Staticmesh fx not found как исправить

staticmesh.fx not found error PR Tech Archives

2009-01-06, 19:05



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staticmesh.fx not found error

I have had no problems playing PR until yesterday, when there was a power surge in the middle of a game, causing my computer to reboot. Ever since, when I attempt to load PR I get the error message:

«mods/bf2/shaders/staticmesh.fx not found
_DO_ check your working directory _AND_ sink your shaders folder before calling upon your local rendering programmer/GP (really!)»

I don’t know how to check my working directory, and I opened my shaders folder and it is empty (I don’t know how to sinc it), so now I am consulting my local rendering programmer (that would be all of you). I opened BF2 and FH2, and they both work fine.

Any help is appreciated.

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2009-01-06, 23:29



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Re: staticmesh.fx not found error

I’m gonna go with a reinstall just because it seems like a file is missing. I have had the error before, and i’m sorry i forget how i dealt with it. Try a reinstall though, when the power surges weird things happen to those unprotected. Hopefully it’s not a hardware problem, but that would affect the other games you tried so, i doubt it’s that.

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2009-01-07, 16:40



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Re: staticmesh.fx not found error

After a crash run battlefield cleaner to flush out your video cache files.

Still no PR goodness?

Trash your BF2 cache files
C:Users’your user name here’DocumentsBattlefield 2modsbf2cache

Throw EVERYTHING inside the folder named cache away.
don’t worry the files will be replaced with new ones when the game restarts.

«There’s nothin’ like a nice piece of hickory»

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2009-01-07, 16:57



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Re: staticmesh.fx not found error

and if that dont work uninstall PR and BF2 + all other BF2 mods you may have then reinstall them.

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2009-01-07, 23:11



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Re: staticmesh.fx not found error

Thank you very much, I am back online!

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2009-01-08, 02:34



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Re: staticmesh.fx not found error

you can actaully go to program files/ea games/battlefield 2/mods/bf2/
and open a zip file called «Shaders Client» (or it maybe under xpack rather than bf2 depending if you got spec forces or not) and extract the contents to the «shaders» file and that should fix it

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2009-05-19, 23:36



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Re: staticmesh.fx not found error

Alright i’ve tried all of these things expect the uninstall of everything. Ive uninstalled PR and reinstalled it but still nothing. Ive extracted all the file from and added it to the bf2 shaders but still nothing and i did the battlefield cleaner too. But i still come up with the same issue…. except i didnt try thepalerider’s second option because i dont know where all the user stuff is.

Can Someone Pleaaasseee help! Ive played this game before and realized its Greatness! and i just want to get it on my computer now!

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2009-05-19, 23:52



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Re: staticmesh.fx not found error

Alright I just did the Cache thing in my documents and there was nothing there…

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Nice bf2 error — shaders/staticMesh.fx?

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    Aug 11, 2005

  • #1

Jul 22, 2005

Well, here she is:

Shaders/StaticMesh.fx not found!!! _DO_ check your working directory, _AND_ sync your shaders folder before calling upon your local rendering programmer/GP. (really!)

Anyone else seen that? google search doesnt result in anything useful.

  • #2

Jan 29, 2004

Try changing your video settings so the next time you join a server it optimizes your shaders again.

  • #3

Jul 26, 2004

I got that after installing patch 1.02 and couldn’t find a solution so I can’t play anymore. It’s awesome.

  • #4

Mar 30, 2005

i will save you and email to ea and tell you what they will tell you «a simple reinstalation will fix most simple problems such as this»

  • #5

Jul 22, 2005

My friend was saying something about deleting a cache that bf2 makes in the my documents folder. I guess if you delete the cache then it will have to make it again when i runs or something. I havent tried this yet…but it seems that 50 % or so of the times it will still load up. Very odd.

  • #6

Aug 15, 2004

My friend was saying something about deleting a cache that bf2 makes in the my documents folder. I guess if you delete the cache then it will have to make it again when i runs or something. I havent tried this yet…but it seems that 50 % or so of the times it will still load up. Very odd.

1. Shut down BF2 & everything else.

2. Delete everything in «My DocumentsBattlefield 2modsbf2cache»

3. Completely defrag your hard drive (using a good tool like O&O Defrag or something)

4. Crank up BF2 again and go into a single-player game. It’ll reoptimize your shaders, which will take a few minutes.

5. Shut down BF2 and restart it.

This should give you great BF2 benefits. This worked wonders for me even before I upgraded from 1gb to 1.5gb; I’d say the stuttering was cut by 75%. Now I get veeeerrrrry minor jerkiness for like 2 seconds in a new map. Once I get it up to 2gb, I expect that’ll be gone as well.

