Spot one error in each sentence and write down the correct sentence

VI. Spot one error in each sentence and write down the correct sentence. Form 11 I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets. Well, I_______________1.(arrive) safely two weeks ago. The flight ________________ 2. (be) fine, but a bit long. I________________3. (watch) two films and________________4.(eat) two breakfasts! Thank you for everything. I_______________5.(have) a […]


  1. VI. Spot one error in each sentence and write down the correct sentence.
  2. Районная олимпиада 10 класс 2011 год (Могилёвская область)
  3. Лексико-грамматический тест 10 класс (Могилёв)

VI. Spot one error in each sentence and write down the correct sentence.

Form 11

I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets.

Well, I_______________1.(arrive) safely two weeks ago. The flight ________________ 2. (be) fine, but a bit long. I________________3. (watch) two films and________________4.(eat) two breakfasts! Thank you for everything. I_______________5.(have) a really good time with you in London. I hope you________________6.(enjoy) it too.

Everything here is very different from London. I ________________ 7.(write) this letter outside in the garden sitting under a big umbrella. The sun _______________8. (be) very hot today. They say hot weather ________________9.(last) here for nearly a month already. I know we ________________10.(have) some sunny days in London but I also remember it_______________11.(rain) there quite a lot too! It was difficult for me to start work after my wonderful holiday, but it’s OK now. You know, I _______________12. (work) in a new department since I_______________13.(arrive) home and it’s interesting. I_______________ 14.(have) a new manager now, and that’s good because the old one_______________15.(be) horrible. You _______________16. (like) rock music? My brother who ________________17.(be) a drummer ________________ 18.(join) a new group lately. He ______________19.(practise) in his bedroom at the moment and it’s quite loud! I_______________20.(send) just you some of his cassettes. I hope you like them. By the way, you _______________21.(find) a black leather photo album? I think I_______________22.(leave) it in the bedroom. Could you send it to me sometime? No hurry. Please write soon and thank you again for a wonderful time.

II. Put in articles and prepositions where necessary.

(1)_____construction (2)_____(3)_____Channel Tunnel was perhaps (4)_____most incredible engineering project (5)_____(6)_____20 th century. (7)_____fact its completion was called (8)_____»technical triumph». However, (9)_____first proposal to build (10)_____channel tunnel appeared (11)_____ 1802 when Albert Mathieu (12)_____

French engineer, presented (13)_______plan (14)_______two tunnels to cross «La Manche». (15)_______historians say that Napoleon was interested (16)_______this plan. There were many (17)_______other plans to build (18)_______tunnel but unfortunately all (19)_______ them failed.

III. Rewrite the sentences using the word in bold.


What does the word mean?

