Sql developer oracle error

Viewing PLSQL Compilation Errors in Oracle SQL Developer A question that comes up fairly frequently revolves around how to see your errors when working with PL/SQL in SQL Developer. Most folks are probably working in the worksheet – this is the default editor for your connection. Let’s take a look at this sample program […]


  1. Viewing PLSQL Compilation Errors in Oracle SQL Developer
  2. Ok, but how do I see the errors?
  3. Viewing Errors in the Explorer
  4. Working in the Procedure Editor
  5. SQL-Developer error:ORA-12505. TNS:listner does not currently know of SID given in connect desc
  6. Best Answer
  7. Oracle SQL Developer 101: PLSQL Compiler Warnings, Errors and the Right Gutter
  8. But Back to the Right Gutter Space
  9. 8 Error Handling and Diagnostics
  10. Why Error Handling is Needed
  11. Error Handling Alternatives
  12. SQLCA
  13. ORACA
  14. ANSI SQLSTATE Variable
  15. Declaring SQLSTATE
  16. SQLSTATE Values
  17. Using the SQL Communications Area
  18. Contents of the SQLCA
  19. Declaring the SQLCA
  20. Key Components of Error Reporting
  21. Status Codes
  22. Warning Flags
  23. Rows-Processed Count
  24. Parse Error Offset
  25. Error Message Text
  26. SQLCA Structure
  33. SQLEXT
  34. PL/SQL Considerations
  35. Getting the Full Text of Error Messages
  37. WHENEVER Directive
  38. Conditions
  42. Actions
  44. DO CALL
  46. GOTO or GO TO
  47. Coding the WHENEVER Statement
  49. DO CALL
  50. Scope
  51. Careless Usage: Examples
  52. Getting the Text of SQL Statements

Viewing PLSQL Compilation Errors in Oracle SQL Developer

A question that comes up fairly frequently revolves around how to see your errors when working with PL/SQL in SQL Developer.

Most folks are probably working in the worksheet – this is the default editor for your connection.

Let’s take a look at this sample program

If we were to create this procedure, we would probably expect some errors. So let’s run this in the Worksheet. I’m using Ctrl+Enter to execute this single statement.

I have warnings, oh no!

Ok, but how do I see the errors?

This is the worksheet. The commands run here will run very similar to how they would run in SQL*Plus. So knowing this, if we change-up the process a little bit, we can start to get better feedback from SQL Developer.

Add ‘show errors’ after the create or replace, and use F5 instead of Ctrl+Enter. This will run the entire script, and ask Oracle to show us any errors for the session.

A little better, but not as good as it gets

You might be wondering why the line number is off. Oracle reports back a problem on line #4. If you’ll notice our program starts on SQL Developer worksheet line #2, but Oracle database only receives the actual statement, so you can do the math here to figure out the actual problem lies on line #5.

Viewing Errors in the Explorer

The current errors for the objects can also be viewed in the database explorer. Navigate to the object and open the ‘Errors’ panel.
Viewing Errors in the Explorer

Working in the Procedure Editor

As the name implies, the Procedure Editor is for developing and debugging your PL/SQL code. The full power of the IDE is realized here. Ok, so how do you get started with a Procedure Editor instead of a Worksheet?

In the object explorer, right-click on ‘Procedures’ and select ‘New Procedure.’ This will open a new Procedure Editor with the default procedure template code. Now when you compile, you’ll get much better error display support.
Just in case you’ve never seen a PL/SQL Error, Here’s One

If you have a large program with several errors you can use the right gutter scroll bar area to scan for errors (denoted in red), then mouse-over to get the error message text. If you are looking at the feedback in the ‘Compiler’ panel below, you can double-click on an error message. This will move your cursor to the linenumber, curpos.

If you are working on a large script with multiple PL/SQL objects, I recommend using the Procedure Editor to perfect your procedure code, then copying that code back to your script and running that in the worksheet. Just don’t forget to add the ‘SHOW ERRORS’ line at the end.

Disclaimer: This post was written with Oracle SQL Developer v3.1.

I’m a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


SQL-Developer error:ORA-12505. TNS:listner does not currently know of SID given in connect desc

Hello guys, i know this question has been posted many times in the past but my issue includes sql oracle developer only. i can use the database and all features through sql*plus even execute sql queries. but when it comes to sql developer it will always return this error. (error:ORA-12505.)

windows 8 -64 oracle 11g r2

Welcome to LSNRCTL, type «help» for information.

Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))


Version TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version — Production

Start Date 11-AUG-2014 13:08:08

Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 14 min. 55 sec

Trace Level off

Security ON: Local OS Authentication

Listener Parameter File C:apporacleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1networkadminlistener.ora

Listener Log File c:apporaclediagtnslsnrNeedo-pclistener1alertlog.xml

Listening Endpoints Summary.

Service «CLRExtProc» has 1 instance(s).

Instance «CLRExtProc», status UNKNOWN, has 3 handler(s) for this service.

Service «orcl» has 1 instance(s).

Instance «orcl», status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service.

Service «orclXDB» has 1 instance(s).

Instance «orcl», status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service.

The command completed successfully

Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))

Service «CLRExtProc» has 1 instance(s).

Instance «CLRExtProc», status UNKNOWN, has 3 handler(s) for this service.

«DEDICATED» established:0 refused:0

«ORACLE SERVER» established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:25 state:ready

«ORACLE SERVER» established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:25 state:ready

Service «orcl» has 1 instance(s).

Instance «orcl», status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service.

«DEDICATED» established:22 refused:0 state:ready

Service «orclXDB» has 1 instance(s).

Instance «orcl», status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service.

