Spider error x reader

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapter Text

This had to be the worst day of your life.

Someone had to call in sick at work,making you take their place ended up working overtime and now trying to get back home in the pouring rain at night in the most sketchiest area of the city,it also doesn’t help that your phone had died during work because you forgot to charge it overnight.

Then again it could be worse.

You heavily panted as the rain continue to pour making your clothes got soggier and heavier to run in.

Could be worse.

As you made your way to a street light,you took a quick glance noticing you were only a block away from your apartment,you sigh in relief as you were about to leave the light.

Until you heard a sharp screech.

At first,you thought it was a car speeding through the rain but a look at the road only showed it was empty.the screech also overlapped with beeping almost sounding computer-like.

you tried to listen to where is was coming from but it was a harsh screech that probably wouldn’t bled your ears out if it was a frequency higher.

The sounds followed into a sketchy looking alley,definitely one where you could get robbed or worse,at the end of the alley had a soft blue glow.

The rain only gotten worse as the screeching gotten louder,you felt torn about this situation.

You could leave this area and return to your small warm apartment or find out what that strong bright blue thing is.

fuck it as Curiosity gotten the best of you that you hadn’t realized you’ve been moving toward the alleyway closer and closer eventually, it got darker and darker as you moved farther away from the street light.

The alleyway led to to a end full of empty and broken wooden crates.As you got closer you heard a voice,it sounded distressed over the sound of static,it sounded like the person was hurt.

As you made your way to it,sparks violently flew making you jump back before it sizzled out again.

Whoever was there is most likely in danger.

The rain had slowed down as you search around trying to find the person,the glitching noise made it quite hard to focus even when following where the glow is coming from.

It seemed to ended by under a pile of crates,the boxes moved and shuttered showing a type of struggle.

Without hesitation you jumped onto a crate and began pulling them out one by one.

You pulled the last crate to revealed a skeleton head.

And at first you panicked slipping on the crate u were standing on and landing backwards,thinking it was a dead body but once you got up from the muddy ground and took a closer look at it,it looked like it was…glitching?

It must be a monster you thought as the introduction of monster were slowly increasing here in your city.

There wasn’t any hospital around nor could you call for help.

The skeleton seems conscious,mostly mumbling random things you couldn’t understand,regardless they weren’t safe here.

You managed to pull them out from the pile but the minute you came into contact with them your hands became incredibly numb,moreso a pins and needle feeling.

Lifting him up and carrying him bridal style made your upper body numb, you decided its best he stays in your apartment and see how things go from there.

You let the skeleton stay in the spare room leaving a note explaining where he was and what’s happened,hopefully he would understand.

Surprisingly the skeleton didn’t sustain any physicals injuries they’re just mostly asleep.

Which honestly you wanted to sleep so bad but you didn’t know anything about this monster,you hope this skeleton wasn’t planning to steal anything from you.

So there you sat in the living room watching tv already in your pjs and mostly dried off,occasionally checking up on the monster who was still asleep.

It could be worse you kept thinking,you could’ve got robbed or murdered perhaps,abducted by aliens? hey if monster can exist so can aliens.

Speaking of the monster,you had no idea what this skeleton was,well he was a skeleton but he glitches somewhat like a robot it had never occured to you that cross breeding of monster was a thing.

You weren’t really focusing on the tv now,at this point you were deciding if you should have your fifth cup of coffee as you eyes drooped slightly and the amount of yawning your doing shows how tired u are.

You don’t remember what happen next as you had fallen asleep in a strange position.

You had woken up to the sound of a loud thud coming from the other room.

Error!Sans X Reader

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(You guys already know the drill. The sinners sin, the people cringe, and I am here in the corner, saying I hate meh life ;-; XD BTW Some of these parts WILL be used for LostTales so yeah :3)

It was a bright day outside, you wake up and open your window.
Snowdin was nice to live in, it was cold, but you were ok with the cold.
You open your closet and put on your (F/C) Sweater, with some jeans and black converses.
You walk over to a small mirror plastered on the inn wall. You picked up your brush and it went straight through your perfect, (H/L) (H/C) Hair. It went through without you even trying, and you put on your favorite pair of earrings. Just as you were about to leave, you take your (F/C) Scarf and put it on.

You walked outside, enjoying the snow, and walking out through the woods. You didn’t care of what monster were to be found, you just loved these woods. You could hear birds chirping. And the distant smell of cinnamon bun’s haunted the area.
It was nice, and quiet, and peaceful. You would always come out here, to listen to music, or read, or just take a nice quiet nap. But this time, it was. Different.
You walked up to your favorite part of the forest you had found accidentally. It was a frozen over lake, with beautiful willow tree’s with ice covered points surrounding it.

Small gentle snowflakes fell on you and the area. The ice glistened, like a thousand stars.
It was beautiful.
You sat down on one of the willow trunks and read.
After a couple minutes of reading, you saw a strange little glowing thing in the corner of your eye, near the lake edge. It caught your FULL attention.
You walked over to it, it was a small little white glitch. It was floating in mid-air.
You stared at it for a little, and then reached out to it.
It started shining more.

At some point it was blinding. And somehow you finally reached it.
But then everything went black. And you couldn’t feel your being.
And then you woke up. It was blindingly bright and white. Actually, everything was white. There were no other colors. Just pure blank.
«What the?» You said, getting up to your feet, but a seething pain shot up in your head.
What a horrible headache.

You started walking, but you lost yourself. It was only white, nothing. Like a white lie.
You rubbed one eye, but then heard something, a few feet behind you.
You turned around to see a portal open and a Skeleton walk in. He hasn’t noticed you yet, he was more concentrated on a little soul he had on his hands.
‘Oh no,’ you thought, ‘I’m going to die. ‘

You slowly started backing up. Quietly, but somehow your footsteps could be heard, but not too loud.
He still looked at the soul, but after you got far enough, he noticed the noise. He looked up at you, and looked surprised to even see you there.
You started backing up faster now. You were utterly mortified. He broke an evil grin.

He shook his head and sighed.
«Too bad. I was hoping if I could take a break today. I guess that’ll have to wait.»
He said, turning to you and cracking the soul, causing it to disappear.
At this point you were sprinting backwards.
Strings formed at his hands. ‘Oh no.’
There was something at the back of your head, screaming at you, telling you to run. but the other half of it, it told you to stay and stand your ground.

You went with the reasonable one.
You turned around and broke into a sprint, faster then you have ever gone before. You were scared, legitimately. Your pulse was out of the roof, and your hands were clammy. And you were two tones paler then before. But then you noticed, it wasn’t making a difference, there is no escape to this place.
«Good, you finally stopped. Seems you weren’t as MARROW minded as I thought.»
He said, wrapping the blue strings around your soul and your arms, making it impossible to move.
«Now here is how this will go, you can be a prisoner, or you can die. Choose. N O W. «

I hung there, thinking.
«. Neither. » You responded. You think that made him curious, because he got closer to you and looked at you for a second, you pulled back a little, nervous from his gaze. He seemed confused, and had lost that grin on his face. But then it appeared again.
«You don’t trust me, huh?» He said, shoving his extremely glitching hands into his pocket.
He was a normal sized skeleton, he has navy blue bones, and strange colored eyes, and he wore a black jacket, with a red shirt, and he has ‘tears’ on his face.
And he wore light blue slippers, which somehow, the slippers made you smile a little.
You found it funny.
«What is it?»
You thought of a smart response.
«I’m sorry, but I can’t trust you, just like I can’t trust atoms because they make up everything.»
He stood there for a few seconds and processed the fact that I have less fear, and that I made a pun like if it was nothing. He may have admired that, because what he said next surprised you.

