The application has encountered a critical error 132

Ошибка ERROR 132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception в момент запуска WOW — что делать и как исправить сбой? — Давайте разбираться.

Игроки WOW часто сталкиваются с ошибкой ERROR 132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception «Критическое исключение» при запуске игры. Но вот что делать и как исправить сбой, знает не каждый. Поэтому решено было написать на эту тему отдельную статью.

Содержание статьи

  1. Проверка оперативной памяти
  2. Изменение настроек игры, приложений
  3. Изменение типа запуска
  4. Отключение DVR
  5. Способ – 1
  6. Способ – 2
  7. Чистка автозагрузки
  8. Откат драйвера
  9. Сканирование системы
  10. Другие способы решения
  11. Видео по теме
  12. Комментарии пользователей

Проверка оперативной памяти

Если установлены две или более планок оперативной памяти, то попробуйте вынуть все, кроме одной и проверить, будет ли эффект. Если проблема устранится, то скорее всего причина в:

  1. Неисправности модулей памяти. Проверьте их программой «Memtest».
  2. Неисправности материнской платы. Замените ее или отнесите в сервис центр.
  3. Несовместимости планок между собой, материнской платой или видеокартой. На моем опыте были случаи, когда абсолютно рабочая видеокарта отказывалась работать с конкретной оперативной памятью, причем тоже рабочей. Это редкость, но все же

Изменение настроек игры, приложений

Иногда проблема решается изменением настроек. Вот список того, что можно сделать. Было взять с официального форума.

  1. Удалите аддоны и сбросьте интерфейс. Зайдите в папку с WOW, по умолчанию она находится здесь «C:Program FilesWorld of Warcraft». Удалите каталог «Interface» и все содержимое папок «WTF» и «Cache». Не переживайте, при новом запуске игры эти файлы будут восстановлены.
  2. Есть приложения, которые накладывают оверлеи, например, Дискорд. Попробуйте их отключить.
  3. Переустановите игровой клиент, скачав его заново.

Изменение типа запуска

Запустите игру в режиме OpenGL с отключенным звуком и в отдельном окне.

Для этого:

  1. Откройте папку «World of Warcraft».
  2. Найдите в папке «WTF» файл «» и откройте его через обычный блокнот.
  3. Теперь измените значения:

SET gxAPI «OpenGL» – включает режим «OpenGL».

SET Sound_EnableAllSound «0» – отключает звук.

SET gxWindow «1» – активирует оконный режим.

Если помогло включение «OpenGL», то скорее всего это связано с видеокартой.

Если помогло отключение звука, то вероятнее проблема вызвана нехваткой ресурсов, в том числе оперативной памяти. Или программами, работающими в фоновом режиме.

Отключение DVR

Способ наиболее эффективен на старых компьютерах. Здесь два варианта того, как можно отключить DVR в современных операционных системах. Разберем каждый из них.

Способ – 1

Подходит для Windows 8 и 10. Но, к сожалению, присутствует не на всех редакциях. Если у вас его нет, то скорее всего DVR и уже деактиварован.

  1. Откройте параметры «WIN + I».
  2. Войдите в «Игры».игры в параметрах системы
  3. Откройте раздел «DVR для игр» и отключите опцию «Создавать игровые клипы» и следом «Вести запись в фоновом режиме».деактивация dvr

Способ – 2

Альтернативный вариант – использовать редактор реестра.

  1. Запустите редактор через «WIN+R» – regedit.regedit
  2. Перейдите по пути HKEY_CURRENT_USERSystemGameConfigStore. Для удобства перехода достаточно вставить этот путь в верхнюю строку и щелкнуть «Enter».
  3. Зайдите в параметр «GameDVR_Enabled» и укажите для него значение «0».gamedvr
  4. Теперь открываем ветку HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindows и правым кликом по пустому пространству выбираем «Создать – DWORD». В качестве названия указываем «AllowGameDVR» и даем значение «0».allowgamedvr

Осталось перезагрузить компьютер.

Чистка автозагрузки

Возможно, одна из запущенных программ мешает нормально работать WOW. Давайте отключим все лишнее.

