Ssl error 0x80090308

Ssl error 0x80090308 the token supplied to the function is invalid Этот форум закрыт. Спасибо за участие! Спрашивающий Вопрос Доброго времени суток! Имеется WS2008R2 SP1 со всем обновлениями, на нем установлено спецефическое ПО, которое при определнных условиях должно отправлять письмо. При попытке отправить письмо без шифрования(25-й порт), все проходит нормально. При попытке отправить через […]


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  5. Ssl error 0x80090308 the token supplied to the function is invalid
  6. Как исправить ошибку Windows 0x80090308 Ошибка 0x80090308
  7. MPECS Inc. Blog
  8. Monday, 26 July 2010
  9. SBS Migration Error: Exchange – The token supplied to the function is invalid 80090308
  10. MPECS Inc. Blog
  11. Monday, 26 July 2010
  12. SBS Migration Error: Exchange – The token supplied to the function is invalid 80090308

Ssl error 0x80090308 the token supplied to the function is invalid

Этот форум закрыт. Спасибо за участие!



Доброго времени суток!

Имеется WS2008R2 SP1 со всем обновлениями, на нем установлено спецефическое ПО, которое при определнных условиях должно отправлять письмо.

При попытке отправить письмо без шифрования(25-й порт), все проходит нормально.

При попытке отправить через SSL(465-й порт), получаю ошибку связанную с рукопожатием

Такую же ошибку получаю при попытке отправить через stunnel.

На почтовом сервере(Exchange 2016) сертификат от comodo.

Как мне кажется сервер нужно «научить» работать новыми протоколами шифрования. Верно? Как это сделать?

Что еще может быть причиной? Как решить проблему?

Все ответы

Уточните пожалуйста в событиях(EventLog) приложения(Application) или системы (System) присутствуют какие-то предупреждения или ошибки?

Так в некоторых случаях указанная ошибка 0x80090308 может означать, что указанный сертификат не может пройти проверку как доверенный или сертификат может быть отозван или срок действия сертификата может истек.

Также известны случаи когда приложения используют SSL 2.0, который считает на данный момент не безопасным и отключен по умолчанию. Покажите результат следующей команды в командной строке:

Avis de non-responsabilité:
Mon opinion ne peut pas coïncider avec la position officielle de Microsoft.

Bien cordialement, Andrei .



Ssl error 0x80090308 the token supplied to the function is invalid

We just installed a global certificate into our VMware View Connection Server and now remote ThinApp VMware clients and web clients fail to work. With the ThinApp View Client, it successfully talks to the connection server and authenticates the user, but when it tries to establish the tunnel connection, it fails with the error, «The View Connection Server authentication failed. The SSL initialization while connecting to server ‘https://a.b.c:443’ failed.»

This is definitely not a resolving issue. When the name cannot be resolved by the client, the error message reads «The View Connection Server authentication failed. The server name ‘http://a.b.c:443’ could not be resolved. . . .»

I have also confirmed this with packet sniffing. The client opens a connection to port 443 on the View Connection Server then appears to reject the server’s certificate. (A TLS notify and close alert is sent by the client.) When connecting for authentication instead of establishing the tunnel, there are no issues.

I am wonder if the fact that the certificate is a wildcard certificate may contribute to this issue. E.g. if the tunnel portion of the client were written using a different SSL/TLS library than the authentication portion maybe this would cause issues.

The most confusing part of this issue is that the ThinApp client is okay with the certificate on the LAN (these are different machines).

Any other advice would be appreciated.

Update: In the client application logs, the follow error appears.

SSL: ClientHandshake: InitializeSecurityContext FAILED, Error 0x80090308 (The token supplied to the function is invalid.)

The exact same ThinApped View Client does not generate this message on machines on the LAN. Unfortunately, I am unable to try attaching a remote machine to the LAN to test due to policy.


