Squid error no running copy

Squid Web Cache documentation

If your Squid version is older than 2.6 it is very outdated. Many of the
issues experienced in those versions are now fixed in 2.6 and later.

Your first point of troubleshooting should be to test with a newer
supported release and resolve any remaining issues with that install.

Current releases can be retrieved from
http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions or your operating system
distributor. How to do this is outlined in the system-specific help

Additional problems and resolutions for your specific system may be
found in the system-specific help troubleshooting:

  1. CentOS
  2. Debian
  3. Fedora
  4. Fink
  5. Gentoo
  6. NetBSD
  7. OpenSUSE
  8. RedHat
  9. Ubuntu

Some common situations have their own detailed explanations and

  1. Hotmail
  2. Transaprent proxy selective bypass

🔗 Why am I getting “Proxy Access Denied?”

You may need to set up the http_access option to allow requests from
your IP addresses. Please see SquidAcl
for information about that.

Alternately, you may have misconfigured one of your ACLs. Check the
access.log and squid.conf files for clues.

🔗 Connection Refused when reaching a sibling

I get Connection Refused when the cache tries to retrieve an object
located on a sibling, even though the sibling thinks it delivered the
object to my cache.

If the HTTP port number is wrong but the ICP port is correct you will
send ICP queries correctly and the ICP replies will fool your cache into
thinking the configuration is correct but large objects will fail since
you don’t have the correct HTTP port for the sibling in your
squid.conf file. If your sibling changed their http_port, you could
have this problem for some time before noticing.

🔗 Running out of filedescriptors

If you see the Too many open files error message, you are most likely
running out of file descriptors. This may be due to running Squid on an
operating system with a low filedescriptor limit. This limit is often
configurable in the kernel or with other system tuning tools. There are
two ways to run out of file descriptors: first, you can hit the
per-process limit on file descriptors. Second, you can hit the system
limit on total file descriptors for all processes.

:information_source: Squid 3.x provide a ./configure option –with-filedescriptors=N

Even with Squid built to support large numbers of FD and the system
configuration default set to permit large numbers to be used. The
ulimit or equivalent tools can change those limits under Squid at
any time. Before reporting this as a problem or bug please carefully
check your startup scripts and any tools used to run or manage Squid
to discover if they are setting a low FD limit.

🔗 Linux

Linux kernel 2.2.12 and later supports “unlimited” number of open files
without patching. So does most of glibc-2.1.1 and later (all areas
touched by Squid is safe from what I can tell, even more so in later
glibc releases). But you still need to take some actions as the kernel
defaults to only allow processes to use up to 1024 filedescriptors, and
Squid picks up the limit at build time.

  • Before configuring Squid run ulimit -HS -n XXXX (where
    XXXX is the number of filedescriptors you need to support). Be
    sure to run make clean before configure if you have already run
    configure as the script might otherwise have cached the prior
  • Configure, build and install Squid as usual
  • Make sure your script for starting Squid contains the above ulimit
    command to raise the filedescriptor limit. You may also need to
    allow a larger port span for outgoing connections (set in
    /proc/sys/net/ipv4/, like in
    echo 1024 32768 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range)

NOTE that the -n option is separate from the -HS options.
ulimit will fail on some systems if you try to combine them.
Alternatively you can

  • Run configure with your needed configure options
  • edit include/autoconf.h and define SQUID_MAXFD to your desired
    limit. Make sure to make it a nice and clean modulo 64 value
    (multiple of 64) to avoid various bugs in the libc headers.
  • build and install Squid as usual
  • Set the runtime ulimit as described above when starting Squid.

If running things as root is not an option then get your sysadmin to
install a the needed ulimit command in /etc/inittscript (see man
initscript), install a patched kernel where INR_OPEN in
include/linux/fs.h is changed to at least the amount you need or have
them install a small suid program which sets the limit (see link below).

🔗 FreeBSD

This information is outdated, and may no longer be relevant.

Eliezer Croitoru:
Referencing to Tuning Kernel Limits
of the FreeBSD based on Adrian Chadd

  • The docs describes that the basic “server accept” socket is bounded
    to a queue of 128 connections.
  • You would probably see something like “connection reset by peer” and
    you will need to increase the kern.ipc.somaxconn to 2048 to match
    something useful for production network of about 300 users.
  • In a case you have a loaded server you would need to increase it
    past the 16384 limit.

🔗 General BSD

This information is outdated, and may no longer be relevant.

For most BSD-derived systems (SunOS, 4.4BSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD,
BSD/OS, 386BSD, Ultrix) you can also use the “brute force” method to
increase these values in the kernel (requires a kernel rebuild):

  • How do I check my maximum filedescriptors?
    • Do pstat -T and look for the files value, typically
      expressed as the ratio of currentmaximum.
  • How do I increase them the easy way?
    • One way is to increase the value of the maxusers variable in
      the kernel configuration file and build a new kernel. This
      method is quick and easy but also has the effect of increasing a
      wide variety of other variables that you may not need or want
  • Is there a more precise method?
    • Another way is to find the param.c file in your kernel build
      area and change the arithmetic behind the relationship between
      maxusers and the maximum number of open files.

Here are a few examples which should lead you in the right direction:

🔗 FreeBSD (from the 2.1.6 kernel)

This information is outdated, and may no longer be relevant.

Very similar to SunOS, edit /usr/src/sys/conf/param.c and alter the
relationship between maxusers and the maxfiles and maxfilesperproc

int     maxfiles = NPROC*2;
int     maxfilesperproc = NPROC*2;

Where NPROC is defined by: #define NPROC (20 + 16 * MAXUSERS) The
per-process limit can also be adjusted directly in the kernel
configuration file with the following directive: options OPEN_MAX=128

🔗 BSD/OS (from the 2.1 kernel)

This information is outdated, and may no longer be relevant.

Edit /usr/src/sys/conf/param.c and adjust the maxfiles math here:

int     maxfiles = 3 * (NPROC + MAXUSERS) + 80;

Where NPROC is defined by: #define NPROC (20 + 16 * MAXUSERS) You
should also set the OPEN_MAX value in your kernel configuration file
to change the per-process limit.

🔗 Reconfigure afterwards

This information is outdated, and may no longer be relevant.

After you rebuild/reconfigure your kernel with more filedescriptors, you
must then recompile Squid. Squid’s configure script determines how many
filedescriptors are available, so you must make sure the configure
script runs again as well. For example:

cd squid-1.1.x
make realclean
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/squid

🔗 What are these strange lines about removing objects?

For example:

97/01/23 22:31:10| Removed 1 of 9 objects from bucket 3913
97/01/23 22:33:10| Removed 1 of 5 objects from bucket 4315
97/01/23 22:35:40| Removed 1 of 14 objects from bucket 6391

These log entries are normal, and do not indicate that squid has
reached cache_swap_high.