  1. Перейдите в «Автозагрузку». Пользователям Windows 10 / 8 нужно нажать «CTRL+SHIFT+ESC». В Windows 7 – «WIN+R» – msconfig – Ок.
  2. Избавьтесь от лишних программ, особенно это касается «Discord». Обычно он вызывает проблемы.автозагрузка

Перезагрузите компьютер.

Откат драйвера

Если до появления ошибки 132 в WOW обновлялись драйвера, то верните их к прежнему состоянию.

Как это сделать:

  1. Откройте диспетчер устройств.
  2. Разверните нужный раздел и щелкните правой мышкой по элементу. Откройте «Свойства».
  3. Переместитесь в «Драйвер» и кликните «Откатить».откат драйвера
  4. Подтвердите действие и перезапустите ПК.

Этот пункт наиболее актуален для видеокарты.

Сканирование системы

Желательно выполнить два типа сканирования, поскольку оба напрямую влияют друг на друга.

  1. Сканирование на вредоносное ПО.
  2. Сканирование системы на ошибки. Для этого запустите командную строку «WIN+R – CMD». Затем выполните поочередно три команды, нажимая после каждой «Enter».

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

sfc/ scannow

chkdsk C: /f /r – где буква «C» является буквой диска с Windows.


После того как все будет сделано перезагрузите ПК.

Другие способы решения

Вот еще десяток способов, которые могут помочь.

  1. Некорректное обновление. Попробуйте переустановить клиент и обновление. Также не стоит исключать вариант «битого» пакета обновлений. В таком случае подождите, пока разработчики его исправят.
  2. Если до появления ошибки «ERROR 132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception» был осуществлен разгон комплектующих, то попробуйте его убрать, сбросив настройки Биос. К этому относятся также XMP профили оперативной памяти.
  3. Не стоит исключать проблемы на стороне операционки, попробуйте ее переустановить. Желательно использовать другую сборку, если установлена не лицензионная версия.
  4. Иногда помогает установка старой версии драйвера видеокарты. Но перед этим удалите существующий через «DDU».
  5. Убедитесь, что жесткий диск исправен. Вот подробная инструкция.
  6. Удостоверьтесь, что комплектующие не перегреваются.
  7. Выключите звуковую карту. Сделать это можно через диспетчер устройств, правым кликом по нужному пункту.realtek
  8. Запускайте игру только через «Launcher».
  9. Обновите Windows до последней версии, включая драйвера.
  10. Откройте WOW в режиме совместимости с Windows. Сделать это можно через свойства ярлыка во вкладке «Совместимость».
  11. На время деактивируйте антивирус. Если это поможет, то добавьте игрушку в список исключений.
  12. Через приложение войдите в игровые настройки. Добавьте один из параметров «-d3d11legacy», «-d3d11» или «-d3d12» в строку «Additional command line».d3d11

Напишите, если ничего не помогло или если нашли другой способ решения.

Видео по теме


  1. Fix & Solve WoW Error 132 Fatal Exception Windows Code Issue
  2. Causes of WoW Error 132 Fatal Exception Windows Code Issue :
  3. How to Fix WoW Error 132 Fatal Exception Windows (World of Warcraft) Code Problem
  4. 1. Reinstall the Adobe PageMaker –
  5. 2. Delete the Temporary Files –
  6. 3. Disable or Turn OFF your Windows Firewall Settings on your PC –
  7. 4. Run a Full Scan of your Windows PC for Malware or Viruses –
  8. 5. Run a chkdsk /f Command to Check the Hard Disk Error on your PC –
  9. 6. Update your Windows Drivers –
  10. 7. Run Windows Memory Diagnostic to Check for System’s Memory –
  11. 8. Enable OpenGL Mode –
  12. 9. Repair FSD Info –
  13. 10 . Exclude Game File from DEP –
  14. 11. Delete Cache & Interface Files –
  15. 12. Use the Repair Tool –
  16. Conclusion:
  17. WoW Error 132 – Explained and Solved
  18. Variations
  19. Causes
  20. Pre-requisites
  21. 1. Running the SFC Scan
  22. 2. Scanning and Repairing the Game
  23. 3. Switching the DDR Memory
  24. 4. Updating the Drivers
  25. Fixes for Error 132 in WoW
  26. 1. Running the Game in Administrator Mode
  27. Steps for Windows OS
  28. Steps for MacOS
  29. 2. Updating Third-Party Add-ons
  30. 3. Running WoW in Compatibility Mode
  31. 4. Changing WoW Settings to DirectX 11
  32. 5. Loading the Game in Windowed Mode

Fix & Solve WoW Error 132 Fatal Exception Windows Code Issue

Are you also one of them users who are getting or facing WoW Error 132 Fatal Exception Windows (World of Warcraft) Code PC Problem on your PC or your any device? This is a very frustrating and irritating error issue problem. This issue is also a type of critical error. This error problem is mostly found while playing the “World of Warcraft” game on your PC & this error is mostly faced the gaming users. You can get this type of Error Code 132 problem while working on your Computer.