«D000» established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:1022 state:ready

The command completed successfully

Best Answer

Try it with sid ORCL instead of XE.

If that doesn’t help, then choose SERVICE_NAME orcl instead of SID in sql developer.

Your listener seems to have an entry for that.

You can test it also in SQl*Plus. But what you did so far in SQl*plus was a «server connect» without providing the database.

Since in your case the client and the server is on the same machine, this works with sql*plus.

If you try a client coonnect by specifying the database too, then you would do the same as the Oracle SQL Developer is trying.

For testing purposes something like

sqlplus user/[email protected]:port/ORCL

also in the Sqlnet.ora file there needs to be an etry for local connect method EZCONNECT. I’m not sure if this is set during the default net installation.

You can try if there is a TNS-Alias name (configured in tnsnames.ora)

sqlplus user/[email protected]

If that works with sql*plus then you still need to tell the sql developer where the tnsnames.ora file is located on your computer.

The setting is in menu: extras/tools/database/enhanced

The tnsnames.ora file is usually in some folder like this:



Oracle SQL Developer 101: PLSQL Compiler Warnings, Errors and the Right Gutter

Ever wonder what all the red, yellow, and purple marks in your procedure editor are supposed to tell you in the Oracle SQL Developer Procedure Editor? No idea what I’m talking about?

Ohh, pretty colors!

This is the editor trying to help direct you to where you might have problems, instead of you having to to scroll the text looking for the squiggles.

What squiggles, you ask?

See the yellow-dotted lines?

Mousing over the line shows you the Compiler Warning. You won’t see compiler warnings unless you turn them on in the preferences.

You can also configure the color and style of the PL/SQL Warning and Error squiggles and lines.

Change the type of line, color, etc.

But Back to the Right Gutter Space

Red – errors.
Yellow – warnings.
Purple – lines with active editor search results.

Mousing over the little block will give you a preview of the text. Clicking on it will take you to that text.

Hover to preview, click to go to

And just in case you haven’t seen the purple ones before, here’s what a search and it’s set of results look like:

See what ‘found’ text is before going there

I’m a Distinguished Product Manager at Oracle. My mission is to help you and your company be more efficient with our database tools.


8 Error Handling and Diagnostics

An application program must anticipate runtime errors and attempt to recover from them. This chapter provides an in-depth discussion of error reporting and recovery. You learn how to handle warnings and errors using the ANSI status variables SQLCODE and SQLSTATE, or the Oracle SQLCA (SQL Communications Area) structure. You also learn how to use the WHENEVER statement and how to diagnose problems using the Oracle ORACA (Oracle Communications Area) structure.

The following topics are discussed:

Why Error Handling is Needed

A significant part of every application program must be devoted to error handling. The main benefit of error handling is that it enables your program to continue operating in the presence of errors. Errors arise from design faults, coding mistakes, hardware failures, invalid user input, and many other sources

You cannot anticipate all possible errors, but you can plan to handle certain kinds of errors meaningful to your program. For Pro*COBOL, error handling means detecting and recovering from SQL statement execution errors. You must trap errors because the precompiler will continue regardless of the errors encountered unless you halt processing.

You can also prepare to handle warnings such as «value truncated» and status changes such as «end of data.» It is especially important to check for error and warning conditions after every data manipulation statement because an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement might fail before processing all eligible rows in a table.

Error Handling Alternatives

Pro*COBOL supports two general methods of error handling:

The Oracle-specific method with SQLCA and optional ORACA.

The SQL standard method with SQLSTATE status variable.

The precompiler MODE option governs compliance with the SQL standard. When MODE=, you declare the SQLSTATE status variable as PIC X(5). Additionally, the ANSI SQL-89 SQLCODE status variable is still supported, but it is not recommended for new programs because it has been removed from the SQL standard. When MODE=, you must include the SQLCA through an EXEC SQL INCLUDE statement. It is possible to use both methods in one program but usually not necessary.

For detailed information on mixing methods see «Status Variable Combinations».


The SQLCA is a record-like, host-language data structure which includes Oracle warnings, error numbers and error text. Oracle updates the SQLCA after every executable SQL or PL/SQL statement. (SQLCA values are undefined after a declarative statement.) By checking return codes stored in the SQLCA, your program can determine the outcome of a SQL statement. This can be done in two ways:

Implicit checking with the WHENEVER statement

Explicit checking of SQLCA variables

When you use the WHENEVER statement to implicitly check the status of your SQL statements, Pro*COBOL automatically inserts error checking code after each executable statement. Alternatively, you can explicitly write your own code to test the value of the SQLCODE member of the SQLCA structure. Include SQLCA by using the embedded SQL INCLUDE statement:


When more information is needed about runtime errors than the SQLCA provides, you can use the ORACA, which contains cursor statistics, SQL statement text, certain option settings and system statistics. Include ORACA by using the embedded SQL INCLUDE statement:

The ORACA is optional and can be declared regardless of the MODE setting. For more information about the ORACA status variable, see «Using the Oracle Communications Area».


When MODE=ANSI, you can declare the ANSI SQLSTATE variable inside the Declare Section for implicit or explicit error checking. If the option DECLARE_SECTION is set to NO, then you can also declare it outside of the Declare Section.

When MODE=ANSI, you can also declare the SQLCODE variable with a picture S9(9) COMP. While it can be used instead of or with the SQLSTATE variable, this is not recommended for new programs. You can also use the SQLCA with the SQLSTATE variable. When MODE=ANSI14, then SQLSTATE is not supported and you must declare either SQLCODE or include SQLCA. You cannot declare both SQLCODE and SQLCA for any setting of mode.

