Скайрим как изменить вес нпс

Как изменить вес нпс скайрим

Обновлено: 12.02.2023

Уверен, эта небольшая утилитка многим придется по вкусу. Как ясно из названия, с ее помощью можно полностью перенести внешность НПС на своего перса. Копируется все, в том числе макияж, тело и прическа.

Разумеется, есть подводные камни.

1. После копирования не все в новой внешности можно изменить в меню создания персонажа; автор вообще рекомендует его не открывать на скопированном персе, а для изменения прически использовать парики))

Впрочем, не знаю какой ваще смысл копировать внешность чтобы потом ее изменять.

2. Можно копировать НПС только того же пола, что и ГГ. НПС гуманоидных кастомных рас на кастомную же гуманоидную расу копируются без проблем, как видно из ролика, но вряд ли это возможно с расами типа элин, хотя сам я не проверял.

3. Не стоит копировать внешность, во время езды верхом

4. Если до копирования у НПС и ГГ был разный вес, при новом заходе в игру может появиться на шее шов. Для исправления можно скопировать внешность еще раз или попробовать снять и снова надеть шмотки. Избежать этой проблемы легко, если сохраниться сразу после копирования или до копирования сделать вес НПС и ГГ одинаковым.

Это бесплатная версия. Платная имеет возможность сохранять и загружать копии внешности, и тот кому это нада, без труда может приобрести ее на патреоне



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Как изменить вес нпс скайрим

Здравствуйте. Как можно УМЕНЬШИТЬ количество переносимого веса читами или модами. Я подразумеваю не то, что вы сейчас подумали. Я хочу, чтобы мой ГГ носил не 300 кг (куда он их девает — неизвестно, глотает их что ли?), а хотя бы 100. Как то не сочетается такой вес с RND и логикой.

От Клерик:
То, что вы описали, делает команда forceav — устанавливает значение, помеченное как модификация (to), а команда modav делает то же самое, но на сколько-то (by)

А setav и modav (я что-то не понял) то же самое что-ли.

А зачем консоль мучать? Можно шмотки зачарить на переносимый вес и нет проблем, у меня сапоги и бижутерия под это дело заточены., если вам мало можно еще перчатки зачарить. Опять же зелье есть, хлебнул и быстрое перемещение, и лошадей никто не отменял))

Мне даже 600 веса мало на ВЦ знает каком лвл.

Просьба ознакомиться с правилами. На форуме запрещена ненормативная лексика, даже завуалированная. Нарушителям грозит наказание от предупреждения до временной блокировки аккаунта.

Я так понимаю, автор вопрошал не столько о том, как сделать карманы шире, сколько о том, как «подогнать» карманы под реализм.

А тут уж не знаю как консоль справляется, но стоит искать моды, которые подчистую переделывают всю систему оценки веса предметов. Всех. Вопрос: стоит ли так мучаться, если реализм можно и без того организовать, забыв про циферки?

В крайнем случае: представляйте визуально сколько Вы вытащите на своей спине и исходите из этого. Либо вообразите, что 300 — это не кг, а такая себе отдельная мера веса в мире Скайрима, равная хотя бы этим 100 кг ;)

Раз уж так трудно с фунтами.

А где в слове ВЦ ненормативная лексика? Нафиг тогда этот сайт.

Просьба ознакомиться с правилами. На форуме запрещена ненормативная лексика, даже завуалированная. Нарушителям грозит наказание от предупреждения до временной блокировки аккаунта.

Если для тебя мат обыденное дело, то я могу тебе только посочувствовать.

300 фунтов = 136 кг (если верить гугл конвертору) так что это не так уж много. а 100 фунтов = 45.5 кг. и по моему не реалистично было бы считать, что герой, в чьих венах течет кровь дракона, не может поднять вес больший чем 45 кг

можно поднять и 500 фунтов

Да конечно. Я где то уже писал что имея дело с другим совершенно миром не след ровнять его с нашим. Как писали выше — х знает какие у них там фунты.

