Ssh error log

Both the OpenSSH client and server offer a lot of choice as to where the logs are written and how much information is collected.

Both the OpenSSH client and server offer a lot of choice as to where the logs are written and how much information is collected.

A prerequisite for logging is having an accurate system clock using the Network Time Protocol, NTP, or equivalent, service which provides ongoing time synchronization with rest of the world. The more accurate the time stamp in the log is, the faster it is to coordinate forensics between machines or sites or service providers. If you have to contact outside parties like a service provider, progress can usually only be made with very exact times.

Server Logs[edit | edit source]

By default sshd(8) sends logging information to the system logs using the log level INFO and the system log facility AUTH. So the place to look for log data from sshd(8) is in /var/log/auth.log. These defaults can be overridden using the SyslogFacility and LogLevel directives. Below is a typical server startup entry in the authorization log.

Mar 19 14:45:40 eee sshd[21157]: Server listening on port 22.
Mar 19 14:45:40 eee sshd[21157]: Server listening on :: port 22.

In most cases the default level of logging is sufficient, but during initial testing of new services or activities it is sometimes necessary to have more information. Debugging info usually goes to stderr. Starting with OpenSSH 7.6, Match blocks can set alternate log levels for specific conditions.

The log excerpt below show the same basic server start up with increased detail. Contrast the log level DEBUG1 below with the default above:

debug1: sshd version OpenSSH_6.8, LibreSSL 2.1
debug1: private host key #0: ssh-rsa SHA256:X9e6YzNXMmr1O09LVoQLlCau2ej6TBUxi+Y590KVsds
debug1: private host key #1: ssh-dss SHA256:XcPAY4soIxU2IMtYmnErrVOjKEEvCc3l5hOctkbqeJ0
debug1: private host key #2: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 SHA256:QIWi4La8svQSf5ZYow8wBHN4tF0jtRlkIaLCUQRlxRI
debug1: private host key #3: ssh-ed25519 SHA256:fRWrx5HwM7E5MRcMFTdH95KwaExLzAZqWlwULyIqkVM
debug1: rexec_argv[0]='/usr/sbin/sshd'
debug1: rexec_argv[1]='-d'
debug1: Bind to port 22 on
Server listening on port 22.
debug1: Bind to port 22 on ::.
Server listening on :: port 22.

And here is the same startup using the most verbose level, DEBUG3:

debug2: load_server_config: filename /etc/ssh/sshd_config
debug2: load_server_config: done config len = 217
debug2: parse_server_config: config /etc/ssh/sshd_config len 217
debug3: /etc/ssh/sshd_config:52 setting AuthorizedKeysFile .ssh/authorized_keys
debug3: /etc/ssh/sshd_config:86 setting UsePrivilegeSeparation sandbox          
debug3: /etc/ssh/sshd_config:104 setting Subsystem sftp internal-sftp 
debug1: sshd version OpenSSH_6.8, LibreSSL 2.1
debug1: private host key #0: ssh-rsa SHA256:X9e6YzNXMmr1O09LVoQLlCau2ej6TBUxi+Y590KVsds
debug1: private host key #1: ssh-dss SHA256:XcPAY4soIxU2IMtYmnErrVOjKEEvCc3l5hOctkbqeJ0
debug1: private host key #2: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 SHA256:QIWi4La8svQSf5ZYow8wBHN4tF0jtRlkIaLCUQRlxRI
debug1: private host key #3: ssh-ed25519 SHA256:fRWrx5HwM7E5MRcMFTdH95KwaExLzAZqWlwULyIqkVM
debug1: rexec_argv[0]='/usr/sbin/sshd'
debug1: rexec_argv[1]='-ddd'
debug2: fd 3 setting O_NONBLOCK
debug1: Bind to port 22 on
Server listening on port 22.
debug2: fd 4 setting O_NONBLOCK
debug1: Bind to port 22 on ::.

Every failed login attempt is recorded, once the value in directive MaxAuthTries is exceeded the connection is broken. Below is a log excerpt showing how the default log looks after some failed attempts:

Mar 19 11:11:06 server sshd[54798]: Failed password for root from port 59928 ssh2
Mar 19 11:11:06 server sshd[54798]: Failed password for root from port 59928 ssh2
Mar 19 11:11:07 server sshd[54798]: Failed password for root from port 59928 ssh2
Mar 19 11:11:08 server sshd[54798]: Failed password for root from port 59928 ssh2
Mar 19 11:11:09 server sshd[54798]: Failed password for root from port 59928 ssh2
Mar 19 11:11:10 server sshd[54798]: Failed password for root from port 59928 ssh2
Mar 19 11:11:10 server sshd[54798]: error: maximum authentication attempts exceeded for root from port 59928 ssh2 [preauth]
Mar 19 11:11:10 server sshd[54798]: Disconnecting authenticating user root port 59928: Too many authentication failures [preauth]

It is not usually a good idea to allow root login, at least not root login with authentication via password. Blocking password authentication for root simplifies log analysis greatly, and in particular it eliminates the time consuming question of who is trying to get in and why. People that need full root level access can gain it through su(1) for general activities. Or for specific tasks which need root level access, those can be given those privileges through custom-made entries for sudo or doas(1). Note that in those cases, only specific services and programs should be allowed, not blanket access which is an all too common misconfiguration seen with sudo. Alternatively, a single-purpose key made using forced-commands-only could be used since some argue that providing extra means of privilege escalation, such as su(1), sudo, or doas(1), is more dangerous than carefully providing remote root access through a key or certificate tied to a specific function.

Successful logins[edit | edit source]

By default, the server does not store much information about user transactions. That is a good thing. It is also a good thing to recognize when the system is operating as it should. So here is an example of a successful SSH login:

Mar 14 19:50:59 server sshd[18884]: Accepted password for fred from port 6647 ssh2

And here is an example using a key for authentication. It shows the key fingerprint as a SHA256 hash in base64.

Mar 14 19:52:04 server sshd[5197]: Accepted publickey for fred from port 59915 ssh2: RSA SHA256:5xyQ+PG1Z3CIiShclJ2iNya5TOdKDgE/HrOXr21IdOo

And here is an example of successful authentication with a user certificate. The certificate’s identification string is «foobar» and the serial number is «9624». In this example the certificate is using ECDSA and the key itself is using Ed25519. The certificate, being a different key of its own, has a different SHA256 fingerprint from the authentication key itself.

May 15 16:28:17 server sshd[50140]: Accepted publickey for fred from port 44456 ssh2: ECDSA-CERT SHA256:qGl9KiyXrG6mIOo1CT01oHUvod7Ngs5VMHM14DTbxzI ID foobar (serial 9624) CA ED25519 SHA256:fZ6L7TlBLqf1pGWzkcQMQMFZ+aGgrtYgRM90XO0gzZ8

Prior to 6.8, the key’s fingerprint was a hexadecimal MD5 hash.

Jan 28 11:51:43 server sshd[5104]: Accepted publickey for fred from port 60594 ssh2: RSA e8:31:68:c7:01:2d:25:20:36:8f:50:5d:f9:ee:70:4c

In older versions of OpenSSH prior to 6.3 the key fingerprint is completely missing from authentication logging.

Jan 28 11:52:05 server sshd[1003]: Accepted publickey for fred from port 20042 ssh2

Here is an example of password authentication for an SFTP session, using the server’s internal-sftp subsystem. The logging for that subsystem set to INFO.

Mar 14 20:14:18 server sshd[19850]: Accepted password for fred from port 59946 ssh2
Mar 14 20:14:18 server internal-sftp[11581]: session opened for local user fred from []

Here is an example of a successful SFTP login using an RSA key for authentication.

Mar 14 20:20:53 server sshd[10091]: Accepted publickey for fred from port 59941 ssh2: RSA SHA256:LI/TSnwoLryuYisAnNEIedVBXwl/XsrXjli9Qw9SmwI
Mar 14 20:20:53 server internal-sftp[31070]: session opened for local user fred from []

Additional data, such as connection duration, can be logged with the help of xinetd.