Consult your cache information page in cachemgr.cgi for a line like

Storage LRU Expiration Age:     364.01 days

Objects which have not been used for that amount of time are removed as
a part of the regular maintenance. You can set an upper limit on the
LRU Expiration Age value with reference_age in the config file.

🔗 Can I change a Windows NT FTP server to list directories in Unix format?

Why, yes you can! Select the following menus:

  • Start
  • Programs
  • Microsoft Internet Server (Common)
  • Internet Service Manager

This will bring up a box with icons for your various services. One of
them should be a little ftp “folder.” Double click on this.

You will then have to select the server (there should only be one)
Select that and then choose “Properties” from the menu and choose the
“directories” tab along the top.

There will be an option at the bottom saying “Directory listing style.”
Choose the “Unix” type, not the “MS-DOS” type.

by Oskar Pearson

🔗 Why am I getting “Ignoring MISS from non-peer x.x.x.x?”

You are receiving ICP MISSes (via UDP) from a parent or sibling cache
whose IP address your cache does not know about. This may happen in two

If the peer is multihomed, it is sending packets out an interface which
is not advertised in the DNS. Unfortunately, this is a configuration
problem at the peer site. You can tell them to either add the IP address
interface to their DNS, or use Squid’s “udp_outgoing_address” option
to force the replies out a specific interface. For example: on your
parent squid.conf:

udp_outgoing_address proxy.parent.com

on your squid.conf:

cache_peer proxy.parent.com parent 3128 3130

You can also see this warning when sending ICP queries to multicast
addresses. For security reasons, Squid requires your configuration to
list all other caches listening on the multicast group address. If an
unknown cache listens to that address and sends replies, your cache will
log the warning message. To fix this situation, either tell the unknown
cache to stop listening on the multicast address, or if they are
legitimate, add them to your configuration file.

🔗 DNS lookups for domain names with underscores (_) always fail.

The standards for naming hosts (
RFC 952 and
RFC 1101) do not allow
underscores in domain names:

A “name” (Net, Host, Gateway, or Domain name) is a text string up to 24
characters drawn from the alphabet (A-Z), digits (0-9), minus sign (-),
and period (.).

The resolver library that ships with recent versions of BIND enforces
this restriction, returning an error for any host with underscore in the
hostname. The best solution is to complain to the hostmaster of the
offending site, and ask them to rename their host.

See also the
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.domains FAQ

Some people have noticed that
RFC 1033 implies that
underscores are allowed. However, this is an informational RFC with
a poorly chosen example, and not a standard by any means.

🔗 Why does Squid say: “Illegal character in hostname; underscores are not allowed?’

See the above question. The underscore character is not valid for

Some DNS resolvers allow the underscore, so yes, the hostname might work
fine when you don’t use Squid.

To make Squid allow underscores in hostnames, add to squid.conf:
enable_underscores on

🔗 Why am I getting access denied from a sibling cache?

The answer to this is somewhat complicated, so please hold on.

An ICP query does not include any parent or sibling designation, so the
receiver really has no indication of how the peer cache is configured to
use it. This issue becomes important when a cache is willing to serve
cache hits to anyone, but only handle cache misses for its paying users
or customers. In other words, whether or not to allow the request
depends on if the result is a hit or a miss. To accomplish this, Squid
acquired the miss_access feature in October of 1996.

The necessity of “miss access” makes life a little bit complicated, and
not only because it was awkward to implement. Miss access means that the
ICP query reply must be an extremely accurate prediction of the result
of a subsequent HTTP request. Ascertaining this result is actually very
hard, if not impossible to do, since the ICP request cannot convey the
full HTTP request. Additionally, there are more types of HTTP request
results than there are for ICP. The ICP query reply will either be a hit
or miss. However, the HTTP request might result in a “304 Not
” reply sent from the origin server. Such a reply is not
strictly a hit since the peer needed to forward a conditional request to
the source. At the same time, its not strictly a miss either since the
local object data is still valid, and the Not-Modified reply is quite

One serious problem for cache hierarchies is mismatched freshness
parameters. Consider a cache C using “strict” freshness parameters so
its users get maximally current data. C has a sibling S with less
strict freshness parameters. When an object is requested at C, C
might find that S already has the object via an ICP query and ICP HIT
response. C then retrieves the object from S.

In an HTTP/1.0 world, C (and Cs client) will receive an object that
was never subject to its local freshness rules. Neither HTTP/1.0 nor ICP
provides any way to ask only for objects less than a certain age. If the
retrieved object is stale by
Cs rules, it will be removed fromCs
cache, but it will subsequently be fetched from
Sso long as it remains
fresh there. This configuration miscoupling problem is a significant
deterrent to establishing both parent and sibling relationships.

HTTP/1.1 provides numerous request headers to specify freshness
requirements, which actually introduces a different problem for cache
hierarchies: ICP still does not include any age information, neither in
query nor reply. So
Smay return an ICP HIT if its copy of the object is
fresh by its configuration parameters, but the subsequent HTTP request
may result in a cache miss due to any
Cache-control:headers originated
Cor byC’s client. Situations now emerge where the ICP reply no
longer matches the HTTP request result.

In the end, the fundamental problem is that the ICP query does not
provide enough information to accurately predict whether the HTTP
request will be a hit or miss. In fact, the current ICP Internet Draft
is very vague on this subject. What does ICP HIT really mean? Does it
mean “I know a little about that URL and have some copy of the object?”
Or does it mean “I have a valid copy of that object and you are allowed
to get it from me?”

So, what can be done about this problem? We really need to change ICP
so that freshness parameters are included. Until that happens, the
members of a cache hierarchy have only two options to totally eliminate
the “access denied” messages from sibling caches:

  • Make sure all members have the same refresh_rules parameters.
  • Do not use miss_access at all. Promise your sibling cache
    administrator thatyourcache is properly configured and that you
    will not abuse their generosity. The sibling cache administrator can
    check his log files to make sure you are keeping your word.*

If neither of these is realistic, then the sibling relationship should
not exist.

🔗 Cannot bind socket FD NN to *:8080 (125) Address already in use

This means that another processes is already listening on port 8080 (or
whatever you’re using). It could mean that you have a Squid process
already running, or it could be from another program. To verify, use the
netstat command:

netstat -antup | grep 8080

Windows Users need to use netstat -ant and manually find the

If you find that some process has bound to your port, but you’re not
sure which process it is, you might be able to use the excellent
lsof program. It will
show you which processes own every open file descriptor on your system.

🔗 icpDetectClientClose: ERROR xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx: (32) Broken pipe

This means that the client socket was closed by the client before Squid
was finished sending data to it. Squid detects this by trying to
read(2)some data from the socket. If theread(2)call fails, then Squid
konws the socket has been closed. Normally the
ECONNRESET: Connection reset by peerand these are NOT logged.
Any other error messages (such as
EPIPE: Broken pipeare logged
cache.log. See the “intro” of section 2 of your Unix manual for a
list of all error codes.