1. How fantastic the view is! what

2. Beth was fond of rock’n’roll when she was younger. used

3. What is your weight?



4. Did you enjoy the party? time

5. Don’t touch any of the papers on the table! not

6. Jane doesn’t look as sad as Mary. looks

7. What’s the price of your new watch? does

8. There aren’t many pears in the basket. only

9. Tim is as tall as Brian. the same

IV. Choose the correct word in the sentences.

1. The kids have done/madea terrible mess!

2. I’m becoming increasingly worrying/worriedabout the quality of TV programmes.

3. It’s very unpolite/impoliteto make rude gestures at people.

4. When he is nervous, his hands shiver/shake.

5. The teacher asked the students to read the text loud/aloudin class.

6. It took us almost four hours to reach/getto London.

7. The cinema is right on the corner. You can’t lose/missit.

8. I grew up in a small town on the south bank/coastof England.

9. He’s a very alive/livelychild who doesn’t sit still for one minute.

V. Translate the Russian words into English.

1. Don’t________________(лежи) in the sun so long.

2. Mary wrote a note to_______________(сказать) me she couldn’t come.

3. Do you feel as________________(плохо) as yesterday?

4. I’ll _______________ (сделаю) my best but I can’t promise _______________(ничего).

5. Before you buy a boat, you ought to______________________ (научиться) swimming.

6. I think there is________________(нет) enough food for all of us.

7. Do you happen to know who _______________(сделал) those marks on the wall?

8. I’m sorry to say but Haydn did very_______________(плохо) in his History class.

9. I had___________(едва) closed my eyes when the phone rang.

10. Actually, his absence doesn’t___________(делать) much difference.

11. These gloves don’t_______________ (подходят) me well. Have you got a larger size?

12. It doesn’t_______________(подходит) you to wear your hair in a knot.

13. You don’t_______________(ожидаешь) me to do this work in a day, do you?

14. He is not used to_______________(говорить) in public.

15. I’ll_______________(отвезу) you home in my car.

VI. Spot one error in each sentence and write down the correct sentence.

1. The test is enough easy to be done in half an hour.

2. Who did assist him in completing the experiment?

3. He was a little disappointing when he didn’t get the job.

4. He asked why hadn’t Tom come to the party.

5. The water in the river wasn’t enough clean to swim in.

6. I look forward to hear from you as soon as possible.

7. Neither Fred or Paul is good at playing chess.

8. His parents let him doing what he liked.

9. He doesn’t approve of the whole thing, and so do I.

Лучшие изречения:

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Районная олимпиада 10 класс 2011 год (Могилёвская область)


I. Form the correct tense – forms of the verbs in brackets.

Just a few months ago my life was completely different. I (1)… (to live) abroad for four months but I (2)… (not to begin) to feel at home yet. It’s always hard to make friends if you go somewhere new. I (3)… (to feel) too lonely and bored and (4)… (to spend) all my time reading and going to the cinema. There were benefits. I read some books that I (5)… (to want) to read, and (6)… (to become) very knowledgeable about all the films which (7)… (to release) in the last two months. Everything changed when I (8)… (to join) a film club and (9)… (to start) meeting people. Just yesterday I had a few friends over for dinner, made important phone calls and today I (10)… (to meet) a colleague for lunch in town.

II. Put in articles where necessary

Last summer we went to stay in … village where my granny was born. I had never been there before. So when we arrived at … station, I was surprised to see how small it was. As in … other villages in … north of England, … houses here are built of … stone. The village has … church which was built in … Middle Ages. The population here is only 500 people, who are mostly … farmers.

III. Put in prepositions where necessary

… the beginning of my English class I spent much time looking … my favourite pen, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. Eventually I borrowed one … the girl sitting … me. However I was still worrying … the pen and couldn’t concentrate … the lesson properly. When I got home I saw my brother using a pen that reminded me a lot… mine. “Don’t use things that don’t belong…you!” I said taking the pen. “And don’t accuse me … things I haven’t done!” he said. “This is my pen. Mum bought it … me this morning.”

IV. Choose the right variant.

The final years of secondary school are generally (1)… as a fairly stressful period for students. There are many aspects of growing up to come to terms with. It may seem surprising, therefore, that students of this age have enough time and energy left for (2)… relationships. For some, it’s the chance to (3)… this wonderful period of discovery and adventure with somebody else. They (4)… having a loyal friend who will be there to (5)… by them in times of need and difficulty.

1 a) regarded b) reviewed c) respected d) said
2 a) raising b) establishing c) rising d) bringing
3 a) involve b) supply c) share d) provide
4 a) accept b) support c) thank d) appreciate
5 a) stand b) keep c) hold d) turn

V. Choose the right word and write down it in the correct form

qualify require attend advertise improve

Dear Sir or Madam,
I’ve read your … in the International Business magazine concerning entry … for the course in the English language … . Could you tell me what language … are required? Id also like to know if… at all classes is obligatory.

VI. Spot one error in each sentence and write down the correct sentence.

1. Unless you don’t stop being naughty, you won’t get an ice-cream.
2. It’s always nice to be between friends.
3. The number of school children with reading difficulties have fallen this year.
4. I’m not agree with you on this point.

VII. Translate into English the words in brackets.

1. (Подними) your hand if you know the right answer.
2. She was fluent in two more languages (кроме) this one.
3. Such things happen rarely, (не так ли) ?
4. The dress (сидит) perfectly.

VIII. Put the words in the right order to make up a sentence.

1. never / one / anything/ he / of / who / satisfied / people / is / those / with / are.
2. difficult / used / at / you / was / get / working / to / night / for / it / to?
3. by / waiting / the / seen / at / some / bus-stop / accident / was / people / the.

