Sql error 35262

Исправление: ошибка 35262 с уровнем серьезности 17 возникает, когда база данных входит в группу доступности в SQL Server 2017

SQL Server 2017 Developer on Windows SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Core on Windows SQL Server 2017 Enterprise on Windows SQL Server 2017 Standard on Windows SQL Server 2017 Developer Linux SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Core Linux SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Linux SQL Server 2017 Standard Linux Еще…Меньше


Если база данных входит в группу доступности AlwaysOn (AG), в журнале ошибок SQL Server может появиться сообщение об ошибке с уровнем серьезности 17.

Spid20s даты и времени : Диспетчер реплики доступности запускается. Это
Информационное сообщение. Никаких действий пользователя не требуется.

Дата и время spid7s ошибка: 35262, уровень серьезности: 17, состояние: 1.

Spid7s даты и времени пропускает запуск базы данных по умолчанию
«DatabaseName«, так как база данных принадлежит группе доступности
(Код группы: groupId). База данных будет запущена в отношении доступности
сгруппирован. Это информационное сообщение. Никаких действий пользователя не требуется.

Примечание. Как правило, ошибка с уровнем серьезности 17 указывает на то, что оператор вызвал
Сервер SQL Server не потребляет ресурсы (например, память, блокировки или место на диске).
база данных) или указывает на программные ошибки, которые не могут быть исправлены


Корпорация Майкрософт подтверждает наличие этой проблемы в своих продуктах, которые перечислены в разделе «Применяется к».


Эта проблема устранена в следующем накопительном обновлении SQL Server:

  • Накопительное обновление 17 для SQL Server 2017

Сведения о накопительных обновлениях для SQL Server.

Все новые накопительные обновления для SQL Server содержат все исправления и все исправления для системы безопасности, которые были включены в предыдущий накопительный пакет обновления. Ознакомьтесь с самыми последними накопительными обновлениями для SQL Server.

  • Последнее накопительное обновление для SQL Server 2017


Ознакомьтесь с терминологией, которую корпорация Майкрософт использует для описания обновлений программного обеспечения.

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SQL Server 2017 Developer on Windows SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Core on Windows SQL Server 2017 Enterprise on Windows SQL Server 2017 Standard on Windows SQL Server 2017 Developer Linux SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Core Linux SQL Server 2017 Enterprise Linux SQL Server 2017 Standard Linux More…Less


When a database is part of an AlwaysOn Availability Group (AG), then you may receive an error message in SQL server error log with Severity 17.

Date/Time spid20s Always On: The availability replica manager is starting. This is an
informational message only. No user action is required.

Date/Time spid7s Error: 35262, Severity: 17, State: 1.

Date/Time spid7s Skipping the default startup of database
DatabaseName‘ because the database belongs to an availability group
(Group ID:  GroupID). The database will be started by the availability
group. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

Note In general, error with severity 17 indicates that the statement caused
SQL Server to run out of resources (such as memory, locks or disk space for
the database) or indicates software errors that cannot be corrected by the


Microsoft has confirmed that this is a problem in the Microsoft products that are listed in the «Applies to» section.


This issue is fixed in the following cumulative update for SQL Server:

  • Cumulative Update 17 for SQL Server 2017

About cumulative updates for SQL Server:

Each new cumulative update for SQL Server contains all the hotfixes and all the security fixes that were included with the previous cumulative update. Check out the latest cumulative updates for SQL Server:

  • Latest cumulative update for SQL Server 2017


Learn about the terminology that Microsoft uses to describe software updates.

Need more help?


1. Pushed SP2 to All of our 2012 AlwaysOn SQL Clusters via SCCM

2. One cluster failed to start SQLSERVER Services and Agent

a. Error: Cannot recover the master database. SQL Server is unable to run. Restore master from a full backup, repair it, or rebuild it.

b. Troubleshooting: Tried repairing the SQL, recived additional errors. After 6 hours of troubleshooting, I restored our VM.

c. Error: Network had to be reconfigured

d. Error: Start SQL SERVER services: Script level upgrade for database ‘master’ failed because upgrade step SSIS_Hotfix_install.sql’ encountered error 945, state 2, severity 25. this is a serious error condition which might interfere with regular operation and the databaase will be taken offline. If the error happened during upgrade of the ‘master’ database, it will prevent the entire SQL Server instance from starting.


1. Start SQL Server service with Trace Flag 902:

a. Open a CMD prompt

b. Net Start MSSQL$InstanceName /T902

c. Open SQL Server Management Studio, go to Availability Group and remove SSISDB from the availability databases

d. Open New Query, execute the SSIS_hotfix_install.sql script which can be found inInstall folder under Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL11.MSSQL$InstanceName MSSQL

2. Stop SQL Server services:

a. Net Stop MSSQL$InstanceName

b. Start SQL server service from SQL Server configuration manager

c. Add SSISDB back to Availability Group

NOTE: SQL Server services started, but still saw issues when we tried to fail over. Rebooting DR/PROD fixed this issue.

One Cluster failed to start SQLSERVER Services and AGENT

Error: MSSQLDatamssqlsystemresource.ldf does not match the primary file. It may be from a different database or log may have been rebuilt previously. Database MSSQLsystemrecource cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient memory or disk space.

FIX: Reset permissions for SQLSERVER Service account on Microsoft SQL ServerInstanceMSSQLBinn directory to Full Control where myssqlsystemresource.ldf/.mdf files reside

This is a great article and would probably had worked in my environment as well. Thank you Beatrix Kiddo.


we would like to inform you of a problem that we have discovered.

When you apply SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2 Cumulative Update 3 or SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2 Cumulative Update 4 or SQL Server 2014 Cumulative Update 5 on instances that have databases participating to AlwaysOn Availability Groups (aka AG), the AG might be reported as NOT SYNCHRONIZING. When this happens, as you query sys.dm_exec_requests, you may find that there is intermittent lock blocking between users sessions and a session whose command is reported as ‘DB_STARTUP.’ You may also observe blocking between CHECKPOINT and DB_STARTUP.

This KB article gives some additional technical insights.

This is not a systematic problem. You may be able to apply these Cumulative Updates on an AlwaysOn configuration without hitting this problem. If you have already applied these cumulative updates and did not notice this problem its means that your system is not affected and can discard this message.

If you apply these cumulative updates in the future and experience this problem, the recommended approach at this point is to:

1.Disable automatic failover if it is activated

2.Restart the SQL Server instance that is acting as Primary of the availability groups

3.Re-enable automatic failover if it was activated.

We are aware of the implications of this issue and are sorry for the inconvenience this causes to you.

Hotfixes for both SQL Server 2014 and SQL Server 2012 Service Pack 2 are available here.

SQL Server 2012 RTM or Service Pack 1 are not affected by this problem.

The current plan is to roll up these hotfixes respectively into SQL Server 2012 SP2 CU#5 (should ship by end of March 2015) and into SQL Server 2014 RTM CU#6 (should ship by end of February 2015)






Database ‘%.*ls’ is enabled for database mirroring or has joined an availability group. The name of the database cannot be changed.



