain items of your chosen type over other types.
  • 60 — Dungeoneer — Robber’s Eye also works in dungeons.
  • 60 — Golden Touch — Find 20-100 more gold in many dungeon chests and 2-10 more gold in some corpses, urns, etc.
  • 70 — Bait — Grants the «Bait» power. Once a day, lures the nearest hostile target within 200 feet to the location of the nearest Bear Trap placed within 50 feet (not during combat or conversation). Lasts 60 seconds.
  • 80 — Bushwhack — If the victim of your Bear Trap is not detecting you, the trap is five times as effective.
  • 80 — The Revenge — You can pick up and carry 3 Bear Traps.
  • 90 — Percussive Maintenance — Your Hotwired Automaton moves 30% faster and attacks 20% faster. Hitting your Hotwired Automaton with a mace or warhammer repairs it 150 points (or 300 points on a power attack) and further increases attack speed by 50% for 10 seconds.
  • 90 — Treasure Hunter — Increases the chance of finding an additional weapon or armor item in many dungeon chests from 10% to 15%.
  • 100 — Dragon’s Teeth — When placing a Bear Trap, you may choose to add an extra effect: Poison, Drain Magicka, Drain Stamina, Slow, Banish or Turn Undead. This effect is triggered when a victim is struck by the teeth and takes damage.
  • 100 — Seen This Before — Your skill at lockpicking is such that you may bypass locks of Expert or lower level without using a key or manually picking the lock. After picking at least 100 locks, you gain 2 perk points.


  • 0 — One-Handed Mastery (2) — One-handed weapons do 20/40% more damage./, and critical strikes with one-handed weapons do 2% more critical damage per level of One-Handed.
  • 20 — Disciplined Fighter — Reduces the Stamina cost of power attacks with one-handed weapons by 15 points.
  • 30 — Bite Marks (3) — Unblocked attacks with daggers deal an additional 1/2/3 point/s of bleed damage per second for 30/45/60 seconds to living targets. This effect stacks.
  • 30 — Bleed Like a Lamb (3) — Attacks with war axes deal an additional 1/2/3 points of damage per second for 3 seconds to living targets. When the bleeding stops, they take damage equal to 5/10/15% of the Health they lost while bleeding. This effect stacks.
  • 30 — Clash of Champions (3) — Attacks with swords reduce the target’s attack damage by 10/15/20% for 3 seconds.
  • 30 — Denting Blows (3) — Attacks with maces reduce the armor rating of armored enemies by 15/30/45 points for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • 30 — Ravage (2) — Dual wielding attacks are 20/35% faster.
  • 40 — Furious Strength — Power attack damage with one-handed weapons increased by 15% plus 0.1% per point of Stamina. Unlocks decapitations.
  • 40 — Mangle (2) — Power attacks with a war axe deal 20/40% more damage to staggered enemies.
  • 40 — Overwhelm (2) — Landing an unblocked regular attack with a sword causes your power attacks with a sword against the same target within 2 seconds to inflict critical strikes that deal double/five times critical damage.
  • 40 — Savage (2) — Attacks with a dagger deal 25/50% more damage if you rapidly hit the target three or more times. Resets when 2 seconds pass between hits.
  • 40 — Smite (2) — Power attacks with a mace deliver a critical strike that deals three/six times critical damage (four/eight times against the undead). Targets can only be struck by Smite once every 30 seconds.
  • 50 — Cross Cut — Forwards power attacks with a sword throw your opponent off balance, causing your other power attacks to deal 75% more damage to the target for 4 seconds.
  • 50 — Overrun — Can perform a one-handed sprinting power attack for 25% more damage. If this attack is a critical strike, it deals up to 50% more critical damage to a target above half Health. The higher its remaining Health percentage, the more critical damage dealt.
  • 50 — Rise Kinsmen — Forwards power attacks with a mace inspire nearby allies, granting them 20% extra attack damage for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • 50 — Rogue’s Parry — When wielding a one-handed weapon and an empty other hand, attacking with the weapon while the opponent is winding up their attack or drawing a bow deals 40% more damage and delivers a critical strike.
  • 50 — Shieldbiter — Forwards power attacks with a war axe smash through a block, causing the target to drop their shield and take a critical strike that deals five times critical damage.
  • 50 — Twin Fang — Forwards power attacks with a dagger impale the target, dealing double Bite Marks damage, whether or not the attack is blocked.
  • 60 — Man O’War — While dual wielding in combat, build up a battle rage with each attack, gaining 1% extra attack damage and 1% bonus attack speed for 20 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • 60 — Swaying Cobra — Sideways power attacks with a dagger drain 75 points of Magicka and Stamina.
  • 60 — Toll the Bell — Sideways power attacks with a mace deplete all of your Stamina on impact, dealing 1% more damage per point of Stamina depleted and doing a critical strike.
  • 60 — Windswept — Sideways power attacks with a sword fling targets backwards up to 6 feet, dealing up to 40% more damage based on distance traveled.
  • 60 — Wolfstooth — Sideways power attacks with a war axe grant 15% extra attack damage for 30 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • 70 — Death Adder — Standing power attacks with a dagger ignore enemy armor.
  • 70 — Go for the Throat — Standing power attacks with a war axe remove all active instances of Wolfstooth on the user, dealing 50% bonus damage and a critical strike for 250% bonus critical damage for each instance consumed.
  • 70 — Into the Dust — Repeated standing power attacks with a sword against a target do escalating damage if no more than 3 seconds pass between each. This effect stacks up to three times, each doing 20% more damage. Reaching four stacks knocks the target off their feet.
  • 70 — Massive Attack — In combat, one-handed regular attacks build up charges. Upon reaching 15 charges, your next one-handed power attack is a Massive Attack that deals triple damage and costs no Stamina, draining all charges. You start combat with 0 charges.
  • 70 — Meteor Storm — Each standing power attack with a mace that hits a target empowers subsequent standing power attacks with a mace within 20 seconds, increasing their damage and Stamina cost by 15%. This effect stacks.
  • 80 — Apex Predator — Attacks with war axes deal bonus damage to living targets equal to 3% of their current Health.
  • 80 — Coiling Python — Hitting a target with a forwards, sideways and backwards power attack with a dagger within 30 seconds paralyzes the target for 20 seconds. Your attacks with a dagger against the paralyzed target are critical strikes that deal nine times critical damage.
  • 80 — Skull Crack — Attacks with maces interrupt spellcasting. Does not work on massive targets.
  • 80 — Thousand Cuts — Attacks with swords cut a target for 15 seconds. Your swords deal double damage to a target with 10 or more cuts.
  • 90 — Aftershock — After a Massive Attack, your next one-handed power attack within 4 seconds deals double damage and a critical strike for five times critical damage and costs no Stamina. During this time, attack speed is set to 150%.
  • 90 — Unleash the Beast — While dual wielding in combat, enter a murderous frenzy every 20 to 40 seconds. For 8 seconds, dual wield power attacks deal 50% more damage and double critical damage.
  • 100 — And Stay Down — Mutilating a dead body with a one-handed power attack increases your one-handed damage and critical damage by 100% for 6 seconds. Once per body.


