Sonic exe vs error sans Wiz: Video game developers are some of the most talented individuals out there! Boomstick: And the people who make their own characters out of it are... not. W: These two hero-turned-villain characters, however, are an exception. B: Error Sans, the glitchy, universe destroying skeleton! W: And Sonic.EXE, the horror-themed, corrupted creepypasta! B: He's Wiz, and I'm Boomstick! W: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill to find out who win a DEATH
Sans vs Sanic TN.jpg


Wiz: Video game developers are some of the most talented individuals out there!

Boomstick: And the people who make their own characters out of it are… not.

W: These two hero-turned-villain characters, however, are an exception.

B: Error Sans, the glitchy, universe destroying skeleton!

W: And Sonic.EXE, the horror-themed, corrupted creepypasta!

B: He’s Wiz, and I’m Boomstick!

W: And it’s our job to analyze their weapons, armor, and skill to find out who win a DEATH BATTLE!


W: Long ago, two races ruled over the Earth, HUMANS and MONSTERS.

B: One day, the humans decided they were tired of the monsters bullshit and decided to kill them all!

W: The monsters were banished into the underground with a magic spell and sealed there for years, until a child by the name of Frisk fell into Mt. Ebbot-

B: Yeah, yeah, yeah, and then they either killed everyone or didn’t kill everyone. C’mon Wiz! Everyone and their grandma has heard this story already! Get to the point!

W: Fine, anyways, one of the characters in this game is Sans

B: No introduction needed.

W: Anyways, a user on Tumblr by the name of Lover Of Piggies took it upon themselves to create a new version of Sans named Error 404.

B: Or for those of you that aren’t nerds, Error Sans!

W: Sans is the result of Geno, from aftertale, accidentally sending himself to the void.

B: Geez, do these fan AU’s ever stop?

W: Sans is a really unique character in the way that not a lot of other fan AU’s dont manage to grab, with the fact that he is the only character in this AU.

B: Yeah, I would say he has it rough, but the dude gets to do nothing but sit in a couch all day while watching TV and drinking beer!

W: Getting back to the point, Sans is a very dangerous opponent to fight in battle.

B: He can manipulate bones to his will to shoot them at people who get on his nerves!

W: Sans also utilizes Gaster Blasters in battle, which may be connected to W.D. Gaster.

B: Wiz, don’t you DARE start on that!

W: Fine, fine. But it really is an interesting story-


W: Fine. But anyways, Sans, like his canon counterpart, likely has KARMA on his side!

B: Karma is kinda like poison. When you get hit by it, you slowly take damage! Oh god… that’s… that’s horrible…

W: Yes, Boomstick. Welcome to the version of Sans where everything is pain and suffering.

B: Ignoring that for second, Sans’ best weapon are his wires!

W: He can summon them from anywhere, and wrap them around his opponents SOUL, or life essence.


W: But the craziest thing about Sans, that I can barely wrap my head around, is that he can destroy entire universes and everyone in it!


Pre Fight



Next Time…


This WAS going to be my Halloween piece, but due to technical issues, it’s being posted now.

This is what I get for making a turnable.

Press the Up key to play animation.
Press the Down key stop animation.
Press the Right or Left key to step frame by frame forwards and backwards respectively. It will stop animation.

Ah yes. Error Sans. When I was going around Tumblr looking at the amazing Undertale AUs ever since I first knew of Undertale about a year ago, I saw this version of Sans by ILOVEPIGGIES a.k.a. the The Crayon Queen and couldn’t help be fascinated by the character. I already thought that Sans in his own right was pretty great and I already knew that one day I was to make this corrupted version of him.

The funny thing is the reason why I liked Error was of how much he reminded me of my version of Sonic.exe, and I am a sucker for corrupted characters.

They are both corrupted versions of heroic characters who:

    ·         like to collect SOULs,

    ·         can teleport,

    ·         possess/corrupt people,

    ·         are associated with glitches,

    ·         come from voids outside of space and time,

    ·         take delight in tormenting/destroying others,

    ·         and have abilities that the base character doesn’t have.

