Success message checksum content error contact your application administrator перевести

Success message checksum content error contact your application administrator After I successfully installed Application Express (latest version in this moment), I decided to test Apex Listener. So I installed (latest version in this moment) Apex Listener 2.0.0 354.17.05, which seems to be stable enough. First tried standalone version but very soon found out […]


  1. Success message checksum content error contact your application administrator
  2. The problem
  3. The solution
  4. The End
  5. Notification message checksum content error — Contact your application administrator.
  6. Errorprint success message checksum content error:
  8. Errornotification message checksum content error
  9. Best Answer
  10. Answers

Success message checksum content error contact your application administrator

After I successfully installed Application Express (latest version in this moment), I decided to test Apex Listener. So I installed (latest version in this moment) Apex Listener 2.0.0 354.17.05, which seems to be stable enough.

First tried standalone version but very soon found out that this is not a good way to run this product even in demo environment.

So I decided to install Tomcat 7.0 as free solution and implement Apex Listener as classic application. Regardless this combination is officially not supported by Oracle, after some small configuration problems (mainly with SQL Developer as configuration platform), my Apex was running fast as hell . and I was very glad to know that this combination really rocks. And the best of all free!

This looked very, very promising. I was courios what other problems I might run into . but for some time there were none.

The problem

But while I was developing one app, I run in the problem which I firstly thought it is pure Apex problem. Notification message on protected page was making fatal Apex error. This is the error content from WEB developed session:
Very soon I discovered that this error was triggering only when in it’s content was Croatian (or any other) national characters (like €, Ł etc). Here are the step to reproduce the problem.

  1. Create a authentication page with «Page Access Protection» defined as «Arguments must have checksum»
  2. Create a page process (On Submit After Computation and Validation).
  3. In that process use Apex application variable ( G_APP_MESSAGE , in mine case) as a holder for success message. Code is exactly like
  4. After submitting page, everything went fine . and success message is shown as expected.

If You change step 3) so G_APP_MESSAGE is defined as :
Just to accent that I changed uspjesno->uspješno (s->š), and submit a page again, I get an error described previously.

I tried change G_APP_MESSAGE in a way:
I get success message as:
but without error.
When I return back mine š sign to s (now message again has only USA characters), remove «utl_url.escape», page is submitted normally and success message is ok (but again without national signs).

The solution

The End

Even this is not a rocket science, it may shorten finding the solution to someone else.


Notification message checksum content error — Contact your application administrator.

I am in . Trying to create a custom authentication .

When I login with correct password, it works fine. However If I enter a wrong password, instead of going to the login page and display the failure message, it shows some checksum error.

I checked various postings on web, and tried different setups. No success

Can anyone please help.

This is not locally installed, This is on trial workspace version 5.0

Here is the detail

  • is_internal_error: true
  • component.type: APEX_APPLICATION_PAGES
  • 70731000000101
  • error_backtrace: —— PL/SQL Call Stack —— object line object handle number name 0x49785b860 641 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW_ERROR 0x49785b860 709 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW_ERROR 0x49785b860 1013 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW_ERROR 0x49aed7ea0 1082 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW_SECURITY 0x49aed7ea0 1099 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW_SECURITY 0x497ab6138 4273 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW 0x4977e7308 173 procedure APEX_050000.F 0x325c2e5f8 2 anonymous block

The custom authentication has only two functions

create or replace FUNCTION obfuscate(text_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN RAW IS

—dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5(input => utl_raw.cast_to_raw(text_in), checksum => l_returnvalue);

l_returnvalue := dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5(input => utl_raw.cast_to_raw(text_in));

create or replace FUNCTION authenticate(p_username IN VARCHAR2


l_username VARCHAR2(100) := p_username;

l_password VARCHAR2(100) := p_password;

l_obfuscated_password := obfuscate(text_in => l_password);

FROM socmis_users a

AND upper(a.user_name) = upper(l_username)

AND a.password = l_obfuscated_password;

OR too_many_rows THEN


IF l_value = 1 THEN

Following is the URL I get when the error comes. The error comes only when I enter wrong password

I noticed that This is happening with one particular application only , and the error is coming even with Oracle_application_express Accounts standard authentication . Not just custom

Only happen, when a wrong password is entered.


Errorprint success message checksum content error:

I have apex data enrty form and I am get this error message after SUBMIT but data get insterted in to the table.

Could anyone please tell what cause this error.

Contact your application administrator.
Error print success message checksum content error: :

Did this begin happening after you made a change? What is your version? What happens after the DML process, what kind of branch? What is in the process success message (exactly)? Can you reproduce it on

this is just simple form build based on one table with many item. not much validation.

error does not occurs frequently. i am having problem to debug this..

it has one branch. After hit thr submit button it throws the error but the data was inserted in the table.

if i don’t get any error i get the custome sucess message which we put in.

here is the url..

any help is appericated

There appears to be something in your network environment that causes requests from the same browser to appear to the application as coming from different IP addresses. Maybe there is some kind of load-balancing component. When this happens, Application Express assumes you are a different client trying to use a session already in use by another, so it gives you a new session ID. This causes the checksum verification to fail on the process success message because the checksum uses the original session ID as a salt.

We’ll try to provide a fix for this in the 3.0.1 patch that we’re putting together now.

Thanks for reporting it and giving the working example.

Thanks for your reply . i didn’t see this for a long time. Are you in the developing team of APEX.

When will APEX 3.0.1 will release? Is there any quick fix for this??

we need to put the application in prodcution soon.

Here is our hardware config.

we are using Netscalar hardware swicth., Application server,database server..

Connection flow is .

browser-> Netscalar swicth—> Application server (DAD)—> database server

please give some info on this.

Are you in the developing team of APEX.

When will APEX 3.0.1 will release?

We hope by the end of June but this is not an official commitment.

Is there any quick fix for this??

The only thing I can think of is to create a new DAD and always use that DAD for your application, i.e., public users of the application would use URLs containing the new DAD. In this DAD definition, the connecting user would be a new user that you create, say, APEX_PUBLIC_USER2. Create this database user and grant it «create session» privilege and nothing else.

we need to put the application in prodcution soon.


Errornotification message checksum content error

The problem is — if a wrong user name or password is supplied, apex throws a strange error —

Contact your application administrator.
Error notification message checksum content error: C53F0B90C7CA15BF701E5AC623A579BE

But URL has notification error message — https://host/apex/f?p=800:101:914565140300946:&notification_msg=Invalid%20Login%20Credentials/858CAE75D64C062356B42548E99769A2/

When I login without SSL everything work OK.

My architecture is:
CentOS (5.6) -> Oracle 11g SEO -> OC4J -> APEX Listener -> Apache Revers Proxy (with SSL)

Can you please help me in fixing this error?

Best Answer

But I found one thing in your ssl.conf I’d take a closer look on: As far as I know, Rewrite will encode all non-ANSI characters as %xx hex codes in output if you don’t disable it: So in case you already get them encoded, this will cause the double encoding you see.
You should check if all requests come in that way. Otherwise you should leave the inital rule unchanged and add a Rule (before that one) which just matches success messages and leaves all other requests untouched.

If that’s not the solution, I have one other guess: mod_headers is (of course) loaded before, so the headers are modified by that handler. Though I’d usually not expect some effect like what you see in this module, possibly the url is (re)encoded here as well. You could try to check that by either commenting out that section or the line where mod_headers is loaded.


which locales do proxy and OC4J use? And do you use APEX in a translated version or in English? Any special characters have to be treated correctly by each component on the way. Since your proxy needs to rebuild the request in the SSL case, it could happen that the request to OC4J gets some unsupported encoding. Do you see similar errors in other situations, e.g. other notifications in APEX?
And just to make the picture complete, which APEX and APEX Listener versions do you use?

I use Apex English ver.
APEX Listener ver.

Incorrect login return Error notification message checksum content error
I notice, after correct login no Notification Messages (without error) only in URL I can read messages.

URL Messages are specific
. &success_msg=Region%2520Updated.%2520Report%2520attributes%2520
but I think it can be
. &success_msg=Region%20Updated.%20Report%20attributes%20
This is couse of checksum error in login error.

It look like reprocess URL %20 changed to %2520.

I don’t know How can I check Locale in Apache and OC4J, can you help ?

Obviously there happens some double URL encoding: *%25* is the code for a *%*

Do you have any additional URL encoding rule on the proxy?

First, you could display the current locale setting by executing and review additional settings with Especially for the OC4J, you can also check if some special JVM-arguments have been set by executing There is a bunch of other locations to configure NLS parameters.

A nice guide on this is included in the [url]OAS Globalization Guide, which covers both the OHS (pretty close to Apache HTTPD) and OC4J parts of that scenario.

[]# locale
every row exclude LC_ALL contain the same value = «pl_PL.UTF-8»
LC_ALL have not value:

[]# env | grep -E «LC|NLS»

[]# echo $OC4J_JVM_ARGS

# KeepAliveTimeout: Number of seconds to wait for the next request from the
# same client on the same connection.
KeepAliveTimeout 15

StartServers 8
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 20
ServerLimit 256
MaxClients 256
MaxRequestsPerChild 4000

StartServers 2
MaxClients 150
MinSpareThreads 25
MaxSpareThreads 75
ThreadsPerChild 25
MaxRequestsPerChild 0

LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/
LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/
LoadModule authn_file_module modules/
LoadModule authn_alias_module modules/
LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/
LoadModule authn_dbm_module modules/
LoadModule authn_default_module modules/
LoadModule authz_host_module modules/
LoadModule authz_user_module modules/
LoadModule authz_owner_module modules/
LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/
LoadModule authz_dbm_module modules/
LoadModule authz_default_module modules/
LoadModule ldap_module modules/
LoadModule authnz_ldap_module modules/
LoadModule include_module modules/
LoadModule log_config_module modules/
LoadModule logio_module modules/
LoadModule env_module modules/
LoadModule ext_filter_module modules/
LoadModule mime_magic_module modules/
LoadModule expires_module modules/
LoadModule deflate_module modules/
LoadModule headers_module modules/
LoadModule usertrack_module modules/
LoadModule setenvif_module modules/
LoadModule mime_module modules/
LoadModule dav_module modules/
LoadModule status_module modules/
LoadModule autoindex_module modules/
LoadModule info_module modules/
LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/
LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/
LoadModule negotiation_module modules/
LoadModule dir_module modules/
LoadModule actions_module modules/
LoadModule speling_module modules/
LoadModule userdir_module modules/
LoadModule alias_module modules/
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
LoadModule cache_module modules/
LoadModule suexec_module modules/
LoadModule disk_cache_module modules/
LoadModule file_cache_module modules/
LoadModule mem_cache_module modules/
LoadModule cgi_module modules/
LoadModule version_module modules/

# Load config files from the config directory «/etc/httpd/conf.d».
Include conf.d/*.conf

User apache
Group apache

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

# Possible values for the Options directive are «None», «All»,
# or any combination of:
# Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews
# Note that «MultiViews» must be named explicitly — «Options All»
# doesn’t give it to you.
# The Options directive is both complicated and important. Please see
# for more information.
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

# AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be «All», «None», or any combination of the keywords:
# Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
AllowOverride None

# Controls who can get stuff from this server.
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

# UserDir is disabled by default since it can confirm the presence
# of a username on the system (depending on home directory
# permissions).
UserDir disable

# To enable requests to /

user/ to serve the user’s public_html
# directory, remove the «UserDir disable» line above, and uncomment
# the following line instead:
#UserDir public_html

DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var

# AccessFileName: The name of the file to look for in each directory
# for additional configuration directives. See also the AllowOverride
# directive.
AccessFileName .htaccess

# The following lines prevent .htaccess and .htpasswd files from being
# viewed by Web clients.

Order allow,deny
Deny from all

# TypesConfig describes where the mime.types file (or equivalent) is
# to be found.
TypesConfig /etc/mime.types

# MIMEMagicFile /usr/share/magic.mime
MIMEMagicFile conf/magic

# LogLevel: Control the number of messages logged to the error_log.
# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn

# The following directives define some format nicknames for use with
# a CustomLog directive (see below).
LogFormat «%h %l %u %t »%r» %>s %b »%i» »%i»» combined
LogFormat «%h %l %u %t »%r» %>s %b» common
LogFormat «%i -> %U» referer
LogFormat «%i» agent

# «combinedio» includes actual counts of actual bytes received (%I) and sent (%O); this
# requires the mod_logio module to be loaded.
#LogFormat «%h %l %u %t »%r» %>s %b »%i» »%i» %I %O» combinedio

# The location and format of the access logfile (Common Logfile Format).
# If you do not define any access logfiles within a
# container, they will be logged here. Contrariwise, if you do
# define per- access logfiles, transactions will be
# logged therein and not in this file.
#CustomLog logs/access_log common

# If you would like to have separate agent and referer logfiles, uncomment
# the following directives.
#CustomLog logs/referer_log referer
#CustomLog logs/agent_log agent

# For a single logfile with access, agent, and referer information
# (Combined Logfile Format), use the following directive:
CustomLog logs/access_log combined

# Optionally add a line containing the server version and virtual host
# name to server-generated pages (internal error documents, FTP directory
# listings, mod_status and mod_info output etc., but not CGI generated
# documents or custom error documents).
# Set to «EMail» to also include a mailto: link to the ServerAdmin.
# Set to one of: On | Off | EMail
ServerSignature On

Alias /icons/ «/var/www/icons/»

Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

# WebDAV module configuration section.

# Location of the WebDAV lock database.
DAVLockDB /var/lib/dav/lockdb

# ScriptAlias: This controls which directories contain server scripts.
# ScriptAliases are essentially the same as Aliases, except that
# documents in the realname directory are treated as applications and
# run by the server when requested rather than as documents sent to the client.
# The same rules about trailing «/» apply to ScriptAlias directives as to
# Alias.
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ «/var/www/cgi-bin/»

# «/var/www/cgi-bin» should be changed to whatever your ScriptAliased
# CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.

AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

# Redirect allows you to tell clients about documents which used to exist in
# your server’s namespace, but do not anymore. This allows you to tell the
# clients where to look for the relocated document.
# Example:
# Redirect permanent /foo

# Directives controlling the display of server-generated directory listings.

# IndexOptions: Controls the appearance of server-generated directory
# listings.
IndexOptions FancyIndexing VersionSort NameWidth=* HTMLTable

# AddIcon* directives tell the server which icon to show for different
# files or filename extensions. These are only displayed for
# FancyIndexed directories.
AddIconByEncoding (CMP,/icons/compressed.gif) x-compress x-gzip

AddIconByType (TXT,/icons/text.gif) text/*
AddIconByType (IMG,/icons/image2.gif) image/*
AddIconByType (SND,/icons/sound2.gif) audio/*
AddIconByType (VID,/icons/movie.gif) video/*

AddIcon /icons/binary.gif .bin .exe
AddIcon /icons/binhex.gif .hqx
AddIcon /icons/tar.gif .tar
AddIcon /icons/world2.gif .wrl .wrl.gz .vrml .vrm .iv
AddIcon /icons/compressed.gif .Z .z .tgz .gz .zip
AddIcon /icons/a.gif .ps .ai .eps
AddIcon /icons/layout.gif .html .shtml .htm .pdf
AddIcon /icons/text.gif .txt
AddIcon /icons/c.gif .c
AddIcon /icons/p.gif .pl .py
AddIcon /icons/f.gif .for
AddIcon /icons/dvi.gif .dvi
AddIcon /icons/uuencoded.gif .uu
AddIcon /icons/script.gif .conf .sh .shar .csh .ksh .tcl
AddIcon /icons/tex.gif .tex
AddIcon /icons/bomb.gif core

AddIcon /icons/back.gif ..
AddIcon /icons/hand.right.gif README
AddIcon /icons/folder.gif ^^DIRECTORY^^
AddIcon /icons/blank.gif ^^BLANKICON^^

# DefaultIcon is which icon to show for files which do not have an icon
# explicitly set.
DefaultIcon /icons/unknown.gif

# AddDescription allows you to place a short description after a file in
# server-generated indexes. These are only displayed for FancyIndexed
# directories.
# Format: AddDescription «description» filename
#AddDescription «GZIP compressed document» .gz
#AddDescription «tar archive» .tar
#AddDescription «GZIP compressed tar archive» .tgz

# ReadmeName is the name of the README file the server will look for by
# default, and append to directory listings.
# HeaderName is the name of a file which should be prepended to
# directory indexes.
ReadmeName README.html
HeaderName HEADER.html

# IndexIgnore is a set of filenames which directory indexing should ignore
# and not include in the listing. Shell-style wildcarding is permitted.
IndexIgnore . * *


AddLanguage ca .ca
AddLanguage cs .cz .cs
AddLanguage da .dk
AddLanguage de .de
AddLanguage el .el
AddLanguage en .en
AddLanguage eo .eo
AddLanguage es .es
AddLanguage et .et
AddLanguage fr .fr
AddLanguage he .he
AddLanguage hr .hr
AddLanguage it .it
AddLanguage ja .ja
AddLanguage ko .ko
AddLanguage ltz .ltz
AddLanguage nl .nl
AddLanguage nn .nn
AddLanguage no .no
AddLanguage pl .po
AddLanguage pt .pt
AddLanguage pt-BR .pt-br
AddLanguage ru .ru
AddLanguage sv .sv
AddLanguage zh-CN .zh-cn
AddLanguage zh-TW .zh-tw

# LanguagePriority allows you to give precedence to some languages
# in case of a tie during content negotiation.
# Just list the languages in decreasing order of preference. We have
# more or less alphabetized them here. You probably want to change this.
LanguagePriority en ca cs da de el eo es et fr he hr it ja ko ltz nl nn no pl pt pt-BR ru sv zh-CN zh-TW

# ForceLanguagePriority allows you to serve a result page rather than
# MULTIPLE CHOICES (Prefer) [in case of a tie] or NOT ACCEPTABLE (Fallback)
# [in case no accepted languages matched the available variants]
ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback

# Specify a default charset for all content served; this enables
# interpretation of all content as UTF-8 by default. To use the
# default browser choice (ISO-8859-1), or to allow the META tags
# in HTML content to override this choice, comment out this
# directive:
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

# AddType allows you to add to or override the MIME configuration
# file mime.types for specific file types.
#AddType application/x-tar .tgz

# AddEncoding allows you to have certain browsers uncompress
# information on the fly. Note: Not all browsers support this.
# Despite the name similarity, the following Add* directives have nothing
# to do with the FancyIndexing customization directives above.
#AddEncoding x-compress .Z
#AddEncoding x-gzip .gz .tgz

# If the AddEncoding directives above are commented-out, then you
# probably should define those extensions to indicate media types:
AddType application/x-compress .Z
AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz

# AddHandler allows you to map certain file extensions to «handlers»:
# actions unrelated to filetype. These can be either built into the server
# or added with the Action directive (see below)
# To use CGI scripts outside of ScriptAliased directories:
# (You will also need to add «ExecCGI» to the «Options» directive.)
#AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

# For files that include their own HTTP headers:
#AddHandler send-as-is asis

# For type maps (negotiated resources):
# (This is enabled by default to allow the Apache «It Worked» page
# to be distributed in multiple languages.)
AddHandler type-map var

# Filters allow you to process content before it is sent to the client.
# To parse .shtml files for server-side includes (SSI):
# (You will also need to add «Includes» to the «Options» directive.)
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

# Action lets you define media types that will execute a script whenever
# a matching file is called. This eliminates the need for repeated URL
# pathnames for oft-used CGI file processors.
# Format: Action media/type /cgi-script/location
# Format: Action handler-name /cgi-script/location

# Customizable error responses come in three flavors:
# 1) plain text 2) local redirects 3) external redirects
# Some examples:
#ErrorDocument 500 «The server made a boo boo.»
#ErrorDocument 404 /missing.html
#ErrorDocument 404 «/cgi-bin/»
#ErrorDocument 402

# Putting this all together, we can internationalize error responses.
# We use Alias to redirect any /error/HTTP_ .html.var response to
# our collection of by-error message multi-language collections. We use
# includes to substitute the appropriate text.
# You can modify the messages’ appearance without changing any of the
# default HTTP_ .html.var files by adding the line:
# Alias /error/include/ «/your/include/path/»
# which allows you to create your own set of files by starting with the
# /var/www/error/include/ files and
# copying them to /your/include/path/, even on a per-VirtualHost basis.

Alias /error/ «/var/www/error/»

AllowOverride None
Options IncludesNoExec
AddOutputFilter Includes html
AddHandler type-map var
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
LanguagePriority en es de fr
ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback

# The following directives modify normal HTTP response behavior to
# handle known problems with browser implementations.
BrowserMatch «Mozilla/2» nokeepalive
BrowserMatch «MSIE 4.0b2;» nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch «RealPlayer 4.0» force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch «Java/1.0» force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch «JDK/1.0» force-response-1.0

# The following directive disables redirects on non-GET requests for
# a directory that does not include the trailing slash. This fixes a
# problem with Microsoft WebFolders which does not appropriately handle
# redirects for folders with DAV methods.
# Same deal with Apple’s DAV filesystem and Gnome VFS support for DAV.
BrowserMatch «Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider» redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch «MS FrontPage» redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch «^WebDrive» redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch «^WebDAVFS/1.[0123]» redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch «^gnome-vfs/1.0» redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch «^XML Spy» redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch «^Dreamweaver-WebDAV-SCM1» redirect-carefully

# P3P IE SSL Frame

Header set P3P «policyref=»/w3c/p3p.xml», CP=»NOI DSP COR NID CUR ADM DEV OUR BUS»»

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/$ https://%/apex/f?p=800$1 [R]

Alias /i/ /path/i/
# Directory dla plików APEX-owych

Options None
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

# Cachowanie plików

ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault «access plus 1 month»

### Typy plików, które powinny być kompresowane

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/x-component

# flash Chart #HOST#
ProxyPreserveHost On

ProxyPass /apex http://localhost:8888/apex
ProxyPassReverse /apex http://localhost:8888/apex

My ssl.conf file

LoadModule ssl_module modules/

# When we also provide SSL we have to listen to the
# the HTTPS port in addition.
Listen 443

AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt
AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl .crl

# Inter-Process Session Cache:
# Configure the SSL Session Cache: First the mechanism
# to use and second the expiring timeout (in seconds).
#SSLSessionCache dc:UNIX:/var/cache/mod_ssl/distcache
SSLSessionCache shmcb:/var/cache/mod_ssl/scache(512000)
SSLSessionCacheTimeout 300

# Semaphore:
# Configure the path to the mutual exclusion semaphore the
# SSL engine uses internally for inter-process synchronization.
SSLMutex default

SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom 256
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
#SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/random 512
#SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/random 512
#SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/urandom 512

SSLCryptoDevice builtin
#SSLCryptoDevice ubsec

## SSL Virtual Host Context

# Wirtual host

ServerAdmin [email protected]

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/$ https://%/apex/f?p=800$1 [R]

SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /path/server_key.txt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/private_key.txt
SSLCACertificateFile /path/ca_key.txt

But I found one thing in your ssl.conf I’d take a closer look on: As far as I know, Rewrite will encode all non-ANSI characters as %xx hex codes in output if you don’t disable it: So in case you already get them encoded, this will cause the double encoding you see.
You should check if all requests come in that way. Otherwise you should leave the inital rule unchanged and add a Rule (before that one) which just matches success messages and leaves all other requests untouched.

If that’s not the solution, I have one other guess: mod_headers is (of course) loaded before, so the headers are modified by that handler. Though I’d usually not expect some effect like what you see in this module, possibly the url is (re)encoded here as well. You could try to check that by either commenting out that section or the line where mod_headers is loaded.

Udo You are Great : )

It helped: RewriteRule ^/$ https://%/apex/f?p=800$1 *[NE,R]*

please help me if you can. I see you had a great solution for this kind of problem.

So, I have the exact same error message (notification message checksum content error) when I try to log in to my app. BUT the circumstances not the exact same.

Oracle DB version:
APEX version:
APEX Listener version:

There is no SSL, there is no other complicated configuration.

My httpd.conf file:

ServerRoot «/usr/local/apache2»
Listen 80
LoadModule jk_module modules/

ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot «/usr/local/apache2/htdocs»

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Satisfy All

ErrorLog «logs/error_log»
LogLevel warn

LogFormat «%h %l %u %t »%r» %>s %b »%i» »%i»» combined
LogFormat «%h %l %u %t »%r» %>s %b» common

# You need to enable mod_logio.c to use %I and %O
LogFormat «%h %l %u %t »%r» %>s %b »%i» »%i» %I %O» combinedio

CustomLog «logs/access_log» common

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ «/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/»

AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

TypesConfig conf/mime.types
AddType application/x-compress .Z
AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz

SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin

# Setup APEX static file path
Alias /i/ /usr/apex/images/

Order allow,deny
Allow from all

# Add extra mime types
AddType text/xml xbl
AddType text/x-component htc

# Mod_jk Settings
JkWorkersFile /root/tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.33/conf/jk/
JkLogFile /root/tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.33/logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel info
JkLogStampFormat «[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] »
JkMount /apex/* default

There’s no other configuration!

The error occured after I enabled the session state protection. It is unbelievable, but if I disable the session state protection the error is the same.

What can be the solution? Is there a workaround for this?



  1. CMOS Checksum Error Defaults Loaded при загрузке — как исправить
  2. Способы исправить ошибки CMOS Checksum
  3. Notification message checksum content error
  4. The problem
  5. The solution
  6. The End
  7. Notification message checksum content error — Contact your application administrator.
  8. Errornotification message checksum content error
  9. Best Answer
  10. Answers

CMOS Checksum Error Defaults Loaded при загрузке — как исправить

Иногда при загрузке компьютера или ноутбука вы можете столкнуться с ошибкой: CMOS checksum error — defaults loaded и другими вариантами этой же ошибки, в зависимости от производителя материнской платы: System CMOS checksum bad, CMOS checksum is invalid, CMOS checksum failed, Setup settings error CMOS checksum error or CMOS battery loss occurs — во всех случаях речь идёт об ошибке контрольной суммы данных микросхемы CMOS.

