Syntax error макрос

Синтаксическая ошибка Visual Basic не может определить действие, которое требуется выполнить. Эта ошибка имеет следующие причину и решение: Написание ключевых слов и именованных аргументов должно в точности совпадать с определенным в спецификации синтаксиса. Уточните правильное написание в интерактивной справке и при необходимости исправьте его. Неверное сочетание знаков препинания. Например, если вы опускаете необязательный позиционно […]


  1. Синтаксическая ошибка
  2. Поддержка и обратная связь
  3. Syntax error
  4. Support and feedback
  5. Syntax Error VBA
  6. Warning Messages for Syntax Errors
  7. Common Syntax Errors
  8. VBA Coding Made Easy
  9. VBA Code Examples Add-in
  10. VBA On Error – Error Handling Best Practices
  11. VBA Errors Cheat Sheet
  12. Errors
  13. VBA Error Handling
  14. VBA On Error Statement
  15. On Error GoTo 0
  16. On Error Resume Next
  17. VBA Coding Made Easy
  18. Err.Number, Err.Clear, and Catching Errors
  19. Error Handling with Err.Number
  20. On Error GoTo Line
  21. On Error Exit Sub
  22. Err.Clear, On Error GoTo -1, and Resetting Err.Number
  23. VBA On Error MsgBox
  24. VBA IsError
  25. If Error VBA
  26. VBA Error Types
  27. Runtime Errors
  28. Syntax Errors
  29. Compile Errors
  30. Debug > Compile
  31. OverFlow Error
  32. Other VBA Error Terms
  33. VBA Catch Error
  34. VBA Ignore Error
  35. VBA Throw Error / Err.Raise
  36. VBA Error Trapping
  37. VBA Error Message
  38. VBA Error Handling in a Loop
  39. VBA Error Handling in Access
  40. VBA Code Examples Add-in

Синтаксическая ошибка

Visual Basic не может определить действие, которое требуется выполнить. Эта ошибка имеет следующие причину и решение:

Написание ключевых слов и именованных аргументов должно в точности совпадать с определенным в спецификации синтаксиса. Уточните правильное написание в интерактивной справке и при необходимости исправьте его.

Неверное сочетание знаков препинания. Например, если вы опускаете необязательный позиционно расположенный аргумент, необходимо заменить запятую (,), которая выступает как заполнитель для аргумента.

Проверьте правильность написания имени процедуры.

Попытка одновременно указать аргументы Optional и ParamArray в объявлении процедуры. Аргумент ParamArray не может иметь тип Optional. Удалите один из этих аргументов.

Попытка определить процедуру события с параметром Optional или ParamArray. Удалите ключевое слово Optional или ParamArray из спецификации параметра.

Попытка использовать именованный аргумент в операторе RaiseEvent. События не поддерживают названные аргументы.

Для получения дополнительной информации выберите необходимый элемент и нажмите клавишу F1 (для Windows) или HELP (для Macintosh).

Поддержка и обратная связь

Есть вопросы или отзывы, касающиеся Office VBA или этой статьи? Руководство по другим способам получения поддержки и отправки отзывов см. в статье Поддержка Office VBA и обратная связь.


Syntax error

Visual Basic can’t determine what action to take. This error has the following causes and solutions:

A keyword or argument is misspelled.

Keywords and the names of named arguments must exactly match those specified in their syntax specifications. Check online Help, and then correct the spelling.

Punctuation is incorrect. For example, when you omit optional arguments positionally, you must substitute a comma (,) as a placeholder for the omitted argument.

A procedure isn’t defined.

Check the spelling of the procedure name.

You tried to specify both Optional and ParamArray in the same procedure declaration. A ParamArray argument can’t be Optional. Choose one and delete the other.

You tried to define an event procedure with an Optional or ParamArray parameter. Remove the Optional or ParamArray keyword from the parameter specification.

You tried to use a named argument in a RaiseEvent statement. Events don’t support named arguments.

For additional information, select the item in question and press F1 (in Windows) or HELP (on the Macintosh).

Support and feedback

Have questions or feedback about Office VBA or this documentation? Please see Office VBA support and feedback for guidance about the ways you can receive support and provide feedback.


Syntax Error VBA

This tutorial will explain what a VBA Syntax Error means and how it occurs.

VBA code has to be constructed in a certain way in order to run. A syntax error occurs in VBA when the code is not constructed correctly. These errors are shown in the VBE Editor in red which makes them easy to identify.

(See our Error Handling Guide for more information about VBA Errors)

Warning Messages for Syntax Errors

If you have the option for Syntax Check switch on in your VBE, then a message box will appear when you make a syntax error.

If a message box does not appear, the incorrect code will still show up in red as in the graphic above but a warning message will not be displayed. It is up to you whether or not you want these warning message to appear as you can switch this option

To switch on this option, in the Menu, select Tools > Options. In the Editor Tab, make sure that the option Auto Syntax Check is ticked.

Common Syntax Errors

Syntax errors occur due to misspelling or missing code – like the omission of a Then when we are writing the first line of an If statement.

Some other common error are listed below.

For without a To :

Do Until without specifying the condition:

With without specifying what is included in the with:

Not Closing Brackets or Leaving out Punctuation:

VBA Coding Made Easy

Stop searching for VBA code online. Learn more about AutoMacro — A VBA Code Builder that allows beginners to code procedures from scratch with minimal coding knowledge and with many time-saving features for all users!

VBA Code Examples Add-in

Easily access all of the code examples found on our site.

Simply navigate to the menu, click, and the code will be inserted directly into your module. .xlam add-in.


VBA On Error – Error Handling Best Practices

In this Article

VBA Errors Cheat Sheet


VBA Error Handling

VBA Error Handling refers to the process of anticipating, detecting, and resolving VBA Runtime Errors. The VBA Error Handling process occurs when writing code, before any errors actually occur.

VBA Runtime Errors are errors that occur during code execution. Examples of runtime errors include:

  • Referencing a non-existent workbook, worksheet, or other object (Run-time Error 1004)
  • Invalid data ex. referencing an Excel cell containing an error (Type Mismatch – Run-time Error 13)
  • Attempting to divide by zero

VBA On Error Statement

Most VBA error handling is done with the On Error Statement. The On Error statement tells VBA what to do if it encounters an error. There are three On Error Statements:

  • On Error GoTo 0
  • On Error Resume Next
  • On Error GoTo Line

On Error GoTo 0

On Error GoTo 0 is VBA’s default setting. You can restore this default setting by adding the following line of code:

When an error occurs with On Error GoTo 0, VBA will stop executing code and display its standard error message box.

Often you will add an On Error GoTo 0 after adding On Error Resume Next error handling (next section):

On Error Resume Next

On Error Resume Next tells VBA to skip any lines of code containing errors and proceed to the next line.

Note: On Error Resume Next does not fix an error, or otherwise resolve it. It simply tells VBA to proceed as if the line of code containing the error did not exist. Improper use of On Error Resume Next can result in unintended consequences.

A great time to use On Error Resume Next is when working with objects that may or may not exist. For example, you want to write some code that will delete a shape, but if you run the code when the shape is already deleted, VBA will throw an error. Instead you can use On Error Resume Next to tell VBA to delete the shape if it exists.

Notice we added On Error GoTo 0 after the line of code containing the potential error. This resets the error handling.

In the next section we’ll show you how to test if an error occurred using Err.Number, giving you more advanced error handling options.

VBA Coding Made Easy

Stop searching for VBA code online. Learn more about AutoMacro — A VBA Code Builder that allows beginners to code procedures from scratch with minimal coding knowledge and with many time-saving features for all users!

Err.Number, Err.Clear, and Catching Errors

Instead of simply skipping over a line containing an error, we can catch the error by using On Error Resume Next and Err.Number.

Err.Number returns an error number corresponding with the type of error detected. If there is no error, Err.Number = 0.

For example, this procedure will return “11” because the error that occurs is Run-time error ’11’.

Error Handling with Err.Number

The true power of Err.Number lies in the ability to detect if an error occurred (Err.Number <> 0). In the example below, we’ve created a function that will test if a sheet exists by using Err.Number.

Note: We’ve added a On Error GoTo -1 to the end which resets Err.Number to 0 (see two sections down).

With On Error Resume Next and Err.Number, you can replicate the “Try” & “Catch” functionality of other programming languages.

On Error GoTo Line

On Error GoTo Line tells VBA to “go to” a labeled line of code when an error is encountered. You declare the Go To statement like this (where errHandler is the line label to go to):

and create a line label like this:

Note: This is the same label that you’d use with a regular VBA GoTo Statement.

Below we will demonstrate using On Error GoTo Line to Exit a procedure.

On Error Exit Sub

You can do this by placing the error handler line label at the end of your procedure:

Err.Clear, On Error GoTo -1, and Resetting Err.Number

After an error is handled, you should generally clear the error to prevent future issues with error handling.

After an error occurs, both Err.Clear and On Error GoTo -1 can be used to reset Err.Number to 0. But there is one very important difference: Err.Clear does not reset the actual error itself, it only resets the Err.Number.

What does that mean? Using Err.Clear, you will not be able to change the error handling setting. To see the difference, test out this code and replace On Error GoTo -1 with Err.Clear:

Typically, I recommend always using On Error GoTo -1, unless you have a good reason to use Err.Clear instead.

VBA On Error MsgBox

You might also want to display a Message Box on error. This example will display different message boxes depending on where the error occurs:

Here you would replace Err.Raise(11) with your actual code.

VBA IsError

Another way to handle errors is to test for them with the VBA ISERROR Function. The ISERROR Function tests an expression for errors, returning TRUE or FALSE if an error occurs.

If Error VBA

You can also handle errors in VBA with the Excel IFERROR Function. The IFERROR Function must be accessed by using the WorksheetFunction Class:

This will output the value of Range A10, if the value is an error, it will output 0 instead.

VBA Error Types

Runtime Errors

As stated above:

VBA Runtime Errors are errors that occur during code execution. Examples of runtime errors include:

  • Referencing a non-existent workbook, worksheet, or other object
  • Invalid data ex. referencing an Excel cell containing an error
  • Attempting to divide by zero

You can “error handle” runtime errors using the methods discussed above.

Syntax Errors

VBA Syntax Errors are errors with code writing. Examples of syntax errors include:

  • Mispelling
  • Missing or incorrect punctuation

The VBA Editor identifies many syntax errors with red highlighting:

The VBA Editor also has an option to “Auto Syntax Check”:

When this is checked, the VBA Editor will generate a message box alerting you syntax errors after you enter a line of code:

I personally find this extremely annoying and disable the feature.

Compile Errors

Before attempting to run a procedure, VBA will “compile” the procedure. Compiling transforms the program from source code (that you can see) into executable form (you can’t see).

VBA Compile Errors are errors that prevent the code from compiling.

A good example of a compile error is a missing variable declaration:

Other examples include:

  • For without Next
  • Select without End Select
  • If without End If
  • Calling a procedure that does not exist

Syntax Errors (previous section) are a subset of Compile Errors.

Debug > Compile

Compile errors will appear when you attempt to run a Procedure. But ideally, you would identify compile errors prior to attempting to run the procedure.

You can do this by compiling the project ahead of time. To do so, go to Debug > Compile VBA Project.

The compiler will “go to” the first error. Once you fix that error, compile the project again. Repeat until all errors are fixed.

You can tell that all errors are fixed because Compile VBA Project will be grayed out:

OverFlow Error

The VBA OverFlow Error occurs when you attempt to put a value into a variable that is too large. For example, Integer Variables can only contain values between -32,768 to 32,768. If you enter a larger value, you’ll receive an Overflow error:

Instead, you should use the Long Variable to store the larger number.

Other VBA Error Terms

VBA Catch Error

Unlike other programming languages, In VBA there is no Catch Statement. However, you can replicate a Catch Statement by using On Error Resume Next and If Err.Number <> 0 Then. This is covered above in Error Handling with Err.Number.

VBA Ignore Error

To ignore errors in VBA, simply use the On Error Resume Next statement:

However, as mentioned above, you should be careful using this statement as it doesn’t fix an error, it just simply ignores the line of code containing the error.

VBA Throw Error / Err.Raise

To through an error in VBA, you use the Err.Raise method.

This line of code will raise Run-time error ’13’: Type mismatch:

VBA Error Trapping

VBA Error Trapping is just another term for VBA Error Handling.

VBA Error Message

A VBA Error Message looks like this:

When you click ‘Debug’, you’ll see the line of code that is throwing the error:

VBA Error Handling in a Loop

The best way to error handle within a Loop is by using On Error Resume Next along with Err.Number to detect if an error has occurred (Remember to use Err.Clear to clear the error after each occurrence).

The example below will divide two numbers (Column A by Column B) and output the result into Column C. If there’s an error, the result will be 0.

VBA Error Handling in Access

All of the above examples work exactly the same in Access VBA as in Excel VBA.

VBA Code Examples Add-in

Easily access all of the code examples found on our site.

Simply navigate to the menu, click, and the code will be inserted directly into your module. .xlam add-in.


No matter how experienced you’re with VBA coding, errors are always going to be a part of it.

The difference between a novice and an expert VBA programmer is that the expert programmers know how to effectively handle and use errors.

In this tutorial, I will show you various ways you can use to handle errors effectively in Excel VBA.

Before we get into VBA error handling, let’s first understand the different types of errors you are likely to encounter when programming in Excel VBA.

Types of VBA Errors in Excel

There are four types of errors in Excel VBA:

  1. Syntax errors
  2. Compilation errors
  3. Runtime errors
  4. Logical Errors

Let’s quickly understand what these errors are and when you’re likely to encounter these.

