Ssl error inappropriate fallback alert

Hi there,

Hi there,

I’m trying to troubleshoot an issue that seems to be specific to FireFox and a specific website.

If you browse to with FireFox, and then on the right side of the page click on «Denali Commission Project Database», FireFox will first pop up a message that says:
«Your connection is not secure»

Here is a direct link to the page:

Then if you click on Advanced and click the «(Not secure) Try loading using outdated security» that page will fail to load with the following error message:

«An error occurred during a connection to The server rejected the handshake because the client downgraded to a lower TLS version than the server supports. Error code: SSL_ERROR_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK_ALERT»

Before anyone says «have you tried searching our forums or Google?», I’ve been researching this issue for the past hour and have not been able to come up with a solution. I checked the TSL settings on the «about:config» page and changed the version.min settings, but that does not fix the problem.

I have not been able to come up with anything, and so I turn to you guys…  :-)

Has anyone seen this issue before and has a fix? The error is easily reproducible: Browse to the page using FireFox and I’m sure you’ll see the same error.

However, the page loads fine in other browsers. Except, I don’t want to use other browsers; I want to use FireFox.

Hi there,

I’m trying to troubleshoot an issue that seems to be specific to FireFox and a specific website.

If you browse to with FireFox, and then on the right side of the page click on «Denali Commission Project Database», FireFox will first pop up a message that says:
«Your connection is not secure»

Here is a direct link to the page:

Then if you click on Advanced and click the «(Not secure) Try loading using outdated security» that page will fail to load with the following error message:

«An error occurred during a connection to The server rejected the handshake because the client downgraded to a lower TLS version than the server supports. Error code: SSL_ERROR_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK_ALERT»

Before anyone says «have you tried searching our forums or Google?», I’ve been researching this issue for the past hour and have not been able to come up with a solution. I checked the TSL settings on the «about:config» page and changed the version.min settings, but that does not fix the problem.

I have not been able to come up with anything, and so I turn to you guys… :-)

Has anyone seen this issue before and has a fix? The error is easily reproducible: Browse to the page using FireFox and I’m sure you’ll see the same error.

However, the page loads fine in other browsers. Except, I don’t want to use other browsers; I want to use FireFox.

Chosen solution

Hmm, I get «SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP» and then a link that says «(Not secure) Try loading using outdated security» and then when I try that I get the «SSL_ERROR_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK_ALERT» error.

I think the real problem might be no ciphers in common between the server and Firefox. That’s a problem I can’t work around. Chrome (on my system, at least) supports just one of the site’s four ciphers (bolded):

TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (0x3c)
TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0x9c)
TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 (0x3d)
TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (0x9d)

Hopefully the operators of the site will add some other ciphers so more browsers can connect.

Read this answer in context
👍 1


  • Как устранить ошибку при переходе на защищенный сайт?
    • Причина 1: Сертификат не будет действителен до даты [дата]
    • Причина 2: Сертификат истек [дата]
    • Причина 3: к сертификату нет доверия, так как сертификат его издателя неизвестен
    • Причина 4: к сертификату нет доверия, т.к. отсутствует цепочка сертификатов
  • Как устранить ошибку при переходе на незащищенный сайт?
  • Обход ошибки
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Firefox ошибка при установлении защищенного соединения
И хотя Mozilla Firefox считается наиболее стабильным браузером, в процессе использования некоторые пользователи могут сталкиваться с различными ошибками. В данной статье пойдет речь об ошибке «Ошибка при установлении защищенного соединения», а именно о способах ее устранения.

Сообщение «Ошибка при установлении защищенного подключения» может появляться в двух случаях: когда вы переходите на защищенный сайт и, соответственно, при переходе на незащищенный сайт. Оба типа проблемы мы и рассмотрим ниже.

Как устранить ошибку при переходе на защищенный сайт?

В большинстве случаев пользователь сталкивается с ошибкой при установлении защищенного подключения при переходе на защищенный сайт.

О том, что сайт защищен, пользователю может говорить «https» в адресной строке перед названием самого сайта.

Если вы столкнулись с сообщением «Ошибка при установлении защищенного соединения», то под ним вы сможете увидеть разъяснение причины возникновения проблемы.