В этой инструкции подробно о том, что может вызвать ошибки CMOS checksum при загрузке ПК или ноутбука и как исправить проблему. Отмечу, что ошибка не зависит от установленной системы — это может быть Windows 11, Windows 10 или даже Linux.

Способы исправить ошибки CMOS Checksum

Причина рассматриваемой ошибки — несовпадение сохранённой контрольной суммы для данных, хранящихся в микросхеме CMOS (память BIOS для хранения параметров конфигурации компьютера) и фактической контрольной суммы этих данных на момент проверки при загрузке. Происходить это может по разным причинам — проблемы с питанием, сбои при записи параметров БИОС или обновлении, в редких случаях — какие-либо аппаратные неисправности.

Для того, чтобы исправить ошибку CMOS checksum error — defaults loaded и аналогичные, можно использовать следующие подходы:

  1. При однократном появлении ошибки, например, после замены комплектующих, и нормальной загрузке операционной системы после этого, попробуйте выполнить простую перезагрузку ОС — возможно ошибка больше не проявит себя.
  2. Если вход в БИОС/UEFI при ошибке возможен, сбросить параметры БИОС на настройки по умолчанию (Load Defaults, Restore Defaults или Load Optimized Defaults, как правило на вкладке Exit). Учитывайте, что при сбросе могут сброситься и важные параметры загрузки (режим UEFI и Legacy, Secure Boot и их необходимо будет вернуть в прежнее состояние для исправной загрузки системы). Иногда описанный метод срабатывает однократно, но затем ошибка появляется вновь.
  3. Замена элемента питания CR2032 на материнской плате (замена «батарейки БИОС»). На настольном компьютере это — очень простая процедура, а вот на ноутбуке добраться до батарейки бывает сложно (впрочем, на ноутбуках рассматриваемая проблема менее распространена), при этом сама батарейка обычно не просто «вставляется», а подключается проводом, как на втором изображении ниже. После замены элемента питания не забудьте установить правильные настройки БИОС, включая дату и время.
  4. Если вход в БИОС невозможен, попробуйте выполнить сброс параметров либо отключив батарейку из предыдущего шага на несколько минут (компьютер при этом должен быть обесточен) либо с помощью кнопки (обычно её требуется удерживать для сброса CMOS) или контактов на материнской плате: у разных производителей эти контакты могут располагаться в разных местах, но обычно подписаны как CLEAR CMOS, CLR_CMOS, CLRTC и аналогичным образом: это либо два контакта, которые нужно замкнуть, либо три — в этом случае джампер (перемычку) необходимо переставить с одного расположения в другое — проделываем это на выключенном компьютере, а уже после установки перемычки включаем питание.
  5. Попробуйте обновить БИОС с официального сайта производителя материнской платы компьютера (именно для вашей модели МП), либо с официального сайта производителя ноутбука.
  6. Если ошибка, наоборот, стала появляться после обновления БИОС, проверьте: существует ли возможность установки предыдущей версии или же дождитесь очередного обновления (возможно, в установленном содержались ошибки).
  7. В случае, если батарейка БИОС заменена, а ошибки CMOS Checksum продолжают появляться, проверьте: существуют ли какие-то закономерности её появления, например: ошибки нет при использовании пункта «Перезагрузка» в меню Пуск Windows, но она появляется после использования пункта «Завершение работы» по прошествии некоторого времени (в этом случае можно попробовать отключить функцию Быстрый запуск).
  8. В некоторых БИОС можно просто отключить сообщение об ошибке (если она не мешает работе). Как правило пункт называется» Halt on (другие варианты: POST Errors, Error Halt) со значением «All Errors» (означает остановку при любых ошибках POST). Если выставить «No errors», то при обнаружении ошибок остановка происходить не будет.

В завершение ещё одна возможная причина ошибки — какие-либо аппаратные проблемы: неисправность компонентов материнской платы, проблемы с электропитанием — замыкания, статические разряды, утечки тока.


Notification message checksum content error

After I successfully installed Application Express (latest version in this moment), I decided to test Apex Listener. So I installed (latest version in this moment) Apex Listener 2.0.0 354.17.05, which seems to be stable enough.

First tried standalone version but very soon found out that this is not a good way to run this product even in demo environment.

So I decided to install Tomcat 7.0 as free solution and implement Apex Listener as classic application. Regardless this combination is officially not supported by Oracle, after some small configuration problems (mainly with SQL Developer as configuration platform), my Apex was running fast as hell . and I was very glad to know that this combination really rocks. And the best of all free!

This looked very, very promising. I was courios what other problems I might run into . but for some time there were none.

The problem

But while I was developing one app, I run in the problem which I firstly thought it is pure Apex problem. Notification message on protected page was making fatal Apex error. This is the error content from WEB developed session:
Very soon I discovered that this error was triggering only when in it’s content was Croatian (or any other) national characters (like €, Ł etc). Here are the step to reproduce the problem.

  1. Create a authentication page with «Page Access Protection» defined as «Arguments must have checksum»
  2. Create a page process (On Submit After Computation and Validation).
  3. In that process use Apex application variable ( G_APP_MESSAGE , in mine case) as a holder for success message. Code is exactly like
  4. After submitting page, everything went fine . and success message is shown as expected.

If You change step 3) so G_APP_MESSAGE is defined as :
Just to accent that I changed uspjesno->uspješno (s->š), and submit a page again, I get an error described previously.

I tried change G_APP_MESSAGE in a way:
I get success message as:
but without error.
When I return back mine š sign to s (now message again has only USA characters), remove «utl_url.escape», page is submitted normally and success message is ok (but again without national signs).

The solution

The End

Even this is not a rocket science, it may shorten finding the solution to someone else.


Notification message checksum content error — Contact your application administrator.

I am in . Trying to create a custom authentication .

When I login with correct password, it works fine. However If I enter a wrong password, instead of going to the login page and display the failure message, it shows some checksum error.

I checked various postings on web, and tried different setups. No success

Can anyone please help.

This is not locally installed, This is on trial workspace version 5.0

Here is the detail

  • is_internal_error: true
  • component.type: APEX_APPLICATION_PAGES
  • 70731000000101
  • error_backtrace: —— PL/SQL Call Stack —— object line object handle number name 0x49785b860 641 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW_ERROR 0x49785b860 709 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW_ERROR 0x49785b860 1013 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW_ERROR 0x49aed7ea0 1082 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW_SECURITY 0x49aed7ea0 1099 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW_SECURITY 0x497ab6138 4273 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW 0x4977e7308 173 procedure APEX_050000.F 0x325c2e5f8 2 anonymous block

The custom authentication has only two functions

create or replace FUNCTION obfuscate(text_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN RAW IS

—dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5(input => utl_raw.cast_to_raw(text_in), checksum => l_returnvalue);

l_returnvalue := dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5(input => utl_raw.cast_to_raw(text_in));

create or replace FUNCTION authenticate(p_username IN VARCHAR2


l_username VARCHAR2(100) := p_username;

l_password VARCHAR2(100) := p_password;

l_obfuscated_password := obfuscate(text_in => l_password);

FROM socmis_users a

AND upper(a.user_name) = upper(l_username)

AND a.password = l_obfuscated_password;

OR too_many_rows THEN


IF l_value = 1 THEN

Following is the URL I get when the error comes. The error comes only when I enter wrong password

I noticed that This is happening with one particular application only , and the error is coming even with Oracle_application_express Accounts standard authentication . Not just custom

Only happen, when a wrong password is entered.


Errornotification message checksum content error

The problem is — if a wrong user name or password is supplied, apex throws a strange error —

Contact your application administrator.
Error notification message checksum content error: C53F0B90C7CA15BF701E5AC623A579BE

But URL has notification error message — https://host/apex/f?p=800:101:914565140300946:&notification_msg=Invalid%20Login%20Credentials/858CAE75D64C062356B42548E99769A2/

When I login without SSL everything work OK.

My architecture is:
CentOS (5.6) -> Oracle 11g SEO -> OC4J -> APEX Listener -> Apache Revers Proxy (with SSL)

Can you please help me in fixing this error?

Best Answer

But I found one thing in your ssl.conf I’d take a closer look on: As far as I know, Rewrite will encode all non-ANSI characters as %xx hex codes in output if you don’t disable it: So in case you already get them encoded, this will cause the double encoding you see.
You should check if all requests come in that way. Otherwise you should leave the inital rule unchanged and add a Rule (before that one) which just matches success messages and leaves all other requests untouched.

If that’s not the solution, I have one other guess: mod_headers is (of course) loaded before, so the headers are modified by that handler. Though I’d usually not expect some effect like what you see in this module, possibly the url is (re)encoded here as well. You could try to check that by either commenting out that section or the line where mod_headers is loaded.


which locales do proxy and OC4J use? And do you use APEX in a translated version or in English? Any special characters have to be treated correctly by each component on the way. Since your proxy needs to rebuild the request in the SSL case, it could happen that the request to OC4J gets some unsupported encoding. Do you see similar errors in other situations, e.g. other notifications in APEX?
And just to make the picture complete, which APEX and APEX Listener versions do you use?

I use Apex English ver.
APEX Listener ver.

Incorrect login return Error notification message checksum content error
I notice, after correct login no Notification Messages (without error) only in URL I can read messages.

URL Messages are specific
. &success_msg=Region%2520Updated.%2520Report%2520attributes%2520
but I think it can be
. &success_msg=Region%20Updated.%20Report%20attributes%20
This is couse of checksum error in login error.

It look like reprocess URL %20 changed to %2520.

I don’t know How can I check Locale in Apache and OC4J, can you help ?

Obviously there happens some double URL encoding: *%25* is the code for a *%*

Do you have any additional URL encoding rule on the proxy?

First, you could display the current locale setting by executing and review additional settings with Especially for the OC4J, you can also check if some special JVM-arguments have been set by executing There is a bunch of other locations to configure NLS parameters.

A nice guide on this is included in the [url]OAS Globalization Guide, which covers both the OHS (pretty close to Apache HTTPD) and OC4J parts of that scenario.

[]# locale
every row exclude LC_ALL contain the same value = «pl_PL.UTF-8»
LC_ALL have not value:

[]# env | grep -E «LC|NLS»

[]# echo $OC4J_JVM_ARGS

# KeepAliveTimeout: Number of seconds to wait for the next request from the
# same client on the same connection.
KeepAliveTimeout 15

StartServers 8
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 20
ServerLimit 256
MaxClients 256
MaxRequestsPerChild 4000

StartServers 2
MaxClients 150
MinSpareThreads 25
MaxSpareThreads 75
ThreadsPerChild 25
MaxRequestsPerChild 0

LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/
LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/
LoadModule authn_file_module modules/
LoadModule authn_alias_module modules/
LoadModule authn_anon_module modules/
LoadModule authn_dbm_module modules/
LoadModule authn_default_module modules/
LoadModule authz_host_module modules/
LoadModule authz_user_module modules/
LoadModule authz_owner_module modules/
LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules/
LoadModule authz_dbm_module modules/
LoadModule authz_default_module modules/
LoadModule ldap_module modules/
LoadModule authnz_ldap_module modules/
LoadModule include_module modules/
LoadModule log_config_module modules/
LoadModule logio_module modules/
LoadModule env_module modules/
LoadModule ext_filter_module modules/
LoadModule mime_magic_module modules/
LoadModule expires_module modules/
LoadModule deflate_module modules/
LoadModule headers_module modules/
LoadModule usertrack_module modules/
LoadModule setenvif_module modules/
LoadModule mime_module modules/
LoadModule dav_module modules/
LoadModule status_module modules/
LoadModule autoindex_module modules/
LoadModule info_module modules/
LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/
LoadModule vhost_alias_module modules/
LoadModule negotiation_module modules/
LoadModule dir_module modules/
LoadModule actions_module modules/
LoadModule speling_module modules/
LoadModule userdir_module modules/
LoadModule alias_module modules/
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
LoadModule cache_module modules/
LoadModule suexec_module modules/
LoadModule disk_cache_module modules/
LoadModule file_cache_module modules/
LoadModule mem_cache_module modules/
LoadModule cgi_module modules/
LoadModule version_module modules/

# Load config files from the config directory «/etc/httpd/conf.d».
Include conf.d/*.conf

User apache
Group apache

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None

# Possible values for the Options directive are «None», «All»,
# or any combination of:
# Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks SymLinksifOwnerMatch ExecCGI MultiViews
# Note that «MultiViews» must be named explicitly — «Options All»
# doesn’t give it to you.
# The Options directive is both complicated and important. Please see
# for more information.
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

# AllowOverride controls what directives may be placed in .htaccess files.
# It can be «All», «None», or any combination of the keywords:
# Options FileInfo AuthConfig Limit
AllowOverride None

# Controls who can get stuff from this server.
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

# UserDir is disabled by default since it can confirm the presence
# of a username on the system (depending on home directory
# permissions).
UserDir disable

# To enable requests to /

user/ to serve the user’s public_html
# directory, remove the «UserDir disable» line above, and uncomment
# the following line instead:
#UserDir public_html

DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var

# AccessFileName: The name of the file to look for in each directory
# for additional configuration directives. See also the AllowOverride
# directive.
AccessFileName .htaccess

# The following lines prevent .htaccess and .htpasswd files from being
# viewed by Web clients.

Order allow,deny
Deny from all

# TypesConfig describes where the mime.types file (or equivalent) is
# to be found.
TypesConfig /etc/mime.types

# MIMEMagicFile /usr/share/magic.mime
MIMEMagicFile conf/magic

# LogLevel: Control the number of messages logged to the error_log.
# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn

# The following directives define some format nicknames for use with
# a CustomLog directive (see below).
LogFormat «%h %l %u %t »%r» %>s %b »%i» »%i»» combined
LogFormat «%h %l %u %t »%r» %>s %b» common
LogFormat «%i -> %U» referer
LogFormat «%i» agent

# «combinedio» includes actual counts of actual bytes received (%I) and sent (%O); this
# requires the mod_logio module to be loaded.
#LogFormat «%h %l %u %t »%r» %>s %b »%i» »%i» %I %O» combinedio

# The location and format of the access logfile (Common Logfile Format).
# If you do not define any access logfiles within a
# container, they will be logged here. Contrariwise, if you do
# define per- access logfiles, transactions will be
# logged therein and not in this file.
#CustomLog logs/access_log common

# If you would like to have separate agent and referer logfiles, uncomment
# the following directives.
#CustomLog logs/referer_log referer
#CustomLog logs/agent_log agent

# For a single logfile with access, agent, and referer information
# (Combined Logfile Format), use the following directive:
CustomLog logs/access_log combined

# Optionally add a line containing the server version and virtual host
# name to server-generated pages (internal error documents, FTP directory
# listings, mod_status and mod_info output etc., but not CGI generated
# documents or custom error documents).
# Set to «EMail» to also include a mailto: link to the ServerAdmin.
# Set to one of: On | Off | EMail
ServerSignature On

Alias /icons/ «/var/www/icons/»

Options Indexes MultiViews
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

# WebDAV module configuration section.

# Location of the WebDAV lock database.
DAVLockDB /var/lib/dav/lockdb

# ScriptAlias: This controls which directories contain server scripts.
# ScriptAliases are essentially the same as Aliases, except that
# documents in the realname directory are treated as applications and
# run by the server when requested rather than as documents sent to the client.
# The same rules about trailing «/» apply to ScriptAlias directives as to
# Alias.
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ «/var/www/cgi-bin/»

# «/var/www/cgi-bin» should be changed to whatever your ScriptAliased
# CGI directory exists, if you have that configured.

AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

# Redirect allows you to tell clients about documents which used to exist in
# your server’s namespace, but do not anymore. This allows you to tell the
# clients where to look for the relocated document.
# Example:
# Redirect permanent /foo

# Directives controlling the display of server-generated directory listings.

# IndexOptions: Controls the appearance of server-generated directory
# listings.
IndexOptions FancyIndexing VersionSort NameWidth=* HTMLTable

# AddIcon* directives tell the server which icon to show for different
# files or filename extensions. These are only displayed for
# FancyIndexed directories.
AddIconByEncoding (CMP,/icons/compressed.gif) x-compress x-gzip

AddIconByType (TXT,/icons/text.gif) text/*
AddIconByType (IMG,/icons/image2.gif) image/*
AddIconByType (SND,/icons/sound2.gif) audio/*
AddIconByType (VID,/icons/movie.gif) video/*

AddIcon /icons/binary.gif .bin .exe
AddIcon /icons/binhex.gif .hqx
AddIcon /icons/tar.gif .tar
AddIcon /icons/world2.gif .wrl .wrl.gz .vrml .vrm .iv
AddIcon /icons/compressed.gif .Z .z .tgz .gz .zip
AddIcon /icons/a.gif .ps .ai .eps
AddIcon /icons/layout.gif .html .shtml .htm .pdf
AddIcon /icons/text.gif .txt
AddIcon /icons/c.gif .c
AddIcon /icons/p.gif .pl .py
AddIcon /icons/f.gif .for
AddIcon /icons/dvi.gif .dvi
AddIcon /icons/uuencoded.gif .uu
AddIcon /icons/script.gif .conf .sh .shar .csh .ksh .tcl
AddIcon /icons/tex.gif .tex
AddIcon /icons/bomb.gif core

AddIcon /icons/back.gif ..
AddIcon /icons/hand.right.gif README
AddIcon /icons/folder.gif ^^DIRECTORY^^
AddIcon /icons/blank.gif ^^BLANKICON^^

# DefaultIcon is which icon to show for files which do not have an icon
# explicitly set.
DefaultIcon /icons/unknown.gif

# AddDescription allows you to place a short description after a file in
# server-generated indexes. These are only displayed for FancyIndexed
# directories.
# Format: AddDescription «description» filename
#AddDescription «GZIP compressed document» .gz
#AddDescription «tar archive» .tar
#AddDescription «GZIP compressed tar archive» .tgz

# ReadmeName is the name of the README file the server will look for by
# default, and append to directory listings.
# HeaderName is the name of a file which should be prepended to
# directory indexes.
ReadmeName README.html
HeaderName HEADER.html

# IndexIgnore is a set of filenames which directory indexing should ignore
# and not include in the listing. Shell-style wildcarding is permitted.
IndexIgnore . * *


AddLanguage ca .ca
AddLanguage cs .cz .cs
AddLanguage da .dk
AddLanguage de .de
AddLanguage el .el
AddLanguage en .en
AddLanguage eo .eo
AddLanguage es .es
AddLanguage et .et
AddLanguage fr .fr
AddLanguage he .he
AddLanguage hr .hr
AddLanguage it .it
AddLanguage ja .ja
AddLanguage ko .ko
AddLanguage ltz .ltz
AddLanguage nl .nl
AddLanguage nn .nn
AddLanguage no .no
AddLanguage pl .po
AddLanguage pt .pt
AddLanguage pt-BR .pt-br
AddLanguage ru .ru
AddLanguage sv .sv
AddLanguage zh-CN .zh-cn
AddLanguage zh-TW .zh-tw

# LanguagePriority allows you to give precedence to some languages
# in case of a tie during content negotiation.
# Just list the languages in decreasing order of preference. We have
# more or less alphabetized them here. You probably want to change this.
LanguagePriority en ca cs da de el eo es et fr he hr it ja ko ltz nl nn no pl pt pt-BR ru sv zh-CN zh-TW

# ForceLanguagePriority allows you to serve a result page rather than
# MULTIPLE CHOICES (Prefer) [in case of a tie] or NOT ACCEPTABLE (Fallback)
# [in case no accepted languages matched the available variants]
ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback

# Specify a default charset for all content served; this enables
# interpretation of all content as UTF-8 by default. To use the
# default browser choice (ISO-8859-1), or to allow the META tags
# in HTML content to override this choice, comment out this
# directive:
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

# AddType allows you to add to or override the MIME configuration
# file mime.types for specific file types.
#AddType application/x-tar .tgz

# AddEncoding allows you to have certain browsers uncompress
# information on the fly. Note: Not all browsers support this.
# Despite the name similarity, the following Add* directives have nothing
# to do with the FancyIndexing customization directives above.
#AddEncoding x-compress .Z
#AddEncoding x-gzip .gz .tgz

# If the AddEncoding directives above are commented-out, then you
# probably should define those extensions to indicate media types:
AddType application/x-compress .Z
AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz

# AddHandler allows you to map certain file extensions to «handlers»:
# actions unrelated to filetype. These can be either built into the server
# or added with the Action directive (see below)
# To use CGI scripts outside of ScriptAliased directories:
# (You will also need to add «ExecCGI» to the «Options» directive.)
#AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

# For files that include their own HTTP headers:
#AddHandler send-as-is asis

# For type maps (negotiated resources):
# (This is enabled by default to allow the Apache «It Worked» page
# to be distributed in multiple languages.)
AddHandler type-map var

# Filters allow you to process content before it is sent to the client.
# To parse .shtml files for server-side includes (SSI):
# (You will also need to add «Includes» to the «Options» directive.)
AddType text/html .shtml
AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml

# Action lets you define media types that will execute a script whenever
# a matching file is called. This eliminates the need for repeated URL
# pathnames for oft-used CGI file processors.
# Format: Action media/type /cgi-script/location
# Format: Action handler-name /cgi-script/location

# Customizable error responses come in three flavors:
# 1) plain text 2) local redirects 3) external redirects
# Some examples:
#ErrorDocument 500 «The server made a boo boo.»
#ErrorDocument 404 /missing.html
#ErrorDocument 404 «/cgi-bin/»
#ErrorDocument 402

# Putting this all together, we can internationalize error responses.
# We use Alias to redirect any /error/HTTP_ .html.var response to
# our collection of by-error message multi-language collections. We use
# includes to substitute the appropriate text.
# You can modify the messages’ appearance without changing any of the
# default HTTP_ .html.var files by adding the line:
# Alias /error/include/ «/your/include/path/»
# which allows you to create your own set of files by starting with the
# /var/www/error/include/ files and
# copying them to /your/include/path/, even on a per-VirtualHost basis.

Alias /error/ «/var/www/error/»

AllowOverride None
Options IncludesNoExec
AddOutputFilter Includes html
AddHandler type-map var
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
LanguagePriority en es de fr
ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback

# The following directives modify normal HTTP response behavior to
# handle known problems with browser implementations.
BrowserMatch «Mozilla/2» nokeepalive
BrowserMatch «MSIE 4.0b2;» nokeepalive downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch «RealPlayer 4.0» force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch «Java/1.0» force-response-1.0
BrowserMatch «JDK/1.0» force-response-1.0

# The following directive disables redirects on non-GET requests for
# a directory that does not include the trailing slash. This fixes a
# problem with Microsoft WebFolders which does not appropriately handle
# redirects for folders with DAV methods.
# Same deal with Apple’s DAV filesystem and Gnome VFS support for DAV.
BrowserMatch «Microsoft Data Access Internet Publishing Provider» redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch «MS FrontPage» redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch «^WebDrive» redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch «^WebDAVFS/1.[0123]» redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch «^gnome-vfs/1.0» redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch «^XML Spy» redirect-carefully
BrowserMatch «^Dreamweaver-WebDAV-SCM1» redirect-carefully

# P3P IE SSL Frame

Header set P3P «policyref=»/w3c/p3p.xml», CP=»NOI DSP COR NID CUR ADM DEV OUR BUS»»

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/$ https://%/apex/f?p=800$1 [R]

Alias /i/ /path/i/
# Directory dla plików APEX-owych

Options None
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

# Cachowanie plików

ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault «access plus 1 month»

### Typy plików, które powinny być kompresowane

AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/x-javascript
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xhtml+xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/xml
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/x-component

# flash Chart #HOST#
ProxyPreserveHost On

ProxyPass /apex http://localhost:8888/apex
ProxyPassReverse /apex http://localhost:8888/apex

My ssl.conf file

LoadModule ssl_module modules/

# When we also provide SSL we have to listen to the
# the HTTPS port in addition.
Listen 443

AddType application/x-x509-ca-cert .crt
AddType application/x-pkcs7-crl .crl

# Inter-Process Session Cache:
# Configure the SSL Session Cache: First the mechanism
# to use and second the expiring timeout (in seconds).
#SSLSessionCache dc:UNIX:/var/cache/mod_ssl/distcache
SSLSessionCache shmcb:/var/cache/mod_ssl/scache(512000)
SSLSessionCacheTimeout 300

# Semaphore:
# Configure the path to the mutual exclusion semaphore the
# SSL engine uses internally for inter-process synchronization.
SSLMutex default

SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom 256
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin
#SSLRandomSeed startup file:/dev/random 512
#SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/random 512
#SSLRandomSeed connect file:/dev/urandom 512

SSLCryptoDevice builtin
#SSLCryptoDevice ubsec

## SSL Virtual Host Context

# Wirtual host

ServerAdmin [email protected]

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/$ https://%/apex/f?p=800$1 [R]

SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /path/server_key.txt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /path/private_key.txt
SSLCACertificateFile /path/ca_key.txt

But I found one thing in your ssl.conf I’d take a closer look on: As far as I know, Rewrite will encode all non-ANSI characters as %xx hex codes in output if you don’t disable it: So in case you already get them encoded, this will cause the double encoding you see.
You should check if all requests come in that way. Otherwise you should leave the inital rule unchanged and add a Rule (before that one) which just matches success messages and leaves all other requests untouched.

If that’s not the solution, I have one other guess: mod_headers is (of course) loaded before, so the headers are modified by that handler. Though I’d usually not expect some effect like what you see in this module, possibly the url is (re)encoded here as well. You could try to check that by either commenting out that section or the line where mod_headers is loaded.

Udo You are Great : )

It helped: RewriteRule ^/$ https://%/apex/f?p=800$1 *[NE,R]*

please help me if you can. I see you had a great solution for this kind of problem.

So, I have the exact same error message (notification message checksum content error) when I try to log in to my app. BUT the circumstances not the exact same.

