- There are a lot of SSL errors out there. Way too much, right?
- 1. SSL error
- «ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap»
- Quick fix
- Proper fix
- 2. SSL error
- «ssl_error_rx_record_too_long»
- Quick fix
- Proper fix
- 3. SSL error
- «ssl_error_syscall»
- Quick fix
- Proper fix
- 4. SSL error
- «ssl_error_bad_cert_domain»
- Quick fix
- Proper fix
- 5. SSL error
- «ssl_error_internal_error_alert»
- Quick fix
- Proper fix
- 6. SSL error
- “ssl error 31”
- Quick fix
- Proper fix
- 7. SSL error
- «ssl error 61”»
- Quick fix
- Proper fix
- What are SSL Error Codes and How To Fix Them
- How to Fix the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Your WordPress Website Instantly
- Quick Guide on How to Fix the Google Chrome Error “This Site Can’t Provide a Secure Connection” Also Known As “ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR”
- How to Fix ‘ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE’ in Google Chrome Within Minutes
- There’s an easy way to resolve the ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE error in this popular browser — we’ll show you how
- Your Guide for How to Fix the ‘NET ERR_CERT_REVOKED’ Error in Google Chrome
- Here’s how you can easily resolve the ‘NET:: ERR_CERT_REVOKED’ Error in the Chrome browser in just 2 simple steps
- Your step-by-step guide to get rid of the pesky ‘NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE ALGORITHM’ warning message
- Error Code SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER — How to Fix it in Firefox
- Troubleshooting a common SSL certificate error
- Устранение неполадок SSL /TLS Ошибки браузера и предупреждения
- Ошибки браузера и предупреждения
- Сертификат с истекшим сроком действия
- Доменное имя не соответствует сертификату
- Неполная цепь доверия
- Аннулированный сертификат
There are a lot of SSL errors out there.
Way too much, right?
You as a sysadmin know that for sure – Certificate Errors, Configuration Errors, Server Errors, Protocol Errors, and others.
Here you’ll find a list of the most common xxxxx errors and proven quick fix solutions:
And you’ll find the solution to get rid of ALL SSL errors – forever: Test PRTG as your new monitoring tool and get stared within minutes!
1. SSL error
Quick fix
Did you receive the error message “ssl error no cypher overlap” while using Firefox or another web browser? Then you are dealing with one of the most common SSL errors. The cypher overlap error occurs due to a misconfiguration of the TLS/SSL settings.
The SSL error can easily be solved by adjusting the settings in your browser. If you are using Mozilla Firefox, access the settings page and choose the add-on section. Check the add-on list for any extensions that you did not install yourself. Deactivate all unnecessary add-ons and plug-ins, then restart the browser.
You can also reset both the TLS and the SSL settings. In your brower, type about:config to open the settings. Type TLS in the search box and look through the TLS settings. If there are any modified settings, restore them back to default. Repeat these steps to reset the SSL settings as well.
Proper fix
Switch to PRTG: PRTG uses the SSL Security Check Sensor and lets you use SSL to encrypt your own monitoring data. PRTG helps you secure data traffic and notifies you at once if the security rating changes.
2. SSL error
Quick fix
The common SSL error “ssl error rx record too long” may occur in your browser when visiting a website via HTTPS. The error is often accompanied by the error message “SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length” or a similar message. This means that the web server is sending HTTP data instead of HTTPS data.
This common SSL issue is usually caused by an error in the SSL implementation on the server itself. There are several things that you can do to solve the problem:
- Ensure that SSL is configured correctly on the server.
- Check if your browser is using the same port as the web server. To use port 443, some servers such as Apache require a configuration first.
- If you are using a proxy server, the error can show up as well. In this case, make sure that your local proxy is configured correctly.
Proper fix
Switch to PRTG: PRTG uses the SSL Security Check Sensor and lets you use SSL to encrypt your own monitoring data. PRTG helps you secure data traffic and notifies you at once if the security rating changes.
3. SSL error
Quick fix
Are you facing the error message “ssl error syscall”, there is a problem with your SSL configurations. This can be caused by a disabled proxy protocol which leads to a failed request of the SSL handshake.
To fix the problem, make sure that you enable the proxy protocol in the inbound traffic. Also check if TLS is properly configured in the web server, as a misconfiguration of the server may lead to this error as well.
Proper fix
Switch to PRTG: PRTG uses the SSL Security Check Sensor and lets you use SSL to encrypt your own monitoring data. PRTG helps you secure data traffic and notifies you at once if the security rating changes.
