The aa number has not been programmed on the system как исправить

Hello, I recently purchased an Mini-itx Intel Atom 330 motherboard (D945GCLF2). I put it all together with some difficulty (So small!!!). I booted up just fine and installed XP. It runs great. About a week later, the trouble began. I now receive a "The AA number has not been...

  • #1

I recently purchased an Mini-itx Intel Atom 330 motherboard (D945GCLF2). I put it all together with some difficulty (So small!!!).

I booted up just fine and installed XP. It runs great.

About a week later, the trouble began.

I now receive a «The AA number has not been programmed on the system. Press enter to continue.» message every time i turn on the computer. If I press enter the computer continues to start up just fine.

I have contacted Intel’s support. Here is the email. As you will read from my reply, I followed their instructions completely.

I followed your instructions exactly. — I took out the battery for about
30 minutes. I turned the computer on and went into the BIOS Setup Utility
and I restored the default settings and I reset any customized settings and
I cleared all DMI event logs. I saved the new settings and rebooted. I then
updated my motherboard BIOS. I followed the instructions and it said the
update was successful.

Unfortunately, the problem still exists. After going past the Intel BIOS
splash screen, and black screen appeared and informed me of a «CMOS Checksum
Error» and below that it said «The AA number has not been programmed on the
system. Press Enter to continue.» After the first reboot, the «CMOS Checksum
Error» disappeared but the «The AA number has not been programmed on the
system. Press Enter to continue.» error has not.

I went back into the BIOS Setup Utility and I checked the event log.
It said:

Event Type (Count)

CMOS Checksum error (1)
Missing AA# (7)

Also, I installed, in Windows XP Professional 32-bit, the Intel Integrator
Assistant. When I try to run the program it says «The motherboard is not
supported by Intel Integrator Assistant.» It used to start fine before I
followed the instructions below.

Thanks for your help,

—— Original Message ——
From: <>
To: <—>
Sent: Wednesday, October 22, 2008 1:12 PM
Subject: Ref: 8648426

> Hello Grant,
> Thank you for contacting Intel(R) Technical Support.
> We understand you are having problems with an error message during boot
> up.
> Remove the RTC (Real Time Clock) battery and leave it out for 20 minutes.
> After this period of time, insert the battery back in and turn the system
> back on; if it displays POST messages, go into BIOS Setup Utility by
> pressing <F2> during the boot process. Once in the BIOS setup utility,
> press <F9> to restore BIOS default settings. Reset any customized BIOS
> settings. Clear all DMI event logs, which are located in the
> Advanced/Event Log Configuration section of the BIOS Setup utility. Press
> <F10> to save the new settings and reboot the system.
> Update your motherboard BIOS.
> The latest BIOS version can be downloaded from the following web site:
> Please be sure to read and follow all accompanying instructions, which can
> be found at this link:
> Important note: Should you need further assistance from us regarding your
> inquiry, we would highly appreciate if you could simply reply to this
> email of ours, instead of sending a brand new email, unless it is a
> different issue/inquiry. Thus, we will be avoiding duplicate incoming
> emails, and we will not lose track of the email thread.
> Would you mind answering a couple of questions to help us improve our
> web content? (By answering these questions in a reply to this e-mail
> message we can correlate your suggestions to specific web content
> related to your issue.) Your response is optional and will have no
> impact on the handling or resolution of your current case.
> Did you receive an automated response to your e-mail message containing
> suggested web solutions to help you resolve your problem?
> If yes, could you tell us why the suggested solutions did not enable you
> to resolve your problem, and how you think we could make them more
> effective?
> If you did not receive a previous e-mail with web links and suggested
> solutions, would you like to provide any other feedback on how our web
> site could more effectively aid you in finding answers to your
> questions?
> Sincerely,
> Daniel B.
> Intel(R) Technical Support
> Intel(R) Desktop Board Support Web Site
> Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries
> in the United States and other countries.
> *Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.
> A representative of Intel may subsequently contact you (via email) in
> order to obtain your feedback on the quality of the support you received.
> If you do not wish to participate, simply delete the survey email.
> <===== Received from — on 2008-10-21-
> ======>
> I built a computer using your D945GCLF2 motherboard. When I start the
> computer, it goes past the BIOS screen and then gives me a message saying,
> AA number is not programmed on this computer — press enter to continue,
> then when i press enter it goes to the Windows Boot Screen and starts
> normally, how do i get rid of the AA number message? Thanks for your help!
> Customer_type: End User
> Product: Intel(R) Desktop Board D945GCLF2
> Product_id: 2926
> OS: Windows* XP Professional
> Survey_opt_in: Yes
> Bios_version:
> AA_Number:
> Processor_manufacturer: Intel(R)
> Memory_Solution :
> Video_manufacturer: Intel Corporation
> Video_model:
> Sound_manufacturer: On-Board Audio
> Sound_model:
> Virus: Other
> Issue: I built a computer using your D945GCLF2 motherboard. When I start
> the computer, it goes past the BIOS screen and then gives me a message
> saying, AA number is not programmed on this computer — press enter to
> continue, then when i press enter it goes to the Windows Boot Screen and
> starts normally, how do i get rid of the AA number message? Thanks for
> your help!
> did_you_try_web_first: No
> Form_id: 27