This shows an error code message like,

This application has encountered a critical Error Code 132:

Error 132 WoW : Fatal Exception

The instruction at ‘0x00667667’ referenced memory at ‘0x00000021’.
The memory could not be read

Press OK to terminate the application

This Error occurs when it cannot send the file to the remote host. It is caused by your PC being unable to correctly save and read the temporary file that your game is. This error occurs when it cannot send the file to the remote host. It is caused by your PC being unable to correctly save and read the temporary file that your game is. This error includes your system PC freezes, crashes & possible virus infection too. This Error 132 may also have sometimes occurred when you are attempting to send a message containing a photo taken with your Nokia Lumia 928.

Causes of WoW Error 132 Fatal Exception Windows Code Issue :

  • 0x85100084
  • Fatal exception fix
  • Access violation
  • The memory could not be read
  • Wow fatal error
  • Windows PC error issue

So, here are some quick tips and tricks for easily fixing and solving this type of WoW Error 132 Fatal Exception Windows (World of Warcraft) Code problem from you permanently.

How to Fix WoW Error 132 Fatal Exception Windows (World of Warcraft) Code Problem

1. Reinstall the Adobe PageMaker –

  • Go to the start menu
  • Type Control Panel in the search box or
  • Directly open it
  • Click on the Apps icon there
  • Or, directly click on the Programs and Features option there
  • Right-click on Adobe PageMaker software &
  • Select Uninstall to uninstall it from your PC
  • After uninstalling, reboot your PC once
  • Now, download & get a new setup from here: Download Now
  • Install it on your PC
  • That’s it, done

Reinstalling Adobe PageMaker can quickly fix and solve this WoW Error 132 problem.

2. Delete the Temporary Files –

  • Go to the start menu
  • Open ‘My Computer there
  • Now, right-click on the driver containing the installed game
  • Select the Properties option there
  • Click on the Tools option
  • & Click on ‘Check Now‘ to check any error it is having
  • After completing, close all the tabs
  • That’s it, done

Deleting all the temporary files can eliminate this Error 132 WoW code problem.

3. Disable or Turn OFF your Windows Firewall Settings on your PC –

  • Go to the Start Menu
  • Go to the Control Panel
  • Click on ‘Windows Firewall‘ there
  • Click on the ‘Turn Windows Firewall on or off feature there
  • Tick on “Turn off Windows Firewall ( not recommended )” there
  • Now, Click on the ‘OK‘ button there
  • That’s it, Done

Turning off or disabling the windows firewall settings can fix this World of Warcraft Error 132 problem.

4. Run a Full Scan of your Windows PC for Malware or Viruses –

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the “Microsoft Security Essentials” there
  • Click on it and opens it there
  • A Pop-up will open there
  • Check the ‘Full‘ option there to scan thoroughly
  • After, click on the ‘Scan Now‘ option to examine carefully
  • After scanning, close the tab
  • That’s it, done

Running a full scan of your PC can get rid of this Error 132 WoW code problem from your PC completely.

5. Run a chkdsk /f Command to Check the Hard Disk Error on your PC –

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the CMD ( Command Prompt )
  • A Pop-up will open
  • Type the “chkdsk” command there in the CMD
  • Press Enter to start it
  • That’s it, done

Physically damaging your hard disk can also cause this Wow Error Code 132 problem. Check it and repair the bad sectors.

By running a chkdsk command in the command prompt, you will quickly fix this Wow Error 132 Fatal Exception problem.

