Target seek error invalid argument clonezilla

Clonezilla Bugs A partition and disk imaging/cloning program Group Searches #342 Clonezilla fails to clone a hard disk to a smaller hard disk with parameter -ICDS because sfdisk’s last_lba I am using Clonezilla to clone big HDDs into smaller SSDs in laptops as most users don’t use most of the space of their 1TB […]


  1. Clonezilla Bugs
  2. A partition and disk imaging/cloning program
  3. Group
  4. Searches
  5. #342 Clonezilla fails to clone a hard disk to a smaller hard disk with parameter -ICDS because sfdisk’s last_lba
  6. Move entire system from HDD to SSD
  7. Clonezilla Discussion
  8. A partition and disk imaging/cloning program
  9. Forums
  10. dd error on restore — invalid argument
  11. Thread: error when trying to create a bootable img from clonezilla backup
  12. error when trying to create a bootable img from clonezilla backup
  13. Re: error when trying to create a bootable img from clonezilla backup
  14. Clonezilla Discussion
  15. A partition and disk imaging/cloning program
  16. Forums
  17. Unable to find target partition sda1 on clonezilla-live-2.6.7-28-amd64

Clonezilla Bugs

A partition and disk imaging/cloning program



#342 Clonezilla fails to clone a hard disk to a smaller hard disk with parameter -ICDS because sfdisk’s last_lba

I am using Clonezilla to clone big HDDs into smaller SSDs in laptops as most users don’t use most of the space of their 1TB HDDs and can be cloned easily into SSDs with just one change in Clonezilla.

Let’s imagine this scenario:
· Origin: 1 TB HDD with just a 900GB NTFS partition using only 100GB.
· Target: 256 GB SSD, empty

This is the process I would follow:
· Clear all caches and temporary data.
· Shrink the partition to something that will fit before the target disk’s last sector (like 150GB), taking in account any offset since the disk’s beginning.
· Run Clonezilla Live: disk to disk, expert, origin disk, target disk, parameter ICDS (to ignore if the target disk is smaller than the origin disk), copy the partition table from the origin disk to the target disk, run.

After a few seconds, it fails saying that gfdisk can’t apply the dumped partition table because «LastLBA» of the original disk is in a sector after the end of the target disk.

My solution:
· I create an empty partition table in the target disk
· I dump the target disk’s partition table with gfdisk and I write down its LastLBA parameter
· Then I dump the origin disk’s partition table with gfdisk and change its LastLBA parameter to match the one in the origin disk
· I apply that fixed dump partition table to the target disk
· Then I run Clonezilla and repeat every step, except for the partition table management, which I configure to «Do not create a partition table»

I have applied this solution a lot of times already and it works flawlessly.

It would be amazing if it was actually done by Clonezilla itself: just changing the LastLBA parameter to the partition table dump does the trick! 🙂

Thank you for your attention, and please excuse my probably bad grammar 😅


Move entire system from HDD to SSD

So I have my OMV on latest version and using one HDD for system, portainer files, etc, and another HDD to my media files.

I just got a SSD and I want to move the entire system into this new drive. Is it possible or do I have to reinstall everything?

Clone the system disk to the SSD.

Google is your friend and Bob’s your uncle!

OMV AMD64 6.x on headless Chenbro NR12000 1U 1x 8m Quad Core E3-1220 3.1GHz 16GB ECC RAM.

Cloning can be done with Clonezilla (my preferred solution) or dd.

Odroid HC2 — armbian — OMV6.x | Asrock Q1900DC-ITX — OMV6.x
Backup — FAQ — Solutions to common problems — OMV6 Documentation — New User Guide

NOTE : OMV5 is End Of Life, please upgrade to OMV6

That was my plan but. I bought a smaller SSD (120gb vs 320gb HDD).. due to that clonezilla is not working since the «destination» disk is smaller..

