Home / VBA / VBA Subscript Out of Range Runtime Error (Error 9)
Subscript Out of Range Error (Run Time: Error 9) occurs when you refer to an object or try to use a variable in a code that doesn’t exist in the code, in that case, VBA will show this error. As every code that you write is unique, so the cause of the error would be.
In the following example, you have tried to activate the “Sheet1” which is an object. But as you can see in the workbook no worksheet exists with the name “Sheet1” (instead you have “Sheet2”) so VBA show “Subscript Out of Range” to notify you that there’s something wrong with the code.
Subscript Out of Range
There could be one more situation when you have to face the error “Subscript Out of Range Error” when you are trying to declare a dynamic array but forget to use the DIM and ReDim statement to redefine the length of the array.
Now in the above code, you have an array with the name “myArray” and to make it dynamic we have initially left the array length blank. But before you add an item you need to redefine the array length using the ReDim statement.
And that’s the mistake we have made in the above code and VBA has returned the “Script Out of Range” error.
Sub myMacro()
Dim myArray() As Variant
myArray(1) = "One"
End Sub
How Do I Fix Subscript Out of Range in Excel?
The best way to deal with this Subscript Out of Range is to write effective codes and make sure to debug the code that you have written (Step by Step).
When you run a code step by step it is easy for you to know on which line of that code you have an error as VBA will show you the error message for Error 9 and highlight that line with yellow color.
The other thing that you can do is to use an “Error Handler” to jump to a specific line of error when it happens.
In the following code, we have written a line to activate the sheet but before that, we have used the goto statement to move to the error handler. In the error handler, you have a message box that shows you a message with the Err. Description that an error has occurred.
So, when you run this code and the “Sheet1” is not in the workbook where you are trying to activate it. It will show you a message box just like below.
And if the “Sheet1” is there then there won’t be any message at all.
Sub myMacro()
Dim wks As Worksheet
On Error GoTo myError
MsgBox "There's an error in the code: " & Err.Description & _
". That means there's some problem with the sheet " & _
"that you want to activate"
End Sub
More on VBA Errors
Type Mismatch (Error 13) | Runtime (Error 1004) | Object Required (Error 424) | Out of Memory (Error 7) | Object Doesn’t Support this Property or Method (Error 438) | Invalid Procedure Call Or Argument (Error 5) | Overflow (Error 6) | Automation error (Error 440) | VBA Error 400
Subscript out of range is an error we encounter in VBA when we try to reference something or a variable that does not exist in a code. For example, suppose we do not have a variable named x. Then, if we use the MsgBox function on x, we will encounter a “Subscript out of range” error.
VBA “Subscript out of range” error occurs because the object we are trying to access does not exist. It is an error type in VBA codingVBA code refers to a set of instructions written by the user in the Visual Basic Applications programming language on a Visual Basic Editor (VBE) to perform a specific task.read more, a “Run Time Error 9.” It is important to understand the concepts to write efficient code. It is even more important to understand the error of your VBA codeVBA error handling refers to troubleshooting various kinds of errors encountered while working with VBA. read more to debug the code efficiently.
If you make a coding error and do not know what that error is when you are gone.
A doctor cannot give medicine to his patient without knowing what the disease is. Doctors and patients both know there is a disease (error), but it is more important to understand the disease (error) rather than give medicine to it. If you can understand the error perfectly, it is much easier to find the solution.
Similarly, this article will see one of the important errors we regularly encounter, i.e., the “Subscript out of range” error in Excel VBA.
Table of contents
- Excel VBA Subscript Out of Range
- What is Subscript out of Range Error in Excel VBA?
- Why Subscript Out of Range Error Occurs?
- VBA Subscript Error in Arrays
- How to Show Errors at the End of the VBA Code?
- Recommended Articles
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Source: VBA Subscript Out of Range (wallstreetmojo.com)
What is Subscript out of Range Error in Excel VBA?
For example, if you are referring to the sheet, not the workbook, then we get Run-time error ‘9’: “Subscript out of range.”
If you click on the “End” button, it will end the sub procedure. If you click on “Debug,” it will take you to the line of code where it encountered an error, and help will take you to the Microsoft website page.
Why Does Subscript Out of Range Error Occur?
As we said, as a doctor, it is important to find the deceased before thinking about the medicine. VBA “Subscript out of range” error occurs when the line of code does not read the object we entered.