«Y’know. It’d be a shame that such a good joker has to die. So I’ll make you a deal.» He said, shrugging and looking to an upper side.
The strings detached from you, and you were roughly put on the ground.
«I’ll let you go, if you let me erase whatever memory you have of this place, me, and the glitch you found. Deal?»
You stared at him. If you forget, this might happen again, and you will forget of this amazing discovery you have made.
After pondering on reasons why you should and should not agree. You finally made a choice.

«Well. Thanks. That sounds nice.» You said, while a huge grin appeared on his face, but just as he was about to erase it, you said.
«But no thanks.» You said, the corners of his mouth twitched and he asked,
«What?» It sounded forced, like through gritted teeth. Not to your surprise, his teeth were gritted.
You looked to him and said it again.
«No. I have my reasons to remember, no I am leaving. Where is the exit?»
He let out a dark chuckle from the back of his throat.
«There is not ‘exit’. look kid, take my damn mercy, or choose. I can kill you, or you can rot away here.»
«Nope. None of those options. I choose my own choice. Deal with it.»
He got angry, and glared at you, his strings appearing again.
«You sure?»
You looked at him and said.
«Heh, look who is being MARROW minded now. Why you so angry about me remembering this place ‘bone’ head? Is it that its SUPPOSED to be secret, or that your Bad to the BONE and people want to kill you? Wuss Puss.»

He stared at you like if you were insane, which you probably were.
«You really want to die that badly? Who do you think you ar-?» You interrupted him.
«No, who do you think YOU are?! You can’t just imprison, erase, or kill people for no reason!»
«PFFFF! Who says?» Said the smug skeleton, getting his strings ready.
«I say! It’s wrong!»
He shot his strings at me.
«God Damn It Sans!» You shouted mindlessly.
The strings stopped, inches from you.

«What the hell did you just call me?» He asked. It seems you have shaken him up.
He glared at you for a while.
«W-What happened to yo-?»
You suddenly blacked out. You couldn’t see anything again.
And you somehow were back inside the inn, inside your bed.
A small note next to your bed saying, ‘Forget. ‘
But you still remembered.

(Time ski[ after you had visited Error!Sans a couple times out of stubbornness of not wanting to forget, because I’m lazy.)

You guys had known each other for a while. It was nice to have some more company around.
You were walking back into the woods, but this time was. Different. And that means good and bad happens.
There was Error! Sans, waiting for you at the lake. You guys claimed this spot for hanging out and chatting.
But something was, off. Something was wrong. You couldn’t see it yet.
You walked up to him with a simple hello, unlike most times, which you just walk in and tease him.
«What’s up?» You asked.
«Not me.» Said a silly Error, who flopped onto the ground.
You smiled a little. And he noticed the expression you bore. Now he knew something was right to.

Before You guys could say anything, a little child, with short red hair and gleaming red eyes appeared.
She held a knife, and she was smiling creepy.
«Hello, glitchy comedian. «
He looked over to you and shrugged.

«Awww, and I was just about to have a good time.» He complained. You looked over at him, he said.
«Don’t worry (Y/N). I met this kid a while ago. Hense why Snowdin is so empty. Anyways, I’ll deal with Chara. You can sit back and watch.»

You stood there and watched them have a fight. It was un-ending. They were both equally powerful. But seeing as to Chara is using her full power and strength, and the Error! Sans is having mercy and holding back. She would die sooner or later.
After a while of them fighting. She decided to do something. Something to distract Sans.

All of a sudden, you felt a blade pierce and slice me.
You stopped breathing, and just stood there, refusing to cry, or fall down and die. Sans was staring at you, in horror, and anger, and sadness, and regret. And yet he perfectly dodged her attack. And stared again.
You just said,
«Well. I-I guess I’ll go back home to the I-Inn. » You said. You could have pulled off the ‘I’m okay act’ If you hadn’t stuttered. You would not let anyone see you break, or show weakness.
You walked away, and Chara swung at Sans. He caught her wrist, in mid-air. And his eyes darkened.

«You were DYING for a bad time, weren’tcha kid?» He said, snapping her in half and destroying her and her remains with every attack he has.

You walked on the path to snowdin. You were bleeding out, and it hurt, badly.
All of a sudden you collapsed. And tumbled towards the ground. But you were caught by Error! Sans.
He just stared at your eyes for a little, the light was leaving them. Your HP was at nothing.
All of a sudden he sent strings flying towards your soul. And once they hit, they healed you up to full HP.

(Here comes the sinners lovey dovey sh*t XD)
He sat down on the ground and held you in his arms.
«You know. Your pretty strong and brave kid. «
You smile and snuggled into the warm jacket he wore.
«But, don’t walk away when you need help. Your going to kill your self.»
He said, in a more worried tone. Did he actually care for you? I mean, in this way.
You looked up to see him staring off.
«I-I’m sorry. But I was a distra-«
«Frick distractions. You could’ve died.»
«. » Tears ran down your face, but you hid it in your jacket.
But he sensed it anyways. He hugged you close to him, and grabbed your chin. He pulled your face infront of his. You spent a couple seconds like that, in that awkward position, and then he kissed you.
Slamming whatever ‘mouth’ he had into your lips.
He grabbed your shoulders and kept you put. But you weren’t going anywhere.
You finally melted into the kiss, and you put your arms around his neck, while he placed his on your waist.
You two finally broke apart from the kiss and he just stared at you. Like he was memorizing ever detail of your face, like it was the last time he’d ever see you again.

He let out a small sigh.
«You’re going to be a handful. Aren’tcha. «
You nodded a little and snuggled your head onto his warm, vibrating chest.
«God damn it. Idiot. »
After a while of silence. He finally spoke.
«I love you (Y/N). Deal with it. And I am going to make sure you NEVER Get hurt. And if you do. I W I L L K I L L W H O E V E R H U R T S Y O U . . .»
That sent more worry into you the reassurance. But you would rather not destroy the moment.

«I love you too. » You said like a soft and small squeak.
And at some point he carried you back home, and you just. Cuddled.

(O_O . Well. Ok. I won’t judge anymore. and I’ll be more MATURE about this now O_O XD Thanks for reading, you dirty sinners. Bye. And whoever looks at this, share it to your friends XD Most people don’t look up Error Sans stuff. Bye! ^_^)


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21 — 40 of 7,179 Works in Sans (Undertale)/Reader

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Citrine Bones by LtPinkLaurel

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

There, standing tall, and incredibly intimidating was someone in full armour with a huge sword stuck in the ground. It was pretty much dark except for the stars, and the fire magic from the King and Queen.

Their black cape was difficult to see in the darkness, but Sans was reminded of those action figurines Papyrus liked to collect, particularly the knight ones.

And, that sword was glowing.

