Sql error ora 00984 употребление столбца здесь недопустимо 00984 00000 column not allowed here

ORA-00984: column not allowed here error that occurs when you try to use a column that is not allowed in a particular area of the sql. The ORA 00984: column not allowed here error occurs when a column is not allowed in the VALUES clause of the insert query, the column name is used in VALUES clause or missing quotes in the insert statement. The VALUES clause should contain values that will be stored in the table. If the column name is specified in the VALUES clause, the insert statement will fail to save the values. The ORA-00984: column not allowed here error occurs if double quotes are used in character or date value. In varchar or date data type values, single quotes should be used.

ORA-00984: column not allowed here error that occurs when you try to use a column that is not allowed in a particular area of the sql. The ORA 00984: column not allowed here error occurs when a column is not allowed in the VALUES clause of the insert query, the column name is used in VALUES clause or missing quotes in the insert statement. The VALUES clause should contain values that will be stored in the table. If the column name is specified in the VALUES clause, the insert statement will fail to save the values. The ORA-00984: column not allowed here error occurs if double quotes are used in character or date value. In varchar or date data type values, single quotes should be used.

In the Oracle insert statement, the character string or date value should be enclosed by single quotes. If single quotes are not used in the values or double quotes are used, the insert statement will fail to recognize the string or date value. If the quotations in the insert statement VALUES clause are missing, it will be treated as a column name. The insert statement was unable to store the values in the table. The error ORA-00984: column not allowed here will be thrown.

When this ORA-00984 error occurs

The error ORA-00984: column not allowed here will be thrown if the single quotation in the string value or date value is missing in the VALUES clause of the insert statement. If the double quotation mark is used in the insert statement for a string or date value, the error ORA-00984: column not allowed here will occur.

insert into emp values (1, name);

Error starting at line : 2 in command -
insert into emp values (1, name)
Error at Command Line : 2 Column : 28
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-00984: column not allowed here
00984. 00000 -  "column not allowed here"

Root Cause

In oracle, a string value or a date value is created by enclosed with a single quotation. If a single quotation is missed in a string value and a date value or enclosed with double quotation, oracle will not recognise the string and date. It will be interpreted as a column name. Because a column name is not permitted in the insert statement’s VALUES clause, Oracle will thrown this error

Solution 1

If the VALUES clause of the insert statement has a column name, delete it and replace it with a value. The insert statement was unable to save a column name. If you pass the value of a column in the insert statement, the error ORA-00984: column not allowed here will be resolved.


id int, 
name VARCHAR2(100)

insert into emp values (1, name);

Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-00984: column not allowed here
00984. 00000 -  "column not allowed here"


insert into emp values (1, 'kim');
1 row inserted.

Solution 2

If a single quote is missing in the insert statement’s VALUES clause for a string or date value, the insert statement will fail to recognize the string or date value. The insert statement will fail to store the value in the table. The ORA-00984: column not allowed here will be thrown. The error will be fixed if a single quote mark is placed around a string or date value.


insert into emp values (1, kim);
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-00984: column not allowed here
00984. 00000 -  "column not allowed here"


insert into emp values (1, 'kim');
1 row inserted.

Solution 3

In Oracle, the string value or date value should be surrounded by a single quotation. If the string value or date value is surrounded by double quotation marks, Oracle will not recognize it as a string value or date value. The error message ORA-00984: column not allowed here will be shown. The issue will be fixed if the double quotation in the string value or date value is replaced with a single quotation.


insert into emp values (1, "kim");
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-00984: column not allowed here
00984. 00000 -  "column not allowed here"


insert into emp values (1, 'kim');
1 row inserted.

Solution 4

The date column in the insert statement should be surrounded by a single quotation. The below example shows with a date example.


insert into emp values (1, 'kim',2001-01-01 13:15:41);
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-00984: column not allowed here
00984. 00000 -  "column not allowed here"


insert into emp values (1, 'kim','2001-01-01 13:15:41');
1 row inserted.