Как исправить ошибку Windows 0x80090308 Ошибка 0x80090308

В этой статье рассматривается ошибка 0x80090308, также известная как Ошибка 0x80090308 и означающая

Информация об ошибке

Имя ошибки: Ошибка 0x80090308
Номер ошибки: 0x80090308
Применимо к: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP

Это средство исправления может устранить такие распространенные компьютерные ошибки, как BSODs, замораживание системы и сбои. Он может заменить отсутствующие файлы операционной системы и библиотеки DLL, удалить вредоносное ПО и устранить вызванные им повреждения, а также оптимизировать ваш компьютер для максимальной производительности.

Об ошибке Windows

Операционная система Windows сегодня используется миллионами пользователей персональных компьютеров и ноутбуков. И вполне вероятно, что большинство из них в свое время сталкивались с тем или иным типом ошибки Windows. Отчеты об ошибках были представлены компанией Microsoft для обеспечения средств сбора и отправки отладочной информации после ошибки или для применения шагов по устранению неполадок в зависимости от того, получил ли пользователь синтаксическую, логическую ошибку или ошибку времени выполнения.

Если пользователь получает код остановки, то вместе с сообщением об ошибке предоставляется краткая информация по устранению неполадок. Затем пользователь может найти конкретное сообщение об ошибке и применить исправление, предоставленное на сайтах поддержки Microsoft, а также в других доступных в Интернете статьях и журналах по данной теме.

В других случаях пользователь получает только уведомление о сбое компьютера, после чего ему предлагается отправить отчет о сбое в Microsoft. Это делается для сбора данных для анализа, чтобы компания Microsoft могла отправить пользователю решение проблемы.

Каким бы ни был случай, вот некоторые общие сведения об устранении неполадок, которые можно использовать для устранения ошибок Windows.

Симптомы 0x80090308 — Ошибка 0x80090308

Ошибки Windows можно классифицировать как синтаксические ошибки, логические ошибки или ошибки времени выполнения.

Когда пользователь получает синтаксическую ошибку, компьютер просто внезапно выдает сообщение об ошибке, что в фоновом режиме произошел сбой. Программы, к которым обращается пользователь, могут застопориться или полностью завершиться. Пользователь может продолжать использовать другие приложения, но время от времени появляется непонятное сообщение о том, что запущенная программа не может запуститься, потому что какой-то процесс не работает.

Ошибки времени выполнения происходят во время работы приложения. Поэтому, когда ошибка возникает, она просто происходит без предупреждения, и компьютер выдает уведомление о том, что произошла ошибка.

Логические ошибки связаны с программированием. Ошибка вызывает непреднамеренный вывод или поведение. Если говорить о компьютерных системах, которые прошли все испытания и поступили в продажу, то логические ошибки случаются только тогда, когда произошли значительные изменения в физическом состоянии логической платы. Возможно, часть шин расплавилась или возникла подобная ситуация. Это может привести к тому, что компьютер внезапно издаст громкий звуковой сигнал или скрежещущий звук, и даже может перейти к внезапной нестабильной работе, замерзнуть или резко изменить температуру перед фактическим сбоем.

(Только для примера)

Причины ошибок Ошибка 0x80090308 — 0x80090308

Ошибки Windows могут быть вызваны неисправностью аппаратных компонентов или повреждением ОС. Некоторые из них могут быть даже связаны с проблемами программирования, которые не были решены, поскольку ошибки не были устранены на этапе проектирования. Иногда ошибки Windows могут возникать из-за изменений, внесенных в компьютер.

Методы исправления

Для разных категорий ошибок Windows существуют разные шаги по устранению неполадок. Однако существуют общие шаги, которые можно применить, столкнувшись с этими ошибками. Вот они.

Если метод ремонта вам подошел, пожалуйста, нажмите кнопку upvote слева от ответа, это позволит другим пользователям узнать, какой метод ремонта на данный момент работает лучше всего.