Если в 200 кг входит и вес твоей хорошо подгнанной брони — ходить спокойно можно. А с нагрузкой в 100 земных фунтов при тех же условиях нормальный мужик-землянин ( и часть женского населения планеты тоже) будут и бегать. Не как Болт конечно но всё равно.

А ваще то это некропостинг)))))).

Да пофиг на некропостинг.

Также можно командой player.setav carryweight X.

Механика команд следующая:

Modav добавляет к значению, Setav устанавливает значение.

Можно и через modav, подставив отрицательное значение. Игра просто отнимает запрашиваемое значение.

Как изменить вес нпс скайрим

Нашёл я наконец-то себе подходящую компаньонку из мода BTRH Followers — Private Squad. Но возникла небольшая проблемка: некоторые вещи сделаны под максимальный вес, а у неё только 50.

Сначала попробовал изменить телосложение в редакторе, в поле weight поставил 100, сохранил esp. А в игре результата нет.

Потом решил сделать через консоль. Ввёл команду setnpcweight 100. Вес поменялся. Но получился какой-то кошмар с внешность персонажа.

Я так понимаю, в редакторе после изменения веса нужно делать ctrl+F4 для генерации НПС, что делает автоматом команда setnpcweight. Но при этом генерится новая внешность перса. А мне этого не надо. Мне надо только вес изменить. Как это сделать?

Команды на определённые цели. Часть 3

Также смотрите moveto, который может вызвать персонажа с refID с помощью следующих команд: PRID RefID и moveto player.

Также смотрите duplicateallitems.

Кроме того, removeperk удалит полностью перк. Данное действие не возвратит вам очков навыка.

Например, player.removeperk 000babe8 удалит ранг 1/5 у одного из перка.

Смотрите также kill.

Смотрите также forceAV и modAV.

Полный список атрибутов доступен в Actor Value Indices.

В версии игры эта команда не работает.

Поскольку команда изменяет базу NPC, вы всегда должны проверить, сможете ли вы убить NPC. Использование команды kill не дает полностью достоверного результата, поэтому придется убивать вручную, пока персонаж, либо упадет замертво (смертный), либо начнет ползать вокруг (бессмертный).

Set NPC weight



You can use the CK To fix this issue. it’s really simple and there are even youtube guides for it in case you don’t understand written guides.




You can see more when you close your eyes

If you changed the weight you need to start a new game. NPC weight is stored in your save game from game launch. either that or you will have one of these:

If it’s just 1 NPC and not more you can fix this in CK (creation kit, download of Steam) without starting a new game (doing multiple NPCs will be much harder), by exporting the FaceGen data of the NPC in question when you loaded the mod, after that in game select the NPC while in console and type: «disable» followed by «enable» to reload it entirely.

Check the mod page, perhaps it came with an optional file for the FaceGen data.


After tons of issues with this and following a tutorial. The solution I found was to Backup your Tintmasks folder under:

Skyrim (or SSE) >Data>Textures>Actors>Character>Character assets>tintmasks

Keep a copy of this folder for when you play the game and make a copy with 256×256 resized versions of each image. Save as 8.8.8 RGB 24 bpp unsigned with No MIP maps checked under MIP Map Generation

Use the 256 versions for when you edit in Creation kit. It only allows 256 sizes for makeup etc. then slide a few things in your character in CK and youll see the changes take place. CTRL+f4 your character as usual.

Then when you play, put your 1024 or higher tint masks back into your tintmask folder.

(This might be confusing for some, but if you mess with crap so much til your head kills you, you’ll see that this solution fixes it and saves time.)

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Carry Weight, or carrying capacity, is the total weight of items that a player character can carry. All characters begin the game with a Carry Weight of 300, regardless of race or gender. Increasing Stamina increases the maximum Carry Weight by five for each level point. It is possible to carry more items that the Carry Weight statistic, but then a message stating that your are overencumbered and cannot run will be posted. Players will likely notice at that point that walking is very slow. Fast Travel is also impossible if the player character is overloaded, unless they happen to be riding a horse.