I tried to resize the OMV system using the GParted but it does not let me resize it. any clues why? it just don’t give me the option to resize. I write the «new» disk size but it keeps going back to original one..

due to that clonezilla is not working since the «destination» disk is smaller..

It does, if you use the -icds option (somewhere in expert mode or so)

Odroid HC2 — armbian — OMV6.x | Asrock Q1900DC-ITX — OMV6.x
Backup — FAQ — Solutions to common problems — OMV6 Documentation — New User Guide

NOTE : OMV5 is End Of Life, please upgrade to OMV6


Clonezilla Discussion

A partition and disk imaging/cloning program


dd error on restore — invalid argument

Trying to do a full disk restore on an IBM 3200 M3 with an LSI M5015 controller. When I go to restore the partition I get the following errors when restoring the partition table. Any ideas on the issue? I have restored this image to other machines without a problem.

Restoring the primary GPT to /dev/sda…
34+0 records in
34+0 records out
17408 bytes (17kB) copied, 0.00427887 s, 4.1 MB/s
Restoring the secondary GPT to /dev/sda…
dd: `/dev/sda’: cannot seek: Invalid arguement
0+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes (0 B) copied, 0.001422 s, 0.0 kB/s
Informing kernel that the OS that partition table has changed…
Error: Invalid argument during seek for read on /dev/sda
The disk and partitions in this system now:
Error: Invalid argument during seek for read on /dev/sda
Restoring partition /dev/sda1…
Unable to find target partition «sda1».
The disk and partition in this system:
major minor #blocks name
7 0 113284 loop0
8 0 487304192 sda

Looks like it’s a RAID card there? Sometimes the RAID device won’t have device name /dev/sda…
Did you restore the image on the same machine?
Was the image saved on a machine with a RAID card?

BTW, when you see those errors, please run the following commands:
1. cat /proc/partitions
2. sudo parted -s /dev/sda print
then post the results.

Sorry for the delay…I was out of town for a few days and wasn’t able to get the email for monitoring!

Here is the output…the /dev/sda is there.

# cat /proc/partitions
major minor #blocks name

7 0 113284 loop0
8 0 487304192 sda

# parted -s /dev/sda print
Error: Invalid argument during seek for read on /dev/sda

There aren’t any partitions on the disk:

# ls -l /dev/sd*
brw-rw— 1 root disk 8, 0 2011-02-07 10:09 /dev/sda

I did capture the image using a RAID card although the model has changed slightly. The image contains a compatible driver. But the issue appears to be having the kernel recognize the RAID card. It shows the device but the device appears to be read only and not rw. When I go into parted and print it manually, here is the output:

(parted) print
Error: Invalid argument during seek for read on /dev/sda
Retry/Ignore/Cancel? i
Error: The backup GPT table is corrupt, but the primary appears OK, so that will
be used.
OK/Cancel? ok
Backtrace has 8 calls on stack:
8: /lib/
7: /lib/
6: /lib/
5: parted()
4: parted(interactive_mode+0x11a)
3: parted(main+0x9c)
2: /lib/
1: parted()

You found a bug in GNU Parted! Here’s what you have to do:

Don’t panic! The bug has most likely not affected any of your data.
Help us to fix this bug by doing the following:

Check whether the bug has already been fixed by checking
the last version of GNU Parted that you can find at:

Please check this version prior to bug reporting.

If this has not been fixed yet or if you don’t know how to check,
please visit the GNU Parted website:

for further information.

Your report should contain the version of this release (2.3)
along with the error message below, the output of

parted DEVICE unit co print unit s print

and the following history of commands you entered.
Also include any additional information about your setup you
consider important.


Thread: error when trying to create a bootable img from clonezilla backup

Thread Tools

error when trying to create a bootable img from clonezilla backup

Iґve run into a problem when trying to create a mountable img out of a clonezilla-backup.

For doing this I used

which in my case translates to

This worked for a few minutes:

but after 12,33% completion it stopped and I got the error-message:

I looked up the log-entries:

Iґm really at loss here. Can anybody help me?

