Навыки — это атрибуты персонажа, которые улучшаются с помощью специальных инструментов или действий. Повышение навыков повысит уровень владения определёнными инструментами и откроет полезные и уникальные рецепты изготовления предметов. Следует отметить, что любые рецепты, изученные через подъем уровней, не будут доступны до вашего следующего сохранения (то есть до наступления нового дня).
Всего имеется 5 навыков: Фермерство, Горное дело, Собирательство, Рыбная ловля, Боевые навыки. У каждого навыка 10 уровней. На 5-ом и 10-ом уровнях игрок должен выбрать одну из двух профессий.
Примечание: Профессии, увеличивающие стоимость продажи определенных предметов, начинают работать на следующий день после выбора. Например, при выборе профессии «Рыбак» на 5 уровне рыбной ловли, рыба, положенная в ящик продажи накануне вечером, будет продана по базовой цене, а уже на следующий день с бонусом 25%.
Для всех навыков для повышения уровня необходимо одинаковое количество опыта.
Уровень | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Опыт | 100 | 380 | 770 | 1300 | 2150 | 3300 | 4800 | 6900 | 10000 | 15000 |
Некоторые навыки могут быть временно улучшены употреблением определённых блюд. Эти навыки будут отображаться в виде значка рядом с игровыми часами в пользовательском интерфейсе. Навыки можно просмотреть на вкладке мастерства игрока в игровом меню паузы.
Навык обращения с инструментами
Все навыки максимального уровня
От навыка обращения зависит количество затрачиваемой энергии при использовании конкретного инструмента. С каждым увеличением уровня навыка обращения количество затрачиваемой энергии на использование инструмента снижается на 0,1 очко. (Игра учитывает дробные значения энергии, однако в интерфейсе все числа округлены до целых.)
На уровне навыка 0 кирка, топор и мотыга используют 2 очка энергии. Любая удочка использует 8 очков. Стартовая лейка использует 2 очка.
Улучшение лейки повышает количество затрачиваемой на полив энергии на 2 очка за каждое улучшение. На уровне фермерства 0 на одно использование стартовой лейки тратится 2 очка энергии, а иридиевой — 10 очков. На уровне фермерства 10 на одно использование стартовой лейки тратится 1 очко энергии, а иридиевой — 9 очков (10 минус 0,1 очко за каждый уровень навыка). На использование пустой лейки и её наполнение энергия не тратится.
На использование любой мотыги всегда тратится одинаковое количество энергии (2 очка на уровне фермерства 0 и 1 очко на уровне фермерства 10) независимо от того, сколько клеток за раз вы вскапываете.
Улучшение топора, кирки и мотыги не влияют на количество затрачиваемой на их использование энергии, однако улучшенные инструменты позволяют эффективнее её расходовать и тратить меньше энергии на выполнение задач.
На использование любой удочки уходит 8 очков энергии на уровне рыбной ловли 0 и 7 очков энергии на уровне рыбной ловли 10.
Использование крабовой ловушки никогда не тратит энергию.
Навык фермерства повышается во время сбора культур. Уход за животными также дает опыт: если их погладить, подоить или постричь или собрать животный продукт в птичнике или хлеве, игрок получит 5 очков опыта. Использование мотыги или лейки не дает опыта само по себе. Каждый уровень фермерства дает +1 к навыку обращения с мотыгой и лейкой.
Каждый уровень дает +1 к навыку обращения с мотыгой и лейкой. Уровень повышается во время сбора урожая. Уход за животными также увеличивает навык фермерства. |
Уровень | Награда | |
Уровень 1 | ||
Уровень 2 | ||
Уровень 3 | ||
Уровень 4 | ||
Уровень 5 | ||
Вы продаете продукты животноводства на 20% дороже. |
Вы продаете урожай на 10% дороже. |
Уровень 6 | ||
Уровень 7 | ||
Уровень 8 | ||
Уровень 9 | ||
Уровень 10 | ||
Животновод | Вы быстрее приручаете животных, живущих в птичнике. Инкубация яиц проходит вдвое быстрее. |
Вы быстрее приручаете животных, живущих в хлеву. Овцы быстрее обрастают шерстью. |
Культиватор | Вы продаете товары собственного изготовления (вино, сыр, масло и т.д.) на 40% дороже. |
Урожай поспевает на 10% быстрее. |
Горное дело
Навык горного дела повышается при разрушении камней. Каждый уровень горного дела дает +1 к навыку обращения с киркой.
Очки опыта в горном деле вы получаете после разрушения камней, способ их разрушения неважен: это может быть кирка, бомбы или действия монстров.
Навык горного дела улучшается разбиванием камней киркой. Каждый уровень добавляет +1 к эффективности кирки. |
Уровень | Награда | |
Уровень 1 | ||
Уровень 2 | ||
Уровень 3 | ||
Уровень 4 | ||
Уровень 5 | ||
+1 ед. руды на жилу |
Драгоценные камни могут появляться парами. (50% шанс) |
Уровень 6 | ||
Уровень 7 | ||
Уровень 8 | ||
Уровень 9 | ||
Уровень 10 | ||
Шахтeр | Вы продаете слитки на 50% дороже. (Относится к медным, железным, золотым и иридиевым слиткам) |
Уголь попадается в два раза чаще. |
Геолог | Жеоды попадаются в два раза чаще. |
Вы продаете драгоценные камни на 30% дороже. |
Навык собирательства растет от сбора диких растений и вырубки деревьев топором. Каждый уровень навыка собирательства дает +1 к навыку обращения с топором.
Вырубка дерева дает 12 очков опыта собирательства (очки выдаются после последнего удара, который валит дерево) + 1 очко опыта за вырубку пня, вырубка большого пня и большого бревна дают по 25 очков опыта.
Сбор растений, выращенные из диких семян на ферме, дает 3 очка опыта. Лук-батун, растущий в лесу к югу от домика Леи, тоже дает 3 очка опыта. Сбор диких растений вне фермы и трюфелей на ферме дает 7 очков за каждое.
Навык собирательства включает в себя как собирание дикорастущих растений, так и рубку деревьев топором. Каждый уровень добавляет +1 к эффективности топора. |
Уровень | Награда | |
Уровень 1 | ||
Уровень 2 | ||
Уровень 3 | ||
Уровень 4 | ||
Уровень 5 | ||
Вы получаете на 25% больше дерева с деревьев. (Относится к древесине и твердой древесине). |
Появляется шанс получить двойной сбор. (20% шанс) |
Уровень 6 | ||
Уровень 7 | ||
Уровень 8 | ||
Уровень 9 | ||
Уровень 10 | ||
Лесник | Из любого дерева может выпасть твердая древесина. |
Вы продаете сироп на 25% дороже. |
Собиратель | Все собранные растения и плоды всегда высшего качества. |
Все дикие растения и плоды показываются на карте. |
Рыбная ловля
Навык рыбной ловли повышается при ловле рыбы или мусора удочкой и при проверке крабовых ловушек. Каждый уровень дает +1 к навыку обращения с удочкой, увеличивает минимальную длину пойманной рыбы и длину полоски в мини-игре и уменьшает максимальное время ожидания клёва. От навыка рыбной ловли зависит также вероятность поймать рыбу серебряного или золотого качества.
Навык рыбной ловли влияет на ловлю рыбы. Он улучшается, когда ваш персонаж успешно завершает мини-игру рыбалки, то есть, с каждой пойманной рыбой. Каждый уровень добавляет +1 к эффективности удочки. |
Уровень | Награда | |
Уровень 1 | ||
Уровень 2 | ||
Уровень 3 | Крабовая ловушка доступна в рыбацком магазине |
Уровень 4 | Расстояние броска увеличено на одну клетку |
Уровень 5 | ||
Вы продаете всю рыбу на 25% дороже. |
Изготовление крабовых ловушек требует меньше материалов
Уровень 6 |
Уровень 7 | Пробковый поплавок и Искатель сокровищ доступны в рыбацком магазине |
Уровень 8 | Крючок с бородкой и украшенный спиннер доступны в рыбацком магазине Расстояние броска увеличено на одну клетку |
Уровень 9 | Магнит доступен в рыбацком магазине |
Уровень 10 | ||
Рыбак | Вы теперь продаете всю рыбу не на 25%, а на 50% дороже |
Увеличивает шанс выловить сокровища на 100% от базового |
Краболов |
Крабовые ловушки больше не требуют наживки. |
Боевые навыки
Навык боя отвечает за умение вашего персонажа сражаться с монстрами. Каждый уровень добавляет +5 к здоровью. |
Уровень | Награда | |
Уровень 1 | ||
Уровень 2 | ||
Уровень 3 | ||
Уровень 4 | ||
Уровень 5 | ||
Все ваши атаки наносят на 10% больше урона. (+15 ОЗ) |
Шанс критической атаки увеличен на 50%. (+0 ОЗ) |
Уровень 6 | ||
Уровень 7 | ||
Уровень 8 | ||
Уровень 9 | ||
Уровень 10 | ||
Боец | Все ваши атаки наносят на 15% больше урона. (+0 ОЗ) |
+25 ОЗ. |
Разведчик | Можно использовать особые атаки в два раза чаще. (+0 ОЗ) |
Критические атаки более разрушительны. (+0 ОЗ) |
Изменение профессий
Статуя неуверенности в канализации позволит вам сменить любую выбранную ранее профессию. После пожертвования 10 000 статуя предложит вам выбрать навык, профессии которого вы хотите поменять. Отправившись спать, появится экран выбора профессии 5-го, а затем и 10-го уровней того навыка, который вы выбрали. Статуя позволяет изменить лишь одну профессию за ночь.
В зависимости от общей суммы навыков вы получаете звание. Оно указано под именем во вкладке навыков в меню игрока. Кроме того, его и ваш общий уровень можно посмотреть в инвентаре, если навести курсор на портрет игрока.
Общей уровень считается по следующей формуле:
(уровень фермерства + уровень рыбной ловли + уровень собирательства + уровень боевых навыков + уровень горного дела + уровень удачи) / 2
Все возможные звания:
- уровень >= 30: Король Фермы
- уровень > 28: Урожайных дел мастер
- уровень > 26: Земледелец
- уровень > 24: Фермер
- уровень > 22: Владелец ранчо
- уровень > 20: Плантатор
- уровень > 18: Главный по ферме
- уровень > 16: Девчонка с фермы / Парень с фермы
- уровень > 14: Хлебопашец
- уровень > 12: Мелкий фермер
- уровень > 10: Культиватор
- уровень > 8: Рабочий
- уровень > 6: Пастух
- уровень > 4: Деревенский
- уровень > 2: Новичок
- уровень <= 2: Приезжий
Чтобы получить самое высокое звание «Король Фермы», нужно достичь уровня 10 всех навыков, а также уровня удачи 10. К сожалению, уровень удачи (отдельная от ежедневной удачи величина) на данный момент так и не реализован. По-видимому, судя по коду игры, намеревалось сделать его шестым навыком, который можно было бы повышать, как и остальные пять.
Навыки и характеристики | |
Навыки | |
Характеристики | • |
Основы |
Начало • Персонаж • Управление • Здоровье и Энергия • Навыки • Суточный цикл • Бумажник |
Getting Started |
The Player |
Options | Controls | Mobile Controls |
Health | Energy | Skills | Day Cycle |
Skills are player attributes which are leveled up through the use of specific tools or actions. Each skill has ten levels. A skill level increase is awarded immediately upon earning enough experience points for a new level, and is immediately displayed on the skills tab of the inventory. The new skill level immediately increases the proficiency of the tool(s) associated with that skill.
Overnight, after the player goes to bed on the day a skill level increases, a popup announces the increase, and additionally awards knowledge of any applicable crafting or cooking recipes. At level 5 and level 10, players also select which one of two available Professions to specialize in. Each profession has its own set of benefits, such as sell price bonuses for related items. It should be noted that awards of recipe knowledge or profession benefits do not take place until seen in the popup overnight, and are not available until the first thing the following morning. In particular, items sold or shipped the day of the skill level increase do not receive the new price bonuses. Like recipes, profession benefits are only available beginning the following day.
All skills need the following experience points to increase skill level:
A variety of skills can be temporarily improved by eating specific foods. These skills will appear as a buff icon next to the player clock in the user interface. Skills can be viewed in the player skill tab in the game pause menu.
Proficiency refers to the amount of energy required to use a specific tool.
At skill level 0, each successful use of a Pickaxe, Axe, or Hoe costs 2 energy. Unsuccessful uses (e.g., attempting to chop a Large Log with the starter axe) cost 1 energy. Each cast of the Fishing Pole costs 8 energy, even if the cast fails (e.g., the fishing line does not land in water). The starter Watering Can uses 2 energy.
Each increase in skill decreases energy requirements by 0.1 points for specific tools (listed below). Skill increases past level 10 (only possible temporarily via Buffs) continue to decrease the energy requirements. So, for example, using a Pickaxe at Mining level 13 costs only 0.7 points per swing. (The game keeps track of fractional amounts of energy, but in the user interface they are rounded to the nearest integer.)
Powering up an upgraded Watering Can increases its energy cost by 2 points per power-up; each increase in skill decreases the energy requirement by 0.1 points (regardless of power level). At Farming Level 0, the starter can uses 2 energy to water one tile; the iridium can at maximum power uses 10 energy to water eighteen tiles. At Farming Level 10, the starter can uses 1 energy; the iridium at maximum power uses 9 energy (10 minus 0.1 per skill level). Using an upgraded can to water fewer tiles than it is able costs the same energy as the first watering can upgrade that is able to water that many tiles (single tile always the same as starter can, 5 tiles always the same as steel can). Attempting to use an empty watering can doesn’t cost energy. Filling a watering can never uses energy.
Upgrading an Axe, Pickaxe, or Hoe does not alter the amount of energy required to use it. The increased power of the Axe and Pickaxe and increased area-of-effect of the Hoe will result in less overall energy used for the same task than a lower-level tool.
Note that all Hoes use the same energy (2 points at Farming Level 0, and 1 point at Farming Level 10), whether powered-up or used to till one tile of soil.
All fishing poles use the same energy: 8 points at Fishing Level 0, and 7 points at Fishing Level 10.
Neither loading a Crab Pot with Bait nor harvesting it uses any energy, at any skill level.
- Main article: Farming
Farming skill is gained by harvesting crops. Caring for animals also adds experience: Petting, milking, and shearing farm animals or picking up an animal product inside a barn or coop each give 5 experience points. Using a hoe or watering can does not grant experience by itself. Each level grants +1 proficiency to hoes and watering cans.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting / Cooking Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Choose a Profession: | |
Animal products worth 20% more. |
Crops worth 10% more. (Bonus applies to all Vegetables and Flowers, plus any Fruit that has not been foraged) |
Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 | Level 9 | Level 10 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Rancher: | Tiller: |
Befriend coop animals quicker. Incubation time (for Incubator and Ostrich Incubator) cut in half. (Also improves coop product quality, see details here) |
Artisan goods (wine, cheese, oil, etc.) worth 40% more. (Note that oil does not actually benefit from the Artisan Profession) |
Befriend barn animals quicker. Sheep produce wool faster. (Also improves barn product quality, see details here) |
All crops grow 10% faster. |
- Main article: Mining
Mining skill is increased by breaking rocks. Each level adds +1 to Pickaxe proficiency.
Mining skill points are awarded when rocks are destroyed — it doesn’t matter if this is done by Pickaxe, Bombs, or by the action of Monsters.
Different rock types give different numbers of experience points.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Cooking Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Choose a Profession: | |
Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 | Level 9 | Level 10 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Miner: | Geologist: |
- Main article: Foraging
Foraging skill is increased both by gathering forage items found on the ground throughout Stardew Valley and by chopping down Trees with an Axe. Each foraging skill level adds +1 axe proficiency.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Cooking Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Choose a Profession: | |
Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 | Level 9 | Level 10 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Forester: | Gatherer: |
Experience Points
Experience points (XP) are granted as follows:
- 12 XP for chopping down a tree with an axe (granted all at once for the last chop that causes the tree to fall).
- 1 XP for removing the tree stump after chopping down a tree.
- 25 XP for removing Large Stumps and Large Logs.
- 7 XP for each foraged item picked up from the ground.
- If the Gatherer profession doubles the foraged item, another 7 XP is granted for the extra item.
- 3 XP for each Spring Onion harvested from Cindersap Forest in Spring.
The 7 XP for foraging items applies solely to those items visible sitting on the ground that are picked up only if the player clicks on them; it does not apply to items lying on the ground (e.g., dropped by shaking) that are automatically added to the player inventory by magnetism. Specific items that do grant 7 XP include:
- Standard randomly-spawned foraged items throughout Stardew Valley and Calico Desert.
- Items grown from Wild Seeds (except if in a Garden Pot, in which case 0 XP).
- All items foraged from the Beach and the west side of Ginger Island.
- All fruit collected from the Farm Cave, if the fruit bat option was selected.
- All mushrooms collected from the Ginger Island Mushroom Cave.
- Truffles.
- Forage items spawned on the ground in the Mines and Skull Cavern, namely Red Mushrooms, Purple Mushrooms, and Fiddlehead Ferns.
The following Items do NOT grant any foraging experience:
- Trees felled by Bombs (however, weakening a tree with bombs before felling it with an axe will still give full XP).
- Blackberries and Salmonberries from bushes (whether picked by the player or shaken loose by animals).
- Grapes grown from Grape Starters (grants Farming XP instead).
- Items dug up from artifact spots, such as Snow Yams and Winter Roots.
- Items grown in Garden Pots.
- Mushrooms collected from the Farm Cave if the mushroom option was selected.
- Mushrooms obtained from chopping or tapping a Mushroom Tree.
- Non-forage items spawned on the ground in the Mines and Skull Cavern, namely Quartz, Earth Crystals, Frozen Tears, Fire Quartz, and Dinosaur Eggs — except that a bug causes any duplicates created by the Gatherer profession to give 7 XP.
- Forageables obtained from killing Monsters.
- Gingers dug up from the ground.
- Main article: Fishing
Fishing Skill is increased by catching Fish, Trash, Seaweed, Green Algae, or White Algae with a Fishing Rod/Pole or by harvesting Crab Pots.
Each level grants +1 Fishing Rod Proficiency, increases the minimum fish size (in/cm) and bobber bar height, and decreases the max amount of time before fish bite. Fishing skill also increases the chance to find quality (silver or gold star) fish.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting / Cooking Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Choose a Profession: | |
Casting distance increased by one tile |
Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 | Level 9 | Level 10 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting / Cooking Recipes: | Fisher: | Trapper: |
- Main article: Combat
Combat skill is increased by fighting monsters. Some levels add to the player’s total HP (health points), as shown by an increase in the health meter.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Cooking Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Choose a Profession: | |
(Note that the increase is multiplicative. The formula is: critChance = critChance * 1.5) |
Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 | Level 9 | Level 10 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting / Cooking Recipes: | Fighter: | Scout: |
(Stacks multiplicatively with Fighter) |
(2x Critical strike damage) |
Changing Professions
The Statue Of Uncertainty in The Sewers allows the player to change professions. After donating 10,000g, the statue requires the player to choose one skill to change. That night after the player goes to bed, the Level 5 «Choose a profession» screen will appear, followed by the corresponding Level 10 «Choose a profession» screen for the skill selected at the statue.
Only skills for which professions have already been chosen will appear in the Statue’s menu. As soon as the player chooses a profession to change, the bonuses for existing professions disappear. Skills that gives bonuses to sell prices will not apply to items placed in the shipping bin the day the profession is changed.
Just like levelling up a skill at the end of the day causes the player to wake up with full energy the next day no matter what, using this statue on any given day will cause the player to wake up with full energy the next day as well.
Skill-Based Title
Based on the total Skill level a certain Title is given under the player’s name in the Skills tab of the Player Menu. Their level and title are also visible when hovering over their picture on the Inventory Tab of the Player Menu.
The level is calculated as follows: (farmingLevel + fishingLevel + foragingLevel + combatLevel + miningLevel + luckLevel) / 2
If the resulting number ends in 0.5, the decimal value is truncated, and only the integer portion is considered.
Here are the possible Titles:
- level ≥ 30: Farm King
- level > 28: Cropmaster
- level > 26: Agriculturist
- level > 24: Farmer
- level > 22: Rancher
- level > 20: Planter
- level > 18: Granger
- level > 16: Farmgirl/Farmboy
- level > 14: Sodbuster
- level > 12: Smallholder
- level > 10: Tiller
- level > 8: Farmhand
- level > 6: Cowpoke
- level > 4: Bumpkin
- level > 2: Greenhorn
- level ≤ 2: Newcomer
Luck level 10 as well as level 10 in all Skills would be needed to get the Highest title, Farm King. Unfortunately, luck level (a value separate from daily Luck) is not implemented in the game as of PC v1.5. Luck level appears (in the game code) to have been intended as a 6th skill that could be leveled up, like the other skills. This means that the highest level possible is 25, making «Farmer» the best obtainable title.
Unused Content
There is a reference in the game’s code to an unused skill point system. The system appears to allow the player to accumulate and spend skill points.
Based on the unused code, there would have been 36 skill point increases to go through, which were based on a combination of the player’s skill level and the cumulative amount of money the player had earned. There is no indication of what the points would be spent on.[1]
- ↑ See Farmer::checkForLevelUp in the game code.
- 1.3.27: Added Statue of Uncertainty. Removing a regular tree stump now gives +1 Foraging experience.
- 1.4: Fixed Prospector profession not applied to rocks destroyed in the mines.
- 1.4.1: Profession bonuses now disappear as soon as a profession is chosen to be changed at the Statue of Uncertainty. Only skills that have already chosen professions are shown in the Statue’s menu.
Skills & Stats | |
Skills | Farming • Mining • Foraging • Fishing • Combat |
Stats | Attack • Crit. Chance • Crit. Power • Defense • Immunity • Luck • Magnetism • Speed • Weight |
Getting Started |
The Player |
Options | Controls | Mobile Controls |
Health | Energy | Skills | Day Cycle |
Skills are player attributes which are leveled up through the use of specific tools or actions. Each skill has ten levels. A skill level increase is awarded immediately upon earning enough experience points for a new level, and is immediately displayed on the skills tab of the inventory. The new skill level immediately increases the proficiency of the tool(s) associated with that skill.
Overnight, after the player goes to bed on the day a skill level increases, a popup announces the increase, and additionally awards knowledge of any applicable crafting or cooking recipes. At level 5 and level 10, players also select which one of two available Professions to specialize in. Each profession has its own set of benefits, such as sell price bonuses for related items. It should be noted that awards of recipe knowledge or profession benefits do not take place until seen in the popup overnight, and are not available until the first thing the following morning. In particular, items sold or shipped the day of the skill level increase do not receive the new price bonuses. Like recipes, profession benefits are only available beginning the following day.
All skills need the following experience points to increase skill level:
A variety of skills can be temporarily improved by eating specific foods. These skills will appear as a buff icon next to the player clock in the user interface. Skills can be viewed in the player skill tab in the game pause menu.
Proficiency refers to the amount of energy required to use a specific tool.
At skill level 0, each successful use of a Pickaxe, Axe, or Hoe costs 2 energy. Unsuccessful uses (e.g., attempting to chop a Large Log with the starter axe) cost 1 energy. Each cast of the Fishing Pole costs 8 energy, even if the cast fails (e.g., the fishing line does not land in water). The starter Watering Can uses 2 energy.
Each increase in skill decreases energy requirements by 0.1 points for specific tools (listed below). Skill increases past level 10 (only possible temporarily via Buffs) continue to decrease the energy requirements. So, for example, using a Pickaxe at Mining level 13 costs only 0.7 points per swing. (The game keeps track of fractional amounts of energy, but in the user interface they are rounded to the nearest integer.)