6. Update your Windows Drivers –

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the Control Panel
  • Click on it and opens it there
  • After that, scroll down and go to the “Windows Update” section there
  • Click on it & Check if any newly latest driver update is available or not
  • If any, Update it fast
  • Or, you can set it as ‘automatically update.’
  • For that, go to the left side
  • & click on the “Changes Settings” option there
  • After opening, click on the drop-down menu there
  • Select the “Install Updates Automatically” option there
  • & click on the OK button to save this configuration
  • After completing, close the tab
  • That’s it, done

So by checking and trying this above solution, you may get the answer for this type of Error 132 Access Violation problem issue from your PC or any device completely.

” OR “

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the Control Panel or direct go to Device Manager
  • Click on it and opens it there
  • After going to the Device Manager there,
  • check if any driver has an error sign there
  • If any, then right-click on it
  • & Click on the “Update driver software” there
  • Wait for some minutes to update it
  • After updating, close the tab
  • That’s it, done

Updating your driver using these two methods can quickly fix and solve your PC’s Error 132 WoW Windows 10 problem.

7. Run Windows Memory Diagnostic to Check for System’s Memory –

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search or go to the windows memory diagnostic
  • Click on it opens it
  • Choose “Restart now & check for problems” there
  • That’s it, done

It will restart your PC and run a windows memory diagnostic to fix this Error 132 WoW Fatal Exception problem.

8. Enable OpenGL Mode –

  • Go to the start menu
  • Search for the ‘World of Warcraft Game or
  • Directly go to the game & right-click on it
  • Select the Properties option there
  • In the Shortcut Properties tab,
  • Click on the ‘Shortcut‘ option there
  • Add this below the following command next to the existing path
  • Click on the Apply option
  • & now, Click on the OK button there to save this configuration
  • After completing, close all the tabs
  • That’s it, done

9. Repair FSD Info –

  • Exit the QuickBooks Program
  • Go to the start menu & click on the Computer option
  • or Directly go to the ‘My Computer desktop icon
  • Open this below the following location
    C: UsersPublicDocumentsIntuitQuickBooksCompany FilesFSDClients
  • After opening the Clients folder,
  • Find the.FSD file from there
  • Right-click on it
  • Select the ‘Open Containing Folder‘ option
  • Right-click on that folder
  • Choose the ‘Rename‘ option there
  • Specify a new name
    For example, OLD.FSD
  • Now, open the QuickBooks program by using the desktop shortcut
  • Click on the ‘Reports‘ Menu there
  • Select the ‘Financial Statement Designer for the ( Company Name )
  • After completing, close all tabs
  • That’s it, done

By successfully repairing the FSD information can quickly fix and solve this Error 132 WoW code problem.

10 . Exclude Game File from DEP –

  • Go to your start menu & open ‘My Computer‘ or
  • Right-click on the ‘Computer‘ Desktop icon
  • Select the Properties option there
  • Click on the ‘Advanced system settings link
  • Click on the Advanced tab in the system properties dialog box
  • Under the Preference tab, Click on the settings button there
  • Click on the ‘Data Execution Prevention‘ option
  • Select the 2nd tab named “Turn on DEP for all programs & services except those which you select.”
  • Click on the ‘Add‘ button there
  • Locate the below following file
    C:Program Files (x86)World or WarcraftWow-64.exe
  • Click on the OK button there & select OK
  • After completing, close all the tabs there
  • That’s it, done

By excluding the game file from DEP can get back from this type of WoW Error 132 code problem.

11. Delete Cache & Interface Files –

  • Exit the game completely
  • Double-click on your computer desktop icon
  • Open this below the following folder
    C:Program Files (x86)World of Warcraft
  • Delete the folders named Interface, Cache, and WTF
  • After completing, close all the tabs there
  • That’s it, done

By removing all cache and the interface, files can solve and fix this Error 132 WoW code problem from you.

12. Use the Repair Tool –

  • Go to the Start Menu & Open ‘My Computer‘ or
  • Double-click on your Computer desktop icon
  • Open this below the following folder
    C:Program FilesWorld of Warcraft
  • Right-click on ‘Repair.exe‘ &
  • Select the “Run as Administrator” option there
  • After completing, close all the tabs there
  • That’s it, done

Using a repairing tool can, after repairing, solve and fix this type of World of Warcraft Error 132 problem.