Increasing carrying capacity[]

  • Increase your Stamina statistic – Each level point in stamina adds +5 to your carrying capacity
  • Get the Extra Pockets perk in Pickpocketing – Adds +100 to your carrying capacity
  • Get the blessing from The Steed Stone – Adds +100 to your carrying capacity and any armor worn no longer counts towards the total weight being carried
  • The «Unhindered» Light Armor Perk reduces the weight of worn Light Armor to zero.
  • The «Conditioning» Heavy Armor Perk reduces the weight of worn Heavy Armor to zero.
  • Obtaining unique armor:
    • Thieves Guild Armor adds 20 (or 35 if upgraded after completing «Scoundrel’s Folly»).
    • The mask belonging to Dragon Priest Volsung adds 20.
    • Guild Master’s Armor and Blackguard’s Armor each adds 50.
    • The Locket of Saint Jiub DG adds 50.
      • Deathbrand Boots DR add 10 to carry capacity for each piece of Deathbrand Armor DR worn, for a maximum of 40
  • Taking a Fortify Carry Weight potion temporarily increases carrying capacity by an amount proportional to the strength of the potion. The Slow Time shout can be used together with the potions to increase the duration of the effect.
  • The Werewolf Beast Form power temporarily adds a static 1,900 carry weight limit.
  • Followers and Spouses can be used to carry extra items, although they too have their own limit that cannot be exceeded. (Total carrying capacity is approximately 290 units of weight)
    • However, it is possible to use the glitch in Multiple Followers to gain 3 to 4 followers, thus effectively multiplying the player’s total capacity to 1,000 units of weight. This can be performed using Cicero and Dark Brotherhood Initiates, along with a fourth companion.
    • Followers can also benefit from the Fortify Carry Weight enchantment, although this is bugged. Should their original (unfortified) limit be exceeded, only one item or stack of items can be added, then the menu must be closed and reopened to add more, up to the absolute maximum capacity.
  • Fortify Carry Weight enchantments may be applied to Rings, Amulets, Boots and Gauntlets, increasing carrying capacity relative to enchanting skill (having the Insightful Enchanter perk and all 5 Enchanter perks make the enchantments most effective).
    • The maximum possible enchantment acquired from Fortify Carry Weight with the above perks active and a Grand Soul Gem or Black Soul Gem is an increase to encumbrance by 34 points. This can be further increased to 38 points with the Seeker of Sorcery reward from «Black Book: The Sallow Regent.» The maximum benefit is gained if a Fortify Enchanting potion is used together with Ahzidal’s Genius allowing a player to increase this even more.
  • Using the console commands:
    • tgm – (Toggle God Mode) will enable running, sprinting, and fast-traveling while encumbered, but will not remove limitations on the use of carriages.
    • player.ModAV Carryweight <#> – will permanently increase your carrying capacity by «#» points.

Circumventing encumbrance[]