Listening Comprehension Test

The Welsh in Patagonia

In 18650 a ship called the Mimosa sailed from Wales in the west of Britain to Patagonia in the south of Argentina, with 153 Welsh men, women and children on board. They wanted to find somewhere far from Britain where they would be free to express their language and culture, which were beginning to disappear. They called the place where they landed “Port Madryn”.
In the years that followed, about 3000 other Welsh people joined them. They were given land by the Argentinian government and they were taught to hunt by the native people who were friendly and helpful to them. The Welsh were called “the bread and butter people” because they exchanged simple food for furs and skins.
The lives of the immigrants centered on the home, the school and the chapel. They were very practical people. A new currency and legal system were introduced. The land was farmed and sheep were kept on high land. Welsh was spoken everywhere. Welsh –language primary schools were set up.
In 1878 Spanish was introduced into schools, and by the turn of the century, Spanish had become the language of the classroom. As the years passed, the Welsh language fell into decline and was heard only among the old generation. They knew that if the language wasn’t used by young people, nobody would understand it in a few years’ time.
In 1990 Gwilym Roberts, a teacher from Cardiff in Wales, was watching a television programme about Patagonia. He discovered that the Welsh – Argentine Society was looking for people to teach Welsh in Patagonia and volunteered to go.
“Patagonia is the only place in the world where the Welsh language has survived for so long away from Wales”, said Mr. Roberts and went there.
Now in Patagonia, Welsh folk music and dancing are becoming popular.
July 28th, the date when the Welsh first arrived in Patagonia, is a holiday. It is celebrated with tea and cakes – and, of course, bread and butter.

I. Mark the statements as true or false

1. A ship called the Mimosa sailed to Patagonia in the south of Argentina.
2. The Welsh weren’t given land by the Argentinian government.
3. Spanish had become the language of the classroom in 1878.
4. Patagonia isn’t the only place in the world where the Welsh language has survived.

II. Complete the sentences according to the text.
1. They wanted to find somewhere _______________________where they would be free to express their language and culture.
2. ___________________ primary schools were set up.
3. They knew that if the language_________________, nobody would understand it in a few years’ time.
4. Now in Patagonia, ________________________are becoming popular.

III. Answer the questions.

1. How did the natives help the early settlers?
2. Why were the settlers called “the dread and butter people”?
3. Why did Gwilym Roberts go to Patagonia?
4. What might you eat and drink if you were in Patagonia on July 28th?


Лексико-грамматический тест 10 класс (Могилёв)

Предлагаю текст районной олимпиады в Могилёвской области. Постараюсь выложить все материалы в ближайшее время. Сегодня – лексико-грамматический тест 10 класса.

Lexical –Grammar Test Form 10

I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets

As Micky Watts who came to London from Manchester left Harrods last Friday she felt proud of designer jeans that she (1)—(to buy) there. But when the girl returned to the store the next day to do some more shopping, she (2) – (not to allow) into the store because she (3) – (to wear) the same jeans. That’s what Micky said about it all to her friends with whom she (4) – (to stay) for a few days in London. “I (5)—(to walk) through the swing doors, when suddenly I (6) – (to stop) by a large security guard. He pointed to my torn jeans and forbade me to enter. I tried to tell him that the jeans (7) – (to buy) in Harrods the day before, but he insisted that I should go out. By the time a huge crowd of people (8) – (to gather). I (9) – (never to feel) so embarrassed in my life.” A spokeperson from Harrods said that the dress code(10)—(to introduce) in 1989, and it states: no beach wear, no backpacks, no torn denims.

II. Put in the articles where necessary

Early in the morning we suddenly saw –- car coming along the road. We stopped — driver and asked him where — nearest village was. He showed us — way and in — half an hour we drove into the village, where was found — hotel and had — good breakfast. We regretted we hadn’t found — place to stay at —- night before.

III. Put in the prepositions where necessary

1. I often dream — being a millionaire.
2. You should do something — this problem.
3. The child needs somebody to look — him.
4. It dependents — how much it costs.
5. What happened — that vase that I’d given you years ago?
6. The man drove — so fast that I didn’t see his face.
7. She never attends exhibition simply — curiosity.

