State machine dump status error

Original issue: WiFi connection drops, later no wifi networks show in the WiFi setup screen.

Original issue: WiFi connection drops, later no wifi networks show in the WiFi setup screen.

Also get message “Cellular Update Failed. Your iPad cannot access cellular data until it has been updated”

Current version: 13.4.1 (17E262) / iPad Pro 10.5” Model: MPME2LL/A

Fails to upgrade software to 13.5.1. On both the iPad AND via iTunes (from 10.14.6 macOS.Mojave AND on 10.15.5 macOS.Catalina).

Already tried few different cables.

Hardware diagnostics don’t show any hardware errors.

1) Upgrade starts

2) iPad restarts during the beginning upgrade phase

3) While apple logo displayed

4) the entire screen flashes RED

5) then ipad restarts again

6) Upgrade process terminates with

7) «Error: “The iPad could not be updated. An unknown error occurred (4013)”

Log shows:

[20:17:07.6236] <Recovery Mode Device 0x600003be5080>: Recovery mode succeeded

[20:17:07.6237] Finished Recovery Restore Phase: Successful

[20:17:09.5747] Recovery mode device disconnected

[20:17:09.5747] Device removed when in state Restoring, moving device to transition state

[20:17:09.5747] Changing state from ‘Restoring’ to ‘Transitioning’

[20:17:09.5747] Creating timer to monitor transition

[20:17:09.5747] Creating a timer for 10 minutes

[20:17:19.0952] Recovery mode device connected

[20:17:19.0953] Transitioning device returned, continuing restore.

[20:17:19.0953] Canceling timer

[20:17:19.0953] Changing state from ‘Transitioning’ to ‘Restoring’

[20:17:19.0953] State Machine Dump, status:ERROR — [state:Recovery remaining-cycles:0] -> [state:RestoreOS remaining-cycles:1 (current state)]

[20:17:19.0954] Unexpected device state ‘Recovery’ expected ‘RestoreOS’

[20:17:19.0956] Changing state from ‘Restoring’ to ‘Error’

[20:17:19.0957] State is now set to error: Unexpected device state ‘Recovery’ expected ‘RestoreOS’

[20:17:19.0957] Device isn’t booted but USB is up.

[20:17:19.0961] Restore completed, status:4013

[20:17:19.0961] Failure Description:

[20:17:19.0961] Depth:0 Code:4013 Error:Unexpected device state ‘Recovery’ expected ‘RestoreOS’

8) After the failed upgrade iPad is stuck in the mode

Any suggestions are highly appreciated!

  1. 12.09.2018, 18:18


    стал вопрос замены арб в иксе, микруха такая же как и в 77+ а вот то что в ней записано даст ем зашиться?

  2. 12.09.2018, 18:52


    Цитата Сообщение от Xakershik
    Посмотреть сообщение

    стал вопрос замены арб в иксе, микруха такая же как и в 77+ а вот то что в ней записано даст ем зашиться?

    Не важно что в ней записано, фс сама туда прольет что надо.

  3. 17.09.2018, 13:10


    Цитата Сообщение от Alexey6522
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Поставил значит от 7 plus результата не дало. При прошивке из ДФУ, висит яблоко и полоса и так 10 сек, потом перезагрузка и ншурок с ошибкой 9. Вы уверены, что потом по гарантии не возвращались, а то мне тут товарищ говорит ему на следующий день вернулись с той же ошибкой.

    никто и не утверждал, что ошибка 9 только изза арб случается) никто не отменял нанд, проц, падения и т.д. ищите дальше, не стоит зацикливаться на одной микросхеме

  4. 19.09.2018, 08:52


    albertis вне форума


    у меня 2 трубки с ошибкой 9 где замена арб ничего не дала, были проблемы в нандах)

  5. 19.09.2018, 18:53


    iPhone 7 a1778 intel, пришел с bootloop на яблоке.
    Телефон новый первый раз вскрывался,воды и следов ударов нет .
    При прошивке на примерно 30% выдал 9 вот конец лога :

    Реболл кпбб изменил ситуацию на -1
    Лог :

    Заказал другую кпбб и думаю отреболить eeprom.
    Интересует строка : Depth:4 Code:7 Error:update_aht_block_invoke: homer update failed with code -3
    Кто сталкивался может быть?

  6. Спасибо сказали:

  7. 21.09.2018, 23:31


    Upd , еепром отреболил кпбб заменил , прошивается без ошибок и висит на 99%
    Что только не пробовал уже (

  8. 22.09.2018, 02:34


    Цитата Сообщение от brukain
    Посмотреть сообщение

    iPhone 7 a1778 intel, пришел с bootloop на яблоке.
    Телефон новый первый раз вскрывался,воды и следов ударов нет .
    При прошивке на примерно 30% выдал 9 вот конец лога :

    Реболл кпбб изменил ситуацию на -1
    Лог :

    Заказал другую кпбб и думаю отреболить eeprom.
    Интересует строка : Depth:4 Code:7 Error:update_aht_block_invoke: homer update failed with code -3
    Кто сталкивался может быть?

    Так на гомера ругается же в логе?

  9. 22.09.2018, 03:02


    Да ругался но до замены кпбб , реболл и замена homer ситуацию не меняют, висит на 99% иногда примерно на 80%.
    Завтра попробую отреболить BB проц и nfc проверить.

  10. 22.01.2019, 20:02


    я нуб не пинать, не совсем конечно, что такое арб? типа еепрома? счего он заменяем?

  11. 22.01.2019, 20:22


    Это и есть епром, откройте схему, посмотрите маркировку и поищите где стоит аналогичная.

  12. 22.01.2019, 20:34


    вроде еепром не меняется отдельно, или я ошибаюсь?
    вроде в неё что-то прописывается? тоесть еще что-то есть под епром
    просветите неуча

  13. 22.01.2019, 20:38


    Арб меняется, модемная меняется только если есть дамп с меняемой.

Ошибка 9 возникает в iTunes, когда пользователи не могут восстановить свое устройство iPhone. Полное сообщение об ошибке: «The iPhone «iPhone» не может быть восстановлен. Произошла неизвестная ошибка (9)».

Производители Apple признали сообщение об ошибке и даже опубликовали нужную документацию на своем сайте, по этому поводу. По их словам, эта ошибка возникает, если устройство Apple отключается во время обновления или восстановления. Мы собрали некоторые решения, которые включают основные исправления, чтобы помочь вам решить вашу проблему. Выполняйте последовательно наши рекомендации.

Способ 1: Перезагрузка устройств

Ошибка 9 в iTunes вполне может оказаться единичным сбоем, в таком случае для его устранения достаточно выполнить банальную перезагрузку – и iPhone/iPad/iPod, и компьютера, на котором осуществляется процедура обновления или восстановления.

Подробнее: Как перезагрузить iPhone Как перезагрузить ПК

Как перезагрузить Apple iPhone

Следующие пользователи поблагодарили Romik9616 за это сообщение:

Принесли айфон, обновил из DFU — всё ок (было 14% заряда), а вот восстановление зависло, выбивало 9 ошибку и восстановление не стартовало. Зарядил акб (по току было 1А примерно, по времени 30 минут) — прошился без ошибок.

iPhone 6 plus ошибка 9. принесли после удара. устранял неисправность сенсора, менял микросхему. после вылезла ошибка 9. в DFU появляется строка и сразу ошибка 9. SN видит. плата не копана и все замеры сделал, все соответствует. Сразу скажу что не впервые меняю миллион уже таких менял, температуру держу 300, снимаю старую паяльником. проц осмотрел все гуд, перегреть его с такой температурой очень сложно так как микруха стоит далеко. шил только с акб. провода менял, акб менял, логи прилагаю. ругается на отпечаток, [13:12:04.0564] RestoreOS mode device disconnected [13:12:04.0564] RestoreOS device removed before restored completed [13:12:04.0573] recv(11388, 4) failed: connection closed [13:12:04.0573] unable to read message size: -1 [13:12:04.0573] unable to read message from device [13:12:04.0573] AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle [13:12:04.0963] : Restore failed (result = 9) [13:12:04.0963] Finished RestoreOS Restore Phase: Failed [13:12:04.0963] State Machine Dump, status:ERROR — [state:Recovery remaining-cycles:0] -> [state:RestoreOS remaining-cycles:0 (current state)] [13:12:04.0963] Restore completed, status:9 [13:12:04.0963] Restore Checkpoint Fingerprint: 0609.0000 [13:12:04.0963] Failure Description: [13:12:04.0963] Depth:0 Code:-1 Error:AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 9 [13:12:04.0963] Depth:1 Code:9 Error:Failed to receive message from device [13:12:04.0963] Changing state from ‘Restoring’ to ‘Error’ [13:12:04.0963] State is now set to error

Способ 2: Обновление iTunes

Рассматриваемая проблема может возникать из-за того, что на компьютере используется неактуальная версия Айтюнс. Решение в данном случае очевидно – программу следует обновить. О том, как это сделать на компьютере с Windows, мы ранее рассказывали в отдельной статье.

Подробнее: Как обновить iTunes на ПК

Проверять автоматически наличие обновлений для программы iTunes на компьютере

Примечание: Ввиду того, что Apple отказалась от использования iTunes в актуальных версиях macOS и разделила его на три отдельных приложения, интегрировав инструменты для управления iPhone в Finder, обновить последние можно только вместе с операционной системой, о чем будет рассказано в следующей части статьи.

Проблема во флэш-памяти samsung 843 K9MDG0805M. Проблеме подвержены аппараты с 16 гигами на борту, поскольку именно такие чипы стоят в них. 8-ки -toshiba.

Экран сняли. перед нами флэш залитая черным компаундом внизу и сбоков, где контакты. Снять её можно только одним способом по крайней мере все остальные привели к отрыву площадок от текстолита. Причём это не зависит от степени оплавления припоя, отдираются они из за компаунда.

  • Фиксируем плату, прогреваем на температуре 260-280 (это для воздуха!- микросхема не должна нагреваться более 240 градусов) флэху равномерно, при этом обычным канцелярским ножом у края начинаем скоблить компаунд пытаясь сделать щёлку под микрухой.(перед этим трём это место растворителем-тряпка чёрная становится немного .
  • Затем берём утконосами обычную бритву (продаются для станков) предварительно ножницами её подгоняем по ширине) и начинаем на горячую аккуратно просовывать её под микруху.
  • Затем не переставая греть начинаем «качелеобразными» движениями шевелить лезвие, пока не доберемся до ножек с краю. переключаемся на это место-тщательно и равномерно греем его (я сменил насадку на узкое сопло-грел локально ноги) и аккуратно выводим лезвие за пределы флэши, срезая остатки компаунда и отделяя ножки от контакных площадок, поскольку припой «поплыл» .
  • Ичего не должно упираться или мешать ходу лезвия, кстате проверьте чтоб оно было ровное без заусениц и закусов. оно плавно выйдет за пределы. Повторяем процедуру для другой стороны-там аккуратнее, близко чиповые детали и разъём верхнего шлейфа. Кстате-его закрываем фольгой (я еще клал термопрокладку с видяхи какой-то) иначе попадаете на замену если он поплавится.
  • И вот перед нами «виновник торжества» и посадочное место после снятия:

Вобщем-то, если все площадки на плате на месте- можно выдохнуть, страшное позади. Дальше готовим микруху новую (с донора), готовим плату (облуживаем все контакты, моем затем флюс наносим тонким слоем) и уперед.

Подготавливаем место установки флеш

Ошибка 9 на айфоне 5s

Устанавливаем флеш

Ошибка 9 на айфоне 5s

Вуаля, прошился без запинки а самое прикольное что на 16 гиговый аппарат я вкорячил 8 гиговую флэш и хоть бы хны! Только, что позвонил по нему все работает, забиваю музыкой для последнего теста .

Чаще всего данная неисправнасть является аппаратной, тоесть в 90% случаев проблема кроется в неисправности материнской платы. Ниже приведем статистику по неисправностям материнской платы и способы которые можно попробовать в домашних условиях. В самом низу страницы рвзмещено видео по одному из ремонтов «ошибки 9» на iPhone 5s.

Распространенные причины «ошибки 9» по моделям устройств:

iPhone 4/4s/5/5s: 70% — неисправная Flash-память, 15% — проблемы с процессором, 15%-другие неисправности мат. платы.

iPhone 6/6+: 85% — проблемы с процессором, 10% — неисправная Flash-память, 5% — другие неисправности мат. платы.

iPhone 6s/6s+/7/7+: 60%- неисправность Flash-памяти, 30%- проблемы с процессором, 10% — другие неисправности мат. платы.