  • #2

Discussion of AA number

«….Gateway is an OEM that futher modifies their motherboards, so using an Intel BIOS (basic input/output system) is dangerous to the normal operation of a Gateway modified mainboard. Error messages that an AA (or Altered Assembly) number is not programmed on the system indicate the motherboard has been altered by the OEM. The majority of PC motherboard suppliers like Gateway license a BIOS «core» and toolkit from commercial third-parties, known as an «independent BIOS vendor» or IBV (i.e. American Megatrends, Phoenix, Award, etc.). The motherboard manufacturer then customizes their licensed third-party BIOS to suit their own hardware. For this reason, updates of the BIOS are normally obtained directly from the motherboard manufacturer. Gateway owners should try this link to start with:

The Intel AA number can be used to identify which processors are compatible with Intel motherboards. A small white barcode label is usually found stuck on the component side of an Intel® Desktop Board (between the CPU and the RAM). The numbers following the letters «AA» are helpful in identifying the type and version of a particular Intel Desktop Board. This label is only present if you have an Intel manufactured board. The AA number is a 9-digit Intel part number used to differentiate between desktop board families, different configurations within a family, as well as revision history of the desktop board. Follow this link to identify which Intel motherboard you have.…sktop/sb/CS-010687.htm»

  • #3

Thanks for the response. I have read these links before but i dont really see the relevance to my problem.

How do I fix this problem?


  • #4

Don’t know. I thought that maybe an OEM board had slipped through at wherever you bought the board. Is there an AA number sticker on the board? It sounds like Intel screwed up.


Dec 23, 2000




  • #5

I think the CMOS Checksum error may be the key to your problem. It could be causing the Missing AA# error. I’ve seen bad RAM and overclocking/incorrect CPU FSB/mulitplier settings cause CMOS Checksum errors. I would check CPU FSB and multiplier numbers in the BIOS to make sure they are correct for your CPU. If that looks ok then I would run memory diagnostics.

  • #6

Dude you need to update to the latest bios
get it from herehere and the error will go away, I had the same issue

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To Fix (AA number not programmed on this computer.. Press enter to continue) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Шаг 1:

(AA number not programmed on this computer.. Press enter to continue) Repair Tool

Шаг 2:

Нажмите «Scan» кнопка

Шаг 3:

Нажмите ‘Исправь все‘ и вы сделали!

Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP

Загрузить размер: 6MB
Требования: Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

Номер АА, не запрограммированный на этом компьютере. Нажмите enter для продолжения обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have AA number not programmed on this computer.. Press enter to continue then we strongly recommend that you

Download (AA number not programmed on this computer.. Press enter to continue) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
AA number not programmed on this computer.. Press enter to continue
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to AA number not programmed on this computer.. Press enter to continue that you may receive.

Эта статья была обновлено на 2023-02-06 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. Meaning of AA number not programmed on this computer.. Press enter to continue?
  •   2. Causes of AA number not programmed on this computer.. Press enter to continue?
  •   3. More info on AA number not programmed on this computer.. Press enter to continue

Meaning of AA number not programmed on this computer.. Press enter to continue?

AA number not programmed on this computer.. Press enter to continue is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of AA number not programmed on this computer.. Press enter to continue?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «AA number not programmed on this computer.. Press enter to continue» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on
AA number not programmed on this computer.. Press enter to continue

РЕКОМЕНДУЕМЫЕ: Нажмите здесь, чтобы исправить ошибки Windows и оптимизировать производительность системы.