  1. ORA-00984: column not allowed here
  2. When this ORA-00984 error occurs
  3. Root Cause
  4. Solution 1
  5. Problem
  6. Solution
  7. Solution 2
  8. Problem
  9. Solution
  10. Solution 3
  11. Problem
  12. Solution
  13. Solution 4
  14. Sql error ora 00984 употребление столбца здесь недопустимо
  15. error: ORA-00984: column not allowed here
  17. Database trigger — PL/SQL: ORA-00984: column not allowed here
  18. Best Answer
  19. Answers
  20. Annals of Oracle’s Improbable Errors
  21. Tuesday, February 20, 2007
  22. ORA-00984 column not allowed here

ORA-00984: column not allowed here

ORA-00984: column not allowed here error that occurs when you try to use a column that is not allowed in a particular area of the sql. The ORA 00984: column not allowed here error occurs when a column is not allowed in the VALUES clause of the insert query, the column name is used in VALUES clause or missing quotes in the insert statement. The VALUES clause should contain values that will be stored in the table. If the column name is specified in the VALUES clause, the insert statement will fail to save the values. The ORA-00984: column not allowed here error occurs if double quotes are used in character or date value. In varchar or date data type values, single quotes should be used.

In the Oracle insert statement, the character string or date value should be enclosed by single quotes. If single quotes are not used in the values or double quotes are used, the insert statement will fail to recognize the string or date value. If the quotations in the insert statement VALUES clause are missing, it will be treated as a column name. The insert statement was unable to store the values in the table. The error ORA-00984: column not allowed here will be thrown.

When this ORA-00984 error occurs

The error ORA-00984: column not allowed here will be thrown if the single quotation in the string value or date value is missing in the VALUES clause of the insert statement. If the double quotation mark is used in the insert statement for a string or date value, the error ORA-00984: column not allowed here will occur.

Root Cause

In oracle, a string value or a date value is created by enclosed with a single quotation. If a single quotation is missed in a string value and a date value or enclosed with double quotation, oracle will not recognise the string and date. It will be interpreted as a column name. Because a column name is not permitted in the insert statement’s VALUES clause, Oracle will thrown this error

Solution 1

If the VALUES clause of the insert statement has a column name, delete it and replace it with a value. The insert statement was unable to save a column name. If you pass the value of a column in the insert statement, the error ORA-00984: column not allowed here will be resolved.



Solution 2

If a single quote is missing in the insert statement’s VALUES clause for a string or date value, the insert statement will fail to recognize the string or date value. The insert statement will fail to store the value in the table. The ORA-00984: column not allowed here will be thrown. The error will be fixed if a single quote mark is placed around a string or date value.



Solution 3

In Oracle, the string value or date value should be surrounded by a single quotation. If the string value or date value is surrounded by double quotation marks, Oracle will not recognize it as a string value or date value. The error message ORA-00984: column not allowed here will be shown. The issue will be fixed if the double quotation in the string value or date value is replaced with a single quotation.



Solution 4

The date column in the insert statement should be surrounded by a single quotation. The below example shows with a date example.


Sql error ora 00984 употребление столбца здесь недопустимо

ORA-00984: Column Not Allowed

The majority of Oracle mistakes are the result of simple mix-ups. Whether it is through errors deriving from copying and pasting across programs, mistaking program functions or just flat-out getting distracted during your work, programming an Oracle database can lead to user errors that are relatively easy to create. Often, these mistakes can be tough to spot at first, but, once the user is aware of them, they typically seem like a simple oversight. Thankfully, the user-friendly nature of Oracle means that problems like an ORA-00984 message are fairly easy to remedy.

The ORA-00984 is an error resulting from a column not being allowed in a particular area of the program. It occurs when a user attempts to issue a SQL statement that includes a column name where it is not permitted. This can most often happen in reference to a false insertion in a VALUES clause of an INSERT statement.

For a refresher, let us go over the syntax that is most commonly used with INSERT statements. For a VALUES keyword, you will often work with this format:


(column1, column2, … column_n )
(expression1, expression2, … expression_n );

And for a SELECT statement, you will usually see the following:

(column1, column2, … column_n )
SELECT expression1, expression2, … expression_n
FROM source_table
WHERE conditions;

So, as you can see from above, by accidentally inserting a column name under the VALUES section as opposed to the INSERT INTO table section in the first format, the ORA-00984 error could quite possibly be triggered.

