multi4 v2_uk
Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : TECHNOMark’s would like to thank you for your trust in our products. You have chosen the MULTI 4 V2 Marking machine (the first ever modular progressive and intelligent marking tool) to carry out all your product identification needs. More than a marking tool, we offer a complete solution that will allow you to find all answers for your marking needs. Our sales department is available for any further question. And now, good marking. CONTENTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................................5 1.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ...........................................................................................................6 1.2 BEFORE USING YOUR EQUIPMENT PLEASE READ THIS PAGE .............................7 SYSTEM SETUP ....................................................................................................................................8 CONNECTIONS ....................................................................................................................................9 BASIC COMPONENTS......................................................................................................................10 4.1 DISPLAY ........................................................................................................................................11 4.2 KEYBOARD ....................................................................................................................................11 BASIC WORKING ( 2 MODES ).....................................................................................................13 5.1 SUPERVISOR MODE (WRITING / EDITING)................................................................13 5.2 USER MODE ................................................................................................................................14 SPECIAL MARKING CHARACTERS ..............................................................................................15 SIMPLE MARKING IN AUTOMATIC MODE ............................................................................17 7.1 AUTOMATIC PARAMETERS MENU....................................................................................17 7.2 GENERAL PARAMETERS.........................................................................................................18 7.3 mode not active................................................................................................................. 20 7.4 mode for flat surfaces ................................................................................................... 20 7.5 mode for irregular surfaces ..........................................................................................21 ADVANCED MARKING PARAMETERS USING MANUAL MODE ...................................... 23 8.1 CHANGE THE MARKING PARAMETERS .......................................................................... 24 8.2 GRAPHIC MOVING MODE (EASY SHIFT) ...................................................................... 25 8.3 LINEAR MARKING................................................................................................................... 28 8.4 ANGULAR MARKING............................................................................................................... 29 8.5 RADIAL MARKING (CIRCULAR) ......................................................................................... 30 8.5.1 SETTING OF THE MARKING CENTRE - JOGGING POSITION.........................31 8.5.2 SETTING OF THE MARKING CENTRE - WITH THE KEYBOARD ..................31 8.6 INTER-CHARACTER SPACING............................................................................................ 32 8.7 ITALIC MARKING.................................................................................................................... 32 9 FUNCTIONS INSERTION............................................................................................................. 33 9.1 Insert an alphanumerical variable........................................................................................ 34 9.1.1 Multi Barcodes variables .................................................................................................... 35 9.2 Insert an incremental serial number................................................................................... 36 9.2.1 “SHARED” serial number.................................................................................................... 37 9.3 Insert a time variable.............................................................................................................. 37 8 Page 2/81 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 9.3 Insert a time variable.............................................................................................................. 38 9.4 Insert a pause ............................................................................................................................ 38 9.5 Insert a 2d data matrix code (optional licence required)............................................ 39 9.6 Insert a logo (optional licence required)............................................................................ 40 9.7 Insert a D axis rotation ...........................................................................................................41 9.8 Insert a Z sensor move-up ......................................................................................................41 10 SAVE AND LOAD FILES................................................................................................................. 42 10.1 SAVE A FILE.............................................................................................................................. 42 10.2 LOAD A FILE.............................................................................................................................. 43 10.3 DELETE A FILE ......................................................................................................................... 44 11 CYCLE TIME DISPLAY INFORMATION................................................................................... 45 12 CONTROL BOX SETUP .................................................................................................................... 46 12.1 TIME SETTING AND SHIFT DEFINITION.................................................................. 47 12.2 PASSWORD DEFINITION ................................................................................................... 48 13 OPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 49 13.1 TechnoSUITE SOFTWARE ................................................................................................... 49 13.1.1 TechnoLOG SOFTWARE ............................................................................................... 49 13.1.2 TechnoPROD SOFTWARE............................................................................................. 49 13.1.3 TechnoSAVE SOFTWARE............................................................................................. 49 13.2 BATTERY AND CHARGER ...................................................................................................... 50 13.2.1 INTERNAL CHARGER (with optional battery pack) ............................................. 50 13.2.2 BATTERY SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................51 13.2.3 SPECIFICATIONS OF THE EXTERNAL CHARGER..............................................51 13.3 OPTION 8 Inputs / 8 Outputs ..............................................................................................51 13.3.1 PINNING FROM THE 8 INPUT/OUTPUT CONNECTOR................................... 53 13.4 ETHERNET NETWORK OPTION......................................................................................... 54 13.5 USE A ROTARY “D” AXIS ( 3rd Axis Option) .................................................................. 56 13.5.1 SIMPLE MODE.................................................................................................................. 56 13.5.2 DIVISOR MODE .............................................................................................................. 56 13.6 USING THE TAG FEEDER ..................................................................................................... 58 13.7 USING THE ELECTRIC Z AXIS .......................................................................................... 59 14 COMMUNICATION (RS 232 or Ethernet) ............................................................................... 60 14.1 FRAMEWORK ............................................................................................................................. 60 14.2 COMMAND FORMATS............................................................................................................ 60 14.2.1 LIST OF COMMANDS ................................................................................................... 60 14.2.2 Examples ............................................................................................................................. 64 14.2.3 Special characters........................................................................................................... 65 15 COMMUNICATION USING INPUTS /OUTPUTS ( Licence Required)........................... 66 16 MAINTENANCE................................................................................................................................. 68 16.1 CLEAN AND LUBRICATE THE STYLUS ........................................................................... 68 16.2 SHARPEN THE STYLUS......................................................................................................... 68 16.3 THE SPRING .............................................................................................................................. 69 16.4 GENERAL MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE OF THE MARKING HEAD.................. 69 16.5 CONTROL BOX MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................ 69 16.6 FUSE REPLACEMENT.............................................................................................................. 70 17 TROUBLESHOOTING .......................................................................................................................71 Page 3/82 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 18 ANNEXES............................................................................................................................................. 73 18.1 I/O CHRONOGRAM ................................................................................................................. 74 18.2 ASCII CODES............................................................................................................................ 75 18.3 COMPLETE ASCII CODES TABLE...................................................................................... 76 18.4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................... 77 18.4.1 NORMAL CONDITION FOR USE .............................................................................. 77 18.4.2 TEMPERATURE CURVES ............................................................................................... 78 18.4.3 BATTERY PACK (OPTION) ........................................................................................... 80 18.4.4 FONT DEFINITION .......................................................................................................81 18.4.5 IMPACT UNIT ASSEMBLY .......................................................................................... 82 18.4.6 UNDERSIDE VIEW OF THE MULTI4 MARKING HEAD ................................... 