Logging Problems from SSH Certificate Authentication[edit | edit source]

Usually, not much information is given about which certificate failed, just why it failed authentication. Finding the account or actual certificate in question can require some sleuthing. Generally no client side information is disclosed and all investigation must occur server side.

If the authentication is attempted again by other means, such as a password, then when the connection is closed there will be a log entry noting which account was involved. That is because so early in the connection sequence the process ID for the disconnection is the same and the account name and the originating address is included, giving a bit of a clue in pursuit of a solution. Sometimes even the account name will be included.

May  5 16:31:38 server sshd[252]: Connection closed by authenticating user fred port 44470 [preauth]

However, if the connection is allowed to timeout without first making any other authentication attempts by some other means, then there will be nothing to go on except maybe the time of day.

May  5 16:33:00 server sshd[90593]: fatal: Timeout before authentication for port 44718

Below are some common examples of log entries for failed certificate-based log in attempts. There can be more than one problem with a certificate but only one error will get logged at a time.

Expired or Not-yet-valid Certificate[edit | edit source]

Certificates which have not yet become valid or which have already expired get a log entry as to the reason but neither the account or certificate involved.

May  5 16:35:20 server sshd[252]: error: Certificate invalid: expired

Above is an expired certificate, below is a certificate which has not yet become valid.

May  5 16:58:00 server sshd[90593]: error: Certificate invalid: not yet valid

Neither type of event gives more information.

Valid Certificate but Invalid Principal[edit | edit source]

Like with expired certificates, very little information is given about the actual account or certificate. Here the certificate was tried with the wrong account, one not listed among the certificate’s principals.

May  5 17:29:52 server sshd[98884]: error: Certificate invalid: name is not a listed principal
May  5 17:29:56 server sshd[98884]: Connection closed by authenticating user fred port 45114 [preauth]

If the client closes the connection on purpose, there may be some information in the connection closed entry.

Valid Certificate but Invalid Source Address[edit | edit source]

If the certificate is limited to connecting from specific addresses or host names, the log will complain if the connection comes from a different address or host and identify the incorrect source address.

May  5 17:48:54 server sshd[2420]: cert: Authentication tried for fred with valid certificate but not from a permitted source address (
May  5 17:48:54 server sshd[2420]: error: Refused by certificate options

However, it will not be possible to identify the specific certificate directly.

Logging SFTP File Transfers[edit | edit source]

SFTP file transfers can be logged using LogLevel INFO or VERBOSE. The log level for the SFTP server can be set in sshd_config(5) separately from the general SSH server settings.

Subsystem internal-sftp -l INFO

By default the SFTP messages will also end up in auth.log but it is possible to filter these messages to their own file by reconfiguring the system logger, usually rsyslogd(8) or syslogd(8). Sometimes this is done by changing the log facility code from the default of AUTH. Available options are LOCAL0 through LOCAL7, plus, less usefully, DAEMON and USER.

Subsystem internal-sftp -l INFO -f LOCAL6

If new system log files are assigned, it is important to remember them in log rotation, too. Again, the Match directive can be use to change the log level for certain connections.

The following log excerpts are generated from using the log level INFO. A session starts with an open and end with a close. The number in the brackets is the process id for the SFTP session and is the only way to follow a session through the logs.

Oct 22 11:59:45 server internal-sftp[4929]: session opened for local user fred from []
Oct 22 12:09:10 server internal-sftp[4929]: session closed for local user fred from []

Here is an SFTP upload of a small file of 928 bytes named foo to the home directory for user ‘fred’.

Oct 22 11:59:50 server internal-sftp[4929]: open "/home/fred/foo" flags WRITE,CREATE,TRUNCATE mode 0664
Oct 22 11:59:50 server internal-sftp[4929]: close "/home/fred/foo" bytes read 0 written 928

And a directory listing in the same session in the directory /var/www.

Oct 22 12:07:59 server internal-sftp[4929]: opendir "/var/www"
Oct 22 12:07:59 server internal-sftp[4929]: closedir "/var/www"

And lastly here is a download of the same small 928-byte file called foo from the home directory for the user ‘fred’.

Oct 22 12:08:03 server internal-sftp[4929]: open "/home/fred/foo" flags READ mode 0666
Oct 22 12:08:03 server internal-sftp[4929]: close "/home/fred/foo" bytes read 928 written 0

Successful transfers will be noted by a close message. Attempts to download (open) files that do not exist will be followed by a sent status No such file message on a line of its own instead of a close. Files that exist but that the user is not allowed to read will create a sent status Permission denied message.

Logging Chrooted SFTP[edit | edit source]

Logging with the built-in sftp-subsystem inside a chroot jail, defined by ChrootDirectory, needs a ./dev/log node to exist inside the jail. This can be done by having the system logger such as syslogd(8) add additional log sockets inside the chrooted directory when starting up. On some systems that is as simple as adding more flags, like «-u -a /chroot/dev/log«, in /etc/rc.conf.local or whatever the equivalent startup script may be.

Here is an example of an SFTP login with password to a chroot jail using log level DEBUG3 for the SFTP-subsystem. The log shows a file upload:

Jan 28 12:42:41 server sshd[26299]: Connection from port 47366
Jan 28 12:42:42 server sshd[26299]: Failed none for fred from port 47366 ssh2
Jan 28 12:42:44 server sshd[26299]: Accepted password for fred from port 47366 ssh2
Jan 28 12:42:44 server sshd[26299]: User child is on pid 21613
Jan 28 12:42:44 server sshd[21613]: Changed root directory to "/home/fred"
Jan 28 12:42:44 server sshd[21613]: subsystem request for sftp
Jan 28 12:42:44 server internal-sftp[2084]: session opened for local user fred from []
Jan 28 12:42:58 server internal-sftp[2084]: open "/docs/somefile.txt" flags WRITE,CREATE,TRUNCATE mode 0644
Jan 28 12:42:58 server internal-sftp[2084]: close “/docs/somefile.txt” bytes read 0 written 400

Remember that SFTP is a separate subsystem and that like the file creation mode, the log level and log facility are set separately from the SSH server in sshd_config(5):

Subsystem internal-sftp -l ERROR

Logging Stability of Client Connectivity[edit | edit source]

When ClientAliveInterval is set in the server’s configuration, the server makes periodic probes of the clients which have established connections. At normal log levels, these are not noted in the log until something goes wrong.

If the ClientAliveInterval is exceeded more times in a row than allowed by ClientAliveCountMax the client is officially declared disconnected and the connection dropped. At the default log level of INFO a brief message is logged, identifying the client which has been dropped.

Sep  6 14:42:08 eee sshd[83709]: packet_write_poll: Connection from port 57608: Host is down

At log level DEBUG, the client’s responses to the polls will be logged by the server showing that the session is still connected.

Sep  6 14:27:52 eee sshd[9075]: debug1: Got 100/147 for keepalive

Log level DEBUG2 and DEBUG3 will give even more information about the connection. However, even at log level DEBUG3, the specific client being polled will not be identified directly in the log messages and will have to be inferred from the process id of the daemon if such information is needed.

Sep  6 14:30:59 eee sshd[73960]: debug2: channel 0: request confirm 1
Sep  6 14:30:59 eee sshd[73960]: debug3: send packet: type 98
Sep  6 14:30:59 eee sshd[73960]: debug3: receive packet: type 100
Sep  6 14:30:59 eee sshd[73960]: debug1: Got 100/22 for keepalive

Again, when the ClientAliveCountMax is exceeded, the connection is broken after the final failure of the client to respond. Here is how that looks with the log level set to DEBUG2.

Sep  6 14:17:55 eee sshd[15780]: debug2: channel 0: request confirm 1
Sep  6 14:17:55 eee sshd[15780]: debug1: Got 100/22 for keepalive
Sep  6 14:18:37 eee sshd[15780]: debug2: channel 0: request confirm 1
Sep  6 14:18:37 eee sshd[15780]: packet_write_poll: Connection from port 57552: Host is down
Sep  6 14:18:37 eee sshd[15780]: debug1: do_cleanup
Sep  6 14:18:37 eee sshd[48675]: debug1: do_cleanup
Sep  6 14:18:37 eee sshd[48675]: debug1: session_pty_cleanup: session 0 release /dev/ttyp0

The directives ClientAliveInterval and ClientAliveCountMax normally apply to all clients connecting to the server. However, they can be used inside a Match block and thus applied only to specific connections.