Now that we know the source of this error, let us look at some strategies to amend the issue.

To correct the error, the user can take a couple of approaches. First, the user could correct the INSERT statement by including a character value (instead of the column name). Additionally, if the user needs to include a column name, they could rewrite the INSERT statement with a sub-select.

A quick side note: On occasion, you will not be able to find information about the error in the alert.log file. This runs contrary to a lot of Oracle instinct where you can check this file for the source of the Oracle errors once you receive them. Instead, if there is no information about the error in this location, open the DML error logging. You can audit Oracle with additional AUDIT syntax by using the DDL audit and the LogMiner audits. DDL audit triggers allow an administrator to automatically track all changes to the database. This includes changes to tables, indices, and constraints, which can be quite useful in your search for the error source.

Let us now turn to an example to see how a solution can be successfully implemented. Suppose you tried to use the column named “clients” in an INSERT statement, much like the following:

INSERT INTO employers
(business_id, business_name)
(7, client_name);

You would subsequently receive an error message, “ORA-00984: column not allowed here”. By taking the first approach, the following will change with the character value inclusion:

INSERT INTO employers
(business_id, business_name)
(7, ‘Mohammad’);

Alternatively, if you took the approach of rewriting the INSERT statement with a sub-select, here is how it would look:

INSERT INTO employers
(business_id, business_name)
SELECT employer_no, client_name
FROM clients
WHERE city = ‘Syracuse’;

Both of these changes can correct the ORA-00984 error and allow your system to return to a fully-functioning state.

Staying aware of how columns and values interact within your database is key to preventing errors like ORA-00984. It can be easy to get caught up in the tunnel vision that sometimes accompanies coding; keeping a clear eye can give you a cautious perspective that could save hours of frustration. Working with a dedicated Oracle consulting firm can also provide you with the proper mindset that is necessary to avoid these mistakes in your Oracle database.


error: ORA-00984: column not allowed here

when i try to insert one row into the table, there is an error:
ORA-00984: column not allowed here

insert into testtable (user_firstname, user_lastname ) values(username1, username2);
table is following:

creat table testtable(
userid number not null primary key,
user_firstname varchar2(30),
user_lastname varchar2(30)

since i want the userid field to be auto_increment, i used the follwoing sequence and trigger
create sequence my_seq
start with 1
increment by 1

create trigger my_trigger
before insert on testtable
for each row
if :new.userid is null then
select my_seq.nextval into :new.userid from dual;
end if;

did i miss something here?

appreciate your kind reply,

well everything is fine Emily in your case, except one small syntactical oversight.

in the insert statement, the values username1 and username2 should either be pre-defined variables of varchar2 type or otherwise themselves be in quotes;

i simply repeated all of your commands and received the message that you reported. then i gave ‘username1’ and ‘username2’ and it works.

TEST> insert into testtable (user_firstname, user_lastname ) values(username1, username2);
insert into testtable (user_firstname, user_lastname ) values(username1, username2)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00984: column not allowed here

TEST> insert into testtable
2 (user_firstname, user_lastname )
3 values
4 (‘username1’, ‘username2’) ;


Database trigger — PL/SQL: ORA-00984: column not allowed here

I am trying to create a trigger that will update an employee audit table when a row is changed. Using a sequence number to assign a unique identifier to each row as it is created. Need to capture the user ID, date of the change, and the action (update), plus the before image of the row.
Can anyone assist in helping me find what I am doing wrong with the trigger?

Edited by: LostNoob on Aug 25, 2012 2:24 PM

Best Answer

First, when you write an INSERT statement, it’s always good to list the columns that you’re inserting into. That makes the code easier to follow— you don’t have to separately pull up the table definition to know what order columns are inserted. And it makes the code more maintainable since the statement won’t become invalid if you add a new column to the table in the future.

Second, CHANGE_DATE, CHANGE_USER, and ACTION are not (presumably) functions and they are not local variables so it doesn’t make sense to use them in an INSERT statement. You would need to write code or leverage existing functions to populate those columns. I’m guessing, for example, that you want to use SYSDATE to populate the CHANGE_DATE and USER to populate the CHANGE_USER column. My guess is that ACTION should always be a ‘U’ for UPDATE.