83 Revision: 5.1 Date: 04/01/2008 10:27 Page 4/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 1 FOREWORD TECHNOMARK reserves the right to change the information and specifications contained in this manual without prior notice. The reader should consult TECHNOMARK to determine whether such changes have been made. In no event shall TECHNOMARK be liable for any incidental, indirect, special, or consequential damages whatsoever, including but not limited to lost profits, arising out of, or relating to this manual or the information it contains, even if TECHNOMARK has been advised, has knowledge, or should have knowledge of the possibility of such damages. TECHNOMARK expressly warrants the equipment it manufactures as set forth in the Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale. Our products have a 12 months warranty that starts at the date of reception of the material. Unless otherwise specified in any other written contract all our products are guaranteed for a period of 1 (one) year from the date of delivery when properly used and maintained and if correctly assembled and installed . The only obligation for TECHNOMARK under warranty consists of the replacement of any pieces that are recognised to be faulty except in the case of subcontracted manufactured units in which case that subcontractor’s warranty will apply. Warranty does not extend to replacement or repair of parts subjected to normal wear and tear, nor in case of abnormal use, nor in the case of insufficient or incorrect maintenance. The use of the products in an inappropriate environment, excessive use, or the non respect of the prescribed usage techniques or connexions or maintenance as indicated in the manuals provided shall constitute an invalidation of the warranty terms. TECHNOMARK and the Distributor shall determine together the conditions of proper usage in case of disagreement by a Distributor’s client concerning warranty conditions. In no case will repairs under warranty constitute a prolongation of the warranty period. The information contained in this manual is confidential and is proprietary to TECHNOMARK or its licensors. All rights reserved. Page 5/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 1.1 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING PRECAUTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING YOUR MARKING EQUIPMENT. The Multi4 V2 marking machine has been manufactured to the highest standards to be used in workshops and outdoors. There are some simple safety precautions that must be followed in order to provide optimum use and life of your marking machine. TECHNOMARK MULTI4 V2 marking machine uses high voltage power supply. For this reason, there is a risk of danger when working in and around MULTI4 V2 marking machines. The following safety tips should be respected at all times. TURN POWER OFF when performing maintenance on the marking machine. OSHA rule 29CFR1910 requires that all equipment energy sources must be turned off or disconnected and the switches must be either locked or tagged while equipment is being cleaned or serviced. Make sure that the equipment is installed according to the OSHA standard. Keep free of all moving parts when the machine is operating. Warnings, Cautions, and notes are placed throughout this manual to alert you to important information. These messages have the following significance: WARNING Warnings contain information that is essential to the personal safety of the user. CAUTIONS Cautions contain information that is essential to avoid damage to the equipment. Page 6/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 1.2 BEFORE USING YOUR EQUIPMENT PLEASE READ THIS PAGE CAUTIONS 1. NEVER CONNECT/DISCONNECT THE MARKING UNIT FROM THE CONTROL BOX WHEN THE MACHINE IS IN USE (In particular during the marking process). Incorrect connection can seriously damage the electronic components of the equipment and will declare the warranty void. 2. NEVER BLOCK/UNBLOCK THE KNURLED CAP OF THE IMPACT UNIT USING PLIERS OR A HOLDING TOOL. HAND TIGHTENING IS SUFFICIENT This can seriously damage the electronic parts of the equipment and will declare the warranty void. 3. YOUR EQUIPMENT IS MADE TO BE USED IN VARIOUS SITUATIONS. WHATEVER THE SITUATION, AVOID ALL VIOLENT OR HARD SHOCKS ON EITHER OF BOTH ELECTRONICAL AND MECHANICAL ELEMENTS OF YOUR MACHINE. AVOID SHOCKS ON THE FRONT OF THE ELECTRONIC . This can damage the screen and/or the keyboard. 4. KEEP THE MARKING MACHINE AWAY FROM A SOURCE OF PARASITES (ex. : soldering machine, source of high frequencies…). 5. IF YOU HAVE A BATTERY MODEL, IT IS ESSENTIAL TO RUN DOWN THE BATTERY COMPLETELY AND THEN RECHARGE IT TWICE A MONTH. This will improve battery pack life and avoid reducing the battery performance of the NimH battery pack. 6. NEVER ALLOW THE MACHINE TO RUN IDLE (without a piece to be marked under it ). The distance between the stylus and the piece to be marked should never be more than 9.5 mm during the marking process. This may damage the stylus (see page 15 for stylus height and marking depth details) WARNING 7. WHEN USING THE HAND HELD GUN MODEL, DO NOT TURN THE MOVING STYLUS TOWARDS YOURSELF OR TOWARDS ANY OTHER PERSON. 8. DON’T PUT YOUR HAND ON THE BACKSIDE OF THE CONTROL BOX WHILE FUNCTIONING, it is part of the thermal diffusion. 9. We advise you to wear protective glasses during marking. Splinters from the marking surface are possible and could hurt you. 10. In bench top use, we advise you to put a rubber mat between the Multi4 V2 tool stand and the workbench. This will limit vibrations and noise from the workbench. Page 7/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 2 SYSTEM SETUP Installing your MULTI4 V2 is very easy and depends on the model you use. The bench top is supplied in two parts and you have to fix the column onto the table Follow the steps below to install your equipment:. Place the control box in a location with enough ventilation and where temperature will not exceed the operating range between 0° C and 45° C. Connect the cable from the marking head to the connector on the control box. Connect the AC power cable to the control box mains power input. POWERING THE SYSTEM The MULTI4 V2 equipment simply needs a 90-240V AC supply. Switch ON the ON/OFF button from the Control box. The marking head will find its initial start position and the control box screen will display the software version on the graphical display. CAUTIONS Be sure that there is no obstructions so that the stylus will not hurt something while moving Page 8/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 3 CONNECTIONS Third optional axis (D axis, Z axis or plate feeder) Mains fuse, 2,5A Amp (Temporised) size : 5x20mm Standard I/O Mains AC power input Marking Head Rotary Connector On/Off switch for mains AC power supply I/O connection (option) External Keyboard Network link (option) RS 232 Serial port Page 9/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 4 BASIC COMPONENTS LCD high resolution display Function Keys Keyboard Navigation for data input Battery / Mains Power switch Menus navigation Marking Start / Stop Marking may be cancelled at any time Page 10/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 4.1 DISPLAY In order to optimise the LCD display contrast, it is automatically adjusted with the internal temperature. It can also be fine adjusted by the user. To proceed adjustment, press together 4.2 and the left or right arrow KEYBOARD Press to enter into the CONTROL BOX SET UP menu Press to delete the character on the left side of the cursor - or all the text line if combined with the vertical arrow key . Press to activate the insert mode. To return to normal writing mode, press this key again. Press SHIFT in combination with letters or numbers in order to write small–non capital letters or the symbols you can find on the top left corner of each keypad number. Press ALT in combination with other keys to access to specific functions or in combination with numbers to write the symbols you can find on the top right corner of each keypad number Press ENTER to create a new marking line or to validate a modification of a marking parameter. Page 11/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : ESCAPE from a menu. This key will also cancel any previous or unwanted modification. For navigation while entering data in the menus or creating a file. Open a file. Press to select a memorized variable or type variable while entering a text. Press to access to the marking parameters (manual or automatic) while creating a file. Press to make a marking simulation without any impact. Save a file. Select the power : main power or battery. Contextual keys to navigate in the menus. EXTERNAL KEYBOARD : You have the possibility to connect an external keyboard on the control box. It will allows you to execute all the functions with the external keyboard. To execute the contextual keys or the functions keys use the keys F1, F2, F3, etc… For compatibility reasons, you have to use an external keyboard that is in accordance with the specifications defined by TECHNOMARK. The available keyboards are the followings : US Qwerty, French Azerty, German, Polish, Czech, Swedish /Finnish, Norwegian. Page 12/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 5 BASIC WORKING ( 2 MODES ) Switch the machine on by using the mains power switch shown on page 8. Wait for a few seconds, the machine will initialise itself. The marking head will find its origin start position. You can use two working modes : supervisor mode and user mode. The machine always starts with the last used mode. These 2 marking modes can be described as : • SUPERVISOR mode for writing and editing • USER mode for marking and modify a memorized variable only 5.1 SUPERVISOR MODE (WRITING / EDITING) Working mode (mains power or battery) If network option present Opened file Marking counter to access to EDIT mode Content of each line with its number Preview of the file to be marked graphical preview insert a function create a new file Move a line You are now ready to write or edit a marking file. In the text capture area, on the right of the line numbers, you can see the characters that have been typed (In the example above, two marking lines are used – to move down to a second line press ENTER ). The graphical preview area represents the marking window. The text is clearly displayed. + . To insert a line , press To delete a line, press + . To copy a line, press + C, to paste a line, press + V. To justify a text inside the window, press + J. You can enter up to 99 lines. . This mode does not allow any writing or editing except a To switch to USER mode press variable. Please note the machine always starts up with the last used mode. Page 13/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 5.2 USER MODE Working mode (mains power or battery) Opened file Marking counter Marking preview In this mode, you can mark existing files, preview marking files, type variables or go into the SUPERVISOR mode (editing / writing). The marking text preview area shows in a simple and quick way the text to be marked by the machine. The USER mode disable the alphanumerical keyboard in order to avoid any unwanted modification to the file being used. Marking can only be modified in the SUPERVISOR mode. QUICK MARKING IN SUPERVISOR MODE Type the text and press to go to the next line. to navigate between the lines and in the inside the lines. Use Lines are automatically spaced and aligned to the left. WARNING Pressing START or TEST keys will start running the marking head. Make sure that the piece to be marked is secured and keep hands clear of the marking area. Wear ear and eye protections while marking you can change the marking parameters. You can When you validate the text by pressing also launch a marking cycle with the start button (see page 10). Page 14/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 6 SPECIAL MARKING CHARACTERS CHARACTERS Use keys : % # ‘ “ < > $ & ( ) [ ] { } Ø ° ´ ? ! ‘Shift’ ‘Alt’+ 0 ‘Shift’ ‘Alt’+ 1 ‘Shift’ ‘Alt’+ 2 ‘shift’ ‘Alt’+ 3 ‘Shift’ ‘Alt’+ 4 ‘Shift’ ‘Alt’+ 5 ‘Shift’ ‘Alt’ + 6 ‘Shift’ ‘Alt’+ 7 ‘Shift’ ‘Alt’+ 8 ‘Shift’ ‘Alt’+ 9 * * _ (underscore) ‘Alt’+ @ ‘Shift’ + / ^ | (vertical bar) / ‘Shift’ ‘Alt’+ / + / . . ; ‘Alt’+ : ‘Shift’ + = + - = ‘Shift’ ‘Alt’+ = + = Page 15/83 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 * * . . Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : Other special characters are available. To insert a special character, use the Function insertion menu : The next screen enables you to select one special character, that will be inserted in your text : These characters may also be inserted while using the serial communication mode RS232. Please report to this chapter for more details. Page 16/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 7 SIMPLE MARKING IN AUTOMATIC MODE Select the marking parameters menu by pressing 7.1 . AUTOMATIC PARAMETERS MENU Use the up/down arrows in order to select the parameter to be modified. Once the line is selected, use the left/right arrows to modify the value. Preview of the marking HEIGHT : General parameters Change the character height, from 1 mm to 99.9 mm. COMPRESSION : Modify the height/width ratio of the characters, from 50% to 200%. DEPTH : FONT : access to the manual mode Stylus height 10 9. Scale (see graph) The marking depth is determined by : - the impact strength (0 to 9) - the distance between the stylus an the piece to be marked Marking depth Depth 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Select the font, you will define the quantity of dots per character (font 1 and 2) or the distance between the dots (font 3 to 9). Note: A diagram of font types is shown in the annexe. Page 17/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : OFFSET : You can move all the text to be marked from the origin point, all the lines will be aligned accordingly. With the AUTOMATIC MODE the reference point will be the upper left corner of the first character from the first marking line. To modify the marking parameters use the GENERAL menu 7.2 GENERAL PARAMETERS SLASHED ZERO : You can choose between a standard zero 0 or a slashed zero 0 in order to avoid a confusion with the letter O. MIRROR MODE : You can reverse horizontally or vertically the marking of the characters (to be read in a mirror). SPEED : You can choose the marking speed of the machine. Scale from 1 to 9 (default setting : 3) Note : increase speed can decrease quality. FONT STYLE : OCR (default setting) or OCR-A DIAMETER : available only when the D-axis option is installed. See rotary D-axis functions in chapter 16. In this case the programmed parameters will be applied to all the marking lines. Page 18/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : MAINTENANCE MODE actives or inactives the maintenance mode. You can enter the values for the actual height (distance) between the stylus and the marking head, and the maximum acceptable deviation. When the maintenance mode is activated the machine computes and records the results during the marking cycle. In case the maximum deviation is reached, a warning is issued : With a visual display on the screen at the end of the marking cycle : With sending the NAK code on the serial rs232 (if enabled) With outputting the standard E/S « Default » With outputting the optional (if 8E/8S option is present) « OUT5 » (output is ON for 2 seconds). When the TechnoProd function is enabled, the minimum, maximum, average, count and standard deviation values are registered, file by file. These values are exported to the database while using the TechnoSuite software. The min, max, average, count and standard deviation are cancelled after modifying Height and/or ∆. The average and standard deviation are cancelled for each “new day” condition. When the maintenance mode is activated, a sample is automatically done each 4 characters. Page 19/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : mode: The symbols on the down side of the screen permits you to program the « Intelligent Driving Impact » mode. To program, use the menu keys Left key : . permits you to select the mode : mode not active flat surfaces mode depths 1 to 5 irregular surfaces mode In the flat mode, use the key function placed under “depth” to switch the depths from 1 ( very low level) to 5 ( the higher level). 