Oracle DB version:
APEX version:
APEX Listener version:

There is no SSL, there is no other complicated configuration.

My httpd.conf file:

ServerRoot «/usr/local/apache2»
Listen 80
LoadModule jk_module modules/

ServerAdmin [email protected]
DocumentRoot «/usr/local/apache2/htdocs»

Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Deny from all

Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

Order allow,deny
Deny from all
Satisfy All

ErrorLog «logs/error_log»
LogLevel warn

LogFormat «%h %l %u %t »%r» %>s %b »%i» »%i»» combined
LogFormat «%h %l %u %t »%r» %>s %b» common

# You need to enable mod_logio.c to use %I and %O
LogFormat «%h %l %u %t »%r» %>s %b »%i» »%i» %I %O» combinedio

CustomLog «logs/access_log» common

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ «/usr/local/apache2/cgi-bin/»

AllowOverride None
Options None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

TypesConfig conf/mime.types
AddType application/x-compress .Z
AddType application/x-gzip .gz .tgz

SSLRandomSeed startup builtin
SSLRandomSeed connect builtin

# Setup APEX static file path
Alias /i/ /usr/apex/images/

Order allow,deny
Allow from all

# Add extra mime types
AddType text/xml xbl
AddType text/x-component htc

# Mod_jk Settings
JkWorkersFile /root/tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.33/conf/jk/
JkLogFile /root/tomcat/apache-tomcat-6.0.33/logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogLevel info
JkLogStampFormat «[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] »
JkMount /apex/* default

There’s no other configuration!

The error occured after I enabled the session state protection. It is unbelievable, but if I disable the session state protection the error is the same.

What can be the solution? Is there a workaround for this?


After I successfully installed Application Express (latest version in this moment), I decided to test Apex Listener. So I installed (latest version in this moment) Apex Listener 2.0.0 354.17.05, which seems to be stable enough.

First tried standalone version but very soon found out that this is not a good way to run this product even in demo environment.

So I decided to install Tomcat 7.0 as free solution and implement Apex Listener as classic application. Regardless this combination is officially not supported by Oracle, after some small configuration problems (mainly with SQL Developer as configuration platform), my Apex was running fast as hell … and I was very glad to know that this combination really rocks. And the best of all free!

This looked very, very promising. I was courios what other problems I might run into … but for some time there were none.

The problem

But while I was developing one app, I run in the problem which I firstly thought it is pure Apex problem. Notification message on protected page was making fatal Apex error. This is the error content from WEB developed session:

Error: Success message checksum content error
Contact your application administrator.
Technical Info (only visible for developers)
is_internal_error: true
----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
  object      line  object
  handle    number  name
000007FF7D92A9B0       548  package body APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_ERROR
000007FF7D92A9B0       599  package body APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_ERROR
000007FF7D92A9B0       903  package body APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_ERROR
000007FF7C7F5C30       794  package body APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW_SECURITY
000007FF7DA033F0      5778  package body APEX_040200.WWV_FLOW
000007FF7DA138B0       249  procedure APEX_040200.F
000007FF7C49D528         2  anonymous block

Very soon I discovered that this error was triggering only when in it’s content was Croatian (or any other) national characters (like €, Ł etc).
Here are the step to reproduce the problem.

  1. Create a authentication page with «Page Access Protection» defined as «Arguments must have checksum»
  2. Create a page process (On Submit After Computation and Validation).
  3. In that process use Apex application variable (G_APP_MESSAGE, in mine case) as a holder for success message. Code is exactly like
    :G_APP_MESSAGE := 'Lozinka uspjesno promijenjena!';
  4. After submitting page, everything went fine … and success message is shown as expected.

If You change step 3) so G_APP_MESSAGE is defined as :

:G_APP_MESSAGE := 'Lozinka uspješno promijenjena!'; 

Just to accent that I changed uspjesno->uspješno (s->š), and submit a page again, I get an error described previously.

I tried change G_APP_MESSAGE in a way:

:G_APP_MESSAGE := utl_url.escape('Lozinka uspješno promijenjena!'); 

I get success message as:


but without error.


When I return back mine š sign to s (now message again has only USA characters), remove «utl_url.escape», page is submitted normally and success message is ok (but again without national signs).

The solution

I tried to reproduce the same problem in Apex cloud but this was not the case. So easy conclusion was that something is wrong in mine configuration and the only thing that differed was-Tomcat.
So after some googleing I found the cause. Problem is with Tomcat URI Encoding. Default encoding is ISO-8859-1, but from APEX, comes URL with message encoded in UTF-8. Solution Solution was very easy to implement. Follow next steps:

  1. Stop Tomcat service
  2. Find file server.xml and make a backup.
  3. Open servr.xml file (with some proper editor which can handle UTF-8 encoded files), and find content:
        <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
                   redirectPort="8443" />;

    In mine case it wasline 70.

  4. Add URIEncoding=»UTF-8″ before closing tag. Changed value looks:
        <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
                   redirectPort="8443" URIEncoding="UTF-8" />;
  5. Steps 5 and 6 are for Older Apex Listener configuration, but on Apex 2.0 it was not needed at all.

  6. Create filters directory (error is not important if exists)
    mkdir $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/apex/WEB-INF/classes/filters
  7. Insert after the last </servlet-mapping> tag:
    vi $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/apex/WEB-INF/web.xml 
      Set Character Encoding
      Set Character Encoding
  8. Restart Tomcat.

The End

Even this is not a rocket science, it may shorten finding the solution to someone else.

Hope this helps someone.


I am in    .  Trying to create a custom authentication .

When I login with correct password, it works fine.    However If I enter a wrong password, instead of going to the login page and display the failure message, it shows some checksum error.

I checked various postings on web, and tried different setups.   No success

Can anyone please help.

This is not locally installed, This is on   trial workspace  version 5.0

Here is the detail

  • is_internal_error: true
  • component.type: APEX_APPLICATION_PAGES
  • 70731000000101
  • error_backtrace: —— PL/SQL Call Stack —— object line object handle number name 0x49785b860 641 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW_ERROR 0x49785b860 709 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW_ERROR 0x49785b860 1013 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW_ERROR 0x49aed7ea0 1082 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW_SECURITY 0x49aed7ea0 1099 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW_SECURITY 0x497ab6138 4273 package body APEX_050000.WWV_FLOW 0x4977e7308 173 procedure APEX_050000.F 0x325c2e5f8 2 anonymous block



The custom authentication has only two functions

create or replace FUNCTION obfuscate(text_in IN VARCHAR2) RETURN RAW IS

    l_returnvalue RAW(16);


    —dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5(input => utl_raw.cast_to_raw(text_in), checksum => l_returnvalue);

  l_returnvalue :=    dbms_obfuscation_toolkit.md5(input => utl_raw.cast_to_raw(text_in));

    RETURN l_returnvalue;

  END obfuscate;


create or replace FUNCTION authenticate(p_username IN VARCHAR2

                       ,p_password IN VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS

    l_obfuscated_password RAW(16);

    l_value               NUMBER;

    l_username  VARCHAR2(100) := p_username;

    l_password  VARCHAR2(100) := p_password;

    l_return            BOOLEAN;


    l_obfuscated_password := obfuscate(text_in => l_password);


      SELECT 1

        INTO l_value

        FROM socmis_users a

       WHERE 1 = 1

         AND upper(a.user_name) = upper(l_username)

         AND a.password = l_obfuscated_password;


      WHEN no_data_found

           OR too_many_rows THEN

        l_value := 0;


        l_value := 0;


    IF l_value = 1 THEN

    l_return :=  TRUE;


    l_return := FALSE;

    END IF;

    RETURN l_return;

  END authenticate;

Following is the URL I get when the error comes. The error comes only when I enter wrong password…



I noticed that This is happening with one particular application only , and the error is coming even with Oracle_application_express Accounts standard  authentication .  Not just custom

Only happen, when a wrong password is entered. 

The application is actually created when   was in 4.2  .  When oracle  upgraded to 5.0  it automatically upgraded.

Can someone please help. I am stuck


Message was edited by: gkthomas

Hello all, we have an apex application with a form which, when submitted, issues the error : ORA-20987: APEX - Success message checksum content error - Contact your application administrator. The problem is that the customer repeatedly gets this message (without fail), but when I try the same form in the same browsers (did not check browser versions however) I never get the error message. Has anyone encountered this issue before?  And if so what are the possible causes/fixes? Technical info : Reverse Proxy serving over HTTP port 80 in front --> Apache 2.2.15 on a OEL machine ORDS 2.0.10 deployed in :Glassfish 4.1 (build 13) The Apex running is Thank you for your help,Daniel

then a page branch which includes a process success message is firing check the branches on the page the success message must be checked yes  if the session logs out and this success message fires then it will give this kind of error for example see this Error print success message checksum content error: : 6883DE42C57F09325BD62 in this it occurs after logoutsame way is if keep the tab open and submit process and session logs out

Thank you for the reply. The branch on the page does have the include success message checkbox checked. : And the other curious thing is that this is a publicly accessible page, meaning that there is no login or logout and the session as far as the user sees it is session 0 in the URL.  (I do realize that Apex still manages a session Id in the backend however). Are you aware of any other possible problems?  Or did I perhaps misunderstand your answer? Thank you,Daniel

its not the logging out of the page i mean to say its session timed out sometime and if after session time is over and it tries to fires the success message  for example in some banking websites you must have seen session logouts same away works here i hope you are getting my point thats why when you submit immediately it dont show the error

I see, I do understand now.  However, in this case I have very odd behaviour, in that when I submit the form it always works, but when the customer tries it (from a completly different location) it does not.  And this is even after I asked them to clear their browser cache and cookies, open the application and try again.  Is it possible in this case that the error still be related to the session expiration? Thank you again for all the help,Daniel

Hi Daniel,
dboudreault wrote:
we have an apex application with a form which, when submitted, issues the error : ORA-20987: APEX - Success message checksum content error - Contact your application administrator.
The problem is that the customer repeatedly gets this message (without fail), but when I try the same form in the same browsers (did not check browser versions however) I never get the error message.
Has anyone encountered this issue before?  And if so what are the possible causes/fixes?
Technical info :
Reverse Proxy serving over HTTP port 80 in front --> Apache 2.2.15 on a OEL machine
ORDS 2.0.10 deployed in :
Glassfish 4.1 (build 13)
The Apex running is
     This problem is due to "URI Encoding" of the web server. You have to set the web server "URI Encoding" to "UTF-8".     Refer :Re: Error Message: print success message checksum content error in Apex 4.0 (for Apache Tomcat)Errornotification message checksum content error (for OC4J with Apache HTTP as reverse proxy)Damir Vadas, Oracle as I learned: Apex and APEX.SUCCESS_MSG.CHECKSUM_CONTENT_ERROR (for Apache Tomcat)     Also following link will help you how to set "URI Encoding" for various web servers.     Refer : CKFinder 2.x/Developers Guide/Java/Configuration/URI Encoding - CKSource Docs      Hope this helps! Regards,Kiran

Hello Kiran and thank you for the response. I tried adding the glassfish-web.xml according to the instructions you linked and we still get the same error.  Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be the URI Encoding. It does still work without fail on my end and never on the customer's end. Any other ideas? Thank you again,Daniel

An update to the issue. I removed the server alias I gave to the http-listener in Glassfish and now the problem is gone.This is awesome for the time being, but that also means that any dynamically generated links Apex sends out will not work anymore either.  I realize this might change the category of this discussion, but does anybody have any similar experiences with Glassfish and a reverse proxy? Thanks,Daniel


Adaptive Portlet Troubleshooting

I have been doing some experimenting with the adaptive portlets - in particular the broadcast listern pattern. I had no problem getting to work on my local machine (have the portal running standalone). I am now working on moving these up to our corporate portal but am having some difficulty. It looks like a config issue to me - any help would be great.
To me it looks like it can't load any of the necessary js for the adp patterns because of an access problem.
See error message below:
<span class="alertErrorDescription" >Gateway was not able to access requested content. If the error persists, contact your Portal Administrator.</span></td><!--Extended Error Message: A user [Neighbors,John] with ID [4504]failed to access URL [http://someserver::8080/portal/;/someserver;8000/portal-remote-server/js/jscontrols/strings/PTControls-en.js]Error info: [-2147205086: Native exception: IDispatch error #15906 (0x80044022): [Cannot open page -282 because this page is not owned by the current community.] (612,PTDispatch.cpp)]com.plumtree.server.marshalers.PTException: Native exception: IDispatch error #15906 (0x80044022): [Cannot open page -282 because this page is not owned by the current community.] (612,PTDispatch.cpp)
Looks like we are having a similar error!
I've just cured it on my development. The DIV ID that you are pointing needs to be outside of the form tags on the portlet to rewrite the response. Not exactly sure why, but cured it. I was getting a Javascript "unknown runtime error" and as soon as I did this it stop doing this.
I was getting a red herring with what error you are getting regarding the PTARGS tags that are occuring when you create the links.
There is a thread somewhere else regarding the PTControls-en.js file. If you add the url to your image server js folder to the web service HTTP Configuration gateway it should work. All sorts of errors occur otherwise...some IE's actually freeze up...others just come up with an error.
Jeremy ThakePretzel Logic, WA Australia
Thanks, Jeremy
I checked that I was doing what you stated in the previous message. This did not seem to fix the problem.
It almost looks like the gateway doesn't have access to the imageserver as the url after the gateway url is accurate.

