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Hi guys,
I’ve been hosting from the same pc that I use as client and now I wanted to use another pc to hosting. I followed the guide from Studio 397 by using SteamCMD but when tried to download any item from workshop it send me an error message «Error! Download item ***** failed (Failure)», (image below)
I searched on several pages but till now nothin worked. So I hoped someone knows or had the same error could help me, I’ll really appreciate.
Thanks in advance.
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Same issue here. I can update rF2 using SteamCMD but it fails when downloading mods. I’m doing something wrong. I’m using this: steamcmd +login anonymous +force_install_dir C:RaceServer2rfactor2-dedicated +workshop_download_item 365960 1939103913 +quit
Anyone spot the problem? -
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For content you need to use your steam credentials ie login username password etc
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Cheers mate…..Need to get the password then.
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Thank you. It worked after log in.
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OR you can go to that folder on your client PC (eg: 365960 1939103913) and copy the rfcmp file in it, to your packages folder on your server. Then use mod manager to install. It’s clunky but if you’re only doing one file occasionally it’s not so bad.
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That’s how I’ve been doing it. As my comp isn’t «authorized» they sent a code but I haven’t been able to get it working as yet. Have to stick to the slow way for now.
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[2016-02-27 08:55:05] [AppID 346110] Loaded workshop items in "/home/puseidr/steamcmd/steamapps/workshop" (0 installed, 0 needed)
[2016-02-27 08:55:06] [AppID 346110] Starting Workshop download job
[2016-02-27 08:55:06] [AppID 346110] Detected workshop change : changed cached item 538986229, new manifest 5654808368288631226
[2016-02-27 08:55:07] Update workshop job for app 346110 canceled: Failed to write patch state file for depotID 346110 (Disk write failure)
[2016-02-27 08:55:07] [AppID 346110] Download item 538986229 result : I/O Operation Failed
[2016-02-27 08:55:07] [AppID 346110] Finished Workshop download job : Disk write failure
[2016-02-27 08:55:08] [AppID 346110] Updating workshop item details failed with Failure
[2016-02-27 09:14:50] [AppID 346110] Loaded workshop items in "/home/puseidr/steamcmd/steamapps/workshop" (0 installed, 0 needed)
[2016-02-27 09:14:51] [AppID 346110] Starting Workshop download job
[2016-02-27 09:14:51] [AppID 346110] Detected workshop change : changed cached item 614734500, new manifest 8449838574831409225
[2016-02-27 09:14:52] Update workshop job for app 346110 canceled: Failed to write patch state file for depotID 346110 (Disk write failure)
[2016-02-27 09:14:52] [AppID 346110] Download item 614734500 result : I/O Operation Failed
[2016-02-27 09:14:52] [AppID 346110] Finished Workshop download job : Disk write failure
[2016-02-27 09:14:52] [AppID 346110] Updating workshop item details failed with Failure
[2016-02-27 09:15:25] [AppID 346110] Loaded workshop items in "/home/puseidr/steamcmd/steamapps/workshop" (0 installed, 0 needed)
[2016-02-27 09:15:25] [AppID 346110] Starting Workshop download job
[2016-02-27 09:15:26] [AppID 346110] Detected workshop change : changed cached item 614734500, new manifest 8449838574831409225
[2016-02-27 09:15:26] Update workshop job for app 346110 canceled: Failed to write patch state file for depotID 346110 (Disk write failure)
[2016-02-27 09:15:26] [AppID 346110] Download item 614734500 result : I/O Operation Failed
[2016-02-27 09:15:26] [AppID 346110] Finished Workshop download job : Disk write failure
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6 minutes ago, tinboye said:
yes when a game requires a licence the workshop downloader does not work.
this method from the batch works just fine for me. But i am actually just going to have the first part, and then use symbolic links to the workshop folder. That way when I update a mod, i do not have to worry about copying it back over to the server folder.
Yeah, symbolic links are FTW for this sort of thing.
