Sqlstate hy000 general error 1114 the table is full

error 1114 (hy000): the table is full happens mainly due to server running out of disk space or wrong MySQL configuration limits like innodb_data_file_path.

Databases work as the storage for many Web applications. Maintaining these applications involve frequent export or import of data. Unfortunately, SQL server can report errors during this import/export process.

One such error is error 1114 (hy000): the table is full. The exact reason for the error can be disk space shortage or wrong database server settings.

At Bobcares, we often get requests from customers to fix database errors as part of our Outsourced Technical Support Services.

Today, we’ll see the causes for “error 1114 (hy000): the table is full” and how our Support Engineers fix them.

Where do we see table full error?

Firstly, let’s take a look at the typical scenarios where we see the error “1114 (hy000): the table is full”. 

This error primarily happens in the process of exporting and importing sql files into databases. It can be either via utilities like phpMyAdmin or even via command line.

Recently, a customer reported this error when he was trying to import a database via phpMyAdmin. The error said:

ERROR 1114 (HY000) at line 12345: The table 'abc' is full.

Surprisingly, the table it was complaining about was empty and contained no rows. Therefore, the natural question comes:

Why then table full error?

[Do you know that proactive server management can reduce MySQL errors drastically? Just signup with us and we’ll take care of your servers 24×7]

What causes “error 1114 (hy000): the table is full”?

Usually, the description for the error is often misleading as it says database table being full. But, the actual reason for the error may vary.

Let’s now see the typical causes for the error “1114 (hy000): the table is full.

1. Disk Full

From our experience in managing databases, our Dedicated Engineers often see the table full error due to disk full issues. If a server partition or disk has used up all the space and MySQL still attempts to insert data into the table, it will fail with error 1114.

Similarly, this error can also happen during backup of large databases too. Here, the backup process create large files and can cause space constraints in the disk. Backup file along with original database will result in doubling the size required for the table.

2. innodb_data_file_path limits

When the disk space of the server is all okay, and still you get error 1114 (hy000): the table is full, it means the problem will be with the Database server configuration settings.

For instance, on a database server with storage engine set as InnoDB , the parameter innodb_data_file_path often cause this error.

When the innodb_data_file_path in the my.cnf file is set as per the entry below, the ibdata1 file can grow only up to a maximum size of 512M.

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend:max:512M

And, when the file size grows over this limit, it ends up in the error 1114 (hy000): the table is full.

[Are you getting error 1114 (hy000): the table is full? Leave it for us, we are here to help you.]

How to fix “error 1114 (hy000): the table is full”?

So far, we saw the possible reasons for the error 1114. Now, let’s take a look on how our Dedicated Engineers resolve this and make database server working.

1. Fix disk space

First and foremost, we check the disk usage of the server using the command:

df -h

This would show up the disk that contains the least free space. Lack of free space on the disks can even stop the MySQL server. That’s why, our Support Engineers quickly try to clear out some disk space by removing unwanted backup files, log files and so on.

Additionally, to avoid problems with database restore, we always ensure enough free space in the partition that holds MySQL data directory. This applies to the /tmp partition too where MySQL store the temporary files.

2. Fix SQL server settings

Further, we fix the Database server settings. This involves setting the right value for the MySQL variables in the configuration file at /etc/my.cnf.

For instance, our Dedicated Engineers often do not put a maximum limit cap for ibdata1 file by adding the following entry in MySQL configuration.

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend

Similarly, we do an analysis of  the MySQL database usage and set the tmp_table_size, max_heap_table_size in the my.cnf file.

3. Recreating indexes

Indexes in databases helps SQL server to find the exact row or rows associated with the key values quickly and efficiently. Again, from our experience, when importing databases via phpmyAdmin, recreating the indexes at a different point can solve the table full error.


In short, error 1114 (hy000): the table is full happens mainly due to server running out of disk space or wrong MySQL configuration limits. Today, we saw the top causes for the error and how our Support Engineers solve them in live servers.


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The MySQL ERROR 1114 can be triggered when you try to perform an INSERT statement on a table.

