Ssl error bad record mac

Are you facing ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error? Here we 5 working solutions to fix ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error.

Facing ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error when you try to access a web address, Right? Here ClickSSL guide can help you.

An SSL Certificate makes use of cryptography to transmit information between the server and the client securely. However, there are times when specific network interferences or interruptions can cause SSL errors like the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT pop-up. This is one of the most annoying errors that keep you from accessing even the most reputed and trusted websites. Nevertheless, you must fix it as early as possible so that you can access your favorite websites without any further inconvenience.


The ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error is exclusive to the Chrome browser and may arise due to several reasons, which are either directly or indirectly connected to data transmission. Although pinpointing the exact cause for this issue might not be an easy thing to do, fixing it is, and that is precisely what you should focus on. If this is the first time you have encountered this type of error, you are probably worried about your safety, but you don’t have to.

This technical glitch is often caused due to some underlying problem on the client computer and can be easily verified. You can confirm that by trying to access legitimate websites like that already have an SSL certificate installed and are running on the HTTPS protocol. If you continue to encounter the same error, it only confirms the above stated — it is a client-side issue that you need to resolve. As we have already mentioned, detecting the cause for this issue may not always be possible — not until you find a suitable solution, so you will have to try them out one by one. Let us now discuss some of the most effective ways to solve the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error.

1. Update your OS

Do you have a licensed operating system and update it from time to time? Probably not! But doing that could help resolve this SSL error and many other pre-existing vulnerabilities in your system. Your OS maker releases security patches from time to time in the form of updates. Downloading and installing those updates can not only prevent security concerns but can also fix technical glitches this SSL error.

Follow the below-mentioned steps to update your Windows OS right away.

  • Click on the windows button and type ‘Settings’ in the search bar
  • Click on Settings
  • Click on the ‘Updates and Security’ Option
  • Click on the ‘Download and Install’ Option

windows update

Once you are done updating your system, you might be prompted to restart your computer.

2. Update Google Chrome

Sometimes, updating the Google Chrome browser can resolve the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT issue. You can do that by clicking on the three vertical dots on the top-right corner of the Chrome Browser and clicking on ‘more’. If you find the ‘update’ option, you need to click on that to update your browser.

On the other hand, if you do not see that option, it only indicates that your Chrome Browser is up to date. You can always confirm that by clicking on the three vertical dots on the top-right corner and then on ‘help’ and ‘About Google Chrome’. If your system is up to date, you will find a message like the one shown in the image below.

update google chrome

3. Antivirus

If you recently installed an Antivirus and have been experiencing this error ever since you already know what the problem is. It is never a good idea to meddle with your antivirus’ settings, but sometimes it becomes inevitable. Particularly, when you are using one that inspects the HTTPS and blocks out potentially dangerous traffic. In that case, you need to deactivate the HTTPS Inspection from your antivirus’ settings. However, please do this at your own risk and continue to avoid websites without SSL certificates installed on them.

4. Stop using Advanced Streaming Technologies

If you fancy high-speed internet, you most likely have a speed optimizing application or more advanced technology like a Killer Network card installed on your system. That could very well be the root cause of the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT issue. The application or the Killer Network assigns a high priority to the data packets to boost the internet speed, which can sometimes cause this SSL error.

You can conveniently fix that by simply turning down the ‘Stream Detect’ function in your Killer Control Center or by uninstalling the speed-boosting application. Sometimes, your Killer Network card might need a more advanced solution. In that case, uninstall it by following the steps listed below.

  • You need to first download the uninstaller tool from here
  • Next, choose the Remove Killer Software option to uninstall
  • Finally, restart the computer when prompted to do that, and you are done

Remember that fixing this issue could lower your internet speed, so you must be prepared for that.

5. Fix your Router

If none of the above fixes worked, your router could very well be the culprit. You can fix that by adjusting the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of your router. This might sound a tad bit technical, but all it means is the maximum packet size that can be transmitted over the network. It is an advanced configuration that can be readjusted easily by typing or in the URL bar.

You can then look for the MTU settings under WAN and change it to 1400. In most cases, this should solve the problem, but we must mention that different routers may have different IPs and the ones mentioned above are the default ones.


We have discussed some of the most common ways to fix the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error, and one of those should work for you. None of these methods requires you to have any technical expertise, so try them out one at a time. Once you have resolved the error, do let us know which one worked out for you.

Recommended Reading:

  • NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID Error on Google Chrome
  • ERR_BAD_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH_CERT for Google Chrome
  • NET::ERR_Certificate_Transparency_Required
  • ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR on Google Chrome

Некоторые пользователи жалуются на возникновение ошибки ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT при попытке доступа к некоторым веб-адресам. Большинство из них сообщают, что эта ошибка возникает только при попытке подключиться к – адресу, который отвечает за обработку входа в систему большинства служб Google. Но эта проблема не относится исключительно к Google Chrome, поскольку большинство из пользователей, обнаруживших проблему, утверждают, что одни и те же веб-адреса также недоступны и в других веб-браузерах.