BTW, for best results, repeat this after you change video settings in BF2.

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  • Battlefield 2 Staticmesh.fx Error

  1. Exclamation Battlefield 2 Staticmesh.fx Error

    Hi I’ve been trying to get BF2 working for a week now and have been encountering various texture problems and crashes. I decided to start BF2 via «wine (location to bf2.exe)» so I can see the output. However trying to start the game via command line I get the error:


    Shaders/StaticMesh.fx not found!!! _Do_check your working directory, _AND_sync your shaders folder before calling upon your local rendering programmmer/GP. (really!)

    Heres my wine terminal output:


    fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 94 (SPI_GETMOUSETRAILS)
    fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 59 (SPI_SETSTICKYKEYS)
    fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 53 (SPI_SETTOGGLEKEYS)
    fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 51 (SPI_SETFILTERKEYS)
    fixme:mixer:ALSA_MixerInit No master control found on HDA ATI HDMI, disabling mixer
    fixme:dsalsa:IDsDriverBufferImpl_SetVolumePan (0x13b390,0x137c30): stub
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32ee90,0x00000000), stub!
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32e2b4,0x00000000), stub!
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32dcf0,0x00000000), stub!
    fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32dde0,0x00000000), stub!
    err:ole:apartment_getclassobject DllGetClassObject returned error 0x80040111
    err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {da4e3da0-d07d-11d0-bd50-00a0c911ce86} could be created for context 0x1
    err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {71985f4b-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0} could be created for context 0x1
    err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {a2e3074f-6c3d-11d3-b653-00c04f79498e} could be created for context 0x1
    err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {cc7bfb41-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} not registered
    err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {cc7bfb41-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} could be created for context 0x1
    err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {cc7bfb46-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} not registered
    err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {cc7bfb46-f175-11d1-a392-00e0291f3959} could be created for context 0x1
    err:x11settings:X11DRV_ChangeDisplaySettingsEx No matching mode found 800x600x32 @85! (XRandR)

    Does anyone have any idea how to solve this?!?



  2. Re: Battlefield 2 Staticmesh.fx Error


    I really need help with this please!

    Thanks, Doctorzeus

    One OS to rule them all, one OS to find them.
    One OS to call them all, and in salvation bind them.

  3. Re: Battlefield 2 Staticmesh.fx Error

    1. Quote Originally Posted by doctorzeus
      View Post


      Shaders/StaticMesh.fx not found!!! _Do_check your working directory, _AND_sync your shaders folder before calling upon your local rendering programmmer/GP. (really!)

      You have to have the working directory set to where the BF2.exe is stored, e.g. easiest way:


      cd "~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Electronic Arts/Battlefield 2/"
      wine ./BF2.exe

      just substitute your own path to the executable (e.g. if you are using a Wine prefix).

    2. Quote Originally Posted by doctorzeus
      View Post


      err:x11settings:X11DRV_ChangeDisplaySettingsEx No matching mode found 800x600x32 @85! (XRandR)

      You have a problem in that your xorg.conf is (probably) misconfigured. Your X-Server is not supporting a fullscreen mode of 800×600. You can confirm this is the case by trying to run the game in a Virtual Desktop of size 800×600 (using Winecfg). It should run OK.

      Check out this thread for how I fixed my xorg.conf file:
      WineHQ Forums : supporting 800×600 startup screenmode for BF2/2142

      Perhaps you could post your xorg.conf file on this thread and someone can dissect it for you! Also what graphics card do you have and what driver version? How is/are your monitor(s) hooked up (DVI, VGA, HDMI, etc.)?

    Just remember that messing about with your xorg.conf can easily break your X-Server!! Back up your current configuration file and ensure you are comfortable with the commandline process to restore the original xorg.conf file — should something go wrong!

    Hope that helps!!




Posting Permissions

The FirstStrike team is continually evolving the mod by adding content and correcting reported bugs. However, the majority of problems can be easily solved by the users themselves, on their own computers.

The following describes the most common problems and glitches that FirstStrike users have reported, and the recommended solutions to each. This is not meant to be a complete list of all known issues and solutions, but this troubleshooting guide can help users solve most of them.

First Troubleshooting Step[]

Make sure you are running Battlefield 2142 version 1.51, and the First Strike Launcher. These are the latest stable releases of the programs. Using any other versions will result in unpredictable behavior, unmodified content error and game crashes.

Please see Mod Requirements and Installation Instructions for details on where to download the correct versions.