🔗 icpDetectClientClose: FD 135, 255 unexpected bytes

These are caused by misbehaving Web clients attempting to use persistent

🔗 Does Squid work with NTLM Authentication?

Yes, Squid supports Microsoft NTLM authentication to authenticate users
accessing the proxy server itself (be it in a forward or reverse setup).
See ProxyAuthentication
for further details

Squid 2.6+ and 3.1+ also support the kind of infrastructure that’s
needed to properly allow an user to authenticate against an NTLM-enabled

As NTLM authentication backends go, the real work is usually done by
Samba on squid’s behalf. That being the case,
Squid supports any authentication backend supported by Samba, including
Samba itself and MS Windows 3.51 and onwards Domain Controllers.

NTLM for HTTP is, however, an horrible example of an authentication
protocol, and we recommend to avoid using it in favour of saner and
standard-sanctioned alternatives such as Digest.

🔗 My Squid becomes very slow after it has been running for some time.

This is most likely because Squid is using more memory than it should be
for your system. When the Squid process becomes large, it experiences a
lot of paging. This will very rapidly degrade the performance of Squid.
Memory usage is a complicated problem. There are a number of things to

🔗 WARNING: Failed to start ‘dnsserver’

All current Squid now contain an optimized internal DNS engine.
Which is much faster and responsive that then the dnsserver helper.
That should be used by preference.

This could be a permission problem. Does the Squid userid have
permission to execute the dnsserverprogram?

🔗 Sending bug reports to the Squid team

see SquidFaq/BugReporting

🔗 FATAL: ipcache_init: DNS name lookup tests failed

This issue is now permanently resolved in Squid 3.1 and later.

Squid normally tests your system’s DNS configuration before it starts
server requests. Squid tries to resolve some common DNS names, as
defined in the dns_testnamesconfiguration directive. If Squid cannot
resolve these names, it could mean:

  • your DNS nameserver is unreachable or not running.
  • your System is in the process of booting
  • your /etc/resolv.conf file may contain incorrect information.
  • your /etc/resolv.conf file may have incorrect permissions, and may
    be unreadable by Squid.

To disable this feature, use the -D command line option. Due to this
issue displaying on Boot. Is is highly recommended that OS startup
scripts for Squid earlier than 3.1 use this option to disable tests.

Squid does NOT use the dnsservers to test the DNS. The test is
performed internally, before the dnsservers start.

🔗 FATAL: Failed to make swap directory /var/spool/cache: (13) Permission denied

Starting with version 1.1.15, we have required that you first run

to create the swap directories on your filesystem.

Squid basic default is user nobody. This can be overridden in
packages with the –with-default-user option when building or in
squid.conf with the cache_effective_user option.

The Squid process takes on the given userid before making the
directories. If the


directory (e.g. /var/spool/cache) does not exist, and the Squid userid
does not have permission to create it, then you will get the “permission
denied” error. This can be simply fixed by manually creating the cache

Alternatively, if the directory already exists, then your operating
system may be returning “Permission Denied” instead of “File Exists” on
the mkdir() system call.

🔗 FATAL: Cannot open HTTP Port


  1. the Squid userid does not have permission to bind to the port, or
  2. some other process has bound itself to the port

    Remember that root privileges are required to open port numbers less
    than 1024. If you see this message when using a high port number, or
    even when starting Squid as root, then the port has already been
    opened by another process.

SELinux can also deny squid access to port 80, even if you are
starting squid as root. Configure SELinux to allow squid to open
port 80 or disable SELinux in this case.

Maybe you are running in the HTTP Accelerator mode and there is
already a HTTP server running on port 80? If you’re really stuck,
install the way cool
lsof utility to show
you which process has your port in use.

🔗 FATAL: All redirectors have exited!

This is explained in Redirectors.

🔗 FATAL: Cannot open /usr/local/squid/logs/access.log: (13) Permission denied

In Unix, things like processes and files have an owner.
For Squid, the process owner and file owner should be the same. If
they are not the same, you may get messages like “permission denied.”

To find out who owns a file, use the command:

A process is normally owned by the user who starts it. However, Unix
sometimes allows a process to change its owner. If you specified a value
for the cache_effective_user option in squid.conf, then that will
be the process owner. The files must be owned by this
same userid.

If all this is confusing, then you probably should not be running Squid
until you learn some more about Unix. As a reference, I suggest
Learning the UNIX Operating System, 4thEdition.

🔗 pingerOpen: icmp_sock: (13) Permission denied

This means your pinger helper program does not have root priveleges.
You should either do this when building Squid:


# chown root /usr/local/squid/bin/pinger
# chmod 4755 /usr/local/squid/bin/pinger

:information_source: location of the pinger binary may vary

🔗 What is a forwarding loop?

A forwarding loop is when a request passes through one proxy more than
once. You can get a forwarding loop if

  • a cache forwards requests to itself. This might happen with
    interception caching (or server acceleration) configurations.
  • a pair or group of caches forward requests to each other. This can
    happen when Squid uses ICP, Cache Digests, or the ICMP RTT database
    to select a next-hop cache.

Forwarding loops are detected by examining the Via request header.
Each cache which “touches” a request must add its hostname to the Via
header. If a cache notices its own hostname in this header for an
incoming request, it knows there is a forwarding loop somewhere.

Squid may report a forwarding loop if a request goes through two
caches that have the same visible_hostname value. If you want
to have multiple machines with the same visible_hostname then
you must give each machine a different unique_hostname so that
forwarding loops are correctly detected.

When Squid detects a forwarding loop, it is logged to the cache.log
file with the recieved Via header. From this header you can determine
which cache (the last in the list) forwarded the request to you.

One way to reduce forwarding loops is to change a parent
relationship to a sibling relationship.

Another way is to use cache_peer_access rules.

🔗 accept failure: (71) Protocol error

This error message is seen mostly on Solaris systems.
Mark Kennedy gives a great explanation:

Error 71 [EPROTO] is an obscure way of reporting that clients made it onto your
server's TCP incoming connection queue but the client tore down the
connection before the server could accept it. I.e. your server ignored
its clients for too long. We've seen this happen when we ran out of
file descriptors. I guess it could also happen if something made squid
block for a long time.

##Why do I get ‘‘fwdDispatch: Cannot retrieve ‘https://www.buy.com/corp/ordertracking.asp’ ‘’

These messages are caused by buggy clients, mostly Netscape Navigator.
What happens is, Netscape sends an HTTPS/SSL request over a persistent
HTTP connection. Normally, when Squid gets an SSL request, it looks like

CONNECT www.buy.com:443 HTTP/1.0

Then Squid opens a TCP connection to the destination host and port, and
the real request is sent encrypted over this connection. Thats the
whole point of SSL, that all of the information must be sent encrypted.

