Sqlstate 08001 ошибка sql server

Are you stuck with SQL server connection failed SQLState 08001 Error? It occurs when creating an ODBC connection on the Microsoft SQL.

Errors like SQL server connection failed SQLState 08001 can be really annoying.

The SQL server connection failed 08001 occurs when creating an ODBC connection on the Microsoft SQL.

At Bobcares, we often get requests from our customers regarding the SQL sever connection error as part of our Server Management Services.

Today, we’ll see the reasons for this SQL sever connection instance and how our Support Engineers fix it.

When the SQL Server Connection failed: SQLState 08001 Occurs?

Mostly the error SQLStateServer Connection failed 08001 occurs when creating an ODBC connection on Microsoft SQL.

We click Next on the SQL login screen. Then using the login information provided, the ODBC manager will try to connect to the SQL Server. But after some waiting time, it displays the below error message.

SQL Server Connection failed : SQLState 08001

The main three reasons for the error SQL Server Connection failure are

  • If we provide a wrong server name.
  • If the SQL Server not configured to a network connection.
  • The other possibility of this instance if we provide an incorrect login name or password.

How to fix SQLState 08001 Error?

Recently, one of our customers approached us with an error message ‘SQL Server Connection failed: SQLState 08001′.

Our Support Engineers log in to SQL Server Management Studio and make sure that the database name and other details are correct. In case, if the database server name is wrong then this error can occur.

Sometimes the message appears when we use ‘localhost’ as the Database Server name on the Database Settings screen in Confirm. But we can log in to the database in SQL Server Management Studio as a user, using the Server name ‘localhost’. Then our Support Engineers make any of the below two changes to fix the error.

  1. In the Database Settings screen, we change the Database Server name to the server name or
  2. In the SQL Server Configuration Manager, we enable the Named Pipes values in the Client Protocols.

  Our Support Engineers follow any of the above two methods to fixes the error while creating an ODBC connection on Microsoft SQL.

[Need assistance in fixing the Error while creating an ODBC connection? – We can help you.]


In short, we’ve discussed that the SQL server connection failed SQLState 08001 occurs when creating an ODBC connection on the Microsoft SQL. Also, we saw how our Support Engineers fix the error for the customers.


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  1. Ошибка подключения к базе 7.7 SQL
  2. SQL Server Connection failed : SQLState 08001 – Let’s fix it!!
  3. When the SQL Server Connection failed: SQLState 08001 Occurs?
  4. How to fix SQLState 08001 Error?
  5. Conclusion
  7. 4 Comments
  8. TablePlus
  9. Connection failed — SQLState ‘08001’ in SQL Server
  10. Точка подключения службы не подключается в System Center Configuration Manager
  11. Проблемы
  12. Решение
  13. Сведения об исправлении
  14. Предварительные условия
  15. Необходимость перезагрузки
  16. Сведения о замене исправлений
  17. Sql server native error 08001
  18. Answered by:
  19. Question
  20. Answers
  21. All replies

Ошибка подключения к базе 7.7 SQL

База 1С SQL. Подключается 5 ПК. На одном из них переустановили систему, установили платформу 7.7, при попытке подключения к базе выдает ошибку:

SQL State:08001
Messeg:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNetLib] SQL Server не существует или отсутствует доступ.
SQL State:01000
Messeg:[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNetLib] Connection open(Connect())

Помогите разобраться, как исправить?

Причин возникновения проблем с подключением к SQL Server-у может быть много, но есть простые методы диагностики и выявления проблем подключения к серверу.

Шаг 1.
Попробуйте «пропинговать» сервер БД как по имени так и по IP-адресу, командой
Ping [SQLServerDNSName], где SQLServerDNSName – DNS имя сервера БД в сети. Если возникли проблемы с пингом по имени, то необходимо устранить проблемы со службой DNS в Вашей сети. Если сервер не пингуется по IP-адресу, то необходимо решить проблемы, либо с маршрутизацией пакетов в сети, или проверить саму сеть на наличие физических обрывов.