IV. Choose the correct variant

1. I’m not sure how many fruits/ how much fruit will be enough to make a pie.
2. Your advices are/ advice is always welcome.
3. My family write/writes to me every month.
4. English football team wear/wears white T-shirts.

V. Complete the second sentence so that is has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given. Do not change the word given.

1. The doctors won’t allow him to leave the hospital.

The doctors __________ the hospital.

2. I don’t feel like going out tonight.

I’m not ____________ out tonight.

3. Shall I carry your luggage?

Do _____________ your luggage?

VI. Spot one error in each sentence and write down the correct sentence.

1. Let’s hope for the best, can we?
2. Please except my apology for being late for classes.
3. My alarm o’clock always rings at 7 a.m.
4. Red and black are colours that fit me very well.
5. You’d better not to wake me up when you come in.

VII. Translate into English the words in the brackets.

1. What a mess you’ve (сделал) of my papers, Tom!
2. She had a bad (память) names and this irritated her.
3. We are (делаем) some research to find the origin of the name of the street.
4. Sherry’s hair used to be longer than anyone (ещё)

VIII. Form the appropriate derivatives of the words given in the brackets

1. I’ll never forget your ___(kind).
2. Your ____(to propose) will be thoroughly considered.
3. Vic sometimes jokes at my ——(to appear).
4. There is no _______________(certain) that we shall be a success.
5. Many people are _______________(envy) of the rich and famous.

IX. Choose the correct variant to the given stimulus

1. She is not very tidy.
a) No, she is.
b) Nor am I
c) So am I
d) Yes, she isn’t

2. I feel worried and nervous.
a) Take it to heart
b) Are you?
c) Don’t mention it
d) Do you?

3. I’m awfully sorry
a) Don’t mention it
b) That’s all right
c) OK?
d) It serves you right

Note: Авторы выражают огромную благодарность нашей читательнице irbond за предоставленные материалы.


Предлагаю текст районной олимпиады в Могилёвской области. Постараюсь выложить все материалы в ближайшее время. Сегодня – лексико-грамматический тест 10 класса.


Lexical –Grammar Test Form 10

I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets

As Micky Watts who came to London from Manchester left Harrods last Friday she felt proud of designer jeans that she (1)—(to buy) there. But when the girl returned to the store the next day to do some more shopping, she (2) – (not to allow) into the store because she (3) – (to wear) the same jeans. That’s what Micky said about it all to her friends with whom she (4) – (to stay) for a few days in London. “I (5)—(to walk) through the swing doors, when suddenly I (6) – (to stop) by a large security guard. He pointed to my torn jeans and forbade me to enter. I tried to tell him that the jeans (7) – (to buy) in Harrods the day before, but he insisted that I should go out. By the time a huge crowd of people (8) – (to gather). I (9) – (never to feel) so embarrassed in my life.” A spokeperson from Harrods said that the dress code(10)—(to introduce) in 1989, and it states: no beach wear, no backpacks, no torn denims.

II. Put in the articles where necessary

Early in the morning we suddenly saw –- car coming along the road. We stopped — driver and asked him where — nearest village was. He showed us — way and in — half an hour we drove into the village, where was found — hotel and had — good breakfast. We regretted we hadn’t found — place to stay at —- night before.

III. Put in the prepositions where necessary

1. I often dream — being a millionaire.
2. You should do something — this problem.
3. The child needs somebody to look — him.
4. It dependents — how much it costs.
5. What happened — that vase that I’d given you years ago?
6. The man drove — so fast that I didn’t see his face.
7. She never attends exhibition simply — curiosity.

IV. Choose the correct variant

1. I’m not sure how many fruits/ how much fruit will be enough to make a pie.
2. Your advices are/ advice is always welcome.
3. My family write/writes to me every month.
4. English football team wear/wears white T-shirts.

V. Complete the second sentence so that is has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Use the word given. Do not change the word given.

1. The doctors won’t allow him to leave the hospital.


The doctors __________ the hospital.

2. I don’t feel like going out tonight.


I’m not ____________ out tonight.

3. Shall I carry your luggage?


Do _____________ your luggage?