Third, it appears that you left off the :old on the DEPTNO column.

Putting it all together, you’d have something like


And where is it supposed to get ‘deptno’ from?

Wait, don’t tell me! Maybe it could get it from ‘:old.deptno’?

First, when you write an INSERT statement, it’s always good to list the columns that you’re inserting into. That makes the code easier to follow— you don’t have to separately pull up the table definition to know what order columns are inserted. And it makes the code more maintainable since the statement won’t become invalid if you add a new column to the table in the future.

Second, CHANGE_DATE, CHANGE_USER, and ACTION are not (presumably) functions and they are not local variables so it doesn’t make sense to use them in an INSERT statement. You would need to write code or leverage existing functions to populate those columns. I’m guessing, for example, that you want to use SYSDATE to populate the CHANGE_DATE and USER to populate the CHANGE_USER column. My guess is that ACTION should always be a ‘U’ for UPDATE.

Third, it appears that you left off the :old on the DEPTNO column.

Putting it all together, you’d have something like

That isn’t what is causing the error. That was my original syntax and error still occurred. I have played with it a bunch of times, trying different things, guess I should have made sure that I put that out there also, to avoid the sarcastic comments.
What sarcastic comments? The question was
And where is it supposed to get ‘deptno’ from?
Since you posted this Maybe I should have ask where is it supposed to get ‘change_date’, ‘change_user’, ‘action’ from too? Or would that have been more sarcastic?

Should we assume that your ‘original syntax’ had something different than ‘change_date’, ‘change_user’, ‘action’ in it? Those are column names, the error you are getting is ‘column not allowed here’ and the syntax of what you posted will give the error you are getting.

We’re not mind readers. We can only go by what you post. If you posted the wrong code no one can help you debug it. You posted code, we told you what was wrong with it and now you say that isn’t the code you are using. Well whose fault is that?

If you want help with the code you are actually using you need to post it. That’s not sarcasm — that just plain fact.


Annals of Oracle’s Improbable Errors

Welcome to Flavio Casetta’s official Oracle database application development related blog. No Mysql supporters were hurt in the making of this blog.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

ORA-00984 column not allowed here

This is one of those messages i love so much because it belongs to the category of those obscure errors that convinced me to embark myself in the oracle quirks saga.

I had to «debug» a procedure and i couldn’t use the standard debugging tools, not even the traditional dbms_output.put_line so i was logging the content of some variables into a table for later review.

Initially, i wrote an exception handling block like this:

When i attempted to compile the procedure i got the following error:

I was quite sure the name of the column was right, but given the message i went to the table to double check the column name, so, when i saw it was correct, i was puzzled.
I was running late, i had to get this stupid program to work and i was getting weird errors on a trivial statement, gosh!

Then i removed SQLERRM from the insert statement, just to give it a try and it compiled seamlessly .

Frankly speaking, although i’ve read many manuals and often more than once, i didn’t remember of any particular limitation in the usage of SQLERRM. Moreover i was so convinced i’ve already used the function that way that i found difficult to believe to my eyes.

Nevertheless the limitation is clearly documented in the PL/SQL User’s Guide and Reference.
You cannot use SQLERRM inside SQL statements.
If you want to do so, you must first store the value of SQLERRM in a variable.

So, the original code must be changed as follows:

And last but not least:
try to look for ORA-00984 in the official error message book for version 10.2 or 10.1.
You won’t even find the entry.

It does show up in the 9.2 version and earlier versions with the following explanation:

ORA-00984 column not allowed here

Cause: A column name was used in an expression where it is not permitted, such as in the VALUES clause of an INSERT statement.

Action: Check the syntax of the statement and use column names only where appropriate.

So, at the end of the day we have to choose between an old documented misleading message and a new nonexisting message!

I love these quirks, but not when i am in a hurry.