Tnx a lot in advance.


system: Lubuntu 16.04.5 LTS, 64 bit
partclone: 0.2.86-1

Last edited by rosika; November 14th, 2018 at 12:59 PM .

Re: error when trying to create a bootable img from clonezilla backup

In the meanwhile I could solve my problem (with the help of user dc.901 from linuxquestions, see: up-4175642336/ )

For anybody interested hereґs the solution:

This time I chose the third partition of my HDD for my output file where there was enough free space for sure.
My new command was

And: this time the whole process went through to 100 %. Output: “cloned successfully”.

Being excited as far as the result is concerned I mounted the resulting sdd2.img with

And indeed: it granted me access to all my personal data from my /home-directory which I had created with clonezilla.

Of course I wanted to find out why things didnґt go well in the first place.

My original command referred to a 128 GB stick with two equally large partitions.

On the 1st one there is my clonezilla data. The second partition was empty. So I thought. But it turned out that in “trash” there were several 4 GB chunks of data. And indeed 33 % of the partition was used. I really didnґt know that.

That seems to have been the reason. Not enough disk space.
So it seems everything works fine now.



Clonezilla Discussion

A partition and disk imaging/cloning program


Unable to find target partition sda1 on clonezilla-live-2.6.7-28-amd64

I will try to describe all the steps that lead to this error massage in step by step below.

My Goal: I was trying to move 217GB of total DATA from an NVME(480GB) to a SATA SSD(240GB), which I suppose was a mistake since I thought Clonezilla would take into account empty space on the partition and format partitions in the smaller drive accordingly since i knew 217 GB of total DATA would fit inside 240GB SSD but ALAS It did not,

STEP 1 : I clone the complete 480GB NVME which had a total of 217GB data on it, the compressed image of clonezilla was about 175GB and NVME had 5 partitions, all good so far. NOTE : 175 GB clonezilla image of NVME is on a 1tb mechanical HDD.

STEP 2: I insert the 240GB SATA, I boot up clonezilla and select restore disk in beginner mode, Clonezilla gives error the drive is not large enough, I use expert mode -icds and run restore disk again not it said something like sda1 is not large enough

STEP 3: I thought perhaps i can leave behind the DATA pratition of NVME (which had applications and games and other data, not OS) and though to recover other partitions like p1,p2,p3,p5 (p4 was the data and the largest at 100GB total)

STEP 4: Since the other partitions combines was just 117GB I thought now it can restore(original partitions from NVME was also at 120GB in total with 30GB free space), I select restoreparts this time in clonezilla, Clonezilla now gives error that it needs nvme0n1 converted to sda as it could not find nvme drive, I run cnvt-ocs-dev nvmebak nvme0n1 sda from shell, it converts it to sda since i saw sda was the name it was giving the 240GB SATA.

STEP 5: I rerun clonezilla and select restorepart, select the sda1,sda2,sda3,sda5 and give the restore command, now clonezilla gives this error Unable to find target partition sda1, I see that my 240GB ssd had no name, so I boot up gparted, reformat the 240GB using ntfs format(now i saw the drive was being seen as sda1 in gparted)

STEP 6: I boot up clonezilla again, and again the restore part, but again the same error Unable to find target partition sda1 and again i saw after running clonezilla, my 240GB ssd again lost SDA1 designation.

I have attatched some pics of the shell with error, Please someone could help


    • #1

    Hey there.

    So I have my OMV on latest version and using one HDD for system, portainer files, etc, and another HDD to my media files.

    I just got a SSD and I want to move the entire system into this new drive. Is it possible or do I have to reinstall everything?

    Thanks guys.

    • #2

    Clone the system disk to the SSD.

    • Offizieller Beitrag
    • #3

    Cloning can be done with Clonezilla (my preferred solution) or dd.