For example, look at the below image. We have three sheets: Sheet1, Sheet2, and Sheet3.
Now in the code, we have written the code to select the sheet “Sales.”
Sub Macro2() Sheets("Sales").Select End Sub
If we run this code using the F5 key or manually, we will get the Run-time error ‘9’: “Subscript out of range.”
It is because we tried accessing the worksheet object “Sales,” which does not exist in the workbook. It is a run time error because it occurred while running the code.
Another common subscript error is when we refer to the workbook, which is not there. For example, look at the below code.
Sub Macro1() Dim Wb As Workbook Set Wb = Workbooks("Salary Sheet.xlsx") End Sub
The above code says variable WB should be equal to the workbook “Salary Sheet.xlsx.” As of now, this workbook is not open on the computer. If we run this code manually or through the F5 key, we will get Run time error 9: “Subscript out of Range.“
It is due to the workbook we are referring to which is either not open or does not exist at all.
VBA Subscript Error in Arrays
When you declare the array as the dynamic array, and if you don’t use the word DIM or REDIM in VBAThe VBA Redim statement increases or decreases the storage space available to a variable or an array. If Preserve is used with this statement, a new array with a different size is created; otherwise, the current variable’s array size is changed.read more to define the length of an array, we usually get the VBA “Subscript out of range” error. For example, look at the below code.
Sub Macro3() Dim MyArray() As Long MyArray(1) = 25 End Sub
In the above, we have declared the variable as an array but have not assigned a start and ending point. Rather, we have assigned the first array the value of 25.
If we run this code using the F5 key or manually, we will get Run time error ‘9’: “Subscript out of Range.”
To fix this issue, we need to assign the length of an array by using the “ReDim” word.
Sub Macro3() Dim MyArray() As Long ReDim MyArray(1 To 5) MyArray(1) = 25 End Sub
This code does not give any errors.
How to Show Errors at the End of the VBA Code?
If you do not want to see the error while the code is up and running but needs an error list at the end, then you need to use the “On Error Resume” error handler. For example, look at the below code.
Sub Macro1() Dim Wb As Workbook On Error Resume Next Set Wb = Workbooks("Salary Sheet.xlsx") MsgBox Err.Description End Sub
As we have seen, this code will throw Run time error 9: “Subscript out of range” in Excel VBA. But we must use the error handler On Error Resume Next in VBAVBA On Error Resume Statement is an error-handling aspect used for ignoring the code line because of which the error occurred and continuing with the next line right after the code line with the error.read more while running the code. So, we will not get any error messages. Rather, the end message box shows me the error description like this.
You can download the Excel VBA Subscript Out of Range Template here:- VBA Subscript Out of Range Template
Recommended Articles
This article has been a guide to VBA Subscript Out of Range. Here, we learned the Error called “Subscript out of range” (Run-time error’9′) in Excel VBA, along with practical examples and a downloadable template. Below you can find some useful Excel VBA articles: –
- Declare Global Variables in VBA
- VBA AutoFill
- Clear Contents in VBA
- Excel VBA UCase Function
Подстрочный индекс Excel VBA вне допустимого диапазона
Индекс вне диапазона — это ошибка, с которой мы сталкиваемся в VBA, когда пытаемся сослаться на что-то или на переменную, которая не существует в коде, например, предположим, что у нас нет переменной с именем x, но мы используем функцию msgbox для x, которую мы столкнется с ошибкой нижнего индекса вне диапазона.
Ошибка VBA Subscript out of range возникает из-за того, что объект, к которому мы пытаемся получить доступ, не существует. Это тип ошибки в Кодирование VBAКод VBA относится к набору инструкций, написанных пользователем на языке программирования приложений Visual Basic в редакторе Visual Basic (VBE) для выполнения определенной задачи.читать далее, и это «Ошибка времени выполнения 9». Важно понимать принципы написания эффективного кода, и еще более важно понимать ошибка вашего кода VBAОбработка ошибок VBA относится к устранению различных ошибок, возникающих при работе с VBA. читать далее для эффективной отладки кода.
Если ваша ошибка кодирования, и вы не знаете, что это за ошибка, когда вы ушли.
Врач не может дать лекарство своему пациенту, не зная, что это за болезнь. Конечно, и врачи, и пациенты знают, что есть болезнь (ошибка), но важнее понять болезнь (ошибку), чем давать от нее лекарство. Если вы можете прекрасно понять ошибку, то найти решение будет намного проще.
