The application cannot run because of an unexpected error

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Проблемы инсталляции Reason 4 на Windows 7
« Дата: 31/08/09 15:02 »

Попробовал поставить дома Резину 4 но после того как установится до иконки, выдает такую ошибку —

The application can not run because of an unexpected error

на рабочем компе, так же с присутствием Win 7 установилось без проблем…но дома не хочет зараза, снес и поставил систему но бесперспективняк…….. есть ли знающие по этой теме?



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Re: Проблемы инсталляции Reason 4 на Windows 7
« Дата: 31/08/09 15:33 »

32 bit или 64 bit ?




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Re: Проблемы инсталляции Reason 4 на Windows 7
« Дата: 01/09/09 23:33 »

64 битная…. так же как и на рабочем….



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Re: Проблемы инсталляции Reason 4 на Windows 7
« Дата: 02/09/09 7:01 »

может быть в этом и есть косяк? не задумывался?







Re: Проблемы инсталляции Reason 4 на Windows 7
« Дата: 02/09/09 7:13 »

64 битная в смысле винда? Или ризон такой есть?



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Re: Проблемы инсталляции Reason 4 на Windows 7
« Дата: 02/09/09 7:49 »

конечно же винда :)




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Re: Проблемы инсталляции Reason 4 на Windows 7
« Дата: 02/09/09 10:41 »

Предлагаю тех кто назовет нашу любимую игрушку «резиной», «дрезиной», «ряженкой» или еще как-нибудь обидно, банить без предупреждения :).






Re: Проблемы инсталляции Reason 4 на Windows 7
« Дата: 02/09/09 11:39 »

Ну тогда мне кажется это сто пудов из за несоответсвия! Насколько я знаю, если винда 64, то и софт под неё соответсвующий должен быть.



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Re: Проблемы инсталляции Reason 4 на Windows 7
« Дата: 02/09/09 20:48 »

Ребят, весь прикол в том, что на рабочем компе с 64 версией Винды и Резина и Рекорд нормально встают…а вот на домашнем с тойже ОС не хотит……вот такая вот ситуёвина.

2micke: свои резиновые игрушки тут не агитируй

Blizzard, a subsidiary of Activation Blizzard, is a video-game developing and publishing company that is based in California. The Blizzard desktop application has a lot of errors that prevent you from playing the games published by the said company. One of these errors is the ‘The application encountered an unexpected error’ error message. This error might appear while you are trying to log in to the application.

The Application Encountered an Unexpected Error

The error message is often due to a corrupt installation or the cache files of the application. Cache are temporary files that are stored on your system and contains information that can be accessed about your sessions. This error message is generic and can be solved via an easy solution that we will mention down below. But, before we get into that, let us have a proper look at the causes of the error message.

As we have mentioned earlier, this error message appears when you open up the application after booting up your system. Other than that, it can also pop up when you are playing a game and it crashes out of the blue. This can be due to the following reasons —

  • Corrupt Installation or Cache Files: The most common of the error message is an outdated installation or corrupted cache files that are stored on your computer. In such a case, you will have to uninstall the application and delete the files manually and then install the application.
  • Blizzard not installed in the Root Directory: The issue can also appear if the Blizzard application is not installed in the root directory of your system. I know it sounds weird, but the issue is there and you will have to install the application in your root directory to get it working.

Now that you know the causes of the issue, let us get into the solution for the said issue. Please make sure you follow every step so that you don’t have to go through any more hurdles to resolve the issue.

Performing a Clean Install of the Blizzard Application

As the issue is related to corrupted cache files or outdated installation of the application, the only way to fix the issue is to perform a clean install of the Blizzard application. This includes manually deleting the cache files and then downloading and installing the application. So, let’s begin. Here’s how to do it:

  1. First of all, make sure that all the processes of the Blizzard application are closed. Open up a Task Manager, and go through the running applications to make sure Blizzard is not running (if you see a process by the name agent.exe, end it as it is associated with Blizzard).
  2. Afterward, open up a Control Panel and go to the Uninstall a Program section.
    Control Panel
  3. Look for Blizzard in the list and double-click on it to uninstall the application.
  4. Once done, press Windows Key + R to open up the Run dialog box.
  5. Type in C:ProgramData and press Enter.
  6. A window of the File Explorer will pop up. Look for any (includes Blizzard Entertainment) folders in the directory and delete them. and Blizzard Folders in the ProgramData Directory
  7. Afterward, press Windows Key + R again to open up the Run dialog box.
  8. Type in %AppData% and press Enter.
  9. This will take you to the Roaming folder of the AppData directory. Search for any or blizzard folders and delete them.
  10. After that, hit Backspace and go to the AppData/Local directory and do the same there as well.
  11. Once done, head to the Blizzard website and download the latest version of the application. You can find it by going here.
  12. Install the application. (Make sure you install it in the root directory of your system. The root directory is where Windows is installed)
  13. Open up the application, and log in to your account.
  14. Enjoy your gaming sessions!

