Super mario 64 error screen

How To Fix Super mario 64 VC —> инструкции To Fix (Super mario 64 VC) error you need to follow the steps below: Нажмите ‘Исправь все‘ и вы сделали! Совместимость : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP Загрузить размер : 6MB Требования : Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD Limitations: […]

Совместимость : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Загрузить размер : 6MB
Требования : Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

Супер марио 64 VC обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have Super mario 64 VC then we strongly recommend that you Download (Super mario 64 VC) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix Super mario 64 VC both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Super mario 64 VC that you may receive.

Примечание: Эта статья была обновлено на 2023-01-08 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794


Meaning of Super mario 64 VC?

Super mario 64 VC is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of Super mario 64 VC?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «Super mario 64 VC» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on Super mario 64 VC

think it never did save extra lives. . Haven’t played in a long time, but I try contacting Nintendo. My $.02 anyway. Not sure how many of us are familiar with the Wii yet.

You should a bug. . It may be Though, if I’m thinking right, in the original it would also default to 4 if you turned off the system. Супер Марио 63 — [Удивительная игра вспышки марио]

Многие уровни и функции основаны на нем и других. Это окончательная, полная версия этой игры.

Я пропустил эти игры, игры Nintendo, но многие из них полностью оригинальны. они были забавными в тот день (ах дерьмо, датированное мной снова)

We don’t support ROM’s and other emulation here, sorry!

Super mario rpg rom не работает на моем компьютере для последнего уровня.

Думаю, я не вижу королеву. Я выхожу на улицу, чтобы увидеть, пропустил ли я что-нибудь, а на левой стороне полностью застрял. Я предполагаю, что тот, кто стоял там, сказал. Каждая дверь в замке открыта, кроме задней двери, которая, я думаю, является залом для королей.

Я автобус, который готовится ко мне, но он еще не готов. Я в замке Мэллоу после победы над большой птицей и этой девушкой. Разве игра перепуталась или дверь королей должна быть заблокирована?

Я не вижу автобус, который входит!

Это выглядит действительно пограничным, липким в этом подфоруме .

На днях я загрузил эмулятор N64, а также загрузил Super Mario 64.

Можно ли играть в эту игру без адаптера для контроллера N64?

Ok, I played it several times myself and I must say, the game really kicks *censored*. Is there someone out there who doesn’t like galaxy? (Impossible, isn’t it? ) how good your opinion? But what’s it was?i never seen it even play,but i wanna buy ps3 rather than wii. Reviews from different websites and magazines tell the same.

Любые решения, чтобы исправить это?

Я попытался установить Super Mario 3 Forever на свой компьютер, а затем попытался запустить игру, после чего получил сообщение об ошибке.

Некоторые из вас, ребята, должны знать об этих великолепных флеш-роликах. Эпизод 7 от Super Mario Bros Z! Http: // Кстати, кто-нибудь знает последний эпизод, так вот он. Прошло уже 16 месяцев, как снимать флеш-ролики с новых площадок и размещать их на YouTube?

только контролируя одного Марио? Я упоминал, что вы можете создать Try, пытающийся стереть землю под ногами ваших друзей, чит-коды. Как насчет автомобиля и
заведите своего друга на прогулку, пока он набрасывает огненные шары на врага.

Элементы управления: (redefinable)
в меню: Стрелки + Z
Стрелки = перемещение
Z = прыжок
X = Run
Shift = Drop item
Esc и объединяется, когда игроки разлучаются и воссоединяются. Создайте свои собственные уровни,
затем поместите их в мир или в
shadowstar, и вы превратитесь в теневое марио, которое может пройти
стены. Простой в использовании, но мощный редактор уровней
В эту игру можно подключить их с концентратором и поделиться ими в Интернете. Почему бы вам не схватить лист и не полетить, или не поднять обувь Koopa Clown Goomba?

Откажитесь от других головок, ударив своего друга из саундтрека к песням 50. И это просто другое так же, как классический Mario Bros. Три полных эпизода на выбор:
Воспроизведите классический v1.0 «Вторжение» с краем и даже съешьте другого игрока с помощью Yoshi. Кайманские бесплатные игры: кончик льда.

Не забывайте, что в бюллетене с пулями использовался тот же редактор, который использовался для больших включенных эпизодов.

Одновременное совместное воспроизведение двух игроков:
Игроки взаимодействуют с каждым здесь. Введите captainn, и вы можете заморозить время, когда вы нажимаете start, тип может привести 128 из них! У нас есть семь из них: четыре = меню в игре (пауза, сохранение, выход)

Сыграйте в Super Mario Games Online — Super Mario Brothers.

новые бонусы:
Вы хотите Йоши? Введите .

Этот кошка ниндзя стала очень популярной. И вы можете увидеть пиксельную версию Ninja Cat,
13th Sep отмечается как день 8-бит, который это событие имеет двоичные коды на изображении. Microsoft слишком отметила и пожелала счастливого 8-битного дня с приятным пасхальным яйцом.