На аналогичном примечании в этой статье мы увидим одну из важных ошибок, с которыми мы обычно сталкиваемся регулярно, то есть ошибку «Нижний индекс вне диапазона» в Excel VBA.
Вы можете использовать это изображение на своем веб-сайте, в шаблонах и т. д. Пожалуйста, предоставьте нам ссылку на авторствоСсылка на статью должна быть гиперссылкой
Источник: Нижний индекс VBA вне допустимого диапазона (wallstreetmojo.com)
Что такое ошибка нижнего индекса вне диапазона в Excel VBA?
Например, если вы обращаетесь к листу, которого нет в рабочей тетради, то мы получаем Ошибка времени выполнения 9: «Нижний индекс вне диапазона».
Если вы нажмете кнопку «Конец», подпроцедура завершится, если вы нажмете «Отладка», вы перейдете к строке кода, где произошла ошибка, а справка приведет вас на страницу веб-сайта Microsoft.
Почему возникает ошибка Subscript Out of Range?
Как я сказал как врач важно найти покойника, прежде чем думать о лекарстве. Ошибка VBA Subscript out of range возникает, когда строка кода не читает введенный нами объект.
Например, посмотрите на изображение ниже. У меня есть три листа с именами Лист1, Лист2, Лист3.
Теперь в коде я написал код для выбора листа «Продажи».
Sub Macro2() Sheets("Sales").Select End Sub
Если я запущу этот код с помощью клавиши F5 или вручную, я получу Ошибка времени выполнения 9: «Нижний индекс вне диапазона».
Это потому, что я пытался получить доступ к объекту рабочего листа «Продажи», который не существует в рабочей книге. Это ошибка времени выполнения, поскольку эта ошибка возникла при выполнении кода.
Другая распространенная ошибка нижнего индекса, которую мы получаем, — это когда мы ссылаемся на книгу, которой там нет. Например, посмотрите на приведенный ниже код.
Sub Macro1() Dim Wb As Workbook Set Wb = Workbooks("Salary Sheet.xlsx") End Sub
Приведенный выше код говорит, что переменная WB должна быть равна рабочей книге «Salary Sheet.xlsx». На данный момент эта книга не открывается на моем компьютере. Если я запущу этот код вручную или через клавишу F5, я получу Ошибка времени выполнения 9: «Нижний индекс вне диапазона».
Это связано с книгой, о которой я говорю, которая либо не открыта, либо вообще не существует.
Ошибка индекса VBA в массивах
Когда вы объявляете массив как динамический массив и не используете слово DIM или РЕДИМ в VBAОператор VBA Redim увеличивает или уменьшает объем памяти, доступный для переменной или массива. Если с этим оператором используется Preserve, создается новый массив другого размера; в противном случае изменяется размер массива текущей переменной.читать далее чтобы определить длину массива, мы обычно получаем ошибку VBA Subscript out of range. Например, посмотрите на приведенный ниже код.
Sub Macro3() Dim MyArray() As Long MyArray(1) = 25 End Sub
В приведенном выше примере я объявил переменную как массив, но не назначил начальную и конечную точки; скорее, я сразу присвоил первому массиву значение 25.
Если я запущу этот код с помощью клавиши F5 или вручную, мы получим Ошибка времени выполнения 9: «Нижний индекс вне диапазона».
Чтобы решить эту проблему, мне нужно присвоить длину массива с помощью слова Redim.
Sub Macro3() Dim MyArray() As Long ReDim MyArray(1 To 5) MyArray(1) = 25 End Sub
Этот код не выдает никаких ошибок.
Как показать ошибки в конце кода VBA?
Если вы не хотите видеть ошибку, пока код запущен и работает, но вам нужен список ошибок в конце, вам нужно использовать обработчик ошибок «On Error Resume». Посмотрите на приведенный ниже код.
Sub Macro1() Dim Wb As Workbook On Error Resume Next Set Wb = Workbooks("Salary Sheet.xlsx") MsgBox Err.Description End Sub
Как мы видели, этот код выдает Ошибка времени выполнения 9: «Нижний индекс вне диапазона в экселе VBA. Но я должен использовать обработчик ошибок При ошибке продолжить дальше в VBAОператор VBA On Error Resume — это аспект обработки ошибок, используемый для игнорирования строки кода, из-за которой возникла ошибка, и продолжения со следующей строки сразу после строки кода с ошибкой.читать далее во время выполнения кода. Никаких сообщений об ошибках мы не получим. Скорее в конце окна сообщения отображается описание ошибки, подобное этому.
