Svn error running context

SVN error running context: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host, apache, svn, debian, hyper-v

I’ve created an SVN repo on my Debian Wheezy build server following this tutorial.
svn --version gives 1.6.17.

Sadly, I can’t commit anymore to the repo from my Windows 7 machine; it fails with the following error message:

Transmitting file data .svn: E730054: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E730054: Error running context: An existing connection was forcibly closed
by the remote host.

I have had this error both with TortoiseSVN and the command line client.

These are the contents of /var/log/apache2/access.log on the server for the time of the failed commit: access.log.
There is no entry for the same time in the error log.

I’m still able to check out the contents of the repo and svn info http://myurl/svn/myrepo works also fine.

The Debian server with the repo is running inside a VM on a Windows Server 2008 R2 (Hyper-V-Manager 6.1). The connection from my Windows machine to the Windows Server is established using FortiClient

After I ran into this error yesterday, I purged svn from the server and setup the repo again. This made the repo accept commits for a couple of hours until it failed again with the same error.

Currently commits work again with TortoiseSVN but fail with the command line client.

What does E730054 mean and how can I fix it for good?

I have upgraded to Jessie in the meantime, but the situation did not improve. Commits with Tortoise stopped working again, meaning that it hangs at the «Sending Content» action for about five minutes and then prints the error that’s in the title.

Checkouts still work without a hitch, though.

apache2 -v:
Server version: Apache/2.4.9 (Debian)
Server build: Mar 29 2014 21:52:01

svn --version:
svn, version 1.8.8 (r1568071)
compiled Apr 1 2014, 03:41:42 on i486-pc-Linux-GNU

Here’s a thread that discusses the error, but I could not conclude a solution for my problem from it.

I noticed that the problem occurs when I want to commit the second modification of a file.

My fix

The issue went away permanently after using svnserve instead of apache2. This tutorial helped me set it up.

  • #1


I need to access a SVN repository that has an https:// url (not SSH). When I try to access it, I get:


svn: E120171: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://xxxxxxxxx/trunk'
svn: E120171: Error running context: An error occurred during SSL communication

The URL is right, it works with other systems and I even copied a working repository from another machine and did «update».

I think it is failing to get WebDAV support? The


library is installed. I have:


serf-1.3.2_1        Serf HTTP client library
subversion-1.8.5    Version control system

What could be missing?


? Does


have options in the build?


  • #2

That the required library is installed on your system isn’t proof that Subversion is actually using it ;)

Which brings me to the important question here: how did you install Subversion on this machine? And also; which version of FreeBSD are you using?

The most common way to determine if Subversion is up to the challenge is to use this command: # make -C /usr/ports/devel/subversion showconfig. That should at least list the following line:


     SERF=on: WebDAV/Delta-V (HTTP/HTTPS) repo access module

However, if you installed Subversion using binary packages then my guess is that it doesn’t support this feature. I’m not sure because I don’t use binary packages myself, but I do know that they often don’t provide the full amount of features.

  • Thread Starter

  • #3


I am running FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE. Packages are installed by compiling from current ports, updated as today with


. My configuration is as follows:


     BDB=off: Berkeley DB support
     DOCS=on: Build and/or install documentation
     FREEBSD_TEMPLATE=on: FreeBSD Project log template
     GNOME_KEYRING=off: Build with GNOME Keyring auth support
     KDE_KWALLET=off: Build with KDE KWallet auth support
     MAINTAINER_DEBUG=off: Build debug version
     MOD_DAV_SVN=off: mod_dav_svn module for Apache 2.X
     NLS=on: Native Language Support
     P4_STYLE_MARKERS=on: Perforce-style conflict markers
     SASL=off: SASL support
     SERF=on: WebDAV/Delta-V (HTTP/HTTPS) repo access module
     STATIC=off: Build static version (no shared libs)
     SVNSERVE_WRAPPER=off: Enable svnserve wrapper (umask setter)
     TEST=off: Run subversion test suite
     TOOLS=off: Install several tools (svnauthz-validate and mod_dontdothat are among them)

Serf itself has no meaningful configuration. Which tells me the SERF module should be there, thus I wonder even more why it is not working.



  • #4

multix said:


I need to access a SVN repository that has an https:// url (not SSH). When I try to access it, I get:


svn: E120171: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://xxxxxxxxx/trunk'
svn: E120171: Error running context: An error occurred during SSL communication

The URL is right, it works with other systems and I even copied a working repository from another machine and did «update».

That may not be an HTTPS problem. It could caused by a firewall on the local or remote machine, or some other connection problem. If the repository supports it, try


to see if the same error occurs.

  • Thread Starter

  • #5

It is not a firewall problem. It works from the same place, from a computer in the same subnet using HTTPS with other OSs (I got it to work con NetBSD, OpenBSD, Linux and even




  • #6

It could be a firewall on the FreeBSD client itself. If it the plain


works, it would verify that the problem is with HTTPS.