Syntax Error

A syntax error, as the name suggests, occurs when VBA finds something wrong with the syntax in the code.

For example, if you forget a part of the statement/syntax that is needed, then you will see the compile error.

In the below code, as soon as I hit enter after the second line, I see a compile error. This is because the IF statement needs to have the ‘Then‘ command, which is missing in the below code.

Excel VBA Compile Error - Expected Then or Goto

Note: When you are typing a code in Excel VBA, it checks for each sentence as soon as you hit enter. If VBA finds something missing in the syntax, it instantly shows a message with some text that can help you understand the missing part.

To make sure you see the syntax error whenever there is something missing, you need to make sure Autosyntax check is enabled. To do this, click on ‘Tools’ and then click on ‘Options’. In the options dialog box, make sure that the ‘Auto Syntax Check’ option is enabled.

AutoSyntax Option to be checked

If the ‘Auto Syntax Check’ option is disabled, VBA will still highlight the line with the syntax error in red, but it will not show the error dialog box.

Compile Error

Compile errors occur when something is missing that is needed for the code to run.

For example, in the below code, as soon as I try to run the code, it will show the following error. This happens as I have used the IF Then statement without closing it with the mandatory ‘End If’.

Excel VBA Error - Block If Without End If

A syntax error is also a type of compile error. A syntax error occurs as soon as you hit enter and VBA identifies that something is missing. A compilation error can also occur when VBA doesn’t find anything missing while typing the code, but it does when the code is compiled or executed.

VBA checks each line as you’re typing the code and highlights the syntax error as soon as the line is incorrect and you hit enter. Compile errors, on the other hand, are only identified when the entire code is analyzed by VBA.

Below are some scenarios where you’ll encounter the compile error:

  1. Using an IF Statement without the End IF
  2. Using For statement with the Next
  3. Using Select statement without using the End Select
  4. Not declaring the variable (this works only when Option Explicit is enabled)
  5. Calling a Sub/Function that does not exist (or with wrong parameters)

Note about ‘Option Explicit’: When you add ‘Option Explicit’, you will be required to declare all the variables before running the code. If there is any variable that has not been declared, VBA would show an error. This is a good practice as it shows an error in case you have a misspelled variable. You can read more about Option Explicit here.

Run Time Errors

Runtime errors are those that occur when the code is running.

Run time errors will occur only when all the syntax and compile errors are being taken care of.

For example, if you run code that is supposed to open an Excel workbook, but that workbook is unavailable (either deleted or name changed), your code would give you a runtime error.

Runtime error in Excel VBA

When a runtime error occurs, it will stop the code and show you the error dialog box.

The message in the Run-time error dialog box is a little more helpful. It tries to explain the problem that can help you correct it.

If you click on the Debug button, it will highlight the part of the code that is leading to the error.

Click on Debug to Highlight the code

If you have corrected the error, you can click on the Run button in the toolbar (or press F5) to continue running the code from where it left.

Or you can also click on the End button to come out of the code.

Important: In case you click the End button in the dialog box, it will stop the code at the line at which is encountered. However, all the lines of code before that would have been executed.

Logical Errors

Logical errors would not make your code stop but can lead to wrong results. These could also be the most difficult types of errors to troubleshoot.

These errors are not highlighted by the compiler and need to be manually tackled.

One example of logical error (that I often find myself stuck with) is running into an endless loop.

Another example could be when it gives a result which is wrong. For example, you may end up using a wrong variable in the code or add two variables where one is incorrect.

There are a few ways I use to tackle logical errors:

  1. Insert Message Box at some place in the code and highlight values/data that can help understand if eberything is going as expected.
  2. Instead of running the code at one go, go through each line one by one. To do this, click anywhere in the code and press F8. you would notice that each time you press F8, one line gets executed. This allows you to go through the code one line at a time and identify the logical errors.

Using Debug to Find Compile/Syntax Errors

Once you’re done with the code, it’s a good practice to first compile it before running.

To compile a code, click on the Debug option in the toolbar and click on Compile VBAProject.

Debug Compile VBAProject

When you compile a VBA project, it goes through the code and identifies errors (if any).

In case it finds an error, it will show you a dialog box with the error. It finds errors one by one. So if it finds an error and you have corrected it, you need to run compile again to find other errors (if there are).

When you’re code is free of errors, the Compile VBAProject option will be greyed out.

Note that Compiling will only find ‘Syntax’ errors and ‘Compile’ errors. It will NOT find the run-time errors.

When you’re writing VBA code, you don’t want the errors to crop up. To avoid this, there are many error-handling methods you can use.

In the next few sections of this article, I will be covering the methods you can use for VBA error handling in Excel.

Configure Error Settings (Handled Vs Unhandled Errors)

Before you start working with your code, you need to check for one setting in Excel VBA.

Go to the VBA toolbar and click on Tools and then click on Options.

In the Options dialog box, click on the General tab and make sure that within the ‘Error Trapping’ group, ‘Break on Unhandled Errors’ is checked.

Let me explain the three options:

  1. Break on All Errors: This will stop your code on all types of errors, even when you have used the techniques to handle these errors.
  2. Break in Class Module: This will stop your code on all unhandled errors, and at the same time, if you’re using objects such as Userforms, it will also break within those objects and highlight the exact line causing the error.
  3. Break on Unhandled Errors: This will stop your code only for those errors that are not handled. This is the default setting as it ensures any unhandled errors are brought to your notice. If you’re using objects such as Userforms, this will not highlight the line causing the error in the object, but will only highlight the line that’s referring to that object.

Note: If you work with objects such as Userforms, you can change this setting to ‘Break on Class Modules’. The difference between #2 and #3 is that when you use Break in Class Module, it will take you to the specific line in the object that is causing the error. You can also choose to go with this instead of ‘Break on Unhandled Errors’.

So in a nutshell – if you’re just starting with Excel VBA, ensure ‘Break on Unhandled Errors’ is checked.

VBA Error Handling with ‘On Error’ Statements

When your code encounters an error, there are a few things you can do:

  1. Ignore the error and let the code continue
  2. Have an error handling code in place and run it when an error occurs

Both of these error handling methods ensures that the end user will not get to see an error.

There are a few ‘On Error’ statements that you can use to get these done.

On Error Resume Next

When you use ‘On Error Resume Next’ in your code, any encountered error will be ignored and the code will continue to run.

This error handling method is used quite often, but you need to be cautious when using it. Since it completely ignores any error that may occur, you may not be able to identify the errors that need to be corrected.

For example, if the below code is run, it will return an error.

Sub AssignValues()
x = 20 / 4
y = 30 / 0
End Sub

This happens because you can not divide a number by zero.

But if I use the ‘On Error Resume Next’ statement in this code (as shown below), it will ignore the error and I will not know that there is an issue that needs to be corrected.

Sub AssignValues()
On Error Resume Next
x = 20 / 4
y = 30 / 0
End Sub

On Error Resume Next should be used only when you clearly know the kind of errors your VBA code is expected to throw and it’s alright to ignore it.

For example, below is the VBA event code that would instantly add the date and time value in cell A1 of a newly inserted sheet (this code is added in the worksheet and not in a module).

Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)
Sh.Range("A1") = Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss")
End Sub

While this works great in most cases, it would show an error if I add a chart sheet instead of a worksheet. Since a chart sheet does not have cells, the code would throw an error.

So, if I use the ‘On Error Resume Next’ statement in this code, it will work as expected with worksheets and do nothing with chart sheets.

Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)
On Error Resume Next
Sh.Range("A1") = Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss")
End Sub

Note: On Error Resume Next Statement is best used when you know what kind of errors you’re likely to encounter. And then if you think it’s safe to ignore these errors, you can use it.

You can take this code to the next level by analyzing if there was an error, and displaying a relevant message for it.

The below code would show a message box that would inform the user that a worksheet has not been inserted.

Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)
On Error Resume Next
Sh.Range("A1") = Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Looks like you inserted a chart sheet" & vbCrLf & "Error - " & Err.Description
End If
End Sub

‘Err.Number’ is used to get the error number and ‘Err.Description’ is used to get the error description. These will be covered later in this tutorial.

On Error GoTo 0

‘On Error GoTo 0’ will stop the code on the line that causes the error and shows a message box that describes the error.

In simple terms, it enables the default error checking behavior and shows the default error message.

Then why even use it?

Normally, you don’t need to use ‘On Error Goto 0’, but it can be useful when you use it in conjunction with ‘On Error Resume Next’

Let me explain!

The below code would select all the blank cells in the selection.

Sub SelectFormulaCells()
End Sub

But it would show an error when there are no blank cells in the selected cells.

So to avoid showing the error, you can use On Error Resume next’

Now, it will also show any error when you run the below code:

Sub SelectFormulaCells()
On Error Resume Next
End Sub

So far, so good!

The problem arises when there is a part of the code where error can occur, and since you’re using ‘On Error Resume Next’, the code would simply ignore it and move to the next line.

For example, in the below code, there would no error prompt:

Sub SelectFormulaCells()
On Error Resume Next
' .. more code that can contain error
End Sub

In the above code, there are two places where an error can occur. The first place is where we are selecting all blank cells (using Selection.SpecialCells) and the second is in the remaining code.

While the first error is expected, any error after that is not.

This is where On Error Goto 0 comes to rescue.

When you use it, you reset the error setting to default, where it will start showing errors when it encounters it.

For example, in the below code, there would be no error in case there are no blank cells, but there would be an error prompt because of ’10/0′

Sub SelectFormulaCells()
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
' .. more code that can contain error
End Sub

Error Checking restored with GoTo 0

On Error Goto [Label]

The above two methods – ‘On Error Resume Next’ and ‘On Error Goto 0’ – doesn’t allow us to truly handle the error. One makes the code ignore the error and the second one resume error checking.

On Error Go [Label] is a way with which you can specify what you want to do in case your code has an error.

Below is the code structure that uses this error handler:

Sub Test()

On Error GoTo Label:
X = 10 / 0    'this line causes an error
' ....your remaining code goes here
Exit Sub

    ' code to handle the error
End Sub

Note that before the Error handling ‘Label’, there is an Exit Sub. This ensures that in case there are no errors, the sub is exited and the ‘Label’ code is not executed. In case you don’t use Exit Sub, it will always execute the ‘Label’ code.

In the example code below, when an error occurs, the code jumps and executes the code in the handler section (and shows a message box).

Sub Errorhandler()
On Error GoTo ErrMsg
X = 12
Y = 20 / 0
Z = 30
Exit Sub
MsgBox "There seems to be an error" & vbCrLf & Err.Description
End Sub

Note that when an error occurs, the code has already run and executed the lines before the line causing the error. In the above example, the code sets the value of X as 12, but since the error occurs in the next line, it doesn’t set the values for Y and Z.

Once the code jumps to the error handler code (ErrMsg in this example), it will continue to execute all the lines in and below the error handler code and the exit the sub.

On Error Goto -1

This one is a bit complicated, and in most cases, you’re unlikely to use this.

But I will still cover this as I have faced a situation where this was needed (feel free to ignore and jump to the next section if you’re only looking for basics).

Before I get into the mechanics of it, let me try and explain where can it be useful.

Suppose you have a code where an error is encountered. But all is good as you have one error handler in place. But what happens when there is another error in the error handler code (yeah.. somewhat like the inception movie).

In such a case, you can not use the second handler as the first error has not been cleared. So while you have handled the first error, in VBA’s memory it still exists. And the VBA memory only has a place for one error – not two or more than that.

In this scenario, you can use On Error Goto -1.

It clears the error and frees up VBA memory to handle the next error.

Enough talk!

Let’s me explain now by using examples.

Suppose I have the below code. This will throw an error as there is division by zero.

Sub Errorhandler()
X = 12
Y = 20 / 0
Z = 30
End Sub

So to handle it, I use an error handler code (with the name ErrMsg) as shown below:

Sub Errorhandler()

On Error GoTo ErrMsg

X = 12
Y = 20 / 0
Z = 30
Exit Sub

MsgBox "There seems to be an error" & vbCrLf & Err.Description
End Sub

Division by 0 error message

All is good now again. As soon as the error occurs, the error handler is used and shows a message box as shown below.

Now, I expand the code so that I have more code in or after the error handler.

Sub Errorhandler()

On Error GoTo ErrMsg

X = 12
Y = 20 / 0
Z = 30
Exit Sub

MsgBox "There seems to be an error" & vbCrLf & Err.Description
A = 10 / 2
B = 35 / 0
End Sub

Since the first error has been handled but the second has not been, I again see an error as shown below.

Second Division by error code

Still all good. The code is behaving in the way we expected it to.

So to handle the second error, I use another error handler (ErrMsg2).

Sub Errorhandler()

On Error GoTo ErrMsg

X = 12
Y = 20 / 0
Z = 30
Exit Sub

MsgBox "There seems to be an error" & vbCrLf & Err.Description
On Error GoTo ErrMsg2
A = 10 / 2
B = 35 / 0
Exit Sub

MsgBox "There seems to be an error again" & vbCrLf & Err.Description

End Sub

And this is where it doesn’t work as expected.

If you run the above code, it will still give you a run-time error, even after having the second error handler in place.

This happens as we didn’t clear the first error from VBA’s memory.

Yes, we handled it! But it still remains in the memory.

And when VBA encounters another error, it’s still stuck with the first error, and hence the second error handler is not used. The code stops at the line that caused the error and shows the error prompt.

To clear VBA’s memory and clear the previous error, you need to use the ‘On Error Goto -1’.

So if you add this line in the below code and run it, it will work as expected.