VI. Spot one error in each sentence and write down the correct sentence.

1. Let’s hope for the best, can we?
2. Please except my apology for being late for classes.
3. My alarm o’clock always rings at 7 a.m.
4. Red and black are colours that fit me very well.
5. You’d better not to wake me up when you come in.

VII. Translate into English the words in the brackets.

1. What a mess you’ve (сделал) of my papers, Tom!
2. She had a bad (память) names and this irritated her.
3. We are (делаем) some research to find the origin of the name of the street.
4. Sherry’s hair used to be longer than anyone (ещё)

VIII. Form the appropriate derivatives of the words given in the brackets

1. I’ll never forget your ___(kind).
2. Your ____(to propose) will be thoroughly considered.
3. Vic sometimes jokes at my ——(to appear).
4. There is no _______________(certain) that we shall be a success.
5. Many people are _______________(envy) of the rich and famous.

IX. Choose the correct variant to the given stimulus

1. She is not very tidy.
a) No, she is.
b) Nor am I
c) So am I
d) Yes, she isn’t

2. I feel worried and nervous.
a) Take it to heart
b) Are you?
c) Don’t mention it
d) Do you?

3. I’m awfully sorry
a) Don’t mention it
b) That’s all right
c) OK?
d) It serves you right

Note: Авторы выражают огромную благодарность нашей читательнице irbond за предоставленные материалы.

About Author


It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.

Lexical-Grammar test№19 Form 9

I. Use the correct tense-forms of the verbs in brackets.

Dear Jo,

Well, I_______________1.(arrive) safely two weeks ago. The flight

________________ 2. (be) fine, but a bit long. I________________3. (watch) two

films and________________4.(eat) two breakfasts! Thank you for everything.

I_______________5.(have) a really good time with you in London. I hope

you________________6.(enjoy) it too. Everything here is very different from

London. I ________________ 7.(write) this letter outside in the garden sitting

under a big umbrella. The sun _______________8. (be) very hot today. They say

hot weather ________________9.(last) here for nearly a month already. I know we

________________10.(have) some sunny days in London but I also remember

it_______________11.(rain) there quite a lot too! It was difficult for me to start

work after my wonderful holiday, but it’s OK now. You know, I

_______________12. (work) in a new department since

I_______________13.(arrive) home and it’s interesting. I_______________

14.(have) a new manager now, and that’s good because the old

one_______________15.(be) horrible. You _______________16. (like) rock

music? My brother who ________________17.(be) a drummer

________________ 18.(join) a new group lately. He ______________19.(practise)

in his bedroom at the moment and it’s quite loud! I_______________20.(send) just

you some of his cassettes. I hope you like them. By the way, you

_______________21.(find) a black leather photo album? I think

I_______________22.(leave) it in the bedroom. Could you send it to me

sometime? No hurry. Please write soon and thank you again for a wonderful time.

Love Chris.

II. Put in articles and prepositions where necessary.

(1)_____construction (2)_____(3)_____Channel Tunnel was perhaps

(4)_____most incredible engineering project (5)_____(6)_____20th century.

(7)_____fact its completion was called (8)_____»technical triumph». However,

(9)_____first proposal to build (10)_____channel tunnel appeared (11)_____ 1802

when Albert Mathieu (12)_____French engineer, presented (13)_______plan

(14)_______two tunnels to cross «La Manche». (15)_______historians say that

Napoleon was interested (16)_______this plan. There were many

(17)_______other plans to build (18)_______tunnel but unfortunately all

(19)_______ them failed.