4. SSL error
Quick fix
The error code “ssl error bad cert domain” and the error message “The certificate is only valid for the following names” is often experienced by users while trying to access their SSL encrypted website or network. The error code indicates that there is a configureation problem with the SSL certificate of the website. The SSL error is commonly reported by Firefox users, but may also occur in other browsers.
Depending on the individual cause of the error, try the following troubleshooting solutions:
- If caused by an SSL misconfiguration of the website itself, the configuration needs to be adjusted by the website’s admin. If it is your website, make sure that your SSL certificate is active and switch to HTTPS.
- In some cases, the browser’s cache and cookies may lead to an SSL error. If this is the case, you can simply solve the problem by clearing the cache in the settings.
Proper fix
Switch to PRTG: PRTG uses the SSL Security Check Sensor and lets you use SSL to encrypt your own monitoring data. PRTG helps you secure data traffic and notifies you at once if the security rating changes.
5. SSL error
Quick fix
SSL error code “internal error alert” is a common problem faced by users of Mozilla Firefox and other web browsers. The error message indicates that there is a problem with the secure SSL connection. It may be caused either by the SSL certificate or by the settings of your browser.
To fix the problem, try the following troubleshooting steps:
- Make sure you are using a valid SSL certificate.
- Update your browser to the latest version.
- Disable unknown or unnecessary add-ons in the Firefox settings.
- Ensure that HTTPS is set up correctly.
- If the error persists after these steps, restart your browser.
Proper fix
Switch to PRTG: PRTG uses the SSL Security Check Sensor and lets you use SSL to encrypt your own monitoring data. PRTG helps you secure data traffic and notifies you at once if the security rating changes.
6. SSL error
“ssl error 31”
Quick fix
Are you facing Citrix client SSL error code 31? Then you are dealing with one of many SSL errors with Citrix. Error 31 can be caused by a variety of misconfigurations or outdated version of the service provider.
To solve the problem, make sure the SSL certificate is valid. Also update your service provider to the newest version to avoid problems with the compatibility. Also check if any corporate settings or your firewall is blocking the connection.
Proper fix
Switch to PRTG: PRTG uses the SSL Security Check Sensor and lets you use SSL to encrypt your own monitoring data. PRTG helps you secure data traffic and notifies you at once if the security rating changes.
7. SSL error
«ssl error 61”»
Quick fix
SSL error 61 is an error code regularly experienced by Citrix users. There are several error messages that can be displayed for receiver users when accessing Citrix StoreFront or web interface applications, such as:
“Cannot connect to the Citrix XenApp Server. SSL Error 61: You have not chosen to trust ‘Certificate Authority’, the issuer to the server’s security certificate.”
“The server certificate received is not trusted (SSL Error 61)”
“You app is not available. Try again later.”
As a system administrator, you can try the following solutions to get rid of SSL error 61:
- Update to the latest receiver version, as older versions may not support SHA2 certificates.
- Ensure that you have the required root certificate or intermediate certificate. You can download the certificates from your SSL certificate provider. If you use an antivirus software, make sure that your antivirus software trusts the SSL certificate.
- Check if the server certificate is compliant with the instruction in RFC 3280 in terms of the Enhanced Key Usage field.
Proper fix
Switch to PRTG: PRTG uses the SSL Security Check Sensor and lets you use SSL to encrypt your own monitoring data. PRTG helps you secure data traffic and notifies you at once if the security rating changes.
What are SSL Error Codes and How To Fix Them
How to Fix the ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Your WordPress Website Instantly
Quick Guide on How to Fix the Google Chrome Error “This Site Can’t Provide a Secure Connection” Also Known As “ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR”
Google Chrome is among the most popular Web Browsers. Most internet users rely upon it due to its sleek user interface and extensions. However, you may have come across some SSL security error messages if you’re a regular user. Among them is one error that users often encounter – the SSL security error “This site can’t provide a secure connection,” also known as “ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR.”
How to Fix ‘ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE’ in Google Chrome Within Minutes
There’s an easy way to resolve the ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE error in this popular browser — we’ll show you how
There’s a load of SSL/TLS-related errors on the internet, and “ERR_SSL_VERSION_INTERFERENCE” is a recent addition to the list. But what is “ERR_SSL INTERFERENCE?” It’s an SSL/TLS certificate-related error that is often encountered while browsing websites using browsers such as Google Chrome or Firefox. This error occurs when the client (web browser) and the web server cannot come on the same ground when it comes to agreeing to support mutually agreeable TLS version. In most cases, one party — either browser or server — supports TLS 1.3 and the other doesn’t support it at all.
