Telling steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds как исправить

Когда играю неважно на паблике или в соревновательный режим, происходит лаг как будто пропадает интернет, то есть идешь, но тебя отбрасывает назад или... | Автор: Deer_man




Сообщения: 73

Рейтинг: 16



Сообщения: 73

Рейтинг: 16

Когда играю неважно на паблике или в соревновательный режим, происходит лаг как будто пропадает интернет, то есть идешь, но тебя отбрасывает назад или телепортирует немного в другую сторону. Пинг в это время в норме как на tab, так и по net_graph 1.   

До этого играл на старом ноуте, там такой проблемы не было, но пару недель назад пересел на новый пк и появилась вот такая проблема. Появляется она примерно раз за сеанс игры (примерно час), может через 10 минут после начала, может и через 40. Сегодня заметил в консоли после такого лага сообщение: «Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds», начал гуглить и обнаружил что это давняя и довольно распространенная проблема, особенно на англоязычных сайтах. Однако решения проблемы нигде нет.  

ОС: Windows 10


Видеокарты пока нет, играю на встройке Intel UHD Graphics 630. 

Игра установлена на ssd




Сообщения: 351

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Сообщения: 351

Рейтинг: 91

Странно, игра вроде проц загружает, а не видеокарту. мб понизить настройки на минимум




Сообщения: 3928

Рейтинг: 2488



Сообщения: 3928

Рейтинг: 2488

 «Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds»,
эта строчка у всех игроков есть если че, она тут не к чему. нужно смотреть на var во время такого лага, мб проблема с инетом если вар скачет




Сообщения: 73

Рейтинг: 16



Сообщения: 73

Рейтинг: 16

япростотутзашел сказал(а):↑

 «Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds»,
эта строчка у всех игроков есть если че, она тут не к чему. нужно смотреть на var во время такого лага, мб проблема с инетом если вар скачет

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

Там все стандартно, даже красным не выделяется во время лага. 




Сообщения: 3928

Рейтинг: 2488



Сообщения: 3928

Рейтинг: 2488

Deer_man сказал(а):↑

Там все стандартно, даже красным не выделяется во время лага. 

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

а оно и не выделяется красным, не? стандартный вар у меня например 0.02-0.015, при лагах прыгает до 1-2. красным он не становится




Сообщения: 73

Рейтинг: 16



Сообщения: 73

Рейтинг: 16

япростотутзашел сказал(а):↑

а оно и не выделяется красным, не? стандартный вар у меня например 0.02-0.015, при лагах прыгает до 1-2. красным он не становится

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

В общем сыграл катку и последил за вар. Стандартно у меня держится около 0.020, иногда прыгает например до 3.861, 4.821, 5.301, но при этом у меня никаких лагов не происходит. В этой же катке у меня два раза случился такой лаг при этом вар держался в стандартных значениях и после лага в консоли всё та же надпись  
«Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds». Уж не знаю что там игра делает, вроде как клиент делает проверку на доступные обновления или что-то еще, но лаг происходит именно в этот момент. 




Сообщения: 73

Рейтинг: 16



Сообщения: 73

Рейтинг: 16

MaDy сказал(а):↑

Странно, игра вроде проц загружает, а не видеокарту. мб понизить настройки на минимум

Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть…

Снизил все настройки на минимум, то же самое. Лаг, как будто пропускается часть кадров. Кстати, все таки только в соревновательном режиме такой лаг, в обычном нет, как и сообщение «Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds» на пабликах в консоле не появляется. Не пойму еще то, что это сообщение ведь должно появляться в консоли раз в 15 минут, однако оно появляется там гораздо чаще. Облазил весь инет, решения так и нет, видимо проблема пропадает сама собой.   

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    10 Feb 2023 в 04:25




После запуска CS:GO, пользователи могут столкнуться с такой ошибкой в консоли «Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame CS:GO». Выглядит она как показано на скриншоте ниже.
Если перевести дословно ошибка звучит так: «Игре CS:GO не удалось отправить асинхронное событие бэк логов». Звучит кошмарно, но это не суть важно. Сегодня попробуем разобраться с причинами появления этого сбоя, а ниже дадим пару советов как исправить проблему самостоятельно.

Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

Скриншот с ошибкой Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame в консоли

Причины ошибки Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed

Пока данная ошибка чаще всего проявляет себя в двух случаях: проблемы с процессором и видеокартой. Наиболее часто ошибка появляется у процессоров поколения FX, например: FX 8350, FX 8320 и т.п. Тут вариантов два:

С видеокартой проблемы бывают реже – некоторым пользователям просто помогает обновление драйверов. Если на компьютере достаточно оперативной памяти и мощность процессора больше 4000гГц, можно запускать контру вообще со встроенной дискретной видеокартой. Просто попробуйте, если ошибка пропала, значит проблему будем искать в настройках графики.

Как исправить ошибку

Способ подойдет пользователям, которые разгоняли ПК или имеют на борту процессор серии FX. Если вы разгоняли процессор – это самое простое решение:

Информация для хейтеров и любителей погнаться за ФПС: да, слегка понизив частоту процессора, можно потерять несколько ФПС(5,10 кадров в секунду). Это не критично, поскольку сама по себе контра не особо требовательная игра. А для комфортной игры в онлайне будет достаточно 60,70, 80 ФПС. Даже старенькие двухъядерные процессоры с 4гб оперативной памяти и видеокартой на 1,2ГБ могут «Вывозить» достаточную частоту кадров.

Обновите все драйвера и систему Windows

Естественно на вашем ПК или ноутбуке должны стоять свежие версии абсолютно всех драйверов: в первую очередь обновляем драйвер видеокарты, далее всех остальных устройств в системе. Второе – обновляем саму систему Windows до последней версии. Не знаю, кто еще сидит на XP или 7ке, но последние годы многие пользователи установили и пересели на Windows 10. Все разработчики компьютерных игр отходят от прошлых версий операционных систем, они тестируют и оптимизируют новые игры и патчи под 10ю версию Виндовс. Плюс на неё регулярно выходят обновления, фиксы, библиотеки, улучшается совместимость с процессорами AMD и прочее. Последнее весомое обновление было в августе и сентябре 2020 года.
Зайдите в панели управления в «Центр обновления Windows» и просмотрите установлено ли у вас «Обновление функций до Windows 10, версия 2004».

Если лень было читать, вот видео по сегодняшней теме. Обязательно отпишитесь в форме комментариев под этой странице помог ли вам данный метод, все другие рабочие решения будем добавлять в эту же статью по мере нахождения.


Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. Queue depth: *number*

I am really sick of this error in the console. The *number* varies from 10000 to 1.
Everytime i get this message in the console i get drops to like 10-30 fps, sometimes going even for 0!

PC specs:
CPU: i5 4460
GPU: GTX 1060 6GB (2month old)

I want to note the following:
Before the UI update, the game was running smoothly 200-300 fps,but still had some frame drops from time to time.
I have this issue only in CS:GO, i also play Battlefield 1 with 100-200 fps with 0 drops.

Doese anyone have a solution for this?
Doese steam or developers even care? I saw alot of people having this issue.

Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

After doing some research, this issue persists ONLY in games that feature Panorama UI.

This issue isn’t a bug, but not very well optimisation on Valve. But this can be fixed.
This issue occurs because your CPU cannot keep up with processing Panorama elements. As Panorama is Javascript, HTML5, and CSS3, the common reason for this is simply because other programs are displaying elements in these three languages, such as a JS-enabled browser viewing active content, recording software, chat software, etc. Or background processes and tasks such as OS updates and AV scans.

So, for the newbies, try these:
Close any browsers
Close/disable any anti virus
Close any recording software, including Shadowplay and OBS.
Close any chat software, ESPECIALLY discord.

Try running this command in the CS:GO console: `net_maxroutable 1100`
Try also limiting your frame rate.

If none of these helped, here’s one more thing that helped many users.
This error isn’t actually an error, or is anything to be worried about. But, since it spams your console, this is where the lag comes from. Simply add this command in your config file:


Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

I went from 4,3Ghz, to 3,9 Ghz and the issue is gone.
No more 50k line spams in cs:go.

I also disabled «Save power on CPU»

DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame.
This error occured a few weeks after panorama was launched.

What is the problem?
Everytime something in the GUI or events in game or menu, FPS drops down to around 60-100.

Cause: The console is spammed with: «DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame.» Varying from 15k lines to around 4k lines.

What have been tried, without success:
1. Re-installed CS:GO
2. Removed all caches and configs.
3. Increased / Decreased Video options. (Higher options = more lines)
4. Re-installed Computer.
5. Deactivated Windows Game/DVR options.
6. Anti-virus OFF/ON.
7. Tried different resolutions.
8. Updated all drivers.
9. Tried different launch options.

With other threads on Steam and Reddit, nobody seems to have the same CPU/GPU/RAM. So it really can`t be the issue.

