Steam выдаёт ошибки и не запускается, читал вики, всё сделал как там ничего не поменялось, драйвера стоят проприетарные 460.56
Running Steam on altlinux 9.1 64-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
Steam runtime environment up-to-date!
Steam client's requirements are satisfied
WARNING: Using default/fallback debugger launch
[2021-07-17 15:15:37] Startup - updater built Jul 16 2021 18:04:56
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1626461631)
Looks like steam didn't shutdown cleanly, scheduling immediate update check
[2021-07-17 15:15:37] Loading cached metrics from disk (/home/amlt/.local/share/Steam/package/steam_client_metrics.bin)
[2021-07-17 15:15:37] Failed to load cached hosts file (File 'update_hosts_cached.vdf' not found), using defaults
[2021-07-17 15:15:37] Using the following download hosts for Public, Realm steamglobal
[2021-07-17 15:15:37] 1., /client/, Realm 'steamglobal', weight was 1, source = 'baked in'
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1626461631)
[2021-07-17 15:15:37] Checking for update on startup
[2021-07-17 15:15:37] Checking for available updates...
[2021-07-17 15:15:37] Downloading manifest:
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1626461631)
[2021-07-17 15:15:38] Download skipped: /client/steam_client_ubuntu12 version 1626461631, installed version 1626461631, existing pending version 0
[2021-07-17 15:15:38] Nothing to do
[2021-07-17 15:15:38] Verifying installation...
[2021-07-17 15:15:38] Performing checksum verification of executable files
[2021-07-17 15:15:38] Verification complete
Loaded SDL version 2.0.15-6655637
Steam: An X Error occurred
X Error of failed request: BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 20 (X_GetProperty)
Atom id in failed request: 0x0
Serial number of failed request: 12
xerror_handler: X failed, continuing
Steam: An X Error occurred
X Error of failed request: BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 20 (X_GetProperty)
Atom id in failed request: 0x0
Serial number of failed request: 13
xerror_handler: X failed, continuing
Steam: An X Error occurred
X Error of failed request: BadAtom (invalid Atom parameter)
Major opcode of failed request: 20 (X_GetProperty)
Atom id in failed request: 0x0
Serial number of failed request: 14
xerror_handler: X failed, continuing
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1626461631)
glXChooseVisual failed
STEAM_RUNTIME_HEAVY: ./steam-runtime-heavy
glXChooseVisual failedsrc/steamUI/Main.cpp (404) : Assertion Failed: Fatal Error: glXChooseVisual failed
src/steamUI/Main.cpp (404) : Assertion Failed: Fatal Error: glXChooseVisual failed
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1626461631)
assert_20210717151538_6.dmp[7558]: Uploading dump (out-of-process)
[0717/] Crash reporting enabled for process: browser
[0717/] Failed to set crash key: UserID with value: 0
[0717/] Failed to set crash key: BuildID with value: 1626458736
[0717/] Failed to set crash key: SteamUniverse with value: Public
[0717/] Failed to set crash key: Vendor with value: Valve
[0717/] Failed to set crash key: UserID with value: 0
[0717/] Failed to set crash key: BuildID with value: 1626458736
[0717/] Failed to set crash key: SteamUniverse with value: Public
[0717/] Failed to set crash key: Vendor with value: Valve
[0717/] Crash reporting enabled for process: gpu-process
[0717/] Failed to set crash key: UserID with value: 0
[0717/] Failed to set crash key: BuildID with value: 1626458736
[0717/] Failed to set crash key: SteamUniverse with value: Public
[0717/] Failed to set crash key: Vendor with value: Valve
[0717/] Crash reporting enabled for process: utility
assert_20210717151538_6.dmp[7558]: Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = yes
assert_20210717151538_6.dmp[7558]: response: CrashID=bp-d65dbab6-1940-4f72-8d3d-5984f2210717
assert_20210717151538_6.dmp[7558]: file ''/tmp/dumps/assert_20210717151538_6.dmp'', upload yes: ''CrashID=bp-d65dbab6-1940-4f72-8d3d-5984f2210717''
Короче, steam —reset не помог, удаление всех каталогов стима тоже, пришлось ставить из flatpak, причём из консоли, discover падает при установке. Как то так, может кому пригодиться, первый раз установил себе ALT
Короче, steam —reset не помог,
Судя по баг рапорту на valve эту ошибку закрыли и благополучно перенесли на стабильный клиент, он теперь тоже с багом и откатить релиз уже не получится.