CTDs (Crash To Desktop)[]

The game can crash for a variety of reasons, but here are most common causes (and their solutions).

Crash on game start[]

Try to delete your profile from the Documents and SettingsUsernameMy DocumentsBattlefield 2142Profiles directory (i.e. I deleted the 0001 and Default folders), and that should let you to restart the game.

Might be related to BF2142 not being able to change the screen to 60hz, check if original BF2142 works. If it does, delete the folder «My DocumentsBattlefield 2142» and try starting the game again.

Otherwise, uninstall BF2142 and make sure its program folder is completely deleted (usually found at «C:Program FilesElectronic Arts» — though it may differ for some users), and then reinstall it.

Crash when loading level[]

Verify that the video setting for View Distance is set to 100%! If this adversely affects game performance, please lower a different video option to compensate.

If you still experience a crash, it is possible that FirstStrike is corrupted. Uninstall FirstStrike and then reinstall it.

Mouse Pointer Dissapears:

This is caused by not having BF2142 patched up to the latest version.   


There have been reports of game lock ups when using some vehicles, particularly the AT-ST. The symptoms are game freezing, with a constant looping of recent sound. No game response, and user may have to alt tab or ctrl-alt-del to bring up task manager and halt the game. This seems to be a compatibility issue between some soundcard hardware. To fix this, in the game options menu disable audio hardware and set it to software, then disable EAX.


1) Go to your BF2142 folder, eg C:Program FilesElectronic ArtsBattlefield 2142

2) Locate the file «radial.cdb»

If you do not see this file in the folder then you need to go to folder options tell Windows to show hidden files. You also (or instead) have to uncheck the box just a little bit below it, which is «Hide protected operating system files». (For some reason this is a protected file and will not show if you ask to show normal hidden files.)

3) Rename the file to oldradial.cdb (or something similar so you know what it is) and start your game.

The game will create a new radial.cdb file on it’s own.

NOTE: If you downloaded the FirstStrike setup using a Torrent (Peer-to-Peer) program such as BitTorrent, it must not be sharing the file as you install the mod, or it will corrupt FirstStrike. Either stop sharing of it temporarily, or copy the file to another location and run it from there.

Laggy Gameplay Unusually Black Graphics[]

Regardless of your other settings, make sure your View Distance setting is at 100%. This has solved many reported display glitches for FirstStrike players.

You may also need to clear your mod cache. Go to «My DocumentsBattlefield 2142modsFirstStrikecache» and delete all the files/folders inside there. Restart your PC, and check if the game performs more smoothly.

Error Messages[]

«Punkbuster error»[]

This is not a FirstStrike error, but is commonly seen when Punkbuster (the anti-cheat shield included with Battlefield 2142) becomes too outdated. You need to manually update your Punkbuster to the latest version. For information on how to do this, please visit the following link:

It is also possible that the PunkBuster service has been corrupted on your system. Uninstall Punkbuster and then reinstall it. This can be done with the PBSVC Setup program, available at the following link:

«Shaders/StaticMesh.fx not found»[]

A large number of people have reported this issue, and until the exact cause is tracked down, here are 3 potential fixes to help users correct it.

  1. Check the First Strike Mod shortcut.

    Right-click on the FirstStrike desktop shortcut, select Properties, and go to the Shortcut tab.

    Check your ‘target’ path, by default it should say this…

    «C:Program FilesElectronic ArtsBattlefield 2142BF2142Launcher.exe» +modPath mods/FirstStrike +menu 1 +fullscreen 1

    If it does not, please copy and paste the above line into your ‘target’ box.

    Then make sure the ‘start in’ section says this…

    «C:Program FilesElectronic ArtsBattlefield 2142»

    If it does not, please copy and paste the above line into your ‘start in’ box.

    NOTE: If you have a different BF2142 install directory then the above lines will not work. Find the directory in which you installed BF2142 and use that path instead.

    For example, «D:Electronic ArtsBattlefield 2142BF2142Launcher.exe» +modPath mods/FirstStrike +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 for ‘target’ and «D:Electronic ArtsBattlefield 2142» for ‘start in’}}

  2. Activate the First Strike Mod manually.

    If suggestion #1 does not work, try running regular Battlefield 2142, go to its Community tab, and activate the mod from there. This has also been known to work.

  3. Reinstall with a different Mod folder order.

    Uninstall the FirstStrike mod and reinstall. However, when it asks where to install the mod, add «mods» to the end of the install path. It should look something like…

    C:Program FilesElectronic ArtsBattlefield 2142mods

    Once FirstStrike is installed, start up the mod. It will ask where the Battlefield program (typically BF2142.exe) is located. Click Browse and find it. The game will start and then crash, but don’t worry, we are halfway to fixing it.