Photo of Kevin Arrows

Kevin Arrows

Kevin is a dynamic and self-motivated information technology professional, with a Thorough knowledge of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and administration. Superior record of delivering simultaneous large-scale mission critical projects on time and under budget.

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Если вы ищете как runtime error исправить — вы попали по адресу.

Причин появления таковой может быть огромное множество.

Чаще всего причина состоит в том, что выходит новая версия того или иного приложения/игры и она устанавливается прямо поверх старой.

Хотя это далеко не единственная ситуация, которая может вызвать ее появление.

После того, как вы нажимаете на единственную кнопку в окне ошибки, оно просто закрывается и программа также перестает работать.

Бывает, что она все же продолжает работать, но в ней невозможно ничего сохранить. В любом случае, есть несколько способов исправить ее.

Как выглядит ошибка

Способ №1. CCleaner

Самое простое решение заключается в том, чтобы воспользоваться программой для чистки реестра. Как это работает?

Все просто – чистильщик реестра, собственно, и предназначен для того, чтобы исправлять всевозможные проблемы, вроде той, которую рассматриваем мы, систематизировать файлы и добавлять то, чего недостает ему для нормальной работы.

Лучшей по праву считается CCleaner, хотя вы можете воспользоваться и другой.

Чтобы использовать ее, сделайте вот что:

  1. Скачайте (вот ссылка на бесплатную) и установите программу.
  2. Запустите. Перейдите на вкладку «Реестр» на панели слева.
  3. В разделе «Целостность» поставьте галочки на всех возможных пунктах – никто не знает, в чем именно проблема.
  4. Нажмите кнопку «Поиск проблем». Когда этот процесс закончится, нажмите кнопку «Исправить…».


  1. Подождите, пока приложение исправит все проблемы. Перезагрузите компьютер.

После этого runtime error должен перестать появляться. Если нет, переходим к следующему решению.

Способ №2. DirectX

Вполне вероятно, что ее появление вызывают какие-то проблемы с DirectX. Возможно, какие-то файлы исполняемых библиотек были повреждены или же существующие библиотеки банально устарели.

В любом случае, лучше всего просто установить наиболее актуальные варианты и, опять же, перезагрузить компьютер.

Для этого зайдите на сайт Microsoft, на страницу с возможностью скачать DirectX. Запустите скачанный файл и выполните все действия, подразумевающие установку исполняемых библиотек.

Здесь нет никаких особых рекомендаций – обычная.

Страница загрузки DirectX

Если после установки и перезагрузки компьютера ошибка не исчезла, идем дальше.

Способ №3. Visual C++

О распространяемом пакете Visual C++ в контексте рассматриваемой проблемы можно скачать то же самое, что и о библиотеках DirectX.

Возможно, какие-то файлы были повреждены или версия устарела.

Бывают в данном случае и другие ситуации, когда установленная C++ попросту не подходит для вашей операционной системы.

Ниже приведена таблица с вариантами, которые подходят для разных версий ОС.

Таблица 1. Требуемые версии Visual C++ для Windows

Операционная система Требуемая Visual C++
Windows XP и ниже C++2008
Windows 7 C++2010
Windows 8 и 10 Наиболее актуальная на данный момент

Так вот, в зависимости от того, какая у вас ОС, вам следует скачать и инсталировать на свой компьютер C++2008 (64-бит, 32-бит), C++2010 (64-бит, 32-бит) или же C++2015 обновление 3.

Это наиболее актуальная версия по состоянию на июнь 2017 года. В будущем выйдут новые, поэтому следите за новостями на официальном сайте Microsoft.

Скачивание происходит одинаково – выбираем язык распространяемого компонента и жмем кнопку «Скачать». После этого останется запустить загруженный файл.