Logging Revoked Keys[edit | edit source]

If the RevokedKeys directive is used to point to a list of public keys that have been revoked, sshd(8) will make a log entry when access is attempted using a revoked key. The entry will be the same whether a plaintext list of public keys is used or if a binary Key Revocation List (KRL) has been generated.

If password authentication is allowed, and the user tries it, then after the key authentication fails there will be a record of password authentication.

Mar 14 20:36:40 server sshd[29235]: error: Authentication key RSA SHA256:jXEPmu4thnubqPUDcKDs31MOVLQJH6FfF1XSGT748jQ revoked by file /etc/ssh/ssh_revoked_keys
Mar 14 20:36:45 server sshd[29235]: Accepted password for fred from port 59967 ssh2

If password authentication is not allowed, sshd(8) will close the connection as soon as the key fails.

Mar 14 20:38:27 server sshd[29163]: error: Authentication key RSA SHA256:jXEPmu4thnubqPUDcKDs31MOVLQJH6FfF1XSGT748jQ revoked by file /etc/ssh/ssh_revoked_keys

The account trying the revoked key remains a mystery though, so it will be necessary to try to look up the key by its fingerprint from your archive of old keys using ssh-keygen -lf and read the key’s comments. Although if a valid account cancels the connection without trying a password after the key attempt fails, the usual message will still be posted to the log.

Mar 14 20:44:04 server sshd[14352]: Connection closed by authenticating user fred port 55051 [preauth]

That may provide some clue and allow filtering with a short AWK script, if the messages are all in the same log file.

$ awk '/revoked by file/ {
        pid[$5]++; key[$5]=$9; hash[$5]=$10; next;
    pid[$5] && /closed by authenticating user/ {
        print key[$5], hash[$5], $10, $11;
        delete key[$5]; delete hash[$5]; delete pid[$5];
    }' /var/log/authlog

Similarly, if the client makes no attempt at logging in and just times out, the message will say just that.

Mar 18 21:40:25 server sshd[9942]: fatal: Timeout before authentication for port 53728

On the client side, no warning or error will be given if a revoked key is tried. It will just fail and the next key or method will be tried.

Brute force and Hail Mary attacks[edit | edit source]

It’s fairly common to see failed login attempts almost as soon as the server is connected to the net. Brute force attacks, where one machine hammers on a few accounts trying to find a valid password, are becoming rare. In part this is because packet filters, like IP Tables for Linux and PF for the BSDs, can limit the number and rate of connection attempts from a single host. The server configuration directive MaxStartups can limit the number of simultaneous, unauthenticated connections.

Mar 18 18:54:44 server sshd[54939]: Failed password for root from port 52404 ssh2
Mar 18 18:54:48 server sshd[54939]: Failed password for root from port 52404 ssh2
Mar 18 18:54:49 server sshd[54939]: Failed password for root from port 52404 ssh2
Mar 18 18:54:49 server sshd[54939]: error: maximum authentication attempts exceeded for root from port 52404 ssh2 [preauth]
Mar 18 18:54:49 server sshd[54939]: Disconnecting authenticating user root port 52404: Too many authentication failures [preauth]

Note the «authenticating user» is present in the logs from OpenSSH 7.5 and onward when a valid user name is attempted. When an invalid user name is attempted, that is written too.

Mar 18 18:55:05 server sshd[38594]: Invalid user ubnt from port 52471
Mar 18 18:55:05 server sshd[38594]: Failed password for invalid user ubnt from port 52471 ssh2
Mar 18 18:55:09 server sshd[38594]: error: maximum authentication attempts exceeded for invalid user ubnt from port 52471 ssh2 [preauth]
Mar 18 18:55:09 server sshd[38594]: Disconnecting invalid user ubnt port 52471: Too many authentication failures [preauth]

The way to deal with brute force attacks coming from a single machine or network is to customize the server host’s packet filter to limit the attacks or even temporarily block machines that overload the maximum number or rate of connections. Optionally, one should also contact the attacker’s net block owner with the IP address and exact date and time of the attacks.

A kind of attack common at the time of this writing is one which is distributed over a large number of compromised machines, each playing only a small role in attacking the server.

To deal with Hail Mary attacks, contact the attacker’s net block owner. A form letter with a cut-and-paste excerpt from the log is enough if it gives the exact times and addresses. Alternately, teams of network or system administrators can work to pool data to identify and blacklist the compromised hosts participating in the attack.

Failed None For Invalid User[edit | edit source]

The SSH protocol specifies a number of possible authentication methods[1]. The methods password, keyboard-interactive, and publickey are fairly common. A lesser known authentication method is none, which will only succeed if the server requires no further authentication such as if PermitEmptyPassword is set and the account does not actually have a password[2]. Some SSH clients including OpenSSH’s start by asking for none authentication and then use the list of remaining possible authentication methods to decide what to do next if that doesn’t work.

Aug 10 19:09:05 server sshd[93126]: Failed none for invalid user admin from port 27586 ssh2

So in other words, that is a brute force attack trying the none authentication method. It is an attack which will only get into accounts which have been explicitly set with an empty password and furthermore have also been set up specifically to allow access by having both the authentication method of none and the PermitEmptyPasswords configuration directive enabled on the server. Most brute force attacks try only password authentication, and some of those even check for the password method and then give up if it is not available. Other attackers may just hammer away pointlessly even if the method is not available.

Connections Seemingly From, ::1, or Other localhost Addresses[edit | edit source]

When the SSH server is accessed via a reverse tunnel to another machine, the incoming connections will appear to be from the localhost address, which is usually or ::1.

Mar 23 14:16:16 server sshd[9265]: Accepted password for fred from port 40426 ssh2

If the port at the other end of the reverse tunnel is publicly accessible, it will be probed and possibly attacked. Because of the reverse tunnel, the attacks will then also appear to be coming from the server’s own loopback address:

Mar 23 14:20:17 server sshd[5613]: Invalid user cloud from ::1 port 57404
Mar 23 14:20:21 server sshd[5613]: Failed password for invalid user cloud from ::1 port 57404 ssh2
Mar 23 14:20:26 server sshd[5613]: Failed password for invalid user cloud from ::1 port 57404 ssh2
Mar 23 14:20:32 server sshd[5613]: Failed password for invalid user cloud from ::1 port 57404 ssh2
Mar 23 14:20:35 server sshd[5613]: Connection closed by invalid user cloud ::1 port 57404 [preauth]

Therefore the usual countermeasures like SSHGuard or Fail2Ban or other similar intrusion detection systems cannot be used because the localhost address is used by the tunnel for all login attempts, regardless of their real origins.

A partial solution would be to bind the incoming connections to a different IP address. The loopback interface would need an additional permanent address, an alias, for that. That alias could then be assigned when establishing the reverse tunnel:

$ ssh -R 2022:

Thus it would designate the source address for all logins coming in over that tunnel. So, in that way, the alias would then show up in the logs instead of the default loopback address when that reverse tunnel is used:

Mar 23 18:00:13 server sshd[8525]: Invalid user cloud from port 17271
Mar 23 18:00:15 server sshd[8525]: Failed password for invalid user cloud from port 17271 ssh2
Mar 23 18:00:19 server sshd[8525]: Failed password for invalid user cloud from port 17271 ssh2
Mar 23 18:01:23 server sshd[8525]: Failed password for invalid user cloud from port 17271 ssh2
Mar 23 18:01:26 server sshd[8525]: Connection closed by invalid user cloud port 17271 [preauth]

If the ports do not need to be available to the open Internet, a full solution would be just to ensure that they are not accessible from the outside. This would be done by not using the -g option on the client when making the reverse tunnel or else by setting the GatewayPorts directive in sshd_config(5) back to the default of no, or both. The system’s built-in packet filter can also be used. Then, even with the forwarded ports closed off from the outside, the ProxyJump option can still be used to skip through the jump host and use the setup for SSH access. However, since it is sometimes necessary that these ports be accessible to the outside world, this approach is not always an option.