7.3 mode not active No change is made while using the marking machine. 7.4 mode for flat surfaces This marking mode permits to realise a marking with a constant depth, whatever is the distance of the marking head in a range of 1mm to 9 mm above the pièce to be marked. This marking mode permits you to avoid the fine and delicate adjustment of the marking head. The right key permits you to choose one of the 5 depths : • very low (1) • low (2) • medium (3) • strong (4) • very strong (5) Without , it is no possible to well mark tender materials with a distance between the stylus and the piece is more than 0.08” , marking becomes possible for distances up to 0.20“ without With any damage on the result. Page 20/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : For the levels 1 and 2 ( low level depths), the course has been fixed in the 1mm – 5mm range. If using an illegal value, a warning message will appear, at end of marking : Samples : Depths 1 and 2 distance 0,7mm distance 7 mm The depths values don’t have any link with the programmed depths in the standards files ( 1 to 9). 7.5 mode for irregular surfaces This mode permits you to realise marking with constant depth, whatever is the shape of the part to be marked : • cylindrical (convex, concave), • waved part, • sloped part, etc… At the beginning of each character a gauge is realised to compute the distance between the marking head and the piece to adapt the power so to obtain a regular depth. In that mode, the distance head/piece is correct for the full range 1mm to 9mm. If using an illegal value, a warning message will appear, at end of marking : Page 21/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : Samples : distance 1mm distance 9mm Without With , no control for distance , automatic distance control NOTE : With mode for irregular surfaces, the depth is computed for each line according to the programmed depth. Different depths may be used. So, gauging will be done for each character. With mode for flat surfaces, gauging will be done at the first impact of each new line to be marked. Parameter is registered file by file. For a good information of the operator, an iDI symbol is displayed in the top right corner of the screen. Page 22/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 8 ADVANCED MARKING PARAMETERS USING MANUAL MODE To access to advanced marking parameters select the MANUAL menu. The function keys on the bottom of the screen permit you to access to : • the marking preview (4 different previews), • a jogging positioning mode, • the general parameters, • the automatic parameters mode. MANUAL MODE View of the text line access to the marking preview Manual positioning of marking head General parameters Marking counter access to automatic mode Use the left/right arrows to select a parameter, use the up/down arrows to select a line and type on the keyboard to modify a value. You can modify the marking parameters for each single line : • starting point of a line (X and Y), • character height, • compression ratio, • radius (radial marking), • angle (angular marking), • marking depth (D), • font (F), • inter-character spacing (S), • Italic angle (I). The selected line is displayed in the title band at the top of the screen. To delete a complete line press and . Page 23/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 8.1 CHANGE THE MARKING PARAMETERS For each single line you can define : Spacing between characters (0 to 9) Italic angle of characters (1 to 9) Radius of marking (in mm) Angle of the line (in degrees). Font of marking (1 to 9) Depth of marking (1 to 9) Compression (50% to 200%) Character height (0,5mm to 99,9mm) X and Y coordinates of the line Access to marking preview Manual positioning of marking head Access to automatic mode General parameters X/Y Position : You can either type the values directly or use the manual positioning function so as to position the stylus precisely. With the MANUAL MODE the reference point will be the under left corner of the first character from each marking line. In the manual mode, to justify a line according to the approached position, press + J. X axis - left and right Y axis – up and down You can put the piece to be marked under the machine and choose the starting point of the line (under left corner). A short press on an arrow will move the stylus 0,1 mm further, a long press will increase the steps and move the stylus more quickly into the position you want. CAUTIONS While using this function, be sure that you have enough space between the stylus and the piece to be marked. Moving the stylus across the piece, or shocking the stylus against the piece can bend or break the stylus. Use the preview menu to check the marking position in the marking window. Page 24/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 8.2 GRAPHIC MOVING MODE (EASY SHIFT) At any time, you can modify the position, size, angular value, radius, compression of the selected lines (manual mode only). Proceed as follows : • Select the line to be modified • Press the moving mode key Use the arrows Use to move the position of the text. to select the style modifications : • Use to grow or shrink the text size. • Use to define / modify the angular value. • Use to grow or shrink the compression. • Use Press to define / grow or shrink the radius. to validate the new value. This mode enables to place in a graphic each line independently with a tracing for a better use comfort. Page 25/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : The PREVIEW MENU proposes several possibilities : Activates a sub-window to zoom in or out manually. WINDOW : To zoom on the total marking window. MARKING : To zoom on the complete text to be marked. TOTAL : To zoom on the window and the text even if the text is out of the window. This will help you to position the overflowing text inside the marking window. NOTE : For a good and simple visualization, the MULTI4 V2 control box updates automatically marking windows. Page 26/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : manual zoom Use to navigate and move the selected zone. Use to zoom in or out. Example : “MARKING TEXT” followed by TECHNOMARK’s logo Press to validate and preview the zone. you can zoom again as follows : and so on… Page 27/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 8.3 LINEAR MARKING To mark on a straight line, R ( Radius) and A (Angle) parameters must both be set on 0. The X and Y coordinates correspond to the under left corner of the first character of the line. All characters, whatever the quantity, will be aligned on a straight line starting from this point. When the parameters are entered, press to carry out a marking cycle without any impact in order to check and validate the marking area of this line on the piece to be marked. You can do a test (simulation of marking without impacts) at any time. You can cancel modifications by pressing Validate with . to return to the edit mode. Rear FRONT OF THE MACHINE Front t Marking window 110x 50 mm Example : X1=20 Y1=15 R=0 Page 28/83 A=0 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 8.4 ANGULAR MARKING Angular marking is any straight line marking that is not parallel to the horizontal X axis. REMINDER: IN THIS CASE R (Radius) VALUE MUST BE SET ON 0. Angular marking can be useful to mark on a specific area of a piece that is not parallel of the X axis - or to mark in several different zones on the piece. Angular marking diagram : Rear Front VIEW FROM THE FRONT OF THE MACHINE X Angle in degrees Y X and Y coordinates correspond to the under left corner of the first character of the line. Press to check where the marking will be precisely carried out. Please note you can create a file with a horizontal straight line and another line with angular marking or radial marking or whatever in the same marking file. Page 29/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 8.5 RADIAL MARKING (CIRCULAR) Radial marking programming is similar to other types of marking. The difference is that the X and Y coordinates are the centre point of a virtual circle on which the text is positioned. This centre point can be outside of the marking window, and be either positive or negative (useful for the marking of big diameters). Radial marking diagram : Rear Front VIEW FROM THE FRONT OF THE MACHINE X Y Example : X = 55 Y = 45 Height = 2.5 Radius = 25 Angle = 105 Central point values have to be included between –999.9mm and 999.9mm Press to check the position of the marking. Page 30/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : A positive or negative radius will define the orientation of the text on virtual marking circle: • R = 25 (positive) means that the bottom of the characters will be on the edge of the circle. • R = -25 (negative) means that the top of the characters will be on the edge of the circle and so the bottom of characters will be at the outside. By default, the starting point of the marking (with angle 0°) will be at the right side of the centre point. The text will be marked clockwise. To change the starting point of the text, define an angle between 0 and 360° which will bring the starting point further towards an anti-clockwise point. Use the PREVIEW menu to check the position of the marking in the marking window. Only the characters in the marking window will be marked. If some text is out of the marking window, define new X and Y coordinates to bring the marking into the marking window or change the angle value. 8.5.1 SETTING OF THE MARKING CENTRE - JOGGING POSITION The piece to be marked must have a radius less than 110 mm. After positioning your piece under the marking window, move the stylus with the arrow keys to the centre of the marking area. Validate with and then move the cursor with the left/right arrows to the radius column. You can then type the radius value which will correspond to the position of the bottom of the characters. 8.5.2 SETTING OF THE MARKING CENTRE - WITH THE KEYBOARD If the central point of marking circle is not in the marking window, you have to type the values of the X and Y coordinates on the keyboard. All other procedures are the same as in the previous section. Page 31/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 8.6 INTER-CHARACTER SPACING The standard setting value is 4 You can modify the space between the characters from 0 to 9 : Please see in this hereunder example the complete range of spacing, the first line with value 0 to the last line with value 9 : 8.7 ITALIC MARKING The standard setting value is 5 for none tilted characters You can modify the italic angle value of the characters from 1 to 9 : Please see in this hereunder example the complete range of italic angles, the first line with value 1 to the last line with value 9 : Page 32/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 9 FUNCTIONS INSERTION This menu must be used to insert some different functions, upon option in use. Press FUNCTIONS and the following menu appears: In this menu you can define, modify or delete : • alpha-numerical variables, • serial numbers, • time variable, • pause, • data matrix codes, • logos • activate the rotary D axes option ( see D Axis use in simple mode). • Move-up on for the Z Sensor axis ( is Z sensor option in use) To select a function navigate with the UP/DOWN arrows and press Note : you can memorize up to 99 variables. Page 33/83 to validate. Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 9.1 Insert an alphanumerical variable Select ALPHANUMERICAL VARIABLE in the function menu and press This function allows you to create a numerical or alphanumerical variable that you can call-up and insert at any time and where you want in the marking file. If necessary you can change the alphanumerical variable content, but the field that had been defined will remain the same (X and Y position, height, comp., depth etc.) Press CREATE and the following submenu appears: NAME : LENGTH : Type a name in order to identify the variable (maximum of 99 variables) Define the maximum length of the variable (quantity of characters, 40 maximum) MODIFIABLE : select YES or NO with the LEFT/RIGHT arrows to define if the variable can be modified or not in the USER mode Press to validate and save the variable. Press INSERT FUNCTION menu to insert the variable in the marking file. Page 34/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : Press and type the content of the variable, then Press to validate Note : if you add a variable named “ONESHOT”, the content of that variable will be destroyed after each marking cycle. So that, you are sure not to have a duplicate marking. You will have to update the content of that variable before each marking cycle. Marking only a part of one variable This is possible; you just have to surround the variable with parenthesis, and add two markers, as this : (<<V=VAR>>ddnn) where dd marks the first index of the first character to mark ( starting at 1), and the last index. 