Вы можете скачать шаблон подписки Excel VBA вне диапазона здесь: — Подстрочный индекс VBA вне шаблона диапазона
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Excel VBA Subscript out of Range
VBA Subscript out of Range or majorly knows as Run-Time Error 9 happens when we select such cell or sheet or workbook which actually does not come under range or criteria defined in Excel. It is like we have selected the range of 100 cells or a column and we have called out the values stored in 120 cells of the same column. Which means that we are going out of range to select and call out the values which are not in our defined criteria. When this kind of situation happens, we get a “Run-Time Error 9” message while compiling or running the code. VBA Subscript out of Range error message guides us to rectify the error which is related to the range we have selected in Excel.
Example of Excel VBA Subscript out of Range
Below are the different examples of VBA Subscript out of Range in Excel.
You can download this VBA Subscript out of Range Excel Template here – VBA Subscript out of Range Excel Template
VBA Subscript out of Range – Example #1
We will first consider a simple example. For this, we need to go to VBA windows and add a new module by going in Insert menu option as shown below.
We will get a white blank window of Module. This is where we need to do coding work.
Now write Subcategory of performed function, for best practice keep the name of a function in Subcategory, as we did here for VBA Subscript out of Range.
Sub Subscript_OutOfRange1() End Sub
Here in excel, we have only one sheet named as “Sheet1” as shown below.
But we will write a code to select a sheet which is not even added and see what happens.
Now go to VBA window and write Sheets(2) followed by Select function as shown below. Which means, we are selecting Sheet sequence of 2nd position with Select function.
Sub Subscript_OutOfRange1() Sheets(2).Select End Sub
Now compile the complete code or do it step by step to know which part of the code is an error. As we have only one line of code, we can directly run the code by clicking on the play button below the menu bar. We will get an error Message saying “Run-Time error 9, Subscript out of range” in the VBA as shown below.
This shows that we are trying to select that sheet which doesn’t exist. If we add a new sheet or change the sheet sequence in code from 2nd to 1st then we may get a successful code run. Let’s add another sheet and see what happens.
Now again run the code. And as we did not see any error, which means our code completes the successful run.
VBA Subscript out of Range – Example #2
In another example, we will see again a simple code of activating a Worksheet. For this again we will write the code. Start writing the Subcategory in the name of a performed function or in any other name as shown below.
Sub Subscript_OutOfRange2() End Sub
Now with the help of Worksheet, we will activate Sheet1 as shown below.
Sub Subscript_OutOfRange2() Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate End Sub
Now compile the complete code and run. We will notice there is no error message been popped-up which means code run is successful. Now let’s put the space in between “Sheet 1”
Again compile and run the code.
As we can see above, even if our complete process and way of writing the code are correct but we have taken in correct sheet name as “Sheet 1”. Which in reality has no space between “Sheet1”.
This shows, there are the still chances of getting an error if do not spell or write correct sheet name or workbook name.
VBA Subscript out of Range – Example #3
In this example, we will see how choosing incorrect Array range may create and show Run-time error 9. Start writing Subcategory again in the name of the performed function as shown below.
Sub Subscript_OutOfRange3() End Sub
Now with the help of DIM define an Array of any size and gives it to String or Integers. Which depends, what we want to store in Array, numbers or text.
Here we have considered an array of 2×3 as String as shown below.
Sub Subscript_OutOfRange3() Dim SubArray(2, 3) As String End Sub
By this, it will form a table for 2 rows and 3 columns and we can store any values as per our need. As we have selected String then we will consider text or alphabets in it.
Now in the second line of code, select the created array but with an extra or more column and assign a text as ABC or any other text as per your choice. Here, we have selected an Array of 2×5 as shown below.
Sub Subscript_OutOfRange3() Dim SubArray(2, 3) As String SubArray(2, 5) = ABC End Sub
Now compile and run the code. As we can see in below screenshot, we got a VBA Subscript out of Range error message of Run-time error 9.
Reason for getting this error is because we have selected an incorrect Array range within 2 extra columns from 2×3 to 2×5, which is beyond the limit of code. Now if we again select the correct range of array as 2×3 and see what happens.
