Are you trying to browse the internet using Google Chrome, but are you getting the error message ‘status_stack_buffer_overrun’?
Google Chrome is a web browser that is developed by Google. It was first released in 2008 and it is available for Windows, macOS X, Linux, and Android.
We know this browser as being the most popular web browser in the world. People have installed it on over 500 million devices worldwide.
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On this page, you will find more information about the most common causes and most relevant solutions for the Google Chrome error ‘status_stack_buffer_overrun’. Do you need help straight away? Visit our support page.
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How to solve Google Chrome error status_stack_buffer_overrun
We’ve created a list of solutions which you can follow if you want to solve this Google Chrome problem yourself. Do you need more help? Visit our support page if you need professional support with Google Chrome right away.
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When you try to use Google Chrome, it might give you the error code google-chrome-status-stack-buffer-overrun on your computer’s screen.
This error can occur when there is an issue with your computer’s RAM or operating system. You might also encounter this error if you have a virus or malware installed on your computer or if other viruses or malware have infected your computer.
To fix this error code, you can try the following methods:
- Scan computer for virus
- Perform a system restore
- Run SFC and DISM command
- Scan computer for viruses
If you have installed a virus or malware on your computer, you should scan your computer for viruses using an antivirus tool. A virus infection can do many things, such as corrupting your system files or downloading malware onto your computer.
The best way to ensure that you are protected from a virus is to run a virus scan on your computer. Viruses can hide in other files on your computer and often change the way they behave when they are running to avoid detection.
By running a virus scan, you can find out if any viruses have been installed on your computer and then take steps to remove them from your system.
- Perform a system restore
If you have not performed a system restore before and you want to perform a system restore, then you can try performing a system restore to see if it fixes the issue.
You can do this by going to the Start menu and typing «System Restore» in the search box and then selecting «System Restore» from the search results and then following the instructions on-screen to perform a system restore.
- Run SFC and DISM command
If none of the above methods work, you can try running SFC (System File Checker) and DISM (Disk Image Management) commands by typing in «SFC /scannow» in the Windows Search box.
Press Enter or type in «dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth» into the Windows Search box and press Enter. This will make sure that all of your files are safe so that no errors are caused by them anymore.
If none of these methods work, contact Google Chrome customer support to fix this error code as soon as possible.
Have you found a solution yourself, but it is not in the list? Share your solution in the comments below.
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January 8th, 2019
A category of dubious security vulnerability is people who recently discovered the STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN
status code.
The confusion is made even worse by the fact that the human-readable description is
The system detected an overrun of a stack-based buffer in this application. This overrun could potentially allow a malicious user to gain control of this application.
First, the history.
The /GS
compiler switch enables the creation of a stack “cookie” value which is used as a canary to detect that a stack buffer overflow occurred. If the cookie is corrupted, then the process terminates itself immediately with the status code STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN
It was a good name at the time it was introduced.
Over time, other reasons for immediate process termination were invented. Some of them were security-related. Others weren’t. The term fail fast was given to these sort of oh no things are really bad I should just stop immediately before they get any worse immediate process termination situations.
There’s even a compiler intrinsic for terminating the current process using this special status code. It seems that people can’t agree on whether it’s fail fast or fast fail, so in practice you see both variations.
What this means is that nowadays when you get a STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN
, it doesn’t actually mean that there is a stack buffer overrun. It just means that the application decided to terminate itself with great haste.
If you look in the winnt.h
file, you’ll see a list of various fast-fail codes. These codes indicate which type of fast-fail occurred.
From the above list, the interesting one for me is the FAST_FAIL_FATAL_APP_EXIT
code. This code is used when the C runtime function abort()
gets called. And abort()
is called by std::terminate()
. And std::terminate()
is called automatically for things like throwing an exception out of a noexcept
function, or if a thrown exception goes unhandled. It’s also used by some modules when an internal assertion failure is hit, or when an error occurs and the program simply wants to give up rather than try to recover. These are not necessarily security issues. It’s just the program saying, “Um, I’m in trouble. I think I’ll just stop right here.”