Powering up an upgraded Watering Can increases its energy cost by 2 points per power-up; each increase in skill decreases the energy requirement by 0.1 points (regardless of power level). At Farming Level 0, the starter can uses 2 energy to water one tile; the iridium can at maximum power uses 10 energy to water eighteen tiles. At Farming Level 10, the starter can uses 1 energy; the iridium at maximum power uses 9 energy (10 minus 0.1 per skill level). Using an upgraded can to water fewer tiles than it is able costs the same energy as the first watering can upgrade that is able to water that many tiles (single tile always the same as starter can, 5 tiles always the same as steel can). Attempting to use an empty watering can doesn’t cost energy. Filling a watering can never uses energy.
Upgrading an Axe, Pickaxe, or Hoe does not alter the amount of energy required to use it. The increased power of the Axe and Pickaxe and increased area-of-effect of the Hoe will result in less overall energy used for the same task than a lower-level tool.
Note that all Hoes use the same energy (2 points at Farming Level 0, and 1 point at Farming Level 10), whether powered-up or used to till one tile of soil.
All fishing poles use the same energy: 8 points at Fishing Level 0, and 7 points at Fishing Level 10.
Neither loading a Crab Pot with Bait nor harvesting it uses any energy, at any skill level.
- Main article: Farming
Farming skill is gained by harvesting crops. Caring for animals also adds experience: Petting, milking, and shearing farm animals or picking up an animal product inside a barn or coop each give 5 experience points. Using a hoe or watering can does not grant experience by itself. Each level grants +1 proficiency to hoes and watering cans.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting / Cooking Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Choose a Profession: | |
Animal products worth 20% more. |
Crops worth 10% more. (Bonus applies to all Vegetables and Flowers, plus any Fruit that has not been foraged) |
Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 | Level 9 | Level 10 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Rancher: | Tiller: |
Befriend coop animals quicker. Incubation time (for Incubator and Ostrich Incubator) cut in half. (Also improves coop product quality, see details here) |
Artisan goods (wine, cheese, oil, etc.) worth 40% more. (Note that oil does not actually benefit from the Artisan Profession) |
Befriend barn animals quicker. Sheep produce wool faster. (Also improves barn product quality, see details here) |
All crops grow 10% faster. |
- Main article: Mining
Mining skill is increased by breaking rocks. Each level adds +1 to Pickaxe proficiency.
Mining skill points are awarded when rocks are destroyed — it doesn’t matter if this is done by Pickaxe, Bombs, or by the action of Monsters.
Different rock types give different numbers of experience points.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Cooking Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Choose a Profession: | |
Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 | Level 9 | Level 10 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Miner: | Geologist: |
- Main article: Foraging
Foraging skill is increased both by gathering forage items found on the ground throughout Stardew Valley and by chopping down Trees with an Axe. Each foraging skill level adds +1 axe proficiency.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Cooking Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Choose a Profession: | |
Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 | Level 9 | Level 10 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Forester: | Gatherer: |
Experience Points
Experience points (XP) are granted as follows:
- 12 XP for chopping down a tree with an axe (granted all at once for the last chop that causes the tree to fall).
- 1 XP for removing the tree stump after chopping down a tree.
- 25 XP for removing Large Stumps and Large Logs.
- 7 XP for each foraged item picked up from the ground.
- If the Gatherer profession doubles the foraged item, another 7 XP is granted for the extra item.
- 3 XP for each Spring Onion harvested from Cindersap Forest in Spring.
The 7 XP for foraging items applies solely to those items visible sitting on the ground that are picked up only if the player clicks on them; it does not apply to items lying on the ground (e.g., dropped by shaking) that are automatically added to the player inventory by magnetism. Specific items that do grant 7 XP include:
- Standard randomly-spawned foraged items throughout Stardew Valley and Calico Desert.
- Items grown from Wild Seeds (except if in a Garden Pot, in which case 0 XP).
- All items foraged from the Beach and the west side of Ginger Island.
- All fruit collected from the Farm Cave, if the fruit bat option was selected.
- All mushrooms collected from the Ginger Island Mushroom Cave.
- Truffles.
- Forage items spawned on the ground in the Mines and Skull Cavern, namely Red Mushrooms, Purple Mushrooms, and Fiddlehead Ferns.
The following Items do NOT grant any foraging experience:
- Trees felled by Bombs (however, weakening a tree with bombs before felling it with an axe will still give full XP).
- Blackberries and Salmonberries from bushes (whether picked by the player or shaken loose by animals).
- Grapes grown from Grape Starters (grants Farming XP instead).
- Items dug up from artifact spots, such as Snow Yams and Winter Roots.
- Items grown in Garden Pots.
- Mushrooms collected from the Farm Cave if the mushroom option was selected.
- Mushrooms obtained from chopping or tapping a Mushroom Tree.
- Non-forage items spawned on the ground in the Mines and Skull Cavern, namely Quartz, Earth Crystals, Frozen Tears, Fire Quartz, and Dinosaur Eggs — except that a bug causes any duplicates created by the Gatherer profession to give 7 XP.
- Forageables obtained from killing Monsters.
- Gingers dug up from the ground.
- Main article: Fishing
Fishing Skill is increased by catching Fish, Trash, Seaweed, Green Algae, or White Algae with a Fishing Rod/Pole or by harvesting Crab Pots.
Each level grants +1 Fishing Rod Proficiency, increases the minimum fish size (in/cm) and bobber bar height, and decreases the max amount of time before fish bite. Fishing skill also increases the chance to find quality (silver or gold star) fish.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting / Cooking Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Choose a Profession: | |
Casting distance increased by one tile |
Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 | Level 9 | Level 10 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting / Cooking Recipes: | Fisher: | Trapper: |
- Main article: Combat
Combat skill is increased by fighting monsters. Some levels add to the player’s total HP (health points), as shown by an increase in the health meter.
Level 1 | Level 2 | Level 3 | Level 4 | Level 5 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Cooking Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Choose a Profession: | |
(Note that the increase is multiplicative. The formula is: critChance = critChance * 1.5) |
Level 6 | Level 7 | Level 8 | Level 9 | Level 10 | |
Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting Recipes: | Crafting / Cooking Recipes: | Fighter: | Scout: |
(Stacks multiplicatively with Fighter) |
(2x Critical strike damage) |
Changing Professions
The Statue Of Uncertainty in The Sewers allows the player to change professions. After donating 10,000g, the statue requires the player to choose one skill to change. That night after the player goes to bed, the Level 5 «Choose a profession» screen will appear, followed by the corresponding Level 10 «Choose a profession» screen for the skill selected at the statue.
Only skills for which professions have already been chosen will appear in the Statue’s menu. As soon as the player chooses a profession to change, the bonuses for existing professions disappear. Skills that gives bonuses to sell prices will not apply to items placed in the shipping bin the day the profession is changed.
Just like levelling up a skill at the end of the day causes the player to wake up with full energy the next day no matter what, using this statue on any given day will cause the player to wake up with full energy the next day as well.
Skill-Based Title
Based on the total Skill level a certain Title is given under the player’s name in the Skills tab of the Player Menu. Their level and title are also visible when hovering over their picture on the Inventory Tab of the Player Menu.
The level is calculated as follows: (farmingLevel + fishingLevel + foragingLevel + combatLevel + miningLevel + luckLevel) / 2
If the resulting number ends in 0.5, the decimal value is truncated, and only the integer portion is considered.
Here are the possible Titles:
- level ≥ 30: Farm King
- level > 28: Cropmaster
- level > 26: Agriculturist
- level > 24: Farmer
- level > 22: Rancher
- level > 20: Planter
- level > 18: Granger
- level > 16: Farmgirl/Farmboy
- level > 14: Sodbuster
- level > 12: Smallholder
- level > 10: Tiller
- level > 8: Farmhand
- level > 6: Cowpoke
- level > 4: Bumpkin
- level > 2: Greenhorn
- level ≤ 2: Newcomer
Luck level 10 as well as level 10 in all Skills would be needed to get the Highest title, Farm King. Unfortunately, luck level (a value separate from daily Luck) is not implemented in the game as of PC v1.5. Luck level appears (in the game code) to have been intended as a 6th skill that could be leveled up, like the other skills. This means that the highest level possible is 25, making «Farmer» the best obtainable title.
Unused Content
There is a reference in the game’s code to an unused skill point system. The system appears to allow the player to accumulate and spend skill points.
Based on the unused code, there would have been 36 skill point increases to go through, which were based on a combination of the player’s skill level and the cumulative amount of money the player had earned. There is no indication of what the points would be spent on.[1]
- ↑ See Farmer::checkForLevelUp in the game code.
- 1.3.27: Added Statue of Uncertainty. Removing a regular tree stump now gives +1 Foraging experience.
- 1.4: Fixed Prospector profession not applied to rocks destroyed in the mines.
- 1.4.1: Profession bonuses now disappear as soon as a profession is chosen to be changed at the Statue of Uncertainty. Only skills that have already chosen professions are shown in the Statue’s menu.
Skills & Stats | |
Skills | Farming • Mining • Foraging • Fishing • Combat |
Stats | Attack • Crit. Chance • Crit. Power • Defense • Immunity • Luck • Magnetism • Speed • Weight |
Обновлено: 09.02.2023
Ищете читы для Stardew Valley, чтобы упростить себе управление фермой? Тогда у нас есть для вас кое-что интересное.
Stardew Valley сперва может показаться довольно простой игрой. Вроде бы чего тут сложного – сажай семена, собирай урожай, пропускай по кружечке пива в Салуне в свободное время. Но стоит познакомиться с ней поближе, как выясняется, что игровой процесс здесь значительно глубже. Если вас не прельщает идея тратить на игру десятки часов, чтобы хоть чего-нибудь в ней добиться, обратите внимание на читы.
Строго говоря, это даже не читы – возможности открыть консоль и вводить туда команды в игре нет, по крайней мере без модов. Речь пойдёт об эксплойтах – неочевидных способах воспользоваться несовершенствами игры, чтобы достичь определённого преимущества. Так что если вам надоело постоянно смотреть на часы, чтобы точно не остаться на улице ночью, или же вы хотите получить редкий предмет вроде Радужного осколка, либо побыстрее прокачать навык рыбалки – вы пришли по адресу.
Учтите, что эксплойты периодически исправляются разработчиками, и по мере выхода патчей часть из них может перестать работать. В таком случае совет будет актуален только для более старых версий игры.
Подготовка вашего первого урожая
- Используйте ваш топор, кирку и косу на деревьях, бревнах, камнях, траве и кустарниках на вашей ферме, чтобы очистить 15 клеток.
- Используйте свою мотыгу, чтобы вспахать почву и посадить 15 семян пастернака, предоставленных мэром Льюисом.
- Используйте вашу лейку, чтобы полить семена и почву.
- Продолжайте поливать свои культуры каждый день, пока из них не вырастет урожай. Ваш пастернак вырастет и будет готов к сбору через 4 дня.
Культуры необходимо ежедневно поливать, чтобы они росли. Обычная лейка поливает только одну клетку за раз, её можно наполнить из любого водоема на вашей ферме.
Идеально улучшать свою лейку за день до дождливого дня, предварительно полив растения. На следующий день поливкой займётся дождь, а на последующий лейку уже можно будет забрать. Также вы можете улучшить лейку в последние пару дней сезона, когда у вас уже нет посадок и не требуется ничего поливать.
Кузнецу потребуется 2 дня для обновления любых инструментов, включая лейку.
Другим способом полива является использование спринклеров. Они будут автоматически поливать окружающие грядки ежедневно. Есть 3 типа спринклеров, которые могут поливать окружающие клетки, начиная с 4 клеток (по одной рядом со спринклером сверху, справа, снизу и слева), 8 клеток (окружающая площадь 3×3) и 24 клеток (окружающая площадь 5×5).
В зависимости от общей суммы навыков вы получаете звание. Оно указано под именем во вкладке навыков в меню игрока. Кроме того, его и ваш общий уровень можно посмотреть в инвентаре, если навести курсор на портрет игрока.
Общей уровень считается по следующей формуле: (уровень фермерства + уровень рыбной ловли + уровень собирательства + уровень боевых навыков + уровень горного дела + уровень удачи) / 2
Все возможные звания:
- уровень >= 30: Король Фермы
- уровень > 28: Урожайных дел мастер
- уровень > 26: Земледелец
- уровень > 24: Фермер
- уровень > 22: Владелец ранчо
- уровень > 20: Плантатор
- уровень > 18: Главный по ферме
- уровень > 16: Девчонка с фермы / Парень с фермы
- уровень > 14: Хлебопашец
- уровень > 12: Мелкий фермер
- уровень > 10: Культиватор
- уровень > 8: Рабочий
- уровень > 6: Пастух
- уровень > 4: Деревенский
- уровень > 2: Новичок
- уровень <= 2: Приезжий
Чтобы получить самое высокое звание «Король Фермы», нужно достичь уровня 10 всех навыков, а также уровня удачи 10. К сожалению, уровень удачи (отдельная от ежедневной удачи величина) на данный момент так и не реализован. По-видимому, судя по коду игры, намеревалось сделать его шестым навыком, который можно было бы повышать, как и остальные пять.
Боевые навыки — это навык вашего персонажа, который развивается при уничтожении монстров в шахте, Пещере Черепа или на ферме в глуши. Каждый уровень также добавляет + 5 ОЗ.
Дополнительные настройки
Слева от экрана создания персонажа можно увидеть иконку дополнительных настроек. Здесь доступны следующие функции настройки игры:
- Узелки Клуба
Вы можете выбрать положение «Нормально» для сохранения обычного состава Узелков или «Смешано» для замены случайных стандартных Узелков на новые, либо для изменения состава стандартных Узелков. Здесь же можно установить «галочку» на пункт: «Гарантия завершения первого года», что означает, что у Странствующего торговца в течение первого года как минимум один раз появятся в продаже Семена красной капусты. - Награды шахт
Вы можете выбрать положение «Нормально» для сохранения обычного наполнения сундуков в Шахте или «Смешано» для замены наград на случайные аналогичные предметы. - Спавнить монстров на ферме
Вы можете установить «галочку» на этот пункт, если хотите, чтобы с наступлением темноты монстры появлялись на ферме любого типа, а не только на «Ферме в глуши». - Маржа
Вы можете выбрать значение маржи (прибыльность продажи предметов) из 25%, 50%, 75% или оставить по умолчанию «Обычно»(100%). Этот параметр применим как к Совместной так и к одиночной игре. - Настройки совместной игры
Вы можете выбрать количество домиков для приглашенных персонажей и план их расположения (все «рядом» или «отдельно» в случайном месте на ферме).
Как быстро прокачать рыбалку в Stardew Valley
Чтобы прокачать навык рыбалки до 10 уровня, вам придётся немало просидеть на берегу, и если учитывать то, что до рыбного места нужно сначала добраться, а потом вернуться домой, затраты времени получаются ощутимые. Однако, существует эксплойт, позволяющий их значительно сократить.
Всё, что вам понадобится – иметь как минимум один незавершённый квест в журнале. Во время рыбалки забросьте удочку, откройте журнал и ждите. Внутриигровое время при этом остановится, а вот сам процесс рыбалки – нет, и будет продолжаться в фоновом режиме. Как только какая-нибудь рыба клюнет, вытаскивайте её из воды и снова открывайте журнал. Повторяя этот трюк, можно за одну рыбалку выловить гораздо больше, чем обычно, и таким образом прокачать навык быстрее.
Типы ферм
Каждая часть фермы содержит особенности одной из предыдущих карт:
Изменение профессий
Как добыть Меч Галактики в Stardew Valley
Меч Галактики – это редкий и могущественный предмет, который можно получить в пустыне Калико, встав между тремя Колоннами и взяв в руки Радужный осколок. Осколок – тоже штука редкая, поэтому чтобы заполучить Меч, придётся потратить много времени. Если конечно вы не примените следующий эксплойт.
Купите каталог в магазине Пьера, а затем – зелёные обои. Каталог стоит 30000 золота, но даёт неограниченный доступ ко всем видам обоев и напольных покрытий для вашего дома. Если теперь сходить с зелёными обоями в пустыню и встать между колоннами, вы получите желанный меч – по какой-то причине игра принимает эти обои за Радужный осколок. Вполне себе неплохая экономия.
Вы можете переназначить все горячие клавиши, открыв меню и выбрав вкладку «Параметры».
вниз, D перемещение вправо
Уровень | Награда | |
Уровень 1 | Кольцо стойкости Жучиный стейк | |
Уровень 2 | Эликсир жизни | |
Уровень 3 | Коренья на блюде | |
Уровень 4 | Кольцо воина | |
Уровень 5 | ||
Боец Все ваши атаки наносят на 10% больше урона. (+15 ОЗ) |
Разведчик Шанс критической атаки увеличен на 50%. (+0 ОЗ) |
Уровень 6 | Пресс для яиц слаймов Масло Чеснока | |
Уровень 7 | Кольцо Иобы Кольцо Шипов | |
Уровень 8 | Инкубатор слаймов Взрывные снаряды | |
Уровень 9 | Иридиевый обод Равиоли с чернилами кальмара | |
Уровень 10 | ||
Боец | Воротила Все ваши атаки наносят на 15% больше урона. (+0 ОЗ) |
Защитник +25 ОЗ. |
Разведчик | Акробат Можно использовать особые атаки в два раза чаще. (+0 ОЗ) |
Сорвиголова Критические атаки смертельны. (+0 ОЗ) |
При выборе профессии Разведчик шанс критической атаки увеличивается по следующей формуле:
В таблице ниже указан опыт за убийство каждого монстра.
Чудовище | Опыт |
Зеленый слайм | 3 |
Пыльный дух | 2 |
Летучая мышь | 3 |
Морозная летучая мышь | 7 |
Лавовая летучая мышь | 15 |
Каменный голем | 5 |
Личинка | 2 |
Пещерная муха | 10 |
Морозный слайм (синий) | 6 |
Жижа (любой слайм, кроме зеленого и синего) | 10 |
Теневой тип | 15 |
Призрак | 15 |
Копашка | 10 |
Каменный краб | 4 |
Лавовый краб | 12 |
Огненный шар | 0 |
Малыш-кальмар | 15 |
Скелет-воин | 15 |
Теневой воротила | 15 |
Шаман теней | 15 |
Скелет | 8 |
Скелет-маг | 8 |
Металлоголовый | 6 |
Колючка | 1 |
Жук | 1 |
Мумия | 20 |
Большой слайм | 7 |
Змей | 20 |
Как выйти за границы в Stardew Valley
Если подойти к границе какой-либо зоны, взять инструмент или оружие и начать им махать, вы немного сдвинетесь вперёд. Повторив это действие достаточное количество раз, можно выйти за границу зоны и попасть туда, где по задумке игры вас быть не должно – например в море или в темноту, окружающую ваш дом (хотя в этом большого смысла нет). Одно из применений этого эксплойта – для рыбалки, чтобы подобраться поближе к более глубокой воде, если ваш навык недостаточно развит.
Также с помощью него можно получить бесконечную энергию. Для этого зайдите в Баню, выберитесь за границы, доберитесь до бассейна и установите в воде фонарь, лучше всего деревянный (самый дешёвый вариант). Коснитесь его и выходите из воды – игра будет продолжать считать, что вы плаваете и находитесь в Бане, и поэтому энергия просто не будет кончаться. А уж найти ей применение труда не составит.
По телевизору можно узнать полезную информацию, включая прогноз погоды, гадания, бесплатные кулинарные рецепты, а также полезные советы.
Энергия ограничивает вашу производительность. Один из главных способов пополнить энергию — есть еду. Для поедания пищи щелкните правой кнопкой мыши (если пища у вас в руках) или выберите номер ячейки на панели быстрого доступа, содержащей пищу, а затем щелкните правой кнопкой мыши. Большинство видов культур и многие виды продовольственных товаров можно есть, чтобы восстановить энергию.
Сон в конце дня восстановит энергию игрока. Если лечь спать после полуночи (00:00) игрок не восстановит 100% энергии. Если игрок исчерпает все силы или не успеет лечь спать до 2 часов ночи, то утром уровень его энергии восстановится примерно наполовину.
На третий день лета землетрясение разрушит камни, которые блокируют путь к бане (к северу от столярной мастерской). Баня полностью восстанавливает энергию в течение короткого периода времени.
Увеличение характеристик
Некоторые готовые блюда или напитки, определённая обувь и кольца, а также некоторое оружие дают временные или постоянные бонусы к характеристикам и влияют на ход боя.
Атака влияет на то, сколько урона наносит игрок с каждым ударом оружия.
Сила крит. удара увеличивает урон, наносимый критическими ударами игрока.
Защита уменьшает урон, наносимый игроку противником.
Иммунитет влияет на шанс получить статусные эффекты от некоторых атак врага.
Вес оружия определяет, насколько сильно и далеко отбрасывает врага после удара.
- Есть 24 тона кожи и 74 стиля волос.
- Ползунки рядом с цветом глаз, волос и брюк представляют собой оттенок, насыщенность и яркость.
- Домашнее животное, которое вы выберете здесь, определяет, какое домашнее животное будет у вас на вашей ферме.
- Пол, который вы выберете, не влияет на пол жителей, с которыми вы можете вступить в брак, вступить в брак можно с жителем любого пола.
Навык фермерства повышается во время сбора культур. Уход за животными также дает опыт: если их погладить, подоить или постричь или собрать животный продукт в птичнике или хлеве, игрок получит 5 очков опыта. Использование мотыги или лейки не дает опыта само по себе. Каждый уровень фермерства дает +1 к навыку обращения с мотыгой и лейкой.
Фермерство | Каждый уровень дает +1 к навыку обращения с мотыгой и лейкой. Уровень повышается во время сбора урожая. Уход за животными также увеличивает навык фермерства. |
Уровень | Награда | |
Уровень 1 | Пугало Обычное удобрение | |
Уровень 2 | Майонезный автомат Каменный забор Спринклер | |
Уровень 3 | Улей СкороРост Обед фермера | |
Уровень 4 | Кадка Обычная влагосохраняющая почва Железный забор | |
Уровень 5 | ||
Животновод Вы продаете продукты животноводства на 20% дороже. |
Культиватор Вы продаете урожай на 10% дороже. |
Уровень 6 | Пресс для сыра Забор из твёрдой древесины Высококачественный спринклер | |
Уровень 7 | Прялка Высококачественная влагосохраняющая почва | |
Уровень 8 | Пресс для масла Бочонок СкороРост Делюкс | |
Уровень 9 | Экстрактор семян Иридиевый спринклер Высококачественное удобрение | |
Уровень 10 | ||
Животновод | Птицевод Вы быстрее приручаете животных, живущих в птичнике. Инкубация яиц проходит вдвое быстрее. |
Пастух Вы быстрее приручаете животных, живущих в хлеву. Овцы быстрее обрастают шерстью. |
Культиватор | Золотые руки Вы продаете товары собственного изготовления (вино, сыр, масло и т.д.) на 40% дороже. |
Земледелец Урожай поспевает на 10% быстрее. |
Выполняя определенные действия, игрок повышает уровень навыка, связанного с этим умением. Например, выращивая урожай и занимаясь сельским хозяйством, вы будете повышать навык фермерства. Прокачать навык cобирательства можно, как собирая дикорастущие растения, так и вырубая деревья топором. Навык горного дела улучшается разбиванием камней киркой. Навык Рыбная ловля улучшается, когда ваш персонаж успешно завершает мини-игру во время рыбалки, то есть с каждой пойманной рыбой. Также навык рыбной ловли увеличивается с использованием крабовых ловушек. По мере увеличения уровня навыка игрок будет получать рецепты для изготовления предметов или готовки (каждый уровень, за исключением уровней 5 и 10) или профессии (на уровнях 5 и 10).
