Термомикс error 52

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Topic: Error 52  (Read 76913 times)

I have NO idea where dh has put the thermomix books so can anyone please tell me what error 52 is and what to do about it? it’s happening more and more and driving me INSANE!!!!! :(


The manual says — ‘error messages of the applicance can be reset as follows:- (for your number) By turning the speed selector to Open Lid position then to Closed Lid position’    Hope this helps Karen.


Judy from North Haven, South Australia

Make the most of every day, you never know what is around the corner.

thanks judy. doesn’t really explain what’s going wrong though does it  :-


No but you are lucky it isn’t a 71 or 72 as that can only be fixed by Vowerk customer service. Maybe a consultant could help you out with more information as there doesn’t seem to be a list of what number means what problem apart from 53 which is temperature sensor failure. Would be nice to have a list of what all the different numbers mean though.


Judy from North Haven, South Australia

Make the most of every day, you never know what is around the corner.

I’m not 100% sure but 52 could be that there is moisture on the pins?  Sometimes the condensation from what your making dribbles down the sides, or if you have washed the machine and not dried the pins moisture gets through the plastic seal thing
I’ll have a look through my notes and see if I can find anything, I seem to remember its a fairly common one


that makes sense baf, i’d wondered if it was moisture. i’m always washing it right before using




I’m revisiting this as I’ve just spoken to someone who has Error 52 coming up and needs help. Is anyone else having this problem?
Did we find any solutions please?


I had a problem not so long ago, and during the problem this code would come up intermittently. the thread on the blades had actually worn out. it showed up when I was trying to mince some meat. my blades weren’t spinning for some things and it sounded a bit off. HO said it may be caused by overloading at some stage, but I know this is not so in this case. they replaced the blades under warranty. there is an explanation of codes possibily on this website or in the TM manual, but i don’t think that 52 was there — I’d recommend calling your GL.


Non Consultant from Perth, Western Australia

A balanced diet is a biscuit in each hand

I am pretty sure 52 is moisture too. Might need to be looked at brazen if it is happening all the time??


Thermomix consultant in beautiful Perth,  Mum to 2 boys :)

  Do you Fly with the flyLady?  www.flylady.net

Thanks. I’ll phone and let her know.


I had this problem recently — error 52.  Our Tassie GL told me that it means moisture has gone down the prongs into the machine.  She told me to give it a good long dry out, but she also put in a report to HQ for me in case that didn’t work.  After two days of sitting on a warm sunny window sill (I really wanted to hang it out on the clothesline) the water must have evaporated because it hasn’t skipped a beat since.

To avoid it happening in the first place make sure that the blade seal is always in place, that the bowl isn’t overfilled and that the prongs are always really dry.  I learnt the hard way.  It was a tough two days without my baby. :)


Thank you all. I have passed on the information.


I’m glad to see this thread, I had an error 52 last night while mincing frozen small beef chunks and half way through doing a 2kg lot (in small amounts to prevent overloading) I had an error 52. Upon examining my bowl I saw I had moisture go down onto the prongs and around the base of the bowl.
I pulled it out, Dried it all off and I didn’t have the problem again. I washed it afterwards and then had no issues making my smoothie this morning :)


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Joined: 15.06.2013


Sat, 08/23/2014 — 22:19


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Joined: 06.10.2010


Hi Racheyroo

The current world situation has lead to our processes being upset. No excuse as we pride ourselves on our Customer Service. We will pass your post onto Customer Service again and I am sure someone will touch base soon.

You are more than welcome to contact them direct on 1800 004 838 if that suits you better.

Warm regards

Thermomix Head Office

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Joined: 06.10.2010


Hi Ronelba

Sorry to read this. We have passed your post onto our Customer Service team however the contact details haven’t been completed on your profile. In order to get a quicker response, are you able to please contact them direct on 1800 004 838?

We will do our best and hope to hear from you soon.

Thermomix Head Office

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Joined: 03.04.2020


Thanks Thermomix but it’s now 22 April and I have had no contact from Thermoix

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Joined: 22.04.2020



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Joined: 06.10.2010


Hi Lena C

Sorry the temperature is not working right now.

We have passed your post onto our Customer Service team. Someone will be in contact to discuss shortly.

We hope to get your back cooking as soon as possible.

Warm regards

Thermomix Head Office

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Joined: 17.04.2020


My thermo doesn’t heat up anymore, none of the heat levels are lighting up?
I keep getting error 52 and have cleaned, reset, unplugged and error keeps coming up.
What’s wrong with it, is the end of it’s life?

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Joined: 06.10.2010


Hi Racheyroo

Sorry to read this.

We have passed your post onto our customer service department. Someone will be in contact with you to discuss.

We hope to get you back into the kitchen as soon as possible.

Happy cooking!

Thermomix Head Office

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Joined: 03.04.2020


Omg this has happened in my house ? I went to do self cleaning and the base wasn’t on properly!
I let it dry out for 48 hours but the error keeps coming up. I’ve cleaned the base and the points so many times and it’s just not working. Tried calling customer service but it keeps hanging up.
so sad!

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Joined: 26.11.2016


Hi, I’m devastated. My 10 yr old thought she’d make pancakes and poured in milk not realising the base wasn’t secure. After cleaning my TX5 I now get an error c52. Any ideas?? Is it ruined? ?