После этого перезагрузите компьютер.

Страница загрузки Visual C++

Способ №4. Microsoft .NET Framework

Здесь все то же самое – Microsoft .NET Framework тоже может вызывать рассматриваемую проблему из-за отсутствия каких-то собственных файлов. И этот компонент также нужно скачать и установить.

Но есть определенный, правильный порядок ее инсталяции:

Сначала необходимо инсталируйте версию 2.0 (вот ссылка). Попробуйте запустить программу, в которой раньше возникала проблема, если она не исчезла, устанавливайте дальше.

После этого 3.0 (скачать).

Если не помогает, 4.0 (ссылка).

Наконец, если у вас Windows Vista SP2, 7 SP1, 8, 8.1, Server 2008 SP2, Server 2008 R2 SP1, Server 2012 или Server 2012 R2, установите 4.6.2 (скачать).

Скачивание происходит точно так же, как и в случае с пакетами Visual C++.

Если ничего из этого не помогает, значит, случился сбой самой операционной системы. Пригласите на дом специалиста или сдайте компьютер в сервисный центр, если это возможно.

В крайнем случае, сделайте откат системы или вовсе переустановите ее.


We have an app which is distributed outside the appstore and the app is cleanly Notarised. When I try to open the app using

Code Block bash
open /Applications/<>

I get the following error sometime

Code Block bash
The application cannot be opened for an unexpected reason, error=Error
Domain=RBSRequestErrorDomain Code=5 "Launch failed."
UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Launch failed.,
NSUnderlyingError=0x7ffa82413830 {Error Domain=OSLaunchdErrorDomain Code=125
"Domain does not support specified action"
UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Domain does not support specified action}}}

This issue is intermittent and happens 20% of time. Our codesigning and Notarisation everything is clean.

To give more context, the app comes with a native installer and in the Postinstall script we try to start the app by using open command, so that as soon as the installation completes the application comes up. Thats where we are running into this issue.

 This does not happen till Catalina and we are seeing it only in BigSur latest beta. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


To give more context, the app comes with a native installer and in the
Postinstall script we try to start the app by using open command

This isn’t something we support. The issue here is that your postinstall script does not run in a standard GUI login context (by definition, because it’s running as root) and thus can’t reliably do GUI operations. This can cause problems in various circumstances, including:

  • If there are multiple GUI users logged in, either by fast user switching or via Screen Sharing, which GUI session does the app launch in?

  • If a site admin runs your installer remotely when no GUI user is logged in, where does the app launch?

It sounds like you’ve found another edge case (-:

Honestly, I recommend that you just not do this. If you install your app in the Applications directory, users generally won’t have a problem finding it and launching it.

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Quinn “The Eskimo!” @ Developer Technical Support @ Apple
let myEmail = «eskimo» + «1» + «»

Thanks a lot @eskimo.

The app does not have a GUI. The main binary is command line only.

  • Its an enterprise background app & end users don’t bother to run it. It is mostly installed on the employe’s mac by admins.

  • Technically we do have a GUI, but that GUI is a separate binary(which is not the main binary) within the app package which will be spawned as a separate process.

  • GUI to main app communication happens via application level API calls

Some relevant info:

The app(i.e., the main binary) registers a tray icon with bunch of controls and GUI process can be explicitly launched by the user from a tray option.
There are many separate binaries in the package — two for daemons(will be spawned whenever machine comes up by copying to /Library/LaunchDaemons) and two for agents (will be spawned whenever a user logs in by copying to /Library/LaunchAgents). Plus the GUI binaries mentioned above which will be launched based on user action.

One of this agents is designated as the main binary of the app in Info.plist.

This copying of plist also happens in postinstall script.

Now, as soon as the app is installed, launch plists are not loaded (my understanding is daemon plists are loaded when the machine is restarted next time & agent plists are loaded when users logs in next time). But we need the app to run right after installing

There are two ways to solve this:

Code Block bash
launchctl load <plist path> --> To load the launch plists immediately which will bring up the process (or)
open <Binary path> --> Explicitly launch desired process

We used first option to immediately bring up the Daemons and second option for bringing up our agents. This second option based on open command is what failing intermittently. Just to reiterate these agents don’t have any GUI except tray icon.

We used first option to immediately bring up the Daemons and second option for bringing up our agents. This second option based on open command is what failing intermittently. 