  • 0 — Pickpocket Mastery (2) — Increases pickpocket chance by 20/40% and carry weight by 50/100 points.
  • 20 — Blood Money — You find 10-100 more gold when looting humanoid corpses you have slain in an especially violent fashion (with an attack that dealt at least 100 more damage than their remaining Health or a killmove).
  • 20 — Trained Rabbit — Grants the «Trained Rabbit» power. At will, silently sends out a trained rabbit to lead you to the nearest loose valuable item (armor, weapon, key, book, soul gem, ingredient). It then returns to you.
  • 30 — Cutpurse — Adds 25% to your chance to pickpocket gold, keys and jewelry.
  • 30 — Thief’s Eye — When you enter a major city, illuminates a random citizen on the streets for 300 seconds. If you interact with the target during this time, they will carry valuable items (based on your Pickpocket skill). This can only occur once every 12-60 ingame hours.
  • 40 — Brotherhood Cocktail — Silently harm enemies by placing poisons in their pockets while pickpocketing.
  • 40 — Death’s Emperor (2) — A cursed septim appears in your inventory. When someone else is in possession of the coin, you deal 100/200% more attack damage to them.
  • 40 — On the Run — After you successfully pickpocket someone, sneaking is 200% more effective and movement speed is increased by 25% for 10 seconds.
  • 50 — Lawless World — Petty crimes are slowly forgotten, allowing your bounties for non-violent crimes to decay at a rate of 50% of your Pickpocket skill level each day.
  • 50 — Thief’s Luck — You may choose an item type (gold, jewelry, books, ingredients, potions). Those illuminated by Thief’s Eye are three times more likely to carry items of your chosen type over other types.
  • 60 — Stalk the Prey — Preparing to pickpocket (sneaking behind a victim with the pickpocket message displayed) for at least 12 seconds increases your pickpocket chance by 50%.
  • 70 — Doomed to Plunder — Killing a victim in possession of the Death’s Emperor grants 100-300 more gold.
  • 70 — Trickster — Can pickpocket equipped weapons. If the target is sleeping, can pickpocket any equipped item.
  • 80 — Crime Wave — Shortly after you pickpocket or speak with the target illuminated by Thief’s Eye, a new victim is illuminated, up to 5 times in a row.
  • 80 — You Saw Nothing — Grants the «You Saw Nothing» power. Once a day, distract a target. For 60 seconds, you will not receive a bounty if the target is the only witness of your crimes. Does not prevent the target or any allies from defending themselves.
  • 90 — Mutiny — Grants the «Mutiny» power. Once a day, activates the curse of the Death’s Emperor, compelling up to 5 people within 200 feet to attack whoever is carrying the Death’s Emperor for 60 seconds.
  • 90 — Robbed Blind — Adds the Thief’s Eye effect to You Saw Nothing.
  • 100 — Dragon Hoard — Whenever you sleep with 50000 or more gold in your inventory, you may choose to spend it to purchase a perk point.