The following example shows how the error happens when I try to insert data into the users table:

mysql> INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (15, "Nathan", "Sebhastian")

ERROR 1114 (HY000): The table users is full

To fix this error, you need to first check the disk space in where your MySQL server is installed and see if the partition is really full.

You can do so by running the df -h command from the Terminal. Here’s an example partitions listed from my server:

$ df -h

Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/vda1       200G   67G  134G  34% /
tmpfs            16G   34M   16G   1% /dev/shm
/dev/vdb1       800G  446G  354G  56% /tmp
tmpfs            16G  1.6G   15G  11% /run/dbus

If you see any disk on the list with the Use% value reaching around 90%, then you need to check if your mysql is installed on that disk.

Most likely you will have mysql located in /var/www/mysql directory, so you need to make sure the main mounted partition at / has the Use% lower than 80%.

But if you’re Use% values are low like in the example above, then the error is not caused by the disk partition.

You need to check on your MySQL configuration file next.

Fix MySQL table is full error from the configuration file

You need to open your MySQL config file and look at the configuration for innodb_data_file_path.

The default value may be as follows:

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend:max:256M

The values of innodb_data_file_path option above will create an ibdata1 directory that stores all critical information for your InnoDB-based tables.

The maximum size of data you can store in your InnoDB tables are 256MB as shown in the autoextend:max:256M in the option above.

To resolve the MySQL table is full issue, try increasing the size of your autoextend parameter to 512M like this:

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend:max:512M

Alternatively, you can also just write autoextend without specifying the maximum size to allow InnoDB tables to grow until the disk size is full:

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend

Once done, save your configuration file and restart your MySQL server:

sudo service mysql stop
sudo service mysql start

Try to connect and insert the data into your database table again. It should work this time.

If you’re using the MyISAM engine for your tables, then MySQL permits each MyISAM table to grow up to 256TB by default.

The MyISAM engine limit can still be increased up to 65,536TB if you need to. Check out the official MySQL documentation on table size limits on how to do that.

Good luck resolving the issue! 👍

At XTIVIA, we have encountered the MySQL Error 1114, “table is full” on quite a few occasions. The description for the error is usually misleading as it implies that a table has reached or exceeded a maximum set limitation. Tables utilizing the InnoDB storage engine do have inherent maximums although in these cases, the 64TB limit for InnoDB tables with InnoDB page sizes of 16KB was not the issue.

It is possible to impose user-defined maximums by explicitly defining the variable innodb_data_file_path. For example setting it to a value of ibdata1:10M:autoextend:max:256M will limit the data in InnoDB tables to a total of 256MB. Removing the max:256MB term will eliminate the imposed maximum.

In most cases, ERROR 1114 results from lack of disk space. If a partition, disk, or LUN has been exhausted of all space and MySQL attempts to insert data into the table, it will fail with Error 1114.

One example where this error was encountered was during a backup on a large database. Although there was plenty of disk space available on the partition, as mysqldump began backing up one particularly large table, it sent hundreds of thousands of errors reporting that the table was full. Again, the table was not full as no limits were set and the table was not near the 64TB maximum. The problem was that as mysqldump ran, it was creating a large file on the same partition where the data existed thereby doubling the size required for the table.

Adding more disk space was not an option under the time crunch and the maintenance window available for the client. The issue was resolved by running mysqldump on the table in increments. By adding a “–where” option in the mysqldump command, the backup was run stepwise on smaller chunks of data enabling the backup file and data files to exist in the same partition without running out of space. Given the autoincrement primary key and total number of rows, the table was divided into ten groups by rows to dump separately. Each ran successfully, the errors halted and a successful backup was therefore performed on the entire database.


MySQL reports a “Table is full” error where, in most cases, the issue involves running out of disk space. By default, limits are not imposed on MySQL tables however there are relatively large maximums inherent to the database and those maximums have not been the issue in our experience. If you are seeing this error, first check the disk space on the partition to ensure that this is not the cause of the error. If disk space is not a concern, check the variable innodb_data_file_path to see if a maximum table size has been set explicitly.