MPECS Inc. Blog

SBS, SMB, SME, Hyper-V Failover Clusters, Technology, System Builder Tips, views from the I.T. Trenches, and more.

Monday, 26 July 2010

SBS Migration Error: Exchange – The token supplied to the function is invalid 80090308

We are in the process of running an SBS 2003 R2 server and have run into this error:

Exchange System Manager

The token supplied to the function is invalid.

ID no: 80090308
Exchange System Manager

A search on the error led us to the following Microsoft Knowledgebase article:

The fix is to clear both check marks for SSL on the ExAdmin virtual directory in the source server’s IIS:

Once we closed and opened the SBS 2003 Console and attempted to run the Public Folders move again we hit the same error.

We are using a wildcard SSL certificate on our old SBS 2003 setup, so that may have some part in this problem.

After some further digging, we came up with the following:

  1. Open ADSIEdit.msc
  2. In the left side pane expand the Configuration container.
  3. Next expand CN=Configuration
  4. Then CN=Services
  5. CN=Microsoft Exchange
  6. CN=
  7. CN=Administrative Groups
  8. CN=First Administrative Group
  9. CN=Servers
  10. CN=Protocols
  11. CN=HTTP
  12. CN=1
  13. Right Click on CN=Exadmin and choose Properties.
  14. Find the above indicated msExchSecureBindings setting and Remove any ports listed. In the above case we removed the 443 port.
  15. Click Apply and OK.
  16. Close and reopen the Exchange System Manager or SBS 2003 Console.
  17. Rerun the Public Folder move.

This second fix actually did the trick as we watched the PF move dialogue boxes fly by and eventually our source SBS 2003 PF looked like:

The second fix was found here by Jerry Zhao (MSFT) on April 13 at 0658Hrs:

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.


MPECS Inc. Blog

SBS, SMB, SME, Hyper-V Failover Clusters, Technology, System Builder Tips, views from the I.T. Trenches, and more.

Monday, 26 July 2010

SBS Migration Error: Exchange – The token supplied to the function is invalid 80090308

We are in the process of running an SBS 2003 R2 server and have run into this error:

Exchange System Manager

The token supplied to the function is invalid.

ID no: 80090308
Exchange System Manager

A search on the error led us to the following Microsoft Knowledgebase article:

The fix is to clear both check marks for SSL on the ExAdmin virtual directory in the source server’s IIS:

Once we closed and opened the SBS 2003 Console and attempted to run the Public Folders move again we hit the same error.

We are using a wildcard SSL certificate on our old SBS 2003 setup, so that may have some part in this problem.

After some further digging, we came up with the following:

  1. Open ADSIEdit.msc
  2. In the left side pane expand the Configuration container.
  3. Next expand CN=Configuration
  4. Then CN=Services
  5. CN=Microsoft Exchange
  6. CN=
  7. CN=Administrative Groups
  8. CN=First Administrative Group
  9. CN=Servers
  10. CN=Protocols
  11. CN=HTTP
  12. CN=1
  13. Right Click on CN=Exadmin and choose Properties.
  14. Find the above indicated msExchSecureBindings setting and Remove any ports listed. In the above case we removed the 443 port.
  15. Click Apply and OK.
  16. Close and reopen the Exchange System Manager or SBS 2003 Console.
  17. Rerun the Public Folder move.

This second fix actually did the trick as we watched the PF move dialogue boxes fly by and eventually our source SBS 2003 PF looked like:

The second fix was found here by Jerry Zhao (MSFT) on April 13 at 0658Hrs:

Philip Elder
Microsoft Small Business Specialists
Co-Author: SBS 2008 Blueprint Book

*Our original iMac was stolen (previous blog post). We now have a new MacBook Pro courtesy of Vlad Mazek, owner of OWN.


Ads were blocked — no problem. But keep in mind that developing HeidiSQL,
user support and hosting takes time and money. You may want to
send a donation instead.