Причина 1: Сертификат не будет действителен до даты [дата]

При переходе на защищенный веб-сайт Mozilla Firefox в обязательном порядке проверяет у сайта наличие сертификатов, которые позволят быть уверенным в том, что ваши данные будут передаваться только туда, куда они были предназначены.

Как правило, подобного типа ошибка говорит о том, что на вашем компьютере установлены неправильные дата и время.

В данном случае вам потребуется изменить дату и время. Для этого щелкните в правом нижнем углу по иконке даты и в отобразившемся окне выберите пункт «Параметры даты и времени».

Firefox ошибка при установлении защищенного соединения

На экране отобразится окно, в котором рекомендуется активировать пункт «Установить время автоматически», тогда система самостоятельно установит верные дату и время.

Firefox ошибка при установлении защищенного соединения

Причина 2: Сертификат истек [дата]

Эта ошибка как также может говорить о неправильно установленном времени, так и может являться верным знаком того, что сайт все-таки вовремя не обновил свои сертификаты.

Если дата и время установлены на вашем компьютере, то, вероятно, проблема в сайте, и пока он не обновит сертификаты, доступ к сайту может быть получен только путем добавления в исключения, который описан ближе к концу статьи.

Причина 3: к сертификату нет доверия, так как сертификат его издателя неизвестен

Подобная ошибка может возникнуть в двух случаях: сайту действительно не стоит доверять, или же проблема заключается в файле cert8.db, расположенном в папке профиля Firefox, который был поврежден.

Если вы уверены в безопасности сайта, то, вероятно, проблема все же заключается в поврежденном файле. И чтобы решить проблему, потребуется, чтобы Mozilla Firefox создала новый такой файл, а значит, необходимо удалить старую версию.

Чтобы попасть в папку профиля, щелкните по кнопке меню Firefox и в отобразившемся окне щелкните по иконке со знаком вопроса.

Firefox ошибка при установлении защищенного соединения

В той же области окна отобразится дополнительное меню, в котором потребуется щелкнуть по пункту «Информация для решения проблем».

Firefox ошибка при установлении защищенного соединения

В открывшемся окне щелкните по кнопке «Показать папку».

Firefox ошибка при установлении защищенного соединения

После того, как на экране появится папка профиля, необходимо закрыть Mozilla Firefox. Для этого щелкните по кнопке меню браузера и в отобразившемся окне кликните по кнопке «Выход».

Firefox ошибка при установлении защищенного соединения

Теперь вернемся к папке профиля. Найдите в ней файл cert8.db, щелкните по нему правой кнопкой мыши и выберите пункт «Удалить».

Firefox ошибка при установлении защищенного соединения

Как только файл будет удален, можете закрыть папку профиля и снова запустить Firefox.

Причина 4: к сертификату нет доверия, т.к. отсутствует цепочка сертификатов

Подобная ошибка возникает, как привило, из-за антивирусов, в которых активирована функция SSL-сканирования. Перейдите в настройки антивируса и отключите функцию сетевого (SSL) сканирования.

Как устранить ошибку при переходе на незащищенный сайт?

Если сообщение «Ошибка при переходе на защищенное соединение» появляется, если вы переходите на незащищенный сайт, это может говорить о конфликте настроек, дополнений и тем.

Прежде всего, откройте меню браузера и перейдите к разделу «Дополнения». В левой области окна, открыв вкладку «Расширения», отключите максимальное количество расширений, установленных для вашего браузера.

Firefox ошибка при установлении защищенного соединения

Следом перейдите ко вкладке «Внешний вид» и удалите все сторонние темы, оставив и применив для Firefox стандартную.

Firefox ошибка при установлении защищенного соединения

После выполнения данных действий проверьте наличие ошибки. Если она осталась, попробуйте отключить аппаратное ускорение.

Для этого щелкните по кнопке меню браузера и перейдите к разделу «Настройки».

Firefox ошибка при установлении защищенного соединения

В левой области окна перейдите ко вкладке «Дополнительные», а в верхней откройте подвкладку «Общие». В данном окне вам потребуется снять галочку с пункта «По возможности использовать аппаратное ускорение».

Firefox ошибка при установлении защищенного соединения

Обход ошибки

Если вы так и не смогли устранить сообщение «Ошибка при установлении защищенного соединения», но при этом уверены в безопасности сайта, устранить проблему можно, обойдя настойчивое предупреждение Firefox.