Sub Errorhandler()

On Error GoTo ErrMsg
X = 12
Y = 20 / 0
Z = 30
Exit Sub

MsgBox "There seems to be an error" & vbCrLf & Err.Description
On Error GoTo -1
On Error GoTo ErrMsg2
A = 10 / 2
B = 35 / 0
Exit Sub

MsgBox "There seems to be an error again" & vbCrLf & Err.Description

End Sub

Note: The error automatically gets cleared when a subroutine ends. So, ‘On Error Goto -1’ can be useful when you’re getting two or more than two errors in the same subroutine.

The Err Object

Whenever an error occurs with a code, it’s the Err object that is used to get the details about the error (such as the error number or the description).

Err Object Properties

The Err Object has the following properties:

Property Description
Number A number that represents the type of error. When there is no error, this value is 0
Description A short description of the error
Source Project name in which the error has occurred
HelpContext The help context id for the error in the help file
HelpFile A string that represents the folder location and the file name of the help file

While in most cases you don’t need to use Err object, it can sometimes be useful while handling errors in Excel.

For example, suppose you have a dataset as shown below and for each number, in the selection, you want to calculate the square root in the adjacent cell.

Data for Square root in Excel

The below code can do it, but since there is a text string in cell A5, it shows an error as soon as this occurs.

Sub FindSqrRoot()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Selection

For Each cell In rng
    cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Sqr(cell.Value)
Next cell

End Sub

Type Mismatch Error when finding square root

The problem with this type of error message is that it gives you nothing about what has gone wrong and where the issue occurred.

You can use the Err object to make these error messages more meaningful.

For example, if I now use the below VBA code, it will stop the code as soon as the error occurs and show a message box with the cell address of the cell where there is an issue.

Sub FindSqrRoot()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Selection

For Each cell In rng
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler
    cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Sqr(cell.Value)
Next cell

MsgBox "Error Number:" & Err.Number & vbCrLf & _
    "Error Description: " & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
    "Error at: " & cell.Address

End Sub

The above code would give you a lot more information than the simple ‘Type Mismatch’, especially the cell address so that you know where the error occurred.

More description Error when finding the square root

You can further refine this code to make sure your code runs until the end (instead of breaking at each error) and then gives you a list of cell address where the error occurs.

The below code would do this:

Sub FindSqrRoot2()
Dim ErrorCells As String
Dim rng As Range

On Error Resume Next

Set rng = Selection
For Each cell In rng
cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Sqr(cell.Value)

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
ErrorCells = ErrorCells & vbCrLf & cell.Address
On Error GoTo -1
End If
Next cell
MsgBox "Error in the following cells" & ErrorCells
Exit Sub

End Sub

The above code runs until the end and gives the square root of all the cells that have numbers in it (in the adjacent column). It then shows a message that lists all the cells where there was an error (as shown below):

Shows a message with cell address that have errors

Err Object Methods

While the Err properties are useful to show useful information about the errors, there are two Err methods as well that can help you with error handling.

Method Description
Clear Clears all the property settings of the Err object
Raise Generates a run-time error

Let’s quickly learn what these are and how/why to use these with VBA in Excel.

Err Clear Method

Suppose you have a dataset as shown below and you want to get the square root of all these numbers in the adjacent column.

Data for Square root in Excel - 10 cells

The following code will get the square roots of all the numbers in the adjacent column and show a message that an error occurred for cell A5 and A9 (as these have text in it).

Sub FindSqrRoot2()
Dim ErrorCells As String
Dim rng As Range

On Error Resume Next

Set rng = Selection
For Each cell In rng
cell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Sqr(cell.Value)

If Err.Number <> 0 Then
ErrorCells = ErrorCells & vbCrLf & cell.Address
End If
Next cell
MsgBox "Error in the following cells" & ErrorCells

End Sub

Note that I have used the Err.Clear method within the If Then statement.

Once an error has occurred and trapped by the If condition, Err.Clear method resets the error number back to 0. This ensures that IF condition only trap the errors for cells where it is raised.

Had I not used the Err.Clear method, once the error occurs, it would always be true in the IF condition, and the error number has not been reset.

Another way of making this work is by using the On Error Goto -1, which resets the error completely.

Note: Err.Clear is different from On Error Goto -1. Err.Clear only clears the error description and the error number. it doesn’t completely reset it. This means that if there is another instance of error in the same code, you won’t be able to handle it before resetting it (which can be done with ‘On Error Goto -1’ and not by ‘Err.Clear’).

Err Raise Method

The Err.Raise method allows you to raise a run-time error.

Below is the syntax of using the Err.Raise method:

Err.Raise [number], [source], [description], [helpfile], [helpcontext]

All these arguments are optional and you can use these to make your error message more meaningful.

But why would you ever want to raise an error yourself?

Good question!

You can use this method when there is an instance of an error (which means that there is going to an error anyway) and then you use this method to tell the user more about the error (instead of the less helpful error message that VBA shows by default).

For example, suppose you have a dataset as shown below and you want all the cells to have numeric values only.

Sub RaiseError()
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Selection

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

For Each Cell In rng
If Not (IsNumeric(Cell.Value)) Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 513, Cell.Address, "Not a number", "Test.html"
End If
Next Cell

MsgBox Err.Description & vbCrLf & Err.HelpFile
End Sub

The above code would show an error message that has the specified description and the context file.

Personally, I have never used Err.Raise as I mostly work with Excel only. But for someone who uses VBA to work with Excel along with other applications such as Outlook, Word or PowerPoint, this can be useful.

Here is a detailed article on Err.Raise method in case you want to learn more.

VBA Error Handling Best Practices

No matter how skilled you get a writing VBA code, errors are always going to be a part of it. The best coders are those who have the skills to handle these errors properly.

Here are some best practices you can use when it comes to error handling in Excel VBA.

  1. Use ‘On Error Go [Label]’ at the beginning of the code. This will make sure any error that can happen from there is handled.
  2. Use ‘On Error Resume Next’ ONLY when you’re sure about the errors that can occur. Use it with expected error only. In case you use it with unexpected errors, it will simply ignore it and move forward. You can use ‘On Error Resume Next’ with ‘Err.Raise’ if you want to ignore a certain type of error and catch the rest.
  3. When using error handlers, make sure you’re using Exit Sub before the handlers. This will ensure that the error handler code is executed only when there is an error (else it will always be executed).
  4. Use multiple error handlers to trap different kinds of errors. Having multiple error handler ensures that an error is properly addressed. For example, you would want to handle a ‘type mismatch’ error differently than a ‘Division by 0’ run-time error.

Hope you found this Excel article useful!

Here are some more Excel VBA Tutorials that you may like:

  • Excel VBA Data Types – A Complete Guide
  • Excel VBA Loops – For Next, Do While, Do Until, For Each
  • Excel VBA Events – An Easy (and Complete) Guide
  • Excel Visual Basic Editor – How to Open and Use it in Excel

There are 3 type of error which occurs in VBA

  1. Syntax Error
  2. Runtime Error
  3. Logical Error

Syntax Error:

Syntax errors are those error which occurs due to incorrect syntax. For example, we are writing IF condition in our code and we missed End If in the last then it will show a compile Error.

See the below code

Sub Syntax_Error()

Dim x As Integer

x = 10

If x > 5 Then

MsgBox "X is grather than 5"

End Sub

When we will run the above code it will display below given error.

Syntax Error in VBA

Syntax Error in VBA

Before running our code we should always compile our code. To compile the code in the Visual Basic window go to Debug and click on Compile VBA Project or press Alt+D+L. If there is any syntax error available in the code it will display that.

Runtime Error:

Runtime errors are occurred during the execution of code. They are also called exceptions. For example, if we asign the text value in Integer variable.

Sub Syntax_Error()

Dim x As Integer

x = "ABC"

End Sub

When we will run above given code it will show a Type mismatch error because x is an integer and we are trying to assign “ABC” text in x.

Run Time Error

Run Time Error

Logical Errors:

Logical errors can be the most difficult type of errors to track down. These errors are not the result of a syntax or runtime error.

You cannot catch those errors, because it depends on your business requirement what type of logic you want to put in your program.

For example, dividing a number by zero or a script that is written which enters into infinite loop.

We should always try to prevent the expected errors while writing the code and should display a user friendly message to user.

For example, we have to open a workbook “MyProject.xlsx” from a path then we always should check whether “MyProject.xlsx” file is available in that location or not.

Sub Error_Handling()

Dim myfile As String

myfile = "C:UsersUserNameDesktopProjectsMyProject.xlsx"

' check if file exists or not

If Dir(myfile) = "" Then

' if file does not exist display message

MsgBox myfile & " is not available"

Exit Sub

End If

' this code will run when file is available

Workbooks.Open myfile

End Sub

On Error Statement

There are four different ways to use this statement

  • On Error Goto 0 : the code stops at the line with the error and displays a message.
  • On Error Resume Next : the code moves to next line. No error message is displayed.
  • On Error Goto label : the code moves to a specific line or label. No error message is displayed. This is the one we use for error handling.
  • On Error Goto -1 : clears the current error.

To handle an unexpected error we can use On Error Goto label. See the below example.

Sub Error_Handling()

On Error GoTo err_msg

Dim x As Integer

Dim y As Integer

Dim z As Integer

x = 10

y = 0

z = x / y

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error! Error Number:-" & Err.Number & " Error Description:- " & Err.Description

End Sub

Error Handling in VBA

Error Handling in VBA

Next Chapter>>ADODB Connection

“Abort, Retry, Fail?” – MS-DOS error message circa 1986

This post provides a complete guide to VBA Error Handing. If you are looking for a quick summary then check out the quick guide table in the first section.

If you are looking for a particular topic on VBA Error Handing then check out the table of contents below(if it’s not visible click on the post header).

If you are new to VBA Error Handling, then you can read the post from start to finish as it is laid out in logical order.


  • 1 A Quick Guide to Error Handing
  • 2 The Webinar
  • 3 Download the Error Handling Library
  • 4 Introduction
  • 5 VBA Errors
    • 5.1 Syntax Errors
    • 5.2 Compilation Errors
      • 5.2.1 Using Debug->Compile
      • 5.2.2 Debug->Compile Error Summary
      • 5.2.3 Debug->Compile Usage
    • 5.3 Runtime Errors
      • 5.3.1 Expected Versus Unexpected Errors
    • 5.4 Runtime Errors that are not VBA Errors
  • 6 The On Error Statement
    • 6.1 On Error GoTo 0
    • 6.2 On Error Resume Next
    • 6.3 On Error GoTo [label]
    • 6.4 On Error GoTo -1
    • 6.5 Using On Error
  • 7 Resume Next
  • 8 The Err Object
    • 8.1 Getting the Line Number
    • 8.2 Using Err.Raise
    • 8.3 Using Err.Clear
  • 9 Logging
  • 10 Other Error Related Items
    • 10.1 Error Function
    • 10.2 Error Statement
  • 11 A Simple Error Handling Strategy
    • 11.1 The Basic Implementation
  • 12 A Complete Error Handling Strategy
    • 12.1 An Example of using this strategy
  • 13 Error Handling in a Nutshell
  • 14 What’s Next?

A Quick Guide to Error Handing

Item Description
On Error Goto 0 When error occurs, the code stops and displays the error.
On Error Goto -1 Clears the current error setting and reverts to the default.
On Error Resume Next Ignores the error and continues on.
On Error Goto [Label] Goes to a specific label when an error occurs.
This allows us to handle the error.
Err Object When an error occurs the error information is stored here.
Err.Number The number of the error.
(Only useful if you need to check a specific error occurred.)
Err.Description Contains the error text.
Err.Source You can populate this when you use Err.Raise.
Err.Raise A function that allows you to generate your own error.
Error Function Returns the error text from an error number.
Error Statement Simulates an error. Use Err.Raise instead.

The Webinar

Members of the Webinar Archives can access the webinar for this article by clicking on the image below.

(Note: Archive members have access to the webinar archive.)

vba error handling video

Download the Error Handling Library


Error Handling refers to code that is written to handle errors which occur when your application is running. These errors are normally caused by something outside your control like a missing file, database being unavailable, data being invalid etc.

If we think an error is likely to occur at some point, it is good practice to write specific code to handle the error if it occurs and deal with it.

For all other errors, we use generic code to deal with them. This is where the VBA error handling statement comes into play. They allow our application to deal gracefully with any errors we weren’t expecting.

To understand error handling we must first understand the different types of errors in VBA.

VBA Error Handling

VBA Errors

There are three types of errors in VBA:

  1. Syntax
  2. Compilation
  3. Runtime

We use error handling to deal with runtime errors. Let’s have a look at each of these error types so that it is clear what a runtime error is.

Syntax Errors

If you have used VBA for any length of time you will have seen a syntax error. When you type a line and press return, VBA will evaluate the syntax and if it is not correct it will display an error message.

For example if you type If and forget the Then keyword, VBA will display the following error message

VBA Error Handling

Some examples of syntax errors are

' then is missing
If a > b

' equals is missing after i
For i 2 To 7

' missing right parenthesis
b = left("ABCD",1

Syntax errors relate to one line only. They occur when the syntax of one line is incorrect.

Note: You can turn off the Syntax error dialog by going to Tools->Options and checking off “Auto Syntax Check”. The line will still appear red if there is an error but the dialog will not appear.

Compilation Errors

Compilation errors occur over more than one line. The syntax is correct on a single line but is incorrect when all the project code is taken into account.

Examples of compilation errors are:

  • If statement without corresponding End If statement
  • For without Next
  • Select without End Select
  • Calling a Sub or Function that does not exist
  • Calling a Sub or Function with the wrong parameters
  • Giving a Sub or Function the same name as a module
  • Variables not declared(Option Explicit must be present at the top of the module)

The following screenshot shows a compilation error that occurs when a For loop has no matching Next statement.