Обнаружено переполнение стекового буфера в данном приложении — как исправить ошибку
При запуске отдельных системных приложений, а иногда при входе в систему некоторые пользователи могут столкнуться с окном «Системная ошибка» с текстом: Обнаружено переполнение стекового буфера в данном приложении, это переполнение может позволить злоумышленнику получить управление над данным приложением. Также в заголовке окна указывается, с каким именно приложением возникла проблема, часто это SystemSettings.exe, backgroundTaskHost.exe, svchost.exe или LogonUI.exe.
В этой инструкции подробно о возможных способах исправить ошибку «Обнаружено переполнение стекового буфера» в данном приложении в Windows 11 и Windows 10.
Исправление ошибки в случае, если вход в Windows 11/10 возможен
В общих чертах «переполнение стекового буфера» означает, что вследствие неправильной работы с данными в памяти, в стек процесса записывается больший объем данных, чем было выделено. Причины могут быть разными: от ошибок в самой программе, до влияния стороннего ПО (например, антивируса), драйверов или вредоносных программ.
В случае, если ошибка не мешает входу и работе с Windows 11 или Windows 10, можно использовать следующие шаги для решения проблемы:
- Если ошибка возникает в какой-то сторонней игре или программе, а не в системной утилите Windows, оптимальным вариантом будет скачать эту программу из альтернативного источника, особенно если речь идёт не о самом лицензионном ПО.
- Если переполнение стекового буфера возникает при запуске системных инструментов, таких как SystemSettings.exe, explorer.exe или аналогичных, рекомендую начать с использования точек восстановления: зайдите в Панель управления — Восстановление и нажмите «Запуск восстановления системы» (также можно нажать клавиши Win+R, ввести rstrui.exe и нажать Enter). При наличии, выберите точку восстановления системы на дату, когда ошибка себя не проявляла и восстановите компьютер к предыдущему состоянию.
- Если предыдущий вариант не помог или не применим, запустите командную строку от имени администратора и используйте по порядку следующие 3 команды (выполнение некоторых может занять продолжительное время и может показаться, что они «зависли»):
Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth sfc /scannow
- Попробуйте выполнить проверку компьютера на вирусы и вредоносные программы: при наличии стороннего антивируса — с его помощью, при отсутствии — можно использовать бесплатные инструменты Dr.Web CureIt! и AdwCleaner.
- При наличии стороннего антивируса проверьте, влияет ли его отключение на появление ошибки: в некоторых случаях функции защиты данных в памяти могут вызывать рассматриваемый сбой.
- Проверьте, появляется ли ошибка, если использовать режим чистой загрузки Windows. Если в этом случае ошибка пропадает, можно предположить, что сторонние службы и процессы вызывают её появление. О том, как выяснить, какие именно — в статье по приведённой выше ссылке.
- Среди прочих рекомендаций для решения проблемы можно встретить вариант с переименованием раздела реестра
или его удалением и последующей перезагрузкой компьютера.
Если предыдущие варианты не помогли, можно выполнить быструю переустановку системы без удаления программ и настроек: достаточно скачать образ Windows 11 или Windows 10, смонтировать его в системе (правый клик по файлу образа — подключить), запустить файл setup.exe и выполнить все шаги для переустановки с сохранением личных данных и приложений.
После переустановки этим способом ошибка «Обнаружено переполнение стекового буфера в данном приложении» больше не появится.
Как исправить ошибку Обнаружено переполнение стекового буфера в данном приложении при невозможности входа в Windows
В ситуации, когда ошибка появляется ещё до входа в систему, например, сбойное приложение — LogonUI.exe, ситуация осложняется. Для начала следует попробовать войти в среду восстановления Windows, для этого можно использовать один из следующих методов:
Следующие шаги:
- Перейдите в раздел «Поиск и устранение неисправностей» (возможен вариант «Поиск и устранение неисправностей» — «Дополнительные параметры»).
- Попробуйте использовать пункт «Восстановление системы» для восстановления с использованием точек восстановления системы — это будет самым простым методом.
- Если точки восстановления не помогли, откройте пункт «Командная строка» и поочередно используйте шаги, описанные в разделе «Восстановление с загрузочной флешки» в инструкции про восстановление хранилища компонентов (подойдет и для Windows 11 и для Windows 10), а затем — раздел «Восстановление системных файлов в среде восстановления» из этой инструкции.
- Попробуйте использовать загрузочные антивирусные диски/флешки для проверки компьютера на вирусы.
