Solution model setup check error summary

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  5. nx nastran do not write the results file
  6. nx nastran do not write the results file
  7. nx nastran do not write the results file
  8. Red Flag Submitted
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  10. Posting in the Eng-Tips forums is a member-only feature.
  11. Solutions
  12. Solutions summary
  13. Why did the solver stop?
  14. Primal solutions
  15. Primal solution status
  16. Objective values
  17. Primal solution values
  18. Dual solutions
  19. Dual solution status
  20. Dual solution values
  21. Recommended workflow
  22. OptimizeNotCalled errors
  23. Accessing attributes
  24. Sensitivity analysis for LP
  25. Conflicts
  26. Multiple solutions
  27. Checking feasibility of solutions
  28. Ошибка an unknown error occurred during solution. check the solver output on the solution information object for possible causes

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nx nastran do not write the results file

nx nastran do not write the results file

nx nastran do not write the results file

I just update to NX-nastran R11, but now when I try to do any simulation ( simple cantilever beam) it do not write any results file (V only .dat and .diag) . However the information windows shown «Nastran Deck Successfully Writte».

Solution Model Setup Check Error Summary

Solver is NX Nastran

Environment: NX Nastran — Structural

Solution is SOL 101 Linear Statics — Global Constraints

Total: 0 errors and 0 warnings

Total: 0 errors and 0 warnings

Iterative Solver Option
More than 80 percent of the elements in this model are 3D elements.
It is therefore recommended that you turn ON the Element Iterative Solver in the «Edit
Solution» dialog.

Total: 0 errors and 0 warnings

Total: 0 errors and 0 warnings

Nastran Model Setup Check completed

*** 07:25:31 ***
Starting Nastran Exporter

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing file C:demtesttest1_sim1-solution_1.dat

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing NX NASTRAN 11.0 compatible deck

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Nastran System section

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing File Management section

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Executive Control section

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Case Control section

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Bulk Data section

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Nodes

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Elements

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Physical Properties

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Materials

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Degree-of-Freedom Sets

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Loads and Constraints

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Coordinate Systems

*** 07:25:31 ***
Summary of Bulk Data cards written

| CTETRA | 1357 |
| FORCE | 20 |
| GRID | 2965 |
| MAT1 | 1 |
| MATT1 | 1 |
| PARAM | 6 |
| PSOLID | 1 |
| SPC | 31 |
| TABLEM1 | 3 |

*** 07:25:31 ***
Nastran Deck Successfully Written

Red Flag Submitted

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This section of the manual describes how to access a solved solution to a problem. It uses the following model as an example:

Solutions summary

solution_summary can be used for checking the summary of the optimization solutions.

Why did the solver stop?

Use termination_status to understand why the solver stopped.

The MOI.TerminationStatusCode enum describes the full list of statuses that could be returned.


A return status of OPTIMAL means the solver found (and proved) a globally optimal solution. A return status of LOCALLY_SOLVED means the solver found a locally optimal solution (which may also be globally optimal, but it could not prove so).

A return status of DUAL_INFEASIBLE does not guarantee that the primal is unbounded. When the dual is infeasible, the primal is unbounded if there exists a feasible primal solution.

Use raw_status to get a solver-specific string explaining why the optimization stopped:

Primal solutions

Primal solution status

Use primal_status to return an MOI.ResultStatusCode enum describing the status of the primal solution.

Other common returns are NO_SOLUTION , and INFEASIBILITY_CERTIFICATE . The first means that the solver doesn’t have a solution to return, and the second means that the primal solution is a certificate of dual infeasibility (a primal unbounded ray).

You can also use has_values , which returns true if there is a solution that can be queried, and false otherwise.

Objective values

The objective value of a solved problem can be obtained via objective_value . The best known bound on the optimal objective value can be obtained via objective_bound . If the solver supports it, the value of the dual objective can be obtained via dual_objective_value .

Primal solution values

If the solver has a primal solution to return, use value to access it:

Broadcast value over containers:

value also works on expressions:

Calling value on a constraint returns the constraint function evaluated at the solution.

Dual solutions

Dual solution status

Use dual_status to return an MOI.ResultStatusCode enum describing the status of the dual solution.

Other common returns are NO_SOLUTION , and INFEASIBILITY_CERTIFICATE . The first means that the solver doesn’t have a solution to return, and the second means that the dual solution is a certificate of primal infeasibility (a dual unbounded ray).

You can also use has_duals , which returns true if there is a solution that can be queried, and false otherwise.

Dual solution values

If the solver has a dual solution to return, use dual to access it:

Query the duals of variable bounds using LowerBoundRef , UpperBoundRef , and FixRef :

JuMP’s definition of duality is independent of the objective sense. That is, the sign of feasible duals associated with a constraint depends on the direction of the constraint and not whether the problem is maximization or minimization. This is a different convention from linear programming duality in some common textbooks. If you have a linear program, and you want the textbook definition, you probably want to use shadow_price and reduced_cost instead.