Your Guide for How to Fix the ‘NET ERR_CERT_REVOKED’ Error in Google Chrome
Here’s how you can easily resolve the ‘NET:: ERR_CERT_REVOKED’ Error in the Chrome browser in just 2 simple steps
If we were given a penny for every user who comes to us for an SSL error, we’d be by far the richest company in the world. But, unfortunately, we don’t and we’re not. However, that doesn’t mean that we’ll stop helping you however we can — this includes addressing the “NET ERR_CERT_REVOKED” (or “NET::ERR_CERT_REVOKED”) error message that you’re seeing in Google Chrome.
In this post, we’ll give you some straightforward solutions that will help you fix the “NET ERR_CERT_REVOKED” error in Google Chrome. Whether you’re a website owner or a website visitor, we’ve got you covered.
Your step-by-step guide to get rid of the pesky ‘NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE ALGORITHM’ warning message
If you’re seeing the “NET ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM” error, you’re either a website visitor trying to access a website or a website owner who just realized that you’re displaying this error on your website. In this post, we’ll talk about both cases and help you resolve this error that says “your connection is not private.” Most of the time, the “NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM” (or “ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM”) occurs in Google Chrome because a website has an SSL certificate with an outdated algorithm.
Error Code SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER — How to Fix it in Firefox
Troubleshooting a common SSL certificate error
One of the more frustrating aspects of web browsers and the errors they generate is that they all generally use different nomenclature. While Chrome and Opera tend to operate on the same plane, Safari, Firefox and Microsoft Edge all do their own thing. Case in point, let’s consider the error code SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER in Firefox.
Устранение неполадок SSL /TLS Ошибки браузера и предупреждения
Ошибки браузера и предупреждения
Слишком часто при доступе к веб-сайтам встречаются такие сообщения об ошибках браузера:
Эти сообщения обычно начинаются с жирного заголовка, в котором говорится, что Ваше соединение не является частным or Предупреждение: потенциальная угроза безопасности впереди. Эти сообщения могут расстраивать пользователей и владельцев веб-сайтов, особенно когда владелец приложил усилия для защиты своего веб-сайта с помощью SSL /TLS сертификат. Часто эти ошибки вызваны неправильной конфигурацией сервера, которую легко исправить, если вы знаете основную причину. В этом руководстве мы рассмотрим некоторые распространенные ошибки в конфигурации и связанные с ними сообщения об ошибках в различных веб-браузерах. Для создания этих снимков экрана использовались следующие браузеры:
- Google Chrome 76.0.3809.100 (macOS 10.14.6)
- Firefox 68.0.1 (macOS 10.14.6)
- Safari 12.1.2 (macOS 10.14.6)
- Edge 44.17763.1.0 (Windows 10 Корпоративная)
- Internet Explorer 11.379.11763.0 (Windows 10 Корпоративная)
Ситуации, которые мы рассмотрим, подробно описаны в содержании ниже.
Сертификат с истекшим сроком действия
В этих случаях на сервере установлен сертификат, который истек срок действия и нуждается в замене:
Решение: Продлить сертификат сайта. Конечные пользователи, столкнувшиеся с этой ошибкой, также должны подтвердить, что дата и время установлены на их компьютере правильно.
Доменное имя не соответствует сертификату
В этих случаях веб-сервер представляет сертификат, который не соответствует имени домена, к которому пользователь пытается получить доступ:
Решение: Убедитесь, что распространенное имя и / или альтернативное имя субъекта указанное в сертификате соответствует доменному имени веб-сайта.
Неполная цепь доверия
Если веб-сервер не имеет полного цепь доверия включая все необходимые промежуточные сертификаты, эти ошибки могут привести к:
- Firefox: SEC_ERROR_UNKNOWN_ISSUER (видно после нажатия Дополнительно на Предупреждение: потенциальная угроза безопасности впереди страница).
Решение: Убедитесь, что на вашем сервере установлена полная цепочка сертификатов. Пожалуйста, смотрите наш статья о диагностике и устранении этой проблемы чтобы получить больше информации.
Аннулированный сертификат
Иногда из-за компрометации сервера или проблем с соответствием сертификаты должны быть отозваны до истечения запланированного срока их действия (например, см. серийный номер энтропии выпуск начала 2019 года). Невозможность заменить отозванный сертификат приведет к следующим сообщениям об ошибках:
Решение: создать новый сертификат веб-сайта, связанный с действительным, пользующимся всеобщим доверием корневым и промежуточным сертификатами.
There are a lot of SSL errors out there.
Way too much, right?
You as a sysadmin know that for sure – Certificate Errors, Configuration Errors, Server Errors, Protocol Errors, and others.
Here you’ll find a list of the most common xxxxx errors and proven quick fix solutions:
And you’ll find the solution to get rid of ALL SSL errors – forever: Test PRTG as your new monitoring tool and get stared within minutes!
