Террария как изменить спавн мобов

В Terraria противники, мирные мобы и НИПы будут появляться вне "обозримой части игрового окна" и входить в "поле зрения игрока" согласно их прописанным ИИ. Скорость, с которой порождаются враги, максимальное количество врагов, а также тип врагов зависят от множества факторов: времени суток, биома, событий и т.д. Игра запускает возможность спавна врага раз в 1 тик игрового времени. Всего проходит 60 тиков в секунду, допустим, что  скорость создания 600, тогда задается 10% шанс создания не менее о

Механизм создания НИПов

В Terraria противники, мирные мобы и НИПы будут появляться вне «обозримой части игрового окна» и входить в «поле зрения игрока» согласно их прописанным ИИ. Скорость, с которой порождаются враги, максимальное количество врагов, а также тип врагов зависят от множества факторов: времени суток, биома, событий и т.д.

Скорость появления

Игра запускает возможность спавна врага раз в 1 тик игрового времени. Всего проходит 60 тиков в секунду, допустим, что  скорость создания 600, тогда задается 10% шанс создания не менее одного врага за секунду. К примеру, скорость спавна 100 означает примерно 45% вероятность создания врага за секунду.

Так же игра определяет максимальное число врагов в районе спавна. Различные виды врагов имеют свои коэффициенты, определяющие общую численность врагов. Так, к примеру, большинство летучих мышей имеют коэффициент счета 0,5, тогда как редкие враги обычно считаются за троих. Боссы (и их части (если есть)) за пятерых (надо проверить). Безобидные существа, вылавливаемые сачком, не засчитываются в нее.

Что интересно, в случае пришествий сегментных боссов, их значение превышает максимальный порог.

Максимальное значение спавна врагов работает только в определенных пределах от центра игрового экрана игрока.  Когда враг за пределами квадрата 504*283.6 блоков (или 1920*1080 пикселей (множитель 4.2*4.2)) и это не босс, то монстр считается неактивным и не учитывается при подсчетах. 

Примечание: неактивные монстры, а так же НИПы спустя некоторое время, согласно их множителей коэфициентов, удаляются для пересоздания другого вида монстра или места. Таким образом, редкие неактивные виды монстров, к примеру подражатель или потерявшаяся девочка (нимфа), достаточно быстро исчезнут.

Неактивных монстров невозможно увидеть до их активации, но возможно услышать. (К примеру вой скелетов, зомби, или шум медузы в воде).

Если неактивный монстр получит урон (к примеру от заклинаний или прислужников), то он в течении нескольких тиков будет считаться активным. Обычно их ИИ ускоряется.

Минимальная частота спавна (самая быстрая) — 60, а максимальное число созданий — 15. Активные модификаторы от водяной свечи и зелья битвы устанавливаются после проверки вышеуказанных условий и не смогут превысить этот порог. События, а так же небесные башни имеют свои пороги и игнорируют прочие модификаторы.

Зелье спокойствия уменьшает частоту спавна.

Таблица значений:

Биом Частота спавна Макс. Число созданий Частота спавна (хардмод) Макс. число (хардмод)
Стандарт (Поверхность День) 600 5 540 6
Стандарт (Поверхность Ночь) 360 6 324 7
Стандарт (Кровавая луна) 107 11 97 14
Стандарт (Солн. затмение) 108 11
Стандарт (Земляной слой) 300 8 243 10
Стандарт (Каменный слой) 240 9 216 11
Ад 600 10 162 15
Джунгли (Поверхность День) 240 7 216 9
Джунгли  (Поверхность ночь) 144 9 129 11
Джунгли (Кровавая луна) 60 15 60 15
Джунгли  (Земляной слой) 120 12 97 15
Джунгли  (Каменный слой) 96 14 86 15
Искажение/Багрянец (Поверхность День) 390 6 351 7
Искажение/Багрянец (Поверхность Ночь) 234 8 210 10

Искажение/Багрянец (Кровавая луна)

70 15 63 15
Искажение/Багрянец (Земляной слой) 195 11 157 14
Искажение/Багрянец (Каменный слой) 156 12 86 15
Освящение (Поверхность День) 600 5 540 6
Освящение (Поверхность Ночь) 360 6 324 7
Освящение (Кровавая луна) 108 11 97 14
Освящение (Земляной слой) 300 8 243 10
Освящение (Каменный слой) 165 12 140 14
Метеор (День) 240 5 216 6
Метеорит (Ночь) 144 7 129 8
Метеорит (Кровавая луна) 60 12 60 15
Подземная пустыня 180 7 162 9
Данж (Земляной слой) 120 14 97 15
Данж (Каменный слой) 96 15 86 15
События и небесные башни 20 10 + 1.5 к каждому игроку в сети 20 10 + 1.5 к каждому игроку в сети

Дополнительно скорость создания врагов определяется их активным числом. Чем  меньше активных врагов, тем быстрее они создаются. Если число врагов составляет 20% от максимального числа, то частота создания множится на 0.6. Если 40%-65%, то на 0.8. 80% увеличивает частоту в 0.9 раз.

Таким образом, если игрок находится в зоне с частотой создания 600 и максимальное число 10, но враги занимают 2 или меньше, то итоговая частота составит 360, пока созданий не станет больше.

Присутствие дружественных к игроку НПС значительно снижает скорость создания врагов, также, как и сокращает их максимальное число. Наличие 3 или более НИПов (скелет-торговец считается дружелюбным) предотвращает создание монстров вообше. Все игровые события обходят это правило.

У каждого биома существуют свои приоритеты над другим биомом. Пусть в одном экране присутствует искажение, данж, метеорит и джунгли. У данжа наивысший приоритет, следом идут джунгли, затем искажение и низший у метеорита. 

Грубо говоря, если метеорит упал в джунгли, то он будет использовать параметры частоты создания от джунглей.

Основные правила спавна

Каждый игрок в игре способствует появлению привязанных к нему созданий. Если два игрока находятся в одном месте, монстры будут появляться в два раза быстрее, чем с одним. Однако на их максимальное количество это не повлияет, вы не сможете собрать больше 30 монстров в одном месте, но не забывайте, что летучие мыши считаются как 0.5, а редкие монстры как 2 или более.

Выбор места для спавна монстра

Площадь спавна

Когда игра решает заспавнить монстра, она выберет случайный тайл в прямоугольнике (на картинке справа зелёный). Максимальное расстояние на котором игра может заспавнить монстра — 84 тайла вправо и влево и 47 тайлов вверх и вниз. Если полученный блок — твёрдый, игра возьмёт другой тайл.

Как только пустой тайл найден, игра будет снижать место спавна до любой поверхности твёрдого блока. Если это будет за пределами зоны создания, тогда монстр моментально исчезнет. Если места будет достаточно для выбранного создания, то он появится. Исключением для этого являются летающие создания, они могут появится и в воздухе.

Выбранное место также проверяется на то, чтобы оно не было ближе к игроку чем на 62 блока по бокам и 35 блока в вертикальном направлении. Также они не могут заспавнится за пределами прямоугольника 84 на 47 блоков (зоны создания).

На мобильной версии безопасная зона вокруг игрока занимает площадь в 68 на 48 блоков, а зона спавна в 112 на 62 блока.

Выбор монстра для спавна

Тип монстра в момент появления зависит от факторов, включенных в данный список (но не ограничивается ими):

  • Время дня
  • Погода
  • Глубина
  • Позиция игрока по координате X (влево-вправо)
  • Биом
  • Стена позади игрока
  • События
  • Личный шанс спавна


  • Когда вы стоите на левом или правом краю мира, враги могут появляться на экране, так как от них до игрока по крайней мере 62 плитки. Экран составляет около 85 блоков, поэтому в этом случае враги могут появиться в самой дальней четверти экрана.
    • Это необязательно, так как некоторые игроки имеют более крупные экраны размером до 120 блоков.
  • Использование биноклей не увеличивает зону активности.