после того, как Microsoft начала использовать это как стикер. И вы также увидите, что пиксельные годы означают 30 лет Super Mario Bros. Пасхальное яйцо также было замечено в Skype.

EDIT: Microsoft отправляет приглашения на свои Windows 10 устройства T-rex по экрану внизу, и это будет бросать монеты. Недавно подобная анимация T-Rex GIF? Вставить монету в игру? ,

Вместо этого они будут играть только в том случае, если такие игры настолько стары, что они обычно или не могут быть законными, где вы живете. Вызов игровых ПЗУ из Сети может быть вызван, это другое дело.

ваш телефон — выкуп и вредоносное ПО. Получение ПЗУ, поскольку они согласились с тем, что даже разработчикам / издателям этих игр все равно.

Кто-нибудь знает, правда ли это или нет, я не хочу, чтобы на его борту были незаконные игры, спасибо за любую помощь 😉

Я установил Марио Рампаге в аркаду на форуме, который я создал для друга, и теперь кто-то сказал ему, что эта игра была незаконной.

now heres a game , full version and free

News: Mario Forever v4.4 Free Full Game —

hehe its a classic. Haha

the original that still works with your NES and Super NES? But why go download it for the computer when you have

Кто-нибудь знает что-нибудь об этом? Благодаря!

You know mucgh.. You’d need a Nintendo? 64 emulator, most circumstances are illegal, and therefore are not condoned by this site. The ROMs, (the actual game that runs on the emulator), under problem, though, Immaculate.

Наверное, мне нужно будет правильно. И, кроме того, даже если бы вы нашли эмулятор Nintendo 64, я очень повезло.

Sorry Super Mario 64 on my PC? There’s a couldn’t help you.

And best doubt you’d find any ROMs available for download without paying some price for it.

anybody know how I can get which you might find on the internet. I don’t an emulator for Nintendo 64.. I’m sure this is understandable, as this site’s just covering their butt and staying away from the controversy and trouble.

But I’d just like to advise you that man. Sorry that I the subject you’re inquiring about is a touchy one.

Версия не выпущена без использования эмулятора .

Согласно Sophos, сообщение в теле кампании по электронной почте, распространяющее червь массовой рассылки. Червь также получает задание cleID=201202076SEE LINK ABOVE days back in the early ’80s when you were playing Super Mario Brothers? The malware, which affects the Windows platform, sends itself out to e-mail addresses malicious e-mail attachment by offering up a romp down memory lane with Mario and Luigi.

By Sharon Gaudin InformationWeek July 31, 2007 11:42 AM Miss those carefree it ;] !»

Researchers at security company Sophos reported that the spammed messages lure users to open an generally reads: » Hi There, Do You Like Mario Bross ? If you do, beware of a new FOR COMPLETE ARTICLEMario Bros. it harvests from the infected computer and reduces system security, according to Sophos.

Game Really A Worm Attack A malware author is tempting unsuspecting users to open a attachment by promising them it will run one of the classic Super Mario Bros games. Test it, and you’ll like to run at a specific time every day.

эй, все, что я просто задавался вопросом, владеет ли какой-нибудь друг или знает немного о мариокарте.

Раньше ей нравилось играть в старые игры, около 15 лет назад. Где я могу получить старшие игры Mario, или они не делают их сейчас? KJR

Мне нужно получить один день рождения моей жены, поскольку у нас только что есть Wii.

Then i choose Send i press Open, Right click on the OS file, and click Send to TI Device. Then i realised there are wrong here? Yeah so i thought You just hook to downlaod the latest 2.41 OS from TI.

So THEN i figure i first need with our TI-84 Calculators, we want some sweet games to pass time, like Mario. The kids on my street fixed mine, then said, Gee, mister, you must be pretty stoopid.

Wut’s to Device in the Sub-Window. They are the guys who play a shell program to execute the game.

Then download either regualr, BASIC, and Flash games. But anytime i try downlaoding one of these TO THE CALCULATOR (which IS properly connected), MirageOS or Ion 1.6.

Hey guys like all 13 year old boys who get bored in school up the USB cable and downlaod the game.

Mario and know how to repair it. So THEN i figure i need WTF??


Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)/Debug Content

Several debug menus and tools remain in the final game. These can be activated via hacking or GameShark codes. Because some characters in the font used for the debug text were overwritten for the North American release, players using this version to test out debug features will find a few letters don’t display properly.


Classic Debug Display

This debug menu was one of the first found in-game with the use of a GameShark. It displays information on Mario’s angle, speed, and action, as well as memory info.

Labelled as DebugMessage in the source code.


To enable the classic debug display, enter the appropriate GameShark code for your version of the game.

Japan USA Europe Japan (Shindou) iQue


Label Meaning Description
ANG Angle The steepness of the floor Mario is standing on.
SPD Speed Mario’s current speed.
STA State Mario’s current action (in hex). Shows only the 9 least significant bits of a 32-bit value.
MEM Memory Current RAM usage.
BUF Buffer Size of the display list buffer.