  • 0 — Restoration Mastery (2) — Cast Restoration spells for 35/50% less Magicka, and Restoration spells are 0.25/0.5% more powerful per level of Restoration.
  • 20 — Descending Light — When you enter combat, you rapidly regenerate points of Magicka equal to half of your Restoration skill level per second for 10 seconds. This regeneration does not stop while casting.
  • 20 — Restoration Dual Casting — Dual casting a Restoration spell empowers it, increasing effectiveness and cost.
  • 30 — Afterglow (2) — When Descending Light ends, hostile undead within 40 feet burst into flames, taking 15/30 damage per second for 5/10 seconds.
  • 30 — Edgewalker — Restoration spells are up to 30% more powerful if the recipient is below half Health. The bonus increases as Health decreases.
  • 30 — Spirit Tutors — Two spirit tutors roam Skyrim. Find them and speak with them to receive a permanent blessing that makes Restoration spells 1% stronger per 20 points of Magicka. Each spirit tutor grants one blessing.
  • 30 — Vigilant — The first ward you cast in combat costs no Magicka to maintain.
  • 40 — Necromanticon — Study the arts of inflicting disease, learning the «Putrefy» spell. When your Restoration skill reaches 50, you learn «Death Cloud». When your Restoration skill reaches 75, you learn «Carrion Wind». These spells deal disease damage to living and undead.
  • 40 — Exorcist — Afterglow also reduces armor by 500 points and magic resistance by 50% for its duration.
  • 40 — False Light — While in combat, you may cast targeted healing spells and effects on enemies to inflict damage equal to 80% of the heal amount.
  • 40 — Respite — Healing spells also restore Stamina equal to their power.
  • 50 — Overflowing Cup — Receiving a healing spell or effect when you are already at full Health fortifies your Health by 50 points for 20 seconds.
  • 50 — Pilgrim — Shrine blessings are 50% stronger.
  • 50 — Warrior’s Flame — While in combat, the Warrior’s Flame periodically touches a random target within 100 feet, including you. Friendly targets are blessed, restoring 20 points of Magicka and Stamina for 5 seconds. Hostile targets are cursed, draining the same amount instead.
  • 50 — Zealot’s Ward — Wards you cast in combat have a limited duration, but are 400 points stronger against spells and are almost instantly at full strength. Blocking a spell retaliates with a force blast, reducing magic resistance by 25% for 6 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • 60 — Ashes to Ashes — Hostile undead cursed by Warrior’s Flame take 30 points of damage per second.
  • 60 — Crusader’s Fire — In combat, targets within 25 feet affected by a Turn Undead spell or effect burn with divine fire, taking 10 points of damage per second for 10 seconds. Your attacks and critical strikes deal 25% more damage to affected targets.
  • 60 — Forbidden Sanctuary — When your ward blocks a spell, you gain Magicka equal to 25% of its cost (or 100% if you are blessed by Warrior’s Flame).
  • 60 — Inquisitor — Living enemies become undead while cursed by Warrior’s Flame, rendering them vulnerable to anti-undead spells and effects.
  • 60 — Lightwielder — Increases False Light damage by 20% and allows the perks Sacred Guardian and Under my Wings to hit and damage enemies.
  • 70 — Bastion Ward — Wards reduce incoming attack damage by 30% (or 60% while Zealot’s Ward is active).
  • 70 — Chalice of Tears — If you are diseased or undead, your Restoration spells are 15% stronger and last 50% longer.
  • 70 — Plague Doctor — You radiate an aura of death that reduces the poison and disease resistance of anyone approaching within 40 feet by 50% for 30 seconds, whether friend or foe.
  • 70 — Under my Wings — Dual casting a healing spell on yourself also casts it on nearby allies within 12 feet. Does not apply to concentration spells.
  • 70 — Wheel of Life — In combat, gradually accumulates ambient lifeforce from the environment and releases it in periodic bursts, healing you 100 points every 30 seconds. Becoming affected by a different healing spell or effect restarts the cycle from the beginning.
  • 80 — Battlefield Priest — Restoration spells are 250% more powerful on friendly recipients blessed by Warrior’s Flame.
  • 80 — In Thy Name — Increases False Light damage by 20% when you are affected by a shrine blessing.
  • 80 — Mage Ward — Casting a spell raises a ward that increases armor rating by 100 and negates up to 100 points of spell damage and effects.
  • 80 — Sacred Guardian — Emanate a 20 foot aura of protection. Any living allies within range who fall below 30% Health are automatically healed 150 points. This effect has a 30 second cooldown per target.
  • 90 — Enduring Ideal — Wheel of Life heals 50% more and each new cycle is 5 seconds faster than the last.
  • 90 — Fire and Steel — You deal 100% more attack damage and critical strike damage to enemies cursed by Warrior’s Flame.
  • 90 — Gods and Mortals — Shrine blessings last 50% longer, and the blessings of the Divines (Akatosh, Arkay, Dibella, Julianos, Kynareth, Mara, Stendarr, Talos, Zenithar) confer powerful additional effects.
  • 90 — Tome of Many Pages — Teaches 18 different Restoration spells. Each fortifies a single skill by 5 levels for 120 seconds.
  • 100 — Revelation — Grants the «Revelation» power. Once a day, call on divine power to infuse the bearer of Warrior’s Flame: (Enemy) Deals 750 damage. (Ally) Grants 1000% extra attack damage for 5 seconds. (You) Grants full Health, Magicka and Stamina.


