Supermicro ошибка ba

I've been testing my dual CPU Supermicro X9DR3-LN4F+ board for the past couple of weeks with a single CPU and 16GB Ram (2 x 8 GB). Everything has looked good and today I added the second CPU and it booted fine with no issues. After this, I added another 16GB RAM and now I can't get past the...


  • #1

I’ve been testing my dual CPU Supermicro X9DR3-LN4F+ board for the past couple of weeks with a single CPU and 16GB Ram (2 x 8 GB). Everything has looked good and today I added the second CPU and it booted fine with no issues. After this, I added another 16GB RAM and now I can’t get past the System Initializing with BA code. Looking at Supermicro support it looks like this BA code refers to a memory related issue.

The memory I’m using is supported by the board and I’ve tried different sticks in the new slots so I’m pretty sure it’s not the RAM. Also, I’m following the recommendation from the manual for populating as it says:

2 CPUs & 4 DIMMs

Any ideas on what I can try next?


  • #2

Did you move to 1 stick? Also what heatsink are you using?


  • #3

Hi Patrick,

I’ve tried the following so far:

1 CPUs & 2 DIMMs (Boots)

2 CPUs & 4 DIMMs (BA Code)

2 CPUs & 3 DIMMs (BA Code)

2 CPUs & 4 DIMMs (Boots)

I’m starting to wonder if there is an issue with the E/F DIMM slots.

I’m using the Supermicro SNK-P0048P heatsinks on my E5-2670 Xeons.

Last edited: Aug 2, 2016


  • #4

Hi Patrick,

I’ve tried the following so far:

1 CPUs & 2 DIMMs (Boots)

2 CPUs & 4 DIMMs (BA Code)

2 CPUs & 3 DIMMs (BA Code)

2 CPUs & 4 DIMMs (Boots)

2 CPUs & 4 DIMMs (Boots)

I’m starting to wonder if there is an issue with the E/F DIMM slots.

I’m using the Supermicro SNK-P0048P heatsinks on my E5-2670 Xeons.

The reason I asked about heatsinks is that I have heard that non-standard heatsinks in some motherboards can damage the PCB and cause this issue.

I think I had a V3 motherboard BIOS which gave a similar error until it was flashed to a V4 BIOS.


  • #5

That’s good to know about the heatsinks as I was thinking about upgrading them at some point. My BIOS was updated to the latest so I should be ok there.

I just tried the following:

2 CPUs & 12 DIMMs (Boots)

2 CPUs & 3 DIMMs (Boots, but only shows 16GB)

2 CPUs & 4 DIMMs (Boots, but only shows 16GB)

2 CPUs & 18 DIMMs (Boots, only shows 96GB)

2 CPUs & 18 DIMMs (BA Code)

Something seems to be happening with the memory slots next to the second CPU. If I populate the G/H slots (without E/F slots), the machine boots, but the sticks aren’t recognized in Windows. If I populate the E/F slots it never boots and always stops at the BA code. All the slots (A/B/C/D) next to the first CPU seem fine.

  • #6

What CPU are you using? V1s or V2s? Your issue sounds exactly like the symptoms I saw recently with a BIOS that was not fully complaint with v2 CPU support.

If you are using v2 CPUs check your BIOS. Current for that board is R3.2. If yours is older than that — and if you can get things stable enough to try a flash — you might want to try upgrading it.


  • #7

Hi Piglover,

I’m using the V1 Xeons and I’m running Bios version R3.2. I had previously flashed all my components (Mobo Bios, Mobo IPMI and Dell H310 HBA Firmware) to the latest versions before starting my full testing as I was hoping to avoid issues like this.

  • #8

Was the MB new or used? Did you inspect it for bent pins on the CPU socket?


  • #9

Thanks for that last idea, Piglover!

I had quickly looked at the pins when I bought the board (from eBay), so I took off the second heatsink/CPU and took another look at the CPU area with a magnifying glass. The pins still looked ok (not that I could accurately confirm as I think I need a better magnifying glass/light to really look closely), but I did notice bits of fluff on and between the pins. I gently vacuumed the area using a soft brush attachment and then reattached the CPU/heatsink. I then tested the following configurations again:

2 CPUs & 3 DIMMs (Boots)

2 CPUs & 4 DIMMs (Boots)

This is the first time I’ve been able to boot when slots E/F have been populated! For my next two test I ran 2 DIMMs in each section followed by all slots filled:

2 CPUs & 8 DIMMs (Boots, but only shows 48GB)

2 CPUs & 18 DIMMs (Boots, but only shows 144GB)

It looks like the E/F slots are working now as they are no longer preventing the board from booting in all these tests. However, it looks like there may still be an issue with the G/H slots as they are not showing up in Windows.

Maybe there is an issue with the pins that I only partially fixed by reseating the CPU?

  • #10

Your symptoms are certainly consistent with bent CPU pins. Inspecting the other socket can’t hurt.

If you had a dust/lint issue on the CPU socket its possible you’ve got the same problem on the memory sockets. I had a used board with a dirt issue that munged things up before — try pulling the DIMMS and blowing some clean air (canned air) through the DIMM sockets too.

  • #11

this didn’t happen to me until after irremovable USB connector form under the motherboard. i guess when screwing it it the chassis i didn’t see the test bench USB mouse connector had slipped in just under the board where the I/O should have been (had this board come with one). loosen a few screws lift slightly as to not hurt the PCB and pull it out. me thinks damaged PCB with all that an tower coolers. :( it worked prior and i had just bought this board to fix a broken one. seems like a WEAK board usually PCBs aren’t so fragile.