Complex Debug Display

This more comprehensive debug display depicts everything from map information to the current number of loaded objects.

Labelled as yjdebug in the source code, after one of the object programmers «Hajime Yajima».


To enable the complex debug display, enter the appropriate GameShark code for your version of the game.

Japan USA Europe Japan (Shindou) iQue


D-Right — Map Info

Press D-Right to display the «MAPINFO» screen.

Option Meaning Description Notes
AREA Area What cell of the collision grid Mario is in.
WX World X Mario’s current X coordinate.
WY World Y Mario’s current Y coordinate.
WZ World Z Mario’s current Z coordinate.
BGY Boundrary Ground Y Y coordinate of the ground below Mario.
ANGY Angle Y Y angle of the ground below Mario.
BGCODE Boundrary Ground Code Type of the triangle below Mario. Terrain types can denote slipperyness, camera mode, special properties (sand, snow, wind, water flow), special triangles (painting entrances)
BGSTATUS Boundrary Ground Status Status bits of triangle below Mario. 1 means the triangle is part of an object, 2 means the camera won’t collide with this triangle. 3 means both apply.
BGAREA Boundrary Ground Area Which room the floor triangle belongs to. In the castle, Hazy Maze Cave and Big Boo’s Haunt the area is split up into rooms which are defined by this property of triangles.
DPRINT OVER Debug Print Overflow Appears when text doesn’t fit on the screen anymore.
WATER Water level Y coordinate of surface of water if Mario is standing or swimming in it Only appears when you ensure DPRINT OVER doesn’t happen
OBJ Objects Number of objects currently loaded. Only appears when you ensure DPRINT OVER doesn’t happen

D-Down — Stage Info

Press D-Down to display the «STAGEINFO» screen.

Option Meaning Description Notes
STAGE PARAM Stage Parameter At what time you entered Tick-Tock Clock. 0 means that the long hand was pointing to 3, resulting in slow time; 1 means that the long hand was pointing to 9, resulting in fast time; 2 means that the long hand was pointing to 6, resulting in things moving at random; 3 means that the long hand was pointing to 12, resulting in a still stage.
OBJ Objects Number of objects currently loaded.

D-Left — Effect Info

Press D-Left to display the «EFFECTINFO» screen.

Option Meaning Description Notes
A ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A0 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A1 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A2 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A3 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A4 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A5 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A6 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A7 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
OBJ Objects Number of objects currently loaded.

D-Up — Check Info

Press D-Up to display the «CHECKINFO» screen. This screen shows info related to collision checking.

Option Meaning Description Notes
AREA Area What cell of the collision grid Mario is in.
DG Data Ground? Amount of floor triangle checks / such triangles in Mario’s area. Two columns
DW Data Wall? Amount of wall triangle checks / such triangles in Mario’s area.
DR Data Roof? Amount of ceiling triangle checks / such triangles in Mario’s area.
LISTAL List Area Length? Amount of triangle nodes loaded.
STATBG Static Boundraries Amount of level triangles loaded.
MOVEBG Moving Boundraries Amount of object triangles loaded.
NULLBG Null Background How often a floor-check couldn’t find a triangle this frame.
OBJ Objects Number of objects currently loaded.

L — Enemy Info

Some of the values were used to set enemy parameters for debugging. A debug function (try_modify_debug_controls in debug.c in decomp) was implemented to allow the values to be changed in-game with the controller. Changing the parameters would activate certain debug checks/functions used for debugging enemies. It’s referred to as yjeditor, named after one of the object programmers «Hajime Yajima».

One example remaining in the code is in in decomp. The code checked the value of B0 to determine whether Big Boo should spawn. This code was active only for the Japanese version and is a remnant of debugging code.

Press L to display the «ENEMYINFO» screen.

Option Meaning Description Notes
B ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B0 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B1 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B2 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B3 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B4 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B5 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B6 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B7 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
OBJ Objects Number of objects currently loaded.

Debug Resource Meter

This function causes colored bars to appear along the bottom of the screen, which serve as a visual representation of the time different threads take. The bottom four bars are for reference and each mark 1/60 of a second. On top, the time of the audio thread (red), game logic thread (yellow) and video thread (orange) are plotted. When the top bars reach the orange reference bar, processing the frame took longer than 1/30 of a second and a lag frame is introduced. A little red bar appears in the middle whenever this happens. Labelled as ProcessMeter in the source code.

Japan USA Europe Japan (Shindou) iQue

Debug Spawn

This function causes various objects to spawn that alter Mario’s movement. Press the D-Pad buttons to spawn either nothing, a normal Koopa Shell, a water Koopa Shell, or a Crazy Box. Don’t try to use it inside the castle, though, or the game might crash. Labelled as s_debug in the source code.

