Synapse tcp ip socket error 10060 connection timed out

Connect Error 10060 is a connection-timeout error that occurs when trying to connect to the web, such as when the system can not connect to the Internet Service Provider mail server in the required period of time. This error often occurs when you try and connect in PASV mode that prefers PORT for data connections to a server. […]

Connect Error 10060 is a connection-timeout error that occurs when trying to connect to the web, such as when the system can not connect to the Internet Service Provider mail server in the required period of time. This error often occurs when you try and connect in PASV mode that prefers PORT for data connections to a server.

Another source for this problem could be the fact that it is connected to a slow proxy. Regardless of what the underlying cause of the error is, this is what you can do to solve the problem.

What is Connect Error 10060?

A 10060 timeout error in a Windows Winsock connection occurs when you try to access a site that is experiencing a high volume of visitors or when you try to connect to a server that does not exist. Microsoft has a patch that you can download (see the References section) and run to resolve this problem.

But by taking some simple steps on your own and editing the information on your computer’s registry, you can quickly resolve the problem without downloading and installing any software.

Error messages:

  • Winsock 10060
  • Winsock error # 10060
  • Win32 error 10060 anydesk
  • A connection to the Win32_10060 anydesk network could not be made.

Causes of Connect Error 10060

There are many causes why we can receive the message socket error 10060 connection wait time exhausted. Among them, we can highlight a bad connection, high latency, the server does not exist, etc. But we will not delve into the causes and if in the final way to solve this error.

As mentioned earlier, this error usually occurs because you are using a proxy server and there is not enough time for the connection to load the web page. This, in turn, causes the connection to run out.

How to identify Socket Error 10060 on your system?

First things first: how do you know you are dealing with Socket Error 10060? There are some things you can look for to recognize this problem.

A pretty obvious sign is the following message that appears on the screen when you try to connect to the Internet through a proxy server:

Another potential problem could be an inability of the browser to display the web page, in which case you should try to simply refresh that page (or wait a bit to see if the problem is solved) or open the file: // home page and then search for any useful information there.

A variation of the error message shown above is “10060 – Connection timeout”, which basically informs you of the same problem.

Finally, there is one more message that accompanies the same problem again, but this time it takes a totally different form, and that is “HTTP Error 404404 Not Found”.

In this case, the server can not obtain the file or script that you requested. In the beginning, you can try to update the page or verify if you have entered the correct URL. Usually, it’s as simple as that. However, if this is not enough to solve the problem, you should talk to your system administrator about it.

How to fix socket error 10060

Since the causes of this problem are several, it is normal to have different solutions. Below you will find the solution that repairs in almost 100% of cases the problem and others that serve as complementation.

Since Socket Error 10060 is related to the time it takes your browser to load a particular web page, one thing you could do to solve the problem is to increase the time limit required by the proxy service to load that web page.

If you have never done it and you have no idea where to start, do not fear, we are here to help you! Follow the guide we are about to outline, and you should be able to complete the task in a short time.

However, before you begin, it would be a good idea first to back up the log files. By doing this, you are protecting yourself against any kind of problem you may encounter along the way and, therefore, you can be sure that, whatever happens, you will always have the original configuration to fall back on. Well, here is what you should do next:

# Fix 1: Registry Edit

1. Go to Start, then Run, and type “regedit” followed by clicking OK.

2. Now find this registry subkey:


3. Once you have selected that, click on RequestTimeoutSecs and then click on the Modify button.

4. Click on the decimal and modify the figure for the load time of the web page. If you are not sure what the value should be, we suggest at least 180.

5. Again, press the OK button and then restart your computer to complete the process.

With this, the connection timeout problem must be fixed. If you continue to receive the same error even after following these steps, try increasing the load time of the web page to at least 300.

Fix 2: Registry Edit (option 2)

1. Open the ” Registry Editor ” by clicking on the “Start” menu and then selecting “Run.” Type “Regedt32.exe” in the “Run” dialog box and click “OK.” Now you should see the ” Registry Editor “window.