  • Thread Starter

  • #7

The repository works HTTPS only, sadly. I use SVN successfully with other repositories which have SSH. Firewall, like what? I don’t have installed anything willingly on my laptop. Perhaps it is there and I don’t know, does it come from base? I didn’t install anything explicitly from ports.

  • #8

Then my guess is that something went wrong somewhere in the past with the upgrade of some of your ports. This is an assumption mind you, but some of the Subversion dependencies required specific steps to upgrade:


root@smtp2:/usr/ports/devel/subversion # make run-depends-list
root@smtp2:/usr/ports/devel/subversion # make -C ../../www/serf run-depends-list

And when looking at






20130706:                                                                         AFFECTS: users of devel/apr1

  APR was updated to 1.4.8 and APR-util was updated to 1.5.2.

  Please rebuild all ports which are using functions from APR/APR-util
  such as Apache, Subversion, etc.

  # portmaster -r apr
  # portupgrade -r devel/apr1
  # pkg install -fR devel/apr1

Note that I’m not claiming that


is the cause of all this, but it is most certainly a very reasonable assumption. Because this port provides HTTPS support for several other programs (like


for example).

As such my question: how well have you been paying attention to


as of late?

When all else fails my suggestion, though it is a bit drastic, would be to enforce a rebuild of Subversion and everything it depends on. So basically using a command such as this: # portmaster -f devel/subversion.

However, if you haven’t been following the instructions which I quoted above then that would be a better approach. Because that will also rule out any issues which other ports might run into.

  • #9

multix said:

The repository works HTTPS only, sadly. I use SVN successfully with other repositories which have SSH. Firewall, like what? I don’t have installed anything willingly on my laptop. Perhaps it is there and I don’t know… does it come from base? I didn’t install anything explicitly from ports.

Does this mean that you have successfully connected to these «other repositories» from this laptop? If the answer is yes, then I would suspect you might be dealing with an SSL certificate problem.

  • Thread Starter

  • #10

Well, since I had problems with


crashing, I removed with pkg_delete ALL packages, I removed






and reinstalled everything from scratch, thus the current


client is clean (


is still building, as it apparently pulls in whole



SVN wasn’t working before, but isn’t yet either, but it is a clean build and shouldn’t be an upgrade problem.

  • Thread Starter

  • #11

ljboiler said:

Does this mean that you have successfully connected to these «other repositories» from this laptop? If the answer is yes, then I would suspect you might be dealing with a SSL certificate problem.

The certificate is most certainly self-signed. On other OS’s I get asked if I want to permanently accept it and then if I want to save my password.

  • #12

Then I can think of only one option to determine what is happening here. Install


and be sure to enable support for SSL. Then use


to access the HTTPS URL. If that also fails then the cause of the problem isn’t so much Subversion but lies elsewhere.


  • #13

multix said:

The repository works HTTPS only, sadly. I use SVN successfully with other repositories which have SSH. Firewall, like what? I don’t have installed anything willingly on my laptop. Perhaps it is there and I don’t know, does it come from base? I didn’t install anything explicitly from ports.

ipfw(8) and


are installed by default, and can be enabled with a single setting in


. (It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes.)

How about using an HTTPS-capable browser on the FreeBSD client to connect to the repository?


can do it if a graphical browser is not available.

  • Thread Starter

  • #14

Thanks for the support, investigation is continuing.

  1. I don’t have ipfwor pf enabled in /etc/rc.conf, checked.
  2. I was able to connect to the repository using Seamonkey, this means that 1) is confirmed and the problem is on the svnside.

Before connecting though, Seamonkey asked to add the certificate with a security exception (it is self-signed, I suppose, internal server). Perhaps SVN needs a way to do that too? On other systems I got asked about the certificate and if to accept it permanently, on FreeBSD not. Perhaps there is a configuration to change somewhere, a different default?


  • Thread Starter

  • #16

wblock@ said:

If svn does not already know the server’s certificate, it will prompt as shown in If accepted permanently, that information is stored in


. Maybe that directory is not readable or writable for the user?

It is. I touched a file inside and I can do that. Everything is correctly user:group owned. Could it be possible that for some reason SVN is not using or detecting the module I need? Is there a command to print out at runtime? That would also allow me to check against Linux and NetBSD where I have it working.

  • #17

multix said:

Before connecting though, Seamonkey asked to add the certificate with a security exception (it is self-signed, I suppose, internal server).

Now we’re getting somewhere!

This does indeed put the focus completely on Subversion and it’s apparent inability to use the HTTP protocol. First of all; there is more to the


directory than merely the entry itself. Start by checking if there are any entries in the


directory (where


is of course an alias for your home directory).