Шаг 2.
Выполняется при условии, что шаг 1 выполнился успешно.
Простая проверка к соединения с сервером БД осуществляется командой
telnet [SQLServerIPAdress] [port] – где SQLServerIPAdress IP-адрес сервера, port-порт подключения к серверу, по умолчанию 1433. При удачном подключении, экран терминала telnet будет чистым с мигающим курсором. При неудачном подключении необходимо проверить порт подключения к серверу. Определение настроек порта на клиенте выполняется утилитой cliconfg.exe, на сервере — утилитой svrnetcn.exe.

Шаг 3.
Выполняется при условии, что шаги 1 и 2 выполнились успешно.
Часто на этом шаге при подключении возникает ошибка «Login failed for user [UserName]», где UserName-имя пользователя, под которым вы хотите подключиться к серверу БД. При возникновении такой ошибки необходимо проверить тип авторизации. По умолчанию при установке SQL Server-а разрешена только Windows авторизация. Если Вы подключаетесь под логином sa, то Вам необходимо установить на сервере БД смешанную(mixed) авторизацию. Также необходимо проверить пароль для логина, под которым Вы подключаетесь.


SQL Server Connection failed : SQLState 08001 – Let’s fix it!!

by Sharon Thomas | Jan 14, 2020

Errors like SQL server connection failed SQLState 08001 can be really annoying.

The SQL server connection failed 08001 occurs when creating an ODBC connection on the Microsoft SQL.

At Bobcares, we often get requests from our customers regarding the SQL sever connection error as part of our Server Management Services.

Today, we’ll see the reasons for this SQL sever connection instance and how our Support Engineers fix it.

When the SQL Server Connection failed: SQLState 08001 Occurs?

Mostly the error SQLStateServer Connection failed 08001 occurs when creating an ODBC connection on Microsoft SQL.

We click Next on the SQL login screen. Then using the login information provided, the ODBC manager will try to connect to the SQL Server. But after some waiting time, it displays the below error message.

The main three reasons for the error SQL Server Connection failure are

  • If we provide a wrong server name.
  • If the SQL Server not configured to a network connection.
  • The other possibility of this instance if we provide an incorrect login name or password.

How to fix SQLState 08001 Error?

Recently, one of our customers approached us with an error message ‘SQL Server Connection failed: SQLState 08001′.

Our Support Engineers log in to SQL Server Management Studio and make sure that the database name and other details are correct. In case, if the database server name is wrong then this error can occur.

Sometimes the message appears when we use ‘localhost’ as the Database Server name on the Database Settings screen in Confirm. But we can log in to the database in SQL Server Management Studio as a user, using the Server name ‘localhost’. Then our Support Engineers make any of the below two changes to fix the error.

  1. In the Database Settings screen, we change the Database Server name to the server name or
  2. In the SQL Server Configuration Manager, we enable the Named Pipes values in the Client Protocols.

Our Support Engineers follow any of the above two methods to fixes the error while creating an ODBC connection on Microsoft SQL.

[Need assistance in fixing the Error while creating an ODBC connection? – We can help you.]


In short, we’ve discussed that the SQL server connection failed SQLState 08001 occurs when creating an ODBC connection on the Microsoft SQL. Also, we saw how our Support Engineers fix the error for the customers.


Never again lose customers to poor server speed! Let us help you.

Our server experts will monitor & maintain your server 24/7 so that it remains lightning fast and secure.

I got same situation or error message and the issue in my particular case was that the number of connections was set to a maximum of 500. similar issue happened when this limit is reached therefore you can either reboot the SQL instance to get rid of idle connections. But if this happens frequently change the number of connections to unlimited (Value 0).
Alemayehu G. Desta

Hello Alemayehu,
Indeed the connection limit does cause SQL errors.

Named Pipes Solution solved.

Hi Manoj,
Glad to know that the problem got fixed.



Connection failed — SQLState ‘08001’ in SQL Server

September 25, 2019

When creating a connection to SQL Server using an ODBC driver, you might receive this error:

Here are some common causes and corresponding fixes:

1. SQL Server service is not running on SQL Server.

You can try to start or restart SQL Server services, including SQL Server Database Engine, the SQL Server Agent, or the SQL Server Browser service.