В чем причина ошибки ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT?


Мы провели анализ этой конкретной проблемы, просмотрев различные отчеты и решения, которые предприняли пользователи в попытке решить данную проблему. Исходя из этого, нам удалось собрать несколько распространенных сценариев, которые могут привести к появлению этой проблемы:

  • Антивирусное программное обеспечение сторонних производителей проверяет трафик HTTPS. Большинство из антивирусных программ настроено для по умолчанию, некоторые из них проявляют чрезмерную защиту. Пользователи затронутые этой проблемой сообщают, что им удалось ее решить после отключения проверки HTTPS (сканирование SSL) в настройках AV сторонних производителей.
  • Версия Chrome сильно устарела. Эта конкретная проблема встречается на компьютерах с более старой версией Chrome. Однако известно, что это происходит только с версией Chrome 40 и старше.
  • Значение MTU маршрутизатора несовместимо с конфигурацией сети. Также есть подтверждения того, что ошибка возникает, если значение MTU маршрутизатора несовместимо с текущей конфигурацией сети.

Если в настоящее время вы пытаетесь решить эту конкретную проблему, то в нашей статье вы найдете проверенные шаги по устранению неполадок. Ниже есть несколько методов, которые использовали другие пользователи в аналогичной ситуации для решения этой проблемы.

Для достижения хороших результатов следуйте приведенным ниже способам, пока не найдете решения вашей проблемы, эффективное в конкретном сценарии.

Способ 1. Отключение проверки HTTPS (если это применимо) в настройках антивируса сторонних производителей

Согласно различным пользовательским отчетам, проблема может возникнуть в том случае, если у вас есть стороннее антивирусное программное обеспечение, настроенное для проверки трафика HTTPS с целью защиты от посторонних атак на защищенных каналах. Это не обязательно плохо, но сообщается, что многие из сторонних AV-пакетов, включая ESET, AVAST, BitDefender и McAfee, способствуют появлению ошибки ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT.

Большинству из пользователей, затронутых этой проблемой, удалось решить возникающую ошибку, отключив функцию проверки HTTPS в настройках AV. Вы можете решить эту проблему, запретив стороннему антивирусу выполнять любые проверки HTTPS (сканирование SSL). Нижеприведенные шаги, зависят от того, какой AV вы используете. В BitDefender вы можете отключить эту функцию, выбрав «Настройки»> «Основные»> «Дополнительно» и сняв флажок «Сканировать SSL».

Если вы не можете найти эти настройки (возможно, у вас нет функции отключения проверки HTTPS), то единственный способ убедиться в том, что ошибка возникает не из-за вашего AV, – это полностью удалить его.

Примечание: пользователи, столкнувшиеся с данной проблемой, сообщают, что ошибка ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT не возникает, когда Защитник Windows находится в активных параметрах безопасности.

Если этот метод не подходит для вашей конкретной ситуации или не помог решить данную проблему, то перейдите к следующему способу.

Способ 2: обновление браузера до последней версии

Некоторые из пользователей сообщают, что исправить эту проблему просто: достаточно обновить Chrome (или другой браузер, где возникает проблема) до последней версии. Но имейте в виду, что это решение может помочь только тем, кто столкнулся с проявлением данной ошибки в обозревателе очень ранней версии. К примеру, ошибку часто замечают на Chrome 20-40 версий.

Вот краткое руководство по устранению ошибки ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT в браузере Google Chrome:

  1. Откройте Google Chrome и нажмите кнопку действия в правом верхнем углу. Затем нажмите Справка> О Google Chrome.
  2. Примечание. Помните, что Google Chrome настроен на получение обновлений по умолчанию. Ручное вмешательство пользователя или некоторые расширения могут изменить этот параметр.
  3. Дождитесь завершения сканирования, затем нажмите «Обновить Chrome» и установите новую версию.
  4. Перезапустите браузер и посмотрите, была ли ваша проблема решена.

Практически точно также можно обновить браузеры и от других разработчиков. В общем, проблем у вас тут возникнуть не должно. Если оговариваемая ошибка все еще тревожит вас, то перейдите к следующему способу.

Способ 3: изменение MTU маршрутизатора на 1400

Многие пользователи, столкнувшиеся с ошибкой ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT, решили проблему изменением значения MTU маршрутизатора на 1400.

Шаги изменения MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) будут отличаться в зависимости от производителя вашего маршрутизатора. Тем не менее было выявлено несколько общих шагов, которые укажут вам правильное направление решения проблемы:

  1. Запустите веб-браузер и введите адрес входа в свой маршрутизатор. Большинство маршрутизаторов используют IP-адреса по умолчанию: или
  2. Проверьте настройки маршрутизатора и настройки сети или WAN, которые позволят вам изменять размер MTU. На большинстве маршрутизаторов этот пункт можно найти в меню «Дополнительно» в разделе «Настройка WAN».
  3. Установите размер MTU равным 1400 и нажмите «Сохранить» (или «Применить»), чтобы сохранить выбранные изменения.
  4. Перезапустите ваш маршрутизатор и посмотрите, была ли решена проблема путем попытки доступа к тому же адресу, который ранее вызывал ошибку ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT.
  • MiniTool

  • MiniTool News Center

  • How to Fix the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT Error?