9.1.1 Multi Barcodes variables You can use a barcode reader and scan several texts to insert it in several parts of the marking text. • Use a standard reader, ready for sending the standard variable frame “BCB=…” (see frame format chapter). • Enter several variables in the used file named #CBn or CBn, with n from 1 to 9 (“#” as first character for the #CBn variables) When using #CBn variables, length of the scanned code will define data registration in the right variable. When using CBn variables, scan order sequence will define data registration. While using Cbn variables, you can use any length. While using a barcode, the software carries out processes in the following order : • In case one or several #CBn variables exist, data are registered in the variable of the same length. • If not, and in case one or several Cbn variables exist, data are registered using the scan order ( CB1, CB2,CB3, etc… looping to CB1) • If not, registration in the CB variable if it exists. At end of marking, every contents for #CBn and CBn variables are cleared, ready to start a new scan cycle. Page 35/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 9.2 Insert an incremental serial number Select SERIAL NUMBER in the function menu and press Press CREATE and the following submenu appears: NAME : VALUE : Type a name to identify the serial number (maximum of 99 variables) Indicate the starting number . (The first number to be marked) Example : 128, 00128, 000000128 STEP : Define the serial number increment with step of 1 or 2 or more. You can decrease serial numbers by choosing a negative value. FREQUENCY : Define the frequency of the serial number increment. MODIFIABLE : select YES or NO with the LEFT/RIGHT arrows to define if the serial number increment can be modified or not in the USER mode. ZERO : select MARKED or NOT MARKED with the LEFT/RIGHT arrows to define if you want or not the heading zeros AUTOMATIC RE-INITIALIZATION enables to restart the value at a programmable periodic time ( per minute, hour, week, day, month, year, shift). Page 36/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : Press to validate and save the serial number increment. Press INSERT FUNCTION menu to insert the serial number increment in the marking file. 9.2.1 “SHARED” serial number If a serial number named “SHARED” is created, its current value will be shared by each file that contains this serial number. For each serial number except the one that is named “SHARED”, serial number value is initialized while loading the marking file. While loading the file, “SHARED” serial number value is set according to the previous used value (previous used file). Each modification in “SHARED” serial number value is registered in the current file. In this way value is shared by every file in which serial number is present. 9.3 While creating serial number named “SHARED” in a new file, and in case it has already been used before (in an other file for example), every parameters are automatically loaded from the previous file Page 37/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : Insert a time variable Select TIME VARIABLE in the function menu and press The following sub-menu appears : Type the text to be marked on the DATE CODE line. The text to be marked will be shown clearly on the PREVIEW line. You can choose different marking presentation (example : 6, 06, 2006 or G for the year 2006). Please respect capital or small letters while typing. Press to validate and insert the TIME VARIABLE in the marking file. 9.4 Insert a pause You can insert a pause in the marking process. The pause can be inserted wherever you want in the marking line. Select PAUSE in the function menu and press The PAUSE will be automatically inserted in the line where the cursor is situated. It will be represented as follows : «P» When the marking arrives to «P» the marking cycle will stop. To continue the marking, press on the start button on the keyboard or on the gun handle. Page 38/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 9.5 Insert a 2d data matrix code (optional licence required) Select DATAMATRIX CODE in the function menu and press The following sub-menu appears: TEXT: FORMAT : SPEED : CELL SIZE : Press Type the text (or time variable, serial n°, etc…) to be coded ( 220 characters maximum) Select the format of the code. o Auto square = the size of the square code will be automatically determined according to the quantity of the text to be coded o Auto rectangular = the size of the rectangular code will be automatically determined according to the quantity of the text to be coded o Square Force = you can personalize the size of the square code : 10x10, 12x12, 14x14, 16x16, 18x18, 20x20, 22x22, 24x24, 26x26, 32x32, 36x36, 40x40, 48x48 o Rectangular Force = you can personalize the size of the rectangular code: 8x18, 8x32, 12x26, 12x36, 16x36, 16x48, Select the marking speed in order to adjust the marking quality. Lower speed will increase the marking quality and make it easier to read. you can adjust the cell size manually so as to increase the distance between the dots. This may be useful to get the right size for the DATAMATRIX code in case the height of the line is small. to validate and insert the DATAMATRIX CODE in the marking file. Note : The encoding is conform to the UID Norm. Page 39/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 9.6 Insert a logo (optional licence required) You can insert a logo wherever you want in the marking line. Logos are in a 250 x 250 matrix format, with a maximum of 4000 points per logo. To download a logo that you have created with TechnoLOG on your PC press TECHNOSUITE TRANSFER with the UP/DOWN arrows and press and select . To use this function select LOGO in the function menu and press The following sub-menu appears: Select the logo you want with the UP/DOWN arrows and press marking file. to insert it in the As a specific character, the logo will be directly inserted into the marking line where the cursor is located. Page 40/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 9.7 Insert a D axis rotation In case D axis option is in use, you can insert a rotation function. See the D Axis chapter, simple mode usage 9.8 Insert a Z sensor move-up In case Z Sensor option is in use, you can insert a move-up function between two lines of text. The head will move-up before the marking of next line, then move-down and mark the next line. This function is very useful for the marking of several lines on a multi-faces piece with different planes.. Press FUNCTIONS and the following menu appears: Press to validate, the following submenu appears : Enter the right value, this will insert the new line for sensor move-up into the current file. Page 41/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 10 SAVE AND LOAD FILES Your Multi4 marking machine can save about 4000 files containing marking texts, logos and different variables, depending of the quantity of text and logos (within a limit of 4Mo of total memory) . Each file saved in the memory can be opened to be marked or to be modified. 10.1 Press SAVE A FILE and the following window appears : Type a name in FILE NAME (19 characters maximum) on the keyboard. To access to the COMMENTS section press the DOWN arrow so as to write an extra text that will also be saved with the file and will appear each time you load it. Validate saving operation by pressing . If the file name already exists, you will get a message asking you to overwrite it or not. Page 42/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 10.2 LOAD A FILE You can load a file in both USER mode and SUPERVISOR mode. Press and the following window appears : If you know the name of the file to be loaded : Type it and press to load the file. The file is automatically loaded with all the latest parameters saved. If a comment was saved with the file, it will appear on the screen. Press the loading. Page 43/83 again to validate Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : If you do not know the name of the file to be loaded : Press without typing any file name, and all the existing files will be listed on the screen. Select the file you want with the UP/DOWN arrows and press to validate the loading. You can also call files up by simply indicating the first characters of the name. All the existing files with that first character will be listed on the screen. Select the file you want with the UP/DOWN arrows and press to validate the loading. Note : you can use filters to select and display a partial list of files. For example, if you type T*C* as the file name, all the file names containing a T as the first character and as C as third character will be displayed. 10.3 DELETE A FILE To delete a file in the file selection menu, press the Page 44/83 key. Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 11 CYCLE TIME DISPLAY INFORMATION The cycle time depends on the marking speed, the character height, compression and the font. The font type of logos has no incidence on cycle time. After a marking, press and to check the cycle time of marking. Two cycle times are indicated : o The first and shorter one is the marking time only : It does include the time of moving from origin point to the marking area but not the time of moving back to origin point. o The second and longer one is the total cycle time : It includes the time of moving from origin point to the marking area, the marking time and the time of moving back to origin point. NOTE THAT THE CYCLE TIME IS UPDATED AFTER EACH MARKING CYCLE. IT IS NOT CHANGED WHILE USING TEST MODE. Page 45/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 12 CONTROL BOX SETUP You can set up all the parameters of the machine and visualize the complete control box historical records. Press and the following menu appears : TIME SETTING AND SHIFT DEFINITION PASSWORD DEFINITION CONTROL BOX INFORMATION Select a parameter with the up/down arrows arrows and press MAINTENANCE AND INSTALLATION TOOLS , modify the content with the left/right to validate. NAME : permits to define a name for the MULTI4 (15 characters maximum). permits to reverse virtually the marking window upside down. In reverse mode, the icon is visible in the status bar. UNITS: permits to select the measures setting : millimeters or inches. START KEY : enabled or disabled (activate or deactivate the key on the keyboard). STOP KEY : enabled or disabled (activate or deactivate the key on the keyboard). TechnoPROD : enabled or disabled (activate or deactivate the TechnoPROD use). Machine: Machine type menu ( head format). TECHNOSUITE : Activate the link with the TechnoSUITE 2006 PC Software. WINDOW : Press to quit. Page 46/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 12.1 TIME SETTING AND SHIFT DEFINITION You can define the real time and change date settings. You can also define different options concerning clock and shifts settings. Press and the following window will appears Use to navigate in the window to select the information to be modified and type the new value on the keyboard. In this example : If you define a shift to be marked in any file, the machine will automatically mark: From 00:00 to 05:59 the machine will mark : A12X From 06:00 to 23:59 the machine will mark : BC You can of course modify this information according to your need by typing the required values in each zone. Note : You can set to different formats for the month and year variable if you want. In this case see the function TIME VARIABLE by using #CM and/or #CY in the date coding in your marking file. For example, the month and year can be marked as letters : A for January, and so on, year with a G for 2006 (letter A is for year 2000). Page 47/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 12.2 PASSWORD DEFINITION You can create a password to go from USER MODE to SUPERVISOR MODE so as to avoid the free access to the SUPERVISOR MODE. Press and the following window appears : To use no password let the space empty otherwise type a password and press ENTER to validate. To delete the password select PARAMETERS and type the password. Press and and press ENTER to validate. Then a new window appears : NEW PASSWORD. When the password is displayed delete it with Press and press ENTER to validate. to come back to the main programming window. Page 48/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 13 OPTIONS The Multi4 control box is standard produced to propose the most flexible solution for the user. You can either choose for a simple version without any option or a full option or adjust the options precisely to your today need and adjust it in the future so to follow your requirement day to day. The different options available are the software option with the TechnoSUITE software program and the hardware options with the battery pack, the 3rd axes, the slave mode, etc… 13.1 TechnoSUITE SOFTWARE The optional TechnoSuite 2006 software is a set of tools, PC based. A separate documentation is provided with the software and installation guide. TechnoSuite uses the DotNet technology and is available for PC running with Windows 98 SE, ME, NT 4.0, 2000 and XP. Note : Windows 95 and NT 3 are not supported. TechnoSuite 2006 is a set of several modules gathered in a unique application. 