Жители и дружба
Вручение подарков жителям увеличит их дружбу с вами. Вы можете вручить подарок, выделив его в своем инвентаре или выбрав его, набрав его номер горячей клавиши, а затем щелкнув левой кнопкой мыши на персонажа, которому вы хотите передать этот предмет. По мере зарабатывания очков дружбы жители города будут отправлять вам кулинарные рецепты или предметы по почте, дадут доступ к своим спальням, а их отношение к вам в общении изменится. Также при получении сердечек дружбы могут появляться уникальные сцены и взаимодействия. Персонаж должен заработать высокий уровень дружбы, чтобы встречаться и в конечном счёте вступить в брак.
Навык собирательства растет от сбора диких растений и вырубки деревьев топором. Каждый уровень навыка собирательства дает +1 к навыку обращения с топором.
Вырубка дерева дает 12 очков опыта собирательства (очки выдаются после последнего удара, который валит дерево) + 1 очко опыта за вырубку пня, вырубка большого пня и большого бревна дают по 25 очков опыта.
Сбор растений, выращенные из диких семян на ферме, дает 3 очка опыта. Лук-батун, растущий в лесу к югу от домика Леи, тоже дает 3 очка опыта. Сбор диких растений вне фермы и трюфелей на ферме дает 7 очков за каждое.
Как добыть золотой лук-батун в Stardew Valley
Лук-батун – весьма полезная штука для восполнения запаса энергии, особенно в первый год. Существует эксплойт, с помощью которого можно добывать только его золотую версию, обладающую более высокой ценностью. Всё, что вам нужно – это заполнить чем-нибудь инвентарь, положив золотой лук-батун в один из слотов. При этом в инвентаре не должно быть лука менее высокого качества.
Теперь, если вы начнёте собирать луковицы, персонаж не будет вытаскивать их из земли, если они не золотые. Можно повторять попытку до тех пор, пока игра не сгенерирует именно золотую луковицу – в этом случае она будет подобрана и добавлена в ту же стопку в инвентаре, куда вы изначально положили золотой лук.
Как не спать дольше в Stardew Valley
Дневное время в Stardew Valley длится с 6 часов утра до 2 часов ночи. С наступлением полуночи пора задумываться о ночлеге – вашему персонажу нужно отдыхать, и если он не ляжет спать до 2 часов, то отключится прямо там, где находился. И тут уже может случиться всякое: либо наутро персонаж будет полусонный и с минимумом энергии, либо ночью кто-то воспользуется шансом и вытащит из его инвентаря парочку предметов.
Впрочем, мир не без добрых людей: есть шанс, что жертва усталости утром проснётся в своей кровати – кто-то любезно донесёт его спящего до дома. И всё бы хорошо, да вот только неизвестные доброжелатели не отличаются бескорыстностью – каждый раз, когда такое происходит, вы теряете 10% от своих сбережений (до 1000 единиц золота), а это уже весьма накладно. И тут может пригодиться следующий эксплойт.
Если время близится к двум ночи, а вы так и не добрались до дома, либо просто хотите напоследок выполнить ещё парочку заданий, дождитесь момента, когда ваш персонаж зевнёт и будет готов отключиться. Сразу же откройте журнал, и тогда этого не произойдёт. Закройте журнал и работайте дальше, но имейте в виду, что зевота будет повторяться ещё не один раз, поэтому будьте наготове. С этим нехитрым трюком можно растянуть рабочий день и избежать ненужных трат.
Боевые навыки
Рыбная ловля
Навык рыбной ловли повышается при ловле рыбы или мусора удочкой и при проверке крабовых ловушек. Каждый уровень дает +1 к навыку обращения с удочкой, увеличивает минимальную длину пойманной рыбы и длину полоски в мини-игре и уменьшает максимальное время ожидания клёва. От навыка рыбной ловли зависит также вероятность поймать рыбу серебряного или золотого качества.
(25) + (2) вместо (40) + (3)
Свинцовый поплавок (полоска не отскакивает от дна)
Иридиевая удочка , свинцовый поплавок, спиннер и мини-ловушка доступны в рыбацком магазине
В крабовые ловушки больше не попадается мусор
Горное дело
Навык горного дела повышается при разрушении камней. Каждый уровень горного дела дает +1 к навыку обращения с киркой. Очки опыта в горном деле вы получаете после разрушения камней, способ их разрушения неважен: это может быть кирка, бомбы или действия монстров.
Навык обращения с инструментами
Все навыки максимального уровня
От навыка обращения зависит количество затрачиваемой энергии при использовании конкретного инструмента. С каждым увеличением уровня навыка обращения количество затрачиваемой энергии на использование инструмента снижается на 0,1 очко. (Игра учитывает дробные значения энергии, однако в интерфейсе все числа округлены до целых.)
На уровне навыка 0 кирка, топор и мотыга используют 2 очка энергии. Любая удочка использует 8 очков. Стартовая лейка использует 2 очка.
Улучшение лейки повышает количество затрачиваемой на полив энергии на 2 очка за каждое улучшение. На уровне фермерства 0 на одно использование стартовой лейки тратится 2 очка энергии, а иридиевой — 10 очков. На уровне фермерства 10 на одно использование стартовой лейки тратится 1 очко энергии, а иридиевой — 9 очков (10 минус 0,1 очко за каждый уровень навыка). На использование пустой лейки и её наполнение энергия не тратится.
На использование любой мотыги всегда тратится одинаковое количество энергии (2 очка на уровне фермерства 0 и 1 очко на уровне фермерства 10) независимо от того, сколько клеток за раз вы вскапываете.
Улучшение топора, кирки и мотыги не влияют на количество затрачиваемой на их использование энергии, однако улучшенные инструменты позволяют эффективнее её расходовать и тратить меньше энергии на выполнение задач.
На использование любой удочки уходит 8 очков энергии на уровне рыбной ловли 0 и 7 очков энергии на уровне рыбной ловли 10.
Есть навык
Рыбная ловля
Горное дело
Нет навыка
Эти инструменты не потребляют энергию:
Эти инструменты всегда потребляют 4 очка энергии:
Использование крабовой ловушки никогда не тратит энергию.
Как получить деньги и предметы в Stardew Valley
Примечание: после патча 1.3 этот эксплойт больше не работает на консолях.
А это, пожалуй, самый известный и значительный эксплойт Stardew Valley. Каждому предмету в игре присвоен собственный числовой код (ID), и если вписать такой код в квадратных скобках вместо имени персонажа, то соответствующий предмет будет появляться в вашем инвентаре каждый раз, когда кто-то упоминает ваше имя.
Например, если ваше имя [163][166][434], то каждое его упоминание добавит в ваш инвентарь Легенду, Сундук с сокровищами и Звёздную каплю. Их можно затем продать за 5000, 5000 и 7777 золота соответственно, что является очень неплохим способом заработать (хотя капля скорее всего будет употреблена автоматически и не останется лежать в инвентаре). Чтобы максимально быстро накопить побольше предметов, поговорите с Гусом в Салуне – он часто будет обращаться к вам по имени.
Эксплойт также работает с кличками животных, но больше одного раза получить предметы таким способом не получится. Лучше всего использовать для этого цыплят и использовать в кличках ID тех предметов, которые вам нужны больше всего. Если у вас не получается дать одну и ту же кличку разным животным, попробуйте изменить порядок кодов или добавьте цифру либо букву в конце, это должно решить проблему.
Навыки — это атрибуты персонажа, которые улучшаются с помощью специальных инструментов или действий. Повышение навыков повысит уровень владения определёнными инструментами и откроет полезные и уникальные рецепты изготовления предметов. Следует отметить, что любые рецепты, изученные через подъем уровней, не будут доступны до вашего следующего сохранения (то есть до наступления нового дня).
Всего имеется 5 навыков: Фермерство, Горное дело, Собирательство, Рыбная ловля, Боевые навыки. У каждого навыка 10 уровней. На 5-ом и 10-ом уровнях игрок должен выбрать одну из двух профессий. Эти профессии вступают в силу немедленно; например, профессия Рыбак на 5 уровне рыбной ловли увеличит цену продажи рыбы, положенной в ящик накануне ночью. Для всех навыков для повышения уровня необходимо одинаковое количество опыта.
Уровень | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Опыт | 100 | 380 | 770 | 1300 | 2150 | 3300 | 4800 | 6900 | 10000 | 15000 |
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SMAPI provides access to hundreds of console commands with a wide variety of effects, ranging from useful tools to cheats to specialized test commands. These are documented on this page.
Format used on this page
To avoid repeating text, this page uses a few conventions to convey common information:
- Required parameters are listed in angle brackets, and optional parameters are listed in square brackets. For example,
means the command requires an integer value parameter and has an optional integer duration parameter. Details such as default values should be listed in the description. - The command names are case-insensitive, but their parameters might be case-sensitive.
- If a command description says that a parameter uses «fuzzy» match, that means that it can match on a case-insensitive partial name. For example,
would match Abigail if it’s fuzzy.
Console commands
How to enter console commands
You must have the Console Commands mod installed to use the commands listed below. That mod is bundled with SMAPI; if you deleted it, just reinstall SMAPI to get the mod back.
You can enter console commands directly into the SMAPI console window (or into the in-game chat if you have Chat Commands too). You can type help
to get a list of console commands (including commands added by other mods).
Items & money
command | description | |
list_items |
Syntax: Shows a list of every item in the game (including those added by mods). The optional search text limits results to those which have all of the search words somewhere in their ID + type + name. Example: > list_items iridum object type | name | id ------ | ----------------- | ---- Object | Iridium Bar | 337 Object | Iridium Milk | 803 Object | Iridium Ore | 386 Object | Iridium Sprinkler | 645 |
# |
list_item_types |
Shows a list of item types that can be used with the list_items and player_add commands. Example: > list_item_types type ------------ BigCraftable Boots Clothing Flooring Furniture Hat Object Ring Tool Wallpaper Weapon |
# |
player_add name |
Syntax: Adds an item to your inventory based on its name. Parameters:
# |
player_add |
Syntax: Adds an item to your inventory based on its type and ID. Parameters:
# |
player_setmoney |
Syntax: Changes the player’s total money to the given amount of gold. Example: |
# |
command | description | |
player_changecolor |
Syntax: Sets a color for your character’s sprite. Parameters:
Example: |
# |
player_changestyle |
Syntax: Sets a style for your character’s sprite. Parameters:
Example: |
# |
player_sethealth |
Syntax: Sets the player’s current health. Example: |
# |
player_setimmunity |
Syntax: Sets the player’s total immunity. This is permanent and is affected by immunity buffs. For example, if you set immunity 10 while Genie Shoes (+6 immunity) are equipped, removing the shoes would set your immunity to 4 (10 — 6). You can reset immunity to normal by removing everything that improves immunity, then entering Example: |
# |
player_setmaxhealth |
Syntax: Sets the player’s maximum health. This permanently changes the baseline; for example, if you set your max health to 500 and then drink Iridium Snake Milk, your max health will increase to 525. Example: |
# |
player_setmaxstamina |
Syntax: Sets the player’s maximum stamina. This permanently changes the baseline; for example, if you set your max stamina to 300 and then collect a Stardrop, your max stamina will increase to 334. Example: |
# |
player_setname |
Syntax: Sets the name of the current player or their farm, depending on the Examples:
# |
player_setstamina |
Syntax: Sets the player’s current stamina. Example: |
# |
command | description | |
hurry_all |
Immediately warps all NPCs to their scheduled positions. (To hurry a single NPC, use debug hurry npc-name instead.) |
# |
set_farm_type list |
Shows a list of farm types you can use with the set_farm_type command. |
# |
set_farm_type |
Syntax: Sets the player’s current farm type, where Example: |
# |
world_clear |
Syntax: Removes all entities of the given type from a location. Parameters:
Example: |
# |
world_downminelevel |
Goes down one mine level. If you’re not in the mines, warps you to the first mine level. |
# |
world_freezetime |
Syntax: Freezes or resumes the time. The |
# |
world_setday |
Syntax: Sets the day of month. Example: |
# |
world_setminelevel |
Syntax: Warps you to the given mine level. This can be the regular mines (levels 1–120), Skull Cavern (121+), or Quarry Mine (77377). Example: |
# |
world_setseason |
Syntax: Sets the season (one of spring, summer, fall, or winter). Example: |
# |
world_settime |
Syntax: Sets the time of day, using the game’s 26-hour time format (from 0600 for 6am at the start of day, to 2600 for 2am at the end of day). Example: |
# |
world_setyear |
Syntax: Sets the year number. Example: |
# |
command | description | |
harmony_summary |
Syntax: Lists the Harmony patches added by SMAPI and other mods. If Example: |
# |
help |
Syntax: Provides documentation for console commands. If called without an argument, shows general help text and a list of available commands. If called with a command name, shows the documentation for that command. |
# |
reload_i18n |
Reload translation files for all mods. This is mainly useful when translating mods. (Note that if a mod caches the text, it may show the old version until it updates.) |
# |
show_data_files |
Opens the folder containing the save and log files. |
# |
show_game_files |
Opens the game folder. |
# |
test_input |
Logs the key codes for all button presses to the console for 30 seconds. |
# |
⚠️ These may corrupt or make permanent changes to your save. DO NOT USE THESE unless you’re absolutely sure.
command | description | |
apply_save_fix |
Syntax: Applies one of the game’s save migrations to the currently loaded save. Parameters:
# |
debug |
Syntax: Executes one of the game’s debug commands. See debug commands below for more info. |
# |
regenerate_bundles |
Syntax: Regenerates your community center bundle data. This will reset all bundle progress, and may have unintended effects if you’ve already completed bundles. Parameters:
# |
Debug commands
Warning: These commands are intended for testing and troubleshooting rather than general playing. Some have permanent side effects and may cause crashes or other problems.
How to enter debug commands
The game itself has hundreds of hidden debug commands used to test the game. These require the Console Commands mod too, but every command should be prefixed with debug
like this:
debug where Robin > Robin is at Farm, 21,4
The example above returned output, but many commands don’t. If there’s no output, SMAPI will say Sent debug command to the game, but there was no output.
Instead of entering each command directly into the SMAPI console, you can also use the debug runmacro command to a list of debug commands from a text file. (This doesn’t work with the non-debug commands.) Here’s how to use it:
- Create a text file in your game folder (with a .txt extension).
- Type commands in this file, one command per line. Each command should start with a slash character (/), but should not include
. - To run the macro, type
debug runmacro <filename>
in the SMAPI console, replacing <filename> with the name of your command file without the .txt extension.
For example, let’s say you have a quickstart.txt
file with these commands:
/backpack 12 /Money 10000 /levelup 0 1 /weapon 5
Entering debug runmacro quickstart
in the SMAPI console will execute all the commands, resulting in a backpack upgrade, money set to 10000g, farming skill set to level 1, and a Bone Sword added to the player’s inventory. (Note: Money is capitalized in this example because if it is all lowercase it triggers a special chat response instead of executing the command.)
Items and inventory
General item search and spawning
command | description | |
bigitem, big, bi, b |
Syntax: Adds the specified craftable to your inventory. See big craftables data for a list of base game IDs. Example: |
# |
createdebris, mainmenu |
Syntax: Spawns the specified object at your position. See object data for a list of base game IDs. The object will initially be laying on the ground and will be picked up if you have room once the game regains focus. Example: |
# |
everythingshop |
Opens a shop menu containing a furniture catalogue, all objects, all craftables, and all weapons. All items are free. |
# |
furniture, ff |
Syntax: Adds the specified piece of furniture to your inventory. See furniture data for a list of base game IDs. If the itemID is not supplied, a random piece of furniture (ID 0 — 1612) will be given. Example: |
# |
fuzzyitemnamed, fin, f |
Syntax: Adds the specified item to your inventory. This is a fuzzy search and the game will look through objects, craftables, furniture, weapons, boots, hats, and clothes to match it. There is no reliable way to use names with spaces or differentiate items with the same name, so not all items can be accessed with this command. The optional parameters are for stack amount (defaults is 1) and quality (default is 0.) Examples:
# |
getindex |
Syntax: Outputs the parent sheet index (i.e., ID) of the specified item to the SMAPI console. This is a fuzzy search with similar behavior to the Examples:
# |
item, i |
Syntax: Adds the specified object to your inventory. Despite the generic name, this accepts object IDs only. The optional parameters are for stack amount (default is 1) and quality (default is 0.) Example: |
# |
itemnamed, in |
Syntax: Adds the specified object to your inventory. Accepts only object names; this is not a fuzzy match but is case-insensitive. Punctuation should be included, but all spaces should be removed from the name (see examples below). If the requested name is not unique, all matching objects will be added. The optional parameters are for stack amount (default is 1) and quality (default is 0.) Examples:
# |
lookup, lu |
Syntax: Outputs the parent sheet index (i.e., ID) of the specified object to the SMAPI console. Accepts only object names; this is not a fuzzy match but is case-insensitive and spaces should still be included (see examples below). If the requested name is not unique, all matching objects will be included in the output. Examples:
# |
resource |
Syntax: Marks specified amount of specified resource item as collected. This does not actually add any items but does increment some collection stats and may be useful for completing gathering quests. Valid types are 0 (copper), 2 (iron), 4 (coal), 6 (gold), 8 (coins), 10 (iridium), 12 (wood), and 28 (lantern fuel). Type 8 will increase your money by a random amount (rolls 10-49 and multiplies by the amount specified). The following describes the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.0, and may change before release. This command no longer exists. |
# |
tv |
Adds a TV furniture item to your inventory; this will be either a Budget TV or Plasma TV, randomly chosen with equal chances. |
# |
wallpaper, wp |
Syntax: Adds specified wallpaper item to inventory. If no ID is specified, this will randomly pick from any floor (ID 0-39) or wallpaper (ID 0-111). IDs over 111 do give items, but these will be either a combination of two different floor textures or a warped single floor texture. |
# |
Backpack and inventory
command | description | |
backpack |
Syntax: Increases your inventory space by the specified amount; capped at 36 slots. |
# |
clear, ci |
Removes all items currently in your inventory. |
# |
doesitemexist |
Syntax: Checks all locations and all player inventories to see if the specified item exists anywhere. If the isCraftable argument is present (no matter what it is), the search will look for big craftables with the specified ID; if the isCraftable argument is absent, the search will instead look for Objects with the specified ID. A global message saying Yes or No will be displayed, but there is no indication of where the item is located if it is found. Examples:
# |
fillbackpack, fillbp, fill, fbp |
Fills all empty spaces in your inventory with random Objects. Any objects spawned by this command will not be marked as found on the collections tab. |
# |
sl |
Shifts inventory rows down, looping previous bottom row to top; similar to using Control-Tab with default keyboard controls. Will work with larger-than-normal inventories. |
# |
sr |
Shifts inventory rows up, looping previous top row to bottom; similar to using Tab with default keyboard controls. Will work with larger-than-normal inventories. |
# |
Clothing and tailoring
command | description | |
boots |
Syntax: Adds the specified pair of boots to your inventory. See Data/Boots for a list of base game IDs. Example: |
# |
clothes |
Syntax: Adds the specified clothing item to your inventory. See Data/ClothingInformation for a list of base game IDs. Examples:
# |
dye |
Syntax: Dyes the specified (currently equipped) item the specified color. Item type can be shirt or pants and valid colors are black, blue, green, red, white, and yellow. Strength is a float between 0 and 1 inclusive; the higher the number, the more vibrant the color. The dye will mix with the current color so it is sometimes necessary to «reset» the item by dyeing first with white strength 1. Examples:
# |
dyeAll |
Seems to be intended to bring up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for both shirt and pants, but it does not function because all entered commands are forced to lower case. The two individual commands dyepants and dyeshirt can be used instead. |
# |
dyemenu |
Brings up the same dyeing menu you get by interacting with the dye pots in Emily’s house. Filling all six pots with appropriate items will bring up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for dyeing both your currently-equipped shirt and pants. |
# |
dyepants |
Brings up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for dyeing your currently-equipped pants. |
# |
dyeshirt |
Brings up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for dyeing your currently-equipped shirt. |
# |
hat |
Syntax: Gives and automatically equips the specified hat to your farmer; any currently equipped hat will be destroyed. See hat data for a list of base game IDs. Example: |
# |
ring |
Syntax: Adds the specified ring to your inventory. See object data for a list of base game IDs. Example: |
# |
tailor |
Brings up the same tailoring menu you get by interacting with the sewing machine in Emily’s house. |
# |
tailorrecipelisttool, trlt |
Brings up a special menu listing most Objects, what color they will dye an item, and what clothing item they can make when used in the sewing machine. The menu can be scrolled with the mouse wheel, hovering the mouse over the object will show the tooltip for the clothing it makes, and clicking on the object will add the clothing it makes to your inventory. |
# |
Tools and weapons
command | description | |
ax |
Adds a basic Axe to your inventory. |
# |
forge |
Shows the Forge menu. |
# |
hoe |
Adds a basic Hoe to your inventory. |
# |
mp |
Adds a Milk Pail to your inventory. |
# |
pan |
Adds a Copper Pan to your inventory. |
# |
pickaxe, pickax, pick |
Adds a basic Pickaxe to your inventory. |
# |
pole |
Syntax: Adds a Fishing Pole of the specified type to your inventory. Valid types are 0 (Bamboo Pole; the default), 1 (Training Rod), 2 (Fiberglass Rod), or 3 (Iridium Rod). |
# |
shears, scissors |
Adds Shears to your inventory. |
# |
slingshot |
Adds a Slingshot to your inventory. |
# |
tool |
Syntax: Changes the upgrade level of the specified tool to the specified level; the tool must be in your inventory. Tool names are case-sensitive but can match partially; valid names are Ax, Hoe, Pickaxe, and Watering Can. Upgrade levels are 0 (basic), 1 (copper), 2 (steel), 3 (gold), or 4 (iridium). Examples:
# |
trashcan |
Syntax: Changes the upgrade level of your inventory Trash Can. Upgrade levels are 0 (basic), 1 (copper), 2 (steel), 3 (gold), or 4 (iridium). The can sprite may not fully update until the inventory is closed and reopened. |
# |
wand |
Adds a Return Scepter to your inventory. |
# |
wateringcan, can |
Adds a basic Watering Can to your inventory. |
# |
weapon |
Syntax: Adds the specified weapon to your inventory. See weapon data for a list of base game IDs. Example: |
# |
Wallet items
command | description | |
clearspecials |
Removes most special items from your Wallet. The Rusty Key, Skull Key, Special Charm, Dark Talisman, Magic Ink, Club Card, Dwarven Translation Guide, and Magnifying Glass will all be removed, but Bear’s Knowledge and Spring Onion Mastery will remain. |
# |
darktalisman |
Adds the Dark Talisman to (and removes the Magic Ink from) your wallet; also removes the magic artifact blocking access to the Witch’s Swamp. |
# |
skullkey |
Adds the Skull Key to your wallet. |
# |
specialitem |
Syntax: Adds the specified special item to your wallet. Which ID values are useful is currently unknown. |
# |
specials |
Adds all special items to your wallet, including Bear’s Knowledge and Spring Onion Mastery. The associated events for these two are also marked as seen. |
# |
townkey |
Adds the Key To The Town to your wallet. |
# |
Miscellaneous items
command | description | |
fillbin, fb |
Adds a Parsnip, Fire Quartz, LargeMouth Bass, Wild Horseradish, and Wood to the shipping bin. |
# |
listtags |
Outputs all object context tags associated with the currently-held item to the console. Example: |
# |
makeinedible |
Makes the currently-held item inedible by setting its edibility value to -300; does not affect other instances of the same item. |
# |
skullgear |
Sets your current backpack size to 32 slots, equips a Savage Ring and Iridium Band, equips Space Boots, and clears inventory except for an Iridium Pickaxe, a Galaxy Sword, a stack of 20 Spicy Eels, and a stack of 20 Mega Bombs. Also sets your maximum health to 75 and gives you the Fighter profession. Any previously equipped boots and rings and all previous inventory items are lost. |
# |
command | description | |
customizemenu, customize, cmenu |
Opens the full character customization menu seen at the start of a new game which includes gender options and player/farm names. Changing the player name will cause the save file to change as well. |
# |
haircolor |
Syntax: Sets the player’s hair color to the specified RGB values. Each has a range of 0-255. |
# |
hairstyle |
Syntax: Sets the player’s hair style to the specified ID. Note that these IDs are one less than the values shown in the character customization menu and have a range of 0-55 in the base game. |
# |
pants |
Syntax: Sets the player’s pants color to the specified RGB values. Each has a range of 0-255. This no longer has a noticeable effect since pants are now a clothing item; the dyepants command should be used instead. |
# |
shirtcolor |
Syntax: Sets the player’s shirt choice to the specified ID. This no longer has a noticeable effect since shirts are now a clothing item; the clothes or dyeshirt commands should be used instead. |
# |
skincolor |
Syntax: Sets the player’s skin color to the specified ID. Note that these IDs are one less than the values shown in the character customization menu and have a range of 0-23 in the base game. |
# |
Health, stamina, buffs, and currency
command | description | |||||||||||||
buff |
Syntax: Adds the specified buff to the player. Useful ID values are listed below. Also see the speed command.