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hey all, I’ve been trying to rap my head around all of this stuff and have a script work in a sense but whenever I get to downloading the actual mod I get errors like this for all mods
ERROR! Download item 123modid123 failed (Failure)
using steam cmd
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@echo off
:: _AEM
::set Mods[0]=333310405
:: _Epoch
::set Mods[1]=421839251
:: _Bornholm_A3
::set Mods[2]=428181330
:: _CBA_A3
::set Mods[3]=450814997
:: _ACE3
::set Mods[4]=463939057
:: _Australia_A3
::set Mods[5]=485417177
:: _CUP_Weapons
::set Mods[6]=497660133
:: _CUP_Units
::set Mods[7]=497661914
:: _Esseker_A3
::set Mods[8]=498101407
:: _NATO_Rus_Weapons
::set Mods[9]=500929500
:: _NATO_Rus_Vehicle
::set Mods[10]=501552467
:: _Ryanzombies
::set Mods[11]=501966277
:: _JBAD
::set Mods[12]=520618345
:: _CUP_Vehicles
::set Mods[13]=541888371
:: _CUP_ACE3_Weapons
::set Mods[14]=549676314
:: _CUP_Terrains_Core
::set Mods[15]=583496184
:: _CUP_Terrains_Maps
::set Mods[16]=583544987
:: _DPA4E
::set Mods[17]=595479151
:: _RDS_Civilian_Pack
::set Mods[18]=612930542
:: _eXpoch_RZ_Infection
::set Mods[19]=614815221
:: _CUP_ACE3_Vehicles
::set Mods[20]=621650475
:: _EBM
::set Mods[21]=647753401
:: _Isla_Abramia_A3
::set Mods[22]=648775794
:: _NATO_Rus_Weapons_CBA
::set Mods[23]=677119005
:: _Chernarus_Summer
::set Mods[24]=682017832
:: _Panthera_A3
::set Mods[25]=708278910
:: _Lingor_A3
::set Mods[26]=718649903
:: _A2OP
::set Mods[27]=724594534
:: _Chernarus_Winter
::set Mods[28]=744733174
:: _BloodLustLite
::set Mods[29]=753617266
:: _TRYK
::set Mods[30]=779520435
:: _SM_Zombz
::set Mods[31]=779675063
:: _eXpoch_A4E
::set Mods[32]=779859121
:: _Open_Chernarus_Project_JBAD
::set Mods[33]=786865959
:: _Namalsk_A3
::set Mods[34]=795706713
:: _eXpoch_ACE
::set Mods[35]=810406203
:: _Napf_A3
::set Mods[36]=829364398
:: _Taunus
::set Mods[37]=836147398
::set Mods[38]=843425103
::set Mods[39]=843577117
::set Mods[40]=843593391
::set Mods[41]=843632231
:: _CUP_Terrains_CWA
::set Mods[42]=853743366
:: _eXpoch_Companion_Pack
::set Mods[43]=878771089
echo This Will Install/Update Arma3 Mods
echo Author: Joew
echo Credits: tinboye - www.fortex.wtf - Gives me the cmd to update mods.
::Path to SteamCMD.exe without
set "steamcmdpath=C:pathtosteamCMD"
set /p login=Steam Login:
set /p pass=Steam Pass:
:: OPTION 2: Set your steam and pass and save it. (I don't recommend this for security)
::set "login=YOUR_STEAM_LOGIN"
::set "pass=YOUR_STEAM_PASS"
:: Folder Mods => SteamCMDsteamappsworkshopcontent107410
set "x=0"
if defined Mods[%x%] (
call set list=%list% +"workshop_download_item 107410 %%Mods[%x%]%%" validate
set /a "x+=1"
GOTO :SymLoop
%steamcmdpath%steamcmd +login %login% %pass% %list%
add this to a batch file, uncomment the mods you want to download, add your own, just increase the array
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yeah thats the script I was using I still get the error. does the script only work if you have a copy of A3 on the server? at the moment I only have the server files
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What mod are you trying to download?
Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk
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How I break it down is c:servers
Then 2 sub folders arma3server and steamcmd. Add the steamcmd.exe to steamcmd folder. Add the bat file for downloading the mods either under c:servers or under. Steamcmd folder. Then use steamcmd to download arma3server dedicated server files to the arma3server folder. Then run the mods bat. I have a similar bat to install arma 3 server if u want it
Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk
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I’ll have another go at it, will post back. and sure, send me the server install bat. thanks for your time
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here is the other batch file
@echo off
echo This Will Install/Update Arma3 Dedicated Server Files
echo Author: Joew
echo Credits: tinboye - www.fortex.wtf - Gives me the cmd to update mods.