13.1.1 TechnoLOG SOFTWARE This software enables you to create LOGOS on the PC and transfer it into the control box. Main features are : Import of TechnoLOG V1 logos (old version). Import of bitmap images, multiple formats with automatic adjustment of brightness. Drawing of points, lines, circles, rectangles, texts, moving, undo / redo, copy/paste. Scale adjustment. Marking order in automatic or manual mode (point by point or linear in manual mode). Preview of marking order. Direct transfer into the control box (via Com Port). 13.1.2 TechnoPROD SOFTWARE TechnoPROD allows the transfer of complete marking historical records from the Multi4 V2 to a PC to follow up production details. It permits to do statistical analyses, search for details about executed marking files, print lists, transfer information to other people. This module is tied with a MSAccess Database 13.1.3 TechnoSAVE SOFTWARE TechnoSAVE allows to transfer files : • from the control box to a PC and • from a PC to the control box. You can back-up all your marking files on the PC for more safety and maintain it up-dated with the automatic synchronization. Page 49/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 13.2 BATTERY AND CHARGER Your MULTI4 V2 marking machine can be used with battery option that permits you to mark without any AC mains power connection. The MULTI4 V2 charges the battery when the AC mains power is switched on or by using a specific external charger described further on. You can work either with the AC mains power supply or with the battery by choosing one or the other mode on the keyboard. ⇒ If you are working on AC mains power mode and want to work on battery mode without switching off your equipment : Press to switch on battery power. You can continue working with battery supply and disconnect the MULTI4 V2 from AC mains power supply. Press again to return on AC mains power supply. ⇒ To know which power supply mode you are working on, a BATTERY icon or MAINS is indicated at the top left side of the screen. To switch ON or OFF the control box when there is no AC mains power connection, press more than 3 seconds. If your battery is discharged, your MULTI 4 marking machine will turn off automatically. Notes : • • In battery mode, the AC mains power switch has no effect on the AC mains power input. When you switch off your MULTI4 V2, the LCD display may switch off a few seconds later ( < 10 seconds) : please wait. 13.2.1 INTERNAL CHARGER (with optional battery pack) With the internal charger, you can start / stop the battery charge by pressing + B. The charger will stop automatically when the battery is charged. Without marking cycles, it will take 4 hours to charge completely your battery pack. However you can continue to mark during the charging process. Page 50/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 13.2.2 BATTERY SPECIFICATIONS Never connect or disconnect the battery pack when the electronic control box is connected to the mains power supply. MULTI4 V2 batteries have a life time of about 250 full cycles of charge/discharge. MULTI4 V2 batteries (NimH) must be disconnected from the external charger or the marking machine if you don’t use the battery pack for more than one month. At the first use of the battery pack please run a minimum of 4 to 5 full charge/discharge cycles to obtain maximum power and life time. The battery pack is protected against over temperature us (55°C) and shortcuts. See page 66 for more details about the battery specifications. 13.2.3 SPECIFICATIONS OF THE EXTERNAL CHARGER Mains power : Usage temperature : Charge supply : The The The The 110-115 V AC or 220-240 V AC 32°F to 115°F ( 0°C to 45 °C) 1A full charging time for the battery pack is about 3 hours. charger is equipped with two LED lights that indicate the level of battery charge. LED AC ON indicates that the battery is charging. LED CHARGE OFF indicates that the battery is charged and ready to work. 13.3 OPTION 8 Inputs / 8 Outputs When this option is setup, inputs can be used to select files, and outputs can be used to synchronize any robot. The following table shows the inputs mapping: Inputs Input Usage In1 « Cycle Start » In2 « Cycle Stop » In3 « file select 1 » In4 « file select 2 » In5 « file select 3 » Page 51/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : In6 « file select 4 » In7 « file select 5» or « Out position detector for the Z Pneumatic Axis» In8 « file select 6» or « In position detector for the Z Pneumatic Axis » In case the Z pneumatic option is not used, In3 to In8 are used for the file selection, with a maximum of 63 possible files (the 0 value is forbidden). In case the Z pneumatic option and detectors are used, only 4 inputs are used to select files (maximum of 15 files, the 0 value is forbidden) . While starting the marking cycle, the selected file is one of the “IO-xx” files, xx corresponding to the inputs value. Example : IN3 = 1, In4 = 1, In5 to In8 = 0, without any Z pneumatic option. The value is 3 (000011 binary value) The selected file is the “IO-03” file. In case the resulting file doesn’t exist, the current file is used for the marking cycle. You must create the “IO-xx” files before using this input selecting mode. Page 52/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : The following table shows the outputs mapping: Outputs Usage Output Out1 « System Ready » Out2 « Marking is running » Out3 « Fault » Out4 « Pause » Out5 « Fault IDI Maintenance» Out6 Unused (available for future usage) Out7 « Marking Head return » Out8 « Marking Head going in position » With Z Pneumatic option 13.3.1 PINNING FROM THE 8 INPUT/OUTPUT CONNECTOR IN 1 IN 2 IN 3 IN 4 IN 5 INPUTS Plug X2 IN 6 IN 7 IN 8 IN Common GND +24V OUT 1 OUT 2 OUT 3 OUT 4 Plug X3 Plug X5 Plug X4 Back side of the Multi4 control box OUT 5 OUT 6 OUT 7 OUT 8 OUT Common Mains power (24V / 250mA) OUTPUTS Front side of the Multi4 control box References : Miniconnec 18003604 connector from Phoenix Contact, to be screwed Page 53/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 13.4 ETHERNET NETWORK OPTION If the ethernet option is available, this option enables to connect the marking machine to the internal network of your company (straight cable) or directly to a PC (reversed cable). Communication with Technosuite is then established by network connection instead of RS232 connection. When this option is available and a cable is plugged in, the MULTI4 tries immediately to get connected with network. • Case of a connection to a company network A DHCP server is available on the network, the MULT4 includes a DHCP client module, and the MULTI4 IP address is automatically assigned by the server. • Case of a direct connection to a PC In case the PC includes a DHCP server module, functioning is the same as the above functioning. In case the PC does not include a DHCP server module, and no automatic IP address was assigned to the MULTI4, the IP address is assigned after 15 seconds to the MULTI4. Note : Windows 2000/XP does not include any DHCP server. However, this is possible to install one DHCP server (software in utils directory supplied on the CD). To display the IP address used by the MULTI4, select the configuration menu, press , and then select the maintenance menu . Display of the MULTI4 MAC and IP addresses Page 54/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : The MAC address is also available in this menu. Your network administrator may need it for the configuration of the internal company network. A server for web pages is being developed what will enable the distant control / maintenance. Page 55/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 13.5 USE A ROTARY “D” AXIS ( 3rd Axis Option) Attention : the rotary axis has to be positioned at the same side than the origin point. The rotary axis allows to mark on a piece circumference. To activate this option select it in the advanced configuration menu. You can use this axis in two modes : • Simple mode • Divisor mode 13.5.1 SIMPLE MODE You have to : a. indicate the diameter ( > 0 ) of the piece to be marked in the general parameters. b. program the Y offset, for a good positioning above the piece (see chapter 13.3.1). The marking window size will automatically be taken into account. It correspond to the used marking perimeter The MULTI4 V2 computes a three-dimensional moving, and the three axis can be in action at the same time. By programming an angle value in the manual mode, you will be able to mark the piece in horizontal and vertical modes and even in spiral mode (helicoidally marking). 13.5.2 DIVISOR MODE In DIVISOR MODE, you have to : a. Enter a null value for the diameter of the piece to be marked. b. use the insert function D AXIS ROTATION to mark a piece at different places on its circumference. Type the angle rotation value in degrees and press A new line named ROTATION will be created : Page 56/83 to validate. Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : This rotation will be executed between two marking lines. For example : suppose you want to mark 5 lines on each side of an hexagonal piece, you will create 5 marking lines with 5 rotation lines of 60° in between. Note : To avoid a shock between the piece and the stylus while rotation, you can introduce a fictive X and Y position in the rotation line : In this example, just before doing the rotation, the stylus will move to the fictitious X=5,Y=25 position. 30°C 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 Page 57/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 13.6 USING THE TAG FEEDER After having prepared the text to be marked and inserted tags to be marked in the feeder, press be marked. to launch the marking. The following menu appears : Enter the number of tags to Meter for marked tags Enter 0 to end the marking cycle. Enter a number between 1 and 1 000 to launch the marking cycle. Each tag goes by a marking position, each tag is braked, marked and ejected. Functioning errors are reported : Feeder movement indicator No tags Tag jammed To stop prematurely a marking cycle, press cancellation). In case of default, press (1st press : pause, 2nd press : marking to cancel the current marking cycle. You can use the approach mode to position the text to be marked on the tag. While using the approach mode, the tag is positioned so as to be marked. When the approach mode is finished, the tag is ejected. A specific meter for marked tags by cycle is displayed on the screen. Page 58/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 13.7 USING THE ELECTRIC Z AXIS When the Z axis option is used, in both “User” or “Supervisor” modes, you can move Up and Down this Z axis. To move the Z axis, press : ALT + Up arrow : to move Up (pulse or continue) ALT + Down arrow : to move Down (pulse or continue) ALT + Space : to clear the counter position. While pressing one of these combinations, the following sub-menu appears : Page 59/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 14 COMMUNICATION (RS 232 or Ethernet) Communication protocol allows the MULTI4 V2 marking machine to be used in a slave mode via a RS232 serial port or optional Ethernet port. When using the Ethernet port, each frame must be enclosed within a Tcp frame on 6120 port. This communication protocol offers several options : • File selection • Loading an alphanumerical variable • Loading an incremented variable • Transferring complete marking data, with all parameters such as X and Y coordinates, dimensions of characters, text to be marked… 14.1 FRAMEWORK The marking machine uses a framework with the following structure : If the control code was activated with Command « E » [STX] [Control 1] [Control 2] , … , [Control N] [ETX] [CheckSum]. After having received a framework, the marking unit sends back an answer : if everything is OK, the ACK code (ASCII 06) is sent back to confirm that the framework is OK if not (an error has been detected in the pattern), the NAK code (ASCII 21) is sent back, and the pattern is not taken into account. If the CheckSum control code has been activated (command = E), the framework ends with [CheckSum]. 14.2 COMMAND FORMATS Each command starts with a command identification code, a list of parameters, then the [CR] code announces the end of the command. 