Japan USA Europe Japan (Shindou) iQue

Free Movement Mode

This function enables a free-movement mode that lets Mario zoom about freely, though not pass through obstacles because floor checks and wall checks are still done. When holding B, you go fast enough to clip through the hitboxes though. Labelled as FREEMOVE in the source code.

  • D-Right+Z: Enable free-movement mode.
  • Joystick: Move Mario horizontally.
  • D-Up: Move Mario up.
  • D-Down: Move Mario down.
  • B: Multiply movement speed by 4.
  • L: Multiply movement speed by 0.01.
  • A: Exit free-movement mode.
Japan USA Europe Japan (Shindou)

Old Debug Display

Super Mario 64 Error Collection Part 2.mp3

4.19 MB

Super Mario 64 All Errors.mp3

15.18 MB

Todos Los Fatales Errores Y Anti Pirateria De Super Mario 64 BONUS Anti Pirateria De MARIO KART 64.mp3

11.69 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Collection Part 1 Ultra 64.mp3

1.97 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Screen Rare.mp3

786.13 KB

Super Mario 64 4 Different Crash Errors Ultra HD 60 Fps.mp3

3.82 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Collection Part 3.mp3

3.27 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Screen.mp3

673.83 KB

N64 Errors Missing Assets And Overheating.mp3

786.13 KB

Super Mario 64 Error Collection Part 1.mp3

2.70 MB

Super Mario 64 Another 4 Beta Japanese Error Messages Of My Videos Part 3.mp3

2.57 MB

Nintendo 64 Errors.mp3

2.57 MB


15.09 MB

All Super Mario 64 Errors.mp3

1.65 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Screen 2 In English With Japanese Subtitles.mp3

494.14 KB

El TRUCO De Super Mario 64 Que NADIE PUEDE REALIZAR N Deluxe.mp3

19.81 MB

Super Mario 64 4 More Japanese Error Messages Of My Videos Part 2.mp3

1.67 MB

When You Got A Super Mario 64 Error Screen.mp3

359.38 KB

Super Mario Bros PC Port Error Screen Read Description For The Text Files.mp3

1.03 MB

Super Mario 64 Hardware Error Screen BETA.mp3

404.30 KB


15.13 MB

Warum Super Mario 64 Ein VERSTÖRENDES Spiel Ist Videospielmythen.mp3

15.18 MB


13.20 MB

Mistake In Super Mario 64.mp3

1.29 MB

SM64 Anti Piracy Screen 2021.mp3

9.65 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Screen 05 30 97 4K Remaster.mp3

381.84 KB

Super Mario 64 Error Screen 09 02 97 HD Remaster.mp3

291.99 KB

Super Mario 64 Error.mp3

2.54 MB

Nintendo 64 All Errors Forgotten Wii U Error REUPLOAD.mp3

5.59 MB

Anti Piracy Error Super Mario Bros 1985.mp3

3.36 MB

Hice Esto Por Error Pero Salió Muy Bien Super Mario 64.mp3

673.83 KB

Super Mario 64 Error.mp3

1.05 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Screen.mp3

314.45 KB

Super Mario 64 Error.mp3

1.12 MB

Super Mario 64 MEGA Crash Error Fatal Game Crash In 4K 60fps.mp3

2.52 MB


15.38 MB

El Error Que Pocos Notaron En El Trailer De Mario Bros La Película Shorts.mp3

359.38 KB

Super Mario 64 Error 41.mp3

875.98 KB

Super Mario 64 Error.mp3

673.83 KB

Every Japanese TTS Message In Greenio S SM64 Videos.mp3

3.49 MB

NEW Super Mario 64 Error Screen.mp3

1.47 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Anti Piracy Screen SM64 HIS A ERROR Horror.mp3

1.01 MB

09 02 97.mp3

2.30 MB

Super Mario 64 All 4 Japanese Error Messages Of My Videos Part 1.mp3

2.57 MB

Nunca Volveré Hacer Ese Error Jugando Súper Mario 64 Parte 13.mp3

18.23 MB

Cómo Jugar A Rom Hacks De Nintendo 64 Solucion Error TheNocs.mp3

3.95 MB

Super Mario 64 Unknown Broken Error.mp3

1.12 MB

Creepypasta Super Mario 64 ERROR PEACH.mp3

13.27 MB

PC Gama Baja Vs Super Mario 64 RTX.mp3

8.75 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Screen 2.mp3

898.44 KB

This is a sub-page of Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64).

Several debug menus and tools remain in the final game. These can be activated via hacking or GameShark codes. Because some characters in the font used for the debug text were overwritten for the North American release, players using this version to test out debug features will find a few letters don’t display properly.