Recommended workflow

The recommended workflow for solving a model and querying the solution is something like the following:

OptimizeNotCalled errors

Due to differences in how solvers cache solutions internally, modifying a model after calling optimize! will reset the model into the MOI.OPTIMIZE_NOT_CALLED state. If you then attempt to query solution information, an OptimizeNotCalled error will be thrown.

If you are iteratively querying solution information and modifying a model, query all the results first, then modify the problem.

For example, instead of:

If you know that your particular solver supports querying solution information after modifications, you can use direct_model to bypass the MOI.OPTIMIZE_NOT_CALLED state:

Be careful doing this! If your particular solver does not support querying solution information after modification, it may silently return incorrect solutions or throw an error.

Accessing attributes

MathOptInterface defines many model attributes that can be queried. Some attributes can be directly accessed by getter functions. These include:

Sensitivity analysis for LP

Given an LP problem and an optimal solution corresponding to a basis, we can question how much an objective coefficient or standard form right-hand side coefficient (c.f., normalized_rhs ) can change without violating primal or dual feasibility of the basic solution.

Note that not all solvers compute the basis, and for sensitivity analysis, the solver interface must implement MOI.ConstraintBasisStatus .

Read the Sensitivity analysis of a linear program for more information on sensitivity analysis.

To give a simple example, we could analyze the sensitivity of the optimal solution to the following (non-degenerate) LP problem:

To analyze the sensitivity of the problem we could check the allowed perturbation ranges of, for example, the cost coefficients and the right-hand side coefficient of the constraint c1 as follows:

The range associated with a variable is the range of the allowed perturbation of the corresponding objective coefficient. Note that the current primal solution remains optimal within this range; however the corresponding dual solution might change since a cost coefficient is perturbed. Similarly, the range associated with a constraint is the range of the allowed perturbation of the corresponding right-hand side coefficient. In this range the current dual solution remains optimal, but the optimal primal solution might change.

If the problem is degenerate, there are multiple optimal bases and hence these ranges might not be as intuitive and seem too narrow, for example, a larger cost coefficient perturbation might not invalidate the optimality of the current primal solution. Moreover, if a problem is degenerate, due to finite precision, it can happen that, for example, a perturbation seems to invalidate a basis even though it doesn’t (again providing too narrow ranges). To prevent this, increase the atol keyword argument to lp_sensitivity_report . Note that this might make the ranges too wide for numerically challenging instances. Thus, do not blindly trust these ranges, especially not for highly degenerate or numerically unstable instances.


When the model you input is infeasible, some solvers can help you find the cause of this infeasibility by offering a conflict, that is, a subset of the constraints that create this infeasibility. Depending on the solver, this can also be called an IIS (irreducible inconsistent subsystem).

If supported by the solver, use compute_conflict! to trigger the computation of a conflict. Once this process is finished, query the MOI.ConflictStatus attribute to check if a conflict was found.

If found, copy the IIS to a new model using copy_conflict , which you can then print or write to a file for easier debugging:

If you need more control over the list of constraints that appear in the conflict, iterate over the list of constraints and query the MOI.ConstraintConflictStatus attribute:

Multiple solutions

Some solvers support returning multiple solutions. You can check how many solutions are available to query using result_count .

Functions for querying the solutions, for example, primal_status , dual_status , value , dual , and solution_summary all take an additional keyword argument result which can be used to specify which result to return.

Even if termination_status is OPTIMAL , some of the returned solutions may be suboptimal! However, if the solver found at least one optimal solution, then result = 1 will always return an optimal solution. Use objective_value to assess the quality of the remaining solutions.

Checking feasibility of solutions

To check the feasibility of a primal solution, use primal_feasibility_report , which takes a model , a dictionary mapping each variable to a primal solution value (defaults to the last solved solution), and a tolerance atol (defaults to 0.0 ).

The function returns a dictionary which maps the infeasible constraint references to the distance between the primal value of the constraint and the nearest point in the corresponding set. A point is classed as infeasible if the distance is greater than the supplied tolerance atol .

If the point is feasible, an empty dictionary is returned:

To use the primal solution from a solve, omit the point argument:

Calling primal_feasibility_report without the point argument is useful when primal_status is FEASIBLE_POINT or NEARLY_FEASIBLE_POINT , and you want to assess the solution quality.

To apply primal_feasibility_report to infeasible models, you must also provide a candidate point (solvers generally do not provide one). To diagnose the source of infeasibility, see Conflicts.

Pass skip_mising = true to skip constraints which contain variables that are not in point :

You can also use the functional form, where the first argument is a function that maps variables to their primal values:


Ошибка an unknown error occurred during solution. check the solver output on the solution information object for possible causes

Прошу помощи в решении данной проблемы,

При расчета выходит ошибка:

an unknown error occurred during solution. check the solver output on the solution information object for possible causes.

Может кто сталкивался с подобной ошибкой, скланяюсь к тому что ошибка из-за программы, так как фаил очень простой.

Вложение Размер
obuh.rar 104.26 КБ

Вы выложили только ярлык проекта, который не содержит никакой полезной информации. Но для начала переименуйте проект так, чтобы название содержало только буквы латинского алфавита.

Прошу прощения, только разбираюсь с программой.