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Joined: 15.06.2013


Thank you Panoukla! 

It is working again Smile

I  cleaned the connections on the bowl but I also had to take the little rubber bit off and clean a little bit under there (carefully) too.

Thanks again for the reply!

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Joined: 16.10.2012


Hi tigerdreaming, try cleaning the connections on the underside of the bowl and where they fit into base. I think error 52 comes up when the connection between base and bowl is not being read Smile worth a try anyway. Good luck!!

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Joined: 15.06.2013


Hi everyone,

Can anybody tell me what error 52 is? I have reset, unplugged and re plugged, left for a while etc and to no avail, within a few seconds the error comes up again Aw

I was only trying to melt some butter so it wasn’t overloaded or anything, I also tried with out heating element and it’s just getting worse, now the error comes up as soon as you close the lid before you press/turn anything.

I can’t lose my baby, I use it every single day!!

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Joined: 15.06.2013


Sat, 08/23/2014 — 22:19


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Joined: 06.10.2010


Hi Racheyroo

The current world situation has lead to our processes being upset. No excuse as we pride ourselves on our Customer Service. We will pass your post onto Customer Service again and I am sure someone will touch base soon.

You are more than welcome to contact them direct on 1800 004 838 if that suits you better.

Warm regards

Thermomix Head Office

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Joined: 06.10.2010


Hi Ronelba

Sorry to read this. We have passed your post onto our Customer Service team however the contact details haven’t been completed on your profile. In order to get a quicker response, are you able to please contact them direct on 1800 004 838?

We will do our best and hope to hear from you soon.

Thermomix Head Office

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Joined: 03.04.2020


Thanks Thermomix but it’s now 22 April and I have had no contact from Thermoix

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Joined: 22.04.2020



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Joined: 06.10.2010


Hi Lena C

Sorry the temperature is not working right now.

We have passed your post onto our Customer Service team. Someone will be in contact to discuss shortly.

We hope to get your back cooking as soon as possible.

Warm regards

Thermomix Head Office

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Joined: 17.04.2020


My thermo doesn’t heat up anymore, none of the heat levels are lighting up?
I keep getting error 52 and have cleaned, reset, unplugged and error keeps coming up.
What’s wrong with it, is the end of it’s life?

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Joined: 06.10.2010


Hi Racheyroo

Sorry to read this.

We have passed your post onto our customer service department. Someone will be in contact with you to discuss.

We hope to get you back into the kitchen as soon as possible.

Happy cooking!

Thermomix Head Office

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Joined: 03.04.2020


Omg this has happened in my house ? I went to do self cleaning and the base wasn’t on properly!
I let it dry out for 48 hours but the error keeps coming up. I’ve cleaned the base and the points so many times and it’s just not working. Tried calling customer service but it keeps hanging up.
so sad!

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Joined: 26.11.2016


Hi, I’m devastated. My 10 yr old thought she’d make pancakes and poured in milk not realising the base wasn’t secure. After cleaning my TX5 I now get an error c52. Any ideas?? Is it ruined? ?

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Joined: 15.06.2013


Thank you Panoukla! 

It is working again Smile

I  cleaned the connections on the bowl but I also had to take the little rubber bit off and clean a little bit under there (carefully) too.

Thanks again for the reply!

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Joined: 16.10.2012


Hi tigerdreaming, try cleaning the connections on the underside of the bowl and where they fit into base. I think error 52 comes up when the connection between base and bowl is not being read Smile worth a try anyway. Good luck!!

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Joined: 15.06.2013


Hi everyone,

Can anybody tell me what error 52 is? I have reset, unplugged and re plugged, left for a while etc and to no avail, within a few seconds the error comes up again Aw

I was only trying to melt some butter so it wasn’t overloaded or anything, I also tried with out heating element and it’s just getting worse, now the error comes up as soon as you close the lid before you press/turn anything.

I can’t lose my baby, I use it every single day!!

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Страница 1 из 2

  1. Добрый вечер форумчани и знатоки. Кто нибудь сталкивался с термомиксом ТМ-31. Интересует коды ошибок. Показывает е34. В мануале нечего толком нет. Заранее спасибо.

  2. Неисправность: Действия: Прибор не включается Проверьте, правильно ли подключен кабель к сети и правильно ли закрыта крышка. Проверьте также, не находится ли прибор в «спящем» режиме. Прибор не греет Проверьте, установлены ли время приготовления и температура. Прибор останавливается во время операции См. главу «Электронная защита мотора» стр. 35. Неисправности весов Проверьте: во время нажатия кнопки тара не прика- сайтесь к прибору Thermomix; не опирайтесь на Thermomix; кабель не натянут; «ножки» Thermomix чисты; рабочая поверхность чистая, твердая, ровная и не вибрирует; не двигайте Thermomix по столу. Индикация ошибок: Ошибка может быть исправлена следующим образом: Специальной функцией Thermomix TM31 является отражение на дисплее кода ошибки в случае неисправ- ности. Если на дисплее показано «E.r …» и далее две цифры, и невозможно решить проблему выключением Thermomix TM31 из электросети и его перезапуском, свяжитесь с сервисной службой, и сообщите, какой код ошибки высветился на экране (например, E.r. 53 – ошибка датчика температуры). Когда высвечивается «LOAd», пожалуйста, прочитайте указания на стр. 35. 1 Отключением от сети: E.r 23, 28, 32, 38, 39, 70 2 Поворотом регулятора скорости от к : E.r 22, 24–27, 29–31, 34–37, 51–69, OPEn, LOAd 3 Только в мастерской: E.r 71, 72

  3. Все это проверил, результата не дало. При включение режима скорости дваигатель хочет запустится но не может(дергаеться) и пищит как то странно как будто частотник частоту меняет но как то рывками, секунд через 5-10 выдает ошибку. В выключеном состояние двигатель крутится легко. Разбирал все осматривал,визуально все впорядки.И запускал его в разобранном состоянии при попытки запуска двигателя пытался его раскрутить вручную толку нет,крутанул с трудом он чуток подергался и все ошибка.