By Sonya | Follow |
Last Updated November 28, 2022

google search

Meet the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error in Chrome when attempting to access some web addresses? What to do? If you have no idea, then this post from MiniTool is what you need because you can find several useful methods here.

You may meet different errors while using Google Chrome, such as ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE and ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE. This post is mainly talking about how to fix ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT.

Before fixing this error, let us learn about why this error occurs. There are 3 major causes of this error:

  • Third-party antivirus software is inspecting the HTTPS traffic.
  • Chrome build is severely outdated.
  • Router’s MTU value is incompatible with the network configuration.

Then how to fix the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error? Follow the methods below.

Method 1: Disable HTTPS Inspection from Third-party Antivirus Settings

If you have installed third-party antivirus software (such as AVAST, BitDefender, and McAfee) on your computer and it is configured to inspect HTTPS traffic for guarding against malicious attacks on the secure channels, then you may meet the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error.

Antivirus software is used to keep your system safe, so you don’t need to uninstall it completely. You can just disable the excessive HTTPS scanning to fix the error. The steps to disable HTTPS inspection depend on the AV you are using.

Below we will take BitDefender as an example to introduce how to do it.

Step 1: Open BitDefender and then go to Features.

Step 2: Choose Web Protection and then choose SETTINGS.

Step 3: Switch the toggle to turn the Scan SSL feature off.

disable HTTPS inspection in BitDefender

After you disable HTTPS inspection, then you can restart your Chrome to check if the error still appears when accessing the web addresses. If it appears again, try the following method.

Method 2: Update Google Chrome

If your Google Chrome is not up to date, then you can meet the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error. Therefore, updating your Chrome to the latest version may fix the error.

Here is a quick guide to doing that:

Step 1: Open Chrome at first, and then click the three vertical dots on the top right corner to choose Help > About Google Chrome.

choose About Google Chrome

Step 2: Wait for the scanning to complete and then click Update Chrome. Then wait for the new version to be installed.

Step 3: Restart your browser to check if the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error is fixed. If not, try the next method.

Method 3: Change the Router’s MTU to 1400

If the two methods above cannot solve the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT issue, then you can try to change the involved router’s MTU value to 1400.

The steps to change the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) will vary depending on your router manufacturer. But we listed some general steps below:

Step 1: Open your Google Chrome and then enter your router login address. (Most routers use the default IPs:, or

Step 2: Look through the router’s settings and any network or WAN settings that can change the MTU size. On most routers, you can find it in the Advanced menu under the WAN setup.

Step 3: Set the MTU size to 1400 and click Save (or Apply) to save the changes.

Step 4: Restart your router and relaunch your browser to check if the error is fixed.

Bottom Line

This post focuses on how to fix ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT, so if you meet this error when trying to access some web addresses, don’t hesitate to try the methods mentioned in this post.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Author Sonya has been engaged in editing for a long time and likes to share useful methods to get rid of the common problems of Windows computers, such as Windows Update error. And she aims to help more people to protect their data. What’s more, she offers some useful ways to convert audio and video file formats. By the way, she likes to travel, watch movies and listen to music.


  1. bad record mac #1866
  3. Исправление ошибки ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT
  4. В чем причина ошибки ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT?
  5. Способ 1. Отключение проверки HTTPS (если это применимо) в настройках антивируса сторонних производителей
  6. Способ 2: обновление браузера до последней версии
  7. Способ 3: изменение MTU маршрутизатора на 1400
  8. bad_record_mac error when connecting to SSLv3-only server
  9. Problem
  10. Solution
  11. How to fix ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error? [5 Ways]
  13. 1. Update your OS
  14. 2. Update Google Chrome
  15. 3. Antivirus
  16. 4. Stop using Advanced Streaming Technologies
  17. 5. Fix your Router

bad record mac #1866

I have Java based server with SSL connections.
The C-based client connects to it using the OpenSSL library.

After a random period by the Java side error bad record mac occurs: Connection has been shutdown: bad record MAC
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)

Try Java 6.0_21, 6.0_25, Java 7.0_79, OpenSSL 1.0.1h, 1.0.1u, 1.0.2j, 1.1.0b and 1.1.1 from development branch. Also, try to use different ciphers — no any results.

Application message size is about 20. 200 bytes. The data is correct, and the problem is only with message authentification code.

I suppose, OpenSSL has some issue with «mac».