::Path to SteamCMD.exe without
set "steamcmdpath=C:pathtosteamCMD"
::Path to arma3server.exe without
set "serverpath=C:pathtoserver"
set /p login=Steam Login:
set /p pass=Steam Pass:
:: OPTION 2: Set your steam and pass and save it. (I don't recommend this for security)
::set "login=YOUR_STEAM_LOGIN"
::set "pass=YOUR_STEAM_PASS"
%steamcmdpath%steamcmd +login %login% %pass% +force_install_dir "%serverpath%" +app_update 233780 validate +quit
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Here is a symbolic link batch file so you can keep your workshop mods in the original location and then just link to your server with the proper names
@Echo Off
SET "ServerPath=E:serverarma3server"
SET "steamcmdmodpath=E:serversteamcmdsteamappsworkshopcontent107410"
MKLINK /J "%ServerPath%@AEM" "%steamcmdmodpath%333310405"
MKLINK /J "%ServerPath%@Epoch" "%steamcmdmodpath%421839251"
MKLINK /J "%ServerPath%@Bornholm_A3" "%steamcmdmodpath%428181330"
so you can just keep adding all the mods in sequence, change whats there to suit your needs, i put 3 there as examples.
i will be adding robocopy script to this as well later so it will automatically take the bikeys and copy them into the servers keys folder.
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ok, so using everything you have handed me above, I still get this error when using the mod download script. I run it from the seamcmd folder
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ive never experienced this issue. there must be an issue with your steamcmd, firewall, folder permissions etc.
delete everything from the steamcmd folder except the bat files, then redownload steamcmd.exe
run steamcmd.exe by itself first. and
login to steam
then exit steamcmd
then try to run the bat again.
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On 4/14/2017 at 9:32 AM, tinboye said:
ive never experienced this issue. there must be an issue with your steamcmd, firewall, folder permissions etc.
delete everything from the steamcmd folder except the bat files, then redownload steamcmd.exe
run steamcmd.exe by itself first. and
login to steam
then exit steamcmd
then try to run the bat again.
does the steam account need an arma 3 key assigned to it? I’ve tried this on 2 servers now
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Yes. And I have tested with steam guard. And it will prompt u to type that in even
Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk
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a modified version of tinboye batch script which i use
@echo off
set «x=0»
set Mods[%x%]=463939057&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @ace
set Mods[%x%]=708250744&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @aceX
set Mods[%x%]=870313336&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Ace BWMOD Compatibility
set Mods[%x%]=669962280&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @ADR97 Weapon Pack (Official Mod)
set Mods[%x%]=713709341&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Advanced Rappelling
set Mods[%x%]=730310357&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Advanced Urban Rappelling
set Mods[%x%]=485417177&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Australia
set Mods[%x%]=428181330&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Bornholm
set Mods[%x%]=870276636&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @BWMod
set Mods[%x%]=450814997&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CBA_A3
set Mods[%x%]=761349672&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CLA CLAFGHAN
set Mods[%x%]=621650475&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon — Vehicles
set Mods[%x%]=549676314&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon — Weapons
set Mods[%x%]=583496184&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP Terrains — Core
set Mods[%x%]=853743366&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP Terrains — CWA
set Mods[%x%]=583544987&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP Terrains — Maps
set Mods[%x%]=497661914&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP Units
set Mods[%x%]=541888371&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP Vehicles
set Mods[%x%]=497660133&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP Weapons
set Mods[%x%]=820994401&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @FFAA MOD
set Mods[%x%]=867433872&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @I44_Objects
set Mods[%x%]=867431642&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @I44_Terrains
set Mods[%x%]=867437028&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @IFA3_Objects_LITE
set Mods[%x%]=867438623&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @IFA3_Terrains_LITE
set Mods[%x%]=660460283&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Iron Front in Arma 3 — preview version
set Mods[%x%]=648775794&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Isla Abramia
set Mods[%x%]=714149065&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Isla Duala
set Mods[%x%]=708278910&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Island Panthera
set Mods[%x%]=421620913&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Kunduz, Afghanistan
set Mods[%x%]=718649903&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Lingor Island
set Mods[%x%]=848059359&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @MSKE_2017
set Mods[%x%]=794782314&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Nam
set Mods[%x%]=854964321&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Operation Blockhead
set Mods[%x%]=843425103&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @RHSAFRF
set Mods[%x%]=843593391&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @RHSGREF
set Mods[%x%]=843632231&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @RHSSAF
set Mods[%x%]=843577117&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @RHSUSAF