    • #4

    That was my plan but… I bought a smaller SSD (120gb vs 320gb HDD).. due to that clonezilla is not working since the «destination» disk is smaller..

    I tried to resize the OMV system using the GParted but it does not let me resize it… any clues why? it just don’t give me the option to resize… I write the «new» disk size but it keeps going back to original one..

    • Offizieller Beitrag
    • #5

    due to that clonezilla is not working since the «destination» disk is smaller..

    It does, if you use the -icds option (somewhere in expert mode or so)

    • #6

    I tried it but after some time, I get the following error:

    «target seek ERROR: Invalid argument»

    • Offizieller Beitrag
    • #7

    How many data and which filesystem do you have on the HDD?

    • #8

    Only the OMV.. like… 30 gb

    • Offizieller Beitrag
    • #9

    Strange that gparted and clonezilla fail.

    I would search the internet for

    «target seek ERROR: Invalid argument» clonezilla

    • #10

    Only the OMV.. like… 30 gb

    Did you manage this in the end, I’d like to do the same. Cheers

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  • [SOLVED] error when trying to create a bootable img from clonezilla backup

  1. error when trying to create a bootable img from clonezilla backup


    I�ve run into a problem when trying to create a mountable img out of a clonezilla-backup.

    For doing this I used


    sudo cat /dir-to-images/sdb1.ext4-ptcl-img.gz.* | sudo gzip -d -c | sudo partclone.ext4 -C -r -W -s - -O /dir-to-new-image/hda1.img

    which in my case translates to


    sudo cat /media/rosika/58B6A7DE7CA15FC5/Lubuntu_2018-10-16-09-img/sdd2.ext2-ptcl-img.gz.* | sudo gzip -d -c | sudo partclone.ext2 -C -r -W -s - -O /media/rosika/545A-B3AE/sdd2.img

    This worked for a few minutes:


    Partclone v0.2.86
    Starting to restore image (-) to device (/media/rosika/545A-B3AE/sdd2.img)
    Calculating bitmap... Please wait... done!
    File system:  EXTFS
    Device size:   38,2 GB = 9329920 Blocks
    Space in use:  27,3 GB = 6663415 Blocks
    Free Space:    10,9 GB = 2666505 Blocks
    Block size:   4096 Byte

    but after 12,33% completion it stopped and I got the error-message:


    target seek ERROR:Das Argument ist ung�ltigpleted:  12,33%, 848,55MB/min,       
    Partclone fail, please check /var/log/partclone.log !2,37%, 843,94MB/min,

    I looked up the log-entries:


    Partclone v0.2.86
    Starting to restore image (-) to device (/media/rosika/545A-B3AE/sdd2.img)
    we need memory: 1174500 bytes
    image head 4160, bitmap 1166240, crc 4100 bytes
    Calculating bitmap... Please wait... done!
    File system:  EXTFS
    Device size:   38,2 GB = 9329920 Blocks
    Space in use:  27,3 GB = 6663415 Blocks
    Free Space:    10,9 GB = 2666505 Blocks
    Block size:   4096 Byte
    target seek ERROR:Das Argument ist ung�ltig   # invalid argument

    I�m really at loss here. Can anybody help me?

    Tnx a lot in advance.


    system: Lubuntu 16.04.5 LTS, 64 bit
    partclone: 0.2.86-1

    Last edited by rosika; November 14th, 2018 at 12:59 PM.

  2. Re: error when trying to create a bootable img from clonezilla backup

    Hi again.
    In the meanwhile I could solve my problem (with the help of user dc.901 from linuxquestions, see:…up-4175642336/ )
    For anybody interested here�s the solution:
    This time I chose the third partition of my HDD for my output file where there was enough free space for sure.
    My new command was


    sudo cat /media/rosika/58B6A7DE7CA15FC5/Lubuntu_2018-10-16-09-img/sdd2.ext2-ptcl-img.gz.* | sudo gzip -d -c | sudo partclone.ext2 -C -r -W -s - -O /media/rosika/f14a27c2-0b49-4607-94ea-2e56bbf76fe1/kgw/Neu/sdd2.img

    And: this time the whole process went through to 100 %. Output: �cloned successfully�.