  • 0 — Smithing Mastery (2) — You can create Novice (Steel/Bonemold) items at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much./All items can be improved 10% more.
  • 20 — Dwarven Autocannon (2) — You can create Dwemer Autocannons at a forge or anvil. Use the «Dwarven Autocannon» power to deploy them. Cannons fire parallel to your crosshair for 30/60 seconds, dealing damage equal to 30/40% of your Smithing skill, if you are within 12 feet.
  • 30 — Advanced Workshop — You may choose to upgrade one grindstone or workbench to an Advanced version for 2500 gold. It improves items one tier higher (items can be improved beyond Legendary). Can be «Disassembled» by sneaking, allowing you to upgrade another of the same type.
  • 30 — Meric Smithing (2) — Choose an item type: Contemporary Meric (Elven/Chitin), Dwarven. You can create items of the chosen type at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much. Investing a second perk point lets you choose both./You can create both Contemporary Meric (Elven/Chitin) and Dwarven items at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much.
  • 40 — Arcane Blacksmith — You can improve enchanted weapons and armor.
  • 40 — Electrobolt (2) — Every fifth Dwarven Autocannon shot is an electromagnetic blast that moves slower than a regular shell but deals shock damage to Health and Magicka equal to 80/240% of your Smithing skill level.
  • 40 — Recycle Materials — 50% chance to retain any materials you spend at an Advanced Grindstone or Advanced Workbench.
  • 50 — Remote Control — Your Dwarven Autocannon now fires regardless of the distance between it and you.
  • 50 — Expert Smithing (2) — Choose an item type: Hard Steel (Scaled/Plate/Nordic), Orcish. You can create items of the chosen type at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much. Investing a second perk point lets you choose both./You can create both Hard Steel (Scaled/Plate/Nordic) and Orcish items at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much.
  • 60 — Sandstone Sheath — When you draw a weapon, it is automatically sharpened, granting 25% extra attack damage for 10 seconds. This can only occur once every 30 seconds.
  • 60 — Smithing Specialization — You may choose an item type: One-Handed, Two-Handed, Light Armor, Heavy Armor or Archery. Items of the chosen type can be improved 20% better at a grindstone or workbench.
  • 70 — Exotic Smithing (2) — Choose an item type: Glass, Crystalline (Ebony/Stalhrim). You can create items of the chosen type at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much. Investing a second perk point lets you choose both./You can create both Glass and Crystalline (Ebony/Stalhrim) items at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much.
  • 70 — Firing Line — Your Dwarven Autocannon now deploys two cannons side by side.
  • 80 — Iron Lore — If you Specialized in an armor type, your attacks ignore 15% of the armor rating of enemies wearing items of the chosen type. If you Specialized in a weapon type, you take 10% less damage from weapons of the chosen type.
  • 80 — Spin Up — Your Dwarven Autocannon gradually shoots faster over time, gaining 2% firing speed per shot, up to 200%.
  • 90 — Planar Smithing (2) — Choose an item type: Daedric, Dragonbone. You can create items of the chosen type at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much. Investing a second perk point lets you choose both./You can create both Daedric and Dragonbone items at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much.
  • 90 — Fuel the Inferno — When activating an Advanced Grindstone or Advanced Workbench, you may choose to sacrifice a Dragon Soul to improve items by a further one tier during that session.
  • 100 — Heart of Creation — Pour your Dragonborn blood into the fire at one forge. Forging an item in this forge empowers you, increasing attack damage and critical strike damage by 15% and reducing attack damage taken by 15% for 600 seconds.


