Syntax error converting the varchar value to a column of data type int

SQL Server Error Messages - Msg 245

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SQL Server Error Messages — Msg 245 — Syntax error converting the varchar value to a column of data type int.

SQL Server Error Messages — Msg 245

Error Message

Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Syntax error converting the varchar value to a column
of data type int.


There are many ways this error may be encountered but the common reason is that you are trying to convert, either implicitly or explicitly, a varchar value to an int data type and the varchar value cannot be converted to an int data type.  You may have a varchar column that may have integer values on most records but where some have non-integer values.

One other common reason why this is encountered is when creating a dynamic SQL statement and the query involves combining a varchar variable with an integer variable.


SET @ID = 124
SET @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Customers] WHERE [ID] = ' + @ID

The reason why the error is encountered in this scenario is because an integer data type has a higher precedence over a varchar data type.  Since the integer data type has a higher precedence, the varchar data type is implicitly converted by SQL Server to an integer data type, and not the other way around as you would have assumed.

Solution / Work Around:

For the case of a varchar column that contains integer values but with a few non-integer values, you can use the ISNUMERIC function to determine if the column can be converted to an integer value or not.  To determine the rows where the column cannot be converted to an integer, you can do the following query:

SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Table1] WHERE ISNUMERIC([VarcharIntColumn]) = 0

For the case of the dynamic SQL wherein a varchar variable is concatenated with an integer variable, you have to explicitly convert the integer variable to a varchar data type using either the CAST or CONVERT function.


SET @ID = 124
SET @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM [dbo].[Customers] WHERE [ID] = ' + CAST(@ID AS VARCHAR(10))
Related Articles :
  • Frequently Asked Questions — SQL Server Error Messages
  • Frequently Asked Questions — INSERT Statement
  • Frequently Asked Questions — SELECT Statement


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  13. Common SQL syntax errors and how to resolve them
  14. SQL Keyword errors
  15. Arrangement of commands
  16. Using quotation marks
  17. Finding SQL syntax errors
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  19. About Milena Petrovic

Sql server varchar syntax error


I have a table(tab1) with a column(col1) of type varchar. I insert a row with an integer value(1). And when i query the table using the sql, select col1 from tab1 where col1 = 1, it works fine.

But after i insert a varchar, say ‘a‘ and then do the same query, i get an error message saying, «Syntax error converting the varchar value ‘a’ to a column of data type int.». Why is this so? Please reply.


The problem is related to data conversion.

There are two categories of data type conversions:

    Implicit conversions are invisible to the user.

SQL Server automatically converts the data from one data type to another. For example, if a smallint is compared to an int, the smallint is implicitly converted to int before the comparison proceeds. Conversion from int to varchar() and varchar() to int is implicit.

  • Explicit conversions use the CAST or CONVERT functions.
  • When you run your query = 1 , SQL implicitly converts expected results to be integers . That’s why =’1′ will tell SQL not to implicitly convert 1 to int , but interpret it as string.

    The table of conversion types can be foung in BOL «CAST and CONVERT».


    Sql server varchar syntax error

    This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

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    I have a table(tab1) with a column(col1) of type varchar. I insert a row with an integer value(1). And when i query the table using the sql, select col1 from tab1 where col1 = 1, it works fine.

    But after i insert a varchar, say ‘a‘ and then do the same query, i get an error message saying, «Syntax error converting the varchar value ‘a’ to a column of data type int.». Why is this so? Please reply.


    The problem is related to data conversion.

    There are two categories of data type conversions:

      Implicit conversions are invisible to the user.

    SQL Server automatically converts the data from one data type to another. For example, if a smallint is compared to an int, the smallint is implicitly converted to int before the comparison proceeds. Conversion from int to varchar() and varchar() to int is implicit.

  • Explicit conversions use the CAST or CONVERT functions.
  • When you run your query = 1 , SQL implicitly converts expected results to be integers . That’s why =’1′ will tell SQL not to implicitly convert 1 to int , but interpret it as string.

    The table of conversion types can be foung in BOL «CAST and CONVERT».


    Sql server varchar syntax error


    i have table with this feild

    Deuration —————>Varchar Datatype

    Duratio n

    my taget is Multbly Duration $2 i use this code

    i get this error (Syntax error converting the varchar value ‘:0’ to a column of data type int.)

    i dont know wath is wrong with my code!