2. Open the “Edit” menu and click on “Add value.”

3. Write the following information in the following window that appears:

4. Value name: TcpMaxDataRetransmissions Value type: REG_DWORD – Number Valid range: 0 – 0xFFFFFFFF Default value: 5 Decimal New value: 10 Decimal

5. Click on “OK.”

6. Close the ” Registry Editor ” and restart the computer. Test your connectivity once the computer has completely rebooted to see if the error occurs “10060 – Timeout has run out”.

Option 3: Solve socket error 10060 by proxy

1. Press the « Windows + R «keys.

2. Now, in the window that opens, type ” inetcpl.cpl ” and press ” Enter.”

3. Click on the « Connections » tab of the « Properties: Internet «window.

4. Click on the « LAN Configuration «button.

5. Uncheck the box ” Use a proxy server for the LAN ” and click on ” Accept.”

6. Check that the error has disappeared.

How to fix socket error 10060 Citrix

Many have experiences socket error 10060 Citrix NetApp while trying to a Microsoft ‘Remote Desktop’. If you are trying to connect to our desktop in the office and getting the Socket Error as below

Unable to connect the server contact your system administrator with following error: there is no Citrix Xenapp server configured on the specified server. (Socket error 10060)

Socket error 10060 on

This Published remote desktop application would be available on one or more servers.  If it is multiple servers, Citrix will automatically load your session to another appropriate server. If waiting to try again doesn’t fix the socket error 10060 on Citrix. Here are a few fixes to try before contacting your IT support or Citrix.

  • If there is an Antivirus software installed, try to disable it then test again.
  • Check your firewall to make sure ports 1494 and 2598 are open

Sometimes, Citrix could not be configured properly or has no servers assigned. This is an external Citrix Workspace error and therefore you would need to engage your company IT/Citrix support team to address the problem. This would be most cases as it would be an error from your IT workplace.

Final notes

This type of error causes that the fps of the games go down, that Gmail, Outlook Express, Opera, Office 365, Windows 7, 8, 10, delphy, etc. give problems. In general, the parameters mentioned above must be modified to get a connection, but it does not always work, since the error may come from something alien to us.

Сетевая ошибка №10060 «Connection timed out»

Добрый день, это компания Берлио. Купили у вас лицензию на 100 пользователей. Последнюю неделю наблюдаем следующую ошибку при коннекте через интернет:

Сетевая ошибка №10060 «Connection timed out».

При этом часть удаленных пользователей продолжает заходить и общаться в mychat, а часть не может зайти в чат с вышеописанной ошибкой. Пробовали с других учетных записей (админ записей в том числе) — не помогает. Переставляли клиентов, перегружали серверы. Ничего. Помогите!


Это WINSOCK сетевая ошибка, говорит о том, что клиент не может соединиться с сервером по TCP 2004 порту (или какой вы используете по умолчанию). Часто в этом бывает виноват файрвол. На клиенте либо на сервере, либо и там и там.

Пример с Касперским.

Если в логах сервера ничего подозрительного нет (посмотрите через WEB-интерфейс: http://ip_server:8083), надо искать проблему в настройках вашей сети и файрволах. Больше негде.

Team lead
Чат со мной

Снова добрый день. Не помогла даже замена сервера на резервный, т.е. дело не в серверных-файрвольных глюках. Лог Исы:

Failed Connection Attempt 25.06.2013 14:25:14
Log type: Firewall service
Status: Попытка установить соединение была безуспешной, т.к. от другого компьютера за требуемое время не получен нужный отклик, или было разорвано уже установленное соединение из-за неверного отклика уже подключенного компьютера.
Rule: MyChatIN
Source: External (81.25.x.x:56357)
Destination: Internal ( 192.168.x.x:2004)
Protocol: Mychat

Подчеркну: большинство удаленных клиентов работает НОРМАЛЬНО. Не работает только ЧАСТЬ.
Есть подозрение, что это программа начала сбоить. Можно ли получить от вас новую сервер-версию и обновиться без того, чтобы слетели контакты и группы?