Для этого в окне с ошибкой щелкните по кнопке «Или же вы можете добавить исключение», после чего кликните по появившейся кнопке «Добавить исключение».

На экране отобразится окно, в котором щелкните по кнопке «Получить сертификат», а затем кликните по кнопке «Подтвердить исключение безопасности».


Надеемся данная статья помогла вам устранить проблемы в работе Mozilla Firefox.


  1. Ssl error inappropriate fallback alert
  2. Выбранное решение
  3. Ssl error inappropriate fallback alert
  4. Chosen solution
  5. All Replies (11)
  6. Chosen Solution
  7. Ssl error inappropriate fallback alert
  8. Поиск в Поддержке
  9. «ssl_error_inappropriate_fallback_alert» error on certain https://-sites
  10. Выбранное решение
  11. Все ответы (11)
  12. Выбранное решение
  13. Ssl error inappropriate fallback alert
  14. Chosen solution

Ssl error inappropriate fallback alert

I’m trying to troubleshoot an issue that seems to be specific to FireFox and a specific website.

If you browse to with FireFox, and then on the right side of the page click on «Denali Commission Project Database», FireFox will first pop up a message that says: «Your connection is not secure»

Then if you click on Advanced and click the «(Not secure) Try loading using outdated security» that page will fail to load with the following error message:

«An error occurred during a connection to The server rejected the handshake because the client downgraded to a lower TLS version than the server supports. Error code: SSL_ERROR_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK_ALERT»

Before anyone says «have you tried searching our forums or Google?», I’ve been researching this issue for the past hour and have not been able to come up with a solution. I checked the TSL settings on the «about:config» page and changed the version.min settings, but that does not fix the problem.

I have not been able to come up with anything, and so I turn to you guys. 🙂

Has anyone seen this issue before and has a fix? The error is easily reproducible: Browse to the page using FireFox and I’m sure you’ll see the same error.

However, the page loads fine in other browsers. Except, I don’t want to use other browsers; I want to use FireFox.

Выбранное решение

Hmm, I get «SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP» and then a link that says «(Not secure) Try loading using outdated security» and then when I try that I get the «SSL_ERROR_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK_ALERT» error.

I think the real problem might be no ciphers in common between the server and Firefox. That’s a problem I can’t work around. Chrome (on my system, at least) supports just one of the site’s four ciphers (bolded):

TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (0x3c) TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0x9c) TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 (0x3d) TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (0x9d)

Hopefully the operators of the site will add some other ciphers so more browsers can connect.


Ssl error inappropriate fallback alert

I get this error on certain https://-sites: «The server rejected the handshake because the client downgraded to a lower TLS version than the server supports. (Error code: ssl_error_inappropriate_fallback_alert)»

This happens on, and certain (but not all) other https://-sites.

All security.ssl.* and security.tls.* settings in about:config are default (non-bold)

Chosen solution

thanks for the detailed information — everything looks as it’s supposed to be and no source for the problem is obvious.

maybe this sounds dumb, but on this similarly puzzling thread a reboot of the system helped:

hi KnutB, which security software is running on your system?

The antivirus program is actually called «Charity Antivirus» ( I believe it’s supposed to be just Bitdefender with a different name, but I can’t find any way to configure it the way it’s described in the link. I can only disable it completely, and that does not solve the problem.

unfortunately i’m not familiar with this program but if it’s a derivative of bitdefender i’m positively sure that the solution will be the same as in those threads:

please try to go trough all the preferences offered by the tool and see if there’s a way to disable «ssl scan».

Thank you for your patience. The solution described is for Bitdefender Total Security. Charity Antivirus is perhaps based on one of the numerous other Bitdefender products (Bitdefender Antivirus, Bitdefender Virus Scannner, Bitdefender Antivirus Plus etc.)? I could not find any way to configure it. I have now uninstalled Bitdefender/Charity Antivirus and rebooted (twice). No antivirus software on the computer. I still get the ssl_error_inappropriate_fallback_alert error.

this error is a security measure in case a web-server detects that your computer is trying to connect with ssl 3.0 (which is now considered insecure after the «POODLE» vulnerability has been discovered).

can you double check in about:config that «security.tls.version.min» is set to 1 — then firefox won’t use ssl 3.0 and the issue is likely caused by some external interference.

you could also check in the firefox menu ≡ > options > advanced > network > connection — settings. if it is making a difference when you set firefox to directly connect to the internet (‘no proxy’).

if this doesn’t work either could you go to any https://-site you can still connect to, click on the lock as security indicator on the left of the address bar and go to «more information». in this window click the «view certificate» button and see what issued by section it contains — this might give further clues if something is interfering with your secure network traffic.