# | ||||||||||||
clearbuffs |
Removes all active buffs (both positive and negative.) |
# | ||||||||||||
die |
Sets your health to zero, resulting in passing out and awakening in the Clinic. |
# | ||||||||||||
energize |
Syntax: Sets your energy to the specified amount. If no amount is specified, it will be set to maximum. |
# | ||||||||||||
exhaust |
Sets your energy to -15, resulting in passing out and ending the day. |
# | ||||||||||||
gem |
Syntax: Gives you the specified number of Qi Gems. |
# | ||||||||||||
gold |
Gives you one million (1,000,000) gold. |
# | ||||||||||||
heal |
Sets your health to maximum. |
# | ||||||||||||
invincible, inv, gm |
Toggles invincibility. When on, you will not take any damage. |
# | ||||||||||||
money |
Syntax: Sets your money to the specified amount. To use in a macro, make sure one or more of the letters in the command is capitalized. |
# | ||||||||||||
testnut |
Spawns a Golden Walnut at the upper left corner of the current map which will immediately start moving towards a player for collection. |
# | ||||||||||||
walnut |
Syntax: Gives your team the specified number of Golden Walnuts. |
# |
Movement and warping
command | description | |
canmove, cm, c |
Attempts to force-enable player movement by resetting animations and dismounting the horse. Sometimes useful when the player becomes «stuck.» |
# |
minelevel |
Syntax: Warps you to the specified level of the Mines. Use level 77377 to warp to the Quarry Mine, and to warp to a level in the Skull Cavern, add 120 to your target level. Example: |
# |
printplayerpos, ppp |
Prints the player’s current position in both tile and pixel coordinates to the console. |
# |
speed |
Syntax: Gives the player a speed buff of the specified amount for the specified duration. The duration is interpreted as in-game minutes and defaults to 30; multiplying this value by 0.7 will convert to real-time seconds. This buff has a unique source of «Debug Speed» and will stack with both food and drink speed buffs. Example: |
# |
volcano |
Syntax: Warps you to the specified level of the Volcano Dungeon. |
# |
warp |
Syntax: Warps you to the specified location at the given coordinates. The location name is a fuzzy match, and if the coordinates are not supplied the game has a list of hardcoded defaults it will use for many locations (see Utility.getDefaultWarpLocation() for details.) Examples:
# |
warphome, wh |
Warps you directly to your bed in your farmhouse/cabin. |
# |
warpshop, ws |
Syntax: Warps you to the shop run by the specified NPC; if necessary will also warp the NPC to the shop location. NPC names are case-insensitive and can be one of the following: pierre, robin, krobus, sandy, marnie, clint, gus, willy, pam, dwarf, and wizard. The wizard option will also add Magic Ink to your wallet and mark the event where the ink is returned as already seen. Example: |
# |
warptocharacter, wtc |
Syntax: Warps you to the specified character, wherever they are. This is a fuzzy match. |
# |
warptoplayer, wtp |
Syntax: Warps you to the specified player, wherever they are. The match is case-insensitive and any spaces should be removed from the name. |
# |
Skills and XP
command | description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
experience |
Syntax: Adds the specified amount of experience to the specified skill. Valid skill IDs are 0 (Farming), 1 (Fishing), 2 (Foraging), 3 (Mining), 4 (Combat), and 5 (Luck). |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
fishing |
Syntax: Sets your fishing skill to the specified level. This does not unlock crafting recipes or allow profession choice, nor does it change the underlying experience amount. However it does count in terms of unlocking what Willy sells and enabling legendary fish to be hooked. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
levelup |
Syntax: Shows the appropriate levelup window for the specified skill and level. This unlocks any associated crafting recipes and (if applicable) lets you choose a profession, but does not actually change the skill level or underlying experience amount. Valid skill IDs are 0 (Farming), 1 (Fishing), 2 (Foraging), 3 (Mining), 4 (Combat), and 5 (Luck). |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
profession |
Syntax: Gives you the specified profession. Valid profesion IDs from the base game are shown below.
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
showexperience |
Syntax: Outputs your total experience amount for the specified skill in the SMAPI console. Valid skill IDs are 0 (Farming), 1 (Fishing), 2 (Foraging), 3 (Mining), 4 (Combat), and 5 (Luck). |
# |
Statistics and achievements
command | description | |||||||||||
achieve |
Syntax: Awards the specified Steam achievement. Steam achievements which correspond to in-game achievements use the same numeric ID as listed in Achievement data with one exception: the ID for Greenhorn is a0 instead of just 0. Steam-only achievements have a much longer string ID; these are listed below.
# | ||||||||||
achievement |
Syntax: Awards the specified in-game achievement. See Achievement data for a list of IDs. This will also award the associated Steam achievement if you don’t have it. |
# | ||||||||||
caughtfish, fishcaught |
Syntax: Sets the FishCaught stat to the specified amount. |
# | ||||||||||
changestat |
Syntax: Sets the specified stat to the specified value. These are different than the stats used in getstat/setstat (Technical note: they are entries in StardewValley.Stats.stat_dictionary). Known IDs as of version 1.4.3 are: trashCansChecked. |
# | ||||||||||
daysplayed, dap |
Shows a global message with the current value of the daysPlayed stat. |
# | ||||||||||
dp |
Syntax: Sets the daysPlayed stat to the specified amount. |
# | ||||||||||
getstat |
Syntax: Outputs value of specified stat to the SMAPI console. Some of these values are also accessible in-game by interacting with a machine in the Casino. |
# | ||||||||||
killmonsterstat, kms |
Syntax: Sets the kill stats for the specified monster to the specified value. The monster name should be the same as the keys in Data/Monsters but with spaces replaced with zeros; it is case-sensitive. The command will output a buggy response to the console due to referencing the wrong string key, but the stats are correctly set. Example: |
# | ||||||||||
mineinfo |
Outputs two mine-related stats to the SMAPI Console: MineShaft.lowestLevelReached and player.deepestMineLevel |
# | ||||||||||
perfection |
Makes a variety of changes to qualify for Perfection. These include maxing all friendships, marking all fish as caught, awarding and marking complete all cooking and crafting recipes, marking all items as shipped, setting the flags for all stardrops, setting all skill levels to 10, awarding 500 kills for all monsters, forcibly placing all 4 obelisks and the gold clock in the upper left corner of the farm, and giving 130 walnuts. |
# | ||||||||||
resetachievements |
Resets the Steam achievements. |
# | ||||||||||
setstat |
Syntax: Sets the specified stat to the specified value. Stat IDs are case-sensitive; see getstat more information. Example: |
# |
Collections and quests
Cooking and crafting
command | description | |
addallcrafting |
Teaches you all crafting recipes. Basically the same as crafting, but this one does not check if you already know the recipe before adding so it may output some error messages to the console about duplicate keys. |
# |
cooking |
Teaches you all cooking recipes. |
# |
cookingrecipe |
Syntax: Teaches you the specified cooking recipe. Names are case-sensitive and may contain spaces. Example: |
# |
crafting |
Teaches you all crafting recipes. |
# |
craftingrecipe |
Syntax: Teaches you the specified crafting recipe. Names are case-sensitive and may contain spaces. Example: |
# |
slimecraft |
Teaches you the crafting recipes for Slime Incubator and Slime Egg-Press. |
# |
Fishing, museum, and secret notes
command | description | |
clearfishcaught |
Clears all records of which fish you have caught, resetting the collection. To also change the stat which tracks how many total fish have been caught, see caughtfish. |
# |
clearmuseum |
Removes all donated items from the museum, emptying the museum displays and causing all artifacts and minerals to have the Gunther can tell you more about this… description. Does not affect the records of which artifacts and minerals have been found (i.e., the collection pages). |
# |
deletearch |
Clears all records of which artifacts and minerals you have found. |
# |
museumloot |
Adds unfound artifacts and minerals to your inventory until it is full. Items added by this command will now be marked «found» on the collection pages. |
# |
newmuseumloot |
Adds undonated artifacts and minerals to your inventory until it is full. Items added by this command increment the «Total found» count on the collection pages. |
# |
note |
Syntax: Sets the count of Lost Books recovered to 18, even if you previously had found more, and brings up a window with the contents of the specified book. Book IDs above 18 will show the message There’s a book missing here. |
# |
sn |
Syntax: Adds specified secret note to your inventory. If no ID is specified, a random unseen note will be added. See Data/SecretNotes for a list of IDs. |
# |
command | description | |
allmail |
Queues every letter defined in Data/mail for delivery tomorrow. |
# |
allmailread |
Marks every letter defined in Data/mail as already read. They will all be accessible in the letters tab of the collections menu. |
# |
broadcastmail |
Syntax: Queues specified mail for delivery tomorrow for all players. The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. |
# |
broadcastmailbox |
Syntax: Immediately adds specified mail to all players’ mailboxes. The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. |
# |
clearmail |
Clears records of all received mail (including hidden progress flags.) This also clears the letters tab in the collections menu. |
# |
mailfortomorrow, mft |
Syntax: Queues specified mail for delivery tomorrow. The ID is case-sensitive, and any zeros in the given ID will be replaced with underscores. See Data/mail for valid IDs (after replacement) in the base game. Because of the zero replacement, some letters (e.g., quest10) are inaccessible with this command; broadcastmail may be a useful alternative in those cases. If the second parameter is present (with any value), the «noletter» flag is set, which will add the mail to your mail received list without showing a «new mail» indicator. |
# |
seenmail |
Syntax: Marks specified mail as already received. The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. |
# |
showmail |
Syntax: Brings up the letter-reading window with the specified mail. The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. If a match cannot be found, a blank window will briefly display and an ArgumentOutOfRange error will be triggered. Does not set the letter as received or cause it to show in the letter tab of the collections menu. Example: |
# |
Quests and Special Orders
command | description | |
clearquests |
Removes all quests from your journal/quest log. |
# |
collectquest |
Starts a new random resource Gathering quest. If used multiple times on the same game day, the quest will always be the same. |
# |
completespecialorder, cso |
Completes all objectives for all currently active Special Orders and Qi Challenges. |
# |
completequest |
Syntax: Completes specified quest and removes it from your journal. See Data/Quests for a list of IDs. |
# |
deliveryquest |
Starts a new random item Delivery quest. If used multiple times on the same game day, the quest will always be the same. |
# |
getallquests |
Starts every quest from Data/Quests that you don’t already have. |
# |
ordersboard |
Shows the Special Orders quest board. |
# |
qiboard |
Shows the Qi Challenges quest board. |
# |
quest |
Syntax: Starts the specified quest. See Data/Quests for a list of IDs. |
# |
quests |
Starts every quest from Data/Quests that you don’t already have as well as a random item Delivery quest and a random Slay Monster quest. |
# |
removequest |
Syntax: Silently removes specified quest from your journal. See Data/Quests for a list of IDs. |
# |
slayquest |
Starts a new random Slay Monster quest. If used multiple times on the same game day, the quest will always be the same. |
# |
specialorder |
Syntax: Starts the Special Order (either town or Qi Challenge) with the specified ID. See Data/SpecialOrders for a list of IDs. |
# |
command | description | |
child, kid |
If you have children, advances the age of the first child to the next stage. Otherwise, spawns a new child named «Baby» with gender and skin tone randomly chosen; the child will start at stage 3 (crawling) and may initially spawn out of bounds. You do not need to be married or have an upgraded house to use this command. |
# |
child2 |
If you have multiple children, advances the age of the second child to the next stage. Otherwise, spawns a new child named «Baby2» with gender and skin tone randomly chosen; the child will start at stage 3 (crawling) and may initially spawn out of bounds. You do not need to be married or have an upgraded house to use this command. |
# |
clearchildren |
Removes all your children. |
# |
pregnant |
Sets a new baby to be born/adopted the next day. You may need to be already married (and have a house with a nursery) for this to work. |
# |
Spawning and removal
command | description | |
addkent |
Spawns Kent if after year 1. |
# |
characterinfo |
Displays a global message listing how many NPCs are in the current location. |
# |
clearcharacters |
Removes all NPCs who are in the current location. |
# |
clone |
Syntax: Clones specified NPC and places the copy in the current location. Name is a fuzzy match. |
# |
killall |
Syntax: Removes all NPCs except for the specified character. Name is an exact match, and they are only spared from removal if they are in the current location. |
# |
killnpc |
Syntax: Removes specified NPC from the game, checking all game locations. Name is an exact match. |
# |
removenpc |
Syntax: Removes specified NPC from the game, checking all game locations and buildings. Name is an exact match. Command will output a message to the console stating whether or not the NPC was found and removed. |
# |
command | description | |
dating |
Syntax: Sets your relationship status with specified NPC to Dating; i.e., marks them as having been given a bouquet. Name is an exact match. |
# |
divorce |
Queues your farmer to divorce their spouse overnight. The spouse room may not be fully removed until you have slept and/or returned to title. |
# |
engaged |
Syntax: Increases your friendship with specified NPC by 2500 points (10 hearts) and sets relationship status to Engaged with a wedding for the next day. Name is an exact match. |
# |
friendall |
Syntax: Increases friendship with all socializable NPCs by the specified amount. If no amount is given, the increase will be 2500 points (10 hearts). All normal point caps are in place, so a bachelor you aren’t dating will not increase past 8 hearts. Previously unmet NPCs will also be marked as met and have friendship increased with the following exceptions:
# |
friendship, friend |
Syntax: Sets friendship with specified NPC to specified value. This is a fuzzy match, and they will be marked as met if previously unmet. |
# |
invitemovie |
Syntax: Invites specified NPC to see a movie today. This is a fuzzy match and you will still need your own ticket to enter the theatre. |
# |
makeex |
Syntax: Sets your relationship status with specified NPC to Divorced, removing any marriage or bouquet flag and listing them as ex-husband or ex-wife. Name is an exact match. |
# |
marry |
Syntax: Increases your friendship with specified NPC by 2500 points (10 hearts) and sets relationship status to Married with an anniversary of today. Name is a fuzzy match. The spouse room generally appears empty on the first day and you’ll need to sleep for it and your spouse to spawn properly. For non-vanilla marriage candidates:
# |
wedding |
Syntax: Sets specified NPC as your spouse and queues a wedding for today. Name is an exact match. If the specified NPC is not normally marriageable, the wedding will still occur but they will be invisible on the wedding day. |
# |
command | description | |
db |
Syntax: Shows a dialogue box with the current dialogue for the specified NPC. Name is a fuzzy match and will default to Pierre if not supplied. This does count as having spoken to that NPC today, and if they don’t have any more dialogue right now, the message Stack empty will be output to the console. |
# |
dialogue |
Syntax: Sets the dialogue for the specified character to the specified string. Name is a fuzzy match. The dialogue string should start with a zero and everything after will be parsed. It can include tokens such as @ for the farmer name and portrait commands; see Dialogue for format specifics. Example: |
# |
loaddialogue |
Syntax: Sets the dialogue for the specified character using the specified asset key. Name is a fuzzy match. Key format appears to be file:key but exact specifics are unknown. Curly braces in the key ({, }) will be converted to angle brackets (<, >). |
# |
phone |
Brings up the Telephone menu. |
# |
question |
Syntax: Marks the specified dialogue question as answered. |
# |
sb |
Syntax: Shows a speech bubble saying «Hello! This is a test» above the specified NPC’s head. Name is a fuzzy match. |
# |
speech |
Syntax: Displays a dialogue box for the specified character saying the specified string. Name is a fuzzy match. The dialogue string should start with a zero and everything after will be parsed. It can include tokens such as @ for the farmer name and portrait commands; see Dialogue for format specifics. Useful for testing dialogue changes. Example: |
# |
Movement and warping
command | description | |
facedirection, face, fd |
Syntax: Sets specified character to face the specified direction. Name is a fuzzy match and also accepts farmer. See Event data for the valid directions. |
# |
faceplayer |
Syntax: Sets specified character to face towards the player. Name is a fuzzy match. |
# |
hurry |
Syntax: Warps specified character to the endpoint of their current schedule entry. Name is a fuzzy match. Example: |
# |
jump |
Syntax: Makes specified character jump with the specified velocity. Name is a fuzzy match and also accepts farmer. Velocity is a float and defaults to 8.0 if not supplied, which results in a jump of about half the height of the player character. |
# |
pathspousetome, pstm |
Causes your spouse (NPC only) to start walking towards you if they are already on the current map or warp directly to you otherwise. |
# |
warpcharacter, wc |
Syntax: Warps specified character to the given coordinates on the current map. Name is a fuzzy match. See Event data for the valid directions; the default is 2. Note: if you do not include enough parameters, an error message will be printed to the console which incorrectly states the default facing direction is 1. |
# |
warpcharacterto, wct |
Syntax: Warps specified character to the given coordinates on the specified map. Character name is a fuzzy match, but location is exact. See Event data for the valid directions; the default is 2. Note: if you do not include enough parameters, an error message will be printed to the console which incorrectly states the default facing direction is 1. Example: |
# |
warpcharactertome, wctm |
Syntax: Warps the specified character directly to you; name is a fuzzy match. |
# |
whereis, where |
Syntax: Outputs the location and coordinates of the specified character to the SMAPI console. Name is a fuzzy match. |
# |
Farm animals
command | description | |
animal |
Syntax: Adds a new baby animal of the specified type to the Farm. The animal will have a random name and be assigned to the correct type of building (if there is room). Type is a case-sensitive match with spaces allowed. Valid types for the base game are listed below.
# |
animalinfo |
Displays a global message with the count of the total number of farm animals. |
# |
befriendanimals |
Syntax: Sets friendship of all animals who live (and are currently present) in the current location to the given amount. Default is 1000 (max). |
# |
fixanimals |
Goes through all Farm buildings and removes entries for animals which no longer live in that building. |
# |
growanimals |
Sets all animals who live in the current building to day 1 of adulthood. Must be done in a building such as a Barn or Coop. May cause each of them to eat hay. |
# |
growanimalsfarm |
Sets all animals who live in the current location to day 1 of adulthood. Must be done on the Farm; this would apply to animals that no longer have homes due to building destruction such as after using removebuildings. |
# |
pauseanimals |
Pauses all farm animals in the current location indefinitely. Exiting and re-entering may cause them to be randomly moved to a new spot, but they will remain paused. |
# |
unpauseanimals |
Unpauses all farm animals in the current location. |
# |
warpanimaltome, watm |
Syntax: Warps the specified farm animal to you; name is a case-insensitive fuzzy search but will only work in a location that allows animals. |
# |
Pets, horses, and monsters
command | description | |
cat |
Syntax: Spawns a new Cat at the given coordinates of the current location. Breed can be 0, 1, or 2 and determines which texture to use. This is an additional pet and does not replace any current pet(s). |
# |
createdino |
Spawns a Pepper Rex just to the right of your farmer. |
# |
dog |
Syntax: Spawns a new Dog at the given coordinates of the current location. Breed can be 0, 1, or 2 and determines which texture to use. This is an additional pet and does not replace any current pet(s). |
# |
horse |
Syntax: Spawns a new Horse at the given coordinates of the current location. Horse may disappear after dismounting if there is no stable for it. |
# |
killallhorses |
Removes all horses from all locations. |
# |
monster |
Syntax: Spawns a monster of the specified type at the given coordinates of the current location. Only certain monster types seem to work. Known valid types include Bat, DinoMonster, DustSpirit, Fly, Ghost, GreenSlime, Grub, LavaCrab, Mummy, RockCrab, RockGolem, Serpent, ShadowBrute, ShadowShaman, Skeleton, and SquidKid. Duggy may also work depending on the terrain. |
# |
owl |
Spawns an Owl in the current location. |
# |
pettofarm |
If it is not raining, warps your pet to the pet bowl location on the Farm (Tech note: Location is initially set by checking for tile 1938 on Building layer). If it is raining, warps pet to the FarmHouse. Only works for host in multiplayer. |
# |
togglecatperson |
Toggles your farmer’s chosen pet preference between cat and dog. If you already have a pet, the inventory graphic will switch but the pet themselves will not be affected. |
# |
Festivals and events
command | description | |||||||||
ee |
Ends (and restarts) the current event. |
# | ||||||||
event |
Syntax: Starts the specified event in the specified location. The location name is a fuzzy match, but the second parameter is an index rather than an ID. This is basically a zero-based count of the item definitions in the appropriate data file, and since these definitions can be altered by mods this a difficult command to use. Because of this and the warning below, ebi is often the better choice. |
# | ||||||||
eventbyid, ebi |
Syntax: Starts the specified event. This does take an event ID; events which have prerequisites of other events might not start if those prerequisites have not been seen. Example: |
# | ||||||||
eventover |
Ends (and restarts) the current event. Seems to be essentially equivalent to ee. |
# | ||||||||
eventseen, seenevent |
Syntax: Marks specifid event as seen by your farmer. Useful for enabling access to event-dependent areas or events. |
# | ||||||||
eventtest |
Syntax: Calls Util.EventTest() with the specified arguments. Defaults are «» and 0 respectively. Actual details unknown. |
# | ||||||||
eventtestspecific |
Syntax: Calls Util.EventTest() with the specified arguments. Arguments are interpreted as an array of strings. Actual details unknown. |
# | ||||||||
festival |
Syntax: Starts the specified festival ID. The season, day, and time will be set to match the starting time, and you will be warped to the correct location. Valid IDs are listed below.
# | ||||||||
festivalscore |
Syntax: Adds the specified value to the festival score. The festival score has different meanings depending on which festival is active and includes the egg count at the Egg Hunt, number of fish caught at the Ice Festival, and star token count at the fall Fair. |
# | ||||||||
leaveevent, endevent |
Ends (and restarts) the current event. |
# | ||||||||
runtestevent, rte |
Runs an event from the file |
# |
Minigames and cutscenes
command | description | |
boatjourney |
Plays the extended cutscene of the first boat trip to Ginger Island. The player will be warped to the Island Docks when the cutscene ends. |
# |
crane |
Starts the Crane Game minigame from the Movie Theater populated with prizes based on which movie is (or would be) showing for the current month. |
# |
darts |
Starts the Darts minigame from the Pirate Cove. |
# |
fish |
Syntax: Starts the fishing minigame with the specified fish hooked and a treasure chest available. You must have a fishing line already cast into the water before entering the command in order to actually receive the fish after completing the minigame. Additional «hits» may trigger during the game, and none of the fishing pole animations will play. See object data for a list of valid IDs; non-fish objects can be used and caught. |
# |
oldminegame |
Starts the pre-1.4 version of Junimo Kart. |
# |
minegame |
Syntax: Starts the Junimo Kart minigame. If the second argument is infinite the game will play Endless mode; if it is anything else (or missing), the game will play Progress mode. |
# |
minigame |
Syntax: Starts the specified minigame or cutscene. Valid choices are listed below.