14.2.1 LIST OF COMMANDS Command A : Select a file Parameter : the file name Example: Send « ATEST[CR] », to select the file « TEST ». Command B : Load an alphanumerical variable Parameters : variable name and its value … Example : Send « BVAR1=HELLO[CR] », to charge text « HELLO » in the variable named « VAR1 ». Page 60/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : Command C : Load an incremented variable Parameters : variable name and its value … Example :Send « C1=0100[CR] », to load the value « 0100 » in the incremented variable named « 1 ». Command D : Start the marking No parameters. Example : Send « D [CR] » to activate the marking as soon as the sequence to be marked is received. The code [EOT] is sent after the last point is marked, then the code [ENQ] is sent at the end of the marking cycle. In case an error occurs (for example an origin problem) the code [NAK] is sent. Command E : Activate the CHECKSUM function. This is a security check for the communication protocol. No parameters. Example : Send « E[CR] » to activate the check out of the communication by checksum. If you activate the checksum, it is necessary to do the calculation of it and to transfer the corresponding code with the framework. CheckSum corresponds to an EXCLUSIVE OR of all ASCII codes of the pattern, [STX] and [ETX] included. Command F : Transfer a completed text This command was used with the MULTI4 V1 ( ascending compatibility) For optimal use with MULTI4 V2 version, use Command M More parameters are available in the new command M. (see page 66). [CR] F X Y Height Comp Radius Angle F P Text start coordinate of marking on the X axis (-9999 to +9999 in tenth of mm). Y : start coordinate of marking on the Y axis (-9999 to +9999 in tenth of mm). Height : Height of characters (from 0 to 999 in tenth of mm). Comp : compression of characters (50 to 200 %). Radius : Radius of the circle on which the marking is positioned (-9999 to +9999 in tenth of mm). X : Page 61/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : Angle : if Radius=0, then Angle corresponds to the gradient of the marking angle. If not, Angle corresponds to the starting angle of the circular marking. D : depth of the marking (0 = no impact, to 9 = strong impact). F : font (No1 to No9). Text : to be marked. With a logo (or picture), send the name of the logo in the text, preceded by the ASCII code [ LF ] and followed by the ASCII code [ FF ]. Example : to mark “ TEST 123 ” (with the logo previously named "arrow") Send the following information " TEST [ LF ] ARROW [ FF ] 123 " Command G : Inactivate the return codes. No parameters. Example : Send « G[CR] ». This function inactivates the codes which are sent by the marking control box. For example, if a code is sent from the control box to a bar-code reader, this code can be considered by the bar-code reader as a parameter setting, and it will modify the settings of the bar code reader. Command H : Transfer the general parameters. 3 or 8 parameters: [CR] H Z V M w w w w P Z: defines the zero (" 0 " = zero without slash, " 1 " = zero with slash). S: defines the marking speed (" 1 " to " 9 "). M: defines the mirror mode (" 0 " = normal, " 1 " = horizontal, " 2 " = vertical). wwww : depends on used option : • D-axis diameter ( 0 to 999.9 tenth of mm) • Distance detection for Z-sensor ( 0.1 to 9.9 mm) • Plate rack number ( from 1 to 5) P: font type ( 0= OCR, 1=OCR-A) only 3 parameters are possible ( Z V M) ( compatibility with MULTI4 V1) Page 62/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : Command I: Activate the error codes. No parameters. When an error of transmission occurs, the system sends [ NAK ] code to announce an error… If you wish to know more about this error, activate the "I" function, an error code will be emitted just after the [ NAK ] code. Each Bit corresponds to a specific error: Bit 0 : “CheckSum” error The calculated Checksum is different from the Checksum received … Either the master system has not correctly calculated the Checksum, or there was a transmission error… Bit 1 : pattern error The received information is not valid … For example, during the transfer of the marking parameters, a numerical value is sent instead of a letter. Bit 2 : missing variable The variable to be modified with the order B was not found … Bit 3 : missing incremented variable The incremented variable to be modified with order C was not found … Bit 4 : missing file The file was not found (order A) Bit 5 : Interruption of the marking cycle The marking cycle has been stopped. Bit 6 : « Time Out » error During transmission on the serial port, the maximum time between 2 transmitted codes is 2 seconds. Beyond 2 seconds a “time out” message is sent. Command J : Inactivate the error-messages of a missing variable or a missing incremented variable. No parameters. According to your needs it can be useful to transfer a variable which is not present in the file. In this case, if this function is activated, the pattern is taken into account, but the variable is ignored. Page 63/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : Command M : Transfer a completed text ( MULTI4 V2) This command replaces the “Command F” of MULTI4 V1 The syntax remains the same but some parameters were added : [CR] M X Y Height Comp Radius Angle D F Z Z Z Z S I A Text start coordinate of marking on the X axis (-9999 to +9999 in tenth of mm). Y : start coordinate of marking on the Y axis (-9999 to +9999 in tenth of mm). Height : Height of characters (from 0 to 999 in tenth of mm). Comp : compression of characters (50 to 200 %). Radius : Radius of the circle on which the marking is positioned (-9999 to +9999 in tenth of mm). Angle : if Radius=0, then Angle corresponds to the gradient of the marking angle. If not, Angle corresponds to the starting angle of the circular marking. D : depth of the marking (0 = no impact, to 9 = strong impact). F : font (No1 to No9). ZZZZ : start coordinate of marking on the Z axis (-9999 to +9999 in tenth of mm). S : space between characters, from 0 to 9 ( cf inter-character spacing) I : italic angle, from 1 to 9 ( cf italic marking) A : justification Text : to be marked. With a logo (or picture), send the name of the logo in the text, preceded by the ASCII code [ LF ] and followed by the ASCII code [ FF ]. X : In one frame several orders can be combined. You can send a marking sequence with the value of a variable and the starting order, both in a single order. 14.2.2 Examples • • You can select the file " FILE " and load the value " TEST " in the variable " VAR ", and start the marking cycle : « [STX]AFILE[CR]BVAR=TEST[CR]D[CR][ETX] » You can transfer the variable « VAR » with communication check out by CheckSum : « [STX]BVAR=TESTV[CR]E[CR][ETX]v ». “v” corresponds to the ASCII 118 code, resulting from an EXCLUSIVE OR of all codes present in the pattern. Page 64/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 14.2.3 Special characters Special characters may be used inside the protocol, for variables and/or text; the following table give the values to use : Decimal 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 Octal 176 177 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 Character Diameter Degree «Ą» «Á» «Ä» «ą» «á» «ä» «â» «ß» «Ć» «Č» «Ç» «ć» «č» «ç» «Ď» «ď» «É» «Ę» «Ě» «é» «ę» «ě» «è» «ê» Decimal 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 Octal 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 260 261 Character «ë» «ĺ» «í» «î» «ï» «Ł» «ł» «Ľ» «Ń» «Ň» «Ñ» «ń» «ň» «ñ» «Ó» «Ö» «ó» «ö» «ô» «Ř» «ř» «Ś» «Š» «ś» «š» «Ť» Decimal 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 Octal 262 263 264 265 266 267 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 310 311 312 313 314 315 Character «ť» «Ů» «Ú» «Ü» «ů» «ú» «ü» «ù» «û» «Ý» «ý» «Ź» «Ž» «ś» «ź» «ž» «Ŝ» «Å» «å» «Ø» «ø» «Ã» «ã» «Õ» «õ» «à» «Æ» «æ» No special character must be used for Data matrix encoding, neither while using the OCRA font. In these cases, if such special characters are present inside the text or variables , they are automatically replaced by the standard needed characters. Page 65/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 15 COMMUNICATION USING INPUTS /OUTPUTS ( Licence Required) The MULTI4 V2 is standard fitted with 1 connector of 2 inputs and 3 outputs. Standard I/O connector You can use this I/O connection to synchronize the control box with an external equipment (automat or PC). INPUTS DESCRIPTION (DIN 8 pts) Start-cycle 8 Stop cycle 3 Input common 2 System ready OUTPUTS WIRING Marking in progress error Output common 6 7 1 4 Caution : this mode is available only if the TechnoIO Licence is active. Page 66/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : Examples : • Connection of a Start / Stop switch : Start button : (Normally Open contact) connected to 8 and 2 Stop button : (Normally Open contact) connected to 3 and 2 • Input/Output linked to a PLC using external 24V signals : Technomark MULTI4 V2 OUTPUTS INPUTS Start cycle 8 2 Stop marking 3 2 System ready 6 Marking in progress 7 Fault 1 4 Common +24V from external PLC Automat Start Automat In1 Automat In2 Automat In3 Stop For more details, see chronograms in the annexe section Page 67/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 16 MAINTENANCE Maintenance operations on your MULTI4 V2 marking equipment are very simple. The parts that mostly require attention are the active parts of the marking head. (see ANNEXE 1) It is necessary to lubricate the stylus (Fig 2) to keep it clean and to prevent it from guide jamming (Fig 4). In case of dust or shavings in the environment of the marking head the stylus could have difficulties to slide smoothly in the guide. It can reduce marking quality. The frequency of lubrication and maintenance operations depend on the conditions in which the marking machine is used (workshop environment, quantity of marking carried out, and marking depth, etc…). As • • • an indication : Very heavy use (>10 000 characters/day) : daily Heavy use (about 4000 characters/day) : twice per week Light use (<1000 characters/day) : once per week 16.1 • • • • • • • CLEAN AND LUBRICATE THE STYLUS Loose the knurled cap. You should be able to loose it by hand (Fig 5). Separate the guide (Fig 4), the spring (Fig 3), the stylus (Fig 2) and the core (Fig 1). Clean the core, the guide and the stylus by wiping with a clean cloth. Oil a bit the guide and the stylus – the spray in the TECHNOMARK maintenance kit is perfectly suited to coat the surfaces. Reassemble the pieces in the same order as shown in the Annexe. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN the knurled cap while replacing it on the marking head. USE NO TOOLS - TIGHTEN ONLY BY HAND. 16.2 SHARPEN THE STYLUS The stylus of your MULTI4 V2 can be sharpened. The standard sharpening angle is 90° (a special aeronautical sharpening with 0.2 mm radius can be supplied in option). If impact quality gets worse and worse, it may be that the stylus is blunt or damaged. Sharpen again the stylus or replace it if necessary. The stylus is a monobloc Carbide component – use an appropriate grinder to sharpen it.* We supply also styluses with an angle of 60° and 120° Page 68/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 16.3 THE SPRING Spring quality is a very important aspect for a good marking. A worn spring will reduce the up and down movement of the stylus and impacts may be faint or even be wrong placed. Do not hesitate to change the spring if marking quality is unsatisfactory. 16.4 GENERAL MECHANICAL MAINTENANCE OF THE MARKING HEAD Besides the impact unit, no specific maintenance is required for the other mechanical parts. For a longer life of your marking machine, maintain all the guiding axes as clean as possible. To clean the guiding axes completely, place the machine upside down with stylus facing you and use a duster and/or grease remover. Make sure the AC mains power is switched off before carrying out any maintenance in order to avoid unwanted movement of any part of the marking head. Cleaning frequency depends on the use of the equipment. A visual check is enough to see if it is necessary to clean it or not. Some indications for the cleaning rhythm : • Very dusty or dirty environment : clean daily to once a week • Normal working environment : clean monthly • Clean and non dusty environment : clean twice a year SEE APPENDIX FOR THE DETAILS OF PARTS TO BE CLEANED. (Parts indicated by A) 16.5 CONTROL BOX MAINTENANCE No specific actions needed for the maintenance of the control box. Page 69/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 16.6 FUSE REPLACEMENT If necessary, replace the fuse located on the left side of your control box. Always use the same type of fuse : 2,5A temporised, 5x20 mm. Replacement of the fuse : • • • • • Disconnect the power supply cord from the control box. Right above the On/Off switch, push in the fuse holder, turn it counter-clockwise and pull it out. No tools are required for this operation. Check the fuse and replace it if necessary. Replace the fuse holder by pushing it into its position and turn it clockwise to lock it. Connect the AC mains power supply cord to the control box again. Page 70/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 17 TROUBLESHOOTING Refer to the Troubleshooting table below to identify your problem, its possible cause and its corrective action. If you do not solve the problem, please contact the TECHNOMARK after sales service or your local distributor for further investigations. PROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTION Control box display do not work. The control box is not powered. Check the power supply of the control box. Check the On/Off switch position. Check the mains power fuse. Marking head does not initialise and display is working. The marking head is not well connected. Check if the marking head is connected to the control box and the connector correctly locked. Check if there is no broken pin in the connector. Check if the marking head cable is not damaged. The home detection card is out of order. Check if the 2 LED lights on the card are lighted when impact unit is out of home position. If not, replace the detection card. Check if each LED switches off when you place a small screwdriver in the detector. If not, check the soldering on the card and solder it again if necessary. If not, replace the detection card. The control box is out of order. The stylus may be excessively worn. Change the control box. The stylus is dirty or partially blocked. Clean and lubricate the stylus. The spring is worn. Change the stylus spring. Impact depth is insufficient or not constant. Page 71/83 Sharpen the stylus or replace it. Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : TROUBLESHOOTING (CONTINUED) There is no impact. The solenoid cable is damaged. Check if the yellow cable in front of the solenoid is not broken. The impact unit is badly fixed. Check if the impact unit is well placed and tightened. If not, position it correctly (concentric with its support) and screw the 2 lateral screws. Check if the stylus slides in the guide. If not, clean it and lubricate it. Check if the marking head is connected to the control box and the connector correctly locked. The stylus is blocked. The impact unit is not moving or makes noise while starting a marking cycle. Marking quality is poor and characters are not clear. The control box do not communicate with the marking head. The marking head is stiff. Clean the guiding axes as explained in the instruction manual. A misalignment of the guiding axes makes movement stiff. Realign the long X axis by unscrewing a quarter turn the bronze gear screw and tighten it again after having checked that the X and Y axis are perpendicular. The marking head is dirty. Clean the marking head with standard degreaser and check that there is no dirt in the teeth of the racks and pinions. Increase the character height or decrease the marking depth or reduce the distance between the stylus and the piece. The depth is too strong according to the character height. The marking speed is too high. Reduce the marking speed in general parameters. The spring is worn. Replace the spring by a new one. The piece to be marked Make sure that the piece to be moves or vibrates during the marked is correctly fixed. marking. Page 72/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 18 ANNEXES Page 73/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 18.1 I/O CHRONOGRAM Waiting for « start-cycle » Close Start-cycle Marking cycle This impulsion is not taken into account if the system is not yet ready to start a new cycle Return to origin « startcycle » lead time Marking cycle pin 8/2 t Open Close System ready pin 6 / 4 t Open Close Marking pin 7 / 4 Open t Last dot marked Page 74/83 Origin point reached again Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 18.2 ASCII CODES BIT Number 0 0 0 0 0 0 b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 COLUMN 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DLE SP 0 @ P ‘ p LINE 0 0 0 0 0 NUL 0 0 0 1 1 SOH DC1 ! 1 A Q a q 0 0 1 0 2 STX DC2 ” 2 B R b r 0 0 1 1 3 ETX DC3 # 3 C S c s 0 1 0 0 4 EOT DC4 $ 4 D T d t 0 1 0 1 5 ENQ NAK % 5 E U e u 0 1 1 0 6 ACK SYN & 6 F V f v 0 1 1 1 7 BEL ETB ‘ 7 G W g w 1 0 0 0 8 BS CAN ( 8 H X h x 1 0 0 1 9 HT EM ) 9 I Y i y 1 0 1 0 A LF SUB * : J Z j z 1 0 1 1 B VT ESC + ; K [ k { 1 1 0 0 C FF FS , < L l | 1 1 0 1 D CR GS - = M ] m } 1 1 1 0 E SO RS . > N ^ n ~ 1 1 1 1 F SI US / ? O _ o DEL Wiring of serial port : Multi4 Side Sub D 9 pts Pin 3 (Rxd) Pin 2 (Txd) Pin 5 (Gnd) Master ( PC) Side Txd Rxd Gnd Standard communication settings: • • • • 9600 bauds, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, No parity. Page 75/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 18.3 COMPLETE ASCII CODES TABLE Page 76/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 18.4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 18.4.1 NORMAL CONDITION FOR USE • • • • Power : 90-240 Vac, 50-60 Hz, 250 V.A Temperature : 0 – 50 °C Hygrometry : 0 – 90% Electro-Magnetic Compatibility ( C.E.M) o Immunity : • NF EN • NF EN • NF EN • NF EN o Emmissivity : • NF EN • NF EN • NF EN • NF EN 61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharges 61000-4-3 Magnetic Fields 61000-4-4 Pulsed transitions 61000-4-11 Breaks of power 61000-6-4 Outputting Emissive mode 61000-3-2 Harmonic current <16 A ( A Class ) 55022 A Class (conductive mode 55022 A Class (radiative mode ) Your MULTI4 V2 is declared conform, and the report/ratio of conformity can be delivered on written request. Page 77/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 18.4.2 TEMPERATURE CURVES Please find temperature curves including : ambient, front face, rear face, handle and Stylus temperatures. The duty ratio is the ratio in percentage between the marking time and the total time of use without marking. Tests conditions : 10 characters, X = 60mm, Y = 40mm, Max Depth, Font 5x7, Height = 5mm, fixed cycle time = 12 seconds. 220V mains power : Ambient 20°C, 220V Ambient 25°C, 220V Internal Front Rear 0 Top duty ratio 20 % 10 0% 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % Front 50 40 % Handle Internal 100 60 % °C Top Stylus 10 0% 150 Rear 80 % 100 80 60 40 20 0 Stylus duty ratio Ambient 30°C, 220V Ambient 35°C, 220V Internal °C 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Front Rear Top Internal °C 150 Front Rear 100 Top 50 Handle Handle 0 duty ratio 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % Stylus 10 0% 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 10 0% Stylus duty ratio Ambient 40°C, 220V Ambient 45°C, 220V Internal °C 150 Front Internal °C 150 Front Rear 100 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 0 Rear 100 Top 50 10 0% Handle Handle 50 Stylus 0 Top Handle Stylus 80% 60% 40% duty ratio duty ratio Page 78/83 20% Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 110V mains power : Ambient 20°, 110V Ambient 25°C, 110V Internal Internal 100 80 60 40 20 0 Front Rear Top 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 10 0% Handle °C 100 80 60 40 20 0 Stylus Front Rear Top Handle Stylus 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% duty ratio duty ratio Ambient 30°C, 110V °C 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Ambient 35°C, 110V Internal Front Rear Top Internal °C 150 Front Rear 100 Top 50 Handle Handle 0 Stylus 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % Stylus 10 0% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% duty ratio duty ratio Ambient 40°C, 110V Ambient 45°C, 110V Internal Front 150 Internal 100 Rear Front Rear 100 Top 50 20 % 40 % 60 % 80 % 0 10 0% °C 150 Handle 50 Stylus 0 Top Handle Stylus 80% duty ratio 60% 40% duty ratio Page 79/83 20% Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 18.4.3 BATTERY PACK (OPTION) Never connect or disconnect the battery pack when the electronic control box is connected to the mains power supply. MULTI4 V2 batteries have a life time of about 250 full cycles of charge/discharge. MULTI4 V2 batteries (NimH) must be disconnected from the external charger or the marking machine if you don’t use the battery pack for more than one month. At the first use of the battery pack please run a minimum of 4 to 5 full charge/discharge cycles to obtain maximum power and life time. The battery pack is protected against over temperature us (55°C) and shortcuts. BATTERY PACK SPECIFICATIONS o o o o 20 elements NiMH, 3AH, 29 V Maximum internal temperature : 50°C Time of charging with the integrated charger : 4 hours (without marking cycles) Consumption on battery mode : • without marking cycle : 0.4A • during marking cycles ( maximum depth ) : 7.8A Electric endurance : o o o 7 hours in sleeping mode, 4 hours while marking every minute 10 characters at maximum depth 1 hour while marking every 10 seconds 10 characters at maximum depth Page 80/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : 18.4.4 FONT DEFINITION Simple Font No1 5 x 7 pts Double Font No 2 9 x 13 pts Dense Fonts from No 3 to No 9 Font Font Font Font Font Font Font No No No No No No No 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : : : : : : : a a a a a a a point point point point point point point every every every every every every every Page 81/83 10/100e mm 15/100e mm 20/100e mm 25/100e mm 30/100e mm 35/100e mm 40/100e mm Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : APPENDIX 1 18.4.5 IMPACT UNIT ASSEMBLY Fig 1 Fig 2 Fig 3 Fig 4 Fig 5 Fig 7 Fig 6 Do not overtighten the knurled cap while replacing (hand tightening only) Page 82/83 Parc d’Activités STELYTEC 42 400 SAINT-CHAMOND France Tel. : +33 (0)4 77 22 25 91 Fax : +33 (0)4 77 22 38 93 web : APPENDIX 2 18.4.6 UNDERSIDE VIEW OF THE MULTI4 MARKING HEAD A – Parts to keep clean Underside view of the Multi4 marking head Page 83/83
- Переносной аппарат MULTI 4 V3 200 идеально подходит для нанесения VIN номеров на раме автомобиля, шильдиков, труб, нанесения QR кода;
- Крепкий и надёжный промышленный аппарат, простой в использовании;
- Не требует расходных материалов, подачи сжатого воздуха и подключения к ПК;
- Память на 40 Мб., в наличии имеется USB порт;
- MULTI 4 V3 гарантирует «вечную» маркировку на любых типах поверхностей.
Рекомендации по применению:
- Идеально подходит для маркировки 2D матричных кодов, запасных частей автомобиля и металлопроката;
- Используется на автомобильных заводах для нанесения вин номеров на кузов автомобилей;
- Доступно большое количество опций.
Характеристики контроллера MULTI 4
- Цветной экран высокого разрешения (640х480 px) с графической навигацией;
- Технология интеллектуального управления маркировкой ID!*;
- Порт RS 232 (3 ввода / 3 вывода);
- 2 USB-порта для экспорта и импорта текстов и логотипов;
- Функция EASY SHIFT позволяет показывать предварительное расположение наносимой информации в окне маркировки;
- Встроенное ПО поддерживает 21 язык, в том числе и русский;
- Эргономичная конструкция (опорная стойка и рукоятка для переноса);
- 40 Мб памяти позволяют сохранять до 20 000 файлов с информацией для маркировки;
- Обновление программного обеспечения через USB-порт меньше, чем за две минуты;
- Режимы маркировки: текст, переменные, серийные номера, дата, время, логотипы и 2D-коды;
- Маркировка по прямой, под углом, по окружности, на неровных поверхностях;
- Габариты контроллера (ДхШхВ): 370х215х139 мм;
- Вес: 3,7 кг (с кабелем питания).
* ТЕХНОЛОГИЯ ID! | Описание | Образец маркировки |
За счет технологии интеллектуального управления маркировкой ID!, качество нанесения маркировки не зависит от разницы в высоте детали (может обрабатывать как плоскую, так и цилиндрическую) и пуансона. Высота автоматически определяется программным обеспечением. |
(1) Маркировка с IDI (2) Маркировка без IDI |
Описание опций:
Большое количество опций и аксессуаров MULTI 4 V3 200 позволит Вам максимально оптимизировать процесс маркировки на Вашем производстве.
Стандартная поворотная ось D
Усиленная поворотная ось D
Автоподатчик шильдиков
Электрический привод по оси Z (3-я ось)
Инструмент для маркировки торцов цилиндров
Держатель шильдиков
Поддержка деталей
Транспортная тележка
ЗИПКОМПЛЕКТ(1 пуансон 90°, 1 пружина, Смазка 250 мл)
Ремкомплект MULTI 4 V3
Аккумуляторный комплект V3
Аккумулятор V3
Шторки для защиты от грязи и пыли — тип 50, тип 120, тип 200
Электромагнитный прижим для — 50, 120, 200
Кнопка Запуска/Остановки с трёхметровым кабелем
Ось вращения D для круговой маркировки
цилиндрических поверхностей весом до 3 кг и 10 кг
Беспроводной считыватель 2D матричных кодов для
Сканер для чтения кода
Сканер icReader C-1(портативное считывающее
устройство для декодирования меток)
Неодимовый магнит 16×20 мм для держателя шильдиков
Французские маркираторы TECHNOmark уже более 10 лет используются в индустрии ПМД (прямой маркировки деталей). Эти устройства используются по всему миру в металлургии, аэрокосмонавтике, оборонной индустрии, автомобилестроении, при производстве медицинских инструментов и в атомной энергетике.
MULTI4 — это первый модульный ударно-точечный маркиратор. Он выпускается в 4 исполнениях, каждое из которых подходит для определенных условий. А благодаря общей концепции 4 в 1 MULTI4 становится универсальным ударно-точечным маркиратором, одинаково подходящим для любых маркировочных работ.
Четкость. Обеспечивается экраном с высоким разрешением (640 * 480 пикселов), графической навигацией и цветным изображением.
Эргономичность. Опорная стойка, пульт ДУ. При необходимости можно заказать модель с одной или двумя рукоятками.
Удобство эксплуатации. Минималистичный и понятный графический интерфейс с поддержкой 21 языка, интуитивно понятная навигация, наличие специальных функций («вырезать/вставить», масштабирования и тестов).
Расширенная база данных. Объем запоминающего устройства позволяет запоминать множество заданий для маркировки. Также маркиратор может быть оснащен портами Ethernet, 2*USB (host и порт устройства), портами ввода/вывода стандарта RS232 и последовательным портом.
Для точной маркировки неровных и изогнутых поверхностей в MULTI4 встроена уникальная функция интеллектуального управления ударом IDI, благодаря которой качество маркировки больше не зависит от ровности поверхности металла. Эта особенность маркираторов TECHNOmark MULTI4 обеспечивается автоматическим контроллером высоты пуансона.
Контроль MULTI4 осуществляется в режиме реального времени. IDI анализирует степень износа пуансона и потребность в ремонте. Погрешности считывания также контролируются автоматически методикой диагностики с 5 реперными точками.
Электромагнитная ударно-точечная маркировка
Данная технология заключается в маркировке детали путем нанесения отдельных сферических углублений (точек) в материал детали. Маркировка производится карбидным пуансоном. Такой способ идеально подходит для маркировки изделий из большинства материалов с твердостью до 65 по Роквеллу.
Технология прочерчивания позволяет маркировать детали при помощи карбидного или алмазного пуансона, который наносит марки непрерывно линией. Способ этот применяют для нанесения декоративных узоров или обработки твердых поверхностей. Шум в процессе маркировки не превышает 72 дБ.
Стационарный Для деталей небольших размеров |
Портативный Для больших и неподъемных деталей |
Комбинированный Для удобства маркировки маленьких и больших деталей |
Встраиваемый Для интеграции в производственную линию |
Область применения — Изготовление шильдиков, нанесение серийного номера на небольшие детали из металла.