1. SSL error
Quick fix
Did you receive the error message “ssl error no cypher overlap” while using Firefox or another web browser? Then you are dealing with one of the most common SSL errors. The cypher overlap error occurs due to a misconfiguration of the TLS/SSL settings.
The SSL error can easily be solved by adjusting the settings in your browser. If you are using Mozilla Firefox, access the settings page and choose the add-on section. Check the add-on list for any extensions that you did not install yourself. Deactivate all unnecessary add-ons and plug-ins, then restart the browser.
You can also reset both the TLS and the SSL settings. In your brower, type about:config to open the settings. Type TLS in the search box and look through the TLS settings. If there are any modified settings, restore them back to default. Repeat these steps to reset the SSL settings as well.
Proper fix
Switch to PRTG: PRTG uses the SSL Security Check Sensor and lets you use SSL to encrypt your own monitoring data. PRTG helps you secure data traffic and notifies you at once if the security rating changes.
2. SSL error
Quick fix
The common SSL error “ssl error rx record too long” may occur in your browser when visiting a website via HTTPS. The error is often accompanied by the error message “SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length” or a similar message. This means that the web server is sending HTTP data instead of HTTPS data.
This common SSL issue is usually caused by an error in the SSL implementation on the server itself. There are several things that you can do to solve the problem:
- Ensure that SSL is configured correctly on the server.
- Check if your browser is using the same port as the web server. To use port 443, some servers such as Apache require a configuration first.
- If you are using a proxy server, the error can show up as well. In this case, make sure that your local proxy is configured correctly.
Proper fix
Switch to PRTG: PRTG uses the SSL Security Check Sensor and lets you use SSL to encrypt your own monitoring data. PRTG helps you secure data traffic and notifies you at once if the security rating changes.
3. SSL error
Quick fix
Are you facing the error message “ssl error syscall”, there is a problem with your SSL configurations. This can be caused by a disabled proxy protocol which leads to a failed request of the SSL handshake.
To fix the problem, make sure that you enable the proxy protocol in the inbound traffic. Also check if TLS is properly configured in the web server, as a misconfiguration of the server may lead to this error as well.
Proper fix
Switch to PRTG: PRTG uses the SSL Security Check Sensor and lets you use SSL to encrypt your own monitoring data. PRTG helps you secure data traffic and notifies you at once if the security rating changes.
4. SSL error
Quick fix
The error code “ssl error bad cert domain” and the error message “The certificate is only valid for the following names” is often experienced by users while trying to access their SSL encrypted website or network. The error code indicates that there is a configureation problem with the SSL certificate of the website. The SSL error is commonly reported by Firefox users, but may also occur in other browsers.
Depending on the individual cause of the error, try the following troubleshooting solutions:
- If caused by an SSL misconfiguration of the website itself, the configuration needs to be adjusted by the website’s admin. If it is your website, make sure that your SSL certificate is active and switch to HTTPS.
- In some cases, the browser’s cache and cookies may lead to an SSL error. If this is the case, you can simply solve the problem by clearing the cache in the settings.
Proper fix
Switch to PRTG: PRTG uses the SSL Security Check Sensor and lets you use SSL to encrypt your own monitoring data. PRTG helps you secure data traffic and notifies you at once if the security rating changes.
5. SSL error
Quick fix
SSL error code “internal error alert” is a common problem faced by users of Mozilla Firefox and other web browsers. The error message indicates that there is a problem with the secure SSL connection. It may be caused either by the SSL certificate or by the settings of your browser.
To fix the problem, try the following troubleshooting steps:
- Make sure you are using a valid SSL certificate.
- Update your browser to the latest version.
- Disable unknown or unnecessary add-ons in the Firefox settings.
- Ensure that HTTPS is set up correctly.
- If the error persists after these steps, restart your browser.
Proper fix
Switch to PRTG: PRTG uses the SSL Security Check Sensor and lets you use SSL to encrypt your own monitoring data. PRTG helps you secure data traffic and notifies you at once if the security rating changes.
6. SSL error
“ssl error 31”
Quick fix
Are you facing Citrix client SSL error code 31? Then you are dealing with one of many SSL errors with Citrix. Error 31 can be caused by a variety of misconfigurations or outdated version of the service provider.
To solve the problem, make sure the SSL certificate is valid. Also update your service provider to the newest version to avoid problems with the compatibility. Also check if any corporate settings or your firewall is blocking the connection.
Proper fix
Switch to PRTG: PRTG uses the SSL Security Check Sensor and lets you use SSL to encrypt your own monitoring data. PRTG helps you secure data traffic and notifies you at once if the security rating changes.