Если описанные шаги не сработали, и ошибка «Обнаружено переполнение стекового буфера в данном приложении» продолжает появляться, можно попробовать «Вернуть компьютер в исходное состояние», используя соответствующий пункт в инструментах среды восстановления — это можно сделать и с сохранением личных данных. Подробнее на тему: Как сбросить Windows 11 к заводским настройкам, Как сбросить Windows 10 к заводским настройкам.
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- Windows Programming
- Visual Studio 2008 STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_O
I’ve written some win32 (not managed) code which appears to have an intermittent error in it, however I am unable to track down where.
Whenever I run the program in Debug, when it gets to the error point, the program simply disappears, rather than returning an error, the only hint is a STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN encountered in the output window.
Is there any way to get VS to break on the line where the error occurs or a way to catch the exception, at present a standard catch statement doesnt seem to do it.
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Determine the place where it happens and break before it happens.
Thanks for the reply.
My problem is that I cannot find where the program errors. The program just quietly closes rather than visual studio coming up with the usual error occurred at line x. Also the program runs through routines tens of thousands of times before crashing steping through seem almost impossible. I need a way to find where the error is.
I’d think of 3 reasons for that behavior
1. uninitialzed variable
2. an array is too small
3. Too deep (unintended?) recursion
Is there any way to get VS to break on the line where the error occurs or a way to catch the exception, at present a standard catch statement doesnt seem to do it.
There’s a catch(…), but that wouldn’t help because if the stack is corrupt you can’t do anything anymore.
One approach might be that you write out states (of variables) to a file (not to the standard output since that has a limited capacity!) always with flush. That might give you an idea what’s going on.
Thanks for the help, just a few questions.
Doesn’t behavior 1 usually invoke a VS error?
I have put a catch(…) round the whole function and this doesn’t catch it, would it be worth putting one round each sub function to see if i can narrow it down to a function? or would this still not catch it?
I have a feeling number 2 is responsible as I have had problems with this previously, however thought I’d patched them all.
STATUS_STACK_BUFFER_OVERRUN is a /GS exception. They are thrown when Windows detects ‘tampering’ of a security cookie protecting a return address. It is probable that you are writing something past the end of a buffer, or writing something to a pointer that is pointing to the wrong place. However it is also possible that you have some dodgy memory or otherwise faulty hardware that is tripping validation code.
One thing that you could try is to disable the /GS switch (project properties, look for C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Buffer Security Check) and recompile. Running the code again may well cause an error that you can trap and trace. I think /GS is designed not to give you any info for security reasons.
Another thing you could do is run the code as is on a different PC and see if that fails, this may point to a hardware problem if it doesn’t.
Thanks for the help.
Hardware shouldnt be an issue, this program works the same way on some elses computer and crashes on theirs as well. This was originally how the error came to light. I’ve just recompiled without the GS and started it again, hopefully should know by tomorrow morning (Takes a while to run)
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Doesn’t behavior 1 usually invoke a VS error?
No why? It’s legal to leave variables uninitialzed
I have put a catch(…) round the whole function and this doesn’t catch it, would it be worth putting one round each sub function to see if i can narrow it down to a function? or would this still not catch it?
The exception handling isn’t reliable. The throw() instruction must know where the appropriate catch() resides. That’s not always possible.
The addresses where to return are placed on the stack. When the stack is corrupt the function won’t return to where it’s supposed to be. Afterwards nothing make sense anymore.
I think there’s no other way than to find out when it’s going crazy (e.g. when a function doesn’t return) and what the circumstance is
You can also use
, IIRC when it traps, use
!analyze -v
will give you info about the cookie that was overwritten and the buffer that was overrun.
Google WinDbg for instructions on use.
Thanks for all the help guys. It appears the error was due to a buffer being to small as I changed all my remaining fixed length character records to char* and dynamically set them to the correct length each time and it appears to have fixed the problem.
Topic archived. No new replies allowed.
2 hours ago, stanhope said:
Could you give some links to the tickets on the feedback tracker?
От: Jiří via RT <>
Date: чт, 7 мая 2020 г. в 10:40
To: <>
these might seem obvious, but please make sure that:
1) You have software firewall turned off or have correctly set up an
exception for both Steam and the game.