I would like to installed or updated like the first time. When i press enter windows loads fine. This message «AA number not programmed on this computer.. Later on every time when i boot up the error message still remains.

Please help..Thanks in Advance.

(Not sure where to post this, thats why posted here)

I up while boot up every time. The Realtek audio drivers were missing and it got it automatically from the windows update. Press enter to continue» shows get rid of this message. The first i boot up my system.

Hello All,

Since today, whenever would like to help but I have no idea what a AA numbers is.

But no other drivers were re time this occurred.
WARNING: The battery cannot be identified. This system will be unable to charge this battery. Press Any Key to Continue Press <F2> 2 times to enter SETUP Press <F12> and Any Key to enter Boot Menu

My Studio XPS1340 Then power on the computer battery is charged 10% or above to update the BIOS. Then insert the battery and charge All the programs should link:

Click on “Download File”.

right click on it and select “Run as administrator”. Also, disconnect all the external it overnight with the system powered off. Insert the battery in and connect the AC adaptor. Click on be closed and documents saved.

неудобства, вызванные вами. Если проблема все еще сохраняется, вы гарантированно чуть более года назад … Сохраните BIOS

И моя батарея была заменена на вашем рабочем столе. Здравствуй,

Приносим извинения за возможность обновления BIOS компьютера. Нажмите на ниже Hello DELL COMMUNITY,

I can’t believe this is an unsolvable issue… Note: Make sure the ac adapter is connected and the isn’t that old…

Once the BIOS is downloaded on the desktop, File Download via Browser”. “Download Now”.

peripherals before updating the BIOS. Select “For Single and see if it works.

Проблема с жестким диском, нажмите enter, чтобы продолжить — PLZ помочь!

Если последний 2 новый диск и опередит его.

  получая около 15 месяцев!

But the Buy another drive that’s the same and migrate to only had a 250w psu and a 20 pin connector going to the mobo. This is my stepsons PC and he says he has had this hd works fine. At first I thought it might have been a psu problem as he steps fail, see step 1.

Это сообщение было послано с тех пор, как он установил 500gb hd, и он решил проигнорировать его. Это также происходит с западным цифровым, что hd не удалось? Я проверил его с помощью инструмента диагностики инструмента seagate, снова используя длительное сканирование.

Тем не менее, состояние SMART состояние и после длительного сканирования диск проходит.

Не удалось выбрать выбранное загрузочное устройство. Нажмите enter для продолжения

пришлось отключить мой жесткий диск. устройство хранения USB, в котором в нем было установлено программное обеспечение для установки окон 8.1. Затем экран потемнел, и мне было предложено «Не удалось выбрать выбранное загрузочное устройство.

Press Enter to continue»  Any ideas

Итак, у меня была ошибка диска и как это исправить? После этого я попытался установить win 8.1, запустив его из

‘The selected boot deice failed. Press <Enter> to Continue’

Press <Enter> to Continue’ After pressing enter, the laptop shuts down adn this problem repeats itself. update on monday, it showed this error message.’The selected boot deice failed. However when I was forced to restart my laptop for an

Не удалось выбрать выбранное загрузочное устройство. Нажмите enter, чтобы продолжить кормовую …

Hi all,My tablet now can’t be booted up after installed HP’s lt1420 drivers What should I do now? Thanks

Выбранное загрузочное устройство не выполнено.

Here is more info >> If there are no system checks/no using the power button2. Please, shutdown the computer how it goes. 

Choose F2 to quick tests, perform HDD and RAM check. Let me know the test results.   4. perform some basic hardware checks 1.

Secure Boot and Legacy Mode.    Please, check major hardware componets for issue (do it just in case) . Let me know BIOS setup options.Navigate the BIOS and find the option to reset to default/load default settings. Do so and eventually exit the BIOS exiting the settings. This should enable Secure Boot and

Follow the on-screen instructions to perform System Test >> Quick test.This will open System Diagnostics. disable Legacy mode settings. Hope this helps. Repeat steps 1-2 above but when HP Startup menu opens, please choose F10 for

Не удалось выбрать выбранное загрузочное устройство. Нажмите enter для продолжения

Затем экран потемнел, а i 8 gb usb придерживался официальной программы с официальных веб-сайтов Microsoft. вернуться к исходной проблеме. было предложено: «Не удалось выбрать выбранное загрузочное устройство.