We updated our MySQL-Server to 8.0.16 and I am not able to establish an SSL connection to the server. I am getting the following error message:

SSL connection error: The message received was unexpected or badly formatted

With MySQL-Server 8.0.15 I was able to connect. They made some SSL-related updates, see

It is noteworthy that I had the same issue with the MySQL Workbench 6.3 CE, there was also some SSL-handshake-related error when connecting but after updating to the latest version 8.0 CE I can establish the connection again.

HeidiSQL Official release

I investigated this issue with our database administrator and the issue is the TLS version and has most likely nothing to do with the MySQL version.

Formerly we had no specifics about the TLS version. Now the server is configured with tls_version=TLSv1.2 and HeidiSQL is not able to build up a TSL 1.2 connection. After disabling this configuration I was able to connect again. But since our administrator does not want to disable this configuration in production (in fact he would force TLS 1.3 if MySQL would support it without additional software) I am in desparate need of HeidiSQL supporting TLS 1.2.

Please look up in your HeidiSQL application directory, e.g. c:Program FilesHeidiSQL — whether you have libmariadb.dll and libmysql.dll in there, and via rightclick on them, then click on «Details», find the version of both. Please post these version numbers here, so I can verify they were updated by your installation. libmariadb.dll should have v3.0.8, while libmysql.dll should have v5.6.6.0 .

Normally, HeidiSQL uses libmariadb.dll, even when connecting to MySQL. libmysql.dll is just left for backwards compatibility.

In the meantime there is libmariadb.dll v3.0.10, but the changelogs don’t say a word about TLS 1.2 support, and I can’t believe it’s the library which is outdated. There must be some setting, maybe one which I can set via mysql_options()

I found they seem to work on TLS 1.2 support in MariaDB’s connector:

So you could give it a try and delete libmariadb.dll or rename it before you start heidisql.exe. Then HeidiSQL should fall back to use libmysql.dll and you will see if there is support for TLS1.2.

But I’m unsure whether there is a todo for me in HeidiSQL. There is the MARIADB_OPT_TLS_VERSION setting, which I probably have to set when connecting.

I just pushed 51da7c8e which probably support TLS up to v1.3. Please update to the next build and report back if that works for you.

Thanks for your quick help.

Now I can connect with TLS 1.2 but connecting to the «old» server without the configuration is not possible anymore. It given the error message

SSL connection error: The message received was unexpected or badly formatted

Your above tip with using the fallback libmysql.dll did not work for the Official release version. I still was not able to connect with TLS 1.2.

Ok, then what TLS version is your old server running?
Heidi now allows «TLSv1.0,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2,TLSv1.3» — while I read of another writing for «TLSv1», which is probably the cause.

SHOW SESSION STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_version' yields TLSv1.1


I have same problem, but MySQL has not updated (5.7.26), only HeidiSQL has updated about 3 days ago.

Test with MariaDB 10.3.15 is perfect.


Ok, so lascjr has «TLSv1» running, while HeidiSQL tries to support «TLSv1.0» — I should maybe remove that trailing «.0» or add «TLSv1» to the comma separated list.

Hi ansgar, problem still with revision 5579

I just fixed the wrong writing to «TLSv1». Please update to the next nightly build (5580) and report back if that works now.

In revision 5580, the error message has changed, now is: Unknown SSL error (0x80090308)

Hm shit. So to summarize things: you formerly said

Test with MariaDB 10.3.15 is perfect

So what exactly does not work yet? Is it probably the same as mf posted:

Now I can connect with TLS 1.2 but connecting to the «old» server without the configuration is not possible anymore.

And if so, what server version is it exactly? I cannot reproduce that here, on various servers with no tls_version configuration. So we need to be most exact here, with as many details as you have.