The​​ target database, ‘%.*ls’, is participating in an availability group and is currently not accessible for queries. Either data movement is suspended or the availability replica is not enabled for read access. To allow read-only access to this and other​​ 

  • If dm_hadr_availability_replica_states.role_desc=3(INVALID), then check service broker. Because Availability group is using Service Broker to communicate between SQL Server then need to check Service Broker first. Open SSMS>“Server Objects” > “Endpoints”, there are two “Service Broker” folder>Expand both, and if the state is Stopped or Disabled, then​​ can change the state to Started.



The target database (‘%.*ls’) is in an availability group and is currently accessible for connections when the application​​ intent is set to read only. For more information about application intent, see SQL Server Books Online.



The target database (‘%.*ls’) is in an availability group and currently does not allow read only connections. For more information about application intent, see SQL Server Books Online.



Unable to access the ‘%.*ls’ database because no online secondary replicas are enabled for read-only access. Check the availability group configuration to verify that at least one secondary replica is​​ configured for read-only access. Wait for an enabled r



The remote copy of database «%.*ls» is not recovered far enough to enable database mirroring or to join it to the availability group. You need to apply missing log records to the remote database by restoring the​​ current log backups from the principal/prim



Database «%.*ls» requires database logs to be restored either on the future mirror database before you can enable database mirroring or on a secondary availability database before you can join it to the availability group. Restore current log backups from



Database «%.*ls» database is not in full recovery mode on each of the server instances. The full recovery model is required for a database to participate in database​​ mirroring or in an availability group.



Database «%.*ls» is read-only on one of the server instances which is incompatible with participating in database mirroring or in an availability group. Set the database to read-write mode, and retry the​​ operation.



Database «%.*ls» database is in emergency or suspect mode on one of the partners which is incompatible with participating in database mirroring or in an availability group.



The operation cannot be performed on database​​ «%.*ls» because it is involved in a database mirroring session or an availability group. Some operations are not allowed on a database that is participating in a database mirroring session or in an availabilit



Database «%.*ls» is an auto-close database on one of the partnerswhich is incompatible with participating in database mirroring or in an availability group.



The %S_MSG database «%.*ls» is changing roles from «%ls» to «%ls» because the mirroring session or availability group failed​​ over due to %S_MSG. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



Database «%.*ls» database is in single user mode which is incompatible with participating in database mirroring or in an availability group. Set database to​​ multi-user mode, and retry the operation.



File ‘%ls’ cannot be reused until after the next BACKUP LOG operation. If the database is participating in an availability group, a dropped file can be​​ reused only after the truncation LSN of the primary​​ availability replica has passed the drop LSN of the



RESTORE cannot operate on database ‘%ls’ because it is configured for database mirroring or has joined an availability group. If you intend to restore the database, use ALTER DATABASE to remove​​ mirroring or to remove the database from its availability gro



The database ‘%.*ls’ is currently joined to an availability group. ​​ Before you can drop the database, you need to remove it from the availatility group.

  • Before you can drop the database, you need to remove it from the availability group. If AG exists, try ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP [AGname] REMOVE DATABASE [DbName]. If AG does not exist, try removing with ALTER DATABASE​​ [DbName] SET HADR OFF.

  • If replica_id and group_database_id in sys.databases show as null, then this may be due to earlier meta-data when database was part of an AG so stop SQL Server, rename the database files and start SQL Server. Then you should be able to remove the database.



Failed to remove a FILESTREAM file.​​ The database is a primary database in an availability group. Wait for the FILESTREAM data files to be hardened on every secondary availability replica. Then retry the drop file operation.



The ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command failed because it​​ contained multiple MODIFY​​ REPLICA options: %ls. ​​ Enter a separate ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP … MODIFY REPLICA command for each replica option that you want to modify.



availability group



The READ_ONLY_ROUTING_URL ‘%.*ls’ specified for​​ availability replica ‘%.*ls’ is not valid. It does not follow the required format of ‘TCP://system-address:port’. For information about the correct routing URL format, see the CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP docum



The availability replica ‘%.*ls’​​ specified in the READ_ONLY_ROUTING_LIST for availability replica ‘%.*ls’ does not exist. Only availability replicas that belong to the specified availability group ‘%.*ls’ can be added to this list. To get the names of ava



Failed to create, join​​ or add replica to availability group ‘%.*ls’, because node ‘%.*ls’ is a possible owner for both replica ‘%.*ls’ and ‘%.*ls’. If one replica is failover cluster instance, remove the overlapped node from its possible owners and try ag



The state of the local availability replica in availability group ‘%.*ls’ has changed from ‘%ls’ to ‘%ls’. The replica state changed because of either a startup, a failover, a communication issue, or a cluster error. For more information, see the availabi



The lease between availability group ‘%.*ls’ and the Windows Server Failover Cluster has expired. A connectivity issue occurred between the instance of SQL Server and the Windows Server Failover Cluster. To determine whether the availability group is fail



The availability group listener (network name) with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID ‘%s’, DNS name ‘%s’, port %hu failed to start with a permanent error: %u. Verify port numbers, DNS names and other related network configuration,​​ then retry



The availability group listener (network name) with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID ‘%s’, DNS name ‘%s’, port %hu failed to start with this error: %u. Verify network and cluster configuration and logs.



The​​ availability group listener (network name) with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID ‘%s’, DNS name ‘%s’, port %hu failed to stop with this error: %u. Verify network and cluster configuration and logs.



The WSFC cluster does not have a​​ public cluster network with an IPv4 subnet. This is a requirement to create an availability group DHCP listener. Configure a public network for the cluster with an IPv4 subnet, and try to create the listener.



None of the IP addresses configured​​ for the availability group listener can be hosted by the server ‘%.*ls’. Either configure a public cluster network on which one of the specified IP addresses can be hosted, or add another listener IP address which can b

  • Added a new IP address (with different subnet) manually to the existing Listener [to be tested].



The WSFC nodes that host the primary and secondary replicas belong to different subnets. DHCP across multiple subnets is not supported for availability replicas. Use the static IP option to configure the availability group listener.



The availability group listener with DNS name ‘%.*ls’ is configured to use DHCP. For​​ listeners with this configuration, IP addresses cannot be added through SQL Server. To add IP addresses to the​​ listener, drop the DHCP listener and create it again config



The listener with DNS name ‘%.*ls’ for the availability group ‘%.*ls’ is already listening on the TCP port %u. Please choose a different TCP port for the listener. If there is a problem​​ with the listener, try restarting the listener to correct the problem



The specified listener with DNS name, ‘%.*ls’, does not exist for the Availability Group ‘%.*ls’. Use an existing listener, or create a new listener.



The​​ availability group ‘%.*ls’ already has a listener with DNS name ‘%.*ls’. ​​ Availability groups can have only one listener. Use the existing listener, or drop the existing listener and create a new one.