  4. Проверь щетки на приводе. Они иногда зависают

  5. Приветствую! Аналогичная проблема у меня. У Вас получилось ее решить без замены мотора?

  6. Пока нет. Отложил данный аппарат. Были другие заявки, этот не к спеху.
    А сами что нибудь не придумали.

  7. Тестировал его на разных режимах. Итого получается в режим реверса+программы (нагрев+вращение) работают отлично. в обычном режиме вращение тоже вроде работает, как только задаешь нагрев и время начинаются глюки у мотора. Хотя больше похоже на блок управления, но ставили новый мотор с ним работает нормально. так что пока ищем проблему. Если у Вас что прояснится, отпишитесь здесь пожалуйста.

  8. Коллеги, столкнулся с аналогичной проблемой. Покопался и интернете, говорят, что проблема с оптическими датчиками. Попытался к ним добраться, не снимается защитный кожух двигателя. Кто-нибудь снимал его?

  9. у меня на одном нижний подшипник умер. Попытался снять.Разобрал.Так теперь не собирается.Как я понял движок лучше не разбирать,потом не собирешь.
    Короче клиент купил другой аппарат но уже не термомикс. Слишком он дорогой в ремонте.
    Для дома может на долго хватит, а вот для кафе не очень.

  10. У меня разобрать получилось. Верхняя крышка снялась. Надо одновременно с двух сторон отвертками поднимать. Нижний подшипник весь в ржавчине, снимать не стал. Просто смазал. Двигатель стал крутится лучше. Почистил оптические датчики. Собрал. Проблема осталась. Но я побеседовал с сотрудником сервис-центра. Он сказал, что плата контролера двигателя полетела. Так же в процессе тестового включения без ковша, определил, что двигатель вообще нельзя прокрутить. Т.е. в первые секунды запуска он не прокручивается. После появления 34 ошибки, двигатель можно прокрутить рукой. Очень похоже на поломанный контроллер.

    Последнее редактирование: 19 май 2017

  11. Боюсь, что с таким решением не согласится хозяин. Я разговаривал с сервисом этих мега-аппаратов, они сказали, что ремонтируют заменой элементов, а не заменой плат целиком. Да и на иностранных сайтах полно рекламы об их ремонте.

  12. да именно иностранных.
    У нас клиент штуки пять взял таких. Первое время все норм было. Но как начали ломаться так все за голову схватился.
    В итоге осталось два рабочих. И то зипы менянные от тех трех.

  13. Всем привет. На TM5 ошибка С39. Мысли есть, но хотелось бы уточнить, может кто сталкивался.

  14. Мне принесли такой же миксер с ошибкой 39. Кто-то уже паял предохранитель на стороне управления двигателем. Нашёл пробитый транзистор, один из тех 4-х что приклёпаны каждый на свой радиатор.
    Попробую заменить. На Ютубе есть куча видео на испанском и немецком, в которых при этой же ошибке проверяют предохранитель, диодный мост и силовые полевики на выходе на мотор.

  15. Здравствуйте! Насчет ошибки Thermomix TM31 номер е34. В описании ошибок сказано только, что двигатель перегружен. Лаконично точно, но непонятно почему он перегружен, когда чашка миксера пуста… При включении 2-3 сек. двигатель гремит всеми костями дергаясь по и против часовой на месте после чего пищит и выводит е34. Знакомая ситуация? Я с этой проблемой боролся год. И весь опыт, который я приобрел в результате долгих мытарств попробую изложить в этой статейке. Чтобы не размусоливать я попробую сразу изложить суть проблемы. Итак двигатель перегружен потому, что при подаче питания дергается, как сумашедший на месте. Вопрос почему? Скажу сразу- разбирать эл. двигатель не советую, проблем после неудачной разборки будет в разы больше, чем до нее. Хотя о порядке правильной разборки эл. двигателя мы поговорим в следующий раз. Гуляющее в инете видео о якобы грязных оптических датчиках, которые расположены, на плате управления двигателя и до которых без разборки оного добраться никак нельзя, пока отложим до следующего раза. Скажу сразу датчики не нужно чистить от слова вообще, если конечно Вы не утопили двигатель в грязи. Итак, если Ваш двигатель от руки вращается легко и без посторонних шумов первое, что Вам надо сделать это достать силовую плату, которая расположена на боковой стенке машины.