  • 0 — Sneak Mastery (2) — Sneaking is 20/40% more effective. Note that sneak success depends on visibility (movement and light level), sound (movement and armor weight), skill level and distance.
  • 20 — Sneak Attack — Sneak attacks with one-handed weapons deal 100% more damage. Sneak attacks with any other weapon or fists deal 25% more damage.
  • 20 — Tripwire — Grants the «Tripwire» power. At will, places a tripwire in front of you for 120 seconds. It snaps when tripped, knocking all targets hit by it to the floor.
  • 30 — Demolition Job — All Destruction spells and scrolls are 3% more powerful per level of Sneak if the target is not detecting the caster (5% for rune spells).
  • 30 — Fog of War — Sneaking is 15% more effective against targets that are in combat with you, or 30% if they are in combat with someone else.
  • 30 — Silent Roll — Sprinting while sneaking executes a silent forward roll.
  • 30 — Spot Detection — Grants the «Spot Detection» power. Once a day, outlines all humanoids within 150 feet that are detecting you with a green glow. Lasts 180 seconds.
  • 40 — Assassin’s Blade — Sneak attacks with daggers deal 1% more damage per level of Sneak.
  • 40 — Dynamic Entry — Performing a silent roll increases your damage with one-handed weapons by 50% and unarmed damage by 40 points for 2 seconds.
  • 40 — Infiltrator — Your footsteps and equipped armor make 75% less noise when sneaking.
  • 40 — Whiplash — Tripwire also reduces armor rating by 750 points for 4 seconds.
  • 50 — Backstab (2) — You deal 25/50% more damage with daggers when striking a target from behind. If the target is at full Health, this is a critical strike that deals three/eight times critical damage.
  • 50 — Light Foot — You won’t trigger pressure plates.
  • 50 — Right Behind You — You are adept at hiding in your target’s blind spot. Sneaking is 25% more effective within 30 feet, and 75% more effective within 15 feet.
  • 60 — Disengage — Grants the «Disengage» power. Once a day, all enemies within 100 feet who are attacking you or searching for you instantly stop and resume their normal activities.
  • 60 — Dodge Roll — Performing a silent roll makes you ethereal for 1 second, causing all incoming attacks and spells to miss.
  • 60 — Smoke Curtain — Grants the «Smoke Curtain» power. Once a day, creates a 35 foot cloud for 120 seconds that blinds those in the cloud, preventing them from seeing sneaking targets. Sneak attacks against them deal 50% more damage,
  • 70 — Backup Plan — After being out of combat for at least 5 seconds, entering combat will place a Tripwire behind you for 60 seconds. This does not count against the limit of one Tripwire at a time.
  • 70 — Clean Escape — When you stand still for 8 seconds while sneaking, enemies within 150 feet no longer search for you.
  • 80 — Behind Enemy Lines — Sneaking is 15% more effective for each enemy within 100 feet that is not detecting you.
  • 80 — Partystarter — When you gain invisibility, places a barrel of flammable booze at your location. When you lose invisibility, it explodes, dealing fire damage equal to 150% of your Sneak skill level and staggering targets. This effect has a 15 second cooldown.
  • 80 — Problem Solver — Sneak attacks deal 10% more damage for each 200 points of Health the target has, up to 50% more damage.
  • 90 — Cloak and Dagger — Breaking invisibility with a power attack is a guaranteed critical strike that deals 50% more critical damage.
  • 90 — Greased Lightning — Performing a silent roll in combat leaves a trail of grease for 10 seconds that staggers running enemies. Sprinting enemies slip and fall to the ground.
  • 90 — Shadow Warrior — Entering sneak mode in combat grants 2 seconds of invisibility, briefly leaving combat and forcing distant opponents to search for you. This effect has an 8 second cooldown.
  • 100 — Laughing Ghost — Grants the «Laughing Ghost» power. At will, while sneaking, teleport through the shadows behind a target for a power attack with your right weapon that deals double sneak attack damage. The target must be out of combat.


  • 0 — Speech Mastery (2) — Sell items for 10/20% more. Your intimidation attempts are twice as convincing/always succeed.
  • 20 — And the Universe Listens — Shouting restores points of Health, Magicka and Stamina equal to your shout cooldown in seconds. You gain Speech experience when shouting based on your shout cooldown.
  • 20 — Performer — Grants the «Perform» power. Once a day, play a song to entertain up to five people within 50 feet and collect a donation from each, based on your Speech skill and the amount of gold they are carrying.
  • 30 — Bribery — Can bribe guards to ignore crimes.
  • 30 — Kinship — Buy items for 15% less when trading with the same race.
  • 30 — Serenade — Performing to members of the opposite sex yields twice as much gold and potentially small items.
  • 40 — Business Relation — Create a bond with the next merchant you speak with. Buy items for 30% less from that specific merchant.
  • 40 — Salesman — Can sell any type of item to any kind of merchant.
  • 40 — Windborne — Shouting summons up a divine wind, granting 30% extra attack damage and 15% increased movement speed for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • 50 — Force Redoubled (2) — 25/50% chance to reduce the cooldown of any shout to 3 seconds.
  • 50 — Irresistible Dance — Can Perform in combat to force the two nearest enemy people within 50 feet to dance spellbound, preventing them from acting and reducing their armor skills by 50 points. Use again to stop.
  • 50 — Speak with Animals — Can Activate animals to tame them, forcing them to follow you anywhere you go and fight for you until released. You can only have one Wild Companion at a time.
  • 60 — Encore — Able to Perform multiple times per day.
  • 60 — Golden Fiddle — Irresistible Dance now also forces daedra, undead and animals to listen spellbound.
  • 60 — Hurricane Force — Shouts that affect others are 1% more powerful per level of Speech.
  • 60 — Investor — Can invest 500 gold with a shopkeeper to increase his or her available gold by 500 permanently.
  • 70 — Earthquake Drum — Can Perform in combat to unleash shockwaves. Each drumbeat deals 20 points of damage to nearby enemies within 30 feet. Use again to stop.
  • 70 — Fence — Can barter stolen goods with any merchant.
  • 70 — Horn of Sovngarde (2) — Grants the «Horn of Sovngarde» power. Once a day, blow a horn to call the nearest three friendly people (except followers) within 200 feet to follow you for 600 seconds/one ingame day.
  • 70 — Thu’um of War — Your shouts stagger nearby enemies within 20 feet, reducing armor rating by 300 points for 10 seconds. Enemies below 25% Health are knocked down.
  • 80 — Gift of Kynareth — Improves your Wild Companion. Wolves gain 100% extra attack damage. Spiders gain magic immunity. Bears gain 150 points of Health. Chaurus gain 300 points of armor. Saber cats gain 40% movement speed and move silently.
  • 80 — Merciless Storm — Grants the «Merciless Storm» power. Once a day, cancels an active shout cooldown, allowing you to shout again immediately afterwards.
  • 80 — Witching Rhythm — Earthquake Drum deals 50% more damage. Each beat of Earthquake Drum also briefly reduces the magic resistance of affected enemies by 200% for 0.4 seconds.
  • 90 — Lord of the Dance — Irresistible Dance can affect up to five enemies.
  • 90 — War Drummer — Each beat of Earthquake Drum also heals nearby allies by up to 20 points based on their missing Health percentage, and grants them 100% extra attack damage for 0.4 seconds.
  • 90 — Trade Prince — Every merchant in the world gains 1000 gold for bartering.
  • 100 — Dovahzulaan — For 120 seconds after using Merciless Storm, any shout you use also carries the previous shout.