I double checked the security.tls.version.min setting in about:config: 1

The options > advanced > network > connection-setting was «no proxy». I tried to change it to «auto-detect». That did not help (unsurprisingly. )

Screenshots of the security/certificate information of two functioning https://-sites here

PS: I forgot to mention (and I don’t know if it matters) that I have no problem with any https://-sites in other browsers (IE and Chrome).

Chosen Solution

thanks for the detailed information — everything looks as it’s supposed to be and no source for the problem is obvious.

maybe this sounds dumb, but on this similarly puzzling thread a reboot of the system helped:

The reboot suggestion was definitely not dumb, because now it’s working 🙂 Which is very strange, since I have already rebooted at least 3 times, both before and after uninstalling the Bitdefender software.


Ssl error inappropriate fallback alert

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«ssl_error_inappropriate_fallback_alert» error on certain https://-sites

  • 11 ответов
  • 93 имеют эту проблему
  • 38 просмотров
  • Последний ответ от KnutB

I get this error on certain https://-sites: «The server rejected the handshake because the client downgraded to a lower TLS version than the server supports. (Error code: ssl_error_inappropriate_fallback_alert)»

This happens on, and certain (but not all) other https://-sites.

All security.ssl.* and security.tls.* settings in about:config are default (non-bold)

Выбранное решение

thanks for the detailed information — everything looks as it’s supposed to be and no source for the problem is obvious.

maybe this sounds dumb, but on this similarly puzzling thread a reboot of the system helped:

Все ответы (11)

hi KnutB, which security software is running on your system?

The antivirus program is actually called «Charity Antivirus» ( I believe it’s supposed to be just Bitdefender with a different name, but I can’t find any way to configure it the way it’s described in the link. I can only disable it completely, and that does not solve the problem.

unfortunately i’m not familiar with this program but if it’s a derivative of bitdefender i’m positively sure that the solution will be the same as in those threads:

please try to go trough all the preferences offered by the tool and see if there’s a way to disable «ssl scan».

Thank you for your patience. The solution described is for Bitdefender Total Security. Charity Antivirus is perhaps based on one of the numerous other Bitdefender products (Bitdefender Antivirus, Bitdefender Virus Scannner, Bitdefender Antivirus Plus etc.)? I could not find any way to configure it. I have now uninstalled Bitdefender/Charity Antivirus and rebooted (twice). No antivirus software on the computer. I still get the ssl_error_inappropriate_fallback_alert error.

this error is a security measure in case a web-server detects that your computer is trying to connect with ssl 3.0 (which is now considered insecure after the «POODLE» vulnerability has been discovered).

can you double check in about:config that «security.tls.version.min» is set to 1 — then firefox won’t use ssl 3.0 and the issue is likely caused by some external interference.

you could also check in the firefox menu ≡ > options > advanced > network > connection — settings. if it is making a difference when you set firefox to directly connect to the internet (‘no proxy’).

if this doesn’t work either could you go to any https://-site you can still connect to, click on the lock as security indicator on the left of the address bar and go to «more information». in this window click the «view certificate» button and see what issued by section it contains — this might give further clues if something is interfering with your secure network traffic.

I double checked the security.tls.version.min setting in about:config: 1

The options > advanced > network > connection-setting was «no proxy». I tried to change it to «auto-detect». That did not help (unsurprisingly. )

Screenshots of the security/certificate information of two functioning https://-sites here

PS: I forgot to mention (and I don’t know if it matters) that I have no problem with any https://-sites in other browsers (IE and Chrome).

Выбранное решение

thanks for the detailed information — everything looks as it’s supposed to be and no source for the problem is obvious.

maybe this sounds dumb, but on this similarly puzzling thread a reboot of the system helped:

The reboot suggestion was definitely not dumb, because now it’s working 🙂 Which is very strange, since I have already rebooted at least 3 times, both before and after uninstalling the Bitdefender software.


Ssl error inappropriate fallback alert

I’m trying to troubleshoot an issue that seems to be specific to FireFox and a specific website.