Все выше перечисленные проблемы подлежат ремонту в нашем сервисном центре, независимо от сложности проблемы, в том числе и ремонт связанный с неисправностью процессора. Окончательный вердикт и стоимость озвучиваем только после диагностики нашими инженерами, так как симптомы практически во всех случаях практически одинаковы, и диагностика по телефону равносильна гаданию по звездам

( 2 оценки, среднее 4 из 5 )

  • #1

iphone 6 после падения, появляется яблоко при загрузке на 2-3 секунды и пропадает, далее аппарат выключается. При прошивке выдает ошибку 9.
Лог файл прилагаю (лог — 102 прошивал в recavery mode, лог — 103 прошивал в DFU). Кто может по лог файлу посмотреть в чем дело? Помогите пожалуйста.

  • 23,5 КБ
    Просмотры: 564

  • 42,1 КБ
    Просмотры: 160


  • #2

для начала смените акб недавно точно так решил данную проблему на phone 6 plus если не поможет снимайте защитные экраны с шлейфов экрана тачскрина желательно вообще отвентить все болты и пробывать прошивать и попробуйте отключить шлейф датчика приближения

Последнее редактирование: 2/3/15

  • #3

Победил данную ошибку обновлением на betta 8.2

  • #4

добрый день принесли аппарат с защитным кодом блокировки (разблокировать можно через 45 лет) решил прошить прошивка почти до конца завершилась ну выскочила ошибка 9 подскажите куда копать

  • 152,1 КБ
    Просмотры: 249

  • #5

здравствуйте не стал создавать новую тему!!!
друг принес iphone 6 после удара, перезагружается с красным экраном. Cразу начал шить чтобы узнать ошибку, и тут ошибка 9. поставил другой NAND и прошил,оно прошился но не активируется и это ясно!! вот и вопрос можно ли как то восстановить родной NAND ???? в просторах я видел программатор который по идее восстанавливает…. может кто то даст совет? заранее огромное спасибо ;)

  • #6

можно востановить,но софт платный

  • #7

можно востановить,но софт платный

поделитесь каким софтом?

кто нибудь что нибудь скажет???

Последнее редактирование модератором: 19/11/15

  • #8

Эта техническая проблема надо катать NAND.

  • #9

Эта техническая проблема надо катать NAND.

катать пробовал и не раз

  • #10

вы пробовали перекатать u2301?

  • #11

вы пробовали перекатать u2301?

И причем тут U2301, пост-5 почитайте, аппарат прошивается с другим NANDом!!!

  • #12

Диагностика iPhone 6 error 9 CPU- NAND fix

  • #13

Народ подскажите, принесли телефон-висит на шнурке, прошил в DFU- прошился,отработал час перезагружается,и так несколько раз. Потом ошибка 9. поднял нанд, пятаки Е5 и Е7 в обрыве, может они пустые? Если нет то куда идут…

  • #14

Между сим и процом обрати внимание, возможно проц отбит (обычно под микроскопом видно). придави правый нижний угол и попробуй восстановить. Прошьется, катай проц


  • #15

Народ подскажите, принесли телефон-висит на шнурке, прошил в DFU- прошился,отработал час перезагружается,и так несколько раз. Потом ошибка 9. поднял нанд, пятаки Е5 и Е7 в обрыве, может они пустые? Если нет то куда идут…

вот маркировка пятаков

  • Nand_PCB.jpg

    64,3 КБ
    Просмотры: 790


  • #16

Заменил флэшдиск на больший, запускаю почти сразу ошибка 9 изредка 4014. Перекатал нанд, тоже ошибка 9. Уже подумал что угол проца перегрел… готовился к перекатке проца.
В итоге вынул нанд и впаял другой, прошился без проблем, дело не в проце а нанде.
Нанд в програматор, отформатировал.. нашлось 0.5гб плохих секторов, записал назад серийники. Запаял и прошился без проблем, работает.

  • #17

В таком случае ошибка 9 очень коварная… был такой же случай в итоге от прогрева восстанавливался контакт до ARB.

  • #18

Решил вопрос установкой другого нижнего шлейфа. Для начала подкидываю акб, затем шлейф с акб, в крайнем случае уже снимаю дисплей и шлейф датчиков.

  • #19

Принесли айфон, обновил из DFU — всё ок (было 14% заряда), а вот восстановление зависло, выбивало 9 ошибку и восстановление не стартовало. Зарядил акб (по току было 1А примерно, по времени 30 минут) — прошился без ошибок.

  • #20

iPhone 6 plus ошибка 9. принесли после удара. устранял неисправность сенсора, менял микросхему. после вылезла ошибка 9. в DFU появляется строка и сразу ошибка 9. SN видит. плата не копана и все замеры сделал, все соответствует.
Сразу скажу что не впервые меняю миллион уже таких менял, температуру держу 300, снимаю старую паяльником. проц осмотрел все гуд, перегреть его с такой температурой очень сложно так как микруха стоит далеко. шил только с акб. провода менял, акб менял, логи прилагаю. ругается на отпечаток, [13:12:04.0564] RestoreOS mode device disconnected
[13:12:04.0564] RestoreOS device removed before restored completed
[13:12:04.0573] recv(11388, 4) failed: connection closed
[13:12:04.0573] unable to read message size: -1
[13:12:04.0573] unable to read message from device
[13:12:04.0573] AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle
[13:12:04.0963] <Restore Device 000002DF5BEB8340>: Restore failed (result = 9)
[13:12:04.0963] Finished RestoreOS Restore Phase: Failed
[13:12:04.0963] State Machine Dump, status:ERROR — [state:Recovery remaining-cycles:0] -> [state:RestoreOS remaining-cycles:0 (current state)]
[13:12:04.0963] Restore completed, status:9
[13:12:04.0963] Restore Checkpoint Fingerprint: 0609.0000
[13:12:04.0963] Failure Description:
[13:12:04.0963] Depth:0 Code:-1 Error:AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 9
[13:12:04.0963] Depth:1 Code:9 Error:Failed to receive message from device
[13:12:04.0963] Changing state from ‘Restoring’ to ‘Error’
[13:12:04.0963] State is now set to error

09-12-2017, 00:18

#16 (permalink)


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Originally Posted by Addictions View Post

Please see code post below.

[16:16:32.0139] Transitioning device returned, continuing restore.
[16:16:32.0139] Canceling timer
[16:16:32.0140] Changing state from ‘Transitioning’ to ‘Restoring’
[16:16:32.0140] Restore completed, status:4013
[16:16:32.0140] Failure Description:
[16:16:32.0140] Depth:0 Code:4013 Error:Unexpected device state ‘Recovery’ expected ‘RestoreOS’
[16:16:32.0140] State Machine Dump, status:ERROR — [state:Recovery remaining-cycles:0] -> [state:RestoreOS remaining-cycles:1 (current state)]
[16:16:32.0140] Unexpected device state ‘Recovery’ expected ‘RestoreOS’
[16:16:32.0140] Changing state from ‘Restoring’ to ‘Error’
[16:16:32.0140] State is now set to error

If you restore in 3utools, what it reads or state just before it bails? something like loading boot or kernel and then restoring OS … — Nand <—
At that point installation is trying to read storage… Error 4013 is just because you disconnected before it finish (according to install program there is something wrong with connectivity between your device and computer)


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09-14-2017, 03:18

#17 (permalink)


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Cisco this is fantastic information thank you. I just got my WL PCIE programmer a few days ago. Is it possible to restore a phone without the original nand? It was stolen by a shady repair shop. I have the serial. I tried writing it along with the «unbundle wifi» along with «write bottom» which was done first. Still getting error 4014.


Originally Posted by cisco2017 View Post

This is what WL do,
Your Nand…
1 1234
2 12345
3 123456
4 1234567

New code

1 1234
2 No cede for this device
3 654321
4 1234567

What you get after write under laying data

1 1234
2 12345
3 654321
4 1234567

The entry #2 is what will mess with the installation.


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09-15-2017, 05:19

#18 (permalink)


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Originally Posted by johnbaker26 View Post

Cisco this is fantastic information thank you. I just got my WL PCIE programmer a few days ago. Is it possible to restore a phone without the original nand? It was stolen by a shady repair shop. I have the serial. I tried writing it along with the «unbundle wifi» along with «write bottom» which was done first. Still getting error 4014.

Do some basic trouble shooting, like I mention before, try another computer, antivirus off, very important on new devices is a good usb cable preferable apple original (I been there before), is Nand re-ball and solder correctly.

How far do your installation gets? Logs will tell you exactly where is failing.

I like 3utools because it has a graphic that shows in what part of the installation is on and that also hepls.

Error 4014 is very basic and easy to fix and Nand related.

Good luck


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09-16-2017, 07:15

#19 (permalink)


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Originally Posted by johnbaker26 View Post

Cisco this is fantastic information thank you. I just got my WL PCIE programmer a few days ago. Is it possible to restore a phone without the original nand? It was stolen by a shady repair shop. I have the serial. I tried writing it along with the «unbundle wifi» along with «write bottom» which was done first. Still getting error 4014.

The Nand needs to be wiped out clean. WL don’t know how to do that.


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09-17-2017, 04:27

#20 (permalink)


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I too noticed that WL software do not have Nand format/erase option. It just overwrites the data over the old info.

I had purchased WL64bit programmer. But i still prefer ipBox over WL as it is quick.

But for Pcie devices i have no choice other than to buy WL or JC programmer.

Can you advise if it is recommended to buy WlPcie ? And what are the issues that it have?

Is it efficient enough to repair old Nands which needs erase and reprogramming fir 4013. Or is it only capable for programming new NAnds.

Your opinion will be appriciated.


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08-20-2018, 11:41

#21 (permalink)


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Originally Posted by cdma_rashid View Post

i too noticed that wl software do not have nand format/erase option. It just overwrites the data over the old info.

I had purchased wl64bit programmer. But i still prefer ipbox over wl as it is quick.

But for pcie devices i have no choice other than to buy wl or jc programmer.

Can you advise if it is recommended to buy wlpcie ? And what are the issues that it have?

Is it efficient enough to repair old nands which needs erase and reprogramming fir 4013. Or is it only capable for programming new nands.

Your opinion will be appriciated.

i have also this problem…………..


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11-20-2018, 03:34

#22 (permalink)


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Error 4013 could be due to certain reasons like faulty cable/port or poor Wi-Fi network. On the surface, your iPhone connects to the computer, iTunes recognizes the device but somewhere down the line, iTunes thinks that the cable is not really that good or suddenly Wi-Fi starts ill-functioning. Even your computer may turn out to be the real villain.
So there are some common ways to fix iTunes error 4013, please read on.
#1: Reboot your iPhone
#2: Check Out the Faulty Cable/Port
#3. Is Wi-Fi Network Working Properly?