  • Drawing a bow will add a small amount of speed when encumbered. This is enhanced by the «Ranger» Archery Perk, which allows faster movement with a drawn bow.
  • Walking forward and using a melee power attack while encumbered helps the Dragonborn gain additional ground, making for faster travel while encumbered. If the weapon is sheathed before the actual swing of the weapon takes place, the Dragonborn still moves forward, but no stamina is lost. If the Dragonborn has the Dual Flurry perk from One-handed, using the third person camera and wielding two weapons, using power attack and sheathing, will cause a short sprint almost as fast as a full-blooded run.
  • The Whirlwind Sprint shout can be used while encumbered to briefly speed up travel. The more words are used, the longer and faster one can travel.
  • Manually moving an item can be used to carry a heavy item if the Dragonborn would be encumbered by carrying it normally. Dropping the item(s) (in a stack if need be) and holding «Activate» on them allows them to be dragged. Held objects do not add to encumbrance weight, so sprinting is possible without losing anything. This is particularly useful when hauling Dragon Bones or firewood.
  • Depositing items in a small dead body, such as a skeever, can be particularly useful, for it can hold any number of items.
  • Another way to overcome encumbrance is to place excessive items on a dead body before raising it as a Dead Thrall. This will allow it to be used as a «pack mule» to temporarily carry extra items.
    • Theoretically, a Dead Thrall can also benefit from the Fortify Carry Weight enchantment, but this only works if the armor they were wearing was enchanted. In other words, it is possible to remove the corpse’s armor to enchant it, then replace it on the dead body. It will not be possible to enchant armor which the character did not wear in life and have them wear it. Corpses which were equipped with more clothing slots when they were alive will fully maximize the value of this enchantment, because the more armor they wore in life, the higher the carry weight they can benefit from.
  • Alternatively, the player can purchase a house and store items in any container without fear of said items disappearing. The items will stay in the chest until taken back out.
    • There are certain free houses such as Anise’s and Drelas’ homes, both of which contain safe storage containers, if the player elects not to purchase properties.
    • If all else fails, the Abandoned House in Markarth is free to use, being a place with permanently safe containers, regardless of whether the Dragonborn is Thane or not.
  • The Dremora ButlerDR ability acquired as a reward for completing «Black Book: Untold Legends» will allow the player to transfer a total of 248 base carrying weight to a temporary servant for 15 seconds.
  • As with the werewolf, transforming into a Vampire LordDG will allow movement at the vampire lord’s regular pace, making travel faster than in reverted form, even if the player has exceeded normal carrying limit.
  • Horses can be used when carrying too much to travel faster. If suddenly encumbered and no visible horse is within the player’s reach, use of the Summon ArvakDG spell will summon a horse anytime outdoors. However, while Arvak appears on Solstheim and in Blackreach, the horse does not show up in the Forgotten Vale.
  • Werewolves travel at normal speed, despite any apparent encumbrance.
  • If one has a follower, one can drop an item on the floor, and command a them to pick it up. This seems to negate a their weight limit, allowing them to carry an apparently infinite amount of items. Keep in mind that this method will mean one is unable to actually give an item to said follower, however.

See also[]

  • Fortify Carry Weight

Carry Weight, or carrying capacity, is the total weight of items that a player character can carry. All characters begin the game with a Carry Weight of 300, regardless of race or gender. Increasing Stamina increases the maximum Carry Weight by five for each level point. It is possible to carry more items that the Carry Weight statistic, but then a message stating that your are overencumbered and cannot run will be posted. Players will likely notice at that point that walking is very slow. Fast Travel is also impossible if the player character is overloaded, unless they happen to be riding a horse.

Increasing carrying capacity[]

  • Increase your Stamina statistic – Each level point in stamina adds +5 to your carrying capacity
  • Get the Extra Pockets perk in Pickpocketing – Adds +100 to your carrying capacity
  • Get the blessing from The Steed Stone – Adds +100 to your carrying capacity and any armor worn no longer counts towards the total weight being carried
  • The «Unhindered» Light Armor Perk reduces the weight of worn Light Armor to zero.
  • The «Conditioning» Heavy Armor Perk reduces the weight of worn Heavy Armor to zero.
  • Obtaining unique armor:
    • Thieves Guild Armor adds 20 (or 35 if upgraded after completing «Scoundrel’s Folly»).
    • The mask belonging to Dragon Priest Volsung adds 20.
    • Guild Master’s Armor and Blackguard’s Armor each adds 50.
    • The Locket of Saint Jiub DG adds 50.
      • Deathbrand Boots DR add 10 to carry capacity for each piece of Deathbrand Armor DR worn, for a maximum of 40
  • Taking a Fortify Carry Weight potion temporarily increases carrying capacity by an amount proportional to the strength of the potion. The Slow Time shout can be used together with the potions to increase the duration of the effect.
  • The Werewolf Beast Form power temporarily adds a static 1,900 carry weight limit.
  • Followers and Spouses can be used to carry extra items, although they too have their own limit that cannot be exceeded. (Total carrying capacity is approximately 290 units of weight)
    • However, it is possible to use the glitch in Multiple Followers to gain 3 to 4 followers, thus effectively multiplying the player’s total capacity to 1,000 units of weight. This can be performed using Cicero and Dark Brotherhood Initiates, along with a fourth companion.
    • Followers can also benefit from the Fortify Carry Weight enchantment, although this is bugged. Should their original (unfortified) limit be exceeded, only one item or stack of items can be added, then the menu must be closed and reopened to add more, up to the absolute maximum capacity.
  • Fortify Carry Weight enchantments may be applied to Rings, Amulets, Boots and Gauntlets, increasing carrying capacity relative to enchanting skill (having the Insightful Enchanter perk and all 5 Enchanter perks make the enchantments most effective).
    • The maximum possible enchantment acquired from Fortify Carry Weight with the above perks active and a Grand Soul Gem or Black Soul Gem is an increase to encumbrance by 34 points. This can be further increased to 38 points with the Seeker of Sorcery reward from «Black Book: The Sallow Regent.» The maximum benefit is gained if a Fortify Enchanting potion is used together with Ahzidal’s Genius allowing a player to increase this even more.
  • Using the console commands:
    • tgm – (Toggle God Mode) will enable running, sprinting, and fast-traveling while encumbered, but will not remove limitations on the use of carriages.
    • player.ModAV Carryweight <#> – will permanently increase your carrying capacity by «#» points.