These are the quick and the best methods to get rid of this WoW Error 132 Fatal Exception Windows (World of Warcraft) PC Code issue from you entirely. Hopefully, these solutions will help you get back from this Error 132 problem.

If you are facing or falling into this WoW Error 132 Fatal Exception Windows (World of Warcraft) PC Code problem or any error problem, then comment down the error problem below so that we can fix and solve it too by our top best quick methods guides.


WoW Error 132 – Explained and Solved

WoW Error 132 is a World of Warcraft error message which occurs while loading the game. The game gets held at the starting screen and then crashes to the desktop. In some cases, you might also experience a Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) after the game crashes.

Wow ERROR 132 (main error image)

This is a very common error message which occurs in almost all expansions of the game and is not specific to a specific GPU or CPU. It is more common in Windows operating system.


This error message occurs in three variations:

Variation Explanation(s)
0x85100084 This variation does not indicate any issue with the installation of World of Warcraft. Instead, it represents some issue with Windows itself.
Error 132 Access Violation This variation is more generic because there is not any specific cause of it. It could occur because of corrupted game files, outdated add-ons, etc.
WoW fatal exception This variation is the most common type of this error message and it occurs after a recent operating system update.


Even though this error message can be tied back to a lot of different root causes, the following are the most common ones:

Corrupted game or Windows files Having corrupted or missing Windows and Games files is one of the leading causes.
Hardware issues An incompatible BIOS version of the motherboard and the faulty RAM or RAM slot can cause this issue
Incompatible drivers If the video or audio drivers are incompatible or out-of-date, it could also cause this error message as these are the core components required to run the game.
Incompatible Windows files Several users have reported this error message after updating the version of their OS. This might be because of incompatibility between Windows versions.
Out-of-date addons Even though WoW is not complete without famous add-ons, an out of date one can clash with the game’s mechanics and cause the error message.
Using incompatible render API World of Warcraft works best with DirectX11 or DirectX 9. So, if someone is using an incompatible render API (DirectX 12), it could also be the reason for this issue


The following are the prerequisites that you can perform before moving on with the workarounds. These rule out common problems that your system might have.

1. Running the SFC Scan

As mentioned earlier, the ‘WoW error 132 0x85100084’ could occur because of the corrupted Windows files. So, the go-to method for Windows users to get past the corrupted files is using the ‘System File Checker’ (SFC) utility.

System File Checker (SFC) is a Windows utility that scans and repairs the corrupted files of a system by replacing them with their original version.

  1. Open the administrator-level window of ‘Command Prompt’ and run the following command:

Running the SFC scan

  1. Now, reboot your system.

    Restarting the system

After rebooting the system, if the game runs fine, it indicates that corrupted game files were causing this issue.

You can also check our detailed guide on how and when to use SFC/DISM scans.

2. Scanning and Repairing the Game

Sometimes some missing or corrupted files can also cause this error message. This usually occurs when you move the location of the game between drives or after an update. To overcome this issue, we can use the Scan and Repair tool on World of Warcraft.

Scan and Repair is the built-in functionality of the application that allows users to identify missing or corrupt files. It does this by getting a file manifest from game servers and the files present are compared. If any problem is found, a fresh file is fetched and replaced.

  1. Launch the ‘’ application and select the ‘World of Warcraft’ game.
  2. Then, click on the cogwheel icon in front of the ‘Play’ button and choose the ‘Scan and Repair’ option.

Selecting ‘World of Warcraft’ and choosing the ‘Scan and Repair’ option by clicking on the cogwheel icon
The application will prompt you to begin or cancel the scan. So, click on the ‘Begin Scan’ button.

Clicking on the ‘Begin Scan’ button to start the scanning of the game

Once the ‘’ client has successfully scanned and repaired the ‘World of Warcraft, check if this fixes your issue.

3. Switching the DDR Memory

Sometimes, the ‘WoW error 132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception!’ message followed by a BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) problem occurs because of a hardware failure. According to our research, the hardware failure mostly indicates a bad DDR memory (RAM) or slot. So, if this is your situation, you can either try the same RAM stick in different slots or buy a new RAM stick.

This technique has worked for various users. So, apply this technique and check if it fixes the under-discussed error message.

4. Updating the Drivers

As mentioned earlier, sometimes the incompatible drivers could also cause the ‘WoW memory could not be written error message. So, check our complete guide on how to install the drivers correctly.

