Tazsia poemme vast error


Taz Poemme


Tazsia Poemme.png

Tazsia Poemme A3A1.png

~i will drag your ragamuffin ass, kicking and squirming, ALL over +his homely hell’s half-acre, you vermin pelle+.~ DCRC icon.png

Introduction Page DCRC icon.png First Appearance DCRC icon.png




Sylph of Rage


8 Repitonian Solar Sweeps

Gender Identity

Female (She/Her)



Screen Name


Typing Style

Replaces T’s with «+», prefixes and suffixes every message with «~».

Strife Specibi



Fortmistress Deadlock — Ancestor
Arcjec Voorat — Matesprit crush
Albion Shukra — Moirail
Ellsee Raines — Kismesis crush
Occeus Coliad — Ex-Kismesis (Formerly auspisticed by Albion Shukra.)


Land of Growth and Gravity


Razzmatazz ♫
Ferocity Weaving ♫
Suckerpunch ♫
Secure ♫
Gravitational Pull ♫
Soul Shaded ♫
A Flesh Cage Of Emotion ♫
Taz’s Theme ♫
Show’s Over ♫
I’m Right Here ♫
No Rest For The Wicked ♫
Last Yulepassing ♫
Inertia ♫




Taz: Answer troll. DCRC icon.png


Albion: Answer Taz. DCRC icon.png


======> DCRC icon.png


Taz: Greet Arcjec in the nicest way possible. DCRC icon.png


Arcjec: Answer Taz. DCRC icon.png











Arcjec: Open Memo. DCRC icon.png


Arcjec: Read messages from Taz. DCRC icon.png


======> DCRC icon.png












Ellsee: Begin memo. DCRC icon.png


======> DCRC icon.png


They speak, locked in a circuitous impasse. DCRC icon.png












Arcjec: Open new memo. DCRC icon.png












Sova: Continue reading. DCRC icon.png


======> DCRC icon.png


======> DCRC icon.png

Hot Fire.png

======> DCRC icon.png


======> DCRC icon.png

Hot Fire.png

======> DCRC icon.png


======> DCRC icon.png












Sova: Disregard that. Lurk in the new memo instead. DCRC icon.png

Taz Poemme (short for Tazsia) known by her Skorpe handle, perniciousOverkill, is one of the trolls in Vast Error. Her associated alchemic sigil is Platinum and her horns are long and winding. She wears her symbol on the back of her vest. She is a deconstruction of the «Terrifying Cultish Murder Clown» fantroll archetype.

She is a well-known member of a wrestling-based cult known as Mirthamaniacs. Her chucklevoodoo holds the power of ‘Intimidation’ and is constantly active, shown through the purple glints in her pupils.

She was the second troll introduced and the second troll to enter the game.


Her preferred name of ‘Taz’ is a reference to actual professional wrestler Tazz. «Poemme» may be a trollification of the word poem.


Early life

Taz was kept captive by Pozzol Broyer in the Mirthamaniacs under the statement it was her destiny as Fortmistress Deadlock’s descendant, being forced to kill other children as young as her in the ring and quickly becoming a crowd favorite. The wrestling announcer Vilcus Cendum came to empathize with Taz’s struggles, offering to cover for her when she sneaked away to see her friends. Eventually, Taz decided to help Vilcus’ escape the Mirthamaniacs by faking his death and claiming to have killed him. Pozzol saw through the ruse, but offered her a deal: if she wanted to be able to come and go freely, she would have to «go pro» and commit to his orders, chaining herself permanently to the Mirthamaniacs, a bargain she accepted.

According to Arcjec, she ruined his life by doing something that ended up changing him into who he is today.

It can be inferred that this had something to do with her punching him in the face; when Arcjec began to run away crying from Taz’s hive near the end of Act 1, his nose was bleeding rather heavily. When discussed, Taz shows a very stubborn and upset attitude towards the subject. However, you can see that she does have tears in her eyes in the panel if you look close enough. Showing she does potentially regret the incident.


Shortly after Taz’s introduction, she is messaged by Murrit, who tells her about the completion of a long-term project in the form of a game he wants everyone to play. Although Murrit’s esoteric vernacular and vagueness frustrate Taz, she listens until Murrit tells her that she’s going to have to get in contact with Arcjec, to which she outright refuses and ceases messaging the seadweller.

Taz is then called away by the sound of her lusus, a large aquatic mink, that she has been forced to keep from the ocean due the increasingly toxic environment and mutated undersea fauna. The lusus had apparently killed a nameless, bronze-blooded troll who had been loitering near Taz’s hive; it was now impaled on a stalactite peaking out of the ocean neighboring the hive. Taz takes a moment to be grateful the poor troll didn’t fall into the ocean depths, but admits that the troll probably is still better off dying on the spikes than being found by Taz, who would have beaten them to death.

Taz then messages her moirail, Albion, going over the details of her interactions with Murrit. When Albion makes a cryptic (but insincere) remark about knowing the future, Taz asks Albion if she might know anything about it. Albion admits she does not what Murrit might be planning but knows that the night was of great importance, as it was the night Repiton would finally crumble and the night she was expect to save it. Taz, a staunch non-believer of Albion’s prophetic destiny, dismisses the notion as bullshit.

Albion then repeats Murrit’s sentiment and states that Taz really should try to reach out the Arcjec and finally try to work out their differences, instead of her merely trying to get his attention. Taz continues to be upset at the suggestion. Their conversation ends with Albion going over her destiny to merge with her lusus and salvage the remains of Repiton and the remaining troll species. Taz is left confused and concerned for her moirail. Taz later receives Murrit’s memo pertaining to the game and its nature.

Young Taz covered in lowblood's children blood in the ring while the crowd cheers. Her eyes are glowing in lilac and have a purple swirl in the middle because of her Rage aspect activation

Taz is next seen after Murrit witnesses the release of the flower within in the Frog Temple that neighbors his hive. The resulting release unleashes The Game, which installs itself onto all the trolls’ main computers. Taz, dismayed at how her computer has apparently been taken over by The Game (and render it unable to do anything aside from using Skorpe and the game itself), messages Murrit, she comes to the logical conclusion that Murrit tampered with her computer, which he denies. Murrit, frustrated at Taz’s continued refusal to listen to him, simply tells to reach out to Arcjec, and figure it out. Taz’s game screen then switches to show Arcjec’s hive. She sees Arcjec passed out on the floor covered in crumpled up parchment.

When Arcjec finally awakens, Taz uses the game’s cursor to drag Arcjec to his desk and look at his computer. The former friends bicker for some time before Taz forces Arcjec to look at the reality of the situation — literally. When Arcjec dismisses Murrit’s memo as an elaborate prank done by her and the seadweller, Taz retaliates by forcing him to look out his window and look at the meteor hurtling towards his hive. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Arcjec agrees to work with Taz, despite her constant antagonism.

The two reach an uneasy truce (although mutually agree to avoid each other once everything is said and done) and begin working to unravel the secrets of The Game. Arcjec realizes that the symbols he’s been writing in his sleep are connected to the game, and he begins inputting the symbols into the game window, while Taz inputs a set of codes she recieved from Murrit’s memo. This allows Taz access to a set of objects to place in and outside of Arcjecs hive. Proceeding outside, Taz places a series of pillars and an archway outside Arcjec’s hive, and a mysterious chest in Arcjec’s room. Arcjec opens the chest, which unleashes a powerful gust of wind which send him hurtling out of his room (destroying the wall in the process). The wind blows Arcjec right in front of the archway, which activates into some sort of portal. Taz uses the game cursor to push Arcjec into the portal while he is dazed and makes him enter The Medium. Meanwhile, the pillars around Arcjec’s hive divert the oncoming meteor into Skaia, preventing its complete destruction.

After Arcjec’s abrupt entry, Taz briefly messages Arcjec and tells him to message her before moving on to working with Laivan on her own entry. She and Laivan struggle to figure out Taz’s codes before they are both pulled into a memo made by Ellsee Raines, who attempts to share her own knowledge on the game that she uncovered through her own means. The memo quickly goes off track and it isn’t long before Taz gets frustrated and leaves. Laivan chides Taz for burning bridges that might have helped with their entry process.

It is at this point that Taz’s lusus, overwhelmed by its desire to return to its natural aquatic habitat, jumps into The Black Depths and is very quickly eaten alive, to Taz’s horror, sending her chucklevoodoo along with her rage into overdrive. This rage is punctuated by the fact that her lusus’ blood reveals the location of the codes Taz needed, which had been in the rocks beneath the cliffs by her hive. Laivan asks if Taz is okay, and Taz makes it clear that she does not want to talk about it and that they should move on.