set Mods[%x%]=826911897&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Swedish Forces Pack
set Mods[%x%]=840309102&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Uro’s Memorial to the Fallen — needed for @MSKE_2017
set Mods[%x%]=339479337&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Wake Island
set Mods[%x%]=837413362&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @X-CAM PROTOTYPE
set Mods[%x%]=836147398&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @X-Cam-Taunus
set «steamcmdpath=C:Gamessteamcmd»
set «login=steamLogin»
set «pass=steamPW»
set «x=0»
if defined Mods[%x%] (
call set list=%list% +»workshop_download_item 107410 %%Mods[%x%]%%» validate
set /a «x+=1»
GOTO :SymLoop
%steamcmdpath%steamcmd +login %login% %pass% %list% +quit
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On 4/22/2017 at 4:04 PM, Moerderhoschi said:
a modified version of tinboye batch script which i use
Hide contents
@echo off
set «x=0»
set Mods[%x%]=463939057&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @ace
set Mods[%x%]=708250744&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @aceX
set Mods[%x%]=870313336&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Ace BWMOD Compatibility
set Mods[%x%]=669962280&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @ADR97 Weapon Pack (Official Mod)
set Mods[%x%]=713709341&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Advanced Rappelling
set Mods[%x%]=730310357&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Advanced Urban Rappelling
set Mods[%x%]=485417177&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Australia
set Mods[%x%]=428181330&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Bornholm
set Mods[%x%]=870276636&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @BWMod
set Mods[%x%]=450814997&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CBA_A3
set Mods[%x%]=761349672&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CLA CLAFGHAN
set Mods[%x%]=621650475&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon — Vehicles
set Mods[%x%]=549676314&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon — Weapons
set Mods[%x%]=583496184&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP Terrains — Core
set Mods[%x%]=853743366&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP Terrains — CWA
set Mods[%x%]=583544987&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP Terrains — Maps
set Mods[%x%]=497661914&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP Units
set Mods[%x%]=541888371&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP Vehicles
set Mods[%x%]=497660133&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @CUP Weapons
set Mods[%x%]=820994401&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @FFAA MOD
set Mods[%x%]=867433872&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @I44_Objects
set Mods[%x%]=867431642&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @I44_Terrains
set Mods[%x%]=867437028&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @IFA3_Objects_LITE
set Mods[%x%]=867438623&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @IFA3_Terrains_LITE
set Mods[%x%]=660460283&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Iron Front in Arma 3 — preview version
set Mods[%x%]=648775794&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Isla Abramia
set Mods[%x%]=714149065&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Isla Duala
set Mods[%x%]=708278910&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Island Panthera
set Mods[%x%]=421620913&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Kunduz, Afghanistan
set Mods[%x%]=718649903&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Lingor Island
set Mods[%x%]=848059359&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @MSKE_2017
set Mods[%x%]=794782314&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Nam
set Mods[%x%]=854964321&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Operation Blockhead
set Mods[%x%]=843425103&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @RHSAFRF
set Mods[%x%]=843593391&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @RHSGREF
set Mods[%x%]=843632231&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @RHSSAF
set Mods[%x%]=843577117&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @RHSUSAF
set Mods[%x%]=826911897&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Swedish Forces Pack
set Mods[%x%]=840309102&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Uro’s Memorial to the Fallen — needed for @MSKE_2017
set Mods[%x%]=339479337&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @Wake Island
set Mods[%x%]=837413362&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @X-CAM PROTOTYPE
set Mods[%x%]=836147398&& set /A x +=1&& REM :: @X-Cam-Taunusset «steamcmdpath=C:Gamessteamcmd»
set «login=steamLogin»
set «pass=steamPW»set «x=0»
if defined Mods[%x%] (
call set list=%list% +»workshop_download_item 107410 %%Mods[%x%]%%» validate
set /a «x+=1»
GOTO :SymLoop
%steamcmdpath%steamcmd +login %login% %pass% %list% +quit
How exactly should I use this batch file?
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place the bat in your steamcmd folder, set what mods you want to download, any in the list you do not want to use, then place a :: in front of the line.
if using my version, you just set the false to true and it will enable, or my alternative version, you can manually enter the steam workshop ID, and just download 1 mod at a time.
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I’d recommend giving ArmA Remote Admin a try as it does does all SteamCMD handling for you, it has a thread in this subforum aswell. The workshop integration is behind a paywall but if you’re willing to try it I’d happily give you that version for free.
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Hi guys,
I just wanted to query something.