III. Rewrite the sentences using the word in bold.

1. How fantastic the view is! what


2. Beth was fond of rock’n’roll when she was younger. used


3. What is your weight? much


4. Did you enjoy the party? time


5. Don’t touch any of the papers on the table! not


6. Jane doesn’t look as sad as Mary. looks


7. What’s the price of your new watch? does


8. There aren’t many pears in the basket. only


9. Tim is as tall as Brian. the same

The boys____________________________________________

IV. Choose the correct word in the sentences.

1. The kids have done/made a terrible mess!

2. I’m becoming increasingly worrying/worried about the quality of TV


3. It’s very unpolite/impolite to make rude gestures at people.

4. When he is nervous, his hands shiver/shake.

5. The teacher asked the students to read the text loud/aloud in class.

6. It took us almost four hours to reach/get to London.

7. The cinema is right on the corner. You can’t lose/miss it.

8. I grew up in a small town on the south bank/coast of England.

9. He’s a very alive/lively child who doesn’t sit still for one minute.

V. Translate the Russian words into English.

1. Don’t________________(лежи) in the sun so long.

2. Mary wrote a note to_______________(сказать) me she couldn’t come.

3. Do you feel as________________(плохо) as yesterday?

4. I’ll _______________ (сделаю) my best but I can’t promise


5. Before you buy a boat, you ought to______________________ (научиться)


6. I think there is________________(нет) enough food for all of us.

7. Do you happen to know who _______________(сделал) those marks on the


8. I’m sorry to say but Haydn did very_______________(плохо) in his History


9. I had___________(едва) closed my eyes when the phone rang.

10. Actually, his absence doesn’t___________(делать) much difference.

11. These gloves don’t_______________ (подходят) me well. Have you got a

larger size?

12. It doesn’t_______________(подходит) you to wear your hair in a knot.

13. You don’t_______________(ожидаешь) me to do this work in a day, do you?

14. He is not used to_______________(говорить) in public.

15. I’ll_______________(отвезу) you home in my car.

VI. Spot one error in each sentence and write down the correct sentence.

1. The test is enough easy to be done in half an hour.

2. Who did assist him in completing the experiment?

3. He was a little disappointing when he didn’t get the job.

4. He asked why hadn’t Tom come to the party.

5. The water in the river wasn’t enough clean to swim in.

6. I look forward to hear from you as soon as possible.

7. Neither Fred or Paul is good at playing chess.

8. His parents let him doing what he liked.

9. He doesn’t approve of the whole thing, and so do I.

VII. Word formation. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word

given at the end.

1. He left me with no … but to disqualify him.CHOOSE

2. She gave me a very … look when she saw that I wasn’t wearing the correct


3. She became more and more … as time went by.ANXIETY

4. One of the … sat down in front of the lorry and refused to move.


5. The telephone service was very … and we spent hours trying to make a single


6. There’s a … of highly-skilled engineers so we might have difficulty getting the

work done.SHORT

7. As her only … relative, he expects to inherit all her money.SURVIVE

8. I consider him to be one of our greatest … poets.LIFE

9. The sea defenses need to be … before the winter to reduce the risk of


10. It is an … fact that children watch too much TV.DENY


1)1.Arrived, 2.was, 3. watched, 4.ate, 5.had, 6. enjoyed, writing, 8. is, 9.has

lasted, 10. have, 11. rains, 12. have been working, 13.arrived, having,

15.was, 16.Do you like…?, 18. has joined, practising, 20. have just sent,

21.Did you find…? 22.left.

2)1.the 2. Of 3. The 4. The 5. Of 6.the 8. — 9.the 10.a 12.a 13.a

14. Of 15. 17.- 18.a 19.of

3)1.What fantastic view! 2.Beth used to be fond of rock’n’roll when she was

younger. 3.How much do you weigh? 4.Did you have a good time? 5.You

mustn’t touch any of the papers on the table. It’s forbidden. 6.Mary looks less sad

than Jane. 7.How much does your new watch cost? 8.There are only a few pears

in the basket. 9.The boys are of the same height

4)1.made 2.worried 3.impolite 4.shake 5.aloud 6.get 7.miss 8.coast 9.lively

5)1.lie 2.tell 3.bad, anything. 5.learn 6.not 7.has done 8.badly 9.hardly

10.make 12.suit 13.expect 14.speak 15.take

6)1. The test is easy enough to be done in half an hour.

2. Who assisted him in completing the experiment?

3. He was a little disappointed when he didn’t get the job.

4. He asked why Tom hadn’t come to the party.

5. The water in the river wasn’t clean enough to swim in.

6. I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

7. Neither Fred nor Paul is good at playing chess.

8. His parents let him do what he liked.

9. He doesn’t approve of the whole thing, and neither do I.

7) 1. choice 2. Disapproving 3. anxious 4. demonstrators 5. unreliable

6. shortage 7. Surviving 8. Living 9. Strengthened 10. undeniable

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