OAF Page time out issue

I am getting the below error when I submit a OAF page from application.
Error : Cannot Display page
You cannot complete this task because one of the following events caused a loss of page data
possible causes:
1.You have left your login session idle past the timeout period.
2.A system failure has occured.
3.The application server is incorrectly configured and does not send a session cookie to the client browser
4.if you were testing in JDeveloper.
1.Jdeveloper OC4J process did not fully shut down before restarting the application. closed one of the internet expolrer windows while the request is being processed in another internet explorer window.closing an internet explorer window causes OC4J to expirre a user session.
3.OC4J XML Files in your JDeveloper user home system directory have been modified or corrupted.
Please let me know if I am missing anything here..
Check below link:
Personalization Error: Cannot Display Page


Hi, We are using oracle apex version versionwith apex_listener version running on web logic server. The scenariou is : When we are trying upload a file with APEX File Browse button. We are getting Oracle Application Express Listener : 500 - Internal Server Error. This error shows up when we are uploading the file after sometime like 30 minutes andthe Session may be timing out and still the users request is submitted to the server and generating 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR. One solution what i think was to increase the user session time for that apex application.But i am looking for Good solution which will be handled by the Server properly by redirecting the user to the login page if the session time out occurs, during the File upload process,and dont show the Oracle Application Express Listener : 500 - Internal Server Error.  Any ideas/ suggestion to fix the 500 - Internal Server Error.??  Thanks,MK
How big of a file are  you trying to upload??  Have you looked at the server logs to see what exactly is happening??  Thank you, Tony MillerLuvMuffin SoftwareRuckersville, VA
Hi, Thanks for the quick reply. We are able to upload the file, if we upload it  immediately.But if we upload the file after staying on that page for some time like 30 minutes or so, then we are getting 500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR. And the size of the file is 1.0 KB. it is a zip file.Thanks

Production issue: Another listener using the same ENDPOINTS?! URGENT!

Hi Guys, I went ahead and added another application in my config console, I then changed the name, and then pressed Save Configuration, when then I began the repository wizard steps. However, it turns out, another application was not needed (false alarm) so i removed it entirely.  I never actually created the repository.  Now, I'm having issues with my current application.  I'm getting an error that says "There is another listener using the same end points" in the event log. I have a feeling this is my issue.  so when I navigate to the UI via the URL, the there is no application present, even though it says its up and runing (according to the green icons) in the config console. I assume it's still recognizing the app i removed in the back end?  Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?This is an Oracle database if that helps any. Thank you very much!
Hi, Did you try shutting down the services and starting them back again? ThanksDenzz
Denz, Yes I have with with no luck. Even though I removed the new app i created, could it still be "in" th system somewhere, potentially looking at the same DB, causing conflickt?
Check which DB Service is referenced in the Console, try to restart the DB service followed by DRM as specified by Denzz,Also were you able to access the DRM Schema using the credentials you have specified in the Console?
One potential gotcha here is that if you didn't click 'Save Configuration' after deleting the application (as the popup says when you delete an application) then the application config could still be in the C:OracleMiddlewareEPMSystem11R1productsDataRelationshipManagementserverconfigdrm-config.xml for your system. One way to test for this possibility in the UI would be to close the DRM config console and then re-open. If your application re-appears in the DRM config console after re-opening then it's probably because you didn't save the configuration. In that case delete the app again and then click 'Save Configuration'. If that's not it though then could you let us have the full error that you're seeing so that we can see where the error is coming from please we've only got a snippet of the entire error to work on at the moment  Regards Craig
Thank you very much, gentlemen! This  has been resolved!
Nice one, glad that did the trick 
HI Guys,The issue came about again. This time, I didn't try to create a new application. here are my errors: Error: [Process ID: 9108, Thread ID: 11, RequestValidation Engine]The following error occurred in the background processing of this request: DRM-63005: This DRM Engine is not communicating with the DRM Event Manager. System.Exception: The following error occurred in the background processing of this request: DRM-63005: This DRM Engine is not communicating with the DRM Event Manager. ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[Oracle.Drm.Remotable.DrmException]: DRM-63005: This DRM Engine is not communicating with the DRM Event Manager.   at Oracle.Drm.Engine.GateKeeper.Execute(LockType lockType, String session, Permission minimumPermission, Action action, Boolean processQueue)   at Oracle.Drm.Engine.Core.WorkflowDispatcher.HandlePing()   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---  Warning  [Process ID: 9108, Thread ID: 11, RequestValidation Engine]Error processing request. System.Exception: Error processing request. ---> Oracle.Drm.Exceptions.ResourcedException`1[Oracle.Drm.Messages.MsgsEngine]: DRM-63005: This DRM Engine is not communicating with the DRM Event Manager.   at Oracle.Drm.Engine.GateKeeper.Execute(LockType lockType, String session, Permission minimumPermission, Action action, Boolean processQueue)   --- End of inner  THis is urgent, thank you!
Update: Services are 'started', and application is showing the "green" symbol, but im still getting the same error as above in the event log. Very strange. Also, when navigating to the web client, its still claiming no applications are available for log in, even tho services are started.   I've confirmed the database is fine as I can connect to it remotely.   Please help if you can! Seems to be an app issue.  Thanks!
I think that this is a different issue so would probably be best in a new thread really. Saying that though, I've had a quick digand I've managed to reproduce the same error when running a DRM export by manually killing the drm-event-manager-host.exe process in the task manager when the export was underway. My guess on this error is that it's probably snowballing from some kind of prior issue with the DRM event manager process before these errors started appearing. So I'd suggest concentrating on the event manager to see why the engine process is having problems communicating with it If it was a temporary condition though and not a configuration issue then an application restart might get the app back up. Regards Craig
This issue has been resolved. Thank you very much!

Proxy Error issue while running a Report

Hi, While trying to download an interactive report, we are getting the below error. Tried in different browsers too.Has anyone experienced this? what is the configuration change required in the server/report?  Proxy ErrorThe proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.The proxy server could not handle the request GET /apex/f.Reason: Error reading from remote server Regards,Richard
Hi #Richard Dalvi, Maybe the issue come from the Configuration of Printing. Standard Apex Printing require Configuration. Are you do it very well? Here is how to configure Apex to print very well with IR and CR Regards Pierre
Thanks Pierre.May I know, which exact parameter to be tweaked to get the maximum data. Regards,Richard
I have created a database VIEW for that query, and called from the IR. Now the report runs fast and also able to download. Thanks Pierre, for your response.
Hi, great that it works Regards Pierre

I have a problem with an application in the HTML DB that I am creating. the problem is:
I create plicacion from each one of the tables, when trying to enter a registry in the application of concept, sends east error to me, but if it stores the registry. the error is:
Error print success message checksum content error: Action procesada./6À1Ç9ÁFE08952600ACEC1E0188ÅC/: 4730F16841157B21D061A969F6640A61.
the design I did it with Oracle designer.
the model contains three tables:
1. file .tab the designer
PROMPT Creating Table ‘CONCEPTO’
PROMPT Creating Table ‘GENERAL’
2. file .con the designer
PROMPT Creating Primary Key on ‘CONSULTOR’
PROMPT Creating Primary Key on ‘GENERAL’
PROMPT Creating Primary Key on ‘CONCEPTO’
PROMPT Creating Foreign Key on ‘GENERAL’
PROMPT Creating Foreign Key on ‘GENERAL’
3 file . lis de designer
Reconcile Report: C:Documents and SettingsrolandoMis documentosasoxxx.lis
Generated on Tue Jun 07 09:55:25 2005 by Server Generator
====== ======== ================ ==============
Object Property Repository Value Database Value
====== ======== ================ ==============
Object Property Repository Value Database Value
Object Type
Data Persistence Permanent
Index Only No
Initial Transactions
Max Transactions
Percent Free
Percent Used
Initial Extents
Next Extent
Min Extents
Max Extents
Percent Increase
Freelist Groups
Parallel No
Datatype NUMERIC
Max Length 3
Mandatory Yes
Default Value
Datatype VARCHAR2
Max Length 120
Mandatory No
Default Value
Datatype VARCHAR
Max Length 5
Mandatory No
Default Value
Primary Key CONC_PK * NOT IN DATABASE * ***
Enabled Yes
Deferred No
Immediate No
Exception Table
Unique Yes
Global No
Bitmapped No
Compute Statistics No
Reverse No
Nosort No
Initial Transactions
Max Transactions
Percent Free
Percent Used
Initial Extents
Next Extent
Min Extents
Max Extents
Percent Increase
Freelist Groups
Parallel No
Snapshot Log No No
Table CONCEPTO Differences: 1
Object Property Repository Value Database Value
Object Type
Data Persistence Permanent
Index Only No
Initial Transactions
Max Transactions
Percent Free
Percent Used
Initial Extents
Next Extent
Min Extents
Max Extents
Percent Increase
Freelist Groups
Parallel No
Datatype NUMERIC
Max Length 12
Mandatory Yes
Default Value
Primary Key CONS_PK * NOT IN DATABASE * ***
Enabled Yes
Deferred No
Immediate No
Exception Table
Key Column ID_CEDULA
Unique Yes
Global No
Bitmapped No
Compute Statistics No
Reverse No
Nosort No
Initial Transactions
Max Transactions
Percent Free
Percent Used
Initial Extents
Next Extent
Min Extents
Max Extents
Percent Increase
Freelist Groups
Parallel No
Snapshot Log No No
Table CONSULTOR Differences: 1
Object Property Repository Value Database Value
Object Type
Data Persistence Permanent
Index Only No
Initial Transactions
Max Transactions
Percent Free
Percent Used
Initial Extents
Next Extent
Min Extents
Max Extents
Percent Increase
Freelist Groups
Parallel No
Datatype NUMERIC
Max Length 5
Mandatory Yes
Default Value
Datatype NUMERIC
Max Length 3
Mandatory Yes
Default Value
Datatype NUMERIC
Max Length 12
Mandatory Yes
Default Value
Datatype DATE
Max Length
Mandatory No
Default Value
Datatype VARCHAR2
Max Length 120
Mandatory No
Default Value
Datatype NUMERIC
Max Length 5
Mandatory No
Default Value
Primary Key GENE_PK * NOT IN DATABASE * ***
Enabled Yes
Deferred No
Immediate No
Exception Table
Unique Yes
Global No
Bitmapped No
Compute Statistics No
Reverse No
Nosort No
Initial Transactions
Max Transactions
Percent Free
Percent Used
Initial Extents
Next Extent
Min Extents
Max Extents
Percent Increase
Freelist Groups
Parallel No
Enabled Yes
Deferred No
Immediate No
Cascade Delete RESTRICT
Cascade Update RESTRICT
Exception Table
Enabled Yes
Deferred No
Immediate No
Cascade Delete RESTRICT
Cascade Update RESTRICT
Exception Table
Snapshot Log No No
Table GENERAL Differences: 1
Total Differences: 3

Rolando — We don’t need all that information about the data model and such. Can you describe what the application does on the page that gives the error? I mean, you submit the page, it performs some after-submit processes (what do they do and how many processes are there?) and then it has some kind of branch to the same page or another page. Describe the processes, show us the success message for each process, exactly as they are formatted in the process definition page, and describe the branches (to the same page, another page, do they use URL redirects? And also please post the entire URL that you see when the error page is displayed.
Finally, please provide all the output from the About HTML DB page: Workspace Home -> Click the About HTML DB link under Workspace Administration on the far right side of the page. Then copy all the output and show it here.

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    Hi Jens,
    sorry about delay, but I fixed this problem only today. Maybe you don’t fix it.
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             <SHORT_TEXT> caps SE</SHORT_TEXT>
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    I had received similar error , request you to also check following,
    1. while sending the message from IE placed in RWB, just check the URL in the Test Message tab, its possible that this PI is installed just now and its settings are not done correctly. In this ask the owner or the BASIS to change it to correct URL.
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    >> since i am aware that i am passing XML file and doing FCC in sender channel.
    I believe you are converting flat format file to XML using FCC.  Dont understand passing xml file and doing fcc in sender channel?
    Check the following..
    1) See the file you place in the sender side has file permission to execute
    2) Are you referencing the right file in the file sender communication channel?
    3) Make sure that your fcc sender file throws error by simulating simple error such as giving field names invalid in the fcc. Then we can figure it out whether fcc referencing the appropriate file or some other file.
    Hope this helps.  I would like to get elaborate explanation about your problem.

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    Thank you,

    Hi Jake,
    What changes have you made for your SharePoint environment?
    Have you reset search index and started a full crawl if possible?
    Please check the following article about adding the search service account in SharePoint search server local admin, then check results again.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

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    textLayout_2.0.0.232.swz for TLF Text
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    Mr Benrud,
    This window means you’ve used TLF Text Format and before all of your content download, it requires to be proloaded. To get rid of this message, just remove TLF Text Format (if you really don’t require it) or else goto Publish Settings -> Flash -> Actionscript Settings and just remove it.