The configuration changes to the​​ availability group listener were completed, but the TCP provider of the instance of SQL Server failed to listen on the specified port [%.*ls:%d]. This TCP port is already in use. Reconfigure the availability group listener



The availability group​​ associated with Virtual Network Name ‘%s’ has no replicas.​​ 



The virtual network name ‘%s’ has been used to identify the redirected publisher for original publisher ‘%s’ and database ‘%s’. The availability group associated with this virtual​​ network name, however, does not include the publisher database. ​​ 



The database ‘%s’ at the redirected publisher ‘%s’ for original publisher ‘%s’ and database ‘%s’ belongs to a HADRon availability group and must be redirected to its associated​​ HADRon Virtual Network Name.​​ 



The query at the redirected publisher ‘%s’ to determine whether the publisher database ‘%s’ belonged to an availability group failed with error ‘%d’, error message ‘%s’.​​ 



The query at the redirected​​ publisher ‘%s’ to determine the health of the availability group associated with publisher database ‘%s’ failed with error ‘%d’, error message ‘%s’.​​ 



The query at the redirected publisher ‘%s’ to determine whether the publisher database​​ ‘%s’ belonged to an availability group failed with error ‘%d’, error message ‘%s’.​​ 



Unable to query sys.availability_replicas at the availability group primary associated with virtual network name ‘%s’ for the server names of the member replicas: error​​ = %d, error message = %s.’,



The database ‘%.*s’ is a readable secondary database in an availability group and cannot be enabled for FILESTREAM non-transacted access.



The FILESTREAM database configuration cannot be changed for database​​ ‘%.*s’. ​​ The database is either a mirror database in Database Mirroring, or is in a secondary replica of an AlwaysOn availability group. ​​ Connect to the server instance that hosts the pr



FILESTREAM File I/O access is enabled, but no listener​​ for the availability group is created. A FILESTREAM PathName will be unable to refer to a virtual network name (VNN) and, instead, will need to refer to a physical Windows Server Failover Clustering (



FILESTREAM File I/O access is enabled. One​​ or more availability groups (‘%ls’) currently do not have a listener. ​​ A FILESTREAM PathName will be unable to refer to a virtual network name (VNN) and, instead, will need to refer to a physical Windows Server F



A connection for availability​​ group ‘%ls’ from availability replica ‘%ls’ with id ​​ [%ls] to ‘%ls’ with id [%ls] has been successfully established. ​​ This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



Could not start the AlwaysOn Availability Groups transport manager. This failure probably occurred because a low memory condition existed when the message dispatcher started up. If so, other internal tasks might also have experienced errors. Check the SQL



A connection timeout has occurred on a previously​​ established connection to availability replica ‘%ls’ with id [%ls]. ​​ Either a networking or a firewall issue exists or the availability replica has transitioned to the resolving role.

  • If there is a login failed for domainnode$ account around same time, then it may be because NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM account lacked the​​ required permissions to failover the availability group. To failover the group to the other node, NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM must have permission to connect to SQL (CONNECT SQL), failover the availability group (ALTER ANY AVAILABILITY GROUP) and execute sp_server_diagnostics (VIEW SERVER STATE). The NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM account is used to automatically execute sp_server_diagnostics. Another option is to​​ add the account to sysadmin role in SQL Server.





Connection attempt on availability group id ‘%ls’ from replica id ‘%ls’ to​​ replica id ‘%ls’ failed because of error %d, severity %d, state %d.



Failed to modify options for availability replica ‘%.*ls’ in availability group ‘%.*ls’. The specified availability group does not contain an availability replica with specified​​ name. Verify that​​ availability group name and availability replica name are c



The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability-group configuration. ​​ This operation would exceed the maximum number of %d synchronous-commit​​ availability replicas in availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ Change one of the existing synchronous-commit​​ 



The %ls operation is not allowed by the current availability-group configuration. ​​ This operation would exceed the maximum number of %d automatic failover targets in availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ Change one of the existing synchronous-commit replicas to th



​​ The thread pool for AlwaysOn Availability Groups was unable to start a new worker thread because there are not enough available​​ worker threads. ​​ This may degrade AlwaysOn Availability Groups performance. ​​ Use the «max worker threads» configuration option



Could not process the operation. AlwaysOn Availability Groups replica manager is waiting for the host computer to​​ start a Windows​​ Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and join it. Either the local computer is not a cluster node, or the local cluster​​ 



Could not process the operation. AlwaysOn Availability Groups replica manager is disabled on this​​ instance of SQL Server. Enable AlwaysOn Availability Groups, by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Then, restart the SQL Server service, and retry t



Could not process the operation. AlwaysOn Availability Groups does not have permissions​​ to access the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. ​​ Disable and re-enable AlwaysOn Availability Groups by using the SQL Server Configuration Manager. The



Cannot add %d availability replica(s) to availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The​​ availability group already contains %d replica(s), and the maximum number of replicas supported in an availability group is %d.



Could not process the operation. ​​ AlwaysOn Availability Groups failed to load the required Windows Server Failover​​ Clustering (WSFC) library. Verify​​ that the computer is a node in a WSFC cluster. ​​ You will need to restart the SQL Server instance to reload



Could not process the operation. The ​​ instance of SQL Server is running under WOW64 (Windows 32-bit on Windows 64-bit), which does not support AlwaysOn Availability Groups. ​​ Reinstall SQL Server in the native 64-bit edition, and re-enable AlwaysOn Availab



Could not process the operation. ​​ AlwaysOn Availability Groups has not started because the​​ instance of SQL Server is not running as a service. Restart the server instance as a service, and retry the operation.



The attempt to set the failure condition level for availability group ‘%.*ls’ failed. The specified level value is out of the​​ valid range [%u, %u]. Reenter the command specifying a valid failure condition level value.



The attempt to set the health check timeout value for availability group ‘%.*ls’ failed. The specified timeout value is less than %u milliseconds. Reenter the command specifying a valid health check timeout value.



Cannot create an availability group containing %d availability replica(s).



None of the specified replicas for availability group %.*ls maps to the instance of SQL Server to​​ which you are connected. Reenter the command, specifying this server instance to host one of the replicas. This replica will be the initial primary replica.​​ 



Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be added to availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The database does not​​ exist on this SQL Server instance. ​​ Verify that the database name is correct, then retry the operation.



The ALTER DATABASE <database-name> SET HADR SUSPEND (or SET HADR RESUME) statement failed on database ‘%.*ls’ of availability group ‘%.*ls».​​ Either the availability group does not contain the specified database, or the database has not joined the availab



Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be joined to or unjoined from availability group ‘%.*ls’. This operation is not supported on the primary​​ replica of the availability group.​​ 

  • TSQL to unjoin is “ALTER DATABASE db SET HADR OFF”. Note that failing over thus making it a​​ secondary, and then retrying ALTER DATABASE HADR is not an option, because the alter database will then give error 921 that database has not been recovered yet.