Taz and Laivan make quick work of the entry process, and when it comes time for Taz to unleash her denizen, she has Laivan to put the rusted and locked cage, her Paragon Repository, in her Torture Fort so that she can go against it on her own terms. Despite trying everything in her power to destroy the cage, it having a lock with no key, she is forced to ask Laivan for help to fetch her Ferocity Weaver which she left outside in the rush. Laivan obliges and gives it to her, and Taz uses it to channel the full power of her rage and chucklevoodoo to destroy the cage and unleash her denizen. The release of her frustrations on the cage calms Taz back down in the process. The denizen quickly enters the portal and Taz follows suit.

During the Game

Taz as a Pureself Sylph of Rage, as seen in [S] Arcjec: Enter.

Upon her entry, Taz is very quickly berated by Azbogah, the Denizen of Rage. Azbogah tears into Taz for being loud and obnoxious, a pain to be around, and a person undeserving of her aspect with very little capacity to change. After making it very clear that she does not like Taz, Azbogah ends the conversation to generate Taz’s land.

In [S] Engage, she was seen exploring her land, Land of Growth and Gravity.

In [S] Ellsee: Enter., she was seen killing a monster using her strife specibus: macekind, as one of her consorts gave her a winding key.

As shown through Albion’s visions when interacting with her lusus, Taz may eventually become her pureself. How this happens and through what method is currently unknown.

Personality and traits

Taz is a notably angry, headstrong and determined troll who tends to not think her actions through, instead just doing what she feels is best in the moment. This way of thinking has definitely caused her more harm than good, and has seemingly ruined or put a lot of strain on her relationships with the exception of Albion, who is somehow able to pacify her seething disposition. Not even Taz really knows how she does this.

She has a habit of getting belligerent verbally and physically, often throwing insults when provoked or annoyed. She doesn’t seem to understand simple concepts in a conversation like jokes or banter, finding the concepts to be stupid and bothersome. She also hates to be interrupted when speaking, especially if it’s about something she finds important. Taz isn’t one to easily ask others for help, stubbornly doing tasks herself even if she doesn’t know how to do it properly. She also refuses to admit when she is wrong and generally convinces herself that she’s done a good job after the fact. This is heavily shown throughout her conversations with Arcjec in Act 1.

There are moments when she will yield to her conversation partner, though this is normally only if she finds the issue to be trivial or she is tired of dealing with it and knows her efforts will end up being futile in the end regardless.

Despite her many antagonistic and self-destructive traits, she consistently shows that — true to her title as a Sylph — she does have good intentions. It’s clear that her aggression and frustration towards others is out of a desire to help those around her, albeit in her own caustic, hyper-aggressive manner. Additionally, due to her incredibly blunt nature, she isn’t the type of person to act passively against others or do anything in an underhanded manner, and considers people with those traits a waste of time.

Taz is very sensitive about her full name, and is easily set off when people bring it up. She is also a passionate devotee of the Mirthamaniacs cult, being a major contender in the ring herself. She collects and studies torture devices and weaponry in her hive.


Albion Shukra

Albion is in a moraillegence with Taz, although their relationship appears to occasionally fluctuate into an auspisticism with Occeus, where Albion acts as the mediating party. Albion is notable among Taz’s close relationships in that she is the only troll who is able to placate Taz’s aggression, with Taz being outright gentle and thoughtful when interacting with Albion. Taz herself isn’t sure how Albion manages to do this. Because of this, Taz has stated that she finds Albion to be a «special kind of scary» and «perfect».

Taz has plainly stated that she does not share Albion’s religious beliefs and more or less thinks of them to be horseshit. This is likely due to Taz’s own beliefs within the Mirthamaniacs.

Arcjec Voorat

Arcjec and Taz have had a difficult relationship since the comic started. Stemming from their largely difficult past and assumedly unrealized romantic entanglements. It is believed that their relationship was at one point abusive or unrequited; mutually or otherwise. After some kind of relationship-ending incident, Arcjec has since vehemently avoided any interaction with Taz for two sweeps. Taz has since desperately tried to reach out to Arcjec. The resulting fallout has evidently deeply affected Arcjec, resulting a drastic change in personality and demeanor, while Taz felt abandoned by Arcjec.

When the two are forced to interact with one another during the events of the game, the two are constantly at each other’s throats, barely being able to stay civil with one another even for the sake of their mutual survival. Despite this, even though it is very slight, they did have a couple moments of levity and have been shown to complete their goals as a team rather efficiently all things considered.

Taz repeatedly shows that she does still care deeply for Arcjec, having spent so much trying to rebuild their relationship and her clear unease when she is forced to interact with him on less-than-favorable conditions. This is further indicated by her efforts to save him during his entry and how she messages him to check on his well-being post-entry, despite her being able to see him through her UI.

Murrit Turkin

Taz is one of the few trolls to not be immediately put off by Murrit’s scummy, perverted facade, to the point that she’s actually somewhat fond of the sea-dweller. Despite this, Taz will not put up with any of Murrit’s bullshit and is ready to drop his ass whenever he’s not being helpful. Murrit on the other hand enjoys toying with Taz and her temper, but does try his best to actually be useful to her once in a while as well. Though he also has his tipping point and has left Taz on her ass just as badly as she has done to him.

This nicer relationship is however, undercut by his constant mention and nicknaming of Taz’s breasts in their conversations — something that Taz surprisingly doesn’t seem to get onto him about as one might expect.


Taz often had to fight against her lusus and its natural instinct to return to the sea, due to The Black Depths being extremely toxic and filled to the brim with deadly, multi-eyed and carnivorous sea life. In-fact, Taz acquired much of her fight skills early on due to having to fight Minkmom so much. Taz is understandably devastated when Minkmom succumbs to its natural instincts when fearful of the oncoming meteor and jumps into the ocean when Taz’s back is turned, going into a rage as a result.


Upon meeting her, Taz is immediately critical and distrustful of the denizen of Rage, before the Denizen interrupts Taz to speak her mind.

Azbogah deeply despises Taz. From the moment of their first meeting, Azbogah makes her disdain of the Sylph of Rage crystal clear, stating that she considers her player to be: entirely unfit for her role, an insufferable hypocrite who is incapable of change, and a burden on her friends and loved ones. Nonetheless, Azbogah is duty-bound to serve Taz as her denizen, and owes her a debt of gratitude for releasing her.

The two appear to be very similar in demeanor, as both of them are very wrathful and vindictive beings. By virtue of this and by being two halves of the same whole, Azbogah might be guilty of having the very same flaws that she claims makes Taz unfit to be a Rage player, possibly indicating that the Denizen of Rage herself might be a hypocrite.

Occeus Coliad

The two appear to have been involved in a now-ended black relationship with one another. It appears that Taz occasionally fluctuates into the ashen quadrant with Occeus, with Albion acting as mediator. This would indicate some on-going enmity between the two.

Ellsee Raines

It is implied that Ellsee harbors black feelings for Taz. When Arcjec mentions Taz to Ellsee in a conversation, Ellsee seems to be put-off by being reminded of the jamblood, and later states her determination to prove her worth to the others, despite what Taz or Murrit might say. Similarly, Taz very quickly loses patience with Ellsee (and by proxy, everyone else) when she is pulled into Ellsee’s memo, but appears to be especially impatient with Ellsee in particular.

Laivan Ferroo

Taz does not enjoy speaking to Laivan very much due to their naturally opposite personalities. She is put off by his simple demeanor and nonchalance, finding it frustrating especially when his attention is away from the subject at hand. She compares talking to him to talking to a brick wall.

Laivan seems to be more or less neutral towards Taz, and generally lacks the words to describe her, but isn’t above getting frustrated with her when she is being unreasonable, as most people are.


  • ‘Pernicious’ means to have a harmful effect on someone, most often in a gradual or subtle way. ‘Overkill’ is commonly used as a term of excessive action or treatment. When combined, the two terms form a reference to Taz’s history with Arcjec, destroying something about him in a manner that has left him a changed person to how he was at 6 sweeps. It can also refer to her brutal interest in combat, especially with her torture device collection.
  • Taz’s pet rock «The Rock» is obviously named after Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson who she actually has a poster of in her respiteblock, along with Vince McMahon (in his famous ‘IT’S ME AUSTIN’ speech, no doubt as a reference to austinado) and Hulk Hogan.
  • Taz likes to eat steak and presumably other forms of meat raw.
  • Taz does, in fact, drink Faygo, which to Mirthamaniacs is known as ‘Pinfall Fuel’. Her favorite flavor is Peach.
  • The wrestler Taz murdered in her first Fort Match and reassembled with concrete is famed WWE all-star Kane.
  • Based on her blood color, aspect, and dream moon, her true sign on Alternia would be Capricorn, Sign of the Capricious.
  • Taz runs a Filler account under the username razzmatazz.