2) You run Steam as Administrator:
1. Exit Steam.
2. Right-click on Steam icon.
3. Left-click on «Run As Administrator».
4. If the problem persists, reboot your computer and try the procedure again.
If none of this helps, please send us the following:
The dxdiag report of your computer for checking
(no sensitive personal information will be collected):
1. Press WinKey + R.
2. Type ‘dxdiag’ (without the quotes).
3. Press Enter.
4. In dxdiag window, click on ‘Save All Information’ button.
5. Send me the resulting file as email attachment.
The msinfo report of your computer for checking (no sensitive personal
information will be collected):
1. Press WinKey + R.
2. Type ‘msinfo32’ (without the quotes).
3. Press Enter.
4. In MSINFO window, click on ‘File’ in the upper menu.
5. Click on ‘Save’ button.
6. Send me the resulting file as email attachment.
And your RPT file:
Press WinKey + R and paste this directly into the window that appears:
%userprofile%AppDataLocalArma 3
then press Enter. You should be taken directly to the folder where arma 3 RPTs
are stored. Please reproduce your issue and send us the latest RPT file.
Please send these 3 files in one message and do not zip/rar them.
Best Regards,
Bohemia Interactive
От: Сергей Глушкин <>
Date: чт, 7 мая 2020 г. в 18:44
To: <>
Hello again. All that you wrote unfortunately does not work (
чт, 7 мая 2020 г. в 10:40, Jiří via RT <>:
От: Сергей Глушкин <>
Date: чт, 7 мая 2020 г. в 18:52
To: <>
Sorry… for some reason the rtp file has not been saved for today’s number, but the error is the same ….
чт, 7 мая 2020 г. в 18:44, Сергей Глушкин <>:
От: Сергей Глушкин <>
Date: чт, 7 мая 2020 г. в 19:43
To: <>
I finded)
чт, 7 мая 2020 г. в 18:52, Сергей Глушкин <>:
От: Dominik via RT <>
Date: пт, 8 мая 2020 г. в 22:44
To: <>
please delete all startup parameters you use:
F:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonArma 3 -profiles=Profiles
-malloc=tbb4malloc_bi_x64 -noSplash -hugePages -high -mod=
-connect= -port=2302 -beservice
and then try to start the game.
Thank you.
Best regards,
Bohemia Interactive
От: Сергей Глушкин <>
Date: вс, 17 мая 2020 г. в 16:03
To: <>
Hi it doesn’t work…(
пт, 8 мая 2020 г. в 22:44, Dominik via RT <>:
От: Dominik via RT <>
Date: пн, 18 мая 2020 г. в 13:50
To: <>
please try to completely disable/uninstall your antivirus and/or firewall and
do the following:
1. Exit Steam.
2. Right-click on Steam icon.
3. Left-click on «Run As Administrator».
4. Right-click on the game in Steam Library.
5. Click on «Properties».
6. Select «Local files» tab and click on «Verify integrity of game cache files»
7. Please wait, the process can take several minutes.
8. If the issue persists, reboot your PC and try one more time from step 2.
От: Сергей Глушкин <>
Date: вт, 19 мая 2020 г. в 03:05
To: <>
I think you will not be surprised …. but it also did not work !!!
I noticed one feature! Video memory is ALWAYS filled to the limit ! Even if you stand still, and the video memory buffer is not updated. Which leads to an error with any settings…
пн, 18 мая 2020 г. в 13:50, Dominik via RT <>:
От: Jiří via RT <>
Date: вт, 19 мая 2020 г. в 14:32
To: <>
please download and install the following free program:
and do a full scan of your PC and remove any threats.
От: Сергей Глушкин <>
Date: вт, 19 мая 2020 г. в 17:38
To: <>
Checked the pc is clean. For a long time playing infantry occupied video memory was 6.4 GB got into a helicopter did not have time to take off and an error …
вт, 19 мая 2020 г. в 14:32, Jiří via RT <>:
От: Dominik via RT <>
Date: ср, 20 мая 2020 г. в 11:34
To: <>
please try to reset your Windows sound quality to default and lower the sound
sources in the game settings. Thank you.