If none of the prerequisites have proved valuable for you, you can attempt the main fixes for this error message.

Fixes for Error 132 in WoW

Here are verified solutions that are tested in our lab and verified by users facing these particular issues. Start with the first one and work your way down. These are in ascending order of complexity.

1. Running the Game in Administrator Mode

The generic ‘Access Violation’ in WoW Error 132 could occur because of the corrupted game files. Here, executing the game in administrator mode is the ideal way to determine whether the corrupted game files are the culprit here or not. An administrator mode comes in pretty handy to install the patches and run an application without errors.

Note: You must be logged in to your computer as an administrator to perform the following steps

Steps for Windows OS

  1. Navigate to the installation folder of World of Warcraft. The default installation directory is ‘C:Program Files (x86)BattlenetWorld of Warcraft.
  2. If you don’t know your installation directory or have installed it in a different directory, you can use the help of the launcher in that case. So, launch the ‘’ application and select the ‘World of Warcraft’ game.
  3. Then, click on the cogwheel icon in front of the ‘Play’ button and select the ‘Show in Explorer’ option. Doing this will walk you straight into your game file.

Clicking on the cogwheel icon and choosing the ‘Show in Explorer’ option

  • So, open the ‘World of Warcraft’ folder, and inside that folder, choose the ‘_classic_’ or ‘_retail_’ folder (according to the version of the game you play).
  • Now, select and right-click on the executable file of World of Warcraft and choose the ‘Properties’ option.

    Opening the ‘World of Warcraft’ folder first, then choosing the ‘_classic_’ folder according to our game version and lastly selecting the ‘Wow Classic’ icon

  • Then, switch to the ‘Compatibility’ tab and tick the checkbox that says ‘Run this program as an administrator.
  • Apply the changes by clicking on the ‘OK’ and ‘Apply’ buttons.

    Switching to the ‘Compatibility’ tab and check the ‘Run this program as an administrator option and apply the settings

    Steps for MacOS

    1. Navigate to the ‘System Preferences’ by clicking on the Apple icon and choosing the ‘System Preferences…’ option.

    Choosing the ‘System Preferences…’ option from the menu bar of macOS home screen
    Then, click on the ‘Users & Groups’ icon.

    Clicking on the ‘Users & Groups’ option in the ‘System Preferences’ window
    If your account has the ‘Admin’ option (underneath), it indicates you are using an administrator account. Launch the game and see if this solved the problem.

    Indicating that the user is running an Admin account

    2. Updating Third-Party Add-ons

    Gamers use add-ons to bring valuable information to the screen or enhance the UI of World of Warcraft. Add-ons prove pretty beneficial while playing WoW and come in handy, especially in raids and battlegrounds. This ecosystem has grown over the expansions. Add-ons like Healbot or Skada are the minimum requirements for most raids.

    However, outdated add-ons are one of the leading causes of Error 132. They conflict with the game’s internal engine. You might also see an option of ‘outdated add-ons’ in your Add-ons tab in the game’s settings. If you are loading outdated add-ons, then you must have the option ‘load out of date add-ons‘ enabled.

    There are several ways of installing and updating the add-ons. You can either manually download and install an updated add-on or automate the entire procedure. There are different applications available for automating the whole process, but we prefer using the following applications:

    • CurseForge App – a company-based add-ons manager.
    • WowUp – an open-source and community-based add-ons manager.

    Note: We are attempting this procedure through ‘WowUp’ because it is easier to use and has no complexities

    1. Download and install the ‘WowUp’ client from the official website if you haven’t already installed it.
    2. Open the ‘WowUp’ client and switch to the ‘My Addons’ tab.
    3. If any add-on is outdated, this program will show an ‘Update’ button against that add-on. So, clicking on that button will start the updating procedure. Checking whether any of the installed add-ons needs updating or not

    After updating the add-ons, restart your computer and check if the issue is resolved.

    3. Running WoW in Compatibility Mode

    Compatibility mode is used to accommodate version updates for several modules of the game. You might have a Windows version that isn’t fully compatible with some modules of the game which may cause the error message. In this case, changing the compatibility mode of the game may solve the problem by loading and accommodating all modules with a changed OS.