1. Какая версия MyChat у вас сейчас установлена?
2. Что в логах сервера системных? http://ip_server:8083

Team lead
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[00:00:06:916]-[0028] Подключение клиента
Ошибка #0102: попытка подключения неизвестного приложения, IP «82.209.x.x»
[00:00:06:916]-[0026] Пользователь
82.209.x.x отключился
[00:00:15:684]-[0028] Подключение клиента
Ошибка #0102: попытка подключения неизвестного приложения, IP «92.241.x.x»
[00:00:15:684]-[0026] Пользователь
92.241.x.x отключился
[00:00:22:064]-[0028] Подключение клиента
Ошибка #0102: попытка подключения неизвестного приложения, IP «82.209.x.x»
[00:00:22:064]-[0026] Пользователь
82.209.x.x отключился
[00:00:30:862]-[0028] Подключение клиента
Ошибка #0102: попытка подключения неизвестного приложения, IP «92.241.x.x»

И т.д.

Версия mychat 4.15.0 от 26.12.2012

Странно. Судя по логу, подключающиеся клиенты либо не той версии, либо что-то иное происходит.

А если перезапустить «проблемный» клиент? Т.е. выйти из клиентского приложения и заново запустить его?

P.S. Обновитесь на последнюю версию, 4.16. Все настройки сохранятся.

Team lead
Чат со мной

А как обновиться? Просто скачать 4.16 и установить в туже папку? Или ка-то принудительно задать?
п.с. Если уж мы сервер меняли, то говорить о ПЕРЕЗАПУСКЕ клиента…

Просто скачать с нашего сайта и установить «поверху», как обычно. Если используете интеграцию с Active Directory, то клиентов можно «накатить» через групповые политики домена, автоматически, если нет — то с помощью встроенной системы обновления MyChat. Или вручную, как вам будет удобнее.

Team lead
Чат со мной

Все еще актуально. Некоторые клиенты работают:

Connection Status 02.07.2013 11:16:59
Log type: Firewall service
Status: Операция успешно завершена.
Rule: MyChatIN
Source: External (93.125.x.x:18281)
Destination: Internal (
Protocol: Mychat

Вопрос: с нашего внешнего ip (создавался отдельный поддомен, делалась рассылка. Если адрес попал в блэклист, могло ли это вызвать подобные проблемы? Спрашиваю потому что в файрволе таки указан адрес (Destination: Internal (
Еще что-нибудь можете порекомендовать?
П.с. : обновились. Не помогло.

MyChat не проверяет никакие блеклисты, если вы об этом. Проблемы с сетевой частью, либо «бьются» пакеты при передаче (например, барахлит роутер или свич), либо файрвол что-то не то делает с пакетами данных.

Team lead
Чат со мной

Добрый день, а вот эти пользователи, которые не могут подключиться, возможно они подключаются из-за какого-то фаервола/прокси/антивирус, которые могут модифицировать трафик?

Live Chat со мной

Я понял в чем дело. это файервол виноват. прошу покажите на примере eset smart security 8 настройки чтоб обновился без проблем. я выключил файервол и процесс обновления пошел. не знаю куда и как прописать в есете путь, настройки [smilie=help.gif]

Мы не пользуемся Eset Smart Security. Вам нужно посмотреть справку к этой программе. Обычно достаточно занесения программы mcclient.exe в список исключений локального файрвола и антивируса, чтобы не заморачиваться тонкой настройкой портов и правил.

Официальная справка Eset

Team lead
Чат со мной

Доброго времени суток! Друзья. мучаюсь второй день, не подключается mychat, пишет сетевую ошибку 10060. Подскажите для лузера доходчивым языком что не так сделал. Сразу поясню, что на серверной версии правильно установлен протокол как по инструкции — А клиентская версия не подключается пишет ошибку. Все сделал по инструкции которая расположена здесь … twork.html

Добрый день.