After compiling and running the code. We will see we did not receive any error which means our code run was successful.
Pros of Excel VBA Subscript out of Range
- VBA Subscript out of Range allows us to know what kind of error has happened. So that we can specifically find the solution of the obtained error code.
- As VBA subscript out of range ‘Run-time error 9’ is quite useful in knowing what kind of error has occurred in excel.
Things to Remember
- It is recommended to use Subcategory in the name of the performed function with a sequence of code so that it would be easy to track it properly.
- Save the file as Macro-Enabled Workbook to avoid losing written code.
- If you have huge lines of code then it is better to compile each line of code one by one by pressing F8 key. This method compiles each step of code so that we can directly know which portion of code actually has the error in the first go.
Recommended Articles
This has been a guide to Excel VBA Subscript out of Range. Here we discussed why VBA Subscript out of Range error occurs (Run-time Error 9) along with some practical examples and downloadable excel template. You can also go through our other suggested articles –
- VBA IsError
- VBA Get Cell Value
- VBA On Error
When running a VBA procedure, you might receive this error message
“Run-time error ‘9’, Subscript out of range”. In this article, we will talk about the possible reasons for the occurrence of this error and the ways to fix it.
According to our recent review, there are four categories that can trigger this error:
- Referring to a nonexistent element
- Wrong collection member
- Unidentified element
- Shorthand script
We are going to take a look at each of these categories and show you how to generate this error and share the best way to fix it.
Referring to a nonexistent element
In some cases, you might have referenced an element (a workbook, worksheet, array, etc.) in the code that doesn’t exist. It is also possible that the subscript is either smaller or larger than the range of possible subscripts.
You referred to a nonexistent Worksheet
To generate this error, open the VBA editor and write the following code to select the sheet “customers” in Module1.
Sub Test1() Sheets("customers").Select End Sub
If you run the code, you will have the error message.
The reason for this error is the fact that there is no sheet named “customers” in the workbook. Our workbook has three sheets named respectively Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3.
To fix the error, create a worksheet named “customers” or rename any of the three existing sheets and run the macro again.
You referred to a Workbook that is not opened on your computer
If you run the code below, you will have the error code because you will be referring to a workbook that is not opened on your computer.
Sub Macro3( B ) Dim Wbk As Workbook Set Wbk = Workbooks("Employees.xls") End Sub
Wrong collection member
The subscript may be larger or smaller than the range of possible subscripts.
To generate this error, run the following code:
Sub Macro( ) Dim PriceArray(5 To 10 ) As Integer PriceArray(3) = 20 End Sub
Sub Macro( ) Dim PriceArray(5 To 10 ) As Integer PriceArray(15) = 20 End Sub
The error will be triggered after running any of the two macros above because the PriceArray has been dimensioned from 5 to 10. But the code is referring to a subscript of index 3 (lower than 5) and 15 for the second macro (larger than 10). Elements of arrays and members of collections can only be accessed within their defined ranges.
That is why it is important to check the declaration of the array to verify it’s upper and lower bounds. It is also advisable to use the UBound and LBound functions to condition array accesses if you are working with arrays that are redimensioned.
Unidentified element
You declared an array but didn’t specify the number of elements
The following code will generate the error:
Sub Macro2( ) Dim PriceArray( ) As Integer PriceArray(5) = 20 End Sub
The error occurs because when declaring the array named PriceArray, the number of elements was not specified. In fact, Visual Basic does not implicitly dimension unspecified array range as 0 to 10.
To avoid the error, you must explicitly specify the number of elements in the array as in the code below:
Sub Macro3( ) Dim PriceArray(0 To 10 ) As Integer PriceArray(5) = 20
Shorthand script
You might have used a shorthand form of the subscript and it specifies an invalid element. Therefore, it is recommended that you use a valid key name and index for the collection.
For example [A10] is the shorthand for ActiveSheet.Range(A10). This means that instead of writing ActiveSheet.Range(A10).Select you can just write [A1].Select
If you don’t have a good knowledge of shorthand scripting, avoid using it because it can generate many errors, not just the “Subscript is out of range” error.