Declaring SQLSTATE

This section describes how to declare SQLSTATE. SQLSTATE must be declared as a five-character alphanumeric string as in the following example:


SQLSTATE status codes consist of a two-character class code followed by a three-character subclass code . Aside from class code 00 (successful completion), the class code denotes a category of exceptions. Aside from subclass code 000 (not applicable), the subclass code denotes a specific exception within that category. For example, the SQLSTATE value ‘22012’ consists of class code 22 (data exception) and subclass code 012 (division by zero).

Each of the five characters in a SQLSTATE value is a digit (0..9) or an uppercase Latin letter (A..Z). Class codes that begin with a digit in the range 0..4 or a letter in the range A..H are reserved for predefined conditions (those defined in the SQL standard). All other class codes are reserved for implementation-defined conditions. Within predefined classes, subclass codes that begin with a digit in the range 0..4 or a letter in the range A..H are reserved for predefined sub-conditions. All other subclass codes are reserved for implementation-defined sub-conditions. Figure 8-1 shows the coding scheme:

Figure 8-1 SQLSTATE Coding Scheme

Description of «Figure 8-1 SQLSTATE Coding Scheme»

Table 8-1 shows the classes predefined by the SQL standard.

Table 8-1 Predefined Classes

dynamic SQL error

triggered action exception

feature not supported

feature not supported

invalid target type specification

invalid schema name list specification

invalid SQL-invoked procedure reference

invalid role specification

invalid transform group name specification

target table disagrees with cursor specification

attempt to assign to non-updatable column

attempt to assign to ordering column

prohibited statement encountered during trigger execution

integrity constraint violation

invalid cursor state

invalid transaction state

invalid SQL statement name

triggered data change violation

invalid authorization specification

direct SQL syntax error or access rule violation

dependent privilege descriptors still exist

invalid character set name

invalid transaction termination

invalid connection name

SQL routine exception

invalid collation name

invalid SQL statement identifier

invalid SQL descriptor name

invalid cursor name

invalid condition number

cursor sensitivity exception

dynamic SQL syntax error or access rule violation

external routine exception

external routine invocation exception

ambiguous cursor name

invalid catalog name

invalid schema name

syntax error or access rule violation

with check option violation

remote database access

The class code HZ is reserved for conditions defined in International Standard ISO/IEC DIS 9579-2, Remote Database Access .

Table 8-4, «SQLSTATE Codes» shows how errors map to SQLSTATE status codes. In some cases, several errors map to the status code. In other cases, no error maps to the status code (so the last column is empty). Status codes in the range 60000..99999 are implementation-defined.

Using the SQL Communications Area

Oracle uses the SQL Communications Area (SQLCA) to store status information passed to your program at run time. The SQLCA is a record-like, COBOL data structure that is a updated after each executable SQL statement, so it always reflects the outcome of the most recent SQL operation. Its fields contain error, warning, and status information updated by Oracle whenever a SQL statement is executed. To determine that outcome, you can check variables in the SQLCA explicitly with your own COBOL code or implicitly with the WHENEVER statement.

When MODE=, the SQLCA is required; if the SQLCA is not declared, compile-time errors will occur. The SQLCA is optional when MODE=, but if you want to use the WHENEVER SQLWARNING statement, you must declare the SQLCA. The SQLCA must also be included when using multibyte NCHAR host variables.

When your application uses Oracle Net to access a combination of local and remote databases concurrently, all the databases write to one SQLCA. There is not a different SQLCA for each database. For more information, see «Concurrent Logons».

Contents of the SQLCA

The SQLCA contains runtime information about the execution of SQL statements, such as error codes, warning flags, event information, rows-processed count, and diagnostics.

Figure 8-2 shows all the variables in the SQLCA.

Figure 8-2 SQLCA Variable Declarations for Pro*COBOL

Description of «Figure 8-2 SQLCA Variable Declarations for Pro*COBOL»

Declaring the SQLCA

To declare the SQLCA, simply include it (using an EXEC SQL INCLUDE statement) in your Pro*COBOL source file outside the Declare Section as follows:

The SQLCA must be declared outside the Declare Section.

Do not declare SQLCODE if SQLCA is declared. Likewise, do not declare SQLCA if SQLCODE is declared. The status variable declared by the SQLCA structure is also called SQLCODE, so errors will occur if both error-reporting mechanisms are used.

When you precompile your program, the INCLUDE SQLCA statement is replaced by several variable declarations that allow Oracle to communicate with the program.

Key Components of Error Reporting

The key components of Pro*COBOL error reporting depend on several fields in the SQLCA.

Status Codes

Every executable SQL statement returns a status code in the SQLCA variable SQLCODE, which you can check implicitly with WHENEVER SQLERROR or explicitly with your own COBOL code.

Warning Flags

Warning flags are returned in the SQLCA variables SQLWARN0 through SQLWARN7, which you can check with WHENEVER SQLWARNING or with your own COBOL code. These warning flags are useful for detecting runtime conditions that are not considered errors.

Rows-Processed Count

The number of rows processed by the most recently executed SQL statement is returned in the SQLCA variable SQLERRD(3). For repeated FETCHes on an OPEN cursor, SQLERRD(3) keeps a running total of the number of rows fetched.

Parse Error Offset

Before executing a SQL statement, Oracle must parse it; that is, examine it to make sure it follows syntax rules and refers to valid database objects. If Oracle finds an error, an offset is stored in the SQLCA variable SQLERRD(5), which you can check explicitly. The offset specifies the character position in the SQL statement at which the parse error begins. The first character occupies position zero. For example, if the offset is 9, the parse error begins at the tenth character.