Обновлено: 12.02.2023

В «Террарии» противники будут появляться вне экрана и преследовать игрока в соответствии со своим ИИ. Скорость появления противников, максимальное число и их вид зависят от времени суток, окружения, типа поверхности и других факторов.


Скорость появления [ ]

Единица в скорости появления означает шанс появления противника каждый игровой кадр. Всего в секунду проходит 60 кадров, поэтому, например, значение 600 означает примерно 10%-ный шанс появления одного врага в секунду, а значение 100 — 45%-ный шанс появления одного существа в секунду.

Когда игра определит максимальное число врагов в районе, оно будет использовано. Некоторые противники стоят больше, чем единицу. Большинство птиц оценивается половиной обычного монстра, телепортирующиеся заклинатели стоят 3. Боссы — 5. В основном, большие или специфичные монстры стоят больше единицы.

Минимальная (самая быстрая) скорость появления при нормальных условиях равна 60, а максимальное число монстров — 15. Эти ограничения можно изменить с помощью водяной свечи или боевого зелья. Во время нашествия гоблинов игнорируют любые изменения и ограничения на скорость появления и число монстров.

Окружение Скорость появления Максимальное количество Скорость появления
(сложный режим)
Максимальное количество
(сложный режим)
Поверхность (день) 600 5 540 6
Поверхность (ночь) 360 6 324 7
Поверхность (Кровавая Луна) 108 11 97 14
Подземелье (земляной слой) 300 8 243 10
Пещеры (каменный слой) 240 9 216 11
Преисподняя 600 10 162 15
Джунгли (день) 240 7 216 9
Джунгли (ночь) 144 9 129 11
Джунгли (Кровавая Луна) 60 15 60 15
Джунгли (земляной слой) 120 12 97 15
Джунгли (каменный слой) 96 14 86 15
Порча (день) 390 6 351 7
Порча (ночь) 234 8 210 10
Порча (Кровавая Луна) 70 15 63 15
Порча (земляной слой) 195 11 157 14
Порча (каменный слой) 156 12 86 15
Освящение (день) 600 5 540 6
Освящение (ночь) 360 6 324 7
Освящение (Кровавая Луна) 108 11 97 14
Освящение (земляной слой) 300 8 243 10
Освящение (каменный слой) 165 12 140 14
Метеорит (день) 240 5 216 6
Метеорит (ночь) 144 7 129 8
Метеорит (Кровавая Луна) 60 12 60 15
Темница (земляной слой) 120 14 97 15
Темница (каменный слой) 96 15 86 15
Нашествие гоблинов 20 10 + 1.5 за игрока 20 10 + 1.5 за игрока

Дополнительно, скорость появления может быть изменена под влиянием числа активных противников в районе. Чем их меньше, тем быстрее приходят другие существа. Если их меньше 20% максимального количества, то скорость умножается на 0,6; если меньше 40%, то на 0,7; меньше 60% — на 0,8, а если меньше 80%, то на 0,9. Скорость появления увеличивается еще больше с глубиной или в порче.

Присутствие дружелюбных НИПов очень сильно уменьшает скорость появления и максимальное количество враждебных существ. Когда рядом три или больше НИПа, то враги не будут появляться. Игровые события, такие как Кровавая Луна и нашествие гоблинов, обходят эти уменьшения.

Некоторые биомы будут перекрывать другие при определении скорости. Порча, Темница, Метеорит и Джунгли имеют исключают скорости появления друг друга. Темница имеет наивысший приоритет, затем джунгли, порча, и, наконец, метеорит. Например, если метеорит упал в джунглях, то на месте падения будет использоваться скорость появления существ в джунглях.

Основы появления [ ]

Каждый игрок в игре вызывает своих собственных противников. Если два игрока находятся в одном месте, враги будут приходить с удвоенной скоростью.

Выбор места для появления враждебного существа [ ]

Когда игра решит создать врага, она будет, в первую очередь, выбирать случайное места в прямоугольнике около игрока. Максимальная дистанция от игрока может быть выбрана в пределах 73 блоков влево-вправо и 45 блоков вверх-вниз. Если выбран твердый блок, то игра будет пытаться создать монстра снова; если имеются задние стены, то также игра будет пытаться создать монстра снова.

Когда будет выбрано пустое пространство, существо будет двигаться вниз, пока не найдет землю. Если там места достаточно, то здесь оно и появится. Но, например, если игрок находится в зоне появления гарпий, то этот шаг обходится.

Выбранное место проверяется так, чтобы игрок был в безопасности. Противники не могут появится в прямоугольнике со сторонами меньшими 54 блока влево-вправо и 33 блока вверх-вниз от игрока.

Выбор вида враждебного существа [ ]

Вид создаваемого монстра зависит от множества факторов, включающего, но не ограничивающегося:

  • временем дня;
  • глубиной;
  • координатой по оси X;
  • окружением;
  • типом поверхности;
  • игровыми событиями
  • и случайностью.

Некоторые игровые события (нашествие гоблинов) могут отменить или изменить часть правил появления. Например, появление гоблинов во время нашествия не останавливается задними стенами.

Матвей Седов

Матвей Седов

Биом Частота спавна Макс. Число созданий Частота спавна (хардмод) Макс. число (хардмод)
Стандарт (Поверхность День) 600 5 540 6
Стандарт (Поверхность Ночь) 360 6 324 7
Стандарт (Кровавая луна) 107 11 97 14
Стандарт (Солн. затмение) — — 108 11
Показать полностью.
Стандарт (Земляной слой) 300 8 243 10
Стандарт (Каменный слой) 240 9 216 11
Ад 600 10 162 15
Джунгли (Поверхность День) 240 7 216 9
Джунгли (Поверхность ночь) 144 9 129 11
Джунгли (Кровавая луна) 60 15 60 15
Джунгли (Земляной слой) 120 12 97 15
Джунгли (Каменный слой) 96 14 86 15
Искажение/Багрянец (Поверхность День) 390 6 351 7
Искажение/Багрянец (Поверхность Ночь) 234 8 210 10
Искажение/Багрянец (Кровавая луна)

70 15 63 15
Искажение/Багрянец (Земляной слой) 195 11 157 14
Искажение/Багрянец (Каменный слой) 156 12 86 15
Освящение (Поверхность День) 600 5 540 6
Освящение (Поверхность Ночь) 360 6 324 7
Освящение (Кровавая луна) 108 11 97 14
Освящение (Земляной слой) 300 8 243 10
Освящение (Каменный слой) 165 12 140 14
Метеор (День) 240 5 216 6
Метеорит (Ночь) 144 7 129 8
Метеорит (Кровавая луна) 60 12 60 15
Подземная пустыня 180 7 162 9
Данж (Земляной слой) 120 14 97 15
Данж (Каменный слой) 96 15 86 15
События и небесные башни 20 10 + 1.5 к каждому игроку в сети 20 10 + 1.5 к каждому игроку в сети

Николай Болотов

Николай Болотов

Денис, а на 1.2
когда я играл
У меня было много нпс но мобы всеравно

Денис Заболотный

Глеб Хижов

Лёха Тевянов

Мм чувак у тебя такой маленький фпс? А какой у тебя телефон? (просто у меня тоже маленький фпс а телефон мейзу м3s)

Влад Горобцов

Влад Горобцов ответил Николаю

Николай, может забоговаться с зельем спокойствия и битвы то есть если выпить одно из них то может быть куча мобов или не души

Сергей Жеребятников

Алекс Семёнов

Сергей, из нпс только дриада может припятствовать спавну мобов

Дмитрий Круглов ответил Алексу

Алекс Семёнов ответил Дмитрию

Дмитрий Круглов

Николай Болотов

Николай Болотов

Ярослав Холодовский

Ярослав Холодовский ответил Николаю

Николай, да. У меня так с хатой из-за нпс и свечей спокойствия.

