Syntax error unterminated string literal

Где-то есть unterminated String. Строковые литералы должны быть заключены в одинарные (') или двойные (") кавычки. JavaScript не делает различий между строками в одинарных и двойных кавычках. Escape-последовательности работают в строках, созданных с одинарными или двойными кавычками. Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, проверьте:


SyntaxError: незадействованная строковая константа (Edge)
SyntaxError: незадействованный строковый литерал (Firefox)

Тип ошибки

Что пошло не так?

Где-то есть unterminated String. Строковые литералы должны быть заключены в одинарные (') или двойные (") кавычки. JavaScript не делает различий между строками в одинарных и двойных кавычках. Escape-последовательности работают в строках, созданных с одинарными или двойными кавычками. Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, проверьте:

  • у вас есть открывающие и закрывающие кавычки (одинарные или двойные) для строкового литерала,
  • вы правильно экранировали строковый литерал,
  • строковый литерал не разбивается на несколько строк.


Несколько строк

Вы не можете разделить строку на несколько строк, как в JavaScript:

var longString = 'Это очень длинная строка, которая нуждается
                  перенос через несколько строк, потому что
                  в противном случае мой код нечитаем.";
// SyntaxError: незавершённый строковый литерал

Вместо этого используйте оператор+, обратную косую черту или литералы шаблона. Вариант оператора + выглядит следующим образом:

var longString = ' Это очень длинная строка, которая нуждается в ' +
                 'чтобы обернуть через несколько строк, потому что' +
                 -иначе мой код будет нечитабелен.";

Или можно использовать символ обратной косой черты («») в конце каждой строки, чтобы указать, что строка будет продолжаться в следующей строке. Убедитесь, что после обратной косой черты нет пробелов или других символов (кроме разрыва строки) или отступа; в противном случае это не сработает. Эта форма выглядит следующим образом:

var longString = 'Это очень длинная строка, которая нуждается 
                переносе через несколько строк, потому что 
                  в противном случае мой код нечитаем.";

Ещё одна возможность-использовать шаблонные литералы, поддерживаемые в средах ECMAScript 2015:

var longString = `Это очень длинная строка, которая нуждается
                  в переносе через несколько строк, потому что
                  в противном случае мой код нечитаем.`;

Смотрите также

Cover image for How to fix "SyntaxError: unterminated string literal" in Python

Reza Lavarian

Update: This post was originally published on my blog, where you can read the latest version for a 💯 user experience. ~reza

Python raises “SyntaxError: unterminated string literal” when a string value doesn’t have a closing quotation mark.

This syntax error usually occurs owing to a missing quotation mark or an invalid multi-line string. Here’s what the error looks like on Python version 3.11:

File /dwd/sandbox/, line 1
    book_title = 'Head First Python
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 1)

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On the other hand, the error «SyntaxError: unterminated string literal» means Python was expecting a closing quotation mark, but it didn’t encounter any:

# 🚫 SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 1)
book_title = 'Head First Python

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Adding the missing quotation mark fixes the problem instantly:

# ✅ Correct
book_title = 'Head First Python'

Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode

How to fix «SyntaxError: unterminated string literal»

The error «SyntaxError: unterminated string literal» occurs under various scenarios:

  1. Missing the closing quotation mark
  2. When a string value ends with a backslash ()
  3. Opening and closing quotation marks mismatch
  4. A multi-line string enclosed with " or '
  5. A missing backslash!
  6. Multi-line strings enclosed with quadruple quotes!

Missing the closing quotation mark: The most common reason behind this error is to forget to close your string with a quotation mark — whether it’s a single, double, or triple quotation mark.

# 🚫 SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 1)
book_title = 'Head First Python

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Needless to say, adding the missing end fixes the problem:

# ✅ Correct
book_title = 'Head First Python'

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Exit fullscreen mode

When a string value ends with a backslash (): Based on Python semantics, a pair of quotation marks work as a boundary for a string literal.

Putting a backslash before a quotation mark will neutralize it and make it an ordinary character. In the programming terminology, it’s called an escape character.

This is helpful when you want to include a quotation mark in your string, but you don’t want it to interefer with its surrounding quotation marks:

message = 'I' m good'

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That said, if you use the backslash before the ending quotation mark, it won’t be a boundary character anymore.