    Отсоедините силовой разъем питания двигателя (белый) от платы, отключите черный и голубой штекеры. Черный идет к плате управления двигателем, голубой-связь с передней платой управления машиной. Теперь открутите винт справа посередине на силовой плате (звездочка по моему №2), отогните верхние удерживающие защелки и потяните плату на себя и вверх. Снизу увидите провода питания силовой платы и чаши. Сфотографируйте их максимально четко, чтобы не ошибиться при сборке. Теперь подцепив отверткой, аккуратно снимите силовые клеммы питания. Скажу сразу снимаются они тяжело, но потом одеваются легко и болтаются, поэтому, когда будете собирать подогните клеммы пассатижами. Пишу все это урывками на работе по памяти, если заметите какие то неточности не обессудьте. Если публикация прервалась, продолжу чуть позже или на следующий день. Итак плата освобождена и лежит на столе. Для дальнейших работ Вам понадобится любой мультиметр (прибор для прозвонки цепей). Подойдет любой самый дешевый. Заточите щупы, чтобы можно было прокалывать слой лака на плате. Первым делом внимательно осмотрите плату на предмет обнаружения обгоревших печатных проводников или обугленных элементов на плате. Если все нормально, приступаем к прозвонке силовых транзисторов (ключей выделены зеленым прямоугольником), управляющих работой двигателя, их там стоит 4 шт. в ряд с небольшими радиаторами. Мультиметр ставите на предел измерения сопротивления 20 кОм. Крайние выводы транзисторов должны показывать около 10 кОм в обоих направлениях. Если это так, переходим к трем белым реле (белые/черные коробочки размерами приблизительно 15х25 мм на рисункевыделены красными овалами). У них 5 выводов. С той стороны, где 3 вывода крайние выводы-это катушка, средний это переключающий контакт, с той стороны, где два вывода- левый контакт нормально замкнутый, правый нормально разомкнутый. Состояние контактов даны при положении платы, когда три контакта находятся сверху, два контакта снизу. «Заваривание» одного нормально разомкнутого контакта приводит к тому, что машина не может переключать направление чередования полюсов на полюсных катушках статора (т. е. направление вращения ротора). Что в свою очередь приводит к тому, что двигатель дергается на месте. «Приварка» контакта происходит обычно при интенсивной долгой нагрузке на двигатель. В моем случае сын шинковал большие куски свежей твердой капусты. Также могу сказать, что эта проблема у ТМ31 вызвана тем, что эти реле, которые по номиналу должны держать 10 А все таки не выдерживают полную номинальную мощность двигателя 1,5 кВт, 7,5 А. Пожадничали макаронники или схитрили. Никто не хочет делать технику «вечной».
    Вообщем это только начало. В каждом конкретном случае сначала надо искать «косяки» на силовой плате имеется в виду ошибка е34. Что касается ошибки е72 тут надо искать неисправность на плате управления, которая расположена на лицевой части ТМ31. Что касается характеристик и распиновок контактов элементов, все маркировки, что удается прочитать можно найти в интернете и как правило если удалось найти неисправный элемент, то его можно заказать на AliExpress. Зеленым на картинке выделен диод, от которого я бы посоветовал Вам избавиться. Просто откусите ему ноги. Он не нужен от слова вообще. На некоторых машинах ТМ31 его просто нет. На одной из плат я обнаружил этот диод сгоревшим (показывал сопротивление 0,0 ом в обе стороны).


    Также на картинке привожу распиновку диодного моста (сборки), который прикручен к пластине радиатора. Это силовой выпрямительный мост питания ключей управления эл. двигателем. Ошибка е52 связана с нарушением контактов питания и контроля температуры миксерной чаши.


    Нарушение контактов питания и контроля может быть вызвано расширением губок приемных клемм на «маме» или окислом втычных штырей «папы». Первые нужно поджать, вторые почистить желательно нулевой наждачной бумагой. На колодке чаши правые 2 вывода питание тена чаши, средний- желто/зеленый заземление чаши и левые 2 вывода контроль температуры. Более подробную статью ищите на Дзене «Термомикс ТМ31. Ошибки 34, 52, 72»


    Последнее редактирование: 9 дек 2021

  16. Какие щетки, сапожные?)) Нет там никаких щеток. Двигатель инверторный, управление частотным преобразователем.

    Последнее редактирование: 7 дек 2021

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Vorwerk Thermomix TM 31 Instruction Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links

Instruction Manual

Thermomix TM 31

Retain for future reference!


Related Manuals for Vorwerk Thermomix TM 31

Summary of Contents for Vorwerk Thermomix TM 31

  • Page 1
    Instruction Manual Thermomix TM 31 Retain for future reference!
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Starting the Thermomix TM 31 ……..

  • Page 4
    Table of contents Temperature buttons and illuminated temperature indicators ……30 Indicator for remaining heat ……….. 31 Soft start .
  • Page 5: Notes For Your Safety

    Thermomix TM 31 for • Do not immerse the Thermomix TM 31 in water or the first time and be sure to take particular note of use a lot of water when cleaning. No water must the following.

  • Page 6
    • Hold measuring cup firmly while operating the lead to splashing of hot food or frothing up of Thermomix TM 31 at medium (3 – 6) and higher liquid. (7 – 10) speed levels or pressing turbo button to •…
  • Page 7
    Property damage Thermomix TM 31 can move • Place your Thermomix TM 31 on a clean, solid and even surface so that it cannot slip. Keep a sufficient distance from the edge of this surface to prevent Thermomix TM 31 from falling down.
  • Page 8: Technical Data

    Technical data Technical data Symbol of conformity/ Mark of conformity Motor Maintenance-free Vorwerk reluctance motor 500 W rated power. Speed continuously adjustable from 100 to 10,200 revolutions per minute (Gentle stir 40 rpm). Special speed setting (alternating mode) for dough preparation.