Sabrina Bagadyrova

Потому что с каждым добавлением нипа ниже шанс появления моба

Джавид Басари

Джавид Басари ответил Алексу

Евгений Губанов

Евгений Губанов

Владислав Зайцев

Владислав Зайцев ответил Евгению

Владислав Зайцев

Владислав Зайцев

Сергей Жеребятников

Сергей Жеребятников

Дмитрий Круглов

Чем больше нипов, тем меньше в около них спавнится мобов

Кирилл Андреев

Максим Молоканов

Максим Молоканов

Михаил Товарков

Михаил Товарков

Максим, всегда найдется человек, который оценит дом, даже если не просят

Максим Молоканов

Максим Молоканов ответил Михаилу

Bogdan Lavrov

Bogdan Lavrov ответил Максиму

Максим Молоканов

Максим Молоканов ответил Bogdan

Bogdan Lavrov

Bogdan Lavrov ответил Максиму

Максим Молоканов

Максим Молоканов ответил Bogdan

Денис Дзюба

Дима Воробьев

Дима Воробьев

Владимир Загороднев

Владимир Загороднев ответил Диме

Дима, это так разумно цепляться за чужие интересы, причём не из-за своего мнения, а из-за мнения стадо.

Дима Воробьев

Дима Воробьев ответил Владимиру

Vladimir, это так разумно,судить дом человека,когда он просто спросил ,почему не спавнятся мобы.

Владимир Загороднев

Владимир Загороднев ответил Диме

Дима, согласен, но зачем было оскорблять его интересы, да и не только его в принципе.

Дима Воробьев

Дима Воробьев ответил Владимиру

Vladimir, я посчитал несправедливым тот факт,что он ни к чему отправил свой коммент,без никакой конкретики,и почему именно ,цитирую,»дом говно».Я решил заступиться за человека,ибо может,он очень ранимый,и это может навредить его психике.Я понимаю,ты заступаешься за этого чела,и предлагаю на этой ноте закончить нашу дисскусию)

Владимир Загороднев

Владимир Загороднев


11 фев. 2017 в 11:35
ive set up a farm. and i need as many ways to increase the amount of enemies as possible.. just any and every method possible.
11 фев. 2017 в 11:39
Use a battle potion and a water candle. Make sure there are the least amount of NPC’s near as possible.
11 фев. 2017 в 12:04
11 фев. 2017 в 12:04
Use a battle potion and a water candle. Make sure there are the least amount of NPC’s near as possible.
doesnt lihzahrd blocks increase spawn rates as well?
11 фев. 2017 в 12:16

Jungle biome (lihzahrd blocks), battle potions, water candle and blood moon all increase spawn rate. It has a cap, though, so no sense in using 3 or more ways to increase it.

Also make sure areas where enemies could spawn (little pockets of air underground) are filled up or outside of the spawn area. That’s the one most people mess up with, as far as I’ve seen. 84 blocks left/right of player and I think 34 up/down. I usually go 100 out and 50 up/down to allow movement, hope that helps.

11 фев. 2017 в 12:35
great answer. yes i heard about using lihzahrd blocks (i just call them lizard blocks lol). how many lihzahrd blocks to i need to increase the spawn rate, say in the snow biome.
11 фев. 2017 в 12:36

Jungle biome (lihzahrd blocks), battle potions, water candle and blood moon all increase spawn rate. It has a cap, though, so no sense in using 3 or more ways to increase it.

Also make sure areas where enemies could spawn (little pockets of air underground) are filled up or outside of the spawn area. That’s the one most people mess up with, as far as I’ve seen. 84 blocks left/right of player and I think 34 up/down. I usually go 100 out and 50 up/down to allow movement, hope that helps.

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Вопрос достаточно неоднозначный, ведь после паучьей брони идут сразу три, находящиеся примерно на одном этапе: Запретная, Святая и Броня Тики. Запретная и Святая проигрывают в уроне и количестве слотов под миньонов, но дают преимущество в защите, особенно последняя, с её обновлённым баффом — … Читать далее

Чел выше дал какой-то дико длинный ответ, если ты хочешь модного денег, то в процессе игры собирай весь хлам и продавай :)  

Эттерианский кристал можно купить у Трактирщика, который, в свою очередь, появляется после убийства босса искажения (Мозг Ктулху или Пожиратель миров), он стоит : Дохардмод — 25 сер. монет, после убийства первого Механического босса (Близнецы, Уничтожитель или Скелетрон Прайм) — 1 золотая монета … Читать далее

Обсидиановый щит крафтится на столе инженера из кобальтового щита который можно найти в сундуках темницы (скелетрона) и Обсидианового черепа который в свою очередь крафтится на верстаке из 20-ти обсидиана. Обсидиан же можно получить, если вода и лава столкнутся.

Доступ к такому материалу, как эктоплазма открывается после убийства Плантеры. Найти его можно в биоме «Темница» или в простонародье «Данж Скелетона». Убив плантеру, возвращаемся в данж, если не убили Скелетрона, дожидаемся ночи и открываем доступ к спуску вниз. Теперь после убийства мобов (любых … Читать далее

День в террарий идет 24 минуты это можно проверить с помощью часов например платиновых или можно найти в аду обсидиановые часы.

Чтобы получить огнестрельное оружие в Террарии тебе нужно обыскивать различные сундуки, так же ты можешь покупать его у продавца или же убивая боссов.

Для того,чтобы забрать алтарь голема тебе нужно:

перейти в хардмод;
спуститься в подземные джунгли;
убить плантеру (из неё выпадет ключ от храма ящеров) и войти в храм. Затем тебе нужно посмотреть в сундуках внутри храма ящеров и найти призывалку голема, и призвать его (батарейку ящеров).

После … Читать далее

In Terraria, enemies, critters, and other NPCs will spawn off-screen and enter the screen area based on their AI. The rate at which enemies are spawned, the maximum number of enemies, and the type of enemies spawned are all dependent on the time of day, biome, the tile type of the ground, and other factors.

Spawn rates[]


The game determines new enemy spawns every tick.[1] There are two variables it takes into consideration when doing so: spawn rate and max spawns, with the spawn rate setting the chance of an enemy spawning at each tick, and the max spawns limiting the number of enemies that are active at a time.[2]

The default spawn rate is 1/600.[3] This means that for each tick, there is a chance of 1/600 that an enemy is spawned. Since there are 60 ticks in 1 second, there is a 9.52% chance that at least one enemy will spawn in a given second.

The default max spawns is 5.[4] This means that a new enemy can only be spawned if the sum of the NPC slots of all current active enemies is lower than 5. Most enemies occupy 1 NPC slot by default; see the following table for a list of all enemies with a higher or lower number of NPC slots. Active enemies exclude many enemies considered part of the same enemy, for example, body and tail parts of worms, because a Giant Worm, which has 6–8 segments (i.e. individual enemies), would otherwise occupy a disproportionate number of NPC slots. Town NPCs are not considered active NPCs for the purposes of NPC spawning. See the following table for a list of enemies that are not considered active.

Natural spawn rates[]


1/x: spawn rate
y: max spawns

Spawn rate and max spawns have set values, which are different depending on the environment. They are formally defined for the environments mentioned in the following tables. Events that are not listed usually employ separate mechanisms to control spawn rates; bosses usually occupy enough NPC slots to block most other spawns.

Additionally, the spawn rate will be modified by the number of active enemies in the area. The fewer active enemies there are, the faster new ones will spawn:

  • If the sum of the NPC slots of all active enemies is lower than 20% of max spawns, the denominator of the spawn rate will be multiplied by 0.6.
  • If the sum of the NPC slots of all active enemies is lower than 40% and greater than or equal to 20% of max spawns, the denominator of the spawn rate will be multiplied by 0.7.
  • If the sum of the NPC slots of all active enemies is lower than 60% and greater than or equal to 40% of max spawns, the denominator of the spawn rate will be multiplied by 0.8.
  • If the sum of the NPC slots of all active enemies is lower than 80% and greater than or equal to 60% of max spawns, the denominator of the spawn rate will be multiplied by 0.9.