# |
test |
Starts the Test minigame. This brings up a window showing a variety of flooring textures; left-click closes the window. |
# |
Terrain, trees, and crops
command | description | |
addquartz |
Syntax: Spawns the specified amount of Quartz terrain features on the Farm. The locations are randomly chosen and no checking is done on the underlying tiles, so they may wind up in impassable areas. |
# |
clearfarm |
Removes nearly everything from the Farm map such as grass, trees, debris, paths, and placed objects (including working machines and filled chests.) |
# |
dayupdate |
Syntax: Runs the DayUpdate for the current location the specified number of times. If the number of updates is not specified, it will default to 1. This simulates days passing for some things such as grass and fruit trees growing or fish reproducing in ponds. Other things may not progress the full amount; for example crop growth only advances one day because sprinklers will not be triggered and the growcrops command should be used for that instead. |
# |
fruittrees |
Adds a month of growth to all fruit trees in the current location, causing even newly-planted saplings to instantly mature. |
# |
grass |
Spawns long grass on all available tiles on the farm. |
# |
growcrops |
Syntax: Grows all crops in the current location the specified number of days. |
# |
growgrass |
Syntax: Grows long grass the specified number of times in the current location. This will cause already-placed grass to spread but will not necessarily create grass in clear areas. |
# |
growwildtrees |
Grows all wild trees (such as Oak) in the current location to maturity. |
# |
localinfo |
Outputs counts of grass, trees, other terrain features, objects, and temporary sprites for the current location. May be broken. |
# |
mushroomtrees |
Turns all wild trees in the current location into mushroom trees. |
# |
r |
Resets current location which essentially simulates the player leaving and reentering. Most noticeable effect is the restarting of music tracks. |
# |
removedebris |
Removes all dropped items from the current location. |
# |
removedirt |
Removes (i.e., untills) all tilled dirt in the current location. |
# |
removelargetf |
Removes all large terrain features (such as bushes) from the current location. |
# |
removeterrainfeatures, removetf |
Removes all (small) terrain features such as grass and tilled dirt from the current location. |
# |
spawnweeds |
Syntax: Spawns weeds the specified number of times. This will cause already-placed weeds to spread but will not necessarily create new weeds in clear areas. |
# |
spreaddirt |
Tills all unoccupied diggable tiles on the farm. |
# |
spreadseeds |
Syntax: Plants specified seed in all tilled dirt on the farm. The argument is the object ID for the seed item. Out of season crops can be planted this way but will not survive outside of the greenhouse. Example: |
# |
water |
Waters all tilled soil on the current map. |
# |
watercolor |
Syntax: Tints the water color for the current location. The parameters are red, green, and blue components and the actual RGBA color used will be (R/2, G/2, B/2, 127). This affects fishing ponds as well as lakes, rivers, etc., but the effect is temporary and the color will reset to normal if you leave and re-enter the map. |
# |
whereore |
Outputs (to the SMAPI console) the coordinates of any «shiny spots» suitable for panning on the current map. Will output {X:0 Y:0} if there are no active panning spots. |
# |
Objects and lights
command | description | |
clearfurniture |
Removes all furniture from the current location. Must be in a farmhouse/cabin. Use removefurniture instead for other locations such as sheds. |
# |
clearlightglows |
Removes all light glows from the current location. |
# |
fencedecay |
Syntax: Ages all fences in the current location the specified amount of days. Example: |
# |
fillwithobject |
Syntax: Places the specified item on all open tiles in the current location. The first argument is the object or big craftable ID. If the second argument is «true«, the ID will be interpreted as a craftable, but if it is anything else (or missing) the ID will be interpreted as an object. Note that many objects spawned this way cannot be easily removed. Example: |
# |
readyforharvest, rfh |
Syntax: Sets the machine at the specified coordinates to finish processing at the next clock update. If used to target a rock in the mine, quarry, etc. the rock’s health will be reduced such that it only needs 1 more hit to break. A mod such as Debug Mode may be useful for getting coordinates. |
# |
removefurniture |
Removes all furniture from the current location. Similar to clearfurniture but will also work in other decoratable locations such as sheds. |
# |
removelights |
Removes all light sources from the current location. This is temporary and they will be restored if the location is reset or re-entered. |
# |
removeobjects |
Removes all placed objects from the current location. This includes things like fences, machines, and chests, but does not include flooring or long grass. |
# |
Farm buildings
command | description | |
bpm |
Shows the building painting menu for the building immediately North of the player, or for the farmhouse if no such building is found. |
# |
build |
Syntax: Builds the specified building at the given coordinates. Names are exact but spaces should be replaced with «9«. If the coordinates are not specified, it will build just to the right of your farmer. While higher-level farm buildings such as Deluxe Barns can be immediately built this way, the incubator will be missing from Big or Deluxe Coops. Example: |
# |
buildcoop, bc |
Syntax: Builds a new basic Coop at the specified coordinates. |
# |
movebuilding |
Syntax: Moves building from specified source coordinates to specified destination coordinates. The coordinates are the upper-left corner of the building’s footprint. The Lookup Anything mod is one of the easier ways to get the source coordinates of a building; they are listed under tileX and tileY in the debug info (needs ShowDataMiningFields enabled.) |
# |
removebuildings |
Destroys all farm buildings. Animals within any of the buildings will also be removed, but animals which are outside will not be. |
# |
spawncoopsandbarns |
Syntax: Spawns the specified number of buildings. The game will randomly choose either a Deluxe Barn full of cows or a Deluxe Coop full of chickens for each (equal chance). Their locaions are also randomly chosen and the game will try 20 times to find a spot for each before giving up. The coops created by this command will not have incubators. |
# |
command | description | |
crib |
Syntax: Sets the current crib style to the specified value. In the base game, valid values are 0 (no crib) or 1 (default crib). Additional styles may be possible through modding as the ID is appended to the map filename. For example, crib style 1 is specified by the file Maps/FarmHouse_Crib_1. |
# |
floor |
Syntax: Sets all floors of your farmhouse to the specified texture. Valid texture numbers are 0 — 55; see Flooring for previews but note that the IDs used by the game are 1 less than the numbers used for the wiki filenames. If no texture is specified, the game will use the next ID after the current floor texture without checking for overflow which can create bugged textures. Example: |
# |
houseupgrade, house, hu |
Syntax: Sets upgrade level of your farmhouse/cabin to the specified value. Valid values are 0 — 3. Furniture and placed items will not be automatically moved and may wind up out of bounds. If done while the player is inside the house, warp points may not immediately update. |
# |
renovate |
Opens the farmhouse renovation menu. |
# |
upgradehouse |
Increases the upgrade level of your farmhouse/cabin to the next level (max 3). Furniture and placed items will not be automatically moved and may wind up out of bounds. If done while the player is inside the house, warp points may not immediately update. |
# |
wall, w |
Syntax: Sets all walls of your farmhouse to the specified texture. Valid texture numbers are 0 — 111; see Wallpaper for previews but note that the IDs used by the game are 1 less than the numbers used for the wiki filenames. If no texture is specified, the game will use the next ID after the current wallpaper texture without checking for overflow which can create bugged textures. Example: |
# |
Special farm setups
command | description | |
farmmap |
Syntax: Removes the current farm map and farmhouse from the game and creates a new farm of the specified type. The farm will be named after the type (e.g., «Standard Farm»). Valid types are: 0 (Standard), 1 (Riverland), 2 (Forest), 3 (Hilltop), 4 (Wilderness), or 5 (Four Corners). |
# |
setupbigfarm |
Clears the farm and then does the following:
# |
setupfarm |
Syntax: Removes all farm buildings and completely clears large areas of the current farm (the presence of a second parameter causes a larger area to be cleared.) After this, the following things are done:
# |
setupfishpondfarm |
Syntax: Clears farm and then builds up to 96 fish ponds randomly filled with various types of fish. The population of each of the ponds will be set to the specified value and defaults to 10. The ponds are built in a large 12 x 8 grid but will not be placed in a spot blocked by other buildings, animals, or map features. |
# |
Community center and bundles
command | description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
addjunimo, aj, j |
Syntax: Adds a junimo at the specified coordinates and assigned to the given Community Center area. Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
allbundles |
Marks all bundles complete. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bundle |
Syntax: Marks the specified bundle as complete. Valid IDs are listed below.
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ccload |
Syntax: Removes the junimo note from and restores the specified area. Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ccloadcutscene |
Syntax: Plays the full restoration cutscene for the specified area including junimo dance and star retrieval. Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
completecc |
Adds all of the appropriate flags for Community Center completion and restores all areas. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
completejoja |
Adds all of the appropriate flags for Joja membership and Community Development purchases. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
junimogoodbye |
Plays the animation where 6 junimos wave goodbye in front of the hut in the Community Center and then that corner of the Community Center gets restored. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
junimonote, jn |
Syntax: Adds a junimo note (bundle scroll) for the specified area. Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
junimostar |
Causes a junimo to run to the hut and retrieve a star which is then placed on the plaque above the fireplace. Must be done in the Community Center. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
plaque |
Adds a star to the plaque above the Community Center fireplace. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
resetjunimonotes |
Resets all bundles. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
shufflebundles |
Regenerates bundles using remixed bundle logic and without a specific random seed. |
# |
Other location-specific functions
command | description | |||||||||
beachbridge |
Toggles the state of the beach bridge between fixed and not fixed. |
# | ||||||||
ladder, shaft |
Syntax: Creates a ladder or mineshaft at the specified coordinates. If no coordinates are given, it will spawn 1 tile north of the player. In the regular mines, both versions of the command will create a ladder. In the Skull Caverns, ladder will randomly spawn either a ladder or mineshaft while shaft will always spawn a mineshaft. |
# | ||||||||
minedifficulty, md |
Syntax: Sets the difficulty of the mines to the specified level. In the base game, normal difficulty is 0 and the harder difficulty corresponding to the «Danger in the Deep» quest or Shrine of Challenge activation is 1. Higher numbers can be used. If no difficulty level is specified, command will simply print the current difficulty level to the console. |
# | ||||||||
movie |
Syntax: Starts a movie; this command is a bit complex with its parameter handling so be sure to check the examples. Note that this command can create a group with up to 3 guests instead of just the single guest allowed in normal play. Valid movie IDs are listed after the parameter explanation.
Warning: This command also increases the save’s uniqueID by 1 each time it is used, which will cause the save filename to change and impact some random events. Examples:
# | ||||||||
pgb |
Prints the Gem Bird Puzzle solution to the console. |
# | ||||||||
resetmines |
Resets «permanent mine changes» such as coal carts and treasure chests. Does not affect mines level progress or monster eradication goals. |
# | ||||||||
returneddonations |
Opens the «returned donations» menu of the Lost and Found box from the Mayor’s Manor. |
# | ||||||||
skullcavedifficulty, scd |
Syntax: Sets the difficulty of the Skull Cavern to the specified level. In the base game, normal difficulty is 0 and the harder difficulty corresponding to the «Skull Cavern Invasion» quest is 1. Higher numbers can be used. If no difficulty level is specified, command will simply print the current difficulty level to the console. Example: |
# | ||||||||
train |
Causes a train to spawn at the Railroad. |
# |
Date and time
command | description | |
addhour |
Increases time by 1 hour. |
# |
addminute |
Increases time by 10 minutes. |
# |
day |
Syntax: Changes day of the month to the specified value; stays in current season and adjusts daysPlayed statistic appropriately. |
# |
pausetime |
Toggles game pause state. This is different from the normal chat /pause command in that the player still has free movement during the pause. |
# |
season |
Syntax: Sets season to the specified value. The season name is case-insensitive; valid names are spring, summer, fall, and winter. |
# |
sleep, newday, nd |
Forces end of day. |
# |
time |
Syntax: Sets current time to the specified value. This is essentially 24-hour time without a colon, although the stardew clock keeps running until 2600. See examples. Examples:
# |
year |
Syntax: Sets the current year to the specified value. |
# |
Weather and world state
command | description | |
debrisweather |
Toggles «debris» weather (i.e., windy weather with floating leaves) on and off. Does not change the weather icon on the HUD. |
# |
morepollen |
Syntax: Increases the amount of leaves flying around if in debris/windy weather. |
# |
rain |
Toggles rainy weather on and off. Will turn off debris/windy weather. Does not change the weather icon on the HUD. |
# |
resetworldstate |
Clears all world state IDs which track map changes such as whether the beach bridge is fixed, whether Trash Bear has done his thing and various small changes from heart events. |
# |
Game settings and meta info
command | description | |
conventionmode |
Toggles convention mode on and off. When on, disables the resolution and window mode options as well as both «Exit to Title» and «Exit to Desktop» buttons. |
# |
gamemode |
Syntax: Sets the game mode to the specified value. Details unknown. |
# |
gamepad |
Toggles gamepad control options and displays a global message about whether they are being used or not. |
# |
inputsim, is |
Syntax: Sets input simulator to the specified type. Valid types are spamtool and spamlr. Details unknown. |
# |
language |
Brings up the language selection menu. |
# |
musicvolume, mv, m |
Syntax: Sets music volume to the specified value. This is a double-precision float in the range of 0 — 1. |
# |
nosave, ns |
Toggles end of day saving on or off. Outputs a message to the console with the current saving status. |
# |
runmacro, rm |
Syntax: Runs the specified macro file. The given filename will have .txt appended to it. See Macros for more details. |
# |
save |
Toggles end of day saving on or off. Similar to nosave but does not output a status message. |
# |
showplurals |
Prints (to the console) the plural forms of all items listed in Data/ObjectInformation and Data/BigCraftablesInformation. |
# |
steaminfo, sdkinfo |
Outputs information about whether Steam is running and if a user is logged in. |
# |
version |
Outputs the assembly version number to the console. Note this is different from the more user-friendly version that can be accessed from the credits screen. For example, running this command on Stardew Valley 1.4.3 for Windows will output 1.3.7286.33936 |
# |
General multiplayer
command | description | |
addotherfarmer |
Creates an additional new male farmer with randomized name and appearance which spawns 1 tile to the left of your farmer. Unsure of what situation this can be used in. |
# |
nethost |
Starts a new LAN server. Details unknown. |
# |
netjoin |
Details unknown. |
# |
split |
Syntax: Adds another split-screen multiplayer instance for the specified player index or starts split-screen mode otherwise. |
# |
command | description | |
logbandwidth |
Toggles bandwidth logging on and off. Can be used on either host or client. |
# |
netclear |
Clears network message log. |
# |
netdump |
Outputs network message log to a file. |
# |
netlog |
Toggles network message logging on and off. |
# |
Player relationships
command | description | |
dateplayer |
Checks all other farmers and sets the first one found as dating the player. |
# |
engageplayer |
Checks all other farmers and sets the first one found as engaged to the player with a wedding date of the next game day. |
# |
marryplayer |
Checks all online farmers and sets the first one found as married to the player with a wedding date of the current game day. |
# |
Shared/split money
command | description | |
changewallet |
Sets the game to toggle between shared or split money overnight. Host only. |
# |
mergewallets |
Immediately switches to shared money, merging all player wallets. Host only. |
# |
separatewallets |
Immediately switches to split money, separating all player wallets. Host only. |
# |
Audio and visual effects
command | description | |
animationpreviewtool, apt |
Opens a menu allowing you to preview different farmer animations and change some appearance options. Useful for event modding. Warning: previewing the «passOutTired» animation will make your farmer pass out as if it’s 2 am and start a new day. |
# |
busdriveback |
Plays the animation of the bus returning from the desert. Must be done on the Bus Stop map. |
# |
busdriveoff |
Plays the animation of the bus leaving the Bus Stop and driving to the desert. Will warp the player to the desert. Must be done on the Bus Stop map. |
# |
createsplash |
Creates a fish «bubble» spot in front of the player. Seems inconsistent. |
# |
framebyframe, fbf |
Turns on «frame-by-frame» mode which pauses the game and allows you to advance time/animations one frame at a time by hitting the G key. Hit Escape key to exit. |
# |
frameoffset, fo |
Syntax: Sets frame offset for specified frame and specified X & Y values. The X and Y can be prefaced with s to flip the direction. Details unknown; reference FarmerRenderer.featureXOffsetPerFrame() and FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame(). |
# |
setframe, sf |
Syntax: Sets farmer sprite to the given animation frame. Probably best used in conjunction with frame-by-frame mode. |
# |
sprinkle |
Shows an animation of a sprinkle effect around the farmer. Unsure if the animation is used. |
# |
toss |
Shows an animation of a spinning vial/beaker which rises and then falls. Likely used in one of Maru’s heart events. |
# |
Camera, lighting, and effects
command | description | |
ambientlight, al |
Syntax: Sets the ambient light of the current location to the inverse of the specified RGB values. This is a temporary change and the light will revert if the location is reset or re-entered. Ex. inputting 255 0 0 will set the lighting to aqua blue, 0 255 255, rather than red. |
# |
bloom |
Syntax: Changes the bloom settings to the specified parameters. Most are double-precision floats which are divided by 10. The last parameter will set the brightWhiteOnly flag to true if it is present and false if it is absent. Also sets the bloomDay flag. |
# |
bloomday |
Toggles the bloomDay flag on and off, essentially turning the bloom effects themselves on or off. |
# |
drawbounds |
Toggles the drawbounds flag on and off. Details unknown. |
# |
lsd |
Syntax: Starts a bloom shifting animation with the specified values. All parameters are double-precision floats; the third parameter is divided by 1000 and the fourth through tenth parameters are divided by 100. Details unknown; reference BloomComponent.startShifting(). Use caution when testing this command if you’re photosensitive, as it triggers very intense screen flashes. |
# |
panmode, pm |
Turns on panmode. During panmode the screen can be panned with movement keys or mouse movements and debug panmode or debug exit will turn panmode off. |
# |
tls |
Toggles between scaled and unscaled lighting. |
# |
viewport |
Syntax: Sets the viewport to the given values. Details unknown. |
# |
uiscale, us |
Syntax: Sets the UI Scale level to the specified value. This is an integer interpreted as the scale percent. Can be used to go beyond the normal limits of 75 — 125 percent. Example: |
# |
zoomlevel, zl |
Syntax: Sets the game zoom level to the specified value. This is an integer interpreted as the zoom percent. Can be used to go beyond the normal limits of 75 — 125 percent. Example: |
# |
command | description | |
playmusic |
Syntax: Plays the specified music track. May not be able to play tracks which have a space in the cue name. Tracks played this way will be added to the songsHeard list and be available to play on the Jukebox afterwards. See the modder’s resource spreadsheet (Music Bank IDs tab) for a list of valid cue IDs. Example: |
# |
playsound, ps |
Syntax: Playes the specified sound effect. See the modder’s resource spreadsheet (Sound Bank IDs tab) for a list of valid cue IDs. Example: |
# |
Outdated, unimplemented, or unknown
command | description | |
bluebook |
Adds a «Farmer’s Catalogue» to your inventory which looks like an axe and opens up a partially-implemented menu when used. |
# |
blueprint |
Syntax: Adds the specified blueprint to the «Farmer’s Catalogue» menu. IDs seem to be buildings and animals from Data/Blueprints. |
# |
end |
Attempts to warp the player to town and start the «Stardew Hero Celebration» event but appears to crash due to missing music cues. |
# |
lantern |
Adds a lantern to your inventory which looks like an axe and will softlock the player when trying to use it; canmove can be used to fix the soft lock. |
# |
refuel |
Sets lantern fuel to maximum. As the lantern was not fully implemented, this doesn’t do much. |
# |
stoprafting |
Sets an internal isRafting flag to false. As rafting was not fully implemented, this doesn’t do much. |
# |
upgradebarn, barn |
The following describes the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.0, and may change before release. This command no longer exists. Increments an unused barn upgrade level variable (max 3). |
# |
upgradecoop, coop |
The following describes the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.0, and may change before release. This command no longer exists. Increments an unused coop upgrade level variable (max 3). |
# |
See also
- Modding:Modder Guide/APIs/Console to add custom commands from a SMAPI mod.
SMAPI provides access to hundreds of console commands with a wide variety of effects, ranging from useful tools to cheats to specialized test commands. These are documented on this page.
Format used on this page
To avoid repeating text, this page uses a few conventions to convey common information:
- Required parameters are listed in angle brackets, and optional parameters are listed in square brackets. For example,
means the command requires an integer value parameter and has an optional integer duration parameter. Details such as default values should be listed in the description. - The command names are case-insensitive, but their parameters might be case-sensitive.
- If a command description says that a parameter uses «fuzzy» match, that means that it can match on a case-insensitive partial name. For example,
would match Abigail if it’s fuzzy.
Console commands
How to enter console commands
You must have the Console Commands mod installed to use the commands listed below. That mod is bundled with SMAPI; if you deleted it, just reinstall SMAPI to get the mod back.
You can enter console commands directly into the SMAPI console window (or into the in-game chat if you have Chat Commands too). You can type help
to get a list of console commands (including commands added by other mods).
Items & money
command | description | |
list_items |
Syntax: Shows a list of every item in the game (including those added by mods). The optional search text limits results to those which have all of the search words somewhere in their ID + type + name. Example: > list_items iridum object type | name | id ------ | ----------------- | ---- Object | Iridium Bar | 337 Object | Iridium Milk | 803 Object | Iridium Ore | 386 Object | Iridium Sprinkler | 645 |
# |
list_item_types |
Shows a list of item types that can be used with the list_items and player_add commands. Example: > list_item_types type ------------ BigCraftable Boots Clothing Flooring Furniture Hat Object Ring Tool Wallpaper Weapon |
# |
player_add name |
Syntax: Adds an item to your inventory based on its name. Parameters:
# |
player_add |
Syntax: Adds an item to your inventory based on its type and ID. Parameters:
# |
player_setmoney |
Syntax: Changes the player’s total money to the given amount of gold. Example: |
# |
command | description | |
player_changecolor |
Syntax: Sets a color for your character’s sprite. Parameters:
Example: |
# |
player_changestyle |
Syntax: Sets a style for your character’s sprite. Parameters:
Example: |
# |
player_sethealth |
Syntax: Sets the player’s current health. Example: |
# |
player_setimmunity |
Syntax: Sets the player’s total immunity. This is permanent and is affected by immunity buffs. For example, if you set immunity 10 while Genie Shoes (+6 immunity) are equipped, removing the shoes would set your immunity to 4 (10 — 6). You can reset immunity to normal by removing everything that improves immunity, then entering Example: |
# |
player_setmaxhealth |
Syntax: Sets the player’s maximum health. This permanently changes the baseline; for example, if you set your max health to 500 and then drink Iridium Snake Milk, your max health will increase to 525. Example: |
# |
player_setmaxstamina |
Syntax: Sets the player’s maximum stamina. This permanently changes the baseline; for example, if you set your max stamina to 300 and then collect a Stardrop, your max stamina will increase to 334. Example: |
# |
player_setname |
Syntax: Sets the name of the current player or their farm, depending on the Examples:
# |
player_setstamina |
Syntax: Sets the player’s current stamina. Example: |
# |
command | description | |
hurry_all |
Immediately warps all NPCs to their scheduled positions. (To hurry a single NPC, use debug hurry npc-name instead.) |
# |
set_farm_type list |
Shows a list of farm types you can use with the set_farm_type command. |
# |
set_farm_type |
Syntax: Sets the player’s current farm type, where Example: |
# |
world_clear |
Syntax: Removes all entities of the given type from a location. Parameters:
Example: |
# |
world_downminelevel |
Goes down one mine level. If you’re not in the mines, warps you to the first mine level. |
# |
world_freezetime |
Syntax: Freezes or resumes the time. The |
# |
world_setday |
Syntax: Sets the day of month. Example: |
# |
world_setminelevel |
Syntax: Warps you to the given mine level. This can be the regular mines (levels 1–120), Skull Cavern (121+), or Quarry Mine (77377). Example: |
# |
world_setseason |
Syntax: Sets the season (one of spring, summer, fall, or winter). Example: |
# |
world_settime |
Syntax: Sets the time of day, using the game’s 26-hour time format (from 0600 for 6am at the start of day, to 2600 for 2am at the end of day). Example: |
# |
world_setyear |
Syntax: Sets the year number. Example: |
# |
command | description | |
harmony_summary |
Syntax: Lists the Harmony patches added by SMAPI and other mods. If Example: |
# |
help |
Syntax: Provides documentation for console commands. If called without an argument, shows general help text and a list of available commands. If called with a command name, shows the documentation for that command. |
# |
reload_i18n |
Reload translation files for all mods. This is mainly useful when translating mods. (Note that if a mod caches the text, it may show the old version until it updates.) |
# |
show_data_files |
Opens the folder containing the save and log files. |
# |
show_game_files |
Opens the game folder. |
# |
test_input |
Logs the key codes for all button presses to the console for 30 seconds. |
# |
⚠️ These may corrupt or make permanent changes to your save. DO NOT USE THESE unless you’re absolutely sure.
command | description | |
apply_save_fix |
Syntax: Applies one of the game’s save migrations to the currently loaded save. Parameters:
# |
debug |
Syntax: Executes one of the game’s debug commands. See debug commands below for more info. |
# |
regenerate_bundles |
Syntax: Regenerates your community center bundle data. This will reset all bundle progress, and may have unintended effects if you’ve already completed bundles. Parameters:
# |
Debug commands
Warning: These commands are intended for testing and troubleshooting rather than general playing. Some have permanent side effects and may cause crashes or other problems.