    Next, go open the mods folder (the directory you had FirstStrike install into). You should see a subfolder titled FirstStrike and another one titled mods. Go into this second mods folder, where you’ll find another FirstStrike folder. Cut everything inside that second FirstStrike folder (done by going to the folder’s Edit menu, and clicking Select All and then Cut).

    Go back out and paste everything into the first FirstStrike folder, located in the first mods folder.

    Delete the (now-empty) second mods folder.

    Click on the First Strike Mod shortcut to start the game.

First Strike and Windows Vista8710[]

First Strike and Battlefield 2142 were built and optimized for Windows XP Service Pack 2. First Strike players that wish to use Vista+ should be aware that there may be serious issues encountered that are not normally encountered on Windows XP machines. If you are experiencing issues in First Strike:
— Battlefield 2142 and First Strike must run in administrative mode allow game play. Right click on the launcher icon for either FS or 2142 and click «Run as Administrator» (note: this will require authentication from User Account Control)
— Try running the game with a different user account
— Try running the game in compatibility mode for Windows XP. Right click on the launcher icon, click «Properties», Click the «Compatibility» tab, and check the box under «Compatibility mode» to enable the Windows XP compatibility mode. (Note: Users of the DVD version of 2142 may encounter No-disc errors)
— Try reinstalling Battlefield 2142 and First Strike.

«You Have A Newer Version» error when patching BF2142

That problem is 90% of the time caused by installing patches in the wrong order.  If you try to install 1.51 without 1.5 installed, it will throw up the «You have a newer version» error.  Installing patches in the right order is the solution.  At least in my experience.

For reference, however, if you do have this issue, YOU DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.  The BlackIntel Downloads Page has all of the correct patches for BF2142 and First Strike.  Make sure you have the correct version BEFORE commencing any edits.

Open registry edit (in Vista or newer, type «regedit» into the start menu search.  In XP, type «regedit» into the «Run» prompt.

Navigate to the following location:

For 64bit Windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeElectronic ArtsEA GAMESBattlefield 2142

For 32bit Windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREElectronic ArtsEA GAMESBattlefield 2142

Right click on «Version», modify and set it to 1.50.  Click OK, exit regedit, and try patching again.

«This server only allows unmodified content.»[]

Full error usually states «This server only allows unmodified content. Please return to the official version of Battlefield 2142.».

This message appears when your version of FirstStrike does not match the server’s version. If you are not running the latest version of FirstStrike, please download the latest patch at If your FirstStrike is up-to-date, then most likely the server is using an outdated version; until they update, please try a different server.

Missing Voice Commands[]

If you do not hear the voice commands («Enemy Spotted», «Need Medic», «Need Ammo» etc.), make sure that you do not have «ENGLISH VOICES ONLY» setting selected in your Audio Options. Turn this off and you will again start hearing voices in your head. =)

Still Having Trouble?[]

If you need further help, feel free to post at the official support forums; there, the FirstStrike team and other veteran players will be happy to assist you as best they can. You can also search for previous error reports and their solutions.

Client Support Forum

Server Support Forum

Don’t forget to check regularly for the latest news and hotfix updates.

The FirstStrike team is continually evolving the mod by adding content and correcting reported bugs. However, the majority of problems can be easily solved by the users themselves, on their own computers.

The following describes the most common problems and glitches that FirstStrike users have reported, and the recommended solutions to each. This is not meant to be a complete list of all known issues and solutions, but this troubleshooting guide can help users solve most of them.

First Troubleshooting Step[]

Make sure you are running Battlefield 2142 version 1.51, and the First Strike Launcher. These are the latest stable releases of the programs. Using any other versions will result in unpredictable behavior, unmodified content error and game crashes.

Please see Mod Requirements and Installation Instructions for details on where to download the correct versions.

CTDs (Crash To Desktop)[]

The game can crash for a variety of reasons, but here are most common causes (and their solutions).

Crash on game start[]

Try to delete your profile from the Documents and SettingsUsernameMy DocumentsBattlefield 2142Profiles directory (i.e. I deleted the 0001 and Default folders), and that should let you to restart the game.

Might be related to BF2142 not being able to change the screen to 60hz, check if original BF2142 works. If it does, delete the folder «My DocumentsBattlefield 2142» and try starting the game again.

Otherwise, uninstall BF2142 and make sure its program folder is completely deleted (usually found at «C:Program FilesElectronic Arts» — though it may differ for some users), and then reinstall it.