ORA-00984: colonna non consentita in questo caso
ORA-00984: columna no permitida aquí
ORA-00984: aquí la columna no és permesa
ORA-00984: Un nom de colonne n’est pas autorisé ici
ORA-00984: Spalte hier nicht zulässig
ORA-00984: στήλη δεν επιτρέπεται εδώ
ORA-00984: kolonne er ikke tilladt her
ORA-00984: kolumn inte tillåten här
ORA-00984: kolonne er ikke tillatt her
ORA-00984: tässä ei voi olla saraketta
ORA-00984: oszlopnév használata itt nem megengedett
ORA-00984: coloană nepermisă aici
ORA-00984: Kolom is hier niet toegestaan.
ORA-00984: coluna não permitida aqui
ORA-00984: coluna não é aqui permitida
ORA-00984: употребление столбца здесь недопустимо
ORA-00984: sloupec zde není povolen
ORA-00984: stĺpec tu nie je dovolený
ORA-00984: w tym miejscu, kolumna jest niedozwolona
ORA-00984: burada sütun kullanımına izin verilemez


oracle tutorial webinars

ORA-00984: Column Not Allowed

The majority of Oracle mistakes are the result of simple mix-ups. Whether it is through errors deriving from copying and pasting across programs, mistaking program functions or just flat-out getting distracted during your work, programming an Oracle database can lead to user errors that are relatively easy to create. Often, these mistakes can be tough to spot at first, but, once the user is aware of them, they typically seem like a simple oversight. Thankfully, the user-friendly nature of Oracle means that problems like an ORA-00984 message are fairly easy to remedy.

The Problem

The ORA-00984 is an error resulting from a column not being allowed in a particular area of the program. It occurs when a user attempts to issue a SQL statement that includes a column name where it is not permitted. This can most often happen in reference to a false insertion in a VALUES clause of an INSERT statement.

For a refresher, let us go over the syntax that is most commonly used with INSERT statements. For a VALUES keyword, you will often work with this format:


(column1, column2, … column_n )
(expression1, expression2, … expression_n );

And for a SELECT statement, you will usually see the following:

(column1, column2, … column_n )
SELECT expression1, expression2, … expression_n
FROM source_table
WHERE conditions;

So, as you can see from above, by accidentally inserting a column name under the VALUES section as opposed to the INSERT INTO table section in the first format, the ORA-00984 error could quite possibly be triggered.

Now that we know the source of this error, let us look at some strategies to amend the issue.

The Solution

To correct the error, the user can take a couple of approaches. First, the user could correct the INSERT statement by including a character value (instead of the column name). Additionally, if the user needs to include a column name, they could rewrite the INSERT statement with a sub-select.

A quick side note: On occasion, you will not be able to find information about the error in the alert.log file. This runs contrary to a lot of Oracle instinct where you can check this file for the source of the Oracle errors once you receive them. Instead, if there is no information about the error in this location, open the DML error logging. You can audit Oracle with additional AUDIT syntax by using the DDL audit and the LogMiner audits. DDL audit triggers allow an administrator to automatically track all changes to the database. This includes changes to tables, indices, and constraints, which can be quite useful in your search for the error source.

The Example

Let us now turn to an example to see how a solution can be successfully implemented. Suppose you tried to use the column named “clients” in an INSERT statement, much like the following:

INSERT INTO employers
(business_id, business_name)
(7, client_name);

You would subsequently receive an error message, “ORA-00984: column not allowed here”. By taking the first approach, the following will change with the character value inclusion:

INSERT INTO employers
(business_id, business_name)
(7, ‘Mohammad’);

Alternatively, if you took the approach of rewriting the INSERT statement with a sub-select, here is how it would look:

INSERT INTO employers
(business_id, business_name)
SELECT employer_no, client_name
FROM clients
WHERE city = ‘Syracuse’;

Both of these changes can correct the ORA-00984 error and allow your system to return to a fully-functioning state.

Looking Forward

Staying aware of how columns and values interact within your database is key to preventing errors like ORA-00984. It can be easy to get caught up in the tunnel vision that sometimes accompanies coding; keeping a clear eye can give you a cautious perspective that could save hours of frustration. Working with a dedicated Oracle consulting firm can also provide you with the proper mindset that is necessary to avoid these mistakes in your Oracle database.

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