Ошибка 10060 — означает истекло время ожидания ответа, то есть запрос попросту не доходит до сервера. Вероятно у вас есть антивирус или фаервол, который блокирует внешнее подключение к серверу чата.

Если вы более подробно опишите конфигурацию вашего подключения — можно будет дать более точный ответ.

Live Chat со мной

Александр, общие рекомендации по данной сетевой ошибке описаны в справке MyChat Client: … k10060.htm

Это не ошибка MyChat, соответственно, вы должны понять, почему нет соединения по сети между клиентом и сервером. Пройдите по шагам рекомендации справки, обычно на каком-то этапе обнаруживается проблема и находится решение.

Team lead
Чат со мной

Друзья, проверил по ссылке Алексея (большое человеческое спасибо), получилось что у меня — неверно сконфигурирован роутер, либо файрвол, либо порт 2004 заблокирован антивирусом (на сервере или на клиентском компьютере). Прошу не забрасывать меня тухлыми помидорами, подскажите как исправить это. Система в конторе такая — провод с инетом заходит в роутер, далее через свитч передается к системным блокам, есть типа сервера — обычный системный блок, куда установлена справочно-правовая база Консультант, и общая папка для доступа с любого компа локальной сети, ip адрес сервера Mychat server установил на сервер, посмотрел в настройках, указан правильный ip адрес, больше нигде не ковырялся (мож надо?), потом на комп поставил клиентскую версия и…. результат известен. На компе установлен касперский. Вроде бы все)

Поставьте MyChat Server и клиент в исключения касперского, для начала.

Team lead
Чат со мной

Поставил в исключения антивируса (на компе каспер, на сервере нод), поставил в исключение фаервола, однако такая же беда [smilie=dash3.gif] Надо ли устанавливать telnet client на сервере? если да, то как это сделать на wix XP (для win 7 все понятно). Еще раз извините, за глупые вопросы

telnet на сервере не нужен. Telnet в статье нужен для того, чтобы проверить соединение с сервером от клиента по 2004 TCP порту.

Стукнитесь мне чатом (в подписи), я попробую вам помочь.

Team lead
Чат со мной

Перезагрузка роутера помогла!

В одно прекрасное утро начала выскакивать эта ошибка. Антивирус и файервол проверил — везде MyChat стоит в исключениях. Что ещё можно сделать?

Снова здравствуйте. Снова стала выскакивать ошибка 10060, второй день не дает работать. Есть возможность избавиться от этой проблемы навсегда или лучше расслабиться и ждать, пока «само пройдет»? :) Спасибо за ответ.

Сергей, я вам дал ссылку с описанием в справке, что это за проблема и как её решать. Это не проблема MyChat, это сетевая ошибка, которая говорит о недоступности сервера по указанному адресу.

Team lead
Чат со мной

За ссылку спасибо, я сегодня снова прошелся по ней. Результата пока не добился, но меня больше беспокоит, что проблема возникает снова и снова.

У нас есть платная поддержка, я подключусь к вам удалённо, разберусь и расскажу вам, почему в вашем конкретном случае клиент не может соединиться с сервером, что не так.

Либо попросите любого сетевого инженера на месте вам помочь.

Team lead
Чат со мной

Socket Error 10060 is basically a connection time-out error. This error occurs while connecting to the Internet and the client using the proxy system or on your e-mail. The error message is displayed in the following format:

‘Connection timed out. A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host failed to respond.’

There are different methods how to fix and that we are covering them during this article.

Socket Error 10060

Socket Error 10060

What causes connection error 10060 ?

The problem occurs while using proxy servers and when the time to load the online web page is isn’t enough. In such situations, the connection times out and the error occurs. Socket Error 10060 may occur due to multiple reasons including:

  1. Blocked port
  2. Data connection incorrect settings
  3. When the web proxy connection setting does not allow enough time to receive a response from the destination website and therefore the connection is timed-out.
  4. Registry issues
  5. Virus

How to fix error 10060 ?