Технические характеристики (MULTI4 200):
Маркировка | ||
Маркировочное окно | 200 * 400 мм | |
Пуансон | Карбидно-вольфрамовый пуансон. Угол заточки: 90 гр / 60 гр / 120 гр. |
Маркировочные функции |
Режимы маркировки | Переменные, текст, серийные номера, кодовые наборы, 2D-коды. Маркировка по прямой, по радиусу, под углом, по окружности. |
Параметры маркиратора | ||
Маркировочная головка | Стойка / колонна | |
Длина | 295 мм | 412 мм |
Ширина | 144 мм | 310 мм |
Высота | 226 мм | 656 мм |
Вес | 3,7 кг с кабелем | 18 кг |
Д*Ш*В контроллера | 370 * 215 * 139 мм | |
Количество осей | 4 (+1 опционально) | |
Электропитание и условия эксплуатации | ||
Энергопотребление | 250 Вт | |
Частота | 50 / 60 Гц | |
Входная мощность | 90 — 240 VAC | |
Рабочая температура | от 0 гр C до +45 гр C | |
Стандарты | ||
2006/42/CE «machines» directive; 2004/108/CE «CEM» directive; 2006/95/CE «low voltage» directive; FCC Chapter 15 directive |
Область применения — Макировка цилиндрической детали из бронзы, многострочная радиальная маркировка.
Технические характеристики (MULTI4 50):
Маркировка | |
Маркировочное окно | 50 * 60 мм |
Пуансон | Карбидно-вольфрамовый пуансон. Угол заточки: 90 гр / 60 гр / 120 гр. |
Маркировочные функции |
Режимы маркировки | Переменные, текст, серийные номера, кодовые наборы, 2D-коды, логотипы. Маркировка по прямой, по радиусу, под углом, по окружности. |
Параметры маркиратора | |
Маркировочная головка | |
Длина | 145 мм |
Ширина | 266 мм |
Высота | 226 мм |
Вес | 4,2 кг головка / 3,7 кг контроллер с кабелем / 4,9 кг контроллер с аккумулятором |
Д*Ш*В контроллера | 370 * 215 * 139 мм |
Электропитание и условия эксплуатации | |
Энергопотребление | 250 Вт |
Частота | 50 / 60 Гц |
Входная мощность | 90 — 240 VAC |
Рабочая температура | от 0 гр C до +45 гр C |
Стандарты | |
2006/42/CE «machines» directive; 2004/108/CE «CEM» directive; 2006/95/CE «low voltage» directive; FCC Chapter 15 directive |
Область применения — Маркировка серийного номера и логотипа, нанесение матричных кодов.
Технические характеристики (MULTI4 120):
Маркировка | ||
Маркировочное окно | 120 * 60 мм | |
Пуансон | Карбидно-вольфрамовый пуансон. Угол заточки: 90 гр / 60 гр / 120 гр. |
Маркировочные функции |
Режимы маркировки | Переменные, текст, логотипы, серийные номера, кодовые наборы, 2D-коды. Маркировка по прямой, по радиусу, под углом, по окружности. |
Параметры маркиратора | ||
Маркировочная головка | Стойка / колонна | |
Длина | 215 мм | 412 мм |
Ширина | 266 мм | 310 мм |
Высота | 226 мм | 656 мм |
Вес | 3,8 кг с кабелем | 18 кг |
Д*Ш*В контроллера | 370 * 215 * 139 мм | |
Количество осей | 4 (+1 опционально) | |
Электропитание и условия эксплуатации | ||
Энергопотребление | 250 Вт | |
Частота | 50 / 60 Гц | |
Входная мощность | 90 — 240 VAC | |
Рабочая температура | от 0 гр C до +45 гр C | |
Стандарты | ||
2006/42/CE «machines» directive; 2004/108/CE «CEM» directive; 2006/95/CE «low voltage» directive; FCC Chapter 15 directive |
Область применения — Маркировка стандартного шрифта OCR-A по стали, маркировка QR-кодов.
Технические характеристики (MULTI4 50):
Маркировка | |
Маркировочное окно | 50 * 60 мм |
Пуансон | Карбидно-вольфрамовый пуансон. Угол заточки: 90 гр / 60 гр / 120 гр. |
Маркировочные функции |
Режимы маркировки | Переменные, текст, серийные номера, логотипы, кодовые наборы, 2D-коды. Маркировка по прямой, по радиусу, под углом, по окружности. |
Параметры маркиратора | |
Маркировочная головка | |
Длина | 145 мм |
Ширина | 266 мм |
Высота | 226 мм |
Вес | 4,2 кг головка / 3,7 кг контроллер с кабелем |
Д*Ш*В контроллера | 370 * 215 * 139 мм |
Количество осей | 3 (+1 опционально) |
Электропитание и условия эксплуатации | |
Энергопотребление | 250 Вт |
Частота | 50 / 60 Гц |
Входная мощность | 90 — 240 VAC |
Рабочая температура | от 0 гр C до +45 гр C |
Стандарты | |
2006/42/CE «machines» directive; 2004/108/CE «CEM» directive; 2006/95/CE «low voltage» directive; FCC Chapter 15 directive |
Стандартная поворотная ось D;
Усиленная поворотная ось D;
Электрический привод по оси Z;
Инструмент для маркировки торцов прутков;
Автоподатчик шильдиков;
Держатель шильдиков;
Поддержка деталей;
Для проведения множества торговых операций требуется наличие на каждой единице товара информации о производителе, дате изготовления или технических данных о размере, предельном давлении, температуре и т.п. Поэтому для выполнения этой, иногда довольно непростой операции, требуется специальное маркировочное оборудование, которое обеспечит не только наилучший уровень прочтения, но и необходимую долговечность нанесенной маркировки.
Кроме этого, разнообразие применяемых материалов и необходимость нанесения информации на криволинейные поверхности усложняют процесс маркирования изделий. Решать такие задачи на вашем предприятии помогут промышленные маркираторы серии Technomark Multi 4 – универсальное оборудование для маркировки на любом материале.
Technomark — залог качества
Французская компания Technomark занимается разработкой и изготовлением оборудования для качественной ударно-точечной маркировки изделий уже более 15-ти лет. Ее специалисты разработали, запатентовали и наладили выпуск первого в мире модульного оборудования для нанесения информации на ровные и изогнутые поверхности методом микроточечной ударной маркировки с использованием технологии интеллектуального управления ударом.
Универсальные маркираторы
Серия оборудования Multi 4 создана специально для нанесения маркировки на любые типы поверхности путем идентификации и отслеживания отдельных деталей. Работой устройства управляет электронный цифровой контроллер, который дает необходимые команды на механическую головку. При этом предусмотрено простое и быстрое изменение рабочих опций оборудования и замена рабочей печатающей головки.
Модульная система промышленной маркировки Multi 4 предлагается компанией Technomark в 4-х вариантах исполнения:
- стационарный;
- встраиваемый в производственную линию;
- комбинированный;
- портативный.
Портативные конструкции очень удобны при обслуживании крупногабаритных изделий или оборудования выпускаемого вне условий конвейерного производства. Сегодня это единственный в мире промышленный маркиратор модульного типа, который способен автоматически решать задачи отслеживания деталей и нанесения необходимой информации на любые поверхности различных размеров и конфигураций.
Программное обеспечение и дополнительные опции
Для управления с помощью компьютера маркиратором компания Technomark в качестве опций поставляет следующее программное обеспечение:
- TechnoSAVE, для обмена данными между маркиратором и компьютером и их сохранения;
- TechnoMATRIX, для создания 2D-матричных кодов;
- TechnoPROD, для отметки отдельных событий и момента завершения изготовления изделия;
- TechnoWINDOWS, для возможности управления через операционную систему Windows;
- TechnoLOG, для разработки и нанесения логотипов компании.
Русифицированный интерфейс делает работу на маркировочном оборудовании простой и удобной, не требуя специального обучения работников. Кроме того, расширение технических возможностей Technomark Multi 4 обеспечивается через использование около 40 дополнительных опций, в состав которых входят:
- автоматическая подача шильдов;
- наборы пластинодержателей;
- оборудование для портативной маркировки;
- ножное управление через педаль;
- устройство для считывания штрихкодов и др.
Сегодня можно сказать, что разработка и появление на рынке промышленных маркираторов Multi 4 — это новый эволюционный шаг в вопросе нанесения информации на поверхность деталей и готовых изделий. Именно поэтому компания Technomark уверенно заняла лидирующую позицию в этом сегменте промышленного оборудования.
Переносной ударно-точечный маркиратор MULTI 4 V3 50
MULTI 4 V3 50 — переносной ударно-точечный маркировочный аппарат для промышленной маркировки изделий из различных материалов, от пластмассы до стали с твердостью 65 HRc;
Аппарат способен маркировать поверхность с искривлением до 30 градусов благодаря запатентованной технологии IDI — (интеллектуальное управление ударом);
Можно нанести цифры, буквы, логотипы, специальные символы и матричные коды на крупногабаритные детали, а также в труднодоступных местах;
Наши клиенты прежде всего ценят MULTI 4 за надёжность, автономность (опция аккумулятора), за простоту и удобство в использовании;
Интуитивное русифицированное меню контроллера, оснащенное цветным дисплеем (640х480 пикселей), наличие USB порта, память на 40 Мб.
Основные характеристики
Поставщик |
Страна-производитель |
Франция |
Артикул |
NMP0-PE50 |
Тип привода |
Электромагнитный |
Тип |
Компактный |
Исполнение |
Портативный |
Маркировочное окно |
50 x 60 мм |
Температура эксплуатации |
от 0 до +45 °С |
Параметры подключения
Электропитание |
220/50 В/Гц |
Потребляемая мощность |
0,25 кВт |
LOGpro программа для создания логотипов (лицензии для компьютера и контроллера)
LOGpro дополнительная лицензии для компьютера
LOGpro дополнительная лицензии для контроллера маркиратора
TechnoSAVE программа сохранения файлов на компьютер
TechnoPROD программа учёта использования маркиратора
TechnoMATRIX программа создания и маркировки 2D и QR кодов
TechnoWINDOWS программа для управления маркиратором с компьютера
TechnoEXCEL программа для создания маркировок через Excel формат
Накопитель USB
Плата для подключения ETHERNET опции
Ремкомплект MULTI 4 V3
ЗИПКОМПЛЕКТ(1 пуансон 90°, 1 пружина, Смазка 250 мл)
Стандартный пуансон 60 мм 90 градусов, TKF 053A-60
Стандартный пуансон 60мм на 60 градусов
Транспортная тележка
Кабель длиной 5 метров, вместо 3 метров
Кабель длиной 10 метров, вместо 3 метров
Дополнительная рукоятка маркировочной головки
Электромагнитный прижим для 50
Крюк для подвешивания головки маркиратора
Защитные шторки для защиты от грязи и пыли, тип 50
Инструмент для маркировки торцов прудков 50
Аккумуляторный комплект V3
Внешнее зарядное устроиство аккумулятора V3
Аккумулятор V3
Считыватель штрих кодов (Male/Female)
Считыватель 2D матричных кодов — USB или RS232 — 8050X без кабеля
Рекомендации по применению:
Маркиратор идеально подходит для маркировки деталей различных форм и поверхностей, в том числе для маркировки труб;
Позволяет создавать и наносить на заготовку 2D-матричные коды.
Характеристики контроллера MULTI 4
522 254 р.
Наш адрес
Адрес: г. Краснодар, п. Победитель, ул. Евдокимовская