VBA Error Handling

Using Debug->Compile

To find compilation errors, we use Debug->Compile VBA Project from the Visual Basic menu.

When you select Debug->Compile, VBA displays the first error it comes across.

When this error is fixed, you can run Compile again and VBA will then find the next error.

Debug->Compile will also include syntax errors in it’s search which is very useful.

If there are no errors left and you run Debug->Compile , it may appear that nothing happened. However, “Compile” will be grayed out in the Debug menu. This means your application has no compilation errors at the current time.

Debug->Compile Error Summary

  • Debug->Compile finds compilation(project wide) errors.
  • It will also find syntax errors.
  • It finds one error each time you use it.
  • When there are no compilation errors left the Compile option will appear grayed out in the menu.

Debug->Compile Usage

You should always use Debug->Compile before you run your code. This ensures that your code has no compilation errors when you run it.

If you do not run Debug->Compile then VBA may find compile errors when it runs. These should not be confused with Runtime errors.

Runtime Errors

Runtime errors occur when your application is running. They are normally outside of your control but can be caused by errors in your code.

VBA Error Handling

For example, imagine your application reads from an external workbook. If this file gets deleted then VBA will display an error when your code tries to open it.

Other examples of runtime errors are

  • a database not being available
  • the user entering invalid data
  • a cell containing text instead of a number

As we have seen, the purpose of error handling is to deal with runtime errors when they occur.

Expected Versus Unexpected Errors

When we think a runtime error could occur we put code in place to handle it. For example, we would normally put code in place to deal with a file not being found.

The following code checks if the file exists before it tries to open it. If the file does not exist then a user friendly message is displayed and the code exits the sub.

Sub OpenFile()
    Dim sFile As String
    sFile = "C:docsdata.xlsx"
    ' Use Dir to check if file exists
    If Dir(sFile) = "" Then
        ' if file does not exist display message
        MsgBox "Could not find the file " & sFile
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Code will only reach here if file exists
    Workbooks.Open sFile
End Sub

When we think an error is likely to occur at some point, it is good practice to add code to handle the situation. We normally refer to these errors as expected errors.

If we don’t have specific code to handle an error it is considered an unexpected error. We use the VBA error handling statements to handle the unexpected errors.

Runtime Errors that are not VBA Errors

Before we look at the VBA Handling there is one type of error we must mention. Some runtime errors are not considered errors by VBA but only by the user.

Let me explain this with an example. Imagine you have an application that requires you to add the values in the variables a and b

result = a + b

Let’s say you mistakenly use an asterisk instead of the plus sign

result = a * b

This is not a VBA error. Your code syntax is perfectly legal. However, from your requirements point of view it is an error.

These errors cannot be dealt with using error handling as they obviously won’t generate any error. You can deal with these errors using Unit Testing and Assertions. I have an in-depth post about using VBA assertions – see How to Make Your Code BulletProof.

The On Error Statement

As we have seen there are two ways to treat runtime errors

  1. Expected errors – write specific code to handle them.
  2. Unexpected errors – use VBA error handling statements to handle them.

The VBA On Error statement is used for error handling. This statement performs some action when an error occurs during runtime.

There are four different ways to use this statement

  1. On Error GoTo 0 – the code stops at the line with the error and displays a message.
  2. On Error Resume Next – the code moves to next line. No error message is displayed.
  3. On Error GoTo [label] – the code moves to a specific line or label. No error message is displayed. This is the one we use for error handling.
  4. On Error GoTo -1 – clears the current error.

Let’s look at each of these statements in turn.

On Error GoTo 0

This is the default behavior of VBA. In other words, if you don’t use On Error then this is the behavior you will see.

When an error occurs, VBA stops on the line with the error and displays the error message. The application requires user intervention with the code before it can continue. This could be fixing the error or restarting the application. In this scenario no error handling takes place.

Let’s look at an example. In the following code, we have not used any On Error line so VBA will use the On Error GoTo 0 behavior by default.

Sub UsingDefault()

    Dim x As Long, y As Long
    x = 6
    y = 6 / 0
    x = 7

End Sub

The second assignment line results in a divide by zero error. When we run this code we will get the error message shown in the screenshot below

VBA Error Handling

When the error appears you can choose End or Debug

If you select End then the application simply stops.
If you select Debug the application stops on the error line as the screenshot below shows

VBA Error Handling

This behaviour is fine when you are writing VBA code as it shows you the exact line with the error.

This behavior is unsuitable for an application that you are given to a user. These errors look unprofessional and they make the application look unstable.

An error like this is essentially the application crashing. The user cannot continue on without restarting the application. They may not use it at all until you fix the error for them.

By using On Error GoTo [label] we can give the user a more controlled error message. It also prevents the application stopping. We can get the application to perform in a predefined manner.

On Error Resume Next

Using On Error Resume Next tells VBA to ignore the error and continue on.

There are specific occasions when this is useful. Most of the time you should avoid using it.

If we add Resume Next to our example Sub then VBA will ignore the divide by zero error

Sub UsingResumeNext()

    On Error Resume Next
    Dim x As Long, y As Long
    x = 6
    y = 6 / 0
    x = 7

End Sub

It is not a good idea to do this. If you ignore the error, then the behavior can be unpredictable. The error can affect the application in multiple ways.You could end up with invalid data. The problem is that you aren’t aware that something went wrong because you have suppressed the error.

The code below is an example of where using Resume Next is valid

Sub SendMail()

   On Error Resume Next
    ' Requires Reference:
    ' Microsoft Outlook 15.0 Object Library
    Dim Outlook As Outlook.Application
    Set Outlook = New Outlook.Application

    If Outlook Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Cannot create Microsoft Outlook session." _
                   & " The email will not be sent."
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub

In this code we are checking to see if Microsoft Outlook is available on a computer. All we want to know is if it is available or not. We are not interested in the specific error.

In the code above, we continue on if there is an error. Then in the next line we check the value of the Outlook variable. If there has been an error then the value of this variable will be set to Nothing.

This is an example of when Resume could be useful. The point is that even though we use Resume we are still checking for the error. The vast majority of the time you will not need to use Resume.

On Error GoTo [label]

This is how we use Error Handling in VBA. It is the equivalent of the Try and Catch functionality you see in languages such as C# and Java.

When an error occurs you send the error to a specific label. It is normally at the bottom of the sub.

Let’s apply this to the sub we have been using

Sub UsingGotoLine()

    On Error GoTo eh
    Dim x As Long, y As Long
    x = 6
    y = 6 / 0
    x = 7
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "The following error occurred: " & Err.Description
End Sub

The screenshot below shows what happens when an error occurs

VBA Error Handling

VBA jumps to the eh label because we specified this in the On Error Goto line.

Note 1: The label we use in the On…GoTo statement, must be in the current Sub/Function. If not you will get a compilation error.

Note 2: When an error occurs when using On Error GoTo [label], the error handling returns to the default behaviour i.e. The code will stop on the line with the error and display the error message. See the next section for more information about this.

On Error GoTo -1

This statement is different than the other three. It is used to clear the current error rather than setting a particular behaviour.

When an error occurs using On Error GoTo [label], the error handling behaviour returns to the default behaviour i.e. “On Error GoTo 0”. That means that if another error occurs the code will stop on the current line.

This behaviour only applies to the current sub. Once we exit the sub, the error will be cleared automatically.

Take a look at the code below. The first error will cause the code to jump to the eh label. The second error will stop on the line with the 1034 error.

Sub TwoErrors()

    On Error Goto eh
    ' generate "Type mismatch" error
    Error (13)

    Exit Sub
    ' generate "Application-defined" error
    Error (1034)
End Sub

If we add further error handling it will not work as the error trap has not been cleared.

In the code below we have added the line

On Error Goto eh_other

after we catch the first error.

This has no effect as the error has not been cleared. In other words the code will stop on the line with the error and display the message.

Sub TwoErrors()

    On Error Goto eh
    ' generate "Type mismatch" error
    Error (13)

    Exit Sub
    On Error Goto eh_other
    ' generate "Application-defined" error
    Error (1034)
Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "eh_other " & Err.Description
End Sub

To clear the error we use On Error GoTo -1. Think of it like setting a mouse trap. When the trap goes off you need to set it again.

In the code below we add this line and the second error will now cause the code to jump to the eh_other label

Sub TwoErrors()

    On Error Goto eh
    ' generate "Type mismatch" error
    Error (13)

    Exit Sub
    ' clear error
    On Error Goto -1
    On Error Goto eh_other
    ' generate "Application-defined" error
    Error (1034)
Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "eh_other " & Err.Description
End Sub

Note 1: There are probably rare cases where using On Error GoTo -1 is useful. In most cases using Resume Next is better as it clears the error and resumes the code at the next line after the error occurs.

Note 2: The Err Object has a member Clear. Using Clear clears the text and numbers in the Err object, but it does NOT reset the error.

Using On Error

As we have seen, VBA will do one of three things when an error occurs

  • Stop and display the error.
  • Ignore the error and continue on.
  • Jump to a specific line.

VBA will always be set to one of these behaviors. When you use On Error, VBA will change to the behaviour you specify and forget about any previous behavior.

In the following Sub, VBA changes the error behaviour each time we use the On Error statement

Sub ErrorStates()

    Dim x As Long
    ' Go to eh label if error
    On Error Goto eh
    ' this will ignore the error on the following line
    On Error Resume Next
    x = 1 / 0
    ' this will display an error message on the following line
    On Error Goto 0
    x = 1 / 0
   Exit Sub
    Debug.Print Err.Description
End Sub

Resume Next

The Resume Next statement is used to clear the error and then resume the code from the line after where the error occurred.

If your code can have multiple errors and you want to keep detecting them then this line is very useful.

For example, in the following code we want to resume the code after the error has been reported:

Private Sub Main()

    On Error Goto eh
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To 3
        ' Generate type mismatch error
         Error 13
    Next i

    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print i, Err.Description
End Sub

We could use On Error Goto -1 to clear the code and then use a goto statement to go back to the code like this:

Private Sub Main()

    On Error Goto eh
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To 3
        ' Generate type mismatch error
         Error 13
    Next i

    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print i, Err.Description
    On Error Goto -1 ' clear the error
    Goto continue ' return to the code
End Sub

The Resume Next provides a nicer way of doing it and it always means the code is much clearer and easier to understand:

Private Sub Main()

    On Error Goto eh
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To 3
        ' Generate type mismatch error
         Error 13
    Next i

    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print i, Err.Description
    ' clear the error and return to the code
    Resume Next  
End Sub

The Err Object

When an error occurs you can view details of the error using the Err object.

When an runtime error occurs, VBA automatically fills the Err object with details.

The code below will print “Error Number: 13 Type Mismatch” which occurs when we try to place a string value in the long integer total

Sub UsingErr()

    On Error Goto eh
    Dim total As Long
    total = "aa"

    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "Error number: " & Err.Number _
            & " " & Err.Description
End Sub

The Err.Description provides details of the error that occurs. This is the text you normally see when an error occurs e.g. “Type Mismatch”

The Err.Number is the ID number of the error e.g. the error number for “Type Mismatch” is 13. The only time you really need this is if you are checking that a specific error occurred and this is only necessary on rare occasions.

The Err.Source property seems like a great idea but it does not work for a VBA error. The source will return the project name, which hardly narrows down where the error occurred. However, if you create an error using Err.Raise you can set the source yourself and this can be very useful.

Getting the Line Number

The Erl function is used to return the line number where the error occurs.

It often causes confusion. In the following code, Erl will return zero

Sub UsingErr()

    On Error Goto eh
    Dim val As Long
    val = "aa"

    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print Erl
End Sub

This is because there are no line numbers present. Most people don’t realise it but VBA allows you to have line numbers.

If we change the Sub above to have line number it will now print out 20

Sub UsingErr()

10        On Error Goto eh
          Dim val As Long
20        val = "aa"

30        Exit Sub
40        Debug.Print Erl
End Sub

Adding line numbers to your code manually is cumbersome. However there are tools available that will allow you to easily add and remove line numbers to a sub.

When you are finished working on a project and hand it over to the user it can be useful to add line numbers at this point. If you use the error handling strategy in the last section of this post, then VBA will report the line where the error occurred.

Using Err.Raise

Err.Raise allows us to create errors. We can use it to create custom errors for our application which is very useful. It is the equivalent of the Throw statement in JavaC#.

The format is as follows

Err.Raise [error number], [error source], [error description]

Let’s look at a simple example. Imagine we want to ensure that a cell has an entry that has a length of 5 characters. We could have a specific message for this

Public Const ERROR_INVALID_DATA As Long = vbObjectError + 513

Sub ReadWorksheet()

    On Error Goto eh
    If Len(Sheet1.Range("A1")) <> 5 Then
        Err.Raise ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "ReadWorksheet" _
            , "The value in the cell A1 must have exactly 5 characters."
    End If
    ' continue on if cell has valid data
    Dim id As String
    id = Sheet1.Range("A1")

    Exit Sub
    ' Err.Raise will send code to here
    MsgBox "Error found: " & Err.Description
End Sub

When we create an error using Err.Raise we need to give it a number. We can use any number from 513 to 65535 for our error. We must use vbObjectError with the number e.g.

Err.Raise vbObjectError + 513

Using Err.Clear

Err.Clear is used to clear the text and numbers from the Err.Object. In other words, it clears the description and number.If you want the clear the actual error you can use either On Error GoTo -1 or Resume Next

It is rare that you will need to use Err.Clear but let’s have a look at an example where you might.