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    thank you!

    Hi Lena,
    You need to modify the page template I think. On the page with the list of templates, choose to show «Page» templates, and as an extra filter, choose to view only «Templates Referenced». You should be left with a small number of templates. Choose the one and look for the #NOTIFICATION_MESSAGE# and #SUCCESS_MESSAGE# and put your styling around those. I think that’ll do it.

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    OK I had the hp error code 0xc18a0001 problem and here is the conversation I had with the tech…..
    james cowan: hp error code 0xc18a0001
    Earnest: I will assist you in this regard
    james cowan: great
    Earnest: I understand that a error code with 0xc18a0001 with «Ink System failure» is displayed on the front panel of the All-In-One printer. Am I correct?
    james cowan: correct
    Earnest: Thank you for confirmation
    Earnest: May I have the model number of All-In-One you are using?
    james cowan: c6250
    Earnest: Thank you for information.
    Earnest: James, please let me know the room temperature in which printer is replaced
    james cowan: 67 degrees f
    Earnest: Okay
    Earnest: Please perform the below steps on the front panel of the printer to resolve the issue
    james cowan: ok
    Earnest: Press and hold the «left arrow» key.
    Press the «Setup» key and release both keys, Display should say «Enter Special Key Combo»
    Press and release the «OK» button.
    Earnest: Please ignore the above steps, James
    james cowan: ok yes nothing seemed to do anything
    Earnest: Please perform the below steps on the front panel of the printer
    Earnest: Press and Hold the «Print Photos» &»Red Eye Removal» buttons. Release both buttons. Display should say»Enter Special Key Combo»
    Press and release in sequence»Red Eye Removal»,»Print Photos»,»Red Eye Removal»
    Earnest: Display should say “Support” and display the FW rev (something like R0616R)
    james cowan: COxxFN0723BR
    Earnest: Okay
    Earnest: 2. Press and release the right arrow button until the display says “System Configuration Menu
    james cowan: ok
    Earnest: 3. Press and release the «OK» button.
    james cowan: ok and it says hardware failure status
    Earnest: Display should say «Hardware failure status: Clear. Press OK to clear».
    Earnest: Press and release the «OK» Button. Message changes to «Hardware failure status Cleared. Press Cancel to continue».
    Earnest: Press and release the «CANCEL» button as many times as necessary, so that, either the «Welcome to Photosmart Express» screen appears, or, the «Ink System Failure» screen appears. PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO PRINT AT THIS STAGE.
    james cowan: ok
    Earnest: Using the Power Button, turn the unit OFF and unplug the power cable from back of the printer and wall outlet.
    Earnest: Let me know once you are done with the above steps
    james cowan: ok its unplugged
    Earnest: Wait 30 seconds for the power to get discharged and then plug the power cable into the wall outlet first and then into the back of the printer
    Earnest: Turn the unit on. The printer may display message «USE POWER BUTTON TO SHUTDOWN THE PRINTER» followed by «PRESS OK TO CONTINUE». Press OK.
    james cowan: ok
    Earnest: Let me know the message displaying on the front panel of the printer
    james cowan: printer preparation occuring — do not interrupt
    Earnest: Okay
    james cowan: ok its done
    Earnest: Let us print a self test page from the printer now
    james cowan: ok deal
    Earnest: 1) Load letter, A4, or legal unused plain, white paper into the input tray.
    2) Make sure that the printer is on and loaded with unused plain, white paper.
    3) Press Setup . The Setup menu appears.
    4) Press the down arrow button to select Tools , and then press OK .
    5) Press the down arrow button to select Self-test Report , and press OK . The self-test report prints.
    james cowan: ok printing
    Earnest: Okay, please check whether all the colors pritned perfectly on the test page
    james cowan: perfect
    Earnest: Great..Cheers!!!
    james cowan: thank you very much
    Earnest: James, now you can continue using the printer
    tecnical support for hp printing

  • BDC — error/success messages

    Hi All,
    I’m running a BDC program for PA61 but I’m getting wrong return message codes coming back after the upload. For example, if an unassigned personnel number is used a ‘success’ message code is sent back to my program and not an ‘error’ message code, as expected. Is there any way in BDC to specify a way around this issue. Thanks.

    In general, you have to do some controls in SAP for upload data if it is possible. Let me give you an example for example we are getting a material number from file and we will use in our BDC program. So before using the material number in BDC program, we have to look at MARA (Material Master Data) table to decide it really exits in the system or not.

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    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a diagnostic test. It’s unlikely to solve your problem. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    The purpose of the test is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party software that loads automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, or by corruption of certain system caches. 
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. Note: If FileVault is enabled on some models, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and  Wi-Fi on certain models. The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin. Test while in safe mode. Same problem? After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of the test.

  • [[ Page Flow Error — Action Not Found ]] — urgent help needed!

    Hi all,
    My portal application runs on Weblogic 8.1 and I am encountering a vague error which does not point back to any of the application-based files. The error message, as stated in the subject, is
    «Page Flow Error — Action Not Found»
    I did modify the url-template-config.xml under groWeb/WEB_INF to add a new template to enforce secure access to application resources. Could this have caused the above error?
    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!!

    Here is just a portion of Page Controller class
    package com.amd.portal.presentation.GeneralRegistration
    public class GeneralRegistrationController extends PageFlowController
    * @jpf:action
    * @jpf:forward name=»success» path=»RegistrationConfirmation.jsp»
    * @jpf:validation-error-forward name=»failure» path=»index.jsp»
    public Forward registerUser(RegisterUserForm register_form)
              usermanager_ctrl.registerUser(register_form, this.getRequest());
              return new Forward( «success», register_form);
    Here is a portion of the code from the JSP that uses this controller
    <netui:form action=»registerUser»>
    <tr valign=»top»>
    <td><font color=»red»> * </font> User Name:</td>
    <netui:textBox dataSource=»{actionForm.userName}»/>
    <netui:error value=»userName»/>
    <tr valign=»top»>
    <td><font color=»red»> * </font> Password:</td>
    <netui:textBox dataSource=»{actionForm.password}» password=»true» />
    <netui:error value=»password»/>
    <netui:button value=»Submit» type=»submit»/>
    This apparently doesn’t display well when posted but I can email to you if you provide me with your email address. Thanks.
    — CW
    Message was edited by:

  • How to deleted stalled operations with a detail error «Action Id: NNNN not found»?

    I have stalled operations with a detail error «Action Id: 522248 not found.»  The id number is different for each process.  Every attempt to terminate the operation ends with several errors at the log and the process continues in the stalled operation page.  I cannot include all the errors, but here are some of the errors
    2010-07-27 10:23:51,679 ERROR [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor] TransactionRolledbackLocalException in method: public abstract void com.adobe.workflow.engine.ProcessEngineCMTLocal.terminateAction(com.adobe.workflow.boi.BO IActionInstance,com.adobe.workflow.engine.PEMsgContext,com.adobe.idp.Context) throws com.adobe.workflow.manager.ProcessManagerException, causedBy:
    2010-07-27 10:23:51,679 ERROR [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor] RuntimeException in method: public abstract void com.adobe.workflow.engine.ProcessEngineBMTLocal.asyncTerminateActionCommand(com.adobe.wor kflow.engine.PETerminateActionCommand,com.adobe.idp.Context):
    2010-07-27 10:23:51,695 ERROR [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor] TransactionRolledbackLocalException in method: public abstract void javax.jms.MessageListener.onMessage(javax.jms.Message), causedBy:
    2010-07-27 10:23:51,804 ERROR [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor] RuntimeException in method: public abstract void com.adobe.workflow.engine.ProcessEngineBMTLocal.asyncTerminateActionCommand(com.adobe.wor kflow.engine.PETerminateActionCommand,com.adobe.idp.Context):

    I have stalled operations with a detail error «Action Id: 522248 not found.»  The id number is different for each process.  Every attempt to terminate the operation ends with several errors at the log and the process continues in the stalled operation page.  I cannot include all the errors, but here are some of the errors
    2010-07-27 10:23:51,679 ERROR [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor] TransactionRolledbackLocalException in method: public abstract void com.adobe.workflow.engine.ProcessEngineCMTLocal.terminateAction(com.adobe.workflow.boi.BO IActionInstance,com.adobe.workflow.engine.PEMsgContext,com.adobe.idp.Context) throws com.adobe.workflow.manager.ProcessManagerException, causedBy:
    2010-07-27 10:23:51,679 ERROR [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor] RuntimeException in method: public abstract void com.adobe.workflow.engine.ProcessEngineBMTLocal.asyncTerminateActionCommand(com.adobe.wor kflow.engine.PETerminateActionCommand,com.adobe.idp.Context):
    2010-07-27 10:23:51,695 ERROR [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor] TransactionRolledbackLocalException in method: public abstract void javax.jms.MessageListener.onMessage(javax.jms.Message), causedBy:
    2010-07-27 10:23:51,804 ERROR [org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor] RuntimeException in method: public abstract void com.adobe.workflow.engine.ProcessEngineBMTLocal.asyncTerminateActionCommand(com.adobe.wor kflow.engine.PETerminateActionCommand,com.adobe.idp.Context):

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    Hi Experts, I am implementing the SAP Leqarning solutions for a cleint. For the rescheduling process, in the portal , for the Course administrator role, I try to change the course dates and save then changes. A message «Course changed successfully» a

Существуют несколько вариаций ошибок CMOS checksum error, которые возникают редко, но, как правило, в самый неподходящий момент.

Рассмотрим решение этой проблемы на ошибке «CMOS checksum error Defaults loaded warning! Now System is in safe mode. Pleas re setting CPU frequency in the CMOS setup«.

В переводе на русский язык это выглядит так «CMOS по умолчанию ошибка контрольной суммы загружалась предупреждение! Теперь система находится в безопасном режиме. Просьбы повторно установив частоту процессора в настройках CMOS».

Не будет углубляться во все тонкости и премудрости данной ошибки, так как многим пользователям ПК это просто не нужно, вопрос стоит только в одном, как решить проблему с ошибкой «CMOS checksum error».

Решение проблемы

Мы расскажем, как была решена данная проблема в нашем случае, у кого есть другие варианты, оставляйте их в комментариях.

Итак, часть ответа уже заложена в самом сообщении. Обратите внимание на вот эту часть предложения «Просьбы повторно установив частоту процессора в настройках CMOS». То есть, нам необходимо добраться до настроек CMOS, а по-простому зайти в BIOS.

Как это сделать система уже подсказывает.

Обнуляем BIOS

Но перед тем, как зайти в Биос, как вариант, можно попробовать сбросить выставленные в нем настройки, так как они, наверное, были частично выставлены не правильные.

Для этого необходимо вынуть батарейку памяти CMOS на 1 – 2 минуты. Как это деть показано на фото.

Заходим в BIOS

Обратите внимание на сообщение «Del to enter Setup». То есть нужно, на начальном этапе загрузки компьютера нажать кнопку Del, и вы попадете в настройки BIOS.

Сообщение может быть и другим, к примеру, «F2 to enter Setup» и т.д., поэтому кнопка DEL, это не панацея, все зависит от модели компьютера, ноутбука и версии самой BIOS.

Также от многого зависит, какая перед вами возникнет картинка. Но что она должна быть с синим фоном, это 100%.

Как вариант вы можете наблюдать ниже.

Чтобы не заморачиваться и искать в этих дебрях решение своей проблемы, можно использовать горячие клавиши F5 – Previous Values (предыдущие значения), F7 – Optimized Defaults (значения по умолчанию), F6 – Fail-safe Defaults (загрузка безопасных значений по умолчанию).

Обратите внимание, что в разных BIOS значение клавиш может быть разным, поэтому правильно переводите текст.

В нашем случает помогла клавиша F5 – предыдущие значения. Вы можете попробовать и другие клавиши.

После нажатия клавиши F5, появится окно – Подтвердить выбор Y – да, N – нет. Нажимаете клавишу Y.

Чтобы сохранить все изменения и сразу выйти нажмите клавишу F10 и так же подтвердите свой выбор нажав клавишу Y.

Компьютер начнет перезагружаться и ошибки «CMOS checksum error» уже не должно возникнуть.

Если все же проблема осталась, то обратитесь к специалисту, так как эта статья предназначена для начинающего пользователя ПК, а также среднего уровня подготовки.

Но в любом случае мы надеемся, что вам помогли. Удачи.

Последнее обновление 16.06.2021

Пользователи интернета и владельцы сайтов периодически сталкиваются с различными ошибками на веб-страницах. Одной из самых распространенных ошибок является error 500 (ошибка 500). Поговорим в нашей статье о том, что это за ошибка и как ее исправить.

Где и когда можно встретить ошибку 500

Вы можете увидеть ошибку на любом веб-ресурсе, браузере и устройстве. Она не связана с отсутствием интернет-соединения, устаревшей версией операционной системы или браузера. Кроме того, эта ошибка не указывает на то, что сайта не существует или он больше не работает.