(Note that all products are rounded down to the nearest integer.)

The following table lists some examples for this mechanic. It is to be read in the following way: If the natural spawn rate and max spawns (as determined from the overview above) and sum of the NPC slots of all active enemies are equal to the values in the first three columns, then the spawn rate is altered as shown in the last column.

Spawn rate Max spawns NPC slots sum Altered spawn rate
1/600 6 0.8
(13.3% of max spawns)
1/173 15 10
(66.7% of max spawns)
1/430 12 10
(83.3% of max spawns)

Manual alteration of spawn rates[]

Certain items can be used to change the spawn rate and max spawns when used or placed, as per the following table. All effects are multiplicative rather than additive.

Item Spawn rate factor[9] Effective spawn rate Max spawns
Water CandleWater Candle(also if held) 1/0.75 +33% +50%
Battle PotionBattle Potion 1/0.5 +100% +100%
Calming PotionCalming Potion 1/1.3 −23% −30%
SunflowerSunflower 1/1.2 −17% ( only) −20%
Peace CandlePeace Candle(also if held) 1/1.3 −23% −30%
Invisibility PotionInvisibility Potion( only) 1/1.2 −17% −20%

These effects do not stack with themselves, i.e., a single Water Candle, Peace Candle, or Sunflower has the same effect as multiple of each one.

Water and Peace Candles cancel each other out, even though they do not alter spawn rates by the same absolute values. If both are active (e.g. a Peace Candle is held while a Water Candle is placed nearby), none is applied.

There is one exception to this: Water Candles placed (explicitly not held) in Space[10] always increase spawn rates, regardless of nearby Peace Candles. Their effectiveness depends on nearby Peace Candles, however:

Item Spawn rate factor[9] Effective spawn rate Max spawns
Water CandleWater Candleplaced in Space

(with no Peace Candle held or placed nearby)

1/0.375 +167% +50%
Water CandleWater Candleplaced in Space

(with a Peace Candle held or placed nearby)

1/0.5 +100% +50%

In addition, nearby Fairies have the same effect as Sunflowers and Invisibility Potions, reducing the effective spawn rate by 17% and decreasing the max spawns by 20%.

Up to this point, spawn rates cannot be increased to fractions greater than 1/60 and max spawns cannot be increased to values greater than 15. Both will be cut off there. The spawn rates and max spawns of the invasion events listed in the tables above are exempt from this. There is no lower limit for spawn rates and max spawns.

Effect of town NPCs on spawn rates[]

The presence of nearby town NPCs generally reduces spawn rates and max spawns. This effect is adjusted in the Underworld and in Graveyards.

Anywhere in the world above the Underworld ( except in a Graveyard)

Number of
nearby town NPCs
Spawn rate factor[9] Effective spawn rate Max spawns
1 1/1.5 −33% −13%
2 1/(9/7) −22% −27%
≥3 n/a n/a −40%
In the Underworld

Number of
nearby town NPCs
Spawn rate factor[9] Effective spawn rate Max spawns
1 1/(50/41) −18% −5%
2 1/(15/11) −27% −10%
≥3 1/1.8 −44% −17%
In a Graveyard

Number of
nearby town NPCs
Spawn rate factor[9] Effective spawn rate Max spawns
1 1/1.66 −40% −4%
2 1/2.33 −57% −7%
≥3 1/3 −66% −13%

When 3 or more town NPCs or the Skeleton Merchant are present nearby, no enemies will spawn. This is only valid for areas outside of the Underworld and Graveyards, and only for Classic worlds – in Expert Mode, there is still a 3.33*1/30 (3.33%) chance an enemy may spawn that tick. Enemies from events as well as bosses (and their servants) will bypass this restriction.

Journey Mode[]

Spawn rates can be manually altered in Journey Mode, from 0× (disabling spawns) to 10× the normal rate. Even with the spawn rate set to 0×, bosses may still be summoned, mining up Tombstones can still cause Ghosts to spawn, and certain Celestial enemies can spawn.

Spawn locations[]

Each player in the game will spawn their own enemies. If two players are in the same area, monsters will appear twice as fast as they would with only one player. Max Spawns rule are still used, which means that even if 2 players are in the same spot, you cannot gather 30 normal monsters near the spot. (Don’t forget, the bats count as 1/2, and some special enemies count as 2 or more.)

Choosing a spot to spawn the enemy[]

Spawn area illustration (status 2014)

Verify When the game decides to spawn an enemy, it will first choose a random tile within a rectangle around the player (specifically, the tile containing the top left corner of the player’s hitbox). The maximum distance from the player it can choose from is 84 tiles east, 83 west, 46 up, and 45 down. If the picked tile is a solid block, it will try another one. Tiles that are actuated out do not count as solid. If the picked tile has a player-placed wall that blocks enemies from spawning, it will also try another tile.

Once an empty tile is found, it moves down until it finds the ground. (Note that this tile can be more than 45 tiles below from the player. If it finally is outside the «Active Rectangle» it will be instantly despawned, anyway.) If there is enough space for an enemy to be spawned at this location, this will be the tile it chooses. The exception to this is when the player is in an area where Harpies and many other flying enemies can be spawned. In this case, the game does not attempt to find a ground tile.

The chosen tile is then checked to make sure it is not within the «safe» area around the player. It cannot be within 62 tiles east or west, or 34 tiles up or down. Also, the chosen tile space must be completely outside 2088 × 1172 pixel rectangles centered on the center of each player’s hitbox. (If the player is not riding a mount, the top edge of this is 34 + 3/16 tiles above the top left corner tile mentioned above, meaning that NPCs can spawn on ground exactly 35 tiles above a player standing on half blocks, but not a player standing on full blocks.)

Using certain items causes monsters to spawn further out than normal. Equipping a Rifle Scope or Sniper Scope does so only when the player has a compatible gun selected, whether or not the player is zoomed out.

Items Spawn range Safe range
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
Normal 84 46 62 34
Rifle Scope (or derivatives) 114 62 92 50
Binoculars 124 68 102 56
Sniper Rifle 124 68 102 56
Sniper Rifle with Rifle Scope (or derivatives) 132 72 110 60

Note : If using the Depth Meter, Compass, or similar, each tile is equal to 2 feet, so double all measurements to get distances in feet

On the Mobile version Mobile version (pre-1.4 only), the no-spawn area around the player is 68 by 48 tiles, and the spawn area is 112 by 62 tiles. In addition, enemies cannot spawn closer than 34 tiles to the sides and 24 tiles up and down. They also cannot spawn farther than 56 tiles to the sides and 31 tiles up and down.

Choosing a type of enemy to spawn[]

The type of enemy spawned will depend on many factors including, but not limited to:

  • Time of day
  • Weather (e.g., Angry Nimbus and Ice Golem require Rain/Blizzard)
  • Depth
  • Distance East or West (Ocean enemies, Martian Probes, Goblin Scouts, etc.)
  • Player’s Current biome (Corruption, Meteor, Jungle, etc., in the case of most biome-specific flying enemies)
  • Tile the enemy spawns on (Jungle Grass, Ebonstone, Marble, etc. in the case of most biome-specific grounded enemies)
  • Wall behind the player (Lihzahrd Brick Wall, Dungeon Brick Wall, etc.)
  • Wall behind the enemy’s spawn location (Dungeon Brick Wall variants)
  • Special events (Blood Moon, Solar Eclipse, invasion events, etc)
  • Randomness


  • When standing on the left or right edge of the world, the enemies can spawn on screen, as long they are at least 62 tiles from the player. The screen is around 85 blocks wide, so in this case the enemies can spawn in the farthest quarter of the screen. (This may not necessarily be the case, some players have larger screens, as big as 120 blocks wide).
  • Equipping Binoculars does make the active rectangle bigger.