As we have previously mentioned Socket Error 10060 is basically a connection time-out error. This error occurs while connecting to the Internet and the client using the proxy system. There are different methods how to fix and that we are covering them below:

Fix 1: Verify web proxy connection

1. Start your computer with administrative rights.

2. Open Run app from the Start, and type inetcpl.cpl. Click OK.

3. When Internet Properties window appears, go to the Connections tab. There go to the Lan settings.

4. The Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window shows up. Find the Use a proxy for your Lan box, and deselect this option. Click OK.

Connection errror 10060 should be fixed. Try to open the website that you were not able before. If this error still shows up, try the second method.

Fix 2: Increase Web Proxy Time out settings

If the first method doesn’t work, then try increasing time-out settings. In order to do it, you will also have to modify the registry.

Note: Serious problems may occur if you modify the registry incorrectly so we do reccomand performing a backup of before changing anything.

  1. Click Start, Run and then type Regedit in the dialogue box.
  2. Navigate to the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesW3ProxyParameters.
  3. On the Right side of the Registry Editor, right-click Request TimeoutSecs and then click Modify.
  4. Click Decimal, they type the number of seconds that you want the proxy service to wait until the session times out.
  5. To confirm changes, click OK.
  6. Restart WWW publishing service by going to start, run and type cmd. Click OK to continue.
  7. Type net stop iisadmin/y and then press enter.
  8. Type net start iisadmin /y and then press enter.
  9. Test the new settings by going to the website that displayed the Socket Error 10060 message.

Fix 3: Disable Firewall

Firewall security may sometimes be the reason for error 10060 too. As a third fix you need to check the firewall configuration to allow FTP protocol or disable the firewall for a temporary time period. Test the new settings by going to the website that displayed the Socket Error 10060 message and see if the error is still present.

Fix 4: Check you antivirus

Make sure that you are only running one anti-virus software, and not two. If there are two, then uninstall one because you do not need two, as they mean that two programs could be scanning a single connection/file which will result in it blocking; hence the time out error.

Fix 5: Check for sending a very large directory

If you are still receiving a connection error 10060, another possible cause is the server is trying to send a listing for a very large directory (with many thousands of files) causing the client to time-out while waiting. Try increasing the time-out value under Tools > Global Options > Transfer > Reconnect and resume in [n] seconds if nothing received, to a higher value, such as 45 or 60 seconds.

Fix 6: Check for PASV mode

Most often this occurs when you try to connect in PASV mode to a server that prefers PORT for data connections. If you see an error log similar to the one following, right click the problem site and choose Site Properties, click the TYPE tab and change the Data Connection Type to Use PORT.

Fix 7: Error 10060 using email

  1. When a Socket Error 10060 happens, you need to check the names of the POP3 and SMTP servers to make sure that they’re correct. The next step is to check the outgoing SMTP port. Email suppliers change the port number and let you setup even specific one. If authentication is needed, your need to click the option “Server needs Authentication” box and provide all the information required. All email client application should have the option avaiable.
  2. If the email settings are correct and the Socket Error 10060 is still occurring, the cause might be firewall software. You need to check the firewall configuration or disable the firewall for a temporary time period. Test the new settings.  If this resolves the error, you need to create an exception for the email program.
  3. If the step mentioned above does not resolve the error you need to follow this steps:
    • Ppen a command prompt
    • Ping the SMTP server address obtained from the email provider.
    • If the ping is unsuccessful and the computer is connected to a router, you need connect it directly to the cable modem to test whether the router hardware firewall is blocking the SMTP traffic.
    • If this is the case, you need to create exceptions for the SMTP port your email provider uses.
    • Alternatively, the cause might be the SMTP server being blocked by your ISP. In this scenario you need to contact the ISP for possible workarounds or to request unblocking.
  4. There is the possibility that a virus or malware is blocking SMTP communication. Try to update any anti-virus or anti-malware programs and run a complete scan.