If your SQL statement does not cause a parse error, Oracle sets SQLERRD(5) to zero. Oracle also sets SQLERRD(5) to zero if a parse error begins at the first character (which occupies position zero). So, check SQLERRD(5) only if SQLCODE is negative, which means that an error has occurred.

Error Message Text

The error code and message for errors are available in the SQLCA variable SQLERRMC. For example, you might place the following statements in an error-handling routine:

At most, the first 70 characters of message text are stored. For messages longer than 70 characters, you must call the SQLGLM subroutine, which is discussed in «Getting the Full Text of Error Messages».

SQLCA Structure

This section describes the structure of the SQLCA, its fields, and the values they can store.


This string field is initialized to «SQLCA» to identify the SQL Communications Area.


This integer field holds the length, in bytes, of the SQLCA structure.


This integer field holds the status code of the most recently executed SQL statement. The status code, which indicates the outcome of the SQL operation, can be any of the following numbers:

Class Condition
Status Code Description
Oracle executed the statement without detecting an error or exception.
> 0 Oracle executed the statement but detected an exception. This occurs when Oracle cannot find a row that meets your WHERE-clause search condition or when a SELECT INTO or FETCH returns no rows.
Oracle Database Error Messages .


This sub-record contains the following two fields:

Fields Description
SQLERRML This integer field holds the length of the message text stored in SQLERRMC.
SQLERRMC This string field holds the message text for the error code stored in SQLCODE and can store up to 70 characters. For the full text of messages longer than 70 characters, use the SQLGLM function.

Verify SQLCODE is negative before you reference SQLERRMC. If you reference SQLERRMC when SQLCODE is zero, you get the message text associated with a prior SQL statement.

This string field is reserved for future use.


This table of binary integers has six elements. Descriptions of the fields in SQLERRD follow:

Fields Description
SQLERRD(1) This field is reserved for future use.
SQLERRD(2) This field is reserved for future use.
SQLERRD(3) This field holds the number of rows processed by the most recently executed SQL statement. However, if the SQL statement failed, the value of SQLERRD(3) is undefined, with one exception. If the error occurred during a table operation, processing stops at the row that caused the error, so SQLERRD(3) gives the number of rows processed successfully.

The rows-processed count is zeroed after an OPEN statement and incremented after a FETCH statement. For the EXECUTE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT INTO statements, the count reflects the number of rows processed successfully. The count does not include rows processed by an update or delete cascade. For example, if 20 rows are deleted because they meet WHERE-clause criteria, and 5 more rows are deleted because they now (after the primary delete) violate column constraints, the count is 20 not 25.

SQLERRD(4) This field is reserved for future use. SQLERRD(5) This field holds an offset that specifies the character position at which a parse error begins in the most recently executed SQL statement. The first character occupies position zero. SQLERRD(6) This field is reserved for future use.


This table of single characters has eight elements. They are used as warning flags. Oracle sets a flag by assigning it a ‘W’ (for warning) character value. The flags warn of exceptional conditions.

For example, a warning flag is set when Oracle assigns a truncated column value to an output host character variable.

Figure 8-2, «SQLCA Variable Declarations for Pro*COBOL» illustrates SQLWARN implementation in Pro*COBOL as a group item with elementary PIC X items named SQLWARN0 through SQLWARN7.

Descriptions of the fields in SQLWARN follow:

Fields Description
SQLWARN0 This flag is set if another warning flag is set.
SQLWARN1 This flag is set if a truncated column value was assigned to an output host variable. This applies only to character data. Oracle truncates certain numeric data without setting a warning or returning a negative SQLCODE value.

To find out if a column value was truncated and by how much, check the indicator variable associated with the output host variable. The (positive) integer returned by an indicator variable is the original length of the column value. You can increase the length of the host variable accordingly.

SQLWARN2 This flag is set if one or more NULLs were ignored in the evaluation of a SQL group function such as AVG, COUNT, or MAX. This behavior is expected because, except for COUNT(*), all group functions ignore NULLs. If necessary, you can use the SQL function NVL to temporarily assign values (zeros, for example) to the NULL column entries. SQLWARN3 This flag is set if the number of columns in a query select list does not equal the number of host variables in the INTO clause of the SELECT or FETCH statement. The number of items returned is the lesser of the two. SQLWARN4 This flag is no longer in use. SQLWARN5 This flag is set when an EXEC SQL CREATE

statement fails because of a PL/SQL compilation error. SQLWARN6 This flag is no longer in use. SQLWARN7 This flag is no longer in use.


This string field is reserved for future use.

PL/SQL Considerations

When your Pro*COBOL program executes an embedded PL/SQL block, not all fields in the SQLCA are set. For example, if the block fetches several rows, the rows-processed count, SQLERRD(3), is set to 1, not the actual number of rows fetched. So, you should rely only on the SQLCODE and SQLERRM fields in the SQLCA after executing a PL/SQL block.

Getting the Full Text of Error Messages

Regardless of the setting of MODE, you can use SQLGLM to get the full text of error messages if you have explicitly declared SQLCODE and not included SQLCA. The SQLCA can accommodate error messages up to 70 characters long. To get the full text of longer (or nested) error messages, you need the SQLGLM subroutine.

If connected to a database, you can call SQLGLM using the syntax

where the parameters are:

Parameter Datatype Parameter Definition
MSG-TEXT PIC X(n) The field in which to store the error message. (Oracle blank-pads to the end of this field.)
MAX-SIZE PIC S9(9) COMP An integer that specifies the maximum size of the MSG-TEXT field in bytes.
MSG-LENGTH PIC S9(9) COMP An integer variable in which Oracle stores the actual length of the error message.