How to enter debug commands
The game itself has hundreds of hidden debug commands used to test the game. These require the Console Commands mod too, but every command should be prefixed with debug
like this:
debug where Robin > Robin is at Farm, 21,4
The example above returned output, but many commands don’t. If there’s no output, SMAPI will say Sent debug command to the game, but there was no output.
Instead of entering each command directly into the SMAPI console, you can also use the debug runmacro command to a list of debug commands from a text file. (This doesn’t work with the non-debug commands.) Here’s how to use it:
- Create a text file in your game folder (with a .txt extension).
- Type commands in this file, one command per line. Each command should start with a slash character (/), but should not include
. - To run the macro, type
debug runmacro <filename>
in the SMAPI console, replacing <filename> with the name of your command file without the .txt extension.
For example, let’s say you have a quickstart.txt
file with these commands:
/backpack 12 /Money 10000 /levelup 0 1 /weapon 5
Entering debug runmacro quickstart
in the SMAPI console will execute all the commands, resulting in a backpack upgrade, money set to 10000g, farming skill set to level 1, and a Bone Sword added to the player’s inventory. (Note: Money is capitalized in this example because if it is all lowercase it triggers a special chat response instead of executing the command.)
Items and inventory
General item search and spawning
command | description | |
bigitem, big, bi, b |
Syntax: Adds the specified craftable to your inventory. See big craftables data for a list of base game IDs. Example: |
# |
createdebris, mainmenu |
Syntax: Spawns the specified object at your position. See object data for a list of base game IDs. The object will initially be laying on the ground and will be picked up if you have room once the game regains focus. Example: |
# |
everythingshop |
Opens a shop menu containing a furniture catalogue, all objects, all craftables, and all weapons. All items are free. |
# |
furniture, ff |
Syntax: Adds the specified piece of furniture to your inventory. See furniture data for a list of base game IDs. If the itemID is not supplied, a random piece of furniture (ID 0 — 1612) will be given. Example: |
# |
fuzzyitemnamed, fin, f |
Syntax: Adds the specified item to your inventory. This is a fuzzy search and the game will look through objects, craftables, furniture, weapons, boots, hats, and clothes to match it. There is no reliable way to use names with spaces or differentiate items with the same name, so not all items can be accessed with this command. The optional parameters are for stack amount (defaults is 1) and quality (default is 0.) Examples:
# |
getindex |
Syntax: Outputs the parent sheet index (i.e., ID) of the specified item to the SMAPI console. This is a fuzzy search with similar behavior to the Examples:
# |
item, i |
Syntax: Adds the specified object to your inventory. Despite the generic name, this accepts object IDs only. The optional parameters are for stack amount (default is 1) and quality (default is 0.) Example: |
# |
itemnamed, in |
Syntax: Adds the specified object to your inventory. Accepts only object names; this is not a fuzzy match but is case-insensitive. Punctuation should be included, but all spaces should be removed from the name (see examples below). If the requested name is not unique, all matching objects will be added. The optional parameters are for stack amount (default is 1) and quality (default is 0.) Examples:
# |
lookup, lu |
Syntax: Outputs the parent sheet index (i.e., ID) of the specified object to the SMAPI console. Accepts only object names; this is not a fuzzy match but is case-insensitive and spaces should still be included (see examples below). If the requested name is not unique, all matching objects will be included in the output. Examples:
# |
resource |
Syntax: Marks specified amount of specified resource item as collected. This does not actually add any items but does increment some collection stats and may be useful for completing gathering quests. Valid types are 0 (copper), 2 (iron), 4 (coal), 6 (gold), 8 (coins), 10 (iridium), 12 (wood), and 28 (lantern fuel). Type 8 will increase your money by a random amount (rolls 10-49 and multiplies by the amount specified). The following describes the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.0, and may change before release. This command no longer exists. |
# |
tv |
Adds a TV furniture item to your inventory; this will be either a Budget TV or Plasma TV, randomly chosen with equal chances. |
# |
wallpaper, wp |
Syntax: Adds specified wallpaper item to inventory. If no ID is specified, this will randomly pick from any floor (ID 0-39) or wallpaper (ID 0-111). IDs over 111 do give items, but these will be either a combination of two different floor textures or a warped single floor texture. |
# |
Backpack and inventory
command | description | |
backpack |
Syntax: Increases your inventory space by the specified amount; capped at 36 slots. |
# |
clear, ci |
Removes all items currently in your inventory. |
# |
doesitemexist |
Syntax: Checks all locations and all player inventories to see if the specified item exists anywhere. If the isCraftable argument is present (no matter what it is), the search will look for big craftables with the specified ID; if the isCraftable argument is absent, the search will instead look for Objects with the specified ID. A global message saying Yes or No will be displayed, but there is no indication of where the item is located if it is found. Examples:
# |
fillbackpack, fillbp, fill, fbp |
Fills all empty spaces in your inventory with random Objects. Any objects spawned by this command will not be marked as found on the collections tab. |
# |
sl |
Shifts inventory rows down, looping previous bottom row to top; similar to using Control-Tab with default keyboard controls. Will work with larger-than-normal inventories. |
# |
sr |
Shifts inventory rows up, looping previous top row to bottom; similar to using Tab with default keyboard controls. Will work with larger-than-normal inventories. |
# |
Clothing and tailoring
command | description | |
boots |
Syntax: Adds the specified pair of boots to your inventory. See Data/Boots for a list of base game IDs. Example: |
# |
clothes |
Syntax: Adds the specified clothing item to your inventory. See Data/ClothingInformation for a list of base game IDs. Examples:
# |
dye |
Syntax: Dyes the specified (currently equipped) item the specified color. Item type can be shirt or pants and valid colors are black, blue, green, red, white, and yellow. Strength is a float between 0 and 1 inclusive; the higher the number, the more vibrant the color. The dye will mix with the current color so it is sometimes necessary to «reset» the item by dyeing first with white strength 1. Examples:
# |
dyeAll |
Seems to be intended to bring up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for both shirt and pants, but it does not function because all entered commands are forced to lower case. The two individual commands dyepants and dyeshirt can be used instead. |
# |
dyemenu |
Brings up the same dyeing menu you get by interacting with the dye pots in Emily’s house. Filling all six pots with appropriate items will bring up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for dyeing both your currently-equipped shirt and pants. |
# |
dyepants |
Brings up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for dyeing your currently-equipped pants. |
# |
dyeshirt |
Brings up a character customization menu with HSV sliders for dyeing your currently-equipped shirt. |
# |
hat |
Syntax: Gives and automatically equips the specified hat to your farmer; any currently equipped hat will be destroyed. See hat data for a list of base game IDs. Example: |
# |
ring |
Syntax: Adds the specified ring to your inventory. See object data for a list of base game IDs. Example: |
# |
tailor |
Brings up the same tailoring menu you get by interacting with the sewing machine in Emily’s house. |
# |
tailorrecipelisttool, trlt |
Brings up a special menu listing most Objects, what color they will dye an item, and what clothing item they can make when used in the sewing machine. The menu can be scrolled with the mouse wheel, hovering the mouse over the object will show the tooltip for the clothing it makes, and clicking on the object will add the clothing it makes to your inventory. |
# |
Tools and weapons
command | description | |
ax |
Adds a basic Axe to your inventory. |
# |
forge |
Shows the Forge menu. |
# |
hoe |
Adds a basic Hoe to your inventory. |
# |
mp |
Adds a Milk Pail to your inventory. |
# |
pan |
Adds a Copper Pan to your inventory. |
# |
pickaxe, pickax, pick |
Adds a basic Pickaxe to your inventory. |
# |
pole |
Syntax: Adds a Fishing Pole of the specified type to your inventory. Valid types are 0 (Bamboo Pole; the default), 1 (Training Rod), 2 (Fiberglass Rod), or 3 (Iridium Rod). |
# |
shears, scissors |
Adds Shears to your inventory. |
# |
slingshot |
Adds a Slingshot to your inventory. |
# |
tool |
Syntax: Changes the upgrade level of the specified tool to the specified level; the tool must be in your inventory. Tool names are case-sensitive but can match partially; valid names are Ax, Hoe, Pickaxe, and Watering Can. Upgrade levels are 0 (basic), 1 (copper), 2 (steel), 3 (gold), or 4 (iridium). Examples:
# |
trashcan |
Syntax: Changes the upgrade level of your inventory Trash Can. Upgrade levels are 0 (basic), 1 (copper), 2 (steel), 3 (gold), or 4 (iridium). The can sprite may not fully update until the inventory is closed and reopened. |
# |
wand |
Adds a Return Scepter to your inventory. |
# |
wateringcan, can |
Adds a basic Watering Can to your inventory. |
# |
weapon |
Syntax: Adds the specified weapon to your inventory. See weapon data for a list of base game IDs. Example: |
# |
Wallet items
command | description | |
clearspecials |
Removes most special items from your Wallet. The Rusty Key, Skull Key, Special Charm, Dark Talisman, Magic Ink, Club Card, Dwarven Translation Guide, and Magnifying Glass will all be removed, but Bear’s Knowledge and Spring Onion Mastery will remain. |
# |
darktalisman |
Adds the Dark Talisman to (and removes the Magic Ink from) your wallet; also removes the magic artifact blocking access to the Witch’s Swamp. |
# |
skullkey |
Adds the Skull Key to your wallet. |
# |
specialitem |
Syntax: Adds the specified special item to your wallet. Which ID values are useful is currently unknown. |
# |
specials |
Adds all special items to your wallet, including Bear’s Knowledge and Spring Onion Mastery. The associated events for these two are also marked as seen. |
# |
townkey |
Adds the Key To The Town to your wallet. |
# |
Miscellaneous items
command | description | |
fillbin, fb |
Adds a Parsnip, Fire Quartz, LargeMouth Bass, Wild Horseradish, and Wood to the shipping bin. |
# |
listtags |
Outputs all object context tags associated with the currently-held item to the console. Example: |
# |
makeinedible |
Makes the currently-held item inedible by setting its edibility value to -300; does not affect other instances of the same item. |
# |
skullgear |
Sets your current backpack size to 32 slots, equips a Savage Ring and Iridium Band, equips Space Boots, and clears inventory except for an Iridium Pickaxe, a Galaxy Sword, a stack of 20 Spicy Eels, and a stack of 20 Mega Bombs. Also sets your maximum health to 75 and gives you the Fighter profession. Any previously equipped boots and rings and all previous inventory items are lost. |
# |
command | description | |
customizemenu, customize, cmenu |
Opens the full character customization menu seen at the start of a new game which includes gender options and player/farm names. Changing the player name will cause the save file to change as well. |
# |
haircolor |
Syntax: Sets the player’s hair color to the specified RGB values. Each has a range of 0-255. |
# |
hairstyle |
Syntax: Sets the player’s hair style to the specified ID. Note that these IDs are one less than the values shown in the character customization menu and have a range of 0-55 in the base game. |
# |
pants |
Syntax: Sets the player’s pants color to the specified RGB values. Each has a range of 0-255. This no longer has a noticeable effect since pants are now a clothing item; the dyepants command should be used instead. |
# |
shirtcolor |
Syntax: Sets the player’s shirt choice to the specified ID. This no longer has a noticeable effect since shirts are now a clothing item; the clothes or dyeshirt commands should be used instead. |
# |
skincolor |
Syntax: Sets the player’s skin color to the specified ID. Note that these IDs are one less than the values shown in the character customization menu and have a range of 0-23 in the base game. |
# |
Health, stamina, buffs, and currency
command | description | |||||||||||||
buff |
Syntax: Adds the specified buff to the player. Useful ID values are listed below. Also see the speed command.
# | ||||||||||||
clearbuffs |
Removes all active buffs (both positive and negative.) |
# | ||||||||||||
die |
Sets your health to zero, resulting in passing out and awakening in the Clinic. |
# | ||||||||||||
energize |
Syntax: Sets your energy to the specified amount. If no amount is specified, it will be set to maximum. |
# | ||||||||||||
exhaust |
Sets your energy to -15, resulting in passing out and ending the day. |
# | ||||||||||||
gem |
Syntax: Gives you the specified number of Qi Gems. |
# | ||||||||||||
gold |
Gives you one million (1,000,000) gold. |
# | ||||||||||||
heal |
Sets your health to maximum. |
# | ||||||||||||
invincible, inv, gm |
Toggles invincibility. When on, you will not take any damage. |
# | ||||||||||||
money |
Syntax: Sets your money to the specified amount. To use in a macro, make sure one or more of the letters in the command is capitalized. |
# | ||||||||||||
testnut |
Spawns a Golden Walnut at the upper left corner of the current map which will immediately start moving towards a player for collection. |
# | ||||||||||||
walnut |
Syntax: Gives your team the specified number of Golden Walnuts. |
# |
Movement and warping
command | description | |
canmove, cm, c |
Attempts to force-enable player movement by resetting animations and dismounting the horse. Sometimes useful when the player becomes «stuck.» |
# |
minelevel |
Syntax: Warps you to the specified level of the Mines. Use level 77377 to warp to the Quarry Mine, and to warp to a level in the Skull Cavern, add 120 to your target level. Example: |
# |
printplayerpos, ppp |
Prints the player’s current position in both tile and pixel coordinates to the console. |
# |
speed |
Syntax: Gives the player a speed buff of the specified amount for the specified duration. The duration is interpreted as in-game minutes and defaults to 30; multiplying this value by 0.7 will convert to real-time seconds. This buff has a unique source of «Debug Speed» and will stack with both food and drink speed buffs. Example: |
# |
volcano |
Syntax: Warps you to the specified level of the Volcano Dungeon. |
# |
warp |
Syntax: Warps you to the specified location at the given coordinates. The location name is a fuzzy match, and if the coordinates are not supplied the game has a list of hardcoded defaults it will use for many locations (see Utility.getDefaultWarpLocation() for details.) Examples:
# |
warphome, wh |
Warps you directly to your bed in your farmhouse/cabin. |
# |
warpshop, ws |
Syntax: Warps you to the shop run by the specified NPC; if necessary will also warp the NPC to the shop location. NPC names are case-insensitive and can be one of the following: pierre, robin, krobus, sandy, marnie, clint, gus, willy, pam, dwarf, and wizard. The wizard option will also add Magic Ink to your wallet and mark the event where the ink is returned as already seen. Example: |
# |
warptocharacter, wtc |
Syntax: Warps you to the specified character, wherever they are. This is a fuzzy match. |
# |
warptoplayer, wtp |
Syntax: Warps you to the specified player, wherever they are. The match is case-insensitive and any spaces should be removed from the name. |
# |
Skills and XP
command | description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
experience |
Syntax: Adds the specified amount of experience to the specified skill. Valid skill IDs are 0 (Farming), 1 (Fishing), 2 (Foraging), 3 (Mining), 4 (Combat), and 5 (Luck). |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
fishing |
Syntax: Sets your fishing skill to the specified level. This does not unlock crafting recipes or allow profession choice, nor does it change the underlying experience amount. However it does count in terms of unlocking what Willy sells and enabling legendary fish to be hooked. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
levelup |
Syntax: Shows the appropriate levelup window for the specified skill and level. This unlocks any associated crafting recipes and (if applicable) lets you choose a profession, but does not actually change the skill level or underlying experience amount. Valid skill IDs are 0 (Farming), 1 (Fishing), 2 (Foraging), 3 (Mining), 4 (Combat), and 5 (Luck). |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
profession |
Syntax: Gives you the specified profession. Valid profesion IDs from the base game are shown below.
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
showexperience |
Syntax: Outputs your total experience amount for the specified skill in the SMAPI console. Valid skill IDs are 0 (Farming), 1 (Fishing), 2 (Foraging), 3 (Mining), 4 (Combat), and 5 (Luck). |
# |
Statistics and achievements
command | description | |||||||||||
achieve |
Syntax: Awards the specified Steam achievement. Steam achievements which correspond to in-game achievements use the same numeric ID as listed in Achievement data with one exception: the ID for Greenhorn is a0 instead of just 0. Steam-only achievements have a much longer string ID; these are listed below.