  • Young Taz

  • Young Taz — cosplay

  • Taz pre-game

  • Taz in-game

  • Taz’s Filler account


v·d·e Vast Error Characters
Page of Heart Heart.png Rogue of Mind Mind.png Bard of Breath Breath.png Heir of Light Light.png
Silver.pngSova Amalie Phosphorus.png Dismas Mersiv Magnesium.png Arcjec Voorat Tin.png Jentha Briati
sanguineAllegory [SA] gigantisDebilitation [GD] animatedHumorist [AH] furbishFacilitated [FF]
Mage of Life Life.png Seer of Hope Hope Outline.png Witch of Doom Doom.png Knight of Space Space Outline.png
Mercury.png Ellsee Raines Copper.png Albion Shukra Gold.png Serpaz Helilo Zinc.png Laivan Ferroo
existereOracle [EO] demiurgeQuantified [DQ] pliableDecadence [PD] windlessArtificer [WA]
Prince of Blood Blood.png Sylph of Rage Rage.png Thief of Time Time.png Maid of Void Void.png
Sulfur.png Occeus Coliad Platinum.png Taz Poemme Lead.png Murrit Turkin Iron.png Calder Kerian
macabreExude [ME] perniciousOverkill [PO] unclaspedKahuna [UK] grandioseSaturation [GS]
Sublimation.png Sestro Enthal Precipitation.png Hamifi Hekrix Acid.png Racren Innali Digest.png Turnin Kaikai
Purification.png Edolon Vryche Fusion.png Seinru Narako Pulverize.png Pozzol Broyer Glass.png Talald Hieron

Corpus Black.png Weird Al

Heart.png Jegudial Mind.png Forcas Breath.png Zehanpuryu Light.png Af
Life.png Lilith Hope Outline.png Bathkol Doom.png Sorush Space Outline.png Haniel
Blood.png Wormwood Rage.png Azbogah Time.png Gusion Void.png Procel
♠ Scathing Sharper ♦ Defrauding Dealer
♥ Hustle Bones ♣ Charmed Defalcator

Exonerated Executor

Ancestors · Lusus · Rogi

The Dead Shufflers Time.png
White Noise · Mimesis · Kheparia · Gaiaeon

Minor Characters

v·d·e Trolls
Resolve.png Yeshin Laevis Calcine.png Cinare Montor Ashes.png Valtel Gurtea Silver.png The Annalist
Silver.png Sova Amalie Acid.png Racren Innali Metal.png Cepros Xirong Nocent Bystan
Glass.png Talald Hieron Phosphorus.png The Fomenter Phosphorus.png Dismas Mersiv Garnie
Caduceus.png Rodere Arsenic.png Husske Mayzee Lye.png Degner Veibod
Sand Sigil.png Mshiri Libeta Spirit.png Vyr Sturra Vinegar.png Vellia
Tin.png Mosura Briati
(The Supernova)
Tin.png Jentha Briati Borax.png Lipsen Fluxum
Cuprum Arsenicatum.png Hayyan Refero Reverberation.png Sabine Berare Notrel Evantt
Filter.png Sirage Feltri Soap.png Mekris Copper.png Cyprim Shukra
(The Exemplar)
Copper.png Albion Shukra
Pascal Linole Pomace Dissolve.png Aumtzi Maught Vitriol.png Raurou Dersal
Herb.png Gerbat Batrav Distill.png Glomer Hicner Cepora Precipitation.png Hamifi Hekrix
Digest.png Turnin Kaikai Gold.png Serpaz Helilo Talc.png Arcamu Iopara
Talc.png Secily Iopara Electrum.png Crytum Lydian Aislin Crucible.png Cadlys Rankor
Take.png Bytcon Krypto Zinc.png The Jagerman Zinc.png Laivan Ferroo
Death.png Necron Exmort Iderra
Nickel.png Divino Nikola Iron Pyrite.png Rypite Koldan
Sulfur.png Occeus Coliad Dexous
Clay.png Cretas Mglina Gingou Disone Steel.png Nezrui Rigida Keiksi Ezlilu
Fusion.png Seinru Narako Platinum.png Fortmistress Deadlock Platinum.png Tazsia Poemme Ammonia.png Endari Vernir
Sublimation.png Clarud Enthal
(The Executive)
Sublimation.png Sestro Enthal Hot Fire.png Vilcus Cendum
Purification.png Edolon Vryche Pulverize.png Pozzol Broyer Neilna Uldiaz
Iron.pngCaesar Consceleratus Persolus Iron.pngCalder Kerian
Brass.png Oricka Rourst Lead.png Acerigger Switchem Lead.png Murrit Turkin
Special / Unknown
Magnesium.png Thesal Voorat
(The Unknown/The Forgiven)
Magnesium.png Arcjec Voorat Mercury.png Zekura Raines
(The Vivifier)
Mercury.png Ellsee Raines Ahlina Robiad Corpus Black.png Weird Al



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vast error

Anime Films, Anime Chibi, Otaku Anime, Bakugou Manga

Anime Films

Anime Chibi

Otaku Anime

Bakugou Manga



vast error

Каору Reaction Pictures, Funny Pictures, Anime Ai, Neogenesis Evangelion, Cursed Images, Yandere, Danganronpa, Luffy, Just In Case

Reaction Pictures

Funny Pictures

Anime Ai

Neogenesis Evangelion

Cursed Images




Just In Case

Лысенький Каору

Алиса Самыкина

Алиса Самыкина

vast error


Homestuck Karkat, Homestuck Characters, Davekat, Sketches Tutorial, Funny Phone Wallpaper, Words To Describe, Manga Games, Webcomic, Fangirl

Homestuck Karkat

Homestuck Characters


Sketches Tutorial

Funny Phone Wallpaper

Words To Describe

Manga Games



Blending tip. Use a transition tone. Digital Art Tutorial, Digital Painting Tutorials, Painting Tips, Art Tutorials, Digital Paintings, Photoshop Drawing Tutorials, Sketch Painting, Digital Painting Techniques, Art Paintings

Digital Art Tutorial

Digital Painting Tutorials

Painting Tips

Art Tutorials

Digital Paintings

Photoshop Drawing Tutorials

Sketch Painting

Digital Painting Techniques

Art Paintings

Blending tip. Use a transition tone.

Homestuck Trolls, Readin, Sonic And Shadow, Striders, Really Funny Memes, Offbeat

Homestuck Trolls


Sonic And Shadow


Really Funny Memes



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Make Up



Beauty Makeup

Bronzer Makeup


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Ocarina Of Times

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Team Rocket

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Love Languages

ALL DAVEKAT (Posts tagged comic)

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Nepeta Cosplay

Rose Lalonde

Alpha Girl

Home Stuck

Character Design References


Original Artists

, the lowest resolution nepeta ever drawn

fête des corneilles Comic Games, Ship Art, Anime Comics, Tag Art

Comic Games

Ship Art

Anime Comics

Tag Art

Pokemon Cards, Digimon

nicole watkins

nicole watkins

vast error

Art Reference Photos, All My Friends Are Dead, Magic Land, Fiction Series, American Author

Art Reference Photos

All My Friends Are Dead

Magic Land

Fiction Series

American Author

Homestuck Dave, Dress Sites, Sherlock

Homestuck Dave

Dress Sites


Homestuck Funny, Magnum Opus, Skullgirls, Fun Comics, Man Birthday, Creepypasta

Homestuck Funny

Magnum Opus


Fun Comics

Man Birthday


give me love like her cause lately i've been waking up alone paint splattered tear drops on my shirt i told you i would let them go give alittle time to let me learn this out we'll play hide and seek to burn this out all i want is the taste that your lips allow my my my my  give me love <3 Tear Drops, Fancy Art, Tv Drama, Paint Splatter

Tear Drops

Fancy Art

Tv Drama

Paint Splatter

give me love like her cause lately i’ve been waking up alone paint splattered tear drops on my shirt i told you i would let them go give alittle time to let me learn this out we’ll play hide and seek to burn this out all i want is the taste that your lips allow my my my my give me love <3

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Cartoon Kunst

Cartoon Art

Anime Art Girl

Manga Art

Arte Do Kawaii

【オリジナル】»sporty» / Illustration by «najuco_3日目西I27a» [pixiv]

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Room Ideas Bedroom

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Bedroom Wall

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Tiktok Room Ideas

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I don’t know why I find this so amusing but I do!

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The Alphas! You can ask them questions soon enough, we’re almost finished with the betas :3c Hope you like them. Shrug Emoji, Au Ideas, Aradia, How To Show Love

Shrug Emoji

Au Ideas


How To Show Love

The Alphas! You can ask them questions soon enough, we’re almost finished with the betas :3c Hope you like them.