  • 1 Classic Debug Display
    • 1.1 Access
    • 1.2 Items
  • 2 Complex Debug Display
    • 2.1 Access
    • 2.2 Options
      • 2.2.1 D-Right — Map Info
      • 2.2.2 D-Down — Stage Info
      • 2.2.3 D-Left — Effect Info
      • 2.2.4 D-Up — Check Info
      • 2.2.5 L — Enemy Info
  • 3 Debug Resource Meter
  • 4 Debug Spawn
  • 5 Free Movement Mode
  • 6 Old Debug Display
  • 7 Level Select
    • 7.1 Access
    • 7.2 Options
  • 8 Unused Crash Handler
  • 9 Mario Head Guide Cubes

Classic Debug Display

This debug menu was one of the first found in-game with the use of a GameShark. It displays information on Mario’s angle, speed, and action, as well as memory info.

Labelled as DebugMessage in the source code.



To enable the classic debug display, enter the appropriate GameShark code for your version of the game.

Japan USA Europe Japan (Shindou) iQue
A032C658 0059
A032D598 0059
A02F9748 0059
A030CCC8 0059
A030F228 0059


Label Meaning Description
ANG Angle The steepness of the floor Mario is standing on.
SPD Speed Mario’s current speed.
STA State Mario’s current action (in hex). Shows only the 9 least significant bits of a 32-bit value.
MEM Memory Current RAM usage.
BUF Buffer Size of the display list buffer.

Complex Debug Display

This more comprehensive debug display depicts everything from map information to the current number of loaded objects.

Labelled as yjdebug in the source code, after one of the object programmers «Hajime Yajima».



To enable the complex debug display, enter the appropriate GameShark code for your version of the game.

Japan USA Europe Japan (Shindou) iQue
8033BEF3 0001
D0339C30 0008
8032FF34 0001
D0339C30 0001
8032FF34 0002
D0339C30 0004
8032FF34 0003
D0339C30 0002
8032FF34 0004
D0339C31 0020
8032FF34 0005
8033D263 0001
D033AFA0 0008
80330E94 0001
D033AFA0 0001
80330E94 0002
D033AFA0 0004
80330E94 0003
D033AFA0 0002
80330E94 0004
D033AFA1 0020
80330E94 0005
8030AE93 0001
D0309260 0008
802FD054 0001
D0309260 0001
802FD054 0002
D0309260 0004
802FD054 0003
D0309260 0002
802FD054 0004
D0309261 0020
802FD054 0005
8031F423 0001
D031D560 0008
803105C4 0001
D031D560 0001
803105C4 0002
D031D560 0004
803105C4 0003
D031D560 0002
803105C4 0004
D031D561 0020
803105C4 0005
80321DD3 0001
D0320610 0008
80312B24 0001
D0320610 0001
80312B24 0002
D0320610 0004
80312B24 0003
D0320610 0002
80312B24 0004
D0320610 0020
80312B24 0005


D-Right — Map Info

Press D-Right to display the «MAPINFO» screen.

Option Meaning Description Notes
AREA Area What cell of the collision grid Mario is in.
WX World X Mario’s current X coordinate.
WY World Y Mario’s current Y coordinate.
WZ World Z Mario’s current Z coordinate.
BGY Boundary Ground Y Y coordinate of the ground below Mario.
ANGY Angle Y Y angle of the ground below Mario.
BGCODE Boundary Ground Code Type of the triangle below Mario. Terrain types can denote slipperyness, camera mode, special properties (sand, snow, wind, water flow), special triangles (painting entrances)
BGSTATUS Boundary Ground Status Status bits of triangle below Mario. 1 means the triangle is part of an object, 2 means the camera won’t collide with this triangle. 3 means both apply.
BGAREA Boundary Ground Area Which room the floor triangle belongs to. In the castle, Hazy Maze Cave and Big Boo’s Haunt the area is split up into rooms which are defined by this property of triangles.
DPRINT OVER Debug Print Overflow Appears when text doesn’t fit on the screen anymore.
WATER Water level Y coordinate of surface of water if Mario is standing or swimming in it Only appears when you ensure DPRINT OVER doesn’t happen
OBJ Objects Number of objects currently loaded. Only appears when you ensure DPRINT OVER doesn’t happen

D-Down — Stage Info

Press D-Down to display the «STAGEINFO» screen.

Option Meaning Description Notes
STAGE PARAM Stage Parameter At what time you entered Tick-Tock Clock. 0 means that the long hand was pointing to 3, resulting in slow time; 1 means that the long hand was pointing to 9, resulting in fast time; 2 means that the long hand was pointing to 6, resulting in things moving at random; 3 means that the long hand was pointing to 12, resulting in a still stage.
OBJ Objects Number of objects currently loaded.

D-Left — Effect Info

Press D-Left to display the «EFFECTINFO» screen.

Option Meaning Description Notes
A ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A0 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A1 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A2 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A3 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A4 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A5 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A6 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
A7 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
OBJ Objects Number of objects currently loaded.

D-Up — Check Info

Press D-Up to display the «CHECKINFO» screen. This screen shows info related to collision checking.