  • Page 9: Introduction/Customer Service

    Congratulation on having chosen the Thermomix TM 31! Your Thermomix TM 31 advisor: During a Thermomix TM 31 demonstration, you Name experienced and tested with your five senses the Telephone benefits of your new Thermomix. An experienced…

  • Page 10: Your Thermomix Tm 31

    Your Thermomix TM 31 Your Thermomix TM 31 After opening the packaging please check that all Thermomix TM 31 components are included. These are: • Thermomix TM 31 including mixing bowl and lid • Simmering basket • Stirring attachement (butterfly) •…

  • Page 11
    Your Thermomix TM 31 Main appliance Mixing bowl Mixing bowl base Mixing knife Sealing ring for mixing knife Simmering basket Spatula with safety disk Measuring cup Mixing bowl lid Sealing ring for mixing bowl lid Stirring attachment (butterfly) VAROMA VAROMA receptacle…
  • Page 12: Before You Start

    Thermomix advisor. Familiarize yourself with using your Thermomix TM 31. Before you start Make sure to place your Thermomix TM 31 on a clean, solid and even surface so that it cannot slip. Keep your Thermomix TM 31 in a permanent position in your kitchen, so that you can operate it easily.

  • Page 13: How To Remove The Mixing Knife

    Before you start How to remove the mixing knife To remove the mixing knife: Hold the mixing knife on the upper part carefully with one hand and turn with your other hand the bottom of the mixing bowl anti-clockwise 30 degrees and pull it off downwards Remove the mixing knife together with its sealing ring CAUTION…

  • Page 14: How To Insert The Mixing Knife

    Before you start How to insert the mixing knife To re-insert the mixing knife, follow the ‘removal’ steps in the reverse order. Put the mixing knife back into the mixing bowl by pushing it through the opening in the bottom of the bowl CAUTION Risk of damage by leaking out food Ensure sealing ring of mixing knife is fitted to…

  • Page 15: Accessories

    Accessories Accessories Before you start using your Thermomix TM 31 we would like to present its accessories in more detail. They are proof of a well thought out design. Every part has been designed intelligently and serves several purposes. 2.0 litre Mixing bowl 1.5 litre…

  • Page 16: Mixing Bowl Lid, Measuring Cup

    Mixing bowl lid The mixing bowl lid is used to close the mixing bowl. For safety reasons your Thermomix TM 31 will not start working unless the lid has been positioned and locked correctly. Never try to force the lid open when the appliance is locked.

  • Page 17: Simmering Basket

    • Filtering of fruit and vegetable juices. Chop and make a puree in the Thermomix TM 31, then insert the simmering basket into the mixing bowl and use it as a filter when pouring the juice out.

  • Page 18: Spatula

    CAUTION Danger of injury by usage of not intended items • Use only the spatula with safety disk (provided with the Thermomix TM 31) for stirring food in mixing bowl. • Lock the mixing bowl lid before inserting the spatula through the opening in the mixing bowl lid.

  • Page 19: Stirring Attachment (Butterfly)

    Accessories Stirring attachment (butterfly) • The butterfly (here positioned on mixing knife ) will help you to achieve best results when whipping cream or beating egg whites. It is also the perfect utensil for the preparation of creamy puddings or cream mixtures. •…

  • Page 20: Varoma

    CAUTION • Always store the VAROMA with its lid closed • Use VAROMA only with Thermomix TM 31 (not suitable for microwave, oven or other appliances). How to combine the VAROMA parts You can use your VAROMA in either of the following…

  • Page 21: How To Use The Varoma Correctly

    How to use the VAROMA correctly Your VAROMA is an accessory designed for the Thermomix TM 31 and can only be used with it. Before you can start steam cooking with the VAROMA you will need to set up your Thermomix TM 31 correctly.

  • Page 22
    Mind hot steam escapes at the sides and from the top of VAROMA lid during operation. • Keep children away from Thermomix TM 31 when using VAROMA and warn them about the danger of hot steam and hot condensed water.
  • Page 23
    Water or water-based liquid in the mixing bowl heats up to over 100 °C, developing hot steam. The steam rises through the opening in the mixing bowl lid of the Thermomix TM 31 into the VAROMA. The food is cooked gently in the hot steam.
  • Page 24: Practical Work With The Varoma

    Accessories Practical work with the VAROMA • Do not thicken your sauces and soups until the This description explains clearly how easy it is to steam cooking process is finished. Thickeners use the VAROMA. Observe the following basic rules may stop steam from forming evenly in the for using the VAROMA: mixing bowl and slow down the overall cooking process.

  • Page 25: Working With The Thermomix Tm 31

    Find a permanent place in your kitchen for your If the appliance has been transported in winter Thermomix TM 31 right from the start so that it is and the temperature falls below – 20 °C (– 4 °F) ready at hand whenever you need it.