If a Socket Error 10060 is still occurring, the issue might be caused on the email provider’s end. You need to contact the email provider and see whether there are any issues on their side.


The error occurs while connecting to the Internet and the client using the proxy system. Socket error 10060 on windows indicate the connection problem. In our step-by-step tutorial, we have provided all the possible solutions for you to fix it. We hope you will find this method helpful. Have you managed to solve it? Please let us know in the comments below.


Issue: How to Fix Socket Error 10060 on Windows?

I have received an error message, and I don’t know what to do about it. The error says: “Socket Error # 10060 Connection timed out.” I am not sure what might be wrong with my Internet connection.

Solved Answer

Socket Error 10060 informs about connection problems. This error usually shows up when using proxy service to connect to the Internet, and the browser does not have enough time to load the requested page. Generally speaking, the proxy server works too slow. As a result, the connection time out error message occurs.

Sometimes it’s enough to fix Socket Error 10060 by refreshing the website that did not load or checking URL address.[1] Indeed, mistyped address might trigger this error too. However, in some cases, it’s not enough. Solving this problem may need making modifications in Windows Registry[2] or verifying web proxy settings.

What is more, this error might also occur when a system cannot connect to the mail server. If you are using Microsoft Outlook[3] and received this error, you should verify email client settings. It should be enough to solve this problem and use email service normally.

Image of Fix Socket Error 10060 on Windows

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

As you already know Socket Error 10060 is related to proxy service and in some cases with mail servers. These three methods explained below should help you to fix this error.

How to Fix Socket Error 10060 on Windows

Method 1. Verify web proxy connection

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

1. Start your computer with administrative rights.

2. Open Run app from the Start, and type inetcpl.cpl. Click OK.

Verify web proxy connection to Fix Socket Error 10060 on Windows

3. When Internet Properties window appears, go to the Connections tab. There go to the Lan settings.

4. The Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window shows up. Find the Use a proxy for your Lan box, and deselect this option. Click OK.

Socket Error 10060 should be fixed. Try to open the website that you were not able before. If this error still shows up, try the second method.

Method 2. Increase the time-out limit for the loading websites.

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

NOTE. This method requires making modifications in Windows Registry. In order to avoid possible damage, you should backup Registry. Backups are crucial if something go wrong.

1. Open the Registry Editor. Go to the Run app from the Start, type regedit and click OK.

2. Go to the registry subkey:


Fix Socket Error 10060 on Windows by opening the Registry Editor

3. Click on RequestTimeoutSecs, and then on Modify button.

4. Go to Decimal where you can increase the time limit for loading the Internet sites. It is recommended to set this number to 180 and more.

5. Once you do that, click OK.

6. When all modifications are applied, reboot your computer.

After making modifications in the registry, you should also make sure that everything is stable on the system. Once you fix this issue, we suggest scanning the computer with Reimage.

Method 3. Verify Email Client Settings

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

If you see Socket Error 10060 when trying to send emails from Microsoft Outlook, you should confirm your client settings.

1. Start your computer with administrative rights.

2. Open Microsoft Outlook.

3. When in Outlook, go to Tools and then open Accounts.

4. In the Internet Accounts window look for the Mail tab. When you open it, you will find the list of accounts. Double-click on your account.

5. In the appeared Accounts Properties window, select Servers tab. Here you need to verify all the details.

If client settings are correct, there might be a problem with the authentication process. Thus, you need to enable that Authentication is enabled. Follow these steps to fix Socket Error 10060:

1. Repeat the first four previously explained steps in order to open Account Properties window.

2. In the Account Properties, select Server tab. Here look for the My server requires authentication box and tick it. Then, click OK.

If it is Windows Live Mail that you are using, follow the below-provided instructing steps:

  1. Right-click on your account and select Properties.
  2. Check the Advanced Tab and General Tab and make sure that the right settings are selected.
  3. Click on the OK/Apply button if you have applied any changes.