With this client bug, however, Squid receives a request like this:

CONNECT https://www.buy.com/corp/ordertracking.asp HTTP/1.0

Now, all of the headers, and the message body have been sent,
unencrypted to Squid. There is no way for Squid to somehow turn this
into an SSL request. The only thing we can do is return the error

This browser bug does represent a security risk because the
browser is sending sensitive information unencrypted over the

##Squid can’t access URLs like http://3626046468/ab2/cybercards/moreinfo.html

by Dave J Woolley (DJW at bts dot co dot uk)

These are illegal URLs, generally only used by illegal sites;
typically the web site that supports a spammer and is expected to
survive a few hours longer than the spamming account.

Their intention is to:

  • confuse content filtering rules on proxies, and possibly some
    browsers’ idea of whether they are trusted sites on the local
  • confuse whois(?);
  • make people think they are not IP addresses and unknown domain
    names, in an attempt to stop them trying to locate and complain to
    the ISP.

Any browser or proxy that works with them should be considered a
security risk.

RFC 1738 has this to say about
the hostname part of a URL:

The fully qualified domain name of a network host, or its IP
address as a set of four decimal digit groups separated by
".". Fully qualified domain names take the form as described
in Section 3.5 of RFC 1034 [13] and Section 2.1 of RFC 1123
[5]: a sequence of domain labels separated by ".", each domain
label starting and ending with an alphanumerical character and
possibly also containing "-" characters. The rightmost domain
label will never start with a digit, though, which
syntactically distinguishes all domain names from the IP

🔗 I get a lot of “URI has whitespace” error messages in my cache log, what should I do?

Whitespace characters (space, tab, newline, carriage return) are not
allowed in URI’s and URL’s.

Unfortunately, a number of web services generate URL’s with whitespace.
Of course your favorite browser silently accomodates these bad URL’s.
The servers (or people) that generate these URL’s are in violation of
Internet standards. The whitespace characters should be encoded.

If you want Squid to accept URL’s with whitespace, you have to decide
how to handle them. There are four choices that you can set with the
uri_whitespace option in squid.conf:

    This is the correct way to handle them. This is the default for
    Squid 3.x.
  • DENY
    The request is denied with an “Invalid Request” message. This is
    the default for Squid2.x.
    The request is allowed and the URL remains unchanged.
    The whitespace characters are encoded according to RFC 1738
  • CHOP
    The URL is chopped at the first whitespace character and then
    processed normally.

Only STRIP and DENY are the only approved ways of handling these URI.
Others are technically violations and should not be performed. The
broken web service should be fixed instead. It is breaking much more of
the Internet than just your proxy.

🔗 commBind: Cannot bind socket FD 5 to (49) Can’t assign requested address

This likely means that your system does not have a loopback network
device, or that device is not properly configured. All Unix systems
should have a network device named lo0 , and it should be configured with the address If not, you
may get the above error message. To check your system, run:

Windows users must use: ipfconfig

The result should contain:

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host

🔗 What does “sslReadClient: FD 14: read failure: (104) Connection reset by peer” mean?

“Connection reset by peer” is an error code that Unix operating systems
sometimes return for read, write, connect, and other system calls.

Connection reset means that the other host, the peer, sent us a RESET
packet on a TCP connection. A host sends a RESET when it receives an
unexpected packet for a nonexistent connection. For example, if one side
sends data at the same time that the other side closes a connection,
when the other side receives the data it may send a reset back.

The fact that these messages appear in Squid’s log might indicate a
problem, such as a broken origin server or parent cache. On the other
hand, they might be “normal,” especially since some applications are
known to force connection resets rather than a proper close.

You probably don’t need to worry about them, unless you receive a lot of
user complaints relating to SSL sites.

Rick Jones notes that if the server is running a Microsoft TCP stack,
clients receive RST segments whenever the listen queue overflows. In
other words, if the server is really busy, new connections receive the
reset message. This is contrary to rational behaviour, but is unlikely
to change.

🔗 What does ‘‘Connection refused’’ mean?

This is an error message, generated by your operating system, in
response to a connect() system call. It happens when there is no server
at the other end listening on the port number that we tried to connect

It is quite easy to generate this error on your own. Simply telnet to a
random, high numbered port:

It happens because there is no server listening for connections on port

When you see this in response to a URL request, it probably means the
origin server web site is temporarily down. It may also mean that your
parent cache is down, if you have one.

🔗 squid: ERROR: no running copy

You may get this message when you run commands like squid -k rotate.

This error message usually means that the squid.pid file is missing.
Since the PID file is normally present when squid is
running, the absence of the PID file usually means Squid is not running.
If you accidentally delete the PID file, Squid will continue running,
and you won’t be able to send it any signals.

If you accidentally removed the PID file, there are two ways to get
it back.

First locate the proces ID by running ps and find Squid. You’ll
probably see two processes, like this:

% ps ax | grep squid

 2267 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/squid-ipv6 -D -sYC
 2735 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep squid
 8893 ?        Rl     2:57 (squid) -D -sYC
 8894 ?        Ss     0:17 /bin/bash /etc/squid3/helper/redirector.sh

You want the (squid) process id, 8893 in this case.

The first solution is to create the PID file yourself and put the
process id number there. For example:

echo 8893 > /usr/local/squid/logs/squid.pid

Be careful of file permissions. It’s no use having a .pid file if
squid can’t update it when things change.

The second is to use the above technique to find the Squid process id.
Then to send the process a HUP signal, which is the same as squid -k

The reconfigure process creates a new PID file automatically.

🔗 FATAL: getgrnam failed to find groupid for effective group ‘nogroup’

You are probably starting Squid as root. Squid is trying to find a
group-id that doesn’t have any special priveleges that it will run as.
The default is nogroup, but this may not be defined on your system.

The best fix for this is to assign squid a low-privilege user-id and
assign that uerid to a group-id. There is a good chance that nobody
will work for you as part of group nogroup.

Alternatively in older Squid the cache_effective_group in squid.conf
my be changed to the name of an unpriveledged group from /etc/group.
There is a good chance that nobody will work for you.

🔗 Squid uses 100% CPU

There may be many causes for this.

Andrew Doroshenko reports that removing /dev/null, or mounting a
filesystem with the nodev option, can cause Squid to use 100% of CPU.
His suggested solution is to “touch /dev/null.”

🔗 urlParse: Illegal character in hostname ‘proxy.mydomain.com:8080proxy.mydomain.com’

By Yomler of fnac.net

A combination of a bad configuration of Internet Explorer and any
application which use the cydoor DLLs will produce the entry in the log.
See cydoor.com for a complete list.

The bad configuration of IE is the use of a active configuration script
(proxy.pac) and an active or inactive, but filled proxy settings. IE
will only use the proxy.pac. Cydoor aps will use both and will generate
the errors.

Disabling the old proxy settings in IE is not enought, you should delete
them completely and only use the proxy.pac for example.

🔗 Requests for international domain names do not work


Some people have asked why requests for domain names using national
symbols as “supported” by the certain domain registrars does not work in
Squid. This is because there as of yet is no standard on how to manage
national characters in the current Internet protocols such as HTTP or
DNS. The current Internet standards is very strict on what is an
acceptable hostname and only accepts A-Z a-z 0-9 and — in Internet
hostname labels. Anything outside this is outside the current Internet
standards and will cause interoperability issues such as the problems
seen with such names and Squid.