Now why are they fighting instead of working together?

The biggest difference between these two is their motives. Error Sans sees universes that are different from the norm as filthy glitches to be purged, while Sonic.exe is a corruptor that goes to other worlds to make into his own messed up universe. One wants to corrupt and play with multiple worlds while the one wants to destroy them.

How will Error handle somebody who’s an abomination in his own way? Will the anti-void recover from Sonic.exe’s corruption?

Who will win?

Made in Blender.
Frames animated and programmed in Adobe Flash.

Sonic the Hedgehog TM Sonic Team and Sega
Sonic.exe original concept — JC-the-Hyena

Sans TM Toby Fox
Error!Sans — ILOVEPIGGIES AKA TheCrayonQueen

Error Sans and Sonic.exe models… and everything else made by GuardianMobius

Found a use of the render, thought it was neat, so plunking this here. Thank you for crediting me. :aww:

error sans vs herobrine vs sonic.exe-[IMG=VQIRH]
[C].no outside help
[C].no prep  

battlefield:the code(1st) sonic


.no outside help

.no prep

battlefield:the code(1st) sonic.exe world (second)  anti void(third)

story: sonic.exe had almost finished playing with the original sonic cast  while in a Wight void an anti-void error sans who had been eating chocklet he stole from underfell sans sensed a glitch the glitch was herobrine error went to go erase herobrine ripping a glitchy portal into the Minecraft world and coming face to face with herobrine herobrine pulled out his sword while error sent a wave of sharp bones.

NOTE: herobrine is from Mystery of Herobrine noval series.


error sans: complex multiverse level is capable of fighting ink!sans who created thew doodleshpher witch is a 7D construction. low complex multiverse via Anti-Void (Through hax, he is capable of manipulating The Anti-Void and freely existing inside it, of which is established as a 6-D structure). Multiverse Level+ (Error Sans is capable of preforming destruction across all AUs, . Consistently fights Ink!Sans, who is capable of creating The Doodlesphere, where all existing Aus are held).

sonic.exe: Multi galactic  (Stated to have created an entire universe that mimics the appearance of Sonic’s own universe but much twisted and darker. Maintains his own dark dimension, of which he is also revealed to have created. Was going to eventually spread his dark powers across the universe add it to his own dimension. Exists within The Void, in between dimensions).NOTE: it took him hours to make his universe so about 40 galaxy’s a second.

herobrine: Multiverse Level (Was responsible for millions of alternate networks and severs being completely disorted, networks are treated as being infinite in size and scale. Was able to defeat Oracle, who repaired the damage Entity303 caused to The Multiverse, albeit it was a physical avatar of Oracle. Should be somewhat comparable to his master Entity303, who can destroy the entirety of Minecraft itself).

edge: error sans


error sans: 6D

herobrine: 3D

sonic.exe: 3D

edge: error sans


error sans: Immeasurable (Naturally exists within The Anti-Void, of which exists outside The Multiverse/timelines).

herobrine: infinite (Comparable to both Oracle and Entity303, the latter of which can ho was able to reach the far depths of The Universe. Herobrine can also traverse severs with sheer speed, of which are infinite).

sonic.exe: Omnipresent across his own Dimension (He has absolute control over his own realm and his darkness exists all across it.). FTL+ (should be comparable to original sonic).

edge: depends on location in sonic.exes realm sonic.exe anywhere else error sans.


error sans: complex multiverse can take hits from ink who created the doodlshpere a 7D realm. low complex multiverse should scale to attack. Multiverse Level+ (Can live through the destruction of all AUs, including the destruction of infinite realities) .

herobrine: Multiverse Level (Can trade blows with Oracle, who repaired the entire Minecraft reality.

sonic.exe: universe level should scale to attack.