Repair your Errors automatically team is trying to do its best to help users find the best solutions for eliminating their errors. If you don’t want to struggle with manual repair techniques, please use the automatic software. All recommended products have been tested and approved by our professionals. Tools that you can use to fix your error are listed bellow:

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Still having problems?
If you failed to fix your error using Reimage, reach our support team for help. Please, let us know all details that you think we should know about your problem.

Reimage — a patented specialized Windows repair program. It will diagnose your damaged PC. It will scan all System Files, DLLs and Registry Keys that have been damaged by security threats.Reimage — a patented specialized Mac OS X repair program. It will diagnose your damaged computer. It will scan all System Files and Registry Keys that have been damaged by security threats.
This patented repair process uses a database of 25 million components that can replace any damaged or missing file on user’s computer.
To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage malware removal tool.

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Unforeseen circumstances can happen at any time while using the computer: it can turn off due to a power cut, a Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) can occur, or random Windows updates can the machine when you went away for a few minutes. As a result, your schoolwork, important documents, and other data might be lost. To recover lost files, you can use Data Recovery Pro – it searches through copies of files that are still available on your hard drive and retrieves them quickly.

You may get winsock timeout error 10060 when try to open the application which relies on the server connection. You may get the following error message:

Proxy Reports:
10060 Connection timed out
The Web server specified in your URL could not be contacted. Please check your URL or try your request again.

Winsock Error

Most commonly 10060 Connection Timeout error occurs when connecting to an internet server that does not exist or if there is more than one default gateway on the proxy server computer. This error also appears if you have slow, congested, or high latency Internet links with Microsoft Proxy Server or ISA server.

How to Fix Socket Error 10060?

Method 1: Fix using Advanced System Repair Tool

The most of the common reason behind windows dependency error is corrupted or damaged system files like DLL files, EXE files, sys files etc. There are thousands of tiny system files are there that work specific task. If one of the files gets replaced, deleted or damaged then you may get windows socket error 10060.

3 Steps to Fix this Error

Download and Install Advanced System Repair Tool and scan your PC. It has the large database with 25 million of files. It will find all the damaged or deleted system files and reinstall them with the fresh one. After, optimizing with Advanced System Repair Tool, try to open the program.

Method 2: Verify Web Proxy Settings

Step 1: Open Run Command by pressing Windows Key + R
Step 2: Type inetcpl.cpl and click OK.
Step 3: When Internet Properties appears go to Connections Tab.
connection tab

Step 4: Now, Find Lan Settings and click on it.
Step 5: Find the Use a proxy for your Lan box, and deselect this option. Click OK.

Now, try to reconnect the server again. Most probably you may not get the 10060 Connection Timeout Error.

Method 3: Modify Registry File

Modifying Registry Key is a very risky process and you should do it very carefully. If you enter an incorrect value in the registry file, then this file become damage and system might be down permanently. If you are not sure, how to edit Registry File correctly, then apply Method 1 and install Advanced System Repair Tool to fix Winsock error 10060. Here, is the complete steps of modifying Registry File. Before modifying registry file you must keep a backup of the registry file, so in an emergency, you can restore it.

Step 1: Open Run Command by pressing windows key + R
Step 2: Type Regedit and Press Enter
Step 3: Now, navigate to the following location:


Step 4: Click on Edit menu > Add Value and then add the following information:

Value Name: TcpMaxDataRetransmissions
Value Type: REG_DWORD - Number
Valid Range: 0 - 0xFFFFFFFF
Default Value: 5 Decimal
New Value: 10 Decimal

Step 5: Click OK and close the registry editor.
Step 6: Reboot the PC


In this article, I have tried to tell you 3 awesome methods to fix Winsock Socket Error 10060. However, situation defers from PC to PC so, it is better to use recommended Advanced System Repair Tool to Fix this error automatically.

Have you ever got stuck with Socket Error 10060 on windows?

Error 10060 occurs while connecting to the Internet and the client using the proxy system.