    The error in your code is you naïvely assume all data look the same. Apparently they done.

    In any case, this is somewhat safer:

    SELECT CASE WHEN isdate(Duration) = 1
    THEN datediff(seconds, cast(’00:00:00′ AS time(0)),
    cast(Duration as time(0)))
    END AS Duration
    FROM TBill

    If you are on SQL 2005, use datetime, instead of time(0).

    If you get NULL values in the output, these Duration values are malformed.

    Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,

    If there is whitespace on either end of the Duration the len(Duration) <> 8 should return rows. So I assume you have some malformed Durations. Can you run the following.

    . for example if you have a duration in a row of «123:0:23» then you get the error you described above. The above should help highlight such a row.

    Likewise the following should filter them out.

    /Neil Moorthy — Senior SQL Server DBA/Developer (MCITP (2005/2008), MCAD, ITILv3, OCA 11g) Please click the Mark as Answer button if a post solves your problem

    Все ответы

    Add rtrim to it like

    (substring(rtrim(Duration),1,2) * 360) +
    (substring(rtrim(Duration),4,2) * 60) +

    AS Duration
    from TBill

    Many Thanks & Best Regards, Hua Min

    You might use below:

    | Blog: | MCITP — BI, SQL Developer & DBA

    Hate to mislead others, if I’m wrong slap me. Thanks!

    Using the sample durations you provide above it should not error, however can you confirm that you don’t have any [Durations] in the [TBill] table that are shorter or longer than expected (i.e. «1:00:23» or similar). If so you will need to deal with those, if they are padded with white-space then you can use Trim as suggested by Hua Min, if not you might have to use a case statement with LEN. Anyway can you run the following to check (you should get no results if all are 8 characters in length).

    . you can also try adding «where len(duration) = 8» to your query above to see if the error dissapears.

    /Neil Moorthy — Senior SQL Server DBA/Developer (MCITP (2005/2008), MCAD, ITILv3, OCA 11g) Please click the Mark as Answer button if a post solves your problem



    Common SQL syntax errors and how to resolve them

    In the SQL Server Management Studio, errors can be tracked down easily, using the built in Error List pane. This pane can be activated in the View menu, or by using shortcuts Ctrl+ and Ctrl+E

    The Error List pane displays syntax and semantic errors found in the query editor. To navigate directly to the SQL syntax error in the script editor, double-click the corresponding error displayed in the Error List

    SQL Keyword errors

    SQL keyword errors occur when one of the words that the SQL query language reserves for its commands and clauses is misspelled. For example, writing “UPDTE” instead of “UPDATE” will produce this type of error

    In this example, the keyword “TABLE” is misspelled:

    As shown in the image above, not only the word “TBLE” is highlighted, but also the words around it. The image below shows that this simple mistake causes many highlighted words

    In fact, there are total of 49 errors reported just because one keyword is misspelled

    If the user wants to resolve all these reported errors, without finding the original one, what started as a simple typo, becomes a much bigger problem

    It’s also possible that all SQL keywords are spelled correctly, but their arrangement is not in the correct order. For example, the statement “FROM Table_1 SELECT *” will report an SQL syntax error

    Arrangement of commands

    The wrong arrangement of keywords will certainly cause an error, but wrongly arranged commands may also be an issue

    If the user, for example, is trying to create a new schema into an existing database, but first wants to check if there is already a schema with the same name, he would write the following command

    However, even though each command is properly written, and is able to run separately without errors, in this form it results in an error

    As the error message states, CREATE SCHEMA command has to be the first command that is given. The correct way of running this commands together looks like this

    Using quotation marks

    Another common error that occurs when writing SQL project is to use double quotation marks instead of single ones. Single quotation marks are used to delimit strings. For example, double quotation marks are used here instead of single ones, which cause an error

    Replacing quotation marks with the proper ones, resolves the error

    There are situations where double quotation marks need to be used, for writing some general quotes, for example

    As shown in the previous example, this will cause an error. But, this doesn’t mean that double quotes can’t be used, they just have to be inside the single quotes. However, adding single quotes in this example won’t solve the problem, but it will cause another one