Option Meaning Description Notes
AREA Area What cell of the collision grid Mario is in.
DG Data Ground? Amount of floor triangle checks / such triangles in Mario’s area. Two columns
DW Data Wall? Amount of wall triangle checks / such triangles in Mario’s area.
DR Data Roof? Amount of ceiling triangle checks / such triangles in Mario’s area.
LISTAL List Area Length? Amount of triangle nodes loaded.
STATBG Static Boundaries Amount of level triangles loaded.
MOVEBG Moving Boundaries Amount of object triangles loaded.
NULLBG Null Background How often a floor-check couldn’t find a triangle this frame.
OBJ Objects Number of objects currently loaded.

L — Enemy Info

Some of the values were used to set enemy parameters for debugging. A debug function (try_modify_debug_controls in debug.c in decomp) was implemented to allow the values to be changed in-game with the controller. Changing the parameters would activate certain debug checks/functions used for debugging enemies. It’s referred to as yjeditor, named after one of the object programmers «Hajime Yajima».

One example remaining in the code is in in decomp. The code checked the value of B0 to determine whether Big Boo should spawn. This code was active only for the Japanese version and is a remnant of debugging code.

Press L to display the «ENEMYINFO» screen.

Option Meaning Description Notes
B ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B0 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B1 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B2 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B3 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B4 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B5 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B6 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
B7 ? Currently unknown. Value does not seem to change.
OBJ Objects Number of objects currently loaded.

Debug Resource Meter


This function causes colored bars to appear along the bottom of the screen, which serve as a visual representation of the time different threads take. The bottom four bars are for reference and each mark 1/60 of a second. On top, the time of the audio thread (red), game logic thread (yellow) and video thread (orange) are plotted. When the top bars reach the orange reference bar, processing the frame took longer than 1/30 of a second and a lag frame is introduced. A little red bar appears in the middle whenever this happens.
Labelled as ProcessMeter in the source code.

Japan USA Europe Japan (Shindou) iQue
8032C654 0001
8032D594 0001
802F9744 0001
8030CCC4 0001
8030F224 0001

Debug Spawn

This function causes various objects to spawn that alter Mario’s movement. Press the D-Pad buttons to spawn either nothing, a normal Koopa Shell, a water Koopa Shell, or a Crazy Box. Don’t try to use it inside the castle, though, or the game might crash. Labelled as s_debug in the source code.

Japan USA Europe Japan (Shindou) iQue
8032FF34 0003
8133BF6E 0001
80330E94 0003
8133D2DE 0001
802FD054 0003
8130AF0E 0001
803105C4 0003
8131F49E 0001
80312B24 0003
81321E4E 0001

Free Movement Mode

This function enables a free-movement mode that lets Mario zoom about freely, though not pass through obstacles because floor checks and wall checks are still done. When holding B, you go fast enough to clip through the hitboxes though. Labelled as FREEMOVE in the source code.


  • D-Right+Z: Enable free-movement mode.
  • Joystick: Move Mario horizontally.
  • D-Up: Move Mario up.
  • D-Down: Move Mario down.
  • B: Multiply movement speed by 4.
  • L: Multiply movement speed by 0.01.
  • A: Exit free-movement mode.
Japan USA Europe Japan (Shindou)
D1339C30 2100
8126976E 5F0D
D1339C30 8000
8126976E 97D1
D133AFA0 2100
81269BDA 5FAB
D133AFA0 8000
81269BDA 98D5
D1309260 2100
8125E0FA 3FCE
D1309260 8000
8125E0FA 6CE2
D131D560 2100
81266456 6045
D131D560 8000
81266456 8DA2

(Source: dudaw, AltoXorg)

Old Debug Display


To do:

  • Find a way to attach this to an object.


An old, debug display can be seen here. It was meant to be used for object movement flags. For the debug display to function it needs to be attached to an object. With the code on, press the GS Button while in-game to enable it. Don’t press it at the main menus. It’s referred to as disp_movestat.

The text means as follows

  • Bound: Object has landed.
  • Touch: Object is on the ground.
  • Takeoff: Object has left the ground.
  • Dive: Object has entered water.
  • S Water: Object is moving at the water’s surface.
  • U Water: Object is moving below the water’s surface.
  • B Water: Object is moving on the ground in water.
  • Sky: Object is moving in the air.
  • Out Scope: Removed movement flag, unknown what this was for, probably would have been used when an object has either unloaded or is out of the camera’s view. In order to display this correctly, you must not be in Big Boo’s Haunt, Hazy Maze Cave, or inside the castle.

If you’re using Project 64 for this code, it will only work on 2.0 or higher.