  • 20 — Two-Handed Mastery (2) — Two-handed weapons do 20/40% more damage./, and critical strikes with two-handed weapons do 2% more critical damage per level of Two-Handed.
  • 20 — Trained Fighter — Reduces the Stamina cost of power attacks with two-handed weapons by 20 points.
  • 30 — Bleed Like a Dog (3) — Attacks with battle axes deal an additional 2/3/4 points of damage per second for 3 seconds to living targets. When the bleeding stops, they take damage equal to 15/20/25% of the Health they lost while bleeding. This effect stacks.
  • 30 — Clash of Heroes (3) — Attacks with greatswords reduce the target’s attack damage by 15/20/25% for 3 seconds.
  • 30 — Crushing Blows (3) — Attacks with warhammers reduce the armor rating of armored enemies by 20/40/60 points for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • 40 — Batter (2) — Power attacks with a warhammer have 15/25% chance of a critical strike that deals double critical damage.
  • 40 — Ferocious Strength — Power attack damage with two-handed weapons increased by 15% plus 0.1% per point of Stamina. Unlocks decapitations.
  • 40 — Maul (2) — Power attacks with a greatsword increase the damage of your regular attacks with a greatsword against this target by 25/50% for 5 seconds.
  • 40 — Rive (2) — Power attacks with a battle axe ignore 25/50% of enemy armor.
  • 50 — Avalanche — Forwards power attacks with a warhammer daze a target for 8 seconds. Dazed targets become staggered when struck by any unblocked attack and you deal 25% more damage and critical damage to them.
  • 50 — Execute — Forwards power attacks with a battle axe against targets below 30% Health are guaranteed critical strikes that deal twenty times as much critical damage.
  • 50 — Flee Fool — Forwards power attacks with a greatsword intimidate living enemies, causing them to flee for 10 seconds. Fleeing targets take 50% more damage from greatswords and may trip and fall randomly. This can only occur once per target every 30 seconds.
  • 50 — Ramming Speed — Can perform a two-handed sprinting power attack that deals up to 75% more damage to a target above half Health. The higher its remaining Health percentage, the more damage dealt.
  • 60 — Death or Glory — Two-handed power attacks deal up to 100% more damage below half Health. The damage bonus increases as your Health decreases.
  • 60 — Decimate — Sideways power attacks with battle axes hit all targets in front of you.
  • 60 — Subjugate — Sideways power attacks with a greatsword set the target’s attack speed to 50% for 10 seconds. This effect has a 20 second cooldown per target. Hitting the target during their slowed attack is a critical strike that deals three times critical damage.
  • 60 — The Pendulum — Whenever a target is hit by two sideways power attacks with a warhammer within 10 seconds, the second hit knocks the target off their feet, dealing 125% more damage and a critical strike that does double critical damage.
  • 70 — Bisect — Standing power attacks with a battleaxe deal bonus damage equal to 15% of a target’s current Health.
  • 70 — Grand Slam — Whenever a standing power attack with a warhammer inflicts a critical strike, it deals 3% more critical damage per point of Stamina.
  • 70 — Massacre — In combat, swinging a two-handed weapon has 10% chance to slow time for 3 seconds and increase attack speed by 200%.
  • 70 — Rise and Fall — Standing power attacks with a greatsword alternate between doing regular damage and double damage, starting with the former. Resets after 20 seconds.
  • 80 — Deadfall — Bashing with a warhammer to interrupt an attack before it hits allows you to follow up with a power attack within 2 seconds to crush the attacker, reducing their armor by 500 points for 5 seconds.
  • 80 — Overthrow — Bashing with a greatsword to interrupt an attack before it hits allows you to follow up with a power attack within 2 seconds to deliver a critical strike that deals three times critical damage and disarms them.
  • 80 — Ram’s Head — Bashing with a battle axe to interrupt an attack before it hits allows you to follow up with a power attack within 2 seconds to knock them to the ground.
  • 80 — Wolfkin — After performing 3 or more consecutive two-handed power attacks in combat, your next two-handed regular attack manifests a Spirit Wolf for 30 seconds that deals 15 bonus damage for each power attack.
  • 90 — Bear Hide — You take half as much damage from enemy attacks while power attacking with a two-handed weapon.
  • 90 — Enter the Arena — Massacre always activates when you take your first two-handed swing in combat. This can only occur once every 30 seconds.
  • 90 — Voice of Rage and Ruin — In combat, swinging a two-handed weapon has 4% chance to activate your currently equipped power.
  • 100 — Slayer of a Thousand Sons — In combat, two-handed weapons deal 5% more damage for each humanoid or animal you have slain in the previous battle, up to 40%.