If you browse to with FireFox, and then on the right side of the page click on «Denali Commission Project Database», FireFox will first pop up a message that says: «Your connection is not secure»

Then if you click on Advanced and click the «(Not secure) Try loading using outdated security» that page will fail to load with the following error message:

«An error occurred during a connection to The server rejected the handshake because the client downgraded to a lower TLS version than the server supports. Error code: SSL_ERROR_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK_ALERT»

Before anyone says «have you tried searching our forums or Google?», I’ve been researching this issue for the past hour and have not been able to come up with a solution. I checked the TSL settings on the «about:config» page and changed the version.min settings, but that does not fix the problem.

I have not been able to come up with anything, and so I turn to you guys. 🙂

Has anyone seen this issue before and has a fix? The error is easily reproducible: Browse to the page using FireFox and I’m sure you’ll see the same error.

However, the page loads fine in other browsers. Except, I don’t want to use other browsers; I want to use FireFox.

Chosen solution

Hmm, I get «SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP» and then a link that says «(Not secure) Try loading using outdated security» and then when I try that I get the «SSL_ERROR_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK_ALERT» error.

I think the real problem might be no ciphers in common between the server and Firefox. That’s a problem I can’t work around. Chrome (on my system, at least) supports just one of the site’s four ciphers (bolded):

TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256 (0x3c) TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0x9c) TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256 (0x3d) TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 (0x9d)

Hopefully the operators of the site will add some other ciphers so more browsers can connect.


Firefox logo

I’m developing a web app. Currently, I’m using a self-signed certificate (getting it properly signed comes later).

When I have the web server set so that it only accepts TLS1.1 and TLS1.2, I’m getting a SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP error. And, of course, trying the ‘use outdated security’ link doesn’t work, since the web server won’t allow those connections.

If I temporarily allow insecure connections on the web server, Firefox will then allow me to accept the cert. After the cert is accepted, Firefox can then connect over only TLS1.1 and TLS1.2. So, most of the time, Firefox can find a common cypher for TLS1.1/1.2 connections.

(The web server is on an Ubuntu kernel, with OpenSSL1.0.1f.)

I’m developing a web app. Currently, I’m using a self-signed certificate (getting it properly signed comes later).

When I have the web server set so that it only accepts TLS1.1 and TLS1.2, I’m getting a SSL_ERROR_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP error. And, of course, trying the ‘use outdated security’ link doesn’t work, since the web server won’t allow those connections.

If I temporarily allow insecure connections on the web server, Firefox will then allow me to accept the cert. After the cert is accepted, Firefox can then connect over only TLS1.1 and TLS1.2. So, most of the time, Firefox can find a common cypher for TLS1.1/1.2 connections.

(The web server is on an Ubuntu kernel, with OpenSSL1.0.1f.)

Chosen solution

I finally figured out what is going on.

The fix is really in configuring OpenSSL; however, since Firefox is the browser that most readily displays the problem, I’m going to post the answer here.

[NOTE: if you get this error on Firefox, and you’re not in control of the web site you visit, you’ll need to send an e-mail to the web site administrator, with the error you’re getting]

Anyway, at issue is the separation in OpenSSL of the protocols supported vs. the cipher list.

In an app using OpenSSL, if you’re using anything older than OpenSSL 1.1.0, you’ll need to disable any protocol older than TLSv1. Do this with:

SSL_CTX_set_options(ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 | SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3);

(Note that recent versions of OpenSSL before version 1.1.0 have SSLv2 turned off by default, but it doesn’t hurt to explicitly disable it with this call. Also note that if you disable TLSv1 [i.e. add ‘ | SSL_OP_NO_TLSv1’ to the above call], you’ll break compatibility with some apps that make HTTPS calls; for example Firefox appears to use TLSv1 to do the certificate exchange, before going to stronger protocols for the session).

The key to understanding the SSL_NO_CYPHER_OVERLAP error is that TLSv1 only uses SSLv3 ciphers.