Crash when loading level[]

Verify that the video setting for View Distance is set to 100%! If this adversely affects game performance, please lower a different video option to compensate.

If you still experience a crash, it is possible that FirstStrike is corrupted. Uninstall FirstStrike and then reinstall it.

Mouse Pointer Dissapears:

This is caused by not having BF2142 patched up to the latest version.   


There have been reports of game lock ups when using some vehicles, particularly the AT-ST. The symptoms are game freezing, with a constant looping of recent sound. No game response, and user may have to alt tab or ctrl-alt-del to bring up task manager and halt the game. This seems to be a compatibility issue between some soundcard hardware. To fix this, in the game options menu disable audio hardware and set it to software, then disable EAX.


1) Go to your BF2142 folder, eg C:Program FilesElectronic ArtsBattlefield 2142

2) Locate the file «radial.cdb»

If you do not see this file in the folder then you need to go to folder options tell Windows to show hidden files. You also (or instead) have to uncheck the box just a little bit below it, which is «Hide protected operating system files». (For some reason this is a protected file and will not show if you ask to show normal hidden files.)

3) Rename the file to oldradial.cdb (or something similar so you know what it is) and start your game.

The game will create a new radial.cdb file on it’s own.

NOTE: If you downloaded the FirstStrike setup using a Torrent (Peer-to-Peer) program such as BitTorrent, it must not be sharing the file as you install the mod, or it will corrupt FirstStrike. Either stop sharing of it temporarily, or copy the file to another location and run it from there.

Laggy Gameplay Unusually Black Graphics[]

Regardless of your other settings, make sure your View Distance setting is at 100%. This has solved many reported display glitches for FirstStrike players.

You may also need to clear your mod cache. Go to «My DocumentsBattlefield 2142modsFirstStrikecache» and delete all the files/folders inside there. Restart your PC, and check if the game performs more smoothly.

Error Messages[]

«Punkbuster error»[]

This is not a FirstStrike error, but is commonly seen when Punkbuster (the anti-cheat shield included with Battlefield 2142) becomes too outdated. You need to manually update your Punkbuster to the latest version. For information on how to do this, please visit the following link:

It is also possible that the PunkBuster service has been corrupted on your system. Uninstall Punkbuster and then reinstall it. This can be done with the PBSVC Setup program, available at the following link:

«Shaders/StaticMesh.fx not found»[]

A large number of people have reported this issue, and until the exact cause is tracked down, here are 3 potential fixes to help users correct it.

  1. Check the First Strike Mod shortcut.

    Right-click on the FirstStrike desktop shortcut, select Properties, and go to the Shortcut tab.

    Check your ‘target’ path, by default it should say this…

    «C:Program FilesElectronic ArtsBattlefield 2142BF2142Launcher.exe» +modPath mods/FirstStrike +menu 1 +fullscreen 1

    If it does not, please copy and paste the above line into your ‘target’ box.

    Then make sure the ‘start in’ section says this…

    «C:Program FilesElectronic ArtsBattlefield 2142»

    If it does not, please copy and paste the above line into your ‘start in’ box.

    NOTE: If you have a different BF2142 install directory then the above lines will not work. Find the directory in which you installed BF2142 and use that path instead.

    For example, «D:Electronic ArtsBattlefield 2142BF2142Launcher.exe» +modPath mods/FirstStrike +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 for ‘target’ and «D:Electronic ArtsBattlefield 2142» for ‘start in’}}

  2. Activate the First Strike Mod manually.

    If suggestion #1 does not work, try running regular Battlefield 2142, go to its Community tab, and activate the mod from there. This has also been known to work.

  3. Reinstall with a different Mod folder order.

    Uninstall the FirstStrike mod and reinstall. However, when it asks where to install the mod, add «mods» to the end of the install path. It should look something like…

    C:Program FilesElectronic ArtsBattlefield 2142mods

    Once FirstStrike is installed, start up the mod. It will ask where the Battlefield program (typically BF2142.exe) is located. Click Browse and find it. The game will start and then crash, but don’t worry, we are halfway to fixing it.

    Next, go open the mods folder (the directory you had FirstStrike install into). You should see a subfolder titled FirstStrike and another one titled mods. Go into this second mods folder, where you’ll find another FirstStrike folder. Cut everything inside that second FirstStrike folder (done by going to the folder’s Edit menu, and clicking Select All and then Cut).

    Go back out and paste everything into the first FirstStrike folder, located in the first mods folder.

    Delete the (now-empty) second mods folder.

    Click on the First Strike Mod shortcut to start the game.