I tested the following HeidiSQL versions (all 64 Bit):

  • — latest official release
  • — 1 revision before MARIADB_OPT_TLS_VERSION
  • — 1 revision before TLSv1
  • — TLSv1 fix

MySQL server 5.7.22-log (variable tls_version: TLSv1,TLSv1.1, status Ssl_version: TLSv1.1)

  • 5464 connectable
  • 5572 connectable
  • 5573 SSL connection error: The message received was unexpected or badly formatted
  • 5579 SSL connection error: The message received was unexpected or badly formatted
  • 5580 Unkonown SSL error (0x80090308)

MySQL server 8.0.16 (variable tls_version: TLSv1.2, status Ssl_version: TLSv1.2)

  • 5464 SSL connection error: The message received was unexpected or badly formatted
  • 5572 SSL connection error: The message received was unexpected or badly formatted
  • 5573 connectable
  • 5579 connectable
  • 5580 connectable

With libmysql.dll instead of libmariadb.dll I get on all Heidi versions:

  • MySQL 5.7.22-log connectable
  • MySQL 8.0.16 SSL connection error: unknown error number

We created you a user on our test databases. I will send you the credentials via e-mail.

With 5580

MariaDB 10.3.15 — is perfect work
MySQL 5.7.26 — Unknown SSL error (0x80090308)

@mf — thanks a lot for consistent testing results! I’m sure this helps. Also thanks for the credentials you sent me.

Code modification/commit


from Ansgar Becker <>,
4 years ago,
revision 5581

Use full path when loading libmariadb.dll or libmysql.dll, so we don’t accidentally prefer a libmariadb.dll somewhere on the users harddisk over the local libmysql.dll. Only if that also fails, fall back to load it from somewhere else. This hopefully helps for debugging SSL connection problems. See

Ok, found out a few things:

  • removing the MARIADB_OPT_TLS_VERSION option call fixes connecting to 5.7 with SSL, but fails for 8.0 (this is what you already found out with your tests, mf)
  • it makes no difference to additionally set MYSQL_OPT_TLS_VERSION, with any library.
  • removing libmariadb.dll did not necessarily cause HeidiSQL to load libmysql.dll from its directory. Instead — if you have another libmariadb.dll on your harddisk and in your path (like me), that one was preferred. This was an issue I just fixed for the next build: the local libmysql.dll now has precedence over another libmariadb.dll or libmysql.dll on your system.
  • you did not encounter that issue, so you likely do not have a MariaDB server installed locally
  • finally my testing results are consistent with yours — and we still have a problem with a default installation connecting with SSL on 5.7
  • I had the idea to offer a new advanced setting for the session, where the user can select the library to use. But that would be awful, as most users won’t know what to select here.

  • I had the idea to offer a new advanced setting for the session, where the user can select the library to use. But that would be awful, as most users won’t know what to select here.

It’s not such a bad idea. In summary, there are only two libraries.

I could leave it with a checkbox automatically, and the option, distilling the checkbox in manual, to choose the library.

I found there is a parallel discussion in issue #519, so let’s please proceed there with comments. The reporter closed the issue, but that was probably by mistake.

Also, there is a ticket on about that «Unknown SSL error». Probably that will also be helpful to solve this here.

How to resolve hp error code 0xc0000185? if you have any idea then, please share.

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How to fix the Windows Error 0x80090308 Error 0x80090308

This article discusses Error 0x80090308, also known as Error 0x80090308 and it means

About Windows Error

The Windows operating system is used by millions of PC and laptop users today. And it’s likely that most of them have at one time experienced some type of Windows error. Crash reports were presented by Microsoft to provide means for collecting and sending post-error debug information or for applying troubleshooting steps depending on whether the user received a syntax, logic or run-time error.

If the user receives a stop code, then brief troubleshooting information are given with the error message. User can then search for that particular error message and apply the fix provided in Microsoft support sites as well as other available online articles and journals for the topic.

At other times, the user only receives a notification that the computer crashed and then proceeds to give them an option to send a crash report back to Microsoft. This is to collect data for analysis so that Microsoft can send back a solution to the user.