  • If this replica can be made a secondary, then fail over thus making it a secondary, and then drop replica when in this secondary role. TSQL is “ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP AgName REMOVE REPLICA ON ‘ReplicaName’;”.

  • If no secondary​​ replica for failover and getting this error on primary, then “DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP AgName”. This will automatically drop listener. If do not want listener dropped, then create a temporary AG adding same name, then try the “DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP”.



Cannot complete this ALTER DATABASE <database-name> SET HADR operation on database ‘%.*ls’. The database is not joined to an availability group. After the database has joined the availability group, retry the command.



Failed to set​​ resource property ‘%.*ls’ for availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The operation encountered SQL Server error %d. ​​ When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command later.



Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be added to availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The database is currently joined to another availability group. ​​ Verify that the database name is correct and that the database is not joined to an availability group, then retry the operati



Failed to create the​​ availability group. A SQL Server instance name could not be validated because the dynamic link library (DLL) file ‘%ls’ could not be located (Windows System Error %d). Verify that the specified server instance exists. If it exists, th



Failed to​​ create the availability group. A SQL Server instance name could not be validated because the dynamic link library (DLL) file ‘%ls’ could not be loaded (Windows System Error %d).



An attempt to add or join a system database, ‘%.*ls’, to an​​ availability group failed. Specify only user databases for this operation.



An error occurred while accessing the availability group metadata. Remove this database or replica from the availability group, and reconfigure the availability group to​​ add the database or replica again. For more information, see the ALTER AVAILABILITY G



​​ AlwaysOn Availability Groups Send Error (Error code 0x%X, «NOT OK») was returned when sending a message for database ID %d. If the partner is running and​​ visible over the network, retry the command using correctly configured partner-connection parameters



​​ Database ‘%.*ls’ is already participating in a different availability group. ​​ 



​​ During an attempted database recovery, an​​ availability database manager was not found for database id %d with availability group ID %d and group database ID %ls. ​​ Recovery was terminated. The most likely cause of this error is that the availability group



​​ Attempt to perform an AlwaysOn​​ Availability Groups operation on a system database, ‘%ls’, failed. System databases are not supported by AlwaysOn Availability Groups.



Skipping the default startup of database ‘%.*ls’ because the database belongs to an availability group (Group​​ ID: ​​ %d). The database will be started by the availability group. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

  • Check SQL and Windows logs for additional messages if expecting database to start.



AlwaysOn Availability Groups​​ data movement for database ‘%.*ls’ has been suspended for the following reason: «%S_MSG» (Source ID %d; Source string: ‘%.*ls’). To resume data movement on the database, you will need to resume the database manually. For infor

  • Link redirects to​​ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff877956.aspx​​ and the mention steps should be followed to resume data movement.



AlwaysOn Availability Groups data movement for database ‘%.*ls’​​ has been resumed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



AlwaysOn Availability Groups connection with %S_MSG database established for %S_MSG database ‘%.*ls’ on the availability replica with Replica ID:​​ {%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}. This is an informational message only. No user action is​​ 



AlwaysOn Availability Groups connection with %S_MSG database terminated for %S_MSG database ‘%.*ls’ on the availability replica with​​ Replica ID: {%.8x-%.4x-%.4x-%.2x%.2x-%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x}. This is an informational message only. No user action is r



A previous RESTORE WITH CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR operation or being removed while in the SUSPECT state from an availability group left the ‘%.*ls’ database in a potentially damaged state. The database cannot be joined while in this state. Restore the database



Failed to allocate and schedule an AlwaysOn Availability Groups task for database ‘%ls’. Manual intervention​​ may be required to resume synchronization of the database. If the problem persists, you might need to restart the local instance of SQL Server.



The attempt to join database ‘%.*ls’ to the availability group was rejected by the primary database with error ‘%d’. For more information, see the SQL Server error log for the primary replica.



Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be added to availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The database is already joined to the specified availability group. ​​ Verify that the​​ database name is correct and that the database is not joined to an availability group, then retry the ope



Database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be removed from availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The database is not joined to the specified availability group. ​​ Verify that the database name and the availability group name are correct, then retry the operation.



Availability replica ‘%.*ls’ cannot be added to availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The availability group​​ already contains an availability replica with the​​ specified name. ​​ Verify that the availability replica name and the availability group name are correct, t



Availability replica ‘%.*ls’ cannot be removed from availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The availability group does not contain an availability replica with the specified name. ​​ Verify that the availability replica name is correct, then retry the operation.



Availability replica ‘%.*ls’ cannot be removed from availability group ‘%.*ls’, because this replica is on the local instance of SQL​​ Server. ​​ If the local availability replica is a secondary replica, connect to the server instance that is currently hostin



AlwaysOn Availability Groups transport for availability database «%.*ls» failed to decompress the log block whose LSN is​​ %S_LSN. ​​ This error can be caused by a corrupt network packet or a compression version mismatch. ​​ The database replica has been put in



AlwaysOn Availability Groups log apply for availability database «%.*ls» has received an out-of-order log​​ block. ​​ The expected​​ LSN was %S_LSN. ​​ The received LSN was %S_LSN. ​​ The database replica has been put into the SUSPENDED state. ​​ Resume the availabil



Nonqualified transactions are being rolled back in database %.*ls for an AlwaysOn Availability​​ Groups state change. Estimated rollback completion: %d%%. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



An availability group replica already exists on the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node ‘%.*ls’. ​​ Each WSFC​​ node can contain only one replica of an availability group. ​​ Please choose another WSFC node to host the new replica.



Failed to remove the availability group replica ‘%.*ls’ from availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The availability group does not contain a replica with the specified name. ​​ Verify the availability group and replica names and then retry the operation.



The availability group ‘%.*ls’ already exists. ​​ This error​​ could be caused by a previous failed CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or​​ DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP​​ operation. ​​ If the availability group name you specified is correct, try dropping the availability group a

  • If AG still exists, DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP.

  • Open regedit, backup the entry from the old Availability Group that​​ starts with​​ HADR_Ag_???? key, then delete this key [to be tested].

  • Try with new name for Availability Group.



For availability group ‘%.*ls’, the value of the name-to-ID map entry is invalid. ​​ The binary value should contain a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource ID, a WSFC group ID, and their corresponding lengths in characters. ​​ The availability g



Availability group name to ID map entry for availability group ‘%.*ls’ cannot be found in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC)​​ store. ​​ The availability group name may be incorrect, or the availability group may not exist in this Windows Server Fa



Cannot add database ‘%.*ls’ to the availability group ‘%.*ls’, because there is already a database with the same name in the​​ availability group. ​​ Please verify that the database and availability group names specified are correct.



Cannot add replica ‘%.*ls’ to the availability group ‘%.*ls’, because there is already a replica with the same name in the availability​​ group. ​​ Please verify the replica​​ and availability group names specified are correct.



AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering service has become unavailable. This is an informational message only. No user action is​​ required.



AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is no longer online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows​​ Server Failover Clustering service to start. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering service started. This is an informational message only. No​​ user action is required.



AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering node to start. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows​​ Server Failover Clustering node started. This is an​​ informational message only. No user action is required.



AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Waiting for local Windows Server Failover Clustering node to come online. This is an informational message​​ only. No user action is required.



AlwaysOn Availability Groups: Local Windows Server Failover Clustering node is online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



Availability replica ‘%.*ls’ of availability​​ group ‘%.*ls’ cannot be brought online on this SQL Server instance. ​​ Another replica of the same availability group is already online on the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node. ​​ Each WSFC node



AlwaysOn: The local replica of​​ availability group ‘%.*ls’ is starting. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



AlwaysOn: Availability group ‘%.*ls’ was removed while the availability replica on this instance of SQL Server was offline. ​​ The local​​ replica will be removed now. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



The Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) value generated for the retrieved availability group configuration data from the Windows Server Failover Clustering​​ (WSFC) store does not match that stored with the data for the availability group with ID ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The av



AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ is stopping. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



The ID of availability group ‘%.*ls’ in local data store is inconsistent with that in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) data store. ​​ The availability group may have been dropped and recreated while the SQL Server instance was​​ offline, or while



Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) detected that the availability group resource with ID ‘%.*ls’ was online when the availability group was not actually online. ​​ The attempt to synchronize the WSFC resource state with​​ the availability group state f



Cannot bring the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource (ID ‘%.*ls’) online (Error​​ code %d). ​​ The WSFC service may not be running or may not be accessible in its current state, or the WSFC resource may​​ not be in a state that could accept the r

  • In DOS prompt, run “Net helpmsg” on the %d value, and proceed accordingly.



The existence of availability group data for the availability group ‘%.*ls’ in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC)​​ store could not be determined. ​​ The local WSFC node may be down, or a previous CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILITY GROU



Configuration data for the availability group with Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource ID ‘%.*ls’​​ is not found in the WSFC data store. ​​ The availability group may have been dropped, or a previous CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP or DROP AVAILABILI



Cannot read the persisted configuration of AlwaysOn availability group with corresponding Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource ID ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The persisted configuration is written by a higher-version SQL Server that hosts the primary availabi



The ID of availability group ‘%.*ls’ in local data store does not exist in the Windows​​ Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) data store. ​​ The availability group may have been dropped but the current WSFC node was not notified. ​​ To resolve this error, try to r



The database ‘%.*ls’ cannot be removed from availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ This database does not belong to the availability group.



AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ is preparing to transition to the primary role​​ in response to a request from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster.​​ This is an informational message only. No user action is required

  • This is an informational message only. No user action is required



AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ is preparing to transition to the resolving role in​​ response to a request from the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. This is an informational message only. No user action is requir



AlwaysOn: Availability group ‘%.*ls’ is going offline because it is being removed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



Failed to delete SQL Server instance name to Windows Server Failover Clustering node name map entry for the local availability replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The operation encountered​​ SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. ​​ Refer to the SQL



Failed to destroy the Windows Server Failover Clustering group corresponding to availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. ​​ Refer to the SQL Server error log for details about this SQL Server error​​ 



AlwaysOn Availability Groups startup has been cancelled, because SQL Server is shutting down. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ is going offline because either the lease expired or lease renewal failed. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



AlwaysOn: The availability replica manager​​ is going offline because %ls. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ is going offline because the corresponding resource in the Windows Server Failover​​ Clustering (WSFC) cluster is no longer online. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ is restarting because the existing primary replica restarted or the​​ availability group failed over to a new primary replica. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



AlwaysOn: Explicitly transitioning the state of the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) resource that corresponds to availability group ‘%.*ls’ to Failed. The resource state is not consistent with the availability group state in the instance of SQL​​ 



AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ is being removed. The instance of SQL Server failed​​ to validate the integrity of the availability group configuration in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) store. ​​ This is expected if th



AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ is going offline. This replica failed to​​ read the persisted configuration because of a version mismatch. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ is restarting, because it failed to read the persisted configuration. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



AlwaysOn: The local replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ is going offline. This replica failed to read the persisted configuration, and it has exhausted the​​ maximum for restart attempts. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



The availability group ‘%.*ls’ and/or its local availability replica does not exist. ​​ Verify that the specified availability group name is correct,​​ and that the local availability replica has joined the availability group, then retry the operation.



The availability group with Windows Server Failover Clustering resource ID ‘%.*ls’ and/or its local availability replica does not exist. ​​ Verify​​ that the specified availability resource ID is correct, and that the local availability replica has joined the



Failed to persist configuration data of availability group ‘%.*ls’ in the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster. ​​ The local availability replica either is not the primary replica or is shutting down.



Startup of the AlwaysOn Availability Replica Manager has been terminated, because the ‘FixQuorum’ property of Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) is not​​ present. The prerequisite QFE hotfix, KB 2494036, might not yet be installed on your Windows Ser



Failover of the availability group ‘%.*ls’ to the local replica failed because the availability group resource did not come online due to a previous​​ error. To identify that error, check the SQL Server error log and the Windows Server Failover Cluster logs



Cannot create an availability replica for availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ An availability replica of the specified availability group​​ already exists on this instance of SQL Server. ​​ Verify that the specified availability group name is correct and unique, the



Availability group ‘%.*ls’ failed to create necessary events for the WSFC Lease mechanism. Windows returned error code (%d) when obtaining handles for Lease events. Resolve the windows error and retry the availability group operation.



An error occurred while removing availability group ‘%.*ls’. The DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command removed the availability group​​ configuration from the local metadata. However, the attempt to remove this configuration from the Windows Server Failover Clust



Could not enqueue a task (SQL OS error: 0x%x) for process actions for the availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ Most likely, the instance of SQL Server is low on resources. Check the SQL Server error log to determine the cause of the failure. Retry the operation l



AlwaysOn: The availability replica manager is starting. This is an informational message only. No user​​ action is required.



AlwaysOn: The availability replica manager is waiting for the instance of SQL Server to allow client connections. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



A Windows Server Failover​​ Clustering (WSFC) API required by availability groups has not been loaded. AlwaysOn Availability Groups replica manager is not enabled on the local instance SQL Server. If the server instance is running an edition of SQL Server t



Cannot failover​​ availability group ‘%.*ls’ to this instance of SQL Server because a failover command is already pending on the local replica of this availability group. ​​ Wait for the pending failover command to complete before issuing another command on t



Cannot create an availability group named ‘%.*ls’ because it already exists in a system table.



Cannot create the availability group named ‘%.*ls’ because its availability group ID (ID: ‘%.*ls’) already exists in a system table.



Cannot​​ create an availability group named ‘%.*ls’ with replica ID ‘%.*ls’ because this ID already exists in a system table.



Cannot map local database ID %d to the availability database ID ‘%.*ls’ within availability group ‘%.*ls’. This database is​​ already mapped to an availability group.



Cannot map database ID %d to the availability database ID ‘%.*ls’ within availability group ‘%.*ls’. Another local database, (ID %d). is already mapped to this availability database.