  • Desktop
    • Added the following enemies to the list of NPCs that are never considered active: Skeletron Hand, Prime Cannon, Prime Saw, Prime Vice, Prime Laser, Martian Saucer, Martian Saucer Turret, Martian Saucer Cannon, and Dutchman Cannon.
    • Increased the natural spawn rates and max spawns in the Dungeon:
      • Increased spawn rates in the Underground layer from 1/120 (pre-Hardmode) and 1/97 (Hardmode) to 1/90 (pre-Hardmode) and 1/72 (Hardmode).
      • Increased spawn rates in the Cavern layer from 1/96 (pre-Hardmode) and 1/86 (Hardmode) to 1/72 (pre-Hardmode) and 1/64 (Hardmode).
      • Increased max spawns in the Underground layer in pre-Hardmode from 13 to 14.
    • Increased the natural spawn rates and max spawns in the Underground Desert:
      • Increased spawn rates on the surface during the day in pre-Hardmode from 1/180 to 1/120.
      • Increased spawn rates on the surface during the night in pre-Hardmode from 1/108 to 1/72.
      • Increased spawn rates in the Underground layer in pre-Hardmode from 1/90 to 1/60.
      • Increased spawn rates in the Cavern layer in pre-Hardmode from 1/72 to 1/60.
      • Increased max spawns on the surface to 15. The old max spawns were 10 (pre-Hardmode) / 12 (Hardmode) during the day, and 12 (pre-Hardmode) / 14 (Hardmode) during the night. Max spawns in the Underground Desert are now 15 at all times and under all conditions.
  • Desktop 1.2.4: Fixed bug where spawn rates would increase underground when a moon event is happening.
  • Desktop 1.2.3: Fixed bug where spawn rates were higher than intended everywhere rather than when below the middle of dirt layer.


  1. A tick is a time unit countable by the software. Most of Terraria‘s updating logic happens every tick. A tick has the length of 1/60th of a second, hence there are 60 ticks in a second and 3600 ticks in a minute.
  2. Information taken from the PC version PC source code, method SpawnNPC() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current PC version PC version is
  3. Information taken from the PC version PC source code, field defaultSpawnRate in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current PC version PC version is
  4. Information taken from the PC version PC source code, field defaultMaxSpawns in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current PC version PC version is
  5. 5.0 5.1 Blood Moons only affect the spawn rates above the surface.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Weather additionally affects spawn rates and max spawns in the Snow biome.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Only applied if the Meteorite biome does not overlap with the Dungeon, the Underground Desert, the Desert during a Sandstorm, the Jungle, or the evil biomes. If it does overlap with any of those biomes, then the overlapping biome’s spawn rate and max spawns are used.
  8. If artificially created.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 The product of the denominators is rounded down to the nearest integer.
  10. More precisely, above an altitude of 65% between the surface line and the top of the world, i.e. the same area where Space-exclusive enemies spawn in pre-Hardmode. See Space § Notes.

In Terraria, enemies, critters, and other NPCs will spawn off-screen and enter the screen area based on their AI. The rate at which enemies are spawned, the maximum number of enemies, and the type of enemies spawned are all dependent on the time of day, biome, the tile type of the ground, and other factors.

Spawn rates[]


The game determines new enemy spawns every tick.[1] There are two variables it takes into consideration when doing so: spawn rate and max spawns, with the spawn rate setting the chance of an enemy spawning at each tick, and the max spawns limiting the number of enemies that are active at a time.[2]

The default spawn rate is 1/600.[3] This means that for each tick, there is a chance of 1/600 that an enemy is spawned. Since there are 60 ticks in 1 second, there is a 9.52% chance that at least one enemy will spawn in a given second.

The default max spawns is 5.[4] This means that a new enemy can only be spawned if the sum of the NPC slots of all current active enemies is lower than 5. Most enemies occupy 1 NPC slot by default; see the following table for a list of all enemies with a higher or lower number of NPC slots. Active enemies exclude many enemies considered part of the same enemy, for example, body and tail parts of worms, because a Giant Worm, which has 6–8 segments (i.e. individual enemies), would otherwise occupy a disproportionate number of NPC slots. Town NPCs are not considered active NPCs for the purposes of NPC spawning. See the following table for a list of enemies that are not considered active.

Natural spawn rates[]


1/x: spawn rate
y: max spawns

Spawn rate and max spawns have set values, which are different depending on the environment. They are formally defined for the environments mentioned in the following tables. Events that are not listed usually employ separate mechanisms to control spawn rates; bosses usually occupy enough NPC slots to block most other spawns.

Additionally, the spawn rate will be modified by the number of active enemies in the area. The fewer active enemies there are, the faster new ones will spawn:

  • If the sum of the NPC slots of all active enemies is lower than 20% of max spawns, the denominator of the spawn rate will be multiplied by 0.6.
  • If the sum of the NPC slots of all active enemies is lower than 40% and greater than or equal to 20% of max spawns, the denominator of the spawn rate will be multiplied by 0.7.
  • If the sum of the NPC slots of all active enemies is lower than 60% and greater than or equal to 40% of max spawns, the denominator of the spawn rate will be multiplied by 0.8.
  • If the sum of the NPC slots of all active enemies is lower than 80% and greater than or equal to 60% of max spawns, the denominator of the spawn rate will be multiplied by 0.9.

(Note that all products are rounded down to the nearest integer.)

The following table lists some examples for this mechanic. It is to be read in the following way: If the natural spawn rate and max spawns (as determined from the overview above) and sum of the NPC slots of all active enemies are equal to the values in the first three columns, then the spawn rate is altered as shown in the last column.

Spawn rate Max spawns NPC slots sum Altered spawn rate
1/600 6 0.8
(13.3% of max spawns)
1/173 15 10
(66.7% of max spawns)
1/430 12 10
(83.3% of max spawns)

Manual alteration of spawn rates[]

Certain items can be used to change the spawn rate and max spawns when used or placed, as per the following table. All effects are multiplicative rather than additive.

Item Spawn rate factor[9] Effective spawn rate Max spawns
Water CandleWater Candle(also if held) 1/0.75 +33% +50%
Battle PotionBattle Potion 1/0.5 +100% +100%
Calming PotionCalming Potion 1/1.3 −23% −30%
SunflowerSunflower 1/1.2 −17% ( only) −20%
Peace CandlePeace Candle(also if held) 1/1.3 −23% −30%
Invisibility PotionInvisibility Potion( only) 1/1.2 −17% −20%

These effects do not stack with themselves, i.e., a single Water Candle, Peace Candle, or Sunflower has the same effect as multiple of each one.

Water and Peace Candles cancel each other out, even though they do not alter spawn rates by the same absolute values. If both are active (e.g. a Peace Candle is held while a Water Candle is placed nearby), none is applied.

There is one exception to this: Water Candles placed (explicitly not held) in Space[10] always increase spawn rates, regardless of nearby Peace Candles. Their effectiveness depends on nearby Peace Candles, however:

Item Spawn rate factor[9] Effective spawn rate Max spawns
Water CandleWater Candleplaced in Space

(with no Peace Candle held or placed nearby)

1/0.375 +167% +50%
Water CandleWater Candleplaced in Space

(with a Peace Candle held or placed nearby)

1/0.5 +100% +50%

In addition, nearby Fairies have the same effect as Sunflowers and Invisibility Potions, reducing the effective spawn rate by 17% and decreasing the max spawns by 20%.

Up to this point, spawn rates cannot be increased to fractions greater than 1/60 and max spawns cannot be increased to values greater than 15. Both will be cut off there. The spawn rates and max spawns of the invasion events listed in the tables above are exempt from this. There is no lower limit for spawn rates and max spawns.

Effect of town NPCs on spawn rates[]

The presence of nearby town NPCs generally reduces spawn rates and max spawns. This effect is adjusted in the Underworld and in Graveyards.