CAP file with certificate can be downloaded here:

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

I must update my team-mate. Our Java app receives a packet with probably bad_record_mac after a couple of minutes of proper communication with C-based OpenSSL side, then Java socket closes the connection. Full Java stack trace is as follows: Connection has been shutdown: bad record MAC
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at java.nio.channels.Channels$WritableByteChannelImpl.write(Unknown Source)
. some internal code.
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Unknown Source)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
at Source)
Caused by: bad record MAC
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at Source)
at java.nio.channels.Channels$ Source)
. some internal code.

We suspect OpenSSL is the root of the problem.
Could someone help us to check our guess to find a workaround for the issue. Because now our mission-critical app loses data during reconnection after this error.

I got a similar problem when trying to connect to YouTube with Python. Bisecting shows that there’s a bad commit on the master branch: 5a8e54d good and 94ed2c6 is bad. Here’s the error message:

In Python, line 749 of _ssl.c reports the return value of SSL_do_handshake .

I can upload Wireshark capture files if necessary.



Некоторые пользователи жалуются на возникновение ошибки ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT при попытке доступа к некоторым веб-адресам. Большинство из них сообщают, что эта ошибка возникает только при попытке подключиться к – адресу, который отвечает за обработку входа в систему большинства служб Google. Но эта проблема не относится исключительно к Google Chrome, поскольку большинство из пользователей, обнаруживших проблему, утверждают, что одни и те же веб-адреса также недоступны и в других веб-браузерах.

В чем причина ошибки ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT?

Мы провели анализ этой конкретной проблемы, просмотрев различные отчеты и решения, которые предприняли пользователи в попытке решить данную проблему. Исходя из этого, нам удалось собрать несколько распространенных сценариев, которые могут привести к появлению этой проблемы:

  • Антивирусное программное обеспечение сторонних производителей проверяет трафик HTTPS. Большинство из антивирусных программ настроено для по умолчанию, некоторые из них проявляют чрезмерную защиту. Пользователи затронутые этой проблемой сообщают, что им удалось ее решить после отключения проверки HTTPS (сканирование SSL) в настройках AV сторонних производителей.
  • Версия Chrome сильно устарела. Эта конкретная проблема встречается на компьютерах с более старой версией Chrome. Однако известно, что это происходит только с версией Chrome 40 и старше.
  • Значение MTU маршрутизатора несовместимо с конфигурацией сети. Также есть подтверждения того, что ошибка возникает, если значение MTU маршрутизатора несовместимо с текущей конфигурацией сети.

Если в настоящее время вы пытаетесь решить эту конкретную проблему, то в нашей статье вы найдете проверенные шаги по устранению неполадок. Ниже есть несколько методов, которые использовали другие пользователи в аналогичной ситуации для решения этой проблемы.

Для достижения хороших результатов следуйте приведенным ниже способам, пока не найдете решения вашей проблемы, эффективное в конкретном сценарии.

Способ 1. Отключение проверки HTTPS (если это применимо) в настройках антивируса сторонних производителей

Согласно различным пользовательским отчетам, проблема может возникнуть в том случае, если у вас есть стороннее антивирусное программное обеспечение, настроенное для проверки трафика HTTPS с целью защиты от посторонних атак на защищенных каналах. Это не обязательно плохо, но сообщается, что многие из сторонних AV-пакетов, включая ESET, AVAST, BitDefender и McAfee, способствуют появлению ошибки ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT.

Большинству из пользователей, затронутых этой проблемой, удалось решить возникающую ошибку, отключив функцию проверки HTTPS в настройках AV. Вы можете решить эту проблему, запретив стороннему антивирусу выполнять любые проверки HTTPS (сканирование SSL). Нижеприведенные шаги, зависят от того, какой AV вы используете. В BitDefender вы можете отключить эту функцию, выбрав «Настройки»> «Основные»> «Дополнительно» и сняв флажок «Сканировать SSL».

Если вы не можете найти эти настройки (возможно, у вас нет функции отключения проверки HTTPS), то единственный способ убедиться в том, что ошибка возникает не из-за вашего AV, – это полностью удалить его.

Примечание: пользователи, столкнувшиеся с данной проблемой, сообщают, что ошибка ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT не возникает, когда Защитник Windows находится в активных параметрах безопасности.

Если этот метод не подходит для вашей конкретной ситуации или не помог решить данную проблему, то перейдите к следующему способу.

Способ 2: обновление браузера до последней версии

Некоторые из пользователей сообщают, что исправить эту проблему просто: достаточно обновить Chrome (или другой браузер, где возникает проблема) до последней версии. Но имейте в виду, что это решение может помочь только тем, кто столкнулся с проявлением данной ошибки в обозревателе очень ранней версии. К примеру, ошибку часто замечают на Chrome 20-40 версий.

Вот краткое руководство по устранению ошибки ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT в браузере Google Chrome:

  1. Откройте Google Chrome и нажмите кнопку действия в правом верхнем углу. Затем нажмите Справка> О Google Chrome.
  2. Примечание. Помните, что Google Chrome настроен на получение обновлений по умолчанию. Ручное вмешательство пользователя или некоторые расширения могут изменить этот параметр.
  3. Дождитесь завершения сканирования, затем нажмите «Обновить Chrome» и установите новую версию.
  4. Перезапустите браузер и посмотрите, была ли ваша проблема решена.