Client Logging[edit | edit source]

The OpenSSH client normally sends log information to stderr. The -y option can be used to send output to the system logs, managed by syslogd(8) or something similar. Client log verbosity can be increased or decreased by changing the LogLevel directive and the log facility changed with the SyslogFacility directive in ssh_config(5). Both require use of the -y run time option and do nothing without it.

Alternatively, instead of using the -y option, using the -E option sends log output to a designated file instead of stderr. Working with the system logs or separate log files are something which can be useful when running ssh(1) in automated scripts. Below is an example of a connection to an interactive shell with the normal level of client logging:

$ ssh -l fred‘s password: 
Last login: Thu Jan 27 13:21:57 2011 from

The same connection at the first level of verbosity gives lots of debugging information, 42 lines more.

$ ssh -v -l fred
OpenSSH_6.8, LibreSSL 2.1
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.
debug1: Connection established.
debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
debug1: identity file /home/fred/.ssh/id_rsa type -1
debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
debug1: identity file /home/fred/.ssh/id_rsa-cert type -1
debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
debug1: identity file /home/fred/.ssh/id_dsa type -1
debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
debug1: identity file /home/fred/.ssh/id_dsa-cert type -1
debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
debug1: identity file /home/fred/.ssh/id_ecdsa type -1
debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
debug1: identity file /home/fred/.ssh/id_ecdsa-cert type -1
debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
debug1: identity file /home/fred/.ssh/id_ed25519 type -1
debug1: key_load_public: No such file or directory
debug1: identity file /home/fred/.ssh/id_ed25519-cert type -1
debug1: Enabling compatibility mode for protocol 2.0
debug1: Local version string SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.8
debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0, remote software version OpenSSH_6.7
debug1: match: OpenSSH_6.7 pat OpenSSH* compat 0x04000000
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT sent
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received
debug1: kex: server->client aes128-ctr none
debug1: kex: client->server aes128-ctr none
debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_ECDH_REPLY
debug1: Server host key: ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 SHA256:CEXGTmrVgeY1qEiwFe2Yy3XqrWdjm98jKmX0LK5mlQg
debug1: Host '' is known and matches the ECDSA host key.
debug1: Found key in /home/fred/.ssh/known_hosts:2
debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS sent
debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS
debug1: SSH2_MSG_NEWKEYS received
debug1: Roaming not allowed by server
debug1: SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT received
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password,keyboard-interactive
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Trying private key: /home/fred/.ssh/id_rsa
debug1: Trying private key: /home/fred/.ssh/id_dsa
debug1: Trying private key: /home/fred/.ssh/id_ecdsa
debug1: Trying private key: /home/fred/.ssh/id_ed25519
debug1: Next authentication method: keyboard-interactive
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password,keyboard-interactive
debug1: Next authentication method: password
debug1: Authentication succeeded (password).
Authenticated to ([]:22).
debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
debug1: Requesting
debug1: Entering interactive session.
debug1: client_input_global_request: rtype want_reply 0
debug1: client_input_channel_req: channel 0 rtype exit-status reply 0
debug1: client_input_channel_req: channel 0 rtype reply 0
debug1: channel 0: free: client-session, nchannels 1
debug1: fd 2 clearing O_NONBLOCK
Last login: Sat Mar 14 21:31:33 2015 from


The same login with the maximum of verbosity, -vvv, gives around 150 lines of debugging information. Remember that debugging information is sent to stderr rather than stdout. This will only capture the session in a file, debugging info goes only to the screen, not to the output log:

$ ssh -vvv -l fred  | tee ~/ssh-output.log

The tool tee(1) is like a T-pipe and sends output two directions, one to stdout and one to a file.

The following will capture both the debugging info and the session text:

$ ssh -vvv -l fred  2>&1  | tee ~/ssh-output.log

Capturing Client Debugging Information Separately[edit | edit source]

Regular pipes and redirects work only with stdout so that if -E is not used to capture debugging output the output on stderr must instead be sent to stdout if one is going to capture it at the same time as the actual session. That is done with an extra redirect, 2>&1 to capture stderr. Mind the spaces, or lack of them.

Changing Client Debugging Levels At Runtime or On The Fly[edit | edit source]

At run time, when establishing a new connection, just use the -v option.

$ sftp -v -o "IdentityFile=~/.ssh/weblog.key_rsa"

The debugging verbosity on the client can be increased just like on the server.

$ sftp -vvv -o "IdentityFile=~/.ssh/weblog.key_rsa"

The extra information can be useful to see exactly what is being sent to or requested of the server.

After the fact, once a connection is established, the escape sequences ~v and ~V can be used to increase or decrease the verbosity on the fly. Through them it is possible to change the verbosity of the client in an established connection. When increasing, the client raises its log level to VERBOSE, DEBUG, DEBUG2, and DEBUG3, in that order, if starting from the default of INFO. Conversely, when lowering the log level, the client will descend through ERROR, FATAL, to QUIET if starting from the default of INFO.

Debugging and Troubleshooting[edit | edit source]

The server logs are your best friend when troubleshooting. It may be necessary to turn up the log level there temporarily to get more information. It is then also necessary to turn them back to normal after things are fixed to avoid privacy problems or excessively use of disk space.

For example, the SFTP-subsystem logging defaults to ERROR, reporting only errors. To track transactions made by the client, change the log level to INFO or VERBOSE:

Subsystem internal-sftp  -l INFO

Caution. Again, operating with elevated logging levels would violate the privacy of users, in addition to filling a lot of disk space, and should generally not be used in production once the changes are figured out. Elevated log messages should really be sent to a separate log file during the time they are collected.

By default, some systems send only the normal messages to the regular system log files and ignore the elevated messages. Some save all the messages by default. If the elevated system log messages are not showing up in any of the system logs, the former may be the reason. Either way, check the system log configuration and make sure that the extra messages are only sent to a separate log file and not mixed with the regular system logs. Change the configuration if necessary. This helps keep the logs tidy as well as protect privacy. The system log settings are found in the system log daemon’s configuration file, the exact name of which will vary depending on what is installed, but common ones are syslog.conf(5) and rsyslog.conf(5). Notice that this machine configuration below has the more detailed DEBUG messages for the AUTH facility going to a separate log file from the regular AUTH messages:

$ grep '^auth.' /etc/syslog.conf                                               /var/log/authlog
auth.debug                                              /var/log/authdebug

See syslog(3) for the log facilities and log levels. It is best to limit the time the debugging information is collected and to actively watch while it is collected. However, if it is running for any length of time, and especially if it is left unattended even for a short while, be sure to remeber to add the special log file to the log rotation schedule so that it cannot fill up the partition.

Match blocks can help further by setting log levels for specific situations and avoid a situation where everything is logged intensely.

Also, the manual pages for OpenSSH are very well written and many times problems can be solved by finding the right section within the right manual page. At the very minimum, it is important to skim through the four main manual pages for both the programs and their configuration and become familiar with at least the section headings.

  • ssh(1)
  • ssh_config(5)
  • sshd(8)
  • sshd_config(5)

Then once the right section is found in the manual page, go over it in detail and become familiar with its contents. The same goes for the other OpenSSH manual pages, depending on the activity. Be sure to use the version of OpenSSH available for your system and the corresponding manual pages, preferably those that are installed on your system to avoid a mismatch. In some cases, the client and the server will be of different versions, so the manual pages for each must be looked up separately. It is also a good idea to review OpenSSH’s release notes when a new version is published.

With a few exceptions below, specific examples of troubleshooting are usually given in the cookbook section relevant to a particular activity. So, for example, sorting problems with authentication keys is done in the section on Public Key Authentication itself.