Could not​​ find the availability group ID %d in the system table.



The local availability replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ cannot accept signal ‘%s’ in its current replica role, ‘%s’, and state (configuration is %s in Windows Server Failover Clustering​​ store, local availability replica has %s joined). ​​ The availabil



Cannot failover availability group ‘%.*ls’ to this instance of SQL Server. ​​ The local availability replica is already the primary replica of the availability group. ​​ To failover​​ this availability group to another instance of SQL Server, run the failover c



Operation on the local availability replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ failed. ​​ The local copy of the availability group configuration does not exist or has not been initialized. ​​ Verify that the availability group exists and that the local copy of the



Attempt to set database mapping state where the local database id %d is not mapped to any availability group.



Failed to perform database​​ operation ‘%s’ on database ‘%.*ls’ (ID %d) in availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The database might be in an incorrect state for the operation. ​​ If the problem persists, you may need to restart the SQL Server instance.



Failed to schedule or execute​​ database operation ‘%s’ on database ‘%.*ls’ (Database ID: %d) in availability group ‘%.*ls’ (SQL OS error: %d). ​​ The instance of SQL Server may have insufficient resources to carry out the database operation. If the problem p



Operation ‘%s’ on a​​ database ‘%.*ls’ (Database ID: %d) in availability group ‘%.*ls’ failed with SQL Server error %d (Error details: «%.*ls»). ​​ The operation has been rolled back. ​​ See previous error messages in the SQL Server error log for more details.​​ 



Failed​​ to bring availability group ‘%.*ls’ online. ​​ The operation timed out. Verify that the local Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) node is online. Then verify that the availability group resource exists in the WSFC cluster. If the problem persis



Cannot join database ‘%.*ls’ to availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The specified database does not belong to the availability group. ​​ Verify the names of the database and the availability group, and retry the command specifying the correct names.



Cannot remove database ‘%.*ls’ from availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ Either the database does not belong to the availability group, or the database has not joined the group. Verify the database and availability group names, and retry the command.



Cannot bring the availability group ‘%.*ls’ online. ​​ The local instance was not the previous primary replica when the availability group went offline, not all databases are synchronized, and no force failover command was issued on the local availability r



Startup of AlwaysOn Availability Groups replica manager failed due to SQL Server error %d. ​​ To determine the cause of this error, check the SQL Server error log for the preceding error.



Failed to join the availability replica to​​ availability group ‘%.*ls’ because the group is not online. ​​ Either bring the availability group online, or drop and recreate it. Then retry the join operation.



Abandoning a database operation ‘%ls’ on availability database ‘%.*ls’ of availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The sequence number of local availability replica has changed (Previous sequence number: %u, current sequence number: %u). ​​ This is an informational mes



Cannot accept AlwaysOn Availability Groups operation operation on​​ database ‘%.*ls’ of availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The database is currently processing another operation that might change the database state. Retry the operation later. If the condition per



Failed to set database information for availability group %.*ls. ​​ The local availability replica is not the primary replica, or it is shutting down. ​​ This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



Availability group ‘%.*ls’ cannot process the ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command, because the local availability replica is not the primary replica. ​​ Connect to the server instance that is currently hosting the primary replica of this availability group, an



Failed to set availability group database information for availability​​ group %.*ls. ​​ The local availability replica is not the primary, or is shutting down. ​​ This is an informational message only. No user action is required.



The availability replica for availability group ‘%.*ls’ on this instance of SQL Server cannot become the primary replica. One or more databases are not synchronized or have not joined the availability group, or the WSFC cluster was started in Force Quorum

  • Check if *_FailoverCluster_health_XeLogs confirm that the cluster was started in forced_quorum mode (forced_quorum True in availability_replica_automatic_failover_validation event).​​ 

    • When a cluster is started in forced_quorum mode (net.exe start clussvc /forcequorum, OR Failover Cluster Manager>left pane>right-click Windows cluster>choose Force​​ Cluster Start>Confirm by clicking Yes.) on primary replica, the availability group is required to be started by issuing command ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP <AGNAME> FORCE_FAILOVER_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS;. Because this is the original primary, despite issuing force allow data loss, NO data loss occurs

    • When a cluster is started in forced_quorum mode on secondary replica, first check sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_cluster_states.is_failover_ready on secondary. If this value is 1, and be assured no data loss will occur. If​​ this value is not 1 (for example because it’s asynchronous commit), then can check sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states.last_commit_time, so as to know estimate start time of data loss. The sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states.last_hardened_lsn value may be​​ used to consider other secondaries for failover. Then can initiate failover with ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP <AGNAME> FORCE_FAILOVER_ALLOW_DATA_LOSS; on secondary.



Cannot process the operation. ​​ The local replica of availability Group ‘%.*ls’ is in​​ a failed state. ​​ A previous operation to read or update persisted configuration data for the availability group has failed. ​​ To recover from this failure, either restart​​ 



The local availability replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ is in a​​ failed state. ​​ The replica failed to read or update the persisted configuration data (SQL Server error: %d). ​​ To recover from this failure, either restart the local Windows Server Failov



Cannot join database ‘%.*ls’ to availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The database has already joined the availability group. ​​ This is an informational message. ​​ No user action is required.



Failed to bring Availability Group ‘%.*ls’ online. ​​ The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service may not be​​ running, or it may not be accessible in its current state. ​​ Please verify the local WSFC node is up and then retry the operation.



AlwaysOn Availability Groups was not started because %ls. ​​ This is an informational message. ​​ No user action is required.



Cannot add or join database ‘%.*ls’ to availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The database does not exist on this instance of SQL Server. ​​ Verify the database name and that the database exists on the server instance. ​​ Then retry the operation,​​ specifying the correc



Operation on the availability group ‘%.*ls’ has been cancelled or terminated, either because of a connection timeout or cancellation by user. ​​ This is an informational message. ​​ No user action is required.



Failed​​ to take availability group ‘%.*ls’ offline. ​​ The Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) service may not be running, or it may not be accessible in its current state. ​​ Verify the local WSFC node is up and then retry the operation.



Error​​ accessing the Availability Groups manager. ​​ The local Availability Groups manager has not been initialized. ​​ Wait until the Availability Groups manager is in a state that allows access, and retry the operation.



Failed to create availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been rolled back. ​​ Check the SQL Server error log for more details. ​​ When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command

  • Check this document for error number mentioned in %d.