Circumventing encumbrance[]

  • Drawing a bow will add a small amount of speed when encumbered. This is enhanced by the «Ranger» Archery Perk, which allows faster movement with a drawn bow.
  • Walking forward and using a melee power attack while encumbered helps the Dragonborn gain additional ground, making for faster travel while encumbered. If the weapon is sheathed before the actual swing of the weapon takes place, the Dragonborn still moves forward, but no stamina is lost. If the Dragonborn has the Dual Flurry perk from One-handed, using the third person camera and wielding two weapons, using power attack and sheathing, will cause a short sprint almost as fast as a full-blooded run.
  • The Whirlwind Sprint shout can be used while encumbered to briefly speed up travel. The more words are used, the longer and faster one can travel.
  • Manually moving an item can be used to carry a heavy item if the Dragonborn would be encumbered by carrying it normally. Dropping the item(s) (in a stack if need be) and holding «Activate» on them allows them to be dragged. Held objects do not add to encumbrance weight, so sprinting is possible without losing anything. This is particularly useful when hauling Dragon Bones or firewood.
  • Depositing items in a small dead body, such as a skeever, can be particularly useful, for it can hold any number of items.
  • Another way to overcome encumbrance is to place excessive items on a dead body before raising it as a Dead Thrall. This will allow it to be used as a «pack mule» to temporarily carry extra items.
    • Theoretically, a Dead Thrall can also benefit from the Fortify Carry Weight enchantment, but this only works if the armor they were wearing was enchanted. In other words, it is possible to remove the corpse’s armor to enchant it, then replace it on the dead body. It will not be possible to enchant armor which the character did not wear in life and have them wear it. Corpses which were equipped with more clothing slots when they were alive will fully maximize the value of this enchantment, because the more armor they wore in life, the higher the carry weight they can benefit from.
  • Alternatively, the player can purchase a house and store items in any container without fear of said items disappearing. The items will stay in the chest until taken back out.
    • There are certain free houses such as Anise’s and Drelas’ homes, both of which contain safe storage containers, if the player elects not to purchase properties.
    • If all else fails, the Abandoned House in Markarth is free to use, being a place with permanently safe containers, regardless of whether the Dragonborn is Thane or not.
  • The Dremora ButlerDR ability acquired as a reward for completing «Black Book: Untold Legends» will allow the player to transfer a total of 248 base carrying weight to a temporary servant for 15 seconds.
  • As with the werewolf, transforming into a Vampire LordDG will allow movement at the vampire lord’s regular pace, making travel faster than in reverted form, even if the player has exceeded normal carrying limit.
  • Horses can be used when carrying too much to travel faster. If suddenly encumbered and no visible horse is within the player’s reach, use of the Summon ArvakDG spell will summon a horse anytime outdoors. However, while Arvak appears on Solstheim and in Blackreach, the horse does not show up in the Forgotten Vale.
  • Werewolves travel at normal speed, despite any apparent encumbrance.
  • If one has a follower, one can drop an item on the floor, and command a them to pick it up. This seems to negate a their weight limit, allowing them to carry an apparently infinite amount of items. Keep in mind that this method will mean one is unable to actually give an item to said follower, however.

See also[]

  • Fortify Carry Weight

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