Whatever the case may be, here are some general troubleshooting information you can use to resolve Windows Errors.

Symptoms of 0x80090308 — Error 0x80090308

Windows Errors can be categorized as syntax error, logic error or run-time error.

When a user receives a Syntax Error, the computer just suddenly pop up an error message that something crashed in the background. Programs accessed by the user may stall or completely crash. The user can still use the other applications, but somehow, a confusing message comes up once in a while to say that the accessed program cannot launch because a process is not working.

Run-time errors happen during the time that an application is running. So, when the error occurs, it simply happens without a warning, and the computer gives a notification that there was an error.

Logic errors are programming related. A bug causes unintended output or behavior. Speaking of computer systems which have passed all testing and commercialized, logic error happen only when there had been significant changes in the physical state of the logic board. Perhaps a portion of the actual buses melted together or a similar situation. This can cause the computer to suddenly give off a loud beep or a grinding noise, and may even go to a sudden unstable operation, freezing up or a sudden change in temperature prior to actual crash.

Fix Error 0x80090308 (Error 0x80090308)
(For illustrative purposes only)

Causes of Error 0x80090308 — 0x80090308

Windows errors may be caused by hardware component malfunction or OS corruption. Some may be even attributed to programming issues that were not resolved because errors were not addressed during design stage. Sometimes, Windows errors can occur due to changes made to the computer.

Repair Methods

Different Windows Error categories have different troubleshooting steps. However, there are generic steps that can be applied when faced with these errors. Here they are.

If a repair method works for you, please click the upvote button to the left of the answer, this will let other users know which repair method is currently working the best.

Please note: Neither nor it’s writers claim responsibility for the results of the actions taken from employing any of the repair methods listed on this page — you complete these steps at your own risk.

Method 1 — Repair Windows Update Database

When a good computer suddenly operates in a weird manner, Windows Updates may have been the culprit. To repair this, users may run System Restore if there is a restore date save prior to the error. Here is how it is done.
Restore In Windows 7:

  • Click Start and type System Restore on the search box, then click enter key.
  • When the System Restore window appears, click Next until you get to the window where you can choose a restore point. You will see a list of restore dates with the description.
  • Then click Next again and confirm restore process. Wait for it to stop processing and you get a window where you can click the Finish button. Close the window and let your computer reboot.

You may also restore your computer using the OS installation disk.

  • To do that boot to OS CD or Recovery Media.
  • Follow the prompt until you get to the screen where it gives you the option Repair My Computer, click and choose System Restore from the list of recovery tools.
  • You can choose any restore point on the System Restore window, but make sure you restore to a date which you know your computer is working fine.
  • Wait till the process finish and let your computer reboot to the Desktop.

You may also boot to Safe Mode.

  • Boot your computer and click F8. Choose Safe Mode with Command Prompt by clicking the keyboard arrows to move the highlight down to that item.
  • Once in Safe Mode, Type rstrui.exe and hit enter on command prompt. Follow the restore wizard and reboot your computer normally.

Restore in Windows 8:
Restore inside Windows environment

  • While in Windows 8, Click the search icon and type System Restore.
  • Keep clicking Next till you get to the window where you can select the restore date.
  • Confirm restoration by following the remaining steps. After it is done, reboot your computer normally.

Restore at Boot

  • Reboot your computer and tap F11 to start System Recovery
  • You will see Advanced Options screen, and you will find System Restore in it.
  • It will prompt you to choose the Administrator account, just choose and log into your admin account.
  • Hit Next button until you get to the screen that allows you to choose restore dates.
  • Keep pressing next button until you get to the end of the restore process and you see the Finish button.
  • Reboot computer normally.

Restore in Windows 10:
Inside windows environment

  • Run System Restore by typing it on the Search box. Click on the item that will come up on the search results.
  • When System Restore window opens, click Next until you are given a list to choose restore date, choose the one that you know works best for you.
  • Confirm the process by Next, then yes then finally Finish. Reboot your computer after closing the window.