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Vast Error


  1. Sovara amalie vast error
  2. Characters / Vast Error
  3. Edit Locked
  4. Trolls
  5. Sovara Amalie
  6. Dismas Mersiv
  7. Arcjec Voorat
  8. Jentha Briati
  9. Ellsee Raines
  10. Albion Shukra
  11. Serpaz Helilo
  12. Laivan Ferroo
  13. Occeus Coliad
  14. Tazsia ‘Taz’ Poemme
  15. Murrit Turkin
  16. Calder Kerian
  17. Ancestors
  18. The Annalist
  19. The Unknown/The Forgiven
  20. The Vivifier
  21. The Exemplar
  22. The Jagerman
  23. Acerigger Switchem
  24. Caesar Consceleratus Persolus

Sovara amalie vast error

Your name is SOVARA AMALIE, but you much prefer to be called SOVA. It is a moniker coined by your dear friends, after all! You cherish it deeply.

Unlike that of your dear friends’, however, your time within the larger social sphere of Repiton has been relatively short-lived. You attended SCHOOL and had your think pan duly filled with all of the standard knowledge through OSMOSIS like the rest of them, but due to a certain set of circumstances, you’ve spent the majority of your life CAGED in a manner you don’t care to speak of.

Needless to say, you were left a little SOCIALLY HINDERED. But your loving MATESPRIT has dedicated quite a lot of time to teaching you the ropes, and you appreciate her so. You can’t grasp a lot of the «lingo» your clique tosses around «on the reg» quite yet, but that doesn’t stop you from trying! You’ll be «in» with all the references one day.

A majority of your free time was spent READING, in an attempt to grasp what you could not experience for yourself. Your avid page turning has given you a profound knowledge of PLANETARY HISTORY, and these days you consider yourself a bit of a buff on the subject. You’ve also given POETRY a try, but it tends to wax a little too complex for your tastes. You were never really good at over-dressed figures of speech.

You also have a vested interest in MUSICAL THEATRE. It is an art form that seems to understand you, if that makes sense; a security blanket, warm and comforting. You’ve also dabbled in PLAYWRITING, and you like to write roles with specific people in mind: yourself and your friends. You doubt any of them would enjoy what you’ve made, though. Probably.

Besides, you’re NOT READY TO SING AGAIN just yet. It shall simply have to wait.

Your trolltag is sanguineAllegory and you (tend to be a little too soft-spoken and meek in conversations) .


Characters / Vast Error

Edit Locked


Sovara Amalie

She is the Page of Heart. Her trolltag is «sanguineAllegory», her sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Silver.

  • Dark and Troubled Past: The story hints at a troubling time in Sova’s life. One which she is apparently reminded of by a Phantom Of The Opera poster she has in her room. Said past has also apparently made her unwilling to sing at the present time.

Dismas Mersiv

A rebellious troll hellbent on destroying a species of immense, radiation feeding, kaiju-esque creatures known as Skulltitans.

He is the Rogue of Mind. His trolltag is «gigantisDebilitation», his sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Phosphorus.

He has allocated his STRIFE SPECIBUS with the X2 DAGGERKIND ABSTRATUS. He was the fourth troll introduced.

  • Abusive Parents: If Dismas doesn’t mine for the potent irradiated ores his lusus needs to survive after its emergence from the planets core, he would be as good as dead. Even then, the constant strifing has resulted in multiple scars.
  • Every Scar Has a Story: Dismas has had a few scrapes with his custodian leaving him disfigured. Being self-conscious, he covers them up with a bandana.
  • Leitmotif: Radioactive Ore.
  • Scars are Forever: At the cost of his wounds being healed.
  • Un-person: Following his kidnap by the Skulltitan, the school declared him legally dead and he was mentioned to have never been officially seen again by Glomer in Volume 9 of Snowbound Blood.

Arcjec Voorat

A depressed, ornate troll who is obsessed with reality and lacks much interest in his supposed interests.

He is the Bard of Breath. His trolltag is «animatedHumorist», his sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Magnesium.

He has allocated his STRIFE SPECIBUS with the SCYTHEKIND ABSTRATUS. He was the first troll introduced and is the main protagonist.

Jentha Briati

A constantly anxious shut in who is obsessed with gaming.

She is the Heir of Light. Her trolltag is furbishFacilitated. Her sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Tin.


Ellsee Raines

An exotic and esoteric troll whose mysteries don’t stop at her blood caste.

She is the Mage of Life. Her trolltag is «existereOracle», her sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Mercury.

She has allocated her STRIFE SPECIBUS with the . KIND ABSTRATUS. She was the seventh troll introduced and the MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTER IN VAST ERROR.

Albion Shukra

A note (seemingly) peaceful and serene troll who takes great strides to control her emotions.

She is the Seer of Hope. Her trolltag is demiurgeQuantified, her sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Copper.

She hasn’t allocated anything to her STRIFE SPECIBUS as she uses her spirit powered mood ring. She was the third troll introduced.

  • Colour-Coded Emotions: Has a mood ring used to watch her BODY CHEMISTRY. The six colors and emotions are based off the ring alignments from the Green Lantern comics.
  • Familial Body Snatcher: Becomes possessed by her ancestor.
  • Parody Sue: Has been described as her character trope, but is as harshly subverted as all others. If not the most harshly.
  • The Pollyanna: At least at first she seems calm and optimistic to a scary fault, due to the nature of previous Star Children and her own ideal values of her personality.

Serpaz Helilo

She is the Witch of Doom. Her trolltag is pliableDecadence. Her sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Gold.


Laivan Ferroo

A troll with a debilitating lung condition that specializes in taxidermy, but still is able to get around.

He is the Knight of Space. His trolltag is «windlessArtificer», his sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Zinc.

He has allocated his STRIFE SPECIBUS with the RIFLEKIND ABSTRATUS. He was the sixth troll introduced.

  • Animal Motifs: Dogs. Woof-
  • Blue Blood: Literally. He was even called ‘The Blue Guy’ for a majority of time before learning his name.
  • Canine Companion: Laivan’s lusus, Mutt, can be seen as such.
  • Gone Horribly Right: In a hunting accident, he left a troll permanently disfigured, but said troll (Serpaz) became the love of his life.
  • Handicapped Badass: Despite being born with a severe lung condition, he still manages to get by in life. (Even if he has gotten into horrible accidents involving his rifle).
  • Leitmotif: Woof.
  • Reckless Gun Usage: Was hinted that he’s gotten into horrible accidents because of his gun.
  • Taxidermy Is Creepy: Laivan’s hobby when he brings home game after a hunt. Probably not as creepy, seeing as this is on Repiton it’s moreso a funny thing, given the fact that he tries to sell his creations online.

Occeus Coliad

He is the Prince of Blood. His trolltag is macabreExude. His sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Sulfur.

He has allocated his STRIFE SPECIBUS with the LASERKIND ABSTRATUS. He was the eighth troll introduced.

Tazsia ‘Taz’ Poemme

A cantankerous troll who goes by the nickname of ‘Taz’, and is religiously affiliated with a cult of corrupt wrestler personas called the «Mirthamaniacs».

She is the Sylph of Rage. Her trolltag is perniciousOverkill, her sign is based on the alchemical symbol for Platinum.

She has allocated her STRIFE SPECIBUS with the MACEKIND ABSTRATUS. She was the second troll introduced.

  • Ax-Crazy: Has murdered at least one other Mirthamaniac and supposedly many others along with various lowbloods.
  • Boobs of Steel: Often not noticeable, due to the Limited Artstyle nature of the Homestuck artstyle, but as seen during the few times Taz is seen from specific angles in the more detailed Hero Mode art shots, she has a much more noticeable bust than most of the other female cast, and Murrit outright calls her «big breasted», and he constantly mentions and nicknames her breasts when speaking to her. And, as typical of a Purple-Blood, she is also one of the most physically imposing of the cast, one of the most physically strong of the cast, prefers using the heavy and brutal Macekind Specibus, and is always quick to choose physical, often violent solutions to problems.
  • Juggalo: A parody of a parody of juggalos.
  • Leitmotif: Razzmatazz.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution: What the Mirthamaniac’s supposedly revolve their practices around, only hiding it in a show like format to distract others from the fact that they kill lowbloods as population control.
  • Wall of Weapons: Has a lot of various torture weapons in her respiteblock and her hive, including a novelty hand clapper.

Murrit Turkin

A sleazy, lecherous troll who is more complex than first glance would suggest.

He is the Thief of Time. His trolltag is unclaspedKahuna, his sign is based on the alchemical symbol for Lead.