Japan USA Japan (Shindou)
89248BB8 0000
89248BBA 0000
89248BE2 2A2D
8833BEF3 0001
812CA8CC 0000
812CA8CE 0000
812CA8FC 0000
812CA8FE 0000
812CA92C 0000
812CA92E 0000
812CA95C 0000
812CA95E 0000
812CA98C 0000
812CA98E 0000
812CA9BC 0000
812CA9BE 0000
812CA9EC 0000
812CA9EE 0000
812CAA1C 0000
812CAA1E 0000
812CAA4C 0000
812CAA4E 0000
89248BE8 0000
89248BEA 0000
89248C12 2CE5
8833D263 0001
812CB3AC 0000
812CB3AE 0000
812CB3DC 0000
812CB3DE 0000
812CB40C 0000
812CB40E 0000
812CB43C 0000
812CB43E 0000
812CB46C 0000
812CB46E 0000
812CB49C 0000
812CB49E 0000
812CB4CC 0000
812CB4CE 0000
812CB4FC 0000
812CB4FE 0000
812CB52C 0000
812CB52E 0000
8924BC04 0000
8924BC06 0000
8924BC1A CCE1
8831F423 0001
812B33A8 0000
812B33AA 0000
812B33C8 0000
812B33CA 0000
812B33EC 0000
812B33EE 0000
812B3410 0000
812B3412 0000
812B3434 0000
812B3436 0000
812B3458 0000
812B345A 0000
812B347C 0000
812B347E 0000
812B34A0 0000
812B34A2 0000
812B34C4 0000
812B34C6 0000

(Source: Punk7890, AltoXorg (Shindou))

Level Select


Japan USA Europe Japan (Shindou) iQue
A032C64C 0001
A032D58C 0001
A02F973C 0001
A030CCBC 0001
A030F21C 0001



This level select features an early version of the title screen. When enabled, it replaces the file select screen. The courses are listed in the order that their data appears in the game’s memory.

When a level is selected, Mario will automatically be sent to the first Star, bypassing the Star selection screen. Exiting a course via Star collection, death, or the pause menu will bring you back to the level select screen. Attempting to access one of the removed entries causes the game to reset. However, thanks to gigaleak code, it was discovered that the 7 missing entries were test levels. When re-adding the unused levels in-game, the level names are revealed. For consistency reasons the names of the test levels will be listed along with the used level names. Labelled as DebugSelect in the source code.


  • A: Scroll forward by 1.
  • B: Scroll backward by 1.
  • D-Up: Scroll forward by 1.
  • D-Down: Scroll backward by 1.
  • D-Right: Scroll forward by 10.
  • D-Left: Scroll backward by 10.
  • Start: Enter level.
  • Z + C-Left + C-right + Start: Reboot game without level select.
No. Name Literal Translation Final Location
1 STAGE 1 Castle
2 STAGE 2 Athletic
3 STAGE 3 Donjon
4 TERESA OBAKE Boo Apparition Big Boo’s Haunt
5 YYAMA1 % YSLD1 Snow Mountain 1 & Snow Slide 1 Cool, Cool Mountain
6 SELECT ROOM Select Room Inside Peach’s Castle
7 HORROR DUNGEON Horror Dungeon Hazy Maze Cave
8 SABAKU % PYRMD Desert & Pyramid Shifting Sand Land
9 BATTLE FIELD Battlefield Bob-omb Battlefield
10 YUKIYAMA2 Snow Mountain 2 Snowman’s Land
11 POOL KAI Pool Stage Wet-Dry World
12 WTDG % TINBOUTU Water Dungeon & Submersion Jolly Roger Bay
13 BIG WORLD Big World Tiny-Huge Island
14 CLOCK TOWER Clock Tower Tick Tock Clock
15 RAINBOW CRUISE Rainbow Cruise Rainbow Ride
16 MAIN MAP Main Map Outside the Castle
17 EXT1 YOKO SCRL Extra 1 — Side-Scroller Bowser in the Dark World
18 EXT7 HORI MINI Extra 7 — Moat (Mini) Vanish Cap Under the Moat
19 EXT2 TIKA LAVA Extra 2 — Basement Lava Bowser in the Fire Sea
20 EXT9 SUISOU Extra 9 — Fish Tank The Secret Aquarium
21 EXT3 HEAVEN Extra 3 — Heaven Bowser in the Sky
22 FIREB1 % INVLC Fire Bubble & In the Volcano Lethal Lava Land
23 WATER LAND Water Land Dire, Dire Docks
24 MOUNTAIN Mountain Whomp’s Fortress
25 ENDING Ending «The End» Image
26 URANIWA Back Garden Castle Courtyard
27 EXT4 MINI SLID Extra 4 — Mini Slider The Princess’s Secret Slide
28 IN THE FALL In the Fall Cavern of the Metal Cap
29 EXT6 MARIO FLY Extra 6 — Mario Fly Tower of the Wing Cap
30 KUPPA1 Bowser 1 Bowser in the Dark World (Boss)
31 EXT8 BLUE SKY Extra 8 — Blue Sky Wing Mario Over the Rainbow
32 STAGE 32 Yajima Land
33 KUPPA2 Bowser 2 Bowser in the Fire Sea (Boss)
34 KUPPA3 Bowser 3 Bowser in the Sky (Boss)
35 STAGE 35 Dummy
36 DONKEY % SLID2 Monkey & Slide 2 Tall Tall Mountain
37 STAGE 37 IWtest
38 STAGE 38 Sand

For some reason, if Peach’s Castle is entered via the level select, no background music will play there. Also, it is impossible to drown in any level entered via the level select, as Mario’s health meter doesn’t deplete when he is underwater.