Debugging a script, configuration or key that uses sudo[edit | edit source]

Usually log levels only need to be changed when writing and testing a script, a new configuration, some new keys, or all three at once. When working with sudo, it is especially important to see exactly what the client is sending so as to enter the right pattern into /etc/sudoers for safety. Using the lowest level of verbosity, the exact string being sent by the client to the remote server is shown in the debugging output:

$ rsync -e "ssh -v -i /home/webmaint/.ssh/bkup_key -l webmaint" 
        -a var/backup/www/
debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey).
Authenticated to ([]:22).
debug1: channel 0: new [client-session]
debug1: Requesting
debug1: Entering interactive session.
debug1: Sending command: rsync --server --sender -vlogDtpre.if . /var/www/
receiving incremental file list

What sudoers then needs is something like the following, assuming account ‘webmaint’ is in the group ‘webmasters’:

%webmasters ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/rsync --server 
--sender -vlogDtpre.if . /var/www/

The same method can be used to debug new server configurations or key logins. Once things are set to run as needed, the log level settings can be lowered back to INFO for sshd(8) and to ERROR for internal-sftp. Additionally, once the script is left to run in fully automated mode, the client logging information can be set use the syslog(3) system module instead of stderr by setting the -y option when it is launched.

Debugging a server configuration[edit | edit source]

Running the server in debug mode provides a lot of information about the connection and a smaller amount about the server configuration. The server’s debugging level (-d) can be raised once, twice (-dd) or thrice (-ddd).

Note that the server in this case does not detach and become a daemon, so it will terminate when the SSH connection terminates. The server must be started again in order to make a subsequent connection from the client. Though in some ways this is a hassle, it does make sure that session data is a unique set and not mixes of multiple sessions and thus possibly different configurations. Alternately, another option (-e) when debugging sends the debugging data to stderr to keep the system logs clean.

In recent versions of OpenSSH, it is also possible to log the debug data from the system logs directly to a separate file and keep noise out of the system logs. Since OpenSSH 6.3, the option -E will append the debug data to a particular log file instead of sending it to the system log. This facilitates debugging live systems without cluttering the system logs.

$ /usr/sbin/sshd -E /home/fred/sshd.debug.log

On older versions of OpenSSH, if you need to save output to a file while still viewing it live on the screen, you can use tee(1).

$ /usr/sbin/sshd -ddd 2>&1 | tee /tmp/foo

That will save output to the file foo by capturing what sshd(8) sent to stderr. This works with older versions of OpenSSH, but the -E option above is preferable.

If the server is remote and it is important to reduce the risk of getting locked out, the experiments on the configuration file can be done with a second instance of sshd(8) using a separate configuration file and listening to a high port until the settings have been tested.

$ /usr/sbin/sshd -dd -p 22222 -f /home/fred/sshd_config.test

It is possible to make an extended test (-T) of the configuration file. If there is a syntax error, it will be reported, but remember that even sound configurations can still lock you out. The extended test mode can be used by itself, but it is also possible to specify particular connection parameters to use with -C. sshd(8) will then process the configuration file in light of the parameters passed to it and output the results. Of particular use, the results of Match directives will be shown. So the -T option can be supplemented with the -C option to show precisely which configuration will be used for various connections.

When passing specific connection parameters to sshd(8) for evaluation, user, host, and addr are the minimum required for extended testing. The following will print out the configurations that will be applied if the user fred tries to log in to the host from the address

$ /usr/sbin/sshd -T -C user=fred,,addr=

Two more parameters, laddr and lport, may also be passed. They refer to the server’s IP number and port connected to.

$ /usr/sbin/sshd -T -C user=fred,,addr=,laddr=,lport=2222

Those five variables should be able to describe any possible incoming connection.

Debugging a client configuration[edit | edit source]

Sometimes when debugging a server configuration it is necessary to track the client, too. Since OpenSSH 6.8, the -G option makes ssh(1) print its configuration after evaluating Host and Match blocks and then exit. That allows viewing of the exact configuration options that will actually be used by the client for a particular connection.

$ ssh -G -l fred

Client configuration is determined in three ways. The first is by run-time options, then by the account’s own configuration file, or lastly the system-wide client configuration file. The priority is in that order and whichever value is found first gets used. With sftp(1) the options are also passed to ssh(1).

Invalid or Outdated Ciphers or MACs[edit | edit source]

A proper client will show the details of the failure. For a bad Message Authentication Code (MAC), a proper client might show something like the following when trying to foist a bad MAC like hmac-md5-96 onto the server:
<syntaxhighlighting lang=»text»>
no matching mac found: client hmac-md5-96 server,,,,,,,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha1

And for a bad cipher, a proper client might show something like this when trying to foist an arcfour cipher on the server:
<syntaxhighlighting lang=»text»>
no matching cipher found: client arcfour server,aes128-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes256-ctr,,

Sometimes when troubleshooting a problem with the client it is necessary to turn to the server logs. In OpenSSH 6.7 unsafe MACs were removed and in OpenSSH 7.2 unsafe ciphers were removed, but some third-party clients may still try to use them to establish a connection. In that case, the client might not provide much information beyond a vague message that the server unexpectedly closed the network connection. The server logs will, however, show what happened:
<syntaxhighlighting lang=»text»>
fatal: no matching mac found: client hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5 server,,,hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-ripemd160 [preauth]

More recent versions would show a simpler error for a bad MAC.
<syntaxhighlighting lang=»text»>
fatal: Unable to negotiate with port 55044: no matching MAC found. Their offer: hmac-md5-96 [preauth]

A bad cipher would be reported like this:
<syntaxhighlighting lang=»text»>
fatal: Unable to negotiate with port 55046: no matching cipher found. Their offer: arcfour [preauth]

The error message in the server log might not say which MACs or ciphers are actually available. For those, the extended test mode can be used to show the server settings and, in particular, the MACs or ciphers allowed. In its most basic usage the extended test mode would just be -T, as in /usr/sbin/sshd -T | grep -E 'cipher|macs' with no other options. For more details and options, see the previous section on «Debugging a server configuration» above.

One solution there is to upgrade the client to one that can handle the right ciphers and MACs. Another option is to switch to a different client, one that can handle the modern ciphers or MACs.

Debugging Key-Based Authentication[edit | edit source]

The most common causes of failure for public key authentication seem to be for either of two reasons:

  • Mangling the public key on the way to getting it into authorized_keys on the server
  • Incorrect permissions for the files and directories involved, ether on the client or the server. These are the directory for the keys, usually ~/.ssh/, or its parent directories, or the authorized_keys file, or the private key itself.

As of the time of this writing, it looks like pretty much every failure of key-based authentication described on mailing lists and forums is solved by addressing either or both of those two situations. So, when encountering the error message «Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)», or similar, see the section on Public Key Authentication. Then see the manual page for sshd(8) and its section on authorized keys.

A very rare third case is if the public and private key files don’t match and are not from the same key pair. As mentioned in the section on Public Key Authentication, the public and private keys need to match and be part of the same key pair. That is because even before the SSH client uses private key cryptographically, it looks at the file name of the proposed private key and then sends the public key matching that same name, if it exists. If the public key that is on the client does not match the public key on the server in authorized_keys then the connection will be denied with the error «Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)» or similar. That alone is a very good reason to give unique descriptive file names. Note that as mentioned above there are usually other causes to that same error message besides having mismanaged the public key file on the client machine.

The file names for both parts of each key pair have to be kept organized so that the contents match. As for a solution, the way out in the long term is to more carefully manage the keys and their file names. It is solved on the short term by deleting the offending public key file or using the private key to regenerate a new one, overwriting the offending one. Again, this is an unusual edge case and not a common cause of that error.

SSH Too Many Authentication Failures[edit | edit source]

When there are multiple keys in the authentication agent, the client will try them against the server in an unpredictable order. If the client happens to cycle through enough of the wrong keys first and hits the server’s MaxAuthTries limit before finding the right key, the server will naturally break off the connection with an error message about too many authentication failures:

"Received disconnect from port 22:2: Too many authentication failures 
Authentication failed."