When I run my Mod Updater.bat file to download/update mods I get the following message:
Mod Updater.bat
«steamcmd.exe» +login ********** *********** +set_steam_guard_code #### +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 450814997″ +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 497660133″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 497661914″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 541888371″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 583496184″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 583544987″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 843425103″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 843577117″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 843593391″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 843632231″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 878110677″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 880337031″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 896458596″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 913144033″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 677642222″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 743099837″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 836147398″ validate +force_install_dir E:AppsSteam +»workshop_download_item 107410 870276636″ validate +quit
However, the addons still install to E:AppsSteamsteamappsworkshopcontent107410 (Steamcmd.exe directory). Previously I entered a different path i.e. E:GamesArmA3A3FilesBlank and it would still install to the former directory. But when I run it now it installs to the latter E:GamesArmA3A3FilesBlanksteamappsworkshopcontent107410. I deleted my entire Steam/Server folders and downloaded everything again but issue remains.
Any ideas why it’s doing this?
Is there a more efficient/simpler .bat file commands I should be running?
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so i tried to put RHS in in the steam workshop down loader and it said it couldn’t be down loaded
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is use since 1.5 years this script to update some mods (cutted down to one mod (cba)).
But for now it wont update the mods. I never changed something. There are also no error logs, everything looks fine. Except the fact the mod wasnt updated. Last time it works was nearly around the end of april. Did something has changed in method?
@echo off
@rem http://media.steampowered.com/installer/steamcmd.zip
:: DEFINE the following variables where applicable to your install
SET STEAMLOGIN=blublub xxx
SET A3serverPath=C:GameserverArmA3Coop
SET STEAMPATH=C:GameserverArmA3Steamcmd
:: _________________________________________________________
echo You are about to update ArmA 3 Server Mods to:
echo Dir: %A3serverPath%
echo Key "ENTER" to proceed
:: CBA_A3
%STEAMPATH%steamcmd.exe +login %STEAMLOGIN% +force_install_dir %A3serverPath% +workshop_download_item 107410 450814997 +quit
echo .
echo Your ArmA 3 server mods are now up to date
echo key "ENTER" to exit
Thx for help and feedback.
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Can anybody tell me why this isn’t working? See code below…
Doesn’t seem to download more than the first…
Doesn’t rename (the folder just keeps the numbers)
set ModsName[0]="@acex" set Mods[0]=708250744 set ModDownload[0]=true set ModsName[1]="@cup_wep" set Mods[1]=497660133 set ModDownload[1]=true set ModsName[2]="@cup_units" set Mods[2]=497661914 set ModDownload[2]=true set ModsName[3]="@cup_veh" set Mods[3]=541888371 set ModDownload[3]=true set ModsName[4]="@cup_ace_wep" set Mods[4]=549676314 set ModDownload[4]=true set ModsName[5]="@cup_ter_core" set Mods[5]=583496184 set ModDownload[5]=true set ModsName[6]="@cup_ter_maps" set Mods[6]=583544987 set ModDownload[6]=true set ModsName[7]="@cup_ace_veh" set Mods[7]=621650475 set ModDownload[7]=true set ModsName[8]="@rhs_ace_usaf" set Mods[8]=773125288 set ModDownload[8]=true set ModsName[9]="@rhs_ace_afrf" set Mods[9]=773131200 set ModDownload[9]=true set ModsName[10]="@rhs_ace_gref" set Mods[10]=884966711 set ModDownload[10]=true set ModsName[11]="@rhs_afrf" set Mods[11]=843425103 set ModDownload[11]=true set ModsName[12]="@rhs_usaf" set Mods[12]=843577117 set ModDownload[12]=true set ModsName[13]="@rhs_gref" set Mods[13]=843593391 set ModDownload[13]=true set ModsName[14]="@rhs_saf" set Mods[14]=843632231 set ModDownload[14]=true set ModsName[15]="@mcc" set Mods[15]=338988835 set ModDownload[15]=true set ModsName[16]="@tfar_b" set Mods[16]=894678801 set ModDownload[16]=true set ModsName[17]="@stui" set Mods[17]=498740884 set ModDownload[17]=true set ModsName[18]="@ares_ach" set Mods[18]=723217262 set ModDownload[18]=true set ModsName[19]="@enh_mvt" set Mods[19]=333310405 set ModDownload[19]=true set ModsName[20]="@alive_spy" set Mods[20]=579263829 set ModDownload[20]=true set ModsName[21]="@hd_rng_plus" set Mods[21]=630737877 set ModDownload[21]=true set ModsName[22]="@vtol_flp" set Mods[22]=924553546 set ModDownload[22]=true set ModsName[23]="@adr_ace" set Mods[23]=773136286 set ModDownload[23]=true set ModsName[24]="@adr" set Mods[24]=669962280 set ModDownload[24]=true set ModsName[25]="@alive" set Mods[25]=620260972 set ModDownload[25]=true set ModsName[26]="@ace" set Mods[26]=463939057 set ModDownload[26]=true set ModsName[27]="@cba" set Mods[27]=450814997 set ModDownload[27]=true set ModsName[28]="SAFE" set Mods[28]=# set ModDownload[28]=false set "steamcmdpath=C:UsersAdminDesktopsteamcmd" set "login=<private>" set "pass=<private>" set "x=0" :SymLoop if defined Mods[%x%] ( if defined ModDownload[%x%] ( if defined ModsName[%x%] ( cls call set "name=%%ModsName[%x%]%%" call set "id=%%Mods[%x%]%%" call set "downloads=%%ModDownload[%x%]%%" if "%downloads%"=="true" ( cls echo Downloading the Mod: %name% - ID: %id% echo. pause echo. %steamcmdpath%steamcmd +login %login% %pass% +"workshop_download_item 107410 %id%" +quit ) set /a "x+=1" GOTO :SymLoop ) ) )
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Is it even possible to download mods? I think this works only for missions or am I wrong?