Using the installation media

  • If you cannot boot into windows, then you’re better off downloading the Media Creator file from Microsoft. Create boot disk using a DVD or a flash disk.
  • Once done, reboot your computer and access your BIOS to change boot device to either your DVD or your flash disk.
  • When you get to the installation screen, go to Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > System Restore and perform the process the same way.

Method 2 — Fix incorrect system date and time

Windows may sometimes run improperly because of a wrong setting, that of the time settings. To fix the time and the date:
On Windows 7

  • Click Start, then Control Panel.
  • Click Date and Time.
  • While on Date and Time window, click Change time zone to choose the correct time zone.
  • Click Apply and OK.

On Windows 8

  • Open Settings by moving your mouse to the right side, when the tab opens click the gear icon.
  • It will open a new pop up tab for Settings, click Control Panel.
  • In Control Panel, click Clock, Language and Region. Then Click Set the time and date under Date and Time.
  • When Date and Time window opens, click Change date and time and proceed to clicking the right date and time on the next window. To apply, simply click OK.

On Windows 10

  • Simply right click on the date and time on your system tray, located at the right bottom part of the screen.
  • Click Adjust date and time. It will open Date & time settings.
  • You can select the time zone, then close the window. This will automatically update the time and date on the system tray.

Method 3 — Check for missing or corrupt files

  • Run System File Checker
    • To run the command, open elevated Command prompt by typing it on the search window, then right clicking Command Prompt and choosing run as administrator
    • Type sfc /scannow on the prompt and wait until verification process is successfully completed
  • Run Checkdisk — Chkdsk repairs many inconsistencies with the OS. System errors may also be repaired using this utility. To run it,
    • Open Command Prompt by typing it on the search box, then when you see the result on the list overhead, right click on it and choose, Run as Administrator
    • Your system might say you cannot run it at the moment because you are still processing data, and will ask you if you want to run it before the next startup, just click y for yes and then exit the screen and reboot the computer
    • Once the computer reboots, you will see checkdisk running outside of Windows, just let it finish till it gives you a report of what was found, fixed or marked
    • Exit the window and the let your computer reboot normally.

Other languages:

Wie beheben 0x80090308 (Fehler 0x80090308) —
Come fissare 0x80090308 (Errore 0x80090308) —
Hoe maak je 0x80090308 (Fout 0x80090308) —
Comment réparer 0x80090308 (Erreur 0x80090308) —
어떻게 고치는 지 0x80090308 (오류 0x80090308) —
Como corrigir o 0x80090308 (Erro 0x80090308) —
Hur man åtgärdar 0x80090308 (Fel 0x80090308) —
Как исправить 0x80090308 (Ошибка 0x80090308) —
Jak naprawić 0x80090308 (Błąd 0x80090308) —
Cómo arreglar 0x80090308 (Error 0x80090308) —

The Author About The Author: Phil Hart has been a Microsoft Community Contributor since 2010. With a current point score over 100,000, they’ve contributed more than 3000 answers in the Microsoft Support forums and have created almost 200 new help articles in the Technet Wiki.

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Recommended Repair Tool:

This repair tool can fix common computer problems such as blue screens, crashes and freezes, missing DLL files, as well as repair malware/virus damage and more by replacing damaged and missing system files.


Click Here to Download and install the Windows repair tool.


Click on Start Scan and let it analyze your device.


Click on Repair All to fix all of the issues it detected.




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Article ID: ACX014297EN

Applies To: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000

Speed Up Tip #31

Increasing LAN Transfer Speed:

To increase the speed of your LAN transfer, change your coax cabling to use Ethernet cabling. Additionally, you can upgrade your router or modem to the latest version. It will allow you get a transfer speed close to the speed of your gigabit-enabled devices.

Click Here for another way to speed up your Windows PC

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