Sans cursed and hoped that he wouldn’t have to fight, he doesn’t the energy left after the climb.

«..Tell me,» the voice was husky and feminine, and Sans suppressed a shiver at the tone.

«Will there be a war?»

Atychiphobie by Kiwitio

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
  • Graphic Depictions Of Violence
  • Major Character Death
  • Sans (Undertale)/Reader
  • Alphys/Undyne (Undertale)
  • Sans (Undertale)
  • Papyrus (Undertale)
  • Undyne (Undertale)
  • Frisk (Undertale)
  • Alphys (Undertale)
  • Mettaton (Undertale)
  • Toriel (Undertale)
  • Flowey (Undertale)
  • Asgore Dreemurr
  • Angst
  • undertalexreader — Freeform
  • idkwhat iam doing
  • pls
  • Genderneutral
  • Gender-Neutral Pronouns
  • Death
  • idk — Freeform

TrY aGAin

Don’t turn off your device.

Atychiphobie, the fear of failure.
But you won’t fail us, right, (Y/N)?
You wouldn’t want to fail us, right?
You don’t wanna disappoint us.

RiGtH hUmAn¿
yOu wOuLDn’T wAnT tO dIsSaPoInT HIM.

Now go, go free them.
It’s your last chance.

Play your Cards by Identity_Crisis3

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

“Inez! Inez! I got accepted! Isn’t this amazing!” You say to your brother, bouncing in place as excitement coursed through you. Your brother Inez is reading over the acceptance letter, you could tell they were proud despite the mask covering their entire face.
“This is incredible MC! I’m proud of you!” They reach over patting your head in a brotherly fashion before grabbing you by the sleeve and pulling you to their chest giving you a noogie. You wriggle in their grasp, swatting at them while laughing trying to free yourself.

Partially inspired by «There’s still magic» and «I like me more»
We seriously need more Transmasc reader fics. There’s barely any so I decided to do it myself!

Undertale One-Shots by Kiwitio

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
  • Graphic Depictions Of Violence
  • Major Character Death
  • Sans/Sans (Undertale)
  • Sans (Undertale)/Reader
  • Skeleton(s) (Undertale)
  • Nightmare Gang (Undertale)
  • Papyrus (Undertale)
  • Sans (Undertale)
  • Reapertale Sans (Undertale)
  • Error Sans (Undertale) — Freeform
  • _____tale Sans | Ink (Undertale)
  • One Shot
  • Dreamtale Nightmare Sans (Undertale)
  • Underswap Sans (Undertale)
  • Angst
  • Fluff
  • Forced God of Destruction Error Sans (Undertale)
  • Deities

Basically Undertale one-shots of mostly SansxSans but maybe some x Reader or Papy once, well see. The first ones are just error ones cuz idk

11 skeletons in a hotel by Suspenseblue31

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

Welcome to Cecilé hotel! I’m y/n, I will be your host during your stay. Before you ask some questions, let me answer the ones that you probably have.

Number 1. No, this hotel is not related to the Cecil hotel, despite the similar name.

Number 2. Smoking is forbidden in this building, so you have to go outside or go to the zones where you can do it.

Number 3. If you want to park your vehicular, you need to make a reservation at reception.

Don’t doubt to call me or the staff if you need assistance or have questions about the place.

Oh! And if you are a monster. please, refrain to get close to me.

Seesaw by BrookeTheBookworm

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

«They say that those who search for vengeance are the worst kinds of people. But, is it really wrong to get back at those who have destroyed every part of you?»

Light in the Dark by Lion_Witchcraft

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

Vera was an avid believer in the fantastical and magical till an experience in high school causes her to lose faith in magic for years till the appearance of monsters on the surface. Unaware of her abilities she summoned an apple from the tree of negativity and during a night of curiosity becomes corrupted by its power.

After reawakening to look like a monster Veras life turns upside down till a friendly skeleton monster who often buys her flowers reaches out to become her closest friend. In befriending him she’s thrust into a new world of monsters, racism, and the multiverse itself as she comes to find out her soul is trying to tie itself to the god of hopes and dreams.

Komm, Lass’ Uns Lieben by your_average_josuke

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

While doing some illegal drugs with a friend, you get lost in the woods and accidentally trap yourself in one of Papyrus’ puzzles. He gets you down and brings you to his abode, deeming it quite unsafe for you to go home alone. You meet his brother, Sans, and eat some ‘Welcoming Spaghetti’. It’s one hell of a night, and you’re pretty certain that something more is going on. So you keep visiting the set of brothers until you’re able to uncover the truth.

The Grindyrvey by SadPersonYes

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

5 years ago the barrier broke freeing all the monsters sealed underground, but after two years of liberty Sans decided to fuck up with his machine and accidentally brought to his universe and timeline 10 alternative versions of him and his brother. The beginning was rather difficult for them, but after three years of settling in human society they’re doing fine, who had problems with smoking, trauma, drugs, and. other things, got help and they’re okay now, living peacefully together in a mansion in the middle of the forest as a family.

But, on a fateful day, upon hearing strange sounds from the forest of wings flapping they start to investigate and eventually find you, a scared, wounded and strange being, they let you in their house and take care of you, even if you don’t really like it.

Will you lower your guard after realising these 12 skeletons aren’t really that scary and are just a bunch of cinnamon rolls? Well..someone could act a bit bitterly at first, but a cinnamon roll regardless.

Into The Bonezones by Saiyurimai

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

You find yourself out of a job, on the verge of getting kicked out of your apartment because you can’t pay the rent and no where to go. Until your newest skeleton friend suggests you move in with them and their cousins until you get back on your feet again. You didn’t expect to like living with this many people at once so much though.

Chocolate, Spice, and Everything Nice by SoothingEpione

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

You’re living your best life, running a small sweets shop on the surface, catering to a new market of bristly, sharp-toothed monsters. Among them is an obnoxious, foul-mouthed skeleton with a surprisingly voracious sweet tooth.

This was supposed to be Red’s story, about him winning the heart of his soulmate.

And then an error occurred.

  • Part 1 of Yandereverse

Language: English Words: 22,524 Chapters: 4/4 Collections: 1 Comments: 72 Kudos: 328 Bookmarks: 58 Hits: 4248

  • it’s romance by Zend

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    «The stupid expectation of the unknown, the romance mixed with fear and excitement, is our nature. Sometimes it’s called unrealistic, sometimes it’s called stupid. Because there exists a chance, we can, and because we can, we want. It could end in catastrophic results, but this is the romance, this is the everlasting nature of us.»
    Sans smiled,
    «And I really want to share this romance with you, Y/N.»

    Fallen Soul by CactusSpike

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    It’s been eighteen timelines. Frisk lost her morality a long time ago, meaning that she is likely to leave everyone dead in her wake again.
    But the distinguishing walls between the timelines have started to wear down, and everyone is starting to remember what had happened in the ‘past.’
    And Raven, Frisk’s best friend, might be able to put a stop to this chaos with her regained memories and Sans

    The Wolf by azZhat

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    One day, you wake up in the body of an otherworldly being, impossibly far from home and lacking most memories of your past life. Your body’s first and original occupant is who transported you here by pure accident, and created an infrangible link between your souls, melding the both of you into one.