EDIT: looks like it was either bad or dirty stick of ram after doing some swapping and lazy trial and error.

Last edited: Dec 30, 2018

  • #1

Cant Upgrade Bios Supermicro X9DRI-LNF4. When I try I get an error that says FFS checksums Bad. I’ve disabled the write protect jumper on the board. tried multiple flash drives to make sure they’re not bad. swapped out ram to make sure its not corrupt. I have Firmware version 1.0 on this board, would like to get it to 3.2. Also these boards are weird where the model number shows in the bios is similar but not the same as that printed on the board. Board clearly says X9DRI-LNF4 where as the bios says X9Dr6-LNF4


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  • #2

Board clearly says X9DRI-LNF4 where as the bios says X9Dr6-LNF4

Does it work with the «X9Dr6-LNF4» bios? If yes I would make sure that it’s the right mainboard by comparing spec sheets, manuals or other sources.

  • #3

Cant Upgrade Bios Supermicro X9DRI-LNF4. When I try I get an error that says FFS checksums Bad.

Did you mean X9DRi-LN4F? Supermicro doesn’t show any -LNF4 variants.

The README in the BIOS Zip file says «You must update the IPMI firmware to version 2.0 or above first, Before upgrading this BIOS.» Did you do that?

  • #4

I have the same problem with «FFS checksums Bad» at X9DRi-LN4F+.

When I try update BIOS in DOS prompt by command DOS: AMI.BAT X9DR3P5.304
(where X9DR3P5.304 is file name bios version 3.0 from file X9DR3P5_304.ZIP)
then I get an error text: FFS checksums: bad. Why!? Nobody knows.

LINUX# lshw
product: X9DRi-LN4+/X9DR6-LN4+ (To be filled by O.E.M.)
vendor: Supermicro
description: Motherboard
product: X9DRi-LN4+/X9DR6-LN4+
vendor: Supermicro
slot: To be filled by O.E.M.
description: BIOS
version: 1.0a
date: 12/13/2011

Anyone can help, please

  • #5

Did you read the post above?
You might need to go to v2 before you can go to v3

  • #6

Did you read the post above?
You might need to go to v2 before you can go to v3

I have the newest IPMI frimware 03.48 from this website:
( Super Micro Computer, Inc. | Support )

IPMI works fine,
but I still can’t update BIOS by DOS promt from version 1.0a
to version of BIOS «R 3.48» from file name X9DR3P5.304 [from X9DR3P5_304.ZIP].

Anyone can help?


Well-Known Member

  • #7

Open a ticket with supermicro support and ask for the bios version 2.x for this mainboard. Try to update to this version first and then try the v3 bios.

  • #8

IPMI firmware does nothing for Mainboard bios …

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Supermicro X9DR3-F, проблема с оперативной памятью

Доброго времени суток!

Есть два сервера Supermicro, в каждом материнская плата X9DR3-F, два процессора Intel E5-2609. Установливаю память Kingstone KVR1333D3Q8R9S/8g в 8 слотов, заполняя первый канал — система загружается и работает без проблем. Есть еще 8 таких же планок и при добавлении любого количеств планок во второй канал — система виснет на этапе инициализации: System Initializing… 2f. Ситуация одинаковая на обоих серверах. Планки менял местами — все живые.

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Re: Supermicro X9DR3-F, проблема с оперативной памятью


Tert » 29 май 2015, 17:01

Что вы понимаете под первым каналом?
Распишите в какие конкретно слоты ставите память.


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Re: Supermicro X9DR3-F, проблема с оперативной памятью


vitalan » 01 июн 2015, 15:20

Заполняю сначала все синие слоты (Р1), при их заполнении система работает. Начинаю заполнять черные (Р2) — виснет.
Я думал о том, что память может не подходить для этой материнской платы, но меня смутило, что система виснет только при заполнении черных слотов. Искал на сайте supermicro, но там был список только тестированной памяти, однозначного ответа на свой вопрос не нашел. Собственно, сюда поэтому и пишу. Т.е. я правильно понимаю, что достаточно найти совместимую память и все получится? Тогда почему сервера работают с этой памятью при заполнении синих слотов?

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Re: Supermicro X9DR3-F, проблема с оперативной памятью


gs » 01 июн 2015, 15:28

Память ставите вот по этой доке? … L-1259.pdf
Стр.2-12 и дальше.

Возможно, это действительно несовместимость. Память у Вас квадранковая, которая сама по себе сильно грузит шину. Возможно на один банк мощи хватает, а дальше привет.
Но это мое предположение.

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Контактная информация:

Re: Supermicro X9DR3-F, проблема с оперативной памятью


Stranger03 » 01 июн 2015, 16:25

gs писал(а):Память у Вас квадранковая, которая сама по себе сильно грузит шину. Возможно на один банк мощи хватает, а дальше привет.
Но это мое предположение.

Игорь, этой памяти нет в таблицах совместимости. Я бы вообще не рискнул ее туда ставить, даже если бы она там и заработала. Это же не писюк с игрухами, где на завис Фоллаута плевать.

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Сотрудник Тринити
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Зарегистрирован: 14 ноя 2003, 16:25
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Контактная информация:

Re: Supermicro X9DR3-F, проблема с оперативной памятью


Stranger03 » 01 июн 2015, 16:26

vitalan писал(а):Т.е. я правильно понимаю, что достаточно найти совместимую память и все получится?

Мое мнение — надо ставить совместимую память.


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Re: Supermicro X9DR3-F, проблема с оперативной памятью


vitalan » 01 июн 2015, 16:52

Я так и поступлю. Спасибо большое за помощь!

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