# | ||||||||||
achievement |
Syntax: Awards the specified in-game achievement. See Achievement data for a list of IDs. This will also award the associated Steam achievement if you don’t have it. |
# | ||||||||||
caughtfish, fishcaught |
Syntax: Sets the FishCaught stat to the specified amount. |
# | ||||||||||
changestat |
Syntax: Sets the specified stat to the specified value. These are different than the stats used in getstat/setstat (Technical note: they are entries in StardewValley.Stats.stat_dictionary). Known IDs as of version 1.4.3 are: trashCansChecked. |
# | ||||||||||
daysplayed, dap |
Shows a global message with the current value of the daysPlayed stat. |
# | ||||||||||
dp |
Syntax: Sets the daysPlayed stat to the specified amount. |
# | ||||||||||
getstat |
Syntax: Outputs value of specified stat to the SMAPI console. Some of these values are also accessible in-game by interacting with a machine in the Casino. |
# | ||||||||||
killmonsterstat, kms |
Syntax: Sets the kill stats for the specified monster to the specified value. The monster name should be the same as the keys in Data/Monsters but with spaces replaced with zeros; it is case-sensitive. The command will output a buggy response to the console due to referencing the wrong string key, but the stats are correctly set. Example: |
# | ||||||||||
mineinfo |
Outputs two mine-related stats to the SMAPI Console: MineShaft.lowestLevelReached and player.deepestMineLevel |
# | ||||||||||
perfection |
Makes a variety of changes to qualify for Perfection. These include maxing all friendships, marking all fish as caught, awarding and marking complete all cooking and crafting recipes, marking all items as shipped, setting the flags for all stardrops, setting all skill levels to 10, awarding 500 kills for all monsters, forcibly placing all 4 obelisks and the gold clock in the upper left corner of the farm, and giving 130 walnuts. |
# | ||||||||||
resetachievements |
Resets the Steam achievements. |
# | ||||||||||
setstat |
Syntax: Sets the specified stat to the specified value. Stat IDs are case-sensitive; see getstat more information. Example: |
# |
Collections and quests
Cooking and crafting
command | description | |
addallcrafting |
Teaches you all crafting recipes. Basically the same as crafting, but this one does not check if you already know the recipe before adding so it may output some error messages to the console about duplicate keys. |
# |
cooking |
Teaches you all cooking recipes. |
# |
cookingrecipe |
Syntax: Teaches you the specified cooking recipe. Names are case-sensitive and may contain spaces. Example: |
# |
crafting |
Teaches you all crafting recipes. |
# |
craftingrecipe |
Syntax: Teaches you the specified crafting recipe. Names are case-sensitive and may contain spaces. Example: |
# |
slimecraft |
Teaches you the crafting recipes for Slime Incubator and Slime Egg-Press. |
# |
Fishing, museum, and secret notes
command | description | |
clearfishcaught |
Clears all records of which fish you have caught, resetting the collection. To also change the stat which tracks how many total fish have been caught, see caughtfish. |
# |
clearmuseum |
Removes all donated items from the museum, emptying the museum displays and causing all artifacts and minerals to have the Gunther can tell you more about this… description. Does not affect the records of which artifacts and minerals have been found (i.e., the collection pages). |
# |
deletearch |
Clears all records of which artifacts and minerals you have found. |
# |
museumloot |
Adds unfound artifacts and minerals to your inventory until it is full. Items added by this command will now be marked «found» on the collection pages. |
# |
newmuseumloot |
Adds undonated artifacts and minerals to your inventory until it is full. Items added by this command increment the «Total found» count on the collection pages. |
# |
note |
Syntax: Sets the count of Lost Books recovered to 18, even if you previously had found more, and brings up a window with the contents of the specified book. Book IDs above 18 will show the message There’s a book missing here. |
# |
sn |
Syntax: Adds specified secret note to your inventory. If no ID is specified, a random unseen note will be added. See Data/SecretNotes for a list of IDs. |
# |
command | description | |
allmail |
Queues every letter defined in Data/mail for delivery tomorrow. |
# |
allmailread |
Marks every letter defined in Data/mail as already read. They will all be accessible in the letters tab of the collections menu. |
# |
broadcastmail |
Syntax: Queues specified mail for delivery tomorrow for all players. The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. |
# |
broadcastmailbox |
Syntax: Immediately adds specified mail to all players’ mailboxes. The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. |
# |
clearmail |
Clears records of all received mail (including hidden progress flags.) This also clears the letters tab in the collections menu. |
# |
mailfortomorrow, mft |
Syntax: Queues specified mail for delivery tomorrow. The ID is case-sensitive, and any zeros in the given ID will be replaced with underscores. See Data/mail for valid IDs (after replacement) in the base game. Because of the zero replacement, some letters (e.g., quest10) are inaccessible with this command; broadcastmail may be a useful alternative in those cases. If the second parameter is present (with any value), the «noletter» flag is set, which will add the mail to your mail received list without showing a «new mail» indicator. |
# |
seenmail |
Syntax: Marks specified mail as already received. The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. |
# |
showmail |
Syntax: Brings up the letter-reading window with the specified mail. The ID is case-sensitive; see Data/mail for valid IDs in the base game. If a match cannot be found, a blank window will briefly display and an ArgumentOutOfRange error will be triggered. Does not set the letter as received or cause it to show in the letter tab of the collections menu. Example: |
# |
Quests and Special Orders
command | description | |
clearquests |
Removes all quests from your journal/quest log. |
# |
collectquest |
Starts a new random resource Gathering quest. If used multiple times on the same game day, the quest will always be the same. |
# |
completespecialorder, cso |
Completes all objectives for all currently active Special Orders and Qi Challenges. |
# |
completequest |
Syntax: Completes specified quest and removes it from your journal. See Data/Quests for a list of IDs. |
# |
deliveryquest |
Starts a new random item Delivery quest. If used multiple times on the same game day, the quest will always be the same. |
# |
getallquests |
Starts every quest from Data/Quests that you don’t already have. |
# |
ordersboard |
Shows the Special Orders quest board. |
# |
qiboard |
Shows the Qi Challenges quest board. |
# |
quest |
Syntax: Starts the specified quest. See Data/Quests for a list of IDs. |
# |
quests |
Starts every quest from Data/Quests that you don’t already have as well as a random item Delivery quest and a random Slay Monster quest. |
# |
removequest |
Syntax: Silently removes specified quest from your journal. See Data/Quests for a list of IDs. |
# |
slayquest |
Starts a new random Slay Monster quest. If used multiple times on the same game day, the quest will always be the same. |
# |
specialorder |
Syntax: Starts the Special Order (either town or Qi Challenge) with the specified ID. See Data/SpecialOrders for a list of IDs. |
# |
command | description | |
child, kid |
If you have children, advances the age of the first child to the next stage. Otherwise, spawns a new child named «Baby» with gender and skin tone randomly chosen; the child will start at stage 3 (crawling) and may initially spawn out of bounds. You do not need to be married or have an upgraded house to use this command. |
# |
child2 |
If you have multiple children, advances the age of the second child to the next stage. Otherwise, spawns a new child named «Baby2» with gender and skin tone randomly chosen; the child will start at stage 3 (crawling) and may initially spawn out of bounds. You do not need to be married or have an upgraded house to use this command. |
# |
clearchildren |
Removes all your children. |
# |
pregnant |
Sets a new baby to be born/adopted the next day. You may need to be already married (and have a house with a nursery) for this to work. |
# |
Spawning and removal
command | description | |
addkent |
Spawns Kent if after year 1. |
# |
characterinfo |
Displays a global message listing how many NPCs are in the current location. |
# |
clearcharacters |
Removes all NPCs who are in the current location. |
# |
clone |
Syntax: Clones specified NPC and places the copy in the current location. Name is a fuzzy match. |
# |
killall |
Syntax: Removes all NPCs except for the specified character. Name is an exact match, and they are only spared from removal if they are in the current location. |
# |
killnpc |
Syntax: Removes specified NPC from the game, checking all game locations. Name is an exact match. |
# |
removenpc |
Syntax: Removes specified NPC from the game, checking all game locations and buildings. Name is an exact match. Command will output a message to the console stating whether or not the NPC was found and removed. |
# |
command | description | |
dating |
Syntax: Sets your relationship status with specified NPC to Dating; i.e., marks them as having been given a bouquet. Name is an exact match. |
# |
divorce |
Queues your farmer to divorce their spouse overnight. The spouse room may not be fully removed until you have slept and/or returned to title. |
# |
engaged |
Syntax: Increases your friendship with specified NPC by 2500 points (10 hearts) and sets relationship status to Engaged with a wedding for the next day. Name is an exact match. |
# |
friendall |
Syntax: Increases friendship with all socializable NPCs by the specified amount. If no amount is given, the increase will be 2500 points (10 hearts). All normal point caps are in place, so a bachelor you aren’t dating will not increase past 8 hearts. Previously unmet NPCs will also be marked as met and have friendship increased with the following exceptions:
# |
friendship, friend |
Syntax: Sets friendship with specified NPC to specified value. This is a fuzzy match, and they will be marked as met if previously unmet. |
# |
invitemovie |
Syntax: Invites specified NPC to see a movie today. This is a fuzzy match and you will still need your own ticket to enter the theatre. |
# |
makeex |
Syntax: Sets your relationship status with specified NPC to Divorced, removing any marriage or bouquet flag and listing them as ex-husband or ex-wife. Name is an exact match. |
# |
marry |
Syntax: Increases your friendship with specified NPC by 2500 points (10 hearts) and sets relationship status to Married with an anniversary of today. Name is a fuzzy match. The spouse room generally appears empty on the first day and you’ll need to sleep for it and your spouse to spawn properly. For non-vanilla marriage candidates:
# |
wedding |
Syntax: Sets specified NPC as your spouse and queues a wedding for today. Name is an exact match. If the specified NPC is not normally marriageable, the wedding will still occur but they will be invisible on the wedding day. |
# |
command | description | |
db |
Syntax: Shows a dialogue box with the current dialogue for the specified NPC. Name is a fuzzy match and will default to Pierre if not supplied. This does count as having spoken to that NPC today, and if they don’t have any more dialogue right now, the message Stack empty will be output to the console. |
# |
dialogue |
Syntax: Sets the dialogue for the specified character to the specified string. Name is a fuzzy match. The dialogue string should start with a zero and everything after will be parsed. It can include tokens such as @ for the farmer name and portrait commands; see Dialogue for format specifics. Example: |
# |
loaddialogue |
Syntax: Sets the dialogue for the specified character using the specified asset key. Name is a fuzzy match. Key format appears to be file:key but exact specifics are unknown. Curly braces in the key ({, }) will be converted to angle brackets (<, >). |
# |
phone |
Brings up the Telephone menu. |
# |
question |
Syntax: Marks the specified dialogue question as answered. |
# |
sb |
Syntax: Shows a speech bubble saying «Hello! This is a test» above the specified NPC’s head. Name is a fuzzy match. |
# |
speech |
Syntax: Displays a dialogue box for the specified character saying the specified string. Name is a fuzzy match. The dialogue string should start with a zero and everything after will be parsed. It can include tokens such as @ for the farmer name and portrait commands; see Dialogue for format specifics. Useful for testing dialogue changes. Example: |
# |
Movement and warping
command | description | |
facedirection, face, fd |
Syntax: Sets specified character to face the specified direction. Name is a fuzzy match and also accepts farmer. See Event data for the valid directions. |
# |
faceplayer |
Syntax: Sets specified character to face towards the player. Name is a fuzzy match. |
# |
hurry |
Syntax: Warps specified character to the endpoint of their current schedule entry. Name is a fuzzy match. Example: |
# |
jump |
Syntax: Makes specified character jump with the specified velocity. Name is a fuzzy match and also accepts farmer. Velocity is a float and defaults to 8.0 if not supplied, which results in a jump of about half the height of the player character. |
# |
pathspousetome, pstm |
Causes your spouse (NPC only) to start walking towards you if they are already on the current map or warp directly to you otherwise. |
# |
warpcharacter, wc |
Syntax: Warps specified character to the given coordinates on the current map. Name is a fuzzy match. See Event data for the valid directions; the default is 2. Note: if you do not include enough parameters, an error message will be printed to the console which incorrectly states the default facing direction is 1. |
# |
warpcharacterto, wct |
Syntax: Warps specified character to the given coordinates on the specified map. Character name is a fuzzy match, but location is exact. See Event data for the valid directions; the default is 2. Note: if you do not include enough parameters, an error message will be printed to the console which incorrectly states the default facing direction is 1. Example: |
# |
warpcharactertome, wctm |
Syntax: Warps the specified character directly to you; name is a fuzzy match. |
# |
whereis, where |
Syntax: Outputs the location and coordinates of the specified character to the SMAPI console. Name is a fuzzy match. |
# |
Farm animals
command | description | |
animal |
Syntax: Adds a new baby animal of the specified type to the Farm. The animal will have a random name and be assigned to the correct type of building (if there is room). Type is a case-sensitive match with spaces allowed. Valid types for the base game are listed below.
# |
animalinfo |
Displays a global message with the count of the total number of farm animals. |
# |
befriendanimals |
Syntax: Sets friendship of all animals who live (and are currently present) in the current location to the given amount. Default is 1000 (max). |
# |
fixanimals |
Goes through all Farm buildings and removes entries for animals which no longer live in that building. |
# |
growanimals |
Sets all animals who live in the current building to day 1 of adulthood. Must be done in a building such as a Barn or Coop. May cause each of them to eat hay. |
# |
growanimalsfarm |
Sets all animals who live in the current location to day 1 of adulthood. Must be done on the Farm; this would apply to animals that no longer have homes due to building destruction such as after using removebuildings. |
# |
pauseanimals |
Pauses all farm animals in the current location indefinitely. Exiting and re-entering may cause them to be randomly moved to a new spot, but they will remain paused. |
# |
unpauseanimals |
Unpauses all farm animals in the current location. |
# |
warpanimaltome, watm |
Syntax: Warps the specified farm animal to you; name is a case-insensitive fuzzy search but will only work in a location that allows animals. |
# |
Pets, horses, and monsters
command | description | |
cat |
Syntax: Spawns a new Cat at the given coordinates of the current location. Breed can be 0, 1, or 2 and determines which texture to use. This is an additional pet and does not replace any current pet(s). |
# |
createdino |
Spawns a Pepper Rex just to the right of your farmer. |
# |
dog |
Syntax: Spawns a new Dog at the given coordinates of the current location. Breed can be 0, 1, or 2 and determines which texture to use. This is an additional pet and does not replace any current pet(s). |
# |
horse |
Syntax: Spawns a new Horse at the given coordinates of the current location. Horse may disappear after dismounting if there is no stable for it. |
# |
killallhorses |
Removes all horses from all locations. |
# |
monster |
Syntax: Spawns a monster of the specified type at the given coordinates of the current location. Only certain monster types seem to work. Known valid types include Bat, DinoMonster, DustSpirit, Fly, Ghost, GreenSlime, Grub, LavaCrab, Mummy, RockCrab, RockGolem, Serpent, ShadowBrute, ShadowShaman, Skeleton, and SquidKid. Duggy may also work depending on the terrain. |
# |
owl |
Spawns an Owl in the current location. |
# |
pettofarm |
If it is not raining, warps your pet to the pet bowl location on the Farm (Tech note: Location is initially set by checking for tile 1938 on Building layer). If it is raining, warps pet to the FarmHouse. Only works for host in multiplayer. |
# |
togglecatperson |
Toggles your farmer’s chosen pet preference between cat and dog. If you already have a pet, the inventory graphic will switch but the pet themselves will not be affected. |
# |
Festivals and events
command | description | |||||||||
ee |
Ends (and restarts) the current event. |
# | ||||||||
event |
Syntax: Starts the specified event in the specified location. The location name is a fuzzy match, but the second parameter is an index rather than an ID. This is basically a zero-based count of the item definitions in the appropriate data file, and since these definitions can be altered by mods this a difficult command to use. Because of this and the warning below, ebi is often the better choice. |
# | ||||||||
eventbyid, ebi |
Syntax: Starts the specified event. This does take an event ID; events which have prerequisites of other events might not start if those prerequisites have not been seen. Example: |
# | ||||||||
eventover |
Ends (and restarts) the current event. Seems to be essentially equivalent to ee. |
# | ||||||||
eventseen, seenevent |
Syntax: Marks specifid event as seen by your farmer. Useful for enabling access to event-dependent areas or events. |
# | ||||||||
eventtest |
Syntax: Calls Util.EventTest() with the specified arguments. Defaults are «» and 0 respectively. Actual details unknown. |
# | ||||||||
eventtestspecific |
Syntax: Calls Util.EventTest() with the specified arguments. Arguments are interpreted as an array of strings. Actual details unknown. |
# | ||||||||
festival |
Syntax: Starts the specified festival ID. The season, day, and time will be set to match the starting time, and you will be warped to the correct location. Valid IDs are listed below.
# | ||||||||
festivalscore |
Syntax: Adds the specified value to the festival score. The festival score has different meanings depending on which festival is active and includes the egg count at the Egg Hunt, number of fish caught at the Ice Festival, and star token count at the fall Fair. |
# | ||||||||
leaveevent, endevent |
Ends (and restarts) the current event. |
# | ||||||||
runtestevent, rte |
Runs an event from the file |
# |
Minigames and cutscenes
command | description | |
boatjourney |
Plays the extended cutscene of the first boat trip to Ginger Island. The player will be warped to the Island Docks when the cutscene ends. |
# |
crane |
Starts the Crane Game minigame from the Movie Theater populated with prizes based on which movie is (or would be) showing for the current month. |
# |
darts |
Starts the Darts minigame from the Pirate Cove. |
# |
fish |
Syntax: Starts the fishing minigame with the specified fish hooked and a treasure chest available. You must have a fishing line already cast into the water before entering the command in order to actually receive the fish after completing the minigame. Additional «hits» may trigger during the game, and none of the fishing pole animations will play. See object data for a list of valid IDs; non-fish objects can be used and caught. |
# |
oldminegame |
Starts the pre-1.4 version of Junimo Kart. |
# |
minegame |
Syntax: Starts the Junimo Kart minigame. If the second argument is infinite the game will play Endless mode; if it is anything else (or missing), the game will play Progress mode. |
# |
minigame |
Syntax: Starts the specified minigame or cutscene. Valid choices are listed below.
# |
test |
Starts the Test minigame. This brings up a window showing a variety of flooring textures; left-click closes the window. |
# |
Terrain, trees, and crops
command | description | |
addquartz |
Syntax: Spawns the specified amount of Quartz terrain features on the Farm. The locations are randomly chosen and no checking is done on the underlying tiles, so they may wind up in impassable areas. |
# |
clearfarm |
Removes nearly everything from the Farm map such as grass, trees, debris, paths, and placed objects (including working machines and filled chests.) |
# |
dayupdate |
Syntax: Runs the DayUpdate for the current location the specified number of times. If the number of updates is not specified, it will default to 1. This simulates days passing for some things such as grass and fruit trees growing or fish reproducing in ponds. Other things may not progress the full amount; for example crop growth only advances one day because sprinklers will not be triggered and the growcrops command should be used for that instead. |
# |
fruittrees |
Adds a month of growth to all fruit trees in the current location, causing even newly-planted saplings to instantly mature. |
# |
grass |
Spawns long grass on all available tiles on the farm. |
# |
growcrops |
Syntax: Grows all crops in the current location the specified number of days. |
# |
growgrass |
Syntax: Grows long grass the specified number of times in the current location. This will cause already-placed grass to spread but will not necessarily create grass in clear areas. |
# |
growwildtrees |
Grows all wild trees (such as Oak) in the current location to maturity. |
# |
localinfo |
Outputs counts of grass, trees, other terrain features, objects, and temporary sprites for the current location. May be broken. |
# |
mushroomtrees |
Turns all wild trees in the current location into mushroom trees. |
# |
r |
Resets current location which essentially simulates the player leaving and reentering. Most noticeable effect is the restarting of music tracks. |
# |
removedebris |
Removes all dropped items from the current location. |
# |
removedirt |
Removes (i.e., untills) all tilled dirt in the current location. |
# |
removelargetf |
Removes all large terrain features (such as bushes) from the current location. |
# |
removeterrainfeatures, removetf |
Removes all (small) terrain features such as grass and tilled dirt from the current location. |
# |
spawnweeds |
Syntax: Spawns weeds the specified number of times. This will cause already-placed weeds to spread but will not necessarily create new weeds in clear areas. |
# |
spreaddirt |
Tills all unoccupied diggable tiles on the farm. |
# |
spreadseeds |
Syntax: Plants specified seed in all tilled dirt on the farm. The argument is the object ID for the seed item. Out of season crops can be planted this way but will not survive outside of the greenhouse. Example: |
# |
water |
Waters all tilled soil on the current map. |
# |
watercolor |
Syntax: Tints the water color for the current location. The parameters are red, green, and blue components and the actual RGBA color used will be (R/2, G/2, B/2, 127). This affects fishing ponds as well as lakes, rivers, etc., but the effect is temporary and the color will reset to normal if you leave and re-enter the map. |
# |
whereore |
Outputs (to the SMAPI console) the coordinates of any «shiny spots» suitable for panning on the current map. Will output {X:0 Y:0} if there are no active panning spots. |
# |
Objects and lights
command | description | |
clearfurniture |
Removes all furniture from the current location. Must be in a farmhouse/cabin. Use removefurniture instead for other locations such as sheds. |
# |
clearlightglows |
Removes all light glows from the current location. |
# |
fencedecay |
Syntax: Ages all fences in the current location the specified amount of days. Example: |
# |
fillwithobject |
Syntax: Places the specified item on all open tiles in the current location. The first argument is the object or big craftable ID. If the second argument is «true«, the ID will be interpreted as a craftable, but if it is anything else (or missing) the ID will be interpreted as an object. Note that many objects spawned this way cannot be easily removed. Example: |
# |
readyforharvest, rfh |
Syntax: Sets the machine at the specified coordinates to finish processing at the next clock update. If used to target a rock in the mine, quarry, etc. the rock’s health will be reduced such that it only needs 1 more hit to break. A mod such as Debug Mode may be useful for getting coordinates. |
# |
removefurniture |
Removes all furniture from the current location. Similar to clearfurniture but will also work in other decoratable locations such as sheds. |
# |
removelights |
Removes all light sources from the current location. This is temporary and they will be restored if the location is reset or re-entered. |
# |
removeobjects |
Removes all placed objects from the current location. This includes things like fences, machines, and chests, but does not include flooring or long grass. |
# |
Farm buildings
command | description | |
bpm |
Shows the building painting menu for the building immediately North of the player, or for the farmhouse if no such building is found. |
# |
build |
Syntax: Builds the specified building at the given coordinates. Names are exact but spaces should be replaced with «9«. If the coordinates are not specified, it will build just to the right of your farmer. While higher-level farm buildings such as Deluxe Barns can be immediately built this way, the incubator will be missing from Big or Deluxe Coops. Example: |
# |
buildcoop, bc |
Syntax: Builds a new basic Coop at the specified coordinates. |
# |
movebuilding |
Syntax: Moves building from specified source coordinates to specified destination coordinates. The coordinates are the upper-left corner of the building’s footprint. The Lookup Anything mod is one of the easier ways to get the source coordinates of a building; they are listed under tileX and tileY in the debug info (needs ShowDataMiningFields enabled.) |
# |
removebuildings |
Destroys all farm buildings. Animals within any of the buildings will also be removed, but animals which are outside will not be. |
# |
spawncoopsandbarns |
Syntax: Spawns the specified number of buildings. The game will randomly choose either a Deluxe Barn full of cows or a Deluxe Coop full of chickens for each (equal chance). Their locaions are also randomly chosen and the game will try 20 times to find a spot for each before giving up. The coops created by this command will not have incubators. |
# |
command | description | |
crib |
Syntax: Sets the current crib style to the specified value. In the base game, valid values are 0 (no crib) or 1 (default crib). Additional styles may be possible through modding as the ID is appended to the map filename. For example, crib style 1 is specified by the file Maps/FarmHouse_Crib_1. |
# |
floor |
Syntax: Sets all floors of your farmhouse to the specified texture. Valid texture numbers are 0 — 55; see Flooring for previews but note that the IDs used by the game are 1 less than the numbers used for the wiki filenames. If no texture is specified, the game will use the next ID after the current floor texture without checking for overflow which can create bugged textures. Example: |
# |
houseupgrade, house, hu |
Syntax: Sets upgrade level of your farmhouse/cabin to the specified value. Valid values are 0 — 3. Furniture and placed items will not be automatically moved and may wind up out of bounds. If done while the player is inside the house, warp points may not immediately update. |
# |
renovate |
Opens the farmhouse renovation menu. |
# |
upgradehouse |
Increases the upgrade level of your farmhouse/cabin to the next level (max 3). Furniture and placed items will not be automatically moved and may wind up out of bounds. If done while the player is inside the house, warp points may not immediately update. |
# |
wall, w |
Syntax: Sets all walls of your farmhouse to the specified texture. Valid texture numbers are 0 — 111; see Wallpaper for previews but note that the IDs used by the game are 1 less than the numbers used for the wiki filenames. If no texture is specified, the game will use the next ID after the current wallpaper texture without checking for overflow which can create bugged textures. Example: |
# |
Special farm setups
command | description | |
farmmap |
Syntax: Removes the current farm map and farmhouse from the game and creates a new farm of the specified type. The farm will be named after the type (e.g., «Standard Farm»). Valid types are: 0 (Standard), 1 (Riverland), 2 (Forest), 3 (Hilltop), 4 (Wilderness), or 5 (Four Corners). |
# |
setupbigfarm |
Clears the farm and then does the following:
# |
setupfarm |
Syntax: Removes all farm buildings and completely clears large areas of the current farm (the presence of a second parameter causes a larger area to be cleared.) After this, the following things are done:
# |
setupfishpondfarm |
Syntax: Clears farm and then builds up to 96 fish ponds randomly filled with various types of fish. The population of each of the ponds will be set to the specified value and defaults to 10. The ponds are built in a large 12 x 8 grid but will not be placed in a spot blocked by other buildings, animals, or map features. |
# |
Community center and bundles
command | description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
addjunimo, aj, j |
Syntax: Adds a junimo at the specified coordinates and assigned to the given Community Center area. Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
allbundles |
Marks all bundles complete. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
bundle |
Syntax: Marks the specified bundle as complete. Valid IDs are listed below.
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ccload |
Syntax: Removes the junimo note from and restores the specified area. Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ccloadcutscene |
Syntax: Plays the full restoration cutscene for the specified area including junimo dance and star retrieval. Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
completecc |
Adds all of the appropriate flags for Community Center completion and restores all areas. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
completejoja |
Adds all of the appropriate flags for Joja membership and Community Development purchases. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
junimogoodbye |
Plays the animation where 6 junimos wave goodbye in front of the hut in the Community Center and then that corner of the Community Center gets restored. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
junimonote, jn |
Syntax: Adds a junimo note (bundle scroll) for the specified area. Valid areas are 0 (Pantry), 1 (Crafts Room), 2 (Fish Tank), 3 (Boiler Room), 4 (Vault), or 5 (Bulletin Board). |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
junimostar |
Causes a junimo to run to the hut and retrieve a star which is then placed on the plaque above the fireplace. Must be done in the Community Center. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
plaque |
Adds a star to the plaque above the Community Center fireplace. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
resetjunimonotes |
Resets all bundles. |
# | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
shufflebundles |
Regenerates bundles using remixed bundle logic and without a specific random seed. |
# |
Other location-specific functions
command | description | |||||||||
beachbridge |
Toggles the state of the beach bridge between fixed and not fixed. |
# | ||||||||
ladder, shaft |
Syntax: Creates a ladder or mineshaft at the specified coordinates. If no coordinates are given, it will spawn 1 tile north of the player. In the regular mines, both versions of the command will create a ladder. In the Skull Caverns, ladder will randomly spawn either a ladder or mineshaft while shaft will always spawn a mineshaft. |
# | ||||||||
minedifficulty, md |
Syntax: Sets the difficulty of the mines to the specified level. In the base game, normal difficulty is 0 and the harder difficulty corresponding to the «Danger in the Deep» quest or Shrine of Challenge activation is 1. Higher numbers can be used. If no difficulty level is specified, command will simply print the current difficulty level to the console. |
# | ||||||||
movie |
Syntax: Starts a movie; this command is a bit complex with its parameter handling so be sure to check the examples. Note that this command can create a group with up to 3 guests instead of just the single guest allowed in normal play. Valid movie IDs are listed after the parameter explanation.