First Strike and Windows Vista8710[]

First Strike and Battlefield 2142 were built and optimized for Windows XP Service Pack 2. First Strike players that wish to use Vista+ should be aware that there may be serious issues encountered that are not normally encountered on Windows XP machines. If you are experiencing issues in First Strike:
— Battlefield 2142 and First Strike must run in administrative mode allow game play. Right click on the launcher icon for either FS or 2142 and click «Run as Administrator» (note: this will require authentication from User Account Control)
— Try running the game with a different user account
— Try running the game in compatibility mode for Windows XP. Right click on the launcher icon, click «Properties», Click the «Compatibility» tab, and check the box under «Compatibility mode» to enable the Windows XP compatibility mode. (Note: Users of the DVD version of 2142 may encounter No-disc errors)
— Try reinstalling Battlefield 2142 and First Strike.

«You Have A Newer Version» error when patching BF2142

That problem is 90% of the time caused by installing patches in the wrong order.  If you try to install 1.51 without 1.5 installed, it will throw up the «You have a newer version» error.  Installing patches in the right order is the solution.  At least in my experience.

For reference, however, if you do have this issue, YOU DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.  The BlackIntel Downloads Page has all of the correct patches for BF2142 and First Strike.  Make sure you have the correct version BEFORE commencing any edits.

Open registry edit (in Vista or newer, type «regedit» into the start menu search.  In XP, type «regedit» into the «Run» prompt.

Navigate to the following location:

For 64bit Windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREWow6432NodeElectronic ArtsEA GAMESBattlefield 2142

For 32bit Windows: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREElectronic ArtsEA GAMESBattlefield 2142

Right click on «Version», modify and set it to 1.50.  Click OK, exit regedit, and try patching again.

«This server only allows unmodified content.»[]

Full error usually states «This server only allows unmodified content. Please return to the official version of Battlefield 2142.».

This message appears when your version of FirstStrike does not match the server’s version. If you are not running the latest version of FirstStrike, please download the latest patch at If your FirstStrike is up-to-date, then most likely the server is using an outdated version; until they update, please try a different server.

Missing Voice Commands[]

If you do not hear the voice commands («Enemy Spotted», «Need Medic», «Need Ammo» etc.), make sure that you do not have «ENGLISH VOICES ONLY» setting selected in your Audio Options. Turn this off and you will again start hearing voices in your head. =)

Still Having Trouble?[]

If you need further help, feel free to post at the official support forums; there, the FirstStrike team and other veteran players will be happy to assist you as best they can. You can also search for previous error reports and their solutions.

Client Support Forum

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Здарова Васек!

Спасибо за подробное описание,патч тоже установился успешно по второму варианту.

Но, вылезла такая ошибка при запуске игры:

«Failed to load Effect: StaticMesh.fx(2): error X1507: failed to open source file:


у тебя не было такой ошибки?

И неподскажешь,что теперь ему нужно?:confused:

Bacek писал(а):

Итак госопода, конечно я помучался немножко самостоятельно, но свершилось чудо, которого надо сказать я и не ожидал:
-Получен ответ на мой запрос из софт клаба с весьма дельным предложением
1)поменять мои документы и все что там связанное на АНГЛИЙСКИЕ НАЗВАНИЯ или создать специально
новые папки. — Вариант номер раз

2)Вот сам текст присланного решения моего вопроса, думаю кто сталкнулся с этим делом будет интересно:

Вот способ установки патча:
— Запускаем установку bf2_v1_12update
— доходим до окна где пишут «click install to begin the installation» и
лезем в
C:Documents and SettingsxxxxLocal SettingsTemp
(где «xxxx» название вашей учётной записи)
— там ищем только что созданную папку вида
[i]{F317E784-F31C-4F26-A610-2D7BD89FEC5F}, там есть файлы patch.exe,
patchw32.dll, BF2CDKeyCheck.exe и другие. Берем их и кидаем в директорию с
— там же ищем папку вида byeB.tmp, весящую 279 Мб. В ней из папки bf2 берем
два файла
PATCH.RTD[/i] и PATCH.RTP и кидаем в директорию с игрой.
Теперь в папке с игрой можно жать patch.exe и пойдет установка.
— заходим еще в папку xp1, берем оттуда PATCH.RTD и PATCH.RTP, и заменяем
те что уже ранее кидали в папку с игрой. Жмем patch.exe
Важно до конца установки запущенный bf2_v1_12update не выключать

Если вам выдается сообщение про CD-Key, то следует один раз запустить
BF2CDKeyCheck.exe, затем перезагрузить компьютер, потом начинать играть.