When there is a consensus in the DNS and HTTP standardization groups on
how to handle international domain names Squid will be changed to
support this if any changes to Squid will be required.

If you are interested in the progress of the standardization process for
international domain names please see the IETF IDN working group’s
dedicated page.

🔗 Why do I sometimes get “Zero Sized Reply”?

This happens when Squid makes a TCP connection to an origin server, but
for some reason, the connection is closed before Squid reads any data.
Depending on various factors, Squid may be able to retry the request
again. If you see the “Zero Sized Reply” error message, it means that
Squid was unable to retry, or that all retry attempts also failed.

What causes a connection to close prematurely? It could be a number of
things, including:

  • An overloaded origin server.
  • TCP implementation/interoperability bugs. See the
    for details.
  • Race conditions with HTTP persistent connections.
  • Buggy or misconfigured NAT boxes, firewalls, and load-balancers.
  • Denial of service attacks.
  • Utilizing TCP blackholing on FreeBSD (check

You may be able to use tcpdump to track down and observe the problem.

Some users believe the problem is caused by very large cookies. One
user reports that his Zero Sized Reply problem went away when he
told Internet Explorer to not accept third-party cookies.

Here are some things you can try to reduce the occurance of the Zero
Sized Reply error:

  • Delete or rename your cookie file and configure your browser to
    prompt you before accepting any new cookies.
  • Disable HTTP persistent connections with the
    server_persistent_connections and
    client_persistent_connections directives.
  • Disable any advanced TCP features on the Squid system. Disable ECN
    on Linux with echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_ecn/.

If this error causes serious problems for you and the above does not
help, Squid developers would be happy to help you uncover the problem.
However, we will require high-quality debugging information from you,
such as tcpdump output, server IP addresses, operating system
versions, and access.log entries with full HTTP headers.

If you want to make Squid give the Zero Sized error on demand, you can use
a short C program.
Simply compile and start the program on a system that doesn’t already
have a server running on port 80. Then try to connect to this fake
server through Squid.

🔗 Why do I get “The request or reply is too large” errors?

by Grzegorz Janoszka

This error message appears when you try downloading large file using GET
or uploading it using POST/PUT. There are several parameters to look

  • request_body_max_size
  • reply_body_max_size

These two are set to 0 by default, which means no limits at all. They
should not be limited unless you really know how that affects your squid
behavior. Or at all in standard proxy.

  • request_header_max_size
  • reply_header_max_size

These two default to 64kB starting from Squid-3.1.
Earlier versions of Squid had defaults as low as 2 kB. In some rather
rare circumstances even 64kB is too low, so you can increase this value.

🔗 Negative or very large numbers in Store Directory Statistics, or constant complaints about cache above limit

In some situations where swap.state has been corrupted Squid can be very
confused about how much data it has in the cache. Such corruption may
happen after a power failure or similar fatal event. To recover first
stop Squid, then delete the swap.state files from each cache directory
and then start Squid again. Squid will automatically rebuild the
swap.state index from the cached files reasonably well.

If this does not work or causes too high load on your server due to the
reindexing of the cache then delete the cache content as explained in

🔗 Problems with Windows update

see SquidFaq/WindowsUpdate

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>FreeBSD6.1+SQIUD запускается squid -D, при проверке работы выдаёт
>squid:ERROR:no running copy. Помогите разобраться!
>В месагах пишет ошибка чтения записи файла записи ошибок. Но это же
>не повод для того чтобы сквид отваливался?

Была та же трабла.
cache.log squidGuard’a показал, что squidGuard не cмог прочитать файлы, находящиеся в
Поэтому, нужно, чтобы пользователь, от имени которого запускается SQUID имел возможность прочитать эти файлы. И причем не только сами файлы и директорию их содержащую, но и родительские папки(что для меня было удивительно).
Вот скрипт, который решил мою траблу.

chmod a+x /usr/local/
chmod a+x /usr/local/etc/
chmod a+x /usr/local/etc/squid/
chmod a+x /usr/local/etc/squid/errors/
chmod a+r /usr/local/etc/squid/errors/Russian-koi8-r/*


Squid: Error: no running copy

Поставил сквид, все работало нормально, жалоб небыло.
Через некоторое время поставил самбу — но чёта не так поставил или не все настроил, и решил удалить — удалил.

Потом получилось так:
при загрузке системы (FreeBSD 5.3) сквид стартует нормально,
но когда пытаюсь сделать что то типа squid -k kill , squid -k reconfigure , squid -k restart .
выдает Squid: ERROR: No running copy.

Делая это же используя стартовый скрипт — получается так же.
./squid.sh restart
Squid: ERROR: No running copy
Waiting for PIDS: 513 515 513 515 513 515

Кильнуть убается только через kill

А потом через стартовый скрипт вручную стартует нормально, без лишних сообщений.

Помогите, пожалуйста, разобратся в чем причина.
Заранее благодарен.

Re: Squid: Error: no running copy

Подобные проблемы возникают у новичков в *nix. Просто надо стараться без причины ничего не запускать и не останавливать — от этого все причины подобных проблем. Кроме того, никто логи не отменял. Ищи логи своего сквида и читай их. У меня Linux, поэтому ничего не могу сказать более конкретного.

Re: Squid: Error: no running copy

проверь права, он ищет .pid-файл, и пытается считать из него pid запущенного процесса.

по всей видимости он при старте пытается в него что-то записать, но прав нет -> в файл ничего не идет -> оттуда и no running copy.

в общем, правильно выставленные пермишены тебе помогут.

З.Ы. 2Los_Nikos — фря тут ни при чем :)))

Re: Squid: Error: no running copy

Да, спасибо. Выставил правильно права для .pid, visible_hostname и все нормально.



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squid: ERROR: No running copy

Модератор: SLEDopit

squid: ERROR: No running copy

Сообщение prajenik » 23.12.2005 15:18

совершенно не понимаю что его вдруг перестало устраивать ((((((

в конфиге что то подправил и он начал ругаться
вернул все обратно — все равно ругаеться

не могу войти в компьютер — это эмоции

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy

Сообщение TuLiss » 23.12.2005 15:36

совершенно не понимаю что его вдруг перестало устраивать ((((((

в конфиге что то подправил и он начал ругаться
вернул все обратно — все равно ругаеться

А что в логах?
(syslog и messages )

P.S и сквид обнави =)

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy

Сообщение prajenik » 23.12.2005 15:47

не пойму какой текстовый файл ему не найти и не прочитать

не могу войти в компьютер — это эмоции

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy

Сообщение Demimurych » 23.12.2005 15:49

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy

Сообщение prajenik » 23.12.2005 16:04

в процессах смотрел с самого начала. некого пристреливать

попробовал такую фичу — убивем папку /var/spool/squid

запускаем. не встает

в своем логе пишет

почему пермишн дэнайд?