ставить из flatpak, причём из консоли, discover падает при установке
Там есть лечение некоторых болячек discover’a.
Это да. Не забывайте что flatpak работает из песочницы и по умолчанию его доступ к системе ограничен. По моей ссылке выше на вики есть ряд команд помогающий установить разрешения для видео драйверов, системного трея и прочии мелочи. Так же там есть ссылка на доку с опциями где описаны примеры и объяснения для чего их используют.
Сам —help переведен на русский, а вот ман пока нет.
Steam выдаёт ошибки и не запускается, читал вики, всё сделал как там ничего не поменялось, драйвера стоят проприетарные 460.56
Running Steam on altlinux 9.1 64-bit
STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically
glXChooseVisual failed
STEAM_RUNTIME_HEAVY: ./steam-runtime-heavy
glXChooseVisual failedsrc/steamUI/Main.cpp (404) : Assertion Failed: Fatal Error: glXChooseVisual failed
src/steamUI/Main.cpp (404) : Assertion Failed: Fatal Error: glXChooseVisual failed
А 32-битный OpenGL на 64-битной системе с драйвером NVIDIA точно установлен?
Так и решил проблему установкой nvidia GLX чёто там 32bit.
Вопрос, почему этого нет в зависимостях пакета стим? Альт первый линукс где я подобное наблюдаю.
Так и решил проблему установкой nvidia GLX чёто там 32bit.
Вопрос, почему этого нет в зависимостях пакета стим? Альт первый линукс где я подобное наблюдаю.
Потому что не у всех пользователей Steam видеокарты Nvidia с проприетарными драйверами. Можно любую помойку из пакетов сделать. Вопрос: зачем?
Андрей Черепанов (cas@)
Так и решил проблему установкой nvidia GLX чёто там 32bit.
Вопрос, почему этого нет в зависимостях пакета стим? Альт первый линукс где я подобное наблюдаю.
Потому что владельцам компьютеров с графикой Intel, эти зависимости нужны, как зайцу стоп-сигнал.
Вопрос, почему этого нет в зависимостях пакета стим?
Потому, что вы не установили систему, где это настроено из коробки.
Так и решил проблему установкой nvidia GLX чёто там 32bit.
Вопрос, почему этого нет в зависимостях пакета стим? Альт первый линукс где я подобное наблюдаю.Потому что не у всех пользователей Steam видеокарты Nvidia с проприетарными драйверами. Можно любую помойку из пакетов сделать. Вопрос: зачем?
В других дистрибутивах, эти зависимости подтягиваются автоматом при установке стима, почему у вас не так? Я ставлю стим, он не работает, прекрасно! И что делать новичкам?
Так и решил проблему установкой nvidia GLX чёто там 32bit.
Вопрос, почему этого нет в зависимостях пакета стим? Альт первый линукс где я подобное наблюдаю.Потому что не у всех пользователей Steam видеокарты Nvidia с проприетарными драйверами. Можно любую помойку из пакетов сделать. Вопрос: зачем?
В других дистрибутивах, эти зависимости подтягиваются автоматом при установке стима, почему у вас не так? Я ставлю стим, он не работает, прекрасно! И что делать новичкам?
Потому что это нецелесообразно.
Андрей Черепанов (cas@)
Потому что это нецелесообразно.
Почему у других по другому и всё работает? Получается, что не работающая программа это целесообразно? Серьёзно?
Ну вы хотя бы вики сделали с решением этой проблемы….
Стим у вас установлен по умолчанию и он не работает, зачем он в составе дистрибутива?
Стим у вас установлен по умолчанию и он не работает, зачем он в составе дистрибутива?