7. SSL error
«ssl error 61”»
Quick fix
SSL error 61 is an error code regularly experienced by Citrix users. There are several error messages that can be displayed for receiver users when accessing Citrix StoreFront or web interface applications, such as:
“Cannot connect to the Citrix XenApp Server. SSL Error 61: You have not chosen to trust ‘Certificate Authority’, the issuer to the server’s security certificate.”
“The server certificate received is not trusted (SSL Error 61)”
“You app is not available. Try again later.”
As a system administrator, you can try the following solutions to get rid of SSL error 61:
- Update to the latest receiver version, as older versions may not support SHA2 certificates.
- Ensure that you have the required root certificate or intermediate certificate. You can download the certificates from your SSL certificate provider. If you use an antivirus software, make sure that your antivirus software trusts the SSL certificate.
- Check if the server certificate is compliant with the instruction in RFC 3280 in terms of the Enhanced Key Usage field.
Proper fix
Switch to PRTG: PRTG uses the SSL Security Check Sensor and lets you use SSL to encrypt your own monitoring data. PRTG helps you secure data traffic and notifies you at once if the security rating changes.
SSL/TLS Alert Protocol & the Alert Codes
There have been many occasions where a event corresponding to SChannel is logged in the System event logs which indicates a problem with the SSL/TLS handshake and many a times depicts a number. The logging mechanism is a part of the SSL/TLS Alert Protocol.
SChannel logging may have to be enabled on the windows machines to get detailed SChannel messages. Please refer the following article to do so: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/260729
These warnings sometimes are very helpful in troubleshooting SSL related issues and provide important clues. However, there is not much documentation available on the description of the alert codes.
These alert codes have been defined precisely in TLS/SSL RFC’s for all the existing protocol versions. For example lets consider the RFC 5246 (TLS 1.2). This RFC corresponds to the latest protocol version and it defines the alert messages.
Below is a snippet from the above RFC describing the various alert messages:
A.3. Alert Messages
enum < warning(1), fatal(2), (255) >AlertLevel;
enum <
unsupported_extension(110), /* new */
> AlertDescription;
struct <
AlertLevel level;
AlertDescription description;
> Alert;
There is MSDN article which describes these messages more briefly. Here is the link: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc783349%28v=ws.10%29.aspx
However, the article never mentions the alert codes while explaining the messages. For simplicity, I have created a simpler table combining both the MSDN documentation and the RFC for usability. Below is the table:
Alert Code | Alert Message |
Description |
close_notify | Notifies the recipient that the sender will not send any more messages on this connection. | |
10 | unexpected_message | Received an inappropriate message This alert should never be observed in communication between proper implementations. This message is always fatal. |
20 | bad_record_mac | Received a record with an incorrect MAC. This message is always fatal. |
21 | decryption_failed | Decryption of a TLSCiphertext record is decrypted in an invalid way: either it was not an even multiple of the block length or its padding values, when checked, were not correct. This message is always fatal. |
22 | record_overflow | Received a TLSCiphertext record which had a length more than 2^14+2048 bytes, or a record decrypted to a TLSCompressed record with more than 2^14+1024 bytes. This message is always fatal. |
30 | decompression_failure | Received improper input, such as data that would expand to excessive length, from the decompression function. This message is always fatal. |
40 | handshake_failure | Indicates that the sender was unable to negotiate an acceptable set of security parameters given the options available. This is a fatal error. |
42 | bad_certificate | There is a problem with the certificate, for example, a certificate is corrupt, or a certificate contains signatures that cannot be verified. |
43 | unsupported_certificate | Received an unsupported certificate type. |
44 | certificate_revoked | Received a certificate that was revoked by its signer. |
45 | certificate_expired | Received a certificate has expired or is not currently valid. |
46 | certificate_unknown | An unspecified issue took place while processing the certificate that made it unacceptable. |
47 | illegal_parameter | Violated security parameters, such as a field in the handshake was out of range or inconsistent with other fields. This is always fatal. |
48 | unknown_ca | Received a valid certificate chain or partial chain, but the certificate was not accepted because the CA certificate could not be located or could not be matched with a known, trusted CA. This message is always fatal. |
49 | access_denied | Received a valid certificate, but when access control was applied, the sender did not proceed with negotiation. This message is always fatal. |
50 | decode_error | A message could not be decoded because some field was out of the specified range or the length of the message was incorrect. This message is always fatal. |
51 | decrypt_error | Failed handshake cryptographic operation, including being unable to correctly verify a signature, decrypt a key exchange, or validate a finished message. |
60 | export_restriction | Detected a negotiation that was not in compliance with export restrictions; for example, attempting to transfer a 1024 bit ephemeral RSA key for the RSA_EXPORT handshake method. This message is always fatal. |
70 | protocol_version | The protocol version the client attempted to negotiate is recognized, but not supported. For example, old protocol versions might be avoided for security reasons. This message is always fatal. |
71 | insufficient_security | Failed negotiation specifically because the server requires ciphers more secure than those supported by the client. Returned instead of handshake_failure. This message is always fatal. |
80 | internal_error | An internal error unrelated to the peer or the correctness of the protocol makes it impossible to continue, such as a memory allocation failure. The error is not related to protocol. This message is always fatal. |
90 | user_cancelled | Cancelled handshake for a reason that is unrelated to a protocol failure. If the user cancels an operation after the handshake is complete, just closing the connection by sending a close_notify is more appropriate. This alert should be followed by a close_notify. This message is generally a warning. |
100 | no_renegotiation | Sent by the client in response to a hello request or sent by the server in response to a client hello after initial handshaking. Either of these would normally lead to renegotiation; when that is not appropriate, the recipient should respond with this alert; at that point, the original requester can decide whether to proceed with the connection. One case where this would be appropriate would be where a server has spawned a process to satisfy a request; the process might receive security parameters (key length, authentication, and so on) at start-up and it might be difficult to communicate changes to these parameters after that point. This message is always a warning. |
255 | unsupported_extension |
Hope this reference will be useful for someone in troubleshooting TLS/SSL errors!