Если вы считаете, что в Skyrim представлено максимально возможное количество разнообразных способностей и навыков, вас сильно удивят модификации из нашего списка.

Система прокачки в Skyrim более простая, чем в других проектах Bethesda, таких как Oblivion или Fallout 4. Вместо того чтобы дать нам самим распределить основные характеристики, такие как сила или скорость, игра предоставляет вам очки, которые вы можете потратить на прокачку одной из веток навыков. Это захватывающий способ управления развитием персонажа. Вместо бессмысленных цифр вы получаете более осязаемые эффекты, такие как увеличение урона оружия на 20% или снижение цен в магазинах. Тем не менее это также немного ограничивает вас в выборе пути развития вашего персонажа.

Ниже мы рассмотрим лучшие моды на перки для Skyrim, которые добавят в базовую систему прокачки больше вариативности и разнообразия, что поможет вам создать охотящуюся на вампиров и владеющую копьем аргонианскую деву, о которой вы всегда мечтали.

Max Skills & All Perks

Max Skills & All Perks

Во-первых, давайте разберемся как получить максимальную отдачу от базовых перков.

Мод Max Skills & All Perks от ClearanceClarence делает то, что указано в названии: он освещает ночное небо, завершая каждое созвездие навыков и предоставляя вам все доступные очки бонусов, если точнее — 251.

Раньше это было невозможно без модов, потому что максимальный предел был всего 81, а вы получали одно очко за уровень. Начиная с патча 1.9, можно прокачаться выше этого лимита, сбросив деревья навыков, но для разблокировки всех перков все равно потребуется целая вечность. Этот мод решит данную проблему всего за несколько кликов.


Custom Skills — Hand to Hand

Custom Skills — Hand to Hand

Скайрим очень похож на реальный мир в плане рукопашного боя. Вы можете тренироваться до тех пор, пока ваши кулаки не станут крепче двемерской стали, но случайный противник с мечом, который дает преимущество на средней дистанции, отрежет вам руки, прежде чем вы сможете нанести свой первый удар.

Модификация Custom Skills — Hand to Hand от пользователя Vicn дает вам больше шансов в этой неравной схватке, помогая вам стать мастером боевых искусств с новыми мощными перками, направленными на рукопашный бой.

Чтобы стать средневековым боксером, вам придется пробраться к «Святилищу бойца» — новой локации к северу от Вайтрана.


Path of Sorcery — Magick Perk Overhaul

Path of Sorcery — Magick Perk Overhaul

В отличие от рукопашника, у последователей магических учений есть масса преимуществ в выборе разных школ. Но вы можете быть уверены, что как только вы станете архимагом в Винтерхолде и овладеете всеми магическими способностями, вам захочется большего.

Path of Sorcery от моддера SteelFeathers предлагает необычайно захватывающий способ развивать свой магический потенциал, изменяя большинство перков с формулы «нанести на Х процентов больше урона с помощью Y» на что-то более интересное.

Вы можете стать Магом Крови, взаимодействовать с могущественными силами и специализироваться на определенном элементе разрушения. Это фантастически подходит для отыгрыша верховного архимага и делает заклинания намного менее шаблонными.


Custom Skills – Vigilant of Stendarr

Custom Skills – Vigilant of Stendarr

Во время прохождения Skyrim может произойти такая неприятная ситуация, когда персонаж оказывается в Морфале, ради освобождения города от вампиров задолго до того, как его уровня силы будет достаточно, чтобы убить Моварта, местного правителя. Если отправиться в Зал Бдительных за помощью, он будет сожжен дотла, а все воины Стендарра — мертвы.

С уникальным деревом перков из мода Vigilant of Stendarr от Vicn вам нужно всего лишь посетить Святилище Стендарра на полпути между Вайтраном и Рорикстедом, чтобы стать защитником света.

