Telegram ext dispatcher error no error handlers are registered logging exception

telegram.ext.dispatcher — ERROR — No error handlers are registered, logging exception. Traceback (most recent call last) #65 Comments Hi, I just install the Telegram Bot on my Debian 10 VPS with Python 3.9.4 but I get this error: I have also tried with Python 3.7 (which is the default in Debian 10) without chance. […]


  1. telegram.ext.dispatcher — ERROR — No error handlers are registered, logging exception. Traceback (most recent call last) #65
  3. No error handlers are registered, logging exception. #2931
  5. Issue I am facing
  6. Traceback to the issue
  7. Related part of your code
  8. Operating System
  9. Version of Python, python-telegram-bot & dependencies
  10. telegram.ext.dispatcher — ERROR — No error handlers are registered, logging exception. Traceback (most recent call last) about btb-manager-telegram HOT 6 CLOSED
  11. Comments (6)
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  28. Как я могу обработать KeyError в Python для моего примера
  29. 1 ответ
  30. telegram.ext.dispatcher — ERROR — No error handlers are registered, logging exception. Traceback (most recent call last) about btb-manager-telegram HOT 6 CLOSED
  31. Comments (6)
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telegram.ext.dispatcher — ERROR — No error handlers are registered, logging exception. Traceback (most recent call last) #65

Hi, I just install the Telegram Bot on my Debian 10 VPS with Python 3.9.4 but I get this error:

I have also tried with Python 3.7 (which is the default in Debian 10) without chance. What I do wrong?
Thanks for any advice.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Hi @d4kr !
Did you install all dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file? Make sure those modules are updated to the specified version.

This is the first time this problem has been reported but it seems like it has something to do with your python-telegram-bot dependency installation.

Could you also specify when you get this error? Can you provide some steps to replicate the issue?
Grazie 😄

What I did was to create a venv for python 3.7 and one for python 3.9 (installed from source). Install the dependencies from requirements.txt (I checked them all and they are there) and run the BOT.

binance-trade-bot and BTB-manager-telegram are at the same level of my home. In binance-trade-bot I have configured apprise.yml and in fact I receive the messages of the transactions made by the bot. However, if I try to start the bot with /start I get this error.

I got the same error with and without screen at boot.

I can try to recreate the channel in Telegram and see if the error changes?
Grazie a te 🙂

Actually seems like the probelm has something to do with a message which is not a valid markdown string being generated.
Could you provide the program’s output before the error message?
Can you try running it outiside of a venv ?


No error handlers are registered, logging exception. #2931

Issue I am facing

I’ve got confused. could you please help and let me know what is the problem?

Traceback to the issue

Operating System

Version of Python, python-telegram-bot & dependencies

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

This is a perfect example why you should always take 3rd party tutorials for anything with a grain of salt. The authors of those often don’t update them when there is an update to the library they cover.
If you look at any of the examples we provide, you would not have ended up with def start_handler(bot, update): , which is depreciated since 2 1/2 years now.
Replace it with def start_handler(update, context): and you are good to go.

Hi. This is a perfect example why you should always take 3rd party tutorials for anything with a grain of salt. The authors of those often don’t update them when there is an update to the library they cover. If you look at any of the examples we provide, you would not have ended up with def start_handler(bot, update): , which is depreciated since 2 1/2 years now. Replace it with def start_handler(update, context): and you are good to go.

Dear Poolitzer;
tnx a million, I have done as you guided.
but another issue arose as follows:
raise NetworkError(f’urllib3 HTTPError ‘) from error
telegram.error.NetworkError: urllib3 HTTPError HTTPSConnectionPool(host=’’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /bot5098406595:AAHnKw-W-_SqlrYIXcKtreesCyiI8yrIrnM/getMe (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError( , ‘Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=5.0)’))

I have not got the idea what would it mean. I have flushed my DNS, changed it to a lower time DNS and even used a vpn. But I get the «connection time-out» message.
would you kindly please let me know what shall I do then?

First of all, you need to revoke your bot token because you just posted it here.


telegram.ext.dispatcher — ERROR — No error handlers are registered, logging exception. Traceback (most recent call last) about btb-manager-telegram HOT 6 CLOSED

right, my display name started with an underscore. Thx

lorcalhost commented on January 15, 2023

Hi @d4kr !
Did you install all dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file? Make sure those modules are updated to the specified version.

This is the first time this problem has been reported but it seems like it has something to do with your python-telegram-bot dependency installation.

Could you also specify when you get this error? Can you provide some steps to replicate the issue?
Grazie 😄

d4kr commented on January 15, 2023

What I did was to create a venv for python 3.7 and one for python 3.9 (installed from source). Install the dependencies from requirements.txt (I checked them all and they are there) and run the BOT.

binance-trade-bot and BTB-manager-telegram are at the same level of my home. In binance-trade-bot I have configured apprise.yml and in fact I receive the messages of the transactions made by the bot. However, if I try to start the bot with /start I get this error.