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2020-06-22 15:14:54.000 AMPDevicesAgent[66026:603]: restore library built Jun 9 2020 at 10:55:23 2020-06-22 15:14:54.000 AMPDevicesAgent[66026:603]: iTunes: iTunes 2020-06-22 15:14:54.000 AMPDevicesAgent[66026:603]: iTunes: Apple Mobile Device version: 1245. 2020-06-22 15:14:54.000 AMPDevicesAgent[66026:603]: iTunes: Software payload version: 18A5301v (option key) 2020-06-22 15:14:54.000 AMPDevicesAgent[66026:603]: iTunes: Using MobileRestore state machine [15:15:07.2339] Can’t get board config with NULL device map [15:15:07.2342] You can’t copy the serial number from a DFU mode device [15:15:07.2352] Can’t search 0 registry node for serial device [15:15:07.2352] No KIS service provided [15:15:07.2353] ===================================================== [15:15:07.2353] Device info: [15:15:07.2353] board configuration: (null) [15:15:07.2353] Board ID: 0xE [15:15:07.2353] Chip ID: 0x8027 [15:15:07.2353] ECID: 0x808623AE8002E [15:15:07.2353] Serial Number: (null) [15:15:07.2353] USB Location: 0x14300000 [15:15:07.2353] USB Name: (null) [15:15:07.2353] Starting State: DFU [15:15:07.2353] Production Fused: YES [15:15:07.2353] [15:15:07.2353] Build Info: [15:15:07.2353] Restore Bundle Path: /var/folders/3g/f031j00n2vs1ddjy7zpv2cw80000gn/T/iPad Temporary Files.noindex [15:15:07.2353] ===================================================== [15:15:07.2364] Successfully applied power assertion [15:15:07.2367] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:07.2573] Automatically set FormatForAPFS => True and FormatForLwVM => False. [15:15:07.2574] Failed to create recovery OS variant , no recovery variant in options nor restore variant. [15:15:07.2575] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:07.2752] Couldn’t find recovery OS variant in the restore variant based on the behavior based variant. [15:15:07.2756] No recovery variant found in bundle, continue without recovery OS installation. [15:15:07.2759] Changing state from ‘(null)’ to ‘Restoring’ [15:15:07.2767] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:07.2936] no override trust object found [15:15:07.2937] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:07.2940] amai: AMAuthInstallSsoInitialize: can’t find SSOClient.framework [15:15:07.2941] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:07.2941] requested variant: Erase [15:15:07.2943] no override trust object found [15:15:07.2944] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:07.2945] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:07.2946] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleFDRSupported: FDR is supported for this device [15:15:07.2953] personalizing: <AMAuthInstall 0x7f888e5c0240>{ap=(personalize=YES j318ap ecid=0x808623ae8002e, chipid=0x8027, boardid=0xe, secDom=1, isProduction=YES, EPRO=YES, isSecure=YES, ESEC=YES, img4=YES, demotionPolicy=, baaCert=NO, nonce=0xc7fcdb747a73ef50794162bec682d724d0d2907e373bb3c6eb8a284a50900099, sepNonce=0x79af62886f6898986c7df8de753d5c80074b34a1), bp=(personalize=YES), UserAuth=NO, iTunes=YES, server=»″, locale=en_US, version=»libauthinstall-766″, platform=mac/19F101/x86_64} [15:15:07.3113] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleShouldPersonalizeOS: Personalize OS = Yes [15:15:07.3131] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleShouldPersonalizeOS: Personalize OS = Yes [15:15:07.3149] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreLogo to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.3162] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreDeviceTree to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.4029] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreKernelCache to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.6524] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreRamDisk to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.6568] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting iBEC to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.6606] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting iBSS to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.6950] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting KernelCache to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.6951] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting ftap to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.6952] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting rfta to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.6953] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting ftsp to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.6954] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting rfts to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.7166] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting Ap,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.7174] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting SystemVolume to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.7176] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting OS to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.7417] amai: AMAuthInstallApImg4CopyPayloadVersionProperty: failed to parse version property: 1952607603, error:1 [15:15:07.7426] amai: AMAuthInstallApImg4CreateMeasurementsWithTag: could not get tbms property, status:23 [15:15:07.7426] [15:15:07.7435] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting SEP to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.7440] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryLow1 to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.7455] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting StaticTrustCache to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.7492] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting LLB to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.7500] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryFull to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.7529] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting GFX to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.7563] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting AVE to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.7601] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RecoveryMode to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.7665] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting Multitouch to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.7670] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting AppleLogo to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.7707] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting iBoot to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.7993] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting ISP to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.8048] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting AOP to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.8278] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting ANE to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.8291] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryPlugin to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.8299] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting DeviceTree to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.8307] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreTrustCache to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.8344] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting SIO to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.8359] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryLow0 to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.8805] amai: AMAuthInstallApImg4CopyPayloadVersionProperty: failed to parse version property: 1952607602, error:1 [15:15:07.8815] amai: AMAuthInstallApImg4CreateMeasurementsWithTag: could not get tbmr property, status:23 [15:15:07.8815] [15:15:07.8833] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreSEP to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.8844] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryCharging0 to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.8851] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryCharging1 to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:07.8852] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: ticketPath amai/apimg4ticket.der , withApTicket is True, (!False && ( True || False)) [15:15:07.8853] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «RestoreLogo» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e4de300 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0xd8c1f9180638668f6ee2a1ffe1a6cd52 … 402b654cb2eefe70}» [15:15:07.8855] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «RestoreDeviceTree» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f884e6b69f0 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x9a34201bfda4167d01e1b81d2da3e9c1 … de9043ab107541e8}» [15:15:07.8855] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «RestoreKernelCache» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e6a0c80 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x71a677f03426e752fc1c47930aa91c2b … 6e549a6d807efd2c}» [15:15:07.8857] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «RestoreRamDisk» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e5addd0 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0xf8f8b6c6d0fdc628ebe73242c35b2ee4 … dc1325be9028f502}» [15:15:07.8857] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «OSRamdisk» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:07.8858] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «iBEC» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e62e170 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x49d5984d205c87a673f5dac09a29d0b5 … 2c14da82e6e4b35a}» [15:15:07.8860] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «iBSS» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e5adbe0 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0xf6dd996db830a0ead29e1d71df403bc6 … 37192fb6ad16fba9}» [15:15:07.8861] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «KernelCache» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e5dc680 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x7f0ac6fca23f717b13432273fda4e680 … adcfa0e92231a97a}» [15:15:07.8862] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «ftap» [15:15:07.8863] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «rfta» [15:15:07.8864] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «ftsp» [15:15:07.8865] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «rfts» [15:15:07.8866] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «Ap,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e5d4a60 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0xfc4a71bb7c86d07633fbe1271d19ac84 … c3f5471e1fe84c7e}» [15:15:07.8866] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «x86,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:07.8867] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «BaseSystemVolume» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:07.8868] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «SystemVolume» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e62b880 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x99a5b81d17fc1107dbb8e5fcfff679fe … 578ce21d7cde88d9}» [15:15:07.8869] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «x86,SystemVolume» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:07.8870] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «Ap,BaseSystemTrustCache» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:07.8870] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «Diags» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:07.8871] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «CFELoader» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:07.8872] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «RBM» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:07.8872] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «PHLEET» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:07.8873] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «PERTOS» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:07.8874] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «PEHammer» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:07.8875] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «Alamo» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:07.8876] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «OS» [15:15:07.8877] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «SEP» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f884e7e8810 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0xf991f263e345f933c09e23bff4eb73e4 … 8da8b7281641b4dd}» [15:15:07.8878] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «BatteryLow1» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e5e5e50 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x772354c42bf24901a3baf485f8c696bf … 8fc4eb136bbbedc5}» [15:15:07.8878] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «StaticTrustCache» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f884e7efe00 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x188cf23845e823fca466b3d22ff6c1df … 90399fe15c823a5f}» [15:15:07.8879] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «LLB» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e62b810 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x4877b24a379998c133f26df5c4902047 … c997823222d63700}» [15:15:07.8880] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «BatteryFull» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e5e6ed0 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0xc9068973733365e28c18665d98887642 … 5b9bcef3b90bbcf7}» [15:15:07.8881] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «GFX» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f884e6fb3f0 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x1c629a56686dde6ca72dea6a456dc701 … 46e228b40af80528}» [15:15:07.8882] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «AVE» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e661ae0 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0xc735328a2319fc8a0c7151163200fb4f … 13b5bc26cfc09370}» [15:15:07.8883] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «RecoveryMode» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e5e5720 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x2ef052939af4dc696e7e3a769a1ff7fe … d3b3862cb40c5e37}» [15:15:07.8884] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «Multitouch» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e6554c0 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x54b508ede9d0aaa5dc16cc94e6fe5bf8 … b79d1920fd44d516}» [15:15:07.8885] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «AppleLogo» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e62e870 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x9df8f615cc1b6feb0ea2a1e62f3a1409 … 05ea5edb5ebf210b}» [15:15:07.8886] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «iBoot» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f884e560380 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0xa4ab920db72c75f2d3507328754b06ab … 9aef71d1bb5c19d9}» [15:15:07.8887] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «ISP» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e4de5c0 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x4d34e34e73e3f9b0b8c100a71cca5182 … 8fbaed5953755ed9}» [15:15:07.8888] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «AOP» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f884e52a1c0 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0xdf71641489986d629b4725f89e6eb9d2 … 12b43beb5ce5bcba}» [15:15:07.8890] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «ANE» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e62e8e0 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0xbcda9dc455a7b768d987ca367bb3b5e5 … a20cf23fdafa292a}» [15:15:07.8893] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «BatteryPlugin» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f884e53b840 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x5046b17a4affe3d996fb2c720eed55ef … 253da51a570fe3a4}» [15:15:07.8894] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «DeviceTree» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e5bfe40 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x4ab7f95a680f8f2bf4a5368e7c70822e … e2e0c2e3d9bad004}» [15:15:07.8896] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «RestoreTrustCache» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e655530 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0xc4b057ef6ec248bf03ef06fb6c73b68a … 0a1f0ab778bf41da}» [15:15:07.8897] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «SIO» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f884e55cc00 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0xcfac78bf3b67382312030aeeac6bb1a1 … 1ec958ff9c9dcbbc}» [15:15:07.8899] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «BatteryLow0» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e5ab740 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x4e78637b3eb9f00e7554f929eb23d97b … 9b67f15f17866ed0}» [15:15:07.8900] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «RestoreSEP» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f884e7c7bd0 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x8bbb5cca072f6acc2c8291cabd89347c … 8806100317ca89c0}» [15:15:07.8902] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «BatteryCharging0» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e5c3140 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x288da426b0aab2367d57eee9e84c0a23 … 14a656376c8df5e8}» [15:15:07.8903] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: personalizing «BatteryCharging1» Digest = «<CFData 0x7f888e5acfd0 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 48, capacity = 48, bytes = 0x1e11ca91fce9c83444e19f785e06c30e … 37c10d6d39abc7ac}» [15:15:07.8904] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: using UniqueBuildID <CFData 0x7f883e565f30 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 20, capacity = 20, bytes = 0x66c0e14e0fbeac813ea8a51f3028f69d66034acf} [15:15:07.8905] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: using pearlRootKey <CFData 0x7f883e565c90 [0x7fff8cb3db60]>{length = 97, capacity = 97, bytes = 0x0440465e12b073bab7885be45281833f … d7eaf9788a0df012} [15:15:07.8929] amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: SSO function returned NULL and no SSO token was provided, SSO disabled. [15:15:07.8934] amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object written: file:///tmp/PersonalizedBundle_D4711DDC-AD47-475C-8779-A46972D2E940/amai/debug/tss-request.plist [15:15:07.8936] amai: tss_submit_job_with_retry: TSS Connection attempt 1 of 3. (Will retry if TSS_ERR_SERVER_NOT_REACHABLE.) [15:15:07.8939] amai: AMAuthInstallHttpMessageSendSync: httpRequest=<CFHTTPMessageRef 0x7f888e6b8a30(0x7f888e6b8a40)> { POST request, url } [15:15:07.9964] amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: received tss response (server version: 2.1.0) [15:15:07.9970] amai: AMAuthInstallDebugWriteObject: debug object written: file:///tmp/PersonalizedBundle_D4711DDC-AD47-475C-8779-A46972D2E940/amai/debug/tss-response.plist [15:15:08.3337] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for «OSRamdisk» [15:15:08.3799] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry «ftap» does not require personalization; skipping it [15:15:08.3801] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry «rfta» does not require personalization; skipping it [15:15:08.3801] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry «ftsp» does not require personalization; skipping it [15:15:08.3802] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry «rfts» does not require personalization; skipping it [15:15:08.4001] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for «x86,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata» [15:15:08.4002] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for «BaseSystemVolume» [15:15:08.4007] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for «x86,SystemVolume» [15:15:08.4008] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for «Ap,BaseSystemTrustCache» [15:15:08.4009] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for «Diags» [15:15:08.4010] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for «CFELoader» [15:15:08.4011] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for «RBM» [15:15:08.4012] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for «PHLEET» [15:15:08.4012] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for «PERTOS» [15:15:08.4012] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for «PEHammer» [15:15:08.4013] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundlePopulatePersonalizedBundle: no entry in manifest found for «Alamo» [15:15:08.4014] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleInstallPersonalizedEntry: entry «OS» does not require personalization; skipping it [15:15:08.5749] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: production fused device [15:15:08.5750] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:08.5811] Issued GETSTATE request: state = 0x2 [15:15:08.5813] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 0 [15:15:08.5813] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.5830] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.5831] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 0 [15:15:08.5832] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.5851] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.5852] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 0 [15:15:08.5853] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.5873] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.5873] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 0 [15:15:08.5874] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.5889] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.5890] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 0 [15:15:08.5892] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.5906] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.5907] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 0 [15:15:08.5908] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.5922] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.5923] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 0 [15:15:08.5924] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.5937] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.5938] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 1 [15:15:08.5939] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.5952] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.5953] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 1 [15:15:08.5954] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.5968] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.5969] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 1 [15:15:08.5970] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.5984] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.5985] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 1 [15:15:08.5985] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.5999] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6000] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 1 [15:15:08.6000] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6015] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6016] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 1 [15:15:08.6017] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6031] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6033] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 2 [15:15:08.6033] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6048] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6049] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 2 [15:15:08.6049] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6064] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6065] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 2 [15:15:08.6065] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6080] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6081] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 2 [15:15:08.6082] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6096] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6097] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 2 [15:15:08.6098] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6113] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6114] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 2 [15:15:08.6114] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6130] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6131] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 3 [15:15:08.6132] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6147] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6148] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 3 [15:15:08.6149] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6163] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6164] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 3 [15:15:08.6165] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6180] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6181] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 3 [15:15:08.6182] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6197] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6198] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 3 [15:15:08.6198] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6214] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6214] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 3 [15:15:08.6215] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6230] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6231] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 4 [15:15:08.6232] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6247] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6248] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 4 [15:15:08.6249] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6264] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6264] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 4 [15:15:08.6265] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6279] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6281] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 4 [15:15:08.6281] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6296] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6297] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 4 [15:15:08.6297] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6313] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6314] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 4 [15:15:08.6314] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6329] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6330] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 5 [15:15:08.6330] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6345] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6346] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 5 [15:15:08.6347] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6368] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6368] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 5 [15:15:08.6369] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6389] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6391] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 5 [15:15:08.6391] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6407] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6408] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 5 [15:15:08.6409] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6424] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6425] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 5 [15:15:08.6426] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6442] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6444] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 6 [15:15:08.6445] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6460] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6462] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 6 [15:15:08.6463] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6477] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6478] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 6 [15:15:08.6479] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6494] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6494] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 6 [15:15:08.6495] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6511] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6512] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 6 [15:15:08.6513] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6527] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6528] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 6 [15:15:08.6529] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6543] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6544] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 7 [15:15:08.6544] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6560] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6560] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 7 [15:15:08.6561] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6576] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6577] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 7 [15:15:08.6578] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6593] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6594] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 7 [15:15:08.6595] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6614] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6615] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 7 [15:15:08.6616] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6630] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6631] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 7 [15:15:08.6632] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6648] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6649] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 8 [15:15:08.6650] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6666] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6667] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 8 [15:15:08.6668] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6686] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6687] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 8 [15:15:08.6687] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6707] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6708] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 8 [15:15:08.6708] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6728] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6729] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 8 [15:15:08.6729] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6744] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6745] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 8 [15:15:08.6746] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6762] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6763] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 9 [15:15:08.6764] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6778] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6779] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 9 [15:15:08.6780] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6794] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6795] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 9 [15:15:08.6796] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6810] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6811] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 9 [15:15:08.6812] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6825] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6826] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 9 [15:15:08.6826] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6840] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6840] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 9 [15:15:08.6841] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6854] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6855] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 10 [15:15:08.6855] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6868] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6869] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 10 [15:15:08.6870] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6883] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6883] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 10 [15:15:08.6884] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6897] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6897] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 10 [15:15:08.6898] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6911] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6912] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 10 [15:15:08.6913] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6926] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6927] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 10 [15:15:08.6927] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6941] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6942] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 11 [15:15:08.6942] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6956] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6956] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 11 [15:15:08.6957] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6971] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6972] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 11 [15:15:08.6972] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.6988] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.6989] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 11 [15:15:08.6990] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7013] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7014] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 11 [15:15:08.7015] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7035] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7036] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 11 [15:15:08.7037] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7061] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7062] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 12 [15:15:08.7063] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7080] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7081] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 12 [15:15:08.7082] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7098] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7099] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 12 [15:15:08.7100] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7118] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7119] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 12 [15:15:08.7119] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7134] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7135] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 12 [15:15:08.7136] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7155] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7156] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 12 [15:15:08.7157] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7177] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7178] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 13 [15:15:08.7179] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7200] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7201] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 13 [15:15:08.7202] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7222] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7224] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 13 [15:15:08.7225] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7247] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7248] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 13 [15:15:08.7249] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7270] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7272] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 13 [15:15:08.7273] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7289] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7291] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 13 [15:15:08.7292] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7307] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7308] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 14 [15:15:08.7309] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7328] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7330] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 14 [15:15:08.7331] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7354] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7355] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 14 [15:15:08.7356] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7380] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7382] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 14 [15:15:08.7383] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7401] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7402] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 14 [15:15:08.7403] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7419] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7420] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 14 [15:15:08.7421] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7437] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7438] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 15 [15:15:08.7439] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7456] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7457] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 15 [15:15:08.7458] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7473] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7474] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 15 [15:15:08.7475] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7492] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7493] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 15 [15:15:08.7494] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7513] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7514] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 15 [15:15:08.7515] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7535] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7536] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 15 [15:15:08.7537] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7557] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7558] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 16 [15:15:08.7559] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7578] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7579] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 16 [15:15:08.7580] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7598] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7599] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 16 [15:15:08.7600] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7617] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7618] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 16 [15:15:08.7619] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7634] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7635] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 16 [15:15:08.7636] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7653] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7654] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 16 [15:15:08.7655] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7669] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7670] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 17 [15:15:08.7671] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7691] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7692] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 17 [15:15:08.7694] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7714] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7715] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 17 [15:15:08.7715] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7733] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7734] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 17 [15:15:08.7735] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7750] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7751] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 17 [15:15:08.7752] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7768] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7769] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 17 [15:15:08.7770] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7789] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7790] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 18 [15:15:08.7791] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7807] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7807] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 18 [15:15:08.7808] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7827] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7828] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 18 [15:15:08.7828] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7848] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7849] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 18 [15:15:08.7850] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7870] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7871] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 18 [15:15:08.7872] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7891] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7893] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 18 [15:15:08.7893] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7912] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7913] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 19 [15:15:08.7914] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7931] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7932] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 19 [15:15:08.7933] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7951] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7952] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 19 [15:15:08.7953] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7968] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7969] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 19 [15:15:08.7970] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.7987] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.7987] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 19 [15:15:08.7988] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8009] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8010] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 19 [15:15:08.8011] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8033] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8034] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 20 [15:15:08.8035] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8054] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8055] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 20 [15:15:08.8057] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8072] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8073] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 20 [15:15:08.8074] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8090] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8091] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 20 [15:15:08.8091] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8109] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8110] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 20 [15:15:08.8111] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8126] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8127] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 20 [15:15:08.8128] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8143] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8144] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 21 [15:15:08.8144] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8159] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8160] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 21 [15:15:08.8160] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8176] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8177] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 21 [15:15:08.8178] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8194] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8196] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 21 [15:15:08.8196] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8216] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8217] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 21 [15:15:08.8218] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8237] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8238] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 21 [15:15:08.8239] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8257] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8258] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 22 [15:15:08.8259] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8276] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8278] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 22 [15:15:08.8278] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8298] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8299] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 22 [15:15:08.8300] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8316] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8318] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 22 [15:15:08.8318] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8339] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8340] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 22 [15:15:08.8341] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8362] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8363] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 22 [15:15:08.8364] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8384] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8386] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 23 [15:15:08.8387] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8403] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8404] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 23 [15:15:08.8405] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8421] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8422] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 23 [15:15:08.8423] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8439] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8440] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 23 [15:15:08.8441] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8459] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8460] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 23 [15:15:08.8461] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8476] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8477] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 23 [15:15:08.8477] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8495] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8496] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 24 [15:15:08.8497] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8517] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8518] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 24 [15:15:08.8519] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8539] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8540] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 24 [15:15:08.8541] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8557] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8558] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 24 [15:15:08.8559] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8578] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8579] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 24 [15:15:08.8580] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8598] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8599] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 24 [15:15:08.8599] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8618] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8619] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 25 [15:15:08.8620] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8635] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8636] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 25 [15:15:08.8637] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8654] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8655] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 25 [15:15:08.8655] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8676] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8677] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 25 [15:15:08.8678] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8699] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8700] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 25 [15:15:08.8701] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8721] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8722] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 25 [15:15:08.8723] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8737] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8739] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 26 [15:15:08.8739] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8754] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8755] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 26 [15:15:08.8756] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8770] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8771] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 26 [15:15:08.8772] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8787] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8788] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 26 [15:15:08.8789] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8803] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8804] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 26 [15:15:08.8805] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8820] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8821] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 26 [15:15:08.8821] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8836] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8837] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 27 [15:15:08.8838] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8853] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8853] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 27 [15:15:08.8854] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8869] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8870] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 27 [15:15:08.8871] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8886] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8887] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 27 [15:15:08.8888] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8903] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8903] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 27 [15:15:08.8904] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8921] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8922] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 27 [15:15:08.8923] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8943] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8944] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 28 [15:15:08.8945] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8960] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8961] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 28 [15:15:08.8962] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8978] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8978] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 28 [15:15:08.8979] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.8994] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.8995] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 28 [15:15:08.8996] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9016] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9018] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 28 [15:15:08.9018] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9039] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9040] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 28 [15:15:08.9041] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9062] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9063] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 29 [15:15:08.9063] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9078] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9079] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 29 [15:15:08.9080] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9096] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9097] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 29 [15:15:08.9097] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9117] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9118] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 29 [15:15:08.9119] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9134] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9135] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 29 [15:15:08.9136] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9154] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9155] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 29 [15:15:08.9155] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9175] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9177] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 30 [15:15:08.9177] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9194] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9195] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 30 [15:15:08.9196] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9214] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9215] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 30 [15:15:08.9216] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9234] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9235] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 30 [15:15:08.9236] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9251] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9252] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 30 [15:15:08.9253] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9273] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9274] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 30 [15:15:08.9274] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9291] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9292] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 31 [15:15:08.9293] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9308] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9308] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 31 [15:15:08.9309] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9328] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9329] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 31 [15:15:08.9330] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9349] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9350] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 31 [15:15:08.9351] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9371] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9372] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 31 [15:15:08.9373] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9392] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9393] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 31 [15:15:08.9393] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9408] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9409] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 32 [15:15:08.9410] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9426] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9427] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 32 [15:15:08.9428] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9448] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9449] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 32 [15:15:08.9450] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9465] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9466] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 32 [15:15:08.9467] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9483] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9484] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 32 [15:15:08.9485] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9505] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9506] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 32 [15:15:08.9506] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9523] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9524] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 33 [15:15:08.9525] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9543] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9544] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 33 [15:15:08.9545] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9565] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9566] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 33 [15:15:08.9567] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9583] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9584] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 33 [15:15:08.9584] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9603] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9604] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 33 [15:15:08.9604] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9619] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9620] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 33 [15:15:08.9621] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9635] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9636] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 34 [15:15:08.9637] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9656] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9657] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 34 [15:15:08.9657] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9676] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9677] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 34 [15:15:08.9678] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9699] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9700] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 34 [15:15:08.9700] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9720] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9721] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 34 [15:15:08.9722] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9737] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9738] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 34 [15:15:08.9739] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9755] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9756] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 35 [15:15:08.9757] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9774] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9775] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 35 [15:15:08.9776] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9793] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9794] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 35 [15:15:08.9795] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9810] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9811] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 35 [15:15:08.9811] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9830] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9831] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 35 [15:15:08.9832] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9851] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9851] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 35 [15:15:08.9852] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9872] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9873] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 36 [15:15:08.9874] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9895] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9896] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 36 [15:15:08.9896] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9914] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9915] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 36 [15:15:08.9916] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9934] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9935] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 36 [15:15:08.9935] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9953] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9954] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 36 [15:15:08.9955] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9969] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9970] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 36 [15:15:08.9971] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:08.9988] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:08.9989] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 37 [15:15:08.9990] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0009] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0011] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 37 [15:15:09.0012] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0033] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0034] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 37 [15:15:09.0035] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0053] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0054] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 37 [15:15:09.0055] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0070] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0071] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 37 [15:15:09.0072] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0086] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0088] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 37 [15:15:09.0088] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0105] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0106] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 38 [15:15:09.0106] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0124] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0125] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 38 [15:15:09.0125] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0140] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0141] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 38 [15:15:09.0142] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0161] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0162] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 38 [15:15:09.0163] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0183] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0184] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 38 [15:15:09.0185] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0204] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0205] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 38 [15:15:09.0206] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0227] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0228] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 39 [15:15:09.0229] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0245] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0246] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 39 [15:15:09.0247] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0265] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0266] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 39 [15:15:09.0267] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0286] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0287] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 39 [15:15:09.0288] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0303] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0304] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 39 [15:15:09.0305] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0323] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0324] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 39 [15:15:09.0325] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0345] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0347] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 39 [15:15:09.0348] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0366] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0368] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 40 [15:15:09.0369] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0389] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0390] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 40 [15:15:09.0391] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0406] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0407] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 40 [15:15:09.0408] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0424] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0425] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 40 [15:15:09.0426] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0447] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0448] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 40 [15:15:09.0449] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0462] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0464] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 40 [15:15:09.0464] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0480] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0481] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 41 [15:15:09.0482] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0499] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0500] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 41 [15:15:09.0501] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0518] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0519] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 41 [15:15:09.0520] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0539] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0541] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 41 [15:15:09.0542] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0561] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0562] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 41 [15:15:09.0562] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0580] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0581] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 41 [15:15:09.0582] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0597] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0598] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 42 [15:15:09.0598] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0617] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0618] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 42 [15:15:09.0619] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0633] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0634] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 42 [15:15:09.0635] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0652] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0654] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 42 [15:15:09.0654] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0674] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0676] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 42 [15:15:09.0676] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0698] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0699] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 42 [15:15:09.0700] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0720] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0721] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 43 [15:15:09.0722] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0737] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0738] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 43 [15:15:09.0739] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0754] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0755] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 43 [15:15:09.0756] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0771] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0772] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 43 [15:15:09.0773] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0788] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0789] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 43 [15:15:09.0790] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0805] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0806] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 43 [15:15:09.0807] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0825] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0825] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 44 [15:15:09.0826] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0841] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0841] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 44 [15:15:09.0842] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0859] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0859] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 44 [15:15:09.0860] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0881] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0882] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 44 [15:15:09.0883] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0902] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0903] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 44 [15:15:09.0904] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0920] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0922] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 44 [15:15:09.0922] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0943] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0944] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 45 [15:15:09.0945] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0959] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0960] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 45 [15:15:09.0961] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0977] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.0978] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 45 [15:15:09.0978] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.0999] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1000] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 45 [15:15:09.1000] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1019] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1019] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 45 [15:15:09.1020] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1035] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1036] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 45 [15:15:09.1037] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1056] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1056] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 46 [15:15:09.1057] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1072] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1073] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 46 [15:15:09.1074] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1089] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1090] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 46 [15:15:09.1091] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1111] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1112] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 46 [15:15:09.1113] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1127] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1128] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 46 [15:15:09.1129] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1143] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1144] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 46 [15:15:09.1144] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1166] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1166] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 47 [15:15:09.1167] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1187] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1187] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 47 [15:15:09.1188] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1208] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1209] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 47 [15:15:09.1210] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1229] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1229] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 47 [15:15:09.1230] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1245] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1246] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 47 [15:15:09.1247] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1266] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1268] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 47 [15:15:09.1269] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1288] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1289] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 48 [15:15:09.1290] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1305] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1306] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 48 [15:15:09.1307] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1325] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1326] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 48 [15:15:09.1327] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1345] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1345] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 48 [15:15:09.1346] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1363] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1364] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 48 [15:15:09.1365] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1386] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1387] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 48 [15:15:09.1388] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1404] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1404] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 49 [15:15:09.1405] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1420] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1420] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 49 [15:15:09.1421] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1437] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1438] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 49 [15:15:09.1439] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1454] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1454] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 49 [15:15:09.1455] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1470] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1471] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 49 [15:15:09.1471] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1487] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1488] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 49 [15:15:09.1489] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1504] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1505] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 50 [15:15:09.1505] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1521] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1522] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 50 [15:15:09.1523] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1543] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1544] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 50 [15:15:09.1545] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1565] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1566] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 50 [15:15:09.1567] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1582] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1583] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 50 [15:15:09.1583] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1603] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1603] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 50 [15:15:09.1604] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1622] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1623] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 51 [15:15:09.1624] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1639] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1640] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 51 [15:15:09.1641] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1660] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1661] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 51 [15:15:09.1661] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1681] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1682] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 51 [15:15:09.1683] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1703] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1704] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 51 [15:15:09.1705] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1725] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1726] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 51 [15:15:09.1727] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1742] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1743] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 52 [15:15:09.1744] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1759] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1760] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 52 [15:15:09.1760] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1775] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1776] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 52 [15:15:09.1777] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1792] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1793] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 52 [15:15:09.1794] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1808] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1809] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 52 [15:15:09.1810] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1824] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1825] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 52 [15:15:09.1826] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1840] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1840] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 53 [15:15:09.1841] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1855] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1856] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 53 [15:15:09.1856] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1870] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1870] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 53 [15:15:09.1871] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1885] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1885] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 53 [15:15:09.1886] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1900] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1900] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 53 [15:15:09.1901] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1916] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1916] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 53 [15:15:09.1917] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1931] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1932] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 54 [15:15:09.1933] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1946] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1947] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 54 [15:15:09.1948] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1962] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1963] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 54 [15:15:09.1963] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1978] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1979] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 54 [15:15:09.1979] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.1993] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.1993] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 54 [15:15:09.1994] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2007] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2008] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 54 [15:15:09.2009] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2022] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2023] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 55 [15:15:09.2024] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2037] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2038] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 55 [15:15:09.2038] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2052] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2053] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 55 [15:15:09.2054] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2067] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2068] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 