    Since there is an apostrophe inside this quote, it is mistakenly used as the end of a string. Everything beyond is considered to be an error

    To be able to use an apostrophe inside a string, it has to be “escaped”, so that it is not considered as a string delimiter. To “escape” an apostrophe, another apostrophe has to be used next to it, as it is shown below

    Finding SQL syntax errors

    Finding SQL syntax errors can be complicated, but there are some tips on how to make it a bit easier. Using the aforementioned Error List helps in a great way. It allows the user to check for errors while still writing the project, and avoid later searching through thousands lines of code

    Another way to help, is to properly format the code

    This can improve code readability, thus making the search for errors easier

    Milena is a SQL Server professional with more than 20 years of experience in IT. She has started with computer programming in high school and continued at University.

    She has been working with SQL Server since 2005 and has experience with SQL 2000 through SQL 2014.

    Her favorite SQL Server topics are SQL Server disaster recovery, auditing, and performance monitoring.

    • Using custom reports to improve performance reporting in SQL Server 2014 – running and modifying the reports — September 12, 2014
    • Using custom reports to improve performance reporting in SQL Server 2014 – the basics — September 8, 2014
    • Performance Dashboard Reports in SQL Server 2014 — July 29, 2014

    About Milena Petrovic

    Milena is a SQL Server professional with more than 20 years of experience in IT. She has started with computer programming in high school and continued at University. She has been working with SQL Server since 2005 and has experience with SQL 2000 through SQL 2014. Her favorite SQL Server topics are SQL Server disaster recovery, auditing, and performance monitoring. View all posts by Milena «Millie» Petrovic


    реализациях языка SQL может
    быть выполнено неявное преобразование
    типов. Так, например, в Transact-SQL при
    сравнении или комбинировании значений
    типов smallint и int, данные типа smallint неявно
    преобразуются к типу int. Подробно о явном
    и неявном преобразовании типов в SQL
    прочитать в BOL.

    Вывести среднюю цену портативных
    компьютеров с предваряющим текстом
    «средняя цена = ».

    выполнить запрос

    1. SELECT
      = ‘+AVG(price)

    2. FROMLaptop

    к сообщению об ошибке:

    conversion from data type varchar to money is not allowed. Use the
    CONVERT function to run this query.

    varchar к
    money. Используйте
    для выполнения этого запроса
    функцию CONVERT».)

    сообщение означает, что система не может
    выполнить неявное преобразование типа
    varchar к типу money. В подобных ситуациях
    может помочь явное преобразование
    типов. При этом, как указано в сообщении
    об ошибке, можно воспользоваться
    функцией CONVERT.
    Однако эта функция не стандартизована,
    поэтому в целях переносимости рекомендуется
    использовать стандартное выражение CAST.
    С него и начнем.

    если переписать наш запрос в виде

    1. SELECT
      = ‘+

    2. FROM

    результате получим то, что требовалось:

    цена = 1003.33

    использовали выражение явного
    преобразования типов CAST для приведения
    среднего значения цены к строковому

    выражения CAST очень

    <тип данных>)

    иметь в виду, во-первых, что не любые
    преобразования типов возможны (стандарт
    содержит таблицу допустимых преобразований
    типов данных). Во-вторых, результат
    функции CAST для значения выражения,
    равного NULL, тоже будет NULL.

    Пример2: Определить
    средний год спуска на воду кораблей из
    таблицы Ships.


    1. SELECT

    2. FROM

    результат 1926. В принципе все правильно,
    так как мы получили в результате то, что
    просили — год. Однако среднее арифметическое
    будет составлять примерно 1926,2381. Тут
    следует напомнить, что агрегатные
    функции (за исключением функции COUNT,
    которая всегда возвращает целое число)
    наследуют тип данных обрабатываемых
    значений. Поскольку поле launched —
    целочисленное, мы и получили среднее
    значение с отброшенной дробной частью
    (заметьте — не округленное).