I got the same error with and without screen at boot.

I can try to recreate the channel in Telegram and see if the error changes?
Grazie a te 🙂

lorcalhost commented on January 15, 2023

Actually seems like the probelm has something to do with a message which is not a valid markdown string being generated.
Could you provide the program’s output before the error message?
Can you try running it outiside of a venv ?

DmytroLitvinov commented on January 15, 2023

The problem with markdown which is tried to be sent.

telegram.error.BadRequest: Can’t parse entities: can’t find end of bold entity at byte offset 9

Probably it is cut somewhere in the text.

lorcalhost commented on January 15, 2023

@d4kr Could you please provide your Telegram display name (not username)? Does it contain any — , * or other special characters?

  • Trigger update notification only when a new tag is issued HOT 1
  • APIError(code=-2015): Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action.
  • Docker Pip Error HOT 4
  • Problem with starting the bot HOT 16
  • Save database HOT 1
  • Easy kill if using nohup. HOT 1
  • Bot doesn’t respond to commands after starting the trading bot using the telegram command HOT 17
  • script bot stats HOT 1
  • Having a dash in the version name cause the BTBMT to mess up with updates
  • Evolve reports and auto detection of deposit and withdrawal
  • main py file is missing + Maintenance is gone ? HOT 6
  • Only messages with `/` are received by the manager.
  • Next_Coin tabularize size adjustment — Cosmetic HOT 2
  • The Biance_trade_bot is not working properly with VPN, and the connection always times out HOT 1
  • Remove / replace donation links and call to actions HOT 1
  • CRITICAL — Binance Trade Bot config file cannot be found at `../binance-trade-bot/user.cfg` HOT 2
  • BTB bot crashes the trading bot if internet outage HOT 2
  • Display BTC change since the beggining
  • Question: Is fork correctly recognized when updating binance trade bot? HOT 1
  • BTB still shows that update is available, even after update HOT 2

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Как я могу обработать KeyError в Python для моего примера

Я делаю телеграмм-бота на Python и Firebase. Я застрял на KeyError:

И эта печать print(user.val()[«chat_id»]) показывает 690953230 в консоли. Это правильный идентификатор чата, который хранится в моей базе данных.

Я попытался использовать await с библиотекой asyncio для этой строки:

С async и ожиданием ошибка уходила, но код не выполнял ожидаемых действий.

Код должен делать следующее: просматривать все данные пользователей и проверять, есть ли user_chat_id уже в базе данных. Если chat_id уже находится в базе данных, значит, пользователь существует, и я работаю с его ключом таблицы. Если пользователь не существует, я создаю свою таблицу и беру его пользовательский ключ.

Я на несколько часов застреваю с этой ошибкой и не могу справиться с ней самостоятельно, пожалуйста, помогите.

Теперь я обнаружил, что если мой пользователь существует, код работает нормально. Я имею в виду, что если мой chat_id уже находится в базе данных, я не получаю никаких ошибок, если я удаляю данные im из базы данных, я получаю keyError

1 ответ

Я предлагаю вам использовать get при получении элемента из словаря; потому что в то время как dict [«key»] выдает ошибку, dict.get («key») не выдает ошибку, если ключ не существует. Я предлагаю обновить блок ошибок как:

Кроме того, вам следует провести некоторый рефакторинг, чтобы улучшить читаемость. Например, в приведенном выше блоке кода следующее присваивание выглядит избыточным:

Вы также можете извлечь проверку существования пользователя в качестве другого метода:

Затем используйте его в методе запуска как:


telegram.ext.dispatcher — ERROR — No error handlers are registered, logging exception. Traceback (most recent call last) about btb-manager-telegram HOT 6 CLOSED

right, my display name started with an underscore. Thx

lorcalhost commented on January 15, 2023

Hi @d4kr !
Did you install all dependencies listed in the requirements.txt file? Make sure those modules are updated to the specified version.

This is the first time this problem has been reported but it seems like it has something to do with your python-telegram-bot dependency installation.

Could you also specify when you get this error? Can you provide some steps to replicate the issue?
Grazie 😄

d4kr commented on January 15, 2023

What I did was to create a venv for python 3.7 and one for python 3.9 (installed from source). Install the dependencies from requirements.txt (I checked them all and they are there) and run the BOT.

binance-trade-bot and BTB-manager-telegram are at the same level of my home. In binance-trade-bot I have configured apprise.yml and in fact I receive the messages of the transactions made by the bot. However, if I try to start the bot with /start I get this error.

I got the same error with and without screen at boot.

I can try to recreate the channel in Telegram and see if the error changes?
Grazie a te 🙂

lorcalhost commented on January 15, 2023

Actually seems like the probelm has something to do with a message which is not a valid markdown string being generated.
Could you provide the program’s output before the error message?
Can you try running it outiside of a venv ?