Imagine you need to define a string that ends with a like a file path on Windows

# 🚫 SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 1)
file_dir = 'C:files'

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In the above code, the last escapes the quotation mark, leaving our string unterminated. As a result, Python raises «SyntaxError: unterminated string literal».

To fix it, we use a double backslash \ instead of one. It’s like using its effect against itself; the first escapes the its following backslash. As a result, we’ll have our backslash in the string (as an ordinary character), and the quoting effect of ' remains intact.

# ✅ Escaping a slash in a string literal
file_dir = 'C:files'

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Opening and closing quotation marks mismatch: The opening and closing quotation marks must be identical, meaning if the opening quotation mark is ", the closing part must be " too.

The following code raises the error:

# 🚫 SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 1)
book_title = "Python Head First'

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No matter which one you choose, they need to be identical:

# ✅ Opening and closing quotation marks match
book_title = 'Python Head First'

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A multi-line string enclosed with " or ': If you use ' or " to quote a string literal, Python will look for the closing quotation mark on the same line.

Python is an interpreted language that executes lines one after another. So every statement is assumed to be on one line. A new line marks the end of a Python statement and the beginning of another.

So if you define a string literal in multiple lines, you’ll get the syntax error:

# 🚫 SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 1)
message = 'Python is a high-level, 
programming language'

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In the above code, the first line doesn’t end with a quotation mark.

If you want a string literal to span across several lines, you should use the triple quotes (""" or ''') instead:

# ✅ The correct way of defining multi-line strings
message = '''Python is a high-level, 
programming language'''

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Multi-line strings enclosed with quadruple quotes: As mentioned earlier, to create multi-line strings, we use triple quotes. But what happens if you use quadruple quotes?

The opening part would be ok, as the fourth quote would be considered a part of the string. However, the closing part will cause a SyntaxError.

Since Python expects the closing part to be triple quotes, the fourth quotation mark would be considered a separate opening without a closing part, and it raises the «SyntaxError: unterminated string literal» error.

# 🚫 SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 3)
message = ''''Python is a high-level, 
programming language''''

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Exit fullscreen mode

Always make sure you’re not using quadruple quotes by mistake.

A missing slash: Another way to span Python statements across multiple lines is by marking each line with a backslash. This backslash () escapes the hidden newline character (n) and makes Python continue parsing statements until it reaches a newline character.

You can use this technique as an alternative to the triple quotes:

# ✅ The correct way of defining multi-line strings with ''
message = 'Python is a high-level, 
programming language'

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Now, if you forget the in the second line, Python will expect to see the closing quotation mark on that line:

# 🚫 SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 2)
message = 'Python is a high-level, 
programming language'

Enter fullscreen mode

Exit fullscreen mode

If you’re taking this approach, all lines should end with , except for the last line, which ends with the closing quotation mark.

✋ Please note: Since the is supposed to escape the newline character (the hidden last character), no space should follow the . If you leave a space after the backslash, the newline character wouldn’t be affected, and Python will expect the statement to end on the current line.

Alright, I think it does it. I hope this quick guide helped you solve your problem.

Thanks for reading.

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How to fix SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 8) in python, in this scenario, I forgot by mistakenly closing quotes ( ” ) with f string different code lines, especially 1st line and last line code that is why we face this error in python. This is one of the command errors in python, If face this type of error just find where you miss the opening and closing parentheses ( “)”  just enter then our code error free see the below code.

Wrong Code: unterminated string literal python

# Just create age input variable
a = input("What is Your Current age?n")

Y = 101 - int(a)
M = Y * 12
W = M * 4
D = W * 7
print(f"You have {D} Days {W} Weeks, {M} Months And {Y} Years Left In Your Life)
print("Hello World")

Error Massage

  File "/home/kali/python/webproject/error/", line 8
    print(f"You have {D} Days {W} Weeks, {M} Months And {Y} Years Left In Your Life)
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (detected at line 8)

Wrong code line

Missing closing quotes ( ” ).

print(f"You have {D} Days {W} Weeks, {M} Months And {Y} Years Left In Your Life)

Correct code line

print(f"You have {D} Days {W} Weeks, {M} Months And {Y} Years Left In Your Life")

print(” “).

Entire Correct Code line

# Just create age input variable
a = input("What is Your Current age?n")

Y = 101 - int(a)
M = Y * 12
W = M * 4
D = W * 7
print(f"You have {D} Days {W} Weeks, {M} Months And {Y} Years Left In Your Life")
print("Hello World")

What is unterminated string literal Python?