With increased verbosity, the keys tested and rejected will also be shown:

$ ssh -v
debug1: SSH2_MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT received
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,keyboard-interactive
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering RSA public key: /home/fred/.ssh/key.06.rsa
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,keyboard-interactive
debug1: Offering RSA public key: /home/fred/.ssh/key.02.rsa
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,keyboard-interactive
debug1: Offering RSA public key: /home/fred/.ssh/key.03.rsa
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,keyboard-interactive
debug1: Offering RSA public key: /home/fred/.ssh/key.04.rsa
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,keyboard-interactive
debug1: Offering RSA public key: /home/fred/.ssh/key.01.rsa
debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,keyboard-interactive
debug1: Offering RSA public key: /home/fred/.ssh/key.05.rsa
Received disconnect from port 22:2: Too many authentication failures
Authentication failed.

Each key in the agent gets an annotation which says whether or not the key file was supplied by the user, either in the configuration file or as a run-time argument. The client prefers keys that were specified in the configuration and are also currently in the agent. Then it will try try them in the order in which they were supplied. [3]

There are two solutions if you see the «Too many authentication failures» error:

One way around this error is to remove keys from the agent one at a time using ssh-add(1) with the -d option until there is just the right key left. Refer to each key by its file system path, for example: ssh-add -d ~/.ssh/some.key.rsa Because the private key to be removed is looked up in the agent based on the corresponding public key both files must exist. Without matching a public key file, the private key cannot be removed individually from the authentication agent. Instead the whole lot may be removed all at once using the -D option. However, is not always practical to do either when many remote systems are used frequently and the agent needs to be kept well-stocked. This is probably not the most practical way.

Another way around this error, and probably the most practical method, is to limit the client to trying only a specific key using the IdentitiesOnly configuration directive in conjunction with the IdentityFile configuration directive. The latter points explicitly to the right key. Both can be added either as run-time options or in the client’s configuration file. As a run-time option, they can be used like this:

$ ssh -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i ~/.ssh/ -l fred

Or these two options could be added to the client configuration file in something like the following way instead.

Host server14
        IdentitiesOnly yes
        IdentityFile /home/fred/.ssh/
        User fred

In that way, the server could be reached with either the short name or the fully qualified domain name, whatever names are listed under the Host directive.

Remember that options are selected from the client configuration file on a first-match basis. Because the first-match wins, specific rules must come before more general rules.

Debugging Chrooted SFTP Accounts[edit | edit source]

The most common problem seems to be bad directory permissions. The chroot directory, and all directories above it, must be owned by root and not writable by any other user or group. Even though these directories’ group memberships do not have to be root, if any of them is not root then it must not be group writable either. Failure to use the correct ownership will result in not being able to log in with the affected accounts. The errors when login is attempted will look like this from the client side:

$ sftp fred@
fred@192.02.206's password: 
packet_write_wait: Connection to Broken pipe
Couldn't read packet: Connection reset by peer

The error message is much clearer on the server side:
syntaxhighlighting lang=»text»>
Aug 4 23:52:38 server sshd[7075]: fatal: bad ownership or modes for chroot directory component «/home/fred/»

Check the directory permissions for the chroot target and all directories above it. If even one is off it must be fixed so that it is owned by root and not writable by any others. There are many, many routes to get there. Here are two was to set up chroot permissions:

  • One quick way to fix the permissions is to change both ownership and group membership of the directory to root. Same for all directories above the chroot target.
$ ls -lhd /home/ /home/fred/
drwxr-xr-x 3 root  root  4.0K Aug  4 20:47 /home/
drwxr-xr-x 8 root  root  4.0K Aug  4 20:47 /home/fred/

That will work with the ChrootDirectory directive set to %h but has some drawbacks that will quickly become obvious when adding files or directories.

  • Another easy way to fix the permissions is to change both the account’s home directory and the ChrootDirectory directive. Arrange the account’s home directory so that it is under a unique directory owned by root, such as the user name itself:
$ ls -lhd /home/ /home/fred/ /home/fred/fred/
drwxr-xr-x 3 root  root  4.0K Aug  4 20:47 /home/
drwxr-x--- 3 root  fred  4.0K Aug  4 20:47 /home/fred/
drwxr-x--- 8 fred  fred  4.0K Aug  4 20:47 /home/fred/fred/

Then chroot the account to the parent directory and combine that with an alternate starting directory working from the user name token with the -d option for the SFTP server.

ChrootDirectory /home/%u
ForceCommand internal-sftp -d %u

Then when the account connects it will see only its own directory and no other parts of the system.

Debugging RC Scripts Interfering with SFTP Sessions[edit | edit source]

The SFTP connection will drop if there are any extraneous data either direction on stdin, from the client or the server. A common mistake in that area is if /etc/ssh/sshrc or ~/.ssh/rc send anything at all to stdout instead of being quiet. There the output, which would be stdout on the server, is received by the client on stdin, but matches no correct protocol and thus causes the client to disconnect. So, even in the case of using the RC scripts, the response from the server must remain 8-bit clean or an error will occur:

$ sftp
Received message too long 1400204832

That one message will be the main clue. Increasing the verbosity of the SFTP client with -v won’t provide more relevant information.

Also, the standard logs on the server will only show that the client disconnected and not provide any information why. At higher levels of logging, some extraneous reads and corresponding discards might be noticed but that is all. Below is a log sample recorded at the verbosity DEBUG3 showing such an example.

debug2: subsystem request for sftp by user fred
debug1: subsystem: exec() /usr/libexec/sftp-server
Starting session: subsystem 'sftp' for fred from port 37446 id 0
debug2: channel 0: read 13 from efd 12
debug3: channel 0: discard efd
debug2: channel 0: read 12 from efd 12
debug3: channel 0: discard efd
debug2: channel 0: read 15 from efd 12
debug3: channel 0: discard efd
debug2: channel 0: read 18 from efd 12
debug3: channel 0: discard efd

Again, neither RC script is allowed produce any output on stdout during use of SFTP or it will ruin the connection. If an RC script does produce output, it must be redirected to a system log, to a file, or sent to stderr instead of stdout. Regular interactive SSH connections are not disturbed by use of stdout and the client will just display whatever is sent. See the manual page for sshd(8) in the section «SSHRC» for more.

The same restriction goes for any other part of the SSH service which runs over stdin and stdout, such as ProxyJump or some uses of ProxyCommand. So another example of potential interference would be when using LocalCommand with the client to specify a command to execute on the local machine after successfully connecting to the server. Any output from it also needs to be redirected to stderr. If LocalCommand ends up interfering with ProxyJump then the connection will appear to hang at the stage when stdout gets used.

Debugging When An SSH Agent Has The Correct Private Key But Does Not Use It[edit | edit source]

In older versions of OpenSSH, the public key must also be available on the client at the time the private key is loaded into the agent. If it is not then without the matching public key the agent will not be able to use a private key unless other arrangements are made. A symptom of this is that while specifying the key via a run-time argument works, the same key does not work via the agent.

Upgrading to a more recent version of OpenSSH is a better option. Otherwise a work-around is to specify the private key either as a run-time argument to the client or in the ssh_config(5) file, from there the client will find the correspondingly named public key file. Importantly the client will still use the key in the agent yet use the designated matching public key file, so the private key file does not have to contain anything at all and could even be empty.

$ ssh -i some_key_ed25519

However, if it is undesirable to have the private key accessible on the file system or if the private key is only in the agent and not itself available via the file system, then the public key can be specified directly instead.

$ ssh -i

Either way, another way is to name the key in ssh_config(5) instead using the IdentityFile configuration directive. If the file with the pubic key is missing, it can be regenerated from the private key using ssh-keygen(1) with the -y option.

SSH Client Error Messages And Common Causes[edit | edit source]

As rehash of the above, below are some client-side error messages with some of the more common reasons[4] for those messages. Neither list of errors nore the reasons for the errors are comprehensive. The suggestions for causes just touch on one or two of the commonly seen reasons. There is no substitute for checking the actual logs, especially on the server. The server log files are usually /var/log/auth.log on most system or a variant of that name. Occasionally you will find the information in the file /var/log/secure instead.

No address associated with name:

$ ssh 
ssh: Could not resolve hostname no address associated with name

The destination’s host name does not exist in DNS. Was it spelled correctly?

Operation timed out:

$ ssh 
ssh: connect to host port 22: Operation timed out

There’s not a system associated with that IP address, or else a packet filter is causing trouble.