А в каком именно дистрибутиве от Базальт сейчас по умолчанию установлен Steam ? Просто интересно. Это то, что многим и не надо в принципе (ну может быть в Simply, но и то под большим вопросом). Зачем его пихать по умолчанию в дистрибутив? Если надо, то клиент устанавливается из репозитория, и ньюанс с проприетарными драйверами nvidia возникает тоже далеко не у всех
- Steam won’t start — glXChooseVisual failed
- Steam error glxchoosevisual failed
- Arch — glXChooseVisual failed #6937
- Comments
- Your system information
- Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible:
- Steps for reproducing this issue:
- Thread: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
- Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
- Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
- Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
- Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
- Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
- Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
- Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
- Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
- Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
- Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
Steam won’t start — glXChooseVisual failed
До появлении этой ошибки стояли открытые драйвера video-linux, потом решил поставить video-catalyst, предварительно удалив video-linux из системы. После установки video-catalyst комп был перезагружен. Не загружался рабочий стол, терминал tty2 тоже не работал. В загрузчике ядра прописал nomodeset и через tty2 еле-еле удалил video-catalyst и установил video-linux обратно. Рабочий стол все равно не загружался. Переустановил xorg и sddm — графическая оболочка стала загружаться, но вот со steam теперь не могу разобраться. Помогите пожалуйста, кто может. Manjaro 18.1 Phenom II X4 965 RAM 8Gb Radeon R9 380X 4Gb
Удалить каталист, вернуть свободные.
catalyst удалил, но не уверен, что полностью. Читал, что он любит внедрятся и изменять файлы.
Это что такое?
И разве для этой карты не amdgpu нужен вместо catalyst?
Удали из файла /etc/modprobe.d/mhwd-gpu.conf строку blacklist radeon
что за вендузятническая привычка — решать проблемы переустановкой?
Дело в том, что ssd стоял на другом компе, там стоит карточка HD 5670. Комп с собой брать был не вариант, взял с собой только ssd.
Давно избавился от этой привычки — систему давно не переустанавливал) В данном случае нужно было быстро решать и время на раздумья не было.
Проблема решена путем установки lib32-mesa (multilib). Спасибо, за помощь!
Steam error glxchoosevisual failed
I have just finish a new debian stretch installation, and also steam, but when i start it i have this error:
I have made some searchs on the net but without succes, i have this graphic card:
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM200 [GeForce GTX 980 Ti] (rev a1)
And i have installed this nvidia driver version:
apt-cache policy nvidia-driver
Installé : 375.66-2
Candidat : 375.66-2
Table de version :
*** 375.66-2
And it’s a desktop computer
On the other hand, I’m running the same driver version:
*** 375.66-2
deb9u1 0
500 stretch/non-free amd64 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
Are you sure the nvidia driver is active, and not some internal GPU or the nouveau driver?
Same problem with debian testing since a few weeks:
$ sudo apt install nvidia-driver:i386
[. ]
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
nvidia-driver:i386 : Depends: xserver-xorg-video-nvidia:i386 (= 384.111-4) but it is not going to be installed
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.
Actually I don’t understand why we need the 32bits version. It does not make so much sense in a 64bits version of the system. Why is it that difficult to produce 2 binaries for steam?
Indeed it works thanks (just installed nvidia-settings:i386 to pull the proper deps).
Fair enough, even if I would definitely understand that I can’t install/run 32bits apps, but anyway, it would be certainly nice to just provide additional packages per card brand with proper dependencies (my steam was working before an update). (unless they exist somewhere I don’t know)
Just for info, with the latest nvidia drivers, it seems that some app crash now (like borderlands 2) where it was working before. So the next stable versions will be fun :p
Indeed it works thanks (just installed nvidia-settings:i386 to pull the proper deps).
Fair enough, even if I would definitely understand that I can’t install/run 32bits apps, but anyway, it would be certainly nice to just provide additional packages per card brand with proper dependencies (my steam was working before an update). (unless they exist somewhere I don’t know)
It’s a old bug essentially when you installed the new driver did not get created properly
Here the fix it’s not mine but since it’s recurring once in a while I have it saved.
1.) In /usr/lib, there is a directory called something like nvidia-304 or nvidia-304-updates or nvidia-319 etc., which holds the nvidia OpenGL libraries.