He has allocated his STRIFE SPECIBUS with the 2xKNUCKLEKIND ABSTRATUS. He was the fifth troll introduced.

@@>([speaks without the hashtag and slang, memes and references when serious])

  • Anime Hair: His reverse pompadour.
  • Complexity Addiction: Nobody knows how or why Murrit works the way he does, most of the other trolls don’t even understand what he’s saying. And it seems he would rather keep it that way.
  • Cool Shades: His shutter shades, all fifty two pairs of them. Which coincidentally is the same number in a deck of cards and in year, (or in this case, half of a sweep) Murrit switches between all color variations of his shades within this timeframe.
  • Fetish: Hentai. Though nobody knows if he actually likes it at this point or if it’s still just a long running gag to make fun of another troll’s interest, including himself.
  • Filth: His «hentai dungeon», as well as nude drawings of all of his friends on body pillows.
  • Fish People: Subverted, as he refuses to act or acknowledge his place according to GS.
  • Leitmotif: Mammory Master.
  • The Gambler: In the past.
  • The Nicknamer: Has not once referred to another character by their real name and instead opts to use fitting nicknames about their personality or interests. Usually insulting.
  • Young Entrepreneur: His past self could be classified as this before joining the Dead Shufflers, which made him more of a ruthless Con Man.

Calder Kerian

He is the Maid of Void. His trolltag is grandioseSaturation. His symbol is based upon the alchemical symbol for Iron.


  • All of the Other Reindeer: Word of God declares that pretty much everyone on the planet would hate Calder on principal because of his ancestry.
  • Authority in Name Only: While typically a higher blood caste is indicative of a ruling status, and Calder has the highest blood available, he has nowhere near the power he’d like to. Not helped that Repiton is an apparent capitalist hellscape where the greater corporate powers are the only ones who have any real power.
  • Genocide Backfire: On the receiving end of his ancestor’s actions during his reign, during which almost every sea dweller in existence was wiped out.
  • He-Man Woman Hater: One of his most well known traits is that he has a very announced and unabashed lack of respect for the female gender. Often insulting the girls he knows both to others and even to their faces. Fittingly, his sign, the alchemic symbol for iron, is also most commonly associated with the ‘male’ symbol.
  • Last of His Kind: While not the last sea dweller, Calder is the last of the sea dwellers with a shade of magenta blood, the closest kind left to proper fuschia. Not that it gives him much right to rule, given how this attempted power grab ended up wiping out the future monarchy altogether.
  • Must Make Amends: One of Calder’s primary motivations for his current actions and interests. Whether out of guilt or a simple sense of duty, his biggest goal at present is to right the wrongs of his ancestor to fix the planet and reinstate a proper rule over the planet again, and fix all the ways that his ancestor damaged the planet.
  • Noodle Incident: There are apparently as of yet unknown events in the past which formed his present day opinions about things.
  • Parental Neglect: Word of god is that Calder’s lusus, a giant female anglerfish, really doesn’t care about her charge and leaves him to do whatever while she does her own thing. And Calder resents her for this. Though, considering his beliefs and the interactions between male and female anglerfish, that may not be the only reason for his resentment.
  • Redeeming Replacement: How he views himself. At present, his blood color and the Kerian name are viewed on Repiton as symbols of genocide and violence. His current goal is to work past this and regain control of the planet to set things back into proper order, fixing what was done by his legacy in the past.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Though Calder is a royal in name only, he’s actively working to repair the damage his ancestor did, and trying to fight the ruling powers which continue to ruin Repiton in pursuit of wealth. Though this is mostly seen as him running magazines hosting controversial topics using what limited authority his blood allows him.
  • Sins of Our Fathers: Seems to feel this way about his ancestor’s reign on Repiton, during which 99.9% of all sea dwellers were killed out of apparent jealousy, and every single Fuschia blood was wiped out. Leaving his ancestor, and Calder himself, as the highest shade of blood left on Repiton (magenta).
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: With his irritating behavior and his outspoken beliefs about gender, it’s little wonder as to why he spends most of his time alone despite being able to contact them. Hinted to have not been the case in earlier times, but as of the present everyone else in the group has dropped him like an empty soda can.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: «Calder: Traverse corridor» hints at a past Calder who was decidedly much less of a pompous jerk. Showing photographs of him smiling with former kismesis Serpaz, former moirail Occeus, and hanging around with characters like Laivan, Murrit, and even Arcjec
  • We Used to Be Friends: Calder used to be friends with much of the rest of the group, being close enough to have pictures of Murrit, Laivan, and Arcjec in the hallway connected to his hive’s throne room. As well as having once been moirails with Occeus and kismesis with Serpaz. However, word of god declares that everyone else abandoned him and whatever relationships they had with him. Leaving him only tangentially related to the group and part of their game.
  • Wine Is Classy: Deliberately attempts to invoke this in order to seem more refined and sophisticated to others. Too bad he can’t stand the taste.


The Annalist

Sova’s ancestor who lived during the Renaissance. A writer who created many scrolls which Sova herself owns in the present day. She suffered a life of hardships as numerous as they were intense.

The Unknown/The Forgiven

Arcjec’s ancestor who lived during the Renaissance. After committing suicide for unknown reasons by hanging, he was brought back to life by The Vivifier using the blood curse that came with her Lime blood.

  • Driven to Suicide: For unknown reasons, he hung himself from a tree and killed himself. Where he was found not long after by the Vivifier.

The Vivifier

Also knowns as Zekura Raines. Ellsee’s ancestor who lived during the Renaissance. Carried the same blood curse that Ellsee does, which she shared with The Forgiven after he killed himself. Was once in a pale relationship with The Exemplar, who broke it off when she learned that The Vivifier had shared her blood curse with someone else when she had promised it to her.

The Exemplar

Also known as Cyprim Shukra. Albion’s ancestor who lived during the Renaissance. The Twelfth and final Star Child of her bloodline, relinquished her title as The Pure Oneself in order to bind herself to Repiton. Formerly in a moirallegiance with The Vivifier, she felt betrayed when she learned that the latter passed on her blood curse to The Forgiven instead to revive his dead body. Matesprits with Dismas’s ancestor, he died, and not long after she was murdered by her followers for unknown reasons. It is through her comunications that Albion learns the truth behind The Game, and receives a final warning to keep Ellsee away form it, and to not trust White Noise.

The Jagerman

Laivan’s ancestor who lived during the Renaissance. An accomplished hunter whose skills provided his companions with many a meal when they were on the run.

  • Pelts of the Barbarian: Wears a fur of unknown origin around his neck as part of his normal clothing, presumably having hunted it himself.

Acerigger Switchem

Murrit’s ancestor who lived during the Renaissance. A serial bonder who chemically bonded with multiple trolls, including Caesar Consceleratus Persolus, only to leave them to suffer the effects of withdrawals. Simply because he could and he enjoyed seeing them suffer.

  • Villainous Legacy: Because of his tendency to bond with and then leave Trolls, it set a bad precedent on Repiton for Trolls who wanted to have more than one bondmate in a single quadrant, or more than the allotted two. Even in present day, the social ramifications on relationships can still be felt across the board.

Caesar Consceleratus Persolus

Calder’s ancestor who lived and reigned over Repiton during the Renaissance. He ordered a mass genocide against all sea dwellers on the planet, eliminating every last Fuschia blood, leaving him and his eventual descendant as the highest shade of violet blood on Repiton, and eliminating 99.9% of the planet’s sea dweller population.

  • Genocide from the Inside: During his reign, accomplished the deaths of every member of the Fuschia caste, and reduced the total number of sea dwellers on the planet to a mere 50, having wiped out 99.99% of the sea dweller population.
  • Villainous Legacy: Because of his actions in causing the murder of most all the other sea dwellers, the present day planet’s environment is shot to hell and back and dangerously polluted. To the point all present know his line’s name and even blood color with absolute disdain.


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    Sovara Amalie 

Sovara Amalie


Because of these factors you’ve been left a little SOCIALLY HINDERED. Your MATESPRIT has spent a lot of time teaching you the ropes but you aren’t able to grasp at a lot of the “lingo” your clique tosses around “on the reg”. You desperately make the attempt regardless though. You’ve spent a majority of your free time READING throughout your life as an aid to try and see what you’ve missed, giving you a profound knowledge of PLANETARY HISTORY and making you a bit of a buff in the process. You also like to give POETRY a try when you can but it tends to wax a little too far on the complex side for your tastes. You were never good at riddles and figures of speech.

She is the Page of Heart. Her trolltag is «sanguineAllegory», her sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Silver.

(Encases her words in stage direction parantheses.)
(types in italics.)
(Uses proper punctuation in lower case.)
(Types in names such as ALBION in all caps.)
(Ocassionally uses owl emoticons u^u and ovo.)