So, I was running into this issue because when I disabled SSLv3, I was also disabling the SSLv3 ciphers. To set the OpenSSL ciphers, use something like:

SSL_CTL_set_cipher_list(ctx, «TLSv1.2:TLSv1:SSLv3:!SSLv2:HIGH:!MEDIUM:!LOW»);

If you use instead (as I was originally using):

SSL_CTL_set_cipher_list(ctx, «TLSv1.2:TLSv1:!SSLv3:!SSLv2:HIGH:!MEDIUM:!LOW»);

You’ll effectively disable TLSv1, since there are no TLSv1-specific ciphers (at least in OpenSSL), and with the SSLv3 ciphers disabled, it isn’t possible to establish a TLSv1 connection.

With SSLv3 disabled, but the TLSv1/SSLv3 ciphers enabled, Firefox is able to get the certificates. After this, I see that Firefox then establishes a TLSv1.2 connection.

Most of the above solution is not needed for OpenSSL 1.1.0, since that has no support for SSLv3 at all.

Read this answer in context
👍 4

All Replies (20)

Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately, I’m developing behind a firewall, so said site isn’t able to scan it.

Is there a way to find out what ciphers Firefox attempted?

(It still seems strange that if I have Firefox accept the certificate, by temporarily reducing security, that Firefox is then able to agree on a high security cipher.)

Don’t know if I’m quite clicking on the correct place.

With Network Monitor open, if I click on the GET request, the security tab is only saying that the security certificate is invalid (which I expect, since it is invalid).

In experimenting with different security settings on the server, it appears that when I get «invalid certificate», it is using SSLv3, while if I set the server for TLS only, I get «no cypher overlap» (although I’m not seeing a SSLv3 warning in the security tab).

If I go to about:config, and search on security*ssl, I see a large number of enabled ciphers in the list. If I search on security*tls, I don’t see any ciphers listed.

I’ve attached screen shots. The one with «no cypher overlap» is what I get when I disable SSLv3 on my web server, and the one with «unknown issuer» is what I get when I enable SSLv3 on my web server.

(Both Chrome and IE just give me the «invalid certificate» error, but will otherwise connect.)

Modified May 18, 2016 at 9:55:13 AM PST by gshonle

I did a tcpdump trace; is the system running Firefox; is the Linux server. See attached image.

Here are the TLSv1.2 ciphers supported by the Linux OpenSSL:


So, it looks like they almost overlap…

SSL handshaking is over my head, but two things:

(1) Under no circumstances will recent versions of Firefox use SSLv3 as a protocol. The lowest supported protocol is TLS 1.0.

(2) In about:config, the preference names for the ciphers contain ssl3, but this is an historical artifact and has no bearing on the protocol that is used. These ciphers need to be enabled in order to be available for TLS connections.

There are two ciphers I recommend setting to false, since they are associated with the Logjam issue:


Some users may prefer to set the two RC4 ciphers to false as well, but this may create problems with older Microsoft IIS servers.

You should be able to connect securely using these ciphers (your list => Firefox preference name):

ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 => security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha256

ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 => security.ssl3.ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_128_gcm_sha256

Both security.ssl3.ecdhe_rsa_aes_128_gcm_sha256 and security.ssl3.ecdhe_ecdsa_aes_128_gcm_sha256 are enabled in Firefox (I’m using the default settings for everything).

So… Still puzzled about what’s going on…

See next post

Looking at your last screen shot («Client Hello»), I’m a little baffled. Is that the client machine’s cipher list? It doesn’t match Firefox’s list — in particular, to my knowledge, Firefox does not support any CBC ciphers, which comprise nearly all of what’s listed. Do you have a proxy in front of Firefox on the client?

Modified May 18, 2016 at 11:47:47 AM PST by jscher2000 — Support Volunteer

Oops, I’m wrong based on this site: — CBC appears in several of the cipher names there even if they do not appear in about:config.

Cipher Suites (in order of preference)
TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0xc02b) Forward Secrecy 128
TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 (0xc02f) Forward Secrecy 128
TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (0xc00a) Forward Secrecy 256
TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (0xc009) Forward Secrecy 128
TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (0xc013) Forward Secrecy 128
TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (0xc014) Forward Secrecy 256
TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (0x2f) 128
TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (0x35) 256

These two do not appear on my normal list, as I have disabled them as mentioned earlier:

TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA (0x33) Forward Secrecy 128
TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA (0x39) Forward Secrecy 256

With those, there are 11 as you saw in Client Hello.

The Hello Client packet is what was sent by the system running Firefox; it was sent when Firefox attempted the connection.

I double-checked, and I don’t have a proxy in front of Firefox.