Connection timed out:

$ ssh 
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out

You can’t get there from here. It is probable that the destination machine is disconnected from the network or that the network which it is on is not reachable.

Connection refused:

$ ssh
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused

The destination system exists but there is no SSH service available at the port being tried. Is the destination right? It might be the wrong syste, SSH might not be running at all, SSH might be listening on another port, or a packet filter might be blocking connections.

Permission denied:

$ ssh Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).

That is usually a sign of a problem cause by the wrong user name, wrong authentication method, wrong SSH key or SSH certificate, or wrong file permissions in the authorized keys file on the destination system. If it is a matter of SSH key based authentication, see the chapter on Public Key Authentication for more thorough coverage. If it is a question of SSH certificates, see the corresponding Certificate-based Authentication chapter. It can also be a matter of server-side settings with AllowGroups, DenyGroups, or similar configuration directives at the destination. Any of those possibilities can really only be identified and solved by checking the log output from sshd(8).

No matching host key type found:

$ ssh
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss

The SSH daemon on that server is really outdated. Contact the system administrator about an upgrade and get them moving. More details can be seen with the -v option on the client.

$ ssh -v
debug1: SSH2_MSG_KEXINIT received
debug1: kex: algorithm: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
debug1: kex: host key algorithm: (no match)
Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss

In the above shell session, it is the server which is badly in need of an update as shown by the deprecated key exchange algorithms which it tries to use. Again, for emphasis, the solution is to update the outdated software. If a specific, old version of an particular operating system absolutely must be used for a while longer, see about getting a back port of the SSH daemon. Many GNU/Linux distros even have specific back port repositories.

If you would like to see which key exchange algorithms the client supports try using the -Q option.

$ ssh -Q kex
  1. «RFC 4252: The Secure Shell (SSH) Authentication Protocol». IETF. 2006-01.
  2. Tucker, Darren (2021-08-10). «Re: ssh authlog: Failed none for invalid user». OpenBSD. Retrieved 2021-08-10.
  3. Tucker, Darren (2019-04-01). «IdentityFile vs IdentitiesOnly». openssh-unix-dev mailing list. Retrieved 2019-04-04.
  4. «SSH Troubleshooting Guide». IT Tavern. 2023-01-17.

Как посмотреть логи

  • Что такое логи сервера
  • Как проверить логи сервера
  • Как посмотреть логи хостинга

В этой статье мы расскажем, что такое логи сервера, где они хранятся и как посмотреть их на разных операционных системах и веб-серверах.

Что такое логи сервера

Логи сервера (англ. Server Logs ― журнал сервера) ― это текстовые файлы, в которые в хронологическом порядке записывается информация. Обычно это системная информация о работе сервера и взаимодействии пользователей с ним.

Логи отличаются тем, к каким приложениям они относятся, и тем, какую информацию они несут. Вот несколько типов логов:

  • логи доступа (access.log) — в них фиксируются обращения к сайтам, 
  • логи ошибок (error.log) — в них веб-сервер фиксирует ошибки при обращении к сайтам, 
  • логи баз данных — в них фиксируются действия с базами данных, 
  • почтовые логи — в них содержится информация о недоставленных, отправленных и принятых письмах. 

Логи могут храниться как на самом сервере, чьи события логируются, так и на отдельном файловом сервере.

Как проверить логи сервера

Рассмотрим несколько вариантов логов на серверах с операционными системами Ubuntu и CentOS. И в Ubuntu, и в CentOS директория /var/log ― это место, где хранятся логи сервера. Мы расскажем о некоторых лог-файлах из этой папки.

Обратите внимание: чтобы выполнить команды, приведённые ниже, подключитесь к серверу по SSH.

Логи SSH CentOS

Логи авторизаций (в том числе SSH-подключений) на сервере с CentOS находятся в файле /var/log/secure. Чтобы открыть этот файл, воспользуйтесь командой:

sudo nano /var/log/secure

Чтобы получить из файла только неудачные попытки подключений по SSH, введите:

grep -a "Failed password" /var/log/secure

Чтобы вывести логи только SSH-подключений:

grep -a “sshd” /var/log/secure

Если вы хотите посмотреть логи подключений конкретного пользователя: 

grep -a “username” /var/log/secure

Вместо username введите имя пользователя.

Логи SSH Ubuntu

Журнал авторизации пользователей в Ubuntu находится в файле /var/log/auth.log.

Открыть всё содержимое файла:

sudo nano /var/log/auth.log

Вывести неудачные попытки подключений:

grep -a "Failed password" /var/log/auth.log

Вывести логи всех SSH-подключений:

grep -a "sshd" /var/log/auth.log

Логи подключений конкретного пользователя:

grep -a "username" /var/log/auth.log

Вместо username введите имя пользователя.

Как посмотреть логи хостинга

Посмотреть логи хостинга можно через панель управления ISPmanager или через подключение по FTP или SSH.


  1. Откройте панель управления хостингом ISPmanager.
  2. В левом меню нажмите Менеджер файлов:Менеджер файлов в ISPmanager
  3. Откройте директорию logs:
  4. Папка с логами в менеджере файлов
    В этой папке вы найдёте лог-файлы ваших сайтов:
    Содержимое папки с логами
    В названии каждого файла указано имя сайта и тип логов:
  • ― это логи доступа к сайту,
  • ― это логи ошибок сайта

Готово, теперь вы знаете, как посмотреть логи ваших сайтов через панель управления ISPmanager. 


  1. Подключитесь к хостингу по FTP.
  2. Откройте директорию /logs:
    Логи по FTP
  3. Чтобы, не скачивая, открыть лог-файл в текстовом редакторе, кликните правой кнопкой мыши на нужный файл и нажмите на Просмотр/правка:
    Просмотр логов по FTP

Готово, теперь вы знаете, как проверить логи сайтов на хостинге через FTP. 


  1. Подключитесь к услуге хостинга по SSH.
  2. Перейдите в директорию /logs при помощи команды:
    cd logs
  3. Выведите список файлов на экран:
    ls -la
  4. Откройте нужный файл при помощи текстового редактора Vim:
    vim log-file-name

    Вместо log-file-name введите имя лог-файла. 

  5. Чтобы закрыть редактор без сохранения изменений в файле, нажмите ESC и введите:

Готово, теперь вы знаете, как проверить логи сайтов на хостинге через SSH.

Приветствую читателей своего сайта. Сегодня я всесторонне рассмотрю тему тему логов в Ubuntu — ошибки, загрузка, системные логи, cron и остальное. Постараюсь дать обзорную информацию по основным моментам в этой теме. Материал в основном рассчитан на новичков, но возможно восполнит пробелы и специалистов.

Традиционно логи в Linux хранятся в директории /var/log. Вот описание стандартных лог файлов Ubuntu, которые там присутствуют. Кстати, если вы только планируете устанавливать ubuntu, то можете воспользоваться моей подробной статьей на этот счет — установка ubuntu server. Так же вам может быть интересен мой обзор и сравнение сервера убунту с другими linux системами — Ubuntu Server — обзор для начинающих, сравнение, отзывы.

  1. syslog или messages. Последнего чаще всего нет и вместо него только syslog. Это традиционные глобальные системные журналы операционной системы linux. Сюда пишутся события загрузки, ядра системы, системы инициализации systemd и т.д.
  2. auth.log — лог авторизации и аутентификации в системе.
  3. dmesg — в этом логе хранится информация о загрузке ядра и драйверов оборудования.
  4. alternatives.log — лог файл программы update-alternatives. Не знаю, за какие такие заслуги ей выделили отдельный лог файл, а cron, к примеру, нет.
  5. kern.log — лог сообщений ядра ubuntu, да и любой другой linux системы.
  6. maillog — сообщения почтовой системы. Обычно postfix или exim. Если на сервере ubuntu они не установлены, то и почтового лога не будет.
  7. dpkg.log — логирование работы пакетных менеджеров ubuntu. Обычно это apt или apt-get.
  8. lastlog и wtmp — информация о прошлых авторизациях пользователей.