  • Page 26: Explanation Of Symbols On Control Panel

    Working with the Thermomix TM 31 Explanation of symbols on control panal 00:00 Timer buttons Button for dough mode Closed lid Temperature buttons Tare button for scales Open lid Gentle stir setting Button for clockwise / On / Off button…

  • Page 27: Multi-Function Display

    Working with the Thermomix TM 31 Multi-function display Step 3: Put in the first ingredient (2.0 kg max.) and In the centre at the top of the control panel there is check the quantity on the display a digital display.

  • Page 28: Further Information About Weighing

    Working with the Thermomix TM 31 Further information about weighing The tare function works from 5 g to 6.0 kg in steps of 3 times 2 kg. When weighing and adding ingre- dients with the help of the tare function always add…

  • Page 29: Timer Buttons And Timer Display

    Working with the Thermomix TM 31 Timer buttons and timer display Step 3: Turn the speed selector (see page 32ff.) Observe the following sequence of steps if you wish to prepare or heat food in your After the speed selector has been turned, the…

  • Page 30: Adjustment Of Preset Time

    Working with the Thermomix TM 31 Adjustment of preset time has been reached during the heating process. For The preset time can be changed at any time during example, if a temperature of 90 °C (194 °F) is set the preparation.

  • Page 31: Indicator For Remaining Heat

    If using the Thermomix TM 31 to process food that has not been heated or cooked in the appliance (e.g. prepar- ing a gravy from hot meat juices) you should only increase the speed slowly and gradually.

  • Page 32: Varoma Temperature Setting

    Working with the Thermomix TM 31 VAROMA temperature setting Stirring If the Varoma temperature setting is selected Use the lower speeds 1 – 3 for gentle mild stirring. temperatures of more than 100 °C (212 °F) may be This lower speed range is ideally suited for delicious…

  • Page 33: Turbo Button

    CAUTION Danger of injury by escaping food Hold measuring cup firmly while operating the Thermomix TM 31 at medium (3 – 6) and higher (7 – 10) speed levels or pressing turbo button to chop or to purée food. Turbo button…

  • Page 34: Clockwise/Counter-Clockwise Operation

    Thermomix TM 31 can move reverse the rotating direction of the mixing knife Place your Thermomix TM 31 on a clean, solid from clockwise to counter-clockwise. Pressing and even surface so that it cannot slip. Keep a…

  • Page 35: Things To Remember

    In sleep mode, power consumption of the Thermomix TM 31 is less than 1 W. If you do not use the Thermomix TM 31 for a prolonged period of time we recommend that you disconnect it from mains supply.

  • Page 36: Cleaning

    Cleaning As with all kitchen appliances or tableware you Important: should clean all parts of your Thermomix TM 31 – Never use pointed or sharp objects for cleaning especially the mixing knife, the mixing bowl, the as this may damage functional parts or affect the mixing bowl lid and its sealing ring –…

  • Page 37: How To Clean The Mixing Knife

    Cleaning How to clean the mixing knife Important: To clean the mixing knife hold it under running All components are dishwasher-proof. Place water with the mixing knife pointing upwards, as plastic parts, in particular the mixing bowl lid, shown on picture .

  • Page 38: How To Clean The Main Appliance

    Disconnect the appliance from mains power supply before cleaning. • Do not immerse the Thermomix TM 31 in water or use a lot of water when cleaning. No water must be allowed to enter the housing. Wipe the main appliance with a damp soft cloth and a gentle cleansing agent .

  • Page 39: Notes For Your Own Recipes

    Notes for your own recipes Notes for your own recipes Use similar recipes of the Thermomix TM 31 Example: Chopping vegetables cookbooks as a guide for adapting your own recipes. Settings: 7 sec. / speed 5 The easy to understand step by step design of our…

  • Page 40: Troubleshooting

    Error display: Error messages of the appliance can be reset as follows: As a special feature the Thermomix TM 31 will By pulling the mains plug: show the cause for the error on the display. If the E.r 23, 28, 32, 38, 39, 70 display shows “E.r”…

  • Page 41: Legal Regulations

    EU-Member States otherwise, without the prior permission of Vorwerk transforming this Directive) to dispose of International Mittelsten Scheid & Co. this product or its electrical / electronic accessories as unsorted domestic waste.

  • Page 42: Warranty

    Warranty Warranty For the warranty period, please refer to your purchase contract. The Thermomix TM 31 may only be repaired by the responsible Vorwerk customer service or an authorised Vorwerk repairer. Use only parts provided with the Thermomix TM 31 (page 10 –11) or original spare parts from Vorwerk…

  • Page 43: Customer Service

    Customer Service Customer Service Customer service For detailed information contact your Thermomix advisor, the sales company in your country, or refer to www.thermomix.com. Vorwerk Elektrowerke GmbH & Co.KG Blombacher Bach 3 42270 Wuppertal www.vorwek-elektrowerke.de…

Vorwerk Thermomix TM 31 Instruction Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links

Instruction Manual

Thermomix TM 31

Retain for future reference!


Related Manuals for Vorwerk Thermomix TM 31

Summary of Contents for Vorwerk Thermomix TM 31

  • Page 1
    Instruction Manual Thermomix TM 31 Retain for future reference!
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Starting the Thermomix TM 31 ……..

  • Page 4
    Table of contents Temperature buttons and illuminated temperature indicators ……30 Indicator for remaining heat ……….. 31 Soft start .
  • Page 5: Notes For Your Safety

    Thermomix TM 31 for • Do not immerse the Thermomix TM 31 in water or the first time and be sure to take particular note of use a lot of water when cleaning. No water must the following.