Практически точно также можно обновить браузеры и от других разработчиков. В общем, проблем у вас тут возникнуть не должно. Если оговариваемая ошибка все еще тревожит вас, то перейдите к следующему способу.

Способ 3: изменение MTU маршрутизатора на 1400

Многие пользователи, столкнувшиеся с ошибкой ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT, решили проблему изменением значения MTU маршрутизатора на 1400.

Шаги изменения MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) будут отличаться в зависимости от производителя вашего маршрутизатора. Тем не менее было выявлено несколько общих шагов, которые укажут вам правильное направление решения проблемы:

  1. Запустите веб-браузер и введите адрес входа в свой маршрутизатор. Большинство маршрутизаторов используют IP-адреса по умолчанию: или
  2. Проверьте настройки маршрутизатора и настройки сети или WAN, которые позволят вам изменять размер MTU. На большинстве маршрутизаторов этот пункт можно найти в меню «Дополнительно» в разделе «Настройка WAN».
  3. Установите размер MTU равным 1400 и нажмите «Сохранить» (или «Применить»), чтобы сохранить выбранные изменения.
  4. Перезапустите ваш маршрутизатор и посмотрите, была ли решена проблема путем попытки доступа к тому же адресу, который ранее вызывал ошибку ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT.


bad_record_mac error when connecting to SSLv3-only server

This article applies to: Deskzilla 1.x-2.x, JIRA Client 1.x-2.x, and connecting to Bugzilla and JIRA servers via https://. connections.
For clarity, this article is written about JIRA Client and JIRA, but it applies to Deskzilla / Bugzilla as well.


When trying to establish a connection to a server with HTTPS-based URL, JIRA Client reports the following problem:

Check if the server allows only SSL v3 as the protocol for HTTPS connection.

The problem is caused by issues with Sun Java security package (#4815023), which makes the client (JIRA Client) try TLS even if it’s not supported on the server. This results in aborted connection.


The workaround is to enable only SSLv3 on the client. This can be done by setting «https.protocols» system property to «SSLv3», and also turning on «force.http.jre.executor» system property.

On Windows

Find «JIRA Client» start menu item (or other shortcut that you use to launch JIRA Client), Right-Click on it and select Properties. The Shortcut tab will appear, with the Target field containing something like «C:Program FilesJIRA Clientbinjiraclient.exe».

Click on the Target field and modify it so it says

Use copy&paste from this article to avoid typos.

Note the quotes in this example. Don’t put additional parameters inside the quotes around the .exe file path.


How to fix ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error? [5 Ways]

Facing ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error when you try to access a web address, Right? Here ClickSSL guide can help you.

An SSL Certificate makes use of cryptography to transmit information between the server and the client securely. However, there are times when specific network interferences or interruptions can cause SSL errors like the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT pop-up. This is one of the most annoying errors that keep you from accessing even the most reputed and trusted websites. Nevertheless, you must fix it as early as possible so that you can access your favorite websites without any further inconvenience.


The ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error is exclusive to the Chrome browser and may arise due to several reasons, which are either directly or indirectly connected to data transmission. Although pinpointing the exact cause for this issue might not be an easy thing to do, fixing it is, and that is precisely what you should focus on. If this is the first time you have encountered this type of error, you are probably worried about your safety, but you don’t have to.

This technical glitch is often caused due to some underlying problem on the client computer and can be easily verified. You can confirm that by trying to access legitimate websites like that already have an SSL certificate installed and are running on the HTTPS protocol. If you continue to encounter the same error, it only confirms the above stated — it is a client-side issue that you need to resolve. As we have already mentioned, detecting the cause for this issue may not always be possible — not until you find a suitable solution, so you will have to try them out one by one. Let us now discuss some of the most effective ways to solve the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error.

1. Update your OS

Do you have a licensed operating system and update it from time to time? Probably not! But doing that could help resolve this SSL error and many other pre-existing vulnerabilities in your system. Your OS maker releases security patches from time to time in the form of updates. Downloading and installing those updates can not only prevent security concerns but can also fix technical glitches this SSL error.

Follow the below-mentioned steps to update your Windows OS right away.

  • Click on the windows button and type ‘Settings’ in the search bar
  • Click on Settings
  • Click on the ‘Updates and Security’ Option
  • Click on the ‘Download and Install’ Option

Once you are done updating your system, you might be prompted to restart your computer.

2. Update Google Chrome

Sometimes, updating the Google Chrome browser can resolve the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT issue. You can do that by clicking on the three vertical dots on the top-right corner of the Chrome Browser and clicking on ‘more’. If you find the ‘update’ option, you need to click on that to update your browser.

On the other hand, if you do not see that option, it only indicates that your Chrome Browser is up to date. You can always confirm that by clicking on the three vertical dots on the top-right corner and then on ‘help’ and ‘About Google Chrome’. If your system is up to date, you will find a message like the one shown in the image below.