  • Dark and Troubled Past: The story hints at a troubling time in Sova’s life. One which she is apparently reminded of by a Phantom Of The Opera poster she has in her room. Said past has also apparently made her unwilling to sing at the present time.

    Dismas Mersiv 

Dismas Mersiv


These mini-rebellions are grounds of territorial abuse to your custodian, and as such you have MANY SCRAPES WITH HIM, quite literally in fact. These poisoned marks would normally kill on principle, but your body has a PSEUDO-HEALING FACTOR that mends your wounds albeit leaving them SCARRED AND DISFIGURED. You are EXTREMELY SENSITIVE about this, and as such make sure to COVER THEM UP as much as possible.

A rebellious troll hellbent on destroying a species of immense, radiation feeding, kaiju-esque creatures known as Skulltitans.

He is the Rogue of Mind. His trolltag is «gigantisDebilitation», his sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Phosphorus.

He has allocated his STRIFE SPECIBUS with the X2 DAGGERKIND ABSTRATUS. He was the fourth troll introduced.

He repl/ces the letter / and the letter / with sl/shes///
 /nd ends sentences with three sl/shes th/t resemble his sc/rs///
  • Abusive Parents: If Dismas doesn’t mine for the potent irradiated ores his lusus needs to survive after its emergence from the planets core, he would be as good as dead. Even then, the constant strifing has resulted in multiple scars.
  • Every Scar Has a Story: Dismas has had a few scrapes with his custodian leaving him disfigured. Being self-conscious, he covers them up with a bandana.
  • Leitmotif: Radioactive Ore.
  • Scars are Forever: At the cost of his wounds being healed.
  • Un-person: Following his kidnap by the Skulltitan, the school declared him legally dead and he was mentioned to have never been officially seen again by Glomer in Volume 9 of Snowbound Blood.

    Arcjec Voorat 

Arcjec Voorat


In the past you liked READING STORIES OF MASKED VIGILANTES and WATCHING COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF 2D FICTION. This used to lead to some SCRIBBLING, but you really AREN’T ALL THAT INTERESTED IN DOING THOSE THINGS ANYMORE FOR UNSPECIFIED REASONS. You also enjoy drinking MOUNTAIN DEW: CODE RED quite frequently. In fact you enjoy it so much that you might be able to label it as an ADDICTION. You don’t exactly take much part in talking to your eleven other friends on the NEW CHAT SYSTEM, SKORPE. Even though THEY TAKE PART IN TALKING TO YOU CONSTANTLY.

A depressed, ornate troll who is obsessed with reality and lacks much interest in his supposed interests.

He is the Bard of Breath. His trolltag is «animatedHumorist», his sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Magnesium.

He has allocated his STRIFE SPECIBUS with the SCYTHEKIND ABSTRATUS. He was the first troll introduced and is the main protagonist.

XDXD Types with perfect grammar and punctuation. XDXD 
XDXD Places XDXD at the beginning and end of his sentences. XDXD

    Jentha Briati 

Jentha Briati


All of your nights spent scared and alone have left you in tune with your various other INTERESTS, however. You are an ABSOLUTE MASTER AT GAMES. You specialize in BOARD GAMES, but you can’t recall there ever being a time you’ve LOST at anything you put the right amount of effort in. You enjoy the complexities of PAPER CRAFTS and you don’t like to brag, but you’re pretty sure you’ve seen the only three good FILMS to ever exist.

A constantly anxious shut in who is obsessed with gaming.

She is the Heir of Light. Her trolltag is furbishFacilitated. Her sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Tin.


Tends to s stutter a bit on k key words
Stutter i i increases the m m m more a anxious s s she is

    Ellsee Raines 

Ellsee Raines


You spend a majority of your time studying and learning to use these materials and creating PERSONAL INCANTATIONS and ELIXIRS, just as she once had. Though, you do not take part in any awful, hypocritical fortune telling nonsense which you LOATHE WITH A FIERCE PASSION. If anyone tells you that they can predict the future, they are a liar and a cheat.

An exotic and esoteric troll whose mysteries don’t stop at her blood caste.

She is the Mage of Life. Her trolltag is «existereOracle», her sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Mercury.

She has allocated her STRIFE SPECIBUS with the ???KIND ABSTRATUS. She was the seventh troll introduced and the MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTER IN VAST ERROR.

SpΣaks with thΣ tonguΣ of thΣ vivifiΣr. Replaces 'e' with 'Σ'
All punctuation is upsidΣ down¡¡

    Albion Shukra 

Albion Shukra


You are the TWELFTH and FINAL in a long line of EXTRATERRESTRIAL PROPHETS, the true name of these multiuniversal deities only given the vague term of STAR CHILDREN. Your overall purpose in life is to teach others about COMING TOGETHER. Not only with others but also with themselves in order to build up thoughts of OVERALL OPTIMISM AND EXUBERANCE rather than the constant feelings of fear and self-doubt that dwells inside every living creature.

A note  peaceful and serene troll who takes great strides to control her emotions.

She is the Seer of Hope. Her trolltag is demiurgeQuantified, her sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Copper.

She hasn’t allocated anything to her STRIFE SPECIBUS as she uses her spirit powered mood ring. She was the third troll introduced.


  • Colour-Coded Emotions: Has a mood ring used to watch her BODY CHEMISTRY. The six colors and emotions are based off the ring alignments from the Green Lantern comics.
  • Familial Body Snatcher: Becomes possessed by her ancestor.
  • Parody Sue: Has been described as her character trope, but is as harshly subverted as all others. If not the most harshly.
  • The Pollyanna: At least at first she seems calm and optimistic to a scary fault, due to the nature of previous Star Children and her own ideal values of her personality.

    Serpaz Helilo 

Serpaz Helilo


You are an AMATEUR ARCHITECT with a strong interest in WOODWORKING and CARPENTRY. Your hive is riddled with your tools of the trade and the projects you make. You have a HIGH FAILURE RATE of completing these projects however, as you have SO MANY IDEAS. ALL THE TIME. CONSTANTLY. Your ambition reaches past the limits of what is feasible more often than not, but creativity has no ceiling in your mind.

She is the Witch of Doom. Her trolltag is pliableDecadence. Her sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Gold.


All of her words are in the comic sans font which is described as a "funny inflection" in her voice.

    Laivan Ferroo 

Laivan Ferroo


You were born with a VERY RARE AND SEVERE LUNG CONDITION. While in the artificial development process, your lungs ended up becoming a few sizes TOO SMALL, which makes it very hard for you to speak, run or commit to any sort of physical activity due to the overall LACK OF BREATH you have.

A troll with a debilitating lung condition that specializes in taxidermy, but still is able to get around.

He is the Knight of Space. His trolltag is «windlessArtificer», his sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Zinc.

He has allocated his STRIFE SPECIBUS with the RIFLEKIND ABSTRATUS. He was the sixth troll introduced.

Splits and ends his sentences with a dash- so it allows him to breathe-
It differs when its a new sentence- He capitalizes the first word-

  • Animal Motifs: Dogs. Woof-
  • Blue Blood: Literally. He was even called ‘The Blue Guy’ for a majority of time before learning his name.
  • Canine Companion: Laivan’s lusus, Mutt, can be seen as such.
  • Gone Horribly Right: In a hunting accident, he left a troll permanently disfigured, but said troll (Serpaz) became the love of his life.
  • Handicapped Badass: Despite being born with a severe lung condition, he still manages to get by in life. (Even if he has gotten into horrible accidents involving his rifle).
  • Leitmotif: Woof.
  • Reckless Gun Usage: Was hinted that he’s gotten into horrible accidents because of his gun.
  • Taxidermy Is Creepy: Laivan’s hobby when he brings home game after a hunt. Probably not as creepy, seeing as this is on Repiton it’s moreso a funny thing, given the fact that he tries to sell his creations online.

    Occeus Coliad 

Occeus Coliad


You have spent the majority of your life attempting to find a way to BRING BACK LOST SOULS and PROPERLY REVIVE TROLLS FROM THE DEAD with the hope of eventually granting UNTETHERED IMMORTALITY. Which you have made a large stride in progress with over the last two sweeps with the addition of LIME BLOOD, which you have discovered holds many potent LIFE BEARING PROPERTIES. It is a gift constantly given to you for work purposes by your MATESPRIT.

He is the Prince of Blood. His trolltag is macabreExude. His sign is based upon the alchemical symbol for Sulfur.

He has allocated his STRIFE SPECIBUS with the LASERKIND ABSTRATUS. He was the eighth troll introduced.