Anywhere in the world above the Underworld ( except in a Graveyard)

Number of
nearby town NPCs
Spawn rate factor[9] Effective spawn rate Max spawns
1 1/1.5 −33% −13%
2 1/(9/7) −22% −27%
≥3 n/a n/a −40%
In the Underworld

Number of
nearby town NPCs
Spawn rate factor[9] Effective spawn rate Max spawns
1 1/(50/41) −18% −5%
2 1/(15/11) −27% −10%
≥3 1/1.8 −44% −17%
In a Graveyard

Number of
nearby town NPCs
Spawn rate factor[9] Effective spawn rate Max spawns
1 1/1.66 −40% −4%
2 1/2.33 −57% −7%
≥3 1/3 −66% −13%

When 3 or more town NPCs or the Skeleton Merchant are present nearby, no enemies will spawn. This is only valid for areas outside of the Underworld and Graveyards, and only for Classic worlds – in Expert Mode, there is still a 3.33*1/30 (3.33%) chance an enemy may spawn that tick. Enemies from events as well as bosses (and their servants) will bypass this restriction.

Journey Mode[]

Spawn rates can be manually altered in Journey Mode, from 0× (disabling spawns) to 10× the normal rate. Even with the spawn rate set to 0×, bosses may still be summoned, mining up Tombstones can still cause Ghosts to spawn, and certain Celestial enemies can spawn.

Spawn locations[]

Each player in the game will spawn their own enemies. If two players are in the same area, monsters will appear twice as fast as they would with only one player. Max Spawns rule are still used, which means that even if 2 players are in the same spot, you cannot gather 30 normal monsters near the spot. (Don’t forget, the bats count as 1/2, and some special enemies count as 2 or more.)

Choosing a spot to spawn the enemy[]

Spawn area illustration (status 2014)

Verify When the game decides to spawn an enemy, it will first choose a random tile within a rectangle around the player (specifically, the tile containing the top left corner of the player’s hitbox). The maximum distance from the player it can choose from is 84 tiles east, 83 west, 46 up, and 45 down. If the picked tile is a solid block, it will try another one. Tiles that are actuated out do not count as solid. If the picked tile has a player-placed wall that blocks enemies from spawning, it will also try another tile.

Once an empty tile is found, it moves down until it finds the ground. (Note that this tile can be more than 45 tiles below from the player. If it finally is outside the «Active Rectangle» it will be instantly despawned, anyway.) If there is enough space for an enemy to be spawned at this location, this will be the tile it chooses. The exception to this is when the player is in an area where Harpies and many other flying enemies can be spawned. In this case, the game does not attempt to find a ground tile.

The chosen tile is then checked to make sure it is not within the «safe» area around the player. It cannot be within 62 tiles east or west, or 34 tiles up or down. Also, the chosen tile space must be completely outside 2088 × 1172 pixel rectangles centered on the center of each player’s hitbox. (If the player is not riding a mount, the top edge of this is 34 + 3/16 tiles above the top left corner tile mentioned above, meaning that NPCs can spawn on ground exactly 35 tiles above a player standing on half blocks, but not a player standing on full blocks.)

Using certain items causes monsters to spawn further out than normal. Equipping a Rifle Scope or Sniper Scope does so only when the player has a compatible gun selected, whether or not the player is zoomed out.

Items Spawn range Safe range
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
Normal 84 46 62 34
Rifle Scope (or derivatives) 114 62 92 50
Binoculars 124 68 102 56
Sniper Rifle 124 68 102 56
Sniper Rifle with Rifle Scope (or derivatives) 132 72 110 60

Note : If using the Depth Meter, Compass, or similar, each tile is equal to 2 feet, so double all measurements to get distances in feet

On the Mobile version Mobile version (pre-1.4 only), the no-spawn area around the player is 68 by 48 tiles, and the spawn area is 112 by 62 tiles. In addition, enemies cannot spawn closer than 34 tiles to the sides and 24 tiles up and down. They also cannot spawn farther than 56 tiles to the sides and 31 tiles up and down.

Choosing a type of enemy to spawn[]

The type of enemy spawned will depend on many factors including, but not limited to:

  • Time of day
  • Weather (e.g., Angry Nimbus and Ice Golem require Rain/Blizzard)
  • Depth
  • Distance East or West (Ocean enemies, Martian Probes, Goblin Scouts, etc.)
  • Player’s Current biome (Corruption, Meteor, Jungle, etc., in the case of most biome-specific flying enemies)
  • Tile the enemy spawns on (Jungle Grass, Ebonstone, Marble, etc. in the case of most biome-specific grounded enemies)
  • Wall behind the player (Lihzahrd Brick Wall, Dungeon Brick Wall, etc.)
  • Wall behind the enemy’s spawn location (Dungeon Brick Wall variants)
  • Special events (Blood Moon, Solar Eclipse, invasion events, etc)
  • Randomness


  • When standing on the left or right edge of the world, the enemies can spawn on screen, as long they are at least 62 tiles from the player. The screen is around 85 blocks wide, so in this case the enemies can spawn in the farthest quarter of the screen. (This may not necessarily be the case, some players have larger screens, as big as 120 blocks wide).
  • Equipping Binoculars does make the active rectangle bigger.


  • Desktop
    • Added the following enemies to the list of NPCs that are never considered active: Skeletron Hand, Prime Cannon, Prime Saw, Prime Vice, Prime Laser, Martian Saucer, Martian Saucer Turret, Martian Saucer Cannon, and Dutchman Cannon.
    • Increased the natural spawn rates and max spawns in the Dungeon:
      • Increased spawn rates in the Underground layer from 1/120 (pre-Hardmode) and 1/97 (Hardmode) to 1/90 (pre-Hardmode) and 1/72 (Hardmode).
      • Increased spawn rates in the Cavern layer from 1/96 (pre-Hardmode) and 1/86 (Hardmode) to 1/72 (pre-Hardmode) and 1/64 (Hardmode).
      • Increased max spawns in the Underground layer in pre-Hardmode from 13 to 14.
    • Increased the natural spawn rates and max spawns in the Underground Desert:
      • Increased spawn rates on the surface during the day in pre-Hardmode from 1/180 to 1/120.
      • Increased spawn rates on the surface during the night in pre-Hardmode from 1/108 to 1/72.
      • Increased spawn rates in the Underground layer in pre-Hardmode from 1/90 to 1/60.
      • Increased spawn rates in the Cavern layer in pre-Hardmode from 1/72 to 1/60.
      • Increased max spawns on the surface to 15. The old max spawns were 10 (pre-Hardmode) / 12 (Hardmode) during the day, and 12 (pre-Hardmode) / 14 (Hardmode) during the night. Max spawns in the Underground Desert are now 15 at all times and under all conditions.
  • Desktop 1.2.4: Fixed bug where spawn rates would increase underground when a moon event is happening.
  • Desktop 1.2.3: Fixed bug where spawn rates were higher than intended everywhere rather than when below the middle of dirt layer.


  1. A tick is a time unit countable by the software. Most of Terraria‘s updating logic happens every tick. A tick has the length of 1/60th of a second, hence there are 60 ticks in a second and 3600 ticks in a minute.
  2. Information taken from the PC version PC source code, method SpawnNPC() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current PC version PC version is
  3. Information taken from the PC version PC source code, field defaultSpawnRate in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current PC version PC version is
  4. Information taken from the PC version PC source code, field defaultMaxSpawns in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current PC version PC version is
  5. 5.0 5.1 Blood Moons only affect the spawn rates above the surface.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Weather additionally affects spawn rates and max spawns in the Snow biome.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Only applied if the Meteorite biome does not overlap with the Dungeon, the Underground Desert, the Desert during a Sandstorm, the Jungle, or the evil biomes. If it does overlap with any of those biomes, then the overlapping biome’s spawn rate and max spawns are used.
  8. If artificially created.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 The product of the denominators is rounded down to the nearest integer.
  10. More precisely, above an altitude of 65% between the surface line and the top of the world, i.e. the same area where Space-exclusive enemies spawn in pre-Hardmode. See Space § Notes.