Be sure to check the right directory ;) I’m just mentioning this because I started to check my personal home directory for this message (


) while in fact I should have been looking at


instead ;).

If there are any entries there: remove them and try again.

But at this stage I think your best option to get rid of this problem is to rebuild Subversion and the ports it depends on, as I already mentioned in an earlier message.

я создал SVN-РЕПО на моем сервере сборки Debian Wheezy после в этом уроке.
svn --version дает 1.6.17.

к сожалению, я больше не могу совершать РЕПО с моей машины Windows 7; он терпит неудачу со следующим сообщением об ошибке:

Transmitting file data .svn: E730054: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E730054: Error running context: An existing connection was forcibly closed
by the remote host.

у меня была эта ошибка как с TortoiseSVN, так и с клиент командной строки.

это содержание /var/log/apache2/access.log на сервере на время неудачной фиксации: открыть.log.
В журнале ошибок нет записи за то же время.

я все еще могу проверить содержимое РЕПО и svn info http://myurl/svn/myrepo работает также хорошо.

сервер Debian с РЕПО работает внутри виртуальной машины на Windows Server 2008 R2 (Hyper-V-Manager 6.1). Подключение с моей машины Windows к серверу Windows устанавливается с помощью FortiClient

после того, как я столкнулся с этой ошибкой вчера, я очистил svn от сервер и снова настройте РЕПО. Это заставило РЕПО принимать коммиты в течение нескольких часов, пока он снова не потерпел неудачу с той же ошибкой.

в настоящее время совершает работу снова с TortoiseSVN, но не с клиент командной строки.

что значит E730054 mean и как я могу исправить это навсегда?

тем временем я перешел на Джесси, но ситуация не улучшилась. Коммиты с Tortoise снова перестали работать, что означает, что он зависает в действии «отправка содержимого» около пяти минут, а затем печатает ошибку, которая находится в заголовке.

проверки по-прежнему работают без сучка и задоринки.

apache2 -v:
Версия сервера: Apache / 2.4.9 (Debian)
Сервер сборки: 29 марта 2014 21:52:01

svn --version:
svn, версия 1.8.8 (r1568071)
составлено 1 апр 2014, 03:41: 42 на i486-pc-Linux-GNU

здесь нить что обсуждает ошибка, но я не мог заключить из нее решение моей проблемы.

я заметил, что проблема возникает, когда я хочу совершить второй модификации файла.


проблема ушла навсегда после использования svnserve вместо apache2. в этом уроке помог мне его настроить.

5 ответов

когда я читал поток, кажется, что некоторые проблемы в реализации WEBDAV на клиентском сайте сбой apache-thread. У меня были другие проблемы с репозиториями pre 1.8, и я решил большинство из них путем сброса / перезагрузки всего репозитория в новый (используя»svnadmin обновления » недостаточно!). Pre 1..8 репозитории иногда имеют «поврежденные / устаревшие» данные в файлах ревизий, которые игнорируются клиентами. Похоже, что это может вызвать segfault.

вы можете дамп / перезагрузите репозиторий следующим образом:

svnadmin create newrepos
svnadmin dump oldrepos | svnadmin load newrepos

обратите внимание, что для выполнения цикла обновления/перезагрузки может потребоваться огромное время (прибл. 1GB / h + — 50% в зависимости главным образом от скорости диска)
Если у вас есть другое время, пожалуйста, опубликуйте свое время, я делаю частное исследование производительности цикла сброса/перезагрузки..

У меня была эта проблема с одним файлом при попытке проверить несколько файлов с помощью Tortoise SVN в Windows 7 x64. Несколько попыток зафиксировать файл с использованием различных версий Tortoise SVN и версии SVN командной строки завершились неудачей.

в то время мой ноутбук использовал мое домашнее интернет-соединение ISP. Когда я позже пошел на работу и попытался зафиксировать неудачный файл из сети моего работодателя, файл был зафиксирован без проблема.

Я не знаю, почему это было так, но если вы столкнулись с этой проблемой и нашли свой путь к этому ответу через запрос поисковой системы, вы можете попробовать еще раз – используя другое подключение к интернету. Хотя это и не решение проблемы, оно может обеспечить временную работу.

Я получал эту ошибку.

ошибка выполнения контекста: существующее соединение было принудительно закрыто удаленным

Я решил эту проблему, переключив прокси на Cntlm, и он работает отлично.
Я использую версию TortoiseSVN 1.9.3.

Hade та же ошибка.
Моя проблема была с Avast antivirus, когда я поместил url сервера svn в исключения, проблема была решена.

Я встретил эту проблему после того, как наш сервер svn мигрировал из локальной сети в интернет. Наконец, я решаю эту проблему изменение моего IP-адреса.

например: от до

SVN версия: 1.9.7 в TortoiseSVN, построить 27907 — 64 бит
Версия ОС: Windows 10, 1703

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