55 [15:15:09.2069] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2083] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2084] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 55 [15:15:09.2085] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2099] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2100] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 55 [15:15:09.2101] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2114] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2115] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 56 [15:15:09.2116] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2131] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2132] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 56 [15:15:09.2132] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2148] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2149] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 56 [15:15:09.2150] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2165] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2166] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 56 [15:15:09.2166] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2181] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2182] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 56 [15:15:09.2183] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2200] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2201] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 56 [15:15:09.2202] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2217] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2218] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 57 [15:15:09.2219] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2235] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2236] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 57 [15:15:09.2236] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2252] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2253] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 57 [15:15:09.2254] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2268] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2269] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 57 [15:15:09.2270] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2289] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2289] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 57 [15:15:09.2290] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2305] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2306] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 57 [15:15:09.2307] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2326] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2326] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 58 [15:15:09.2328] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2348] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2349] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 58 [15:15:09.2349] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2368] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2369] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 58 [15:15:09.2370] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2390] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2391] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 58 [15:15:09.2391] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2407] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2408] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 58 [15:15:09.2408] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2424] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2425] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 58 [15:15:09.2426] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2442] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2443] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 59 [15:15:09.2444] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2459] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2460] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 59 [15:15:09.2461] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2476] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2477] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 59 [15:15:09.2478] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2493] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2493] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 59 [15:15:09.2494] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2513] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2514] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 59 [15:15:09.2515] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2533] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2534] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 59 [15:15:09.2535] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2556] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2557] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 60 [15:15:09.2557] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2573] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2574] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 60 [15:15:09.2575] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2591] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2592] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 60 [15:15:09.2593] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2611] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2612] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 60 [15:15:09.2612] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2627] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2628] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 60 [15:15:09.2629] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2646] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2647] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 60 [15:15:09.2648] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2668] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2670] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 61 [15:15:09.2670] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2688] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2688] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 61 [15:15:09.2690] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2711] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2712] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 61 [15:15:09.2713] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2731] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2732] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 61 [15:15:09.2733] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2748] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2749] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 61 [15:15:09.2750] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2766] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2768] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 61 [15:15:09.2768] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2783] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2785] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 62 [15:15:09.2785] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2800] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2801] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 62 [15:15:09.2802] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2820] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2821] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 62 [15:15:09.2822] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2842] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2844] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 62 [15:15:09.2844] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2861] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2862] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 62 [15:15:09.2863] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2883] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2884] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 62 [15:15:09.2885] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2902] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2903] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 63 [15:15:09.2903] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2918] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2919] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 63 [15:15:09.2920] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2939] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2940] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 63 [15:15:09.2941] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2956] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2957] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 63 [15:15:09.2958] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2976] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2976] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 63 [15:15:09.2977] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.2997] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.2998] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 63 [15:15:09.2999] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3018] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3019] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 64 [15:15:09.3020] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3040] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3041] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 64 [15:15:09.3042] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3060] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3062] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 64 [15:15:09.3062] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3077] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3078] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 64 [15:15:09.3079] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3095] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3096] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 64 [15:15:09.3097] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3113] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3114] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 64 [15:15:09.3115] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3130] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3131] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 65 [15:15:09.3132] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3150] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3151] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 65 [15:15:09.3151] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3167] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3168] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 65 [15:15:09.3169] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3186] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3187] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 65 [15:15:09.3187] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3202] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3203] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 65 [15:15:09.3204] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3223] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3224] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 65 [15:15:09.3225] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3240] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3241] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 66 [15:15:09.3242] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3258] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3259] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 66 [15:15:09.3260] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3279] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3280] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 66 [15:15:09.3281] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3296] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3297] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 66 [15:15:09.3297] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3312] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3313] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 66 [15:15:09.3313] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3329] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3330] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 66 [15:15:09.3331] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3346] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3347] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 67 [15:15:09.3349] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3365] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3366] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 67 [15:15:09.3367] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3387] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3388] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 67 [15:15:09.3389] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3404] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3405] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 67 [15:15:09.3406] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3421] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3422] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 67 [15:15:09.3423] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3439] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3440] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 67 [15:15:09.3441] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3455] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3456] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 68 [15:15:09.3457] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3475] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3475] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 68 [15:15:09.3476] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3494] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3495] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 68 [15:15:09.3496] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3516] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3517] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 68 [15:15:09.3518] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3538] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3539] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 68 [15:15:09.3540] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3559] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3561] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 68 [15:15:09.3561] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3580] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3581] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 69 [15:15:09.3581] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3596] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3597] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 69 [15:15:09.3598] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3613] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3614] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 69 [15:15:09.3615] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3630] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3631] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 69 [15:15:09.3632] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3648] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3649] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 69 [15:15:09.3650] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3669] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3670] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 69 [15:15:09.3672] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3692] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3694] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 70 [15:15:09.3694] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3712] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3713] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 70 [15:15:09.3713] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3730] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3731] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 70 [15:15:09.3732] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3747] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3748] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 70 [15:15:09.3748] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3764] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3765] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 70 [15:15:09.3766] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3782] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3783] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 70 [15:15:09.3783] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3799] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3800] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 71 [15:15:09.3801] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3816] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3818] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 71 [15:15:09.3818] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3838] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3839] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 71 [15:15:09.3840] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3857] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3858] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 71 [15:15:09.3859] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3879] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3881] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 71 [15:15:09.3882] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3902] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3904] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 71 [15:15:09.3904] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3921] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3922] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 72 [15:15:09.3923] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3944] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3945] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 72 [15:15:09.3946] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3961] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3962] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 72 [15:15:09.3963] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.3980] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.3981] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 72 [15:15:09.3982] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4002] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4004] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 72 [15:15:09.4004] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4025] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4026] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 72 [15:15:09.4027] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4049] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4050] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 73 [15:15:09.4051] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4067] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4068] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 73 [15:15:09.4069] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4084] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4086] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 73 [15:15:09.4086] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4100] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4101] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 73 [15:15:09.4102] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4116] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4116] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 73 [15:15:09.4118] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4132] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4133] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 73 [15:15:09.4134] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4151] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4152] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 74 [15:15:09.4153] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4172] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4173] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 74 [15:15:09.4174] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4189] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4190] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 74 [15:15:09.4191] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4206] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4207] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 74 [15:15:09.4208] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4224] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4225] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 74 [15:15:09.4226] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4242] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4243] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 74 [15:15:09.4243] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4261] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4263] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 75 [15:15:09.4263] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4279] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4280] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 75 [15:15:09.4281] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4297] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4298] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 75 [15:15:09.4299] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4315] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4316] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 75 [15:15:09.4317] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4333] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4334] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 75 [15:15:09.4334] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4351] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4352] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 75 [15:15:09.4353] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4369] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4370] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 76 [15:15:09.4371] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4386] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4387] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 76 [15:15:09.4388] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4403] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4404] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 76 [15:15:09.4405] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4421] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4422] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 76 [15:15:09.4423] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4438] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4439] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 76 [15:15:09.4440] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4456] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4457] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 76 [15:15:09.4458] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4473] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4474] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 77 [15:15:09.4476] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4492] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4493] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 77 [15:15:09.4494] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4509] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4510] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 77 [15:15:09.4510] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4526] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4527] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 77 [15:15:09.4528] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4544] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4544] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 77 [15:15:09.4545] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4560] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4561] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 77 [15:15:09.4562] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4578] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4579] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 78 [15:15:09.4580] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4596] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4597] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 78 [15:15:09.4597] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4612] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4614] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 78 [15:15:09.4614] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4629] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4630] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 78 [15:15:09.4631] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4648] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4649] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 78 [15:15:09.4649] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4664] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4665] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 78 [15:15:09.4666] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4681] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4682] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 79 [15:15:09.4683] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4699] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4700] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 79 [15:15:09.4701] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4716] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4717] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 79 [15:15:09.4718] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4732] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4733] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 79 [15:15:09.4734] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4748] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4749] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 79 [15:15:09.4751] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4766] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4767] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 79 [15:15:09.4768] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4784] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4785] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 79 [15:15:09.4786] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4801] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4802] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 80 [15:15:09.4803] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4818] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4818] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 80 [15:15:09.4819] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4833] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4834] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 80 [15:15:09.4834] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4848] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4849] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 80 [15:15:09.4850] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4864] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4865] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 80 [15:15:09.4866] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4880] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4881] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 80 [15:15:09.4882] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4897] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4897] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 81 [15:15:09.4898] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4912] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4912] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 81 [15:15:09.4913] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4930] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4930] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 81 [15:15:09.4931] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4949] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4950] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 81 [15:15:09.4950] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4964] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4965] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 81 [15:15:09.4966] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.4982] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.4983] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 81 [15:15:09.4984] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5003] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5003] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 82 [15:15:09.5004] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5024] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5025] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 82 [15:15:09.5026] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5045] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5046] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 82 [15:15:09.5047] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5066] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5067] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 82 [15:15:09.5067] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5082] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5083] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 82 [15:15:09.5084] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5100] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5101] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 82 [15:15:09.5102] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5121] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5122] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 83 [15:15:09.5122] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5137] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5138] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 83 [15:15:09.5139] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5156] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5157] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 83 [15:15:09.5158] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5177] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5178] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 83 [15:15:09.5179] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5195] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5196] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 83 [15:15:09.5196] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5216] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5217] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 83 [15:15:09.5217] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5237] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5238] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 84 [15:15:09.5239] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5256] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5257] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 84 [15:15:09.5258] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5277] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5278] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 84 [15:15:09.5279] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5294] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5295] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 84 [15:15:09.5296] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5311] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5312] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 84 [15:15:09.5312] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5332] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5333] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 84 [15:15:09.5334] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5353] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5354] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 85 [15:15:09.5354] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5375] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5376] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 85 [15:15:09.5377] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5396] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5397] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 85 [15:15:09.5398] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5412] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5413] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 85 [15:15:09.5414] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5429] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5430] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 85 [15:15:09.5431] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5451] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5451] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 85 [15:15:09.5452] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5466] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5467] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 86 [15:15:09.5468] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5487] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5487] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 86 [15:15:09.5488] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5508] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5510] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 86 [15:15:09.5510] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5527] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5528] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 86 [15:15:09.5529] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5550] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5551] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 86 [15:15:09.5552] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5573] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5574] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 86 [15:15:09.5575] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5590] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5591] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 87 [15:15:09.5592] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5608] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5609] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 87 [15:15:09.5610] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5625] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5626] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 87 [15:15:09.5627] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5643] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5644] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 87 [15:15:09.5645] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5665] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5666] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 87 [15:15:09.5667] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5687] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5688] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 87 [15:15:09.5689] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5709] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5710] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 88 [15:15:09.5710] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5728] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5728] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 88 [15:15:09.5729] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5744] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5744] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 88 [15:15:09.5745] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5761] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5763] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 88 [15:15:09.5763] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5782] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5783] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 88 [15:15:09.5784] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5799] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5799] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 88 [15:15:09.5800] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5817] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5818] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 89 [15:15:09.5818] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5839] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5841] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 89 [15:15:09.5841] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5859] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5860] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 89 [15:15:09.5860] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5879] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5881] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 89 [15:15:09.5881] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5899] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5900] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 89 [15:15:09.5901] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5917] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5918] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 89 [15:15:09.5919] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5939] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5940] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 90 [15:15:09.5941] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5957] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5958] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 90 [15:15:09.5959] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5978] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5978] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 90 [15:15:09.5978] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.5994] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.5996] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 90 [15:15:09.5997] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6014] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6016] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 90 [15:15:09.6016] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6038] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6039] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 90 [15:15:09.6040] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6061] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6062] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 91 [15:15:09.6063] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6078] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6079] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 91 [15:15:09.6080] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6096] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6098] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 91 [15:15:09.6099] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6118] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6119] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 91 [15:15:09.6120] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6136] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6137] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 91 [15:15:09.6137] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6159] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6160] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 91 [15:15:09.6161] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6181] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6182] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 92 [15:15:09.6184] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6203] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6205] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 92 [15:15:09.6206] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6225] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6226] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 92 [15:15:09.6227] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6247] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6248] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 92 [15:15:09.6249] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6269] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6270] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 92 [15:15:09.6271] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6290] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6292] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 