Syntax in python sets forth a specific symbol for coding elements like opening and closing quotes (“  “ ), Whenever we miss the closing quotes with f string that time we face SyntaxError: unterminated string literal In Python. See the above example.

How to Fix unterminated string literal Python?

Syntax in python sets forth a specific symbol for coding elements like opening and closing quotes (), Whenever we miss the closing quotes with f string that time we face SyntaxError: unterminated string literal so we need to find in which line of code we miss special closing quotes ( “ )symbol and need to enter correct symbols, See the above example.

For more information visit Amol Blog Code YouTube Channel.

The JavaScript error «unterminated string literal» occurs when there is an unterminated string literal somewhere. String literals must be enclosed by single (') or double (") quotes.


SyntaxError: Unterminated string constant (Edge)
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (Firefox)

Error type

What went wrong?

There is an unterminated string literal somewhere. String literals must be enclosed by single (') or double (") quotes. JavaScript makes no distinction between single-quoted strings and double-quoted strings. Escape sequences work in strings created with either single or double quotes. To fix this error, check if:

  • you have opening and closing quotes (single or double) for your string literal,
  • you have escaped your string literal correctly,
  • your string literal isn’t split across multiple lines.


Multiple lines

You can’t split a string across multiple lines like this in JavaScript:

const longString = 'This is a very long string which needs
                    to wrap across multiple lines because
                    otherwise my code is unreadable.';

Instead, use the + operator, a backslash, or template literals. The + operator variant looks like this:

Or you can use the backslash character («») at the end of each line to indicate that the string will continue on the next line. Make sure there is no space or any other character after the backslash (except for a line break), or as an indent; otherwise it will not work. That form looks like this:

const longString = 
to wrap across multiple lines because 
otherwise my code is unreadable.

Another possibility is to use template literals.

const longString = `This is a very long string which needs
                    to wrap across multiple lines because
                    otherwise my code is unreadable.`;

See also

  • string literal
  • Template literals


  • SyntaxError: function statement requires a name

    The JavaScript exception «function statement requires name» occurs when there is in code that There is a function statement in code that requires name.

  • SyntaxError: unparenthesized unary expression can’t appear on the left-hand side of ‘**’

    The JavaScript exception «unparenthesized unary expression can’t appear left-hand side of occurs when operator (one typeof, void, delete, await, is used

  • Functions

    Generally speaking, function is «subprogram» that can be called by code external (or internal the case of recursion) to In JavaScript, functions are first-class

  • Examples

    In strict mode, starting with ES2015, functions inside blocks are now scoped to that In a word: Don’t.

SyntaxError: unterminated string literal

The JavaScript error «unterminated string literal» occurs when there is an unterminated string literal somewhere. String literals must be enclosed by single (') or double (") quotes.


SyntaxError: Unterminated string constant (Edge)
SyntaxError: unterminated string literal (Firefox)

Error type

What went wrong?

There is an unterminated string literal somewhere. String literals must be enclosed by single (') or double (") quotes. JavaScript makes no distinction between single-quoted strings and double-quoted strings. Escape sequences work in strings created with either single or double quotes. To fix this error, check if:

  • you have opening and closing quotes (single or double) for your string literal,
  • you have escaped your string literal correctly,
  • your string literal isn’t split across multiple lines.


Multiple lines

You can’t split a string across multiple lines like this in JavaScript:

const longString = 'This is a very long string which needs
                    to wrap across multiple lines because
                    otherwise my code is unreadable.';

Instead, use the + operator, a backslash, or template literals. The + operator variant looks like this:

const longString = 'This is a very long string which needs ' +
                   'to wrap across multiple lines because ' +
                   'otherwise my code is unreadable.';

Or you can use the backslash character («») at the end of each line to indicate that the string will continue on the next line. Make sure there is no space or any other character after the backslash (except for a line break), or as an indent; otherwise it will not work. That form looks like this:

const longString = 'This is a very long string which needs 
to wrap across multiple lines because 
otherwise my code is unreadable.';

Another possibility is to use template literals.

const longString = `This is a very long string which needs
                    to wrap across multiple lines because
                    otherwise my code is unreadable.`;

See also

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