  • Page 6
    • Hold measuring cup firmly while operating the lead to splashing of hot food or frothing up of Thermomix TM 31 at medium (3 – 6) and higher liquid. (7 – 10) speed levels or pressing turbo button to •…
  • Page 7
    Property damage Thermomix TM 31 can move • Place your Thermomix TM 31 on a clean, solid and even surface so that it cannot slip. Keep a sufficient distance from the edge of this surface to prevent Thermomix TM 31 from falling down.
  • Page 8: Technical Data

    Technical data Technical data Symbol of conformity/ Mark of conformity Motor Maintenance-free Vorwerk reluctance motor 500 W rated power. Speed continuously adjustable from 100 to 10,200 revolutions per minute (Gentle stir 40 rpm). Special speed setting (alternating mode) for dough preparation.

  • Page 9: Introduction/Customer Service

    Congratulation on having chosen the Thermomix TM 31! Your Thermomix TM 31 advisor: During a Thermomix TM 31 demonstration, you Name experienced and tested with your five senses the Telephone benefits of your new Thermomix. An experienced…

  • Page 10: Your Thermomix Tm 31

    Your Thermomix TM 31 Your Thermomix TM 31 After opening the packaging please check that all Thermomix TM 31 components are included. These are: • Thermomix TM 31 including mixing bowl and lid • Simmering basket • Stirring attachement (butterfly) •…

  • Page 11
    Your Thermomix TM 31 Main appliance Mixing bowl Mixing bowl base Mixing knife Sealing ring for mixing knife Simmering basket Spatula with safety disk Measuring cup Mixing bowl lid Sealing ring for mixing bowl lid Stirring attachment (butterfly) VAROMA VAROMA receptacle…
  • Page 12: Before You Start

    Thermomix advisor. Familiarize yourself with using your Thermomix TM 31. Before you start Make sure to place your Thermomix TM 31 on a clean, solid and even surface so that it cannot slip. Keep your Thermomix TM 31 in a permanent position in your kitchen, so that you can operate it easily.

  • Page 13: How To Remove The Mixing Knife

    Before you start How to remove the mixing knife To remove the mixing knife: Hold the mixing knife on the upper part carefully with one hand and turn with your other hand the bottom of the mixing bowl anti-clockwise 30 degrees and pull it off downwards Remove the mixing knife together with its sealing ring CAUTION…

  • Page 14: How To Insert The Mixing Knife

    Before you start How to insert the mixing knife To re-insert the mixing knife, follow the ‘removal’ steps in the reverse order. Put the mixing knife back into the mixing bowl by pushing it through the opening in the bottom of the bowl CAUTION Risk of damage by leaking out food Ensure sealing ring of mixing knife is fitted to…

  • Page 15: Accessories

    Accessories Accessories Before you start using your Thermomix TM 31 we would like to present its accessories in more detail. They are proof of a well thought out design. Every part has been designed intelligently and serves several purposes. 2.0 litre Mixing bowl 1.5 litre…

  • Page 16: Mixing Bowl Lid, Measuring Cup

    Mixing bowl lid The mixing bowl lid is used to close the mixing bowl. For safety reasons your Thermomix TM 31 will not start working unless the lid has been positioned and locked correctly. Never try to force the lid open when the appliance is locked.

  • Page 17: Simmering Basket

    • Filtering of fruit and vegetable juices. Chop and make a puree in the Thermomix TM 31, then insert the simmering basket into the mixing bowl and use it as a filter when pouring the juice out.

  • Page 18: Spatula

    CAUTION Danger of injury by usage of not intended items • Use only the spatula with safety disk (provided with the Thermomix TM 31) for stirring food in mixing bowl. • Lock the mixing bowl lid before inserting the spatula through the opening in the mixing bowl lid.

  • Page 19: Stirring Attachment (Butterfly)

    Accessories Stirring attachment (butterfly) • The butterfly (here positioned on mixing knife ) will help you to achieve best results when whipping cream or beating egg whites. It is also the perfect utensil for the preparation of creamy puddings or cream mixtures. •…

  • Page 20: Varoma

    CAUTION • Always store the VAROMA with its lid closed • Use VAROMA only with Thermomix TM 31 (not suitable for microwave, oven or other appliances). How to combine the VAROMA parts You can use your VAROMA in either of the following…

  • Page 21: How To Use The Varoma Correctly

    How to use the VAROMA correctly Your VAROMA is an accessory designed for the Thermomix TM 31 and can only be used with it. Before you can start steam cooking with the VAROMA you will need to set up your Thermomix TM 31 correctly.

  • Page 22
    Mind hot steam escapes at the sides and from the top of VAROMA lid during operation. • Keep children away from Thermomix TM 31 when using VAROMA and warn them about the danger of hot steam and hot condensed water.
  • Page 23
    Water or water-based liquid in the mixing bowl heats up to over 100 °C, developing hot steam. The steam rises through the opening in the mixing bowl lid of the Thermomix TM 31 into the VAROMA. The food is cooked gently in the hot steam.
  • Page 24: Practical Work With The Varoma

    Accessories Practical work with the VAROMA • Do not thicken your sauces and soups until the This description explains clearly how easy it is to steam cooking process is finished. Thickeners use the VAROMA. Observe the following basic rules may stop steam from forming evenly in the for using the VAROMA: mixing bowl and slow down the overall cooking process.