But, when higher video options are chosen the lines increase.
There must be some kind of GPU backlog, where the creators of panorama wanted feedback.
And for some reason, some people still get this messages, as they where a part of an beta-test.

The console commands given in other threads, will not help the performance. But only remove the text.

@steam @steamsupport @csgo @csgosupport @panorama @support @issue @bug @imnotyourfriendpal


Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1220 of 3557 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1577 of 1596 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1563 of 1585 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1543 of 1565 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1526 of 1545 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1505 of 1529 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1490 of 1512 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1469 of 1493 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1447 of 1472 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1425 of 1449 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1403 of 1427 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1380 of 1405 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1354 of 1383 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1326 of 1356 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1305 of 1335 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1279 of 1307 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1257 of 1282 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1233 of 1259 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1209 of 1235 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1184 of 1211 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1160 of 1186 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1137 of 1163 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1113 of 1139 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1091 of 1116 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1068 of 1094 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1046 of 1073 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 1021 of 1048 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 997 of 1023 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 975 of 999 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 951 of 977 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 929 of 954 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 908 of 931 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 886 of 910 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 864 of 888 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 842 of 866 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 820 of 845 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 796 of 822 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 774 of 798 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 750 of 776 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 728 of 752 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 705 of 731 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 682 of 707 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 657 of 684 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 634 of 659 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 612 of 636 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 592 of 614 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 572 of 594 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 551 of 574 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 533 of 553 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 515 of 535 remaining
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 99 of 128 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 73 of 101 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 104 of 128 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 84 of 106 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 64 of 86 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 104 of 127 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 88 of 110 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 68 of 90 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 103 of 128 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 86 of 105 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 66 of 88 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 103 of 125 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 80 of 104 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 77 of 102 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 53 of 77 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 104 of 128 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 82 of 106 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 63 of 88 remaining
Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 103 of 127 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 85 of 109 remaining
DispatchAsyncEvent backlog, failed to dispatch all this frame. 67 of 87 remaining


Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

con_filter_enable 1; con_filter_text_out «DispatchAsyncEvent backlog

This in Console solved mine, thank you.

Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

con_filter_enable 1; con_filter_text_out «DispatchAsyncEvent backlog

This in Console solved mine, thank you.

Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

same issue getting frame drops each round because of it spamming the console./

Dispatchasyncevent backlog failed to dispatch all this frame cs go что делать

con_filter_enable 1; con_filter_text_out «DispatchAsyncEvent backlog

This in Console solved mine, thank you.


Раза 2-3 за игру начинается автодисконнект,потом через секунд 5 после дисконнекта восстанавливается соединение с дотой/стимом.

В консоли постоянно пишется Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

iTelling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 224 bytes 99.998070%

CMsgEndFrame 4 160 bytes 99.999031%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 32 bytes 99.997932%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 606.36 KB 95.989815%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 264 6.19 KB 99.984238%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 1.69 KB 99.999901%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 158 220.95 KB 99.983841%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 228 60.56 KB 99.985878%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 264 6.19 KB 99.984238%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 8.03 KB 95.989815%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 4.10 KB 99.987755%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 368 bytes 99.999931%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 169 166.69 KB 99.987564%

CMsgDeletePanel 88 2.75 KB 30.708662%

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CMsgRenderFilledRect 153 145.83 KB 99.984344%

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CMsgPopClipLayer 231 5.41 KB 99.988022%

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CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 118 57.16 KB 99.986504%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 118 2.77 KB 99.986504%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 149 257.55 KB 99.989006%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 68 2.12 KB 96.184067%

CMsgDeleteTexture 148 4.62 KB 57.954544%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 48 bytes 99.987480%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 48 bytes 99.987480%


Total: 1.81 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 3.39 KB

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

Telling Steam not to update the app for the next 900 seconds

TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 2.47 KB

CL: Forcing ExecuteQueuedOperations due to entity slot re-use (589 npc_dota_ward_base_truesight)

npc_dota_ward_base Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/units/heroes/hero_windrunner/windrunner_base_attack.vpcf’ to.

npc_dota_ward_base Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/units/heroes/hero_silencer/silencer_base_attack.vpcf’ to.

npc_dota_ward_base_truesight Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/units/heroes/hero_dazzle/dazzle_base_attack.vpcf’ to.

npc_dota_ward_base Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/units/heroes/hero_dazzle/dazzle_base_attack.vpcf’ to.