3. Antivirus

If you recently installed an Antivirus and have been experiencing this error ever since you already know what the problem is. It is never a good idea to meddle with your antivirus’ settings, but sometimes it becomes inevitable. Particularly, when you are using one that inspects the HTTPS and blocks out potentially dangerous traffic. In that case, you need to deactivate the HTTPS Inspection from your antivirus’ settings. However, please do this at your own risk and continue to avoid websites without SSL certificates installed on them.

4. Stop using Advanced Streaming Technologies

If you fancy high-speed internet, you most likely have a speed optimizing application or more advanced technology like a Killer Network card installed on your system. That could very well be the root cause of the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT issue. The application or the Killer Network assigns a high priority to the data packets to boost the internet speed, which can sometimes cause this SSL error.

You can conveniently fix that by simply turning down the ‘Stream Detect’ function in your Killer Control Center or by uninstalling the speed-boosting application. Sometimes, your Killer Network card might need a more advanced solution. In that case, uninstall it by following the steps listed below.

  • You need to first download the uninstaller tool from here
  • Next, choose the Remove Killer Software option to uninstall
  • Finally, restart the computer when prompted to do that, and you are done

Remember that fixing this issue could lower your internet speed, so you must be prepared for that.

5. Fix your Router

If none of the above fixes worked, your router could very well be the culprit. You can fix that by adjusting the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) of your router. This might sound a tad bit technical, but all it means is the maximum packet size that can be transmitted over the network. It is an advanced configuration that can be readjusted easily by typing or in the URL bar.

You can then look for the MTU settings under WAN and change it to 1400. In most cases, this should solve the problem, but we must mention that different routers may have different IPs and the ones mentioned above are the default ones.


We have discussed some of the most common ways to fix the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error, and one of those should work for you. None of these methods requires you to have any technical expertise, so try them out one at a time. Once you have resolved the error, do let us know which one worked out for you.



Issue: How to fix ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error?

I recently updated my Windows 10 PC, and now I cannot access many sites, including I use Google Chrome web browser, and it shows an error message instead of loading the site – ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT. Is there a way to fix this? Many thanks.

Solved Answer

ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT is an SSL certificate error that is specific to Google Chrome browser – while MS Edge users would encounter an equivalent – INET_E_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE error. SSL certificates are crafted for your own safety – they use a cryptographic key to digitally sign the owner of the site and bind a domain name and the organization together. If some problems arise with the certificate, users might start receiving various SLL errors, including ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT.

While no particular sites are connected to ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error, users cannot access legitimate and trusted sites, such as Microsoft support or Google support domains. Therefore, there is no doubt that these sites have a valid certificate, and the problem lies somewhere else.

One of the most likely culprits and ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error causes is third-party anti-malware software that is set to scan all the encrypted connections. Nevertheless, other reasons, like the outdated Google Chrome web browser, can also be the cause of the problem.


However, to fix ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error, you will have to apply various solutions that we provide below. Before you do that, however, we would recommend you to scan your computer with ReimageMac Washing Machine X9, it can fix various errors and repair damage done by malware when trying to recover from the infection.

For the record, you should not enter financial or personal information into sites that do not provide a safe connection (HTTPS)[1] that includes a valid SSL certificate, as the data can be intercepted and stolen not necessarily by website authors but hackers. Consequently, you might face money loss or even identity theft.

Fix 1. Update Google Chrome and Windows

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

Regardless of what type of computer problem you are facing, updating the software should be your first troubleshooting option. In this particular instance, you should make sure that Windows are updated, as well as Google Chrome. The latter should update automatically as long as you turn off the browser and enable it again. To update Windows, follow these steps:

  • Right-click on Start button and select Settings
  • Go to Update & Security
  • On the right-side, click on Check for updates

    Check for Chrome and Windows updatesOutdated software can be a cause of various errors

  • Windows should automatically download and install the latest updates
  • Reboot your computer

Fix 2. Add problematic sites to Trusted sites list

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

This ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error fix helped many users, so you should try this method if you are having problems with just a few particular sites and the issue is not universal:

  • Type in Control Panel into Cortana’s search box and hit Enter
  • Go to Network and Internet > Internet Options
  • Select Security tab and click on Trusted sites
  • Click on Sites
  • Type in the problematic site address and click Add

    Add to trusted sitesAdd the problematic site to Trusted sites

  • Try entering the website

Fix 3. Stop the anti-virus scanning the encrypted connections

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT was mostly present in computers of users who used such anti-malware tools like Bitdefender.[2] It is important to keep your system protected, so you should not uninstall security software completely. However, you can disable the excessive HTTPS scanning (note that these instructions apply to BitDefender and can differ depending on security application you are using):

  • Go to Features and select Web Protection
  • Select Settings
  • Under Scan SSL option toggle the switch to the left to turn the feature off

    Disable SSL scanningDisable SSL scanning scanning feature on your anti-virus program