2. SQL Server Browser service is not running on SQL Server.

This might cause the issue sometime so make sure to enable the “SQL Server Browser” Service and set to start Automatically.

3. TCP/IP protocol is not enabled for SQL Server.

Make sure the TCP/IP protocol is enabled by logging in to the SQL server, navigate to the “Sql Server Configuration Manager”, then enable the “TCP/IP” and the “Named Pipes” Protocols.

4. Firewall on SQL Server is blocking TCP port of SQL Server.

Check and reconfig the firewall rules to allow SQL Server access.

5. Firewall on SQL Server is blocking UDP port (1434) of SQL Server browser.

Again, check and reconfig the firewall rules to allow SQL Server access.

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Точка подключения службы не подключается в System Center Configuration Manager


Вы обнаружили, что System Center Configuration Manager сайта не может подключиться к SQL Server. Эта проблема возникает при выполнении следующих условий:

База данных сервера сайта настроена для обмена данными с помощью именованного экземпляра SQL сервера и пользовательского порта.

Роль «точка подключения службы» устанавливается на том же компьютере, где выполняется SQL Server.

В этом случае записи, похожие на следующие, записываются в файлы smsexec.log и hman.log на сервере сайта:

[08001][2][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]Поставщик именованных каналов: не удалось открыть подключение к SQL Server [2].
[HYT00][0][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]
Истекло время ожидания входа*** [08001][2][Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0]При установке подключения к SQL Server произошла ошибка, связанная с сетью или экземпляром. Сервер не найден или недоступен. Проверьте правильность имени экземпляра и SQL Server настроены для разрешения удаленных подключений. Дополнительные сведения см. в SQL Server электронной документации.
Не удалось подключиться к SQL Server, тип подключения: SMS ACCESS.


Сведения об исправлении

Поддерживаемое исправление доступно в служба поддержки Майкрософт. Однако это исправление предназначено только для устранения проблемы, описанной в этой статье. Примените это исправление только к системам, в которых возникла проблема, описанная в этой статье. Это исправление может получить дополнительное тестирование. Поэтому, если эта проблема серьезно не затрагивает вас, рекомендуется дождаться следующего обновления программного обеспечения, содержащего это исправление.

Если исправление доступно для скачивания, в верхней части этой статьи базы знаний есть раздел «Доступно скачивание исправлений». Если этот раздел не отображается, обратитесь в службу поддержки клиентов Майкрософт, чтобы получить исправление.

Обратите внимание, что при возникновении дополнительных проблем или необходимости устранения неполадок может потребоваться создать отдельный запрос на обслуживание. Обычные затраты на поддержку будут применяться к дополнительным вопросам поддержки и вопросам, которые не подходят для этого исправления. Полный список номеров телефонов службы поддержки и обслуживания майкрософт или создания отдельного запроса на обслуживание см. на следующем веб-сайте Майкрософт:

http://support.microsoft.com/contactus/?ws=supportОбратите внимание, что в форме «Доступно скачивание исправлений» отображаются языки, для которых доступно исправление. Если язык не отображается, исправление недоступно для этого языка.

Предварительные условия

Чтобы применить это исправление, необходимо установить версию выпуска System Center Configuration Manager версии 1511.

Необходимость перезагрузки

После применения этого исправления не нужно перезапускать компьютер.

Сведения о замене исправлений

Это исправление не заменяет ранее выпущенное исправление.


Sql server native error 08001

This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

Answered by:


Client setup system as below

OS: Windows 2008 R2 64 bit and installed SQL native client 11.0 (SQL 2012) for DSN creation.

Successfully created DSN when using with default SQL server ODBC driver in client machine. (by using AG listener name)

when try to connect via SQL native client 11.0 ODBC driver does not allowed and throwing SQL state 08001 error and time out messages.

Pl. help, how overcome this time out errors? does it require to install any patches?


Yes.. In client machine win 2008 R2 — SQL 2012 SSMS installed, I can able connect only AG Listener Name.

Does not connect if adding parameter -M (multisubnetfailover)..