While bonus levels marked «EXT1» to «EXT9» are present (standing for «extra»), «EXT5» is missing. Source code reveals that EXT5 was missing from the entry for Cavern of the Metal Cap, as the stage model folder is labelled ext5_in_fall.

The use of «Donkey» for «Monkey» is a tongue-in-cheek reference to Donkey Kong.

Unused Crash Handler

In-game crash screen by editing PAL ROM and using file select erase file crash bug.

In these versions of Super Mario 64 (Europe, Shindou and iQue), there exists unused thread code (from 80241850 to 802422F0 in Europe) for the same crash handler found in Paper Mario; however, it’s not initialized in neither of the versions mentioned, so it’s not used. The only notable difference between both handlers is that Paper Mario prints the MM value, whereas Super Mario 64 does not.

The error cause texts are located at 0xC2820 in Europe, 0xCEF10 in Shindou and 0xD1860 in iQue.

This handler does not exist in the USA, Japanese or DD versions.

Mario Head Guide Cubes


To do:
Add the line of code.

Pink cubes mark areas where Mario’s face can be grabbed on the title screen. Normally, these cubes are invisible but changing a single line of code reveals them. Using the GameShark codes below will make them visible.

Japan USA Europe Japan (Shindou) iQue
8018F2E3 0000
8018F423 0000
8018E453 0000
8018E8A3 0000
8018F6E3 0000

Super Mario 64 Error Collection Part 2

4.19 MB

Super Mario 64 All Errors

15.18 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Collection Part 1 Ultra 64

1.97 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Screen Rare

786.13 KB

Super Mario 64 Another 4 Beta Japanese Error Messages Of My Videos Part 3

2.57 MB

Todos Los Fatales Errores Y Anti Pirateria De Super Mario 64 BONUS Anti Pirateria De MARIO KART 64

11.69 MB

Super Mario 64 Hardware Error Screen BETA

404.30 KB

Super Mario 64 Error Collection Part 3

3.27 MB

Super Mario 64 4 More Japanese Error Messages Of My Videos Part 2

1.67 MB

Mistake In Super Mario 64

1.29 MB

Every Japanese TTS Message In Greenio S SM64 Videos

3.49 MB

Nintendo 64 Errors

2.57 MB

Super Mario 64 4 Different Crash Errors Ultra HD 60 Fps

3.82 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Collection Part 1

2.70 MB

Super Mario 64 Fails Down Error

314.45 KB

Super Mario 64 Error

1.12 MB

Super Mario 64 All 4 Japanese Error Messages Of My Videos Part 1

2.57 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Screen FAKE

786.13 KB

Super Mario 64 Error Code 1

1.21 MB

09 02 97

2.30 MB

Mario 64 Error Code Anti Piracy Screen

1.80 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Code

494.14 KB

When You Got A Super Mario 64 Error Screen

359.38 KB

Mario 64 Anti Piracy Collection Ultra 64

10.75 MB

Luigi Castle Error Screen

1.47 MB

15 FUN And SILLY Cheat Codes For Super Mario 64

8.01 MB

Nintendo S Mistake In Super Mario 64

2.13 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Compilation

3.09 MB

SM64 Anti Piracy Screen 2021

9.65 MB

Super Mario 64

179.69 KB

Super Mario 64 Render 96 On Nintendo 3DS

696.29 KB

Mario 54 Error Shorts Error Glitch Marioexe Wario

359.38 KB

SuperMario64 Exe Has Stopped Working

359.38 KB

Super Mario 64 Anti Piracy Screen Error Code C23x 2006

1.21 MB

Render96 V 3 0 Cómo Compilar EL MEJOR MOD De Super Mario 64 PC Port TUTORIAL Descarga

19.83 MB

Error Super Mario 64

336.91 KB

Rare Mario 64 Error Beta 64

494.14 KB

Do You Know This Mario 64 Secret

1.03 MB

Rare Super Mario 64 Error Screen Definitively Real

1.10 MB

Unknown Error From Sm64

763.67 KB

Super Mario 64 Error Nazi Project VITA

1.07 MB

Super Mario 64 Error Windows 95

269.53 KB

Nintendo 64 Disk Drive Error Number 48

224.61 KB

Super Mario Bros 2 Anti Piracy Copy Full Game

5.72 MB

Super Mario 64 MEGA Crash Error Fatal Game Crash In 4K 60fps

2.52 MB

Anti Piracy Error Super Mario Bros 1985

3.36 MB

Nintendo Toad Error Ultra 64

426.76 KB

Super Mario 64 Error Screen

1.56 MB

How Cosmic Rays Affect Super Mario Speed Runners

5.00 MB

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