Want me to do this for you? Drop me a line: itgalaxyzzz gmail [point] com
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- FileCloud Error Codes Glossary
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is the standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. This link ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private.
FileCloud runs on Apache web server.
- Apache server can be configured to serve the website securely using HTTPS protocol.
- To enable HTTPS protocol, you will need an SSL certificate.
You can read more about SSL Configuration in FileCloud Server.
SSL Errors |
Code |
What it means |
How to Fix it |
01201 open ssl error |
OpenSSL is an open source tool for using the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols for Web authentication.
If you allow a certificate to expire, the certificate becomes invalid, and you will no longer be able to run secure transactions.
01202 cannot find open ssl config file |
FileCloud Server requires this file and provides it to you:
The openssl.conf is an INI-type file that is mostly used for the generation of certificate requests. It includes data such as:
To read the SSL documentation about this file: |
The location of this file depends on the operating system you are using. In Windows, the file should be here: xamppapacheconfopenssl.cnf In Linux, the file should be here: /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf If the file is missing, it is usually due to an installation error. You can download a new file and place it in the correct location cited above.
01203 specify correct path to ssl config file |
FileCloud Server requires this file and expects it to be in a specific location. Search for the following file and place it in the expected location: openssl.conf |
The location of this file depends on the operating system you are using. In Windows, place the file in the following directory: xamppapacheconfopenssl.cnf In Linux, place the file in the following directory: /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf If the file is missing, it is usually due to an installation error. You can download a new file and place it in the correct location cited above.
01204 url must be ssl enabled |
If you are collecting ANY sensitive information on your website (including email and password), then you need to be secure.
To resolve this error, you must use SSL to provide an address for your site that begins with https. To set up HTTPS:
Copyright www.secureblackbox.com | Value | Possible reason and steps to take |
ERROR_SSL_TIMEOUT | 73730 (0x12002) | |
ERROR_SSL_BAD_RECORD_MAC | 75778 (0x12802) | The peers failed to negotiate a shared key material. Try connecting with different cipher suites one-by-one and check if any of them helps. If neither does, try to use a different protocol version. |
ERROR_SSL_DECRYPTION_FAILED | 75779 (0x12803) | |
ERROR_SSL_DECODE_ERROR | 75792 (0x12810) | |
ERROR_SSL_DECRYPT_ERROR | 75793 (0x12811) | |
ERROR_SSL_RECORD_OVERFLOW | 75780 (0x12804) | Packet size too large. Try to decrease the maximal size of the packet by adjusting the MaxFragmentLength extension. |
ERROR_SSL_DECOMPRESSION_FAILURE | 75781 (0x12805) | Compression or decompression failure. Switch off compression (CompressionAlgorithms property). |
ERROR_SSL_HANDSHAKE_FAILURE | 75782 (0x12806) | Incompatible versions or cipher suite lists. Try to play with version and cipher suite sets. Check that the server certificate is provided and has an associated private key. |
ERROR_SSL_NO_CERTIFICATE | 75783 (0x12807) | The certificate provided by the peer is not valid. |
ERROR_SSL_BAD_CERTIFICATE | 75784 (0x12808) | |
ERROR_SSL_UNKNOWN_CA | 75790 (0x1280E) | |
ERROR_SSL_ACCESS_DENIED | 75791 (0x1280F) | The requested application-layer resource cannot be accessed by the requestor. Check with the administrator of the remote resource. |
ERROR_SSL_EXPORT_RESTRICTION | 75794 (0x12812) | The peer is only configured to use exportable cipher suites. Switch on support for “EXPORT” cipher suites. |
ERROR_SSL_PROTOCOL_VERSION | 75795 (0x12813) | The peers have not been able to negotiate a version to use (no shared protocol versions). |
ERROR_SSL_INSUFFICIENT_SECURITY | 75796 (0x12814) | The cipher suites mutually supported by the peers are too weak and do not provide an adequate level of security. |
ERROR_SSL_INTERNAL_ERROR | 75797 (0x12815) | Contact the vendor. |
ERROR_SSL_USER_CANCELED | 75798 (0x12816) | Application layer has shut down the connection. |
ERROR_SSL_NO_RENEGOTIATION | 75799 (0x12817) | One of the peers requested a renegotiation, which was refused by the other. Note that you will get this error (as a warning) if you return Allow = false from the OnRenegotiationStart event handler. |
ERROR_SSL_CLOSE_NOTIFY | 75800 (0x12818) | Does not indicate an error condition. The SSL connection was closed gracefully and can be restored or cloned in future. |
There are a lot of SSL errors out there.