    Being excited as far as the result is concerned I mounted the resulting sdd2.img with


    sudo mount -o loop ./sdd2.img /mnt

    from the respective directory.
    Unmounting went well with


    sudo umount sdd2.img

    And indeed: it granted me access to all my personal data from my /home-directory which I had created with clonezilla.
    Of course I wanted to find out why things didn�t go well in the first place.
    My original command referred to a 128 GB stick with two equally large partitions.
    On the 1st one there is my clonezilla data. The second partition was empty. So I thought. But it turned out that in �trash� there were several 4 GB chunks of data. And indeed 33 % of the partition was used. I really didn�t know that.
    That seems to have been the reason. Not enough disk space.
    So it seems everything works fine now.



Posting Permissions

по docs, Clonezilla поддерживает клонирование на меньший диск с помощью опции-icds. Приведем пример:

Если вы уверены, что все данные из изображения могут поместиться меньше
диск, т. е. он не будет записан в неправильное дисковое пространство, вы можете проверить
опция» — icds»

Это мой случай. Я пытаюсь перенести ОС и данные с неисправного диска моего друга на новый. Я действительно хочу избежать переустановки Win Vista 32bit и все SW.

исходный диск: SATA 320 GB WD диск с двумя разделами (C: и D:), несколько плохих секторов. Используется около 50 ГБ из всех 320 ГБ.

целевой диск: критический MX500 250 ГБ.

Я запускаю текущий UBCD 5.3.8 и Clonezilla в Parted Magic. Кроме настроек по умолчанию я добавляю следующие опции:

  • — rescue: игнорировать плохое сектора
  • — icds: это важно, чтобы разрешить клонирование на меньший диск
  • — k1 создать таблицу разделов пропорционально

однако клонирование прекращается с ошибкой:

размер целевого раздела(163830 МБ) меньше исходного(209716 МБ).
Используйте опцию-C, чтобы отключить проверку размера (опасно). Не удалось клонировать
/ dev / sda1 в /dev / sdb1

почему не Clonezilla уважать-icds настройки и не запускать Partclone с-C переключатель? Как это сделать, чтобы выполнить клонирование?

я прикрепляю содержимое файла журнала:

Starting /usr/sbin/ocs-onthefly at 2018-09-25 01:49:59 UTC...
Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager
Finished Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager
PS. Next time you can run this command directly:
/usr/sbin/ocs-onthefly -g auto -e1 auto -e2 -j2 -r -rescue -icds -k1  -f sda -t sdb
The first partition of disk /dev/sda starts at 2048.
Saving the hidden data between MBR (1st sector, i.e. 512 bytes) and 1st partition, which might be useful for some recovery tool, by:
dd if=/dev/sda of=/tmp/ocs_onthefly_local.S1OeQB/src-hidden-data.img skip=1 bs=512 count=2047
2047+0 records in
2047+0 records out
1048064 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.00758521 s, 138 MB/s
Collecting partition /dev/sda1 info...
Collecting partition /dev/sda2 info...
Non-grub boot loader found on /tmp/ocs_onthefly_local.S1OeQB/sdb-mbr...
The CHS value of hard drive from EDD will be used for sfdisk.
Searching for data partition(s)...
Machine: M56S-S3
sdb (250GB_CT250MX500SSD1__CT250MX500SSD1_1829E14A98AF)
sdb1 (152.6G_boot(In_CT250MX500SSD1_)_CT250MX500SSD1_1829E14A98AF)
sdb2 (80.3G(In_CT250MX500SSD1_)_CT250MX500SSD1_1829E14A98AF)
Will create the partition on the target machine...
Let me ask you again.
 [1;33mMachine: M56S-S3
sdb (250GB_CT250MX500SSD1__CT250MX500SSD1_1829E14A98AF)
sdb1 (152.6G_boot(In_CT250MX500SSD1_)_CT250MX500SSD1_1829E14A98AF)
sdb2 (80.3G(In_CT250MX500SSD1_)_CT250MX500SSD1_1829E14A98AF)
 [0;39mAre you sure you want to continue? ? (y/n) OK, let's do it!!
Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager
Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager
Finished Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager
Finished Shutting down the Logical Volume Manager
Trying to clean the MBR and GPT partition table on the destination disk first: /dev/sdb
Creating MBR type's partition table...
 [1;33mCreate the proportional partition table based on /tmp/ocs_onthefly_local.S1OeQB/tgt-pt.sf and the size of /dev/sdb...
 [0;39mNo partition table exists in target disk /dev/sdb, try to initialize one so that we can get the disk size by parted... done!
The ratio for target disk size to original disk size is .7812.
The partition table to write in /dev/sdb:
unit: sectors
/dev/sdb1 : start= 2048, size= 319979520, Id=7, bootable
/dev/sdb2 : start= 319981568, size= 168371623, Id=7
/dev/sdb3 : start= 0, size= 0, Id=0
/dev/sdb4 : start= 0, size= 0, Id=0
Running: sfdisk --force -C 38912 -H 255 -S 63 /dev/sdb < /tmp/new_sf.2tdNbd