Уже опробовал 2 вариант, все работает. :D


Спасибо за подробное описание,патч установился успешно по второму варианту.

Но, вылезла такая ошибка при запуске игры:

«Failed to load Effect: StaticMesh.fx(2): error X1507: failed to open source file:


у тебя не было такой ошибки?

И неподскажешь,что теперь ему нужно?

Буду очень признателен!

Asmodeus писал(а):

Все бы пираты так бы покаялись и взялись бы за ум, а то что-то стыдно за наших пиратов становится в последнее время ;) .

Дело не в пиратах , а в конкретном человеке…Считаю , что для собственного комфорта не нужно жалеть денег…

Это касается любых сфер….

Единственное , что мне не понравилось , так это идея закачивать игры за деньги.Тот же BF2 Euro Force например…:(

:abuse: :mad: :abuse: Народ помогите!!!При входе на сервера в нете пишет что CD-key неправильный!!!У друга таже версия и все также но тумнеменее работает!!!Напишите хотябы где ето можно узнать!Заранее snx!!!

:abuse: :mad: :abuse:



Возможно проблема в самой игре (то что от Platinum). На скольки дисках, кстати, данная версия игры?

Абсолютно аналогичная проблема. Уж не помню какая версия(архив на одном DVD), но на работе (и не только) гецала на очень разных конфигурациях(только в сети не давалась — говорила, типа, экстеншенпак не поедназначен для этой версии сетевой реализации)…

А вот на конфигурации Elitegroup 945chipset/2,8D/1GB/x600/ происходит такой же облом, как и у многих… игрушка вылетает при загрузке карты…

Причем перед этим она пытается выйти в сеть, а брендмауэр винды реагирует на это(типа: пускать, не пускать, отложить?)… при первоначальном любом ответе игра вылетает на рабочий стол… И потом уже ничего не спрашивая продолжает вылетать…

А нюанс в том, что у этого компа нет никаких сетевых подключений… А вот у всех других компов оно было… Разное: где модем, где рабочая сетка…

Может игрушка об это спотыкается? И что тогда делать? Прикручивать модем? Достаточно ли просто включить не настраивая (поскольку сетки все равно нет) сетевую катру (сегодня вечером, кстати, попробую эту версию)?

Кстати, а нельзя ли где отследить причину вылета игрушки на стол? Никто не знает?

Последний раз редактировалось mocker 14:02 25.04.2006, всего редактировалось 1 раз.


Просто хочу рассказать историю про проблемы запуска BF2

Тоже столкнулся с проблемой ненахождения staticmesh.fx в директории mod/shaders

Ноут с ATI 9700. Всегда английская Windows

Лицензия BF2 (куплена в день выхода :) )

Проблем не возникало ВООБЩЕ! С установками всех патчей вплоть до 1.12. Просто кнопочка INSTALL

Со временем ушёл в работу- перестал играть — умудрился где-то посеять диск

Вдруг появился голод по BF2 8-)

Осталась коробка с серийником и районная сеть. Скачал пиратскую версию. Установил. При запуске известная проблема))))

Качал офиц. directX 9c, разархивировал в папку shaders (есть такой архивчик со всеми fx и пр. Короче как мог по ламерски пытался вернуть клиента к жизни (А точнее вообще его родить). Не получилось- забросил это дело…

А так как моя работа связана с риском для системы (дизайнер), вскоре пришлось откатывать систему до определенного сохраненного образа (до установки BF2)

После отката- ради интереса попробовал установить BF2 заново- заработала :D

Потом снова откат (через неск. дней) и снова установка. Опять потеря staticmesh.fx

Минут 10 назад откатывал систему- установил BF2- опять запустился)))))

Из чего делаю вывод- видимо в сети сейчас витает некая версия пиратского BF2 которая ставится не в раз. Иногда для её успешного запуска может потребоваться неоднократная переустановка…

Ну, всё ставлю патчи и пойду на ранговые друзей-однополчан искать 8-)

Блин. Вот заморока!!!! :D

Слушайте: после добавления ярлыка BF2.exe в меню пуск (start menu) — при запуске игры выскакивает:

Shaders/StaticMesh.fx not found!!! _DO_check your working directory, _AND_sync your shaders folder before calling upon your local rendering programmer/GP, (really!)

самое забавное: что после удаления ярлыка из меню пуск- BF2 запускается!!!!!!


Подробно: WinXP PRO SP2 ENG, дрова RADEON OMEGA 38231, XP TWEAKER (изменение путей системных папок на другой диск)

Вот и думай теперь :confused:

Эх… что-то знающий народ сюда уже не ходит… Видимо…

Короче — не прорезал у меня номер с организацией «пустого» сетевого подключения…

Не хочет работать BF2SF на 945 чипсете?