edge: error sans


error sans: peek human should scale to sans who can fight for 7 minuets in the sans fight (average human can only do 40 seconds).

herobrine: Unknown.

sonic.exe: Unknown.

edge: Unknown.


error sans: Unknown

herobrine: class M should scale to steve who can carry 64 gold blocks in each hand.

sonic.exe: Unknown.

edge: Unknown


error sans: Nigh-Omniscient (Error Sans has explore thousands of AUs (Alternate Universes) including their timelines and learn of what they inhabit, the personalities and characteristics of each characters he confronts, which of course, he would gain the knowledge of storylines/plots of that universe). he is also a sans and most sanses have workshops and know about quantum physics and can make a machine that can monitor timelines branching.

herobrine: high is a master of hacking and technology.

sonic.exe: Unknown

edge: Unknown


error sans: very high has been fighting many many different AUs including everyone in those AUs.

herobrine: high has been in a few fights.

sonic.exe: none has never fought anyone on his level and only plays with his food.

edge: error sans


error sans: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Energy Manipulation, Soul Manipulation, KARMA (Should be the same as his canon counterpart), Bone Manipulation (More potent than his canon counterpart), Teleportation (Can teleport between different timelines and AUs. Should be superior to his canon counterpart), Reality Warping (Can «Glitch» reality with presence and distort it fundamentally), String Manipulation, Telekinesis, Gravity Manipulation, Timeline Destruction, Able to lock his opponent in place so neither of them will be able to do anything (Should be the same as his canon counterpart), Can attack an enemy’s SOUL, therefore, damaging them on all physical and spiritual levels, Danmaku, Higher-Dimensional Manipulation (Can effect Higher Dimensional Constructs), Void Manipulation (Controls the Anti-Void, of which is a realm of nothingness that sits outside of reality). body puppetry via strings immortality negation type 1,4,5,6,8 is able to erase all inhabitants of an Au including frisk and chara. conceptual manipulation (to kill chara would have to have this) regeneration negation high-Godley can erase charas.

Resistances to Soul Manipulation (Comparable to his canon counterpart) all the resistance of his cannon self who has Heat Manipulation (Can survive in Hotland, which can reach temperatures high enough to vaporize a styrofoam cup and water instantly), and Radiation Manipulation (Gamerblood Energy Drink, an energy drink containing radioactive waste, is considered a normal product in the Underground), 4th wall awareness, knows when the player hacks into the game, calling them a «dirty hacker».

herobrine: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Information Manipulation (Can alter data and utilize data to «hack» into systsems and even change the code that makes up an entity), Creation (Can create various entities and creatures to aid it in battle), Space Manipulation (Can create ripples in Space and create wormholes. Can warp objects and beings through Space), Life-Force Manipulation & Power Mimicry (Can steal a beings «Life Points» and take their abilities for his own keeping), Memory Manipulation (Can manipulate memories to change his appearance and gain knowledge), Shapeshifting (Can take a variety of forms and appearances based on the memories he has), Life Manipulation (Caused the awakening, which gave The NPCs life and gave them sentience), Immortality (Type 1 & 8, As long as Herobrine’s «file» remains, he’ll continue to live on), Necromancy (Can raise and control the dead, rules an entire army of zombies he ressurected), Reality Warping (Can distort and control millions of alternate servers with ease), Existence Erasure (Can delete and remove other entities should he desire), Possession (Can possess other entities and use their bodies as vessels), Universe Manipulation (Can generate and completely control Dimensions such as The Twilight Forest), ETC.