DmytroLitvinov commented on January 15, 2023

The problem with markdown which is tried to be sent.

telegram.error.BadRequest: Can’t parse entities: can’t find end of bold entity at byte offset 9

Probably it is cut somewhere in the text.

lorcalhost commented on January 15, 2023

@d4kr Could you please provide your Telegram display name (not username)? Does it contain any — , * or other special characters?

  • Trigger update notification only when a new tag is issued HOT 1
  • APIError(code=-2015): Invalid API-key, IP, or permissions for action.
  • Docker Pip Error HOT 4
  • Problem with starting the bot HOT 16
  • Save database HOT 1
  • Easy kill if using nohup. HOT 1
  • Bot doesn’t respond to commands after starting the trading bot using the telegram command HOT 17
  • script bot stats HOT 1
  • Having a dash in the version name cause the BTBMT to mess up with updates
  • Evolve reports and auto detection of deposit and withdrawal
  • main py file is missing + Maintenance is gone ? HOT 6
  • Only messages with `/` are received by the manager.
  • Next_Coin tabularize size adjustment — Cosmetic HOT 2
  • The Biance_trade_bot is not working properly with VPN, and the connection always times out HOT 1
  • Remove / replace donation links and call to actions HOT 1
  • CRITICAL — Binance Trade Bot config file cannot be found at `../binance-trade-bot/user.cfg` HOT 2
  • BTB bot crashes the trading bot if internet outage HOT 2
  • Display BTC change since the beggining
  • Question: Is fork correctly recognized when updating binance trade bot? HOT 1
  • BTB still shows that update is available, even after update HOT 2

Recommend Projects


A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.


🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.


An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone


The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.


A PHP framework for web artisans

Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics


JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.


A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

Machine learning

Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.


Some thing interesting about visualization, use data art

Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org


We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.


Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.


Здраствуйте , получаю такую ошибку каждый раз когда пишу сообщение в канал .

telegram.ext.dispatcher - ERROR - No error handlers are registered, logging exception.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 557, in process_update
    handler.handle_update(update, self, check, context)
  File "", line 199, in handle_update
    return self.callback(update, context)
  File "C:Discord-Telegram-Bot-main", line 46, in getTgAnnouncement
    textUpdate = update.channel_post.text
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text'

ниже приведу код бота

import requests
import json
import asyncio
import os
import json
import logging
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from telegram import Update
from telegram.ext import Updater,CallbackContext,MessageHandler,Filters
from telegram.utils import helpers
from telegram.ext.dispatcher import run_async

discordToken = os.getenv('DCTOKEN')# discord bot token
telegramToken = os.getenv('TGTOKEN')# telegram bot token
discordChannelId = os.getenv('DCCID')# discord announcement channel id
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()

bot = commands.Bot(

async def sendDcAnnouncement(textUpdate,nonTextUpdate):
    announcementChannel = bot.get_channel(int(discordChannelId))
    if textUpdate != None and nonTextUpdate != None:
        await announcementChannel.send(textUpdate,file=discord.File(nonTextUpdate))
    elif textUpdate == None:
        await announcementChannel.send(file=discord.File(nonTextUpdate))
    elif nonTextUpdate == None:
        await announcementChannel.send(textUpdate)

def getTgAnnouncement(update: Update, context: CallbackContext):
    textUpdate = None
    nonTextUpdate = None
    updateType = helpers.effective_message_type(update)

    if updateType == 'text':
        textUpdate = update.channel_post.text
        textUpdate = update.channel_post.caption
        if updateType == 'photo':
            nonTextUpdate =[-1].get_file()['file_path']
        elif updateType == 'video':
            nonTextUpdate =['file_path']     
        elif updateType == 'document':
            nonTextUpdate = update.channel_post.document.get_file()['file_path']
        elif updateType == 'voice':
            nonTextUpdate = update.channel_post.voice.get_file()['file_path']

async def on_ready():
    print(f'logged in as {bot.user}')
    updater = Updater(token=telegramToken,use_context=True)
    dispatcher = updater.dispatcher
    logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',
    getTgAnnouncement_handler = MessageHandler((~Filters.command),getTgAnnouncement)

#python #python-3.x #python-telegram-bot

#python #python-3.x #python-telegram-bot


У меня такая же ошибка в коде python при запуске кода

Я пытаюсь написать telegram-бота с помощью python-telegram-bot

Это мой код :

 from telegram.ext import Updater , CommandHandler , CallbackContext
from telegram import Update
from telegram.chataction import ChatAction

#bot API
token = "*********:*************" #Im hide API

#bot commands and messages
messages_and_commands = {
    "start" : "Hello {} {} wellcome to my bot !"
def start_bot(update : Update , context : CallbackContext):
    chat_id = update.message.chat_id
    first_name =
    last_name = , action = ChatAction) , text=messages_and_commands["start"].format(first_name , last_name))