    Five years after you were first tugged into this alternate reality, you thought the storm had calmed. Then the machine that caused your life to turn topsy-turvy reactivated by itself. And it just happened to pull you into yet another universe, this time filled with variants of yourselves.

    Hiding your nature had never been easy, but you seriously underestimated how stubborn all these skeletons are.

    • Part 2 of Tales of Odin’s Wolves

    Language: English Words: 97,169 Chapters: 16/? Comments: 577 Kudos: 926 Bookmarks: 205 Hits: 18210

  • Captain Coping Mechanism by Mystique, TallDumbass

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    You fall into a hellish underground world where everyone wants to see you dead the moment they lay eyes on you.

    Before you are killed, you are captured by the terrifying Commander of the Guard himself, Captain Sans Serif. Who, instead of taking you to the Queen to have your soul reaped.

    . Brings you home, and locks you up.

    He keeps you under the pretense of “interrogating you for information”. But as it becomes clear that you really don’t have any real information to give him, you begin to wonder…

    What other reason does he have for keeping you?

    Strings to Hold You Down by FrostedClock

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
    • Graphic Depictions Of Violence
    • Major Character Death
    • Sans (Undertale)/Reader
    • Sans (Undertale)
    • Papyrus (Undertale)
    • Toriel (Undertale)
    • Alphys (Undertale)
    • Undyne (Undertale)
    • Undertale Monster(s)
    • Frisk (Undertale)
    • Reader Is Not Chara (Undertale)
    • Reader Is Not Frisk (Undertale)
    • Reader-Insert
    • Alternate Universe — Underfell (Undertale)
    • Recreational Drug Use
    • Light Angst
    • Panic Attacks
    • Recovery
    • Souls
    • Soulmates
    • Possessive Behavior
    • Pre-Canon
    • Background Relationships
    • Sans hates himself
    • Sans just needs love
    • Red is just called Sans
    • Papyrus isnt the best brother
    • reader is a monster
    • Doll Monster Race
    • No beta we dust like monsters
    • two points of view
    • Half Sans and Half Reader
    • Slow to update more then likely
    • Seamstress reader — Freeform
    • Underfell Sans (Undertale)
    • Past Relationship(s)
    • Past Abuse
    • Reader Has Issues
    • How that happen?
    • Mating Cycles/In Heat
    • Mating Bites
    • Smut
    • It Finally Happens
    • Bonezone
    • Clothed Sex
    • well partly
    • Semi-Public Sex
    • Gender-Neutral Frisk (Undertale)
    • Gender-Neutral Chara (Undertale)

    (Reader is a monster)
    You, a monster of the doll kind, have lived on the edge of Waterfall for a few years now, having lived in New Home most of your young life before trying to open your own seamstress shop called Stitched Strings. You wait around feeling like it was a waste of time. Most monsters just wanting to kill you for an easy raise in LoVe. You were thinking of just packing up and going back to the capital when two skeletons walk into your shop.

    Otherwise known as your a Doll Monster who turns out to be the soulmate of a cranky skeleton.
    (Set before Frisk’s fall and soulmates know each other by voice and scent in this universe.)

    • Part 1 of Strings of Fate

    Language: English Words: 24,600 Chapters: 11/15 Comments: 21 Kudos: 238 Bookmarks: 54 Hits: 3319

  • A Puzzle Just For Me by neroli9

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
    • Graphic Depictions Of Violence
    • Major Character Death
    • Sans/Reader
    • Alternate Universe — Mob
    • Alternate Universe — Mobtale
    • Alternate Universe — Gangsters
    • Alternate Universe — 1930s
    • Alternate Universe — Prohibition Era
    • reader is female
    • limited sans POV
    • Prostitution
    • Dominant Sans
    • Rough Sex
    • Monster sex
    • degradation kink
    • Face Slapping
    • Spanking
    • Biting
    • Dirty Talk
    • Enthusiastic Consent
    • Human fetish
    • really not kidding about that explicit rating
    • Knock Knock Jokes
    • three piece suits
    • flowey is not the anomaly
    • rather limited action for being a gangster AU story
    • sort of slice of life in that there’s eventually sex then jokes and cookies
    • can you call it a slow burn if there’s sex in chapter one
    • Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con
    • Implied/Referenced Suicide
    • BDSM
    • Choking
    • Somnophilia
    • Rape/Non-con Fantasies
    • Porn With Plot
    • Stalking
    • Impact Play
    • Implied Child Abuse
    • Threats of Rape/Non-Con
    • Anal Sex
    • Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism
    • a literal kick the dog moment
    • Sock Fetish
    • Orgasm Denial
    • Kidnapping
    • Implied/Referenced Mass Murder
    • Caning
    • Smoking
    • Implied/Referenced Drug Use
    • extensive time fuckery
    • Gun Violence
    • discrimination against sex workers
    • Slut Shaming
    • Sex Parties
    • Physical Abuse
    • Emotional/Psychological Abuse
    • absolute emotional destruction
    • Pet Play
    • Eventual Happy Ending
    • Consensual Non-Consent
    • no page is safe to read in public
    • Implied/Referenced Serial Killing

    The resets keep happening, but Papyrus is gone. Nearly six years of grief have warped Sans, causing him to risk his soul with self-destructive behavior and making him all but unrecognizable to his old friends. Any day now, he expects a reset that will bring him far enough back in time to reunite with his brother and erase his sins. In the meantime, he’ll distract himself with Muffet’s new call girl.

    You need a lot of money, right now. Unlike the majority of humans in the slums of New Ebott, you don’t have any anti-monster prejudice, and you’re kinky, submissive and enjoy sex. You’ve heard someone like you can do very well for herself, catering to monsters. Now here you are with your first client, a skeleton monster in a suit offering you a drink from a hip flask.

    Undertale gangster AU with a 1930s-era American aesthetic. Updates every other Sunday. Status updates and story chatter at http://neroli9.tumblr.com. Also, come chat with other APJFM fans at the APJFM Discord server!

    S.O.S by Yukiwolf25

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
    • Graphic Depictions Of Violence
    • Rape/Non-Con
    • Underage
    • Sans (Undertale)/Reader
    • Papyrus (Undertale)/Reader
    • Sans (Undertale)
    • Papyrus (Undertale)
    • Underfell Sans (Undertale)
    • Underfell Papyrus (Undertale)
    • Horrortale Sans (Undertale)
    • Horrortale Papyrus (Undertale)
    • Dusttale Sans (Undertale)
    • Dusttale Papyrus (Undertale)
    • Alternate Universe
    • Self-Harm
    • Panic Attacks
    • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder — PTSD
    • Distrust
    • Blood and Violence
    • Past Sexual Abuse
    • Drug Abuse
    • Emotional/Psychological Abuse
    • Self-Hatred
    • Alternate Universe — Dancetale (Undertale)
    • help her
    • Save Her
    • Mages
    • Alternate Universe — Underfell (Undertale)
    • Alternate Universe — Underswap (Undertale)
    • Alternate Universe — Swapfell (Undertale)
    • Alternate Universe — Horrortale (Undertale)
    • Alternate Universe — Dreamtale (Undertale)
    • Alternate Universe — Underlust (Undertale)
    • Alternate Universe — Dusttale (Undertale)
    • Alternate Universe — Reapertale (Undertale)
    • Alternate Universe — Undertale Multiverse | UTMV (Undertale)
    • Ecto-Genitalia (Undertale)
    • Ecto-Penis (Undertale)
    • How Do I Tag
    • Save Me
    • I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping
    • Killer Sans (Undertale) — Freeform
    • W. D. Gaster is Papyrus and Sans’ Parent
    • Chaos
    • Masturbation
    • Monster Heat
    • Sexual Tension
    • Reader is a tease
    • Everyone Needs A Hug
    • I Made Myself Cry
    • Fluff
    • Blood and Gore
    • Inspired by Music

    She wanted nothing more to be at peace, to be «safe» finally but she never could because her heart was too big for her own good. Gave everything to everyone until she was beyond repair. then one day, «they» found her broken.