От: Сергей Глушкин <>
Date: сб, 23 мая 2020 г. в 23:30
To: <>
Hello! Your advice did not help again …
ср, 20 мая 2020 г. в 11:34, Dominik via RT <>:
От: Сергей Глушкин <>
Date: вс, 24 мая 2020 г. в 22:43
To: <>
Everything is sad … Any flight except shikra ends with a status stack error buffer overrun error. As I understand it, there is no solution to the problem anywhere since 2013, and the point is in the game!
сб, 23 мая 2020 г. в 23:30, Сергей Глушкин <>:
От: Jiří via RT <>
Date: пн, 25 мая 2020 г. в 13:22
To: <>
please try unplugging everything except for mouse and keyboard and try running
the game again.
От: Сергей Глушкин <>
Date: пн, 25 мая 2020 г. в 18:48
To: <>
Hello. Error status stack buffer overrun…
пн, 25 мая 2020 г. в 13:22, Jiří via RT <>:
От: Jiří via RT <>
Date: вт, 26 мая 2020 г. в 12:22
To: <>
please try to use a different memory allocator for Arma 3.
Open Arma 3 launcher, go to the «Parameters» and switch to the «All Parameters»
Now you should see the checkbox for «Memory allocator» under the advanced.
Please check it and try to reproduce the issue with different memory
Thank you.
От: Сергей Глушкин <>
Date: вт, 2 июн. 2020 г. в 16:47
To: <>
Hello. Just got to the computer. The problem was not resolved unfortunately. And using the system memory allocator, everything is very bad with fps at the level of 15-20 frames and then gives an error ….
вт, 26 мая 2020 г. в 12:22, Jiří via RT <>:
От: Jiří via RT <>
Date: ср, 3 июн. 2020 г. в 14:06
To: <>
please navigate to the following folder:
C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonSteamworks
and install (right click and select «Run as administrator») both «vcredist_x64»
and «vcredist_x86» from all folders. Then please open the following folder:
C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonSteamworks
and install (right click and select «Run as administrator») «DXSETUP.exe».
The last thing you have to do is to open the following folder:
C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonSteamworks
and install (right click and select «Run as administrator»)
От: Сергей Глушкин <>
Date: пт, 5 июн. 2020 г. в 02:18
To: <>
It didn’t work.
ср, 3 июн. 2020 г. в 14:06, Jiří via RT <>:
От: Сергей Глушкин <>
Date: пт, 5 июн. 2020 г. в 02:42
To: <>
Maybe this will help you in finding a solution. Unfortunately, all your tips do not work. The problem is more serious …
пт, 5 июн. 2020 г. в 02:18, Сергей Глушкин <>:
От: Dominik via RT <>
Date: пт, 5 июн. 2020 г. в 12:20
To: <>
От: Сергей Глушкин <>
Date: пн, 8 июн. 2020 г. в 05:42
To: <>
Hello. The problem was not solved in this way. I turned everything off, including removing the antivirus and turning off windows deffender using the registry … Flying on xian arma 3 closed but I didn’t get an error but it just finished … but the symptoms are the same under the same conditions.
And i use 1.98.146381 new PROFILING branch with PERFORMANCE binaries, v05, server and client, windows 32/64-bit
I did not see any difference. In addition, this does not solve my problem…
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Hi can anyone tell me whats wrong with code
LPTSTR lpTmp = lpszHash; // Write the 16 bytes out to a 32 character hex string. for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { //_stprintf(lpTmp,_T(«%02X»),pbHash[i]); const size_t nlen = sizeof(pbHash[i])+2; _stprintf_s(lpTmp,nlen,_T(«%02X»),pbHash[i]); //Application terminates when i=13 lpTmp += 2; } I am getting Buffer overrun error and my application get closed when value of i is 13
मनोज कुमार जांगिड
You are supposed to pass the size of the lpszHash buffer as the 2nd argument to _stprintf_s(). Looks to me like you are always passing 3. You’ll need to do this differently…
Hans Passant.
Marked as answer by
Monday, December 29, 2008 7:39 AM
Marked as answer by
Quote>const size_t nlen = sizeof(pbHash[i])+2;
I get the impression from your code that you may
be trying to use the sizeof operator to get the
size of an object at runtime. Be aware that in
C++ and C89/90 the sizeof operator is evaluated
at compile time. Trying to use it to get a size
which may vary at runtime won’t work.— Wayne
Marked as answer by
Rong-Chun Zhang
Monday, December 29, 2008 7:39 AM
Marked as answer by