The aim of this article was to explain the possible reasons (the list is not exhaustive) for the occurrence of the “Subscript is out of range” error. Through a step by step tutorial, you have been able to fix the error. We hope it has been useful.
tgg Пользователь Сообщений: 12 |
Добрый вечер знатоки. Простой макрос стал прерываться ошибка runtime error 9 subscript out of range, долго искал причину.. а оказалось дело в следующем. При открытии другой Книги, или работая в другой книге в момент когда запускаются макросы (2 шт.каждые 60сек) в Книге1 и вылетает error Изменено: tgg — 16.03.2018 10:48:28 |
А где собственно вопрос? С уважением, |
tgg Пользователь Сообщений: 12 |
#3 27.03.2015 20:31:46 На строке With Worksheets(«Лист1») всё и происходит!
Изменено: tgg — 31.03.2015 22:50:24 |
Казанский Пользователь Сообщений: 8839 |
#4 27.03.2015 20:46:12 Начало второй процедуры:
Аналогично переделайте все квадратные скобки. |
tgg Пользователь Сообщений: 12 |
Вот в чём вопрос?? Изменено: tgg — 31.03.2015 22:50:35 |
1. Worksheets(«Лист1») — без указания принадлежности к книге, относится к активной в момент запуска макроса книге. Видимо, в ней нет листа Лист1. |
tgg Пользователь Сообщений: 12 |
Еще раз огромное спасибо!! |
Юрий М Модератор Сообщений: 60390 Контакты см. в профиле |
tgg, два момента: |
tgg Пользователь Сообщений: 12 |
#9 19.06.2015 22:03:22 Доброго времени суток! Не прошло и полгода …. Я к Вам с поклоном и вопросом. http://www.planetaexcel.ru/forum/?FID=8&PAGE_NAME=read&TID=30902 ), с той лишь разностью, что работает с диапазоном — If Not Intersect(ActiveCell, Range(«E18:E27»)) Is Nothing Then. Вот собственно сам макрос:
Но старая песня, опять при открытии другой книги excel этот макрос зачем-то срабатывает и встаёт на 2 строке. |
Johny Пользователь Сообщений: 2737 |
Когда открывается книга, то она становится активной, и поэтому Ваш диапазон Range(«E18:E27») относится уже к ОТКРЫТОЙ книге. There is no knowledge that is not power |
tgg Пользователь Сообщений: 12 |
Пробовались разные варианты, это первый вариант макроса, с указанием листа и принадлежности к книге. Но результат всегда был один и тот же. |
Johny Пользователь Сообщений: 2737 |
#12 19.06.2015 22:20:38
Ну так покажите эти «разные» варианты. There is no knowledge that is not power |
tgg Пользователь Сообщений: 12 |
Так они ведь не работают как надо! |
Rjn Пользователь Сообщений: 6 |
#14 16.03.2018 09:08:30 Добрый день!
Rjn Пользователь Сообщений: 6 |
В чем ошибка??? |
Hugo Пользователь Сообщений: 23137 |
Ведь естественно — если файл закрыт, то при попытке его сохранения должна быть ошибка. |
Sanja Пользователь Сообщений: 14837 |
#17 16.03.2018 09:19:33
Вы же выше сами написали, что
Макрос написан именно так, что файл должен быть предварительно открыт Согласие есть продукт при полном непротивлении сторон. |
Rjn Пользователь Сообщений: 6 |
А где и как исправить макрос, что бы он работал при закрытом файле? |
vikttur Пользователь Сообщений: 47199 |
1. Код в сообщении следует оформлять кнопкой <…> |
vsahno Пользователь Сообщений: 42 |
#20 21.02.2019 19:08:28
У меня не были прописаны ПОЛНЫЕ ИМЕНА ФАЙЛОВ! — только название, без расширения: |
What is Subscript out of Range?
The VBA Subscript out of Range error (which is also called as Run-Time
Error 9) mostly triggers when the user selects any cell, sheet, or workbook
which does not exist does or it exceeds the range or criteria defined by the
user in VBA Excel. The index for the window should be the same as the name of
the workbook displayed in the title bar of Excel.
For example, you have selected a range of 50 cells of a
column in your Excel sheet and have stored the values till 90 cells. In this
case, as the values are out of range, VBA will throw a VBA subscript out of
range or “Run-Time Error 9” while running the code.