    1. Try the first five steps of the First solution to reach the ‘Properties’ window of ‘World of Warcraft.
    2. Then, switch to the ‘Compatibility’ tab.
    3. After that, check the box that says ‘Run this program in compatibility mode for’ and choose the desired Windows option.

    Switching to the ‘Compatibility’ tab, check the ‘Run this program in compatibility mode for option, choose the desired option from the drop-down menu, and apply the settings
    Then, apply the settings and exit. Restart your computer and launch WoW.

    Note: If you are using Windows programs on ‘Linux’ through ‘Lutris’ or ‘Wine,’ you can change the compatibility settings for ‘Lutris’ and ‘Wine’ as well

    4. Changing WoW Settings to DirectX 11

    World of Warcraft directly links with the DirectX 11/12 and GPU drivers of a system. So, if executing the WoW in the ‘Compatibility’ mode or updating the drivers doesn’t fix the Error 132 Fatal Exceptionissue, we recommend changing the DirectX settings from 12 to 11.

    Note: This solution will also work if the World of Warcraft automatically crashes at the startup

    1. Follow the first four steps of the first solution to navigate to the installation directory of World of Warcraft.
    2. Once you are inside the ‘_classic_’ or ‘_retail_’ folders, then open the ‘WTF’ folder.

    Opening the ‘WTF’ folder
    Inside the ‘WTF’ folder, open the ‘’ file as ‘Notepad.

    Opening the ‘’ file with ‘Notepad’
    Then, change the code of the ‘SET gxApi’ line from ‘D3D12’ to ‘D3D11. Doing this will allow the game to use DirectX 11 instead of DirectX 12.

    Change ‘D3D12’ to ‘D3D11’ and saving the ‘’ file

  • Save the changes in the ‘’ file.
  • Check if World of Warcraft runs with no errors. If not, try the next solution.

    5. Loading the Game in Windowed Mode

    The ‘Windowed’ mode will not run the game in the full-screen mode. Hence, it is another way of informing the game to use DirectX 11 render API. Therefore, if the error message persists even after editing the ‘’ file, you can change the ‘Display Mode’ of World of Warcraft to ‘Windowed.

      Boot the game and click on the ‘System’ button on the login screen.

    Clicking on the ‘System’ button to open the ‘System’ settings of ‘World of Warcraft’
    Now, change the ‘Display Mode’ to ‘Windowed’ in the ‘Graphics’ settings and apply the new settings.

    Changing the ‘Display Mode’ to ‘Windowed’ in the settings of ‘World of Warcraft’

  • Run the game. But if the game doesn’t launch in the ‘Windowed’ mode, try the next steps. Otherwise, skip them.
  • Launch the ‘’ application and select the ‘World of Warcraft’ game.
  • Then, click on the ‘Options’ to reveal a drop-down menu and choose ‘Game Settings’ from that menu.

    Clicking on the ‘Options’ and choosing the ‘Game Settings’ option for World of Warcraft

  • Now, scroll down to find ‘World of Warcraft (Classic)’ and check the box that says ‘Additional command line arguments.
  • Note: We have selected ‘World of Warcraft (Classic)’ here because we have applied these steps for this classic version. You can do the same for your version of the game

    1. Then, type the following command in the text box and click on the ‘Done’ button.

    Checking the box that says ‘Additional command line arguments,’ typing the ‘-dx11’ command, and clicking on the ‘Done’ button

    1. Now, repeat the first two steps of this solution and check if the game runs fine.


    WAIT! READ ME FIRST: If you don’t read this all, okay. But, do me one favor, do you know if WoW WotLK 3.3.5a has any known conflicts with Windows 10’s 20H2 update? That is the only difference from a working machine I have and a non-working machine. Read on and see what’s up. Thanks!

    I’m not normally a big forum user anymore, my stats will prove that but I have run out of resources so I bring my situation to you…

    I recently bought a new ASUS laptop, it’s an all AMD machine, the G15 Advantage Edition. The laptop can run WoW and is currently running every other game I have installed on it — and everything else — without issue. However, here is the timeline:
    — After updating the new machine with Windows Updates, driver updates, etc. The usual new computer stuff, I began downloading the games I wanted. I was able to download the BitTorrent of the 3.3.5a client from this site just fine and run it ONCE. It ran once, for 5 seconds and I logged back out.
    — Days later when I went to open it again, I began seeing the below error every time.
    — Since, I have downloaded the torrent repeatedly to no avail. I have got the 3.3.5a client from other sources as well, for no positive result. I have also done all of the standard Error 132 checks: Game DVR mode off, all Windows «Game» features are off, drivers are all updated, run as Admin, unchecked Read-Only, used Large Address Aware, cleaned my registry, made config changes, cleared my cache and all those sub folders, and more. I have literally done everything I have found to no result.