Failed to create availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The operation encountered SQL Server error %d. ​​ An attempt to roll back the operation failed. ​​ Check the SQL Server error log for more details. ​​ Then execute the DROP AVAILABILITY​​ GROUP command to clean up any



Cannot failover availability group ‘%.*ls’ to this SQL Server instance. ​​ The availability group is still being created. ​​ Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. ​​ Wait for CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command to finish, then retry the op



Cannot failover availability group ‘%.*ls’ to this instance of SQL Server. ​​ The availability group is being dropped. ​​ Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. ​​ The availability group​​ may need to be recreated if the drop operation was​​ 



Cannot drop availability group ‘%.*ls’ from this instance of SQL Server. ​​ The availability group is either being dropped, or the local availability replica is being removed from the​​ availability group. ​​ Verify that the specified availability group name is



Cannot remove the local availability replica from availability group ‘%.*ls’ from this instance of SQL Server. ​​ The availability group is either being dropped, or the local availability replica is being disjoined. ​​ Verify that the specified availability g



Failed to join local availability replica to availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been rolled back. ​​ Check the SQL​​ Server error log for more details. ​​ When the cause of the error has been resolved, retry the A

  • Check for SQL/Windows messages around same time.



Failed to join local availability replica to availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The operation encountered SQL Server error %d. ​​ An attempt to rollback the operation failed. ​​ Check SQL Server error log for more details. ​​ Run DROP AVAILABILITY GROUP command to cl



Failed to designate the local availability replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ as the​​ primary replica. ​​ The operation encountered SQL Server error %d and has been terminated. ​​ Check the preceding error and the SQL Server error log for more details about



Failed to validate the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) of the configuration of​​ availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The operation encountered SQL Server error %d, and the availability group has been taken offline to protect its configuration and the consistency of​​ 



Failed to validate sequence number of the configuration of​​ availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The in-memory sequence number does not match the persisted sequence number. ​​ The availability group and/or the local availability replica will be restarted automatical



An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ to transition to the primary role. ​​ The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. ​​ Verify that the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WS



An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ to transition to the resolving role. ​​ The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. ​​ Verify that the Windows Server Failover Clustering (



A timeout error occurred​​ while waiting to access the local availability replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The availability replica is currently being accessed by another operation. ​​ Wait for the in-progress operation to complete, and then retry the​​ 



An error occurred while waiting to access the local availability replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The operation encountered SQL OS error %d, and has been terminated. ​​ Verify that the local availability replica is in the correct state, and then retr



An​​ error occurred while attempting to access availability replica ‘%.*ls’ in availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The availability replica is not found in the availability group configuration. ​​ Verify that the availability group and availability replica names are



An error occurred while attempting to access availability replica with ID ‘%.*ls’ in availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The availability replica is not found in the availability group configuration. ​​ Verify that the availability group name and availability repl



An error occurred while attempting to access the availability group database with ID ‘%.*ls’ in availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The availability database is not found in the availability group configuration. ​​ Verify that the availability group name and avail



Post-online processing for availability group ‘%.*ls’ has been terminated. ​​ Either post-online processing has already completed, the local availability replica is no longer the primary replica, or the availability group is​​ being dropped. ​​ This is an infor



Failed to create availability group ‘%.*ls’, because a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) group with the specified name already exists. ​​ The operation has been rolled back successfully. ​​ To retry creating an​​ availability group, either remove or rename



An error occurred while dropping availability group ‘%.*ls’ from Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) cluster and from the local metadata. ​​ The operation encountered SQL OS error %d, and has been​​ terminated. ​​ Verify that the specified availability gr

  • In DOS prompt, run “Net helpmsg” on the %d value, and proceed accordingly.



An error occurred while removing the local availability replica from availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The operation encountered SQL OS error %d, and has been terminated. ​​ Verify that the specified availability group name is correct, and then retry the command



Failed to acquire exclusive access to local availability group configuration data (SQL OS error: %d). ​​ If the problem persists, you might need to restart the instance of SQL Server.



The availability replica of the specified availability group ‘%.*ls’ is being dropped. ​​ Wait for the completion of the drop command and retry the operation later.



Cannot drop availability group ‘%.*ls’ from this SQL Server instance. ​​ The availability group is currently being created. ​​ Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. ​​ Wait for the current operation to complete, then retry the command if



Cannot remove the local availability replica from availability group ‘%.*ls’ from this instance of SQL Server. ​​ The availability group is currently being created. ​​ Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. ​​ Wait for​​ the current operati



Attempt to access non-existent or uninitialized availability group with ID ‘%.*ls’. ​​ This is usually an internal condition, such as the availability group is being dropped or the local WSFC node has lost quorum. In such cases, and no user action is requir



The local availability replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ did not become primary. ​​ A concurrent operation may have changed the state of the availability group in Windows Server Failover Cluster. ​​ Verify that the​​ availability group state in Windows Serv



Failed to set the local availability replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ as joined in Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) database. ​​ Either the local availability replica is no longer the primary, or the WSFC service is not accessible. ​​ Verify tha



Failed to modify availability replica options for availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ Before the availability group configuration could be updated, the operation encountered SQL Server error %d. ​​ The​​ operation has been rolled back. ​​ Refer to the SQL Server error



Failed to modify availability replica options for availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The availability group configuration has been updated. ​​ However, the operation encountered SQL Server​​ error %d while applying the new configuration to the local availability re



Replica option specified in ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP ‘%.*ls’ MODIFY DDL is same is cached availability group configuration.



Availability group ‘%.*ls’ cannot​​ process an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command at this time. ​​ The availability group is still being created. ​​ Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. ​​ Wait for CREATE AVAILABILITY GROUP command to finis



Availability group​​ ‘%.*ls’ cannot process an ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP command at this time. ​​ The availability group is being dropped. ​​ Verify that the specified availability group name is correct. ​​ The availability group may need to be recreated if it was



Availability group ‘%.*ls’ failed to process %s-%s command. ​​ The operation encountered SQL Server error %d before the availability group configuration could be updated, and has been rolled back. ​​ Refer to the SQL Server error log for details. ​​ Verify that



Availability group ‘%.*ls’ failed to process the %s-%s command. ​​ The availability group configuration has been updated. ​​ However, the operation encountered SQL Server error %d while applying the new configuration to the local availability replica, and has



Availability group ‘%.*ls’ failed to process %s-%s command. ​​ The local availability replica is not in a state that could process the command. ​​ Verify that the availability group is online and that the local availability replica is the primary​​ replica, the



The local availability replica of availability group ‘%.*ls’ cannot become the primary replica. ​​ The last-known primary availability replica is of a higher version than the local availability replica. ​​ Upgrade the local instance of​​ SQL Server to the same​​ 



Creating and scheduling a worker task for AlwaysOn Availability Groups failed due to lack of resources (SQL OS error %d).  ​​​​ Processing of new actions might be delayed or stalled until the resource limits are resolved.​​ Reduce the memory or thread count on​​ 



Cannot join database ‘%.*ls’ to availability group ‘%.*ls’. ​​ The database is in the process of being removed from the availability group. ​​ When the remove-database operation completes, the database will no longer be joined to the availability group. ​​ Then



An error occurred while waiting for the local availability replica for availability group ‘%.*ls’ to complet post-online work. ​​ The operation encountered SQL OS error %d and has been terminated. ​​ Verify that the Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) c



Availability group ‘%.*ls’ failed to process the WSFC lease-renewal command. The local availability replica lease is no longer valid to process the lease renewal command. Availability replica lease expired. This is an informational message only. No user a



Failed to create availability group ‘%.*ls’, because a Windows Server Failover Cluster (WSFC) group with the specified name already exists. ​​ An attempt to rollback the​​ operation failed. ​​ Check the SQL Server error log for more details. ​​ To manually clean​​ 



The specified command is invalid because the AlwaysOn Availability Groups feature is not supported by this edition of SQL Server. For information about features supported by the editions of SQL Server, see SQL Server Books Online.