In the code below we are counting the number of errors that will occur. To keep it simple we are generating an error for each odd number.

We check the error number each time we go through the loop. If the number does not equal zero then an error has occurred. Once we count the error we need to set the error number back to zero so it is ready to check for the next error.

Sub UsingErrClear()

    Dim count As Long, i As Long

    ' Continue if error as we will check the error number
    On Error Resume Next
    For i = 0 To 9
        ' generate error for every second one
        If i Mod 2 = 0 Then Error (13)
        ' Check for error
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            count = count + 1
            Err.Clear    ' Clear Err once it is counted
        End If

    Debug.Print "The number of errors was: " & count
End Sub

Note 1: Err.Clear resets the text and numbers in the error object but it does not clear the error – see Resume Next Or On Error GoTo -1 for more information about clearing the actual error.


Logging means writing information from your application when it is running. When an error occurs you can write the details to a text file so you have a record of the error.

The code below shows a very simple logging procedure

Sub Logger(sType As String, sSource As String, sDetails As String)
    Dim sFilename As String
    sFilename = "C:templogging.txt"
    ' Archive file at certain size
    If FileLen(sFilename) > 20000 Then
        FileCopy sFilename _
            , Replace(sFilename, ".txt", Format(Now, "ddmmyyyy hhmmss.txt"))
        Kill sFilename
    End If
    ' Open the file to write
    Dim filenumber As Variant
    filenumber = FreeFile 
    Open sFilename For Append As #filenumber
    Print #filenumber, CStr(Now) & "," & sType & "," & sSource _
                                & "," & sDetails & "," & Application.UserName
    Close #filenumber
End Sub

You can use it like this

' Create unique error number
Public Const ERROR_DATA_MISSING As Long = vbObjectError + 514

Sub CreateReport()

    On Error Goto eh
    If Sheet1.Range("A1") = "" Then
       Err.Raise ERROR_DATA_MISSING, "CreateReport", "Data is missing from Cell A1"
    End If

    ' other code here
    Exit Sub
    Logger "Error", Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub

The log is not only for recording errors. You can record other information as the application runs. When an error occurs you can then check the sequence of events before an error occurred.

Below is an example of logging. How you implement logging really depends on the nature of the application and how useful it will be:

Sub ReadingData()
    Logger "Information", "ReadingData()", "Starting to read data."
    Dim coll As New Collection
    ' add data to the collection
    coll.Add "Apple"
    coll.Add "Pear"
    If coll.Count < 3 Then
        Logger "Warning", "ReadingData()", "Number of data items is low."
    End If
    Logger "Information", "ReadingData()", "Number of data items is " & coll.Count
    Logger "Information", "ReadingData()", "Finished reading data."

End Sub

Having a lot of information when dealing with an error can be very useful. Often the user may not give you accurate information about the error that occurred. By looking at the log you can get more accurate information about the information.

This section covers some of the other Error Handling tools that VBA has. These items are considered obsolete but I have included them as they may exist in legacy code.

Error Function

The Error Function is used to print the error description from a given error number. It is included in VBA for backward compatibility and is not needed because you can use the Err.Description instead.

Below are some examples:

' Print the text "Division by zero"
Debug.Print Error(11)
' Print the text "Type mismatch"
Debug.Print Error(13)
' Print the text "File not found"
Debug.Print Error(53)

Error Statement

The Error statement allows you to simulate an error. It is included in VBA for backward compatibility. You should use Err.Raise instead.

In the following code we simulate a “Divide by zero” error.

Sub SimDivError()

    On Error Goto eh
    ' This will create a division by zero error
    Error 11
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
End Sub

This statement is included in VBA for backward compatibility. You should use Err.Raise instead.

A Simple Error Handling Strategy

With all the different options you may be confused about how to use error handling in VBA. In this section, I’m going to show you how to implement a simple error handling strategy that you can use in all your applications.

The Basic Implementation

This is a simple overview of our strategy

  1. Place the On Error GoTo Label line at the start of our topmost sub.
  2. Place the error handling Label at the end of our topmost sub.
  3. If an expected error occurs then handle it and continue.
  4. If the application cannot continue then use Err.Raise to jump to the error handling label.
  5. If an unexpected error occurs the code will automatically jump to the error handling label.

The following image shows an overview of how this looks


The following code shows a simple implementation of this strategy:

Public Const ERROR_NO_ACCOUNTS As Long = vbObjectError + 514

Sub BuildReport()

    On Error Goto eh
    ' If error in ReadAccounts then jump to error
    ' Do something with the code
    Exit Sub
    ' All errors will jump to here
    MsgBox Err.Source & ": The following error occured  " & Err.Description
End Sub

Sub ReadAccounts()
    ' EXPECTED ERROR - Can be handled by the code
    ' Application can handle A1 being zero
    If Sheet1.Range("A1") = 0 Then
        Sheet1.Range("A1") = 1
    End If
    ' EXPECTED  ERROR - cannot be handled by the code
    ' Application cannot continue if no accounts workbook
    If Dir("C:DocsAccount.xlsx") = "" Then
        Err.Raise ERROR_NO_ACCOUNTS, "UsingErr" _
                , "There are no accounts present for this month."
    End If

    ' UNEXPECTED ERROR - cannot be handled by the code
    ' If cell B3 contains text we will get a type mismatch error
    Dim total As Long
    total = Sheet1.Range("B3")
    ' continue on and read accounts
End Sub

This is a nice way of implementing error handling because

  • We don’t need to add error handling code to every sub.
  • If an error occurs then VBA exits the application gracefully.

A Complete Error Handling Strategy

The above strategy has one major drawback. It doesn’t provide any information about the error. It is better than having no strategy as it prevents the application crashing. But that is the only real benefit.

VBA doesn’t fill Err.Source with anything useful so we have to do this ourselves.

In this section, I am going to introduce a more complete error strategy. I have written two subs that perform all the heavy lifting so all you have to do is add them to your project.

The purpose of this strategy is to provide you with the Stack* and line number when an error exists.

*The Stack is the list of sub/functions that were currently in use when the error occurred.

This is our strategy

  1. Place error handling in all the subs.
  2. When an error occurs, the error handler adds details to the error and raises it again.
  3. When the error reaches the topmost sub it is displayed.

We are simply “bubbling” the error to the top. The following diagram shows a simple visual of what happens when an error occurs in Sub3

Error Handling - bubbling

The only messy part to this is formatting the strings correctly. I have written two subs that handle this, so it is taken care of for you.

There are the two helper subs, RaiseError and DisplayError. You can download the library below:

An Example of using this strategy

Here is a simple coding example that uses these subs. In this strategy, we don’t place any code in the topmost sub. We only call subs from it.

Sub Topmost()

    On Error Goto EH

    Exit Sub
    DisplayError Err.source, Err.Description, "Module1.Topmost", Erl
End Sub

Sub Level1()

    On Error Goto EH

    Exit Sub
   RaiseError Err.Number, Err.source, "Module1.Level1", Err.Description, Erl
End Sub

Sub Level2()

    On Error Goto EH
    ' Error here
    Dim a As Long
    a = "7 / 0"

    Exit Sub
    RaiseError Err.Number, Err.source, "Module1.Level2", Err.Description, Erl
End Sub

The result looks like this:

error handling output

If your project has line numbers the result will include the line number of the error:

error handling output line

Error Handling in a Nutshell

  • Error Handling is used to handle errors that occur when your application is running.
  • You write specific code to handle expected errors. You use the VBA error handling statement On Error GoTo [label] to send VBA to a label when an unexpected error occurs.
  • You can get details of the error from Err.Description.
  • You can create your own error using Err.Raise.
  • Using one On Error statement in the top most sub will catch all errors in subs that are called from here.
  • If you want to record the name of the Sub with the error, you can update the error and rethrow it.
  • You can use a log to record information about the application as it is running.

What’s Next?

Free VBA Tutorial If you are new to VBA or you want to sharpen your existing VBA skills then why not try out the The Ultimate VBA Tutorial.

Related Training: Get full access to the Excel VBA training webinars and all the tutorials.

(NOTE: Planning to build or manage a VBA Application? Learn how to build 10 Excel VBA applications from scratch.)

Just like any other programming language, VBA has no luck when it comes to errors and you have to deal with them, no matter what. They may come from different sources, like bad coding, impossible operations (like zero division), or unexpected errors.

The best way to deal with it is to have a proper understanding of all the possible outcomes of the result that you could get with code. Look at the below example where we have a VBA code that calculates the square root of the number using the value which you have in the selected cell.

Sub Square_Root()
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value ^ (1 / 2)
End Sub

But if the active cell has a value other than a number, you’ll get a run-time error, just like below.

Error Settings in VBA (Error Trapping)

In the VBA option, you can configure the setting to deal with errors before you start writing codes. To open the VBA settings, go to Tools ➤ Options ➤ Generals ➤ Error Trapping. Here you have three options which you can use.

  • Break on All Errors: If you have this option activated, VBA will stop the code for all types of errors even if you have used all kinds of error handling techniques.
  • Break-in Class Module: With this option, VBA will stop all your codes that are not handled by any technique. And if you’re using objects such as Userforms, it will also break within those objects and highlight the exact line where the error is.
  • Break on Unhandled Errors: This is the default setting that helps you to know about all the errors where you are not using any error handling technique and stop the code for all the unhandled errors. (But, if you’re using objects such as Userforms, this will not highlight the line causing the error in the object but will only highlight the line that’s referring to that object).

Types of VBA Errors

To understand VBA errors, you can split them into four categories, and below is the explanation of these types of errors.

1. Syntax Errors

While writing VBA code you need to follow a particular Syntax and when you skip it or don’t write it in the way it should be you can face SYNTAX error (also called Language error). It’s like typos that you do while writing your codes.

Well, VBA helps you by pointing out these errors by showing an error message. You just need to make sure you have “Auto Syntax Check” activated in your VB editor.

Go to the Tool ➤ Options and make sure to tick the “Auto Syntax Check”. With this, whenever you make a SYNTAX error, VBA will show an error message.

But if “Auto Syntax Check” is disabled VBA still highlights the line of code with the error but won’t show the error message.

2. Compile Errors

It comes when you write code to perform an activity, but that activity is not valid or can’t be performed by VBA. The best example is where you have a code using the IF statement but missed to add END IF at the end of the statement and now when you run this VBA will show you a compilation error message.

Apart from this, there are some other examples of compile errors:

  • Using For without Next (For Next).
  • Select without End Select (Select Case).
  • Not Declaring a Variable when you have “Option Explicit” enabled.
  • Calling a Sub/Function that does not exist.

3. Runtime Errors

A runtime error occurs at the time of executing the code. Remember the example, I shared with you above when the code calculated the square root of a number.

When a runtime error occurs while running code, it stops the code and shows you the error dialog box and that error box talks about the nature of the error you have. Let’s say you have written a code that opens a workbook from the location which you have specified but now that workbook is relocated or deleted by someone.

So, when you run the code, VBA will show you a runtime error as it can’t find that file on that location. The message you get in a run time error describes the reason which helps you to understand the reason for the error.

And when a runtime error occurs it stops the execution of the code. If you click on the “Debug” button it shows you the line of code that has that error by highlighting it yellow. Or you can click on the “End” button to stop the code to execute and close the error message.

4. Logical Error

It’s not an error but a mistake while writing code. These types of errors sometimes can give you nuts while finding them and correcting them.

Let’s say you write code and while declaring a variable you used the wrong data type, or you have used the wrong calculation steps. In this case, your code will work fine, and you won’t find this error easily. The best way to deal with this kind of problem is to run each line of code one by one.

Using Debug Tools in VBA

VBA provides you a set of tools to debug your code and remove bugs from your codes.

1. Compile VBA Project

In Visual Basic Editor, there’s an option that you can use instantly after completing your code. These compile options scan each line of your code and show a message box if there is an error in your code.

Note: Compile VBA option only traces Syntax and Compile errors, not runtime errors as these errors only rise when a code is running. To use Compile VBA Project, go to ➤ Debug ➤ Compile VBA Project.

Once you run “Compile VBA Project” and you have no error in your code, the options will be greyed out.

2. Run Each Line of Code One by One

This is how I do it. When I complete a code, I simply run it line by line to check if there’s an error occurring. It may take time, but it helps you to get to about all the errors (Syntax, Compile, and Run-Time).

On the “Debug Toolbar”, there’s a button “Step In” which you can use to execute a code line by line or you can simply press F8 to execute a single line and then press it again to execute the next line in the code.

Using “On ERROR” Statement to Handle VBA Errors

It’s important to check your codes and find possible errors in all the debugging ways you have. But, the best and most effective way is to create error-handling statements that can deal with an error and make your code flawless while executing. Let’s learn about these statements. When an error occurs in a VBA code the best possible ways to handle that error can be:

  • Let the VBA ignore the error and execute the code
  • Let a special set of statements to run when an error occurs.

In both solutions, you can use “On Error” statements. Below four “On Error” statements that you can use. And now, let’s look at each statement one by one.

1. On Error Resume Next

This simple line of code lets VBA continue executing the code despite the occurrence of an error. The IDEA is simple: Move to the next line of the code if there’s an error found somewhere while executing.

In the below code, you have two lines of code:

  • The first line says the value  of cell A1 is 25 divided by 0
  • And the second line says the value cell A2 is 10 divided by 5

Now there’s a problem with the code which you have inline one. As you know if you divide anything with 0 the result will be an error.  So, when you run this code VBA will show an error message “Run-time error ‘11’ Division by Zero” and stop the execution.