At Bobcares, we often receive requests to fix socket errors as part of our Server Management Services.

Today, let’s discuss this error in detail and see how our Support Engineers fix it for our customers.

What causes Socket Error 10060 on windows?

The problem occurs while using proxy servers and when the time to load the web page is not enough.

In such situations, the connection times out and the error occurs.

Recently one of our customers contacted us with this error when he uses proxy service to connect to the internet. It returns the error message as follows.

How to identify Socket Error 10060 on windows?

The first thing is that the error message popping up on the screen when trying to connect to the internet via a proxy server.

Another potential problem could be an inability by the browser to display the web pages.

1. The webpage can’t be shown.
2. There is an issue with the page that attempting to reach and it can’t be shown.

How we fix Socket Error 10060 on windows?

So far, we discuss the socket error in detail. Now let’s see how our Support Engineers fix this error for our customers.

1.  Increase the time-out limit for the loading websites.

In this method, we make modifications to Windows Registry.

In order to avoid possible damage, you should backup Registry. Backups are crucial if something goes wrong.

To do this,

1. First, we open the Registry Editor.

2. Then we go to the Run from >> the Start >> type regedit >> then click OK.

3. After this, we go to the registry subkey.


4. Then click on>> RequestTimeoutSecs, and then on Modify button.

5. we go to Decimal where you can increase the time limit for loading the Internet sites.

(180 would be more or less an ideal time period)

6. Once we do that, we click on the >> OK button.

7. After all the modifications, we restart the system.

After making modifications in the registry, we also make sure that everything is stable on the system.

2. Verify web proxy connection

Next, we verify the web proxy connections.

To do this,

1. We open the  Run app from the Start and type inetcpl.cpl then click >> OK.

2. When Internet Properties window appears, >> we go to the Connections tab. There go to the Lan settings.

3. Then the Local Area Network (LAN) Settings window shows up.

4. After this, we find the Use a proxy for your Lan box and deselect this option, then click>> OK.

This fixes the socket error.

3. Disable Firewall

Firewall security may sometimes be the reason for socket error 10060 too. So we ask the customers to check the firewall configuration or disable the firewall for a temporary time period

4. Scan for Malware

Another reason for this error is malware infection on the system. so we run an antivirus on the customer’s system or advise them to install antivirus software on the system and run it properly.

It detects and removes all types of malware including Trojans, viruses, adware, spyware and more in seconds.

[Need more assistance to fix Socket Error 10060 on windows? We’ll help you.]


In short, the error occurs while connecting to the Internet and the client using the proxy system. Socket error 10060 on windows indicate the connection problem. Today we discussed how our Support Engineers fix this error for our customers.


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  • Question

  • Hi,

    I am running an EXE to send data to a remote server, I am sending data using VC++ Socket Programming. In some PC, by using that application (EXE), I am able to send data as well as receive data to/from the remote server (Windows Server 2008).

    I am facing problem in one of the PC. Socket Error 10060 is shown when i try to connect to this remote server. Using Connect() API which returns SOCKET_ERROR with WSAGetLastError as 10060..

    Pls reply.




  • Hi,

    According to your description, my understanding is that it prompts error 10060 on one PC when running an EXE(VC++ Socket Programming) to send data to a remote server.

    SOCKET_ERROR 10060 means connection timed out(A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or the established connection failed because the connected host has failed to respond). Reference:

    I am not sure what the exe you used. Some suggestions for you:
    Use ping to confirm the network connectivity between the client and remote server.

    Disable anti-virus software temporarily.
    Check Windows firewall(if enabled) to see if related protocol and port are allowed.
    Use network Monitor(down load link: to capture packets on client and remote server. To identify if the packet is lost on transmission or any other case.

    Besides, you may also contact the exe developer for support.

    Best Regards,
    Eve Wang

    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact

    • Proposed as answer by

      Thursday, March 19, 2015 2:40 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Eve WangMicrosoft contingent staff
      Thursday, March 19, 2015 1:22 PM

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