    Tazsia ‘Taz’ Poemme 

Tazsia ‘Taz’ Poemme


Your religious allegiances lie within that of the MIRTHAMANIACS. A specific breed of JESTER-ESQUE PERSONAS, that wishes to promote THE IDEOLOGY OF RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT against LETHAL FALLACIES OF CORRUPTION RUNNING WILD IN THE SYSTEM. This is a fancy way of promoting the perverse nature of CHOREOGRAPHED INFIGHTING GRUDGE MATCHES to decide who TRULY DESERVES A SPOT AT THE TOP OF THE LADDER with the RAWED BROTHERS. As well as keeping the personal intents of GRIEVANCE SLAUGHTERING away from the public. Everybody’s got a price.

A cantankerous troll who goes by the nickname of ‘Taz’, and is religiously affiliated with a cult of corrupt wrestler personas called the «Mirthamaniacs».

She is the Sylph of Rage. Her trolltag is perniciousOverkill, her sign is based on the alchemical symbol for Platinum.

She has allocated her STRIFE SPECIBUS with the MACEKIND ABSTRATUS. She was the second troll introduced.

~She begins and ends her sen+ences wi+h a +ilde and replaces +'s wi+h plus signs~
~She also CAPI+ALIZES words some+imes for emphasis~

  • Ax-Crazy: Has murdered at least one other Mirthamaniac and supposedly many others along with various lowbloods.
  • Boobs of Steel: Often not noticeable, due to the Limited Artstyle nature of the Homestuck artstyle, but as seen during the few times Taz is seen from specific angles in the more detailed Hero Mode art shots, she has a much more noticeable bust than most of the other female cast, and Murrit outright calls her «big breasted», and he constantly mentions and nicknames her breasts when speaking to her. And, as typical of a Purple-Blood, she is also one of the most physically imposing of the cast, one of the most physically strong of the cast, prefers using the heavy and brutal Macekind Specibus, and is always quick to choose physical, often violent solutions to problems.
  • Juggalo: A parody of a parody of juggalos.
  • Leitmotif: Razzmatazz.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution: What the Mirthamaniac’s supposedly revolve their practices around, only hiding it in a show like format to distract others from the fact that they kill lowbloods as population control.
  • Wall of Weapons: Has a lot of various torture weapons in her respiteblock and her hive, including a novelty hand clapper.

    Murrit Turkin 

Murrit Turkin


In the past you were a SALESMAN. But after your DREAMSELF was awoken on the moon of DERSE by making a DEAL WITH A STRANGER, a small group of CHEATS known as the DEAD SHUFFLERS took you in as a HOSTAGE to the BLACK QUEEN. It was soon that their leader, the SCATHING SHARPER, took a shine to you. Learning from your newfound home, you were soon turned into a FEARED PERSONALITY AMONGST THE LAST REMAINING MEMBERS OF THE SEA TROLL HIERARCHY. As a RUTHLESS SWINDLER and CARD SHARK in the world of many various GAMBLING SPORTS, you acquired a fine taste for TAKING WHAT YOU WANT regardless if you earned it or not, and MURDERING any poor sucker who didn’t pony up the goods. You actually ended up meeting your PARTNER, Dismas, through these means. You still technically OWN HIS SOUL from that virtual poker game about two or so sweeps back, not that it matters now. You soon realized that wasn’t the life you wanted to lead, and as such you GAVE IT ALL UP. Ending your reign and betraying the family you once had, sentencing one to a LIFE of COMMUNITY SERVICE and the other three INTO HIDING.

A sleazy, lecherous troll who is more complex than first glance would suggest.

He is the Thief of Time. His trolltag is unclaspedKahuna, his sign is based on the alchemical symbol for Lead.

He has allocated his STRIFE SPECIBUS with the 2xKNUCKLEKIND ABSTRATUS. He was the fifth troll introduced.

>([places an old television around every sentence]
>([replaces 'h' with # to represent television static]
>([doesn't use capital letters])
>([uses memes, slang, references, insults and nicknames on the reg, ya dig?])

@@>([speaks without the hashtag and slang, memes and references when serious])

  • Anime Hair: His reverse pompadour.
  • Complexity Addiction: Nobody knows how or why Murrit works the way he does, most of the other trolls don’t even understand what he’s saying. And it seems he would rather keep it that way.
  • Cool Shades: His shutter shades, all fifty two pairs of them. Which coincidentally is the same number in a deck of cards and in year, (or in this case, half of a sweep) Murrit switches between all color variations of his shades within this timeframe.
  • Fetish: Hentai. Though nobody knows if he actually likes it at this point or if it’s still just a long running gag to make fun of another troll’s interest, including himself.
  • Filth: His «hentai dungeon», as well as nude drawings of all of his friends on body pillows.
  • Fish People: Subverted, as he refuses to act or acknowledge his place according to GS.
  • Leitmotif: Mammory Master.
  • The Gambler: In the past.
  • The Nicknamer: Has not once referred to another character by their real name and instead opts to use fitting nicknames about their personality or interests. Usually insulting.
  • Young Entrepreneur: His past self could be classified as this before joining the Dead Shufflers, which made him more of a ruthless Con Man.

    Calder Kerian 

Calder Kerian


Your life is secured as not only a SEA DWELLER, but because you hold the highest SHADE of violet blood remaining on the hemospectrum, MAGENTA. A gift given to you by your ANCESTOR, a gift which leaves you as a societal pariah by association due to his unbridled jealousy… Your goal is to undo the mess he made and become a POWERFUL LEADER yourself, sending society into a new age with instated law and legislation. You make strides towards this goal by using your endangerment as leverage to publish SLANDEROUS PERIODICALS speaking on topical issues while harshly criticizing those who disagree with what you put out into the public. Even from his shadow, you are regarded as overly SELF-IMPORTANT. But that exact attitude has given you a LEGION of admirers amongst the scoffing crowd, ones that agree with your ideals and see the facts for what they truly are.

He is the Maid of Void. His trolltag is grandioseSaturation. His symbol is based upon the alchemical symbol for Iron.


He does not use a typing quirk of any sort because he sees it as silly and useless.

  • All of the Other Reindeer: Word of God declares that pretty much everyone on the planet would hate Calder on principal because of his ancestry.
  • Authority in Name Only: While typically a higher blood caste is indicative of a ruling status, and Calder has the highest blood available, he has nowhere near the power he’d like to. Not helped that Repiton is an apparent capitalist hellscape where the greater corporate powers are the only ones who have any real power.
  • Genocide Backfire: On the receiving end of his ancestor’s actions during his reign, during which almost every sea dweller in existence was wiped out.
  • He-Man Woman Hater: One of his most well known traits is that he has a very announced and unabashed lack of respect for the female gender. Often insulting the girls he knows both to others and even to their faces. Fittingly, his sign, the alchemic symbol for iron, is also most commonly associated with the ‘male’ symbol.
  • Last of His Kind: While not the last sea dweller, Calder is the last of the sea dwellers with a shade of magenta blood, the closest kind left to proper fuschia. Not that it gives him much right to rule, given how this attempted power grab ended up wiping out the future monarchy altogether.
  • Must Make Amends: One of Calder’s primary motivations for his current actions and interests. Whether out of guilt or a simple sense of duty, his biggest goal at present is to right the wrongs of his ancestor to fix the planet and reinstate a proper rule over the planet again, and fix all the ways that his ancestor damaged the planet.
  • Noodle Incident: There are apparently as of yet unknown events in the past which formed his present day opinions about things.
  • Parental Neglect: Word of god is that Calder’s lusus, a giant female anglerfish, really doesn’t care about her charge and leaves him to do whatever while she does her own thing. And Calder resents her for this. Though, considering his beliefs and the interactions between male and female anglerfish, that may not be the only reason for his resentment.
  • Redeeming Replacement: How he views himself. At present, his blood color and the Kerian name are viewed on Repiton as symbols of genocide and violence. His current goal is to work past this and regain control of the planet to set things back into proper order, fixing what was done by his legacy in the past.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: Though Calder is a royal in name only, he’s actively working to repair the damage his ancestor did, and trying to fight the ruling powers which continue to ruin Repiton in pursuit of wealth. Though this is mostly seen as him running magazines hosting controversial topics using what limited authority his blood allows him.
  • Sins of Our Fathers: Seems to feel this way about his ancestor’s reign on Repiton, during which 99.9% of all sea dwellers were killed out of apparent jealousy, and every single Fuschia blood was wiped out. Leaving his ancestor, and Calder himself, as the highest shade of blood left on Repiton (magenta).
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: With his irritating behavior and his outspoken beliefs about gender, it’s little wonder as to why he spends most of his time alone despite being able to contact them. Hinted to have not been the case in earlier times, but as of the present everyone else in the group has dropped him like an empty soda can.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: «Calder: Traverse corridor» hints at a past Calder who was decidedly much less of a pompous jerk. Showing photographs of him smiling with former kismesis Serpaz, former moirail Occeus, and hanging around with characters like Laivan, Murrit, and even Arcjec
  • We Used to Be Friends: Calder used to be friends with much of the rest of the group, being close enough to have pictures of Murrit, Laivan, and Arcjec in the hallway connected to his hive’s throne room. As well as having once been moirails with Occeus and kismesis with Serpaz. However, word of god declares that everyone else abandoned him and whatever relationships they had with him. Leaving him only tangentially related to the group and part of their game.
  • Wine Is Classy: Deliberately attempts to invoke this in order to seem more refined and sophisticated to others. Too bad he can’t stand the taste.