    Bone Island by Sunkissesandmoonpies

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
    • Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
    • Graphic Depictions Of Violence
    • Sans (Undertale)/Reader
    • Sans (Underfell)/Reader
    • Sans (Underswap)/Reader
    • Sans (Swapfell)/Reader
    • Sans (Undertale)
    • Reader
    • Black (SwapFell)
    • Red (Underfell)
    • Blue (Underswap)
    • Stranded island au
    • Trans Male Reader
    • You just wanted a good day
    • Possessive skeles
    • Feral Behavior
    • Mates
    • Mating
    • Biting
    • Possessive Sex
    • Minor Violence
    • More of a silly goofy story
    • Nesting
    • courting
    • Mating Cycles/In Heat
    • Fluff and Smut
    • Some Plot
    • Mostly Fluff
    • Smut too
    • Scratching
    • territorial
    • soul bonding
    • Love at first sight for Blue
    • Ecto-Tongue (Undertale)
    • Ecto-Penis (Undertale)

    What was supposed to be a relaxing vacation suddenly turns into being stranding on an island with 4 skeletons who really want to get to know you.

    Guess that cuts your plans short.

    The World’s Eye by KeepWritingCuzYouAreAmazing

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    A simple island for a promise of paradise. A breath of pure air cut out from existence. Iris forever gazing, unblinking, humankind believed it to be the world looking out to them through this curious miracle of nature.
    Just like every bodies of water however, its surface bewitched everyone, never to reveal the mysteries lurking underneath.

    Until you bid goodbye to your world, finding another.

    (Information in Author’s Note)


  • Содержание

    1. error sans X reader
    2. Получать уведомления при обновлении ваших любимых историй
    3. Ink! Sans x Reader
    4. Получать уведомления при обновлении ваших любимых историй
    5. Archive of Our Own beta
    6. Site Navigation
    7. Actions
    8. Work Header
    9. Some weird slice of life (error sans x reader)
    10. InkyOverlord
    11. Summary:
    12. Chapter 1: The Bug
    13. Chapter Text
    14. Sketches V.S Glitches (Ink Sans x Reader x Error Sans)
    15. Forbidden Love : Umi & Khwezi
    16. The Water Psychic (Saiki Kusuo x Reader)
    17. More than Friends [K.T.H]
    18. Lavender’s Kisses
    19. Zara’s FEAR
    20. Full Power (Book 3 of The Fire within)

    error sans X reader

    Получать уведомления при обновлении ваших любимых историй

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    Нажав ниже, вы соглашаетесь с Условиями пользования и Политикой приватности Ваттпада.

    Tainted Love ((An Error!Sans X Reader))

    «Now then.» Dark blue strings wrapped around your [F/C] soul. «What do you think you’re trying to do, [Y/N]? Escape?» He let out a burst of glitchy laughter. It sent chills down your spine. «Oh, [Y/N], if only you knew. » This is my first X reader so I apologize if it’s bad >

    Never let you go (error sans x reader

    This story takes place in underswap your brothers are sans and papryus. You and sans went to see the echo flowers than error took you and sans. After a few years you start to grow feelings to error. Will he feel the same way?

    Error!Sans AU X Reader (LEMON)

    So, like I promised. Here you all go. I honestly don’t see how Error can have a dick though. Hmm.

    Error!Sans X Reader

    My own cover! 😀 An ordinary girl that just loves art and music. Well, maybe not ordinary. But then officially is in a, MULTIVERSE. Maybe some skeletons aren’t that bad.

    Glitch (Error Sans X Reader)

    You Meet Error About To Destroy a World What Do You Do? Read To Find Out More!

    Error Sans x Reader One Shot

    Hey guys! AHH SO EXCITED TO WRITE THIS! Anyways, I was writing this because. well. Idk. I read a really good one-shot by XxErrorFirexX on Tamburr (Tamburr is a deleted website. such a shame! they got taken down because people were posting links to porn sites in comments constantly, and the admins did nothing abo.

    An Error (Error Sans X Reader)

    I dunno y u guys tell meh to right dis. ;-; wat is lyfe? Well sinners. Here’s your lemon. Enjoy.

    A glitch (error sans x reader)

    This is my first story about u and error sans it’s ok if u don’t like the story

    Error Sans X Reader

    This is for my readers I hope ya enjoy this. See ya on the other side Buddy.

    Error sans x reader ( female )

    You are a glitch with amazing powers to . But you were put in a sleeping state as all of the AUs feed off of you One day error was looking around the void when he came across a weird glitched portal and when he looked inside he did not expect to find was you . No art is mine in this unless I say it is and.

    Error!Sans AU X Reader

    I’m thinking LEMONZ but, I dunno yet. Enjoy this new book and I hope you all love it!

    Sketches V.S Glitches (Ink Sans x Reader x Error Sans)

    Decided to make this little story x3 This story will have a 2 path ending. 1. Ink Sans path 2. Error Sans Path You get to decide who you want :3 Enjoy

    -Old Friends- Ink Sans X Reader X Error Sans

    You’ve fell into a dark hole and met Flowey, you and Flowey acted like enemies and you wanted to be friends. You met Toriel and had to leave, but you hated your life in the surface. You ended up in the snowed woods and heard kids playing, but you were cold as HELL. You rubbed your hand for warmth but it created a (F/C.

    Error!Sans x Reader

    A special human is going to need all the help they can, when a certain child is trying to destroy an underground community of monsters, a secret group of glitches, and the one who can harness the power of every self they are.


    Ink! Sans x Reader

    Получать уведомления при обновлении ваших любимых историй

    У Вас уже есть аккаунт, Войти.

    Нажав ниже, вы соглашаетесь с Условиями пользования и Политикой приватности Ваттпада.

    Drawn to you Ink Sans x reader

    I’m writing this for my friend because she’s awesome and I ship her with Ink. Hope you like this story

    Creative Love (Ink Sans x Reader)

    You have know Ink since well, since forever! You were dropped off with Ink when you were young. He became your only friend. You had found out that you were supposed to help Ink protect the AU’s and so you did, little did you know that you soon fell in love with him. Will you tell him? Or keep it to yourself? Read this.