But when you add the “On Error Resume Next” at the very beginning of the code and run the code, VBA simply skips that line of code where the error occurs and continues with the second line and add that value in cell A2.

Sub myDivide()
On Error Resume Next
    Range("A1").Value = 25 / 0
    Range("A2").Value = 10 / 5
End Sub

So, whenever you want your code to get executed despite an error occurring anywhere simply use the “On Error Resume Next” statement in your code.

But here’s one more thing you need to note down: It will only skip errors that occur after it.

Let’s say if an error occurs at line 5 and you have added “On Error Resume Next” on line 8 then it would not skip that error.  So, the best way is to add it as the first line of the code in the procedure.

2. On Error GoTo 0

It’s the default behavior of VBA that when an error occurred it stops the execution of the code.

Well, using “On Error GoTo 0” make no difference in your code. VBA will simply stop the code and show a message with a description of the error. Then why would I bother to use it? Smart Question. Let’s use the example you have used above in “On Error Resume Next”.

In this code whenever an error will occur VBA will resume to the next line of code and run it and you won’t see any error message. But let’s say you have more lines in your code and you don’t want to surpass those lines if there’s an error in the code.

So, if you enter “On Error GoTo 0” after the second line of code it will restore the VBA’s default error handler which shows error messages each time an error occurs.

3. On Error GoTo [Label]

Think about a place in a building where you can head up in an emergency. In the same way, using “On Error GoTo [Label]”, you can simply create a separate block of code in your main code to deal with an error.

Actually, “On Error GoTo [Label]” is a far better and more convenient way to deal with errors. In the below code, you have “On Error GoTo Oh!Error” now in this line statement the word “Oh!Error” is the label.

If you look at the end of the code where you have a specific starting with the label name and then a code for a message box with a message about the code.

Now, what happens if an error occurs the VBA will jump to the label “Oh!Error” and run the block of code which you have after that label.

But there’s one thing you need to take care of: If an error doesn’t occur even then the label you have in your code will get executed. There are two things you need to do:

  • First, make sure to add your Error label at the end of the code.
  • Second, add an “Exit Sub” before the error label.

With this, you’ll benefit in both situations. Let’s say if an error occurs and VBA jumps to the label you specified there would only be code from the label itself to code. And if an error doesn’t occur “Exit Sub” statement which you have before the label will exit the procedure without executing the error label.

4. On Error GoTo -1

Before we get into this, let me share something with you.  When an error occurs in a code VBA stores that error log in its memory and only clears it when the routine ends.

O VBA! Live in Present

To deal with the second error in a VBA code you need to clear the first error from VBA’s memory. In the below code, you have two “On Error GoTo [Label]” statements that deal with errors from two different blocks of code.

But if you run this code, when the second error VBA won’t jump to the label which you have defined and instead show the error message “Type Mismatch”.

Sub Square_Root()
On Error GoTo myError1
Range("A1").Value = Range("A1").Value ^ (1 / 2)
MsgBox "There's some problem with the value you have in the cell A1."
On Error GoTo myError2
Range("A2").Value = Range("A2").Value ^ (1 / 2)
MsgBox "There's some problem with the value you have in the cell A2."
End Sub

To fix this problem you can use “On Error GoTo -1” which makes VBA remove the current error from its storage memory.

Sub Square_Root()
 On Error GoTo myError1
 Range("A1").Value = Range("A1").Value ^ (1 / 2)
 MsgBox "There's some problem with the value you have in the cell A1."
 On Error GoTo -1
 On Error GoTo myError2
 Range("A2").Value = Range("A2").Value ^ (1 / 2)
 MsgBox "There's some problem with the value you have in the cell A2."
 End Sub

Now when you run this code, “On Error GoTo -1” removes the error from the memory and VBA deals with the error in the second statement as you want.

What Else Do I Need to Know to Handle Errors in VBA?

Apart from using error handling techniques, there are a few other things that you can use to deal with errors in a better way.

Err Object

When an error occurred while executing of code, you can use the Err object to get details about that error. There are a few properties and methods which you can use with Err object. Let’s learn them one by one.


Below are the properties which you can use with the Err object:

  • Err.Number: With an error occurred there’s a number stored in the Err Object. In the below code, when occurred the message box will show the error number.  
  • Err.Description: This property shows the description of the error which can help you to understand the reason for the error.
  • Err.Source: This property shows you in which project the error has occurred.
  • Err.HelpContext: This property returns the help context id for the error in the help file.
  • Err.HelpContext: This is a string value for the location of the help file.

Normally when you are dealing with errors using error handling techniques you won’t be using the Err Object that much in your codes. But below is a simple example to use it.

Sub Square_Root()
On Error GoTo myError1
    Range("A1").Value = Sqr(Range("A1").Value)
Exit Sub
    MsgBox "There's some problem with the value you have in the cell A1." & vbCrLf & _
                "Error Number: " & Err.Number  & vbCrLf & _
                "Error Description: " & Err.Description
End Sub

When you run the above code, and if an error occurred, it will show a message box with the error number and description of the error.


With Err Object there are two methods that you can also use.

  • Err.Clear: This method clears the error number and error description from VBA’s memory (It’s different from “On Error GoTo -1” as it doesn’t completely reset the error).
  • Err.Raise: With this method, you can generate a run time error in your code intentionally, and below is the syntax which needs to follow:

Err.Raise [number], [source], [description], [helpfile], [helpcontext]

Quick Tips on Error Handling

Here are a few quick tips which you can use to deal with VBA errors in a better way.

  • Use “On Error Resume Next” only when you know for sure about an error to occur and it’s OK to skip the line of code with an error and it’s safe to skip to the next line.
  • The best way to deal with run-time errors is by using “Error Handler” with “On Error GoTo [Label]”. This ensures that whenever the error occurs you will know about it, but it won’t show that nasty error message.
  • Whenever you use the error handler make sure to use “Exit Sub” before it.

There’s More

Below are some of the links which could be useful for you to learn more about error handling in VBA, make sure to check out all of these:

Type Mismatch (Error 13) | Runtime (Error 1004) | Object Required (Error 424) | Out of Memory (Error 7) | Object Doesn’t Support this Property or Method (Error 438) | Invalid Procedure Call or Argument (Error 5) | Overflow (Error 6) | Automation error (Error 440) | VBA Error 400 | VBA Subscript Out of Range Runtime Error 9

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  • Question

  • Hello,

    I’m writing a macro which among other things will run a vlookup from a daily file labeled «APODaily» to the main file labeled «MainWkbk». I start with the MainWkbk then am trying to open the APODaily file from a shared drive. I recorded
    the macro which work, but I am trying to cleanup the code so that it’s allows for the changing date at the end of the APODaily file name.  Ultimately I’d like to install a form so users can push a button re-running the vlookup at any date but that’s another

    Originally I kept getting «Expected End Of Statement» error, but I corrected that, now I’m getting «Compile Error — Syntax Error». The error comes up on the line of code, _». What am I doing wrong?

    Dim MainWkbk As Workbook
    Dim APODaily As String
    Sub APOarStatus()
    Set MainWkbk = ActiveWorkbook
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Dim Path As String
    Path = "S:Daily ReportsAPO"
    Dim PrevDate As Date
    PrevDate = Date - 1
    APODaily = Path & "AP_Daily_SNP_" & Format(PrevDate, "mmddyy") & ".xls" _, _ <<<<<<<<<Error pops up on this line>>>>>>
        Notify:=False, ReadOnly:=True
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True



  • I know it,

    But you can´t do this.

    better saying,

    You don´t need him.

    APODaily = Path & "AP_Daily_SNP_" & Format(PrevDate, "mmddyy") & ".xls"

    You are setting a value to the APODaily variable. This command finish at «.xls»

    Underscore is used to break the same command in two or more lines, but here we are talking of just one command.

    If I understood properly your problem

    • Proposed as answer by

      Tuesday, June 30, 2015 5:49 AM

    • Marked as answer by
      Fei XueMicrosoft employee
      Tuesday, June 30, 2015 8:38 AM

На чтение 25 мин. Просмотров 14k.

VBA Error Handling

Эта статья содержит полное руководство по обработке ошибок VBA. Если вы ищете краткое резюме, посмотрите таблицу быстрого руководства в первом разделе.

Если вы ищете конкретную тему по обработке ошибок VBA, ознакомьтесь с приведенным ниже содержанием.

Если вы новичок в VBA, то вы можете прочитать пост от начала до конца, так как он выложен в логическом порядке.


  1. Краткое руководство по обработке ошибок
  2. Введение
  3. Ошибки VBA
  4. Заявление об ошибке
  5. Err объект
  6. Логирование
  7. Другие элементы, связанные с ошибками
  8. Простая стратегия обработки ошибок
  9. Полная стратегия обработки ошибок
  10. Обработка ошибок в двух словах

Краткое руководство по обработке ошибок

Пункт Описание
On Error Goto 0 При возникновении ошибки код останавливается и отображает
On Error Resume Next Игнорирует ошибку и
On Error Goto [Label] Переход к определенной метке при возникновении ошибки.
Это позволяет нам справиться
с ошибкой.
Err Object При возникновении ошибки
информация об ошибке
сохраняется здесь.
Err.Number Номер ошибки.
(Полезно, только если вам
нужно проверить, произошла ли конкретная ошибка.)
Err.Description Содержит текст ошибки.
Err.Source Вы можете заполнить это, когда используете Err.Raise.
Err.Raise Функция, которая позволяет
генерировать вашу собственную ошибку.
Error Function Возвращает текст ошибки из
номера ошибки.
Вышло из употребления.
Error Statement Имитирует ошибку. Вместо этого используйте Err.Raise.


Обработка ошибок относится к коду, который написан для обработки ошибок, возникающих во время работы вашего приложения. Эти ошибки обычно вызваны чем-то вне вашего контроля, например отсутствующим файлом, недоступностью базы данных, недействительными данными и т.д.

Если мы считаем, что ошибка может произойти в какой-то
момент, рекомендуется написать специальный код для обработки ошибки, если она
возникнет, и устранить ее.

Для всех остальных ошибок мы используем общий код для их
устранения. Это где оператор обработки ошибок VBA вступает в игру. Они
позволяют нашему приложению корректно обрабатывать любые ошибки, которые мы не

Чтобы понять обработку ошибок, мы должны сначала понять
различные типы ошибок в VBA.

VBA Error Handling

Ошибки VBA

В VBA есть три типа ошибок

  1. Синтаксис
  2. Компиляция
  3. Время выполнения

Мы используем обработку ошибок для устранения ошибок во
время выполнения. Давайте посмотрим на каждый из этих типов ошибок, чтобы было
ясно, что такое ошибка во время выполнения.

Синтаксические ошибки

Если вы использовали VBA в течение какого-то времени, вы
увидите синтаксическую ошибку. Когда вы набираете строку и нажимаете return,
VBA оценивает синтаксис и, если он неверен, выдает сообщение об ошибке.

Например, если вы введете If и забудете ключевое слово Then,
VBA отобразит следующее сообщение об ошибке.

VBA Error Handling

Некоторые примеры синтаксических ошибок

' then отсутствует
If a > b

' не хватает = после i
For i 2 To 7

' отсутствует правая скобка
b = left("АБВГ",1

Синтаксические ошибки относятся только к одной строке. Они
возникают, когда синтаксис одной строки неверен.

Примечание. Диалоговое окно «Ошибка синтаксиса» можно отключить, выбрав «Сервис» -> «Параметры» и отметив «Автосинтаксическая проверка». Строка по-прежнему будет отображаться красным цветом в случае ошибки, но диалоговое окно не появится.

Ошибки компиляции

Ошибки компиляции происходят более чем в одной строке.
Синтаксис в одной строке правильный, но неверный, если учесть весь код проекта.

Примеры ошибок компиляции:

  • Оператор If без соответствующего оператора End If
  • For без Next
  •  Select без End Select
  • Вызов Sub или Function, которые не существуют
  • Вызов Sub или Function с неверными параметрами
  • Присвоение Sub или Function того же имени, что и для модуля
  • Переменные не объявлены (Option Explicit должен присутствовать в верхней части модуля)

На следующем снимке экрана показана ошибка компиляции,
которая возникает, когда цикл For не имеет соответствующего оператора Next.

VBA Error Handling

Использование Debug-> Compile

Чтобы найти ошибки компиляции, мы используем Debug->
Compile VBA Project из меню Visual Basic.

Когда вы выбираете Debug-> Compile, VBA отображает первую
обнаруженную ошибку.

Когда эта ошибка исправлена, вы можете снова запустить
Compile, и VBA найдет следующую ошибку.

Debug-> Compile также будет включать синтаксические
ошибки в поиск, что очень полезно.

Если ошибок не осталось и вы запускаете Debug-> Compile,
может показаться, что ничего не произошло. Однако «Компиляция» будет недоступна
в меню «Отладка». Это означает, что ваше приложение не имеет ошибок компиляции
в текущий момент.

Debug->Compile Error Summary

Debug-> Compile находит ошибки компиляции (проекта).

Он также найдет синтаксические ошибки.

Он находит одну ошибку каждый раз, когда вы ее используете.

Если нет ошибок компиляции, оставленная опция Компиляция
будет отображаться серым цветом в меню.

Debug-> Compile Usage

Вы должны всегда использовать Debug-> Compile, прежде чем
запускать свой код. Это гарантирует, что ваш код не будет иметь ошибок
компиляции при запуске.

Если вы не запускаете Debug-> Compile, то VBA может
обнаружить ошибки компиляции при запуске. Их не следует путать с ошибками
времени выполнения.