Я пытаюсь добавить строку в таблицу InnoDB с помощью простого запроса:

INSERT INTO zip_codes (zip_code, city) VALUES ('90210', 'Beverly Hills');

Но когда я пытаюсь выполнить этот запрос, я получаю следующее:

ERROR 1114 (HY000): The table `zip_codes` is full

Выполнение «SELECT COUNT (*) FROM zip_codes» дает мне 188 955 строк, что не кажется слишком большим, учитывая, что у меня есть другая таблица с 810 635 строками в этой же базе данных.

Я довольно неопытен с движком InnoDB и никогда не испытывал этой проблемы с MyISAM. Каковы некоторые из потенциальных проблем здесь?

EDIT: Это происходит только при добавлении строки в таблицу zip_codes.

08 апр. 2009, в 18:29



20 ответов

РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ: Сначала проверьте, не закончилось ли пространство диска, прежде чем разрешать разрешение, связанное с конфигурацией.

У вас, кажется, слишком низкий максимальный размер для innodb_data_file_path в my.cnf, в этом примере

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend:max:512M

вы не можете размещать более 512 МБ данных во всех таблицах innodb вместе.

Возможно, вам нужно переключиться на схему innodb-per-table с помощью innodb_file_per_table.

Martin C.
08 апр. 2009, в 17:14


Другая возможная причина заключается в том, что раздел является полным — это то, что случилось со мной сейчас.

28 май 2011, в 16:01


Вы также получите ту же ошибку ERROR 1114 (HY000): Таблица ‘# sql-310a_8867d7f’ заполнена

если вы попытаетесь добавить индекс в таблицу, в которой используется механизм хранения MEMORY.

Green Card
19 май 2010, в 19:17


Вам нужно изменить ограничение ограничения, установленное в my.cnf для таблиц INNO_DB. Этот лимит памяти не установлен для отдельных таблиц, он установлен для всех таблиц, объединенных.

Если вы хотите, чтобы память автоматически расширялась до 512 МБ

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend:max:512M

Если вы не знаете предела или не хотите устанавливать ограничение, вы можете его изменить следующим образом

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:10M:autoextend

10 март 2010, в 17:12


Эта ошибка также появляется, если раздел, в котором находится tmpdir, заполняется (из-за таблицы изменений или другой

01 нояб. 2011, в 18:27


У вас может быть нехватка места в разделе, где хранятся таблицы mysql (обычно/var/lib/mysql) или где хранятся временные таблицы (обычно/tmp).

Вы можете: — контролировать свое свободное пространство во время создания индекса. — укажите переменную MySQL tmpdir в другое место. Для этого требуется перезагрузка сервера.

21 июнь 2012, в 18:02


В моем случае это произошло потому, что раздел, на котором размещен файл ibdata1, был заполнен.

28 апр. 2010, в 17:59


Если вы используете NDBCLUSTER в качестве механизма хранения, вы должны увеличить DataMemory и IndexMemory.

Mysql FQA

21 дек. 2011, в 15:57


Я тоже столкнулся с этой ошибкой при импорте файла базы данных sql 8GB. Проверил мой установочный диск mysql. Там не было места в диске. Так что получили немного места, удалив ненужные элементы, и снова запустили мою команду импорта базы данных. На этот раз это было успешно.

Arun Kumar
24 авг. 2016, в 05:51


Если вы не включили опцию innodb_file_per_table, InnoDB хранит все данные в одном файле, обычно называемые ibdata1.

Проверьте размер этого файла и убедитесь, что на диске, на котором он находится, достаточно места на диске.

08 апр. 2009, в 16:37


у нас было: SQLSTATE [HY000]: Общая ошибка: 1114 Таблица ‘catalog_product_index_price_bundle_sel_tmp’ заполнена


изменить конфигурацию db:


tmp_table_size = 256M
max_heap_table_size = 256M

  • restart db

07 янв. 2015, в 23:06


Чтобы процитировать документы MySQL.