All parameters must be passed by reference. This is usually the default parameter passing convention; you need not take special action.

The maximum length of an error message is 512 characters including the error code, nested messages, and message inserts such as table and column names. The maximum length of an error message returned by SQLGLM depends on the value specified for MAX-SIZE.

The following example uses SQLGLM to get an error message of up to 200 characters in length:

In the example, SQLGLM is called only when a SQL error has occurred. Always make sure SQLCODE is negative before calling SQLGLM. If you call SQLGLM when SQLCODE is zero, you get the message text associated with a prior SQL statement.

If your application calls SQLGLM to get message text, the message length must be passed. Do not use the SQLCA variable SQLERRML. SQLERRML is a PIC S9(4) COMP integer while SQLGLM and SQLIEM expect a PIC S9(9) COMP integer. Instead, use another variable declared as PIC S9(9) COMP.


DB2 provides an assembler routine called DSNTIAR to obtain a form of the SQLCA that can be displayed. For users migrating to Oracle from DB2, Pro*COBOL provides DSNTIAR. The DSNTIAR implementation is a wrapper around SQLGLM. The DSNTIAR interface is as follows

where MESSAGE is the output message area, in VARCHAR form of size greater than or equal to 240, and LRECL is a full word containing the length of the output messages, between 72 and 240. The first half-word of the MESSAGE argument contains the length of the remaining area. The possible error codes returned by DSNTIAR are listed in the following table.

Table 8-2 DSNTIAR Error Codes and Their Meanings

More data was available than could fit into the provided message

The logical record length (LRECL) was not between 72 and 240

The message area was not large enough (greater than 240)

WHENEVER Directive

By default, Pro*COBOL ignores error and warning conditions and continues processing, if possible. To do automatic condition checking and error handling, you need the WHENEVER statement.

With the WHENEVER statement you can specify actions to be taken when Oracle detects an error, warning condition, or «not found» condition. These actions include continuing with the next statement, PERFORMing a paragraph, branching to a paragraph, or stopping.


You can have Oracle automatically check the SQLCA for any of the following conditions.


SQLWARN(0) is set because Oracle returned a warning (one of the warning flags, SQLWARN(1) through SQLWARN(7), is also set) or SQLCODE has a positive value other than +1403. For example, SQLWARN(1) is set when Oracle assigns a truncated column value to an output host variable.

Declaring the SQLCA is optional when MODE=. To use WHENEVER SQLWARNING, however, you must declare the SQLCA.

You have to have included SQLCA for this to work.


SQLCODE has a negative value if Oracle returns an error.


SQLCODE has a value of +1403 (or +100 when MODE= or when END_OF_FETCH=100) when the end of fetch has been reached. This can happen when all the rows that meet the search criteria have been fetched or no rows meet that criteria.

You may use the END_OF_FETCH option to override the value use by the MODE macro option.

For more details, see «END_OF_FETCH».


You can use the WHENEVER statement to specify the following actions.


Your program continues to run with the next statement if possible. This is the default action, equivalent to not using the WHENEVER statement. You can use it to «turn off» condition checking.


Your program calls a nested subprogram. When the end of the subprogram is reached, control transfers to the statement that follows the failed SQL statement.


Your program transfers control to a COBOL section or paragraph. When the end of the section is reached, control transfers to the statement that follows the failed SQL statement.


Your program branches to the specified paragraph or section.

Your program stops running and uncommitted work is rolled back.

Be careful. The STOP action displays no messages before logging off.

Though in the generated code EXEC SQL WHENEVER SQLERROR STOP is converted to IF SQLCODE IN SQLCA IS EQUAL TO 1403 THEN STOP RUN END-IF, Oracle server will take care of rolling back uncommitted data.

Coding the WHENEVER Statement

Code the WHENEVER statement using the following syntax:


When using the WHENEVER . DO PERFORM statement, the usual rules for PERFORMing a paragraph or section apply. However, you cannot use the THRU, TIMES, UNTIL, or VARYING clauses.

For example, the following WHENEVER . DO statement is invalid :

In the following example, WHENEVER SQLERROR DO PERFORM statements are used to handle specific errors:

Notice how the paragraphs check variables in the SQLCA to determine a course of action.


This clause calls an action subprogram. Here is the syntax of this clause:

The following restrictions or rules apply:

You cannot use the RETURNING, ON_EXCEPTION, or OVER_FLOW phrases in the USING clause.

You may have to enter the subprogram name followed by the keyword COMMON in the PROGRAM-ID statement of your COBOL source code.

You must use a WHENEVER CONTINUE statement in the action subprogram.

The action subprogram name may have to be in double quotes in the DO CALL clause of the WHENEVER directive.

Here is an example of a program that can call the error subprogram SQL-ERROR from inside the subprogram LOGON, or inside the MAIN program, without having to repeat code in two places, as when using the DO PERFORM clause:


Because WHENEVER is a declarative statement, its scope is positional, not logical. It tests all executable SQL statements that follow it in the source file, not in the flow of program logic. So, code the WHENEVER statement before the first executable SQL statement you want to test.

A WHENEVER statement stays in effect until superseded by another WHENEVER statement checking for the same condition.

Suggestion : You can place WHENEVER statements at the beginning of each program unit that contains SQL statements. That way, SQL statements in one program unit will not reference WHENEVER actions in another program unit, causing errors at compile or run time.