Что-то других версий происходящего у меня нету…

Еще раз: никто не знает как отследить причину вылета игрушки на рабочий стол?

Вопрос! Система AMD Athlon 64, 2400 MHz (12 x 200) 4000+, DFI nF4 SLI-D, память 2Gb, (без разгона), видюха 256Mb PCI-E X1800XT Sapphire, дрова пробовал разные от Catalyst (5.11-6.5) так же от N2O (6.3-6.5), играю сейчас в игру Battlefield 2. Не намаксемальных настройках в игре при раз. 1280х1024 нету так сказать плавности (особенно заметно, когда летаешь). Неужели плата, которая стоила 400$ не тянет БФ2, при этом, что игра заявлена на более низкие требования. Может, кто дельно помочь в этом вопросе.

Моя благодарность будет безгранична.


Сглаживание и фильтрация — по выбору приложения. тормоза были замечены в гонке Need for Speed: Most Wanted но не сильные играть можно! Посоветовали включить вертикальную синхронизацию, не помогло. кстати в 3DMark05 при 1024х768 показывает 8800(+-10) попугаев. В самой игре сглаживание и фильтрация выключены. В игре показывает от 80-98fps. Я думал что у меня хард тормозит поменял на другой (баракуда 7200.7 сейчас) просто не знаю, что делать, все уже попробовал. Осталось обновить биос матери или разгон, только нужен ли он!? )

таже проблема, только еще текстуры карты стали размытые которая в правом верхнем углу, да и когда на всю разворачиваешь тоже вся мутная карта, и это после того как поставил x1900xt а на x800pro все было нормально и текстура карты четкая и рывков таких небыло.

Люди помогите!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ршил поиграть в BF 2 Сначала комп писал что нет файла для запуска! Но это ещё фигня, скачал DirectX И запустилась! Начал играть и пошли лаги Через каждые 2 секунды зависает потом опять развисает 5 секунд побегаю и опЯТЬ! ВИСНЕТ! Кто знает подскажите!:confused:

Снова проблема . )))

Скачал с EA Armored Fury . Дома сеть на два компа. Как я понял ему (бустер-паку) нужен он-лайн аккаунт и он

соответственно к нему привязывается.

Вопрос — как играть вдвоем , если под одним аккаунтом не зайдешь , а под другим он не хочет запускаться — пишет , что необходимо купить игру ?

Установлена на обоих компах , патч 1.41 .

И вообще разработчики обнаглели — качай за бабки , ставь патчи , да еще и по локалке проблемы…

У меня Battlefield 2 и Special Forces лицензионные (>600 р. каждый диск).

Плюс еще за 10 $ скачал Armored Fury.

Вот я и возмущаюсь , что нужно на второй комп качать еще за 10 $ :mad:

А если еще и второй бустерпак качать… :(

Я сам за лицензию (а порой и фирменные коробки покупаю,хотя сам бывший пират ;) ) ,

но нельзя ТАК наглеть разработчикам !!!


Не перерисовывается изображение во время контузии (блур по всему экрану), только метки двигаются оставляя за собой шлейфы. По окончании эффекта контузии все приходит в норму.

Конфигурация: Radeon 9600 256 Mb, WinXP SP2 eng, Catalyst 5.7-6.11, DX 9.c с последними обновлениями. BF пропатчен до 1.4, настройки видео в минимум, только геометрия и дальность на максимум.

Эффект не устойчивый, обычно проявляется на первых запусках.

Как лечить?

Купил вчера себе 1950GT И сразу возникл вопрос: что с неё можно выжать?

До этого у меня стояла 9600Pro 128Мб. Игруха, которую юзаю постоянно по сети — BF2. Так вот, на 9600 я без проблем игрался в разрешении 800х600, все установки midl(средние), естественно все фильтрации отключены. Кто игрался в BF2, то знает, как там важна прорисовка. Собственно из-за неё и повёлся на апгрейд. И что же я обнаружил после установки 1950GT? Максимум, что мне удалось выжать — это те же самые параметры, что и на 9600, только в разрешении 1024х768. Игруха начинает тормозить даже 800х600, если начинать выставлять максимальные установки!

Так что получается, тесты врут? Система не тянет? Или ещё чего? Перед установкой дров предидущие снёс как пологается…

У меня единственный вопрос: какого качества можно ждать от этой видюхи?

Проц — P4Nortwood 3,0Ггц

Память — 2х512 РС3200

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