sonic.exe: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Nonexistent Physiology (X was created within the void and is described as a a «non-existent outsider in our universe»), Creation (Recreated the entire Sonic reality just to mimic his reality, but with a nightmarish touch), Blackhole Manipulation, Existence Erasure (His mouth is capable of becoming a Blackhole that can erase foes from existence), Empathic Manipulation (Has a connection to those with a ccorrupted heart and can manipulate their dark emotions), Mind Manipulation (Enslaved the various victims he has taken to his realm), Soul Manipulation (Captured the souls of many victims and sent them to his dimension), Reality Warping (Has complete control over his own reality and can distort others), Immortality (Type 1, 5 & 9, X was never birthed, as he never existed to begin with and his true form is held within another plane of existence), Information Manipulation (Messed with The Data contained within The Sonic CD), Time Paradox Immunity (Stated to have created himself, lacking a creator or a birth), Pocket Reality Manipulation (Controls his own dimension of nightmares), Power Bestowal (Granted his victims immortality just to torment them), Shapeshifting (Capable of making his avatars mimic the appearance of Sonic characters), Possession (Possessed a plushie that looked like Sonic. Can control entire game roms just to mess with opponents. Can take control over other beings, so long they possess a dark heart), Dream Manipulation (Can appear in the dreams of humans and twist them into nightmares), Portal Creation (Able to create portals to other locations), Dark Matter Manipulation (Manipulates Dark Matter and can comprise his body of such).

edge: sonic.exe


error sans: error messages can randomly pop up if he is in emotional distress or confused blinding him.

herobrine: Unknown

sonic.exe: His powers have limited effect outside his own realm.

edge: herobrine


sonic.exe had almost finished playing with the original sonic cast  while in a Wight void an anti-void error sans who had been eating chocklet he stole from underfell sans sensed a glitch the glitch was herobrine error went to go erase herobrine ripping a glitchy portal into the Minecraft world and coming face to face with herobrine herobrine pulled out his sword while error sent a wave of sharp bones. herobrine summoned a shield and blocked the bones leaping into the air summoning a lightning bow and firing bolts at error who dodged a few and blocked others with bone walls error teleported in front of herobrine and blasted him in the face with a glitched blaster eating away at herobrines file and scolding his face with 4th degree burns causing herobrine to while in agony franticly stabbing his sword into errors eyes cutting them causing an unearthly distorted screech to come from error who let loose millions of strings across Minecraft intending to erase it all this suffering attracted the attention of a certain demonic hedgehog who opened a portal and dragged the glitches through unintentionally saving herobrine from erasure as the minecraft world was deleted.