#bot to can start in the telegram
updater = Updater(token=token , use_context=True)
#set command handler
start_robot = CommandHandler('start' , start_bot)
#add dispatcher
#start polling to while start
#when i use ctrl c the bot is finish action in telegram

И это моя ошибка при запуске бота:

     No error handlers are registered, logging exception.                                                                                                                                                              
Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                                                                                                                
  File "/home/hsahfodsauhfda/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/telegram/ext/",      `line 432, in process_update`                                                                                             
    handler.handle_update(update, self, check, context)                                                                                                                                                           
  File "/home/hsahfodsauhfda/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/telegram/ext/", line `156, in handle_update`
    return self.callback(update, context)
  File "", line 16, in start_bot , action = ChatAction)
  File "<decorator-gen-20>", line 2, in send_chat_action
  File "/home/hsahfodsauhfda/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/telegram/", line 135, in `decorator`
    result = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/hsahfodsauhfda/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/telegram/", line 1880, in `send_chat_action`
    result = self._post('sendChatAction', data, timeout=timeout, api_kwargs=api_kwargs)
  File "/home/hsahfodsauhfda/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/telegram/", line 245, in `_post`
    return'{self.base_url}/{endpoint}', data=data, timeout=timeout)
  File "/home/hsahfodsauhfda/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/telegram/utils/", `line       352, in post`
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/json/", line 231, in dumps
    return _default_encoder.encode(obj)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/json/", line 199, in encode
    chunks = self.iterencode(o, _one_shot=True)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/json/", line 257, in iterencode
    return _iterencode(o, 0)
  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/json/", line 179, in default
    raise TypeError(f'Object of type {o.__class__.__name__} '
  TypeError: Object of type type is not JSON serializable

Ответ №1:

Я опробовал код, который вы вставили сюда локально. Действительно, как только я запускаю бота и вызываю обработчик «start», я получаю ту же ошибку.

Если мы внимательнее посмотрим на сообщение об ошибке, мы увидим эту строку из вашего кода: , action = ChatAction)

Согласно документам, telegram.ChatAction — это «класс, предоставляющий константы для разных действий в чате»., Следовательно, если вы хотите сослаться на ChatAction, вам нужно явно указать его, например ChatAction.TYPING .

Итак, в вашем случае, если вы используете send_chat_action функцию, подобную этой:, action=ChatAction.TYPING)

Вы не должны получать ошибку.

Дайте мне знать, если это помогло!

Всем привет! Эта статья будет обзором на одну забавную утилиту, точнее чат бота, который позволит вам проворачивать некоторые прикольные штуки в своей сети, непосредственно через Telegram.


Для использования LanGhost, нам понадобится хост в локальной сети под управлением ОС Linux, собственно бот Telegram (в сети полно информации о том, как его создать, здесь я описывать это не буду) и все.

Для начала установим LanGhost, я использую, как обычно Kali Linux, LanGhost не прожорлив, можно закинуть его и на Raspberry, чтобы он мониторил сеть и отчитывался о новых подключениях и все такое. Но я этого делать не буду.



apt-get update –y && apt-get upgrade –y && apt-get dist-upgrade



apt-get install python3 python3-pip



git clone



cd LanGhost/
ls –a


После успешной установки необходимо настроить наш чат бот.

4 шага для настройки LanGhost:

  • Указываем актуальный сетевой интерфейс.


  • Указываем API своего Telegram бота.


  • Затем, вводим полученный код в диалоге со своим ботом:



  • Указываем автозапуск при старте хоста (опционально).


Теперь, при загрузке хоста с lanGhost, бот будет рассказывать, кто и когда присоединился к вашей сети.


Перейдем к практическому использованию.


Посмотрим список доступных команд:


Полагаю, список команд не нуждается в подробном описании, кому интересно посмотреть видео использования lanGhost, на странице разработчиков на Github есть необходимые подробности:

Это здесь.

Попробуем lanGhost в работе, применив к одному из хостов атаку /replaceimg, для начала выберем нужный хост:

Если сеть больше /24, то выполнять сканирование не рекомендуется, процесс затянется надолго.



  • /replaceimg и выбираем картинку, на которую будут заменены все изображения в интернете у нашей цели:


Попробуем посерфить в интернете, на атакуемом хосте.


Работает, только если соединение не HTTPS. Чтобы прекратить атаку, достаточно ввести команду:


/stop 1  - где 1 id – атаки.

Попробуем, отрубить интернет выбранному хосту.


Интернет на целевом хосте пропал, и появился, когда мы прекращаем проведение атаки:


Остальные виды атак, предлагаю попробовать самим. На этом все, спасибо за внимание.

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