If that directory is called nvidia-304, for instance, you’d want to, as root, edit the file /usr/lib/nvidia-331/ (which you’ll notice is currently blank) and add the lines:
If that directory is something else, like /usr/lib/nvidia-304-updates you’d want to edit the file as root and add the lines:
And if your directory is /usr/lib/nvidia- , you’d want to edit /usr/lib/nvidia- / as root and add the lines:
You get the idea.
2.) In the linux terminal, run the command:
Then type in your password for your linux user account (you need to be an administrator, of course (in the sudo group, in other words)).
3.) Restart steam. You should be good to go.
Arch — glXChooseVisual failed #6937
Your system information
- Steam client version (build number or date): 1581449474
- Distribution (e.g. Ubuntu): Archlinux
- Opted into Steam client beta?: No
- Have you checked for system updates?: Yes
Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible:
After an update, my steam doesn’t start anymore. Happened a while back. Deleted everything related to steam, didn’t help.
Steps for reproducing this issue:
- Starting Steam, ( waiting for update process to finish )
- Entering login data, pressing enter
- hangs on «Connecting Steam account: . «
Same error message as #5014, #6764, #6067
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
Hello @reactormonk, does running steam-runtime have the same result?
glXChooseVisual failed is most likely the real issue here. Can you check if any 32 bit opengl application like glxinfo32 from lib32-mesa-demos works?
Here’s the output: — I also ran glxgears32 , which seem to be turning.
Thanks, this might be a newer iteration of #6420.
There are not pinned libs atm, if I run it with STEAM_RUNTIME=1 or without.
That’s not expected, please delete the pinned_libs_* folders so that Steam will regenerate them on next run.
Steam only recreates the folders, but doesn’t add any links to it on the next run.
Hello @reactormonk — you indicated that you are not using the Steam beta client, can you confirm? The production client was last updated about two weeks ago. The logs you posted show that the Steam client is trying to update — so it would be the first time in a while that you are running the Steam client, correct?
The logs also suggest you are running with Arch’s modified steam runtime (, which we do not recommend for compatibility reasons.
Can you run the following command and provide the output?
I should be using steam-runtime , which should use the steam-provided libraries, as opposed to steam-native .
I’ve tried via a new steam native instance on a new user account (via hint from #freenode on IRC), and i’m getting glXChooseVisual failed . I’ll have to say I’m running out of ideas.
The graphics drivers on your system are not working. The problem you are having is unrelated to Steam. The Steam client requires 32 bit OpenGL drivers. Some games will also require 64 bit OpenGL drivers. Also having a working set of Vulkan drivers is highly recommended. Hope this helps.
The graphics drivers on your system are not working.
I tested with the trifecta of vkcube , glxgears , glxgears32 too, all seem to be working fine.
Also tested openmw, works fine.
Steam works fine with wine, AI Wars 2 runs too.
Ok, I stand corrected, drivers are fine. The Steam client doesn’t have a robust way to check and fix it’s installation consistency, it’s probably easier to bootstrap again by doing something like this:
But apparently you’ve already more or less done this by installing on a new user account.
The first log you posted looks to be an installation log done with Arch’s modifications (because of the lines STEAM_RUNTIME is disabled by the user and STEAM_RUNTIME_HEAVY: Disabled ). If you do the bootstrap I describe above without Arch’s interference and without setting steam related environment variables, do you still get the assertion message? (please provide the full log).
And ofc you’ve got enough disk space, you are using ext4 filesystems etc.?
Thread: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
Thread Tools
Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
I installed steam a week ago and it loaded up just fine but, I did not have an account yet so I had not actually started steam. A few days ago I made an account and decided to start steam again. What happens now when I start steam is it gives me an «Updating Steam» screen then that closes and a little pop-up says «glxChooseVisual Failed». I do not know what my video card is and I actually have little experience with Linux Ubuntu. When I ran steam in terminal I got this:
Last edited by deadflowr; June 6th, 2014 at 04:23 AM . Reason: code tags added
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
Thread moved to Gaming and Leisure
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
You want to look for the line which has «VGA» in it, which should tell you your graphics card or chip. If it’s ATI, you probably have only open soource drivers available, unless it’s a new enough card that the ATI fglrx drivers can be installed. Installing them on ATI «legacy» chips or cards will break your system.