Reasons for
its occurrence
Most of the time the Subscript out of Range error triggers
because of the following reasons:
- Invalid Collection: It occurs when the
user attempts to refer an Index for an invalid collection. - Undefined Object: The object if not read
by the line of code that we entered in our VBA code. - Array out of Bound: The referenced array
element does not exist or the referred subscript is larger or smaller than the
specified range of possible subscripts, or the dimensions of the array are not assigned
property. - Undefined Array Elements: The user has
not specified the number of elements for the declared array. For example, refer
the below code which will generate Subscript out of range error:
Dim ArrayError() As Integer
MyArry(18) = 2134 ‘ This will generate Error 9.
- Shorthand Script: If the user implicitly
specifies an invalid element, unlike the shorthand form of the subscript. For
example, when the ‘!’ operator is used with a collection, the ‘!’
operator implicitly specifies a key.
Advantages of Subscript out of Range
- VBA Subscript out of Range or “Run-Time Error 9”
alerts the user about the positioning of the mistake where it occurred in the
VBA code. - It helps the user to specify the kind of error
so as they can check it and debug it find the solution of the obtained error
out of Range Example 1
Sub SubscriptOutOfRange_Example1() 'using the Sheet object refer to your sheet name 'with select method will sselect the mentioned sheet. Sheets ("SheetN") End Sub
Let’s us analyze step-step the above VBA code:
Step 1: Open the developer window by using the
shortcut keywords Alt +F11.
Step 2: Create a module by right-clicking on the VBA
Project-> Click on Insert-> Click on Module.
Step 3: In the Module window, introduce the
sub-block, followed by your macro name.
Step 4: With the help of your Sheets object, specify
your sheet name. Here we have mentioned “SheetN” which is not present in Excel.
Sheet 5: We will use the Select method we will select
the specified sheet.
Step 6: Execute the above code either by pressing the
F5 shortcut key or by clicking on the Run button.
Step 7: You will notice that the Excel VBA will throw
a runtime error dialogue box stating: run-time error ‘9’: Subscript out of
The reason for the above error is because in the above
example we tried to access the sheet object “SheetN” which do not exist in
Excel workbook. The VBA macro code will throw a run-time error because this
error occurred while running the code.
Step 8: In the Microsoft Visual Basic dialogue box,
click on the Debug option.
Step 9: The VBA will highlight the code consisting of
the mismatch error.
Step 10: Resolve the error (type a valid sheet name,
unlike Sheet1) and again run the program.
Step 11: The program will run successfully.
out of Range Example 2 (with Arrays)
When you declare a dynamic array, we use a Dim or REDIM
keyword to define the length. What if you don’t mention the keyword Dim or
REDIM to set the length of an array. In this case, the VBA macro code will
throw the Subscript out of Range error.
Sub SubscriptOutOfRange_Example2() 'declaring the array object Dim MyArry() As Integer MyArry(1) = 25 End Sub
Let’s us analyze step-step the above VBA code:
Step 1: Open the developer window by using the
shortcut keywords Alt +F11.
Step 2: Create a module by right-clicking on the VBA
Project-> Click on Insert-> Click on Module.
Step 3: In the Module window, introduce the
sub-block, followed by your macro name.
Step 4: Declare your array object. In the below example, we have not declared the
upper and lower bound array points.
Step 5: Assigning a value to the array variable.
Step 6: Execute the above code either by pressing the
F5 shortcut key or by clicking on the Run button.
Step 7: You will notice that the Excel VBA will throw
a runtime error dialogue box stating: run-time error ‘9’: Subscript out of
The reason for this
error is because, in the above example, we have declared the variable as an
array, but we have not assigned the upper and lower bound for the array object
and have directly assigned the array value.
So, to prevent the Subscript out of Range error with Array’s
always cross-check the spelling of the make sure to verify the starting and
ending points (or upper bound or lower bound) after declaring an array and
cross check the spelling for the index variable. Or if you are working with dynamic arrays and
have been using ReDim(redimensioned) function, make sure to use the LBound
(), and UBound () functions to condition accesses.
Step 8: In the Microsoft Visual Basic dialogue box,
click on the Debug option.
Step 9: The VBA will highlight the code consisting of
the mismatch error. Here you will notice, it has highlighted the array object.
It means you have some issues with its declaration. So, we need to fix and
declare the array object properly.
Step 10: After correcting it, run the program again.
Sub SubscriptOutOfRange_Example2() 'declaring the array object Dim MyArry(3) As Integer MyArry(1) = 25 'displaying the MyArray object MsgBox (MyArry(1)) End Sub
Code 11: It will successfully run the VBA code, and
will give the following result.