Fix 4. Set Windows Time service to automatic

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

Many SSL errors are connected to incorrect time settings. To permanently fix ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT or similar SSL errors, you should set the startup time of Windows Time service to automatic:

  • Press Win + R on your keyboard
  • Type in services.msc and hit Enter or click OK
  • Scroll down and locate Windows Time service
  • Double-click on it and to open its Properties
  • Under Startup type, pick Automatic from the drop-down menu
  • Click Apply and then select Start

    Edit Windows Time serviceSet Windows Time service to automatic setting

  • Reboot your computer

Fix 5. Change the settings of your router

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

Another way to fix ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error by changing the MTU[3] (Maximum transmission unit) rate to 1400. For that, you will have to log in to your router environment via the browser (you need to know admin credentials which you obtained when setting up the account with the ISP).[4] You should try using a default IP address to enter the account, such as,,, or

Once inside, look for such option like Advanced, Setup or WAN settings where you would be able to change the value of MTU. Set the size to 1400 and press OK.

Repair your Errors automatically team is trying to do its best to help users find the best solutions for eliminating their errors. If you don’t want to struggle with manual repair techniques, please use the automatic software. All recommended products have been tested and approved by our professionals. Tools that you can use to fix your error are listed bellow:

do it now!

Download Fix


do it now!

Download Fix


Compatible with Microsoft Windows
Compatible with OS X

Still having problems?
If you failed to fix your error using Reimage, reach our support team for help. Please, let us know all details that you think we should know about your problem.

Reimage — a patented specialized Windows repair program. It will diagnose your damaged PC. It will scan all System Files, DLLs and Registry Keys that have been damaged by security threats.Reimage — a patented specialized Mac OS X repair program. It will diagnose your damaged computer. It will scan all System Files and Registry Keys that have been damaged by security threats.
This patented repair process uses a database of 25 million components that can replace any damaged or missing file on user’s computer.
To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage malware removal tool.

Press mentions on Reimage

Private Internet Access is a VPN that can prevent your Internet Service Provider, the government, and third-parties from tracking your online and allow you to stay completely anonymous. The software provides dedicated servers for torrenting and streaming, ensuring optimal performance and not slowing you down. You can also bypass geo-restrictions and view such services as Netflix, BBC, Disney+, and other popular streaming services without limitations, regardless of where you are.

Malware attacks, particularly ransomware, are by far the biggest danger to your pictures, videos, work, or school files. Since cybercriminals use a robust encryption algorithm to lock data, it can no longer be used until a ransom in bitcoin is paid. Instead of paying hackers, you should first try to use alternative recovery methods that could help you to retrieve at least some portion of the lost data. Otherwise, you could also lose your money, along with the files. One of the best tools that could restore at least some of the encrypted files –  Data Recovery Pro.

Some users have been complaining that they get the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error when trying to access some web addresses. Most affected users report that they only get this error while trying to connect to – the address responsible for handling the login for most (if not all) of Google’s services. However, the issue does not seem to be exclusive to Google Chrome, as most affected users report that the same web addresses are also not accessible from different web browsers.



What is causing the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error?

We investigated this particular issue by looking at various user reports and the steps they took in an attempt to resolve the issue. Based on what we gathered, there are several common scenarios that will lead to the apparition of this issue:

  • 3rd party Antivirus software is inspecting the HTTPS traffic – Although most Antivirus software is configured to do this by default, some end up being overprotective. Affected users report that they managed to resolve the issue after disabling HTTPS inspection (SSL Scan) from their 3rd party AV settings.
  • Chrome build is severely outdated – This particular issue is also reported to occur on machines running an outdated version of Chrome. However, this is only known to occur with every outdated Chrome version (build 40 and older)
  • Router’s MTU value is incompatible with the network configuration – The error is also confirmed to occur if the router’s MTU value is incompatible with the current network configuration.

If you’re currently struggling to resolve this particular issue, this article will provide you with a selection of verified troubleshooting steps. Below you have several methods that other users in a similar situation have used to get the issue resolved.

For the best results, follow the methods below in order until you stumble upon a solution that is effective in your particular scenario.

Method 1: Disabling HTTPS inspection from 3rd party antivirus settings (if applicable)

As per various user reports, the issue is likely to occur if you have a third party Antivirus software that is configured to inspect HTTPS traffic in order to guard against malicious attacks on the secure channels.

Although this is not necessarily a bad thing, a lot of 3rd party AV suites including ESET, AVAST, BitDefender, and McAfee are reported to facilitate the apparition of the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error.

Most affected users have managed to resolve the issue by disabling the HTTPS inspection feature from the AV’s settings. You can typically resolve this problem by preventing your 3rd party antivirus from doing any sort of HTTPS inspection (SSL scanning).

Of course, the steps of doing this are highly dependent on the AV that you’re using. On BitDefender, you can disable this feature by going to Settings > General > Advanced and unchecking the Scan SSL entry.