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV710 [Radeon HD 4550]
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
Your video is supported by the ATI proprietary drivers, which you can install using Hardware Drivers, and let it look for your hardware and drivers available. It should recommend a driver, which you allow it to install, and then reboot. The Catalyst Control Center should be available to you. Note that this is indeed considered a «legacy» chip by ATI and the newest Linux driver is from 1/2013.
I am an nVidia user; does anyone know whether this user would have better results with the current open source driver?
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
Okay, sounds like a fix but I’m having a new problem.
I assume that Hardware Drivers is somewhere in my computer so I went to Dash and searched for it. I got an app called AMD Catalyst Control Center. When I click on it, it says I have no AMD graphics driver or it’s not functioning properly. So, I did some searching and found what I think to be the correct driver for my computer:
AMD Catalyst™ 13.1 Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver
When I download it however, I cannot seem to get the installer to run. How do you run the installer from terminal (exact code)? Sorry for the hand holding but I’m just starting out.
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
To install the ATI Catalyst drivers, refer to this thread, ignoring the nVidia specifics:
You need to skip down to the INSTALLING NVIDIA DRIVERS section and simply substitute the name of your ATI driver for the nVidia driver.
Last edited by oldrocker99; June 7th, 2014 at 10:50 PM .
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
Thanks! I’m hoping I am able to install the driver with that method as I had trouble with doing it in console. I am now presented with this problem:
Cannot Login to TTY
When I get that issue resolved I will come back to this thread and continue with the driver installation.
I can login to my tty, if the Nvidia guide works, I’ll be sure to update!
Last edited by Bubblegut; June 8th, 2014 at 09:59 PM .
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
Only issue now is when I install the driver for my system it tells me that it is not the right one. I looked up the specific driver for my machine when I downloaded it but it does not seem to be the correct one.
Last edited by Bubblegut; June 9th, 2014 at 02:55 AM .
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
Issue Resloved.
TL;DR I installed the amd driver for my system then installed Bumblebee. A big thanks to oldrocker for his help in getting me as far as I did.
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- [SOLVED] Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
I installed steam a week ago and it loaded up just fine but, I did not have an account yet so I had not actually started steam. A few days ago I made an account and decided to start steam again. What happens now when I start steam is it gives me an «Updating Steam» screen then that closes and a little pop-up says «glxChooseVisual Failed». I do not know what my video card is and I actually have little experience with Linux Ubuntu. When I ran steam in terminal I got this:
id@iD-RaffleBox:~$ steam & [1] 4010 id@iD-RaffleBox:~$ Running Steam on ubuntu 12.04 32-bit STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1401381906_client) Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1401381906_client) Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1401381906_client) Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1401381906_client) [0605/] PAC support disabled because there is no system implementation Steam: An X Error occurred X Error of failed request: BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation) Major opcode of failed request: 153 Serial number of failed request: 38 xerror_handler: X failed, continuing Steam: An X Error occurred X Error of failed request: BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation) Major opcode of failed request: 153 Serial number of failed request: 39 xerror_handler: X failed, continuing Steam: An X Error occurred X Error of failed request: BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation) Major opcode of failed request: 153 Serial number of failed request: 40 xerror_handler: X failed, continuing glXChooseVisual failedAssert( Assertion Failed: Fatal Error: glXChooseVisual failed ):/home/buildbot/buildslave_steam/steam_rel_client_ubuntu12_linux/build/src/steamUI/Main.cpp:285 Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1401381906_client) Uploading dump (out-of-process) [proxy ''] /tmp/dumps/assert_20140605210636_6.dmp id@iD-RaffleBox:~$ Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = yes response: CrashID=bp-39ca1f32-b028-4f0f-8824-84e2d2140605
Any help?
Last edited by deadflowr; June 6th, 2014 at 04:23 AM.
Reason: code tags added
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
Thread moved to Gaming and Leisure
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
OK, to start with, enter this:You want to look for the line which has «VGA» in it, which should tell you your graphics card or chip. If it’s ATI, you probably have only open soource drivers available, unless it’s a new enough card that the ATI fglrx drivers can be installed. Installing them on ATI «legacy» chips or cards will break your system.