Careless Usage: Examples

Careless use of the WHENEVER statement can cause problems. For example, the following code enters an infinite loop if the DELETE statement sets the NOT FOUND condition, because no rows meet the search condition:

In the next example, the NOT FOUND condition is properly handled by resetting the GOTO target:

Getting the Text of SQL Statements

In many Pro*COBOL applications, it is convenient to know the text of the statement being processed, its length, and the SQL command (such as INSERT or SELECT) that it contains. This is especially true for applications that use dynamic SQL.

The routine SQLGLS, which is part of the SQLLIB runtime library, returns the following information:

The text of the most recently parsed SQL statement

The length of the statement

A function code

You can call SQLGLS after issuing a static SQL statement. With dynamic SQL Method 1, you can call SQLGLS after the SQL statement is executed. With dynamic SQL Method 2, 3, or 4, you can call SQLGLS after the statement is prepared.

To call SQLGLS, you use the following syntax:



Error Codes Description

Hello guys, i know this question has been posted many times in the past but my issue includes sql oracle developer only. i can use the database and all features through sql*plus even execute sql queries. but when it comes to sql developer it will always return this error. (error:ORA-12505.)

windows 8 -64 oracle 11g r2


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Alias                     LISTENER1

Version                   TNSLSNR for 64-bit Windows: Version — Production

Start Date                11-AUG-2014 13:08:08

Uptime                    0 days 0 hr. 14 min. 55 sec

Trace Level               off

Security                  ON: Local OS Authentication

SNMP                      OFF

Listener Parameter File   C:apporacleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1networkadminlistener.ora

Listener Log File         c:apporaclediagtnslsnrNeedo-pclistener1alertlog.xml

Listening Endpoints Summary…



Services Summary…

Service «CLRExtProc» has 1 instance(s).

  Instance «CLRExtProc», status UNKNOWN, has 3 handler(s) for this service…

Service «orcl» has 1 instance(s).

  Instance «orcl», status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service…

Service «orclXDB» has 1 instance(s).

  Instance «orcl», status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service…

The command completed successfully


LSNRCTL> services

Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))

Services Summary…

Service «CLRExtProc» has 1 instance(s).

  Instance «CLRExtProc», status UNKNOWN, has 3 handler(s) for this service…


      «DEDICATED» established:0 refused:0


      «ORACLE SERVER» established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:25 state:ready



      «ORACLE SERVER» established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:25 state:ready



Service «orcl» has 1 instance(s).

  Instance «orcl», status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service…


      «DEDICATED» established:22 refused:0 state:ready


Service «orclXDB» has 1 instance(s).

  Instance «orcl», status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this service…


      «D000» established:0 refused:0 current:0 max:1022 state:ready

         DISPATCHER <machine: NEEDO-PC, pid: 3172>


The command completed successfully



A question that comes up fairly frequently revolves around how to see your errors when working with PL/SQL in SQL Developer.

Most folks are probably working in the worksheet – this is the default editor for your connection.

Let’s take a look at this sample program

 this should probably error OUT, RIGHT?

If we were to create this procedure, we would probably expect some errors. So let’s run this in the Worksheet. I’m using Ctrl+Enter to execute this single statement.

I have warnings, oh no!

Ok, but how do I see the errors?

This is the worksheet. The commands run here will run very similar to how they would run in SQL*Plus. So knowing this, if we change-up the process a little bit, we can start to get better feedback from SQL Developer.

Add ‘show errors’ after the create or replace, and use F5 instead of Ctrl+Enter. This will run the entire script, and ask Oracle to show us any errors for the session.

A little better, but not as good as it gets

You might be wondering why the line number is off. Oracle reports back a problem on line #4. If you’ll notice our program starts on SQL Developer worksheet line #2, but Oracle database only receives the actual statement, so you can do the math here to figure out the actual problem lies on line #5.

Viewing Errors in the Explorer

The current errors for the objects can also be viewed in the database explorer. Navigate to the object and open the ‘Errors’ panel.

Viewing Errors in the Explorer

Working in the Procedure Editor

As the name implies, the Procedure Editor is for developing and debugging your PL/SQL code. The full power of the IDE is realized here. Ok, so how do you get started with a Procedure Editor instead of a Worksheet?

In the object explorer, right-click on ‘Procedures’ and select ‘New Procedure.’ This will open a new Procedure Editor with the default procedure template code. Now when you compile, you’ll get much better error display support.

Just in case you’ve never seen a PL/SQL Error, Here’s One

If you have a large program with several errors you can use the right gutter scroll bar area to scan for errors (denoted in red), then mouse-over to get the error message text. If you are looking at the feedback in the ‘Compiler’ panel below, you can double-click on an error message. This will move your cursor to the linenumber, curpos.

If you are working on a large script with multiple PL/SQL objects, I recommend using the Procedure Editor to perfect your procedure code, then copying that code back to your script and running that in the worksheet. Just don’t forget to add the ‘SHOW ERRORS’ line at the end.

Disclaimer: This post was written with Oracle SQL Developer v3.1.

One of the hardest parts about learning Oracle SQL is getting the database connection working.

After you download Oracle (either Oracle Express or the full database), and an IDE of your choice (such as SQL Developer), it should be easy to set up a new connection and log in.

However, it’s not.

By far, the most common question I receive in my Introduction to Oracle SQL course is how to connect to the database. There were quite a few steps involved in 11g, but now that Oracle Express has released 18c, there are a few more issues that appear.

This article explains what Oracle connection issues may occur and how to fix them.

Errors You Might Get When Connecting to Oracle

Here are some of the errors you might get when trying to connect to an Oracle 12c or 18c database.

Invalid Common User or Role Name

ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name
65096. 00000 -  "invalid common user or role name"
*Cause:    An attempt was made to create a common user or role with a name
that was not valid for common users or roles.  In addition to
the usual rules for user and role names, common user and role
names must start with C## or c## and consist only of ASCII
*Action:   Specify a valid common user or role name.