Warning: This command also increases the save’s uniqueID by 1 each time it is used, which will cause the save filename to change and impact some random events. Examples:
# | ||||||||
pgb |
Prints the Gem Bird Puzzle solution to the console. |
# | ||||||||
resetmines |
Resets «permanent mine changes» such as coal carts and treasure chests. Does not affect mines level progress or monster eradication goals. |
# | ||||||||
returneddonations |
Opens the «returned donations» menu of the Lost and Found box from the Mayor’s Manor. |
# | ||||||||
skullcavedifficulty, scd |
Syntax: Sets the difficulty of the Skull Cavern to the specified level. In the base game, normal difficulty is 0 and the harder difficulty corresponding to the «Skull Cavern Invasion» quest is 1. Higher numbers can be used. If no difficulty level is specified, command will simply print the current difficulty level to the console. Example: |
# | ||||||||
train |
Causes a train to spawn at the Railroad. |
# |
Date and time
command | description | |
addhour |
Increases time by 1 hour. |
# |
addminute |
Increases time by 10 minutes. |
# |
day |
Syntax: Changes day of the month to the specified value; stays in current season and adjusts daysPlayed statistic appropriately. |
# |
pausetime |
Toggles game pause state. This is different from the normal chat /pause command in that the player still has free movement during the pause. |
# |
season |
Syntax: Sets season to the specified value. The season name is case-insensitive; valid names are spring, summer, fall, and winter. |
# |
sleep, newday, nd |
Forces end of day. |
# |
time |
Syntax: Sets current time to the specified value. This is essentially 24-hour time without a colon, although the stardew clock keeps running until 2600. See examples. Examples:
# |
year |
Syntax: Sets the current year to the specified value. |
# |
Weather and world state
command | description | |
debrisweather |
Toggles «debris» weather (i.e., windy weather with floating leaves) on and off. Does not change the weather icon on the HUD. |
# |
morepollen |
Syntax: Increases the amount of leaves flying around if in debris/windy weather. |
# |
rain |
Toggles rainy weather on and off. Will turn off debris/windy weather. Does not change the weather icon on the HUD. |
# |
resetworldstate |
Clears all world state IDs which track map changes such as whether the beach bridge is fixed, whether Trash Bear has done his thing and various small changes from heart events. |
# |
Game settings and meta info
command | description | |
conventionmode |
Toggles convention mode on and off. When on, disables the resolution and window mode options as well as both «Exit to Title» and «Exit to Desktop» buttons. |
# |
gamemode |
Syntax: Sets the game mode to the specified value. Details unknown. |
# |
gamepad |
Toggles gamepad control options and displays a global message about whether they are being used or not. |
# |
inputsim, is |
Syntax: Sets input simulator to the specified type. Valid types are spamtool and spamlr. Details unknown. |
# |
language |
Brings up the language selection menu. |
# |
musicvolume, mv, m |
Syntax: Sets music volume to the specified value. This is a double-precision float in the range of 0 — 1. |
# |
nosave, ns |
Toggles end of day saving on or off. Outputs a message to the console with the current saving status. |
# |
runmacro, rm |
Syntax: Runs the specified macro file. The given filename will have .txt appended to it. See Macros for more details. |
# |
save |
Toggles end of day saving on or off. Similar to nosave but does not output a status message. |
# |
showplurals |
Prints (to the console) the plural forms of all items listed in Data/ObjectInformation and Data/BigCraftablesInformation. |
# |
steaminfo, sdkinfo |
Outputs information about whether Steam is running and if a user is logged in. |
# |
version |
Outputs the assembly version number to the console. Note this is different from the more user-friendly version that can be accessed from the credits screen. For example, running this command on Stardew Valley 1.4.3 for Windows will output 1.3.7286.33936 |
# |
General multiplayer
command | description | |
addotherfarmer |
Creates an additional new male farmer with randomized name and appearance which spawns 1 tile to the left of your farmer. Unsure of what situation this can be used in. |
# |
nethost |
Starts a new LAN server. Details unknown. |
# |
netjoin |
Details unknown. |
# |
split |
Syntax: Adds another split-screen multiplayer instance for the specified player index or starts split-screen mode otherwise. |
# |
command | description | |
logbandwidth |
Toggles bandwidth logging on and off. Can be used on either host or client. |
# |
netclear |
Clears network message log. |
# |
netdump |
Outputs network message log to a file. |
# |
netlog |
Toggles network message logging on and off. |
# |
Player relationships
command | description | |
dateplayer |
Checks all other farmers and sets the first one found as dating the player. |
# |
engageplayer |
Checks all other farmers and sets the first one found as engaged to the player with a wedding date of the next game day. |
# |
marryplayer |
Checks all online farmers and sets the first one found as married to the player with a wedding date of the current game day. |
# |
Shared/split money
command | description | |
changewallet |
Sets the game to toggle between shared or split money overnight. Host only. |
# |
mergewallets |
Immediately switches to shared money, merging all player wallets. Host only. |
# |
separatewallets |
Immediately switches to split money, separating all player wallets. Host only. |
# |
Audio and visual effects
command | description | |
animationpreviewtool, apt |
Opens a menu allowing you to preview different farmer animations and change some appearance options. Useful for event modding. Warning: previewing the «passOutTired» animation will make your farmer pass out as if it’s 2 am and start a new day. |
# |
busdriveback |
Plays the animation of the bus returning from the desert. Must be done on the Bus Stop map. |
# |
busdriveoff |
Plays the animation of the bus leaving the Bus Stop and driving to the desert. Will warp the player to the desert. Must be done on the Bus Stop map. |
# |
createsplash |
Creates a fish «bubble» spot in front of the player. Seems inconsistent. |
# |
framebyframe, fbf |
Turns on «frame-by-frame» mode which pauses the game and allows you to advance time/animations one frame at a time by hitting the G key. Hit Escape key to exit. |
# |
frameoffset, fo |
Syntax: Sets frame offset for specified frame and specified X & Y values. The X and Y can be prefaced with s to flip the direction. Details unknown; reference FarmerRenderer.featureXOffsetPerFrame() and FarmerRenderer.featureYOffsetPerFrame(). |
# |
setframe, sf |
Syntax: Sets farmer sprite to the given animation frame. Probably best used in conjunction with frame-by-frame mode. |
# |
sprinkle |
Shows an animation of a sprinkle effect around the farmer. Unsure if the animation is used. |
# |
toss |
Shows an animation of a spinning vial/beaker which rises and then falls. Likely used in one of Maru’s heart events. |
# |
Camera, lighting, and effects
command | description | |
ambientlight, al |
Syntax: Sets the ambient light of the current location to the inverse of the specified RGB values. This is a temporary change and the light will revert if the location is reset or re-entered. Ex. inputting 255 0 0 will set the lighting to aqua blue, 0 255 255, rather than red. |
# |
bloom |
Syntax: Changes the bloom settings to the specified parameters. Most are double-precision floats which are divided by 10. The last parameter will set the brightWhiteOnly flag to true if it is present and false if it is absent. Also sets the bloomDay flag. |
# |
bloomday |
Toggles the bloomDay flag on and off, essentially turning the bloom effects themselves on or off. |
# |
drawbounds |
Toggles the drawbounds flag on and off. Details unknown. |
# |
lsd |
Syntax: Starts a bloom shifting animation with the specified values. All parameters are double-precision floats; the third parameter is divided by 1000 and the fourth through tenth parameters are divided by 100. Details unknown; reference BloomComponent.startShifting(). Use caution when testing this command if you’re photosensitive, as it triggers very intense screen flashes. |
# |
panmode, pm |
Turns on panmode. During panmode the screen can be panned with movement keys or mouse movements and debug panmode or debug exit will turn panmode off. |
# |
tls |
Toggles between scaled and unscaled lighting. |
# |
viewport |
Syntax: Sets the viewport to the given values. Details unknown. |
# |
uiscale, us |
Syntax: Sets the UI Scale level to the specified value. This is an integer interpreted as the scale percent. Can be used to go beyond the normal limits of 75 — 125 percent. Example: |
# |
zoomlevel, zl |
Syntax: Sets the game zoom level to the specified value. This is an integer interpreted as the zoom percent. Can be used to go beyond the normal limits of 75 — 125 percent. Example: |
# |
command | description | |
playmusic |
Syntax: Plays the specified music track. May not be able to play tracks which have a space in the cue name. Tracks played this way will be added to the songsHeard list and be available to play on the Jukebox afterwards. See the modder’s resource spreadsheet (Music Bank IDs tab) for a list of valid cue IDs. Example: |
# |
playsound, ps |
Syntax: Playes the specified sound effect. See the modder’s resource spreadsheet (Sound Bank IDs tab) for a list of valid cue IDs. Example: |
# |
Outdated, unimplemented, or unknown
command | description | |
bluebook |
Adds a «Farmer’s Catalogue» to your inventory which looks like an axe and opens up a partially-implemented menu when used. |
# |
blueprint |
Syntax: Adds the specified blueprint to the «Farmer’s Catalogue» menu. IDs seem to be buildings and animals from Data/Blueprints. |
# |
end |
Attempts to warp the player to town and start the «Stardew Hero Celebration» event but appears to crash due to missing music cues. |
# |
lantern |
Adds a lantern to your inventory which looks like an axe and will softlock the player when trying to use it; canmove can be used to fix the soft lock. |
# |
refuel |
Sets lantern fuel to maximum. As the lantern was not fully implemented, this doesn’t do much. |
# |
stoprafting |
Sets an internal isRafting flag to false. As rafting was not fully implemented, this doesn’t do much. |
# |
upgradebarn, barn |
The following describes the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.0, and may change before release. This command no longer exists. Increments an unused barn upgrade level variable (max 3). |
# |
upgradecoop, coop |
The following describes the upcoming Stardew Valley 1.6.0, and may change before release. This command no longer exists. Increments an unused coop upgrade level variable (max 3). |
# |
See also
- Modding:Modder Guide/APIs/Console to add custom commands from a SMAPI mod.
Не волнуйтесь, выбирая профессию в Stardew Valley — их можно изменить с помощью этой статуи!
- Как сменить профессию в Stardew Valley
- Как разблокировать канализацию
Долина Звездной Росы игрокам не нужно бояться быть запертыми в профессия — их можно довольно легко изменить. Разблокировав канализацию, игрок получит доступ к Статуе Неопределенности. Это странное святилище позволяет им менять профессии так часто, как они хотят, за определенную плату, конечно.
Полезно часто менять профессии. Например, если игрок планирует построить ферму, может быть полезно временно обменять свои профессии собирателя и ботаника из дерева навыков собирательства на лесника и дровосека. С помощью этих профессий они соберут гораздо больше древесины и лиственных пород. Затем, когда они закончат, они могут просто переключиться обратно! Есть много способов использовать эту способность для обмена, поэтому читайте дальше, чтобы узнать, как использовать Статую Неуверенности.
Как сменить профессию в Stardew Valley
В канализации слева, напротив магазина Кробуса, находится Статуя Неопределенности.< /p>
Вот как это работает:
- Пожертвуйте 10 000 золотых
- < strong>Выберите навык, в котором вы хотите изменить профессию
- Подождите до ночи, когда ляжете спать, чтобы скоротать время до следующего дня
- Игра предложит вам выбрать новые профессии для уровня 5 и уровня 10, если они достигнуты >
Если игрок надеется изменить свою профессию 10-го уровня, ему также необходимо выбрать профессию 5-го уровня. Сбрасывается вся ветвь, а не только навык 10-го уровня.
Этот процесс можно выполнять так часто, как пожелает игрок, при условии, что у него есть финансовые средства, чтобы продолжать платить за изменение. К сожалению, в тот момент, когда навык сбрасывается у Статуи Неопределенности, все бонусы Профессий немедленно исчезают.
Рекомендуем ознакомится с другими гайдами на популярные игры tattoo-mall.ru. Расскажем про секреты и хитрости, которые можно использовать в играх со своей выгодой. А также про полезные и интересные историй в видеоиграх.
Как разблокировать канализацию
Если игроку необходимо посетить Статую Неопределенности, но он еще не открыл канализацию, в этой части объясняется, как это сделать.
Эту особую зону можно открыть только с помощью ржавого ключа. Чтобы получить этот ключ, пожертвуйте 60 предметов городскому музею. Это может быть любая комбинация артефактов и минералов, если число достигает 60. В этот момент Гюнтер передаст Ржавый ключ.
После этого в канализацию можно попасть через дверь. в городе, к югу от главной площади, или через решетку в южной части леса Синдерсэп.
Stardew Valley предлагает игрокам небольшое древо навыков по мере повышения уровня в различных областях. Это лучшие варианты для инвестиций.
Быстрые ссылки
Фермерство | Добыча полезных ископаемых | Собирательство | Рыбалка | Бой |
В Stardew Valley есть пять навыков: Фермерство, Собирательство, Добыча полезных ископаемых, Рыбалка и Бой. Эти навыки будут повышаться на уровне с различными заданиями до максимального уровня 10. На уровнях 5 и 10 вы можете выбрать профессию, что является небольшим бонусом в каждом из навыков.
<р>Но, когда есть выбор, это может быть трудным. Конечно, каждая профессия полезна, но некоторые, возможно, лучше, чем другие в целом. Читайте дальше, чтобы узнать, какая профессия лучше для среднего игрока, а также как использовать Статую Неуверенности для смены профессии.
Обратите внимание: это руководство будет смотреть на лучший выбор среди профессий. Чтобы получить полное руководство по каждой профессии и тому, как она работает, нажмите здесь.
Обновлено 10 февраля 2022 г. Чтобы лучше проиллюстрировать, какие именно профессии вы должны выбрать для своих навыков. в Stardew Valley мы обновили эту статью собственным видеоруководством!
Уровень земледелия 5
< исходный медиа=»(минимальная ширина: 768 пикселей)» размеры=»963px» data-srcset=»https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Level-5-Farming. jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=963&dpr=1,5″/>
Бонусы | Выбор на уровне 10 | |
Rancher |
Coopmaster или Shepherd |
Tiller |
Ремесленник или Земледелец |
На уровне земледелия 5 вам будет предложено два варианта: владелец ранчо или земледелец. .
В большинстве случаев Tiller будет лучшим вариантом.Этому есть две причины. Во-первых, продукты животного происхождения должны перерабатываться в ремесленные товары, а не продаваться в сыром виде. Во-вторых, выбор профессии Земледельца откроет профессию Ремесленник на уровне 10, что намного лучше двух вариантов, доступных на уровне 10, если вы выберете владельца ранчо.
Уровень земледелия 10
Выбор уровня 5 | Выбор уровня 10 | Бонусы |
Rancher | ||
↳ | Coopmaster |
↳ | Овчарка |
Тиллер | ||
↳ | Ремесленник |
↳ | Земледелец |
Если вы выбираете «Культиватор» на уровне 5, вы' На 10-м уровне вам будет предоставлен выбор между Ремесленником и Земледельцем.
Если вы выбрали Земледельца, как было рекомендовано ранее, намного лучшим выбором будет Ремесленник.Учитывая, что ремесленные товары являются одними из самых прибыльных предметов в игре, это намного лучше, чем увеличение скорости роста урожая, которое дает земледелец.
Если вы выбрали Rancher, Shepherd< /strong> — лучший выбор для уровня 10, заставляющий овец производить шерсть быстрее. В конце игры вам, вероятно, не понадобится бонус скорости инкубации Coopmaster. С каким типом животных вы быстрее подружитесь, также зависит от личных предпочтений.
Уровень добычи 5
Бонусы | Выбор на уровне 10 | |
Майнер |
Кузнец или Старатель |
Геолог |
Геммолог или Экскаватор |
После того, как вы будете разбивать камни в шахтах, вы достигнете 5-го уровня горного дела и получите выбор между Шахтером или Геологом.
Лучший выбор здесь зависит от того, насколько далеко вы продвинулись в игре. С точки зрения прибыли лучший выбор — Геолог. Драгоценные камни продаются за много золота, а увеличение количества руды на единицу не имеет большого значения, особенно в конце игры. Однако в самом начале игры дополнительная руда имеет большое значение. Итак, если вы все еще находитесь в начале весны или лета, майнер временно может быть лучшим выбором.
Mining Level 10
< tbody>
Выбор уровня 5 | Выбор уровня 10 | Бонусы |
Майнер | ||
↳ | Кузнец |
↳ | Старатель |
Геолог | ||
↳ | Геммолог |
↳ | Экскаватор |
Если вы выбрали «Геолог» в качестве перка 5-го уровня, вариант между перками 10-го уровня «Геммолог» и «Экскаватор».
- Геммолог: Все драгоценные камни продаются на 30 % дороже.
- Экскаватор:< /strong> Ваши шансы найти жеоды удваиваются
Геммолог — явный победитель в долгосрочной перспективе.Бросьте несколько бриллиантов в кристаллариумы, и вы станете миллионером, даже не заметив этого. Двойной бонус жеодов Экскаватора хорош, но не сравнится с прибылью Геммолога. Тем не менее, если вы пытаетесь собрать музейную коллекцию, было бы неплохо иметь Экскаватор на некоторое время, так как он поможет вам найти несколько последних недостающих минералов.< /p>
Если вы выбрали Шахтера на уровне 5, лучшим выбором между Кузнецом и Старателем будет Старатель.. Уголь будет нужен всегда, поэтому велик двойной шанс его найти. Продажа металлических слитков для получения более высокой прибыли не должна быть слишком необходимой, потому что вы должны в основном использовать их для изготовления, а не продавать. К тому времени, когда у вас появится их излишек для продажи, вы, вероятно, уже не будете нуждаться в деньгах.
Собирательство, уровень 5
Бонусы | Выбор на уровне 10 | |
Forester |
Дровосек или Топор |
Собиратель |
Ботаник или Следопыт |
Навык собирательства применяется к нескольким различным вещам, в том числе к фактическому поиску предметов в долине, а также к рубке дров. Уровень 5 дает выбор между Forester и Gatherer.
Лучший выбор, несомненно, Gatherer, особенно в сочетании с правильным перком на уровне 10.
Forester. в порядке, но ежедневная удача также может увеличить количество получаемого дерева. В Stardew Valley нет недостатка в древесине. Тем не менее, это может быть хорошим выбором как в начале игры, так и в любой период, когда вы пытаетесь построить много сельскохозяйственных построек.
Однако в долгосрочной перспективе Gatherer лучше. Кроме того, бонус собирателя распространяется на эти драгоценные, драгоценные трюфели. Направляйтесь к Статуе Неопределенности и временно переключитесь на Лесника, чтобы получить кучу дров, когда вам это нужно, затем переключитесь обратно.
Собирательство, уровень 10
Выбор уровня 5 | Выбор на уровне 10 | Бонусы |
Forester | ||
↳ | Дровосек |
↳ | Tapper |
Собиратель | ||
↳ | Ботаник |
↳ | Tracker |
На уровне 10 вы’ Вам придется выбирать между Ботаником и Следопытом (если вы выбрали Собирателя).
Выберите Ботаника здесь, так как он делает каждый собранный предмет максимально качественным. Это невероятно мощно, особенно когда дело доходит до сбора трюфелей.Все они будут иметь качество Iridium.
Трекер показывает местонахождение предметов, которые можно добывать, что довольно круто, но меркнет по сравнению с точки зрения полезности. Тем не менее, он также укажет вам направление точек артефактов и местонахождение мест, где вы можете панорамировать. Если вы пытаетесь собрать музейную коллекцию, отслеживание местоположения артефакта может быть полезным на какое-то время.
Если вы выбрали Forester на уровне 5, выберите Дровосек.на 10-м уровне. Благодаря этому все деревья могут сбрасывать ту драгоценную твердую древесину, которая нам всем нужна. Таппер заставляет сиропы продаваться дороже. Это не лучший выбор, если только вы не запускаете крупную операцию с кленовым сиропом.
Уровень рыбалки 5
< source media=»(min-width: 768px)» size=»963px» data-srcset=»https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Stardew-Valley-Fishing- Уровень-5.jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=963&dpr=1.5″/>
Бонусы | Выбор на уровне 10 | |
Fisher |
Рыболов или Пират |
Ловец |
Mariner или Luremaster |
Дерево навыков рыбалки идет в очень разных направлениях. На уровне 5 вам будет предоставлен выбор между Рыбаком и Ловцом.
Фишер здесь абсолютно лучший выбор. Ресурсы для изготовления ловушек для крабов не так уж сложны. чтобы достать, а уловы Crab Pot не продаются почти так же, как средняя рыба, пойманная удочкой — особенно после увеличения продаж на 25%.
Если вам нужны дополнительные ловушки для крабов, вы можете использовать все дополнительные деньги, которые вы заработали на привилегии Fisher, чтобы просто купить горшки у Вилли. .
Уровень рыбалки 10
- Ловушки для крабов не требуют наживки
Выбор уровня 5 | Выбор на уровне 10 | Бонусы |
Fisher | ||
↳ | Рыболов |
↳ | Пират |
Ловец | ||
↳ | Маринер |
↳ | Luremaster |
Если вы выбираете Fisher at Level 5 вы сможете выбирать между рыболовом и пиратом на уровне 10.
На 10-м уровне выберите «Пират» (если вы выбрали «Фишер»). С увеличением количества найденных вами сокровищ этот бонус может привести вас к сладкому, сладкому радужному осколку или яйцу динозавра. Бонус от продажи рыболова, безусловно, хорош, но, честно говоря, он не такой забавный, и это должно что-то здесь значить.
If Trapper был выбран на уровне 5, выберите Luremaster.Это делает так, что ловушки для крабов больше не требуют наживки. Mariner, другой вариант, не позволяет Crab Pots производить мусор. Конечно, приятно не приманивать коряги своими ловушками для крабов, но лучше вообще не использовать наживку. Если вы выбрасываете мусор, кого это волнует? Вы не зря потратили приманку!
Боевой уровень 5
< исходный медиа=»(минимальная ширина: 768 пикселей)» размеры=»963px» data-srcset=»https://static1.thegamerimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Level-5-Combat. jpg?q=50&fit=crop&w=963&dpr=1,5″/>
Бонусы | Выбор на уровне 10 | |
Боец |
Брут или Защитник |
Разведчик< /th> |
Acrobat или Desperado |
Бой — последнее дерево навыков в Stardew. На уровне 5 будут доступны варианты «Боец» или «Разведчик».
Должен быть выбран «Боец».только для удара HP. Вы мало что можете сделать, чтобы улучшить свой HP в Stardew, так что сделайте выбор в пользу этого. Вы также получите бонус к атаке за каждую атаку, а не только за редкие критические удары. Это может не сработать математически, чтобы увеличить урон, но это намного более стабильно и надежно.
Кроме того, с добавлением вулканической кузницы в обновлении 1.5 вы теперь можете перезаряжать свое оружие с помощью отличные бонусы, в том числе добавление бонусов критического удара и процента урона.
Боевой уровень 10
Выбор уровня 5 | Выбор на уровне 10 | Бонусы |
Боец | ||
↳ | Грубый |
↳ | Защитник |
Разведчик | ||
↳ | Acrobat |
↳ | Desperado |
Проведя достаточно времени в Шахтах, Вулкане или Пещере Черепа, вы достигнете 10-го уровня в бою и получите выбор между Брутом или Защитником (если был выбран Боец) или Акробатом или Отчаянным (если был выбран Разведчик).< /p>
Если вы выбрали Воина на уровне 5, выберите Защитника на уровне 10. Опять же, увеличение HP трудно получить, поэтому бонусные 25 HP — это здорово. Увеличение урона Брута на 15% — это хорошо, но лучшее нападение — это хорошая защита (или достаточная выносливость), в конце концов.
Для Скаута Desperado — лучший выбор. Это сделает так, что критические удары иногда наносят гораздо больше урона. Это намного лучше, чем Acrobat, который вдвое сокращает время восстановления специальных приемов.
Статуя неопределенности
Изображение предоставлено: u/JohnsonBonson на Reddit
Если вы недовольны выбором профессии, не бойтесь. Статуя неопределенностиможет помочь вам сменить профессию. Все, что вам нужно, это иметь ключ от канализации и 10 000 золотых.
Вы можете открыть канализацию, получив Ржавый ключ. Гюнтер дает вам этот специальный ключ после того, как вы пожертвуете 60 предметов музею.
Чтобы изменить свою профессию, просто заплатите Статую Неопределенности и выберите навык, который вы хотите использовать. поменяйте профессии местами. Затем этой же ночью вам снова будет предложено выбрать профессию уровня 5 и уровня 10.
Это можно делать сколько угодно раз без каких-либо последствий. Это отличный способ временно заняться чем-то, что вам не нужно в долгосрочной перспективе, например переключиться на Forester, когда вам нужна куча дров для проекта.
Однако , обратите внимание, что вы теряете любую профессию, которую заменяете, в момент, когда делаете выбор. Это означает, что у вас не будет их до конца дня. Все, что уже находится в транспортной корзине и может получить бонус от профессии, которую вы удалили, не получит бонус.