92 [15:15:09.6293] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6309] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6310] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 93 [15:15:09.6312] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6333] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6333] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 93 [15:15:09.6334] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6356] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6358] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 93 [15:15:09.6359] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6379] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6381] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 93 [15:15:09.6382] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6401] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6402] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 93 [15:15:09.6403] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6419] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6420] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 93 [15:15:09.6421] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6438] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6438] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 94 [15:15:09.6439] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6459] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6460] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 94 [15:15:09.6462] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6477] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6478] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 94 [15:15:09.6480] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6500] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6501] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 94 [15:15:09.6502] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6520] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6522] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 94 [15:15:09.6523] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6543] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6544] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 94 [15:15:09.6546] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6565] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6567] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 95 [15:15:09.6568] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6584] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6585] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 95 [15:15:09.6586] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6608] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6610] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 95 [15:15:09.6612] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6628] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6630] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 95 [15:15:09.6631] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6647] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6648] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 95 [15:15:09.6648] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6665] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6666] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 95 [15:15:09.6666] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6688] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6689] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 96 [15:15:09.6690] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6707] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6709] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 96 [15:15:09.6710] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6725] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6726] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 96 [15:15:09.6727] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6742] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6743] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 96 [15:15:09.6744] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6760] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6761] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 96 [15:15:09.6762] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6781] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6782] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 96 [15:15:09.6783] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6797] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6799] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 97 [15:15:09.6799] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6817] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6818] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 97 [15:15:09.6819] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6834] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6835] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 97 [15:15:09.6836] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6851] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6851] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 97 [15:15:09.6852] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6866] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6868] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 97 [15:15:09.6868] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6882] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6883] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 97 [15:15:09.6883] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6897] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6898] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 98 [15:15:09.6899] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6913] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6913] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 98 [15:15:09.6914] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6928] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6929] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 98 [15:15:09.6929] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6943] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6944] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 98 [15:15:09.6945] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6958] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6959] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 98 [15:15:09.6960] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6974] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6975] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 98 [15:15:09.6975] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.6989] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.6990] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 99 [15:15:09.6990] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.7004] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.7004] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 99 [15:15:09.7005] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.7018] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.7019] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 99 [15:15:09.7020] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.7033] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.7034] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 99 [15:15:09.7035] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.7048] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.7048] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 99 [15:15:09.7049] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.7063] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.7064] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: operation 2 progress 99 [15:15:09.7064] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.7073] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 5 status = 0 [15:15:09.7073] Issuing DNLOAD request [15:15:09.7076] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 6 status = 0 [15:15:09.7630] Issued GETSTATUS request: state = 7 status = 0 [15:15:09.8194] <DFU Device 0x7f889000fcc0>: DFU succeeded [15:15:09.8196] Finished DFU Restore Phase: Successful [15:15:09.9227] DFU mode device disconnected [15:15:09.9227] Device removed when in state Restoring, moving device to transition state [15:15:09.9227] Changing state from ‘Restoring’ to ‘Transitioning’ [15:15:09.9227] Creating timer to monitor transition [15:15:09.9227] Creating a timer for 10 minutes [15:15:12.9637] Recovery mode device connected [15:15:12.9637] Transitioning device returned, continuing restore. [15:15:12.9637] Canceling timer [15:15:12.9637] Changing state from ‘Transitioning’ to ‘Restoring’ [15:15:12.9643] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:12.9644] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: searching for variant Erase (0 recovery) [15:15:12.9806] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid, boardid, and secdomain only. [15:15:12.9808] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: Found variant: Developer Erase Install (IPSW) [15:15:12.9841] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleFDRSupported: FDR is supported for this device [15:15:12.9842] no override trust object found [15:15:12.9843] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:12.9844] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:12.9845] requested variant: Erase [15:15:12.9847] no override trust object found [15:15:12.9847] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:12.9849] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:12.9850] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleFDRSupported: FDR is supported for this device [15:15:12.9855] personalizing: <AMAuthInstall 0x7f888e5c0240>{ap=(personalize=YES j318ap ecid=0x808623ae8002e, chipid=0x8027, boardid=0xe, secDom=1, isProduction=YES, EPRO=YES, isSecure=YES, ESEC=YES, img4=YES, demotionPolicy=, baaCert=NO, nonce=0xc7fcdb747a73ef50794162bec682d724d0d2907e373bb3c6eb8a284a50900099, sepNonce=0x79af62886f6898986c7df8de753d5c80074b34a1), bp=(personalize=YES), UserAuth=NO, iTunes=YES, server=»″, locale=en_US, version=»libauthinstall-766″, platform=mac/19F101/x86_64} [15:15:12.9892] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleShouldPersonalizeOS: Personalize OS = Yes [15:15:12.9910] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleShouldPersonalizeOS: Personalize OS = Yes [15:15:12.9939] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreLogo to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9940] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreDeviceTree to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9941] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreKernelCache to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9942] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreRamDisk to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9943] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting iBEC to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9944] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting iBSS to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9945] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting KernelCache to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9946] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting ftap to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9947] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting rfta to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9948] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting ftsp to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9949] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting rfts to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9950] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting Ap,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9951] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting SystemVolume to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9952] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting OS to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9953] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting SEP to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9954] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryLow1 to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9955] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting StaticTrustCache to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9956] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting LLB to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9957] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryFull to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9957] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting GFX to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9958] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting AVE to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9959] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RecoveryMode to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9960] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting Multitouch to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9961] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting AppleLogo to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9962] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting iBoot to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9963] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting ISP to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9964] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting AOP to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9965] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting ANE to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9966] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryPlugin to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9967] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting DeviceTree to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9968] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreTrustCache to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9969] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting SIO to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9970] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryLow0 to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9970] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreSEP to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9971] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryCharging0 to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9972] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryCharging1 to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:12.9973] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: ticketPath amai/apimg4ticket.der , withApTicket is False, (!True && ( True || False)) [15:15:12.9974] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «RestoreLogo» [15:15:12.9975] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «RestoreDeviceTree» [15:15:12.9975] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «RestoreKernelCache» [15:15:12.9976] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «RestoreRamDisk» [15:15:12.9977] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «OSRamdisk» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:12.9978] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «iBEC» [15:15:12.9979] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «iBSS» [15:15:12.9980] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «KernelCache» [15:15:12.9980] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: skipping «ftap» entry [15:15:12.9981] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: skipping «rfta» entry [15:15:12.9982] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: skipping «ftsp» entry [15:15:12.9983] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: skipping «rfts» entry [15:15:12.9984] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «Ap,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata» [15:15:12.9984] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «x86,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:12.9985] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «BaseSystemVolume» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:12.9986] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «SystemVolume» [15:15:12.9986] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «x86,SystemVolume» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:12.9987] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «Ap,BaseSystemTrustCache» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:12.9988] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «Diags» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:12.9989] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «CFELoader» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:12.9990] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «RBM» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:12.9990] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «PHLEET» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:12.9991] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «PERTOS» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:12.9992] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «PEHammer» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:12.9992] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «Alamo» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:12.9993] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: skipping «OS» entry [15:15:12.9994] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «SEP» [15:15:12.9995] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «BatteryLow1» [15:15:12.9996] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «StaticTrustCache» [15:15:12.9996] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «LLB» [15:15:12.9997] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «BatteryFull» [15:15:12.9998] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «GFX» [15:15:12.9999] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «AVE» [15:15:12.9999] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «RecoveryMode» [15:15:13.0000] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «Multitouch» [15:15:13.0001] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «AppleLogo» [15:15:13.0002] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «iBoot» [15:15:13.0002] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «ISP» [15:15:13.0003] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «AOP» [15:15:13.0004] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «ANE» [15:15:13.0005] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «BatteryPlugin» [15:15:13.0005] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «DeviceTree» [15:15:13.0006] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «RestoreTrustCache» [15:15:13.0007] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «SIO» [15:15:13.0008] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «BatteryLow0» [15:15:13.0009] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «RestoreSEP» [15:15:13.0010] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «BatteryCharging0» [15:15:13.0011] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «BatteryCharging1» [15:15:13.0012] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: nothing to be done [15:15:13.0392] DeviceRequest failed: 0xe000404f [15:15:13.0393] command device request for ‘getenv ota-uuid’ failed: 2008 [15:15:13.0393] Failed to copy env variable, error:21 [15:15:13.0393] DeviceRequest failed: 0xe00002cd [15:15:13.0395] unhandled error 0xe00002cd returned as 2009 [15:15:13.0396] error setting interface’s alternate setting: 2009 (expected, not fatal). [15:15:13.0432] error opening USB device: 0xe00002c5 — will try again [15:15:14.0486] iBoot build-version = iBoot-6603. [15:15:14.0512] iBoot build-style = RELEASE [15:15:14.0515] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory [15:15:14.0520] found device map entry for 0x00008027 0x0000000e 0x00000001. boardConfig=j318ap platform=t8027 [15:15:14.0522] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options [15:15:14.0522] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:14.0547] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:14.0569] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory [15:15:14.0571] found device map entry for 0x00008027 0x0000000e 0x00000001. boardConfig=j318ap platform=t8027 [15:15:14.0572] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options [15:15:14.0593] DeviceRequest failed: 0xe000404f [15:15:14.0595] command device request for ‘getenv radio-error’ failed: 2008 [15:15:14.0596] radio-error not set [15:15:14.0598] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory [15:15:14.0603] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f889007e650>: production fused device [15:15:14.0605] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory [15:15:14.0607] found device map entry for 0x00008027 0x0000000e 0x00000001. boardConfig=j318ap platform=t8027 [15:15:14.0608] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options [15:15:14.0609] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:14.0628] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:14.0646] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f889007e650>: operation 4 progress -1 [15:15:14.0648] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory [15:15:14.0650] found device map entry for 0x00008027 0x0000000e 0x00000001. boardConfig=j318ap platform=t8027 [15:15:14.0651] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options [15:15:14.0652] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:14.0670] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:14.0687] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:14.0724] DeviceRequest failed: 0xe000404f [15:15:14.0726] command device request for ‘getenv boot-stage’ failed: 2008 [15:15:14.0879] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:14.0896] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f889007e650>: operation 43 progress -1 [15:15:14.0897] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:14.0937] Max file size is: 536870912 [15:15:14.0938] sending file: /tmp/PersonalizedBundle_D4711DDC-AD47-475C-8779-A46972D2E940/Firmware/all_flash/RestoreLogo_applelogo@2388~ipad-USBc.img4 [15:15:15.1269] No additional boot images found [15:15:15.1273] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory [15:15:15.1277] found device map entry for 0x00008027 0x0000000e 0x00000001. boardConfig=j318ap platform=t8027 [15:15:15.1279] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options [15:15:15.1331] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f889007e650>: operation 8 progress -1 [15:15:15.1334] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory [15:15:15.1338] found device map entry for 0x00008027 0x0000000e 0x00000001. boardConfig=j318ap platform=t8027 [15:15:15.1340] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options [15:15:15.1362] No readable value found in kAMRestoreOptionsRestoreNVRAMVariables [15:15:15.1363] Sending AVE to device. (1 of 7) [15:15:15.1386] Max file size is: 536870912 [15:15:15.1387] sending file: /tmp/PersonalizedBundle_D4711DDC-AD47-475C-8779-A46972D2E940/Firmware/ave/AVE_AppleAVE2FW_H11.img4 [15:15:15.1896] Sending SIO to device. (2 of 7) [15:15:15.1922] Max file size is: 536870912 [15:15:15.1924] sending file: /tmp/PersonalizedBundle_D4711DDC-AD47-475C-8779-A46972D2E940/Firmware/SIO_SmartIOFirmware_ASCv2.img4 [15:15:15.2423] Sending AOP to device. (3 of 7) [15:15:15.2447] Max file size is: 536870912 [15:15:15.2448] sending file: /tmp/PersonalizedBundle_D4711DDC-AD47-475C-8779-A46972D2E940/Firmware/AOP/AOP_aopfw-ipad8aop.img4 [15:15:15.3357] Sending ANE to device. (4 of 7) [15:15:15.3382] Max file size is: 536870912 [15:15:15.3384] sending file: /tmp/PersonalizedBundle_D4711DDC-AD47-475C-8779-A46972D2E940/Firmware/ane/ANE_h11_ane_fw_pontus.img4 [15:15:15.7213] Sending ISP to device. (5 of 7) [15:15:15.7240] Max file size is: 536870912 [15:15:15.7243] sending file: /tmp/PersonalizedBundle_D4711DDC-AD47-475C-8779-A46972D2E940/Firmware/isp_bni/ISP_adc-petra-j3x.img4 [15:15:16.1506] Sending GFX to device. (6 of 7) [15:15:16.1531] Max file size is: 536870912 [15:15:16.1533] sending file: /tmp/PersonalizedBundle_D4711DDC-AD47-475C-8779-A46972D2E940/Firmware/agx/GFX_armfw_g11g.img4 [15:15:16.1913] Sending RestoreTrustCache to device. (7 of 7) [15:15:16.1937] Max file size is: 536870912 [15:15:16.1940] sending file: /tmp/PersonalizedBundle_D4711DDC-AD47-475C-8779-A46972D2E940/Firmware/RestoreTrustCache_038-44135-093.dmg.img4 [15:15:16.1993] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f889007e650>: operation 5 progress -1 [15:15:16.1995] sending file: /tmp/PersonalizedBundle_D4711DDC-AD47-475C-8779-A46972D2E940/RestoreRamDisk_038-44135-093.img4 [15:15:19.3076] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory [15:15:19.3079] found device map entry for 0x00008027 0x0000000e 0x00000001. boardConfig=j318ap platform=t8027 [15:15:19.3080] _AMRestoreCopyDeviceMapPlistEntryForHardware: firmwareDirectory not in options [15:15:19.3100] DeviceRequest failed: 0xe000404f [15:15:19.3101] command device request for ‘getenv ramdisk-delay’ failed: 2008 [15:15:21.4560] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f889007e650>: operation 6 progress -1 [15:15:21.4585] Max file size is: 536870912 [15:15:21.4587] sending file: /tmp/PersonalizedBundle_D4711DDC-AD47-475C-8779-A46972D2E940/Firmware/all_flash/RestoreDeviceTree_DeviceTree.j318ap.img4 [15:15:22.4779] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f889007e650>: operation 6 progress -1 [15:15:22.4805] Max file size is: 536870912 [15:15:22.4806] sending file: /tmp/PersonalizedBundle_D4711DDC-AD47-475C-8779-A46972D2E940/Firmware/all_flash/RestoreSEP_sep-firmware.j318.RELEASE.img4 [15:15:22.7100] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f889007e650>: operation 7 progress -1 [15:15:22.7125] Max file size is: 536870912 [15:15:22.7126] sending file: /tmp/PersonalizedBundle_D4711DDC-AD47-475C-8779-A46972D2E940/RestoreKernelCache_kernelcache.release.img4 [15:15:23.1616] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f889007e650>: operation 9 progress -1 [15:15:23.1621] <Recovery Mode Device 0x7f889007e650>: Recovery mode succeeded [15:15:23.1623] Finished Recovery Restore Phase: Successful [15:15:24.9320] Recovery mode device disconnected [15:15:24.9320] Device removed when in state Restoring, moving device to transition state [15:15:24.9320] Changing state from ‘Restoring’ to ‘Transitioning’ [15:15:24.9320] Creating timer to monitor transition [15:15:24.9320] Creating a timer for 10 minutes [15:15:29.2397] RestoreOS mode device connected [15:15:29.2397] Transitioning device returned, continuing restore. [15:15:29.2397] Canceling timer [15:15:29.2397] Changing state from ‘Transitioning’ to ‘Restoring’ [15:15:29.2427] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:29.2428] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: searching for variant Erase (0 recovery) [15:15:29.2575] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: No baseband chipid reported. Will match Build Identity based on ap chipid, boardid, and secdomain only. [15:15:29.2576] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: AMAuthInstallBundleCopyBuildIdentityForVariant: Found variant: Developer Erase Install (IPSW) [15:15:29.2614] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleFDRSupported: FDR is supported for this device [15:15:29.2616] no override trust object found [15:15:29.2617] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:29.2618] <Restore Device 0x7f888e5e06c0>: operation 45 progress -1 [15:15:29.2620] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:29.2620] requested variant: Erase [15:15:29.2622] no override trust object found [15:15:29.2623] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:29.2625] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:29.2626] amai: AMAuthInstallBundleFDRSupported: FDR is supported for this device [15:15:29.2638] personalizing: <AMAuthInstall 0x7f8890025f90>{ap=(personalize=YES j318ap ecid=0x808623ae8002e, chipid=0x8027, boardid=0xe, secDom=1, isProduction=YES, EPRO=YES, isSecure=YES, ESEC=YES, img4=YES, demotionPolicy=, baaCert=NO), bp=(personalize=YES), UserAuth=NO, iTunes=YES, server=»″, locale=en_US, version=»libauthinstall-766″, platform=mac/19F101/x86_64} [15:15:29.2663] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleShouldPersonalizeOS: Personalize OS = Yes [15:15:29.2682] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleShouldPersonalizeOS: Personalize OS = Yes [15:15:29.2728] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreLogo to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2730] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreDeviceTree to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2731] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreKernelCache to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2732] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreRamDisk to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2733] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting iBEC to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2734] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting iBSS to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2735] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting KernelCache to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2735] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting ftap to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2736] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting rfta to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2737] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting ftsp to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2738] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting rfts to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2739] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting Ap,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2740] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting SystemVolume to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2741] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting OS to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2741] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting SEP to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2742] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryLow1 to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2743] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting StaticTrustCache to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2744] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting LLB to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2745] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryFull to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2746] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting GFX to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2747] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting AVE to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2748] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RecoveryMode to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2749] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting Multitouch to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2750] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting AppleLogo to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2751] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting iBoot to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2752] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting ISP to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2753] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting AOP to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2754] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting ANE to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2754] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryPlugin to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2755] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting DeviceTree to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2756] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreTrustCache to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2757] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting SIO to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2758] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryLow0 to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2758] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting RestoreSEP to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2759] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryCharging0 to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2760] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCopyOverrideBuildIdentity: Inserting BatteryCharging1 to Manifest to personalize later [15:15:29.2761] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: ticketPath amai/apimg4ticket.der , withApTicket is False, (!True && ( False || False)) [15:15:29.2762] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «RestoreLogo» [15:15:29.2762] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «RestoreDeviceTree» [15:15:29.2763] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «RestoreKernelCache» [15:15:29.2764] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «RestoreRamDisk» [15:15:29.2765] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «OSRamdisk» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:29.2766] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «iBEC» [15:15:29.2767] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «iBSS» [15:15:29.2768] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «KernelCache» [15:15:29.2769] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: skipping «ftap» entry [15:15:29.2770] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: skipping «rfta» entry [15:15:29.2770] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: skipping «ftsp» entry [15:15:29.2771] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: skipping «rfts» entry [15:15:29.2772] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «Ap,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata» [15:15:29.2772] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «x86,SystemVolumeCanonicalMetadata» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:29.2773] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «BaseSystemVolume» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:29.2774] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «SystemVolume» [15:15:29.2775] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «x86,SystemVolume» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:29.2775] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «Ap,BaseSystemTrustCache» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:29.2776] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «Diags» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:29.2777] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «CFELoader» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:29.2777] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «RBM» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:29.2778] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «PHLEET» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:29.2779] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «PERTOS» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:29.2780] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «PEHammer» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:29.2781] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: entry «Alamo» not part of manifest, skipping [15:15:29.2781] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: skipping «OS» entry [15:15:29.2782] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «SEP» [15:15:29.2783] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «BatteryLow1» [15:15:29.2784] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «StaticTrustCache» [15:15:29.2785] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «LLB» [15:15:29.2786] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «BatteryFull» [15:15:29.2787] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «GFX» [15:15:29.2788] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «AVE» [15:15:29.2789] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «RecoveryMode» [15:15:29.2790] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «Multitouch» [15:15:29.2791] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «AppleLogo» [15:15:29.2792] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «iBoot» [15:15:29.2793] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «ISP» [15:15:29.2794] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «AOP» [15:15:29.2795] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «ANE» [15:15:29.2795] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «BatteryPlugin» [15:15:29.2797] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «DeviceTree» [15:15:29.2799] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «RestoreTrustCache» [15:15:29.2800] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «SIO» [15:15:29.2801] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «BatteryLow0» [15:15:29.2802] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «RestoreSEP» [15:15:29.2803] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «BatteryCharging0» [15:15:29.2804] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: not personalizing «BatteryCharging1» [15:15:29.2805] amai: _AMAuthInstallBundleCreateServerRequestDictionary: nothing to be done [15:15:29.2806] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:29.2823] overwrite InstallDiags to false [15:15:29.2850] device did not return saved USB log [15:15:29.2851] device did not return saved panic log [15:15:29.2852] previous restore failed with exit status 0x100 [15:15:29.2868] connected to service [15:15:29.2869] using protocol version 15 [15:15:29.2910] unable to open device_map.txt: No such file or directory [15:15:29.2912] board config = j318ap [15:15:29.2938] no value returned for BootArgs [15:15:29.2940] _copyDeviceProperty() failed for restore bootargs [15:15:29.2963] no value returned for MarketingPartNumber [15:15:29.2965] _copyDeviceProperty() failed for mpn [15:15:29.2966] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:29.3006] value query for ‘HardwareModel’ returned ‘J318AP’ [15:15:29.3008] Can’t return padding information since it’s not in the Restore.plist, looking in BuildManifest.plist [15:15:29.3173] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:29.3174] Established proxy for device ID 4 [15:15:29.5878] Completed checkpoint id: 0x655 [15:15:29.5883] Started checkpoint id: 0x604 [15:15:29.5897] Completed checkpoint id: 0x604 [15:15:29.5902] Started checkpoint id: 0x68F [15:15:29.5923] Completed checkpoint id: 0x68F [15:15:29.5926] Started checkpoint id: 0x608 [15:15:29.5955] Completed checkpoint id: 0x608 [15:15:29.5960] Started checkpoint id: 0x60B [15:15:29.6070] Completed checkpoint id: 0x60B [15:15:29.6076] Started checkpoint id: 0x60D [15:15:29.6077] <Restore Device 0x7f888e5e06c0>: operation 28 progress -1 [15:15:29.6211] Completed checkpoint id: 0x60D [15:15:29.6215] Started checkpoint id: 0x60E [15:15:29.6218] <Restore Device 0x7f888e5e06c0>: operation 58 progress -1 [15:15:35.4241] Completed checkpoint id: 0x60E [15:15:35.4244] Started checkpoint id: 0x60F [15:15:35.4436] Completed checkpoint id: 0x60F [15:15:35.4438] Started checkpoint id: 0x65C [15:15:35.4578] Completed checkpoint id: 0x65C [15:15:35.4582] Started checkpoint id: 0x610 [15:15:35.4585] Completed checkpoint id: 0x610 [15:15:35.4586] Started checkpoint id: 0x613 [15:15:35.4602] Completed checkpoint id: 0x613 [15:15:35.4605] Started checkpoint id: 0x67E [15:15:35.4609] Completed checkpoint id: 0x67E [15:15:35.4611] Started checkpoint id: 0x609 [15:15:35.5045] <Restore Device 0x7f888e5e06c0>: operation 35 progress -1 [15:15:35.5048] requested restore behavior: Erase [15:15:35.6377] RestoreOS mode device disconnected [15:15:35.6377] RestoreOS device removed before restored completed [15:15:35.6377] send(11, 26649192) failed: Broken pipe [15:15:35.6411] AMRAuthInstallDeletePersonalizedBundle [15:15:35.6542] <Restore Device 0x7f888e5e06c0>: Restore failed (result = 9) [15:15:35.6543] Can’t send dump_console command since device is not in recovery mode [15:15:35.6544] AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 9 [15:15:35.6545] Finished RestoreOS Restore Phase: Failed [15:15:35.6546] State Machine Dump, status:ERROR — [state:DFU remaining-cycles:1] -> [state:Recovery remaining-cycles:0] -> [state:RestoreOS remaining-cycles:0 (current state)] [15:15:35.6551] Changing state from ‘Restoring’ to ‘Error’ [15:15:35.6551] State is now set to error: AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 9 [15:15:35.6557] Restore completed, status:9 [15:15:35.6557] Restore Checkpoint Fingerprint: 0609.0000 [15:15:35.6557] Failure Description: [15:15:35.6557] Depth:0 Code:-1 Error:AMRestorePerformRestoreModeRestoreWithError failed with error: 9 [15:15:35.6557] Depth:1 Code:9 Error:Failed to handle data request message [15:15:35.6557] Depth:2 Code:9 Error:Failed to handle all flash request