IO Error

Status : Failure - Test failed: IO Error : 
The network Adaptor could not establish the connection.

User Does Not Exist

ORA-01917: user or role 'INTRO_USER' does not exist
1917. 00000 -  "user or role '%s' does not exist"
*Cause:    There is not a user or role by that name.
*Action:   Re-specify the name.

SID Unknown

ORA-12505 error. TNS: listener doesn't know of SID given in connect descriptor.

Invalid Username/Password

ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

As you can see, there are quite a few different errors you can get when attempting to connect to an Oracle database.

Solutions to Oracle Database Connection Issues

Here are the solutions to the connection issues. I’ve listed them briefly here, and more details are available below.

  1. Ensure the Oracle Database is running
  2. Use the correct SID or Service Name for Pluggable Databases
  3. Login to the system accounts correctly
  4. Passwords are case sensitive

Ensure the Oracle Database is running

The first thing to do is to check that the Oracle database is running.

It should be running by default, but it’s an easy thing to check and nothing will work if the database isn’t running.

Sometimes I’ve noticed the database isn’t running if I restart my computer or have some other issue.

To start the Oracle database:

  1. Go to Start > Oracle
  2. Click on Start Oracle Database
  3. A command window is opened which runs Oracle database. Once it closes, the database should be running

You can check it is running by right-clicking the Start menu and selecting Services.

Scroll down to Oracle and check that the Oracle Database entry is set to Running.

Ensuring Oracle is running will sometimes resolve the following errors:

  • Status : Failure – Test failed: IO Error : The network Adaptor could not establish the connection.
  • ORA-12505 error. TNS: listener doesn’t know of SID given in connect descriptor.

If you still get these errors, there are more steps you can try.

Use the correct SID or Service Name for Pluggable Databases

In Oracle 11g and prior versions, when you installed Oracle/Oracle Express, you got one database.

However, as of 12c (so in versions 12c, 18c, and 19c), a concept was introduced called “container and pluggable databases”.

It allows for a set of rules and standards to be applied to a “container database”, which is kind of like a template or a parent database.

The “pluggable database” is where the real action happens. This is where data is stored and users are meant to be created. It inherits some information from the container database.

It’s kind of like the inheritance concept in object-oriented programming (if you’re familiar with that).

You can read more about this here: A Guide to PDBs and CDBs.

Why do you need to know about this?

Because, if you attempt to create a new user on the container database, you’ll get an error that doesn’t make any sense:

ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name
65096. 00000 -  "invalid common user or role name"
*Cause:    An attempt was made to create a common user or role with a name
that was not valid for common users or roles.  In addition to
the usual rules for user and role names, common user and role
names must start with C## or c## and consist only of ASCII
*Action:   Specify a valid common user or role name.

So why are you getting this “ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name” error?

Because you are attempting to create a new user on the container database. The solution is to create this new user on the pluggable database.

How do you create a new user on the pluggable database?

You need to log in to the pluggable database and create the user from there.

So, if you get this error:

  • Create a new connection to the pluggable database using an existing user (e.g. SYS)
  • Connect using this new connection
  • Run the Create User command
  • Create a new connection with the new user.

Step 1: Create a new connection to the pluggable database

In SQL Developer, create a new connection. In the new connection window, enter the following details:

  • Name: any name you want to use for your connection.
  • Username: SYS (or a user that has administrative rights)
  • Role: SYSDBA (if the username entered is SYS)
  • Password: the password for this account
  • Host: the location of your database, such as “localhost”
  • Port: 1521 (the default)

New Oracle Connection as SYS

Change the radio button from SID to Service Name, and enter a Service Name of XEPDB1.

This assumes you’re running Oracle Express. If not, your Service Name will be something different.

Entering this Service Name will let you connect to the pluggable database.

Test your connection, and if it is successful, save the connection.

Step 2: Connect

Now your new connection is created, it’s time to connect to it.

Right-click on the connection in the Connection panel on the left and select Connect.

Right click and connect to Oracle

You’ll then be connected to the database, and a new SQL window will open, allowing you to run commands.

Step 3: Run the Create User command

Now that you are connected to the database as an administrator (e.g. SYS), you can now create a new user.

For a new user to connect to a database, it needs to have a few privileges:

  • Connect
  • Create Session
  • Tablespace

I also like to give it Create Table privileges, so it can actually create tables.

Here’s the code to create a new user:

CREATE USER intro_user IDENTIFIED BY mypassword;
GRANT CONNECT TO intro_user;

Replace the username “intro_user” with whatever you want your username to be, and the “mypassword” with whatever password you want.

Run this code, and the new user is created.

Step 4: Connect as the New User

Finally, with the new user created, it’s time to create a new connection with this new user. This is the connection you can use each time you access the Oracle database.

It’s a similar process to step 1. Create a new connection in SQL Developer:

  • Name: any name you want to use for your connection.
  • Username: the username you added in Step 3
  • Password: the password for this account that you specified in step 3
  • Host: the location of your database, such as “localhost”
  • Port: 1521 (the default)
  • Service Name: XEPDB1

New Oracle connection as regular user

Test that the connection works, and save the connection.

You can now connect to this database and run SQL.

Login to System Accounts Correctly

I’ve had a few issues when attempting to login to the system accounts on my Oracle Express database before.

The errors have happened because I’ve entered the wrong information when trying to connect.

With Oracle Express, your system accounts need to connect as SYSDBA and also connect to the pluggable database (Service Name = XEPDB1).