Лог загрузки

Начнем с самого начала. В момент загрузки системы записывается вся основная информация, имеющая к ней отношение. Если у вас будут какие-то ошибки во время старта сервера, вы сможете их увидеть в этом логе. Посмотреть лог загрузки Ubuntu можно следующим образом.

sudo dmesg

У вас получится очень длинный вывод всего того, что происходило с системой на старте. Если ищите что-то конкретное, то можете сделать фильтрацию вывода с помощью grep. Допустим, вам надо узнать информацию только о диске.

sudo dmesg | grep sda

Вы увидите лог загрузки системы ubuntu, содержащий информацию только о диске sda. Аналогичным образом можно фильтровать вывод по другим темам. Например, посмотреть все ошибки, которые были во время загрузки.

sudo dmesg | grep error

И так далее.  Информация, которую выводит команда dmesg, хранится в log файле /var/log/dmesg.

Логи авторизации, в том числе ssh

Для того, чтобы узнать, кто и когда проходил авторизацию на сервере ubuntu, можно воспользоваться логами из файла /var/log/auth.log. Авторизация по ssh там будет выглядеть следующим образом.

sshd[2774]: Accepted publickey for root from port 2673 ssh2: RSA SHA256:MCDja9Ve7rYZCzeVGpYXpqRxfAanWwVkcd+lU3GS
sshd[2774]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
systemd-logind[628]: New session 6 of user root.

Здесь мы видим ip адрес, с которого произошло подключение и слепок сертификата, так как аутентификация была произведена с его помощью. Если хотите повысить уровень логирования подключений по ssh и получать больше информации, то можете отредактировать конфигурационный файл sshd — /etc/ssh/sshd_config, добавив туда следующий параметр.


Не забудьте перезапустить службу sshd для принятия изменений:

sudo systemctl restart sshd

После этого логирование подключений по ssh будет более подробное.

Лог локального входа в ubuntu тоже хранится в файле auth.log. Информация о подключении через консоль выглядит следующим образом.

login[680]: pam_unix(login:session): session opened for user root by LOGIN(uid=0)
systemd-logind[628]: New session 9 of user root.
login[3094]: ROOT LOGIN on '/dev/tty1'

Устройство /dev/tty1 говорит о том, что вход локальный.

Вы можете быстро посмотреть информацию о последних входах в систему с помощью команды last. Эта информация хранится в бинарном логе /var/log/lastlog.

Примерно то же самое можно увидеть с помощью utmpdump.

sudo utmpdump /var/log/wtmp

Логи ошибок в Ubuntu

Рассмотрим теперь вопрос с расположением лога ошибок в Ubuntu. Как такового отдельного error log в традиционных linux системах нет. И Убунта тут не исключение. Ошибки придется искать по системным и программным логам выборкой ключевых слов. Обычно используют следующие фразы:

  • error или err
  • critical или crit
  • debug
  • warn

Например, посмотрим в логе загрузки dmesg все сообщения уровня предупреждений (warn).

sudo dmesg -l warn

А теперь проверим ошибки в системном логе.

sudo cat /var/log/syslog | grep error

Видим некоторые ошибки в службе systemd-resolved.

Cron logs

Часто хочется проверить лог запуска периодических заданий cron. В Ubuntu, как мне кажется, сделали не удобно. По умолчанию, cron logs не выделены в отдельный файл. Искать их стоит в общем системном логе syslog. Например, в Centos существует отдельный лог-файл /var/log/cron, где собрана вся информация о запущенных заданиях. Предлагаю сделать так же в Ubuntu.

Для этого открываем конфигурационный файл /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf и добавляем туда следующую информацию.

cron.*				/var/log/cron.log

По умолчанию, она присутствует в конфиге, но закомментирована. Вам нужно убрать # в начале строки, чтобы раскомментировать ее. Так же я рекомендую сделать так, чтобы эти логи не дублировались в общий системный лог. Для этого немного измените следующую строку.

*.*;auth,authpriv.none,cron.none	-/var/log/syslog

Я добавил в нее cron.none, чтобы логи cron не писались больше в системный лог syslog. После этого перезапустите службы rsyslog и cron и проверяйте изменения.

sudo systemctl restart rsyslog
sudo systemctl restart cron

Проверяем cron.log

sudo cat /var/log/cron.log

Теперь у нас все логи Cron в Ubuntu будут в отдельном файле.

Лог действий пользователя

Мне часто задают вопросы, как посмотреть лог действий пользователя в системе или как узнать, какие программы он запускал. По умолчанию, такие действия не логируются в ubuntu. Для этого нужно устанавливать какое-то дополнительное программное обеспечение. Я даже не знаю, кто умеет это делать. Обычно если надо фиксировать действия пользователя, включается лог работы sudo.

Для того, чтобы включить логирование действий пользователя через sudo, редактируем файл /etc/sudoers. Добавляем туда строку.

Defaults logfile=/var/log/sudo.log

Теперь выполните какую-нибудь команду через sudo.

sudo cat /var/log/cron.log

Проверяем sudo.log.

Nov 25 23:10:36 : root : TTY=pts/3 ; PWD=/root ; USER=root ;
    COMMAND=/usr/bin/cat /var/log/cron.log

Выполненная команда пользователя сохранена в логе sudo.log. Теперь никто не сможет выполнить незаметно административные действия на сервере. Конечно, человек с полными правами сможет изменить любой лог файл, удалив свои действия при желании. Для этого важные логи нужно отправлять куда-то в другое место, но это уже тема отдельной статьи.

На сегодня по логам в Ubuntu у меня все. Желаю вам логов без ошибок и вечного аптайма (шутка, надо ставить обновы и перезагружаться).

Each attempt to login to SSH server is tracked and recorded into a log file by the rsyslog daemon in Linux. The most basic mechanism to list all failed SSH logins attempts in Linux is a combination of displaying and filtering the log files with the help of cat command or grep command.

In order to display a list of the failed SSH logins in Linux, issue some of the commands presented in this guide. Make sure that these commands are executed with root privileges.

The most simple command to list all failed SSH logins is the one shown below.

# grep "Failed password" /var/log/auth.log

List All Failed SSH Login Attempts

List All Failed SSH Login Attempts

The same result can also be achieved by issuing the cat command.

# cat /var/log/auth.log | grep "Failed password"

In order to display extra information about the failed SSH logins, issue the command as shown in the below example.

# egrep "Failed|Failure" /var/log/auth.log

Find Failed SSH Logins

Find Failed SSH Logins

In CentOS or RHEL, the failed SSH sessions are recorded in /var/log/secure file. Issue the above command against this log file to identify failed SSH logins.

# egrep "Failed|Failure" /var/log/secure

Find Failed SSH Logins in CentOS

Find Failed SSH Logins in CentOS

A slightly modified version of the above command to display failed SSH logins in CentOS or RHEL is as follows.

# grep "Failed" /var/log/secure
# grep "authentication failure" /var/log/secure

Find SSH Authentication Failure Logins

Find SSH Authentication Failure Logins

To display a list of all IP addresses that tried and failed to log in to the SSH server alongside the number of failed attempts of each IP address, issue the below command.

# grep "Failed password" /var/log/auth.log | awk ‘{print $11}’ | uniq -c | sort -nr

Find IP Addresses of SSH Failed Logins

Find IP Addresses of SSH Failed Logins

On newer Linux distributions you can query the runtime log file maintained by Systemd daemon via journalctl command. In order to display all failed SSH login attempts you should pipe the result via grep filter, as illustrated in the below command examples.

# journalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=ssh.service | egrep "Failed|Failure"
# journalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=sshd.service | egrep "Failed|Failure"  #In RHEL, CentOS 

Find Real Time Failed SSH Logins

Find Real Time Failed SSH Logins

In CentOS or RHEL, replace the SSH daemon unit with sshd.service, as shown in the below command examples.

# journalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=sshd.service | grep "failure"
# journalctl _SYSTEMD_UNIT=sshd.service | grep "Failed"

After you’ve identified the IP addresses that frequently hit your SSH server in order to log in to the system with suspicious user accounts or invalid user accounts, you should update your system firewall rules to block the failed SSH attempts IP addresses or use a specialized software, such as fail2ban to manage these attacks.

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