Disk /dev/sdb: 38912 cylinders, 255 heads, 63 sectors/track
Old situation:
Units: cylinders of 8225280 bytes, blocks of 1024 bytes, counting from 0

   Device Boot Start     End   #cyls    #blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1          1   30400   30400  244188000   83  Linux
/dev/sdb2          0       -       0          0    0  Empty
/dev/sdb3          0       -       0          0    0  Empty
/dev/sdb4          0       -       0          0    0  Empty
New situation:
Units: sectors of 512 bytes, counting from 0

   Device Boot    Start       End   #sectors  Id  System
/dev/sdb1   *      2048 319981567  319979520   7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sdb2     319981568 488353190  168371623   7  HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
/dev/sdb3             0         -          0   0  Empty
/dev/sdb4             0         -          0   0  Empty
Successfully wrote the new partition table

Re-reading the partition table ...

Partition table was created by: sfdisk --force -C 38912 -H 255 -S 63 /dev/sdb < /tmp/new_sf.2tdNbd
The first partition of disk /dev/sdb starts at 2048.
Restoring the hidden data between MBR (1st sector, i.e. 512 bytes) and 1st partition, which might be useful for some recovery tool, by:
dd if=/tmp/ocs_onthefly_local.S1OeQB/tgt-hidden-data.img of=/dev/sdb seek=1 bs=512 count=2047
2047+0 records in
2047+0 records out
1048064 bytes (1.0 MB) copied, 0.0247041 s, 42.4 MB/s
Cloning the boot loader (executable code area) from "sda" to "sdb"...
Now we will start to clone data to the target machine...
Searching for data partition(s) in source disk: sda ...
Source partition file system is ntfs...
Cloning the /dev/sda1 to /dev/sdb1...
Using partclone to clone...
Run partclone: partclone.ntfs -z 10485760 -N --rescue -L /var/log/partclone.log -b -s /dev/sda1 -O /dev/sdb1
Partclone v0.2.66
Starting to back up device(/dev/sda1) to device(/dev/sdb1)
we need memory: 6408260 bytes
image head 4160, bitmap 6400000, crc 4100 bytes
Calculating bitmap... Please wait... get device size 163829514240 by ioctl BLKGETSIZE64,
Target partition size(163830 MB) is smaller than source(209716 MB). Use option -C to disable size checking(Dangerous).
Failed to clone /dev/sda1 to /dev/sdb1
Source partition file system is ntfs...
Cloning the /dev/sda2 to /dev/sdb2...
Using partclone to clone...
Run partclone: partclone.ntfs -z 10485760 -N --rescue -L /var/log/partclone.log -b -s /dev/sda2 -O /dev/sdb2
Partclone v0.2.66
Starting to back up device(/dev/sda2) to device(/dev/sdb2)
we need memory: 3375908 bytes
image head 4160, bitmap 3367648, crc 4100 bytes
Calculating bitmap... Please wait... get device size 86206270976 by ioctl BLKGETSIZE64,
Target partition size(86207 MB) is smaller than source(110352 MB). Use option -C to disable size checking(Dangerous).
Failed to clone /dev/sda2 to /dev/sdb2
Searching for data partition(s) in target disk for post process: sdb...
Now tuning the file system size on partition /dev/sdb1 to fit the partition size...
"boot" is an unknown or unsupported filesystem... Skip resizing that.