    Creative Beauty (Ink Sans X Reader FanFic)

    Hey its me and I noticed how little Ink Sans x Readers there are so here we go. Your a girl. Your bullies dragged you to the hole to the underground and threw you in.When you got to Snowdin you did a favor for Sans and somthing Unexpected happened.You turn to be cunfused and scared. This contains no lemons and the art.

    cross sans x reader x Ink sans

    you were with sans and ink till you noticed a skeleton with a giant knife. Ink and tried to protect you but cross ended up kidnapping you. He wanted you to be a part of his world. Ink didn’t want and tried to get you back. who will have your heart ? find out in the drama , kidnapping , fighting for your love.

    Ink!Sans X Reader

    You are a normal 18 year old girl. (sorry to any guys reading) You were about to go out on your own when suddenly you fell through an inter dimensional rift. You woke up to a rainbow flower staring at you.

    DISCONTINUED | Different Can Be Good | Ink!Sans X Reader

    [REQUESTED BOOK] Cover by: @DarkSapphire_02 «Of all people or monsters. Why do you love me? I’m. different. » «Different can be good.» Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot. Characters and Art are not mine.

    A Problem?

    «W- Who are you?» «YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THIS!!» «Just be safe.» «Here, let me help you.» «I don’t want to hurt you!» «Calm down.» «Please Stop.» «Listen, it’s okay.» «Don’t worry.» «Be careful!» «Everything’s alright.» «I won’t ever let you get hurt.» «I Promise.» «I Promise.»

    Destruction vs. Creation (Reader x Ink!Sans x Error!Sans)

    You and Ink have finally admitted your love for each other. High school just seems to be going by so quickly, along with your closeness. Everything seemed perfect! That is, it was until a blast from your past has come back to haunt you. And this time, he’s not leaving without taking his love back. Even if it means he.

    Digital or Abstract? (Ink!Sans x Wolf!reader x Error!Sans)

    Y/n, a lone wolf shifter that takes the form of a wolf, survives on the streets of a dismal city. Being found and captured, she is mistaken for a dog and is thrown into a dog shelter. During the night, she’s mysteriously freed and leaves the shelter as quick as she can. Deciding that the city isn’t the safest place to.

    Creators’ Love (Ink!Sans X Inktale!Reader) Wattys2017!

    You were battling your ‘glitching’ rival when a portal takes you somewhere. You met someone that will stay in your colorful heart. Note: My Horrortale story has been discontinued for a long time and I had to make another story,motivated by the Ink X Reader stories, I’ve decided to make one. So enjoy my story! Updatin.

    Hollow (Ink!Sans x Depressed!Reader)



    Archive of Our Own beta

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    Some weird slice of life (error sans x reader)



    you find a strange skeleton at night and decide to let him stay with you.

    (i just want more error x readers okey)

    Chapter 1: The Bug

    Chapter Text

    This had to be the worst day of your life.

    Someone had to call in sick at work,making you take their place ended up working overtime and now trying to get back home in the pouring rain at night in the most sketchiest area of the city,it also doesn’t help that your phone had died during work because you forgot to charge it overnight.

    Then again it could be worse.

    You heavily panted as the rain continue to pour making your clothes got soggier and heavier to run in.

    As you made your way to a street light,you took a quick glance noticing you were only a block away from your apartment,you sigh in relief as you were about to leave the light.

    Until you heard a sharp screech.

    At first,you thought it was a car speeding through the rain but a look at the road only showed it was empty.the screech also overlapped with beeping almost sounding computer-like.

    you tried to listen to where is was coming from but it was a harsh screech that probably wouldn’t bled your ears out if it was a frequency higher.

    The sounds followed into a sketchy looking alley,definitely one where you could get robbed or worse,at the end of the alley had a soft blue glow.

    The rain only gotten worse as the screeching gotten louder,you felt torn about this situation.

    You could leave this area and return to your small warm apartment or find out what that strong bright blue thing is.

    fuck it as Curiosity gotten the best of you that you hadn’t realized you’ve been moving toward the alleyway closer and closer eventually, it got darker and darker as you moved farther away from the street light.

    The alleyway led to to a end full of empty and broken wooden crates.As you got closer you heard a voice,it sounded distressed over the sound of static,it sounded like the person was hurt.

    As you made your way to it,sparks violently flew making you jump back before it sizzled out again.

    Whoever was there is most likely in danger.

    The rain had slowed down as you search around trying to find the person,the glitching noise made it quite hard to focus even when following where the glow is coming from.

    It seemed to ended by under a pile of crates,the boxes moved and shuttered showing a type of struggle.

    Without hesitation you jumped onto a crate and began pulling them out one by one.

    You pulled the last crate to revealed a skeleton head.

    And at first you panicked slipping on the crate u were standing on and landing backwards,thinking it was a dead body but once you got up from the muddy ground and took a closer look at it,it looked like it was. glitching?

    It must be a monster you thought as the introduction of monster were slowly increasing here in your city.

    There wasn’t any hospital around nor could you call for help.

    The skeleton seems conscious,mostly mumbling random things you couldn’t understand,regardless they weren’t safe here.

    You managed to pull them out from the pile but the minute you came into contact with them your hands became incredibly numb,moreso a pins and needle feeling.

    Lifting him up and carrying him bridal style made your upper body numb, you decided its best he stays in your apartment and see how things go from there.

    You let the skeleton stay in the spare room leaving a note explaining where he was and what’s happened,hopefully he would understand.

    Surprisingly the skeleton didn’t sustain any physicals injuries they’re just mostly asleep.

    Which honestly you wanted to sleep so bad but you didn’t know anything about this monster,you hope this skeleton wasn’t planning to steal anything from you.

    So there you sat in the living room watching tv already in your pjs and mostly dried off,occasionally checking up on the monster who was still asleep.

    It could be worse you kept thinking,you could’ve got robbed or murdered perhaps,abducted by aliens? hey if monster can exist so can aliens.

    Speaking of the monster,you had no idea what this skeleton was,well he was a skeleton but he glitches somewhat like a robot it had never occured to you that cross breeding of monster was a thing.

    You weren’t really focusing on the tv now,at this point you were deciding if you should have your fifth cup of coffee as you eyes drooped slightly and the amount of yawning your doing shows how tired u are.

    You don’t remember what happen next as you had fallen asleep in a strange position.

    You had woken up to the sound of a loud thud coming from the other room.


    Sketches V.S Glitches (Ink Sans x Reader x Error Sans)

    Decided to make this little story x3 This story will have a 2 path ending.
    1. Ink Sans path
    2. Error Sans Path

    You get to decide who you want :3

    Forbidden Love : Umi & Khwezi

    This is a short story of Uminathi and Khwezi.…

    The Water Psychic (Saiki Kusuo x Reader)

    Y/n L/n the quietest, calmest, toughest, kindest girl at her school actually has secret psychic powers such as water control, blood control, and air control. She can control people’s bodies, control the water currents, and the air currents. She is also a psychic, but no one knows that. Even the two main psychics of PK Academy. Does she somehow get the worlds most powerful psychic to fall in love with her? Read to find out! Enjoy too! (I also don’t own any of the characters in this book!) Warning! May have some foul words! I also don’t do smut! I do fluff more!…

    More than Friends [K.T.H]