Way too much, right?
You as a sysadmin know that for sure – Certificate Errors, Configuration Errors, Server Errors, Protocol Errors, and others.
Here you’ll find a list of the most common xxxxx errors and proven quick fix solutions:
- SSL Error “ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap”
- SSL Error “ssl_error_rx_record_too_long”
- SSL Error “ssl_error_syscall”
- SSL Error “ssl_error_bad_cert_domain”
- SSL Error “ssl_error_internal_error_alert”
- SSL Error “ssl error 31”
- SSL Error “ssl error 61”
- SSL Error “ssl certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate”
- SSL Error “ssl error: unable to verify the first certificate”
- SSL Error “ssl_protocol_error”
- SSL Error “ssl handshake error” or “ssl handshake failure alert”
And you’ll find the solution to get rid of ALL SSL errors – forever: Test PRTG as your new monitoring tool and get stared within minutes!
1. SSL error
Quick fix
Did you receive the error message “ssl error no cypher overlap” while using Firefox or another web browser? Then you are dealing with one of the most common SSL errors. The cypher overlap error occurs due to a misconfiguration of the TLS/SSL settings.
The SSL error can easily be solved by adjusting the settings in your browser. If you are using Mozilla Firefox, access the settings page and choose the add-on section. Check the add-on list for any extensions that you did not install yourself. Deactivate all unnecessary add-ons and plug-ins, then restart the browser.
You can also reset both the TLS and the SSL settings. In your brower, type about:config to open the settings. Type TLS in the search box and look through the TLS settings. If there are any modified settings, restore them back to default. Repeat these steps to reset the SSL settings as well.
Best solution: https://www.thewindowsclub.com/ssl_error_no_cypher_overlap-firefox
2. SSL error
Quick fix
The common SSL error “ssl error rx record too long” may occur in your browser when visiting a website via HTTPS. The error is often accompanied by the error message “SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length” or a similar message. This means that the web server is sending HTTP data instead of HTTPS data.
This common SSL issue is usually caused by an error in the SSL implementation on the server itself. There are several things that you can do to solve the problem:
- Ensure that SSL is configured correctly on the server.
- Check if your browser is using the same port as the web server. To use port 443, some servers such as Apache require a configuration first.
- If you are using a proxy server, the error can show up as well. In this case, make sure that your local proxy is configured correctly.
Best Solution: https://www.ssl247.de/kb/ssl-certificates/troubleshooting/apache/ssl-error-rx-record-too-long-firefox-apache-tomcat or https://www.xolphin.com/support/Error_messages/Error_-_ssl_error_rx_record_too_long
3. SSL error
4. SSL error
Quick fix
The error code “ssl error bad cert domain” and the error message “The certificate is only valid for the following names” is often experienced by users while trying to access their SSL encrypted website or network. The error code indicates that there is a configureation problem with the SSL certificate of the website. The SSL error is commonly reported by Firefox users, but may also occur in other browsers.
Depending on the individual cause of the error, try the following troubleshooting solutions:
- If caused by an SSL misconfiguration of the website itself, the configuration needs to be adjusted by the website’s admin. If it is your website, make sure that your SSL certificate is active and switch to HTTPS.
- In some cases, the browser’s cache and cookies may lead to an SSL error. If this is the case, you can simply solve the problem by clearing the cache in the settings.