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 224 bytes 99.998650%

CMsgEndFrame 4 160 bytes 99.999321%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 32 bytes 99.998650%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 258 534.14 KB 99.771088%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 157 3.68 KB 98.595963%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 1.29 KB 99.986183%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 98 191.41 KB 98.646965%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 129 33.26 KB 98.458412%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 157 3.68 KB 98.595963%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 258 8.06 KB 99.771088%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 368 bytes 99.999779%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 151 106.91 KB 99.965851%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 3 888 bytes 98.986488%

CMsgDeletePanel 21 672 bytes 79.411766%

CMsgPushClipLayer 79 27.77 KB 98.833427%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 199 186.56 KB 98.783836%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 66 62.91 KB 98.987732%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 79 20.37 KB 98.939308%

CMsgPopClipLayer 79 1.85 KB 98.833427%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 199 4.66 KB 98.783836%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 100 134.18 KB 99.977074%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 4 96 bytes 97.590363%

CMsgEndPaintLast 4 96 bytes 97.590363%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 388 12.13 KB 95.005745%

CMsgDeleteTexture 116 3.63 KB 56.060608%


Total: 1.31 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 2.47 KB

CL: Forcing ExecuteQueuedOperations due to entity slot re-use (204 npc_dota_creep_lane)


Allocating new transform texture!



PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999008%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999504%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.998993%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 318.24 KB 94.115204%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.115204%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 287.73 KB 99.990967%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994370%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994370%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 782.54 KB 99.988815%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 2.24 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999008%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999504%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.999008%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 318.24 KB 94.119087%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.119087%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 287.73 KB 99.990982%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994370%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994370%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 782.54 KB 99.988831%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 2.24 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999031%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999519%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.999031%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 318.24 KB 94.131317%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.131317%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 190.73 KB 99.991020%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994385%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994385%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 782.54 KB 99.988869%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 2.15 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999130%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999565%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.999123%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 565.20 KB 94.185303%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.185303%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 190.73 KB 99.991165%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994431%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994431%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 1.45 MB 99.989067%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 3.08 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999130%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999565%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.999123%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 565.20 KB 94.185432%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.185432%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 190.73 KB 99.991165%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994438%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994438%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 1.45 MB 99.989067%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 3.08 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB


PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate

—————————————— ———— ———— ————

CMsgBeginFrame 4 192 bytes 99.999130%

CMsgEndFrame 4 112 bytes 99.999565%

CMsgClearBackbuffer 1 20 bytes 99.999123%

CMsgPushAAndTContext 257 565.20 KB 94.185570%

CMsgBeginPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 2.58 KB 99.999969%

CMsgDrawFilledRect 252 313.03 KB 99.991806%

CMsgDrawTexturedRect 262 52.20 KB 99.993591%

CMsgEndPaintBackground 268 4.19 KB 99.991066%

CMsgPopAAndTContext 257 6.02 KB 94.185570%

CMsgRequestRenderCallback 15 3.28 KB 99.994102%

CMsgFillBrushCollection 1 244 bytes 99.999977%

CMsgDrawTextRegion 258 190.73 KB 99.991165%

CMsgDeletePanel 303 7.10 KB 81.016449%

CMsgPushClipLayer 257 67.26 KB 99.994438%

CMsgPushCompositingLayer 216 173.81 KB 99.994591%

CMsgRenderFilledRect 205 157.75 KB 99.993111%

CMsgRenderTexturedRect 217 43.23 KB 99.994690%

CMsgPopClipLayer 257 4.02 KB 99.994438%

CMsgPopCompositingLayer 216 3.38 KB 99.994591%

CMsgPushPanelContextInLayer 130 53.83 KB 99.993843%

CMsgPopPanelContextInLayer 130 2.03 KB 99.993843%

CMsgRenderTextRegion 257 1.45 MB 99.989067%

CMsgFreeCompositingLayer 257 6.02 KB 99.970207%

CMsgDeleteTexture 227 5.32 KB 83.034378%

CMsgBeginPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%

CMsgEndPaintLast 2 32 bytes 99.995155%


Total: 3.08 MB


TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: 4.56 KB

npc_dota_ward_base_truesight Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/base_attacks/ranged_tower_bad.vpcf’ to.

npc_dota_ward_base_truesight Model ‘models/props_gameplay/default_ward.vmdl’ doesn’t have attachment ‘attach_hitloc’ to attach particle system ‘particles/base_attacks/ranged_goodguy.vpcf’ to..

Кто нибудь сталкивался с такой проблемой? Уже надоело за игру по 2-3 раза вылетать,а вылетать может в файтах,перед файтом,просто на линии когда фармишь и тд.

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