I drink my Ubuntu black, no sugar.
Ubuntu user 28819
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
I did that and got this:
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV710 [Radeon HD 4550]
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
Your video is supported by the ATI proprietary drivers, which you can install using Hardware Drivers, and let it look for your hardware and drivers available. It should recommend a driver, which you allow it to install, and then reboot. The Catalyst Control Center should be available to you. Note that this is indeed considered a «legacy» chip by ATI and the newest Linux driver is from 1/2013.
I am an nVidia user; does anyone know whether this user would have better results with the current open source driver?
I drink my Ubuntu black, no sugar.
Ubuntu user 28819
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
Okay, sounds like a fix but I’m having a new problem.
I assume that Hardware Drivers is somewhere in my computer so I went to Dash and searched for it. I got an app called AMD Catalyst Control Center. When I click on it, it says I have no AMD graphics driver or it’s not functioning properly. So, I did some searching and found what I think to be the correct driver for my computer:
AMD Catalyst™ 13.1 Proprietary Linux x86 Display Driver
When I download it however, I cannot seem to get the installer to run. How do you run the installer from terminal (exact code)? Sorry for the hand holding but I’m just starting out.
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
To install the ATI Catalyst drivers, refer to this thread, ignoring the nVidia specifics:
You need to skip down to the INSTALLING NVIDIA DRIVERS section and simply substitute the name of your ATI driver for the nVidia driver.
Last edited by oldrocker99; June 7th, 2014 at 10:50 PM.
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Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
Thanks! I’m hoping I am able to install the driver with that method as I had trouble with doing it in console. I am now presented with this problem:
Cannot Login to TTY
When I get that issue resolved I will come back to this thread and continue with the driver installation.EDIT:
I can login to my tty, if the Nvidia guide works, I’ll be sure to update!
Last edited by Bubblegut; June 8th, 2014 at 09:59 PM.
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
Only issue now is when I install the driver for my system it tells me that it is not the right one. I looked up the specific driver for my machine when I downloaded it but it does not seem to be the correct one.
Last edited by Bubblegut; June 9th, 2014 at 02:55 AM.
Re: Steam: glxChooseVisual Failed
Issue Resloved.
TL;DR I installed the amd driver for my system then installed Bumblebee. A big thanks to oldrocker for his help in getting me as far as I did.
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- » Steam glXChooseVisual failed with nvidia drivers [solved-idk how]
#1 2016-04-13 20:39:58
- primetoxinz
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- Registered: 2016-04-13
- Posts: 1
Steam glXChooseVisual failed with nvidia drivers [solved-idk how]
when ever I start Steam it errors with
glXChooseVisual failedMain.cpp (307) : Assertion Failed: Fatal Error: glXChooseVisual failed
Assert( Assertion Failed: Fatal Error: glXChooseVisual failed ):Main.cpp:307
lib32-nvidia-libgl is installed and nvidia works elsewhere
any ideas?
somehow solved by uninstalling all .so with GL in the name and reinstalling….
Last edited by primetoxinz (2016-04-13 23:40:42)
#2 2016-04-14 17:08:12
- lastchancetosee
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Re: Steam glXChooseVisual failed with nvidia drivers [solved-idk how]
I had the same problem. I’m pretty sure it was related to lib32-libgl-nvidia v361.28.
Today I upgraded the nvidia stuff to 364.16 and the problem disappeared. That’s likely what you did, too, by removing and reinstalling.
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#3 2017-11-07 23:05:10
- portaloffreedom
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Re: Steam glXChooseVisual failed with nvidia drivers [solved-idk how]
Just had the same problem today with a fresh install.
Installing libvdpau and lib32-libvdpau fixed it.
Not sure why though
#4 2017-11-07 23:09:21
- circleface
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Re: Steam glXChooseVisual failed with nvidia drivers [solved-idk how]
Please do not necrobump old threads.
#5 2017-11-07 23:38:24
- jasonwryan
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Re: Steam glXChooseVisual failed with nvidia drivers [solved-idk how]
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