Sadly no. The console has this entries for each attempt:

10.09.15 01:57:51,354 iTunes[563]: Entered:_AMDFUDeviceDisconnected, libusbrestore-device:0xF9202550
10.09.15 01:57:51,354 iTunes[563]: Entered:__thr_AMDFUDeviceDisconnected, libusbrestore-device:0xF9202550
10.09.15 01:57:51,354 iTunes[563]: tid:2555b - DFU mode device disconnected
10.09.15 01:57:53,038 iTunes[563]: Entered:_AMDFUDeviceConnected, libusbrestore-device:0xF6A4D0F0
10.09.15 01:58:13,617 iTunes[563]: tid:27b87 - Created state machine for device with ECID=0x208BE026
10.09.15 01:58:13,617 iTunes[563]: tid:27b87 - State Machine Dump, status:RUNNING - [state:DFU remaining-cycles:2 (current state)] -> [state:Recovery remaining-cycles:1] -> [state:RestoreOS remaining-cycles:1]
10.09.15 01:58:13,620 iTunes[563]: tid:23dd7 - no override trust object found
10.09.15 01:58:13,843 iTunes[563]: tid:23dd7 - amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: SSO function returned NULL and no SSO token was provided, SSO disabled.
10.09.15 01:58:14,143 iTunes[563]: tid:23dd7 - amai: tss_submit_job: invalid response
10.09.15 01:58:14,144 iTunes[563]: tid:23dd7 - amai: AMAuthInstallRequestSendSync: failed tss submission: Internal error
10.09.15 01:58:14,144 iTunes[563]: tid:23dd7 - amai: AMAuthInstallApCreatePersonalizedResponse: server request error: Internal error
10.09.15 01:58:14,144 iTunes[563]: tid:23dd7 - amai: AMAuthInstallBundlePersonalizePartial: failed to create ap ticket
10.09.15 01:58:14,144 iTunes[563]: tid:23dd7 - failed to personalize the restore bundle: Internal error
10.09.15 01:58:14,144 iTunes[563]: tid:23dd7 - AMDFUModeDeviceCopyAuthInstallPreflightOptions: failed to personalize bundle
10.09.15 01:58:14,144 iTunes[563]: tid:23dd7 - Failed to copy auth install options in DFU mode.
10.09.15 01:58:14,144 iTunes[563]: tid:23dd7 - State Machine Dump, status:ERROR - [state:DFU remaining-cycles:1 (current state)] -> [state:Recovery remaining-cycles:1] -> [state:RestoreOS remaining-cycles:1]
10.09.15 01:58:14,145 iTunes[563]: tid:23dd7 - State is now set to error
10.09.15 01:58:14,145 iTunes[563]: tid:23dd7 - Can't stop watching device log we're not watching
10.09.15 01:58:14,145 iTunes[563]: tid:23dd7 - amai: AMAuthInstallPlatformRemoveDirectory: failed to remove directory: No such file or directory
10.09.15 01:58:14,145 iTunes[563]: tid:23dd7 - Failed to remove directory file:///tmp/PersonalizedBundle_D2E8814E-D8D6-4CA3-9C57-3308EF13159D
10.09.15 01:58:14,514 iTunes[563]: tid:27b87 - iTunes: Restore error 3014