error woke up in a demented green field zone while herobrine awoke on the deathegg  facing sonic.exe herobine lunged for the entity which only laughed glitched out of the way and flew scraping herobrines head across the ground  and releasing him in the direction of a moon made of blood with shadows swimming threw it  herbrine arose from the rubble and erased the moon only to find claws in his stomach he winced as the monster lowerd him into its balckhole mouth slowly erasing him from existence as the distorted words S̵̢̧̢̢̢̧̡̨̨̡̨̢̡̡̧̡̢̛̛͇͙̞̫̼̮͖̫̭͉̩͈̜͚̘͇͉̳͔̰̹̗̪̤̤͙̲̲̼͇̰͖̬͇͇̫̮̹̳̺̺̗̦̲̗͎͔͎̟͇̻͕̻̙̲͖͖̮̲͎̻̤͍͚̘̝͎͍͓͚͉͇͎̱̦̩̻̹̲̹̠̼̣̥̘̤̫͖͎͎̻̪̤̦̞̮̯͖̼̳̪͈̥̳̩̼̪̦̝̼͓̰͓͙̼͉̳͍̙̳͍͓̲̦̦̱̣̫͎̀̽́̓͒̈́̋̄́́̅͌̋͆͒̾̇͂͆̿̾̈́̓̈̎̔̒̒̓͗̑̔́́̓͂̂̌͌̀̍͆̆̑̄́̌͐̓̀̅̈͐̏͌̒́͑̿͑̒̏͂̈́̌͊͊̈́̓́͗̏̋̿̈́̏͒̈́͊́̾́̏̈́͘̕̚̕̕̚̕̕̚̚̕̚͠͠͝͝͠͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅȄ̵̢̨̮͕̪͎͉̦̪̹̭̹̺̪̗̻̫͖͛̅̍̍̅̄͛͌̍͌͊̌͋̒̏́̊͑͑̅̓̾̋́̽͌̑͂̀͊̿͂̍̇̃͂͌̃̈́̂̈̚̕̕̕͘͝G̴̨̨̡̧̧̛̤̮̮̮̳̠͕̳̭̣̻͔̙̮̻̝͎̮̤̥̲̜̻̮͚̬̦͈͚̯̬͙̲͓̼͉͎̍͐͋͆͐͛̓̀́̋̍̓̿́̑͆̃̄̀̒̇̈́̄͂̈́͛̋̍̒̀̃̅̀̇͂̈͋̾̓̂̀̈̄̈́̍̈́̈̈́͑̇̂̂̈́͊̇͒͐̄̈́̆̅͛̌͊̒͆̄͋̆́̈́̄̔́̀͐̇͘͘̕͘̚̕̕̕̕͘͘̕͜͠͝͠͠͝͠͠͝͝͝ͅͅA̶̢̧̡̧̨̨̨̨̛̘̫͎̹͓̹̬̫͚̲͙͚͕͓̲͚̩̰̱̯̙͓̫͓͙̲̜̹̦̹̥̟̞̝̻͔͙̭̰̲̠̗͚̫̝͕̟̲͓̮̗͉̬̼̫͈̱̟̤̞̬͉̳̦͈̳̮̓́͑̓̔͂̈͗̽̏̔̈́̃̂̅̅̿̿̒̽̿̈́̓̔̍͗͂̄͐͊̌̎͆̊̌̃͂̈́̔̽͘͘͘̚͜͜͠͠͠ͅͅͅ    herobrine reacting quickly used his own erasure speed blitzing the monster witch was caught by surprise and erasing it he quickly ate a notch apple healing him «at least that abomination is gone» few things where able to disturb him but that thing would be giving him nightmares  on instinct he reacted to a glitched bone colliding with his sword  «ah him again».

«eh eh eh you seam disappointed to sea me wow what happened to you don’t look so chilled to the bone»  error sans threw him through a portal and into the code with green 1s and 0s flowing downwards herobrine fired more lighting at error who dodged graped a line of 1s and 0s and whipped him with them tying him up and throwing him into a Wight void herobrine looked around confused «what is this place calming goosbumps from that dam hedgehog» «he welcome to the antivoid» «… you’re graveyard» error grabed him in his strings herobrine tried to flee by turning into his soul but it was as if they had grabed his soul herobrine thrashed as he and his file where erased «hehehehe you made a grave ERROR facing me»


finally overloaded from the slash errors eye exploded causing him unimaginable agony when he recovered he went to force one of his puppet toriels to heal him and his eye.


error sans vs herobrine vs sonic.exe-[IMG=VQIRH]
[C].no outside help
[C].no prep  

battlefield:the code(1st) sonic

error sans (low difficulty)


error sans vs herobrine vs sonic.exe-[IMG=VQIRH]
[C].no outside help
[C].no prep  

battlefield:the code(1st) sonic

herobrine (mid difficulty)


error sans vs herobrine vs sonic.exe-[IMG=VQIRH]
[C].no outside help
[C].no prep  

battlefield:the code(1st) sonic



error was ridiculously stronger and more durable than both he was overall faster as even with omnipresence once sonic.exe he actually manifests he can only react at FTL+ speeds putting him bellow both herobine and error realistically they speed blitz and erase him error is immune to there mind control as he is higher dimensional and error negated type 8 immortality so he can blitz and erase herrobrine as for exe he is basically just a weaker slower herobrine even if he is more creepy.


error sans vs herobrine vs sonic.exe-[IMG=VQIRH]
[C].no outside help
[C].no prep  

battlefield:the code(1st) sonic

maple vs azusa aizawa


omniversal battlefield wiki: some stats

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