В чем может быть ошибка, если на другом компьютере фаил считает коректно ?

У вас стоит опция использования графической карты, которой у вас нет. Перейдите в Tools / Solve Process Settings / Advanced. Тут установите Use GPU Acceleration на None.

Благодарю, очень помогли!

Уже переустанавливал — не помогало.

Все настройки потыкал — не помогает.

Видеокарта nvidia стоит, не подозревал даже эту настройку.

Видимо, не игровая нужна видеокарта.

Можно было конечно ансису просто написать, что расчёт на видеокарте вашей не будет выполняться, модель не поддерживается и считать на прроцессоре лишь.

Ну вот не очень дружелюбный этот ансис, как машины с автоваза, зачем так усложнять процесс работы с такой хорошей программой.



I just update to NX-nastran R11, but now when I try to do any simulation ( simple cantilever beam) it do not write any results file (V only .dat and .diag) . However the information windows shown «Nastran Deck Successfully Writte».

Any suggestion


Solution Model Setup Check Error Summary


Solver is NX Nastran

Environment: NX Nastran — Structural

Solution is SOL 101 Linear Statics — Global Constraints


Mesh-Based Errors Summary

Total: 0 errors and 0 warnings

Material-Based Errors Summary

Total: 0 errors and 0 warnings

Solution-Based Errors Summary

Iterative Solver Option
More than 80 percent of the elements in this model are 3D elements.
It is therefore recommended that you turn ON the Element Iterative Solver in the «Edit
Solution» dialog.

Total: 0 errors and 0 warnings

Load/BC-Based Errors Summary

Total: 0 errors and 0 warnings

Nastran Model Setup Check completed

*** 07:25:31 ***
Starting Nastran Exporter

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing file C:demtesttest1_sim1-solution_1.dat

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing NX NASTRAN 11.0 compatible deck

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Nastran System section

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing File Management section

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Executive Control section

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Case Control section

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Bulk Data section

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Nodes

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Elements

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Physical Properties

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Materials

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Degree-of-Freedom Sets

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Loads and Constraints

*** 07:25:31 ***
Writing Coordinate Systems

*** 07:25:31 ***
Summary of Bulk Data cards written

| CTETRA | 1357 |
| FORCE | 20 |
| GRID | 2965 |
| MAT1 | 1 |
| MATT1 | 1 |
| PARAM | 6 |
| PSOLID | 1 |
| SPC | 31 |
| TABLEM1 | 3 |

*** 07:25:31 ***
Nastran Deck Successfully Written


During a simulation solve, the solver stops and an error message appears in CFD: 


The Analysis has stopped because the Solver has exited unexpectedly

Please consult the Discussion Forum by clicking the Discussion Forum button from the community tab.
users with the active Subscription account should also consult the Subscription center by clicking the Subscription center button in the Infocenter in the top, right corner of the user interface.

User-added image


There are many factors that can cause this behavior.  The solution section lists the most common ones.


Lack of memory

The solver exits if not enough memory is available. Check the solution from the link below.

Poorly Posed Setup Parameters

The solver exits and/or diverges if the model is not properly set up. Check the solution from the link below.
CFD: Solver exits unexpectedly due to poorly posed parameters

Improper mesh definition 

CFD is not able to generate a surface and/or solid mesh on the geometry. Check the solution from the link below.
 CFD: Solver exits unexpectedly due to meshing problems

Issues with CFD Server

CFD Server service may not have the necessary permissions to work as it should. Check the solution from the link below.
CFD: Solver exits unexpectedly due to issues with CFD Server

Improper setup heat sink material

The solver exits if the parameters in the heat sink material are not set up properly. Check the solution from the link below.
CFD: Solver exits unexpectedly while using a heat sink material

Anti-virus conflicts

The anti-virus/malware software is interfering with software functionality causing the solver to fail. Add exceptions to resolve. Check the solution from the link below.
 Configure Antivirus and Firewall for remote solving of Autodesk CFD

VPN conflicts

VPN software can interfere with the communication between the interface, solver and license server. Check the solution from the link below.
«Analysis has stopped because the Solver has exited unexpectedly» in Autodesk CFD when connected to a VPN

Geometry issues

  • If the model has a very large number of volumes combine as many as possible in a single part(s) in the CAD software.
  • Eliminate any unnecessary parts.
  • Open the model in the Mesh Diagnostics to detect the potential issues and repair in CAD software.
  • If Defining a Surface material is causing the problem check the CAD geometry for issues.

Low disk space for storing files

If the model has a very large number of volumes, combine as many as possible in a single part(s) in the CAD software and eliminate any unnecessary parts.

Lack of proper permission to read/save files

Try to run the simulation while you open Autodesk CFD as Administrator. If there will be no problem reinstall the software by running the installation application in Administrator mode.

Enthalpy Heat exchanger

If invoking Enthalpy Heat Exchanger and using an exit Relative Humidity. Ensure to give Humidity input to all the inlets, change the fluid to «moist air» and check ON Humidity from advance solver parameters.

If any of the steps above will not help, try to reinstall the software.

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