вообщем воистину как кто то сказал — линукс становиться как винда «переустановил ось — заработало»..
если не справлюсь так и сделаю((((( обидно конечно
но поди пойми если ты новичек почему эта дура не работает да еще и пишет такую фигню — Но раннинг копи — как прикажете понимать?

не могу войти в компьютер — это эмоции

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy

Сообщение Alexxx » 23.12.2005 17:45

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy

Сообщение VisualN » 23.12.2005 18:06

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy

Сообщение prajenik » 23.12.2005 23:36

не могу войти в компьютер — это эмоции

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy

Сообщение prajenik » 23.12.2005 23:47

это типа full debug? набирал (я сейчас уже не на работе нету подопытного сквида под рукой) когда был на работе — в выводе фулл дебагинга ничего особенного не увидел. Вроде пишет что все ок.

не могу войти в компьютер — это эмоции

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy

Сообщение TuLiss » 23.12.2005 23:59

это типа full debug? набирал (я сейчас уже не на работе нету подопытного сквида под рукой) когда был на работе — в выводе фулл дебагинга ничего особенного не увидел. Вроде пишет что все ок.

нет это пересоздать кэш. После того как вы прибили папку , вы стерли кэш.
Далее папка должна быть с провами nobody:nobody
те chown nobody:nobody -R /var/log/squid

так что Linux не как винда, надо просто знать с чем работаешь. Вот я в дарился в изучение sendmail более тонко =) Много нового для себя открываю

P.S И проверить еще раз конфиг, как варинт взять конфиг по умолчанию.

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy

Сообщение Alexxx » 24.12.2005 08:48

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy

Сообщение TuLiss » 24.12.2005 09:51

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy

Сообщение prajenik » 24.12.2005 10:49

я стесняюсь спросить-с
а это команда не та же что сам squid пытаеться выполнить при запуске службы если не обнаруживает такой папки? или вы думаете что в этот момент он дает команду с неправильными правами поэтому мол надо вручную?

не могу войти в компьютер — это эмоции

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy

Сообщение TuLiss » 24.12.2005 16:23

при запуски он ничего тебе создовать не будет =)
Сам посуди, ты еще не создал конфиг, параметры кэша не указывал, с какого он должен их выполнять?
Ну если только так пакет не собрали =)

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy

Сообщение prajenik » 26.12.2005 11:37

]# chown nobody:nobody -R /var/log/squid

]# squid -z
2005/12/26 11:30:40| Creating Swap Directories
FATAL: Failed to make swap directory /var/spool/squid/00: (13) Permission deniedSquid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE6): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.000 seconds = 0.000 user + 0.000 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0

]# chown nobody:nobody -R /var/log/squid

]# squid -z
2005/12/26 11:30:59| Creating Swap Directories
FATAL: Failed to make swap directory /var/spool/squid/00: (13) Permission deniedSquid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE6): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.000 seconds = 0.000 user + 0.000 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0

ноль эффекта
создаю папку сам
даю такие права как вы сказали и так пробовал и так и без создания папки
не помогает

дал права папке для свапинга через MC — свап создался командой squid -z



Модератор: SLEDopit


Сообщения: 69

squid: ERROR: No running copy

совершенно не понимаю что его вдруг перестало устраивать ((((((

Squid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE6): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.009 seconds = 0.006 user + 0.003 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0
squid: ERROR: No running copy

в конфиге что то подправил и он начал ругаться
вернул все обратно — все равно ругаеться

не могу войти в компьютер — это эмоции

ubuntu 8.04

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 1611
Статус: 01100
ОС: Gentoo,Ubuntu,MacOS X
Контактная информация:

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy


TuLiss » 23.12.2005 15:36

prajenik писал(а): ↑

23.12.2005 15:18

совершенно не понимаю что его вдруг перестало устраивать ((((((

в конфиге что то подправил и он начал ругаться
вернул все обратно — все равно ругаеться

А что в логах?
(syslog и messages )

P.S и сквид обнави =)

Чтение man’нов в слух ещЁ никому не помогало!…
kernel 4.2
chmod -x `which chmod`
War, war never changes…


Сообщения: 69

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy


prajenik » 23.12.2005 15:47

(листинг messages) писал(а):Dec 23 15:45:03 dsmirnov squid[3305]: Squid Parent: child process 3307 started
Dec 23 15:45:03 dsmirnov (squid): failed to find or read error text file.

не пойму какой текстовый файл ему не найти и не прочитать

не могу войти в компьютер — это эмоции

ubuntu 8.04


Сообщения: 69

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy


prajenik » 23.12.2005 16:04

в процессах смотрел с самого начала. некого пристреливать

попробовал такую фичу — убивем папку /var/spool/squid

запускаем. не встает

в своем логе пишет

(листинг squid.out) писал(а):Squid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE6): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.008 seconds = 0.005 user + 0.003 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0
squid: ERROR: No running copy
squid: ERROR: No running copy
2005/12/23 15:37:25| parseConfigFile: line 120 unrecognized: ‘htcp_port 4827’
2005/12/23 15:54:09| Creating Swap Directories
FATAL: Failed to make swap directory /var/spool/squid: (13) Permission denied
Squid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE6): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.001 seconds = 0.000 user + 0.001 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o:

почему пермишн дэнайд?

вообщем воистину как кто то сказал — линукс становиться как винда «переустановил ось — заработало»..
если не справлюсь так и сделаю((((( обидно конечно
но поди пойми если ты новичек почему эта дура не работает да еще и пишет такую фигню — Но раннинг копи — как прикажете понимать?

не могу войти в компьютер — это эмоции

ubuntu 8.04


Сообщения: 69

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy


prajenik » 23.12.2005 23:47

Alexxx писал(а): ↑

23.12.2005 17:45

Попробуй из под рута squid -z

это типа full debug? набирал (я сейчас уже не на работе нету подопытного сквида под рукой) когда был на работе — в выводе фулл дебагинга ничего особенного не увидел. Вроде пишет что все ок.

не могу войти в компьютер — это эмоции

ubuntu 8.04

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 1611
Статус: 01100
ОС: Gentoo,Ubuntu,MacOS X
Контактная информация:

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy


TuLiss » 23.12.2005 23:59

prajenik писал(а): ↑

23.12.2005 23:47

Alexxx писал(а): ↑

23.12.2005 17:45

Попробуй из под рута squid -z

это типа full debug? набирал (я сейчас уже не на работе нету подопытного сквида под рукой) когда был на работе — в выводе фулл дебагинга ничего особенного не увидел. Вроде пишет что все ок.

нет это пересоздать кэш. После того как вы прибили папку , вы стерли кэш.
Далее папка должна быть с провами nobody:nobody
те chown nobody:nobody -R /var/log/squid

так что Linux не как винда, надо просто знать с чем работаешь. Вот я в дарился в изучение sendmail более тонко =) Много нового для себя открываю

P.S И проверить еще раз конфиг, как варинт взять конфиг по умолчанию.