Best Solution: https://appuals.com/fix-ssl_error_bad_cert_domain/
5. SSL error
Quick fix
SSL error code “internal error alert” is a common problem faced by users of Mozilla Firefox and other web browsers. The error message indicates that there is a problem with the secure SSL connection. It may be caused either by the SSL certificate or by the settings of your browser.
To fix the problem, try the following troubleshooting steps:
- Make sure you are using a valid SSL certificate.
- Update your browser to the latest version.
- Disable unknown or unnecessary add-ons in the Firefox settings.
- Ensure that HTTPS is set up correctly.
- If the error persists after these steps, restart your browser.
Best Solution: https://comparecheapssl.com/how-to-fix-ssl-error-on-firefox-a-complete-guide/
6. SSL error
“ssl error 31”
7. SSL error
«ssl error 61”»
Quick fix
SSL error 61 is an error code regularly experienced by Citrix users. There are several error messages that can be displayed for receiver users when accessing Citrix StoreFront or web interface applications, such as:
“Cannot connect to the Citrix XenApp Server. SSL Error 61: You have not chosen to trust ‘Certificate Authority’, the issuer to the server’s security certificate.”
“The server certificate received is not trusted (SSL Error 61)”
“You app is not available. Try again later.”
As a system administrator, you can try the following solutions to get rid of SSL error 61:
- Update to the latest receiver version, as older versions may not support SHA2 certificates.
- Ensure that you have the required root certificate or intermediate certificate. You can download the certificates from your SSL certificate provider. If you use an antivirus software, make sure that your antivirus software trusts the SSL certificate.
- Check if the server certificate is compliant with the instruction in RFC 3280 in terms of the Enhanced Key Usage field.
Best Solution: https://support.citrix.com/article/CTX101990
8. SSL error
“ssl certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate”
Quick fix
The error message “SSl certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate” sometimes occurs when making a request for a secure HTTPS destination. The SSL error is caused by a problem with the root certificate. When you use client SSL and make a request for a secure HTTPS source, you need to verify your identity by sharing your SSL/TLS certificate. If this step is not completed successfully, the error message pops up.
There are several solutions to fix the SSL certificate problem:
- Change php.ini while maintaining SSL.
- Maintain SSL and add the following code:
$ch = curl_init();
$certificate_location = ‘/usr/local/openssl-0.9.8/certs/cacert.pem’;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, $certificate_location);
>curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $certificate_location);
- 3. Disable SSL (not recommended).
Best Solution: https://aboutssl.org/fix-ssl-certificate-problem-unable-to-get-local-issuer-certificate/
9. SSL error
Error “ssl error: unable to verify the first certificate”
10. SSL error
Quick fix
Error code “ssl protocol error” is a typical SSL error on Google Chrome. Your browser may also state the error message “This site can’t provide a secure connection” along with the error code. If you encounter this problem, there are many possible solutions:
- Set the correct date and time on your system, as the SSL certificate is sensitive to your system’s settings.
- Clear your browser’s SSL state in the Google Chrome settings.
- Disable QUIC protocol which is enabled by default in Google Chrome.
- Check your antivirus settings and make sure it scans SSL/TLS protocols correctly.
- If the website’s SSL/TLS protocols are not in line with your Chrome version, change the SSL/TLS protocol settings accordingly in the advanced settings.
Best Solution: https://www.thesslstore.com/blog/fix-err-ssl-protocol-error/
11. SSL error
“ssl handshake error” or “ssl handshake failure alert”
Quick fix
The SSL handshake error message can be received when the SSL handshake process fails. The SSL handshake is a process in which the browser sends a secure connection request to the web server. If this request fails, it results in the SSL handshake failure alert.
The SSL error can be caused by a number of reasons. Therefore, the solution depends on the cause. These are the most common ones:
- The SSL/TLS protocol is not supported by the server.
- The certificate does not match the hostname in the URL.
- The certificate is invalid or has expired.
- The client server is unable to communicate with the servers.
You can fix the problem by adjusting the settings and by making sure that the SSL/TLS certificates are configured correctly.
Best Solution: https://www.rapidsslonline.com/blog/ssl-handshake-failed-error/
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This article provides information on Citrix Client SSL Error Codes.
To assist with troubleshooting, Citrix Technical Support has compiled a list of generic SSL error codes that the Citrix client might present the user or write in the Event log when an error occurs.
Important! This article is intended for use by System Administrators. If you are experiencing this issue and you are not a System Administrator, contact your organization’s Help Desk for assistance and refer them to this article.
Note: This list contains general information and might not fully explain the reason for your error. This information is provided “as is” and is not meant to be an official rendering of the SSL error code definitions. Refer to the Disclaimer for more information.