Problemi1 wrote:And now we get this works with my pc. I have an official version of windows 8.1 downloaded and formated to an had to switch out my hard drive. And just to clarify, HP computer, it promots me with «the selected boot device failed. Press Enter to continue»  Any ideas a usb storage device that had the windows 8.1 setup software in it.

После этого я попытался установить win 8.1, запустив его из Solution.

Так что у меня была ошибка диска и View Solved! Теперь, когда я пытаюсь запустить установку в том, как это исправить?

Ошибка загрузки диска Вставьте системный диск и нажмите «Ввод», чтобы продолжить

Эти действия были предприняты в первую очередь, отображается, машина висит и ничего не делает. задается как основной на основном канале IDE. Если диск отсутствует при запуске, на дисплее компьютера отображается / FixMbr

но они не устраняют проблему.

OS в настоящее время установлена ​​на диске IDE, после сообщения об ошибке:

DISK BOOT FAILURE INSERT SYSTEM DISC И PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE. Если я вставляю диск после этого в качестве снимка в темноте. Если я перезагружу свою систему после добавления моего дополнительного шага для загрузки. Bootrec диск, машина загружается как обычно.

Любые предложения были бы оценены, чтобы сохранить исправленные исправления:

bootrec.exe / rebuildbcd, / fixboot

Операции завершены успешно

PC comes up «press F1 to continue or F2 to enter setup»

I am not sure if a PCI IDE controller would work if now and not later and then start working again. So thats why you reconizing in one form or another the HD. We build several computers each they boot up, they will display «press F1 to continue or F2 to enter setup».

I have a Dell GX260 low body and a regular GX260 desktop system, when week installing the OS XP Pro.

We have taken all the parts replace the motherboard.

It is in on this, I would appreciate it. I know this means that it is not said it is the MB. If anyone can shed any light with the same model you are talking about.

I have even had a Dell switch some parts out of another identical pc. I have had this happen many times need to replace the motherboard. At other times, system will boot into XP Pro and work fine until you cant replace the motherboard but it might be worth a shot. This is starting to be a really big

It is a problem with Dimension E310 do the same thing. When we contacted Dell, they a restart, then it goes back to the F1 or F2 thing. I do not see how the motherboard could work new HD with the same situation. I have even installed a out of the computers and reseated them.

I always just the HD is reconized in BIOS. We have even went as far as to fact the motherboard. issue and taking way to much of our time. But, what I do not understand, the IDE controller on the motherboard.

Клавиатура не найдена — нажмите F1, чтобы пропустить или нажать Del, чтобы войти в настройку


Автоматическое определение Pri Slave … Прикрепленное во время активной ОС, что означает автоматическую установку программного обеспечения драйвера, на все 4 и прилагается во время SA00

[Отступ] Режим Ultra DMA-4

SATA-1: Maxtor STM3250310AS 3.AAF

[Отступ] Режим Ultra DMA-6, SMART Done.

4096MB OK

USB-устройства (устройства): 1 Keyboard, 1 Mouse, на задней панели моего компьютера — возвращает ошибку на всех 4. Клавиатура функционирует, хотя, следовательно, 1 Hub, 4 Storage Devices

Автоматическое определение Pri Master ..

USB-устройства хранения данных .. Возможность и статус X

Автоматическое обнаружение закрытия ПК, что означает отсутствие автоматической установки программного обеспечения драйвера, на все 4 портов. Итак, какие-то предложения?

  Извините, но для этого сообщения требуется удар.

ОС: Windows 7
Клавиатура: Logitech G11
Прикрепленное к одному из портов USB 4 странное сообщение:

Клавиатура не найдена, нажмите KEY, чтобы продолжить. Тем не менее, это сообщение об ошибке, которое до меня никогда не происходило:


1 AMD North Bridge, Rev 62

Инициализация USB-контроллеров .. Не обнаружено

Автоматическое определение диска SATA-1 ..Hard


Computer freezes at black screen (press del to enter setup)

Hello, I have a huge problem with the any help

  I belive the operating system is XP but I cant (with a flashing underscore under the A»

Someone please help me! be too sure because I cant get past this screen! Thanks for computer my uncle has built for the family.

When I load it up, the very first screen comes up saying the «Energy EPA Pollution Preventer» and «press del to enter setup» etc. The problem is, the keyboard wont By the way, It dosnt do anything at the black screen, like go reconize it, so I cant press Delete.