    если нас интересует результат с заданной
    точностью, скажем, до двух десятичных
    знаков? Применение выражения CAST к
    среднему значению ничего не даст по
    указанной выше причине. Действительно,

    1. SELECT

    2. FROM

    значение 1926.00. Следовательно, CAST нужно
    применить к аргументу агрегатной

    1. SELECT

    2. FROM

    — 1926.238095. Опять не то. Причина состоит
    в том, что при вычислении среднего
    значения было выполнено неявное
    преобразование типа. Сделаем еще один

    1. SELECT

    2. FROM

    результате получим то, что нужно —
    1926.24. Однако это решение выглядит очень
    громоздко. Заставим неявное преобразование
    типа поработать на нас:

    1. SELECT

    2. FROM

    преобразования типа можно выполнить с
    помощью функции SQL Server CONVERT:

    1. SELECT

    2. FROM

    Функция CONVERT имеет
    следующий синтаксис:

    <выражение> [,

    отличие функции CONVERT от
    функции CAST состоит
    в том, что первая позволяет форматировать
    данные (например, темпоральные данные
    типа datetime) при преобразовании их к
    символьному типу и указывать формат
    при обратном преобразовании. Разные
    целочисленные значения необязательного
    аргумента стиль соответствуют различным
    типам форматов. Рассмотрим следующий


    мы преобразуем строковое представление
    даты к типу datetime, после чего выполняем
    обратное преобразование, чтобы
    продемонстрировать результат
    форматирования. Поскольку значение
    аргумента стиль не задано используется
    значение по умолчанию (0 или 100). В
    результате получим: Jul 22 2003 12:00AM

    приведены некоторые другие значения
    аргумента стиль и результат, полученный
    на приведенном выше примере. Заметим,
    что увеличение значения стиль на 100
    приводит к четырехзначному отображению









    одна особенность использования
    оператора CAST в
    SQL Server, связанная с преобразованием
    числа к его строковому представлению.
    Что произойдет, если число символов в
    числе превышает размер строки? Например,


    ожидать, что мы получим сообщение об
    ошибке. Правильно,

    overflow error converting numeric to data type varchar.

    арифметического переполнения при
    преобразовании числа к типу данных

    что мы будем ожидать того же сообщения
    и при выполнении следующего оператора:


    нет. В результате мы получим символ «*»
    вместо сообщения об ошибке. Мы не беремся
    судить, с чем это связано, однако, однажды
    мы столкнулись с проблемой диагностики
    ошибки в коде, в котором впоследствии
    выполнялось обратное преобразование
    к числовому типу.

    нашем простейшем примере это будет
    выглядеть так:


    тут-то мы и получаем ошибку:

    error converting the varchar value ‘*’ to a column of data type int.

    синтаксиса при преобразовании значения
    «*» к типу данных INT».)

    Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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    I want to convert a varchar datatype to int. The varchar column actually contains decimal values. for example

    varchar Column







    I want it to be converted to

    Int Column







    right now I was doing like this

    cast((round(cast(qty as float),0)) as int). Is this a better way? If not please let me know the better way.



    Farrell Keough


    Points: 17414

    I don’t see any problems with your code.  You «may» not need round, if in fact your data just shows zeros in the decimal places.  But otherwise it looks fine. 

    I have always used CONVERT.  Is there an advantage to using CAST over CONVERT? 

    I wasn’t born stupid — I had to study.

    Jeff Moden

    SSC Guru

    Points: 1002259

    As Farrell suggested, you don’t need to do the rounding thing because INT will do the rounding for you.

    Either of these will work…


    Obviously, you would substitute the column name for the string literal in both of the above statements.

    Just a couple of side notes…

    Although an intermediate conversion to float will certainly work in this case, you should be advised that FLOAT does it’s calculations based on Binary rather than Decimal numbering and the results will not always be what you would expect.

    INT will round up at the .50 mark and round down at the .49 mark.

    In case anyone else reads this, the reason two conversions are necessary is because the decimal point causes the following error when trying to convert a VARCHAR representation of a number with a decimal point in it, directly to INT.

    Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
    Syntax error converting the varchar value '27.49' to a column of data type int.

    Frank Kalis

    SSC Guru

    Points: 111183

    January 10, 2005 at 2:37 am


    Is there an advantage to using CAST over CONVERT?

    CAST is the ANSI way of doing things. IIRC, even MS recommends this over CONVERT. Though only CONVERT allows for the style parameter for DATETIMES. I guess this is a case for the inconsequent category

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

    David Burrows

    SSC Guru

    Points: 65124

    January 10, 2005 at 7:31 am




    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

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