In Terraria, enemies, critters, and other NPCs will spawn off-screen and enter the screen area based on their AI. The rate at which enemies are spawned, the maximum number of enemies, and the type of enemies spawned are all dependent on the time of day, biome, the tile type of the ground, and other factors.

Spawn rates


The game determines new enemy spawns every tick.[1] There are two variables it takes into consideration when doing so: spawn rate and max spawns, with the spawn rate setting the chance of an enemy spawning at each tick, and the max spawns limiting the number of enemies that are active at a time.[2]

The default spawn rate is 1/600.[3] This means that each tick, there is a chance of 1/600 that an enemy is spawned. Since there are 60 ticks in 1 second, there is a 9.52% chance that at least one enemy will spawn in a given second.

The default max spawns is 5.[4] This means that a new enemy can only be spawned if the sum of the NPC slots of all current active enemies is lower than 5. Most enemies occupy 1 NPC slot by default; see the following table for a list of all enemies with a higher or lower number of NPC slots. Active enemies exclude many enemies considered part of the same enemy, for example, body and tail parts of worms, because a Giant Worm, which has 6–8 segments (i.e. individual enemies), would otherwise occupy a disproportionate number of NPC slots. Town NPCs are not considered active NPCs for the purposes of NPC spawning. See the following table for a list of enemies that are not considered active.

Natural spawn rates


1/x: spawn rate
y: max spawns

Spawn rate and max spawns have set values, which are different depending on the environment. They are formally defined for the environments mentioned in the following tables. Events that are not listed usually employ separate mechanisms to control spawn rates; bosses usually occupy enough NPC slots to block most other spawns.

Additionally, the spawn rate will be modified by the number of active enemies in the area. The fewer active enemies there are, the faster new ones will spawn:

  • If the sum of the NPC slots of all active enemies is lower than 20% of max spawns, the denominator of the spawn rate will be multiplied by 0.6.
  • If the sum of the NPC slots of all active enemies is lower than 40% and greater or equal 20% of max spawns, the denominator of the spawn rate will be multiplied by 0.7.
  • If the sum of the NPC slots of all active enemies is lower than 60% and greater or equal 40% of max spawns, the denominator of the spawn rate will be multiplied by 0.8.
  • If the sum of the NPC slots of all active enemies is lower than 80% and greater or equal 60% of max spawns, the denominator of the spawn rate will be multiplied by 0.9.

(Note that all products are rounded down to the nearest integer.)

The following table lists some examples for this mechanic. It is to be read in the following way: If the natural spawn rate and max spawns (as determined from the overview above) and sum of the NPC slots of all active enemies are equal to the values in the first three columns, then the spawn rate is altered as shown in the last column.

Spawn rate Max spawns NPC slots sum Altered spawn rate
1/600 6 0.8
(13.3% of max spawns)
1/173 15 10
(66.7% of max spawns)
1/430 12 10
(83.3% of max spawns)

Manual alteration of spawn rates

Certain items can be used to change the spawn rate and max spawns when used or placed, as per the following table. All effects are multiplicative rather than additive.

Item Spawn rate factor[10] Effective spawn rate Max spawns
Water CandleWater Candle(also if held) 1/0.75 +33% +50%
Battle PotionBattle Potion 1/0.5 +100% +100%
Calming PotionCalming Potion 1/1.3 −23% −30%
SunflowerSunflower 1/1.2 −17% ( only) −20%
Peace CandlePeace Candle(also if held) 1/1.3 −23% −30%
Invisibility PotionInvisibility Potion( only) 1/1.2 −17% −20%

These effects do not stack with themselves, i.e., a single Water Candle, Peace Candle, or Sunflower has the same effect as multiple of each one.

Water and Peace Candles cancel each other out, even though they do not alter spawn rates by the same absolute values. If both are active (e.g. a Peace Candle is held while a Water Candle is placed nearby), none is applied.

There is one exception to this: Water Candles placed (explicitly not held) in Space[11] always increase spawn rates, regardless of nearby Peace Candles. Their effectiveness depends on nearby Peace Candles, however:

Item Spawn rate factor[10] Effective spawn rate Max spawns
Water CandleWater Candleplaced in Space

(with no Peace Candle held or placed nearby)

1/0.375 +167% +50%
Water CandleWater Candleplaced in Space

(with a Peace Candle held or placed nearby)

1/0.5 +100% +50%

In addition, nearby Fairies have the same effect as Sunflowers and Invisibility Potions, reducing the effective spawn rate by 17% and decreasing the max spawns by 20%.

Up to this point, spawn rates cannot be increased to fractions greater than 1/60 and max spawns cannot be increased to values greater than 15. Both will be cut off there. The spawn rates and max spawns of the invasion events listed in the tables above are exempt from this. There is no lower limit for spawn rates and max spawns.

Effect of town NPCs on spawn rates

The presence of nearby town NPCs generally reduces spawn rates and max spawns. This effect is adjusted in the Underworld and in Graveyards.

Anywhere in the world above the Underworld ( except in a Graveyard)

Number of
nearby town NPCs
Spawn rate factor[10] Effective spawn rate Max spawns
1 1/1.5 −33% −13%
2 1/(9/7) −22% −27%
≥3 n/a n/a −40%
In the Underworld

Number of
nearby town NPCs
Spawn rate factor[10] Effective spawn rate Max spawns
1 1/(50/41) −18% −5%
2 1/(15/11) −27% −10%
≥3 1/1.8 −44% −17%
In a Graveyard

Number of
nearby town NPCs
Spawn rate factor[10] Effective spawn rate Max spawns
1 1/1.66 −40% −4%
2 1/2.33 −57% −7%
≥3 1/3 −66% −13%

When 3 or more town NPCs or the Skeleton Merchant are present nearby, no enemies will spawn. This is only valid for areas outside of the Underworld and Graveyards, and only for Classic worlds – in Expert Mode, there is still a 3.33*1/30 (3.33%) chance an enemy may spawn that tick. Enemies from events as well as bosses (and their servants) will bypass this restriction.

Journey Mode

Spawn rates can be manually altered in Journey Mode, from 0× (disabling spawns) to 10× the normal rate. Even with the spawn rate set to 0×, bosses may still be summoned, mining up Tombstones can still cause Ghosts to spawn, and certain Celestial enemies can spawn.

Spawn locations

Each player in the game will spawn their own enemies. If two players are in the same area, monsters will appear twice as fast as they would with only one player. Max Spawns rule are still used, which means that even if 2 players are in the same spot, you cannot gather 30 normal monsters near the spot. (Don’t forget, the bats count as 1/2, and some special enemies count as 2 or more.)

Choosing a spot to spawn the enemy

Spawn area illustration (status 2014)

Verify When the game decides to spawn an enemy, it will first choose a random tile within a rectangle around the player (specifically, the tile containing the top left corner of the player’s hitbox). The maximum distance from the player it can choose from is 84 tiles east, 83 west, 46 up, and 45 down. If the picked tile is a solid block, it will try another one. Tiles that are actuated out do not count as solid. If the picked tile has a player-placed wall that blocks enemies from spawning, it will also try another tile.

Once an empty tile is found, it moves down until it finds the ground. (Note that this tile can be more than 45 tiles below from the player. If it finally is outside the «Active Rectangle» it will be instantly despawned, anyway.) If there is enough space for an enemy to be spawned at this location, this will be the tile it chooses. The exception to this is when the player is in an area where Harpies and many other flying enemies can be spawned. In this case, the game does not attempt to find a ground tile.