Чтение man’нов в слух ещЁ никому не помогало!…
kernel 4.2
chmod -x `which chmod`
War, war never changes…

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 892
Статус: —==XXX==—
ОС: Archlinux current

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy


Alexxx » 24.12.2005 08:48

Далее папка должна быть с провами nobody:nobody
те chown mobody:nobody -R /var/log/squid

очепятка :)
Не обязательно nobody:nobody. Надо смотреть что прописано в конфиге. Например может быть squid:squid.

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 1611
Статус: 01100
ОС: Gentoo,Ubuntu,MacOS X
Контактная информация:

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy


TuLiss » 24.12.2005 09:51

Alexxx писал(а): ↑

24.12.2005 08:48

Не обязательно nobody:nobody. Надо смотреть что прописано в конфиге. Например может быть squid:squid.

Ну , это да =) Пишу как у меня по умолчанию.

Чтение man’нов в слух ещЁ никому не помогало!…
kernel 4.2
chmod -x `which chmod`
War, war never changes…


Сообщения: 69

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy


prajenik » 24.12.2005 10:49

нет это пересоздать кэш. После того как вы прибили папку , вы стерли кэш.
Далее папка должна быть с провами nobody:nobody
те chown nobody:nobody -R /var/log/squid

я стесняюсь спросить-с
а это команда не та же что сам squid пытаеться выполнить при запуске службы если не обнаруживает такой папки? или вы думаете что в этот момент он дает команду с неправильными правами поэтому мол надо вручную?

не могу войти в компьютер — это эмоции

ubuntu 8.04

Аватара пользователя


Сообщения: 1611
Статус: 01100
ОС: Gentoo,Ubuntu,MacOS X
Контактная информация:

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy


TuLiss » 24.12.2005 16:23

prajenik писал(а): ↑

24.12.2005 10:49

я стесняюсь спросить-с
а это команда не та же что сам squid пытаеться выполнить при запуске службы если не обнаруживает такой папки? или вы думаете что в этот момент он дает команду с неправильными правами поэтому мол надо вручную?

при запуски он ничего тебе создовать не будет =)
Сам посуди, ты еще не создал конфиг, параметры кэша не указывал, с какого он должен их выполнять?
Ну если только так пакет не собрали =)

Чтение man’нов в слух ещЁ никому не помогало!…
kernel 4.2
chmod -x `which chmod`
War, war never changes…


Сообщения: 69

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy


prajenik » 26.12.2005 11:37

[root@dsmirnov ~]# chown nobody:nobody -R /var/log/squid
[root@dsmirnov ~]# squid -z
2005/12/26 11:30:40| Creating Swap Directories
FATAL: Failed to make swap directory /var/spool/squid/00: (13) Permission deniedSquid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE6): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.000 seconds = 0.000 user + 0.000 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0
[root@dsmirnov ~]# chown nobody:nobody -R /var/log/squid
[root@dsmirnov ~]# squid -z
2005/12/26 11:30:59| Creating Swap Directories
FATAL: Failed to make swap directory /var/spool/squid/00: (13) Permission deniedSquid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE6): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.000 seconds = 0.000 user + 0.000 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0
[root@dsmirnov ~]#

ноль эффекта
создаю папку сам
даю такие права как вы сказали и так пробовал и так и без создания папки
не помогает

дал права папке для свапинга через MC — свап создался командой squid -z

запускаем сквид — опять ФАТАЛ

(листинг /var/log/messages) писал(а):Dec 26 11:34:50 dsmirnov kernel: audit(1135586090.292:0): avc: denied { write } for pid=3440 exe=/usr/sbin/squid name=squid dev=hda3 ino=1043740 scontext=root:system_r:squid_t tcontext=root:object_r:var_spool_t tclass=dir
Dec 26 11:34:50 dsmirnov kernel: audit(1135586090.292:0): avc: denied { add_name } for pid=3440 exe=/usr/sbin/squid name=00 scontext=root:system_r:squid_t tcontext=root:object_r:var_spool_t tclass=dir
Dec 26 11:34:50 dsmirnov kernel: audit(1135586090.292:0): avc: denied { create } for pid=3440 exe=/usr/sbin/squid name=00 scontext=root:system_r:squid_t tcontext=root:object_r:var_spool_t tclass=dir
Dec 26 11:35:15 dsmirnov squid[3501]: Squid Parent: child process 3503 started
Dec 26 11:35:15 dsmirnov (squid): failed to find or read error text file.
Dec 26 11:35:15 dsmirnov squid[3501]: Squid Parent: child process 3503 exited due to signal 6
Dec 26 11:35:18 dsmirnov squid[3501]: Squid Parent: child process 3508 started
Dec 26 11:35:18 dsmirnov (squid): failed to find or read error text file.
Dec 26 11:35:18 dsmirnov squid[3501]: Squid Parent: child process 3508 exited due to signal 6
Dec 26 11:35:21 dsmirnov squid[3501]: Squid Parent: child process 3514 started
Dec 26 11:35:21 dsmirnov (squid): failed to find or read error text file.
Dec 26 11:35:21 dsmirnov squid[3501]: Squid Parent: child process 3514 exited due to signal 6
Dec 26 11:35:24 dsmirnov squid[3501]: Squid Parent: child process 3519 started
Dec 26 11:35:24 dsmirnov (squid): failed to find or read error text file.
Dec 26 11:35:24 dsmirnov squid[3501]: Squid Parent: child process 3519 exited due to signal 6
Dec 26 11:35:27 dsmirnov squid[3501]: Squid Parent: child process 3524 started
Dec 26 11:35:27 dsmirnov (squid): failed to find or read error text file.
Dec 26 11:35:27 dsmirnov squid[3501]: Squid Parent: child process 3524 exited due to signal 6
Dec 26 11:35:27 dsmirnov squid[3501]: Exiting due to repeated, frequent failures

не могу войти в компьютер — это эмоции

ubuntu 8.04

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Сообщения: 1611
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ОС: Gentoo,Ubuntu,MacOS X
Контактная информация:

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy


TuLiss » 26.12.2005 15:48

Возьми последнию версию, собери ее сам. и попробуй.

Чтение man’нов в слух ещЁ никому не помогало!…
kernel 4.2
chmod -x `which chmod`
War, war never changes…


Сообщения: 69

Re: squid: ERROR: No running copy


prajenik » 26.12.2005 16:25

к сожалению состояние моего линукса установленного на работе такого что я уже переустановил его просто и запустил там сквид — пока что все работает спасибо
всем за ответы

не могу войти в компьютер — это эмоции

ubuntu 8.04

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Тема: Ошибка squid на ubuntu 9.04  (Прочитано 4092 раз)

0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему.


Не с того не с сего ошибка
при выполнении команды squid -k reconfigure
squid: ERROR: No running copy

С чем это может быть связанно?