Now tuning the file system size on partition /dev/sdb2 to fit the partition size...
Unknown or unsupported partition (/dev/sdb2) found! Skip this partition /dev/sdb2.
Creating the swap partition if exists...
Trying to remove udev hardware record in the restored OS...
The specified destination device: sdb1 sdb2
Trying to remove udev persistent files. The devices to be searched: sdb1 sdb2...
Now searching possible device /dev/sdb1...
Skip /dev/sdb2 (No file system. Extended partition?).
Device /dev/sdb1 is not a FAT partition.
Skip updating syslinux on that.
Device /dev/sdb2 is not a FAT partition.
Skip updating syslinux on that.
Run grub install on disk sdb...
The grub directory is NOT found. Maybe it does not exist (so other boot manager exists) or the file system is not supported in the kernel. Skip running grub-install.
Try to run partclone.ntfsfixboot for NTFS boot partition if it exists. Scanning partition(s):  sdb1 sdb2...
The NTFS boot partition was not found or not among the restored partition(s). Skip running partclone.ntfsfixboot.
Ending /usr/sbin/ocs-onthefly at 2018-09-25 01:52:34 UTC...

so here is the thing: after almost 2 days of installation tried to make an image with CloneZilla 2.0.5 and 2.2.15 and grub partition failed to save.

when loaded from gparted, it shows an error on the grub partition. message on the partition:


Unale to read a content of this filesystem! This cause might be a missing software package. the following system software required for FAT32 system support: dosfstools, mtools

Do not know is it safe to run a fix option there as in bad case i do not want to manually fix it.

message from clonezilla:


Run partclone: partclone.vfat -z 10485760 -N -L /var/log/partclone.log -c -s /dev/sda1 —output — | pigz -c —fast -b 1024 -p 16 —rsyncable | split -a 2 -b 4096MB — /home/partimag/Gentoo-KDE-2017-10-15/sda1.vfat-ptcl-img.gz. 2> /tmp/split_error.838mxC

Partclone v0.2.89

Starting to clone device (/dev/sda1) to image (-)

Reading Super Block

we need memory: 81476 bytes

image head 4160, bitmap 76800, crc 516 bytes

Calculating bitmap… Please wait… done!

File system:  FAT32

Device size:  314.6 MB = 614400 Blocks

Space in use:  35.5 MB = 69368 Blocks

Free Space:   279.1 MB = 545032 Blocks

Block size:   512 Byte

Total block 614400

source seek ERROR:Invalid argument


Failed to save partition /dev/sda1.

again setup is exactly as in the handbook.

os itself boots fine.

google has only 1 post about this error above and really the suggestion is to try the latest clonezilla, which i used.

another reason why i actually blame this 4.12.12 release is because i did identical backup on prev 4.9.37 version and everything worked fine. i could successfully create a backup of all partitions, but after upgraded to 4.12.12, back up was not possible anymore.

and, when i tried to revert it to prev 4.9.37 version, source for that was not available anymore. like a real trap.

can anybody just boot from gparted and see what in there?

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