As mentioned above, the connection details are:

  • Name: any name you want to use for your connection.
  • Username: SYS (or a user that has administrative rights)
  • Role: SYSDBA (if the username entered is SYSTEM)
  • Password: the password for this account
  • Host: the location of your database, such as “localhost”
  • Port: 1521 (the default)
  • Service Name: XEPDB1

New Oracle Connection as SYS

This should resolve any other issues you have when connecting to Oracle.

Passwords are Case Sensitive

In Oracle 12c, passwords were made case-sensitive. This means that a password of “february” is different from “FEBRUARY”.

This can be a bit of a surprise if you’re updating from the previous version of Oracle Express, which was 11g, and did not have case-sensitive passwords.

When you enter your password into the connection window, or when you create a user, be mindful of the case you are using.

Be Careful of _ORACLE_SCRIPT

Several suggestions online involve the user of a database parameter called _ORACLE_SCRIPT.

Let’s say you get this error message:

ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name
65096. 00000 -  "invalid common user or role name"
*Cause:    An attempt was made to create a common user or role with a name
that was not valid for common users or roles.  In addition to
the usual rules for user and role names, common user and role
names must start with C## or c## and consist only of ASCII
*Action:   Specify a valid common user or role name.

One of the more popular solutions online is to run this command, and then try again:


This is a database session parameter that seems to resolve your issue.

However, it’s an undocumented feature. This means the behaviour of this is not supported and could change at any time.

Rather than using undocumented features, it’s better to follow the process above by creating a new user on the pluggable database. It takes a few more steps, but it’s the right way to do it, and you won’t see any strange side effects.


Connecting to Oracle databases can be confusing, especially if you’re just getting started with Oracle SQL and just want it to work. This post highlights a few common issues and resolutions to them.

If you have any other issues connecting to an Oracle database, let me know in the comments below.

In this post we’re going to talk about Oracle SQL developer “SQL Error 17002 Sqlstate 08006” error on Windows. We’ll talk about the error code and how to fix it fast.

Why Does SQL Error 17002 Sqlstate 08006 Shows Up?

Most of the times it shows up because there is incorrect Misconfiguration or listener isn’t running. Before you’re able to connect with Oracle database, SQL developer must be configured correctly and listener has to be running. The listener handles databases connection, by default the SQL settings does not need listener for connecting to database and so it has to be configured.

SQL Error 17002 Sqlstate 08006

SQL Error 17002 Sqlstate 08006

Another possible reason for this SQL error could be database sessions have been terminated by the network firewall or interrupted by another reason. In this case you have to make sure firewall isn’t stopping idle connections.

Connectivity problems between oracle integration and connectivity agent can be the cause of this error also, or when the connectivity agent is disabled. You have to make sure connectivity agent is running. You can check the status under your Dashboards and Agents in oracle integration.

How To Fix SQL Error 17002 Sqlstate 08006

The fixes to this SQL error code is mostly about fixing or configuring the listener. We’ll also share other fixes that will help.

Fix No.1: Ensure listener is running

This can be checked from Windows Service Manager or using Command Prompt. Follow these steps to check the status;

Checking listener status using Windows Service Manager:

  1. Press Windows + R to open Run Dialogue.
  2. Type msc in the dialogue box.
  3. In the list of services, TNS listener is listed, make sure it’s running, the status is shown beside each service. If it’s not running you just need to right-click and click Start.

Checking with command prompt:

Open command prompt, you can do that by typing cmd in windows search, right-click on it and select ‘Run As Administrator’.

  1. When the command prompt opens, you type this command: C:>lsnrctl status
  2. If it’s not running, error will be mentioned multiple times, and you need to start it.
  3. To start the listener service, you need to type this command: C:>lsnrctl start

lsnrctl status

lsnrctl status

Fix No.2: Making sure the listener has the right configurations

  1. Open Oracle SQL Developer.
  2. Right click on database name and select properties.
  3. A window will open and you need to take note of the Hostname and port values under the ‘details’ tab.
  4. The default port is 1521, but sometimes it can be 1522, it has to be changed.
  5. Now back to checking hostname, you should type C:>hostname.
  6. The hostname will immediately appear below this command and if you’re receiving the SQL error code 17002, in most cases it will be different from the hostname that appeared when you right-click on the database name in the previous step. Remember that I told you to take note of the Hostname, this difference occurs when the computer name is changed. In this situation, the hostname has to be corrected in the connection Window, and the port value also should be changed to 1521 if that’s not the value.
  7. The next step now is to open tnsnames.ora file and check to confirm that the hostname and port is correct. The full path is; %ORACLE_HOME%/network/admin/tnsnames.ora. if not you need to change the values appropriately.
  8. Open the Windows Service Manager and Restart OracleserviceXE by right clicking and then click restart.
  9. Now you should test the connection to see if things are ok. When you’re sure all values are correct, that’s the Port, Hostname, username and password, you should click the test button. If connection show successful it means the problem has been rectified.
  10. After that you can now click connect and can now browse and query your database.

This fix can be lengthy or seem complex to most users but that’s the way to go about it.

Fix No.3: Restart Oracle TNS listener

As we’ve mentioned in the first fix, you should check whether listener is running or not, so in this case even if it’s running you should restart it. You should follow the same procedure in the first fix. Restarting the listener has work for some, you should give it a try.


So far these are some of the best fixes to SQL Error 17002 Sqlstate 08006, the problem most of the time has to do with listener and you need to ensure that it’s pointing to the correct port and server. Once you can figure this out, you’ll definitely get rid of the problem. Do let us know in the comments if these fixes have solved the SQL error for you, if you also have more ideas to share please drop your comments below for our readers.

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