Maybe this will help (Connection times out when you use AlwaysOn availability group listener with MultiSubnetFailover parameter): https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2870437

As a side note, I’d see if you can talk the client into upgrading from Windows 2008 R2. I would not recommend using it for any new projects.

I hope you found this helpful! If you did, please vote it as helpful on the left. If it answered your question, please mark it as the answer below. 🙂

  • Edited by Daniel Janik Tuesday, August 2, 2016 5:20 AM
  • Proposed as answer by Lin Leng Microsoft contingent staff Sunday, August 14, 2016 2:53 PM
  • Marked as answer by Lin Leng Microsoft contingent staff Monday, August 15, 2016 2:00 AM

I recall there being several hotfixes and to-dos to make Availability groups work with Windows 2008 R2.

It’s been quite a while since I’ve thought about that configuration; so, I can’t tell you if it’s recommended or not. Last time I looked into it was 2014 and the answer was don’t run a SQL AG on Win 2008 R2. You’re much better off using Windows 2012 or later.

Again, I don’t know if that’s changed but I would also question configuring Windows 2008 R2 as a new server mid way through 2016. Didn’t mainstream support end in January 2015?

I hope you found this helpful! If you did, please vote it as helpful on the left. If it answered your question, please mark it as the answer below. 🙂


I wanted to configure a separate SQL server to do a vCenter migration and I was getting errors to connect to the DB server, I was able to fix this issue after doing some changes in the SQL server. Here, I thought to post the steps that I took to resolve the issue. I believe this post will help others who involved with the configuration and resolve these type of issues in the middle of their configuration without wasting more time on this.

I have installed a fresh SQL 2008 R2 server with the custom SQL instance (SQL Express instance name is not the default one). Installed the relevant SQL Native client and tried to connect to the DB Server. It was throwing the below error message

I did a search in the internet there were lots of different different post with the solutions. However this is how fixed this problem.

First of all we need to put the full sql server instance in the ODBC connection if you are changing the default one. It should be in the “SERVERNAMESQLINSTANCENAME” format.

After that logged in to the SQL server and enabled the “TCP/IP” and the “Named Pipes” Protocols in the “Sql Server Configuration Manager”

Next step, enabled the “SQL Server Browser” Service, it was in the disabled state and I have enabled and set to start Automatically.

After that I was able to successfully connect to the DB Server.

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Aruna Lakmal

Associate Technical Specialist, Sri Lanka. Technology junky, enthusiast, a VMware vExpert and a blogger with more than 8 years of Experience in Virtualization and Cloud Native technologies.

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Sql server ODBC connection error «Connection failed: SQLState: ‘08001’ SQL Server Error:17»

  • Question

  • Hi Everyone, 

                   I am having conundrum guys. I recently moved all my access linked database to new NAS device except one client all works fine with database where it comes out with error «

    Connection failed:
    SQLState: ‘01000’
    SQL Server Error: 1703
    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Multi-Protocol]
    Connection failed:
    SQL Server Error:11
    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Multi-Protocol]General 
    network error. Check your network documentation.

            When I test ODBC connection it completes successfully and I also checked permission and seems to be okey and also checked security in
    SQL database it has permission to  connect to corresponding database. To let you know guys I recently changed the password of that machine to blank and urged my colleague to change in next login so is it because of password
    its not connecting. I am using TCP/IP dynamic port in ODBC connection. One thing I dont understand is that why its functioning well in all clients except one which I checked previous day before changing password it was working fine.I am
    using sql server 2000 and access 2003 database.




    • Edited by

      Thursday, June 9, 2011 2:42 PM


  • What is your client operating system? If it is Windows XP or earlier version, please first check the client settings:

    1. Check your SQL Server Client Network Utility settings.

    Open SQL Server Client Network Utility by running Cliconfg.exe from command prompt on your client machine, selected the General tab and make sure that the TCP/IP protocol and named pipes protocols that your
    SQL Server support are enabled. You can check what the protocols your SQL Server support by running SQL Server Server Network Utility at your server side. Make sure that they are equal and then you can create an alias with the sql server name with a
    specific protocol like TCP and TCP port in the Client Network Utility. The alias must be the name that you used to connect to your SQL Server instance.