Механизм хранения InnoDB поддерживает таблицы InnoDB в табличном пространстве, которое может быть создано из нескольких файлов. Это позволяет таблице превышать максимальный размер отдельного файла. В табличное пространство могут входить необработанные разделы диска, что позволяет использовать чрезвычайно большие таблицы. Максимальный размер табличного пространства — 64 ТБ.

Если вы используете таблицы InnoDB и выходите из комнаты в табличном пространстве InnoDB. В этом случае решение заключается в расширении табличного пространства InnoDB. См. Раздел 13.2.5, [ «Добавление, удаление или изменение размера данных и файлов журнала InnoDB».]

Ólafur Waage
08 апр. 2009, в 16:35


Я столкнулся с этой проблемой… в моем случае у меня закончилось хранение на выделенном сервере. Убедитесь, что если все остальное не удается и рассмотрит увеличение дискового пространства или удаление нежелательных данных или файлов.

25 июль 2017, в 14:29


Я столкнулся с такой же проблемой из-за низкого дискового пространства. И раздел, в котором размещен файл ibdata1, являющийся системным табличным пространством для инфраструктуры InnoDB, был заполнен.

Saveendra Ekanayake
07 дек. 2016, в 21:43


В моем случае память сервера была заполнена, поэтому БД не смогла записать временные данные.
Чтобы решить эту проблему, вам просто нужно место на вашем диске.

Pierre-Yves Guillemet
05 янв. 2016, в 19:31


в моем случае это просто потому, что сервер mysql работает вместе с приложением, которое записывает слишком много журналов о том, что диск заполнен.

Вы можете проверить, достаточно ли места на диске

df -h

если процент использования диска составляет 100%, вы можете использовать эту команду, чтобы найти, какой каталог слишком велик

du -h -d 1 /

11 янв. 2019, в 10:15


В моем случае я пытался выполнить команду изменения таблицы, и доступное дисковое пространство было меньше размера таблицы. Однажды я увеличил дисковое пространство, проблема ушла.

Pratik Singhal
30 дек. 2018, в 05:37


Я исправил эту проблему, увеличив объем памяти, доступной для бродячей виртуальной машины, на которой находилась база данных.

28 нояб. 2018, в 16:04


В CentOS 7 просто остановка и запуск службы MySQL исправили это для меня.

sudo service mysql stop

sudo service mysql start

26 янв. 2016, в 14:47


Это также может быть предел InnoDB для количества открытых транзакций:


в 1024 транзакции, которые отменяют записи (как в, отредактированные любые данные), InnoDB не сможет работать

29 янв. 2010, в 15:21


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This is an article where the focus of the main discussion is about how to solve the error message of MySQL Database Server generated upon restoring a dump file into a single database. The error specifically shown in the title of the article which is ‘ERROR 1114 (HY000) at line 4032: The table named ‘table’ is actually full. So, the error happened at the time of restoring a single database is in progress. It is shown as follows :

root@hostname:/etc/mysql/conf.d# mysql -uroot -p mydb < /root/mydb_20170919_140100.sql
Enter password: 
ERROR 1114 (HY000) at line 4780: The table 'xx_first_table' is full

As shown in the restoring progress of the database named ‘mydb’ using the dump file named ‘mydb_20170919_140100.sql’ as located in the ‘/root/’, the process eventually stop and generated an error shown in the following highlight :

ERROR 1114 (HY000) at line 4780: The table 'xx_first_table' is full.