Пользователь решил продолжить мысль 05 Октября 2009, 09:09:59:


Oct  5 11:00:06 ubuntu squid[4003]: Squid Parent: child process 4005 started
Oct  5 11:04:54 ubuntu squid[4057]: Squid Parent: child process 4059 started
Oct  5 11:04:54 ubuntu squid[4057]: Squid Parent: child process 4059 exited due to signal 6
Oct  5 11:04:57 ubuntu squid[4057]: Squid Parent: child process 4064 started
Oct  5 11:04:58 ubuntu squid[4057]: Squid Parent: child process 4064 exited due to signal 6
Oct  5 11:05:01 ubuntu squid[4057]: Squid Parent: child process 4067 started
Oct  5 11:05:01 ubuntu squid[4057]: Squid Parent: child process 4067 exited due to signal 6
Oct  5 11:05:04 ubuntu squid[4057]: Squid Parent: child process 4070 started
Oct  5 11:05:04 ubuntu squid[4057]: Squid Parent: child process 4070 exited due to signal 6
Oct  5 11:05:07 ubuntu squid[4057]: Squid Parent: child process 4073 started
Oct  5 11:05:08 ubuntu squid[4057]: Squid Parent: child process 4073 exited due to signal 6

« Последнее редактирование: 05 Октября 2009, 09:09:59 от RSC »

Sam Stone

c тем, что no running copy. Не запущен он. Либо прав не хватает.

16.04.1 4.4.0-59-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux


Команду squid start
/etc/init.d/squid restart
проходит вот только быстро както.

права стоят root’овские

Что показать? Какие логи?
Буду очень признателен.

Sam Stone

Что показать? Какие логи?

squid -NCd1


16.04.1 4.4.0-59-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux


:~# squid -NCd1
WARNING: Cannot write log file: /var/log/squid/cache.log
/var/log/squid/cache.log: Permission denied
         messages will be sent to ‘stderr’.
2009/10/05 13:11:43| WARNING: Closing open FD    2
2009/10/05 13:11:43| Starting Squid Cache version 2.7.STABLE3 for amd64-debian-linux-gnu…
2009/10/05 13:11:43| Process ID 7522
2009/10/05 13:11:43| With 1024 file descriptors available
2009/10/05 13:11:43| Using epoll for the IO loop
2009/10/05 13:11:43| Performing DNS Tests…
2009/10/05 13:11:43| Successful DNS name lookup tests…
2009/10/05 13:11:43| DNS Socket created at, port 60459, FD 5
2009/10/05 13:11:43| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2009/10/05 13:11:43| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2009/10/05 13:11:43| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2009/10/05 13:11:43| Referer logging is disabled.
2009/10/05 13:11:43| logfileOpen: opening log /var/log/squid/access.log
2009/10/05 13:11:43| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 11
2009/10/05 13:11:43| Swap maxSize 5120000 KB, estimated 393846 objects
2009/10/05 13:11:43| Target number of buckets: 19692
2009/10/05 13:11:43| Using 32768 Store buckets
2009/10/05 13:11:43| Max Mem  size: 102400 KB
2009/10/05 13:11:43| Max Swap size: 5120000 KB
2009/10/05 13:11:43| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
2009/10/05 13:11:43| logfileOpen: opening log /var/log/squid/store.log
FATAL: Cannot open ‘/var/log/squid/store.log’ for writing.
        The parent directory must be writeable by the
        user ‘proxy’, which is the cache_effective_user
        set in squid.conf.
Squid Cache (Version 2.7.STABLE3): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.010 seconds = 0.000 user + 0.010 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0

Пользователь решил продолжить мысль 05 Октября 2009, 07:45:13:

Логи сейчас покажу их много в нано не понятно как в конец спуститься, приходиться PgDn и ждать

Пользователь решил продолжить мысль 05 Октября 2009, 10:46:01:

Блин висит лог не могу пока посмотреть.

Пользователь решил продолжить мысль 05 Октября 2009, 13:09:22:

Вот лог!

2009/10/05 11:00:06| Process ID 4005
2009/10/05 11:00:06| With 1024 file descriptors available
2009/10/05 11:00:06| Using epoll for the IO loop
2009/10/05 11:00:06| Performing DNS Tests…
2009/10/05 11:00:06| Successful DNS name lookup tests…
2009/10/05 11:00:06| DNS Socket created at, port 45382, FD 7
2009/10/05 11:00:06| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2009/10/05 11:00:06| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
2009/10/05 11:00:06| User-Agent logging is disabled.
2009/10/05 11:00:06| Referer logging is disabled.
2009/10/05 11:00:06| logfileOpen: opening log /var/log/squid/access.log

« Последнее редактирование: 05 Октября 2009, 13:09:22 от RSC »

Sam Stone

в конфиге cache_effective_user что прописано?
владелец /var/log/squid/cache.log и всей папки /var/log/squid кто?

Собсна ответ написан в логе, надо читать внимательнее

FATAL: Cannot open ‘/var/log/squid/store.log’ for writing.
        The parent directory must be writeable by the
        user ‘proxy’, which is the cache_effective_user
        set in squid.conf.

16.04.1 4.4.0-59-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux


Везде владелец Root rw- r— r—

Но ничего не изменилось((

Пользователь решил продолжить мысль 05 Октября 2009, 08:38:33:

А где мне найти конфиг cache_effective_user

Пользователь решил продолжить мысль 05 Октября 2009, 10:47:27:

В /etc/squid/squid.conf нет строчки cache_effective_user

Должна быть?

Пользователь решил продолжить мысль 05 Октября 2009, 12:51:57:

Прописал в squid.conf

cache_effective_user squid

теперь появилась вот такая ошибка:

/etc/init.d/squid reload

 * Reloading Squid configuration files
FATAL: getpwnam failed to find userid for effective user ‘squid’

Пользователь решил продолжить мысль 05 Октября 2009, 14:57:48:

Создал пользователя squid.

теперь новая ошибка

2009/10/05 16:55:50| Creating Swap Directories
FATAL: Failed to make swap directory /var/cache/squid/00/00: (13) Permission denied
Squid Cache (Version 2.7.STABLE3): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.000 seconds = 0.000 user + 0.000 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0

« Последнее редактирование: 05 Октября 2009, 14:57:48 от RSC »

Sam Stone

# chown -R squid /var/cache/squid
# squid -z

У тебя все ошибки исключительно из-за неверных прав на файлы/папки

16.04.1 4.4.0-59-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux

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No running copy — squid: ERROR

# squid -k reconfigure
squid: ERROR: No running copy

In /var/log/messages,

«Squid Parent: child process 1147 exited due to signal 6»

In syslog:

«Failed to verify one of the swap directories, Check cache.log#012#011for details.
Run ‘squid -z’ to create swap directories#012#011if needed, or if running Squid for the first time.»

In syslog, A warning appears to make swap directory running the squid,

# squid -z
(-z : Create swap directories)
# squid start

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