Ошибка 500 говорит о том, что сервер не может обработать запрос к сайту, на странице которого вы находитесь. При этом браузер не может точно сообщить, что именно пошло не так. 

Отображаться ошибка может по-разному. Вот пример:

Ошибка 500

Если вы решили купить что-то в любимом интернет-магазине, но увидели на сайте ошибку 500, не стоит сильно огорчаться – она лишь сообщает о том, что вам нужно подождать, пока она будет исправлена.

Если ошибка появилась на вашем сайте, то нужно скорее ее исправлять. Далее я расскажу, как это можно сделать.

Комьюнити теперь в Телеграм

Подпишитесь и будьте в курсе последних IT-новостей


Причины возникновения ошибки

Итак, ошибка 500 возникает, когда серверу не удается обработать запрос к сайту. Из-за этого пользователи не могут попасть на сайт, а поисковые системы полноценно с ним работать. Очевидно, что ошибка нуждается в исправлении. В первую очередь необходимо найти проблему.

Основной причиной ошибки 500 может быть:

  1. Неверный синтаксис файла .htaccesshtaccess – это файл, в котором можно задавать настройки для работы с веб-сервером Apache и вносить изменения в работу сайта (управлять различными перенаправлениями, правами доступа к файлам, опциями PHP, задавать собственные страницы ошибок и т.д.). 
    Узнать больше о файле .htaccess можно в статье «Создание и настройка .htaccess».
  2. Ошибки в скриптах сайта, то есть сценариях, созданных для автоматического выполнения задач или для расширения функционала сайта.
  3. Нехватка оперативной памяти при выполнении скрипта.
  4. Ошибки в коде CMS, системы управления содержимым сайта. В 80% случаев виноваты конфликтующие плагины. 

Год хостинга в подарок при заказе лицензии 1С-Битрикс

Выбирайте надежную CMS с регулярными обновлениями системы и профессиональной поддержкой.


Как получить больше данных о причине ошибки 

Что означает ошибка 500, мы теперь знаем. Когда она перестала быть таким загадочным персонажем, не страшно копнуть глубже — научиться определять причину ошибки. В некоторых случаях это можно сделать самостоятельно, так что обращаться за помощью к профильному специалисту не понадобится.

Отображение ошибки бывает разным. Ее внешний облик зависит от того, чем она вызвана.

Самые частые причины ошибки 500 можно распознать по тексту ошибки или внешнему виду страницы. 

  1. Сообщение Internal Server Error говорит о том, что есть проблемы с файлом .htaccess (например, виновата некорректная настройка файла). Убедиться, что .htaccess является корнем проблемы, поможет следующий прием: переименуйте файл .htaccess, добавив единицу в конце названия. Это можно сделать с помощью FTP-клиента (например, FileZilla) или файлового менеджера на вашем хостинге (в Timeweb такой есть, с ним довольно удобно работать). После изменения проверьте доступность сайта. Если ошибка больше не наблюдается, вы нашли причину.
  2. Сообщение HTTP ERROR 500 или пустая страница говорит о проблемах со скриптами сайта. В случае с пустой страницей стоит учесть, что отсутствие содержимого сайта не всегда указывает на внутреннюю ошибку сервера 500.

Давайте узнаем, что скрывается за пустой страницей, обратившись к инструментам разработчика. Эта браузерная панель позволяет получить информацию об ошибках и другие данные (время загрузки страницы, html-элементы и т.д.). 

Как открыть панель разработчика

  • Нажмите клавишу F12 (способ актуален для большинства браузеров на Windows). Используйте сочетание клавиш Cmd+Opt+J, если используете Google Chrome на macOS. Или примените комбинацию Cmd+Opt+C в случае Safari на macOS (но перед этим включите «Меню разработки» в разделе «Настройки» -> «Продвинутые»). Открыть инструменты разработчика также можно, если кликнуть правой кнопкой мыши в любом месте веб-страницы и выбрать «Просмотреть код» в контекстном меню. 
  • Откройте вкладку «Сеть» (или «Network») и взгляните на число в поле «Статус». Код ответа об ошибке 500 — это соответствующая цифра.

Причины ошибки 500Более детальную диагностику можно провести с помощью логов.

Простыми словами: лог — это журнал, в который записывается информация об ошибках, запросах к серверу, подключениях к серверу, действиях с файлами и т.д.

Как вы видите, данных в логи записывается немало, поэтому они разделены по типам. За сведениями о нашей ошибке можно обратиться к логам ошибок (error_log). Обычно такие логи предоставляет служба поддержки хостинга, на котором размещен сайт. В Timeweb вы можете включить ведение логов и заказать необходимые данные в панели управления. Разобраться в полученных логах поможет статья «Чтение логов».

Как устранить ошибку

Теперь поговорим о том, как исправить ошибку 500. Вернемся к популярным причинам этой проблемы и рассмотрим наиболее эффективные способы решения.

Ошибки в файле .htaccess

У этого файла довольно строгий синтаксис, поэтому неверно написанные директивы (команды) могут привести к ошибке. Попробуйте поочередно удалить команды, добавленные последними, и проверьте работу сайта. 
Также найти проблемную директиву можно с помощью логов ошибок (через те же инструменты разработчика в браузере). На ошибку в директиве обычно указывает фраза «Invalid command». Информацию о верном написании директивы или способе исправления ошибок в .htaccess вы можете найти в интернете. Не нужно искать, почему сервер выдает ошибку 500, просто введите в строку поиска название нужной команды или текст ошибки из логов.

Ошибки в скриптах сайта

Скрипт не запускается

Обычно это происходит, когда существует ошибка в скрипте или функция, которая не выполняется. Для успешного запуска скрипта функция должна быть верно прописана, поддерживаться сервером и выполняться от используемой версии PHP. Бывают ситуации, когда функция несовместима с определенными версиями PHP. Получить более подробную информацию о той или иной функции можно в интернете. 

Не хватает оперативной памяти

Если в логах вы видите ошибку «Allowed memory size», для устранения ошибки 500 стоит оптимизировать работу скрипта. Вы можете воспользоваться специальными расширениями для анализа производительности скрипта или обратиться за помощью к специалисту, который поработает над его оптимизацией.

Если ваш сайт размещен на отдельном физическом или виртуальном сервере, можно попробовать увеличить максимальное использование оперативной памяти на процесс (memory_limit). На шаред хостинге этот параметр обычно не изменяется, но есть возможность купить хостинг помощнее.

Ошибки в CMS

Если код CMS содержит неверный синтаксис, это может вывести сайт из строя. В таком случае логи сообщат вам об ошибке 500 текстом «PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected». Так происходит, когда некорректно работает плагин (или тема, используемая в CMS, но реже) либо есть ошибки в коде. Ошибка может быть допущена случайно, произойти при обновлении плагина или версии CMS.

При чтении логов обратите внимание на путь, который следует за сообщением об ошибке, ведь он может указать на проблемную часть кода или плагин. Если проблема в плагине, для восстановления работы сайта переименуйте на время папку, в которой он расположен. Попробуйте обновить плагин или откатить его до прежней версии. Если ситуацию не удается исправить, от расширения стоит отказаться либо заменить его аналогом.

Ошибка 500 из-за плагинов ВордпрессТакже в большинстве случаев подобные проблемы помогает решить поддержка CMS.

Информацию о других распространенных ошибках вы можете найти в статье «6 наиболее часто возникающих ошибок HTTP и способы их устранения».



  • Вариант 1: Сброс CMOS-памяти
  • Вариант 2: Замена батарейки
  • Вариант 3: Обновление версии BIOS
    • Другие советы по устранению ошибки
  • Вопросы и ответы

Ошибка CMOS checksum error - Defaults Loaded при загрузке

Ошибка «CMOS checksum error — Defaults Loaded» и ей родственные «CMOS checksum Bad», «CMOS checksum Failure» (точный текст ошибки зависит от производителя материнской платы) дословно переводится как «ошибка контрольной суммы CMOS, загружены параметры по умолчанию». Она означает, что текущем включении компьютера показатель суммы данных, хранящихся в CMOS-памяти, не совпадает с тем, что был зафиксирован при прошлом старте ПК. Сравнение этих данных нужно для корректного запуска операционной системы, но не всегда их расхождение свидетельствует о неустранимой проблеме.

Первым делом стоит попробовать просто сбросить CMOS-память вручную, а затем включить и выключить компьютер 2-3 раза для проверки на повторное возникновение ошибки. Делается это через батарейку или другие элементы, находящиеся на материнской плате. Сама процедура очень проста и ее с легкостью реализует даже неопытный пользователь ПК. В статье по ссылке ниже ознакомьтесь со Способами 2-4, объясняющими, как это сделать, и воспользуйтесь наиболее подходящим методом.

Подробнее: Сбрасываем настройки BIOS

Вы также можете выполнить обычный сброс настроек BIOS — есть шанс, что поможет даже это. Алгоритм показан в этой же упомянутой статье, в Способе 5. Инструкция актуальна для всех видов BIOS, несмотря на различия во внешнем виде.

Иногда сбросить настройки BIOS необходимо после установки новой батарейки.

Вариант 2: Замена батарейки

На материнских платах всегда присутствует батарейка-«таблетка» (CR2032), необходимая для сохранения данных в CMOS-памяти. Спустя годы (обычно это 5-8 лет) она вырабатывает свой ресурс, из-за чего информация в КМОП не сохраняется надолго, постоянно сбрасываясь. Следствием этого становятся не только разнообразные сбои (например, обнуление системного времени), но и отображение рассматриваемой сегодня ошибки. Заменить батарейку под силу любому, ведь эта операция ничем не отличается от этой же процедуры у другого устройства. Тем не менее предлагаем более развернуто ознакомиться с ней при помощи руководства по следующей ссылке.

Подробнее: Замена батарейки на материнской плате

Замена батарейки на материнской плате при ошибке CMOS checksum error - Defaults Loaded

Обладателям ноутбуков придется сложнее — для этого необходимо снять нижнюю крышку, что не всегда удается выполнить гладко из-за особенностей конструкции той или иной модели. Поэтому, если не уверены в своих силах, лучше обратитесь к компьютерным специалистам — такая процедура не должна стоить дорого.

Читайте также: Разбираем ноутбук в домашних условиях

Вариант 3: Обновление версии BIOS

Устранить некоторые программные сбои и неполадки может обновление версии БИОС. Этот процесс несложный, но следует отнестись к нему со всей внимательностью, поскольку бездумные действия могут привести к тому, что компьютер не включится совсем.

Подробнее: Обновление BIOS на компьютере

Вкладка Tool в UEFI BIOS

Другие советы по устранению ошибки

  • Сбой сам по себе может появляться и при некорректном отключении питания. Не выключайте компьютер долгим зажатием кнопки «Power» или другими резкими способами. Используйте классическое завершение работы, при котором работа ПК будет закончена нормально.
  • У некоторых не получается нажать ни одну клавишу во время экрана с сообщением «CMOS checksum error — Defaults Loaded». В таком случае подключите клавиатуру напрямую к материнской плате, если она подсоединена к передней панели системного блока. Иногда действенным оказывается отключение самой передней панели от материнской платы (ее USB-интерфейс подключен по проводу), при повреждениях которой возникает проблема с работой USB-портов. А при использовании беспроводной модели на время придется подсоединить проводную.
  • Подключение USB с передней панели к материнской плате

  • Обычно подобное также возникает после сбросившихся настроек BIOS на дефолтные, вместе с которыми слетела поддержка работы USB-интерфейса, что более характерно для старых компьютеров и версий BIOS. При внезапном наличии клавиатуры с интерфейсом PS/2 и соответствующего порта на материнской плате может помочь их использование. Зайдите в BIOS и найдите в одном из разделов поддержку USB, включив ее (переведя опцию в состояние «Enabled»).
  • Использование клавиатуры с разъемом PS2 при ошибке CMOS checksum error - Defaults Loaded

  • Когда выполнение всех рекомендаций не приводит к положительному результату, следует осмотреть материнскую плату на наличие испортившихся конденсаторов. Вероятно, вздувшиеся, высохшие или потекшие, они и вызывают неполадки в работе всего компьютера. При отсутствии знаний по замене конденсаторов ничего не остается как обратиться в сервисный центр или приобрести новую материнскую плату.
  • Просмотр состояния конденсаторов на материнской плате при ошибке CMOS checksum error - Defaults Loaded

  • Ошибка может свидетельствовать и более серьезных проблемах с материнской платой, выяснить которые удастся только разбирающемуся в принципе работы подобной техники человеку.
  • Редко помогает переустановка планок оперативной памяти в другие слоты (т. е. надо поменять их местами) или отключение одной из них. Если помог второй метод, скорее всего, отключенная планка повреждена. На замену ищите точно такую же модель либо идентичную по характеристикам.

В некоторых случаях можно продолжить загрузку системы, нажав F1 (или F2) после появления ошибки «CMOS checksum error — Defaults Loaded». Это подойдет в ситуациях, когда, например, вы понимаете, что компьютер нуждается в замене батарейки, но пока что приобрести ее нет возможности. То есть часто ПК работает даже с ошибками в памяти КМОП, продолжая нормально загружаться после команды пользователя.

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