    2. If the above does not work, please check if there is any problem of your MDAC with MDAC checker,


    3. Make sure that your client operating system has the latest service pack installed.

    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

    • Marked as answer by
      Alex Feng (SQL)
      Monday, June 20, 2011 10:18 AM

  • Remove From My Forums


Sql server ODBC connection error «Connection failed: SQLState: ‘08001’ SQL Server Error:17»

  • Question

  • Hi Everyone, 

                   I am having conundrum guys. I recently moved all my access linked database to new NAS device except one client all works fine with database where it comes out with error «

    Connection failed:
    SQLState: ‘01000’
    SQL Server Error: 1703
    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Multi-Protocol]
    Connection failed:
    SQL Server Error:11
    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Multi-Protocol]General 
    network error. Check your network documentation.

            When I test ODBC connection it completes successfully and I also checked permission and seems to be okey and also checked security in
    SQL database it has permission to  connect to corresponding database. To let you know guys I recently changed the password of that machine to blank and urged my colleague to change in next login so is it because of password
    its not connecting. I am using TCP/IP dynamic port in ODBC connection. One thing I dont understand is that why its functioning well in all clients except one which I checked previous day before changing password it was working fine.I am
    using sql server 2000 and access 2003 database.




    • Edited by

      Thursday, June 9, 2011 2:42 PM


  • What is your client operating system? If it is Windows XP or earlier version, please first check the client settings:

    1. Check your SQL Server Client Network Utility settings.

    Open SQL Server Client Network Utility by running Cliconfg.exe from command prompt on your client machine, selected the General tab and make sure that the TCP/IP protocol and named pipes protocols that your
    SQL Server support are enabled. You can check what the protocols your SQL Server support by running SQL Server Server Network Utility at your server side. Make sure that they are equal and then you can create an alias with the sql server name with a
    specific protocol like TCP and TCP port in the Client Network Utility. The alias must be the name that you used to connect to your SQL Server instance.

    2. If the above does not work, please check if there is any problem of your MDAC with MDAC checker,


    3. Make sure that your client operating system has the latest service pack installed.

    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

    • Marked as answer by
      Alex Feng (SQL)
      Monday, June 20, 2011 10:18 AM

  • Remove From My Forums


Sql server ODBC connection error «Connection failed: SQLState: ‘08001’ SQL Server Error:17»

  • Question

  • Hi Everyone, 

                   I am having conundrum guys. I recently moved all my access linked database to new NAS device except one client all works fine with database where it comes out with error «

    Connection failed:
    SQLState: ‘01000’
    SQL Server Error: 1703
    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Multi-Protocol]
    Connection failed:
    SQL Server Error:11
    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][Multi-Protocol]General 
    network error. Check your network documentation.

            When I test ODBC connection it completes successfully and I also checked permission and seems to be okey and also checked security in
    SQL database it has permission to  connect to corresponding database. To let you know guys I recently changed the password of that machine to blank and urged my colleague to change in next login so is it because of password
    its not connecting. I am using TCP/IP dynamic port in ODBC connection. One thing I dont understand is that why its functioning well in all clients except one which I checked previous day before changing password it was working fine.I am
    using sql server 2000 and access 2003 database.




    • Edited by

      Thursday, June 9, 2011 2:42 PM


  • What is your client operating system? If it is Windows XP or earlier version, please first check the client settings:

    1. Check your SQL Server Client Network Utility settings.

    Open SQL Server Client Network Utility by running Cliconfg.exe from command prompt on your client machine, selected the General tab and make sure that the TCP/IP protocol and named pipes protocols that your
    SQL Server support are enabled. You can check what the protocols your SQL Server support by running SQL Server Server Network Utility at your server side. Make sure that they are equal and then you can create an alias with the sql server name with a
    specific protocol like TCP and TCP port in the Client Network Utility. The alias must be the name that you used to connect to your SQL Server instance.

    2. If the above does not work, please check if there is any problem of your MDAC with MDAC checker,


    3. Make sure that your client operating system has the latest service pack installed.

    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help

    • Marked as answer by
      Alex Feng (SQL)
      Monday, June 20, 2011 10:18 AM

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