     The Annalist 

The Annalist

Sova’s ancestor who lived during the Renaissance. A writer who created many scrolls which Sova herself owns in the present day. She suffered a life of hardships as numerous as they were intense.

     The Unknown/The Forgiven 

The Unknown/The Forgiven

Arcjec’s ancestor who lived during the Renaissance. After committing suicide for unknown reasons by hanging, he was brought back to life by The Vivifier using the blood curse that came with her Lime blood.

  • Driven to Suicide: For unknown reasons, he hung himself from a tree and killed himself. Where he was found not long after by the Vivifier.

     The Vivifier 

The Vivifier

Also knowns as Zekura Raines. Ellsee’s ancestor who lived during the Renaissance. Carried the same blood curse that Ellsee does, which she shared with The Forgiven after he killed himself. Was once in a pale relationship with The Exemplar, who broke it off when she learned that The Vivifier had shared her blood curse with someone else when she had promised it to her.

     The Exemplar 

The Exemplar

Also known as Cyprim Shukra. Albion’s ancestor who lived during the Renaissance. The Twelfth and final Star Child of her bloodline, relinquished her title as The Pure Oneself in order to bind herself to Repiton. Formerly in a moirallegiance with The Vivifier, she felt betrayed when she learned that the latter passed on her blood curse to The Forgiven instead to revive his dead body. Matesprits with Dismas’s ancestor, he died, and not long after she was murdered by her followers for unknown reasons. It is through her comunications that Albion learns the truth behind The Game, and receives a final warning to keep Ellsee away form it, and to not trust White Noise.

     The Jagerman 

The Jagerman

Laivan’s ancestor who lived during the Renaissance. An accomplished hunter whose skills provided his companions with many a meal when they were on the run.

  • Pelts of the Barbarian: Wears a fur of unknown origin around his neck as part of his normal clothing, presumably having hunted it himself.

     Acerigger Switchem 

Acerigger Switchem

Murrit’s ancestor who lived during the Renaissance. A serial bonder who chemically bonded with multiple trolls, including Caesar Consceleratus Persolus, only to leave them to suffer the effects of withdrawals. Simply because he could and he enjoyed seeing them suffer.

  • Villainous Legacy: Because of his tendency to bond with and then leave Trolls, it set a bad precedent on Repiton for Trolls who wanted to have more than one bondmate in a single quadrant, or more than the allotted two. Even in present day, the social ramifications on relationships can still be felt across the board.

     Caesar Consceleratus Persolus 

Caesar Consceleratus Persolus

Calder’s ancestor who lived and reigned over Repiton during the Renaissance. He ordered a mass genocide against all sea dwellers on the planet, eliminating every last Fuschia blood, leaving him and his eventual descendant as the highest shade of violet blood on Repiton, and eliminating 99.9% of the planet’s sea dweller population.

  • Genocide from the Inside: During his reign, accomplished the deaths of every member of the Fuschia caste, and reduced the total number of sea dwellers on the planet to a mere 50, having wiped out 99.99% of the sea dweller population.
  • Villainous Legacy: Because of his actions in causing the murder of most all the other sea dwellers, the present day planet’s environment is shot to hell and back and dangerously polluted. To the point all present know his line’s name and even blood color with absolute disdain.

Other Characters

    White Noise 

White Noise


The enigmatic ETERNAL GUARDIAN of Repiton. He has played a significant role in the history of the planet and the events of Vast Error. Oh and he’s the narrator.

  • Berserk Button:
    • Being compared to his father Gaiaeon.


    • Realizing that his omnipotence has been compromised. Like when learning from Murrit what Elisee did to make everyone weary of her.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: His bread and butter, as all of the narration is White Noise himself expositing to the audience.
  • Dem Bones: Just look at him.
  • Foil: To the other immortal troll guardian, Doc Scratch. Noise is a gracious host who greatly enjoys conversing with visitors whom he summons into his static realm. Unlike Doc Scratch, however, he is very personable and isn’t very smug, but is instead slightly overbearing and overly-talkative in conversation.
  • Medium Awareness: White Noise appears to have some amount of awareness of what’s going on. Appearing to be speaking to the audience about things that are happening in the comic and such.
  • Narrator All Along: He’s the narrator.
  • Pet the Dog: He managed to change quite a few elements of The Game, such as getting Derse to not be as violent as they were in previsions versions and having the Trolls’ planet teleported with them into the Medium rather than being abandoned and destroyed.

     Weird Al 

Weird Al

Otherwise known as the «Weird Alchemist». A Troll version of Weird Al Yankovic. Heads a cult determined to make people happy. Whether they want to be or not.

  • Affably Evil: He the head of an insane happiness cult, but still cares deeply for his members, such as nuzzling Edolon’s hair when he sacrifices Serpaz’s lusus to unlock his powers.
  • Non-Standard Character Design: He looks just like the real-life Weird Al Yankovic, albeit with shadowy troll skin and horns.



Member of the Weird Al cult who acts with as of yet unknown intents. Has some past association with Serpaz.



The Corporate Heir. A purple blood who is set to one day take control of the planet-wide megaconglomerate known only as Corporate.



The Advisor. A jade blood who is Advisor to Sestro.



Occeus’s golem lab assistant that he created from parts of dead Trolls. A successful animation, though he lacks a soul and is not especially bright.

     The Dead Shufflers 

A group of notorious white-collar Dersites kingpins. Lead by Jack Noir, also known as Scathing Sharper, their group consists of Defrauding Dealer, Hustle Bones and Charmed Defalcators. They ruled Derse with an iron fist until their newest member, the Dreamself of Murrit Turkin got bored of them and screwed them over. Only Scathing Sharper was punished, as DD, HB, CD sold him out and are now in witness protection, while SS became THE TRASH MAN.
They take center stage in Intermission 2 Side 1, where are invited to a transdimensional space called HOTEL CALIFORNIA with the express purpose of devaluing it and facing off against SS’s Arch Nemesis.

  • hey its those guys! #Vast Error#tazjec#tazsia poemme#ve taz#taz poemme#arcjec voorat#arcjec#ve arcjec#nge#them #read vast error #trolls

    hey its those guys!

    View Full

  • my yulepassing gift for someone on twitter :)c first art post here yippee!!

    View Full

  • hey arcjec and taz, what do you think of the Morningstar Grade B?

    View Full

  • 8-8it

    24.08.2022 — 5 monts ago

    i am. in love with her. your honor.

    View Full

  • Taz: I believe in you, but also don’t make a big deal out of it ‘cause you’re like a big dork or whatever.

    Arcjec: Thanks for the tsundere positivity, Taz.

    Taz: It’s cool, don’t embarrass me.

    View Full

  • personal designs

    View Full

  • promstuck lol

    alternat Jentha under the cut

    ellsee and Occeus on a different Post because I m proud of then

    View Full

  • ALBION: *i*have*a*problem*.

    TAZSIA: ~kill i+~

    ALBION: *can*you*chill*for*like*, *two*seconds*?

    View Full

  • heres Some shitty Ship art LoL

    View Full

  • Murrit: Trust me, I know what I’m doing!

    Taz: Not even The All Mother knows what you’re doing, Murrit.

    View Full

  • hi! I’m doing a Vast Error read-through dub, as I need voices for the characters since I can’t voice them all myself

    if you want in, DM me here and I’ll give you some lines to read as an audition

    at some point i might make a sideblog for this if it gains any traction


    Sovara Amalie: N/A

    Arcjec Voorat: Me, at least for the time being. This is subject to change.

    Dismas Mersiv: N/A

    Jentha Briati: N/A

    Albion Shukra: N/A

    Ellsee Raines: N/A

    Serpaz Helilo: N/A

    Laivan Ferroo: N/A

    Occeus Coliad: N/A

    Tazsia Poemme: N/A

    Murrit Turkin: N/A

    Calder Kerian: N/A

    If there are any characters I didn’t mention that you wanted to voice, DM me, and I’ll consider it.

    View Full

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