    No matter what I do, still the same results. I am asking for any and all help if you have it. This one is really something else.

    The full error displayed:

    The application has encountered a critical error:
    ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception
    Program: C:Program Files (x86)World of Warcraft WarmaneWow.exe
    Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0023:008D2412
    The instruction at «0x008D2412» referenced memory at «0x00000000»,
    The memory could not be «read»,
    Press OK to terminate the application

    At first, the account on the new laptop was a Windows Live account. It has since been switched to a local Windows account and still, the issue is there. There are no mods or any advanced textures being run. This is just stock WoW WotLK 3.3.5a I am trying to run here.

    What is more frustrating is that I had the Mac client working on my Macbook Pro, but removed it cause I got this laptop for gaming. My desktop has the client running just fine and has never has issue. I have replicated the setup with the new install off the torrent, I have even taken the install off the desktop and dropped it on the laptop to no change.

    I have also referenced many of the posts I see referenced here on the forums about the error codes and such. I haven’t found an answer there and I saved LAA for last and still — it didn’t work. So, any tips on how you might beat this please let me know.

    На чтение 2 мин. Просмотров 2.8k. Опубликовано 03.09.2019

    Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой Fatal Exception на WoW, и ваша игра вылетала, вы можете найти объяснение и решения ниже.

    Ошибка 132 (0x85100084) – одна из самых страшных ошибок среди игроков World of Warcraft. Когда на экране появляется ошибка 132, ясно одно: WoW просто рухнул, и вам нужно быстро начать поиск исправления.

    Хорошая новость заключается в том, что для исправления этого сообщения об ошибке доступно несколько быстрых решений, и мы собираемся перечислить их в этой статье.

    Ошибка World of Warcraft № 132 (0x85100084)

    Ошибка 132 (0x85100084) влияет на все версии Windows, и, похоже, она распространена среди тех пользователей, которые недавно установили последние обновления на свои компьютеры или обновили до Windows 10. Вот как один игрок описывает это досадное сообщение об ошибке:

    После недавнего большого обновления Windows 10 у меня возникали проблемы с ошибкой № 132 при каждом запуске Wow. Он вернется с ошибкой, с окном Wow на заднем плане, без графики, но с фоновым звуком, с окном сообщения об ошибке над окном Wow.

    Как исправить ошибку WoW # 132 (0x85100084) Неустранимое исключение!

    • Закройте фоновые приложения , чтобы устранить конфликты программного обеспечения.
    • Сбросьте свой интерфейс , чтобы решить проблемы с файлами и надстройками. Вы можете найти больше информации о том, как сбросить пользовательский интерфейс WoW в этой статье.
    • Запустите Восстановление l, чтобы восстановить поврежденные игровые файлы.
    • Запустите ScanDisk > для дефрагментации жесткого диска, чтобы восстановить любые поврежденные файлы. Не дефрагментируйте твердотельный накопитель (SSD).
    • Запустите полное сканирование системы , чтобы удалить все вирусы или вредоносное ПО.
    • Обновите драйверы , чтобы устранить проблемы с совместимостью.
    • Если вы разогнали компьютер, установите для своих компонентов значение заводская скорость .
    • Если ваш компьютер зависает и не отвечает, убедитесь, что он не перегревается.
    • Запустите инструмент диагностики памяти, чтобы исправить ошибки в физической памяти.
    • Если ничего не работает, удалите и переустановите игру.

    Это должно сделать это. Если у вас есть какие-либо дополнительные решения или обходные пути, чтобы предложить, не стесняйтесь сделать это в разделе комментариев ниже. Мы с нетерпением ждем от вас ответа.

    Примечание редактора: Этот пост был первоначально опубликован в январе 2017 года и с тех пор был полностью переработан и обновлен для обеспечения свежести, точности и полноты.

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