If you are unable to find the equivalent settings (it might not have the option to disable HTTPS inspection), the only way to ensure that the error is not occurring because of your AV is to uninstall it completely. You can ensure that you uninstall it completely without leaving any leftover files (that will enforce the same rules) by using our guide on How to Completely Uninstall a Third-Party Computer Security Program.

Note: Affected users report that the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error is not occurring while Windows Defender is the active security option.

If this method wasn’t applicable to your particular situation or it hasn’t helped you to resolve the issue, move down to the next method below.

Method 2: Update Chrome to the latest version

Some users reported that for them, the fix was as easy as updating Chrome to the latest version. But keep in mind that this fix is only reported to be effective for users that have been only encountering the issue on Chrome and had a very old build installed (20 – 40).

Here’s a quick guide on trying to resolve the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error by ensuring that you’re using the latest Chrome build:

  1. Open Google Chrome and go click the action button in the top-right corner. Then, click on Help > About Google Chrome.Go to Settings > Help > About Google Chrome
    Go to Settings > Help > About Google Chrome

    Note: Keep in mind that Google Chrome is configured to update by default. However, manual user intervention or certain extensions might change this default behavior.

  2. Wait until the scan is complete, then click on Update Chrome and wait for the new version to be installed.Ensuring that you're running the latest version of Google Chrome
    Ensuring that you’re running the latest version of Google Chrome
  3. Restart your browser and see if the issue has been resolved.

If you’re still encountering the issue (or you’re encountering the issues accessing certain websites with multiple browsers), move down to the next method below.

Method 3: Changing the router’s MTU to 1400

A lot of users encountering the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error have managed to resolve the issue entirely (on every device connected regardless of the used browser) by changing the involved router’s MTU value to 1400.

The steps of changing the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) will be different according to your router manufacturer. However, we created some general steps that should point you in the right direction:

  1. Launch a web browser and enter your router login address. Most routers use the default IPs: or
  2. Look through your router’s settings and for any Network or WAN  setting that allows you to change the MTU Size. On most routers, you can find this in the Advanced menu under WAN setup.
  3. Set the MTU size to 1400 and hit Save (or Apply) to save the changes.Modifying the MTU Size
    Modifying the MTU Size
  4. Restart your router and see if the issue has been resolved by trying to access the same address that was previously triggering the ERR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC_ALERT error.

Method 4: Disabling Advanced Streaming Detection (Killer Network)

If you are using an Alienware or any Dell computer which has a Killer network card, you can try disabling the ‘Advanced Streaming Detection’. This option, even though useful, is known to cause conflicts with several modules and cause issues while browsing webpages as under discussion. This step will not interfere with your computer is anyway.

  1. Launch the Killer Network Control Panel from your computer.
  2. Once in the control panel, navigate to Settings and uncheck the option of Advanced Stream Detect.Disabling Advanced Stream Detect - Killer Network
    Disabling Advanced Stream Detect – Killer Network
  3. Restart your computer properly. Now try to open the web page and see if the issue still persists.

Photo of Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows

Kevin is a dynamic and self-motivated information technology professional, with a Thorough knowledge of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and administration. Superior record of delivering simultaneous large-scale mission critical projects on time and under budget.

I got a similar problem when trying to connect to YouTube with Python. Bisecting shows that there’s a bad commit on the master branch: 5a8e54d good and 94ed2c6 is bad. Here’s the error message:

$ ./python -c 'import urllib.request; urllib.request.urlopen("")'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/urllib/", line 1318, in do_open
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/http/", line 1232, in request
    self._send_request(method, url, body, headers, encode_chunked)
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/http/", line 1278, in _send_request
    self.endheaders(body, encode_chunked=encode_chunked)
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/http/", line 1227, in endheaders
    self._send_output(message_body, encode_chunked=encode_chunked)
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/http/", line 1019, in _send_output
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/http/", line 957, in send
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/http/", line 1393, in connect
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/", line 401, in wrap_socket
    _context=self, _session=session)
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/", line 808, in __init__
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/", line 1061, in do_handshake
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/", line 683, in do_handshake
ssl.SSLError: [SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_BAD_RECORD_MAC] sslv3 alert bad record mac (_ssl.c:749)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/urllib/", line 223, in urlopen
    return, data, timeout)
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/urllib/", line 526, in open
    response = self._open(req, data)
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/urllib/", line 544, in _open
    '_open', req)
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/urllib/", line 504, in _call_chain
    result = func(*args)
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/urllib/", line 1361, in https_open
    context=self._context, check_hostname=self._check_hostname)
  File "/home/yen/Projects/cpython/Lib/urllib/", line 1320, in do_open
    raise URLError(err)
urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error [SSL: SSLV3_ALERT_BAD_RECORD_MAC] sslv3 alert bad record mac (_ssl.c:749)>

In Python, line 749 of _ssl.c reports the return value of SSL_do_handshake.

Python version: 12b4e7209d03

I can upload Wireshark capture files if necessary.

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