The WSFC cluster is offline, and this availability group is not available. This issue can be caused by a cluster service issue or by the loss of quorum in the cluster.



Availability group is offline.



The availability group is offline, and is unavailable. This issue can be caused by a failure in the server instance that hosts the primary replica or by the WSFC availability group resource going offline.



Availability group is not ready for automatic failover.



The availability group is not ready for automatic failover. The primary replica and a secondary replica are configured for automatic failover, however, the secondary replica is​​ not ready for an automatic failover. Possibly the secondary replica is unavail



In this availability group, at least one secondary replica has a NOT SYNCHRONIZING synchronization state and is not receiving data from the primary replica.



In this availability group, at least one synchronous replica is not currently synchronized. The replica synchronization state could be either SYNCHONIZING or NOT SYNCHRONIZING.



In this availability group, at least one availability replica​​ does not currently have the primary or secondary role.



In this availability group, at least one secondary replica is not connected to the primary replica. The connected state is DISCONNECTED.



This secondary database is not joined to​​ the availability group. The configuration of this secondary database is incomplete. For information about how to join a secondary database to an availability group, see SQL Server Books Online.



This secondary replica is not joined to the​​ availability group. For an availability replica to be successfully joined to the availability group, the join state must be Joined Standalone Instance (1) or Joined Failover Cluster (2). For information about ho

Events are generated by SQL Server and entered into the Microsoft Windows application log. SQL Server Agent reads the application log and compares events written there to alerts that you have defined. When SQL Server Agent finds a match, it fires an alert, which is an automated response to an event. In addition to monitoring SQL Server events, SQL Server Agent can also monitor performance conditions and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) events.

To define an alert, you specify:

  • The name of the alert.
  • The event or performance condition that triggers the alert.
  • The action that SQL Server Agent takes in response to the event or performance condition.

Specifying a SQL Server Event

You can specify an alert to occur in response to one or more events. Use the following parameters to specify the events that trigger an alert:

  • Error numberSQL Server Agent fires an alert when a specific error occurs. For example, you might specify error number 2571 to respond to unauthorized attempts to invoke Database Console Commands (DBCC).
  • Severity levelSQL Server Agent fires an alert when any error of the specific severity occurs. For example, you might specify a severity level of 15 to respond to syntax errors in Transact-SQL statements.
  • DatabaseSQL Server Agent fires an alert only when the event occurs in a particular database. This option applies in addition to the error number or severity level. For example, if an instance contains one database that is used for production and one database that is used for reporting, you can define an alert that responds to syntax errors in the production database only.
  • Event textSQL Server Agent fires an alert when the specified event contains a particular text string in the event message. For example, you might define an alert that responds to messages that contain the name of a particular table or a particular constraint.

Important Severity Alerts

When implementing this, it is a common practice for DBAs to enable alerts for Severity 17 or higher on their SQL Servers. This is because these are not correctable by end users. Again, I believe everyone should have a monitoring solution in place even if it is just monitoring resources on the machine, for this reason, I only enable them for 18 and above. If you don’t have a monitoring solution though, please enable alerts for 17 also. Error 17 indicates that a statement caused SQL Server to run out of resources.

Error Severity What it indicates
18 There is a problem with the database engine software.
19 Nonconfigurable Database engine limits were exceeded, and the batch was terminated.
20 A statement has encountered a problem with the current task, unlikely to cause damage to the database itself.
21 A problem was encountered that affects all tasks in the database, unlikely to cause damage to the database itself.
22 The table or index specified in the message has been damaged by a software or hardware problem.
23 The integrity of the entire database is in question because of a hardware or software problem.
24 Media failure. Most likely means a restore of the database and a call to your hardware vendor.
25 Unexpected errors, this is the catch all for Microsoft SQL Server.

Error messages

Next, it is important to also mention that you should set up alerts for the following error messages 823, 824 and 825. These are signs that your underlying storage system having issues and should be investigated by your system administrator and hardware vendor. Additionally, if you receive these messages as a DBA you should check the suspect pages table in SQL server and run a CHECKDB. This will confirm your state of your database. To query your suspect pages table, use the query below, more details about the event types can be found here.

SELECT db_name(database_id) as database_name, file_id,page_id, error_count, last_update_date,
	   WHEN event_type = '1' THEN 'Error 823 or 824'
	   WHEN event_type = '2' THEN 'Bad checksum on page' 
	   WHEN event_type = '3' THEN 'Torn page' 
	   ELSE 'restored after was damaged or repaired/deallocated by DBCC'
    END as Event_information
 FROM msdb..suspect_pages  
   WHERE (event_type = 1 OR event_type = 2 OR event_type = 3);


To summarize at a high level, alerts should be created for:

  • Events with Severity >= 18 if you have a monitoring solution, but if you don’t, enable 17 and above alerts
    • These are high-severity errors that should be investigated by the system administrator/DBA
  • Error 823,824,825 read-retry errors
    • These errors spell doom for your disk subsystem
Alert Type Number Note
Error Number 1205 Deadlock Detected
  823 An 823 error that was caused by a cyclic redundancy check (CRC) issued by the operating system, such as a disk error (certain hardware errors)
  824 An 824 error, such as a torn page (any logical error)
  825 Disk Subsystem
Severity 016 Miscellaneous User Error
  017 Insufficient Resources
  018 Nonfatal Internal Error
  019 Fatal Error in Resource
  020 Fatal Error in Current Process
  021 Fatal Error in Database Processes
  022 Fatal Error: Table Integrity Suspect
  023 Fatal Error: Database Integrity Suscpect
  024 Fatal Error: Hardware Error
  025 Fatal Error

AlwaysOn Alerts

AlwaysOn Alert Error Number Description
35265 AG Data Movement – Resumed
35264 AG Data Movement – Suspended
1480 AG Role Change
34052 HA Error – 34052
35254 HA Error – 35254
35262 HA Error – 35262
35273 HA Error – 35273
35274 HA Error – 35274
35275 HA Error – 35275
35276 HA Error – 35276
35279 HA Error – 35279

Alert Testing

RAISERROR('This is a test Severity 16 alert, please ignore.',16,1) WITH LOG;

50000 Severity: 16 State: 1 This is a test Severity 16 alert, please ignore.


Error: [476] Database Mail is not enabled for agent notifications. Cannot send e-mail to xxxxxxxx.

Fix: Enable mail in SQL Server Agent (Default is disabled)

SQL Server Agent -> Property -> Alert System -> Enable mail profile


Made sure to setup delay response or you can get a lot of alerts for a single failure.



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