Модификация предоставляет множество захватывающих преимуществ, которые подарят благочестивому паладину возможность дать отпор темным силам, развращающим людей и меров по всему Тамриэлю.


Spears Skill and Perks Tree

Spears Skill and Perks Tree

Как бы мы не любили эту игру, стоит признать, что боевая система в Skyrim не особо хорошо проработана. Одним из примеров этого являются разные классы оружия ближнего боя (меч, булава и топор), которые работают одинаково, за исключением некоторых перков. Отличный способ расширить боевое разнообразие Skyrim — добавить совершенно новое оружие, такое как копья и алебарды, однако и этого будет недостаточно.

Вам также нужны специальные навыки, чтобы умело размахивать этой длинной палкой и добиваться разрушительного эффекта, собственно, именно для этого и стоит установить мод Spears Skill and Perks Tree от Bouboule. Проблема решена.


Special Perks from Questing

Special Perks from Questing

Учитывая огромное количество темных сил и таинственных духов, с которыми Драконорожденному предстоит столкнуться на протяжении всего своего долгого путешествия, было бы справедливо, если бы некоторые из них он бы мог использовать в своих интересах. Special Perks от Questing делает это реальностью, предоставляя вам некоторые уникальные способности, которыми ваш персонаж теперь может овладеть.

Такие вещи, как более сильные драконьи крики после победы над Алдуином, специальное заклинание для того, чтобы стать архимагом, или благословение от Кинарет для исцеления дерева златолиста — это лишь некоторые из благ, которые вы сможете получить от квестов.

Это делает игру особенно захватывающей, так как большинство квестовых линий теперь напрямую влияют на билд вашего персонажа, что делает их гораздо более важными для дальнейшего прогресса.


Vokrii — Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim

Vokrii — Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim

Многие из вас наверняка уже устали постоянно прокачивать одни и те же ветки навыков во время повторного прохождения. Если вам необходимо полное преображение системы развития персонажа и всего связанного с этим интерфейса, рассмотрите Vokrii — Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim от Enai Siaion.

Эта модификация расширяет разнообразие билдов, не нарушая при этом параметры, установленные Bethesda. Не волнуйтесь, все по-прежнему будет напоминать старый добрый Skyrim, только с чуть более красочными созвездиями прокачки.

Более того, Vokrii отличается высокой стабильностью. Таким образом, это не приведет к программному сбою из-за какой-то абсурдной плохо прописанной способности и не раздует ваш файл сохранения сверх того, что может обработать ваша система.


Skills of the Wild

Skills of the Wild

Если вы играли в Skyrim после выхода Anniversary Edition, то наверняка обратили внимание на новую систему выживания. Нет ничего более реалистичного, чем беспокоиться о еде, защите от непогоды и снаряжении для лагеря, в перерывах между вашими героическими походами.

Отличный способ сделать эту часть игрового процесса еще лучше — использовать Skills of the Wild от Jayserpa, который добавляет совершенно новые возможности, такие как разведение костров, установка капканов и прочие полезные навыки выживания, которые помогут вам стать фэнтезийным прототипом Беара Гриллса.

Этот мод добавляет четыре новых ветки навыков:

  • Искусство охоты
  • Знающий землю
  • Дрессировщик зверей
  • Кулинарное искусство

Каждая из них улучшает жизненно важную способность, которая поможет вам обуздать дикую природу Скайрима.


Sacrosanct — Vampires of Skyrim

Sacrosanct — Vampires of Skyrim

В мире Skyrim вампиризм — это болезнь, состояние, которое медленно отдаляет вас от вашего человеческого естества, пробуждая жажду крови. Однако, полагать, что вы естественным образом станете могущественным высшим существом со сверхспособностями а-ля Дракула, как минимум наивно. Если бы это было правдой, все были бы вампирами.

Модификация Sacrosanct делает борьбу за господство упырей на землях Скайрима более реалистичной. Она вводит строгие требования к потреблению крови и несколько слабостей, а также новые ветки прокачки.

Этот мод также добавляет уникальную вампирскую способность каждой расе. Например, альтмеры увеличивают свои магические показатели за счет выпитой крови, а норды могут ненадолго воскрешать мертвых, чтобы те сражались на их стороне.


Ordinator — Perks of Skyrim

Ordinator — Perks of Skyrim

Среди энтузиастов моддинга наиболее уважаемым модом является Ordinator от Enai Siaion, предназначенный для создания более глубокой и проработанной системы развития персонажа.

Мод добавляет колоссальные 469 новых перков, полностью изменяя каждую школу магии, стиль рукопашного боя и дерево небоевых навыков. Кроме того, это изменение затронет всех стандартных игровых персонажей, которые получат новые способности вместо базовых.

Доведение до ума придуманного вами стиля игры — это уже гораздо более долгий и сложный процесс. Вы получите на 50 % больше очков способностей (по одному дополнительному за каждые два новых уровня), но вам все равно нужно оставаться целеустремленным, чтобы достичь максимальных показателей прокачки каждого навыка.

При всем уважении к Bethesda, вот как должна выглядеть полноценная ролевая система.


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