    Kim Taehyung and Lee y/n were best friends since childhood ,they grew up together ,y/n had a secret crush on her best friend since middle school .Kim Taehyung have 6 brothers ,while y/n is the eldest daughter and have a younger brother .But Y/n and taehyung grew apart from each other and the destiny plays its role .Few changes comes in y/n ‘s life ,which makes her become a strong person. After 4 years ,They meet again .Y/n and taehyung found themselves again in each other ‘s life ,But this time with a lot of twists .The main theme is — ‘She fell first ,but he fell harder ‘…

    Lavender’s Kisses

    Coreen always admired the singer Avy. She was always present at his gigs, made sure to never miss one. Always wishing for him to notice her. Little did she know, Avy was always looking for her in the crowd of people watching him. They didn’t know what was coming their way.…

    Zara’s FEAR

    Zara Ali is a 22 years old girl. She had a very dark past.she have 2 friends who always stood with her through thick and thin. She works at Mir Enterprises as an assistant where she met Mir Khaadi who changed her life.Mir Khaadi the CEO of Mir Enterprises. He is very kind and hard working. He is handling his father’s business. He is a cousin of Haris and Huria. He have a very sweet spot for Zara. He was determined to know about her but she was not ready to share her past.What happens when Khaadi fell in love with Zara and ready to accept her with all her flaws. Read more and find out the journey of both Khaadi and Zara.English is not authors native language. So I’m for any grammar or spelling mistakes.Warning. This story consist of extreme violence. So if you are sensitive to these topics you can skip. Thank you.…

    Full Power (Book 3 of The Fire within)

    Book 3 of The Fire within. (Five hargreaves x reader)After stopping their 2nd apocalypse The Umbrella Academy are finally back home. but are they? They come back to find a new group of 8 called the Sparrow academy and they find that 2 of them look very Familiar. They begin to make a home in a world that never knew them as the Umbrella Academy but some cope better than others. How will the 2 families merge and what will happen when they find that the world is in danger. again.…





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    Я запускаю этот самый базовый код

    import scrapy
    class BrickSetSpider(scrapy.Spider):
        name = "brickset_spider"
        start_urls = ['http://brickset.com/sets/year-2016']

    Запуск кода с использованием

    scrapy runspider scraper.py

    И я получаю ошибку следующим образом:

    2020-07-21 08:54:04 [scrapy.core.scraper] ERROR: Spider error processing <GET https://brickset.com/sets/year-2016> (referer: None)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "c:usersnavneappdatalocalprogramspythonpython38libsite-packagestwistedinternetdefer.py", line 654, in _runCallbacks
        current.result = callback(current.result, *args, **kw)
      File "c:usersnavneappdatalocalprogramspythonpython38libsite-packagesscrapyspiders__init__.py", line 90, in parse     
        raise NotImplementedError('{}.parse callback is not defined'.format(self.__class__.__name__))
    NotImplementedError: BrickSetSpider.parse callback is not defined
    2020-07-21 08:54:05 [scrapy.core.engine] INFO: Closing spider (finished)

    Пожалуйста помоги. Извините за такое тривиальное сомнение.

    2 ответа

    Лучший ответ

    Вы должны реализовать метод parse для сбора необходимой информации

    import scrapy
    class BrickSetSpider(scrapy.Spider):
        name = "brickset_spider"
        start_urls = ['http://brickset.com/sets/year-2016']
        def parse(self, response):
          #search what you need
          # yield your result


    21 Июл 2020 в 06:04

    Вам нужно определить метод parse, который по умолчанию вызывается, содержащий ответ начального URL. Это будет работать для вас.

    import scrapy
    class BrickSetSpider(scrapy.Spider):
        name = "brickset_spider"
        start_urls = ['http://brickset.com/sets/year-2016']
        def parse(self, response):
            print(response.text) # this will show response (source code)


    Ikram Khan Niazi
    21 Июл 2020 в 09:52

    (You guys already know the drill. The sinners sin, the people cringe, and I am here in the corner, saying I hate meh life ;-; XD BTW Some of these parts WILL be used for LostTales so yeah :3)

    It was a bright day outside, you wake up and open your window.
    Snowdin was nice to live in, it was cold, but you were ok with the cold.
    You open your closet and put on your (F/C) Sweater, with some jeans and black converses.
    You walk over to a small mirror plastered on the inn wall. You picked up your brush and it went straight through your perfect, (H/L) (H/C) Hair. It went through without you even trying, and you put on your favorite pair of earrings. Just as you were about to leave, you take your (F/C) Scarf and put it on.

    You walked outside, enjoying the snow, and walking out through the woods. You didn’t care of what monster were to be found, you just loved these woods. You could hear birds chirping. And the distant smell of cinnamon bun’s haunted the area.
    It was nice, and quiet, and peaceful. You would always come out here, to listen to music, or read, or just take a nice quiet nap. But this time, it was… Different.
    You walked up to your favorite part of the forest you had found accidentally. It was a frozen over lake, with beautiful willow tree’s with ice covered points surrounding it.

    Small gentle snowflakes fell on you and the area. The ice glistened, like a thousand stars.
    It was beautiful.
    You sat down on one of the willow trunks and read.
    After a couple minutes of reading, you saw a strange little glowing thing in the corner of your eye, near the lake edge. It caught your FULL attention.
    You walked over to it, it was a small little white glitch. It was floating in mid-air.
    You stared at it for a little, and then reached out to it.
    It started shining more.

    At some point it was blinding. And somehow you finally reached it.
    But then everything went black. And you couldn’t feel your being.
    And then you woke up. It was blindingly bright and white. Actually, everything was white. There were no other colors. Just pure blank.
    «What the?» You said, getting up to your feet, but a seething pain shot up in your head.
    What a horrible headache.

    You started walking, but you lost yourself. It was only white, nothing. Like a white lie.
    You rubbed one eye, but then heard something, a few feet behind you.
    You turned around to see a portal open and a Skeleton walk in. He hasn’t noticed you yet, he was more concentrated on a little soul he had on his hands.
    ‘Oh no,’ you thought, ‘I’m going to die…’

    You slowly started backing up. Quietly, but somehow your footsteps could be heard, but not too loud.
    He still looked at the soul, but after you got far enough, he noticed the noise. He looked up at you, and looked surprised to even see you there.
    You started backing up faster now. You were utterly mortified. He broke an evil grin.

    He shook his head and sighed.
    «Too bad. I was hoping if I could take a break today. I guess that’ll have to wait.»
    He said, turning to you and cracking the soul, causing it to disappear.
    At this point you were sprinting backwards.
    Strings formed at his hands. ‘Oh no.’
    There was something at the back of your head, screaming at you, telling you to run. but the other half of it, it told you to stay and stand your ground.

    You went with the reasonable one.
    You turned around and broke into a sprint, faster then you have ever gone before. You were scared, legitimately. Your pulse was out of the roof, and your hands were clammy. And you were two tones paler then before. But then you noticed, it wasn’t making a difference, there is no escape to this place.
    «Good, you finally stopped. Seems you weren’t as MARROW minded as I thought.»
    He said, wrapping the blue strings around your soul and your arms, making it impossible to move.
    «Now here is how this will go, you can be a prisoner, or you can die. Choose… N O W…»

    I hung there, thinking.
    «… Neither…» You responded. You think that made him curious, because he got closer to you and looked at you for a second, you pulled back a little, nervous from his gaze. He seemed confused, and had lost that grin on his face. But then it appeared again.
    «You don’t trust me, huh?» He said, shoving his extremely glitching hands into his pocket.
    He was a normal sized skeleton, he has navy blue bones, and strange colored eyes, and he wore a black jacket, with a red shirt, and he has ‘tears’ on his face.
    And he wore light blue slippers, which somehow, the slippers made you smile a little.
    You found it funny.
    «What is it?»
    You thought of a smart response.
    «I’m sorry, but I can’t trust you, just like I can’t trust atoms because they make up everything.»
    He stood there for a few seconds and processed the fact that I have less fear, and that I made a pun like if it was nothing. He may have admired that, because what he said next surprised you.