  • Page 25: Working With The Thermomix Tm 31

    Find a permanent place in your kitchen for your If the appliance has been transported in winter Thermomix TM 31 right from the start so that it is and the temperature falls below – 20 °C (– 4 °F) ready at hand whenever you need it.

  • Page 26: Explanation Of Symbols On Control Panel

    Working with the Thermomix TM 31 Explanation of symbols on control panal 00:00 Timer buttons Button for dough mode Closed lid Temperature buttons Tare button for scales Open lid Gentle stir setting Button for clockwise / On / Off button…

  • Page 27: Multi-Function Display

    Working with the Thermomix TM 31 Multi-function display Step 3: Put in the first ingredient (2.0 kg max.) and In the centre at the top of the control panel there is check the quantity on the display a digital display.

  • Page 28: Further Information About Weighing

    Working with the Thermomix TM 31 Further information about weighing The tare function works from 5 g to 6.0 kg in steps of 3 times 2 kg. When weighing and adding ingre- dients with the help of the tare function always add…

  • Page 29: Timer Buttons And Timer Display

    Working with the Thermomix TM 31 Timer buttons and timer display Step 3: Turn the speed selector (see page 32ff.) Observe the following sequence of steps if you wish to prepare or heat food in your After the speed selector has been turned, the…

  • Page 30: Adjustment Of Preset Time

    Working with the Thermomix TM 31 Adjustment of preset time has been reached during the heating process. For The preset time can be changed at any time during example, if a temperature of 90 °C (194 °F) is set the preparation.

  • Page 31: Indicator For Remaining Heat

    If using the Thermomix TM 31 to process food that has not been heated or cooked in the appliance (e.g. prepar- ing a gravy from hot meat juices) you should only increase the speed slowly and gradually.

  • Page 32: Varoma Temperature Setting

    Working with the Thermomix TM 31 VAROMA temperature setting Stirring If the Varoma temperature setting is selected Use the lower speeds 1 – 3 for gentle mild stirring. temperatures of more than 100 °C (212 °F) may be This lower speed range is ideally suited for delicious…

  • Page 33: Turbo Button

    CAUTION Danger of injury by escaping food Hold measuring cup firmly while operating the Thermomix TM 31 at medium (3 – 6) and higher (7 – 10) speed levels or pressing turbo button to chop or to purée food. Turbo button…

  • Page 34: Clockwise/Counter-Clockwise Operation

    Thermomix TM 31 can move reverse the rotating direction of the mixing knife Place your Thermomix TM 31 on a clean, solid from clockwise to counter-clockwise. Pressing and even surface so that it cannot slip. Keep a…

  • Page 35: Things To Remember

    In sleep mode, power consumption of the Thermomix TM 31 is less than 1 W. If you do not use the Thermomix TM 31 for a prolonged period of time we recommend that you disconnect it from mains supply.

  • Page 36: Cleaning

    Cleaning As with all kitchen appliances or tableware you Important: should clean all parts of your Thermomix TM 31 – Never use pointed or sharp objects for cleaning especially the mixing knife, the mixing bowl, the as this may damage functional parts or affect the mixing bowl lid and its sealing ring –…

  • Page 37: How To Clean The Mixing Knife

    Cleaning How to clean the mixing knife Important: To clean the mixing knife hold it under running All components are dishwasher-proof. Place water with the mixing knife pointing upwards, as plastic parts, in particular the mixing bowl lid, shown on picture .

  • Page 38: How To Clean The Main Appliance

    Disconnect the appliance from mains power supply before cleaning. • Do not immerse the Thermomix TM 31 in water or use a lot of water when cleaning. No water must be allowed to enter the housing. Wipe the main appliance with a damp soft cloth and a gentle cleansing agent .

  • Page 39: Notes For Your Own Recipes

    Notes for your own recipes Notes for your own recipes Use similar recipes of the Thermomix TM 31 Example: Chopping vegetables cookbooks as a guide for adapting your own recipes. Settings: 7 sec. / speed 5 The easy to understand step by step design of our…

  • Page 40: Troubleshooting

    Error display: Error messages of the appliance can be reset as follows: As a special feature the Thermomix TM 31 will By pulling the mains plug: show the cause for the error on the display. If the E.r 23, 28, 32, 38, 39, 70 display shows “E.r”…

  • Page 41: Legal Regulations

    EU-Member States otherwise, without the prior permission of Vorwerk transforming this Directive) to dispose of International Mittelsten Scheid & Co. this product or its electrical / electronic accessories as unsorted domestic waste.

  • Page 42: Warranty

    Warranty Warranty For the warranty period, please refer to your purchase contract. The Thermomix TM 31 may only be repaired by the responsible Vorwerk customer service or an authorised Vorwerk repairer. Use only parts provided with the Thermomix TM 31 (page 10 –11) or original spare parts from Vorwerk…

  • Page 43: Customer Service

    Customer Service Customer Service Customer service For detailed information contact your Thermomix advisor, the sales company in your country, or refer to www.thermomix.com. Vorwerk Elektrowerke GmbH & Co.KG Blombacher Bach 3 42270 Wuppertal www.vorwek-elektrowerke.de…

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