The chosen tile is then checked to make sure it is not within the «safe» area around the player. It cannot be within 62 tiles east or west, or 34 tiles up or down. Also, the chosen tile space must be completely outside 2088 × 1172 pixel rectangles centered on the center of each player’s hitbox. (If the player is not riding a mount, the top edge of this is 34 + 3/16 tiles above the top left corner tile mentioned above, meaning that NPCs can spawn on ground exactly 35 tiles above a player standing on half blocks, but not a player standing on full blocks.)

Using certain items causes monsters to spawn further out than normal. Equipping a Rifle Scope or Sniper Scope does so only when the player has a compatible gun selected, whether or not the player is zoomed out.

Items Spawn range Safe range
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
Normal 84 46 62 34
Rifle Scope (or derivatives) 114 62 92 50
Binoculars 124 68 102 56
Sniper Rifle 124 68 102 56
Sniper Rifle with Rifle Scope (or derivatives) 132 72 110 60

Note: If using the Depth Meter, Compass, or similar, each tile is equal to 2 feet, so double all measurements to get distances in feet

Choosing a type of enemy to spawn

The type of enemy spawned will depend on many factors including, but not limited to:

  • Time of day
  • Weather (e.g., Angry Nimbus and Ice Golem require Rain/Blizzard)
  • Depth
  • Distance East or West (Ocean enemies, Martian Probes, Goblin Scouts, etc.)
  • Player’s Current biome (Corruption, Meteor, Jungle, etc., in the case of most biome-specific flying enemies)
  • Tile the enemy spawns on (Jungle Grass, Ebonstone, Marble, etc. in the case of most biome-specific grounded enemies)
  • Wall behind the player (Lihzahrd Brick Wall, Dungeon Brick Wall, etc.)
  • Wall behind the enemy’s spawn location (Dungeon Brick Wall variants)
  • Special events (Blood Moon, Solar Eclipse, invasion events, etc)
  • Randomness


  • When standing on the left or right edge of the world, the enemies can spawn on screen, as long they are at least 62 tiles from the player. The screen is around 85 blocks wide, so in this case the enemies can spawn in the farthest quarter of the screen. (This may not necessarily be the case, some players have larger screens, as big as 120 blocks wide).
  • Equipping Binoculars does make the active rectangle bigger.


  • Desktop
    • Added the following enemies to the list of NPCs that are never considered active: Skeletron Hand, Prime Cannon, Prime Saw, Prime Vice, Prime Laser, Martian Saucer, Martian Saucer Turret, Martian Saucer Cannon, and Dutchman Cannon.
    • Increased the natural spawn rates and max spawns in the Dungeon:
      • Increased spawn rates in the Underground layer from 1/120 (pre-Hardmode) and 1/97 (Hardmode) to 1/90 (pre-Hardmode) and 1/72 (Hardmode).
      • Increased spawn rates in the Cavern layer from 1/96 (pre-Hardmode) and 1/86 (Hardmode) to 1/72 (pre-Hardmode) and 1/64 (Hardmode).
      • Increased max spawns in the Underground layer in pre-Hardmode from 13 to 14.
    • Increased the natural spawn rates and max spawns in the Underground Desert:
      • Increased spawn rates on the surface during the day in pre-Hardmode from 1/180 to 1/120.
      • Increased spawn rates on the surface during the night in pre-Hardmode from 1/108 to 1/72.
      • Increased spawn rates in the Underground layer in pre-Hardmode from 1/90 to 1/60.
      • Increased spawn rates in the Cavern layer in pre-Hardmode from 1/72 to 1/60.
      • Increased max spawns on the surface to 15. The old max spawns were 10 (pre-Hardmode) / 12 (Hardmode) during the day, and 12 (pre-Hardmode) / 14 (Hardmode) during the night. Max spawns in the Underground Desert are now 15 at all times and under all conditions.
  • Desktop 1.2.4: Fixed bug where spawn rates would increase underground when a moon event is happening.
  • Desktop 1.2.3: Fixed bug where spawn rates were higher than intended everywhere rather than when below the middle of dirt layer.


  1. A tick is a time unit countable by the software. Most of Terraria‘s updating logic happens every tick. A tick has the length of 1/60th of a second, hence there are 60 ticks in a second and 3600 ticks in a minute.
  2. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method SpawnNPC() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  3. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, field defaultSpawnRate in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  4. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, field defaultMaxSpawns in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  5. Information taken from the Desktop version Desktop source code, method DoesntDespawnToInactivity() in Terraria.NPC.cs. There may be inaccuracies, as the current Desktop version Desktop version is
  6. 6.0 6.1 Blood Moons only affect the spawn rates above the surface.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Weather additionally affects spawn rates and max spawns in the Snow biome.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Only applied if the Meteorite biome does not overlap with the Dungeon, the Underground Desert, the Desert during a Sandstorm, the Jungle, or the evil biomes. If it does overlap with any of those biomes, then the overlapping biome’s spawn rate and max spawns are used.
  9. If artificially created.
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 The product of the denominators is rounded down to the nearest integer.
  11. More precisely, above an altitude of 65% between the surface line and the top of the world, i.e. the same area where Space-exclusive enemies spawn in pre-Hardmode. See Space § Notes.

I made a mushroom biome on the surface and made my house in it. I tried to make sure no zombies or anything could get in by making trapdoor entrances. I dont have a very good weapon (I always give the good weapons I find to the person I play with, since they are yet to even get into hardmode by themselves) and the mushroom zombies and mushi ladybugs are pretty tough to fight. I’ve tried using peace candles and I’m planning on making a lot of NPC houses underground, but the peace candles dont work very well and it will be a while until I make all the houses. I want my home to be kind of a safe haven without any enemies. Is there any other way I can do it? Or should I just wait until I finish my NPC houses underneath? The picture is my house. This is my house

asked Nov 28, 2020 at 3:10

thimothy's user avatar

If you are willing to cover the entire place with walls, that will stop enemies from spawning.

You can craft up something cheap like stone or normal wood walls and that will do. There are also some walls and wallpapers that look very cool and could make your place look just as cool as it does now. If you don’t like the look of the walls I recommend using glass or a colored variant, there are also wallpapers that look like the sky.

I personally think your house there may look great with a rugged bottom of some kind of natural-like material that blends with the mushroom basement-y area, and have that connect up to (not in a straight line — I would suggest it being a rugged line) something like a sky-like wallpaper or glass.

answered Nov 28, 2020 at 3:42

Penguin's user avatar


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I made a mushroom biome on the surface and made my house in it. I tried to make sure no zombies or anything could get in by making trapdoor entrances. I dont have a very good weapon (I always give the good weapons I find to the person I play with, since they are yet to even get into hardmode by themselves) and the mushroom zombies and mushi ladybugs are pretty tough to fight. I’ve tried using peace candles and I’m planning on making a lot of NPC houses underground, but the peace candles dont work very well and it will be a while until I make all the houses. I want my home to be kind of a safe haven without any enemies. Is there any other way I can do it? Or should I just wait until I finish my NPC houses underneath? The picture is my house. This is my house

asked Nov 28, 2020 at 3:10

thimothy's user avatar

If you are willing to cover the entire place with walls, that will stop enemies from spawning.

You can craft up something cheap like stone or normal wood walls and that will do. There are also some walls and wallpapers that look very cool and could make your place look just as cool as it does now. If you don’t like the look of the walls I recommend using glass or a colored variant, there are also wallpapers that look like the sky.

I personally think your house there may look great with a rugged bottom of some kind of natural-like material that blends with the mushroom basement-y area, and have that connect up to (not in a straight line — I would suggest it being a rugged line) something like a sky-like wallpaper or glass.

answered Nov 28, 2020 at 3:42

Penguin's user avatar


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Лучший способ — это включить сложность на мирную, но тогда перестанут спавнится только враждебные сущности (пауки, зомби, скелеты и т.д.). Чтобы отлючить спавн тех мобов которые конкретно вам нужны, можно установить мод Mob Rebirth, итрефейс удобный всё интуитивно понятно.

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  • Терминал сбербанка выдает ошибку 99