  • #1

My iPad was working well till the recent update 10.3.3 came out and I decided to update it. It failed to update and said an error occurred after that it started acting funny and wouldn’t connect to the Wifi even after I entered the correct password. So I decided to restart it and try updating again, it turned off and never turned back on I tried to hard reset it and it’s not responding it’s just stuck in DFU mode unresponsive. I tried to restore it because that’s the only option iTunes is giving me, and iTunes goes through extraction of the software, preparing iPad for restoring, waiting for iPad, then the iPad briefly turns on to show the Apple logo for 5 seconds but before it boots up it turns off again and iTunes gives me the 4014 error. It can’t be a faulty cable because the iPad is a month old and I am using the iPad’s official cable. I updated my iTunes to and my Windows is updated to the latest software, USB drivers are updated too. I dunno what else to do I tried literally everything . I tried to charge it and it’s not even showing the charging screen either. Pressing both the Power and Home buttons to try get it out of DFU isn’t working, it’s just staying unresponsive. Please help I am at my wit’s end.

  • #2

As your iPad is so new it will be covered by Apple’s warranty. You can take it to any Apple Store or, of course, the original seller.


  • #3

Error 4014 generally means there’s a hardware problem. It could be the computer, cable or your iPad.

  • Thread Starter

  • #4

As your iPad is so new it will be covered by Apple’s warranty. You can take it to any Apple Store or, of course, the original seller.

Unfortunately I’m currently nowhere near an Apple Store :( and I won’t be till maybe September

  • Thread Starter

  • #5

Error 4014 generally means there’s a hardware problem. It could be the computer, cable or your iPad.

Is there anything I can do about it? What exactly could be the hardware problem?


  • #6

Unfortunately I’m currently nowhere near an Apple Store :( and I won’t be till maybe September

Apple has mail in service.


  • #7

Is there anything I can do about it? What exactly could be the hardware problem?

There’s no way to tell without a full diagnostic. Since you’re too far from an Apple store, are there any Apple authorized service centres near you?

Last edited: Aug 4, 2017

  • Thread Starter

  • #8

There’s no way to tell without a full diagnostic. Since you’re too far from an Apple store, are there any Apple authorized service centres near you?

No not even close, so my best bet is only to wait till I can access an Apple Store? :( I checked the iPad’s reports and the last line for error says this:

[22:24:50.0309] Failure Description:
[22:24:50.0309] Depth:0 Code:4014 Error:Unexpected device state ‘DFU’ expected ‘RestoreOS’
[22:24:50.0309] Transitioning device returned, continuing restore.
[22:24:50.0309] Canceling timer
[22:24:50.0309] Changing state from ‘Transitioning’ to ‘Restoring’
[22:24:50.0309] State Machine Dump, status:ERROR — [state:DFU remaining-cycles:0] -> [state:Recovery remaining-cycles:0] -> [state:RestoreOS remaining-cycles:1 (current state)]
[22:24:50.0309] Unexpected device state ‘DFU’ expected ‘RestoreOS’
[22:24:50.0309] Changing state from ‘Restoring’ to ‘Error’
[22:24:50.0309] State is now set to error

I can’t make sense of it, all I did was try update it and it died on me just like that :(

  • #9

Yes, I would wait until you can go to the Apple Store. If it is faulty, they will be able to replace it.

  • Thread Starter

  • #10

Yes, I would wait until you can go to the Apple Store. If it is faulty, they will be able to replace it.

Yes I suppose I’ll have to :(, thanks for the input though


  • #11

If you have AppleCare+, there is the Express replacement service. Call Apple and explain the problem. Ask if they want the error log in your post. If Apple approves the replacement they’ll mail you a replacement iPad and the packaging to return the defective unit at no cost to you. A temporary hold will be placed on your credit card to cover the cost of the replacement iPad. This hold is cancelled when they receive the returned iPad. iPad Express Replacement — Apple Support

  • #12

Yes I suppose I’ll have to :(, thanks for the input though

You’re welcome.

  • Thread Starter

  • #13

If you have AppleCare+, there is the Express replacement service. Call Apple and explain the problem. Ask if they want the error log in your post. If Apple approves the replacement they’ll mail you a replacement iPad and the packaging to return the defective unit at no cost to you. A temporary hold will be placed on your credit card to cover the cost of the replacement iPad. This hold is cancelled when they receive the returned iPad. iPad Express Replacement — Apple Support

No I don’t have AppleCare but I think I know what’s the problem. You said it could be my laptop so I noticed when I plugged my iPhone iTunes started getting glitchy and freezing up so I reckon that the new iTunes version doesn’t exactly go well with my Windows laptop? I uninstalled it and reinstalled a new download of iTunes and the installer gave me grief it kept saying there was an error installing iTunes. I don’t know why I never had a problem installing iTunes till now :(


  • #14

No I don’t have AppleCare but I think I know what’s the problem. You said it could be my laptop so I noticed when I plugged my iPhone iTunes started getting glitchy and freezing up so I reckon that the new iTunes version doesn’t exactly go well with my Windows laptop? I uninstalled it and reinstalled a new download of iTunes and the installer gave me grief it kept saying there was an error installing iTunes. I don’t know why I never had a problem installing iTunes till now :(

Which version of Windows is on your computer? The latest version of iTunes will run on Windows 7 and later. BTW, have you tried turning off your firewall and anti virus before trying to install iTunes on your computer?

  • #15

If you can not open your iTunes normally, it might due to the firewall and antivirus program, which will prevent iTunes from connecting to Apple servers or to devices. Maybe you can try to restore or upgrade the IPSW on your laptop. In addition, you can try to restore your iPad on another PC, maybe things will be better. Hope you can find the way to get your iPad out of recovery mode.

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