    «Y’know… It’d be a shame that such a good joker has to die. So I’ll make you a deal.» He said, shrugging and looking to an upper side.
    The strings detached from you, and you were roughly put on the ground.
    «I’ll let you go, if you let me erase whatever memory you have of this place, me, and the glitch you found… Deal?»
    You stared at him. If you forget, this might happen again, and you will forget of this amazing discovery you have made.
    After pondering on reasons why you should and should not agree. You finally made a choice.

    «Well… Thanks. That sounds nice.» You said, while a huge grin appeared on his face, but just as he was about to erase it, you said.
    «But no thanks.» You said, the corners of his mouth twitched and he asked,
    «What?» It sounded forced, like through gritted teeth. Not to your surprise, his teeth were gritted.
    You looked to him and said it again.
    «No… I have my reasons to remember, no I am leaving… Where is the exit?»
    He let out a dark chuckle from the back of his throat.
    «There is not ‘exit’. look kid, take my damn mercy, or choose. I can kill you, or you can rot away here.»
    «Nope. None of those options. I choose my own choice… Deal with it.»
    He got angry, and glared at you, his strings appearing again.
    «You sure?»
    You looked at him and said.
    «Heh, look who is being MARROW minded now. Why you so angry about me remembering this place ‘bone’ head? Is it that its SUPPOSED to be secret, or that your Bad to the BONE and people want to kill you? Wuss Puss.»

    He stared at you like if you were insane, which you probably were.
    «You really want to die that badly? Who do you think you ar-?» You interrupted him.
    «No, who do you think YOU are?! You can’t just imprison, erase, or kill people for no reason!»
    «PFFFF! Who says?» Said the smug skeleton, getting his strings ready.  
    «I say! It’s wrong!»
    He shot his strings at me.
    «God Damn It Sans!» You shouted mindlessly.
    The strings stopped, inches from you.

    «What the hell did you just call me?» He asked. It seems you have shaken him up.
    He glared at you for a while.
    «W-What happened to yo-?»
    You suddenly blacked out. You couldn’t see anything again.
    And you somehow were back inside the inn, inside your bed.
    A small note next to your bed saying, ‘Forget…’
    But you still remembered.

    ~~~~~~~~(Time ski[ after you had visited Error!Sans a couple times out of stubbornness of not wanting to forget, because I’m lazy.)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    You guys had known each other for a while. It was nice to have some more company around.
    You were walking back into the woods, but this time was… Different… And that means good and bad happens.
    There was Error! Sans, waiting for you at the lake. You guys claimed this spot for hanging out and chatting.
    But something was, off… Something was wrong. You couldn’t see it yet.
    You walked up to him with a simple hello, unlike most times, which you just walk in and tease him.
    «What’s up?» You asked.
    «Not me.» Said a silly Error, who flopped onto the ground.
    You smiled a little. And he noticed the expression you bore. Now he knew something was right to.

    Before You guys could say anything, a little child, with short red hair and gleaming red eyes appeared.
    She held a knife, and she was smiling creepy.
    «Hello, glitchy comedian…»
    He looked over to you and shrugged.

    «Awww, and I was just about to have a good time.» He complained. You looked over at him, he said.
    «Don’t worry (Y/N). I met this kid a while ago. Hense why Snowdin is so empty. Anyways, I’ll deal with Chara. You can sit back and watch.»

    You stood there and watched them have a fight. It was un-ending. They were both equally powerful. But seeing as to Chara is using her full power and strength, and the Error! Sans is having mercy and holding back. She would die sooner or later.
    After a while of them fighting. She decided to do something. Something to distract Sans.

    All of a sudden, you felt a blade pierce and slice me.
    You stopped breathing, and just stood there, refusing to cry, or fall down and die. Sans was staring at you, in horror, and anger, and sadness, and regret. And yet he perfectly dodged her attack. And stared again.
    You just said,
    «Well… I-I guess I’ll go back home to the I-Inn…» You said. You could have pulled off the ‘I’m okay act’ If you hadn’t stuttered. You would not let anyone see you break, or show weakness.
    You walked away, and Chara swung at Sans. He caught her wrist, in mid-air. And his eyes darkened.

    «You were DYING for a bad time, weren’tcha kid?» He said, snapping her in half and destroying her and her remains with every attack he has.

    You walked on the path to snowdin. You were bleeding out, and it hurt, badly.
    All of a sudden you collapsed. And tumbled towards the ground. But you were caught by Error! Sans.
    He just stared at your eyes for a little, the light was leaving them. Your HP was at nothing.
    All of a sudden he sent strings flying towards your soul. And once they hit, they healed you up to full HP.

    (Here comes the sinners lovey dovey sh*t XD)
    He sat down on the ground and held you in his arms.
    «You know… Your pretty strong and brave kid…»
    You smile and snuggled into the warm jacket he wore.
    «But, don’t walk away when you need help. Your going to kill your self.»
    He said, in a more worried tone. Did he actually care for you? I mean, in this way.
    You looked up to see him staring off.
    «I-I’m sorry. But I was a distra-«
    «Frick distractions… You could’ve died.»
    «…» Tears ran down your face, but you hid it in your jacket.
    But he sensed it anyways. He hugged you close to him, and grabbed your chin. He pulled your face infront of his. You spent a couple seconds like that, in that awkward position, and then he kissed you.
    Slamming whatever ‘mouth’ he had into your lips.
    He grabbed your shoulders and kept you put. But you weren’t going anywhere.
    You finally melted into the kiss, and you put your arms around his neck, while he placed his on your waist.
    You two finally broke apart from the kiss and he just stared at you. Like he was memorizing ever detail of your face, like it was the last time he’d ever see you again.

    He let out a small sigh.
    «You’re going to be a handful. Aren’tcha…»
    You nodded a little and snuggled your head onto his warm, vibrating chest.
    «God damn it… Idiot….»
    After a while of silence. He finally spoke.
    «I love you (Y/N)… Deal with it… And I am going to make sure you NEVER Get hurt… And if you do… I   W I L L   K I L L   W H O E V E R   H U R T S   Y O U . . .»
    That sent more worry into you the reassurance. But you would rather not destroy the moment.

    «I love you too…» You said like a soft and small squeak.
    And at some point he carried you back home, and you just. Cuddled.

    (O_O … Well… Ok….. I won’t judge anymore… and I’ll be more MATURE about this now O_O XD Thanks for reading, you dirty sinners. :) Bye. And whoever looks at this, share it to your friends XD Most people don’t look up Error Sans stuff…. Bye! ^_^)

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