To quote Alice: Curiouser and curiouser…

Yes, OpenSSL 1.0.1f is from January of 2014, and I’d prefer if we went to a newer version. Unfortunately, the current plan is to not move to a newer OpenSSL right now (not my choice).

Any ideas on a next step?

What happens if you click the «(Not secure) Try loading» link?

If you also need to override the bad certificate, accept a temporary exception.

Then assuming you get a secure connection, check the protocol and cipher listed on the Page Info dialog, security panel, toward the bottom, which you can view using either:

  • right-click (on Mac Ctrl+click) a blank area of the page and choose View Page Info > Security
  • (menu bar) Tools > Page Info > Security
  • click the padlock or «i» icon in the address bar, then the «>» button, then More Information

What shows as in use there?

See attached for what happens if I click on the (Not secure) link. Since my server is set to not use SSLv3, Firefox can’t connect.

If I temporarily enable SSLv3 on my server, I can accept the invalid certificate. Then, the connection uses TLS 1.2 (Cipher is TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA, 128 bit keys). (If I permanently accept the certificate, I can always connect immediately, even with SSLv3 disabled on my server.)

I don’t think this has anything to do with SSLv3, since Firefox 46 does not support SSLv3 at all under any circumstances. When you enable SSLv3 on the server, I think that must change something else at the same time.

The error you got was SSL_ERROR_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK_ALERT which indicated the server tried to downgrade from TLS1.2 to a lower protocol. That doesn’t really make sense from what you’re describing, but might be seen with RC4 ciphers.

Anyway, no point troubleshooting this old version of OpenSSL any further.

The product I’m working on has an embedded Linux system, with a web server as part of the total product. Because it is not running on standard hardware, we’re limited on which Linux distros we can use. The latest OpenSSL deb package for that distro is 1.0.1f. For reasons beyond the scope of this discussion, we are only using updates that have deb packages.

So, unfortunately, it looks like we’ll have to document that only Chrome and IE are supported, and to not use Firefox.

Modified May 24, 2016 at 1:07:42 PM PST by gshonle

You might bring it to your supplier’s attention, since they ultimately will be blamed for your product’s inability to make a secure connection with Firefox.

I’m not sure if it’s applicable to your product, but for some websites, you can enable fallback by adding a host name to this preference:

(1) In a new tab, type or paste about:config in the address bar and press Enter/Return. Click the button promising to be careful.

(2) In the search box above the list, type or paste TLS and pause while the list is filtered

(3) Double-click the security.tls.insecure_fallback_hosts preference and, either:

(A) If it’s empty, type or paste the host name and click OK

(B) If one or more other host names is already listed, press the End key to go to the end, type a comma, then type or paste the additonal host name and click OK

If I add the host to the insecure_fallback_hosts, I now get: «The server rejected the handshake because the client downgraded to a lower TLS version than the server supports. Error code: SSL_ERROR_INAPPROPRIATE_FALLBACK_ALERT»

The server is currently configured for TLSv1.2, TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.

You can try to increase security.tls.version.min temporarily to 2 (or 3) to see what effect this has.


Aug 25, 2001




  • #1

Secure Connection Failed

An error occurred during a connection to The server rejected the handshake because the client downgraded to a lower TLS version than the server supports. (Error code: ssl_error_inappropriate_fallback_alert)

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem

Browser is Waterfox 35.0, recently updated (although the pages loaded fine after the update). I just did Windows 7 updates just now, and immediately afterwards, that’s when WikiPedia failed to load.

Last edited: Feb 16, 2015

  • #2

The server rejected the handshake because the client downgraded to a lower TLS version than the server supports. (Error code: ssl_error_inappropriate_fallback_alert)

If you run through Qualys’s scanner at, you will see that the server only supports TLS 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2. I’m guessing your browser is trying to use either SSL 3 or SSL 2 (both of which are no longer secure) and the server is rejecting it.

I’m not familiar with Waterfox, but look for your TLS/SSL settings and make sure the TLS protocols are enabled and SSL is disabled.

Edit: actually, after reading the IETF doc on TLS Fallback SCSV (, it sounds like your browser attempted a supported version of TLS first, the handshake failed, and then the downgrade was rejected. Again, I’m not familiar with Waterfox…but I would try another browser as a first test, and then go from there.

Last edited: Feb 17, 2015

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