The progress for restoring database stop in the MySQL dump file at line 4780 at the operation on restoring the table named ‘xx_first_table’. At first, the troubleshooting step taken is just trying to look at the MySQL Database Server’s error message log file to take a deeper look on what is actually gone wrong so that an error shown. Below is the error log file :

InnoDB: End of page dump
2017-09-19T09:00:30.374051Z 4 [Note] InnoDB: Uncompressed page, stored checksum in field1 492130239, calculated checksums for field1: crc32 1232268277/3592550205, innodb 2962603457, none 3735928559, stored checksum in field2 492130239, calculated checksums for field2: crc32 1232268277/3592550205, innodb 1053660304, none 3735928559,  page LSN 0 2898285209, low 4 bytes of LSN at page end 2898285209, page number (if stored to page already) 32087, space id (if created with >= MySQL-4.1.1 and stored already) 0
InnoDB: Page may be an index page where index id is 2
2017-09-19T09:00:30.374068Z 4 [Note] InnoDB: Index 2 is `CLUST_IND` in table `SYS_COLUMNS`
2017-09-19T09:00:30.374073Z 4 [Note] InnoDB: It is also possible that your operating system has corrupted its own file cache and rebooting your computer removes the error. If the corrupt page is an index page. You can also try to fix the corruption by dumping, dropping, and reimporting the corrupt table. You can use CHECK TABLE to scan your table for corruption. Please refer to http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/forcing-innodb-recovery.html for information about forcing recovery.
2017-09-19T09:00:30.374078Z 4 [ERROR] [FATAL] InnoDB: Aborting because of a corrupt database page in the system tablespace. Or,  there was a failure in tagging the tablespace  as corrupt.
2017-09-19 16:00:30 0x7fe254038700  InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 140610048853760 in file ut0ut.cc line 916
InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory trap.
InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report to http://bugs.mysql.com.
InnoDB: If you get repeated assertion failures or crashes, even
InnoDB: immediately after the mysqld startup, there may be
InnoDB: corruption in the InnoDB tablespace. Please refer to
InnoDB: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/forcing-innodb-recovery.html
InnoDB: about forcing recovery.
09:00:30 UTC - mysqld got signal 6 ;
This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
Attempting to collect some information that could help diagnose the problem.
As this is a crash and something is definitely wrong, the information
collection process might fail.

The error definitely start in the following line :

InnoDB: End of page dump

and it is finally started to show the clear reason in the following line :

2017-09-19T09:00:30.374078Z 4 [ERROR] [FATAL] InnoDB: Aborting because of a corrupt database page in the system tablespace. Or, there was a failure in tagging the tablespace as corrupt.

So, to solve the above error, using the available error generated, it is concluded that the InnoDB file allocated doesn’t have enough storage to contain the restored database. So, the following step is taken to solve the problem :

1. Enlarge the size of the InnoDB file used to store the data. It is specificed in MySQL Database Server’s configuration file. Usually located in /etc/mysql/my.cnf. Add the following line :

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend

The file in the context of this article is actually located in ‘/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d’. The most important content is shown in the following snippet code, especially in the ‘[mysqld]’ section. Just add the line above to increase automatically the size of InnoDB file which is represented by a file named ‘ibdata1’. The file ‘ibdata1’ itself normally located in ‘/var/lib/mysql’.

# * Basic Settings
user            = mysql
pid-file        = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid
socket          = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
port            = 3306
basedir         = /usr
datadir         = /var/lib/mysql
tmpdir          = /tmp
lc-messages-dir = /usr/share/mysql

innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend

The size specified above as the initial size can be vary and in the above context, it is started at 12 M.

2. But apparently, the above solution doesn’t fixed the problem. It is because in the end, the culprit of the problem is because the space storage of the server is exhausted. Since there is no space left, the file named ‘ibdata1’ cannot be resized into a larger unit because of the database restore process. So, the solution is to reclaim some space area so that ‘ibdata1’ file can be extended automatically because of the database restore process. Don’t forget to restart MySQL Database Service after claiming some spaces.

3. In case the step in the 2nd one also ends in vain. Don’t forget to move the InnoDB file first to another place when MySQL Database Server is inactive. Move it back again to the original location and then restart or start MySQL Database Server again. The solution is similar with the one given in the article titled ‘MySQL Error Message : ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can’t connect to local MySQL server through socket ‘/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock’ (2)’ in this link. The solution given in the article is by moving InnoDB file in the inactive MySQL Database Server’s service state which the main problem also relates with InnoDB file.

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