Why aren’t you doing that for both?

Also, I’m confused about this part:

daemons(will be spawned whenever machine comes up by copying to /Library/LaunchDaemons) and two for agents (will be spawned whenever a user logs in by copying to /Library/LaunchAgents).

This copying of plist also happens in postinstall script.

You definitely should copy these plist files in the post install. But you should not «also» do that. The post install is the only time you should copy those files.

Updated January 2023: Stop getting error messages and slow down your system with our optimization tool. Get it now at this link

  1. Download and install the repair tool here.
  2. Let it scan your computer.
  3. The tool will then repair your computer.

Blizzard, a subsidiary of Activation Blizzard, is a Californian company that develops and publishes video games. Blizzard’s desktop application has many bugs that prevent you from playing games published by Blizzard. One of these errors is the error message “The Application Encountered an Unexpected Error”. This error may occur if you try to connect to the application.

The error message is often due to a faulty installation or application cache files. The cache is a temporary file that is stored on your system and contains information that you can access through your sessions. This error message is generic and can be solved by a simple solution, which we will mention below. But before getting to the heart of the matter, let’s take a closer look at the causes of the error message.

To fix the Blizzard error “The Application Encountered an Unexpected Error”:

Update Device Drivers

Unexpected errors can be caused by outdated software, software that conflicts with the game client or corrupted game data.

Update your drivers and operating system to resolve compatibility issues.

January 2023 Update:

You can now prevent PC problems by using this tool, such as protecting you against file loss and malware. Additionally it is a great way to optimize your computer for maximum performance.
The program fixes common errors that might occur on Windows systems with ease — no need for hours of troubleshooting when you have the perfect solution at your fingertips:

  • Step 1 : Download PC Repair & Optimizer Tool (Windows 10, 8, 7, XP, Vista – Microsoft Gold Certified).
  • Step 2 : Click “Start Scan” to find Windows registry issues that could be causing PC problems.
  • Step 3 : Click “Repair All” to fix all issues.


Obsolete drivers and operating systems can cause a variety of problems and are one of the first things to be checked when a game has problems. The following instructions will help you check and update your drivers.

  • Even new computers can have obsolete drivers and operating systems because updates are published regularly.
  • Some games and programs may work well on a system with old drivers, but obsolete drivers may still cause technical problems with some games or programs.

Delete the Tools folder

Here’s how to do it:

1. Restart your computer.
2. make sure that the option to display hidden files and folders is enabled.

3. for Windows Vista and 7: click on Start and select Computer.

-Windows XP : Click Start and select My Computer.
-Windows 8: Windows + Q key and select Computer.

For Windows Vista and 7: Double-click drive C, double-click the ProgramData folder, then delete the folder.

Windows XP: Double-click on drive C, then Documents and Settings, then All Users, then Application Data, then delete the folder.
Window 8: Double-click drive C, double-click the ProgramData folder, then delete the folder.

Note: The above steps can make forget about the game installation locations. If your games are not found, you will see Install on the tab instead of Playing. To find your installation, click on Locate this game or launch the game launcher.

Closing of background applications

Third-party programs running in the background may interfere with our games. To temporarily disable these programs and eliminate them as the cause of the problem, follow these steps.

Before following these steps, close any unnecessary programs and restart your computer.

Identify the elements that are problematic at start-up:

  1. Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc to open the Task Manager.
  2. Click on More details.
  3. Select the Start tab.
  4. Right-click on each item and select Disable.
  5. Restart the computer.
  6. If this solves the problem, activate the startup application one by one to determine the cause of the problem. You must restart between each application you activate.

Do a Clean Install of the Blizzard App

Since the problem is related to corrupted cache files or an obsolete application installation, the only way to solve the problem is to reinstall the Blizzard application. This includes manually deleting cache files, downloading and installing the application.

Expert Tip: This repair tool scans the repositories and replaces corrupt or missing files if none of these methods have worked. It works well in most cases where the problem is due to system corruption. This tool will also optimize your system to maximize performance. It can be downloaded by Clicking Here


CCNA, Web Developer, PC Troubleshooter

I am a computer enthusiast and a practicing IT Professional. I have years of experience behind me in computer programming, hardware troubleshooting and repair. I specialise in Web Development and Database Design. I also have a CCNA certification for Network Design and Troubleshooting.

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