Ошибки во время выполнения

Ошибки во время выполнения возникают, когда ваше приложение
работает. Обычно они находятся вне вашего контроля, но могут быть вызваны
ошибками в вашем коде.

VBA Error Handling

Например, представьте, что ваше приложение читает из внешней
рабочей книги. Если этот файл будет удален, то VBA отобразит ошибку, когда ваш
код попытается открыть его.

Другие примеры ошибок времени выполнения

  • база данных недоступна
  • пользователь вводит неверные данные
  • ячейка, содержащая текст вместо числа

Как мы уже видели, целью обработки ошибок является обработка
ошибок времени выполнения, когда они возникают.

Ожидаемые и неожиданные ошибки

Когда мы думаем, что может произойти ошибка во время
выполнения, мы помещаем код на место для ее обработки. Например, мы обычно
помещаем код на место, чтобы иметь дело с файлом, который не найден.

Следующий код проверяет, существует ли файл, прежде чем он
пытается его открыть. Если файл не существует, отображается сообщение, удобное
для пользователя, и код выходит из подпрограммы.

Sub OtkritFail()
    Dim sFile As String
    sFile = "C:ДокументыОтчет.xlsx"
    ' Используйте Dir, чтобы проверить, существует ли файл
    If Dir(sFile) = "" Then
        ' если файл не существует, отобразить сообщение
        MsgBox "Файл не найден" & sFile
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Код достигнет только если файл существует
    Workbooks.Open sFile
End Sub

Когда мы думаем, что в какой-то момент может произойти
ошибка, рекомендуется добавить код для обработки ситуации. Мы обычно называем
эти ошибки ожидаемыми.

Если у нас нет специального кода для обработки ошибки, это
считается неожиданной ошибкой. Мы используем операторы обработки ошибок VBA для
обработки непредвиденных ошибок.

Ошибки времени выполнения, которые не являются ошибками VBA

Прежде чем мы рассмотрим VBA Handling, мы должны упомянуть
один тип ошибок. Некоторые ошибки во время выполнения не рассматриваются как
ошибки VBA, а только пользователем.

Позвольте мне объяснить это на примере. Представьте, что у
вас есть приложение, которое требует, чтобы вы добавили значения в переменные a
и b

Допустим, вы по ошибке используете звездочку вместо знака

Это не ошибка VBA. Ваш синтаксис кода является совершенно
законным. Однако, с вашей точки зрения, это ошибка.

Эти ошибки не могут быть обработаны с помощью обработки ошибок, поскольку они, очевидно, не будут генерировать никаких ошибок. Вы можете справиться с этими ошибками, используя Unit Testing and Assertions.

Заявление об ошибке

Как мы видели, есть два способа обработки ошибок во время

  1. Ожидаемые ошибки — напишите конкретный код для
    их обработки.
  2. Неожиданные ошибки — используйте операторы
    обработки ошибок VBA для их обработки.

Оператор VBA On Error используется для обработки ошибок.
Этот оператор выполняет некоторые действия при возникновении ошибки во время

Есть четыре различных способа использовать это утверждение

  1. On Error Goto 0 — код останавливается на строке с ошибкой и отображает сообщение.
  2. On Error Resume Next — код перемещается на следующую строку. Сообщение об ошибке не отображается.
  3. On Error Goto [label] — код перемещается на определенную строку или метку. Сообщение об ошибке не отображается. Это тот, который мы используем для обработки ошибок.
  4. On Error Goto -1 — очищает текущую ошибку.

Давайте посмотрим на каждое из этих утверждений по очереди.

On Error Goto 0

Это поведение по умолчанию VBA. Другими словами, если вы не
используете On Error, это поведение вы увидите.

При возникновении ошибки VBA останавливается на строке с
ошибкой и отображает сообщение об ошибке. Приложение требует вмешательства
пользователя с кодом, прежде чем оно сможет продолжить. Это может быть
исправление ошибки или перезапуск приложения. В этом случае обработка ошибок не

Давайте посмотрим на пример. В следующем коде мы не
использовали строку On Error, поэтому VBA будет использовать поведение On Error
Goto 0 по умолчанию.

Sub IspDefault()

    Dim x As Long, y As Long
    x = 6
    y = 6 / 0
    x = 7

End Sub

Вторая строка присваивания приводит к ошибке деления на ноль. Когда мы запустим этот код, мы получим сообщение об ошибке, показанное на скриншоте ниже.

VBA Error Handling

Когда появляется ошибка, вы можете выбрать End или Debug

Если вы выберете Конец, то приложение просто остановится.

Если вы выберете Отладить, приложение остановится на строке
ошибки, как показано на скриншоте ниже.

VBA Error Handling

Это нормально, когда вы пишете код VBA, поскольку он
показывает вам точную строку с ошибкой.

Это поведение не подходит для приложения, которое вы
передаете пользователю. Эти ошибки выглядят непрофессионально и делают
приложение нестабильным.

Подобная ошибка, по сути, приводит к сбою приложения.
Пользователь не может продолжить работу без перезапуска приложения. Они могут
вообще не использовать его, пока вы не исправите для них ошибку.

Используя On Error Goto [label], мы можем дать пользователю
более контролируемое сообщение об ошибке. Это также предотвращает остановку
приложения. Мы можем заставить приложение работать предопределенным образом.

On Error Resume Next

Использование On Error Resume Next указывает VBA
игнорировать ошибку и продолжать работу.

Есть конкретные случаи, когда это полезно. Большую часть
времени вы должны избегать его использования.

Если мы добавим Resume Next к нашему примеру Sub, то VBA
проигнорирует ошибку деления на ноль

Sub UsingResumeNext()

    On Error Resume Next
    Dim x As Long, y As Long
    x = 6
    y = 6 / 0
    x = 7

End Sub

Это не очень хорошая идея, чтобы сделать это. Если вы
игнорируете ошибку, то поведение может быть непредсказуемым. Ошибка может
повлиять на приложение несколькими способами. Вы можете получить неверные
данные. Проблема в том, что вы не знаете, что что-то пошло не так, потому что
вы подавили ошибку.

Приведенный ниже код является примером использования Resume

Sub OtprSoobsch()

   On Error Resume Next
    ' Требуется ссылка:
    ' Библиотека объектов Microsoft Outlook 15.0
    Dim Outlook As Outlook.Application
    Set Outlook = New Outlook.Application

    If Outlook Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox " Не удается создать сеанс Microsoft Outlook." _
                   & " Письмо не будет отправлено."
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub

В этом коде мы проверяем, доступен ли Microsoft Outlook на компьютере. Все,
что мы хотим знать — это доступно или нет. Нас не интересует конкретная ошибка.

В приведенном выше коде мы продолжаем, если есть ошибка.
Затем в следующей строке мы проверяем значение переменной Outlook. Если произошла ошибка, тогда
значение этой переменной будет установлено равным Nothing.

Это пример того, когда Резюме может быть полезным. Дело в
том, что, хотя мы используем Resume,
мы все равно проверяем наличие ошибки. Подавляющее большинство времени вам не
нужно будет использовать Resume.

On Error Goto [label]

Вот как мы используем обработку ошибок в VBA. Это эквивалент функциональности Try and Catch, которую вы видите на
таких языках, как C # и

При возникновении ошибки вы отправляете ошибку на
определенный ярлык. Обычно это внизу саба.

Давайте применим это к подводной лодке, которую мы

Sub IspGotoLine()

    On Error Goto eh
    Dim x As Long, y As Long
    x = 6
    y = 6 / 0
    x = 7
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Произошла следующая ошибка: " & Err.Description
End Sub

Снимок экрана ниже показывает, что происходит при возникновении ошибки.

VBA Error Handling

VBA переходит на метку eh, потому что мы указали это в
строке «Перейти к ошибке».

Примечание 1: Метка, которую мы используем в операторе On… Goto, должна быть в текущей Sub / Function. Если нет, вы получите ошибку компиляции.

Примечание 2: Когда возникает ошибка при использовании On Error Goto [label], обработка ошибок возвращается к поведению по умолчанию, т.е. код остановится на строке с ошибкой и отобразит сообщение об ошибке. См. Следующий раздел для получения дополнительной информации об этом.

On Error Goto -1

Это утверждение отличается от других трех. Он используется
для очистки текущей ошибки, а не для настройки конкретного поведения.

При возникновении ошибки с помощью функции On Error Goto [label] поведение обработки ошибки возвращается к поведению по умолчанию, т.е. On Error Goto 0 . Это означает, что если произойдет другая ошибка, код остановится на текущей строке.

Это поведение относится только к текущей подпрограмме. Как
только мы выйдем из саба, ошибка будет очищена автоматически.

Посмотрите на код ниже. Первая ошибка приведет к переходу
кода на метку eh. Вторая ошибка остановится на строке с ошибкой 1034.

Sub DveOshibki()

    On Error Goto eh
    ' генерировать ошибку «Несоответствие типов»
    Error (13)

    Exit Sub
    ' генерировать «определенную приложением» ошибку
    Error (1034)
End Sub

Если мы добавим дальнейшую обработку ошибок, она не будет
работать, поскольку ловушка ошибок не была очищена.

В коде ниже мы добавили строку

после того как мы поймаем первую ошибку.

Это не имеет никакого эффекта, так как ошибка не была
очищена. Другими словами, код остановится на строке с ошибкой и отобразит

Sub DveOshibki()

    On Error Goto eh
    ' генерировать ошибку «Несоответствие типов»
    Error (13)

    Exit Sub
    On Error Goto eh_other
    ' генерировать «определенную приложением» ошибку
    Error (1034)
Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "ehother " & Err.Description
End Sub

Для устранения ошибки мы используем On Error Goto -1.
Думайте об этом как об установке ловушки для мыши. Когда ловушка сработает, вам
нужно установить ее снова.

В приведенном ниже коде мы добавляем эту строку, и вторая
ошибка теперь приведет к переходу кода на метку eh_other.

Sub DveOshibki()

    On Error Goto eh
    ' генерировать ошибку «Несоответствие типов»
    Error (13)

    Exit Sub
    ' явная ошибка
    On Error Goto -1
    On Error Goto eh_other
    ' генерировать «определенную приложением» ошибку
    Error (1034)
Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "ehother " & Err.Description
End Sub

Примечание 1. Вероятно, в редких случаях полезно использовать On Error Goto -1. Мне лично никогда не приходилось пользоваться этой линией. Помните, что как только вы выйдете из Sub, ошибка все равно будет очищена.

Примечание 2. у объекта Err есть член Clear. Использование Clear очищает текст и цифры в объекте Err, но НЕ сбрасывает ошибку.

Использование On Error

Как мы уже видели, VBA будет делать одну из трех вещей при возникновении ошибки:

  • Остановитесь и отобразите ошибку.
  • Игнорируйте ошибку и продолжайте.
  • Перейти к определенной строке.

VBA всегда будет настроен на одно из этих действий. Когда вы
используете On Error, VBA изменит ваше поведение и забудет о любом предыдущем.

В следующем подпункте VBA изменяет поведение ошибки каждый
раз, когда мы используем оператор On Error

Sub ErrorSostoyaniya()

    Dim x As Long
    ' Перейти на этикетке, если ошибка
    On Error Goto eh
    ' это проигнорирует ошибку в следующей строке
    On Error Resume Next
    x = 1 / 0
    ' это отобразит сообщение об ошибке в следующей строке
    On Error Goto 0
    x = 1 / 0
   Exit Sub
    Debug.Print Err.Description
End Sub

Err объект

При возникновении ошибки вы можете просмотреть детали
ошибки, используя объект Err.

При возникновении ошибки времени выполнения VBA
автоматически заполняет объект Err деталями.

Приведенный ниже код выведет «Error Number: 13 Type
Mismatch», которое возникает, когда мы пытаемся поместить строковое значение в
длинное целое число.

Sub IspErr()

    On Error Goto eh
    Dim total As Long
    total = "aa"

    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print "Номер ошибки: " & Err.Number _
            & " " & Err.Description
End Sub

Err.Description предоставляет подробную информацию об ошибке, которая происходит. Это текст, который вы обычно видите, когда возникает ошибка, например, «Несоответствие типов»

Err.Number — это идентификационный номер ошибки, например, номер ошибки для «Несоответствие типов» — 13. Единственное время, когда вам действительно нужно это, если вы проверяете, что произошла конкретная ошибка, и это необходимо только в редких случаях.

Свойство Err.Source кажется отличной идеей, но оно не работает при ошибке VBA. Источник вернет имя проекта, которое вряд ли сузит место возникновения ошибки. Однако, если вы создаете ошибку с помощью Err.Raise, вы можете установить источник самостоятельно, и это может быть очень полезно.

Получение номера строки

Функция Erl используется для возврата номера строки, где
произошла ошибка.

Это часто вызывает путаницу. В следующем коде Erl вернет ноль.

Sub IspErr()

    On Error Goto eh
    Dim val As Long
    val = "aa"

    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print Erl
End Sub

Это потому, что нет номеров строк. Большинство людей не
понимают этого, но VBA позволяет вам иметь номера строк.

Если мы изменим подпрограмму, указав номер строки, она теперь выведет 20.

Sub IspErr()

10        On Error Goto eh
          Dim val As Long
20        val = "aa"

30        Exit Sub
40        Debug.Print Erl
End Sub

Добавление номеров строк в код вручную затруднительно.
Однако есть инструменты, которые позволят вам легко добавлять и удалять номера
строк в подпрограмме.

Когда вы закончите работу над проектом и передадите его
пользователю, в этот момент может быть полезно добавить номера строк. Если вы
используете стратегию обработки ошибок в последнем разделе этого поста, то VBA
сообщит строку, где произошла ошибка.