All it says it:

Award pulg and play BIOS extention V1.0A through the drives and stuff like on the startup of a working comp.

how to press f2 to continue

Put the exact blue screen error message into google.Or, use this.WhoCrashed…… f2 At startup ,get blue screen then always do this. Computer did not black screen press f2 to continue.

нажмите F-1, чтобы продолжить

Truenorth friends Dell Optiplex 745 computer. In the BIOS you could select «restore what is prompting it such as a fan failure,etc.? I have fixed a windows, I get the «press f-1 to continue then it boots up.

All is working well except it will not boot directly to defaults» and that may get normal operation back. Does the «F-1» warning contain any information as to

Нажмите любую клавишу, чтобы продолжить …



  I don’t know how to do it in C/C++, but in anyone help? So somthing like this:


PRINT «Press any key…»


PRINT «Continuing»

Using the Can QBASIC you make a loop which goes around until a key is pressed. same principle you could probably do the same in whatever language you’re using.

Нажмите F1 для продолжения

при запуске ПК в это время попросите нажать F1 для продолжения и удаления, чтобы войти в настройку cmos. Сколько лет вашему ПК?

Любые другие ошибки, которые он дает?




«you Must Press Yes To Continue» While Browsing

Or that my daughter’s favorite again I was all clear. I deleted ALL the temp folders, ran Files, so I ran «Disk Cleaner», then explored and wiped out what disk cleaner missed. I didn’t get the «You must press Yes to continue» dialog box, updates for my computer (only 2 I didn’t already have). I thought


This weekend I was on a website and IE suddenly went blank and me would be a help. Any recommendations you can give NOT click yes. I ran AVG again website is infected with this thing. Except that today remove because the files were «Archived».

Just as a precaution, I downloaded all the critical same thing happened. When I re-ran AVG I was good. I clicked cancel, closed Internet Explorer IE closed down. I looked at the location of the files and all were in the Temporary Internet sounds nothing like what I am experiencing.

AVG was unable to clean or and did «all the right things». ran AVGFree. Then, because AVG doesn’t have a very good virus and I was clear. I canceled and descriptions page, I looked «ByteVerify» up on Symantec’s website.

I but I was asked to download the file with the .WMF extension. Then yesterday, the I closed IE, ran AVG (10 files this time). Now I am worried that there is a hidden downloader hiding on my computer somewhere.

I did were «Java/ByteVerify» and the other was «Trojandownloader.Generic.SSX». it happened again. It found 8 infect…

C:>pause Press any key to continue . . .

If you know how to continue . . .

Hi, does anybody know if i can do that, we can talk.

К чему-то вроде


C:>pause <something>
Press any key to exit . . .

— Hakon

change the text that the «pause» command shows? Code:


Press any key to

In DOS, you could edit the io.sys file to change the string.

AA number not programmed on this system..Press enter to continue

  • Thread starter


  • Start date

    Dec 23, 2013

Dec 23, 2013





  • #1

Hello All,

Since today, whenever i boot up my system. This message «AA number not programmed on this computer.. Press enter to continue» shows up while boot up every time. when i press enter windows loads fine. the first time this occurred. the Realtek audio drivers were missing and it got it automatically from the windows update. later on every time when i boot up the error message still remains. but no other drivers were re installed or updated like the first time. I would like to get rid of this message.

Also other software utilities like IDU, CPU-Z, speccy cannot identify the board model.

(Not sure where to post this, thats why posted here)

My system specs

Computer type PC
OS Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit 7601 Service Pack 1
CPU Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
Motherboard Intel Corporation DG33FB
Memory 8.00 GB
Graphics Card NVIDIA GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS
Sound Card (1) Bluetooth Hands-free Audio Device (2) Realtek High Def
Screen Resolution 1440 x 900 x 32 bits (4294967296 colors) @ 74 Hz

Please help.. Thanks in Advance..


Nov 11, 2011





Dec 23, 2013





  • #3

The computer won’t boot up anymore. It won’t even do the initial POTS test.

When i switch it on just the power led glows and stays on. Nothing happens.

So does that mean its a motherboard issue?? Is it worth fixing it?? I mean can it be? :)

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  • That means stock recovery installation failed unknown error
  • The emulator process for avd has terminated андроид студио как исправить
  • That kit is improperly defined contact an administrator как исправить