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Yes, we are able to download mods using SteamCMD. It’s how I manage our servers.
if you have SteamCMD installed, it’s a simple batch file approach….
C:AppsSteamsteamcmd.exe +login <your username> <your password> +force_install_dir C:GamesArmA3A3Master +"workshop_download_item 107410 <the workshop item you want>" validate +quit
People have created more elegant solutions (which are not working for me). My batch files are just multiple lines of the above referencing the mods I am after.
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just creates bootstrap_log.txt and writes
[2022-08-24 20:39:12] Startup - updater built Dec 2 2013 18:43:44
inside in it.
I tried to download a mod and got an error message that said:
«ERROR! Download item 2836659083 failed (Failure).Message type 9806 wasn’t declared, but we registered job CClientJobEnableOrDisableDownloads to handle it?»
I’ve been able to download mods for that game through the program before.
When I try to authenticate the steamcmd it doesn’t work: I start steamcmd.exe, I write login and then it asks me for the password, but it always says «FAILED (Invalid Password)» even if I write the correct one.
when «password» shows up nothing on the keyboard works expect the enter key
I get this message every time I try.
ERROR! Download item 2840824991 failed (Failure).srcpublictier1interface.h (264) : m_pModule
At first, it just said failure, so I used an account login to see if that worked, and then the error got more detailed after that.
ERROR! Download item 2517303243 failed (Failure).srcpublictier1interface.h (264) : m_pModule
Anonymous doesn’t work, this is the error msg from non anonymous. Any help?
ERROR! Timeout downloading item XXXXXXXX Redirecting stderr to ‘D:111steamcmdlogsstderr.txt’
[ 0%] 姝e湪妫鏌ュ彲鐢ㄦ洿鏂…
[—-] 姝e湪楠岃瘉瀹夎…
ERROR! Download item 2754884663 failed (Failure).
Can you make a Windows 7 compatible version. The v0.5.4 version doesn’t work because of a missing ridiculous 3kb
api-ms-win-core-path-l1-1-0.dll !
I am unable to get this program to work (tried v0.5.2 and 0.5.0). When I run downloader.exe it seems to do something silently for a few seconds, then I get the error «_tkinter.TclError: Can’t find a usable init.tcl»
Your tool is so useful! Thank you!
I updated my Reddit post to reflect the new version
Installing steamcmd …<class ‘ValueError’>check_hostname requires server_hostname
Whenever I try to download a worldbox mod this happens
Couldn’t get workshop page for https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2842502659
<class ‘requests.exceptions.ConnectionError’>
HTTPSConnectionPool(host=’steamcommunity.com’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2842502659 (Caused by NewConnectionError(‘<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x0000029C715507C0>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond’))
The latest release (other releases work) opens a blank cmd window for a bit, then displays this error:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "downloader.py", line 4, in <module> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'requests' [15236] Failed to execute script 'downloader' due to unhandled exception!
for a split second before closing itself.
I am on Windows 10.
For some reason, even when downloading only one mod, the window becomes unresponsive and nothing happens.
I have read the install guide, and logged into the SteamCMD, as this game requires my account to be connected.
I also own the game on Steam, so there should be no issues with getting these files.
Any help would be appreciated.
For some reason whenever I try to download through executable it crashes with error «OPENSSL_Uplink(00007FFF55FDAD30,08): no OPENSSL_Applink» right after I click «Download»
Running .py works fine