Использование Err.Raise

Err.Raise позволяет нам создавать ошибки. Мы можем
использовать его для создания пользовательских ошибок для нашего приложения,
что очень полезно. Это эквивалент оператора Throw в Java C #.

Формат следующий

Err.Raise [error number], [error source], [error description]

Давайте посмотрим на простой пример. Представьте, что мы
хотим убедиться, что в ячейке есть запись длиной 5 символов. Мы могли бы иметь конкретное сообщение для

Public Const ERROR_INVALID_DATA As Long = vbObjectError + 513

Sub ReadWorksheet()

    On Error Goto eh
    If Len(Sheet1.Range("A1")) <> 5 Then
        Err.Raise ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "ReadWorksheet" _
            , "Значение в ячейке A1 должно иметь ровно 5 символов."
    End If
    ' продолжить, если ячейка имеет действительные данные
    Dim id As String
    id = Sheet1.Range("A1")

    Exit Sub
    ' Err.Raise отправит код сюда
    MsgBox " Обнаружена ошибка: " & Err.Description
End Sub

Когда мы создаем ошибку, используя Err.Raise, нам нужно присвоить ей номер. Мы можем использовать любое
число от 513 до 65535 для нашей ошибки. Мы должны использовать vbObjectError с номером,

Err.Raise vbObjectError + 513

Использование Err.Clear

Err.Clear используется для очистки текста и чисел из объекта
Err.Object. Другими словами, он очищает описание и номер.

Редко вам понадобится его использовать, но давайте
рассмотрим пример, где вы могли бы.

В приведенном ниже коде мы подсчитываем количество ошибок,
которые могут возникнуть. Для простоты мы генерируем ошибку для каждого
нечетного числа.

Мы проверяем номер ошибки каждый раз, когда проходим цикл.
Если число не равно нулю, то произошла ошибка. Как только мы посчитаем ошибку,
нам нужно установить номер ошибки на ноль, чтобы он был готов проверить
следующую ошибку.

Sub IspErrClear()

    Dim count As Long, i As Long

    ' Продолжите, если ошибка, так как мы проверим номер ошибки
    On Error Resume Next
    For i = 0 To 9
        ' генерировать ошибку для каждого второго
        If i Mod 2 = 0 Then Error (13)
        ' Проверьте на ошибку
        If Err.Number <> 0 Then
            count = count + 1
            Err.Clear    ' Очистить Err, как только он считается
        End If

    Debug.Print " Количество ошибок было: " & count
End Sub

Примечание: Err.Clear сбрасывает текст и цифры в объекте ошибки, но не очищает ошибку — см. On Error Goto -1 для получения дополнительной информации об очистке фактической ошибки.


Ведение журнала означает запись информации из вашего
приложения, когда оно запущено. При возникновении ошибки вы можете записать
детали в текстовый файл, чтобы у вас была запись об ошибке.

Код ниже показывает очень простую процедуру регистрации

Sub Logger(sType As String, sSource As String, sDetails As String)
    Dim sFilename As String
    sFilename = "C:templogging.txt"
    ' Архивный файл определенного размера
    If FileLen(sFilename) > 20000 Then
        FileCopy sFilename _
            , Replace(sFilename, ".txt", Format(Now, "ddmmyyyy hhmmss.txt"))
        Kill sFilename
    End If
    ' Откройте файл для записи
    Dim filenumber As Variant
    filenumber = FreeFile 
    Open sFilename For Append As #filenumber
    Print #filenumber, CStr(Now) & "," & sType & "," & sSource _
                                & "," & sDetails & "," & Application.UserName
    Close #filenumber
End Sub

Вы можете использовать это так:

' Создать уникальный номер ошибки
Public Const ERROR_DATA_MISSING As Long = vbObjectError + 514

Sub CreateReport()

    On Error Goto eh
    If Sheet1.Range("A1") = "" Then
       Err.Raise ERROR_DATA_MISSING, "CreateReport", "Данные отсутствуют в ячейке A1"
    End If

    ' другой код здесь
    Exit Sub
    Logger "Error", Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub

Журнал не только для записи ошибок. Вы можете записывать
другую информацию во время работы приложения. При возникновении ошибки вы
можете проверить последовательность событий до того, как произошла ошибка.

Ниже приведен пример регистрации. То, как вы реализуете
журналирование, зависит от характера приложения и его полезности.

Sub ReadingData()
    Logger "Information", "ReadingData()", "Starting to read data."
    Dim coll As New Collection
    ' Read data
    Set coll = ReadData
    If coll.Count < 10 Then
        Logger "Warning", "ReadingData()", "Number of data items is low."
    End If
    Logger "Information", "ReadingData()", "Number of data items is " & coll.Count
    Logger "Information", "ReadingData()", "Finished reading data."

End Sub

Наличие большого количества информации при работе с ошибкой
может быть очень полезным. Часто пользователь может не дать вам точную информацию
об ошибке, которая произошла. Глядя на журнал, вы можете получить более точную
информацию об информации.

Другие элементы, связанные с ошибками

В этом разделе рассматриваются некоторые другие инструменты
обработки ошибок, которые есть в VBA. Эти элементы считаются устаревшими, но я
включил их, поскольку они могут существовать в устаревшем коде.

Функция ошибки

Функция Error используется для печати описания ошибки с
заданным номером ошибки. Он включен в VBA для обеспечения обратной
совместимости и не нужен, поскольку вместо него можно использовать описание

Ниже приведены некоторые примеры

' Распечатать текст «Деление на ноль»
Debug.Print Error(11)
' Распечатать текст "Несоответствие типов"
Debug.Print Error(13)
' Распечатать текст "Файл не найден"
Debug.Print Error(53)

Заявление об ошибке

Заявление об ошибке позволяет имитировать ошибку. Он включен
в VBA для обратной совместимости. Вместо этого вы должны использовать

В следующем коде мы моделируем ошибку «Разделить на ноль».

Sub ZayavlObOshibke()

    On Error Goto eh
    ' Это создаст деление на ноль ошибок
    Error 11
    Exit Sub
    Debug.Print Err.Number, Err.Description
End Sub

Это утверждение включено в VBA для обратной совместимости.
Вместо этого вы должны использовать Err.Raise.

Простая стратегия обработки ошибок

Со всеми различными опциями вы можете быть озадачены тем,
как использовать обработку ошибок в VBA. В этом разделе я покажу вам, как
реализовать простую стратегию обработки ошибок, которую вы можете использовать
во всех своих приложениях.

Основная реализация

Это простой обзор нашей стратегии

  1. Поместите строку On Error Goto Label  в начале нашего верхнего Sub.
  2. Поместите Label у обработки ошибок в конце нашего верхнего
  3. Если происходит ожидаемая ошибка, обработайте ее и продолжайте.
  4. Если приложение не может продолжить работу, используйте Err.Raise для перехода к метке обработки ошибок.
  5. В случае непредвиденной ошибки код автоматически перейдет к метке обработки ошибок.

На следующем рисунке показан обзор того, как это выглядит


Следующий код показывает простую реализацию этой стратегии

Public Const ERROR_NO_ACCOUNTS As Long = vbObjectError + 514

Sub BuildReport()

    On Error Goto eh
    ' Если ошибка в ReadAccounts, то перейти к ошибке
    ' Сделай что-нибудь с кодом
    Exit Sub
    ' Все ошибки будут прыгать сюда
    MsgBox Err.Source & ": Произошла следующая ошибка  " & Err.Description
End Sub

Sub ReadAccounts()
    ' ОЖИДАЕМАЯ ОШИБКА - Может обрабатываться кодом
    ' Приложение может обрабатывать A1 равным нулю
    If Sheet1.Range("A1") = 0 Then
        Sheet1.Range("A1") = 1
    End If
    ' ОЖИДАЕМАЯ ОШИБКА - не может быть обработана кодом
    ' Приложение не может быть продолжено, если нет учетной записи
    If Dir("C:ДокументыОтчет.xlsx") = "" Then
        Err.Raise ERROR_NO_ACCOUNTS, "UsingErr" _
                , "There are no accounts present for this month."
    End If

    ' НЕОЖИДАННАЯ ОШИБКА - не может быть обработана кодом
    ' Если ячейка B3 содержит текст, мы получим ошибку несоответствия типов
    Dim total As Long
    total = Sheet1.Range("B3")
    ' продолжить и читать счета
End Sub

Это хороший способ реализации обработки ошибок, потому что

  • Нам не нужно добавлять код обработки ошибок в
    каждую подпрограмму.
  • Если возникает ошибка, то VBA корректно
    завершает работу приложения.

Полная стратегия обработки ошибок

Стратегия выше имеет один недостаток. Он не сообщает вам,
где произошла ошибка. VBA не наполняет Err.Source чем-либо полезным, поэтому мы
должны сделать это сами.

В этом разделе я собираюсь представить более полную
стратегию ошибок. Я написал два сабвуфера, которые выполняют всю тяжелую
работу, поэтому все, что вам нужно сделать, это добавить их в свой проект.

Целью этой стратегии является предоставление вам стека * и
номера строки в случае возникновения ошибки.

* Стек — это список вспомогательных функций, которые
использовались в данный момент при возникновении ошибки.

Это наша стратегия

  1. Разместите обработку ошибок во всех
  2. Когда происходит ошибка, обработчик ошибок
    добавляет подробности к ошибке и вызывает ее снова.
  3. Когда ошибка достигает самой верхней
    подпрограммы, она отображается.

Мы просто «всплываем» из-за ошибки. Следующая диаграмма
показывает простое визуальное представление о том, что происходит, когда в Sub3
возникает ошибка

Error Handling – bubbling

Единственная грязная часть этого — правильное форматирование
строк. Я написал две подводные лодки, которые справляются с этим, поэтому он
позаботится о вас.

Это две вспомогательные подводные лодки

Option Explicit

Public Const MARKER As String = "NOT_TOPMOST"

' Вызывает ошибку и добавляет номер строки и имя текущей процедуры
Sub RaiseError(ByVal errorno As Long, ByVal src As String _
                , ByVal proc As String, ByVal desc As String, ByVal lineno As Long)
    Dim sLineNo As Long, sSource As String
    ' Если маркера нет, тогда RaiseError вызывается впервые.
    If Left(src, Len(MARKER)) <> MARKER Then

        ' Добавить номер строки ошибки, если она есть
        If lineno <> 0 Then
            sSource = vbCrLf & "Line no: " & lineno & " "
        End If
        ' Добавить маркер и процедуру к источнику
        sSource = MARKER & sSource & vbCrLf & proc
        ' Если ошибка уже возникла, просто добавьте имя процедуры
        sSource = src & vbCrLf & proc
    End If
    ' Если код останавливается здесь, убедитесь, что DisplayError находится в верхней части Sub
    Err.Raise errorno, sSource, desc
End Sub

' Отображает ошибку, когда она достигает самого верхнего sub
' Примечание: вы можете добавить вызов для входа из этого подпункта
Sub DisplayError(ByVal src As String, ByVal desc As String _
                    , ByVal sProcname As String)

    ' Удалить маркер
    src = Replace(src, MARKER, "")
    Dim sMsg As String
    sMsg = " Произошла следующая ошибка: " & vbCrLf & Err.Description _
                    & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & " Расположение ошибки: "
    sMsg = sMsg + src & vbCrLf & sProcname
    ' Показать сообщение
    MsgBox sMsg, Title:="Ошибка "
End Sub

Пример использования этой стратегии

Вот простое кодирование, которое использует эти Sub. В этой стратегии мы не размещаем какой-либо код в верхнем подпрограмме. Мы только вызываем подводные лодки.

Sub Topmost()

    On Error Goto EH

    Exit Sub
    DisplayError Err.source, Err.Description, "Module1.Topmost"
End Sub

Sub Level1()

    On Error Goto EH

    Exit Sub
   RaiseError Err.Number, Err.source, "Module1.Level1", Err.Description, Erl
End Sub

Sub Level2()

    On Error Goto EH
    ' Ошибка здесь
    Dim a As Long
    a = "7 / 0"

    Exit Sub
    RaiseError Err.Number, Err.source, "Module1.Level2", Err.Description, Erl
End Sub

Результат выглядит так

error handling output

Если в вашем проекте есть номера строк, результат будет содержать номер строки ошибки.

error handling output line

Примечание: вы можете получить следующую ошибку при использовании этого кода:

“Programmatic Access to Visual Basic Project is not trusted”

Чтобы решить эту проблему, выполните следующие действия.

  1. Перейдите в раздел «Разработчик» на ленте и
    нажмите «Macro Security», которая находится под кодом.
  2. Нажмите «Настройка макроса» в левом списке.
  3. Поставьте флажок в поле «Доверительный доступ к
    объектной модели проекта VBA».
  4. Нажмите Ok.

Обработка ошибок в двух словах

  • Обработка ошибок используется для обработки ошибок, возникающих во время работы приложения.
  • Вы пишете определенный код для обработки ожидаемых ошибок. Вы используете оператор обработки ошибок VBA
    On Error Goto [label] для отправки VBA на метку при возникновении непредвиденной ошибки.
  • Вы можете получить подробную информацию об ошибке из Err.Description.
  • Вы можете создать свою собственную ошибку, используя Err.Raise.
  • Использование одного оператора On Error в самой верхней подпрограмме перехватит все ошибки в подпрограммах, которые вызываются отсюда.
  • Если вы хотите записать имя Sub с ошибкой, вы можете обновить ошибку и сбросить ее.
  • Вы можете использовать журнал для записи информации о приложении, когда оно запущено.

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